!"""' rft vf "fSstinf.- iW'.l,r'''a'ini j(i,- r'B'AW1 "1 ' -r , ,1 V B ni THE SOU ANTON TRIBUNE-JIUDAV, OCTOJB1DU 25, 1UU.L. K - J Here are ten crullers, made from a Cleveland's Baking Powder, entire cost - a few cents only. They arc light, sweet and . crisp perfectly delicious. A These qualities come from the use of Cleve- land's Baking Powder, which makes the best food at least cost. What so de licious with breakfast or lunch as a crisp cruller with the coffee? CLEVELAND BAKING POWDER CO. NEW YORK Take every piecntition to avoid ilium baking powders, :is alum in food is deleterious. They may be known by their lower pi ice. SOUTH SGRANTON MEETING OF REPUBLICAN COM- MITTEEMEN. Hon, John J. Sclieuer Was Chair man, and Addresses Were Made by the Candidates. County Chairman Taylor and Others Funeral of George Beoseh from His Late Residence on Palm Street Four teen Friends Are Arranging' a Re ception for Mr. and Mrs.Best. 'I'll I4 KOliUlllkilll lOUPtV filial lINtlltt committeemen held .1 larsily ;il'iiuli-il find I'lUlius-lastle s-r-s-s-ioii In Atlilelii null l.iht nlitlii. and um.at c m-utmiKiiiK lcports veri- lieaid from all f-ffllmis of ilu Houlli Side. lion. Jnlin J. Sclieuer was cliuii man, and .lumen rilmrti'ii, nf the Twi-ntif th ward, in led .is i-rui-liny. The rcpori.s fiom iai.li illMrli'l vc niaile by the uuil.ois iiml i-voiy district wns heard t'lnin. Their cir.vus-s showed that a hcarlv and hinltliy ie 1oiipc as made bj the citizens of their various bulllw ii Us ainl pit sages ictoiy for the lU'piiblic.iu tleUct I mm 'op to bottom. .imliti- .1. W. 'uriienirr, County Ciiiititillci' K, S. Join", and Cor oner J. .1. l:obi'i-ls inn' present .mil addressed the v. orkeis. Addresses t re also in.ult li County Clliiiiman ilt-i'lii-rl 1.. Tn.v Inr, Ri-i-umIim' of Deeds Cmil Jiriim urd Hon. .lohn J. Sclieuer. The inciting, wlilili might mine iipproprlately be nihil a ut.iiicI i.illy of the Kcpulillcnii woiluis of this side, was the nitans of infiisina n life in the campaign, and lioiu i ou on a rletermlneil effort will b. made to t;ti out evciy vote on Noveiiihu ... AiioU'tr jneetillK of the commit le. will 1m lit HI before election. Laid at Rest. George Keu.-th, an sifted le-ldellt who died late Monday eenmg. was laid at Je?t with illlpies.-ive sei vices .MMmi.iy aflernuon ill - o'c lot It. Sei ices were lield at the icsidciict, 7l'.i I'.ilm stieci. by Kev. Jacob WltKe. "if the In ifit l.utheran cliurcli, and iittrui'iu was aftciwaids made In the JlliumK.i unit lory. The pall-beaivis wtie t luis, n iium ilie Arbiter Yereln, as follow AukiisI stiller, David Schnorr, i '(miles .Multer and Gotthart Klv.cr. The llowers, w liieh were numeioiis. were borm l niem lirrs of the Vn pentt i s' iliiion, as f,,. lira's: I'lricli ZiirfUili. Vimein htlclt-i iind ICdwitrd lifch. To Honor n Comiade. IV liuistl.v lUtcudeil meeting of 'lir Vciiiriecn Viiends was ii,., n , ,. ing- In nest's hotel parlors to take .,, . tlon on the ease of Andrew llt-t, who leeuiuly enteied the limits of htncdkts, 11 nil thereby made himself llnble u, nin tho Kauntlet of the leni, lining' members. A committee was ;iiioliit..i, ,is io). lows: John l.tMlli-, !, u Alllllll- and ficuiw .Mllk'i. who win aiiiliiirlKeil io iirrango a leieptkni for .Mr. and Ji licst ou their leturii Irom il . ,i hunt. tuonu, NUBS Or NEWS. ('ouuclliiiaii Charles il'.if and fieil Weiehel lire enjoying a IMitiiy irlp and will rettun home todav Tile ii'inalns of .Mis. .MM ml Da s. of O.iJ: hill, were Intern d nl .MliiooK.i tcemi'lt-iy yestenlay. !-i.-rliis wer h Id 111 Si. .losi'iiliV ehureli, .Mli.o'ilwi ad the funeral iirranireinetils wii. - fhiii't'e of l!udei'tnl;er Xi milium A suipilsu party was tenth i d Alns Helen O'lloyk', of Irving ,iv inn- Wed nesday evening' and a vt r eiiJo,ahk; time wiik spent b, a lai'Ke Kailnril'g of young' people, lit fitshiiiiiits wen Fcrvi.il, una dancing' inh iialulgul in for st-veial houip, Ulvlsion Xo. L', Ladles' tnsiii.i.j m 'Anelcill Order of Jllbcinlans. im-t n the basement of .St. John's ihuuh lnt I'Vulllllg, The Hallowe'en p.ut to in (,in Huh pvenlnif by the Loyalty ilub of .lie Young Women's Christian association jiromUi to bo a very pleasant alfuir Aloin; with other Hallowe'en fancies', the gipsy fortune-teller will lie tiitu a Jennie, livery member of the elub s ipct t. d to be present, JtefroshiueutH Will If !.fl.tl 'iitb in iiic ai lived ut the home of .Mi ii'. I .Mil- Cdwnrd MtPimotigh, Of llel;oi p.let t. Mn, cm. lad ' buffer has thaiiKed her icsi.i"! i iioi i ti.'i Prospect avenue to i;;i mi- ii -!-. i A int. .Hi,. ,, i; nuial tlriint com tnai'liiw. Ki'l:"i's of .Malta, will be luld i'i !'.u in. an' luill this evening. The .MlccIciw UmoU elul) essoyeU to lower tin toloih of the Defender basket ball team in St. John's hall, on Stou itMiitie, lust I'vciims and were within "I points of lining so. The game wn-s plnjeil in two iPii-mlntite halves, and lesulleil ill favor of the Iieft nders. ::o-o. dance followed ilie g.'inie and was 1 1. joyed by over a bundled i ntiplcs. NOnTHSCRANTON. Hip Imiki.iI ut tin; Lite Mtilurl .lunlin. .liu 'lied tJily liioit.i.v iiifiitiliiK, luok i.if ,iat(iili)' lllfillllm' flnlll lilt l.'le lmiiip, !!'! i'l M.nlal Mn-rl. t 1U d'iIhiK the toiltire limtul la Hip I Inly lloiiii iImiu'i. vlitti' ii Solium limb ini.i of ltiiiiini hii i "lil'inliil i llci. S, .1, Mi M.inlia, iltii vlilt'l t In- 1 1 in 1 1 u.- nin timiii' In IliP 11 lie I'Jtk (MUitilr.ll ictiutM. 'Ihr i.l InMlrlJ P, .lolili Mil II ml, Jillill l.lllikMII. P, 1', liruuii, .loliii llollit.in. Hull, I1. M. Molllll mill ,'usrpli M('.lll. 'I'i'' Mower Iumiii Wimm ,lo.iili I'. !:tmt, p. ,i. iitiix, r.iittik'n'.M.dit uno i.ii vim Itl ll.lll.iyjl.er. TVn of the Straiiton Itiilna; i.ira. In Hmrni' nl iitipniinl trnt', i nlllitel ill Not III M.iln int'tiii", III trout n! tile f hilslliill ilinirli rtinliv Hlifl tnon nlitnit '.' o'i'Irc'i. Oiip r.t tin' eai'it linl n fiw HiiUrM nlio.ml nttil lnjnl In tiont nf liip i Hull In let i minu' hilt nit, ulu'ti nnnlliri mi I'lino nloiik .it toplil cpooit mill l.ui lnln I In' lir-t iaf ual m the ltilv fillslilril tinni llir Irm pill. bun. Tl tiimltAta in lintli i.ih nrrr mn illicit. t'lilli' tin' fi'inld' nl llic 1.1; tnr w.ii trnildul ur. IfM. The ,i Kuril of fin-, snninli.l tioin Ims s.'i .'.ivltr ily nllitnnon, u.n i.mimiI ! n lire In i 'urn at lltiik-on iiml W In l.i Mini. iHMinl l,,v .Mrs, I'ul llio. Tl'i' liio n i iii-iil iiv ilillilnn. win) ti'ic illllll HlOlltlll H" la llll Willi lll.ll-ll(-. P.I- lin. will ,iniiiiit In ili-iiil iJn-i Tin' llil.iiv.iiia iiml lliiibi.'i ti.ii)i,iny i.iltl Hut ciiii1ii ul tlir Vmi stun Ii. Plil, mi, Martin, ami the Icgi)olti t'lii-k' eollli-ili't i"U-iil.it nf'rr iinnn. ' Tlii. iMiincii'i tluMI.ni 'Iiiiii-Iiiiii-i- iininii -llll nif-ol it t lie tnnii(a of Mm. Iii-lli- Vmi sinnli, i,i:i i:.il Mnkrl .hut. Mil- iillriiiiiuii .it 2 n'lln,!,. 'I bo Alpln li.nn.i fimi lull ti-.iin will pl ilm (lorn lliilp- s.ii tbis illiinnnii .1". lln- (Hi! Ilm- III'.' I'.llk lilnllllil', T'lif I i.ifli'lj.itl.-i will Inn- thr 1 1 Eu.It U.iikt li.an ,i Hull- iiih iii-nl-t in i 3 lino nf Iu-mI lull In I -0 pl.iv t.l in llir Aiiilllmlinii llik omiiiii, 1 t nit 1 IKntrll u.n plt-.Kihtly siirpii-ril ;il lm lioino ill Hum aiciini- TiumIii i-irnlii-r ! .i fi m of his in.iny lildiN. I.'.imo- iiml ullui hiiiiim--iiii-iiU iiii imlnli-iil In tint 1 1 n MM-iiii.ihlr luiiii, mIicii li-fioliinuil. who -.,-rMil, afli-r iilnili llio Siit-I-. il. i.iiUhI f--r tiii-lr ii-u-i iip liniiu-s. 'llu.o ino-tnt won-: Miwt liiemi.i (tin-. Itnlli P.i.t, lll.inrlie While, Urllo lloliiiu.1,11, I.nln Comlnie tine, ' ou Sii.tilir, Man liui.i, M iliol ll,irtll inil .Inlij Itnlill: Mi-a.n biilnr.v l.inuln in, linn Tttlns. .l-t-opli WjlldiH, i:nii"t sluiuin, u-u Mbilc. Milli.im llilihl. (inrui- Ulnrlii. ( lull.', Ilrjiiill, Piintl Iljrt7pl, l!,iy illt-r. sl.mli-t ijik Id'. .I.ni'.rt Lain! .in I It.nnioiiil Ui-liii m. Iln- Pun iilin. I- Wuinon'd liin-ii.in 'limp, i iinr union will liolil .1 lni-ino-t n,r t lntr iKiiminn- ,i( Irrnoi-'i al 2.K0 riVlock, nl llir lionn' of Mi. I'.ol'r Von Mm oh, (,1J Ki.t t.it t-r Inil All wiiiikii and L-iiK will In- well on. n Tlio N-irili s, r.inir.i Hi put. ii- m ilnli tnot Wol-lii-tln MPinni; in Uiltini.iti M.ui'- ii III. I- .iti-1 ili-li-Iiii l.i mil (ln lull ailiiiinlni; Hi- I'lli-nnin's il'' - 'Miiv II i.n i-l ..aiin ni-.i Wi-ilno-iav t nun t n;-, , iti il. 'inneVtm- l.n ilu ni.ni. 'linn u.ll In- a ni'-i'iitf ef -In- I'i .imI mo Wrtinrii'- (lirblliti Trniirr.iti-p I'lili-ti ilt njj I..I..I MiiU'l iln-rt, Mil ufitTin-oii .it :; o'tkuk. DUNHOPE. 'I'e If t-iil tiiipln ut ike I nluii ( .iIi luiea, fii I lif.liml mieit. ti.ii limv rvliliilnl ilnm S,oe lil.ikrr Mi-mi.-, mul tirtriil,i,v tin- pn-prtl- nf lMrr llnliiKu- n.i ivtKlilerilih iIuhikhI l-i'ae fl.ltlt I'Monill airiiai Hit- i-olUr mnl I he wlmle lmile lni4 Mllltil jo ili.n .I,,,!, mnl wliiikms i.iii lint In-liinitil, p mIiI lli.il the itlEliul ilii-ib fur irnii-rly In ilul .eilliiii nirrrp Unit iIjiii.icij done the miiI.uc flull lie t-nlleil lhli! fl'im tin 'omp.iiiy mining tlic t-onl. 'Iliia rliiii.e l Inn '! i liiiloil in in.iiiy ileuU In Iohii. Oilil IVIInwV Ii.iU H.la, f.linl I.Mt tllltllt Willi the lii.ni' iiiiinlni nf st. Vim cut Hi' t till - tlcly filial Unit- filemp, Mini linl mirplnl lliO tntltli' hiMlill-m in In- llipli' miptl-a .it a Mip i a mil leinl tie l-.il.iine nf I lie eienliiK iKitie In I" tin- n-.oel Alinlin of W.tliloi' outieili.1. A Iniitliuiiip sunt nit ii-.ilUi'il aa a n-Mill ol -nj .UTili. ('ul 'ihn on t'ri'-li Mei'l .it II. II. Spin t-i's Meat Maikil, for .iliinl.n i kmiivl Me.il.-, I".", sliloln, J Ilia. fr ! ( Intel; lioa.t, S ami I". l lVili tliop... i'i.,,, l.Miini'il. Piiiiliin. nf i. ratlin), a liiolher nf Hi v. M, II, llmiliu, iIIhI al tils Imiue on Tin ibi- iifli'ilimn, nfli-r a lliivctllin Illni'". lie .n well Known ,ii thU nimliiiinlli. luiliis liri-ii a fiviiiriil liiitiu' line lor M-ur.d e.in ul. nul linl lil-.ile In.eiv frlil t, who will lie ttiiruil Io l-i-ir of kit ileitli. lilt funeral oniinnl jtln it iv at Ml. Ciinii-I. A iittitci!i m.i wa il-o tilelii.ileil III si Mar; "it elninli lure. 'I lie I'i.i-I.iI .-..itKil i-lnli will fon-lnrl i ,n I il In U'li.liiiuinn hill, Tncihy i i.Ttur. (Vt. .'", 'He si.ir en In .11,1 will fmm-!i nnuli. Siiierliileiiihnl ll.ivinl w-lll lie at Nn. 1 'el. 1 Imllillnir Iniii-ii.iw fiuin '1 until I o'iliv-1;. Io m 1011 Hie leu iiim for l,n- eoniili liMliliite. Ilnnll mem lie. s z -vliii Ii enlllli-s le.ulieu n liik in for inlei(iiininiit on Tm-ili -mil ITini"l,iy i vriitiii;. it, n Vi'-I I i ufi'iiril -'It-tn n .1 ,v nl S.i'ile. Ion ii. II . I'l-pilV ll.ll .tniin 1!. .It.llOJ .111- ap-lillllj' I lie wu-k liiinllni; in Pike i until. Ml-n tir.iin Kiiil".'. of I lir-lnut nhett, i I'I. Mi- (alliiiliie Tcikr tin ivlmiici! ''niit i i-.it Willi WHkes-lkirre frk-mls. Ml't Pella Mi iilnr ln ulnriifil In lire lio..c .it MiKunv, .illrr a i!i( Willi tiiciuh in lm,i, ,('. P. Ileiiiiiu', of Uli-oin-liniv. i i liii-.-i .,t Hie limiie "f il-i a Ve-I, on lll.iki-),. -trerl. D., L. & W. Boaid tor Today. Follow ing- 1 die ninkc-up or the I)., Ii. & hoi nl for today: Tlirifspw. 'H T il. Hii.l ( it- ki-t-- p. nn, ii. Ki-.iiney: II ji. in., (I I' si.i;ile-. I'lllliW. ()( lnlll.i: -. Wild ' .in l.i-l - I. in) i. m , . W. I ili.m , 4 l in , I II ilk II ; "i i in , I,. P. I .illiini-i, .1, lin-n's nee; 10 a n . . .I. M.i-ier, m SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER Occupier, nit Imperishable Position in the BUSINESS WORLD. Unquestionable Superior Merit Annually adds thousands of names to the long list of Smith Premier users, representing every line of trade and every profession. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUC ma:. f The Smith Premier Typewriter Co., NO. SJ8 0. Eirthth St.. Philadelphia, Pft. Soranton Branch Ofllce, Noa. 1 and ii. Arcade Building. HENRY BELIN, JR., Ccneial At'ciil tot the W.iomli.g Dlsltlct (of Dupont's Powder Mining, lllnstiinr, fpnrlin, Sinol rleM Jii) llio llriuinio LTicinlc.it Coiaiiiiiy'd HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Safety rnc, Ciipi ami t:ploilcn. Uuom tul Con in:!! llulWIn,: ,S-cu'ilin. MIV.UV.S. TII0. rout) JOHN 1! SMI I II ft SOX V. 1J. ML LLIO A.N t'ilWen l'lniouili ....Wilkej-lkiirn II 0 in. V M. Ihlletl: 1 1 1. in., O. W. Pit vii'iltl; ."i ii. in.. I'. I.. It.ijt-ia, u ti in.. Win. Ili-u, -I. .I. Cii-tli'lln'ji titu. ".iinniit", Kit-.- n .1. in., t-.ist, J. 11-niilK.iti: " a. in.. wi"l, Mekfila; II .i, in., Hi-t, llit.iiip'tin, C p. in., cii. ,1. Cm litfj: p. in., wcsl, M liiilt'tii, 7 . in., i i-l fn in N.ii Anu, A. Ik I, --It h. tin, 7 p. in. i .i-t mm -N.1.V Any. 1. Mi Ull-lu l'n-liii-- il -i. in., Miilncr: il. I' .i in, !-. rmiieitji S.i. in.. Iliniiti, 11.su :i, in. Mm in; i! p. in, P. Mi Ptitini-ll; 7 p. in., Miiiplie, 0 p ri.. . II. ll.M'llinliniii-M j III p. in, l.iinipinc, P.is.rin.'i-r Ktnjine- 7 .1. in., li.ilfnei 7 .1 in , Sii'u; I-l n. in. .V.in-n.ni: in n in, -uui; 7 p. le. M.inlt-n; MM p in, Milimi'in. MiM (,Ht We. I I a. in., P. ( niniiisli, r, .i. in., I'. I .i-e. it'.m.l-ilpliN ii--; b ... in., Mnir-'n; ID ii. in.. .Ii-lin i, ili il-. in: II - in., .tniin ll.i-.ln-. I p in., 1), II r;i:i ii. : :'. p. in,, I'. U.ill; I p. m., T. P.iuilit in, .' p. ni., W'illi.nii liiil-.i! d ii. in., .M. firmiiili. MHK'i:, ( i mini iiii- . Cenii.i .mil M i. nil i ." eii-w-i viM ilit-inl In ,i m, 1 1 1 .in li il,, t stiiiitn-ii i ii. Hit -Vi. l"i -ctiintl luiu-e in-.u.t tii-n. EDUCATIONAL. GunsterJiForsyth wan 327 Pemi Aicmic. im i TRIBUNE WANT ADS. . BRING QUICK RETURNS uffdlo and Return w E m&L rwvOtw .. V wm IB Q MB Kl S 9 Ci3 im k3T j KffwS I K in F?f m Si I IU m Free Tuition Ity it jctciil act of the leslnla tuio, rt'co tuition Is now stunted at tlm Literary institute and State Norma! School Bfootiisburg, Pn. to alt tliosc iiiepui'liif? to trnuli. TIiIh t-clinol nialnlaltia i'iinieti3 nf study for teacliPi'H, for tlioso lirOinii'iiiK for coIIcku, and for thoi iilndyllii; lnuslf. It nlll ply to ullc fnr parltculjfj. Nn otticr fUiii.il nlTcrt mcii mmerlor id iantnei'9 at Ein.li iuw ulcj. Adilrcji J. P. Welsh, A.M., Ph.D., Prin. BINGHAIYITON TRAINING SCHOOL Vet Neivnm. I5irl.wanl nnl Pi-.d Mute fhll tlrci". I'liy-ili-.il 1 i.iiiiini;, Miini.il 'Iruiiilii, Arlie iil.i1 ion. Mi Hie, Pr.iv.liig, Klniliigarlin. Opun jejr aiuuml. Ciiinln-. S. A. Doo little, fci r.nvicw Aicnue, Ulngtunitoii, N. Y. CHESTNUT HILL ACADEMY 'Wissahickon Heights, Chestnut Hill, Pa. A lioiittini? tlionl for lujys in the clcvnletl antl licnnlifnl open coiintiv north of rhlla t'.clplii.t. 1" lnlnnttt from llroatl St. Station, l'nr i-al.ilo;ucs niltht-s - JAMES L. PATTORSON, Itcad-Master. SORANTON CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, SCRAN fO, PA. T. I. Poster. President. Klmer II. Iim11, I-eaj. It. 1. roster. Vice Picsiik-nt. fctanley V. Allen. Sccrttiry. i is m TAo-Day Excursion "klOU CANNOT afford to miss this opportunity to visit Buffalo and the Pan-American Exposition. The Four Dollar Tickets are good going in the day coaches of any Lackawanna train on October 25 and 30, find for return the following day. 6FiveDay Excursioi ,.? Lager Beer Brewery tfautir&ctui'cra or OLD STOCK PILSNER 480 to 455 N. Ninth Street, Telephone Call. '2333. THB IISIC iWDER CO Booms 1 ami 2, Com'lth BTd'g. 8CRANTON, PA. nining and Blasting; POWDER Midnt Mooalonil Kuitilals Woriu. LAPLIN ft RAND POWUBR CO.'S ORANOE QUN POWDER E.-otrlo DatterlAi, Kleotrlo Rxplojtrv iplodln blast). Safety Puis a 1 Repauno Chemical Gos mnii nXPLOilVE Five-Day Excursion Tickets, sold at Six Dollars, are good going in the day coaches of any Lackawanna train on October 26 and 29, and for return within five days, including day of sale. lAUis-Chalmers Co SUCCCSSOIS tO MllL'llitlP lluulucss ot niokfuit Miiiiuf.iotuilnu Cu., Kcrantun .mil Willteu-Jlaric, l'a, 3tutlaniii'y linclnos, Uolloi'3, Minlns Machinery, l'uinps. o Ten-Day Round Trip Excursion Tickets are on sale every day at good for return within ten days, including day of sale. light Dollars, Bear in mind that all the above tickets are good on all trains in both directions. All Lackawanna trains land you at the foot of Main street Buffalo, Electric cars run direct from the station to the Exposition grounds or hotels. For further information, call on or telephone the local ticket agent oi Lackawanna avenue passenger station. Telephone, 265-3. Weak Nerves People cum it help v.-rrjiii(f wlien tlKirneru .nrruual. lli-U feel tif of lai-Kiiu , iliilliii,-s ami exlinii-allon Is tilt! fc.irlul i-onilitiim winch often precede-, iii..iiuty The power to wot la or slinly illiniiiLnc- mnl ile-.pomleiicyilt n....jalll Ml ill 1 1 llll-III fill 1 1 llnV If Mill me Mifleriiis the lortiiic-i ol .. - ....,.,!.. .!.... .. ..r. 1 .... raciMni-. ukiiiiii-. hi i i. i,, m,i, tn; lime .noil yr.n m ivilei'lliiutoniliiethinR iiinri lioriil.le lint von crin net well i'lii; voiilhlnl .-titliKlli, liiiuy.incy mnl napvnuccuii Livitsiuicu ny nn- u&cui They have! eureil tlitiiaanH ami we liaveMi lunch eoiiliiK-iu'- in llicm th.it we kIvi- iiu iiuii tlail uuai.iiitei with 11 SJWujilei ,-i mi. itivnti r In ii' iiii p.icL.i,t' 1 HO ,Lrli.i Ii xc I.n ji'itHI Hook Irec Aililiea-H, in , Mlukimi. Co. Clcvc laiul, Ohio. For sale y .lul.n il l'hclH, 1'li.innatut, lOrner UjciiiIhk .11-line ami b,uio elreet. BUY THE GENUINE " SYRUP OF RGS MANUt'AOTUUKn BV CALIFOKNIA HICl 5YRUP If Mil'li'l'lli: N Mill. CO. S'rof,Q.FTfHEEL,,527 sf.ftlh A i ','1 ' '' (., lUriat lArrti 'fvViJS liliUlti.liiOUkutitl,l irlrvfrUttMrlrlurrfut WVUtH f ulliotf l-i-l' ul' iuult X Mrukt Oriasf irth tiM- cured 4 t IUUf.3 jrr prttllrM 0 Irani !ioiiiUl f i(rlif llr i04 f. 't furbixL ' Trv iU 'n-i Ilioiic tttri 41-l IrlrUlfruJi. Stia IhUptMr' ..' X.1 fa wAjj4y t rt .jfti, jjiyjSw Y-- ,&v&m'?ilJtek. & f - ( hf-VaWKfa. l,