The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 24, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    V ,
' .. "
High Class Concert nt the Armory.
An Interesting Address by State
Superintendent N. C. SchaciTer.
Dr. Armstrong on Recitation A
Talk in Arithmetic by Dr. Win
ship Spirited Addresses by Rev.
W. C. Tilden, Prof. Thomns, Prof.
Thorpe nnd Others Prof. James
Special (o flic Scnuiton Tilbiine.
.Montrose, Oct. M. Another day "f fit
boili woutlier. AiintlK'i' httcouMsfiil day
cif tlio Hu.S(tic-lmnna County Toucher:-'
Institute.-. Thin wus "Old Teachers'
U'l.v," anil it whm very Interestingly
observed. Several of the county's vet
eran teaehprn weru jircont and made
iirlef nililiesser! full of inspiration and
Boud nilvlce for tlnw now in active ser
vice. Another pleasant feature of the
day, not down on the liroKrainme, was
the liieseiitntion of an eloKiint ebony
nnd gold tunc to I'rofessor Denton H.
.Tanie.1', of .Montrose, thl heliis the II f
t loth anniversary of his hlrth. For
twenty-eight of these years Trof.
James has been a successful teacher In
this county. The male teachers orig
inated the idea of this presentation,
procurred the heautlful cane, and pre
sented It to the profei-eor through
Prof. 10. T. Thorpe, of Forest city, the
oldest teacher in active service In the
The concert at the armory last iii-tlit
by the Ariel Ladies' sextette, was heard
by mi immense audience which great
ly appreciated the very high class worl:
of the performers. It has been the prac
tice for years to provide one line con
cert in the Institute course, but none
ever excelled that given by the Smith
(sisters last evening.
This morning's session opened with
the accustomed season of song, led y
l'rof. K. 31. Compton Willi Miss James
at the piano.
Tiie devotional exorcises were con
ducted by Kev. A. J., iloliton, J-. O..
:astor of the X'resbyteriun church of
Montrose. Or. Henton read a nart of
the 121st l'salni and led in prayer.
After some announcements as lo
committees, etc., had been made by Su
perintendent Moxley, the institute work
was resumed by Or. Aimsiroug who
spoke most eloquently and instructively
or "I'ootry." -Nearly every person at
one time or another lias written what
they think is poet i. v. The doctor con
fessed to have made the atteiiint him
U'lf "once on a time." V.y somo poe
try is defined as composition in ryth
mical form. Hut it is something moie
than that, as Or. Armstrong1 proved
loneluslvoly by .several specimens of
simple rhymes and l lien compared
them with some grand selections uf
poetry. J'oelry must, be not only
rythmical; it must have imagination
tintl suggestions, eniollon and beauty:
jt must reveal the truth and have
foundation on faith. The whole uni
verse observes the rule of rylhmc;
there Is a rythmic movement in every
thing. Kaeh of the elements named
above was enlarged upon by the speak
er and he closed -with reciting one of
Tennyson's jioems.
At tills point Miss Julie Cruser. of
Montrose, a talented elocutionist, made
hor initial appearance before the In
stitute ami gave two charming recita
tions in a manner which captivated
her hearers and elicited a hurst of
hearty applause.
During u short iulorniis.sloii, Or. X.
(.'. Schaeffer, state superintendent of
public instruction, arrived from Har
ris hurg and that popular educator
Mas given something of an ovation.
Tiie institute again coming to order,
Superintendent Hchupffcr was intro
duced and gave ;i splendid address
upon "The Act of Learning." It was
one of those aide, thoughtful anil lit -fiplring
efforts for which our state stt
periuteiidenl Is justly noted.
At 11 o'clock the Institute again took
up section work. In Division No. 1
Dr. Wlnshln talked of "Hoys" ami Or.
"Willis of Arlthmoiic." in the third
division Or. Willis spoke on "Child
.Study" and Or. Smith of the .Mansfield
State Normal school, on 'Fatigue."
i wim 175 IDS.
former weight m
Goin 40 lbs.
There are people who sny that the
benefit derived from the use of put-up
.lediciiies is imaginary. It is not the
;as.c with Dr. Tierce's h'avorite 1'iescrip.
tion, which makes weak women strong
nnd sick women well. A woman may
Imagine she's weak, or inav fancv she's
lick, but her imagination ain't add forty
founds to her weight. The positive
proof of the curative power of Vavorite
Prescription" is found in the restoration
of health which ia recorded in fuce ami
form, of strength which can be tested,
and weight which can be registered in
pounds and ounces.
The. general health of women is so
miniately connected with the local
Aealth of the womanly organs that
when these ure diseased the whole bodv
suffers loss. Dr. Pieiee's l'avorite XVe
K'ription cures womanly diseases. It
tstablishcs regularity, stops weakening
.rains, heals inflammation and ulcera
tion and cures female weakness.
"I am very glad to let other poor Mifierers
itioiv what l)r, 1'iercc's medicines haie done
for me," write Mrs. t'dwiu Jl. ('.triliier, of
iJeechwood, Js'orfolfc Co., Muss (Box ;o.) "Voit
know I wrote to you last kiinunrr 1 read what
.our liieillcliie had done lor other people. so
'bought 1 would try it. and I found it was a
Westing to rue and my family. 1 liegau in luut-'
end took six bottles ol your medicine and t'hice
vifllsof M'ellels.' 1 took your medicine a ear
when I had a ten-pound girl. 1 had the easiest
lime lever had with any of my three childien.
1 have been very well since I took your medl.
cine. I took tluee hottlen of ' favorite I'lescrln
lion,' three of 'iloldeu Medical Discovery.1 and
Ihree vials of 'Pellets. I hail no appetite and
could not eat much without it dintretaiiig me
before I took your ' favorite Prescription, and I
only weighed us pound. Now I weigh i;j,"
Dr, Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser is sent free on receipt of 21 one
cent stamps to pay expense of mailing
only. Address Dr. R. V, Pierce, Iluf
fclo, N, Y
In Division No, :', Dr. Armstrong
look us his subject "The Urcltnllon,"
This Is a critical part of a learliur's
wotk. There Is 11 science called telrp
ttthy to feel nt it distance mind coin
Ing In contact' w'lth mind. In t'lio reci
tation Is where it teacher's mind
touches the minds or the pupils. After
dilating along this lino and bringing
nut ninny praetlcnl and beautiful
thoughts, Dr. Armstrong gave us nmong
tiie essentials of n successful recita
tion: A test of preparation; clearness
of knowledge: lo cultivate readiness of
expression! the conversion, of knowl
edge Into power: the assignment of the
next lesson; lo Inteiest the pupil In his
Dr. 'Wliislilp closed the morning ses
sion with a talk 011 "Arithmetic." This
Is usually a dry subject, but not so as
handled by Dr. AVlnshlp, Vet It Is folly
to attempt a synopsis.
A bun I or
has met with poor luck, although game was pletlful.
I'lnd live squirrels that he didn't see.
The afternoon session opened with
singing, and then opened the "Old
Teachers' Day" exercises. Short and
spirited addresses were made by the
following veteran teachers: Mx-Cotinty
Superintendent "W. i Tilden, of For
est Dtik'j; Prof. S. S. Thomas, of Spring
ville: Prof. J!. !:. James, of .Montrose,
and Piof. ('. T. Thorpe, of Forest City.
Following there aildi esses came the
cane presentation to Prot. James. The
presentation address was made in a
highly humorous vein by Prof. Thorpe,
and a happy response being made by
the Mirpr!cd reelplnt.
Jllss Cruser recited "How Salvator
AVon." She was heartily encored, nnd
gracefully res-ponded with another se
lection. Dr. Armstrong gave a masterly ad
dress upon "The Law of Service," and
tin- dai: clos-'d vtlih a talk hy State
Superintendent Scliaeffer, his subject
being- "Three Oreat Opbates."
Tonight at tiie aimory, a lecture on
"l.liiuld .Vir." witli deniousiratioii, will
be given by Prof.-ssor I-'o.-ter, of Phila
The Second Day nnd Night of the
Lackawanna and "Wyoming Musi
cal Alliance Brings Out a Large
Class of Prominent Singers.
Sprtlal In ll.p Suaiitou Tiloiuie.
Fachiryvlllc October :!. Yester
day was the second day of the
Musical Alliance, and the class was
increased fiom llfty to seventy-live
in number. Fine weal her still prevails
and Is tin Important I'.m tor in the suc
cess of the Alliance. The class will no
doubt rem h an even hundred or more
on Thursday and Friday. The morning
session yesterday opened with prompt
ness, which Is a cardinal virtue with
the Alliance chorus, The morning
worl; was begun on Max Ilruele'.s can
tata of "Fair F.llen," founded upon a
thrilling incident of the i'ast Indian
mutiny during the siege uf I.ucUnow,
The composer represents "Fair Kllen"
supernatiirally hearing the strains of
"The Campbell's Are Coming," As a
relief column is yet miles distant. In
spite of her protestations of help soon
to arrive, situ is regarded as "sore dis
trait" from tln suffering through
whl'ii sho has missed, and a last, des
perate attempt to break through the
besieging lines is made during which
"Fair Kllen's" presentiment comes true
In that the relief column marching to
the Scottish pibroch "The Campbells
Are Coming" appears and .scatters the
enemy, the theme of the tune appear
ing as a modltior throughout the can
tata. Tin- afternoon was occupied In drill
upon llio Vreavler chorus for the con
cert programmes. In the eventing seventy-live
voices sang "The I leavens
Are Telling" from the creation, "now
J.ovely A10 the Messengers" St. Paul,
The programme for litis evening's
grand concert will Include the follow
ing songs by Miss Itessle M, Howmau
of New York; "Help Me to Pray,"
(Tosil), "The Sweetest Flower That
Ulooms," tllanluy) and "Come Dive
with Me," (Mlnettl). The following
choral and concert selections will bo
sung by the grand chorus of the Mus.
leal Alliance: "Ten Thousand Times
Ten Thousand," (f.ozor); "How Lovely
Are the .Messengers, 1 Mendelssohn's
oratorio of HI, Paul); 'From Kgypt's
llondago Come," (Page); "Clod is Our
Hefuge, t.Macfailane); "Lord Vouch
safe Thy l.ovlng Kindness," (from Roh
slnl's Stuhat .Muter), and "The Starry
Host. (.Mllde). During the concert
Prof. Hun man will render several fav
orite selections on (lie plpo organ.
The concert will begin till evening
at is o'clock
Speujl to tin- feuanton Tribuii'.',
I'ltulon, Ovl. 23.'IIip ho.pij null', at a
nirethur Monday uminvoii, ic-olpili'd oiKccin for
the rinuliii;, pr. .1. II. Maliou Is inisliltiil
and Pr, Jcuning, tccrctjry. The funnel' Lt
pviiilin; niteiUliu'il t he iiiciubc-is of tlio Mair at
lik liome, on .Noitli Main sheet, 'flip ililrf Hem
mi t lie menu wa enie, the icsult ol a icc'iit
Imntliiif lili cif I lie doctor,
1 le funeral of tiie. late Mi'. John Williams, e
Wyoming autuie, look place lliln aflcttioon nt 2
o'clock, fervlce. being tondiirlrd by llcv, Mr.
.lolnnon, lector of SI, .lames lliuroli, Stli'le vm
tendered hy a nimlrllp cnniioeil of Sir.-. I tarry
llimle-, Sir. W. II. I'.tnin, .tobii William Anil
itlelmril llnrrlc.
-Mr. Kollcy, an rigid lady to.ddliig nn Vine
lrcl, recoiled nerloui Injiiili! Iiy a fall down
llio lih. at tirr lioinc,
1', If, tlron n( until lfi mlly yjidiuastfr at Cov
ion, today iciiimmI iiH lioimhotil pnoiU tiom
t IiIh clly lo Klinlra, Hliric lm eiect to irlde in
tlir fuliiie,
IMvmul Si'lniMiliT, if tlip tlilu Siinler .V
rti'ililold, li,i lchtiiifil liotne alter a jei-cral
lllolilln' lill In till eld 1 1 ul 11 1' In llrrni.tliy.
ll K.itliirlno, tor llio pant year or
mot" a icldnil of t tic Klmiilllie, lin lelliininl lo
1lil c'ly ami will fptnd Hie whiler nt tlio lioinr
nl tier fallier, Aldnim.iu Micilitati.
Mlcliacl, uf l'llic lrepl, and Ml .To.f
plilim ll.itiliiRlon, of WjoiiiIiik, iii unllnl in
iii.hiI.ik" tlil liioinliig in St. (Vcrlla duiicli, nl
Wyoniliij,', llev, I'allur (Jnliiii.ui oflli'lalcd. TliU
m t tic Ihfl weddliijr to tnl,e pl.up in Hip nrw
"Ilefoip Dili llinc t.rvt jump, nt lnil tn of llio
tn.iiti MrerU of Weil Pltt'lon will lie pavoil x 1 1 1 1
111.11 ad 1111," Mill ( Olihi llliun Cm, ly SiitliPiliilid to
Thf TilbtniK 111.111 liil nfli'tiioon. "V have 11
plan on tool," nM lip, "wliprcliy Kxeler lrrot
and T.iirprnp mentip can ho paiod limu llio
liriilRPi to tlio liorfflttdi lino (or .(1.(100, mid wo
liavo tills niiioiuil of money In hlRlit," Mr. Snlle
pilar.d wa of tlio iinpipwloii tli" matter would
ho lliorntialily aired limine Hip w Inter nicotines
and contract awardeil, irady to IickIii opciallona
rally no.t (.print', 'flioio t nUo sonip take of; ntep toward llio oi'R.nilMllon of a (,'ood
lto.uU focloly.
IA('i;i M- 'Nallmi Hale." Xiclil.
Al'AHIn Daniel It. I!.in ccmiiiauy. After
iiomi and nllit.
s'I'Ai: -"I'.uN ami Collies IIiiiIp-iiipi." Afiei
unoii and iiilil.
'The Three Musketeers."
Tu pcifoiin.incen were icn hy -Mi. d
lii-. line .11 tin- Acaileni.i esiei'day '0 .1
cap.iiily hti.ini-.-,.. "A l.inel" in tin- af
leiniion and 'I'ho Tluee .MtHkclcoiV at nilit.
.Mr. Iljan a- D'Aitlfiiian Mttaiuod the pipluu'ly
ilemllil iiiiiu'"iou made, and tlio ie-l of the
iiiiup.uiy wen- lully eijual lo all ieiiiiieni'.'nl.-.
'Mm i-luKiiiir and cuslumlng ut "I'ho .fu-liete"is"
ONoolleil Hie- pxppetatloiis of tlio uint
Ilaiely If inn- has the Aiademy li.ul mh.-U .1
leally hue -eiiei uf pcifoiiujiiui"i J llm-e sht'n
hy .Mr. Ityan and his loiupaiiy. '1'lie pei-i.illiis
aio luii-lit and cir.t-t t.itnirif,- anil mil a chill mo
ment is eviii'iioueod hy tin Academe .nullum:.
Today, "IIU Low .mil lli-e Wife" will I,p m..
-euleU ai Hie ru.iliiii-o and "A (!t-lp uf Slipl -niulit.
Kip.ii pci foi malice of "Jim. tin- Pen
nun" I- piiuiiispil foi I'rid.iy cipidii-r.
"Nathan Hale" Tonight.
The sieiliuK joiinir pl.i.ver, llnu-anl Kyle, fo,
ea louiii'iled with lli,olh, llauelt, .iudjeI;.i
and iitlic-i- liliih ola.-i .utM-, will .i-raln he .pen
-is "Nathan Hale" hi ( lde nidi's patiiollc
di.imi ut that title. The pi ly, ,ioiiiiuueed hy
pnw ami puhlli, a,.- Hi,. l..t' liuni lluir Killed
pl.'.MMWhl. will he hceu at (he l..wcmn lOuiKlit.
Hi all I ho plajs pioihiiid uillihi a decade
none tells such heautlful nloiy of imp loe
ami the .uieil iliotlun In t!i ami Siupe.s
as dfus ilii-s land Auieiie.iu iliania, that will
l.i.-t in Ihe meniuiy of play-sueis I'm- joais In
come, and tlio .-loiy , .Valli.'in Hale"' will K,)
duwn liuni Knicialiou in ieiii-i.itiun, while utln-M
will he' lelej-alrd t Hie tar pa,t. fuiuotlin.
It I- lull uf Miille-t and lp.n, mingled with
the laiiKhler 01 happy chihlieu In the .small
lountiy ditml hou-e in New l.mi luu, where Na
than fide iptiisccl In pimi-li .1 uiiil for not join
iiip In the ilimus nl "Hod Hie KIiib,"
whiili was Hi... cu-liniuiy .mllicni at Hie openlnic
of e.uh day'ri spiun.
TI1I1 tine, irciieious man, up his llle
foi hoe of home, fiieinls, sopihe.iil, (onnliy
ami iiueiiy, louiii inn ne piaveii moie lu'ivinc
inaly than hy (lie .11 lomplMicil yumijr pla.iei-,
IIOiMinl Kyle.
Miss Elsie DeWolfe.
'Iluep le.ulins: men. Instead of one, ate (In:
hiMiiy uf Ali-s i:,c. DeWolfe In Ihe pioducliuu
uf "Tiie Way of the Wuild," iho new play hy
( lyd" I'iteli in whkh this lino emotional :u'lii's
uf J'luliman fame l this season Man Ins,
I'l.inl; Mill-, who was tlio leadins nun fur Mis,
PatiiiU Caiupliell in Loudon dm Ins iie past ov.
pial MMsntin; Vlticint Serrano, the Ipadius fiRuro
of "Aihrnna," and UauNou llunier, o,i Nelhei
sole's ililef mippoit last jcat, conipii-e iho lilum
h.ic. The inodiu Hon will he pusented heic
1111 Kaliinlay, mitiiuo and nllil, nt Ihe l.yicuiu.
The (iiitafiiiniut Is limited In one nielli and 0110
The Sawtelle Company.
'I'h' Saw li-He pianialle, hoailcd
hv l.llli.m .Mae (rawloid, Is wlmilns- new lauirls
this season, Always hi tlio tiist r.iuK, Man iter
Sawtille lua fuiisld.r.dily .sirriiKlhened the cast,
mild it rompaies wllh many of the hljl.piUe,
ininpanles lo which twim nnd llulco t lie aihul.v
tion is cli.uued,
'Iho opening plav on Mnlid.iy eteniln;, Oil. 'J,
will he lllon lluiuieaulfs loinedv, "flip
MiaiiRl'ian," The rii.oiy U new and hiij-ht and
the fpecialllpn ponstilnlo a whole perfornui.c.'' In
tlicm-phoj, Seals on ah at Arademy ho oii(P
t'llday iiiiniiipg.
llaniil Pioliuun lias sieally icvled and roil-deii-cd
"Ihi! 1'oust l.yers," at Iho t.ycpuui (hea
ler, New Vnih, and It will mini the fealute of
Ml.-t lleilha li.ill.iinl'4 stmiins; tout. It l.s mip of
the tlne.t sreniu prodiirtions that Mr. 1'iolinuii
lias cer unile.
Itelieaivals of "Molly J'ltilicr," Kallinn Kn).
dei's new play hy (,'lcn Mel)onuii:li, luiiiiiipniid
.clpi!jy, I'u ns Oales llop, who stase dhertpil
"Shenandoah," Is nipmMii:; the lelirairaU of
"Molly Pllclu'r." In Ihe nine icpri-wiillm- Ihe
Iiallle of Moiuiinulh, wheiv Molly loaded mid
tiled a cannon, M'. IIom' will enilcaior to Mir
pa the u( w.iifju. atlalned in llionson
lliiu-ditt'K drama, '-Molly I'llchei" ha ahvadv
liowii Mich iiroiuUc Hut manaijeis of two lliuad
way liouei hlvo ollcied time for Hip pjy Hii,
sejoii. The Or.t peifoinuinie will he -;lon in
l'.li.itcth, N. .1., 'Cue day, Nov. i.
Ml the iiew.paper, 1.1 ihe South have t.inl,
haidly without an p.ufptiou. ihat Adelilde
Tliuutoti, who w 'taiilni; hi "wpet Clover," l
glvln Hie most pujo.iable ipifoiinancp ami meet,
imr wlili the Krcalesit nucs huown her in Iho
past sevrwl seasons. A late niimher of Ihe that,
lunooca Time t-jlcj of Jll.s 'Hiurtloii! "To ay
Adelaide Tlmulou as l.ols lloltonilm n 'Snect
Cloiei' h niaklns a lienicndous hit, would not
lull r.pirji It, ami what I? nioie, her tilumph
will he eiulurlns, The piece U hrlllhint hi ion
rvptlon and finely eii'iulcd hj M1j Thuitlou and
her uppoit,"
Wall Street Review.
New Volk, (let. 21. Speriil.ithe nellUly Imlay
Was liwly iimllupd imalh tn a fpv olock,
hill the field of in Hun slilllnl fiom 1 lid .iinhr
bUM and Clilcairn and Northwrstern Into St,
IMllh t'nlon I'acllli! mid Soillhetll IMellle. All
mrrwliplnihnf proporllon of Hip il.iy'n I0L1I liusl
1icl was In thpic iloik. ThS n(rtei.tlp dealings
1oe conjlderalilo mor lhoe of rnriil Hnie., and
in Hip ilny pioirlowd the Inaikpt .showed a
liioadenliig lendeiicy In eyinpiitliy wllh the mi
tallied i-titiiKth ut Ihe tin cr- leaders, UiIc.ikd
nnd (Heal Wolciii tiime (oiipltuoiily Into llic
inoveinpiit lalor in Hip day nnd achieved an ex
Ironic iidiaiici! ol i';'3 on Miy heaiy (leuilints,
eloshur nt the hlfjliivt, Otlui- .tmki ip-atted
hCiinewhat from the top, InlhipncPd liaitly hv the
break of iVt In Cltlcnte nnd Nortlavrtdrrii pre
felted, SI, Paul's extiiiiie 1 ), was ;l pnlnlss
ttnlon I'aeillc, Hij, nnd h'oullieiii Padlle, I point,
Alnoiii the atneki lo come foiwaid late hi tiio
day were iiiemhei.1 of the fo(1 uroup and
the SuuIIitjIpiii, with iriiliui of t In Hi.
was nl'o ipille liolahly rliunir, lllii! l"!, and
International Power inhumed aa. The e.nly
wpakiie.-q of Iho in.itlcel v.n qilltp ueneially oier
(nine hy the Into nihunee. AmnlKiimaleii Copper,
which tell a points in the inoiiiltijr, c"lo-eil with
n net loss ol I'J, There were some oiv l.tise
.ellln(r ouleis III Iho htock mid It was iillcitcd
hy Hip wp.lknpsi of law copper hi London. The
local tniellons and Penplo'is (la.i were also ptonil
lient In Ihe rally depiessioii, UIuccvp fell 2',j and
tin! pieferipd t! points under raids hy Iho lie.n,
and llockhiu Coal wai formed ilown'l'J, wllh 11
nulKCoiient tecoiery, There wai wnue cniitlnu
iiiice In Hie early deallmrs of .vesteiilaj'.s fdremtth
In Iho Viinili.'ililll, New Volk Cenlial tlsln-r 1Tb,
(.'hleatto and Northwestern. 3, and the pioleneil,
,'1's, hut lln; inuit'iiieiit was not coiillnued nflo.'
the le-aelloii In llio market, 'I'heie was no spool
Ho news tn account for the action of the market,
but It was undoubtedly based upon the n.tmii
Hon the iie-rotlatlom now In pioRies will
lesiilt In the .settlement of the Noilheiu Paclllo
contlnveisy wllh henetlt In the whole tr.llisron
tlueiitnl i.ilhoad fisteiu. Tutal tales today, Tti-J, -40n
'Iho bond m.ilket was nilhe ami luoad nnd
prices, as a nile, ad'.inccd. Total sales par alue,
fulled Males lefunilliij; U declined i, and the
old 4s 's pir cent, mi tlio last call.
'Ihe follow in-' quotations mo furnished The
Tribune bv M, N Juiclan .t Co., looms TOa-TOt)
Meats btilldiiifr, Si ronton. Pa. Telephone MOOs;
Open- High- l.nn- (,'lo.s.
lli-e. est. est, ins:.
American Snsar I2U litJl ll"i'i 1-JiHi
Alchbcm 7S',4 "! 1i T.s-J
Atehlsuii, I'r. !I7 !i;-"i !!"4 Ii7',i
Ainal. Copper ,VI"s t!)"H t-S .S'.l
Amer. Car roundly ....'i.'i L'.'ij L'i ".'.'ili
llrocik. Tiaitlnii (il'.i ill',;. Oi'i (d'.a
Halt, k Hid HI! ll',. lOJ'i llllt:.
Che-, k Ohio 45 40 IIT -l.l'i
Chic A: (It. We.-i 2;ls.; !K)i nisi Wt
M. Paul 1'17-s T!0 1U7-.H 170
Hm-k bland IIJ'j t',j ll-'li llU'i
Col. l-'nel A: lion Dii'i Sfcl'f. iU . Ul',
Ihio 1!. I! II 4K-S 41 .Il'.i
Kile II. 1!., I'l li'i'.i (i'H, lin'i Ii0"s
Louis, ,V N.lsh 10.! 10,!TH VW lM;i
Man. Kleialed I -J I "; l-!Ki 1j(tJ 12IITB
Met. Ti.icllou I. l.'is l.'UJi Vti
Mlsso. P.icllie IfiV-i !'" ii'i'.s ill''1,-'-
X01 folk k Mesl .-iV!.. iV,?; .Vrli eii'H
Out. A- We-tein .'CU'v :u ".i'i !',i
X. V. Cenlial; 1.V) 1,-,7-'t I.Vi'l
I'enn.i. It. II 147 l's Jn"t 117',
Keadln-r lie 10,'! II nil'. It
l!e.nliii)r Ity., Pi 1,'i'j i.'ir; onij uiit;
niuIIiviii u. I! :!-'; :a7s ;u'. .".''a
SuuHieiii II. It.. I'r fiDJi (il'i r.'i", (47j
Tenn. .'. hull liu (,il'2 i,u ' wi'j
'1'i-s-as Pacilie IIsT; ;.,r.s ;;s.lj ;;.i-,J
I'. S. Lc.ilhir la'.a VWj II', I -J ',4
I. H. Ilubbcr I.i'a 1.,'a IS'-. J."i':-
I. . Slecl Co. .' I.I U'4 li-s PI',
V. S. Stepl Co., I'r !i.!' 'r''a !i-'i ni','4
Wotlein riiiun :n'i nPi iM'i nt
Waba-h, I'r iin',1 :!ii-, lli.'i :K'i
Scranton Bcnvcl of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
Lackawanna Daily (.. I'r.
County Savings Hank ,t Trust Co..
l'ii.-t National Bank (Caibundalo) ..
Ktanclaid milling Co
Thlid Niilimial Hank
llimc Depu-it and I)itouul llauk..
Leonoiny l,irlit, II. .V I'. Co
I'ii-t Hank
I.acka. Tiu-t Sato Deposit Co
cl.nk & SmiM-r Co., I'r
.-iiautou bun I'rnee k illif. Co. ...
t-iinnlun Winks
Seiaiitcin Sainss Hank
Tiadeis' .National Hank
Scranton Hult fc Xut Co
1'eople'x Hank
New MonIco ll.i. A: C. Cu
Si'ianlnn l'jsseuiri'i Jtallw.iy, liist
Moit-sage, due 11)20
People's Slieit Hallway, tlr-l moil-
,'asc-. due KilS
People's htlcet liailway, (,'eiieial
nioiljcaire, due V.Ul
l)iekon Mamifacluihix Co
LaelcH. Towndiip Sehuol ier lenl.
( ity uf r-'cianluu St. Imp, (i per
Suaulon Tiai tinu ti per ipiil
Hid. A-kec
... !'2i
27", ...
J 2.1
Scranton Wholesale Market,
(I uiicTloil by II. (I. Hale, 27 L.o kawanna
l!e.iu Per bu.-liel, chuiio inauoiv, .s.iHliJ
Hiitlei 1'iesh cieamery, 2la22e. ; daily,
Chee.-e KuH cie.1111, lO'.ialle.
L'sss Xeaihy etato, iSIa-Joe.
Meiiium beans Per bushel, 5-2.."0.
(Ircen Peas Per bushel, isl.tual.1.',.
l'lcun He.-t patenl, per bauel, Nl. IS.
lteaiis Per bushel, clinic e 111.11 1 on , si.lO,
Potatoes Per bushel, SI..",',.
Onions Per bu-hel, isl.U0.
Philadelphia Grain and Produce.
Philadelphia, (let. 2.I. WI1e.1t I'iiui. 'i-e. Iiinh
or; t urade Oitubei, 7la7l',ic. Coin
l'inii, "ink-. Iiii-her; No. - iiiivnl (iituher, idUa
l!2c. Oats I'iiui; X11. 2 white dipped, I2'4.ii:ic.
Ilttllei l-'iim; ijood demand: fancy western
I'li-aini-iy, 22'.o. : do. iieaiby ptlnts, 2je. Kirns
rilin; wnsieiu, ',.jO. Iilshei ! liesli uciHiy, a:!i-. ;
do. westein, 2'le. ; do. hoiilhwclein, 22e. ; do.
.sniillieiu, "1c. Clu-ese --Quiet : X, V. lull creams,
luucy small, im..c, ; do. ilu. do. laii to 1 hnlee. Hi
lO'ie. lit lined sus;.li Meady. Cutlon I'n
eliaiiKed. Tallow Quiet; clly pi lino in hlid-.,
r?4e, ; inunlry do., SVac i do, daik, ,",i-, : cakes,
lie. Live l'iiultiy--l)iill and ea-iei fowls, skj,
Hi,; i" option il lot, H'.i-i-, : old tun-tci.-, 7a7'io. ;
spilns iliiikeiis, OalOe,; luts, ("iallic,; Keese, t'a
Jll .; tin keys, palOe. llie.sed Poulliy I'iiui, -;uiid
(leuiaud; fowls cliuieo, llio,; tin. tan- tn irnoil, 11.1
l"ic ; hioillnir ihlel.eiis ne.iih.e.;!e. ; nestim
do., ti.ik'c.; exceptional lot-, l"c.
Ileielpts l'lour, iljmo bariek ami .,,2:::!,00i)
pounds In saiks; wheat, njiw biu-hels; coin, :;0,.
i)n bu.shcls; en-, 27.UOI bushels. Hiliiiiieiil,
Wheal, IIJIUO bu.liels; coin, I'l.nOO bushels, oats,
J'J.IKX) bushels.
New York Grain and Pioduce Market
New Vml. flit. 2;!. l'lour -Finn ami moie ac
live, but nut (piol.ihly hUhor, M1e.1t Spot
ITinii No, 2 led, 7H'.'io. f. 0, b- alioat; No. 2
led, "liTiC eleintoi'i No, 1 Noulieiii fiiilulh,
7.s"ic 1. 11, b., Opilons ny Hun all day.
I'K.snl lie,,, .1! l.ilVi. tu-t. ltli-liei'. ll.iv r.ln.eil
TU-'ic ; October, 7''!jo-! Dfioinbei. "il'ic,' Coin
,i'i,, teiuiiei, ,i,j!., ,, si-iiiut t. ,,,'st , t.,i,ii
.spot stums; Xu, 2, U!3;e. ele.ilor, and ll7"4e.
I, 11, I,, nlloal. Options aetlvi) and stirniR. Closed
tiniii,' at ',L'.il'.c. net udvame, May dosed (UU-c. ;
.nl lid.l
irc.iinrry, 1"u'.'2'.-c ; faitory, I2',al3c; Jiuui
iicaiueiy, 17!;:.i21!ii.; imitation ( le.iliieiy, llifci
lSc; etato daily, 11.121c, ( heese-steaily; fuiiy
l.une while, 1174c. ; fancy lame white, niialic ;
famv small colmed, lO'.ic. j faiuy nii.dl while,
Wilic. I.'bks steady; state and Peun-vbatila,
2l'ii22o.; westcin mil anillril, 2l',ae.: weslein 1.111.
died, llla21e.
Chicago Grain and Produce Market,
Chiiaso, Oil, 2.!. Unlit nll'iiinss hi an nier-t-n
I I mm niiiket bioinsbt utieiiKlli to yi.un- in
day, Uectinber loin cloned Hie hluher; lieceiu.
Iirr wheat, 'je, .idv.iiuc, and Deiimher cats, 'V',
up, Piinisloiia i-IomiI 2',ia5c. to "He, Idsher.
rt.t, ..nisi il Intis teen, .it fnllritcs:
'..,..:. .....,... v.. ., ..,..:.,.. ...i.nn, .-..,.1...
.Sll. ., IM', 111,, ,, l,.ll'-,lt.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Cldiaso, Oit. t'.l.-Caille-llecelpH, IS.r.OO, In
(hiiltiii; I W T0.N.111J, fl,3ii ttcstein; slow ami
fclejile In lower; Kond In luiiuo Meei,'Oa
O.ed;' pour to inedii kl.7a.l.l'Hs) dneker and
li-edei., irj,'!aj,23; row, l. Jlal.-1'J; In lieu, ..',o
a',; lanneis, H-2'aJ.2.'i; hull,, itl.T.'ut.SO' labos,
S.X1O.21; lfir,!i); westcin Meew,
(.l.i-Oa'i.j.'i. Iloits llecilpls today, ;U),uty tumor
low, 2LIJO0; left oier, .'IJ-W; opened steady to
troii;s dosed weak; mixed and hutcheis, W.Hl.i t'ond to choiie heavy, WdHaii..',.-,; louah
hc.ny. if.'i.'JO.i.'i.flJ; llaht, s,',.Miil.lU; bull, of sile,,
sVi.l-0iu.20. Sheei Ik'U'lpl. 20.(HIH; sheep, lu tj
15 cents lower; good lo iholce weilui--, $:l,i(u
:i.7i; western uhrep, 4.I.1S. 10; native limb-i, ii.Wa
1.73; western lambs', (3.2.1a I. Id,
New York Live Stock.
Xew Voik, Oct. 2.;.--Hecves-btccis stcadj;
unoil sleris Hun; bulls and lows lower; steeis,
f'l.bOjj tO; oxen and stags, tflti; bulb, i2.23j3.0O;
iii'ioner, oi',-e, ; iii-ceniuci, ni-.jc, uaia i-pm
linn', No, 2, lie.; .No. .1, JOlic No, 2 white,
I2?4c; No. ;i white. IJ'.ic; tuck inKed western,
4nail',:.c,; Hack while, llaliii,; optluns nctho
ir-i tvlt 1 nl iei- mai-l.els. Ilutlpi Mem i"
I 1001- r-ieaui , .sn. ., pttin, ,-nt.ii, i,,.ii.i.-,t-. ,
No. 2 led. ilttai'-V i No. 3 OiH. Kilticj No, 2
while, a-t'.-i.lS'V. i Xn. -'I white, tlT'!4a3tiie,; Xn, 2
ip,, ; fair In rhnk-e uiallln,, ."ihi.Vse. ;
Xn. X ll.i v seed, i-l-ISl -No. 1 Noilhwestein, ?I..')U;
juinio tiniotliv seed, i3.iiil.i5.Uj; iiies-i polk, irhl.M
aPl.(l; laid, l-li.niUatMiJ; sliotl iiln, i.l-liSJIO)
div sailed shuiildeis, 7a-!io. ; slioit ilear i-hlos,
ss.i.ias.t.,; wun-Kcy, i.".
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Than Four Linen, 3 Cents (or Each (intra Line.
For Bent.
toil IlKNT-llUlil loom", 1!a Jeffemon avciiiicj
II modern conveniences. I
For Sale.
r e. Vswwv
1011 S.U.I. Horn.', IniKliy. hatnes-, ioIick, etc.,
f.rf nale at u low faille. Ilupiiie at o'iO Lack-
S'.v.itiiin atenue.
Till! IIHMAINI.MI liOiMcliiilil ellettii at 1U
Madl-nn aieiilic luut be sold Ihlfl week,
It will pay volt lo cull at once and see thelii,
tOU t-ALi; Clli:.P-A handsoiue KelilltikV hied
saddle male, eight ,oaU old, seal blown,
woIhIh nliniit 1,100, and Mauds nlntcen hands hicli.
Will iibo dibe. Inipiho Smith'. Hioiy ulilc.
M'XV AIIKIVKK Willi Ha bead ul lioi.ei, welnht
front 1,100 to 1,1100; rctcriil clocly matched
Irani", llneo Hik1 coach leains. Um bo teen at
,'MI Hayniond couit. I'. M, Cobb.
FOIl 8AM! Two light spring wogom and loin
hatncM, cliesp. Kvans, rear 1132 Luzerne
For Sale or Kent.
l'OII SAM! Oil IIPAT-Collaae wllh Luce lot
r.uclcn and sluclo, In Jllinhurst. Addiess Dr.
ll.itrson, l!:!7 WnshhiKton aicuue.
KOI! SAM! Oil Itl'.XT Hilt on Snnunlt avenue.
Snillli, Xo. (i2.i Conuell iluilillm;.
Real Estate.
I'Oll SAM! One aeio of land. Improved with
nlne-iooni hou-e; plenty ami vailety ol fiult;
Ronil IcK.iliou hi vlllano of I'lcctville. Mis. Olhe
I'l-li, rieetville, Pa.
Business Opportunity.
feTOCK AM) WIILAT TltAHI'dlS wllliout deky.
Wiite for our special nuiiket letter. 1'ioe on
application, S. Jl. Ilihhaid k Co., members; N.
Y. Consolidated and .Stock exchange, It and 10
lhoodway, Xew Ycuk. IMabllshod 1&0I. Long
DUtance Phone 2:!S flioad.
Furnished Booms.
I'Oll HUNT Well fuini.slied fiont room, nil con
veuleuie'., best location. Atlilre",
Cenlial, Tiibtinc Ofliic.
l'lHXIislli:i) IIO0.M illil L.n kawauna .iieiiue.
l'OIt nn.NT FuinUlicd front room, with heat,
bath and near court bouse; gentleman
preferred. Address Itoom, Box 200.
I'Oll 1II!XT I'mni-hcd loom; lieat and bath.
Co Linden stieet.
Boarders Wanted.
WANTED Table boarders, lira. Tompkins, 031
Washington avenue.
Booms and Board.
ITIIXIMIKH nOOM-i and table hoaid, Mrs. sslKie
maker, .111 Ailains avenue.
1100.MS TO UKST. with hoaid. SUB .Mulberry
LOST Ladies' gold watch, Wallhani movement,
Xo. 4",u70.';i1 with inillals "I. C." llewaid
Kien for ictiiin to Man LVaiewic, lliver stieet,
Oli pliant, Pa.
Weather Strips.
WKATIIIMt STHIPS-Cet them now, all kiudi.
Addiess 1". If. f.ewis, 27 Tlnoop stieet, cily.
cuw.s-, 1st.. ',0.13.10; elra fal, .1.7.-,. ( .ibis Steady;, is..',0aS..'.(; little ealvt-, Sf.l.i I ; i.iv'eii,
SJ.7.u:i.2."i; we-tein, iji.!. 1(1. Sheep Hull ami e.w
ier: lamlw, .', cents luuei; shei-p, s.2a:,'.;Xl: culls-,
M..'i(l; lamb-!, Ma.1.10; mainly, sl.2.,aa; cull-, .:!a
:!.."iii; fiioaili lambs, $4,80.13.11). Iloas-fimi at
tsii.,',ila(;,ii') for slate hog?; weslein, sii.l.',a0.2.'i.
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
Last llullalo, Oct. 2.1. CatHe-llei eipts light;
feeliiu;, Hun for good fal made.-. Olheis mi-
hanged: eals linn, top. 7a7.."i0: olher.s, ti!.ill.;.i.
Huks Ofleiiug--, -J-; cmis; , ; hesi heaiy,
i;lj.,",").ill.r,.',: niKrd and mi'iliiuiis. vi.:i.",ini.,",0; pig-,
liini. f.l.KlaC; gras.-ei-. s.!H)ail.lfl; i ought, M.i'.O
a.1.7i. Sheep and Lambs SI eaily; 2.! tais; limbs
lower; lop.-, M.7."j; otheis !al.7(i; sheip
all. idy; mixed culls lo good, M,,'ii)a:'. HI; wetheis
and teal lings-, Ijsl.ri0an.70.
East Liberty Cattle Market.
Oil Market.
Oil Oily. Oil, '!.. Cltdif bal.l s. Pill; i.ilil'i-
cite-, no hid. shipments. 107,'12'j; aieiage, '.'.,
(Wl; iiiiis, yi',o.!.-); aieiage, f(),'iS.
Special to the SVranton Tiibuue.
llonesilale, Oct. 2.!. After he on tlimugh lm
posing .sentences on .Monday, Judge Pimly said;
"I do not know woo is luinishing lhiior 10 j 1
in Ibis lii-lnliy on Sunday. Iliunkeii men ,ue
seen 011 the .stieet.s on Sunday. I ask all good
lili.eii-i tn In Imr the loader hefiiic the llicn-e
unit and the couil will see that all who sell
liquor on Sunday cr to Illinois', will not loiciu
The Columbian ou)ie.-li.i will hold a dantc lu
tho Opeia llotiM' on I'rlday eiVnlng.
., W. Il.irlnng, of l'oit .lei lis, who h.H Jn-t
leimered fiom a seveie of l.iphoid feur,
I visiting llonesilale lelallie.
Maltha, wife of 11. W. Ilolkcoin, died at her
home, on Paik stieet, Tuesday inoiniug. lie-ce.i.-ed
was hoin Apill 2-', l6!ii, and Is siini'ed
by her husband, mio son, Cliaile, and one da'uh.
ter, Ml.. Tlieoiloro lliooks, both of lllle.nllle.
The leinalns- will ho taken to lille.i.llle on, when' Iho funeral sen ices will be .en
dinted by Itev, II, A, Smith, of llethany .
Apples at &2..M) per baricl In the oichanl ami
poiatoe?, Ml cents, at IhU i-e.isou of the .Mar, I
.111 unusually high pi ice for Wayne county hu
meri to lerelvo, Honesil.ile people must do witii
nut apples, as the apple buyci hale loiiliuiied
for all of Ihe apple. In Hie county,
' - ' "
special to the Hcranton Tribune,
liiiest Cil,, (let, '.':(.--The Iioiough luuiull will
meet in tpirlal fi-.slon 1'iiday night tn ificlio
bids or Iho borough lot on lliimlali bltocl, Th'-y
bale uhiady the fol!o,iug otleisi II, ,
mown, SI7..; i. S. Ilusklus, i?W; ,1. Well-
bl onk, $.",0.",,
Will III.11 km 111 ami family, who li.ue been ic!
drills of t'oicst City, will innvo in Ihe near in
line In Atlanta, lia., wllh tho hope of huietiting
M". Ill.iekman'a henllli !,- the ihauge,
A.i-llglil (Ins occinred in Iho blacksmith shop
of Pelcr Thlcs, today, Tiie KuteipiNo lio.e i.nt
w.i h-iuleil to tlio tiene of the bl.iA-, Too lire
was tuoii put out, with 111 I In (lanugo done,
Tho cast of "Maiilana" will meet at the home
of Ml.-. Charlotte ItcjnohU toimntuw night.
Sui'uintciidtiil V. I- Pctor,on H eiijojlnif 11
wv.'em tup. lie will ho gone about mouth,
most of whiili will be spent with a Inulliei in
Tli.' lull liilueis' uiiloni will luuJe on Mitch
ell il,. TuedJ next.
Special lo lie Seranlou Tilbune,
Duiyea, Aug. il. Sir, McuW lluigcr, ,of Oak
Hill, was a caller at the home of Slu. Animer.
nun. of this plaie, on Sunilav.
Slu. William (,'eilhaiill, ol Rrccuuood, was u
caller III Ihl l"Ui' jcslciday.
Misicr Juhuiilo ll'.own l .lowly lecoveiing,
filer 1 few diV illness.
Sirs, lleulainlu lllclunUoii ami Mi. ,ij,un
Holies aie vi.,lllng at the foiuici's l,ter, Mt.
Lizzie lliisvoll, of New Yotk.
Mi,, li j Potter ii visiting liienilj at Liberie,
X. V.
Mr.s. Lvjn Watkiiif, of Aioca, wa$ a caller at
th home of Slit, Thonus Slclvin ctt(rdjy,
I!a-t Liheily, Oil. 2-!. Cattle Meailr: huh e,
5'i.7.'iaU; jirinie, .'i..',0a,'i.7U; good, s.l.ioa ".:,,, Ilug-i
Sle.uly; pi line heavy, ii.;1al.'i: heavy int-di
mil--, so. l."i.Ui.."iU; lialil do., iii.;;iiail. Ill; heaiy
.linker.; light do., .-iiail.lil; pigs, "1,7'",
all; .skip., .-la.",; iniigli--, M,.V).iH. Miu-p Mow;
best Wfilieu, il.:;il.i:!.ll); mils and 1 omiiion, f.i
2; leailings, tr-.'-i(ia:i.7.,; vial colics, -7a7.-Jj.
Help Wanted Male.
WAXTLI1 -llooil, piai Ileal i-hocniakor, inul Ihor
oiighly iniilrlKtiiiid hl wmkj rlrady ioltlon
for light man. Apply I). A. Il.tvls, l.u.etin'
incline, opiinslle ll.11 e idled, Wel Pltlsloil,
WAXTIll) -CillienliH ,ilul lolt men tu woik on
mat washeiy nl llnller colliery, Pltt-toti. A,
I!. Wlnelei, Plltstoti,
WAXTLII I.V) (.lipciilels nl good wagi, lo lillllil
a large bleaker Jl PoltsUlle, Pu, Aidy In (I.
A, Wo-cott. l'alrchlld's holel, West Side, Si tan
ton, or II, I!. Klngdey, I'nttuvllle, Pa.
WATi:i)-lly u boy HI yean of age, a -Indent
of Iho Siiatilou HimIiicm College, rinploj
inenl for Satindajs. Addles V. P., t.Vl.1 Mm
m'.v .iMiine, ell),
SIAN'AHMIt WANTi:i) -A linn cxpeilenced lu gen;
ctal tneuhaliiilse lo manage sloie tor .1 coal
company in Wel Vliulnlj. Apply lo II. It. 1!.,
Alletitoun, Pa.
W'AN'TKH .Mlllwtlglil, aeiuslomeil lo einlliiK
eleraliiiii. Addicst "MUlwilglit."," ulu of
I'lie Tribune, tt.illng evpciicnce.
,Vcw sjntein; oier 1,000 fico cusliimeis da llj ;
elglit weekf completes; wage-t while leaiuiugi
lools 1lnn.1l ed: illploin.K unmilrit; cteady posi
tions gii.nanteed giadu.Hcs; chain e lo cam Hoe
wholaishlp. Ciitalogiie mailed Hee. Slol.n's
llaiher School, Xew Volk clly.
CANVASSI'.IIS WAXTLfl - For an honest,
Sll.ilgblf0iw.1id proposition. Xol. n
tcliemc, but good pay for good woik. Young
men or neat nppeataiiee and good habits wanted ;
If Ihey h.tvo had some evpeiicnce In canvassing,
W lunch Ihe better. Addiess. bUtlng age, ex
perience and preiioui Micii'ss. XKWSPAPI'.H.
Tribune olllce.
CAXVASSKIIS Tn woik in rltj ; easy linnn;
gnnd pay, salary a:ri cc'ir." 1 sion. Ailihosi
1!. if.. Tilbune olllce.
UIIICKLAYKim WAXTI',l)I'or me brick work.
Comniunlralicns and personal application
will be leceived ut my office in Hancock, X. .
II. J. ItiK-111.111.
Help Wanted Female.
W.WTKIl-riiil fm geiieial hoii.ewoik. I to.t
' Jackson slieel, cily,
WAXTi:i)-f!hl can senile steady, pintllablo em-
I'lovuieiu ny caning ai -1- .ne.iis iiunn
CANVASSIHSTn woik In clly; easy hours;
good pay, and eoiuiuiion. Address
II. IL. Tilbune utile o.
WAXTLD-A gill for general lioiwwoil:. Spply
at 101 South Main aienuc; 11111! come ice
WAXTi:i)-f,'j, for geueial housework at Dalton.
Addict II. T., (.11c Tiibuue.
WAXTKD I'liinlslieil loom, centi.illy Inealeil.
modem and lu piiiate familv. li, Tiibuue
OftUe, city.
WAXTI'.D-Cooil sec l-haiul fiuii.ue, will pay
cash. Addles. Link llov lial, sciantoii. Pa.
WAXTLD .Men and teams in louutii; man and
team, ?.1.0i) to ! t . ."" per day; men, $1.ii
per iUyi cl-cait hnaid; steady wmk. Addrc.s.s
liox X, TiHiunc olllce.
Money to Loan.
$300,UW TO LOAN Lowest ratu; stiaight or
monthly payments. Stark k. Co.,Tradeis' bldg,
s'.ialghl leans or lliilhiing and Loan. At
from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on X. V. Walker,
ll-'iI3 Council building.
l'l!ltsO.S (le-iling lo make .-ate inle-otill llts .-it
Il per 1 fill, of amounts finiu $Jnu up, should
addie.4 ,V. '. Walker, :.'ll Council building', cily.
LADILs' AlbMLST.-i TISLA'I l!l); all i-.i-es; pii
i.iei ; spei-ialisi'A (.ue. Home, 777
Washington SI., P.iul.iln, ,. Y.
i:.Vn:i(TAI.'i:i:- I. silshmg, Slugieian and II-lu-iniiisl,
high ila-s ami ii-llried. foi
1I11111-I11-, soiieties, fails, ball-, etc, :'.2l Prank
liu aieinie, snaiuuii, Pa,
IX III!: i:TATT! of llebeeca II. In inker, late of
oil-, uf Sii.mlon. County of Lackawanna,
Pennsylvania, di cci-ecl.
Letters Icstaincniaiy nil the ahum e.talo hav
ing been gianled In the umloisiiml, all per-0113
haling claims agalii-t the .-.nne will pie-cnl llieiu
tor p.iimont, and all ieisuiis indebted tlieieio
will nuke Immediate pj.iuicul In U.illci
Peon Sldplev, Ilxeculur, Wl (braid Hiiilning,
Philadelphia, Pa.
POSI'.l) TO Till! ( lTI.i;.SOI"l'IIIS LOMSIOX-
IKK 1 IVO, 'I'lll'ltt llllllfll (I il ll
or AitncLi: .win or tiii: i oxstut tiox.
Pioposlng an iimeiidnienl tu Iho Coi'slituliiiu of
tho Conunonwialth.
Section 1, He it re.snlvid hy Ihe s nuic ni'd
House uf llepicseiitaliiiK of (ho ( onunoiiwcaltli
hi Oeneial Assembly met. That lln- follow lug is
piopo.seii a- amendment-! lo the Constitution
of the Cuiiiniouweallh of Pennsylvania, in in
loidancc with the pioiisions of Iho eighteenth
aitlclo llieicof;
Anielidmeiit One to Aitule l.iglir, section One,
Add al tho end of the llr,t paiagiaiih of said
section, atler the wnuls "shall bo entitled to
vuto at all clei H011.1," the words "subject
however to such laws icmiliiiijr and roan Lit lug
the icgi'tiatiou of electcus as tho (ieueial As-.-..,.
.Lit tiiit- i-tiiil." m, io.ic tin. .s.iiil --nr-f 1n,i
shall lead as fullows:
Section I, ijiiaiini.inntis 01 i.ieciois. i.vciy
male eitlrii twenty-nlie .icais ul age, pus.C"lng
.. ,.,i....i lit:...,: I. .11 1 1.I...I ..
IIIC lUHUllini, ' ii.iimi .in.,, '.-, -...., ,..- i-iitiiii-11 tit
vole at all elections-, mbjcil houciei In such
VUie ,(l till rii'i ii-in, r.tMjtt. ii'invui , ant u
laws ircmirlug ami icgiilalhig the legl-ti.itUm
uf electois .is the llener.ll Assembly may enai I ;
I. llbc .-hall bale been a citlen of ihe t.'iiitcd
SI J 1 03 .11 lean oil" 111011111.
2. lie shall resided lu the Sialo one ,iear
(or, having pivilnnsly bien a iii.ilticd elee-tnr
or native boi n cili.en of the- state, he shall
li.ivc lemoxcd Iheieli.iiii a ml teliuucd, llien ,v
monthsi innneilialcly pieoediug the elcdlon.
.". lie shall liuvi lesided lu Hie election ills
tliit wln-io he shall ntler to vole al h'.i.t two
iiionth.s immediately piecedlng tin) chthni.
I, If twenty-two of age and upwaid-,
ho thill lu.e paid within two jean a siat or
louiltv tu, wliiih shall li-ne been iis,es.-ed
nt liast two inontlis and paid at least one
nionlh befoiu tho eleilloii.
Ameiuliiiiiil Two tu Aillcle llljlit, scclioii
Stilke oul fiom said siclion Hie wonls ''hut
no elecloi shall lie depihcd of the pilillego if
mllng bv u-jsnii ct bis 11.11110 not being icgls
teied," and add to said section the following
woub, "but lawi regulating nnd iciiiliing tho
registiatlou of cleclois ma.i bo enacted In apply
In cities only, provided Hut such laws he nub
fmnt tir cities ol tho same cia-s," c Hut the
..11 . !.... .lull , ,. i.l ,- lllntv-
... n'. tln.l
,,,,,...., ".---
I, .Mil 11 I -Jll lllllll .M I hWt.lll Vlls HI.'
mini ,i,1limvll-C II '111 Ml flVswV'l ' K I t
1 II I U.U.HU.-llh.lWtll 11 1 1 l..)i.i.ll Hi.l.ilili
im'ui.imiiu) 11 v op tiii: si:ciiixy
,1 ii- I'mntfiVWi'ii.Tii. i I'l'itsi AXdii
saui si'iiiiii, r'..,,. , ...........
secilon 7. I'lilfoiinity nl Cleclinn Laws. All
laws icguhitliig Hie linlding of eleitimu hy tlio
1 Illens ul' for Hie legistralinu of en lot', shall
ho milium) lliruughout llio state, hut laws
regulating and reipiliing tho registration n(
. 1. ..'lm-.. miv l,o enaiieii lo .iiudi lu tlties uiib.
il' -ntli liu. lie iiiitr.j, 11, for ildk
ul iio said" si.'--,
A Hue k.iiiv ut the Joint Ifrfilltlliun,
w. w. fiiin:sT,
Snelaiy of the Cunimuuwoallli,
I'O.sLI) TO Till: (TTIXLNS (- Tins ( OM
VniMSIIKH 11V OllHIIII (IP Till-! sl!f ItiriMlV
111' Till! COMMONWHAI.TII IN PI'llsl' .N('; 0
AltTH 1.1! Will OP Till! COXSTITITION.
'ioiOfiiiir an auiviidnient 10 the t'on-dltii'ton
of tin- Coiuinotiwoallli.
Section 1. He ir (nailed by the Senate and
House of HepiesciilaliH of ihe Couiuiiinweaiih
of Poiiiisyl.Jnhi in (leneral Asli.l l.i met, md
il is lieiehy dialled hv the aiitlionly of i c
Mine the following is luopused a, j
aiuendiuenl tn the Conslllutluii uf the Cuunioii
wealth of Pcnn.sjivanla, :n ai cord nun with the
Pioiisions of 1 lie righli'enlh ailhle thereof.
' Amendment.
Stiikc out section fuui article eight, am,
Kit in plan- thereof, as follows4.
Seitlon I. All elections bv cltiiens jlull
be hy hjllot or hy mch other method m m.iv
ho piosciibeil by law; Pioilded, Tlut scirccy
ill Mitlntr bo ptcsci.ed.
A tiue copy of the Joint liolutloii.
w. w, miiicst,
Secrelarv ol (lis Comruonwcillh.
Insertions 25 Cents
Thai Pour Lines, o Cents for liucli tutra Lln,
Certified rubllo Accountant,
mm ulu c. sin.iuxtiTBJ TiTuJiTiiTnANK
LIUVAIIIi il." D.wisT AUCnrTlXTrcONNKtii
riiiuiiiiiicK i hhowx. Am'Ti7"iLi it'n.a
hHeJ.eli.iiigelllel'(,, 120 Washington nv.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
int. c. 1:. i:ii.i:niii:ikii:ii, pacm iil'imhsci
spi'iice hlteel, Scianlon.
bit. 0. V. LAL'HACH, lln W'YMIWnAVl7NUr"
llomiH 12, II, 10 and IS lluir Hiilldlng,
''- ' TIIACV, ATT'Y, COMMO.NWL'ALTH 111.1111
1). I!. HLl'LIKil.l:, ATlllllXirV-l.O.'Txs'xiXiI.e')
(kited on leal estate security. Sleurs llulldliig,
coiner Washington incline and Spruce stieet."
mid ( Ileiuhllcau Hulldlii
).ilihigtini iiieiiiie.
Jl.-sl P ,t ,li:.Ssrp, ATl'OISNIiVh AXU (.'
daw. Couuuonwcallli lliiihllng, HoonH
II'. 20 11ml 21.
lhwaih) w., a'itoiixi:y iiiiosis
IHI.ItHH, mil lloor, Mens buihliiig.
of Tt.ule building, S11.111I011, Pa.
Il.11. ltulldlng
C. COli:(iVs, nil! l!i:i'lTl.ICX IICIMIIXO.
a. w. iiKHTiioi.r, ori'ici: siovkd to xo.
211 W'oniing aienue.
Physicians and Surgeons.
mi. s. w. iAMoitHAiv, oi'Tici: ;ui) v.mi-
inglun aienue. Ile-ldetice, 1"IS Sliilheny.
cliionii' ilsr,,,'S, lungs, heail. kidneys aiu'
geiiilo.iuinaiy oigans a speeialt). Hours, I
lo 4 p. in.
Hotels and Restaurants.
'Jill! l!f.K CAI'i:, 12.', AND 127 I'llAXiCLlX AVK
line. Hales 1ea.-on.1blo.
P. Zli:(!l.i:il, Piopiielor.
senger depot. Conducted em the Ihuopcan
pi in. Virion KOCH. Propiletor.
(c-s pools; mi ndoi ; only impioicd pumps 11-cd.
A. II. Iliiggs, piniuiitor. Leave outers lino
Vol 1 1 1 Slain aienue. or ICicke's drug stole, coi
ner Adanls ami Slulbeuy. Both telephones.
0. is. cbAiiKi: it.- co.. si:i:i)s.Mi:x axij xriw
11.1 men, -imo 2111 Washington avenue; giecn
hmi.-es, lu.'iij Nnith .Main aumie; nloie tele,
phone, 7S2.
Wire Screens.
JOSLI'll KUI'.TI'r.l., llllAlt .",11 LACK A. AVK.,
Seiauliin, Pa., iii.iiiufac-tuier uf Wiio Screens.
also ladies w.ijsi.s, Luuisu shueniakei, 212
Adams aienue.
sii:(;.Mt(ii:i: imos.. pihti:h.v m'pplils, i:x-
icIojics, npei bag-, twine. Waiclioii-e, l.KI
Wa-hinglon aienue, Seianion, Pa.
Till: WILKHS-HAItlll! IHXO It II CAX Jll'. 11AI1
lu SLianlon at the news stands of lieisnrau
liu., 100 Spline ami .'ill.'! Linden: M. Xorlou,
.".22 Lackawanna .lurnie; I. S. schulei, 211
Fpimc stieet.
Situations Wanted.
SITI ' VI IOX W'A.NTI'.Il To -to out by the day
washing or 1 loaiiiny. ("'all or aildiess Sti-.
St. It., pjl'.i 1 cd.11 aienue.
SITIATIHX WANTLD as liiiteher, all aieuiiHl
man. Addles-, Him her, '.'.'JO I, it kawanna aienue,
SITIWIIOX WN"l't;i) -111' a colmrd man as conk
in .1 li'nlel or bii.ll ding linu-e. AddlOsS Cook,
Tiilniio olllce.
WANTI'.D -Po-itiou as a-si-tant lmokkeep-r or
nfliei- as-isianl, by a leliahh .lining man
Addles-, J. P. II., (Jen. IMl.
WAXTP.II Position In an an Idled'- or diauglits's ofllie by an indiistiioiis teniperatti
joung man.
SITL'ATIOX WWI'HIi-Hifghl inlilligent young
man, 20, tie-lie- a posiiion; len i-eais' ofiit--rtpeileuie
and know ledge uf bunkkeeplng. "Ilu
eigi lie," Tilbune oltlie.
WANTPD Widow wllh tin pp (Million lo suppoit,
de-lies wull. by Ihe dai, .-ewlne, washing,
fancy honing or house cleaning, Sli-. , ."ill
l.uieine street.
SITl''HON WANTi:n- I'n go out by Hie d ly
washing or honing and cleaning, Sli, Lee.
III! llallstead 1 unit.
SITIWIIOX WA.Ti:i)-Hy an expel lent ed I11111.
iliess. lo lake woik honie, Midi as uasliin-
or iiulilng. (all 01 address- 11. C. Iilhmie.
AX'ILH -Position by cipeileiuril lady stenog.
lapber and I'powiilci, al.n help uu hnol;
In-t leleiinics. Addiess, "Men," care ot siian
ion Tilbune,
SITfATIOS WA.NTi:i) b.i married nun; epeti
cine .11 ear irp.ililng, also as foiruian; icfei.
enee linni'lied. Addiess Hot 121, Wa.inntt, Pa.
sill ATIOX AN'l't:i) by a wniniin to go out by
day washing, bouliig or i leaning, Please call
or addio-i Slis. Ilussell, 1210 Cedar avenuo,
Diract New York Wire
Stocks and Bonds
All orders executed on l.'xclianges. Oulcs
and absolutely reliable srrvlce. Telephone
Conncctlonti. Old, Oft;.t; New, no.
7U-7:3'n Conned HuilJIng, Scranton, Pa
Spencer Trask & Co.,
2T & 29 Pine St., New YorV
Now ready for distribution,. ;
and mailed upon request, ' '
October Descriptive List :
Slt'inbcis. New Vuit Slock i:chingr,
Branch Oliico 65 State St. Albn
- j
V: ,,)r"-rjin,,.- ts.A.yjr-ji.ts
, ,. ,t .
j- .. 1