"p H2.'i. , V'l' ,i,T"- '-' -) jrf. Vff3V k . -., j -wH 4! M . -:' v - .. W , ( . - . 'l 'm ' 'l ribttue. CftftttOtt THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER KKCBIVINO THB COMPLli IT: NEWS SBttVICK OP TUB ASSOCIATED PUKSS, THI: GRHAriSST NEWS AGENCY IN IMP. WOd.D -- TIlsnAV 3OJNLN(jf (k'J'OBHU IM, 1J)01, TWO CUNTS. TWO CENTS. at nr . jt !-' 4 M fNrvwtrff'-i1' jinrtf SCHLEY WILL BE WITNESS Che Last to Testify in Support of His Side of the Gontroversu. HEARTY APPLAUSE FOR THE ADMIRAL .Boatswain Hill's Evidence Evokes a Demonstration Which Makes It Necessaiy foi Admhal Dewey to Rap for Oidei Photogiapher Hate Conflims the Slgsbee Stoiy Syl vester Scovel Is Wanted Eight Witnesses Henid Yesteiday. fli Lvilii-hp W hi- 'roni I In V-f ii 'IPo-- Wahliifrlon. Oct. .'.: Adiniiul Si lilt - expected to tabo thi' lllit s stand In tin' nnvnl mutt ol iii(iili. wlili h N Invostlfrnlln;; hN minim t In tin- Sp.in iJli war. some time lommiow. This aii noiinoonir nl is .u -t Moil bv tin iniij.li' nniili' todnj In tlif o.aui!natlnu of wit nesses cnllul to fstlfv in tin1 admit il's behalf. Kljjhl w Itno-'-cs well- luanl to duj. .mil tln.li' .ue only thine nioio names mi the INI pipiidlwi tin- I'nine or the adinlial lilm-ell. ui Hies,. Hiiro, only Captain I'liuU. of thi- On'ifon. ! evpeuod to ti"tll at anv loniilh. It N not piobabh tli.it the ailinli.il will li" callpil boloi o tin' nttL'iiioini -t-'-i t m . I lo will be the I.im ot the vv It nr i-.-f s to he lio.ild in "iippoi t of liN Mile of tin' eon-ttoveti-j. It N now ronMdiii'd pi till able tli.it Ik will lie on the .-1 .1 1 nl fm two oi thiee div.s II Is not jel po sililo to cnv vvhothoi ,mv witnesses will be inllrd In U'liull.il l the mint tint It sopms pi nbahle that .i lew pof-nitv ma be Hiinmonul fm llil- pm po-v. The tostlinonv tod.ij P-d .Indue Ailvn i.ito I-imly .mil M:. llann.i to decide upon the lalllns of .it least one lehui tlng: witness, n h- inn bi' Jound. This Is Mr. Syles(et t-ooe. w hose testi mony is iloMied in (onniitlon with tin incident of the uiielliiL, ot the pioss bo.it Somen- M. Smith In the iinil boat .St. Paul, while the latt.i was ofi Panti.iffo. In Slav, ISsK The I i i t of to (iaj's in w wltiu"-i-i s. Mi. .7. lines riaic, lihotoRiaidier on the i)ii"s boat. Mated that r.ijitaln Sigbce. of the St. Paul bad told the c ijiiespondents .ibo.iid the Smith, on Maj :S oi J7. that ('nniij'-. llfet was not InMdo the haiboi ,t r-.m-tlago. Mr, Sutl was .nnoim tin- "oi-icspondent- on the Smith, and It be i an be found he will be ,isK. ( to mine to 'WaMlinKlou and f,ie 111- ti'illmoll.v on tills ini ident. If is ,i-o piobible that an t.floit will 1m in.nli to i.but othei ioi lions ol thi' ti Mlinon, ;;Im n lu Adiniial Sihk.x's lnh.ili im IihIIhk T.lciitemint Si.ns' ) m.il ot a imiifi-t-ntton mm h iiliiK.UIiuiiul Sihle.. tin Ii the lieutenant .illesul to ln. taKen pait in, on bo.ud the Jln-sn hu-t tt, mi 3I.iv 31. Othci witiif-.-es In addltlnii to Mi. llaie who te-.tltled w.i' Chlfl lioat swnin William I.. Hill, fluimoi V. T. AppleKato and M.i'ni Paul St. ( '. Mui phv, of tin maiiiirs, .ill ut whom won aboatd tlv Kiookhn dining the Cuban lampaigir .Untenant I'omiu.indri Hallow, w ho i-- (,v i utivi of the YKvn made uotf- of the bittle ot ,Iul ,;, and till ec odli'eis ot the Oieon, l.b nti nalit Ai Kimiin. Idcutciiiiiit Kbei le iind l.ku tonaut !!. tl. Johnstone, l.luileu.iiit Aikriniau had ih.uy.e oi the a flu I ! imh tunet and l.leiiter.ini Kbulo ot ihf fm waul i.i-iiu h tunet ol the Oto Kou on July ::. ami l.b utenaiu John stone u Mkii.i1 oflleor on the (iieguii at that time. Mr Jolin-tone lestill.'d that be did rot itiehe any ,1ri al tiom the Hiookljn to the In i i::-liuh buiis ut tin Spanish ship fiiMiihal I'olou, ami all the incsnn' ollh'ois who to-it-Hod toda ispiess. il the oplulnn that the Oicoii ,i tin I'looUhu wiic piai'tleally i ipii-dist.int Hum the i'olou when that ei-sei wont avium. Smur of them. hoWt'Ml, wue Itullind to think Unit tlio DiudMmi wa- a shadt IIP.II'01 tile s.'l.lls ship, While Uoatswaln Hill wan ,l Inv his tf "tlinon, w hli'h was mi j i oiiiplhnPiil niy to Adinlial "hlt,, thou- wpio two MltblllMs of aplilause. The-e wue pmmptly ,siiiiiesj-cd b Adinlial Pewcj . THE TESTIMONY. i.lilii.iin, ii. I V. I hiif II ul.H iln li, ui ' Mill, Villi l. ImiliW ill! ill ( It IHiMiMmi dill i iln -uiiiimi m IM. .ini i ui iph'i hi. unit ii Hi liillle m sniHicn, n t),i ii.iiim h' hi. il'Kiiliitliiii ui tin- Inttli' if .lull . tin uilin-, ViM "I'relulib (in i ii iiiiiiuii- im i r -inlul tii .inul-.li -lilii hut in nl ill LuliMi i ii Ihiii Hi' lllln HI III. III. I Mil id III., I II" uh In i Ii lolllllliil . s, , ., ti.il lime uilhili i a I 1 1 him uii I I kiu lint f w.ii ;.uii.i; r,n. i inil.it. ,i viiiil.li -,hi. Ii.ul u i, ji I llnl Iln Mm ,o i, tin -in ml ,.iii, Ii il llllluil nlinl l llnl VV ' M. ilioul In I In,, ll.i I p -if Hip hi .mi iran klil. i tint lln.i- tin- iiilii .W. BillMl tu Hen 111. l:ii,i liinl i initio JOII' sL,i 4v, 'Pull ' Hill till' I i.lJllill III n 1 1 i, lo utlii.,iil I if 1 1 Im mi, nit inn li.ml H1.0I1, .nil On nun. .ii.iitii.l i.'i In i iip) In file (l, IH nil h.U.iii, net. i iceil llnlu iln Ii, c vi -lull il In I mi milil Mi unl oi ill billlp. "Im tlio I uluii w nl l.l, li Hi -iii xmiii luieluiitb I,; Ins lit il Hip Iii J. on ..in aiiluMiil liinl .ml ,M i. tiilb i llilnl ut ii mil, n, in ,w lli. i w i im. i ,na iiiikii, ,i, ,n , ,, u;,. Im, We illil mil ion, .iiulm ,,n ,oi in ilnl nit ii,m In'i !,, W. urn 1tI.it i i It. . I f Ip, .111,1 lllllnil III ill I ,;il ilillull i ., Im n illil 11,1 Midi tin ,i i Jul !,'.', Willi In I llll 'lul l.l) I 111. , ,1, MkuI httun nf i. MP m ii.illn; lii-i,ci TIP (uiiiiioJoii l f ! in I null. i i( fm oiu: Wlnl Ii tlio I U'P ' I'll. liUul lli,. Inllinm, to lila im, .llnl .is Ip illil fi ,i .lull d,,;, ,,l ,( lie nl, ho Ml Ii tin il.il, m,iui Ml jiiI, Hi, I: lit'. tlniiM liinl .iiiili.il! I i" ,, iiiniin. Ii If mill, 'No, dc n't Hunt i ii ,i, ,V(1 I oil I II' illo a Injx in li , nl j i i,i.iu; t 'inn lum IiIm enn ' lip MrCuM J' iitiin. ii i n Imi fl.ni Ol in. up tin ip s i I ui. 1 i iill .imi tie l,jj ' f ll iip jiiiiu imr i. kii i iiijiii i,l ii I'lkkul Jip I'l'M- iuinli'il M.i lull i ih, on llllllo.nl il-i'li Plidrriwi iln imij In ml o m II li ii'i Hip in ilioin iiiulil v j ht j j, Imi I e mini ill 1 1 -iMi'i'i. lujil in-ill I.im" Ail Outbutst ot Applause, 'IIiiip iu ii (.rut uiill'iii.i of ji l.iu.i' In i,,i, n ml luom ji In .i ili.mijiii u.i the nlii.H,. rillnl tlut lictilini Ai'inlliil b, A,y f0i ,u Ilrl tllin- Uuiins Ilio M-iuii ui the mini fnunij I' nm.'Jiv lo punml lili ..ir on lli- Ul,c mil uliiionl.li Iln1 juilli'iuc j;jIii-( ik Ii iIciiiuh (.ratio i, l uiillinilnt- lili tor, pa- ultima Mid: "Hi (Hip roiniuoiloip) a m rilni, rnol snJ lolloit nl in Iip h nt llil moiiipnt. Ill' onlj lliomlit i (ir lib niPii Up mIIoiI nut loti'linllv u Hip illfli-rctit eiuit'l nutirlpil. ijliigs "I8 tlio bill llM llflow LllrtW Do lliPJ kllOW tl It till" Mill Im Ki'iH' P'lmip unil tint lilp Imi Roln' i'IiOIP? UN mIioIp UIpi rcpinril in lie tint lie Miilul tic ii-oii liohw tn liuitt ill liiinli ilnut It ji llllKP ol IK O'l llll It, "llffntp lli" l iv i wont .ilinip Mip liul niadP a turn tn i mi tliu IIidhUmi " Illil In Hip ilit'i l tin i-elnii, tlio wllliPM f niil ihnt Clip: iiu i ool. liul i .tit iii in il "iii "t tlip iniinllii; Inun ilnl mM Ii Hip iiiiiitiifiiliirp: "llon't jmt llilnl. wo li.nl lullri Ioe in .1 lltlli' ' .unl, fiM tlio William, nipiitliilli..ilb. i nll'lfioilfili' lrpti.il: "Oi ilnll't lull i OP lilt "I lliMlitlll n till'ill. bill." In" Willi "II "IliP pilnl nlionl .In. I i moll ,i tlul li'llow l nM to ( mil,' mil, I'm K"liir In In nl lilui oT. I'll l,''t lit in el liiiiin hint, I'll f.itlim lilin lo spihi If I llIM' In " " liul t(lllnoln h gbi'ii III iliir .mil lU-llmt 1 1 np, ninl mi licinl ilMliiilb lliiuiulimii t " bifcp (pint iiiihi. I.II.C .i pi.'iloui ilitfiniiil II Hi- In i Imi) will l lui-l "f jpliliiil"1, lull Hip ll'lll'Il-ll lllllll KJ1 llllll,h UpIIP-lll l '1 Illil ll ill'MM, Will,..' Ml llU III lllllilllll"ll I i Iln' UIiIIpIIIP WPIi' lnll.lltlil li A Mnlil llf I, III litlilloll finlil Ml ItMliii 1" Hip ulllii". Hip tiilmlnl lo-c mil ul-,,1 in lululs in il.'incf jll',11 "f Up lllllir.tivt! H, f.iio wis 1!ii-Iii,I, J H' I lit' Slid. "ti.p' s pi iii's ,,v,. i Jin., nf II il " i.lii li. Hit fn.l iiinih." alil Ml. IIJ'ii i. "lllO.I ill I' tin tj'li," iipbul Iln.' wllin' Acket man's Testimony. W'tinj" Illil wa PTcu-r il ami (.IriitPiimt . Ulmiiili c illo). btiiilriiinl Ai'ininiii i" In rnnunitiil el Hip nllir lluiluii liuli liunI Jinl Hip illir pls-hl Im li liunt- if Hip Ouaoii "" Hip Ol.l of Hip IuIHp "I noUl.ii, ilnl ill li Hir i s,, i n,i,-l limn Ml, Kiupr jriip 1 run li ni. tit tu nf rli.il IHJ..IVI mi nl Hi -i iiliiin; tin In liuli if 111" utmii. In- mM' ' p il il i" lli IjI'Iiic cm! Unl 'i'iI Imp In nl inn, il ilil: iiiiiinl Hie ins n lie Miluiii In lip I uli r " III , I II It III" llllh.- '- 1,181111 In tin- mi 1 ,, . ) in i i'l toi I, Mr -till nl' I null o lli Inn s ni" lit r mollis if Hi" s,mi-li . i i n n,! ill! if lilt I i Inn llnl In- i -lllllll, I tl n'.li n (iiii i 1 1 1 In ji i lii 1 1 liunI III ip HI , i 1 i'( Itf li "- ! oni iiiiii il mi I'ijp I I WAR In COLOMBIA. The Government Foimally An nounces That the Insui gents Have Been Defeated. lb l Iii-iii Win-in. in Iln- -0iiiImI Pn Colon. Coloiubi i, (Jet. 2! The o lonibl.iu fioi'iiiincni fmiuallv au nouuees that ileneial Poinpllio c.uliei iiv. ileieated, (bl. -'. mat Ainb.ilPiii.i. (mi the MUhdaleiia llvoi. west of l!o tfot.O. Instil K"Ul lot i on itotii the de li iitineuts ol Tii'.iin.i and Condlinai li a, united unil. i (ienoi.il .Mm in and Ceu ual Dm. in. attei a dcspi i ad- eiiKaKe iiK'iil. laslliiK tlnoe hitii. An online ,ln the olliilil .iiinouuio in. nt. ll.i' insiiiKi utsi lttteited, aftei loMnK bjn Killod. .inimiff uhoni was (letieial Vineint" l.mnbaua and s.--I'lnl (aptitn.il. Inifelli. I with a lame Mipplv ol iiininunitimi. The f,nitn int ut lo-is esi ei'ili d r,n STATE CONGKESS MEETS. The Daughteis of the Ametican Kev olution in Session at Hanisbuig;. I! l. 'll- M W ll tu 111 I U - II it'll I'lO-s Washington. Oil -' I -The sine imi. i.-ie-s oi up. ),uihIupiv ot the Amei uin Kevoluvlon opeiK-d Hulas in this iit with two hundi'il deleK.itos !n .tlli'iiil .liiie. 'I'll- .idilti- ol w "Iioni" was ilillM'ini b Mis. ,,n : AllUKs, ,.. i III ol the 1 1,11 1 .-bill i; ill.iptei. til whii li Miss I'la.'-i. ut l.uiinvtoi, ii- spunilod Tils niiiiiiiUH wis spent in Isiii iu old I'.iNtaiiK hut ( li and olh ei il.it i.s ol iutcu" t. At this session ol the ioiiiii an fi lial will bo made to hae the date fm holding tho imi-rii'-ses (hauv'od 1 1 run tall to suinmoi s0 tlmt tho i.m tal.e iil.ue at s-oiup sitinmcr lesoit. The pinpiis.ll lo ledlico the lOpl sontalioll at .state and national i ouf lein i s will he also (oi'.sileied. The Diiirfhteis ui Anioili.in lloxolu IIhii deloitis i fii, ciii'i ta'iied lbl .itloinooii ,it l ho coi.utle mansion bv Mis. Simn Mi. llann.i lie- ot this iit, ulm-e lathei was ii iiHoliitlnii- 111 snik.oi, it(ir.l the ilpelllllS $ s- .slmi id tin i iitileiem WASHINGTON AT N"W HAVEN. The Coloied Educntoi Is Entcitained by Monis r. Tyler, ll I s lu.iu Wii, iioin Iln vo lit il Pi . ,'i lliiwn conn,, Hit. ".!. lloo.oi T, Washliuilon, who is alteinlltij. Hie Vale lil-i"tii..unliil i olebiatioii, wn-i a KIIOsl of Mollis Tlil, te,l-JUllr,- of the iinlvei.Mt,, ill a illnniT at .Mr. T liV to Idem e, on Monday hxmiIiik. rmniel PoUlll.ii.lor IJetintal lllsM'l iiImi aiiopied an Invitation to dine Willi Mr. Tkr that owulmi, and mot Mr. WtiMiimiloii. .Mi Tf lei ald lo da, thai tho Imitations woio sent and aiu'iitid abmit bm i,i-4 befoie .Mr. WaMiliiKton dliifd with Piestdoul l!oo-u'oli in WililiiKlon, PATRIOTIC ORDER Or AMERICA Repoitb Showinf, the Gain in Mem heiship Dining Past Year. Ill S Ill-Ill Will III HI III" s.l i I fll I'll, riitiii.ii.i, '. i , o i ji - i Hip v., imi nf III" I 111 'llll lllllll I I th" I'llll 'I, lllllll i iih'ii in. Inn lulu Hi,' p, nl of Hip h'diljij It I. I. .nl, houil ii tut d lli-liil.. Ii-hlp nt i.ti'l, juili ini- li i ,u, in, iitmilm of I imp. ill let u'l'"ll, i7, i in o Hip ti it, i.', I,,t.il, in, 1 1 ue I i-i nf i iuii to ;.iii iiii i liiil.l, I; ti.l.il i,' nipt. I i via, -' ,1'' il. i pi i.ililuii., ,;-.'I7'., liiliini. i.; lum 1 1! in 1 1 ill luinl uiibi-il Itniu ,i..i -.in, lilt an no, v ,u.i u; "ni.i., mi,. I.o a; 1 1 uli, i if i'i-i'Ii ilimi. (ij'il iluilii, iln; tin. -ai i iinli'i.lup f tin- fun I, 'i in ,. Statue of Geuoml Pike. lb I.M lu.lu' Win In in Hip v.oi ilnl Ph.. i.lilli.tmi, n I, '! Hip li'ioli liuuii' .l.ilii.' nl I,, in ml Ml'ul I'll.", ini inun ii'iu ll," itijn i nil llljl.'li I nl IIP ln CIO ll.i ni ili llnlu i s, i,..i Uli Mi.niii In Iln s.nil Iiiii iiii.ili lioil, wi. iniuili I lulu (itliu.il IM.i illtil In -'l. Hi" it. 1 1 i.'i .l.iii'U i Dip mini ,,l lliilil tlD.l II -HlPt'i NnlllllVl.l. IK' Pill to. Mtll! imi In, In I In t'i" iiiiiinl Inl.e nf iln ilUlikl, wlili i.ijii'l Mi. tn lliu; sij,,,,i j,, , 1,.,,.,., unl i jl'ill'1,1 jI.o Ii i u.p nuuili i nf M ,.ii liolled in a Ilucket of Watei. ll.i l.ulmiii- Wat fi iln Hip iiuil4led l'r w I 11,1,111. hi 't luiiolil H'll i,, s,;. in unl It"), I ill iliihu J' Ill' liomi III iln. in), in-inun, nl) Im I. , Oil. into ii bin Kit ,1 liMilint nil, i lb u.i. I iiilib .'Ul'li'l jii.I llnl Ij.lii Jtlri .nl). iiii; intnoi Jgjiii. . , m ' An Effoit to Stop a Fight. I; I.Mliintie Wiip fmin 'In- AtioiblPil 1'icni. Wlll.f.- Iljr i, (I I, '.) I lie ur.iilirii ol j-ili-ioIvp irp uijl.iii; in ultoi t lo slop I lie fi;lu tl.no nest Moinly u'slit leiwt.ii .lul. Uiilim. of Plillailtii'liij, in I lliti) Itnlillii, ol llib Uli. ROOSEVELT YALE'S GUEST Receives an Honoraru DeureG fit the Universitu's Bi- Gentennial. SIXTY-TWO OTHER DEGREES BESTOWED Degiecs Confenetl on Secietaiy Hay, Ambassador Choate. Reat Admital Sampson, Bishop Potter, Aichbishop Ireland. Chief Justice Tuller. Seth Low and Samuel L. Clemens an Inteiestlng Pto giamme Foieigueis Ate Received with Gieat Enthusiasm. lb 1 !ii-lu Uiipfiom Hi' oi i in il Pn -1. Xew ll.uen. Ool -". -Vale I'tilM-r-st's b-( eiitomilnl itlflnallon i ul inln.iteil loday when hmim.m ilisiio-1 wcic ooiilcl led mi Pies.ib'iil IJoosi'velt mid sKly-two othei men. f.uiiod lor stiilo.umanshlp. feiem o and si hoi. u ship. A I the eoreliiony addU's-r'. Wele lie Ihoiod bv David .1. liiewei or tin I'nl teil States; Supionie Coin I and U'niald H. Mitthill, and a loiuiiiciuniath" poem In lliwl, i spot Lilly wilt tin lor the of .flon, was suns I- C. Sltd iii.in ie.nl the (.omiiii iiimallon poem lu Himllxh v ai 'imi in .iiletnle nil, I nilll taty piO(e.-sioii pief oiled the foiin.il ( -oi elaes. Pipsldrul rtonsoxolt and bis paitvai livid lieie at !.. a. in. todi alter an horn's nut tiom r.uniliiBlon. Tlio )ni slid nt rose e.ulv He was In esiel lonl spirits. Theio w is a em dial lo.ue t.il.InK' .U the Paiinlnstoii itatlott. Mhoie a i onsliletiihle iiimpno of hN now ji iU:ilut.niii- had Katlieted to Kioot him on his waj to tho Vale bi i oiitonni.il. .Mam" pci.siius weie at the stalioM'of I he towns- almiif the line to Xew lla mmi. and a ood deal of iheorlni; was hi aid a the pu'sldent'v Mi.tiou m two c.'iiv ntslit'd thioush ahead of Ihe i w- lll.'U ll.llll. In addition to the loyulai ji.ulv, the pi evident wa.v a 1 onip.uiioil oil the lilp bviiovoinoi McLean. Coinui.indoi and Alii. Cow lei. Ml-1 .Mid' ItllO-i'Mlt, Ills ilauudiUi, Mlt. IXi'lon Itoovi'M'll, bK nltie, ,m Miv. V. J'ay.inl Cut tins of New Vm L. ThoiiKb Ihe iiowd at Iln si, uliiii hi-ie w.ii .1 bltr one and dcmonsii.itUe In lis w eli onio to the fhlil oM'itilhe. thou was ample polloe jnoUitlmi and the pull was r 11,1 bit il to leave ihe ti.iiu and p.iss (o ih" i.niLios lu waitlm; witbmil dlllioulti Ptocession Staits. Plesiilent rimllr, ol Vale .Hid .M.l.tul .I0I111 P .s'.iullot w ei . on band to n ieie tile illsthiKUlshed stli'sl, and, .11 ti 1 a hiief i'M'htiuse of sieelhiKs, tne piousslou low aid tilt llllh ei sliy 1.1111 pils was brKiin, by uij ot State and chapel .slitots, The eniiil inoludrd 1 lepusoiiiation of Ihe mi al and iiuli t.,i fon.es of the state. The men of the Set 0111I lolment, uiub r loinminil of Colonel T 11. Sir hoi, malt hid lir.st in line. Iinmedlatelv follow 1iijv was tho iania;e 1 outalnltitf Piesident P.oos(.oli. Pr.videut I liiille) of Vale, liovei 1101 -Mi l.o.l 11 and .M,ioi Studle. A Intl. illoii of the Connootliut Xaial M II ll l.l. under louimaud ot I'ledoilil. 1. Am 1 III. i.iine upm. iui'loiIIuk Ibe i.uilnue iu Iiii li won- Colonel Tlioo doie A. JSIllKlinm, of Ihe Clllleil St.ites .11 uiv. and S.'nlaiy Cmtehou. The Sooonil ioiupan. (Inii'iiiin'i- 'ool jjuaids, 1 1 r-tiU mlfiit lu billllaiit diiss tiiilfoiinvs ol 1 od, lollowid, and allor that rami the laiilae of Coiumnudi'i' Cow e find Ills 1 any. Troop A, of Ihe comui'tli ut r.iMiliy. c.iilalii 1. 1101110 laiddltiKton In lomiuand. noted as i.-,ir Mil, ud. The pr-sldeiit's pio,ios wns tlnoiiKh i.lioets lined ilih blue biintliif, and hip del aiihos of the santi' rolm, lollmnl bj lestoons of ('Wi'Kii'i'ii Alum; Chapitl Hliool and past the hlntour su'i'ii, tin' ptoi.ii.rlon moved (iilil;l. Tllillliif; Into Collef,'.-. hlieet, li ii.ivjod Ihe tiout of the reetiiiiKb' of IiuIIiIIiiks wlileh onilosi'S Ihe iinli'iviy 1 niiipus, Tho cull .line to the 1 uiiiptts jnopor wiim thioiiKh l'heliis Kiiteway. width liim s-poilal hlfoilptioli of web nine lo lite jiiesddoni. I'lmu aiiival at tho iaiiiaiv, the pi cMdi ill was imtilinled lo ISalti 11 1 hapol, and after 11 bilof 1 1 si thoie, wa.v i, slotted to hN plme In the iio 1 OS-don of leauied doelois, inanloi- of lilts, illHtlnuulshiil HUe.vtS of the Ulll Vflhll) lllld Ktll'lliatOh. Theio We)e Ihmi.siiipls lu Ihe Hue, all wealing ,uail"inle Kowns. inanv of whbh w. e fm. ei! with tho 1 alius (mill mini of tho iloKiees lllld eolli'Ke.s. The pioiisoli was an iinposlm,' one. The nillliiu.v i 101 1, ili.iwn up In Hun, made an ao iiip' lor 1 bo ImiK lluo tliimiKh the iinwil, At If) ."0. Ihn p.iiadi. mined huw1, tow aid the flypoilrni lliciiei', wheie Iho 1 oiiiinemiiialliiii i'mmiIhh tooL pi, no. In the Theatie, Pii'vldeni Itiiiisinelt and Piisldmil llailo. euioied iho tin alio at in:i The pie.-liU'lit ol Ihe I 'lilted Stales was 0 llj till' MlVlirrdtN pollJelt III till! seat of honor dlieilly luiilnd tin ma im V deal; Pi evident Hndloy took lilv s,.,u liosldo lllln, (hi till pliitfmui weiii iloMiph (I, Clio, no John lla.s, l!L Imid lliie.i, t'llli'l illlsliec M.ohllli' V. I'lll Im atnl .liivllii' llicwii, nf lit- I'ldHd Stales Sllioiuo inun; I'leMdeul llllot nf II. in, nd, P, itlini, of I '1 Im .-tun . r.iumo. of lliowu: llaipei. 01 Chloayo. I'lOMKnt llnlll-iiu ol jvitiisl aula, and Other inllene pli sld. ills. hchtiH'S lilel niy iiien and ehui.'h nun of di-tliu ilmi. Adinlial Sampsoii. appaioutl. In III health, did not enter wllh the pious, sluii. He iiiado his way lo li Ih plum thloiiKh a Hide dooi and leanlii,? on the aim of 1'iof. W. Fainiim was niowu to hN seal. The i-et pioiamine was can led out with pieelslon, After the ommiuio the rominoliKiliiIhe piioin t'onipo-od by lMiitiuid f'liuoiin' Stediiian wim trail Nott was rondeied Ihe (lloek lesll nl h.Miin w t It ti 11 li.v Piof iiiiiiuas 1). tioodell of Vnlo n.nld .Tiislnh Hi ewer, 1,1,1)., Jiistloo of the I'tilli'd Slnte'i I'utllt, dellveleil the 1 oinnii'inoiallM' iidiltes and wn" KlM'ii a tioiiUMidmis iiMiiInu, Mm Iv In his mldiess Jit-nice lliewer ellilted ln-in ty applntiso ftoin tho au dlcme when he lefetied to Vale an a plme "wheie ni"ii me IiuirIiI lo ici ofliili' a W'ashlllKliiil, w belli .r his na ine Is (ieoiKo or P.ool.er." The pieseiitatlnit of eainlldnles for lionoiaiy duKieos followed the 1 mn liifnimatite ndilU'ss and the futittlnii oi'i'iiplod iilmtil one Iioin, Piovident llndlev was ("Jtraiirdlhiuily fellclllou in the dollialo rtiiupllinoiils lie 1011-ve.M-d In Illo dstiKiilshed iMiidldiili". Sooielaiy .loliu I lay. Joseph 11. Cho.tto, Chief .llisliie rtlller, An hliNhop lie land. Mailc Twain, Selh Low and Hear Adml1.1l Sampson loeelved lieinetidmis ovation. Foieigneis Houoied. The foiolKtieis who weie houoied with doKieorf weie loioived Willi Kio.it elithllslasiii. Win 11 the Ion.; list had been Mulshed, Pio-ddoil 1 Indie." nihauiul a slop or iv o. and, with ffn.it Impies-dM-iics, said: "iiine jet 1 iiuiliis one name " lu .-ii Instant the tfie.it aiidleui e was standi)!'.;. The plesiilent ol the I'nlted Stales iis(1 anise- anil the the iter i.iiik villi 1 heels. ' I,,, .ili- w.is iHUmI wllh .. inn 'Linhl -Ii and pioifianuues. Heiiiai niii'A Ih.ii Vale li.nl 1 boson 101 the diKioe this landld.ile befoie he bo i.lllH1 piesideill. Plpsldont ll.lille all notniieil lb. 11 all Vale men weie now doitbh llolime.l bv fioellllff die lllllll and the piedil"iit as a son of Yale Spoi l.illv aildn .'siiiff Piesldinl Hoo-e- oil Pio-Iilenl ll.lilk'. spiiLf as ol- IllWs TIlpilillllP 111,11-1 Mil lllllll Inn till" ill 1 pll 111 llll (II WP ollllill .Mill lllll-l Uullllilr llll ll"-Sill- nf I I. I) sinu in Iln I' urn li im ii In- 1 I ii. il llnl ti vUi- i J t i.iline ItriniMlt nii.tliti litli' ip im lum in llnl ui jinil 1 il. mM" j 11 tl. m nt nil mm" II' 1- .1 Ihn ml 111111 In nuit.l", Imt c ii" pn ml lo think lint 11. hi-, iluu ., 1.1I10 pillt, Ins In, ml iiitionil stnipitliii'. mil, iln,i ill, hi- ti mm ml puili it,, I I111II1, lu- Mill In Jul in I.- 111 uliplnl -mi nf Jll. Piesident's Addiess. Pi(sd"ul l!oosoelt aiHaui ell, bow id pioioiiiidly and tiled to speaL. A.milr the .iililieine elneieil, and it was lullv .1 minute b.-ioie be wai. allowid lo pro 1 eod. I le said IVm 1. nt Ilullii, I hap in m 1 irt woil,i.it it 1 I isi, wiiiih ilnln. t In. t I ilnl not tun! nn-ilf untl.11.; .Im liln in -hiulilii i ilh -iiu- .111 nf ih I hop 111M1 1 1 Intn iu 1 .fuui.1' loi nniili "ii 11 -. unl iltiim.t lliu Iluu i 11 a iiipii ol S il" in .ilil nit ml A 10 ni" rlnujli imi I nut 11 . i-p w 1 1 l,nl luiltit Pn-. nuiiiiii,; mi- pis-ul In 1 'jipm i wli'ili t ns"ri-rit to Hi- iinilit)ii nf 1 iriinif Pi lul who w 1- hull to of lilt b ' -n'p 1 1- In nil 1 n ll uiiiiv illin. Illo u in 111 htil 1.111-1 lii" .am Inn fn 111 Itu Iiiulil-. mil uiih ttnx tin ntnii"- ijint I. 111 no ittlnil I Ihml ion ilouhlt, Ini ton ilmnnl lo il 1 im liul In 11,11 Milil' I w 1. ttt 1 pn Up 1 llii 11. Th" hvnin, 'Ameika " was iben stum and Ihe lUib'enie ilsp..s(d. Th" site. ij. outside (be ll peiliin tliealel W.re l.iiiuutil Willi people, all anliills In 1.H1I1 a slhilpe of Pi es 1 1 11 1 Hiiosi.. Willi as nun h dos palib as was possiiiie, the distin guished utiest was ill is I'll to the lesl di'in.11 01 Piof. llcmy W. I'.u nli.iiu, whole lum boon was senrd. The l-'.iin-lllllll l(sdeiiio Is loontoil on a liiuad lis., ol mound mid lilKh hedifos and "em i's -.111 1 oiiml the eslale. Polite and dotoi ilr-s stood Biiaid at the Wilis and about the bouse, ;md no one m.i-i admitloil. After Iiiniin on and a In iff lost, the piesident, ae.'oinpaniod by Piof. IIan S. (Si.iM'v and Mi. r.nn ll.llll. sti idled ,u loss Ihe Mteit to the alo Si hool of 1'iiiesti, and diuiliff the iitleinoon ihe pievlilonl also 10- ihImiI Ihe ill" lllln 1 s, nl Hi,. Vale 11 11 1 M-isliy Iool ball team, 'who luouj,li .l.u I. (iiooiiM.iy, 1111 old loot ball man of Vale ninl lal'l a lellow Hoiujl Hider wllh Colonel Hoosoeit, had nskod and boon eoidlallv gi.iiiled the iitl leKi' bv the piesldt ut Final Official Function. The llmil ollblal tuiiitlou of ihe Vale bi-iontennlal bon.in at " o'lloiL ibis oM'iiliiff. Tho all. ill was m hodultd as a faiewill ioeoitlmi b Pnslilent and M.s, lladh, but the pii'mmko 01 the lilislileiu ot the I'liltnl Stall .s, Mho pssisiid i,.siiieui .mil Mis. Iliidlo-, n loeehliiff, Until 1111 Kiv.itei Inipri ss-,e. in i-v to the iHi'.isUm. AlthoiiKli llioie was no public .11) iioin icc-iiit-ii L that Pii'sldont P.oo-evelt would be piosonl, a liuiior of his enmliiK had sinuul aiiiiniM the iiowd and a bU mUiiiI of polli'diieu had sumo dillli nil). In lo btralnlUK Iheiu al Ihe entinine, The leieptloil Was held lu Illo Hie.it dtnliiK hall, or uiumimis, owmd b, the liuher.vliv 1 in pui, illon. Til" hlilldil)", h one of tin in w bl-ionteiinltil i-lim--tuio-' Piei-Idi'iil Hod, cMil and Di.aud Ml-, llaillev stood upon it i.ili-i-d pint fmm, midway to one side ni ihe hall. Coiuuiumloi 11 ml Jin-, Cowlis and I'll Mile SeootiiiJ Coi'liioil slood to Ihe I I ui of 1 In mrhiiiK paii. close ,a baud woio soi tut son Ue odh el.s, lls-ltni (J and pnlKi uion, and (hose In rhaiKo ot Hie ii'i'Oiuonlf, The puipose was lo admit only those weailiiK: b idKe:,. Tlits-e liuiiili.M fii seM'ial lliutis.iinl, and a Steal liuinln-r nl Ihe muuial uiilinllod Mil lilii 11 Imi Ilian.iRod lo call) ellliallie, Pailh ulnily iinlloiMhlii was the o--tieiuo 1 ail lion not only of the oltlcots but of those h(iIiA tim alia r In 1 haio till the adeitiale pion-i tlnu of Ihe pies. Idem. Tlio most iiiiliiiin ami otl;ln,il I'l 11 1 111 ' ol Ilio ililtol W.'is t0 1. nt Unit them was no h iiid-li iLlim, The simKu-tlmi to elliuliialo Ibis old Hum urtioni oilnlii. nod with I 1 1 1-1 1 1 .. 1 1 1 and Mi.s, Uadloy and was iundl tulnjitt tl by tim pieslddil nilor roiisiiiiatlon Willi Seiielai' Cintiijoil, l.lKht lelieiilimollti. weii t-eiM-d at the hide hall opposite the ollli lal p.irly. ll s estlmalid lll.lt fiiiiin polMimi wein ,11 tho loioptluii, Al Its lomhisloii the pi Milelll lOillllieil to li.e I'.u inun nsl iloiiie when' dlillii'l was hoimhI at 7 :,'0. I'olloilllh' iln- b.imnict 11 (liial' ii'ii'p I'oii lwsliinliiB .it aboui li o'lioi I;, wat. i;ivt-n pi the Pal nam n Hhloiiou lo a llmltid uuiubii ol lusitod inie.-t.s. At 11 o'lioeL Ihe iesde)i ui-i'iuei cit his uiiiiamt and iiKnln e.veoili-d b. tlio nnninted pollie was nlven lo the sta tion. The pu. shield's i.ir was aitaihed to the nlshi reder.il cnpipcS tbiongli ti.iiu for W'usliliiKton duo to anhe al the capital at 10 aj tomotiow iiiutnliit,' NO NEWS YET PROM SAMAR ft TudIiooii Intenims TeleuranlilG GoinnmniGatioii lor Three Dans. CHAFFEE NOT ALARMED Theie Aie 2,000 Tluoops on the Isl and of Snmar and He Does Not Anticipate Further Disastei Fili pinoAgitatoisEndeavor to Inflame the Population by Glowing Ac counts of the Occuiiences at Sa mai Aguinaldo's Successor. Ill I.M Ill-Ill. W III ttt 111 llll V-."ltltttl I'll-. .Manila, Ut '.'" -Nolhlliit has In on be.n d fioin Ihe Island ot Sani.ir lor three da.vs owinp; id a tvphoon h.iiii,t blown down the loleiaph lliu Thote' aie -.due tlonps lu the island ol Samili. (ii-nei.il Chafleo 1I01.S not Hllllilpate any liulliei dls.istois He loiisideiv that tin le Is no i.uisp for alaim. The K.lllisoll, lie s.ls h.ie been Ini I eased and eeiy piee.tutlmi has b-on lalsen to Jll p flit llUotller Sllipiise 111." Iho line at i'.llan.ljf'a whlih was unfoitun ate lo.' two ii'.indiii, tiisih, the lo-s of tin? men and seiondl Ihe elfeels w hlih it will hae on other pails of the aiiiilpel.iHo The ffeueral. boweet, believes this will bo only lempoi.iiy. ll Is Known thai .isltatots have been ende.noiiuf: to inilamo iiun louimiin iplue eoniniltUe ha- Issued a pioii.tma oiiiiueiiie In S 1111.11 The eeiilial I'll ipino ronimlttoc has sviu-d a pioiiam.i tlnli rrmlii mill"; Mah.ir as Hie sip. (Os-or of Ajfiiinalilo. CopU.s 01 ilio dot uiiietit have hern widely tin iiKilod. CARLISLE SESQUI-CENTENNIAL. Celebiation of 150th Anniveisaiy of the Settlement. Hi ) m lu-nt. W tit itniu I Iip lUuiiiii Pn .. Cm lisle. Pa,, Or I. :. The s-,.viui-1 etiloiiul.il 1 1 lebtatlon lo 1 oinnieinoi -ate Ihe one'billidiod ami lit tie 111 mini Mlsuiy ol the sitllimeiit of lhs town bi'it.iii Indus. I1b.1l MC.ither imidi (loiis InoiiKht a Kii.il oulpmuiiiK 01 sitois fioin ihe sniioumllm, uiituln and the town pruple tuinul out to w el mine them. 'Ih" piis-oiue ol fiooiiim Stone and I'nlti d Stales Souatoi I'eti nise addeil Kir,itl, to the IiiImos) ot Ihe 01 inslon. The esllibillou ol town nibs opened Ibis moinlm; ami fiio.il imwds Mm Ut il 10 Hie llamlltoii I, iln .ui bulldlnp;. .11 wllioh they weie shown. The ielebi,i H1111 opened al :'..:u ibis inmnliiK with band ioiii.it. At noon the novel nm and Soiuitor 1'eniose iiiiiMd, unil nt '.Pi )i. ill. Ih" iiU- parade suiitid. This was the fipeotai ul u lealme of the dav. Tboiis.iuils of nun niiinlnd lu line 10 th" iiiusk of tlflv lu.isv bauds. Main be.illlittll lloats wue iliiiwu. Illusii.ithe of the town's pto Kless. FOUNDERS DAY AT LArAYETTE Laige Ntltnliei of the Alumni Join iu the Celebiation. ll.i I.Mln.bi Will 11 ton I'hp As,i liiiul Pi, .. n.iMim, Oct. " !. roundels' tin j, was nbseiM-d at l.atayelte (ollesii todnv. a LilS'1 11 11 ui In 1 ol alumni Joining with the i.ieulty and siiiient iu ihe c elo biatlou. lifv. .loliu Ta.loi llamlltoii pnitersiu ot dun eh hlstoij in the Mm, i 1, 111 thlOloifil.il Si inln. 11, v 111 llethlihoin, lliude Ihe piml.'ll Itililio-is. The Itiisb-es 1 iiiili'iieil (he derive of 1). 1). on Pi of. Hamilton and T on Addison I.. .I0110.S. inliii Ipil of the hlKh Mhool al Wf'sehe,e, Pa. Plmis im the new V. M C. ,, building irie aipiooil and the loiitiaet aw.udrd, The K.Mlinasliiiu Is to be iiilamed and mips of u-ti uc tui s Ini'ieased, INUNDATION AT BROUSSA. Ill 1'silll.lti Wll" llmil Hi" ts.i il llnl ".. li in 1, Oil i Hip Viii-.- Wli-iui Pi. .him iipnil. 1 -uin n. iiiunil ilimi a limn, -i, 1,1.11 i" mi uf M.1I111111, Hit- i ilil n,.' uph Piill- inliii nines iu iln in. hi iluu, il.hli ihi.iih In mi ill, mil il unl ?7n linu-i . ili'.lii.inl Veteiaus Appiove of Pieslilent'h Act. ll.i l.ulii'lm W In" fn in lli" V..u, ninl P11.1, ( llll lijo, H,l - llli-Dlllltiillo lii,llli- Ih" (niii-p if Pii.ltliiit I.iioM-it'It In liiilnu llniitti r I'. W l.lillljU'll. Ill) III ',lii lilltLllnl, (Hill- will) lit 111 ,il llu' U bit. IIiiiip, vim .nloptpil il In J It'. n.(ll nt Ih" n il foil 1 1 i'lii.miillii nl nl Ihn Inliii 1 1I1 1 ill.' uiiiiiri. 'Hip 1 1 1 1 psn ul 01 V ,11 . ti 11 l ,i 1 lul iritiinl 1. Iiim1,i .unl In in ml Milh Hi' 11. I110 I'll a I s "I Vim ih in 1II11 n.hlp Shot the Woman and Then Himself, III Is .en-Wai ti -on llu --,,ti.ilt, I'u .- Silt Vii'i,. Oil -'I I mil s lilllln.. 1, ,t 1 1 ii lilltillll nl t'i (III, fuel III lllllill III Iiii il IM l.l ill vmii ttiuul 11' ul III 1 P 1 ill 11 1 -mid uptoivit 1, in 1 I uin. I In a n;iiuiit lliiiii li.i i.iirlit "illil Jll llllll' lll'lll. 0 'll I In 111" mil l -lull, ,11 luu iiiliu, Unl llii 11111 li.- .11.. ilii nm in n, I (luu lilin-' I, Coipoiatioub Chattel ed, III I 1I11, ,M Wim fiu'ii I lu V- tlppil l'n. lljlli-lnui;, II I i I 'inn . ttilt It.inil I 1 llu' .Uli- 'I' I'JIln tut loin li iho n.lli'i It,., in p .i.lii 11. s,,i,:, ,.,, iii'lhn inni,m, PIiIIj'iI plilj; uplljl s,,ihii pltt.liinw sin.i 'i i,,n i.mi. Pill. 1, 11;, 1 iplul l,iiun I'll 1 s'uii j l.l" tl 1 Mil il" i.llinitll, Plll.liillk. Uil'jl, 1.1,101 The U. P. Will Meet Chicago. U) Kiilmhr Wiip (inn 'II p Vtiotiainl I'fiM Pnilj Mphin. H, I .': Hi" I nliPi.ili nf P.nli ...ilunli io.il lull tm l"U Imp .11 ll'l loni.ut 0111 ihn Piliu-ih Jlila illli.'.l'l K'l ( litidB", lilnir Hut will ni'ii Hi" MilU',0 I'nbir.llj 1111 .w Lit 'I lie jurii Iniiuilei Imiilt (Into pljitu, MRS. ENGLISH BRINGS A DAMAGE SUIT. Wishes $0,000 fiom Judge Ralston, on Gi omuls of Tiespnss. ll.i l'tll.bc W ll" fmin Hip V.iothloil PiP, Philadelphia. Oil. '.',!. Mr. .lunophliic C i:iiKllh, of Now Yolk, who wns di vm r il fiom hi r himb.iml, Dlieiior of Pitblli' Sulci) Abialltilii I.. IIiikII?!). ol till-. , It , lii si I .lull, (Mlteied 1111 unusual suit todii.v III Ihe Pultod State" i'IumiII limit nifiilnsl iludge Hoboi I Hal-ton. ol t minium ideas mint No. .". wlileh iioin Ifiatitoil the (lei lee of divmee to Mis HiiKlbii. Mi. Kiiifllch sues lor J".non ilainaifos, on the m'oiind of liosp.igs, Smile woil.iinso Mi- IhiKll-h, tbiounh Inr oounsel, applied lo Iho piolliiitin tiu of the com t Im a eeillllid iop of tho nuistot' lepoil of Iho tetltuuiiv on which the invoice wns ii.intod. Coun sel did not stale the ie.i-ou lor wnnl Inif the tepuil. While a copy of III" lepnil was bolntj: pti'p.iiod .ItldRe HaN toti, It I" allcijeil, onlried the piothono lai.i'.s olllte, Iool, ihe lopoit away with lilin and Impounded II. Counsel made eveul lllteinpls to Bel a 1 opv . and last wool; tiinde a tot unit jpplliallon to inliii Xo. o lo MK.lle the il!fle Kialil 01I lu .liilj, on the ifiouud thai II was the aillon of one Jmlffo and not the full mint of ihn-e Jndifos. Thus the mal lei lesied unlll lodn Mis. HiikIIsIi, In Iiu sun, iiveis that II is ini bollol Hint .luilifc Halsioii was Insplnd lo Inipoillnl Iho p.iliois In Mi. Huifllsh who, -ho hollowil. leaied that Ihe i sllnionj was to be ifhen lo Ihe mw spa 101 s fm pollllinl pin poses. She denies that this Is her Intention, and s.ijs thnl she wants the lepotl fm hoi own pi'isoniil lisp. .Miu Unerllsb adds thai -lie would not .mepl Ihe $,(niO if II woio aw. 11 did her. but outoiod Ihe suit lor the puipose of obi lining liidl i . 1II011 iu ihe mutter. CONFERENCE THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS Meeting at Hanisbtng in Intel est of Peisonal Registiation Attorney Geneial to Be Consulted. III lulllr'w Vl" lllllll llu Vlu illl-ll I'll-' Phllailoltihla. Oil. -M -Drnioi intle State Chiihnian Cieasj; Chiiiiin.iii liintou Hoseis Woodlilff. of the Mllllli IpU LiaKlle i.imp.ilKll loiniuitleo: Slate Cliabniaii Itllln. of ihe I'nlon pait.v. and Atloinev SiuiiIki ,i'v T llan Nhm k. will ineet in this 1 Itj loinmiow for a lonleieiiie be.n hi, upon Iho piopiiseil ameiiilmrul to the I'oustilullim lu the llib test ot iii'siiiiii Htfl-liiuloii. A st lions- (ues'lloii has aiiseii as lo the leyul.nitv ol the 101 in in whbh the nsistiatlou nmetidnn ul Is pieseimd upmi the Im Hot. b Seint.ii) of the Connnonw e.iltb (iiiost, 1,11 .suhinl-Mou to the people at Iho Nmeinbei elettion. 'Ihe loniontlon ol -Mi. Woodiufl anil smite of the otbois s that tho aliitud tnenl s,,ui apiit.ti upon iho ballot lu iu 1 iithi Iv. Iiisl,. id ol Ibis Ihe iiiiirnil nUMit apn.iiis lu tbW 1 01 111 'Shall tin.' (imposed aim lidiuoiit lo l lli le , Si'i-liol - I and T, of the i 011 stiiulion, 1 '-(iiiii inif tho it ffNti iiiluii ol Mileis and pi ov Mil if thai n-iflstialiou Lims may b r 11.11 lid lo applv lo 1 itb onh be adopli il'.' ' Above tbi appi .11. ihe woids 'hi niioseii ainiiidimnl No I " The loiiiorillou Is made that unit us ihe Mitoi H ilioiouffhh 1 lllllll, 11 with tin iimposi ami itlott ot the loylslin Hon aimndmeui, the loim adopiod b Souetaiy Oilest ronves notblui, to his mind ami is 11101 e apt to totilti-i than onllfflitoii him. Another veemhi.h 11101 In the foi in .Uloptod tor submllli)l the ie;s,n(il aim iidment. nei ohIIiir to the vlew of til" KellllelllOll 11.(1111 d .1 IlllV t', Is the pill is.. ' leipihluK the lOKisliallim nl voliis" This would seeni lo Initiate, Iboj i onloiid, thai the piopo-ed aiuond ir.ont Is m.uiil.iloi lu ioiUliluif the poison. il leslsiiallon ol vobis. mkIi s not the las,., tln-y l.ilm. on Ihe 0011 tl.ll.V llli'V s,tv the elleil oi the anit-udnienl. If It Is .ulojiKil, will bo only lo upon the way for pi i -mini ii-i-u. illon laws, wllh h l mi N bo emu led at atl sip i oeilllil; si's-lnn ,,f P ef;is. Liiine aiti'i llu- ndopllon ol ihe ii;s tintlou aliioudlilt'nt, flor t onim ifiwV t mil en in r the uial ttl will be lefolleil lo Soiiolin lllb-it aid Alimuex (loin lal HlKlll, III llu 'II deavoi lo have them utal.o sip b t h.uiMi s lu the v oi ! ti iv; oi the aiui'mlliienl on lliu ballot as lo i iiiilni in to ill.. Ideas ol Dentin lalle Chiiiiin.iii i 'p.ih.. Chilli -man I tlti-i and Mr. VVooiliufi mi the s-ubjiii, li is the i nil iiiim liitlou of tlliM' ui'lllli moil thai tlt'-o ltilles. V HI be imieed lo h,v Soi'lel.u.v Cl lo-.! , when he Is iiiado lauullai' vvllh llu nb J, dlonx w lib b ' live I).. 11 lal-i.il HOPE FOR MISS STONE. It Is Believed That Weathei Will Dilva Bilgands tiom Mountain. lit M lu.lu W IU II Uli III Vs.' i lllld I cmisiaiulnoplo. "il. .'! Cold i.iliis nm l.illlllK l" Hie dlslll' t wliei,. the lul;, mils who nb. Iiii led Ml-s i:il"ii M. Slum'. Ihe Aiuei Iiiiii nilsHlouaiv an inmealed, ami a pioloiu;td hl.iy In tin llliiliul litis Is Iniievnl III ho almost lui posslbb . nv on lo) ihe bli.illi'.s, llniieo It Ir. (oiisieieil lll.oly thai llioi will llilsiim to eb. ic. the i.ipllve op .sunn lis iln uin su uio ihn ran-oiii ami tlli'll lliHpi I si o till ll lll'lllt si No wind has i mile inun ilio in 1 1-. .soii.ulis tod.i.v thoiiifh V. V . Pent llo.l-lliol of Illo lidrsion lleie In whom lilt) Would iolillllllllli.il". is nl 111 llnpii tlll, V Put Is not epiiiiim lu-Uh lllllll be s .isl.i'd tn fmwaiil 111' K"M, wli'di Ii I (-slluiatoil will woIkIi In. twei ii .;un and luu poundi-. Steamship Auivnls, Hi v Ill-tie Win Hon 1 1 1 v-'il ill. I Ph.. Vu llll-. Hit '-' tl .unl. Ii, iiiliu I. ni. i. Hit no u ili s mil mipli ii, s,, i, I',,,. ;,. milil.. .ii,., Pull lilt Ipln.i, -"Hill ilnpli i bin -'liftiiii, Vuliiiip. I'Uluiii . I biimiil. I, iiii p.,"! Annul: iii.mli, m "i . i L . 1,.iiI,,,ii,i -Vnbid; iu. tuilin i. Nm Ink pi Itnii. 'iilmi s,,illh.ilil'li 11 sj, ICil-inii Mili.i 'llnli-li illi'in Iinnn III, Nut Viii. u.l lliihoii.' Vl rinil! s Imi1, Nt.i n, IIjIiiIiiii. r liinl, I nliiiiililj Si iiil, tii Pit uion h unl I litllmlli. FOOT BALL. 1 Phllaililpli i I iiliu, n.i ef Viui-,tijiui, li; del li .Inn M i vlli.t. a l Piliniliii-I'iliiiiluii, ..0, Orjute AlliUtie Hull, e. THE OHIO SITUATION Two Political Parties Dllter as to IliP. Issues o! the GaillDillOII. REPUBLICANS AVOID THE STATE ISSUES Democtnts Adopt the Opposite Coin se Mayor Tom Johnson, of Cleveland, Builesques the Repub lican Oiatois Big Demonstration When Chaiges of Injustice Aie Made. lb I i ill-it" W II" (mill llu M.ti-1 ilnl Pir, Htte.vius, (., od. n: The pei ullar situation Is pii'sented In Ohio ol the two pai lies mil only dlfteient on issues, but sil-0 as lo what aie Ihe Issues, At the Hepublloan opt iiIiik at IJolawnie, List Satin day, none of the live s.peal ei s jeti'iii'd to sute sstie. At tho Demon alii iipoulnjf of the inmpalifii hole todav, sint.. issues wue paia miilltit In all of the sv spoci lii-M of Hie ailei noon and of the .same number at Ihe liii;h( niPoliiiM. Xraily all Ihe spc.iLeis diiiouniiil today what thev railed "Hi hit" 1 1 mil behind Ihe tomb of Mi Klnlev." Colonel Ivllboiiiiie, the Di-iihk intlu i.iiiiililate lor Kuveiuor, lomp.ued Ihe plat foi nis and 1IN1 in-so,! both Htntf and national issues-, as did ,ilo Chailes W. Ha l;ei. who l.s (oiisldoied the IJoino I'l.ilie eamlldale for senator. HaLpr opened, snjliig the Hepublb alls lavoied a tatial iu XU ai.iffiia. while they had allowed the Ohio lannls lo po to olpo lib lui'lioii i iimp.iiiles, without eiiin peiis.itlou. lie sl.ind thul 111.. Hoimblliau load 01 s woio s-ifl:IiiK to dlveit attention fiom Ohio all. ili s b dlMii'mhiR' foteisn questions, (iiab nun DaiiKhei ly, Hon n. il ritilev. Anthony Ilowells, Con Kiessiiu'ii Xoiton, Xlmmeiman and Me Caitbv weie all Iu tune with Ibis ;e.v nole. but lis most foniblo exponent w an M.ivor Tom .lohuson, ot Cleveland, who huile-fiutd Hepubllraii matoi.s in their alti'inpl to oaity the vvai Into the Phil ippines, I'm (o itiio and Cuba, and Keep attention awav fioin the conditions In Ohio. He also buiU-siiioil Souatoi lanna'i watibwoid ol "Let well enough alone," i laimine, that the ti lists ami othei s vv bo weie "escaping their piopoitlon of ta atlori, all had a battle eiy." Thou he detailed the eteut of the lueicjse of Si'ii.iloi lliimi.i'v l.ies ibis year In cievd.ind. anil said: "if (ho same pol liv weie pin stud rNewheie hi the slate Ihe pt ople would applet late the dcslie ol sum,, pi ople io 'let well enough alone ' " Bin Deuioiihtiation. The ffK.itesi deinonsiiatloii of Iho dav mi in i od when Johnson,. Tj.iLci, N'oi Ion and otbois made lluii ihaiycs of Injustiio and ui'itlnt In stale al-laii- Aiuiip, those on the Kllboiiiue oMiusloii ii.iin Iioin I'oluinbits was CoiiKif ssuiaii .loliu .1. Lent, who op posed ibe iriiiiln.it Inn of Kilbouine. I.eiilz was u i oiiipanleil bv .Mavor lluiil.le. of Columbus, ami lmiubeis ,,e his cabinet Some of ihe enthusiast, liuiifi'd that l.ont. had boon oppivdujf Kllboiiiue and nlti nipK d to put him oil the ti.iiu. Allhouifh the jells, "Put him ofl'" won- Lnot up lor some time, CiiiiRii ssiiuiu In-pi, lom.'iiuid lu Hue and pin lb Ipaioil lu the pi nipeillU,s ,-,f the .1.1 The p.uaile ol dubs did not lo.nh Iho sp. .iKms' sin ml unlll ".i p. in,, and then the Columbus illon dub was Hist lutloiluoi d, lollowid bv vpeei lies bv Hon. M A. n.iiiylioi ly, h.iii inun of the state loiumlHee; fienoial H. H. FIiiIpv, piesMlii,- ollliei; Colonel .lames KII boiiiuo, .M.i.uir Tom Johnson, Hon, An-, thoni I low i lis and linn. ( 'Initios Hiker. The spi'.iLhiK lasted until 3.10, when n lei ess was taKen befoie the nlsht nieet Idr Amoim the dlsiiiiKUlsliod Riiests mi ihe pi, iiiot in was conisievsniiin Lint, who dining Ihe p.uado iode In Die s,i in,, i ill I, l;;, wllh chaii man H.iiiifhuil.v Major Jnhusoii, of (ievi liiinl, ami Major IliuLle, of cnliiiuhus, : Tlio iiupli-asiiui Im lili in mi the Haiti I'l mil Columbus was appaioutlv wiped mil bv the In li'i douimisiiallon of liui inoiij . Al ihe uIkIii up ellii,', A M. lhiisin Koi, of I ni' i us- Hon. J. h, X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i -inun. of SplhulUid i 'nllHiesvniiiu .liinn s ,v. Noiion. of Tillui; William .loiinlngs Pije, ol Plnillii.v, chilli man of Die Uoinoi i.iiic i oiiliiil inmmllloe; Mii'haol ll. MiCailhj ot Toledo, tan illd.ite tor ittioine.v ,oiieial. ami Ne b j H, Cm Linn, oiiliiil of the Toleili Hie, uiade iiiblii -M's on stale Issue', IlSisIuf lll.lt Hie lllpl IKK lllllll Plei'llOI' was lor si. ilo ullli es ami nieiubois u Hie lo:;lsl'ilill o uml not lor iintlounl of lb ei s aiuPiiioiubes of ioukii s(, - . .. The Eiln Also Sails. lb I m In. no Wll" Mi'lii Iiii V-.i ' I anl i'l" i lul , ll I. 'I llu t nlil I, iiii, I, I lu" luu lo s:i h,, i. i, ,l,; nil l' ipi ti Ih li III -lllllill' k II .1 lul Im - nlllilllptoll li In Pension Gi anted, IP l. In. up no ti.uii Ih I.-,. ,iiii'ii. W'.eliil u mi (ll '. Iiihi. Ib... of s i in lull. In' Ihiii v i .. nt , .1 i . miuii t,f tit, YESTERPAY'S WEATHER. I., ul dn i I ii ll l P'UI IILI i.l l"ii' I. '"" LtlMi I l illp'-l ituli , ' ii( ti , i ilc.irt-, ,'i I il it, i iiu'iiiIi s i iii ,,.,, Ti) pir i ml v p m .. "ii it cm . Pn. i :iin ittiiiii luu liuiu- inii'tl $ p in, iinin WEATHER FORECAST, - Wjlilii!,ti)ii, Ot, '.'!. 1'orpc-a fir I'iit. 4- (in I'. iin.i lianlj : I'jir Hml c-ooln I'luin- 4f iln I'll'lii, fair, ftotli tn I'll.W nottU. -f 4- ui'.iuli uiiiu.. Iliuifih), s. tHtitt tttft.ttt.tt.t t rfl, tt " (.1 . -5 4-J I teVlfjS-.-HC'l...6l', ,