The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 23, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    ',. ip i?,5. $rv j(, ? aj . .sw,w ..!& $ , ;&?tyv sfs .'' '''' ws.v-- ?- rf
J -
P- i
He Imposed Tines ol f?t0 nnd Costs
on r. H. Duikln, Louis Bucio. T. J.
Lnugnn, M. J. Judge nnd McNa
muni ft Tufl'y Evidpuce Given by
the Agents of the Municipal
League Agent Wilson Snys the
Leiiguo Is In the Business, to Sttiy.
Snys Saloon Men Aie Foolish.
MnKlstiMl- W. S. Millar yclfi.iiiy
iipusfil llurs ol S.mj riicli nuil hih on
(IP rolloWlllW PIllimllkuflH'M illlotoil
til Sl'lllPR lnHll'lllllH on SiiihIh.v I.
1. Uiirklii. J.oiiN I loot ). T .T. I..iimini,
..I. J. .litilu" mul Mi'Niiinnm uinl Tuny
the last two inuneil lii'lnn llneil Jointly
II -i ti 111 111.
IIe:ii'liiK.H In tlio e.i-m iiKlii"t l-"i-hill,
Jiulfrf ''Hi11 lUicio vwiv loiiilui'ti'il
yostoielity iiioinliiK. Mi. Htnhlii un
ropiosolitoel li Attorney lhn .1. Mui
lihy. Kieil Kruiu mul hi- liiiilli"!-,
Vrituk, testified to IihvIiik ln-eii in Uiu
Uln's mloon on Sumhiy. et. ''. mul lo
luiviiiK iiiucliascil Ivor tin n". No di-fon-c
whs oll'ii'otl.
Fleet mul KianU Koeiio 1 1" tilled thai
llii'j went Into J mine's million on Penn
nvoniio on Suiuhiy, Oct. Ill, hy koIhk
thioilRll a liolp In a I'oneo on On tie
street mid onteiiiitr fhn Kiel; way. Tliey
jiUH'liii-eil lifer and suivv oiIhm- dilnU
iliK In the place. AtHn-ney M.Utli'W
t'.ivvlr.v. who lopiosenteil Mr. .lueltfc.
m-Ktlcd Mi. .linlKf wim not aliout
nnd It had not been movon Hint
he had any I;mm ledge of the !olal!o!i
of the law.
Tied Keeno and William I'l.tilio no
tified that I hey had pm'oli,iod Intoxi
cants in llooio'n saloon on tlie altei
linon of Uft. 1. lltieio offered no de
fense.'. Tho nnisi-tr.ito 1 escrve el ill- de-o'-Ion
in o.ieli Kw until estoidiiy al
toiuuon at " o'eloek.vv lion lie announced
that lie would Ilnu eneh $"a.
Additional vvuriiinlb vol.- ,-ervod .e--lenl.iy
on .ioliu .1. Klaliei'l.v. proprietor
of .l.ielc Skelly's old Hon Ton -aloon
on I'enn .ieiiut'. and Jllohael Lynolt,
piopiietof ol' the lmti-e on
Cnllio.ui avenue. They will he jjivoii
lip.'iriliKS on Thm-d.iy inoinlni, toKPth
er villi .lames .1. l'lidtlen, of Ninth
AVasliliiRlon avenii".
Asellt lioheit AVil-on. of HlP lltlllic! lc.iiuio, Mild ye-leulay mote
win rants will probably soon be i noil.
"I .mi u'iv glad," said he, "that we
h,ie succeeded in cdllieliiliK some
chaiKO on this man Uynott, ptopiiotor
of tlie n.iilioad hou-e. I think It is no
i N.ijwrallon to s.iy that his place is
one of the v oi M liell-hules in this
county. Itlaelw. and whiles, of bolb
sexes, tlie most depiavod jierson- to be
found stnvvlioio in ill" ily, gather
ilieie nlnlitly and make tho night
"It is ically astonishing' liow easy
tiiese saloon men allow thorn-elves lo
be caught. ir the league isn't mon
iloncd in Hi" papeis for a couple of
weeks and it wo make no ane-ts for
n time, they immediately decide that
.o have gone out ol oistenee. and
tail in to violate Ihe law once moie.
Tlie league is hole to stay and the
-ounce the saloon men icalb.e this fact,
lie boltii it will be for them."
Xhc Only and Inimitable Detective
Charged with Embezzlement by
Scranton Lodge, I. O. of B. A.
The the only, tlie eei Iocs. "Ike"
Hi ldni.m, king of euine deiectois and
only loi.d ol Shu lock llolmcs, fallen liom his hluli estate, and
pent an lioui in the county jail last
night lRtoio ho could senile a bonds
man. Ike was ail" steel oil two charge-, ol
mbi .lenient and lal-e pieteu-e, pie
iViied by S. Colien, pic.-ideiit of Siran
ton lodge. Xo. "'!.', llidepi'ildcl'l Older ol
15'iltli Abraham. The waiiuuts wcic
Issind by Aldoiman 51, .1. Itudd.v.
1'iesldoiit T'olion alleges that Seldmau
was given one hundred lltly-eent tic k
ett. lor a hall conducted by tlie soc icM.v
on October II, and that on the night
before Hie ball, when the letuins wei e
made, he had reltlier money nor tick
ets to tuin over. 1 admitted having
sold the tickets, nt the thue, l is said,
nnd oli'en d a cheek lor ?;;', drawn on
the Iiimo bank, in part pa.vment, asioe
ing to pay Hie other 15 Hie vet di,
Tlie society took hit. wend, he being the
tlrsr le-e-piMdcnt, and evrything
wont well until the next day.
When the tieasinor of the socht.v
tnescntel "ho chock at the bank lor
payinenl, lu- wn-. told thai Ike had no
deposit tlteie um Unit he had iiovcr
dnno any liiislness with the bark. The
ollieers' ot the organb:ation made evciy
offoit iiossible all ln?t week to git hliii
to settle up, but they wen- ot no avail.
At a nutting held mi Sunday it
unanimously dulded to i pcl n.v Horn
the lodge, unci the piesldeiit was (i
voctcd to bring piociedlnijt,
against lilni,
The warrai l wu Ihsui cl on .Monday,
but Deputy Const, ililc Hawks, of AN
ilerinaii UuddVs couit, tailed to dN
lover tlio famous detective's wlieie
aljouls until Itu't ntglil, whin he in-le-tcd
li tin In .Maglstiaie 5Iillur.s ollii e,
IUc w iilved n hearing and was held In
fiirtO hall on eu--h ehargc bv ihe alder
man, lie sent for a lioinlslilan, hut
4-M-f-f .- -
We Offer Subject to
Previous Sale
$2,000 Capital Stock of the
Traders National Bank.
$,ooo 8 percent. Prefened
Stoclv of the Clark cS: Snover
Tobacco Company.
$5,700 Preferred Stock of
the New Mexico Itailwav ttnd
Coal Comp.uiy.
$6,700 Common Stock of
tho New Mexico Railway and
Coal Company.
Description and Price on
Ul llicpjchu), V
WillvCi'lUlie. LiilioinJaU1 -f
I JC Cumiiionwcillli 1!I0', Siuiiluii, l'a. -fr
when the tut let- arrived he refilled lo
bcioiuo Heunlty, Ike Ufcd the telo
lilumc. hut to no avail, lie couldn't get
11 lioiidmiiiin. and the iililcinuin refUKed
to allow I1I111 to loiiuiln iiioiiuil the
otllce walling lor hall.
"you've got to go lli to the Jail,
there's no wa mil of It," nitld Ihe 11N
derinun, tu the intense ntlfiiel!uii of
the rortytlnee members of rieraiilou
lodge, Xu. '.'.'-', who woio gntheied 111
the tilth n,
t'oii-tnlili' HawliS look the (inly mid
Inimitable In low mul Punched him
dotiHtulr tliioUKh 11 double line of
lodge moinboip. After siieildlllg about
1111 limit- at the county jail, tome one
eaiiie lo tin ic-ciiu and went iko
The es'plminlloii of the allnlr offered
by Seldmmi l that he went seettilty
lor the pavimnt of the cmliestui and
for p.nt of the beer sold at the ball,
and thnl tin mii iety refused to pay tlie
bill, lie kept Mi. ticket iiioiicj In con-s-oiiuenie,
he f jiv s.
Gty Notes. J
VII I IIM. 01 II Wl-I I II- V 1 4 ilu incrims
01 Ihe t. ini-l'i-' Vlli loll will 1 li til In K.itilA
lull cm -nml 1 nln'lii
I Villi.-- VIP -0( II IV kulic-.' nl ru nt
llii' VII ,-nllK I IllCCtsllol lllllllll. I1111K V. ill
AIm W. IMi-llnout, II lit" I'llie ll.i I. Uullicc
ill .llll lll'ilill.
llM!li:lll lis Ull.l, I.MI'.ltl VIN. - llic -(rue
Inn liiiliiicliti cmII inlcrtiln 1 1 1 r- luilrinli'is fin'ii
I'ltmnn, vHllavlluir .mil Lailinuil.ik Willi .1
I 111 i' 111 Vlmli nl iv nlgln.
MVW VI'PI.K Vl---M miiliiiiiN lei
I lei .. .uul niim tniM luce .1I11 iilc lri-.
anil liii lh"iicil .ii ii e r unlii ilinn tn lie ion
dm li'il .n '.'ti Ihe irgi-ti itions 1 lo-e loclij.
iivMiii'i'i( vi:iniii---f icdiioM ni ini.-
- hi Vli vmili 1, nt I'oul Cite. ,m ( n d.1,1 pli
lIUIIIll til IllM' lilni eh it Mill 1 !'lll1,IUM V M'l-
tminv pclillnii In li loknijiti v via- filcl li 1 liulc?
liihinl, cf Willi.iin-pm!
spillVI. Ml I.IIMI 'llicic vill l.i' .1 .ld
inn mm c.f lim-uri -N". -. I.icllu' uiviliii.c, V,
II II. .11 ( itiiiilii II'" Inll, 11 J l.tchjuamu up.
1 110, Uuhir-ilnv cciiiini:. Oil. J!, .it s o'duik
luip V lull .itlcndiiies I- ldiui'-tnl.
PIIVMOM -III I VI. V iiliinloin 'Oi nl will r
In lil M (iii'iiii' li.ill Vluiuln I'MiiInc, III. !S,
umli'i llio iii'pup of two iiiumj liillc-c wlm lit'
iiHinlnr- n I'mfi..i,i Iljck". 1'lin I'll), suutlay
n llticil ill". PlturiK fill bent 111 of I drill fuml.
DIMiltVVI (ipl.Ns -VII ItllVV llic- 1I1 11 1111
nl UMIM'll OlN fill llii' Well -I Illicit llttlllP .mil
1 tllciLiiuiiiolit cnui." will him 11 licvt -Itllltliy
umiiimiic at 0 n'clori. in llic IIIkIi -tluml an. 1 1 -liiinmi.
Ihn ccuii-e wilt rcni..c "f inn" immliei-.
i vviciu's i.n u in: I'D-rpiiM n -v .i.
Ilnth, nun mi of tin- l.wimn tlii'.ili i. e in n
tiipt of i It tin' fu in I. I'. Ilmil.wn,'. M.ilin
Uul n will be'lil" f. l CtiM'imtr liiiloi tn
Kiv In- Inline on 1'ihi.h U"l, .i- iiiiiiiinciil,
A tuitiin ilno will 1m .niiioiiiRi t in tln-i cut
num. I itn.
MIIIIOll V PIIV-ICIVN Vnloiii llic
inl.iiit Intel ol Philip Vnloiii, of -coml sin o t .
cliul i(.(iiili nml int.K ot wlionjiiutr t oiifjli ( oi
luic r llolitrts, who w i- -imiiiiniii'il. tmiii'l llni the
litliu ot llic lIiiM i -ick iml lliu llio Uiinli
w.i. am ili-tilutc to t iia.v.' i tlij'lriin. li
think? tin- tjimlv tlo-tntiij cm tlnilli.
i oitMi.isi.Y pi.vm:i iiriii.. n.o r..iimMn
(id (ill ili-iilili h.ii rtfciuici' lo i lull plijcr
who w i-. lioipii nlh -i'tn In tin- tti: "llio limlv
tf J inir-, tho t lo.i'ilo lull phjn, who,
lojcllitr Willi lwo cnnipininn. writ' ilioiMittl m
the Vlli'uhenc iiur, unr rtivlniitf. list W'ulno-.-clij
nU'lil. w.t fomi'I toil n llii' hoilio. Ill lin
c onti.!tutiiis '0ic foiunl -imtlii .iltoinoon. llio
llll 11 Vllt tlllO'llOll ll till' t lslll," of i Imit
while -pc Hint: fi-h."
It Occuired nt the Piinteis' Home,
Coloiado Spiings.
Martin D. llaherty, a well known
labor leader of this city, died je.ster
day al the I'rintci'h' home al Colorado
Spilns-, t'ol. A telesrani lcieived
;.chli,rd.iy by hi"? paieiits fiom Charles
Deacon, mijici Intenclenl of the home,
announced the fact of his death.
Mr. J''laheity was pi evident of the J.abor union loi yeat.y,
and was twice mi.-uecesslnlly the Dem
ocratic candidate for lee;i.slatuie in tlie
Si ond di-tiiet. He was a pioniinoiit
momher of tho Sci.inton TypiiRiaplilcal
union, and wlicn his health biolie down
.nine lime iiiiu he decided lo ko to the
Nation il l'l Inlei.s' honie at Coloiado
Spi inpr. . lie I, .it this city for that
place loin week--, asu laht Sattuday.
.Mi, Flahcriv p, sntvived by Ills patent-.
Sir, and Mi-. Slat tin Klahcity,
of Chi-tiy fitioet and the follow in;
Inotheis and ,-ihter-: .lolm, Anna,
Thinna.-, Hdwnrd. 'I'e e and .Stanley,
The leinalns will be hiouslu to llilh
ciiy lor Intel ment.
It Will Be Played at the Faik
Tomonow Afternoon.
Tenioiiow afleinoon the Keliitk
lit ucllt ha-e ball it. line will be iila.vecl
m Athleti. paik. It will he a Kieat
opportunity to mi one of Hie juate-t
clouds of inoftsionnl bus-e ball plo
ds eve i liioucht loK.-ther In thi- iity.
The tranit will be between the c 1 -phiint
Jliewiis and the toll. mine, jho-fes-lonalt..
.lolm n'Ni III, I'llui, call bet ;
Michael U'Ni ill, Si laiuli-, pllchei ,
llUKll .h'liuliii;-. I'hllailelphla, f-hoil-,-toii;
Iltick Pre email. I'ohiim Anieil-C.HII-.
Ill.-l ban', I'lauk (I'iCK.vt Wind,
Albany, M'conil ba-e: William I'limtli.
Iln, WashliiHtiiu, thhd Imw: .lolm
Mm in-, Dnytoll. hit lleld Abe l.exolle,
llulf.ilo, c'eiiter Held; J. mn- Dean.
Tomato, Unlit lltid.
Ariaiiir'llielit have been made foi
llll!--e'S lo llll.e people III llllll 1 I lllll U
N. Y.. 0, and W. Auiiunl rail
Til' lllllllull lull I'M Ul. -loll ol tlpl
New Yoik, oiiiiuio and We.-iern mil.
way to New Vial; city lake place on
.Monday, !) t. '.'s. TheNi ieiuim
tlcketH will ho Kciod ic'lniiiliif," nay
tlmo up lo ami liniiidlnK .N'ov . i'. Tiuin
loaves Sciaiilou at m.iln a. ni,, ami t ho
tale lo New York and totiirn Is only
This Is a liiasnillieiil sc.ihiii to wit
Hie lit hi city .if AniPilin, and wo ,id-vlt-ii
all wlm i-iii to take adv.iniiiKo of
this low-iato ec 111 ship,
Kull paiileulai's on appllcallou lo
in su oct O. and W. ticket .ikhiu, or hv
addr.'s.-lliK .1. '. Audeoiin. yeiieial
paM-eiuter HKellt, .".ii Heaver .stieet,
Now yolk city.
Faie to Huft'alo and Hetmn Only .1,
via the Lackawanna Knihond,
ua October lllli. lith, 251 li and iioth
jou i .111 purchase lotiiid.tilp lickcty to
Huffalo, via llio Deluware, l.aelta'vamia
and Wffctein lallioad, at the e.ticmely
low nitesotjH. While the.-e tic kola aio
limited lo coach pass-ago only, thc
may bo m-td on un tiain, good jfoliif;
on the above dates and for iclinii on
any tiain tho followiny: day. This Is
an exceptionally uood oppoitiiuHy (or
thosci debiiotib of spetulluh' a Mioit time
at tho sxposltloa at a small expense.
Smoko the popular Punch 10c. tisar,
He Is Asked to Answer Certain Wilt
ten Questions Picsented to Him
Regal ding the Rlht of Councils to
Compel tho Scranton Railway Com
pany to Run Its Cars at Regular
Inteivals His Answer Will Be
Ready for the Committee by To
moriow Night.
Common (.'ouiiiilintm D. J, Clalvln, .1.
F. SIcdreevy and J, .1. Kvunw, lepre
sentlnt; the lallvvay coiutnlttce of the
coinuioli council, waited on City Ho
ld ilor Watson yeiterday afternoon,
and presented for his eonlderatlon a
.eliit of iitestloiis beilliliK upon the
lljtllt of eotincIlM to eveict.-p a Sllpei
vbinn over the Scranton Hallway inm
pttny. City SolnMtor AVak-oii looketl the
ciio-llons over ttnd alter Informally
ill-0lt.sllis them with the eonunlllee
pioml-ed to submit wiilten an-uor' to
llu'iii before tomoirow nlftht's mectlnjr.
Tlie ciuexltoim submitted are. as follows:
I the- N union tlillw.iy inmpai.v, limit r .no
pincl-iou ol IU iliailrr or fiinilno. iilillsfil I"
iiiii inn irRiilirly oiii' In linos, ot, n. oilier
wetreb, lino .oiinciU I'n' tiowoi lo cotiipcl tin'
limnlns of mii nl uttiilir'
If coiincili Imo iln.. puun lei rimipol llio lojn
l.n iinniliitj of i.ih nntl woiil.l jum It ,-i,l ilioii
i mot lug t In- Mtno, hltoulil tin- Sirintoii IIiiIm.iv
coiiipini fill to cumplv Willi llio lutnlinni nts of
loiiiieiN, tonltl its ill. nlei lie niinulliel, c, whu
l('i;.ll -topi e nlllil lit t ikcll In fnlto ll eoinpli.ltit o
W ll .111 till' piOpOt llopS 111 t ll.l 111 I III' i to
rcimpli vvilli tin' loqiiovi of tlio fhiklii'.' -'loot
in tinplo.Ms.' (llio itoiie-l lofilietl lo i-c tlie
one .iilln cci mi lb .inel llio tocoiilt i lo t.iKc cltp
lo pinelii'o Hi" C'liiipinitn of tin l.iilw." cone
pllll .lll'l lllll it .1- .1 lllllllll l nl ctitoiptl-ol
t in toiiiiiili piniiilc fui .in rMiiiiiiilion I" lo
p.iisoil Pc ill slice I en cinploic-c in. I cm llio.i
liv .1 -Lintliiel c.f im illlii ilinn 1.,i whielt t lit?
.-ti mlcm Itiiluny cmnpini e milel li" koiiihoiI
in llio otnploiincnt of pit-on-c lo inn il- rn
ll 1- pretty ceitaln that the t Hv
f-olleltoi' will answer the litsl two cpics
tlons by InlormiiiK the committee that
theie is notiiiiiK- in any of (he Itan-ohi.-cs
upon which the Scranton Hall
way company is updating' which re
ciulies the company t inn im- at' intetval-, ;ind that even If theie
was Hie charier of the company e otild
not be annulled if Hie company tailed
to do t'o.
Tile committee will meet lomonovv
hIrIh at ".SO o'cloik to ioioKo Mr.
Watson's niiswcis to these cincstioin
and to consider the oiellnanee leeentlv
iiitioduced Kianllns a franc hit-e to Hie
Central Jlapid Tian-it Stieet Hallway
i ompanv, Jlon. W. J. Lewis .mil John
II. Htook.-. the promoters of the new
company, will be invited to attend.
The death of Mis. Iloluate, which oc
curred estciday mciininir, via- a Kicat
shock to tlie e onimtmltv vvheie slie is
know n so well and so di ally loved. Few
women have the jiood Jot tunc to make
such tin imprci-i-ion in their home city
as has this kooc! woman limine? her
ciuiet, siaiiotts life. Few have such
strength of diameter and such intel
lectual silts and to .say that her elc
paittue is a loss i-, cMue-sinK- hut
mildly the entlniunt which pievalls.
The untimely end of a be.iutilul and
u-eful Hie can leave no other lectin;;
but legiet in a multitude ol heart-,
one could have hoped for her ni.inv
long and happy yeais titullmnicd by
the soi lows which have tuiiihed her
a l many points din lug Ihe past jeais In
which her talents and ability ninth!
have brotiKhl hi'i" much sun-hine and
appieciatton in ihe da.v.s which - milil
have continued to lie Jived lot otheis.
but ihiotiKh the gate of pail) and Rieat
itlllletion she has passed out Into iieue,
and those who lemain have onl to
bend lo tlie inevitable with teai-. She
was ch.ii miner In pei-ouallty, taste and
chmaeter, and theie mc many to gilevo
for their lo-s. .Mi.-. 1Io1k.Uo was ill
foi senile weeks, bat her eleath was not
anticipated by lipr ti lends until a very
lew days aKC She is survived by her
husband, Slatlhew II. I lot Kate; one.
son, Paul KIiiKSley HoIkuic; si mother,
Jlis. Kdwaiels; a sister, Sirs. W. 31.
l'ioice. and biolhets, Krcdeilck and
Chailes. She wa one of tlie most en-tliu-lasilc
supporters of the Hahne
mann hospital, of which Institution -ho
was the llrst secretaiy. a position
which she has lllleel with lmcjiIIuu
Mis, Ilolsate's mother, who makes
hit llfime with Ml.-. V. II. lie-lie, wun
-o oveironi" bv the nous of her ela'u,ii
ier .- death .die hciauie sei lou-Iy
ill and last idsht It was fcated she
would not lecover. Mr-. Ilolgal"
was It years ot age and was ;i mem
ber of tlie Second liesbytei ilu i Inn eh.
The iiineral will ho held Thin -day at
in a. in, al the icsideiiee and the -civile.-
will lie conducted b He. 1, .1.
l.anslUK, H. I)., and He-v, Ti. V. V,
l'!"ice, I). I). Intel ment will bo In
Koie-t lli-l ct-meiery ami will be pil-
i:.i:. C. HHHW.N'IXei. one of lite
bt -I know ii Masons and tSiaud Ann)
men In the city, passed away lasii-veu-iiiK
at il o'clock at his home on Adams
avenue 11" was sti icke-n wilh p.nalv
sls last Kildit) and never icgalm-el uiu-silousius-,
Tlie decea-cd was i,0 yeais
old, havhiK bccui hoi u In lHutoii In bsll,
At the age of twenty he cull-led In
Company A. Flfty-.-enouih lcKliuent,
Flr-t hilsr.ide, Tiist division, Tlunl
cot ps, Anuy ol tho I'otouiai, ami
set veil tliiiuiKlmiit the 'culusula eam
palKii. lie louglu In foitrticii engage
ments mul was si-iiously womidcil at
Chuiieelloisville, He was muslcieel out
of thi suviie cut Slay "7, tMi.', ami two
elays later was maiiied to Sllss Slai)
I.. Norils, nf Washington, U c. The
ileccased livid al Factoi) vllle fen- a
number ul" yp.ue.uiid In IbT'.i was c lee ted
vvotshlplul nitister of ilm loilae- of
Masons In that plan-, lie was c lin-i p
as llohle giaml of lied .l.nkci lodge of
Odd IVIIows a shoit tlmo al'leinaid-,
.Mr. Ilntwiilm? was u.aiut a Kinglu
Teuiiilai In 1W0 and vuia adnilttccl Into
.Mellta uimiuandiry, No. s. jio was
t-pci -.I tinliicnt lomiuamli r of this
ioinmaiiii.ry In isiiii. Ho was a charter
member of the .Masonic 'uteia"s' ao.-o-
A Boy or Girl
W 1.0 15 lllllll.lllliU.
Mill .IIUIIlllll9l IIIOIU
Oil tllO pl.lll-1 111
In mi; in clu-. .a
t In- iom:ii
'ItillV, thin to
lll'plil foi I..1 ulil
nictlici.l,. ij ,l
wo Mill c '111 in. I
1011 I Jlul'lll
J VHrcel I'ttuilns-
l"II. U'llltCll,
Gtiaul Your Health In Fall nnd
Early Winter.
A change fiom wmiii to told Is nl-wti.v-
atli'iiilcd with moie tlaiiner than
liom a cold to a wmm teiiiticiature.
h"iiie the at cater luoiiallty fiom lung
mul tin out dliife nt this season of
the )ear us coinpaieil with spiing.
Tlie best piotictloii ngalnst i olils Is
not so much In etm clothing as In
good digestion.
If the digestion mid t liclllallon mo
good, colds wilt be unknown,
Hour digestion causes po"t" ch dila
tion of the blood and when la this con
dition pevcte mills me contracted oil
the slightest piov'ocatioh,
People who make a loRtilar nrattlcc
of taking Sluaii's Dyspepsia Tablets
after menl'i me fiee lrom colds, simply
bei-allue their dlgostlon Ik perfect, Hie
hunt sluing and legular, and Hie
whole system fmilllcd niniliiPl ilHense.
It requires little tirgiuuent lo con
llice an) one that tlio best safegllaid
against ceilds', piK-uiiioiiia and changes
of leiiipi-iature Is a good stomach.
Stuart's. Dyspepsia Tablets taken
after meals me dissolved and mingling
with the looil cause It lo be pi inaptly
ellgeslccl and assimilated; thy do this
bee-an-e they contain nothing but
Inn inless digestive elements, which dt
grst meat, iggs and oilier food even
when the stomach Itrelf is weak and
Stuart's nvspep-ia Tablets make peo
ple well and keep them well, mid Hie
be-l habit oii can acquire Is to keep
dally u-e of them nt meals to make the
digestive Digitus strong anil vlgorou-.
elation and was also a member of
!i lllln po-t, Xo, l.".y. Hi and Anny of
Ihe Hepublie, and of Scranton coticiave.
Impioved Older of Jleplasoph". lie was
a devout Clui-tliin till his life nml had
been lor joins a member of the ,-til-vKoiy
e omit II ol the Venn Avenue Ilnii-H-t
church. Sir. drowning was a model
illli'en, a loving 1 1 lend and an earnest
(in Nt Inn anil earned the it-speet and
ailmiiaHoii of hundreds of fi lends. Ills
wife and one da lighter, C.mle A., sur
vive him. The fimei al will be held on
Krldav alteilioon. but the complete at
langeme'iits have not yet been made.
SIICIIAi;i. JOItDA.V. one of Ihe best
Known i Illens of Ibis section, jiri ed
quietly away al his heme on AVe.-t
Slinket stieet jesipul.iv inorning at
I..10 o'i lot k Pel eased was born in
County SInvo, lieland, in IS".', and
came to this eoiiiitiy when he was 111
years old and settled In Catboadale. In
1SS:i he came to I'lovidenec, where he
hail lived ever -Inc-e. Decea-ed I- -ur-vived
bv his wife anil the lollowlng
chilelien. Thomas F., ot Cmhonilale:
Sister llllelegaide, teacher nl Xay.arcth
academv. of UochoMor, X. Y.; V.ittick
.1., John 'W. and James A., of the Hi m
.Ionian I Si t .. conteetlonei.s; liof. M,
II. .lot dan. v ice-pi ineipal at the Scian
ton High school; Hi ielgot H Mmy .M.
and Kathei hie I). The funeial will be
held Thmseiay moinlng, with a solemn
high mash ol leeinlem al Holy Ho-ary
chinch. Intel ment in the 11) tie I'aik
Calbi-dial eetnelei.v.
snts. nnincHT spfaduhx. wife-
of Thomas SlcPadden. of (Jieen's place,
died suddenly at her home Slonday
sight. Sit-. Sic l-'adden had been -ul-leilng
liom l hetniiali.-m for some time,
but at no time was her dealb antici
pated. Sits. SloFadden is survived by
her mother. Mis. V.ttiick Ciaik: two
Inotheis, two sistei.i and her husband
and seven childien.
SUSS HIXA Jll'MIElil.V died at tho
home of her patents. Sir. and SIi.-.
Kiancis Sltilheiin, of I.alayette stieet,
i'-leiday moinlng. Deceased had been
ill but a slant lime and her demise will
be a shock lo liii' nianv 1 1 ion--.
l-'uneial annntiuiueaicnt later.
Action Taken with Reference to
Vaiious Cases.
Aiguniiiit coin t adjoin nod call) )es
teiday alteilioon, all of Ihe cases open
lor the dav having been heaid. The
action taken with lefeicme to cases
was as follows
Viiinl I -o. of V Ii I), m i.-niiit . W.
Ilnnni, cxiijiii.ii,- to liii.tti'.i;
( nlliii- 11,1111-t lliinin -lono; iiiili, ..i-i' .-I a. , I.
'Ilioinii II. -ii ilk- .ii; unit Willi mi; ot .ll.;
nilo foi- now- iiid. P. I". , Kclu.iuN .iiii-t
-. J'. l.on.'.iti't; t ulo In .llluw .niR'iiloil iln l,i i i
li. S. Siiinlt-n K'llillilu euinpiin- .ijiln-t .lolm
ll.iwlti .nii.l otlioi., inlo to -ilMi jiiiUiiiini V,
... I,... Ill .u.iln-l .lolm I', 'Ihoini-; inlo to -inko
oil jii.lnionl -. Colien .li.iltiit .VI p. !i,.iicl;
mii im m mil of to-t-
I'loeieilliiu- Itoui-iil lolm I. -Miami jgiai-t
T li. .Nt-itoii ini I olliei-.
nil l.i-t- .lolm llollonlioil, .iiiii-t .Viiimili
Vl.ntiii, it-itiol.iii. P. II. Ilcplojlo; inlo to q'
lo-i , n it. II. 11. Hi pintle .igini-t .rllinr
I'li.ililiitllniii; tiilo i" "l" i-li le-. , h li. p. it,
llipltuli .u'niiit V. I'lutliliijliini; inlo to 1)111.11
ft-t . li fi.
Ilnlo Aluoliilo nlioiil I'u U In. Ilium i- Uivli
.Uiin-l A, P. Iln--. II, inlo In slill.o iiiiu.. ii. mi
in i nl.
Ilnlo Vlnoluto- M.nthi I'lilieiti ,i. iln I Anno
I'! ill. il,. ; inlo Im .i liiw tml; lllot- .V (alto in
,ll!.lllll VI 1, llll-.llnli mlo foi miiiiIij tm
iml- V N.-vIn- -V. ioiiijiiiii .is.nna V, ji, p,,.,.
i Ini .V ( iinpiiii, nil. im M. nut. Pi' co-n.
ILinin l lli.iilii i-c i.i u-i -nun. I .In-tpln, iiiiu
lol Ml llllll ell l.-l-
Thi cnc , pilon- ami i ulc lor Judgment
In Hi' case of I', e, It.uiik ayalnst
Wlllliein S, D.iiuu wa- dl-clianjcd, b,v
asjiec mc it
Biggest Addition Ever Made nl One
Time to tlio Lackawanna Colonics
nt the State Pennl Institutions.
Sheriff Schndt and a Score of Depu
ties Will Have Them In ChniBC.
WlnniiH Hull, in Custody of Sheriff
of Wayne County. Accompanies
Them Their Ctlmes and Tetms.
Sheilff Schadt, aceoinpanlcil by Sher
iff Arinbiuslor, of Wayne, and a store
of deputies, stint this morning In a
special car for Philadelphia and J I tint
Inilgton wltli the biggest batch of prls
oneiH ever tiiketi at one time liom
these units,
There me eleven dcxlincd for the
penitentiary and eight lor llio lofoiiu
atorv. Among tlie foi mer is Wiiians Hull,
the slayer of Kdwn Schootiover, who
was cimvicled In Wayne cotituy, last
week, of second degree murder, and
whom Judge J'uidy, on Slonday, gave
Hie full penalty prccilbcd by law,
twenty years at hard labor and soli
taty coiillncinetil.
llenedcttn I'apa, who almost behead
ed Marry Davis with a razor at the
Dewey hotel, and w ho-e plea of inim
slaughtor was accepted by the com
monwealth, goes down for sl'i yeais
and six months.
Anothet long-tPim convict who will
help make ill) this new contilbtitlon lo
the Lackawanna colony at Cheiry lllll,
Is Thomas ISionnaii.c-eiiletnoel to twelve
yea ts for committing a criminal as
sault on a Utile gill at SIooslc.
conn ix thi: crowd.
Nathan t'obb goes down lor live
yens for stabblnug Constable C. ,!,
Xeaiy and two other men. Thomp-on
and O-boinc. at Carbondale. I lo is
t!.'! jeuis of age.
For attempted as-nuit on a
young girl, James Jlowey will spend
lour year at the "pen." Thomas
Slooie, alias Joscpli Slinphy. will do
three )oats lor t'oiglug Liveryman .1. J.
Xenlis' name to a chock.
Oooige Alexander and Homy Leo
(colored) aii- to serve tluoe yens,
cadi, for the buigiary of P.ernhaidt's
Jewelry -ton- on Lackawanna avenue.
Charles Savers', a mendicant, was
laken in and eared for by Hotelkcopcr
William Kldiidge, of Chinchilla. He
lepaid tho kindness by stealing a watch
nnd -omo motley fiom behind the bar.
He was given two yeais.
Anthony Kan ell will put in time
years lor stealing watches and chains
liom 15. "Y. Seiuhos' stoic in Jcssiip.
nml William JItitdoek. a AVilkes
Bariean, who was lonvicted heic of
latceiiy and roiciving, will for two
yeais put up wltii something moie
lonesome than live in ids native vil
lage. to thi: nicFoiiMATonv.
The youths who go to Hie lotoiina
toiy .no licit Holtham, Chailes Han
nou and "William O'MojIo. who robbed
Wpdoman's bakery, In Giecn Hidge;
William John Hraee and Aim tin (ianc,
whoso parents piosecuted them for lar
ceny, and John Hrady, John Humfoid
and Henry Ijiickey, convicted of petty
I'nder the new icimnuitaliou act, the
twenty yens' sentence of Hull will bo
ml down to twelve enrs. it he be
haves well. The otheis will henellt pio
potiionately by ihe ojierations of this
Tho Lackawanna pii-oners weio all
convicted at the two weeks' term of
ciiminal court, which ended last Satur
W. H. Richmond Entertained a Num
ber of Fiiends Last Night.
"William 11. Hlchmond Is SO ; ear.i old
today, and in honor of the event a
number of his friends woie elitei tallied
at dinner la-t night in his beatititul
home on Xoith Main avenue.
The dining-room was a mass of flow
ois, and the table at which the guests
woie seatetl was elecoralfd with eighty
led and white lo.-is. Tho dinner had
boon arranged by membeis of the fam
ily and was a complete suipiise to Sir.
Those, who weio piosent were as fol
lows Jtev. Dr. S. ('. Logan, W, It.
Storis, Townsoml Pooie, John Su.velor,
H. W. How ley, A. A". Dickson. II. Ii.
Cox. Aithur I.ce. A. 1"). Hlaekintoii, (I.
H. Smith, IJev. Dr. fleoige K. Otiild. H.
P. Kliigsbiny, II. A. Kingsbury, Col
onel L. A. Watres, V. Ti. Piatt, James
Aielibald, L. W. .Morss ,nul W I.', Hall
stead. Diagram for tlie High school lee tine
and entertainment emu so will open at
the High Si luml aiiilltoiltim S,uuida,v,
October "fi. Chi'cks given out at v a
ni.; seats at 10 o'llotk, In emltr lo
seciite seats for the season it will be
tieces-ary to reserve- lor the enthe
eoutse next Satutela). Hesoi veil ptlee,
tc u cents per number.
Smoke the now Kleou ."c, clear, '
l tiicl win.
Buy Now
And Charge It
Don't wait, don't be uncomfoi table,
don't be behind the piocession, come
tnui get the Suit ifnd now and
have it dunged. Small sveekly pay
ments will soon dsan up the account.
Women's Garments
All our garments foi women are of
newest style, elegantly made and fin
ished, We have a splendid collection
of Tailor-made Suits, Jackets, Skirts,
Capes, Silk, Satin and Flannel Waists,
Inirs and Cravenettes,
317 Lacka, Ave,
Second Floor.
Open Evenings.
None So Blind as Tliosc
Who Will Not Sec
eti v ill, iinlifil, In' lilhi'1 It) )nin emu I lit t r-i-'U
If coil Mil In (Mr Hit! Iir iiilllnl Unci of w ire
Mr jit' iiu'iiiliR riri) ill). If III fr.irtti nf ,1 Wed
illiic lli, I piper ef Itili ,1'' or cut, i
Illlit'Ct vi, ,.iiiii, ToIIit s , m, in fui, unc
tllllljf ,1.111 IMIIllel PVnrl In llllll 111 ,111 llh-tej'll,llP
llllll.t stolf, )on will tliul il licit!.
3- piTi)!
rYuTvaTVfeW i
fieo V Millar & Co m Wjomln Afcnna fc
aVJCU. V.ITllllttl X VUi W.lkU.aiLojk Around.
I j xi l(j$L jW ki, f vj JJY m! fj!)
Just Because
you me not going to
wenr them foi n. few
months don't crush
your dnlnty suinmef
lints nnd gowns Into
Hiince nltogethcr too
sinnlt for thorn. Let
us mnlto you n box
couch with sepavnti
roinpnrtments for
hats, waists nnd
skiitb prettily lined
and covered an addi
tion to any room
Prices from $7.00 Up.
Sainton Bedding Go
Lackawanna and Adams Aves.
Both 'Phone.
i t f.
Offer This Week
Custom and
Tailor-Made Gowns
A showing of Advance
Styles for Traveling,
Calling and Evening
All the Most Desirable
Materials and Effects,
Exclusive in Idea,
Natty in Appearance..
324 Lackawanna Avenue
New Building
t-ej-t -t-tt ttt ft- " t T ft - f-tt-M'-t-t-M- -f-t---tttt
Attractive Rockers
.no iiuttlr In pile li .i v.uloty nf
sli.ipcs anil kimcIcs, th, it l is Ini-po-'sllilo
tu iln initio than tnciitlon
ii ft'w vvhli'li tire1 ii.iitle'tiliirly iit
ti'.irtlvi' In el. 4-Jkii iincl pi Ice,
Tllcc iirtleli'H iv 111 Im feiiiiiil
lip.uillltll topic'M'lltiitlvi'.i of our
stele I;, nntl lliu nihility will fjlvo
ii lilni tit' what, is to liu t'ciutul lit
nil other linos, 'riicli' btiotiRtli
miel eliii'.ililllt.v iiinliii tlioni ,s,tti.
l.viiift to tlif oieiiioiiik'iil, vhlle
tlioir IiIhIi llinsli will cntltlo iliom
in n place in tlio most Iunui'Iuuh
v i'iiiiistt'i lioipo
i,w . . . -1
Scranton Carpet & Furniture Go,
k-4i - . 4 4-.M" 4 4-h
Occupies an Imperishable Position in lite BUSINESS WORLD.
Unquestionable Superior Merit
Annually adds thousands of names to
the long list of Smith Premier users,
representing every line of trade and
every profession ,
The Smith Premier Tvnewrlrm- Cn .
NO. S3 S. Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Scranton Branch Ofl'ee, No. 1 and 3, Arcade Buildimr.