rFjpw7?i '- -t ; A V ft vetfV-,- u , ! . .p, 'i vsrsi n..1 h f V" v I" THE SCK ANTON T1UBUNU-WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 190T. ,2 ?mmMmmmm mimm&Mmamwmmm (WfWf) ' TW5T '"WW"' "1PP v f.?H f The News of WINANS HULL ON WAYTO THE PEN Stops in Cnrbondnle, His Native City, for Half nn Hour nntl Greets Scores of His Friends Gives Ad vice to One Who Was Intoxi cated nnd Converses Freely with Newspaper Men About Prospects of Prison Life. Winnns Hull, ofl" for the Knitein pnn Itcuttniy. where lie was Hciit for twenty yrrirs for hlll'iur IJilwIn Hehounovcr, Btoppcil In Oaibondnle, hlfl native eliy, yesterday, for nearly halt an hour, Mhcre he was jjrectod hy semis of Ills frhMiilB ami iu'inmmtnni'c. Hull leached Catbontliilc over tin lit! Ucluwarn and Hudnou mad. lie was under- the elmtRi' of Sheriff I'lm". Annbt lister, of Wayne eouuty, and .vas manacled to IrvltiK Hauler, of Honeseliile a youns man hound l'o" the lliintlngtnii reroriuntory. With Sher iff .Nrmliiuslur. aw his deputy, was Hen ly Heuikert, of lloneidalo. When Hull nllRhti'il from the tialu In vns Mnoklnjr a cigar with evident en joyment and was exceedingly bilnlil. He is iviunikal'ly ipllelc of movement and ho fairly pulled nlnns his eompan lon to whom the biaeelel of steel hound him, The news of Hull's arrival mil h iy mutiu' and In a few nilnute-s tlio wiillim; loom was besieged with a tin our: of ciiiIoiim ones. Hull i-onvciscd finely with the news paper men, ilwillinff on t'.ir jnoipec-H ,' Ills pilsoil life. He lope: to i l'i" stoiy that he told on the witness stand and le.illlrnied his innocenee of the erhne mi far as the Intent to iiimricr Sehooiuivei' was concerned. He told almost the Identical stoiy of tin; wit ness stand and noticeably wanned up in his dcscilpllon or the .-illegori sti iik Kle between himself and his victim In the mlill of his cnuvprs.it Inn a t'arbomhile fiiend appio.iehed and InoUc in by shaking hand with Hull. He was Intoxicated, a condition which Hull lonelily obseivod "Cut youi cltinkillfT out, old boy," he said. "It was Ui ink that sent me on this jour ney and old man if you don't cut it out you might be miry. Take my ad vice now, he fou it's too late," was Hull's eainesL admonition when hi, friend turned away. Hull went on to oxinoss hN - 1 1 for the members of Schooiiovei's linn ily and his ielative.. "I'm sony for them and I'm Miny this thing has huppiMioii," Hull said, "hut It was thp di ink and Hie way he tackled me when r was ;i sleeping." Hull expressed (ho hope and beliet that he will not hae to serve all of the; twelve or thirteen yens that the law exacts; he has hope that some thing will Intel vene to In lug about hl paulon Hull's f.itbei and his biothei , ''h.iile--, re.iiheil the (station shortly belene fie tialn for Sei anion loft, and cairlod cm nn earnest conveisallon with him. Tiotli stiongly uiged upon him to win the good will of the uffii'lnl.s at the pen itentiary br his behaviei. SliPilff Armbiusiei and his cli.nge left oer the .". OB Delawiue and Hudson tialn and spent last night In Scr.inton. The prisoneis were taken to the county jail from the Cieen ltidge station. They will leave this morning for Phila delphia, In company with the pil-nneis from Lackawanna count... Veneiable Pioneer of Caiboiulale. Ill, Unci ll.iiii.l of s, , nilim, i i-i i inu: iliu- ilia; tin- vifk lit In-, tiinn.i limno in tin nit, Hi. Hampton i- i vuiialdi. itn nt I n l.iniJilf. Wine. inc ' nilii,u!ii (ii" . hv inif for rfcogiiitiiiii. In- liicmii, ,i eilim ot tin. tnnii, mil lie Ihul Jiru- imill ,i r. w .vi'ii. un, wlnn lie Hint In -m i.uilini t li,. with Id, ...n-in- in. P. I1, .luhvni, Hi. Iliuiptnn i- a n.il iliV rvainple ot how i nun i m pii..nvt Id. 1.11111111-. .Illil llH lllllll-. Illll pi.t I. .Ill -ecu 111, ll.imptcn In? pi-rl In-, uphiii'tlt ,m.ii, Imt no iMii; .vnuld Mi-ppn ill..; 1 illici 1I11I hi' u nl. in Hi- MtitB, foi V j- ,i. acthi' mil r-.i 1. nc vas lllillv ll'.ll-C ja . III. iiiln.l 1. .1- 1I1.11 .11111 H lisllt M llCll 1." ll-fll Hi tl.lll'l .ill HM'1 1,11. "rcilnn in tlie '."1O-, .iilniiiii-tmiis' '" die n I Ho In? 11.1t ct .ilianiloiicil 111. pMcllic, tcn tlinucU ill the ttini 1 1 cloc.nl.' 01 life, .nut lie siw-i itttrntiou to nn oua.knil ne lnouclit to Iik nttrnticn. Tlni Hod, Pi. Hampton i. Ihi-.mhj him-clf llli Imprin ductus nnilei ij .it In. propcrtj In il,U 1II.1. A New Chef, 'I 'nilim .M1.M31111-, cf Will,r...nuic-. licuan ln tin tie-. Ihl week 1. chit .11 1I10 Impel UI ilinlng icioni, 011 Nortli !ih sticel. The pitroiuse of the ie.liiir.inl lm .11 inc lea-eil tlut It W115 fmiml iicccny to employ Mi. MtMaiiu-. He n- .1 on'. ej loiter cspeiictne anil will l.e sine to aiM to tltc fiioi Hie tcstauiant etijo THE PEOPLE'S- EXCHANGE WIIMl uooil snl, nilcMli1 .li-'e picferreil. In ot Mi", William lllni.'liini. 'M Ih.n.lill ,-lrc ,-i W,MI'II 'Iwo Hr-ct cli.-s i timers at omc. Ap ply tu V, J, 1'inili, Chuuli ctii'i't, (ailion Sale. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware nnd Hudson Railroad, June C, 1001. 'lulus will leave Caiboiulale at city tt.itton .it ollnws! I-or Nrantnii .rid Wllkes-llane n.nc,, 70,1 , tiul, 10 01. U'Jl .1. in.; U.l'l, 1 u, 51." j ill r. cm ?.! men. Ift.".l 11. m. ' ' '""1 sumlay tlalni leave t 6,50, ll.'Jl ,x ,,, . 2, In, 5..VI, ki p in. ' I 'or Alb an. saruti'SJ. Munlir,i, lo,tr,n J nsland pi,lnt, etc, i.fW .1, in,; .;j j 1 III, Ncmv '. in I'oi l.il,e I,oiI..ir, i.inidit, ami uiii..,i.. 7 .','. 11 03 a in,; :i,11, ( 1 1 p. 111. """'"iilr, Suinliy luiin line I.al,o l.oiloie. ,,.,, in.l llwirsiUU at l'.i a. in,; l.;m, ,r. p u 'halm aithc at Culwiiclale fiuni Hllk'.j i:, in) ixiaiitm us fullnwj; 'l .VI, s.17. ou 7."n 11, in. 1 t.'..ii', -.'.00, :...., va, u.o., 7.01, S3: '.;:" Jt ,'i7 p. in,; 1 M a. in. ' '" niihI.iv tiahiK anlir al D.J" a, 1,, . 11 ,n ., ,, I.2S, H.;"i, II ill) p. in ' " "' hniiiliy lultn oitbo at firlmi'ililo fIAII, 1 , l.odore. W.ijinurt and lluncjiliio at lir jr inJ 7..V1p. " ' ' New York, Ontario and Western. S-ept, 17, J' ill, Tull'n leave ("ailiondale 111 fruanlnn ji ro,, , n.: I."" p. i. J' SninlJ tialiw at 7.00 .1 in. j cm, ,, , TijIiu leave Cailiomlilr 101 po(iu4 ,,',.., n( 1,10 a. 111. On Nimlaj at P.)!) ... , "". ' ' leaving at 11. P a, 111. week ilj.v. ui 1, ,) 7, , Sunday inaku cor.nritioni (or .New ,oil (',,1 unll, etc. Tr.'ii aulvo (10m Si union .11 II in 1. ,,, ,, ,. p. 111. 1 (um puliitu 1101 tli, 1 lm p. 1,1. sun, In., Inmi rnantoii a t,l'l .1. in. ami 7 li 11 111 . hm ,, (aclosla at fiftl y. 111. ' " ' ""'" Eile Ballioad. June !.,, oi, 'luliii Irave ilty btatlon, ( jiln-l,!,-, ,,.. CtscriH bundjv) al 7.00 a in. ami I .'1, p. i ,,',, JlranJ( ami Mnevfli; at V 11 a 111 ilaily 1, N uptlnB hiinJjv), (or llin.'liamp.ii. nullum u-n-Mtllopj (or New Vmk ill anil lliid'aji, ami m 11.10 p. 111. (or Si)i.uilMiiiM, niikln,' iiiiiiicitfvni (or v.t.tcrn points. Siiinljy Iraliw at IU1 1. in. foi S.biiiuliainu, with vcttetn euiiiicctlJiij, an, (..'.7 p. pi. ullli lame ivmicitioi's. 'I'll Ins arrive at SiJ a m. an I o-IJ p. ni F-'xJavK at 4 W a. iu. Carfeondale. TO ENLARGE ITS PLANT. Cfltbondale Machine Compnny to Build New Shojis on Old Moiss Tnnnciy Site. 11 will be good news to leal 11 that the Catboiulale Machine eonipany Is being crumped for 100111 tu such an extent that It llmls It necessary to seek other quarters than whete It Is now located, In the works of the lleiidilck Mnnu fncluilng company, on Duud.tff utiecl, To meet this piesslng necessity, the inaclilne eninpany will elect 11 plant on thu old Moiss tannery site. In Simp son. The pioposetl plant will be nde iltiate to accommodate the glowing needs of the lonipany for a number of yen if. Wink will be coiinnenieil as soon as the pielllillnar.v details ate dis posed of. This will be within a few w reks. The elfe t will be a decided boom to this vli'lult... for It will mean a new Industiy. The company proposes to adtl new Hues of work, which will ne cesMllale the employment of additional skilled mechanics, besides nuincious laboieis. The change will 11 No mean Inct eased facilities and iintutally lu ci en i'il help at the plant of the llen dilcU's lompaio, which, like the ma chine company, Is being piessed for loom. It N 11 deeidedly healthy Indication, these signs of ptogiess and piosperity, ami It Is no little source of giatllliatlon to Cnrhondalc leslilents in learn of the growing Importaiiie and stiength In the Industrial wot Id of concerns founded hy inin who aie townsmen, nnd who have the Inteiests of the city at heait. "DORIE," AS CORRESPONDENT. S01 ranee Buckley Biudette Contiib ntes n Bunch of Items for Tribune's Readers. Doiliince Iitukley littlili'tte, other wise "Doile" Urn dick, of Niwlon lake, be of black panther skin fame, the (lieeulleld lesiilenl ol such genial ways, whose evei.v aniiialnlanci- In f ailion dale Is his ft lend, was in town Mon day. As is cusloniai.v. he nailed at The Tilbtllie nlllei to meet 1,N newspaper ft lends, a Nlt to 1 'aibonibil" wouldn't be a visit miles-. The Ti Ibtilie man v. ,i (ailed cm; it would be like making a tall and Uncling no one at home. lJm l.inie seemed disappointed to le.un that hi- newspaper fiiend was in Hones dale, but In show Ills liiencllv li cling hi' made hint. .'If at home with the joutig man In chtnge ol the oilier ami sat Iilmscli at the tabic and w hilled oil' a bum h ot Items aliout hnpp-nliigs over (lieeiitield wa.v. The news thai The Tiihuno man tniind that the vol unteer icii le.pundent let t lor the inlot niatlon ol Utindalf leaiNi-., nails as follow s. 1 lie. nil 1 10111 my gun lodav, and ou don't need tu .ulveitlse it any linne. I lust one uveiio.it nut nj my 11 1111K It was Sunday, and wc vveie avwij lioni liomc. .lohn 1'dwanN ian swt-ar to the mat. It II is 11 tm tied within thiee da.v. no illi.stions will be asked, Waller liurdlck iiiniinelii ed Ills -0I1 for V. W. Watt unlay. The I'cisler gills leunntd lioni the P.in-Alllel linn, and lepott a gond tline. Xatlian Postei, foiineily uf Ciein lield, went ihiough low 11 nn S.itmilu.. All .ou have to dci to get back stole 11 piopoil.v i.s tn put ,n Mil." in Tin Ti i liune, 'I'hete will be 11 liu soii.il at the house nn upled ! Km! Sunt on Thuis da.v. Oi tuber -I. All aie kiiiIUIIv in vited to attend. It is lor the b, nellt nf Jailer l.incls.iv. who came lieie lioni Yin k state. Collie nut, bu. s and gii N, tn help the benelll iilnng. The gills tl ii) the boes and baskets and the bnvs buy them. The girl:, gel nulblng but their tiouble, but .Mis. Scut I Will see thai they have .1 good ihne and I. ill pl.i.v. I w 111 lie lliete insi. II. I'.. lUliilette. MANY MILL EMPLOYES IDLE. Foity-six Laid Off at Silk Woiks by Reason of Stieet Car Stiike. The stieet car stiike has heeii the cause uf idleness m loity-sx joung people w'10 veie einploes at the Simp sou silk m'lls. Those idle aie mostly fiom Muylleld and Jeim.vn. A nuin bei' aie fiom t'nlri i it. v. lanager Pivlder, ot the mill, tried to have but-ses 11111 lioni the .subutban towns, but the liveries lelllsed to make the trip to the mill and b.n.k : ir less than nine dollars, lie cousldeieil the price exoiblt.uu, and for ,1 few days bought mileage bonks nn the steam road. This was lound to be 1 neavy drain on the expense Hind and was brought to .1 Ilnlsh several day- ago. The hoys iniin the two boioughs, ,lei niyn and Muylleld, w em unable to make tialn connections mid h.ne nnt heen at wnrlc since the slilke was deelnted. II is pmbable that Manngei Fielder will now trj to have a tialn on the (Jlltaiio juiil AVe.stein 10,11! .specially plated In service for the accomiuoda tlun of the mill employes, vvllleli would stop dli fitly at the rear of the mill. AMUSEMENTS. "Nntlinn Hale" Tonight. 'llu 1II1 Hon 01 I ailioiulali. HiiMlri jm i. for ulil 11I1111I-1, old tan,, n i,,t oi lavotiti. of die sl.Ui will In clenio'i.tiatiil .11 tin. 1,1,1ml innUln, wlnn Mi, llovvaril Kjle will appear in " illi.iii II do," a ill una In I nc rinli. It 1, m ,, Inialit ami whnle-oini' coniicb, mi'l of flm lille 1-1 chain ill. Incident, and um. Ui.n ,.un ,,,,, Aninliaii will go avvav Inppln p,r M.U. vti I'ltili Ins ino.i Inpplh po Mil ul In hi. ili.nni tiie plii.li d ila.tlill.v and iik 111.1t alriinci,. ol liU joialiail krio. nii.tantli inliani', Inniioioii-, deeply tivinpatlietii. and inml.v ii'vilnn, I Inoiili ,ivvu,n liavini; lilin-elf vvcll , mil lined, "Nillian Hale" t.vpllns Hip viij i.-nue of um 1e.1l Viinn.iii life The Park Is Dosoited, Mi'iiioinl puk lun a dcciiul ail it.r.o 1 1. I'.uk Kiepei llkli.uil Idj li.is linn hidii.. tiiou.l cnJ.'l In etilppln? Hie li'.uil.v spni of It. iini.iliiliii- ln.i'iti, and inov "ik.olatloii ..n. cleiK all Hie kliin." U-lco!i the Hnvcii 11111. vvnr innuvid, toi.itlii) vtli vvlnt (ivv llo.vi s lfliillli.il, 'I lie pi k 1. 11U11 ileaiid of 1 inniin lain of d id leave, md In nlalilfdl iliu i-pi.t tlut lo'ikk .0 pic Hi in ihc .li,. ol Minium u.i. iian.el.v I MM- and iiakcd-liokiiiu'. 'I lie lii'inli,', will 1.1 taken np and l-.'ii-i.l o .lav mill 1 liis will piiuicall.v lini-li ihe u.iil, aim it the p.uk nut I Hu, lilnoin. of .pilni; ap peal. Ptnyer Meeting Changed, 'lai' ueikl.v piavu iiuvtlna el Hie II i.an l!ip Ibt I'liinii will In. In li iliU inru'iic. 'I lie, eli.uii.1' In lint i- innle in mali'e ilie piitoi, Itev. Pi. Wli.dcn, 1.1 ilibvu 1I10 liiniMlav even. 11. a. I I.e.. Ill Um dullial.ilj .eivke. of llu, I u.l llapli.t (I11111I1 al suaiiloii The Fiftieth Annlveisaiy. llu litti.'lli .ilinllil-jii Hie uoliU'ii piliilient I llu Peiinaiila snT.n. nd.v w'j, iiapjill.v ob M'l.ed on Monday iLi.lu, In i.uininla lull, vvl.ne tin miniljdf and Hitii -.IhuIj amnililnl ami mril tlio nliilil l Hm itciiin "t Hi it mt o, In (Nocliil ilnl iitiil lllenlii In the clioniMi, iincltr (lie illrccllon ol Trot, Salt, "t St r.i ntoii. 'Ilir finer ot llir iiffiilr vvni due l.itiirly In Hie rntrjry of Hie coniii.lltfe, mulfr llie dlrcitlim of Louli lliiiiiiirr. To Hold Smokeis. 'I he KnlitlitA of Tallin .Mithrvv liavo ikclilcd tn hold 11 ifiln ot Miiol.cr iliiilinr Hie vvbilrl tnont'i'. tine inrctlnif n month will be devclul lo llir.'e Rillieiina-i. 'Iliere Will be linpioinpltl luoRrniiiiitrf of IPerciiy nml 1nml1.1l iniinbet', and n time (or 'cHil tint, wlilli llnvunw i.io rnt tn tlielr nnMi In Miioltc mnl ntie. lllw.H' loin will ili In- I eld on topka of Itilciel to Hie uimnlrntiiiii. 'flie.e pillirilnp me belns emerlv ntilklpiled, nml will iniilotiMcdly tnnvc an rul'ivalite featme of Hie 'Oil.il side of llic lviilzlns Uncnlled-for Letteis. I.lil of lelti-M i.'imiliillii In tlie ( jibonilile lio.tolliii', Oct. '.'I, loot, for poroiH linklinvvn: I!, t. Il.woii, dnnilliln II1111I, lleinaiil Mil'.lui.v. John ,1. Minpliv (.'), Ilr .tainei ItomT', Ml-n .leiniie I'nl, M. (lililottc. . Mull. "M t -. ('iiltih, Mn 'llioini" snllv.m, eiiet.av l'ion"ir City Indue, vn. ..iJ.'. t. A. of M., I'letrn i.iinep to, ,1. II, 'llmm.e, po-lin i'Ici. Opening vof Enotertalnment Course. 'Ihe MiMi'.-ful rpcnlliir of Hie riitillalinnent toni-e l.v He llnvkwuy I111u.u1 talent on Von cliv lilnht. wlnn Mini. Hie iiiacli Ian. v ,n llir bill, li.ii Rli.itl.v plea-ed Ihc piojeitoirt of llic elite lpllc. On a Case. Mi Hamuli, plod ..loinl nni-e, of Hie We.l lide, li.i lieiii In Mnvlleld foi Hie p.il wuk, vvheio her piofeiion.il nvue5 have lieiii in Kisnl on a in'r. Meetings Tonight. William II, llaih-i po-t, No. 17, (I. II Pioneer 1.1.II1, No. an. KnisliM M.vtli I h 1111. I'hlelilv coin live', No. IID, Hepl.Kopluc. lailiomlale lodse, KiiIbIiN of P.vthia.. THE PASSING THRONG. Mm Poiolliv K11I.V nnd Inotliei, Ma-ler ilnr Hniv, of seventh avnnie, ate M-llliitt in Mian ton. Itiv I". .1. Mnrpn.v. ot Olvptiinl, ainl N I. U M iiiii". of I'lovideiie, wile iillcn at Hie pno ihiil ie.idem.e Momlaj. Uilll.im t' Moo'iei, lepie-entiiiK Hie "-. i.v'itoii Inane li of the did lie I'flc kli ir iiiiiipni.v, w.n al the II111 i-rn llon-e jclcrd.iv. Ml-. Annie lliovvn, of mill sei.inton, ami di-i Tcir. 1 Povileilv. of Ihe rt Siniluti lio'pital. aie -pending .1 fi u el.iw ill town. Mi-e Millhevv ( illilun. of Nn Vnil. ihc, vvlm ha. In 111 vl-itlnir at the ic.ieli 111 c ot .lo-ep't I'oudiih, letinneil 1 1 in.' vi-tiidi.v Ihoina. Minpliv. of Ihc lot il tl.Ul of Hie Si un ion 'Ini.c. -pi nl Mend 11 nmlit I" ruboii lilc, the i,iir-t of lm il new -piper fm ml. Mm Mi hie! .Iiul.-e and M'- 1111lc Wli.ilen air il(ll','h'Lil inn 1 tm - f, 111iv.1l uf Ihc II -l.ti'l llnl l.iollin Maacie in.) fall 11k. who lenlied heir fiom llu eld ceinntiv on sm di. JERA1YN ANDJHAYFIELD. The matil.ige of Jllss Ksther C.iles, ot .TeiiiiMi. and AValter Winllcld, of JIu. lleld, will take place at S o'eloik tills evening in the Metbodisl KpNiop.il cbtucli. Theie will be .1 special nieetliiir ot the bniuugh iciiincil this evening to consldei the olfet of the Title and ('imianlee 'Pi n-L company for the $l,.'00 of bonds council .lie lo llo.it. The employes of the Delawiue and Hudson collieiy will be paid on Fildny attei noon. Ilr. 1'. I. Picas, ol' AVInleisiovv 11, Yotk county, is visiting his mother, Mi... 11. 1,. Picas, of li.uon stieet. -Miss Annie Kilsker, one of the Jlay lleld public school le.ieheis, s 1 unfilled In her homo with binnehltls. William P. .limes and sou, William, of Scott, will leave on Pi Ida v for Ail yon.i, wbeie Air. Jones has cousidei able mining Inteiests. Aliss Shager, ot licit iik 1 'en tie, is visiting ,it the home ol Mr unci Mt-. "William Singer, of Wej-t M.iylSeld. 1M. A. J. Il.iker. of Din yen, spent yesteiilj.v with his patents. Ml. and Ah--. Philip Maker, ol Alain stieet. Mis-, Lena Voiie, who has been lu lling her 11.11 cuts on Pouith street, liu" lituiued to hei heinie at Throoji. The Mls.es Timlin cntei laiued a lew friends ui thch home em .Main sheet on Monday evening. Local union. No. 10J". Pulled Aline Woikets, at their I.im meeting pissed le-olullnns nf sympathy wltli the stt iking sti eel car men. Alls- Kate Alutphy, of the Past Side, has 1 ni oiled as ,1 pupil of the St. 'e illi.'i's ai.ideniy, Setanton. The Past Side Indians aie seeking to nnange a game of loot ball on the K.it Side gi omuls Satuid.iy attetnoou vvlih the Aielibald Iciim. TAYLOR. The iiui.utlon at We bei 's link ne.t week will be the Alt Violt and Law son's Vaudeville ionipan. A sue lal will lol lovv the pet lot main e. Admission for genlleinen if. ",' lenis, hulle, 1." cents. The Taylor second font ball team challenges any foul ball team In the coiiniy vvlih an avirage weight ol 133 pounds. Tin. 10 will be a competitive ntoeliiiir at the Nebo l,nngicgutioiuil chinch at Itenilbani nil October i",i. 1'iof, .1. P, Watklns, of this town, will adjudicate both un music and llteratuie. Admis sion Is 15 cents, Dlsttlet Attorney LevvH and Kutvi.Mir Harll, of Sirauton, made a Hip thiough the Aielibald mine on Aloudiiy, In the llltetest of the ta.e of the eoininoil weallh against the foielgner who killed Dusld Tlionins with 11 pick, some time 11 if 1 1 Thkets fot the gi.uid concert nf the Authrac'lle Glic club, tu be held at the I'alviuy litptlst chinch on November L'7, ate lor sale at I'vims' newsstand and by the members nf the glee club, Admlsslun it. 2,1 cents. Miss Pthel Ucese, nf Alain stieet, has 1 elm tied lioine fiolil a visit to (',111)011 dale, 'I'aylor bulge, Nn. b!.', Knlgllls ul Pythias, will meet In tegular session this evenlm.'. The Kin men's Uellef as.-oc latlull, with h vvns locently utganled ainniig the members nf the local lit o coin- A HAPPY CHILD is one who .utows, without in terruption of health, from a baby up except the inevitable disease-, of children. And Scott's emulsion of cod liver oil has done more, in the 26 year. of it-, existence, than any half-dozen other things, to make such children. It hecp-. them in uninterrupt ed health. It is food that lahe.-. hold at once, whenever their usual food lets go, We I' riil)ou,i l.ttlelulrv.lf oul le ...Oil .'. IWl'SI, 4-j I'cail niiici, New Vorlc. panlop, will meet nt Ihe Taylor Hose company, No. l, ipmrtcrs on Fildny evening; nt 7,30 o'clock. Mlnooka tribe, N11. 'JI", Improved Or der of Hod Men, will meet In lcgtilnr session this evening-. MIhh Annie AVIlllatns, of N'oith Main stieet, Is Hluvvly lecovcrhiEC fiom her lecent Illness. Mrs. Khner T. Dntilels, of Main street, visited ft lends In Caiboiulale un Mon day. DUNWORE. A lieailnir vt.it held befoie Sipilie ( oonrv In llir rao of .lolin ll,i Sanlo, wiui lOinnillteil .1 iniiiiliToiit a.-ault on .lolin Mola mi Sunday lilitlil, AfUr .1 l.i(rmrtit of llir lutt tn the i.uc He Ratlin vv.n lirlel under s,oo lull lor lil up peaiante r,t lotitl, lloinlnlek ( olll nuililicd .u liouibnini. 'llio iae of ( hliln Koiv .iK.llli't .lu'rpb I'll ro vv.H nnileilily settled licloie ipine I ootiev lit iiIrIiI, I'llrio pijliiit tlir ioU nnd riei'n't ot ineillt'.il nlteiitloii 'lhl I the lulibliiir .11 Iriy follow inor .1 1 Inlstuiltig on snmliv ivuiiim, on lilllllOlK Micci. I'm- Mime llniD put ntlsci rniitrt hive lucii tain pirlnir Willi Hie mill lenplli.d loeulnl al Hie podolltre, nnd much il,iiui?e Iih lieiii done to null nutter In that vviv. I'mtiiinlir lll-liup li ih tillern ntrp to leieililn the Riilltv pllllc'S mid .1 lepiliUotl of the ofleu-e will teiilt In se vi ic piinl-ilnueiil for the (.ulllv. Tlie Mippei nnd nihil In Hid IVIIovk lull mi 'I li'ir'daj iiinliiff, iimlei the' iin-pim of the si Vincent Di 1'iiul toiielj, piomlM-i lo lie 'i ino-t rnjovalile nllilr. 'llie riinnnlltie. lunlri llir leicler-liip of Ml I lle lb dev, ne leaviiiB nollilnir undone In In-nno the plenMuc of llic Kiirnl'. Wililir llin.' cirilictiii wilt finin.li tiin-b The Youi k T.ailie' MI.ion elide uf the l'ie li.vleil.it' clituili will inmliiit a cule ami pi.nv file in the elimcli pulou on ,iliiuli iiflunooii rid fic'li Ovler-c nnd eierjlhliis uiuallv found In an up lo dale inil,et, at ll.iiper-c. oppo-ile Kciuni:c Hotel. Pepulv I'lclnii IiipFilor 1'. W. Ill-Imp li Fprnulni; nvi"i,l div in lloue-dale Itev. .t. I). Ilalmev li.11 leluiiied fiom II1111I vllle, vvhnic lie d.'Hveieel one of Ills iniireitliiK illu-tialed Uiliite-c Mlw l.llllan lli.i.nl. of sulli PliKeli .licit. U vi-lllin.' Ii"i oou-dn, ('. . Selnie-i, at -c ollil lie. Kev. (Innle- II, Nivvimr I. llie mict of fiiend? In llpiir.il.ile -Irvvjit lll.hop, who vva lecenlly operaled nn it lii-e-c 'I .i.v lor I1nrplt.1l for ippctiilliltis le tniind to hi. houie .ve-li nl.u. Mi-. . II sii.i.loi, of lliulle.v flieel, i-c v,-ul ilu' llavvlc.v fiieuiN. Siipiiinlemlint llovard ln lelinnid fimn W ll!.e, lime, wlcie lie at I r mini Hie lueine lo'inty Iti.titiitr, llev. M. II poiilm I. at Mt. Caimel. wheie lie W11-. railed liv th" .eiious illin'.-c of lii-c luothei, who wns well Knov.ii line. 'Ihe ph.v "ii 1 111s wive vetv llltle lii.pi' of In. 11 1 ovi i.v. M. .1. .MiDoi'uill. of (hctinit -tieet, i, Hie Siie.t of Pill. tun filfiicl' Mh lliiuv lliuiinltiir. of llintd .(net, i. vi-lt iiiK flifml. In Nivv ork mi. D ALTON. flmli" n iniili. wliu U Iji Inr ftnplui(I in New 01x --talp, puil Nuul.n uitli liU nmtlu r liou. Many Dcjii .mil -uii, I'nntito, of ." i.ttilon, i-itctl liis pucnt hrif on itunl I it lritiiiil ruin, ot liHuhl. v.1h tlir j,ui -t i-f 1km mule jm) .unit, Mi. .nnl Mi-. . K Vum, nu ll)Hh, lltnrM Homo -oivu'c- wiip.1hII both iimnilng inJ crni iir in the l.iptit rlniuh Hi' intuinr nf llic tliiut 11 .iIiomL Hi pulpit u.i 1 itf ill 1I1 (oi i(nl willi autuiini U'ir-. uiiil ilil- .nol M nn-. In tho run nir ill'1 J-umliv mIiooI ,i I t luiio ol tin .pik( nut .1 pit iMtiff piojiunirr was itmliitil 1j lmndxis of it. Iluo pui'fi IMiinir wcic Kali' Itui'oi, Ton lnii;lil, I' ml 1 1 iiiljni, ( hile Ni fu-. J, tniii t li.iiup. Mi inn KiuIit, .1 1111 it lit'd.ii, iujoiic tuno, L in Nottnnp. Until ini-uiii( Ui.ko Mono, lion ml liu c, Minn Hi nln. 'I In lioir nniltinl m .il iiuiMC.il cclottiniii .nml Mlotno . lluN 1 Unit t Minr tun hi)-, .11 1 oiiipuui il on tin1 tl,.m n liii thuijtilt 1 Noiih ipit jviilalilt -e w.i- i npicil .a ;1iU m iiu. On Uidnrilix rtniivr an ontrilalnini nt Mil In j:twn In tl i lupti-t cluatii mnlr tin in-. pi p nf thr I.itlitV nl .vn(il. Ml- ( )i 1 M01 it-, (iittlin, tlio ui ll'Vnowii rliu utioni-t, of l'i i lion. "t i.mtoii, will pio u iilhiR-. Tonnnt Mit.iii, tlio lio Imkh. of cSii.mlon, will fls-i-t 111 llu1 piomamiiu. and :il-u Mi Ctouo (.111, of tlii. pint, will uiw pllOIhMtapliIc polcftloM: 'Hi1 .ulniivlnii will o Vi tont-i ami th pin j. I nnnio will In .5 in ti S n't lo I.. All. iml Mi-. Piul ,-iitlr rnloti 1111 i M i Willi-., nf s 1 mton, on t-tinili. CLARIES SUMMIT. Mi. Iiiiinl l.l-in;ii 11 is in s(i,it,,,jU M M1.i n... 1 en 111 l.i Mi II 1111 .In. liu ii'.ti,iiril hi. pii-ilioii In '-u. niton to impi 1 miilioinent at the Dcliw.ne, l.i Kiv 11111, 1 and Wi-tun dipof, where he will lie main houie 'Ihc lulu- of the hlihIM K,;-, ,in il itnuili v ill holil .1 uiaud h.'ivi.l hnlile mh 1.1 1 at lie ihuuliiiTliiil.il 1 veiling of llu. wcil.. Vuotiil oli'cullon.t will jiivi u.iiliu;. lm Iik, Ill, even iua. I11I1 i.pn.nl I.v spec I il iiiu-ie. lid. el. aie '.,", cent., 1111 luilim,' iliidcni pie suppei in cluiu.li patloi. Mi. .loins II111111., ol Huhlaml I'.ill., i- nlinul movim; hi- I iinll.i In Siiaiitnu, whcic the.i will le-hle 111 tiiliue. VVi' iriiiil 'hi eliil-ion on llic lull of Mr. Hiiiiih, a. he luii liirn an .iicnniiiin ihtint,' in IkIiIioi ami I ii-uiteil i iticii. Mi-,. Hint llolll.lii, of simiiiiit Tail., vl-bul fill ml. In -ti.intuii Iliu wicl, Ihe Mcllirdi.l i:pl.ioual ehillih plop III li lieins liupinveil I.v tlie eieetlou of a neil ami iiimmi.iiioii) l.iiu on the c lunch lot. Ml. 11I1111 llale.iuiu, of Vloo-10. .pent smnli.v at tin' home of hi. moilin, M., - 'I'. H.ilkn. 'Ihc liutiliii hop leu nth opened in Miin stint Iu Mi l M. Potter hi. be.11 a luiii.ul .inn, fiom the lr'uniiui; Mi I'nllci's fuul liaiitv wlili 1I1U liu.lne.. mil hi- pnpulailh ueu riallv kIhiiiIiI In-ine linn i yincioii, .i..ie ol ll'e pitinn.iue in Id- line -- OLYPHANT Ihe l.iouti-c will t. Ke elovvn n & ion team foi Hie Kelt liL heiiihl Kami, vvliiih villi lie plived at Mlilitk i.uh, 1 r,, nl, hi, louioiiow, 'I lii.v will lini-up 1. foil, ov.' 1111., 1 : s.iva,r, p , 1'etti snw, Hi.; 1 uiinoi., ji ; CUaiv, ; Itoau, Jli. ; Hoc, I'litcn .111 1 .iiuxlim , llildn. Ihe (,eui-ii Mln-l.eli ami l'u 11 ie.uii will In tin alliullnii fu Ihe I'.iiher Mithivv Opera llii.e Tilda imt siinnlii' nonius Mil In, I M .1,11,1 i-i, fitlicr 01' .lohn II. .loi.lau, of lllal.tlj, dieel al hi. Iinmr iu I'nuliluue vi. Iml iv. 'llic follovvli, li.l of leltiM icuiiin un. illid for at Ihc piMolliir: labvaiil Mllto. Ml-, I,. M Hili.tei, lloiolliv l.iwi, ll.i,i I'. liu 1 in, l.e.vl. II,', nun in, IMivanl II.1111 111, MI1I111I O'.Mallu. Viidiiw ll.-.-i, oi lluiuuoii. -.ti 1 rt. I. iMiil.in foi the s, 1 1 nl on si.,,m. I Hindi 1 ('. (I, Mtiluli, ot lheilnu A Million's .loic, U pimliiu Hie vvrcl, at I'.vitir, I'a. V11 liileif.tiua; piiMiuimc l Imira1 ruauaid feu an iiiteiliiliumul, vvliiili will lc In Id In the I oiiKiivitionil 1 hull h 111 s. t Mnlidiv evinin:. m III will lie held at Hie ilo-e 01 Hie eniii.alu turiit. Mill. Wilb.iiu., if s,ih .Iml, In iiluiiud lioiue, aftir an iMiud.d vi.lt in Kiulalid. M. I. 51. inliivv, oi 'alnoii, N, .1., U vKlllns irlativia iu town moosic. 1 1 . mil Mu, i; lliodhr.nl It It .vitnili,i tor MW, ol. Ktate, win i it Hit v will vi.it li I iliu-. Mi. 'Ilin'ni. sp,ni ,mi diut.lilii, Nillle, ( ll.iil.Uiu Ion, .in: .pili'lln- a fin iIj.w Willi flit ml. in tow ii. lie' (.laud iuiie.li will bo pi.ullud 1 1lls cvill In,' in I lm IIjiii, n;i lull pupaialoi.v In Iliu ioup n li.ue iiiiiipaii.1 fid Muudiv I'viniusi; .il.out I- o'i!(ul. diaili iiitiicd Hie liome ot Mi. i. hail Hail', uf Oil, Illll, nml tool, iioiii loin In. vvur, aim ahum win davV lllie... -In i, .in v in il li.v lour email ilillduii, Ihc v.uuini-l hcllU' nln' iiioiiili ol I. I'lHU'lat uiiiiiJi.iii i in. m will In in cli later. Mi. M. W. I illui i .I'lloii.l.v III. Mi-. i:ii.alnHi di.eii i i-piiiillui' IliU vvrrl, In nuiiiliU. Ml. and Mm .1. VI Itolit'it.oii luve litililu'd fiom I'lilliildpliia PECKVILLE. Mix. Iliitciiheudii, ol I'l.viiinuHi, spent vi. fi lial Willi Mi.. W. s. nine-, of .Main uiil. .lie Mailic Ihe .vviilhtul liuiKlai who inl.'ii'.l llotiirli Hum.' .loie on .sattiuliy and puiluliird ewial dlliili. ol il.illiln." tuc I othu uo.uU, via, jfjimlji laUiii in Muiiton and plaiul iu the S v c:d i TSt W THE EWfflgmg F WESGMT. One of the nottililf roi-tilts of lliu lisp of Dr. 1 'irrce's Golden MaHual Discovery is it gain of flcsli, evi denced by an increase in weight. Weight is' jirojior tioncd lo height, and every healthy peisoti has a normal weight which is in exact proportion to llie Mat tire. When tlie weight, falls below this normal proportion to height it is a sign of failing health. Insurance companies reeogni-'.c this fact and they refuse insurance whenever there is :i marked disparity between height and weight. The reason for this refusal is based upon the fact that when the weight falls below the normal it shows that the body is not being adequately nourished. The food eaten to sustain life is not being properly digested and assimilated. And because the vital powers of the body depend upon tlie ansimiiation of the nutriment extracted from food, it follows that whenever there is a failure in digestion and assimi lation, there is also a loss of vital force. For these reasons a cure of diseases of the .stomach and organs of digestion and nutiition is matked by a gain in weight. GAINED TWENTY POUSSES fltf TWO MONTHS " I wish lo say to the woiltl that Dr Wcrce'i Golden .Med ical Discovery has proved a jrcal blessing to tuc," writes Kllen K. H.icon, of Sliuteshury, I'l.ttikliii Co., Mass , "as r firmly believe I should be iu a vetv bid state now if T li id not taken il. l'tiorto September, 1S97, I lt.icl doctored for my stomach trouble for several ye.t.s, going through .1 course of treatment without any real benefit. In jAcptetti ber, 1896, I had very sick spells and grew woriie ; could e.tt but little. I commenced in September, 1S97, to take Dr. Pierce's medicine ami in .1 short time I could cat and work. I have gained twenty pounds ii two months." GAINED FIFTY-SEVEN PQONOS "I had been ttoubled with catarrh of the stomach and heart trouble," writes Mr. V. D. Met chant, of Tylersbttrg, Clarion County, l'a. ''Had doctored for some time without relief, then l' began to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I look seven bottles. Defore I began to take il weighed 119 pounds, and now I tvcit;li 176. I am work ing steadily and feel like a well man. I bend vou many thanks." Dr. Pierce's Golden Mcdic.il Discovery cures dis eases of the stomach and other otgans of digestion and nutrition. It increases tiie activitv of the blood- I making glands, so that tho body nicreaseti now 01 pure Hlooa, rich THOSE WBffQ WEmffl WELL ihti -.- m. .. miJMM.- TO ., ssisi the protection of foesfith wSBS isa ssjsqj' to possess Gammon Sense MoeSicaf nages and! is sent free only. Send 32 ons-cenS I in doth hlmfinsy, or 23 RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Dalawnro and Hudson, iu nii-it 1 dm , i"in liiltn l'ir l ailiiuiilili' hi" Si 1 inliiu it 1, ji. Flm. t-V, lull 1. 111. I-'-"", 1-', -11. " -', 0 "1 ii";,. ;.,"'". I', i"', 11 '" i' ' i-i" ' i" "i'1'1 llnuc -dih' and I ili' laidini, U 'ii, id I i a. 111 . u'.ll aud ' !'' I' '" . r.1- VVIlKi'.llillo-il l', T l s 11, n.s. 111 ! a 111.; l-il'l. I -". '-' ' '-'i " " 'l' 10 11. II ' p. " VVi I. U II. I 'ul ids -i. I'. 0 IS a. 111.; -' l 1 "7 nnd II '" l '"' i',, , vlviuli II It. 1'olnU-O.r,, ('..IS, '.'.I-, , ,in,i 1 -j 11 in I',, l v and all points nuilli -II SO i ill an 1 ,!, ' I1 iu ,i railiuiidal. .in, ll.,',l ' Hi 1 -II, .I'''. .-.' mnl luii p. in. ,, ,. ri Wilkr. Unit li. I .1 in; IJ.UI, l.., J2, 11..; i iiiil s.u p. "' , ... I'm . Mb UM l"l I"'!'': !"', "''-I' '" ,.. Cm Hi I ill- ui'l I. tie l.uil.'ie -s '', 11 JJ a. iu. and Jl.52 i m. Now Yoik, Ontailo and Western. In rtlcil Tiisvilav, wii. 17. 1111. " SOItlll IHM M, l.iavi l.vaii' iiivi. Iniin. Siiaiil"!', I'ailwuilil". (ailmli. . ' 10..U.I. in ll.iu.i. in. l inp, ui x,,' -. lUillin i. l'.ii'juiii'.i!i'fj.iUi ui. Nu -ol'lll Illll Sll ' laaui li'.uo liuit ( ,idii. ' ailiniiilali laiitun, V, o T'""J "' " '.i. in. Nu . ... ... '-M''l' ' - l I' 4.l0ii. u 1 HMlUiOM-1. MIIIIHIlll.Mi, ' laavi' Leave V 1 1 , ., 'Iialin. MMliti'H. (.illMiilali. f.ik.,ii. in ,.' ,V,'lu...l HUM. in tun.,.!,,: L 5 T.imiu.i. r.i jiLiiiu ili, 7.cj.,, , N"' J s0 111 HOI M. '" '"' ,,,ivi' ' U-ivi V(, laiU-H. l.nliundili' snj,,!,,,, v fi 7 D" a in. 7. i) ,. ,. . Ill I .41 p. in. ilili,m. I, np, . i a In. Ni". I u" u"' ,'., "ml " " "tiil,n, inalii' nub! liu1' ii'iinulie'i '" N-' ,,.. ,' ,. MidillUiivvu. Nalim. .Nni'Vi li, Huidili ij.vifcj unit all I'liml, vvi'.i. i l'ui Until i' ml, ii in it mil. inn-nit inl.it .cuiiitc .1, i . AMIIIIIMIN, li I' , Sen ,oil,. J. C, WI.I.SII, T. I'. A. S.iaul l'i. iiiuiiiv Jul, tu anail tin ailion ,i t,.i j-'i.uJ jm. i 'II f.lliivvllij l.'l-l, lillialll un alll, I in at Un. I'nliVlllr i.o.li.'lin Ual.li'll lll.i'lik. ill,.. II vvill ludd Hii'ii vicilu .ui al ,jll Wul ni.dav ivuilna: lifM. Hue ileii!iaiunti' fu l'u lUlutauiu nil lull bull liil'iuisil Inr til' ii , .Inn. Y I' 'liiikliinuli l .ilile In In' aliniit aitir nudiiu itu'l'le nt nl.. lit llic li'iu-i, u a ro-iilt i-f Ills iujurlct iau-ii bi fjllln- Mom a bll.l.- 'skzM And the evidence of weight both go to show that the sick who gain in health gain in flesh. The only gain in weight which is unhealthy is the gain which comes from an accumiilation of flabby fat. Loss of flesh is one of the foremost signs of failing health. If you have lost weight and are gaining health by medical treatment, you will gain in flesh and the scales will tell the tale. is supplied with an tn the rat cor AcftrSsss TMs grasst hook contains 1QQ8 large J sin rcacifgi of stamps to pay expense of mailing stamps (expstsse of mailing ONLY) for the hook stamps for tho volume . I cftmi . Br ? V. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Valley Railioad. In I lli'it Juiii ', l'll. Iiam. It ivt s, taiilmi. I'm riiil.iiMplu.1 and Ni vv .nk v,i H .V II ! , at 11 I", and u is a in . and 2 l, I J7 I III 111, lllUll.'lld I IHs.l, .mil II u i III. UII ilav, D. ,. II. II H . 1 ". -' I'. "I I'm Uhiii' ll.ivin, llali'iuii mid inn, ipil pi.mt-i in llu' i"'l urfi'iH, via I) iV II. It It. I, 1, ' Is and I i7 p. in I'm Putt. villi, i. l'i a in . - Is p in, IM Hi llilc licui. Ui-tmi, lb ldinv, IIiiii.Iiiiii; and ptiiiiit'il liiliiuiulhli .latum, ill II II, II li, (il.l, 'His a. in; -' I-. l.JT (lllul. Hli nn ml i:pn'), II-'." P i" i-miilaji,. I', i; II H It., n.is a ui.; I i. i -' p. iu I in Tiinl.li mum l. 'Ii'wanda. Hindi i, ltli.it i, (,'iiii'va and puinlpal Iule inn'ili itn ..titinn., vii II.. I.. .. H II It., s III a ui mill I HI p in I'm ItHii'va, I'.'ii In -u i, IS i.T.il . Mia.n.i I " 1 1 ' -. (Iiiia.'i. and all i"Inn wi-t, ' ' v M. It It.. 7 s il. Vi a I !-. .1111 lllliik llluni'lid l ,iwi), 7 1. i II, ll.iup '" Simil.i;, II .V. It II.. 11 "'. s i7 p in. I'ulliniii pailm -mil lei.iliirf t I.i'IiLIi Villi v ii.il lui iu.- un nil tialn lii'lVMtn H'llki. Ilui, aid Vi'w Vuk, I'lilludilplila, llniralu aim Su. p iil,iu Itilil.i ........ laH.I.IN II. W II Ml 'I. (il "l'i, -C foitljml kill I t, Nt vv .ill,. I'll MH. I.s s I.I I . In ii, I'uM. Aut , 2U Ciitlainl ftl.lt, NPVV l'lk. A V MINI MM Hi-It. l'i' '''' AbI . s" "'' Il.llililiiin. l'a tm ikl-.H nml I'lilliuan ni,ilaiii npnly ti tin l..nk.iw nun ivoiui', Minium, l'u. Now JovbQy Ccntial. fjlutliin III N'c'W oik- I'onl o( Lllutly 8lre"t, N. II , and si'iitli I'M1.. niiiniiiir VnaiiiHiidil IhiiicIinI In (I t. IV I ill 'liaiii. Uav fcnainiiii (m ,,iv. Sulk. Niw.nl., I i,aK'tti, I'lilllililplila, l'.li"U, llfllilvlii-iu, M liiiliuvn, Slamli I Inii'li .mil Whim lUvi'ti, at 11 u ii, , oMiiiw, I ll I'M" "! 1 '' (' I". MM dav., ". l'i P- 1" , ,,, I'm I'ut.lmi Ji"' HHiV'w IIjii'. l. in,; 110 ami 4 Ml' l Sunda' ., , U.I . li. HI. Iu ikiltlui 'in ami 4iiiiiitmi ami puliit-t h.uili and Wiil'vU lli'llib'tu'in, n..Vi u. m , i pj ami l.dl p I". Minliv. I' I'- I" j' I l.uuv: lliaiuli. O.ian iiwh, i-t.., it sij-, a in. und l.tU li. I"- , ,, , , l'ir lliadiiu, l.iluumi ii'i'l IIjiiUi.iiij, v'a . U'lilimii, iiti 4. m. mid I.IU p. iu, SiumIj.vj, J l'i ii. in IVi Puii.vill''. " ' " 1'bl Ji, UI, l'oi .MuuuwUi l'a'l, ,! I". UH Wl I IM 'll'iimiali III UK ) all l"uiil. ra-t, miitli an I vifl at lnviM ul" " Hi'" -tatiou. CM lit III. Ilui l'a.. ji . . Wi:Vt7., .lit . I, n Mipl Eyio ltalUoad, Wyoming Division. Iialu fur Ni'vy i k aud intitiuidiati. piiiui liavu hiiantou a Mlnv. 7-JUa m ; . p m Alivalr-lu.ii a. iu Hum llui.ndali', llanliy and intciiiiidlaii puiin . u.'M p. in. iiinn New Virk utnl liiU'liiiiillatc puinin, .Nu Sui.da; tiaiu-. ( tf Evidence puscles of health. Many diseases remote from the stomach arc cured by the use of "Golden Medical Discovery," because shell diseases have their origin in a diseased condition of the stomach and its allied organs of digestion and nutrition. Tlie whole body (and eacli separate organ of it), depends for strength on the nourishment extracted from food. When the stomach only partly extracts the elements of nourish ment from the food eaten, then the body is only partly fed. In as far as the organs lack nourishment they are starved, and starvation means weakness. Hence "weak' heart, "weak" nerves, "weak" or sluggish liver, and other "weak" organs are cured when the " weak " stomach is cured' and made strong again by the use of " Golden Medical Discovery." GASHED FIFTY POWS2S. Mrs. Mary K. Lewis, of Tanner, Gilmer Co., W. Va., writes: "I will always tccoumiciid Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery, ' Favorite Prescription ' and ' Pleasant Pellets,' for they "cured me when doctors and other medi cines failed. Foi fifteen years I suffered untold misery. When I commenced taking Dr. Pierce's medicines, I had given up all hope of ever getting well. I could not lie down to sleep, and everything I ate would almost cramp me to death. Was very nervous and could hardly walk across the room. only weighed ninety pounds when I com menced taking these medicines six years ago; fno7t'tveigh one handled and forty pounds, and am having better health than ever before. My fiicuds all say they can hardly believe that I am the same person ; after being sick so long haze 1 hanged lo be obut and rosy checked. I hae. taken fifteen bottles of 'Disco. cry,' fifteen of the ' Prescription ' and fifteen of the ' Pellets.' I take great pleasure in recom mending your medicine to the sick for I know that if it had not been for them I would not have been living to-day." There is no alcohol in "Golden Medical Discovery" and it contains no opium, nor other narcotic. It is not a stimulant, imparting a false, strength, but a real flesh-forming, body-building medicine. Of course, the medicine does not build the body or make flesh, no medicine can do that. But tho "Discovery" cures diseases of the stomach and digestive and nutritive systems, and enables the assimilation of food by which alone flesh is formed and strength regained. If you are encouraged to try "Golden Medical Discovery " do not bo put off with an imitation or .substitute medicine, such as some dealers will offer for the sake of a little more profit, claiming that it is "just as good." There is nothing just as good as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for tho cure of diseases of the stomach and other organs of diges tion and nutrition. "tmr at maM hygsenxc knowledge for a copy of 3r Pierce's in paper covers PSERGE, Buffalo, N, Y. RAILROAD TIME TABLES Schedule! iii Effect Juno 2, 1001. Trains leave Sciautou; 6.4D n. m week days, thiough ves tlbulu tialn fiom Wilkc&-Bario. Pullman, buft'ot pat lor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Pottsvllle; stops nt punclpnl in tcrmediatQ stations. Albo con nects for Sunbury, Hniribburpr, Philadelphia, Baltlmoip, Wash ington and lor Plttsbuig and tho West. 0.38 a. in., week days, for Sunbury, Htuiisbuig-. Philadelphia, Iialti motc, Wnshington and Pittsburg and the West. S.1S p. in., week days, (Sundays, 1.D8 p. m.;). for Sunbmy, Har risburg, Phlladolphln, Dnlti moic, Wnbliington and Pitts buig and tho West, 3,33 p, m., week days, thiough ves tibule train fiom Wllkcs-Bane. Pullman bulfet pallor car and coaches to Philadelphia via Pottsville. Stops at piinclp.il In tel mediate stations. 4.27 p. in., week days,, for Hasletou, Sunbmy, Hanisbuig, Philadel phia nnd Pittsburg'. I II 111 'K IHNI-ON (. n Mar, J II. WOOD, lieu l'a- U't Delawaie, Lackawanna and Western, Iu I'lK-it Mia II. I'OI Tu u. b in- s, lanuu lm Nni ji, , , 1 10, .1 im, ,i ii, 7 "'0 and 10 Un a iu l ' C .'0, ;;.n, il.l and .u I1 ' I " il and I'liiladilplila 7 'ul und in 01 a in and I' Viand ,1 l'i p. in. I'm 'lul'.ii.miw M nl') p. in Inr lliillal.i-l l'i. u-i .""I '"" " I ". -' ' " mid IIIh, i in lm llluH.-iliitmi Jlul h.i.i ia llviiii -IH'Jl a m ""I ' ""' I' "' '""' H'lViK". J-viaiii-i' uud I ilia I l'i and li.'l .1 in l..',i) atd ., ' p ui. ll.viij.. suae ii., ami I in i Ham ai u.-i a m daih. I'viipi Suiinji Inr JIuiilliiM '"l J- "i I (il ""' ""' I1 "' Nidi ul mi aii.,nuu.liliuii I ii .il.d ' li p. in llluuiiol'iiu llivi-imi lm Niulliuiiilifil iml, it ,. I, and in Itt a in . I. and cl.in p, in t'or I'ljtu.'iilli. at s IU a in . .1 Vi and IMl'i p, m Niudaj 'liaiii-i-I'm -. luH I IU, . , 3 55 and 10 Ui a. in : '' -'' ' J'l "' "' !' m. Vot llutralu l.li "'id 'U-'a ' ; l.U, .1.5.'. JM aud 11 Ji p I". l"' lluirliaiiitii and way ,-tj llnni-li.fiel and lO'u J m IHooiiuhurgr divtiiou b.avv Suaiiiou. 1' '" anil U-IO i. in. i. i t t "IfcWi g&iMaKfr'-'i JaOBiUtifr- ,iSO,. . tmtmsblu utt.