wiwsfvT 1 AiX u tSP-".. t HWrff'iWT tri ,J o i ?SL R Mr? V, 3. H -w ' K " " -, L ". it 8 THE SCHANTON TlUBUNE-Tl'ISSDAV, OLTOUMU !L, 1UU.I.. IT5 vv tfwt "o - y 15 Minutes sufficient to give you most delicious tea biscuit using Royal Baking Powder as di rected. A pure, true leavener. HULL GIVEN TWENTY YEARS VISITED WITH THE EXTBEME PENALTY Or LAW. Hull Wns Not in the Lenst Agitated ns Ho Stepped Up for Sentence, but He Weakened When He Henid Judge Punly's Scnthing Woids and the Sentence of Twenty Yeais Which He Imposed New Commu tation Law Will Take Ovei Seven Yeais Off Tenn. Wln.ins "f 1 ill I. ol I'.nlioiuialo, wha iuis l dinned guilty of nun ilu In tin !o -oiul 103100 in IIoiipmI.iIi on Tiirtl.i lat for killing IMuin Sf'litionoxni, of ffri.inlon, In tlio wools ni.ii Iii.i l.o iloio, on June Jfi. v.i- Mtetiln n tontul liv .ImiIko f'litil to li i t ius' JminlMiinnnil In Hit 1:,imiiii pruttcntf.ii, the ui.isfrnnni ix'itrilij nt tiie l.iw. Tlio hf nli nci i.i-. .ultnitiKt n'lhi tln tifternoon lioioic .i h.ill-lillf il lmmi In 1 lie AV.iwu1 inunl mint limine ,a liinp-(liilf. Itefon lie d( lit Hull 111- imni'-liim lit. JiuIkp Tiitdy ilcliwuil iiiltc ,i Iniifjiiij t .1 IK. in tlio i oiu 'o ol Willi h lie jiio-f"--od his belli i in the unlit ol tlio yi Koncr and Hiuoh Mlmkoil lilui loi tlio (toed. Hull's roiin-d, ttoiin- .lulin T. TUlllpllV .111(1 .I.llllfv J. O ..ilt' of Sti, niton, eio In Mile liini, liii t lil.iUe no M.iteintnt. Hull, liiniM if -.poKo to Hie I'oilit foi .iliout ,i lull Milnulo, )ile,idlntr (litinKi iiue-s lu i tf mi itinn rif liis .tot. and .iMiiilit; lli.it ho li.ul no lll-foollnu" .il ,m Htm tou.iid' S( tioonioi It t.is .i U inintili - .illii ' lAlmU Minn Hull (Jim into (unit. In (,ue of Sluiiff Aiinluustit, .mil in c ompTiij with .motlici pi l-oui i .i oiins uiin turned Jixiiitf lint Hi i who aw.iitod -I ntoui o on .i i li.UKt of lnunl ii . Hull .is .is i hem tut ;is lisunl. .mil litditlH pictlod lilsiouusil. Duihu tin ill l.i of nc.iilv ti.ilt .in hum. Hull hid .in i molesting t.ill. Willi Ids (onnsil. riir fn-l mow w.is in nk h Ui-i i It ( Vilni us Atkinson, who isUod loi scntmuo hy saliur DlSI'ltNT A'l'l(it:.Ni:V I IIMAUKS ' If the i. out I pit , isc, 1 di -lie in iinuf JOl oilllllKl i'l till ( ,sn oi Innns Hull, who lias liMii lounil sullt ol niutdoi in thu sei nml iIiki H dot 'n'l sotiu tlttiiiK oi piupii to in.ikf .m sug gestion otlici ill. in in tall iiltiiitkin to the tlndhiK of tin iittj to ulikii was att.it lied tlio ittoiumondatiou Hut no moiiy lie Miown tin di londiint. r'or mv pait ami tliu-i- ni iaud with iim in tlio tommomii alth, I tan mi that the looouunonilatlon .wit upon aftoi o or tin co d.i.s' oiiMdiiuiion was i .n anted h' tin- I.kib. When Mi. Atkinooii osunit.il his p.u, Judf l'uitlv tlh oi tul his .men tion to Hull, and Inilliatiin, lv a w io "!" his hand, said. ' Winaus Hull pit ase U .111(1 Up." Hull 'Was like lislllllillK In iepondinj to the cnuit's dilution "You hao hron lound Milllv of niiuder in tlio Ih-i iIokho 1 the niiv Ahich liatl ou in iii.it;. lliit tni nmtiiinjr to sa V" Hull as not the least hit .iitattd bv iliOhOlemu puxHoilliu, In width lie was tlio chief ciiaiarfr. "I lia. mum lionor," he ahnl lepllttl ami in a Uoar voice that did not lntia tlio Jo.ist anxiety, lie spoKo as one who was sony and puiiteiit tin luniiik i oni nilltod some p.i.ssintr wimi,! not tin Kiievoiih ciiino thai kuI to him "I'm houy this thiiiR has ottumil ' Hull contlinad, 'and it toiildn't !i.io ok lined hut lor diiuk; ill Ink w.i tin tati-o of it. I had no ill uoIIiik niinsi Jlr. Seluiouotei and I haeift ,m to daj." When Hull (liilslu d lii.s somewhat iihiupt L'ilaiuition, .Indue I'utih lom juoni etl ids tall; -hlih was i .-ihiKluf,' jobuke to Hull. SAViJD l'ltti.M Till: UAI.UiUS " Von liae es-iapeil the Kftllnu liv a n.iiuiw iuai,ln," Iipk.ui .liulio I'uiily (n his calm mild oltt, n wto that I'Osiioaks tile deep him i-i lt, thiit Is io puted of this Juiist. ",nii a iiiuti lin lined ills eot iitlniii'i' on e-! tosii iuoti than eNlhtod in this i.iht We iirti lutoimed tliat a I.iiko malontv of the Juiy believed lu our kuIU of min der In tliu Hist iIi'sjk nml ouls iiriteed to i (nun In othtMWl.se w In u it appeal oil that a dlt..!K!''f'mi'iit wuulcl be the ic Milt. While mi wouldn't shilnlv I'loni out duly in pai-siuj; u stntiiui m a iu0 Of UUIldel, It Is tellel lu (his lOUIl lll.lt it is pill (,ill upon tin-, time to .senti'iitc ou to tin Hallow. s, but instead to iinpilMUinieut. "11 is an untoituuate d,i in a wmiiik man's llfo ihon lie iiiiuiot koi niunee by honest means, Tiny don't lieinnie haideiud cilmiiials b a ,,limlo liniiud, but go on sit'p li biep until tluMr liioial .sensibilities heioiui bliiutoti and tlioli ronhclences HP.ilnl Hut how ott should bo far torset Join ilf,'ht to so fiety as to take n life tot a lew inltrv doll.u.s, as wo liollnxe uii did, il Is beyond us to iindei .stand. "Yott .say tliat i.s dun lo intosnu tlou. AVi) believu that Hip dilnk habit 1s jt'Mioiislble for a good deal of iinno, but it I.- not oxciibe, "Tl imiiljihuicnt piolilP(l lij law 1s iv o-iolil tlio Information of the ti'mtiiiil and as an example to otlnts, to hi i mi a thposed to clime fioiu It t iniiuiso'oi "li iiuun tun no tliat the InuuLtnt jiuist sun i Mih tho Btillt, Think of the pit I1 ni in nileh you plate otir i.uuil. Yoin o luliiBo yoiu motlii'Ta Pint "i i ii i ; 'i.iy hail .s tu the ii iv in -a v and anuiilbh. It Is Mild ' i a tlilld; this we learn inn. mii in'. pi. If this be Hue, think wliut )in 'io biousltt on this Iiido cent ill Ho dear; think how ou Jme WlKlited this 5-ouisjr life that It cannot chalte tlio fact tint Its falhei is a nnnderei-. jiAXiMr.M ssi:nti:ni'i:. "Tlio juiv nks that wo Miow you no tin lev. Twenty tais s the mnvlinnin scntenct. That foonis n loin,- tlino to .spend nhtlt out Hoiii stiLlotv III t ln-, nml "olltntv tontine moid; but It ou lint'e a ."hied ol ioiis( lonee lotl. Win, ins Hull, that ImpiNonnioni 1 notliliur as illtp.lt icl with tile leellliKs oll will uutloiK" lu .Mini d.uk tell thinking of the eiiiiio iiii lull' rninniitled. Pos sibly tho tiles oi Mitir viotliu will iIiia out iiKaln and aj;ain lo toimeiit ou, Your linpi Noiuiioiit all this time seems to he as much to he divide I and simd deied nl as the pouall.v tor intuitu In tllf 111 st ilo(4l(f As we line It, d s( ins loss, but wht n wo t unit inplato till lis hnnnis we iitn't sa, If put In Mint position, whli h we would house. Tin mils hope ij. that the iiupilsoiinient width wo shall Impose will woik such a lt'loi inatloii in ou that when dis t hailed mui will spend the leinaindoi ol Mitir ihis in atonlnc foi the awlul (lime j on hae ( uuiinltlod. "The sentence of Hie colli t Is that J on, Wliiati.s J lull, pay the rusts of piosectlllon In tills ease and iiltdeiKii liniulsoinnoiil In the penitential y of the j:.iatein dlstilft at l'lillnilelnlila. for (ho lei in of twenty eitf, to ho eonw pilled n oin tills date! thelP to tie kept at sol 1 1 n l. V (oiillin.inenl anil fed and clothed as the law ptovliles." Hull diopped Into his eut and for the llrsl time bIiicp his tin est ho allowed a Mhlilt of lealliitloii of the Kialty of Ills eiline iinil Its pinim. iiuemes, J I Is fmn tlits'liotl nnd ho lilt his lips to i mill ul the emotion stlnod up tiv the Iiimvj sptitotioo iliat wan lin liosed nit hint. i' Was ei oeilltiKly hiave and allettoil liotlllllK ol tlio 111 toiest Hint ho dlspliied even dm III),' lite moot 1 1. Win; pint of his tilal. un,r, takm:.v AWAV WIipii the rmii't adiuliitslpiod soti tpnee ill another rife. Phi'ilfC Ai minis, tor tapped Hull on Iho sliouldpr. He Jumped to ills feet and Ik Id out h s hands to bo inaii.uled. To no one did Hull inaltp any (oniiueiit as to the sen teiiip, tiolther lo his iounol oi lo Khpiilf AimhiistPi with whom In is al w.ns sot table and i oiuniuiili'iitKe, I'lom i-spipssiuns that Ii" inad' slme the oidlel, Hull ludltiittd Ills lit tit t lu a Hindi slinttti inipi .-oniiu 1. 1 .nut wan vMhly disappoint! il to be Inlliitul wlih the lull penalty of tho law Hull will bo takiii to I'licnv Hill h Sllelllf Alilllmslei on 'I'llllI silliv lie will In bioiiKhl to Stianton WotliiLs d i eU'iiillK. wlioio he wlllieinaln until the ni'M diiv, when ho will Join the pill I V ol pil-siueis who will HO 1 lillll Lack iwnuiia ( oiinlv. Tin- now eoniniiilatlon ait ,lll lake about si von yeais of Hull's ooiitom i Till 10 S gll.lt I M ItLIIII til hi Iloiiis- dalo t-U iiM'i tho Hull c.ioo. Ke. W II. Swllt, l'lesbwulau. and Jle. i' I. lVu, I! iptlsl. loioned to the lnal 1 1 tun tin Ir pulpits Siindav iiihl and dnw lessons inini the siatciueiils of Hull that lliittoi was the hum of his t'oiunilttliiK the ' i lino In aiious wa.s tlu liuors .ho held out tor a s tond do;;it.i mkIkL an In ilipr lliadi to ltil the dlspleisuie ol Hi. (.Hiins ot Hone dale who In fjt n iial lolt tliat Hull motitrd the k.iIIowb. INDUSTRIAL JOTTINGS. What tho Operatois Loiter for Octo ber Says About tho AnUnncltc Conl Mnik'ct. The October letter of the Anllnatilo Coal Opuaiois' association s.ts ot the mat let. "Conditions' cliiiiiKOit but Utile ilur Ittjj Attsiisl and Sopienibei. eM'fpt that for tlio thst week or so in th' latter mouth the dtiuuud showed a mIuIU lalllna oil', Apait ttoiii t tits' thorp was nil net ho movement iroin tlm inltnn to tho ilealfitt' yiitiK and to the cellillH of the luiKir eoiisimiois who, In August, took adntntiiKe of the lower pi Ice. This has left llitl.t it vono in the stoitiKo ,in ds of the (otnpniiles, thus ptinltl liur nmplo space to cany any i u.il w lilt li niav not ho reiiiiltod b the mar hot, tliotmh it i douhtlul wliPthoi ellcli a sin plus will olst diiiiiw Hi" (older liinntlis. "J'lloo", whli h wen' nihant'td leu (outs per ton on September 1. have liLon lb m on all sides. The eiltlutl mouths, ,iniv ,,,,(1 AiiKitst, pa-sod without a (miBKestloii ot shading piltes, and .ti'iun this pio'-ent llnio iiniil .In n naiy the active diMiitind whit h ina bo espftlod will pii'M'tit III'' po'slbllPy ot sut h i tlilnir ' This and That. The AuiPili in t.ocoiuotUe lompuiy !h lipoitetl to have secuitil a lolltimt fin tWthe loooiuotlM' lo bo shipped lo the Chilean Kalhas The i:noii-i:aiis Maiiulai titriii eonipam, of l'lilladelphla, Pit,. U woiklinr on a liif;o mid uslstiiiK Inoiie (ondensei loi the I,ohlnh Valli y Coil (onipain, at Haleton, Pa. Tho Wostlnslioiis' (iiinpain Is to riit a new town and a mammoth totllidiN plain at Stew ,n I Station on the Peiinsj K.inla llailniad, a .shoi t distant o oast ot PIttsbtiiB. 'I'll'' loni P'in line xi (Hit d ("() ,u ps and Inteii Is to loneontiate all ol lis lollildiles lu nn plant and build aiouml it foi the in ik lit oi l lie tniploM'o, a town to ho called Tiarfoid Patk, The cot of Hie liiipioenirnlii will icin.li S,000.000, and over -.Don men will ho einplopd In Hie wmk. The 1'ominiiiv has now tin cu fniiiidilrs, tiiio lu Plttrthurtf, one In AI IcKheliy, unit Hip thlld III Chuelaiiil. Tin1 I'lcUtmu tolllpty of the hclawaie nnd Jltttlsoti nmipaiiy ban been chut down for cMttislNo t epitlt , mid will not bo opened tip for wiiiic leiiKtb of tline, pciliapK several months. Tho en tile idiii ft Into he t ribbed and cxtclis'ivo alteiiitlons iiiudo on the litenkor tower. New niiil-dinilil!K dovhes will lie In Mtnlleil, so thai llloie ooal than ever beloii' onii he banditti lu a kIm'U num ber of limits Xoaih all tho 1.00 men mid hovM fiiiilotd at the Ulekson will lie bIvpii toniioiaiy employment In the oilier mines of lite tompany. WACO NEIGHBORS MEET. As n Hesult Two Die with Their Boots On. Wiko, 't'eiis, Oct. il, A street duel with ieolvtis was eiiaeted In Austin ticet, Hi" inn In tlioioilKhfaie of tlio illy, this nfloinoon between fiuiiior Slioillf Hauls nnd his sop on one side, and hi. I.owliiio nntl his son on the othei. As a losult both of the Hauls' mo dead and Pi I.oplneo and son are tinder ariost i'Iiiiikki with tlio killing:. The tioitblc is supposctl to liao oiig iniited Itoui domcsUt' dlllh ultli j, Automobiles, Bike Wagons We are prepared to do all Uinds of repair work on the above, tires and bear iugs a specialty. We have enlarged the door in the rear of our store, you may rim or drive hi. Compress ed air always on tap free for your tires or air tanlc. Florey & Brooks, 2ii Washington Avenue. m SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER Occupies an Imperishable Position in the BUSINESS WORLD. Unquestionable Superior Merit Annually adds thousands of names to the long list of Smith Premier users, representing every line of trade and ccry profession ILlUSTRATEli CATMOGVr. hREE. , The Smith Premier Typewriter Co., NO. 23 S. Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sernnton Binnch Office, Nob. 1 nnd 3. Arcade Building-. d O eturn 8 Two-Day OU CANNOT afford to miss this opportunity to visit Buffalo and the Pan-American Exposition. The Four Dollar Tickets are good going in the clay coaches of any Lackawanna train on October 25 and 30, and for return the following day. dV ;xcur: 9 Five-Day Excursion Tickets, sold at Six Dollars, are good going in the day coaches of any Lackawanna train on October 22, 26 and 29, and for return within five days, including day of sale. e Ten-Day Round Trip Excursion Tickets are on sale every day at Eight Dollars, good for return within ten days, including day of sale. Bear in mind all trains in the above tickets arc g on t. All Lackawanna trains land you at the foot of Main street Buffalo, " Electric cars run direct from the station to the Exposition grounds or hotels, For further information, vail on or telephone the local ticket agent at Lackawanna avenue passenger station. Telephone, 205-3, EDUCATIONAL. Free Tuition Hy a i emit ml of tlio lcglsla. ttire, fico lullion Is now uianlcd at tin.' Literary Institute nnd State Normal School f3loomsburg, Pa. to nil llioso pmiiarliiK' to truth. TtiW -lIiooI iiialntulti.H tnllinr-j of study for U'iioIipis, for tlioio liicimiliiK lor totlono, nnd for UlOM' Ktlllli Ihk muMc. It vlll tuc to write fm riarttriilaM. No other (clioot n(Un mill tunrrlor aJ. wnUyn jt sucli low ititH A'.lilicsi J. P. Welsh, A. M., Ph. D. , Prin. BINGHAIYITON TRAINING SCHOOL for croll, Ihtkwinl ami licit Mute flill itrcn I'hi'lrit 'li ilnlni;. Miniit liilnln.', Artie. iitillnn, Miiiic. lluiwhi, Mini is u ten. Open jo j i jruuiul, (.in ill ir. S. A. Doolittle, W fan lew Acnue, ntngluniton, N. Y. .CHESTNUT HILL ACADEMY 'Wissahickon Heights. Chestnut Hill, Pa' A limriUni: .liool for lios in tlic elevated mil lir-.tiitifnt oiien coimtn north of l'liiln ilelplili. 1" minutes froi 1 llroitl bt Station. I'm nit iIoriich .HllllC-s JAMES 1.. PATTERSON. Hcad-Master. SCRANTON COKKESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, hCRANlOV. PA. 1 I. Toiler, President, nimer II. Lawitl, l'eii. It. J 1 oiler, fatanlcj I". Allen, Vko I'rcsiJcnt. Sjcrettr. i m m Lager Beer Brewery Manuracturer or OLD STOCK LSNER 435 to 455 N. Ninth Street, . SCRANTON. PA Tclcphons Call. 'i33J. Allis-Chalmers Co Succcssois to Jlacliine Uusinesa o( DicK&on Jl.inufactuiins Co, Scwnton antl Wllkes-Uiuc, IM. Stutlonaiy Engines, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumps. NEW YORK HOTELS. WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cur shtcrntli Sit ni it turns l'l uc, NEW YOHK. Aincikiii 1'Ijii, ! V) l'a thy nut Upvutfl. I iiruprm I'l in, 1 0l I'd Di uinl Upwjrdi i-iuijl HjU.i to Ijtnillu T. THOMPSON, Pi op. HillHHIMfelilHllllllllBNllBflMHIiSxM HOTEL JEFFERSON NEW YORK lO.'.IOI-lOO fr'iiHt l.'.lh Street. 1ho.ll. I I l.ltSON is h thormlily tlrst-class lMnilyiuiiltiannnt!iutfl,oilinnRti mini mum t ml i mr iiiniim ot limiri nml ipinforl. On 1 r ill itraet, jimt k1j Union hquiM, it is nithin ft lew minutoi of tlio loading shone ilitntiei nml till... European Plan, $1.00 up. Amoncan Plan. $2.50 up. Suites with Privato Dath, $2.00 up. 1 or sun Writes eiiilcnr Information nrlta ,IIIII !'. II VI I II l.l. 1'ioinletor t lor Bihluc Men in tho heart o: tlio wholrsaU district. - f For Slioppcr.s -f " K ritnuteo' walk tn Waiinmnlfpr; J nilnutis to HtcfCl Cooper's U!s a f Hture. I-asy of aoccss to tlio jicu; T nry Goods Stoie-i. r t For Siiclilscer.s One lilorU from ri'nity Cnr. Blv- i. I iiirr eni.y iiaiibpoilattoii to all ; T points uf Interest, L ALBERT j : NEW YOKK. X mr utii st. a uNivnnaiTT ru Only one JlloeX from Uioaelmy -f t Rooms, $1 Up. vX&WJIX&u t f-f-f -f ---f-'-f-'4--f' .TV'S. ll'-m.uii I " Ever .Woman alioiiULe uDiulrifnl MRVEI. Whirling Spray Jlm HlnulSjrlo. Initc .mi. ut. J Mi hm llH "! . l ill.l 1 iiinriH-iM llllltg.rtllklini'f 7j lia uur JlU. .! tut U If h iiinoLrUi il l lie ti u,iiL?n 1 fi iniiicru I li I nil It. ill ild Diit iltlkii I illlllt ill llllMlltll.tk4 1l(l l' .. k- .A a -- a A a ttl i A Prof.G.F.THEEL.827!A?,.r!5W U'.lil-llbU, U Unl Imtii.u rUlhl U lHirri' uruifr iwftirt i v; uuu t rntlr Mm4m irrrbru4UIMtk)KiTfM,ibaar.I S Htv.-l IvUiib. Wiviu HtbUHf, U-l abu4 T 2 Wr.riirli A Mrlrturralatu rultUui. I diluti invilkHiii-uaLruOrifUk Mead fur Strnlrltualftlt Uookl viimalittf t'fr? vpliral Mil rlftrUUr4v,J, llrsl lot tiaprr.T 4tT fAyWi - r. . -; ji j-a