The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 22, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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PiiMMicil Dally. I'.tcrpl Fiimtiy. Iiy Hie TrlH.
line Publishing Cditipan), nl fifty Cents it Moiit.i,
mvv s. niniAim, iMitnr.
o. v. nvxm.i:, limine ma-iir".
eT Yotls Office: ICO Xa)nil St.
s. k. vttr.r.r.ASi).
Bule AroiU lor I'nrclgii Ailvcrtl'lng.
trill ted at Hid t'oitoflic, nt orKiilcn, P.!., i
fVionii rims MjII Milli-f.
IVIifn p.up will ponnlt. Tlin Tillum? I' nlw.ivi
Blil lo print short lcttdi from 111 filoniU lnir
In? on inrrMit topic, Imt IM title Is Hi' i
must lip slstifil. for tmbllratlnn, by tlio writers
rral nampi nml ttic ron.llllnn fret rilent tn .10-icplitui-
Is tlmt .ill contilbutlons shall Im hubjeit
to nllloriil rcil'iott.
mi: n,AT iiati: roit adviiutimn'o.
The follnuing taltli slio'va Hip priro per Inrli
tacli Inreitlon, apatc to be iwd within one rai:
" "" Hun n't "Sliilnc on " Pull "
DISPLAY. P;iper ittuiliiig PojUlon
J.cii than flOO'lndics .2." ' ".273 "1 ."0
50O Indies 21) .! .21
I'XiO " in ,);-, ,l'i
fnoo " i-il .17 .155
'"i' ,ir, .in-, m
Tor cards of tli.in1, h.w1ii.iii of roinloleneo
ml similar tontrlbulloin In the natui of ail-sr-rHsfnjj'
The Tribune makes it ihaigu of 5 cents
Hfte for Classified Advcrllstus furnWicJ on
Supieme Courl-Wll.UAM P. I'OTU'.R.
TifBMiicr-ntAMC (I. IlAItltl-:.
.lurisc-.?. w. cai:i'i:nti:i!.
Controllei II. A. JO.T-.
Coroiier Hit. .T. .1. HOIII'HTS.
jMirtejor-anoitdi: i:. sti:vi:.sox , ,.
IMcclion Xo C.
"When the Demon jry went out of power In
our state it left to the Ttwublkan iinty a lev
my of almost $10,000,000 of debt. Thii debt, by
whe adiiiiiiislratiou under lii publican rule, li.ii
been nnio-;t entirely paid. We hate iiurea-ed
tlic nppioprialions to the couiiuoii M.I100I3 until
e stand at the head of the Anieiican states In
mppoit of popular ediioaliou. I'nder Kepublican
ndiiilnMratlon there ha? been paid eicli jear for
educational purposes mote than was appioprlated
Iiy Hie Di'Uixuatie party in their qiuitcr of a
century of inl-tiilr. We hat c Inrrcascil our ap
propriations to ibailtable ami eleemo.vnary in-ll-tutions
until e tan make flic boast that no state
between the tno oceans suppoits thee Instttu
ttons as well as docs our own. Our 7,000,00) of
people aie itidii-hiotn, boiic.t, liu'-atmllug Olid
bappy. Yd, Miriouiuleil in we aie on every side
nitli prosprious bu-inevi lomlitloiis. with peopto
bappy, employed and r.ontuilocl, and Willi ciery
menue of business and tiado fully occupied, anil
with the pi expect of the fiiluie iirieblenln and
plow Ins mote hopeful, the old historic patty of
t'hstnicfion and iicrii ion sets up a h.nleiical ciy
f t.iUe pretense, htpcnl.. and iiijineerlty for
the purpose of mMoadinij Hie people nml letrain
li'K lost power." I'ron: the Itrptibliian Statu
Ptiino nf llic Insut'ECiit papers ;tic
nimi.'.inff theiiLsflvi'S Iiy iiiintiiiK poliii
cal obituoiIcK of John 51. Gavnuin bo-f.mi-c
liu objected to Ouffoy's soil-out.
It is ovidpnt. tlicy are not in touch
with genuine Democratic s-puthnont.
Wi: HAVK SAID that in this
ciinipiiiBii, for the first
time In many years
in Lackawanna county,
tnniplute harmony niuonpr liepublicans
Is notiee.'iblp; that is to f-ay, tlioro arc
no factions working the ticket
and no elements within the organiza
tion on tlio outs with eaeli other. The
candidates are pulling' together. Kach
is loyal to liis associates.
Hut here and there are a few repub
licans who aie showing indifference be
cause of disappointments, if John Doe
didn't get appointed to the police foice
John generally gives vent to his fel
ings at the next ensuing general elec
tion. If Richard Roe, having been on
the pay rolls, was for any reason le
nioved, Richard proceeds to take it out
on the first party ticket that comes
along. Theie are. local disaffections of
this character this fall; not many;
not more than usual; every campaign
has them; but enough to make it
worth while to offer a few wonls of ad
Don't Kick over the luces. It doesn't
pay. The man who inns for an oflite,
doesn't get it and then pilches Into
innocent candidates who were not ie
sponslble for his disappointment makes
enemies of those candidates' friends
and doesn't make any new fi lends to
offset this los-s. Pome day ho will want
to j un for ofllce again. Then his iccord
will arise and finite It in.
When one of these disappointed men
solicits you to help him to get revenge,
advise him to forego his dreams of
vengeance, and cultivate party loyalty.
At all events, do not join him in fight
ing your paity. Recollect tlmt p.uty
principles are superior lo purely per
sonal prejudices. Re a Republican.
Sir. foray will at least have Hie sat
isfaction of saying that he has been
thoroughly nominated.
The Wonderful Airship.
M SANTO DUMOS' airship
tiaveled tlm routo from
Saint Cloud to and
j atound the Klffel Tower in
twenty-nluo minutes and eighteen sec
onds." on Snturddy, apparently without
ti Idleli. Unfortunately for the In
genious Inventor ami hold balloonist, ho
failed to win the one hundred thousand
franc priuo by forty seconds, accord
ing to the stipulation laid down for
tlio captuto or the stake. This was
certainly hard luck. Theio Is some
roucalutlon for hlni, however, In the
fact that It does not preclude him from
entering the raco again, the next time,
we may hope, with success, He Is hard
y likely to encounter a rival until he
ill'ts , It, Pumos I a man of enthublas
tic Intrepidity as well as of mechanical
it Js said that M. Dumos,' alr-shlp Is
mortjly a big toy, dPllcate and compli
cated, only practical under peculiar
atmospheric, conditions; that his suc
cess proves nothing; that the air Is ton
variljed, unstable, and treacherous a
medium to be navigated; that no utili
tarian puipoM) has been served by
ballooning except as a mote or les
uncertain aid to metei illogical Investi
gation and a somewhat jmno doubtful
bucceis In war scouting. Ho far, cer
tainly, no great progress has heen made
in the practical development of the
balloon beyond U original clumsy and
unwieldy form and fortuitous depend
ence upon the currents of the higher
strata of the atniospheio for Itu pro.
pulbjon In a dpflnito direction. Al
thou'eh science weighs and measures
the nlr. calculates Itr, intensity of fotco
In motion nml pondei'ithtpucsa of prcs
wire, we know absolutely nothing of
Its) clinrni'tiw'lstli'f. beyond these and Its
tlteitilcal conwtltiiunts.
Ktvry great Invention hi lis tn 1 1 in 1
Htiiges Initf been more or less a toy.
Those who drery Santos' Invention as
n toy pay tlio Inventor and tlio child
01' his brain a verv high compliment,
for (iH a toy it wotks. Of llic Iiuhiiiipi
able ali'Hlilp-t and Hying machines that
ltave been Invented or constructed
since (liiM.Mral anthiulty to our own day
In truth only that of :r. Dtnnos hu-i
tleinoiifltratt'd that llielc It no Inherent
condition nf the atmosphere ordinarily
which forbids aeriiil navigation. That
Is all practically which M. Ditinos' ex
pel linent has leailxed; hut that Is a
great deal.
No country In the world Is so favoi
alilu for experiment" In the 1 calms of
pure science at France. The Invenlor
of the balloon wns a French 11 inn: Hie
most daring and enthusiastic tieionauts
miiig are j' leucnineu. it wi.s during
the Fianco-Cerinnii war that the be
sieged In Paris mllk'.ed the balloon for
practical purposes as it had neer
been utilized before. Neither steam nor
electricity bail a more nimplelous be
ginning. "Whatever the fittuie has In
store for aeilol navigation, m, ljumos,
It is hardly loo much to claim, has laid
tlio mechanical foundation.
Social (-qua Illy between inces of dlf
feient colois is not always possible
even If desirable. Rut it Is always
possible for white men to deal justly
with negroes and those who make a
fetish of dealing unfnlily with them
n:e amassing trouble for ihemselves 01
for their dcFcendanls.
The Mule Ticket.
OR SOAIE days past, thoimh
claiming to be a Dunocratio
paper, tlio Seranton 'limes
has been conspicuous for the
absence from Its columns of a Demo
cratic ticket. It runs at t lie top of its
editorial page a mongrel tiling called
the Union ticket, which the courts of
Dauphin county have declined to be il
legally begotten. Rut this-is not a
Democratic ticket and ceilainly not a
ticket that Remociats hne reason to
be Interested in.
One of tlio names 011 this mule ticket
is that of a man who alleges that he
has always been and expects always to
be a. Republican. The mule ticket is
running him for state treasurer. In or
der lo get him on. its parents had to
commit outrage upon the plainly as
serted will of the Democratic masi-es
as expressed by their icpresentatlves
in statu convention. The Democratic
delegates by majority vote said that If
Palm resigned a should be
named to succeed him. Rut a part of
the state committee, having npp.ucntly
sold out to the insurgent Republicans,
illegally met and put on .'. A. ioray,
who says he Is ti Republican and who
proclaims his mission to be to reform
and save the Republican party.
Now why should Democrats wisii to
reform and save the Republican p.tity?
"What interest have they in a light be
tween two Republicans for the ofllce of
state treasuier? Have they any as
surance that foray, if elected, would
be more likely than Harris to go into
his pocket to help elect Democratic
candidate in the future? Could he iee
onclle his claims to Republicanism with
conti Uniting to aid the Democrac V R"
there Is no mhIi assurance. Democrats
are being asked to mix into a Repub
lican scrap in which they aie not con
cerned. If one wing of die Democracy
may support foray another may with
equal propriety support I fan is, seeing
that neither wing has a Deinoeiatlc
candidate in the field.
AW chaige the Times with being an
accomplice to a gigantic scheme of
Democratic beliayal. AW tail the at
tention or Democrats to the fact that
their former local oigan has ceased to
display the emblems of Democracy:
that it has become a del elk t in poll
ties, an apologist Cor political illegit
imacy, an instrument of political apos
tacy. Whv should any ical Dcuiociat
o follow its hilling of
A lecelll NMte of the London
aid contains some Intel est ing
as to the world's drink bill.
in Hum, It is shown, ileihes ;; per cent,
of her total revenues lroui the tax on
alcoholic beverages; the United States,
20 per cent.; France, lit per cent., and
"iormnny, IS per cent. Ofwlue, Fienih
nien drink S.vt gallons a year per head;
nermann, l.l." gallons; liiitoiis, .;;ii gal
lon, and Americans only .;:.; jjallon. On
the contrary. Ciermans dilul; :7.." gal
lons of beer apiece per capita; but are
outdone by the Rrilisli, who average
HI," gallons. Americans ill ink only
gallons and Frenchmen ii.2 gallons. Tlio
French use the most spirits, L'.Oi" gal
lons; nermann coming next with l.'.M,
then Englishmen with 1.1L', and Ameri
cans last, with I. fnl gallons, From
evciy standpoint Americans show up
as the most abstemious of the tour and
It Is plain that temperance among
tliout Is progiessng moie rapidly than
among the inhabitants of any other
A (iciman Inve.stlsallng eNpedlllnn
clalma lo huvo dlM-ovcretl the tlirono
room of the
on tho site of ancient Habylon. Now If
some 0110 will locate the p.iitlcular pns
luro In which XelitK' roamed
Willi tho bovlnes the mystiry of ihe en
tlro .situation will be cleinnl up,
Dyspeptic persons who have In en
prono to prophecy all sorts of liniinelnl
evils for .Scranton with tho departuio
ot tho steel mills, will now be obliged
to ttiin their attention to the weather,
It begins to look as though it might
be ueeoss-iiry to offer raut-oius lur the
nilnlsteis who have been intrusted with
tho mission or arranging payment for
Mls-s Stone's release,
President Ki tiger -sllll lliuls s-ntlsr.u-ttou
In tho ItnowleilKo tint t his unfortu
nate I'olloweis are at least wonylng tlio
In the matter or payment of Anierl
can claims, Yenrsjuela shows a dispo
sition to defy tho sheriff.
The occasional meetings of the Deiii
ocrutlc state committee in-cue a good
liuiliy teadeis about the roiitilry from
In spile of the pioss of oilier litifl
lies", iini'.luiid IIiiiIh time to atinex a
rich Island now nml then,
I.alest icporln from Hltngway Indicate
Hint the glitter of gold continues to
uiver sufferings untold.
The American flog
Now flas a Rival
'pei'lnl tuiiepnnilente ut "Ihe 'I'lllnme,
Wellington, Ovt. 'J I.
Till: AMIIIirt'AN ,u Ins u Ihuopraii,
I.Vimmtk lias come Into the Held as s pro
diner and evpoiler of bous and lioir pi'ib
tuts with u gumlli nt trait Intel cIH,'
If nni Mhnieslltf' tn Aii'iilciti producers "I 11
toiiuiHidily tthnse export t.ilue picw fioiu S"l,-HN.i-'iS
in v,ii ( p,(it,1,.AI In 00, 'Jhese
flgiiii-s liuw the total t due of Imp ptoducts i-.
polled hum Hie fnlleil Slalei u lyil mid 1WI,
lespetliwiy, the ilelalls for Idol beinir: land,
siil,.',MI-; Iuuiii, fl7,lt'!),lru; ham., SJJ.SIJ.
77.: Mllcil 11 ih I piikleil pmk, VM'-".UI; fir.h
pil, ,2,l'JI1u, 11111I taiiiKil pot!., f7iw,.!M.
1) -'Ihe
fut Hut 1,f,-r pioilutt.1 faint the Ingest
slnule iti-iii in the espoit.ilions of tlic I'nlted
M.ltis I1.1t ln)f exireded l.i-t je.u by two mil
lion dolhiH tliiiM; nf inauufacliur.s nf lion mid
steel, wli exports hate atti.iiled so mui li at
tention, lends lnteiest lo some facts tthicli
hive just ic.uhed the trrntuy I1111p.u1 of stalls
tiis itg inline Hie uinak.ilile detelopineul of the
lii(-iil.iliS ludiistrj of DeiuiiJil.. 'Ibis inlof
inatloii is tuiblUhcil in the "Diiiivli Kxport He.
k," nml slioH.s tint (lie iMiinber of head of
Milne In Ddini.iil; has iiiiira-nl fioni il(U,unO in
1-iit in 77i,0iM in issi ..i i.ins.ihxi in p0S, tlio
latest im- fur ttlihli -l.tti-tlr ate ntallilil-.
'I lie piulilbilloii nf tlic inipurtalliiii of lite lings
Into (liinnii.t mid the fmtcd Kliiadoin, ivhltli
iniinlili-s welc Dentil nU's rii-tiiiiieis in
nils line, it'.tillPi! in tlic e..tblliiiiient ot klaujli
lei liuux's In DinuiuU ind die In the
pimliiitinii of JlanMi li.ncu anil h.itus In n
11 nl .tens 1ms been plienotiieiul. 'Hie eioits
of haul-, ami luion fioni JKiiiiuil! hue crmtn
fioiu H.UO.Hii) D.ini.h puiimls ill 7S to 1:'.i,70O,.
IH) D111M1 puiimls in I v,;; the jui, ini ie.iiiii-
fioni 1, 110,000 lauiiet- in ls7s to I7,om).OiKI Kioncr
in 1!'Ij, tlio tjluo of tlic down being M.n:
- o -
A- a conscijuincc nf the clianje fiutn the e
poil of lite swine tn that of sl.uiBlileied nni
111.1N. the si iii'4litei-hoiies liatu ti-,cn to (be
Bieilist inipuitanie in llmni-il; iluiini; the l.i"-t
I11101 tillien yen. Whil-t fornieil.t tlio slaiujli-tei-liou-n
belonged In piit.ito i1ullti1lu.1l., .1
laine immliei nt joint and 1 u upcrathe slauliter hate been c.lablehed diiiini; tills pciioil.
'this inntcmriil in 17 on ariount
nf tlic (.'(tiiiaii ion pmlilliitiiin ttlieii it
lioiaine HCU..II to hill .1 cmi.iilii.iblo 1 untber
of Miine ttliUti eiu foimcily suit to tleiuiany
alite f,,r -ale In Kiiglaud.
'I lie niunbcr of head of .wine expoitnr ro Tier
many in the before 1 lie piohihiliuti was en
fuiird amountid to inure than .1 tii,ulrr oi :i
lullliuii, and thus thou- w.i. Middenly plenty of
wnil. fur slaimlitei-lioucc--. in 1--7 one to-opi'iathi-
slni),'iitci-lioii.e vas (.talili.lnd, in
1""S M'teii, and Lipid iihkii-.s tta-, made diuiiiK
the folliittiiip jiai-, ttilii miaul-, to e.labli-hing
ncw and lo the qii.mlity of
bacilli tliej piodutid.
- -o
'llieie aiu nnt !' lonpeialiie slaimtiUi houe-i
in IKiimaik v.-lililt in 1-w killed abnut. TJD.OOO
head nf mOiio at .1 t.ilue of about lil'i million
kiimer (aliimt s,fM.'iOi. and abnut S'.IM) head
of cattle for uvpoit at .1 talue of iibout '.'''
million kionet. 'Ihe l.utje.l l 1tif.-hl11-l1n11.1s
killed Hum ,'iS,(k)0 Ui i,,oon pig. in 1.')'), and (lie
Miiillu fium !i,iH) to 10,000. In IV17, slau:;li-tir-hou-es
tteie .tilled us lining- been ot.ilili.hril
.11 a (n-t nf :i..-, 1,010 kinn.r, and the muulni- of
pi . mis -.Im uis in (he pinlits of thr.-o 'Jl otali
IMimints t.n 11.72-i. Adding to the.e the two
laiite-l. tin f Oilni. anil Holding, (lie lu-t
of wins It (11.1 l,7."i0,(i()0 kioier, lie-ide. two mill-lei-
slaiilitt and exten.iuus lur Ihe
slainihlciiiiv nf cattle Im- r;iou and other nli-jeil-t,
tlic lutal uutliv aiiiouuls to I. t ltdilinu
kioiur, and the lutil muuhi-i of tu-opciatoia
almiii ,Vi,iioii.
'llu-.e 111 (iputatuis hate b.iimd theni-ebes in
i ml Ihe whole m put nf their swlim In the
slausjlitii-lmu.i., anil 1; n.i 1 .1 111 -.- 10 In 1, kiniiei
pi 1 licad nt cwiue 101 tiiuds .mil wnikiiuv tapiuil,
'I he-e in-oin-l.ltoi. h.nn iquillj' the wniking and the jmi'. iiii1ii in thu rime
111 inner a. Ihe diiiic.. 'Ilu- employ .",pi hands
boide. miu.igei. and nflu e l,i1. .Nil nf lie '.",
slaiightei-liou.c. pn.c.. a 'uiuiimu nig.iui.itiou
and man it 1111 tit, and a iiiiiitiinn nillic at t'npiii
litem. 'I lie :itri.ii,i- ui-t nf the ..knwlitc r nl c.uli
n- Im mi 1 tin- .l.iiuhtei was -.'.I
liniiir in I'mi, -J.jn kinih-r In 1-07. .111, 1 jv;
kini.M- in lo, it pci out. of llic niciea-e in
1 n-t bt in v doc In iiuici-c ill wac-.,
'llic luilnwiiu tabic .Imw. lie CUnlumil. aniniiul
nl Im.iiu,.. tian-iLlcd hi the m op.-i niti- .1.iul;1i
lei iinusc. :
1 17. II.".
J il.TIi
LM7.ll 1 1
Itlnlll r.
1 7, -Jill, 4 lii
l-s ..
1-5'' ..
l-'HI ..
Il'l ..
1V1J ..
1-u.s ..
i-y 1 ..
l!l'i . .
utm ..
J-'7 ..
I Mi- ..
J5'1'.' ..
Tut ll
I'lom the Nuilli Auiciifali Itetitw.
To mui vho aie t-nttiiiit; upon .1 stiiko it
sliuiild be that 111 piitcntliij,' uiliii fioni
ttoiklui,' tint' ale acting in illicit couttadictiou
to thu tciy piinilde of veronal libcily in
tlituc uf v.hiili they lu-ttiy tliniu.eltet in teas
Ills, lo wnll;, WIiuii iudltldiial woikiiidi nr torn.
biiutloiis of woikiucii lefu-o In toinpil limn tn
tvuil., fur lie simple it-i-iii 1l1.1t In tlio eujoj
mint of ihelr piiMinal llbutt tliey me tue to
wnrl; or not t umk. Hut, eiulinilj-, the iot nf lids Is lliat null who 1 huin-e In tvutk
miht In- .illnwcil to Moil,. Not 111111J jc.iis .can
an u-oi iultii uf woikiuiii iidiluliig a Mtikc li.ul
le.isnn ti, expect fiuninaj tiealiiiiut fiimi law
tuints, inone as then weic tn Inlupicl in a
luauucr 01 able to muIi rolUctlte attluii tlic
taiious so-callid j- M.ilulos tlirwti otci
the pigts uf and Aniiiitan law- book-.
Agalil-t null statutes ami luain.t the inlt-ipii-t
Ulcus U-Ullly In llicni Iho filciiiN of
laliiir waged 11111 1.1. ins' war 111 ilie luinc of pei libcit), with the u Milt that now, e.vcpi
In i.isci liiMihln-.- .1 liieaih of, nr tn
Idling .seilous damage 011 public n(eict., Iibor
1111I1 iw iiiij-, x It 11.I, nt imiiilln- tliii ill.-pli-a.iue
of tlic liw, initiate a Miike mui con
tinue it as Innt; as they may ilciin lit. Is It
lint .liange, nfici' IjIioi union hue won
tlio louglnuglit battle for their own pciaunal
libiity, they sliniild turn aioiunl and t-l 1 Ivc in
wie.t pilwiiial libcitt- flout iioii-tiuluii woikeisl
ll would sum lint libor unions fiui,-ht to In- ,1
law lo tlieuicli( apat iimii and abotc- the
law uf thu laud
I'lum Hie Aldibald l itlitu.
lutexet- xliw-i the loin nuy iiileil.iln on
the siibjctl 01 slltc pullllcs Ihei .liuulil nut lie
piiiuitletl to lull item wiih his tclctiiuu ot coun
ty utliieis wlm-e dutlc-i lute nothing to tin with
ihe nun ijji mint nl Hate nU,u.. 'Ihe uhlm ot
intuit) toiitiollcr i one w1iq.ii ctlllsiic loiicciu
is llic 1; 1 1 a i 1 s uf l.ukaw.11111.1 inuut), and the
i.ii.tli.ilc t.-r thai nlll-.e -shoul.l bo toittl lor un
hU nit I Us a u nun ami a .111 0UI11.1I. Judged
by tills annul ml the Itipiiblltau laudldittt fur
the ulllie. Mi. II. . .Kino, ui this plate, mii,
tics all tin' iiipiiicmems. .Mi, .tunc-, dm Inn his
biltt tumic in the i.ftitc of county (i.ltli.lltr
x Im li he now lmlil-, bis shown tliat lie povc-ncs
the ability Hut the oltlic talU for. He- Is .1 pun
of lilli thaiaittr wlei will do hit duty without
fear or faun. Mr. Junt, uj tilled uniom unices
uf public trut in Hits huiuiijjli and in rteiy
iiislamo liu lias made an honest and tmupetent
oflidal. lleiii'X .-1 ie-Iileiil of this town ho li.i
.1 lltiht Id rxpul Hu. siiiiit ef his licit-hboi
ami we tm-t that i'. will be -;eii,'ioiily glim
10 hint oil tlrctiuil da).
IrVillitllilril flolil l'JRe I.
innnirr rn tiny thy in tthidi Ihctc tva it battle
or nny oilier ilnie'''
"So far as inj ubsiitailnii wuit, he was thor.
iilighly fcailud nnil self iiusmis.uI on nil iicci
"Wis he nl ntij- ( line wllhln your laiowlcdjre
Ijliorlnif imiler 1nent.1l exelttment?"
".No, fir."
Mr. Iliiiin.i exhibited In Ihe tvlltios n letter
dated Slay Ml, ivis, nl wiittm by I'oniniodoij
hchlc.y. ttlildi toiililiicd n iileieme lo the dis-
palelies thai had 1 1 biouithl by the Ihipoiil,
"'id Kltlnir 11 Krne1.1l iici-nuiil nf the operullolis
Jf tie llillisT Biptatlron. Tlio 1 otuiiiodore fouitlit
by Hi ilMi tier, 11 h slated bv litni, to sliow- that
ttie NO. 7 kunun n, ll.r. 'll,r Strlilei1
Mler was melted n the 'JM of May and not lb"
SMil flic ttllncM B.ild;
"Ihe eeniuiullon of this letter and the (banned
Indoi.tinuii In lcul iienell on Ihe bail; nf one nf
the dl.palt-lies would von lo Indicate tint the
dl.p-ltih liilulit hate hern itcelted 1111 Ihe '.!2d."
Aflir tlie exainlniillon hid pint-ceded ulonir this
line for funic time Mr. Itatnci addie,cd the court
as follows;
"May It the coin I, we ndiiilt tliat wo
Rot Nn. 7 by the Diipnnl (width inllicd Ihe lly
Iiir Miiiadrnti nfl f lenfuettos nn .May -J'. I-11!),
nml we atlmlt tint we Rot So. lit- the Hawk nml
Hie Malblehcad. Now, the trouble Is about the
other No. 7. Whcle did Ihe tlupllinlc of So. 7
k'o? We cannot admit we ot It by the
Iowa, but we nt-iie upon thiec piopnltlons: 'I lie
Diipiuit cnriieil N"n. 7, the Hawk N'o. S mill tho
Maibldieitl No. s, n niltnil the reielpt of this
lueiiioiniiiluin fioiu Captain .Mtfalla bv the Hawk,
but what we have nut been able to litnl out mid
raimot admit Is tint Ihe Iowa canieil So. 7."
Mr. itnticr turned to .Xthnliiil Schley nml
asked: "lint admit dial, don't j on, 11dn1i1.1l"
The admiral icpllcd: "Ceitalnh, wc admit
Meiilrnanl Wills was llll iniiUr tro.s cxanilnl'
(Ion whin llic roiut look Us 11.111I lundienii ie.
When die court met at 2 n'rlurlc Mr. llaun.i
coiitliuinl Ids cxaininitlon of .Iculinant Well".
The Receiving Stamp.
"How- do jou account spccKkallj- for Ihe ab
kciku of itieitlnir stamp liupiliit on the tlupll
1 .lie 'Dear Nlilcj' itt-p.tlc lir lie a.l.cil.
"II Is pistlblc tlm I jotted down that note
on thciii when tlu-y wcie handetl lo me. Of
lotii.e. It was tin-111.(0111 to put itcoitluir -damps
nn lctteis gencLillj-."
"Can it be pns.lble tint tlio loiumoduie ie
tallied tit 111 lor some timer"
"It is pos.lhle, but not piobable. lie s-onie-limes
held tli.palches in the cabin foi a time,
but be neutrally st nt them down as tfoon as ic-
III rrplj- tn nuclions Hie witness F.1I1I that Ie
icuumhirid iib..nliitt1t- ni.lhiiii; almut the uieipt
of di. pitch .No. S finm Sampson tt I'nni.
moiloic Schli-j-, satini; Hut the Spanl-h fleet was
piobably at santiauo, except wli it was retcaltd
Iij the lrieitini; stamp indoifrinciiN. He said
that on this tli.pattli, ns on the "Heir Schlcj-"
letter, theie had nt lli.r been an Indoi.cineul
showing Its uceipt on Maj- -J I anil suli.ciiiently
iiiotbcr Inilniseiiitnt wrltlui oter the Hist indl
catlug lis leceipt nn the 2-Id ef H1.1t inniilli.
"oiu pcuul 111.11 ks, Ihcn, tjiinot be tak-n as
n veij' cletr iiidlialiuu as tn win it llio-o papeu
tteie lcccitcd:" was .i.ked. 'I lie ullii".J leplleil
tliat tliei- loultl be. suing: "(ieneiiillj-. I should
sat- jc. I do imt, intend to be infallible nn Hut
"Hut (he 'Detr cihlrt' letter, jnu siy, xtnultl
sctiii to liate been ictcned oil tlic- JJd of Maj .'"
"So that, nlthoin;li adu.illv trreltisl on the
2d. it bine the liulor-t incut nf '.Mil' and 'Jlth'V"
"One boie a date '2Itl' and another lioie a ilate
SIlli,' as 1 recollect.
Dispatches in Evidence.
Mr. Hanti.t then put I" an frstimouj' dispatdiu
N't).. .", and 11. bolli 11.1111 Ad11111.1l Sdilij-, diieetim;
u .tiitt bloikade ill Cicnfneijos the litter rn
(lo.iinr I Im .Mel 'alia incmnianiluiu. Th witne-s
was again tuc.tioucd conteiuing Hm iccelil. of
tiiom tlnr. one enpj-of the Mil. ilia incmniaudum,
but lie tuaiutaincii Hi it lie 1e111tmbc1t.1l oiih nnc
topv, at the same time admitting the pu.-ibilily
nf Hie lcinpt of anothf-r topj. Asked when he
hail In. -I sci 11 the tlKpittli iulinihiieil by Captain
('niton, llic Mitnc.s said he did not liiuciubir to
bite t'ter seen il. Tins n the di.pilili scul to
the llait.nd, ..itlng Ilie spauiuds weic S.iutiago, and tlic one whiih
I'nt tun slid he had dtliteutl to Cnnnundoio
SlIiIcj on .Maj S7.
In lid. inuiicctiun Mr. llanin siitl that he had
nnL bein able lo hud the uiistliul nf this ill.
paldi among Ad111i1.1l hdilcj-V. iapci.. He 11
marked al.n iut itleutally Hut theie tveic nlhci.s
of Kchle.t's p.ipi-ii. lni-sing.
Mi. II.11111 1 then iiuctlnnoil l.iiuienint Well,
t lu.clj- about Atlmiial sililcj'r. piici., but he
11 pealed tint since lie hail bnxed Ificiu up and
tmn"d them mil- In Admiial scldej- in lsns lie
bid not seen tlitni until lie mv thciu ltientb- al
the nixy ileniitineut.
"I saw llu 111 tciy fprcid iibnut at the
drpaiiuii nt .lute f have Ihcii bcic," saul he.
"I'nder whil 1 irt um.i.iiites ilid jnu txaniinc
tin m at Ilie dt p.iitineiil .'"
"I cxauiitied thciu to make tuiiics nf tcitiin
papt.. I .ipplictl to tlitleiini oflmis. 'Ilitv wue
haiitUd to me. I made .ut h rnpit-s a. I tii.liul
and tiiintil the pipcis mil to tin- ii.pnu.lhlc
Iiei.oii. cnuctiuttl "
Never Tnlkert of Retrogade.
l.icuteunit Well, si ill Hut he hail ncw-i h..d
auj- inuieH.itluii wllh 1 niiiuiutliiie sddij mn
iiiniug the itttngailc iiiuwnuut.
"My own idea was that wi wuc iicadiug fur
S.intiagn," he ..liil.
lie lriniinbeiiil ili-ciiinus a. lo tlic p,i..ildlity
of guing tn Huuiitt-t lnv lo 1u.1l, but lii. ntxii
leinlit ition was that il was unit tn be in itit.liti
Ct niiugini it..
Aiiiimg nihil- di-patohe. read be Mr. II mill and
nu wlnili tin x- it tit : w.i. tiut.linntii was one
dated M iv 2, limn ('niiuiodnie Sililt-j- in the
nny ihiilmcut, gitiug intuitu ilinti nf' ihe tap.
twi' ut the Ih.mtuitl with dial lur the p uii-li
lltel. 'liu. wa. the tlav luiuic the pu.iile hua
(Inn iif the .-pani-li ships In the huboi r sin
In tcpl.1 tu fptclliuis bj Ml. lliiiiu. Ihe witness
Mid 1I1.11 while h, iniil.l nut itpcat attuil ion
tel.atinll. Willi ( uliiuimlule Sibit'V 1 ntacmlug the
uting.idt tuiAcmtiit lie was sure dial the mote
mcul was in itlc huiiu.c nt tlie lOitiuiudnu -. auxl
tlv abnut the supply nr the ve-.el. of the
Hi el. lie kniw, .aid the witne... thai Hie spin,
i-li licet was In the sltiuifv ami Itlc that it was
lint tltsiiiblc tu meet It without an adoquak lucl
lu uple to a iiie.llou bv f iptain l.eiulj-. I.I, u
tenant Wills said Hilt Willi the II100I.I111 liaihil
at shn v.u ami with Ihe linboi tienillug . it
dues II w.i. Mill th" spinislixc-.tls lomln-r
nut nt llic haibni sliiiuld fate the lliiinkhu. .Mr,
Well, w 1. on tin- st mil whin (unit .idjuiiiiicd for
the d.n.
The Uile Cartoon
flas Seen Ifs Day
1'iltalo l)al?dl In the --un.
111! Orii:it eteulng, di.iticlng to be pistlng
ihiuiigh the uld bilck house un Tenth
stieit 111 Wa.hinntou wleic Lincoln
iliitl. in Hie hall ajiuoadilng the 1I1.1111
liiv whuo Ihe "guoil 111.111 mtt his fate,"
I was jialiiid lit.tniid i-xpic.sluii to see
banning un the walls Hie ilu-adful cir
louns of "Huiici Abu" wliltli appcaictl in su
many papus in tin- tLik ilajs ot the i.Ts. ()
coiiiso 1 had .1 faint ntnllei llmi nt tline- war
ilnie 1 jiIi ilnie.-- but licit- befuic me. In all Ihcir
lildioiis nml hunible dl.loitiun of tiiilh, le.uurc
ami iliara Icr, these Binti.mie and iltliMible
tilings stowled tluwn I10111 the nulls, ll bioiight
bail; the in-i. i mailed the per,(iulloii and
detain illtni width "eiliuulalnl,; He.l Hie
iiiuidcr of tho fnicninst man in all tho lido of
lime." 'Ilnie wen- the homily huiiot Icitiiiu
baicly xlslblc 111 llic giutc-mio i.iilutiiis 011 Hi-
wall, width iipiu-cnted I1I111 as "An Ape," as
"lltlf Mggir and ll'ilf Monkiy," at .1 "l.uani,"
"Ithling a Hall Tar .ind TiMllur-," mi'l -'U Hut
in.ill-'iilly .un! -,- uitilil ileu-o ami por
111) nf a lie. pot,, liiouulrbuik, bimiiti
11ml fool, bi portialts of Ahialiaui l.liuoln! I
l.uiw, us all the world knows, (hat in Iho pie-u
of the pin lit us Abraham l.iiKnln ncicr lltul to
sen .1 duciit portrait of hiiihdf. Tlie sjiue Is
llleially tine of Mclxlnle) wiml for wold. Only
MiKlnley was etui woiift xlllified iintl caiica
turtil down o Iho eij- da) whin Hie sauis Html
tdi liu 1 Jluic taustil his assassination
Al the hist tliini-jlit I did not 3'", hut I now
do, that Hum lailtious pi the hall leading lu I lie
ihaiiibtr uf dcjili wric in hlstoiic luimouj Willi
all Hut follnwid. In llic uld win this millions
of piople not Hie only Itli 1 they em bail uf
10I11, as In ll.e.-e liitr ditj inlllloiu 101 Hiclr idei of M1KI11I1) fiuui the-c dauiiublo tar
loons, hi the (-U'-, 1 l.ut-w resprct-ible ieuplc wlei
uttnally liclliiul l.lucnlii was .1 xul-jai- lilaek
aiiaul, an illite.ale and brutal tjiant, lulf,
and all Hut, -ind t It.-y luled hlui auuidliivl).
ll uiuiiil a fal-c ili.u.icicr fur him in all Hie
1 liiuls uf the mob, mull no man in nil Iho woihl
w.ij luted us f.luculii tva.s by a full half of the
AmtiiiMii ptoplo until it Ids iiiiudd. 'Iho
taitouus arc fittingly ilbplajctl now- in the lull
way leading up to the ilumbci wlicio be bieallieil
Ids last! Move that hour 1,0 (Jitnun of Un'
lulu; not one. Aiuciica and tho woild would not
lor ei.e inoiiiiut (olii.itc auj cjricjtuilng uf tlic
uenllc and -.ainted Lincoln now, hj -w hj Oh
win, If it was light fioni Is'-O to tMvl it it not
l(.ht now tu icpivscnt Lincoln as a buitv and (vol,
ns was done satm-rty etuy Uy nnnt lite tlae he
was iiotiilnited In 1f till In) fell In isivlf 'Tlie
iiie.Hon point a moral) It anwir Itclf it is
dgnltiiaiit Jut now.
-o -True
nlo It Is of MtMiihy. Ihit eoml nun
win) Is How by nunc penple llul eter
wept nl nny urate tute nnly t,,t ,it faltaiy,
lifter mw Piie-iiol a Ungle ileienl iilelme of
lilni'ilt m- of lil Mends lu the pic.t of the gut
tern and sewirs fioni the tlay he beeaine trnwitinr
of Oliln 1111III he dltil, Not pup I Sot one! Let
lis be pliln, Lit us tate Ihe fads. Let me not
mince wnnls. If u w-a-s Jusllriilile In irprceul
AlcKlliley ns .1 little Napoleon nml l)l,llil, ns
"Willie t.nnklng to Ills Pap-i, Ihe Truts," ,u mi
Linperor and a luby--l ti w,, ilu,t In ivu-ltail,
lip lo Sepltiutirr n, lull, what m.iilp II wmng
then? .N'o ini-iuliist, open or totert, due dis
play that llltle but- looking up In Hie likr biiite
totercd with ? si , notvl The American p.'ople
would not tolciatc II. Xnluratly, tin refute, not
from shame or leniurse, but fioni, mui fear
only, Ilie piinled pit Hue tirrss has tlt.ill nut none
of Hit ditt fliicc .Mclilntty tell, il ilue nut. it
lieter shall dale tu do hi again. Its form nf
mi.udiy anarchy tun Hot nml In Ink ami
tjpe has gone gllinincrliig with lis twin luolhrr,
tlio (iiurcliM liumli, pol.on ami idstul, and is
now cmlrr the bin nf pcpulir inn.
Vlun ionrcas meetii il will go uiidei the ban
of the law.
'Ihe people lute thrlie (Imnl b) the
bleeding toipscs of their prrli!ents, to ro.i1l7
nl )lt Hut libel and inl.icpicM-nlltioti lead tu
Jcalcuy, jenlou.y tu Imlc, anil lute lo murder.
Tlie tifely nf Hie president and nil In .mlliorliy
deinaiitls that the iii.illcioiis cartoon shall ro
Willi the olmenc tiiiliirc. It docs not aluldgo
fire pccili or a flee prcs to prohibit ob.crnc lit
iratuie. How can It liifilue-- thiv-e F.u rctl rights
tn prohibit nit scaud lions anil ltlng iciri"-cnl.i-thins
of men In iiutliority.' 'Hie pilnclde Is Hie
nunc 11 police ugulitlon. A pair of ruueillil
justice fieri)' exerci.ctl in cm-ij- st itc with iff
rrinio to .1 hundred climes far li il tti-rri mis
than a r.utnoii has plotcn H-.clI to be. The pies
cnt piesldent ninco llic div nf sin .tu nt Hill,
Mail; llaun.i since the Ion of MtKliilcy
lintc been the (argils at which the (iicss of
tilth his ninirtl lis io.oneit ariowf. Tiiiul. Cod!
they will neteriee lluniselvcs eailciluictl ogaln.
Vellow jouuulisni v 111 neur iig.ilu seek to
.1 rouse, nml If), depravetl appetites Willi a and good nun grinning like 11 skeleton, nr
another good nun bloated ami brutil as .1 high
w.1,1 inati. It Ins passed nwaj, think (foil1
Senntor Quny nt Harrisburg.
It) Wile fioni The Associated I'rc...
Ilarrlsburg, Oct. 5!l.- Senator Quay airited in
llaiiiduirg this aftnnoon ami went at nine to the
excuithe mansion, v.licie ho was tlie gnc-l of
HoKinnr Mnne, The seiutor wns on his wat- to
Philadelphia, nml Mopped oil lo pay a fi lentil)
xUlt to (totcinoi- Mono, whnni he has not sctn
sintc his icti'in 1 tuiii I'lct ul 1. 'Hie smalnr ic
111. lined at (he mai'.iou ,111 lioui ami then slatted
fur l-liilulclplil.1.
Wife-benter Will Keceive the Lash.
fly i:tlusiie IVirc tioin '1 he Associated 1'rc-j.
Wlliulngton, Oct. Sl.-'ltnlicil Mexf.11 1, luhucd,
w is this morning send need by .lodge Chun hman
in imuiicipil lourt to leu dais iinpiisouiuent and
ten lisiic-, fur healing his xtife. 'llic law pi 1
viding la.hes fur wifc-licaicis was p.i.eil at Hie
last sc.s.ioii of Hie Icgi.littne and lids is the
til -t in-l.niii' uf its ( 0pe1.1lie.11.
People's Party Indorses Mondcrenu.
Iiy llxt lu-ite in- fiouiTlie As-ociatitl Tiiss.
lliiii.buig, (let, 'Ji. -Isaac Motiilcicau, tlie IMo
liitdtmu pninliieo for state ticiMiiet, hi. been
uoiuiualcil it) the People's p.utj state cnmuiiltcc
to till tlic vacuity nn its ticket orcidd I')' tlic nf N lib. 111 I.. Atwnotl, nf Oil. ml. Mr,
.Mnnden-au's ncuuinatinu wa.ieitititd lotkij to tlic
stale tlepiilmciit.
Corporntions Chniteied.
By Lxclusite Wlic ficm Tlio .Vsocialed I'rcu.
lliiii.hmg, Ott. til. -I haitei. wue iv.ued bj
the state depat Imenl lutlay in the following mr
tHirttiuus: '1 he 1't uu.jliaiil.i Coutiai Hug iintl
nn-triiitiou tonipaiiy, Hani. lung; 1api1.1l,
IOti,niit). 'llic lcuii--)lt iiii.t Hiking inmpuit. of
.-.cranton; 1apil.1l MOii.whi. 'Ilie lliriejlmu I'aik
company, Kane; i.ipllal, si, Mil.
Grand Atlantic Hotel and Anncx
Virginia Aie. and Death, Atlantic City, N .7.
fai.xtb jcar; .".10 beautiful looms en-ulte, ilngU
and with bitli; hot and old sea-water batlu
In hotel and annex-, foiatlon fclect and iruirnl,
within few )aidi cf tlio fctcel l'ici. Oichc.lra.
OfTira tjicciil Fpring latcs, -jli to 1j by week;
$J..",0 up by tlay. fcpeelal tates to ftunlicj. Uoacliea
meet all trains. Wiitc for booklet.
ciiARLr.s 1:. corn.
We Have Just Opened
Needless lo say it's the
money, oi it wouldn't be
Pots, Pans, Kettles, Coa! Hods,
Spiders, Griddles, Etc. In fact,
all of the many Kitchen Utensils
made in this ware. See window
312-314 Lackawanna Avenue.
Imif " mini
Cooking ,ecture Joday
Miss Smily
Tuesday, October 22
Rarebit, Lobster a fa Ncwlwrq, Chi
nese t'fffjs, fricassee of Oysters,
The lecture and demonstration is held at our
store at 3 p. m, We cordially invite you to be
p'oote 8t fuiier Company.
Mears Uuiding,
mm i Mil lii
inm flRirtiR
v-'.r in. r
50c Sclioo'l Shoos, r0c. Mls3 nml
Cliihls, nil sizes.
Lewis & Reilly,
114-116 Wyoming Aveuue.
Pciccltd wiih (me as lo )our purse
nml licet'.-'. Our
Ktndc is c.xcrptioiulli good ,inlllj f,,r the pi ire.
Small sums tnlk lug nml hate murli sticngtli
amongst our seasonable o(lering.
412 Spruce Street.
Capital 200,000. Surplus 525,000
United States Depositary.
Special attention given to
uusiNKSS. rKRSoxAr. aud sav
ings accounts, whether large
or small.
Open Saturday evenings
from 8 to 9 o'clock.
W.M. Conni-.i i , President.
Hi.nry Bi.lin, Jr., Vice Pres.
W.M. hi. Pick, Cashier.
Our New Fall Stocl: of
very best possible for the
M- Coiling
t.';jBifl-.-? HvC
Tin- iiiitiutmt-i-nioiit of thu opening
ot our now Unci 1st nlwayi) ruculvcd
with appreciation rccnanlisliig the fact
that oiir ptyles ami qualities are nl
wnya -suiierlor lo those shown hy other-).
This reason xt; lmvo succeeded
beyond our own exiectiillins nml ttto
showlnp; many novelties oC that natty
and stylish apiiearanco tlmt r-ns-lly tlls
titiKiilRh our make ot Waists and
Eiderdown Robes and Sacques
Ih-rutllfully made from the llnest
(Itiiillty eiderdown, in ail the new pret
ty wiiudu, jiliiln, and fancy trinmied.
Ui'i'.sslmr Saciiies romp xvlth crochet
eilse of zephyr. Otheis daintily lln
Ished in white satin baby llbbon.
Flannel Dressing Sacques
Jlaili- from liiictst rinnlily all-txooT
l-'renoh llanncl, in all the lioxx wniited
colors; sumo plain and others nicely
French Flannel Waists
In lai'se n'sorlinent or styles. Jliuli
n-oin the litxst riuality Kicnch flannel.
Jlanj- plain styli, tucked and plaited;
others more pluhoritti'ly trimmed, per
fect in lit nml coi'icct in make, stylu
and llnlsli. Conic in blue, cardinal,
pink, old rose, cadet, lax'cnder, etc.
Silk Waists
Ne' Silk "WnisN nrrlvliitT daily ot
r-xi'i'll'-nt Kt-iide stilt taffeta silk, tho
iiuallly that insures koo1 wear, in nex-
shades ami attractive; styles.
Lackawanna Ave
We are now showing tho
largest assortment of Furn
iture ever presented to the
people of Scranton.
Our stock is bigger, our
salesrooms large and better
arranged than ever before.
You will have no trouble
in finding just what you
Our prices are right. We
buy our goods in large
quantities and our prices are
correspondingly low to you.
Our manner of doing
business, our custom of fair
treatment, has won us
thousands of friends.
If you have not yet dealt
with us, don't fail to give
us a call at the first oppor
tunity. We can save you money,
Hill & Council
i2i N. Washington Ave.
Done quickly and reasonably
nt The Tribune office,
iHHihl 'I J
GunsterU Forsyth
;i'J7 rcnu Avenue.