The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 21, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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lOonili'Jed liom I'iigc 2.)
Vnlqtio Event CelebiiUetl nt the
Belcher Home in Susquehanna
fscxciiil I'iiilmiiilulo people wi'ie rl
Union Uill, HiiHiiHi'liniiiii . mints, limt
Hatuiilny tmi tli.luuliiK ni n most
lltllrjllp owni.
The ilnv tnnilu'il tlm Ilflloth mini, cr
uelty of tlm nun iIuro of Ainic A.
Hr-lithci- mid Ani.iiiilu O HIusimikim.
TIiIm whs turimd Into u nicHt enjoyable?
nci'imlciii lv Hip iriitlmtliiK t ne.ulv
(Hip IiiiwIhmI people nL Hip Jleleher
lionie to niiike tlip tiny nieinoinblo to
the iifreil lotiple. A IniRp imil oC the
iitinipunv mi iiiiuk' up of ioI.UImm who
vleil with imp tinnllipf In eontilliiitliii,'
to the IntPiPMt of the ilnc mill two oC
finhoiulMleV .miiiiik people eiilv iiir-pii-Jid
.ill utlieis In this ati.'iiipt. Tlie-te
WCIP .MISS Itlll llclcliet'. iIuiibIUpi of
Mr. John C!. llelelter ot Hock sticel,
tlili oltv, nml RiuiHlilaiiKhlop oL the
bililu niul mooin ot Illiy joins mko, nml
Mr. Jiimcs .Mom op ,iko ol this ilty,
who lent .spuclil Jntcieil to the oc
casion In in ik. ui? It their uulillnir
(1n., with the t;i,i ml ymionts of the
bilil" ns wltupsse. Tlie pcioinonv was
ppi'iuimcil bv tlm. II, J. 'tt'luileii, U. I),
tilth pailor .mil filenrt. who with Jli.
Wlinlun and oilier lrleuds ac
eoinpaiileil thnin.
L'oiiKiatulalloii- and hcaily gcunl
whiles weip Hlinueicd upon the two
uiilpl(, and Hip two liileles weie the
jeclpIcnU of .tillable Klft.
The lulile of Siittitilu. Is a most ao
ronipllblicil joinif,' woman, ha Iiir
f-eied as ,i sun ossful te.ii hui In the
nhoolu ot Susquehanna lotuitj, mil
who has m.ule niiiiiv ft lends Mine
coininR to t'.nbondale .i little mine
than a jiar ,iro.
She was most t.isteiullv ilic.-ecel In a
pult of steel gi.mltc i loth with white
sllk anil l.iie tiinmilns?
The ri ooiu Is a cninj man of the
highest tlituaetei, a ilueil enipIoM- ol
the Henilikk .Al.iiiiif.tetiu Iiir companv
and one who miojs ,i I.iirp ilnle of
fi lends.
The ouiiRr people will lesitle with
the brldi s people .it 7'i Hock sited,
wheie, nttei a lew d.i.s tlm will be
nt honii to theli ti lends
A decided le.ituie ol the event was
the leading ot a poem b Thomas
J"!uns, whkh he LOinposed It was a
jiuiJi.ililv line piodiu Hon, lull of
ythos and let (neillowint, with the
i.iltei s native wit.
31 17 i:ans will be elf,lit-finn ctis
ilcl in i few days, but his intellect Is as
keen as a man ot tliiitv, and is a
stuKiiiR pioot that llu ai the mind
does not glow old
The Close Will Be on Wednesday,
When Theie Will Be a Conipli
mentaiy Dance.
'1 he Ccntial 1. iboi union fall, whiih
was conducted wilh si.mel fciutess lu
Watt's lull list week, will close on
"Vedncl,iv nlRlit ol tills Hui; win n a
coinpliinentai v dance will lie siwn
It was Hie intention to . ml the entti-
pilsp on atuidaj, but the abse nt e nt
1 "e.euil books on nitidis Hi it wue to
I be disposed ol. anions' than the iIiir.
20, the pipe, etc , made this Impossible
,t was decided then to liaie the c losiucr
llRht on AVeilnesJa, wlun theie will
oe a coniplimentsi i v cl.ime Tlieie will
bo an admission ol un cents ioi nun
this is to meet the ppensm ol the hall,
bat then will be no chaise loi d.un ins.
This pleasuie will be lice to those who
caie to onjo it.
The iiowd at Hie lab Hilutdav nii,lit
filled the hall. 'J hen was a Hiiuii
ucli as was not witness, d uu ,in ol
the pic(((liiir7 niRhts Inteiest In tlie
ni tides dispos.d ot b ihanit i.iu
hifTh, Those who weie foitunnli, and
the in tidesi tlie won aie Jliss 'l Uli..
luiphj. Hi kct No i"!. dliinei i-et ot
312 pices, .r.inies (.onion, (Toulon a(
uiie, (onlii table ,md limp Vdonli.i
How aid was h toi ions in the doll ou
teM it, i in I Aliie llolliu in ttiiniiiK in
770 lulis AIlss i'iis, ol X'andliiiR won
tlu ptit, a i in, (ifitud to ihe one
sellliiR the irw.itrst uumbri of ticKets
foi t he l Iiir will be dispos.d ol on
AVednesd.iv, and in wlilih s() niudi In
iciest has been dlsplnwvl hlip mid
opi sOO ( luini fs
The (loot pi Ui on s.itmda,, a bo ol
' cisais, i, i Kin b il.K.l No 2". 'I ho
holdci will ului'i' pi. sent tin liil.el.
The louiniiultli e Uriels thai all who
hae books on the ilnsr, the lied the
Mpc, tin S-'n in Kold and otliei nitidis,
lot el dispi.sid ol, lo baud
.htm in belo i c W'cdiii sdii niulit
Will Be Discussed Piobably at Select
Council Meeting Tonight.
belpi t uiiiinil will meet Ibis tnenini;
mil will lilel ill -hiss and lake some
it Hon with lefciemo to the pieliinln
li y iujuiit Hon Huu has been ksin d
' lRninst tiiu blgnlnpr ol the sinel IIkIu
Iiir' coiitiact,
II will be lOLjIlul the nlidi(. ol
the loniiait has bciu iitlackcd and
that the i mill ban li mpoimlh enjolin d
themajoi lioui .ippiomim the innu.ii t.
The uiaot will toulKht lotmnlh In
tnim i.ium II ol the panels Hint have
linn ninpiI on him. and will ai-k what
ntcps, II an, the illy will take to de
Kini a'taliisi (In InluiH tlun. As.oini-
i II Is dhldcd un the IIrIiIIur' uucstltiii,
tlieie H IIKeU to In s-nliii fieo epns.
Plon of opinion Ik fine action Is taken.
If, Indeed, luiinill will take an steps
lu this din i Hon,
Mnio as, an Aitist.
A iii.i;liian must lme Mime aithtle
(ciupei ami ut Inn an aitist need not
hao the tciniKianieut ot , iieuoiimn
eei, lu Mmo, howtMi, me comblmd both
thes(, talents. Ho ih an exponent of
rU 111 ItH hlRhesl stiiho ,iud Hie Iiiiru
pli'tiucs diawn by lilm in full mloi.s
of iiatuie on ids nun liiiiiliallj ieoh-
lilf, easel mu Uiili" an exhibition of nit
nml do.tcilt. He draws them in lioui
tweniy-llM' to toity-ihe seiomls and
to make it inoio woiieleiiiil ami entei
tiilnliiK" lu the audience the pkiiuc&
mn drawn edRO wUo and upside down,
Hie easel bo.ud uttu wauls" beliiK
rihiiteil by iiuclinnlcal eoiuih.iiKi,
When the beauty of a ital woik of uu
suddenly daw lib upon ou, loi .Mnio Is
a leal at list, Tili will bo the nuiiln
ef the entei tnliimeut lotiise bj the
ltiockwny talent. The nlli action will
illHloubleilly pme the most onioablp
of Hie louit-e and U is eNpieied Hun
one ol ihe most fatililonable atulleu c
of thu itason will bo picoeiii
"Nathan Halo" Wednesday,
Tho play of "Nathan Hale" by
Cljda l'lteli, whh h will bo at the
liiancl Widiiebday uluht, Is not ol (lie
conventional nulo-iltamatio type, lull
of bombabtle c.iiloslon, etc., but a tt ue
diamntlzatlon of that lovable and
Rianel hlsloilc chatactcr, "Nathan
Hale." FUI1 of love for Home nnu nn
eily he wont on his hazardous com
mission with a determination that did
milt to nit our biino Revolutionary
hoioe!. The putt of "Hale," no well
phoil by that Intense young nelot,
Air. Howaid Kyle, la another link In
hKs Ioiik chain ot successes,
Tim rnniiintiv Is eonil)oed of tllilV-
ets picked for tholr parts, uiul the
Heeiieiy and costtimes mo iicifect In
evoiv detiill, mid will piobably he one
ot the mom Inipoittint events In the
dramatic suiun ol inoi-u.'.
Callahan's "Faust" on Satuulay.
.fosoph Ik Callahan nml his company
Kiive a splendid piodtietlou rif "Pmint"
at the (liand on Satuulay nlulit. The
company whh a eap.ilite one and Mr.
iMIIulinu's Impel "onntlon of the man
with the led clotlten wan a Rood bit of
actllis-, The aPcosxnilcs wie UiHllt
p,i"oil, Blithtlny Parly was a Success..
Hupoiiulmdont U. S, LewHley an
nounced to the Heiean IJaptist Sunday
school tsteidnv that mote than JOS
had been lecelvcd nt the bllthdny pnity
of last Tilday evenlliR:, nml that other
gifts weie bolns handed In which
A little pu found a liftv -dollar note,
And purchased a hat an J a v ery line coat,
With trouseis. and stockings and shoes,
Ci.iv jt and bhirt. a nd gold-head cane.
Then pioud as could he, did lie inarch tip the lane,
Sa s lie 'I shall hear all the new "
I uid thebtorekeeper and his dot;'
Solutions foi Last
M iiilo IKt 11 ilii. lnli.Nt i- it In- 'islil I
ill.c.w ml ill. .aim is tu l.e Mi hi lus lnl
In. .In, Oit lo !
would puibablv biiii,, t tic total up to
As the basis ol Riving was one lent
foi o.i i li .vein ol the .scholia's lite, this
would in ike tin combined ages of the
sdiool aggieale spen thous- mil Mai",
tlvi thousand moie ihan Hie
I'luistlan eia.
Able to Assist at Seivices.
At '' o i lock mass in St Rose eliuu h
vest. ula Ihe pastor, Vei v Upv T. e .
Coffiv, s.u within the eh incel i all It
was hi- (list nppoaramo hlnie his, 111
m ss, and tho membeis of ills lien k
olfetiel ninuv thanksgivings ,u sppinij
hhn again in theli mldsi
'the umuliis of the kite Joseph .T.
Llannon, who died In the Meiev hos., at IMttsbuig. last week, altci a
bilef illness, weie In ought heie es
teulav atleinoini and taken lo t he
home ot his .sMu, Alls, Jeilin Aim Ion.
'Ihe will take place this nioin
llln at o'dnik. The leiuains will be
tuktii to yacied Head cluucli and In
teiimnt will be made In Calvary ipiii
ctm, Alavlleld. Tho ileee.isrd, who was
foilj-two voais ot age, was well
known thioughout the valley and Ills
death is geneiallv icgietted by his nu
nieiotis li lends. 1U is sunived b.v two
biotliois, C'limle.s, ol Dlypliaul: cleoigo,
and two slsteis, .mm. John Aim ion and
Tlinm is Tiollei, of Set ond stieet
vvlio, wlille buggv dtlvlng lnsl T''iida,
was Hu own out ol the ilg, has hlnie
In on eonliued in tho Ihnetgeiii ,v hos
pital, I'uibouihilo. wheie hu is being
Heated lot n badly hiulsed should.'!,
It was at Hist tlinuglil two of ills ilbs
weie biokeu, but oMiinliiatlou .showed
that tills watt not I'd.
Almiiiie. a little dillil ol AH. mid Alls,
Aiidiew Caikson, ot sjouth Alain sitieet,
was seized with coiivulhlons isteulay,
.loliu fioloinoii and .son I'haille, of
To the old, as to babies, the
even balance of health is more
important than anything else
in the world, The possible
lealth, in age, is not high and
.trong; it is only even.
Theie is no end, but death,
to the trouble that comes of its
los3. Il ought to bewitched
like a bab)',
Scott's emulsion of cod-liver
oil for very old and very young
in different ways is the food
to secure this even health,
Vt c' on j 1 ttle to ti y. il i pu like.
1 iCtn V i. HOW til, w Veal ttutt, Kw Viitk.
Summit hilt, came home yeslerdat on
a hilef visit,
Dr. Wheeler, ot Caiboudale, assisted
by Dr. H. D, Davis, on Friday perfoim
ed an opeiatlon upon Mis. William
C'liloy, of West Maylleld.
The Aileslan Hose company are ar
ranging for n pat ado ot lit omen on
Monday tvenlUR, the !!8th Instant,
which Is tho (iponliiR' night of their fair.
Invitations: have boon sent out lo
uplKhuniltiK nieineli askliiK them to
paillclpatc lu Hie pniade.
Tho (Iieek Cathollu ehtiieh at Slav
lhld was dedlialed yestotday and the
Holeinn ccelclses weiu witnessed hy a
laiRe number of HtniRnilans fioni up
and down the valley. Several societies
In nttiactlve eoloied tmlfoinis weitj
also ptesenl.
M'rs. Iteese, who, while lotutnliiR
fioni ehtiieh a couple of weeks ago,
wim solved with paialvslt, Is In a eiy
cilllcal eondltlon and Iheie Is small
hope of hoi lecoveiy.
lluiR-ess mid Mih. t'iMKlieil and Mr.
and All, (lenige Pendied. Jr , aie at
the t'an-Aimilean esposlilon.
A spodiil nieelliiR of the school boaid
was held on Fildny nlRlit. Tli tiuill
lois lcpoil, which wa.s a vciy lengthy
affali, was refened to the llnance torn-
Week's Puzzles:
W. lne-.l ii , Oil H I in iiv In ml. wilt
I Inn -.I v U I 17 llilil 111 Mill. 11, -id
.) wii in 1 die Hindu r 1- tu ti.uit ,t I m - mu,
.ml the fuller l- lium: III. Ii.i, j.i-l il m Uu
.lineitu pt
1 n.l ii , CI. I 1- 1 in ft til us in it c fin
Hil- lit I .- Hi. hh, li ..1 i- ju-i mi
it. (In H(-lith,il lim - liiml
mlttie, to upoit at the uot nieotint,.
Tlie contiact loi luinlsliing ue,its l01
the new aniHK at the Tiist waul sdiool
was awaulccl to .lames White, ol Aidi
bakl, bo being the lowest bidder. The
bo.ud deeidod lo attend the leacheis'
institute in a bodv next week, when a
meeting of the dheetois' association
w ill also bo held
All and Alls. Daltid Aluidga v is-lted Alajlleld vesteidav.
After being in a nlppled state lor
about two week", the incandescent light
iv.stcm Is now in w olivine oidct, and
last nights Us lights vvoio binning a&
biilllantlv as ovti. 'I'he dol.o lu
making the lepalis was caused by the ol a new pan loi the m.i
cliine. Ilv a mistake on Ihe pan of the
epiess companv it was scut to Olv
plmnt Fin line o, in the w ostein pait ot
the slate, mid onlv ai lived heie Satin -dav,
aftei being in tianslt toi ten dajs.
The Inlant on of All. and Alit.. l'elei
lkillaid, ol Iluiltou Micel, died e.sei
day men ning, nltei a In let illness, Tlie
liuipial will take place fiom the family
home cm Iliukou stiei t ihls atteiuoou
at .T o'clock.
All. and Alls. A. V Hensiotei, ot
Caiboudale, ,ul All. and Alls. A. W.
Kennedy, ot Old roige, weie the guests
ol All. and Alls. .1. V. Kenneel.v , In
lllakely, jesteidaj .
.1. J. Pm toll, of Dunmoie, was a vis.
Itoi In town jentetda,
W. It. Uusxpll, ot Cm boiuliile, spent
esteiilny at this place,
The lllakely bouiugh Itepublltau dub
will meet ut the Wilton I'll o conipauy
ball on Tliuihday evening lust, Spenk
iih ot piomlneuie will bo picsenf and
aildiess the meeting. All inembeiH of
tho dub and theli H lends am uiiiei.ted
lo be piohpul Thin, sday evening.
Ilnwy Itobeits, of the IU in of Hnbeits
ill os lb able to bo about, niter a week's
Kied .Snder Is laid up with a badl
(lushed hand, tlie toMill of a heavy
luui casting falling upon It, while put
ting a tin mice together.
Alls W. r. Alott Is visiting Wllkes,
Tlaue file lids lor a lew diiyi-,
The Tiaetiou (oinpam will expcil
enie no little tiouble when they ut
leinpi to hui theli eai.s to ibis place.
I How u In Ihakely Hie htieet tar Hacks
.no blocki d with uluinta evoiy eonieiv-
I able mtlcle, Hoeka that will weiih a
ton have been placed on Hie HaiUs to
1 iibstinii the limning ot mis.
Mif, i .1. Hinds and daiis,htu Miss
Minnie, attended tip. tuiipial of Alu-.
Ohmles Ullls of Aloscow Suuilaj.
Air and .Mis, Joliu Alaisland mid
lllllfllO.) Ct T".!. ft-l fill' utlittll C,,l,i,
with the lattei ,s mother ot South Alain
Alkh Uattlo Poio, or I'lains", bpent
hiiuday with All, mid Alib. Peter Wil
ton. Allbs Heitle r was a caller In Hcian
tun jchteiday.
Mh.sch Almy Giuliani and Kate Suth
tilaiid uttendid (lie matlueo of "Ailea
Hob While" Sattuduy atteinoon.
Scores of Scranton
Finding It Out,
Ilellot Is at hand III Heianton
J'or semes of theuinatlo .surfeieis,
Tor httmheds of bad htuks,
Tor initial)' dlsotdeis diabetes.
Uoan'.s Klndney l'llls lellevo mid
cine -Ale
eiidoineel by Keialiton dllyelis.
.Mr. Iwiae Smith, ot HtlO Smllo plnee,
llvd" l'aik, eiuplo)ed by the IJ., H.
and W. ut the Aiohbald mines, as u
millet, xa)M. "I hud n dull pain In
the Hinall of in) It I tinned
about itulckl), u Hltlih-llko pain
caught mo acioss my loins In look
ing nvei the p.ipei f had my intention
called to Ooaii's Kidney Pills, and 1
lead a sttitomi'iit of it pel son living In
Siiunton, who wus tumbled Just m I
was, I got u bo ot them m" Alal
Hmw s Hio.' ill tig stoic, and they
pioVeel liiHt what I needed, unit be -foic
1 had taken Hip wholebo tit" pain
left mo mid I have been fiec Horn it
evei sliiic."
Toi sale bv all de.ileis. l'i lee, nt)
cents per bo. roslei-Alllbuin Co,
Huffalo, X. V, sf,le ,igpu foi the
I'liltcel .State
Kemembei the name, Oo.iu'x, and
take no substitute.
lAtlLM -' the (.ul li. m viiviin-' Mfchl
VCVDI.MV IJjtiul II. l!i in ioiii,iiii. Nilit.
STA1! ' lul mil l.illif lluili-iiiiii" ".f
tcniooii ii .1 1 1,'it
''The Gill fiom Maxims."
' llu (.ill fiuni Muvini-" wlilih Mill lii! seen
at Hie r m eiiin toinIit, liul its Hi t iuiliutii.n m
II. la lountii u tin ( ill.ilun tin un, iu .jil
llio cnJjriiunt tin 1 1 w h liiwhh sni i p lnl
lining ( pliM.I iiiu n.U r.l . im tiiiniliul Hid
lltl) ni-,lits, mil ilwm lo tlie (.ipiiile .( the
T tie UU
smci 1. mil. N.i Vuik i f. w if tli luirc
citiM ho. lii.) tin il ism. of . cm tin . inuli
Hi. V11IJI lllj p.. Ill ii., tin pin is i in t
.olltul ti
'Nathan Hale."
Clll!. lllllH pill .if 'Nltlllll lilt. ' Will 111
lliihilt.l Jt th. I enilil, Ihlllshv iiii,hl t (
1 In- limine .f ' tt li hi II lie" is pi cull ul i inlei
0 1111 till till Mlllll 1 I-, lhll II (lid lt.,1 10t( IM
.Iriiiutie til. tlllClt sgimi "Nitluu II lie ' IS
bom in (niuttii in 17 ", .i itlmtr.l Alio
in 1T7 ., mil nut lm linliiiuh mil in 177' UU
iciilh ...IUII.I ml n lulio "f .iniietii in ulc
!.!, tu. lul lilt 1 his tuuntmiii u, ml no
.J .iil.l In iiuil in pitet tin ut with mu f i
lu ..iil.iiiili Midi hi-ii.ii th. ,li il -uili -tin
iviiutiiiu .( II il. is Willi ii.tiitis
'111 till I 111 III l I it. Ili. I III ...IlltJlt it
ulinn jii.1 (In liliit-. It" winlp In his iiiuilior
mil httiiU uoi .tc u. ctl ltd ii. hU ft . in
eitlti, i him of 1 U i ijil n s i ut to pu lent
lit i. Imjt In in ti miiiu lion .in of 11 i ii nt ml i
null li. s, liiiiil. llten i", uf loii'i, a
hut iii twin . ni th. stun i in r nf (hi i,
mil ih Miiiir. ul i in tl !o l, uliu i-, uniiril
li i Mllimoiw I lulish ottiui, it. tlletl ml.,
llu ston Ihe "iltilli Hill ' ot Mow ll.l iv v to
i. voiithtul in l.e il in-, is iitt lljh u.
iml rf If uiitimoii n -pot. 'th. Inn n.l In . tu i
H ml, stion,' in lu utiiu 1" Ins n si no nml
put ii I iliftthri tin mn I. ili i iti
lint until N tthiii II il. ' i in i F Ho i-i m I h
hi i t- f tin tut lit 111 Ml lit
Biockway Couise.
t llu I u t mn I lulu nuhi iiovf HioiIuhi
ifiuv i ( vriii.i llul. I.. ili., of liniiissi.,
will tlih'.ii hi-, pipulii lrituti ' llu Iihl J 'I Hi
t itiou ' itst'tiil t in tli rpniluti
'l.oi.iiini I nloi s lortiu. IkiiiuU Ml i In u u
ous in. I pith. In illitsii itinn- mil hum mil lim
tit tilil plmtitKin n.ntri no u n.liretl In i iiuc, if whiih tlu tiMiUoi smH tin lnl
iiu put Vlouipl it ( on mi ii i il
Ryan All This Week
lliiii.l II 111 m nut hi- nnu loiurmi of sup
poilinc: pi mis in ttio itli letiou Tt tin Vi ul
run foi out siliil utk, 1 ciniiin Vlomlu II I
Jl Ihe IDllipilll, uliuli is Illllsiililiil tin
Miniiail in iiiiIoiip, I lltl t porpl'
.mil c mi.-, t colon! of -puiit t t tit 1 1 loi
tin op.niner lull lliis evonuu Mi Hi m will
pit-nil lu- tititt Miu. -, tin iui lusloiu il
it ni inlli tli mi i V l.i i il Jiiui' .1 "lion
Cu-it'i. Itrtuin " hltli i- now tin 10 uii.;
su. ..-.-. in imo Nui Vork, Hint, is
I lir .sioi.i U tikru mil ih uiiiliiil lit in the
old PI nnd loniiiKo if 'lion t ir-ii Ho
Hi in
In I) a ( i. it Ml, 111. in Iih found i duuclir
to hkh his tilnuls no adiuEi il.l Mittnl, nui
IIih. who witni-- llus jilaj this oiciiiiix
Will I'll J pioihll tllill UllUsltll III lipillolll'
On lui-ili. .ilUinoon lu will iiipuit "Ihe
I iIjI Wuldiiu'," iml en liio-ihi iitnin., a
lllllllllllltll Mini, piodu. Illlll of Unit. 1 Slv's
uroat pin, 0 llilon tl" I iiituctni " liofinoil
i-piriditi-. no iiitiiit.ucoil liotwiiii ouli ad, ind
iuihire' tlie l.luu'i ipli, I'luliis (illtuote in iltu
tl.ilnl cuius, ltlwiul V llo-s md litll" Id I
Mil, llu i Inlii in il v el sjl. of sou, mm oj . u
"Fads and Follies Builesqueib "
' I i.U .n.l I 'oil its llui!.M)iOi.," tuiilii lit" ill
loellon en Willtmi llls-i 11, will npi i u n llio
stu oi (hi uaK, Ih -inning will) iniliiioo In
tin No (luulil nun of our lull tin dot cmts
will iinuml.ii t lie rimes.' this loiupiii nut
Willi lltl MJMill, llul till! (Ml lit 111 IH 1 fill 111 1 1 t 0
piisininl In tin in llu j villi pio-nit mu nui
Mill limit I Lis, l.ntli ol wlilcli ne liiutUoinil)
MimiI wltlt ippKiuiito uuik and iloeliliil
itltits, Jul tin will knouii Iil-li loiniilUu,
.linns r I (on ml plus llio r ulinw mils of Imtli,
I'lllliutil .ill. nl k 11 Ins licrti il. to tlie limo
(liielloit if 1'lijit ,itnl e Ucln luii-li tl tnniiln i.i,
mid the intlie iuforiu mm u Mid lo couttiti
ulisoliitili iiulhln.' lull wlnt is up to iliit,
kllltlMI MdileiN timi ill ' Molb l'i .Iiir " i loiiiidul ut iiKlleuts ill llio lid ef Iho
litiolue ol t lie Vim i U' in Itouilnli hi will . pin
Ix Mlabelli, N, I, Inisiliv, Sol, li ii i
i mouth on llu mid Iho ln will lu Ukin to
Niw Uill. lot an liidolliillo I un 'llio mio coin
pitiv that will appoii in tiiu N(W oik iiiidui
tlou will ho vein nit Ihti pielliiiiuui mm V
li Utile of tlio production ot "Uolli 1'ililici"
Mill In i italUtli irpiiMiitilinit of llu li.n
( t lliilliiiilltli wlulo Vlalli dUliiiMiUlicil In i -t'lf
I. tal.ln; lu i diad liuiliiiiil't pi no it llu uu
nun .nui 'oidiur Jl'tl limu' die lid pine
lliioiighejut Hie cn.Jtdiiilit '1 lit? lilav will lie
(,01 II jlOlfl llCOIll goln; 0 IW "(Oil.
Ill "Vli.i Mtupllilli," !' It llarnot and
IIjiii I jweoit llout, i i u lit llJiiiil, tii in, to
luui found tlie lift uliiilc fit lu. puiiliii
tn un of liiiiiiuiiiu- iipteanioii thai ln it In n
aiie.iilid liim Ivide Ii "liollo las i,uiieiuuil".l
the dlliilnuliit ifluuilim Willi ,i liltlilllteU
iiiiipjiu, including llillrn loul, 1 i un,
l.u.e lliliuonl, llJIU nullum ind Itiiiit llul
Icul ' Ml4 'luiplleitv" l nil lu lo the luml
lui,iilli null in. Hum .1 Jin iiliin i lilili
In, luui oiuifit iliiv m iuii Mi. llinliH ami ln
iiniipaii) luio Just (iilmd lipou a foui iuiW
iiihahiliunt ut llit Tmnotit tlualei, Il.iion
I Iwle Huh lias tiliiiid in "thu l limbii,"
s lilv.Ii will I'n mil ill IhWiHi, tuiilii Uu tl il ct
lieu of UiM liiulli llln.liiiii, the pui.illiii1;
CM0 (or Micillid mil it ili-titicli ut and the
.ll)iiu.lll.ili' aid ililiiliii.illbllifc' t Hut ( the
liiiula (oi the accumulation ot wrillli, jie m-i
oonabl " mJirtlisinne lopio
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Titan Tour Lines, .1 Cent tor fricli t'xtrn Line.
For Rent.
UOI s,s volt UCS r Modem liiiptoirntiiil, -1 1
tl)$JOlll lllnlltll. HHllam I'lUlll, Uuslilllllll
1011 tlllSi lllutil looms 7 1 .Icttcrtoii aienucj
ll moclorn cotivcnlenres. I
Eor Sale.
Hit: IIIMIIMMI lm 1st lioltl oIl.cK ul 1f.7l
Midl'iin uiinue HiiitL lie mid li U'liliio'd il
11 will pu .Mi' I to cdl it utile mil roe tliem
I Oils II, II lloii-eliiild luriiltuu", IwU l'liiostuel.
tOlt Slid: Iwo light irltiR wagon" and soma
lurries.?, i heap. Ilvans ren Hui l.iieriuj
For Sole or Bent.
IOII bill, (lit Itl.M Hill on simmlt tiinio
smith, .So. CH Conioll lltllldli (.
Real Estate.
IOI! li:-Olu! nclo uf luui, ttiipioud with
litu loom house: plenli llul inl.ti ol (lull!
sood locution In illlifcc of I lettillle. Ml - Olive
I Mi, 1 leelvllli, l'i
ruiniBhed Rooms.
1 Oil 111'M' riiniMieel ro. iik, fin sentletnon
onh . fUw lint, ill iiiod'rn ioiimiiIoiiim
lli-Jt Miilbenj 1-ttei.t.
IOIt ItlAI I'uinislicil front room, wltlt lull,
batli and si-; ne u com t Iiou-e; gciilleinui
pirfcircil Addict Itooni, Hot U'l
IOII III SI hiiinislicel mom, beat and lulh
11J5 I.indin ilirrt
Boai-deis Wanted.
IVANTl'D Tallo bonder' Mis lompklns 031
Uadilnston avenue.
Rooms and Board.
I 1 HM 11 IIOOMs md nble lioaul, Ml' sho" ii, .'II 1. lulls iconiie
1 t ItMSIII I) lo. ins ind tilde loud, !li alitu
lii i K. 'i II Vtliius ileum
ItOOVIs IO Itl.M, wllb bond X I Mulboiry
Business Opportunity.
StoriC M) Mill 11' 111 Mil lis wittiout tleti
11 lite tor em spcial niiikit letltt lite hi
applleilion s M mi bud Ji lo niPiiit . H N
. Lon-olldilo.l mil Sin U I t Inline, 41 ml In
Ilinjile. ij. iow Voik I -I iblisliid s(il long
III tiiu.e Plienc 2 s llujil
101 fidits' (.old witih 11 illbini iii.iv i incut.
No t ITU, I, Willi initlll- M I Itiw lid
(.nui lu ioIuiii lo Vlaii liiLWit, Idler httirt,
Ohpliitit, 1'J
101 I'lUNh I llI'llKlf li s tons . I in
pitiicl.-ln Ihe (milt if ( inniioi I'll is of
I icl.iw mnt (ounli No I., Man li luui l'Ml
lo I Iiu 1 1 itpituil Ki n.l id li u in
litiibi uotitiol lb it i.juit tu- iiu tl i l ili t)
si tw i in t win i dune m duoiii h nil I n.l
It nlintid tu tlu ilioce i et , ii tin ti hi to th"
nest ebullient (ouit loiiunincina: (li tin 'l-l
tin of llilobll, V I) llio I
1111 I Mil), 1 Vltlil N V KMI'l'.
Mt. un i, toi I dull mt
IllMId M SIIM, oviiutii ot Uillutl Till.
.1, iliiii-ul, in I liim uu ( 'Hi ml
litieit men ovudoisof It II llutp ttt
1(1 III V- (llll.-lllll 1 lllllls lillillll U ddcis
In Willi mi In I mini Wild l- Mil lilt 11 ih
bis Vuctist 11 likis Ii nii mil in id titiiu if
MtntiK Miihlils, i nun il, lltimm Uibliis li
uu I Willi mi i, (' 11 ililti- In tli. t mu 1 1
.immoii pb ia ot 1 k 1 iw inn t (intili No IT'
s.pioinlii turn, HUI
lo Ihe notindiiit- Ihoio lined
Ion 11. loiibi no. Hint tlnl in utiun of
(ieilmoni hi- lieu I loiuht iiiii.i i.u In lii"
pllllltltls tb ill liinutl lit i lot it Mound -Itll
iti t in tb. It ioiuIi of lluu uoi. I i I in ii it i
loiuili ttuu-ilimii bitn lott iiuiiitiiud s i.u
(7) mil i iht ( lu Mpiiii oi I lo 1. tiuudii
einbt () in I -ituitttl .i on s nil tillitt md
iimittl li -up ileum uj ou the plot ot s-litl
pioputi I in w n i- llu illotuunt uf the siittwiod
1 iiiii in -ul UmoiiUi it Duuiii n. inl.ul.d to
It dull itKitoud ami leeo did, sml lul- b m
iiili uiie bmidiid mil r-Klitii fiet (llil ml
wid. upon I. Mip tiintu tb. .line width in tl.
it ii, mil iwo uid n!iii-tiw t. ill Ket
lu . I. pdi tin nelil ot p is is-i. ti and lith lo
wtiiil. -ml plitiitill- -ti i- tu tin in mil not in
uid tit fciitl nils, ml Hut uu ili I 1 it ii tin of
(Mobil. Pull, tin ioiiii ot . mu.. on pt. is nt
1 ukiwiuui . null Minted a tide upi u von lo
i p n mil pic nl to -litl m luui lilm ti slid into
i- iiliuuilib in -iltl toiut on ih. twiutx thud
die ol lli.uubu. ll-tt it u .. t lo I, i ni
lou it. tliiiolot. In it In U'.tuit it lo ippou in I
pit id lo Mid ictluii ou oi l.ef. io -ltd tl it. other
wi-t luiLmeiil li .litautl will In iiiieud iRiill-l
Mil in uioidin.o willi the s itutes lot nui h
puipo-t in id.1 uid pioi idol
lllll Mil), t Mllll i KMI'l'
litonioi- loi I'liitnill-
I lie f HolliliK quit ltiotls
'llililllii In VI, Ionian -Vie
Ha 11111111111!,', 1 niton, l'i
are furnl-lied the
i o , looms TO, 7ue
I.lophone .ICWiH,
II 1Kb- 1 oi. I to,
mi, i .1 el. in.;
liueiliin - . . . 11"1'. I'"'. IH It'"!,
.llelii-rii ., . ... TS TM, T7" T
M.'il-on, l'i 'Mill l., (kl'ls 'HI'1,,
luui ( i ppu i li' M l"g
Viuti I it louiiliv .. Si'i '..'i .'.'i i'ixt
llroil, li ii Hun . ,. id i)l' dl", LOts
Itlll. A, Ohio IIJ llljl. 10i lfl'i.
Ill- .V. Dlllfl . IVi II' i I .', ll'i
( III. .1 (.1, Hist Jl. .Ml, '. Ms,
t I'nii . .... n.i' inv in", ii.i'.
(ol lllll A lllll Oi'j IU'. IJ1 j OJIj
I lit It II Il ll Hi's ll'i
loui-i v. Nusli inn, in1', nuis nn'
Mm lliiiittil .. . .l.'lli- lill'j 10'. J ii j
Mot. Iliiillu 'IV4 (I i'J 'll'i i.'
Out .v w t -ti iii .. .ti , : ;.
N 1, I. uiul llii'i Tj7 lii.'. Iiil'i
l'i mi i. II It. . I IT 117 Jlu 1 IT
Iti lilili,' Hi, , . . 10 ' li)4 Ml'- lit'.
iultiilll 11 li. ... .' , .'U "a IJ5s
s.illtlillll II. II l'i , Nj -l.'s s.,sK .vH
1. mi. ( oil A. tun , .ID', ill'.. Ul'. nil.
I.Vls I'llilll ,. , tslj hi. sls ,-.,
I 1 I lllll I . li-1, I", 1". IJK.
I , li illiei l'i l'j sit. Mi, l'H
Sciantou Bonid of Tiade Kxclinnge
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
SUKIi 1,11 1-V,, d
I ul in. nun I) ill i l, lb , .11
( until l IV tlm'r. It lilts. A lm- I .. .'ml
I I'lt-l .Niilionil II nils. (( I ,, , ,.:,
si md ml Ibillnr, l o ,i)
lhlnl S.ilionil Hauls , --il , ,
Dime Diposil ittid llliouiiL Hint, .; ,
I ioi oni l.iuld. II A I' I o , (it
1 list . t lull il Haul I 'ul
I ul.1 'lint Mte llipo-u In n
( tub A snout ( o, l'i , l'i
(luulnn lion I'ui'i A Vi' to , ,, Urn
u ,1,11111 Ivb 11 ml.- , Hi
eiiii)lon Mvluss lllnl. , , iml
'Indus' Nltiilllll It lilts . , . lTi . ,v
t-cianton Holt A Nut I o .. lm ,
I'eoplo'n Haul . I i ,
Nnv .Mi Men III A I ( ,. . , , ;j
v I intcn I'.iviii.t l Itailwa), Hut
VI nlituM, due VIA) , . . 3 ,,,
1'iopli Mud ltlilw.ll, til ft liiou
irii, dm I'd I fi ,
Tu pie ltoot Itill a, l.uiuat
iiiuiil,.iui , due 1 Ul . Ill
lliiliMiu Miiiihi illiulnk I o , ,, im
IjiIs.i lowfl-lup sili.ol " pu ulil ,, pu
( III til iu l liup i. pel
liul , IU!
tu ittioti ii mn n o iu 1 1 nt . . in
Sciantou Wholesale Mai ket.
(I oiiiilul l.s (. lljle, J7 I ul.ju, uu l,e;
lb his 1'ei bihliil, iboiie niJii.w, sjuli.' ill
llullci-I li-li ciiainui, JUJ'i , dili, iii.i
I lui-e 1 nil iioaut, ID'.illi
I 4ns NlJlll .si ill, Uli'n.
Midluin lie in l'i luiliil, t'
I. run Teas 1'ei bu-hel, l lal l'i
1 loui Jlcst njliul, IM baud, ?l 11 fc
iliaii-l'ci budicl, iboiie iiiauow, -i 10,
I'otdtoe. I'u Im-hel, l 'u,
Onioni- I'd JiUsliel, l W.
Help Wanted Male.
lllMI'll lllllwilii!it, iiiett-lolitiil to ituttiu'
i lei llul". liltltis "llillwtklil", ' i ue of
'the I'lllimie, flat Inn (puliint
1S1 111V CIS llllltN Itllllll'll ittinr
.w leiil! mu l,UUU fue iiisloiuru illlll ,
( llit Uii!,i coluplilK', M . a . " while li unliu,
lools llnll lllll, lllploll'l- IMIIllllI, ftlollll post
lloin Kiiurititiril BU1I11U0-! 1 liim i' to uirii flee
iliolllblp (itil.jiie In lllnl (tot, lloluV
llillui" tliool, New link iltl.
I 11 l'lsl HIS II 11 I'ot an boitost,
stl ilKlitfuniiil pinpo-ltloli Sot 11 lll a ill
fdionie, but Rood pi foi Rood viorl,, miiiK
men of neat tipponauio un I j-ooil lublts wanlul,
If lliei imo bid HoniL rxporlciid In 1 un mlnif.
so much the bollei., stitlna nm1. '";
lieiiouro mid priilutts fiucrv. .Sl'llSI'M'!.".
Irlbtinp ollltd
1 lltsl' t I, is HfplU si's I lllll s wiiilt d find
Iiu Willi Hie iilhillllK.' of iliiflliiuil. lu nil
the 'lui ji 11 joltl bonds" i-u..l In lb St
1 lull 1 1 I If. Illlll lllfl lollipitll. Ilhjl untile Illlll
mill ilin 01 iiiiniiiissl. tt ( oiti-p .ii.lence
1 imil lenliJl .Iddiis. nil Life mid 'liii-t
. 0111111I1, i union, I'a
t'ISl lss,s0 noil. In eilvtny bottis',
sood pn, mIiii aii iritMMlon, Vddi 'H
li II, 1 illume u'llip.
niitri.i, wins iiiNirn-roi tin tiriii- woiu.
romitiiinlojttnno and pei-oiul lpplli itioiu
will be leeolied at in oftiee in Uttiioil.. N. .
It I l!iis,ni 111
Help Wanted reiualo.
I.SI'I till S( I I) (.lltl foi e'liiciil bou-ewirl.,
1 f, Uii-ldiiloii tu mn
111SIII) Initio lidi slumhi ipliu Willi 'fine
Inowlulue if 1 mils I uplnj, who lulu i hoid
Innl Iniiitiillile mil piltiuniiit pislliuii tu lisbt
pull Vddie.s. 11. II , Itlbime Ofliu
11 IS II I)- 11 0111 in to nui e lull it rotitln. 1111 nt ;
tl tie .puiuue and pud' P , c ne ef I ! it)
MASIIU (tuts 1 111 "e.tii., piolilJlle n.l
ploymcnt In ctlluiT it ii MiJti IliillduiJ
11 lSII.I)-(,lil em scune sloid, prollldilt cm
plo.uiienl In itllm iLJIJ Mens Huildiiih
C1S1 issj us I,, woil. 111 ill. I" .1'.0,"'
hood pai. a lint and loinuil-'iuii lildie-s
1 11,1 tibune oflit e
11 ln n-V ii! loi (,uioiil lioueSiuts Vpply
it 101 s.outh Slim inline, nni't "inn ,et
11 VSII D-Rlrl (01 ennil bou-iworl. at Dallon
tddliss II '1 , (lie lubline
Want Adveitisements Will Be
Received at Any of the .follow
ing Diug Stoies Until 10 P. M.
Cential City
II 111 HI' s( HI I ci lliei M nil ill
-liiil iiiil Wilt-in iiiimt
(,t si 11 i'llilll, 1 0 Vdiins iienue
West Side
(it OIU.I VI II SMS, 101 ut'i Mini
11 (inn
South Sciantou
I III I) I II lil'l'l TJI Culir iieiuii.
Noith Sciantou
1,1 O 1 IIVll, . nnu Solth Vliiil
.1111111 III. I Villi,. I -tlint
Gieen Ridge
IIIVIUI I' IOSI, 1 i-T Diihsili
I I ICIIIS, '-il I loin ltuli,! s(iep(
I I Oltl S 1. nnu 11 1 Illusion ave
nue md M 1r11.11 sinet
II II IvSI l'i I f 101T liwn' iittiiic
1 (. liost: A 0S
HVSrill V I lioioiij-h biokon si 1(11 11 pointer
iloa; sin, j,e nil iihl I1I1I11 ss 11 ,
Minim ofliu
11 IS 1 1 li- I iiitu-bt 1 hou-o. lildie -Il 11 , 'inh
1 ue . lim
11VSIII) luinisliiil 10.1111, lentrtlli lot it. d,
mottiiii md 111 pin it. fmiilt, K, luhmie
llfllei, . Hi
11 IS 1 1 D-1.0 .d -I mi 1II1 iml fiunao, will pa
ia-b Vdiliiss lotk llov. I i), u niton, l'a
11 IS 1 1 I) Men am' tonus 111 lountii, man and
liim s.nn to si V) pu tin, men M "0
I ei dai , iliip bind, hie ul vi oil. lddii s
bti . Iiihun. 1 fl!i.L
Money to Loan.
J3W,U00 TO IOAN"Iowe5t nlc-; straight or
montl ly poincnt3 &turl. A Co .TiadorV bljg.
ktrai.'l t Jiun3 or Buiblingr ami Loan At
from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on N. V. IValUcr,
SU )lj (V 1 uell building
In Pound.
IS llli: POI St) it (.ti (.teoii UnUe utieir, two
1. iv liot-is 11 ill be wild ncinulliu to lnv
on 'lliiu-di, 1V1, IT, 1 )l, u IU J ni. 11'. II,
Hi iiiliiiUroii, Pound 1111-lu,
PI lloss ile -ii ills, to nuke mil i!iuimcnU at
t, in mnt. ol minimis now -1" up, idioiild
ndili v, S 11, .ill 1 oiuiv.ll Imllilina;, lit).
An Investment That Beats Them All
This Slock Will Pay 12 Per Cent. Yearly with Regular Increase
Incorporated. A Necessity.
The Bailey Restaurant Company of New York.
n , 1,1,1 , ,,ii, n,i, sIoioj, i lliiitiod liuiubif ot slaps ot ihe Tici-ni? Stink will
I, ,,1,1 ,1 pu v(ki mil pii.l md nun a-i-iblo,
lb. lullnuiii; li.iuiiinu ii. in full (iiKe ami under lonyr le ii-, pi.vinff lumuoms
(inlii- lm ued in llu liii-ini-s e n a ot (, linn New cuk lit, .11
nliiollii t K .litis 11 ilvv lis will. one '
References Uradstreets and R. O. Dun Mercantile Afcenclea,
s p.! foi pio-p (ins to bums tlm Ilium,
$ 1 ,000,000
of Butte, A.ont.
(Ilutti I- llio uu .iltst itippii ii(niitiii. illy In tlm wntlil),
5o First Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold Bonds
Jiciiiimlniitltm SM'OO. 1111111111111,' 1 lu .HI VfiH. Amply minlilul Inp 1 usciio
niul cliiUiitK luinl. .Net t.iuiliiKS tliteu .mil tliuc iiiailii' times itilt ii't itiurrfiit
Write lui iciotti)t Ml, 811111111,1 IimiiII, I'm slilont ot tl ul lilLiyu rillsiin t'e) ,uiiil
spit km uu nun.
I NAbSAIl tl
3 Insertions 25 Cents
Atom Than four t.lnes, A Cent tor Each Hxtra'Lttie,
sNslrfSv... -..VBs-WV, H-Vrt,.,,A,
C01 tilled Public Accountant.
i.ini'Mii) 0. m-AvIi.dino, 1 jinnnns hank
I HU 1111) II. I) MS, AliailllXT, CON'MXIj
riti'iinticK t liuoii.s'. Aitnt it, itiiAii
IXito lAiliiiiRe llldi; , 120 llj-lilunloii ai,
Civil and Mining- Engineers.
II I,. ll.lllllISd, TOO (OSM'fl, IIIIII.DINU.
.spitue Ktierl, sjiiantuii.
nit. i c. i.miiiicii, in ii'ioviiMi aviinue!
lltWK I.'. II0.I,I Ari()ltM,VAl-AW,
"Q'"s !' II, lo and 18 lluu llull.llnif.
1'. K. TltAL'V, AirV( 01lliOS'lli;.M,Tll lllilM.
" n in pi nnr r. TnoliTnIosT'MT-
tilled in leal cstile senility. Vfiarn llntldto,'
"""" isliliiKtuii avinue ind pnii.e sited.
M 1 1 1, 1 1 I), IV Ml It I ,S .. KS-1PP. AflOnNt-A'i
ami counsellors at law. Itepubllian llulldini;,
"Jililngtoii au'iuie.
J 1 "sstip .nup, mioiisi:s am rou
feiioisjit llu f.'oinnioiiiveiUIi llulIiHnB. RoorM
U, J) nml 21,
'WJ90I, Otb nioi. Vtoan Hiiildins.
r. A IV AT III s A 1 1 on S P.V-A r I. W, BOARU
01 rade Huildiiih'. Viantoii, I'a.
I'A 1 1 UP-OS' .(. 11 II COX, TltAOl.lts' .NAIIONaT
nml. Blinding.
O. LOllIT.V-t, 9 11 HI Pl'ni.lC'VV 111)11 PINO
a. n. Hiniiofr, onici: movi.d to no,
-II Uiomiiii; aietnie
Physicians and Surgeons.
HII 11'. I AIM V, 51J .01t1ll MASUISCllOel
. 1
nn s w iAvtoitru v. on in: ivvsii-.
ington aveniK Hosl.lonie, 1118 Mulberry.
( broiuo di-ot-e-, Iiui(,s, beart, 1 idne.13 and
honlto ml) ary oigjm a Bpiciall. Hours, 1
to 4 p 111
Hotels and Bestamants.
1111: lk dii', 131 .sd 12? rnAMiLiN vi
uu". 11 ilea loasouable.
P. ', Proprietor.
. - ...
&OP.1S10S UOLbK. M:iR D. h ti IV P4.S
bcnRer depot. fomluittil on tbc lluropean
plan MOlOIt KOni, Propiietor.
A B URir.CS til S PRtl AUI.1S AMI
less pools, no odor, only improved pumps used.
A B litlggs, piopuetnr leave otdcrs 1109
Joith Miin avenue, or 1 uKe's dins store, e.or
tiei Adams and Mulboiiv llotb telephones
(I It CI.MtKP A. ro SPlDVtl N' AND SUIP5
oiiiiui, Moie JOl llavimiginn avenue; gretn
iiuu-in, l'i 0 iSoitli Main avenue, btore telo
phone, 76-'
Wiie Scieens.
10S1 I'll RI Mi "ii din... IVIt,
bcriuton, Pa, nianufaetiiier of Mile Sorecns)
al-o ladies' vvai-n. 1 oun bbocinakcr, J1J
AdJiiis avumo
ilPOMlGli: BROS, PU1N ruts' SIIPPIU. KN.
vclonis, iiapei Ins", twine V arcliou-e, Ul
Washington avenue, fccrantou, Pa
iiir. uiihisBMiRi: niroHD mi nr. nui
in Sciantou ot the news etanda ot Reisnuti
Bios . 1O0 Spruce and Ml Linden: M ortoll,
."22 lackawaniu avenue; I. &. N-liutzcr, U
Spince stieet. ,
Situations Wanted.
11 VMl D Po-ilion bv espeuenced laly stenoir
laphu anil tipevuili 1, also blip on booksl
lie-i 1. menus. AUdiesj, ten," iare of f-uaiv
mu liibuue.
SIU'VIIOS MAMID bv niained man; evpetU
i urn nr nr 11 pairing, also as (nretnin; refer
enie fiiint-bed. Address Box 121, Majvnarr, Pa
A J.IDV would like wotk, to go out by the da.v
att, 1 on s r 1 unit.
. . . -
I1UII()S 11 IS I I'D bv 1 iiomin W en nut l'i
dav .vasluuh. trontiie: 01 eloiiiiiiff. Pie ho eal
01 adiliif -Mis llussill, IW) tedai ttvemie
SllUVIIOS' 11' IS 11,1) is took and gonrial bou."
wuik in 1,00 I fatnil, good wases e-pectell
ean fitinisb tefoienios l.ddre M. C , 1 illume.
hlll'VIIOS 11 ISIPD Is boit-el oepei in repeu
ibltf mill! tood tefuetioeci Address, ClI
( heirv tsttiet,
Direct New York Wire
Stocks and Bonds
All orders executed on Rxcliangc. Quills"
and absolutely reliable service, lelephons
Connections. Old, bfiTV. New, 3io-
722-7 32Lj Connell Hulldlni'i bcranton, Pa
ll - iai il.uu, ;u, iiio.uiiav, acvv ioik 111,1,
' It
Mfi .ia .njm JS33i m,. jw4.wjfes'fb-isttttfttiys.fc A
. kkli Af5,Jitafe ,
fc2''" L itfjrt;,'iifif. i, .. iol 4 ,
ik , -5iJ..?ais, !