The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 21, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    frJ- r
m !' ' v"vf'fj,f"tppTvjtjr
iW'''VfM "" ?f jj"'"".- w'nV'fi.ftST'
It Is nn Annual Affair mid Wns
Fnrtlclpntcd In by the Clillthen of
the Sunday School Exeiclses
Held in. tho DllTcicnt Chtuchcs
Yestculny John Hoin Hnd His
ringeis Badly Biulsed In a Meat
Cuttci Events of tho Week l'ci
sonal Notes.
Tim li;int"t lioini- -iilies
veto llrld ill the .lnrlftiin rttl Ctt
1 IhL cliill I'll istM ila . till' Inti'linr ilci1
oi.illons Ih'Iiik III ki'Kpin with tin- iii
r.iKluii. Tlif i hllilii'ii ill tin- Siimliiv
M'lllinl )..ll tll'illU'll III till' tlHl"i",
Jlllll ll'lllll It'll .1 IlllMMIIK piOHIMIIlllll III'
l'celtiitlnti. i Inn ip-ps mill 1 1 1 1 v-
t lui'Ki' ,1-m nililiitti' wns pi i'"i nt .it
tliy owiiliiK m'I vli i'. whlHi .i niii
ilin ttil umli'i' tin- illi'iilnn Di tin' p.ix
lor, lii-v. Thiitu.ii 'li- tJnu'liv. D. 1 1.
.lllnllK till' ili'tlili' p.ll III Ip.lllli Wtie
MNi'i .MiiiiiI W'.iKntnIi l.tilu lnK
M.iiKUt'iilc U.ivls I lull'- Tliinii.ii, Slu
tip W'iKiilu.inI M.inil llx.ini. Annie
Ttliilil.ii, H.ittle i:iti. Cnillilii I'liIIini,
(IIII.1 llliltl utlli I".
Among the Other 0111110116!.
It v. .Inliii P. It l. pit. it In il
tit Imtli ici ii'i i hi the W'.iililiii' n
Mioet l'ieli lei I. in i hit' ill .wnoi ln
i;iiKlii mm it ei wen- i oiitllU'leil .it
Ihe Ui'lleMie Weii ". M. i him h yp
1"lil.t mnl nlll-r, .iiii .it i uiltiiK the
i"l II P Ul'le i nniltli'Uil in llu 'i Nil
Kiimunm' h the p.i-tm Itt William
I.IIM' 1 1 .Hi AMU ' lllllM ll ,lt tilt' I 1.1 111) I-
loii itici't -Mi lliiiill' l i:pliiiipil t hurt h
j.i'iteii,i nun nliiri. .itti-i whli h ,i ipi
iiiim wns pieitiii'ii in i!e i: r, sin-
Kil. paitm uf i;tlil I'll I.
ihuitli The'l'i Mtipi i w.ii then
The km li II .ii ihe Siiuiuei .wpiiiii
Tu'ilivtpi i. in i Inn th Inii pM'tiim; w.u-
oiiilucteil until i tin iIihiIIiiii nr lim.
IMw.'inI llnwt II. el I'.lKii.ile lie .il-u
pie ii lieil the n'i limn
lii II i'. .Me hi iiiniil pi. ,n In il i
n I iinin .it til" Slmpiiiii li l limit -t
llpin i Inn eh tituil.i ininnin
in lilt inliii , I ' Think Ye ul
llle fllll-l" llli (MMIIMK ttlili ,l!
" ieep in u.ili ' iinin u tilth lie
lll'W mlllt ltlll
Tin Kiumliim ul lit mn' v.ix the
Mlllit'it III lin. I. 11.11111 V tlli-
eotiiip .it Hi. M.nk'i l.uthei.iii ilumii
A. Daily Reminder
nu will not 1,0 i1t!iif mtiil In
Duf in i-, il will iiIIim
Cuu.h mil ( ul'l in um JiUnt
and Upholsterings i
A Complete Department.
Lacking nothing in detail and perfect ill all its ap
pointments. The light is all that could be desired, and the
surroundings such as will enable you to get a correct idea
of just what you are buying and how it will look wheu you
get it home.
These Are Important Points
As they insure perfect satisfaction to our patrons and
entirely eliminate that element of dissatisfaction which is so
common in some stores, because buyer? are not permitted a
proper opportunity to see exactly wha: they are getting.
Greatly Enlarged Department
Contains the laigcst and fittest collectian of Lace Curtains
in Scrantou, which includes our own importations in
Irish Points, Brussels Lace,
Bobbinette.s, Ruined Swiss,
Nottiugliams and Scotch Lace.
Also the complete line made atthe
Scranton Lace Factory
Which lead all others in popularity Door Panels, Dotted
.Swisses, Irish Nets and all other classes of yard goods.
In Heavy Draperies
4 Our showing of Tapestry Curtains iu Turkish effects
.Roman stripes, floral designs, etc., is a stu prise to all who
'see them. Mercerised materials are also comiug to the
front. They look like silk and wear better. Couch Covers
are shown in limitless var.ety and range of prices.
Correct Upholstering
Iu all the best materials of lateU designs, a-; well as all
the fixings uecessary to carry out the work of hanging
draperies or putting on upholsteriugs.
8 flic V&fi-rrtf4-
Is a MoneySaver.
Globe Warehouse
ypstrntiiy linn nliif; ami In Ihe p.piiIiir
lie spoke mi "Ulirim. the tUuiin ltoJt-t-cil
hy the tliilltleiH."
riilon Mi'lio weie hold lnt een
liU? at the hone house. Ttlpp IMilc and
were cuiultluted hv Mis, H. I'liuluw.
Washbuin Street Presbyteilans.
Uocltir Moffat dellvcied a ory pcitl
nuut tllwoiiisp at the nininliiR cci
vke, nl tlif ' oih'IumUui uf which the
Int kp L'otiKi'i'Ktilhin pieieut Mited to
e.nry Into ( Ifeet the object of tlif ni -iinin.
niiniely, for cu-h one t" Ufi the
"Talent" method tn iPllee the I'litlteh
of her pieselit IniU'btPilntfH.
In the dentil of Mr". Wllllnni t'lluU
the elllliell Imi'H llliollli r (Hie til ItM
nlileit winkoii anil moit faithful ml
helellli. The new ihoiux i hoh Ii pinvlnn to
he a Mtlniiil nil In Hie (lllllch llltl-le,
lint tiiiftiituntiteh there aie ton lew
mule nliei. )ut niiiin nun oiuht to
Join in IhlMi'lYoit to lniuoe the i liilii'h
nilNli. TlUltriila.v eM'iillig: at S o'elnelc
aiinlhei U'ln' will I"- held when all
inny unite ulm will.
Illhle mIido! M'iMloti will In Kin
piolllpllv lieieiillPi1 nl IJ n't liit'lc. I ! -ll
lUefllller l-S III Red to nliu'lNC llli".
Tllli i'enlliK the !. linn NllM)ilet will
me t in 7..." All ini'iubel" .'lie lllK"il to
iloie Petty Thefts.
Ill lilllillnll to the ltllgl.l!. In S. It.
.Iiiliei" iloie npolteil ill Tin Tlllilllle
nil S.ilui(ln.. H'M' oilier pett thefli
h.ii hi en lepmtfil to the polk' Thelt
pieiiiinpllini H .i tiumlit i of linx
nie eiiKimeil in the wnik. JutlRliiK finin
the .11 Hi In that ll.le hei n taken.
'I h plai'i s ii'i eiilK Nip tl weie liiild-.-l.iKi'i
i noelt. "tnie, near Set-niton
MieM. Ma lllnnie'i li.ikeiy .mil Unw
ell ll.iini inr.ii iloie. Tlie tin i -t
ll.lililln' Mnlt'li (.oiiiliti nt i heap lew -iIi
lilt i .mil elifiii .nnl ilu.u
i ttei. This s imiMtilitc(ll the i.iine
ilnwil In like Into IPfie'c- ( .lil
Melt Mitili tllili .mn .nnl i.lllltil nil a
iii.(iitit of i.iliilv. e c ueltt i, Mini,
t tt .
In Police Couit.
.Mlkt TUllf. nl I-') IMe.n.illt Um t
who v ,ii ,' foi helliK ill link ami
thn at' Hint; tn kill his matin I. u.ii .11
i.ileil liv I'.iti Halt .mil I'
ill.iw anil llmtl O" fn tlel Hill he w.ii
t iiininilleil loi ."n il.iv i
l.'elltenalil f)aii I'.itiolineii I'etei,-.
anil Tlniin.ii i.ihImI tin houie kept I v
I .oil Milllll. .it 'ily si intuit itn el. it
nililnUhi Hatui iln anil ihe w.n lined
Mil Tin inin.ite-! wtie .l.u oh I'mwii.
I'h.ill'i Hei k( i .mil I'eul Alltn. 'I he
wtie lined ".. ln and l iiip'itlM.
lj Eveutb of the Coming Week.
The i:icMui Clee (lull will lU'ld
tlieir 111 it .iinin it i ntei tatiimeiit and,
dame lumriiniw i nin.; In Menu
The ui' iiilieir, ol M Itii nihil'- i nilli
( il. tiling Men'" luitittite, and Ihelr
l.i'lv llltinli. will r mo a ,il Y.
M 1 hall ne.M Ciiil.ij, teniliK
Iliin.v Iinin, i biitihei cmplu.Nid hy
Wi A. Held, of JupUhou sttcet, had
two of hlH uiwers einiffht In a meal
'liter reeetitly. one of which wu uin
putated and tho other (ewiuly
Mix's Upi-'Ip HlolP. the elm lltlonl'il,
and Mlii MotKitiet tllbLM will luillcl
p.ite in an ptilct talnmeiit at llalNtead
lievt Thitrit.i oVf iilm-.
Thn iciiiiilii') ot Ihu lute Thoinax Ciuiy,
who died f i inn InlUileM leeelved III Ihe
Hellovilc nihil"', Weie Intel led 111 Ihe
falliedial leincteiy fMiutitiiy after
noon. .ThuniiiH .lone", of Iliuoln UrlKbii,
has ii new dwellliu; hntlie (Miniplcted on
Coibett aVPlilte.
John DotiKhtMiy, of t In nttal cli,
lt ImxhiK t'lppteil a double houie at the
eoinor of Xoith Main aeiui" and
Schlatter Ijoiilevind.
John ("pIkpI has opened n dmlim
l otiin ndloliilntr lilt maiket on Wet
l.ackawnnna ineiiue.
Aithur ChilHtiii.ii, of Ninth ITIiuiup
ineinic, Ik .ieiidliuf a lew days litint
lujf In Wayne iuunt.
.Mls .Vain y I'lilliaiinii, ol I limit a, N.
V N the Kiicd of icliitlves In town.
.MNi .Maine Hoitiie, of Miniow, It
Nltlnsr Mi- Anna lloltiee, ol 1'ilee
clld t.
.MIhh.1 .Macule Nolan and N llle
Kein, ol 1'ilie itiiol, aie on a ple.iiiue
tl Ip to the I'all-Alllei'leail.
Ali.i. Alan Wlllinoie, of Jiiown'i
mmu I, I 'i (.on it ii il to her home hy ill
nei. I'lank MeAiiiliew , of Ninth Sumiiei
!ifnuc, .ipeiit Hie pat wetk at the
I'an-Amei lean.
.loieph Ueeio mid liiniilv. uf Ninth
lailitiln aeiuie, hap inoviil thilr
hotliphold ellrels It) (l. pluillt, wlieie
they w ill ii ilde.
Joseph (hiMioi, ul .Vol th l.iiuuln ave
nue, ii 111 at hli liuine.
Mi. ,im iw Aheaiii, of Hampton
.ilieit Ik iptiidliif,' a Ii w tla.i In Niw
Vot k.
Mn. M.ula Saul, of l'liie Unet, is
i illicitly III.
II. II. Itamfiiid, or riaike liiothpn'
(Inthliif,- dep.ii Imtnt, Inii liiiiMd hli
f.nnll.v fiom South Alain to .1 :.' Ninth
Lliiuiln ai inii.
.Mi. .nut Mii .ininci Aliftiilie .iinl ion
iithou. .in in ITilladrlphl.i. win ir
the l.ittei will lie tn, ued at a
WaltPi Cnlil), of r,iliew .nenue. K
i uuali'ii'liiK attif.i loiiB lllnpii
1'iiiilc J'.i nndnsje and W'.ilur Nei ly
Ii.ivp it tinned lioin a huntli! tilp on
the I'll; mijimtaini-.
Captain i'i.,nk Hull hlnioii. nf i:n
f,im (uiiip.inj No. ". Inn i etui in d f i mn
llli .U.llioll, ipt'llt 111 l'hll.lllelphi.l.
William lliiBlu-.. ul Ninth I1.mIi fail;
.1 Millie. Il.n lelllllltll llulllt lllllll ,1
llUlltlllK tlip II' W.lMIe l-llt.
(teniae S. I'loitj and iI.iukIiIii. (!ei
liude, ut chiitniii Mint, ,ue home
lioin Itiilialn
Fnsqunlc De Santo Filed Thiec Shots
at Johnnn Viola List of Ad-
veitUed Letteis.
Ill .1 ill.llll' lltlULill .lull. mn Viola
(eninvr, Ii, S.iiUu tliew a icuihei .mil
nt Mm tiinii .mil Snt in t I meet-, l.i-t
eunln.; l.)e Same diew a itolet and
11m il time -hnti .it Violn, lnil nilin
him, taught tin a nit k handli and 1m
lahniid him .ilimil tin head, iniuiinf,
Iiiiii -Pi tnii
At a i III iiti niliK' nil lilhlxill- -tiett,
Joe I'lii o -taliln d Ch.uli- Ko-p thlte
llniii. W.n lanti ,ue out loi hoth a-i.iiiiiiit-,
and hoth nl the iellnii aie
lit-lny ii.utlud up b lii. Mm pin.
Uncalled foi Letteis.
T.ettfn itiiiainlii',- uiulalim d iHiiint,
the pei loil ending Oitolui l'i. Inil. I'ti
loiii i allliiK lor tin m U tt( 1 1 t ill
s-.iy adei tiied-
1'iul .il IMuaid i; Cimu.n. Hill
itlttt. John Uiile clie-tmit m fit;
Mli. 13. A CtoiKe. -'to I'heiiy ititet
t-iaman Wood Uniting11, .Ii flt'i-m1 and
Kleitih aeilile- ( '.) , Hi It u llolteii V.'S
Adams aveiiiit; (ttoiKe lloii-lo. C'aj
aeni!e: Mi.JiiilKe. l.auh itiett. Mi-,
Aim Knhld Jo .Milli i I1U liiinl Mt
lluftli. Ailami aveiiiie, I'.itihK .t.ii,
I). Xilpi, .Inlin Itotllt. Mi. Kim, n.ilU
dealt i. Kit haul It. Wt i-t niliih. l'n1
imiiK.v atmii' HiikIi M'.ittiin. i,TL'
ljlllllt .IMIIIIe Tin till'. ito Znlle (K),
M.iiuiiin Vim eiiu (!'), Ki.ilii i mi
Delph nit iiiln "iiiKtl i inulileiitlal."
in i inn i mi- n miiuiiamiii in n mpti tin
liniiillKh li'iiMIUi in liolinl, tin if nl
ilei. ('null riautid tin niaiidaiiHl-,
ami tin -In i Iu nnlllitd Mi. W'ahli ri
that il una up tn him. 'I het-i onlin
l'PU-i'i'i limit thiiiK oei M.f'iiii lilt Ii
mi- aiipiiipl tali d tn lllinl-h .innie
nun ml, mi inndi Inn In-lead the nia- lui'i h, i n dli.ti IhlUPtl oi iln
hoinir;li ai'd unod madi .ih -lill l,r
The lit tall Cleil.i' ail-in Iatinii, l.tiial
111. pancil leiolulloiu-. at ilieli lai-t
llicetlni,', elidiilllK lilt Mlilld nl the
MiiMnt, .itiett i.ii uicii, and liiiliiiil-
(.... .1...I ... ..... .1.. .......
Ml.i. raiilis l.iihiir, 1
htied. lhl- cwnillin at S o'llotk, A pio
ki .inline ol nun-It and lei ilatluii.i will
lie pMivldeil, and a lurye atteudaiife i
hnprd for.
I'lilllp I'alfuv, piopilitoi ot Hold
StoiliiiK. on t'lie-tnut bin 1 1, li-lu'ts to
ailiaillliie thai he U not the I'lilllp
Calliej it lined to iu the Suuila
jmpos as IhiUiik lieeu uuudei(Ui.i as--
-.mlliil um Sn I lii iln v ulelil.
apus aa iniMiiK oeeu iniiu
.mlliil on Satuidav nluhl.
il iiip niul Mm Aithur Ilinm .tn n tie
) n: .1 Ah, J lnni I'm Jh mi n,i . hlliliui
ami tho 1 1 -.-1 (iijthinin, n( If io .IjhoIiu. Ili.uil,
Mill If 4 if lur Nc-'. Veil. Hits Him um,', Hum
m lit. li l'liie li 1 .nut (mull Mill Mil
U.1iks.1j.i 1 1 llioli Iioiiip in lluil, lit ut (I
I uihIoii Hip M l-es ( iw'l iniuiii -una
i Inn loimei in the lJle
1 1 Will, nl i -1 1 1 ti : t i.ii .nciii
lll.bjlll Ul I'ullMDUII
Iinl Milln, .i inn! woil.ii d
t cm die
l'i" 1 1 on
Hi. In I.iiiiiIki ii.iiiiui.v mill,
ul. n nil In j il,ijn -.iimil
luii In ilnniili
. iiipiniiiv uipI
il Mill an tliu lunJaoinrat, nil ollicii
jio liailiil tn tjll in any tliu;;l$t jnl gu
fres -i IiIjI bottlu ut lumii'i UiI-jmi lor t Im
llnval J nil l.niii'i, .i rdncd- Hut h tiuuiilinl
Iu luiv untl ulliu'jll ( liiunlc jntl At-utv I utilii,
Aitlmii, llii.iiilillli jn.l tvint.initluii. I'lUe 'J'i,
Dd Uc.
I'll.. ..III. t . (.11 Wlktl. ill, It.. lli. i, II In
MOI ( tltlihei, Mhldi Ut'ie htld Up,
m IllK to the ol liuiKis Itlli
.11 lull In lOlllitt iiIku tin 111. aie now In
Ii n lnld h TieaMiif Wahlei-, I tin -tiimh
Attoiney Mi Dtuialil, ntiinj, limit i
in-titii limn ft tun the t niiiii'lli, appliMl
Iili IiiiiiI mm to bully luculpil tlill tent
-t 1 1 1 Ik - oio Teipilu il In iipilt Hiil niptnliii.
II" wm itluiitcil hy II,-. V, (I. I.t-nt, mill liter
unioNPil to hli tiomo mi the .Siulli Mile
Alioiit .1 o'clock iitiiriby itlinnwn i tir
Biry liowr. Iiclmijtlntr to I'riink Ollur. I""t
lilcltl wlun iitlii ltir nitnrr of Mninti mid
l.lciltlc .Ufmir( jiiij um iIimm oiir,i iiMiiut'
to Di-ln'i.iti' llrr, thence ilmin Dt'liW.ili' t
iiiitlrriii ii.iu(' hi iniKlin llin I mn lid"
tiinii Hon ii'onu" Hi lui.p ii lionlcil nt In
Millie liirotii tijlni; in i dili II, mil tin iipmi
lilt' ulllctWlll,, t, Lttrlll' lllllll,' lillmlll Ii hii
I'loftrle Unlit mo .nnl fmn lonio ( Hie
lioic lillp tinhliiin mill til iiiKrli win' hiMmi'I
iilnnB tin' Miprt, 'Ihr litno (tiutliniiil ll inn up
iiinlprton inrmip n Hill,' (iitliif, wlini It v.m
(.niRlit Mliliinit iljiiic in; tnuii' it mi mi'.
Mr. mill lr-t II. II, pnutil, of iniilti'ni
niiliur, tli.iirinril J Iiuikc pal' tint M'liit
tin- iililnlli it the .Mi snivel lotluiip at I aKo
I', S I'iiII, ot (men lllilijr ulnrl, Ii In Olito
Hrx , I. iein, I). I), nl llinlllli', null
plnl (lie pulpit f tin.' Ihirii Itlilse I'm ti In I m
(linuli )pspriliy innrnliiic mill ntnlii? .in I
nr.n.liH to ilile triimni
A MirpiNe pni ty iuik teiuleieil Ml",
ll.ti nickel, Tlinif-ilny evenlntf, Iu honor
of her lilrtlnlii. a eiy iMoaiuil cuii
lii(,r amis speiu In playing kiiiui'i and
ilnni'insr. Prof. William Mlllei. of I'ltlH
ton avenue, inns' a nunilier of huiibm;
lilnno foIoi weie played hy Mi Alii o
A. I!.ii nli'Kcl. and violin olos hy Mi.
Itiirnlekel. .Suppei wax ui'ived ahoul I.'
Thoe pU'ieitt utie: Mr. and Mi".
Uni nli hei, Mi. and Mic. Miller, Mr. and
W. Miiyeii, Mr. and Mr. ). Maei?,
Mi". Smith, .Air. and Mm Sdiafoi. Mr.
and Mm. Motzenliaehei. .Mi. and Mi.
H"V. Wltke, lto. .Iiuoh Wllke, ot
Phllnilelphlii- Mr. and Mi. Wul-li. Mr
and Mn. l,oeiini, (if r'liiliouilale: Mr.
Hoth. of Kuitciry vllle ; Mr. A. XIokIim.
Mr. anil Mn. r. ZIikIci, Mi-i, K. Mot
eiibaiker. Mm. laiC.enbeifter. .Mr. (i.
.Aliifii-, AVlllliim .Miller, Ailhur Miller,
ISiiy Mlllei, Allfp A. Itai nli ltel. i:thfi
.Miller, Id in -t Itai nickel, Hin-lu (iinin,
1.IU' ZlefjlL'i' and Arthur Sihutei.
'tniril It mt ouiniiiiiild. e. 2(1. KumliN
nl M lit I. In-, ip 1 1 ul i liitii i i c,i.iii II
I iitil.tfiu. itfittii n I'li-nlmt IIii.-miIi. in
Hpt.f III IPMllllllims IiiiikiI mil MUllilill .n
the lltui' tt Pre ulna MiMnlii'i ti iuIp tit ah
'Hip ii pit, u nl a I'ihIiii niulii's iiu'iiniu-, wis
milltii hi Mi ( hnii in pi., i wlmli .
luiiiul in Imitltr uf ilup til it',. Il fuliun-..
"I.Mcutni' M iii-iiiii
' H.i-1iiii'i,p, on p. I'ml.
' M Di n in Ii Ins chin hip ipi.iui, to
tiiniu In Hi : n -i'K till aliiilinn Hip i hi
,,iii ni1iitfiii, iiiilu-ul mtii tiiiii Icltn ul
Hip dili iii-t ml,
"tin ptisiilfiii iiijiilK mi, t at.iii,- ton nil
Jem i mi Hi U In w mult iripuoliii tin.
Uiiplh i pH'-U'iis tin ti in i, mi, iu, ul
" uis m i; tniH,
"(I'M II lllliKl.ll.
' ipt 1.111 lo lllP I'll -llli III.
"Ml II I'm Ml I, liitnliliM III .
' .(ii tt lllnw rlmi, in ml. ,ii, l'i
-llliili 1 ,lln -Oiill H ,P hi 1, ii i sin ii (
II tin n !ipiiijitiiic! lii lliiiniin's lull in
I'lllslull nt inn Sin II
llip It in ilu- ur Mi- Mm win lin! it ii-t mi
nlimlit trmu llip lite ip-lilt mi on M ijil
Mint. Mini mimiiI Um li ul i. it In in i
liiiitl-oini i .i-kt t sinl ilih pi in, I in tin pirlui
eil(is tttip lulil in (. hrl-e liiillitiin ilinnli
on (itln ,i(iiue lit ii-iii. In, nli MiiKp. wlin
-puK" litllnsh mi Ilit iipiihlit hit ri ilntispil
1 ii ( lin. nt u iltuwmls imhIp pi I'liil-tiiu in
inn 1 1 mi tin 'llip pllll llrl" Mm. lehli
I n 1.11s, limb li.ii, I'lullii II Itn I .mil 1
II in Kin
Vinl T, Mbip hi. uf i.J -autli Wili-tu ic
imp, ill- piiiifnlli iijuitil in -iiimlii ulnli n
noil, ii M' lin hi , Mule's plniiii' mill i n
l!i n niijoii ivimit Ihnij -IiiU slunk nun
on lin tiidirn nul ut .i ,1ipji a'i-li tun lit
i ii
Hip llitKin -utti 1,(1111111 l'n.ln ti ii in
llllllttl MiS llutlltil ll 1 nth sllltts Itsliiiln
.nnl mnili nitiii-t M.i- sliov ii, p.pirlilk in il(
n di iihihIim-. in llu MiniHti nnl 1 1 nl In lieu)
tills'1. hi tl"' I'l-lDI. lit! Willi llli
Ninth l iho puiiii.r Minus Mi ijiilt tu i,
fm hi- lliimt, ' llonip Wiir-hip " ii i mi m in
(ihu ititi th, thililitu In in infnit in huiitul
liiiii.d pi in. iIi -
Mi nnl Mis lol.n Mn , ,.f Uillon stint, hn
riinuiiil Ihhk i.i in tin I'm iikihiii
Hun u i- i mull -in lit ithtiiii; j( Ih
Inlin i M mil Mi- Willi ... l-.i.Hli, it nil
l'ltl-liin t i mi. , -iiimlii iviiiin, ml ntti
it iit-lmuiits ir -tiinl -iinil li nis utit
sjinii in -nt it inlin 1 1 1 i.
MltS AVII.IJAM riHNIC.-ln the
(leu ii nt iiis. riinu la-t s.itiiui.n
nioi nlii,;, at the home ot her daiiKhtei ,
Mm. 13 II. Shin tlrll, AVuihinqtou
avenue, in (iinti rtitlKe. lilt Waillhlliu
St i etd l'ieil) lei Ian i Inn th N aain
.illt it upon lo pai t will) oik ol it-uld-t
il and mint iin'tul uieinlii'i- Tin.
Kie.itti pan of her life uu.i kImmi In
ipixIic lor till- rlninh. Matih V, 1ST.",
Mr ami Ml-, l'i Ink on pinlei
iloii of l.i i t li with the Wiiilihuin -tieet
iliuidi. T'ioiii that tlnu to theii ili.ith
ihelr II vi i inii' Intt iw iiu ii into the
hlitoi of tllli i hint h. I'oit i,iiof
leivlie 1'iie Kien hy Ml. Pili.k ,n
iiuitPe ami tuaiuiei. He w.ii an . Idt i
alio tin l went -two yi,ii. Tluniixh
all tlnu' M.iis, innii nl tin m ii Ins
iiiiei Iu the Id-tin. ot tin ihuitli Mi
riluk win- ii mo-l la till ill litlpniate in
till thai w.i-lit . e-iiii lo In don' Itii
lioini i.'ilhd "Mlnl-tei-' Ut-I,' In -i
.mn ilin'tr In r liospitahle tool tlnie
was a wdiniue to nil. Mm. fi Ink u.n
oili nl Hie must ;;i. i Impi and imlt -fallKahli
WnikilP. Tu hei dipilltlllt tile
Weil Hili In-i ,n ,. n It- must 1011-
ipliiiiiiiis and i .iiiidi ('hi ljtlaii um k
(M. Her kiiidm -s 'ami In luv,eit- inn
i untitled to the i hill ill -lie mi lllllt Ii
lovttl. lift iiiliil-tijiliuiii- lin Kimd win
width know u. No ;;ooil i.iiin' wai
pai-Kd I'. As a lileliil and iieiuhhin
ilie was eer Uilltl. IlltUlsllltlll ami
lltlptlll. Man III ll-e up anil ( all Mel
hle.i.i(d. i loi inetiioiy will cm r h main
liiiKialit In thf (huieh lo which ,-he
nac .10 111111 h of her life
Till- 111 tt'l 111)011 III 2.1U o'ti(k the lllit
-(111 M'I her. Will he held tllUl 1,1 S llel
aunv lo le-t heahle the 1 omii.llllnll ol
hei III", lid pn-loi lit. Dr. Motlat,
Will he III ihlUBe.
MltS I3I.IX.A LATHAM lii:i3l)i:i:
llllil tli toiler IS, at lit I home iu Tles-to
,i(,'nl s:i ,iai,s, She helonmd to one m
the oldeit N CiiKlaml Iflllllllfp, Indue;
ii lineal ile.iitiidant ul William Latham
who 1 111110 ovei In the Mioilnwir In
K'.'a. llu KiaudiailKi, William T.athaui,
was a Mildlii of the Aniei itaii IteMdu
l Inn. Mn- lraNi'S, hi.ilile hei luishaiul,
01. e daunhti'1, Mih, 13. I,. Waltei, of
tills ilty, 1 hi en sous, ii, Wi, I. il. and
W. 13. Iteulei. all of Tiesni.
I'ATIir.lUNi: tlAI.I.AfHIIIlt, Um I-'car-olil
dauf.'hler of Mr. mill .Mis. "W,
A, Uallah'her, died Sunday nioinlllK,
dfler an lllne.-s of two weeks. Tio
luuotal will taki idai'i Inmmiow at
tei noon a 2 M n look.
MltS. A.V.NIi: M. ADAMS. iikkI Sj
yvaif, died at 11 o'clock last iilgh. at
the home or her duiightei, Mis. .Iiuoli
Solun, S 1 I'llt.-lou inuitie.
Tilt liilii i . 1 1 of the late .1. .1 (iiiliaoii,
ot .l('iiuii. wlio died at I'ltlslaui; on
Widllisda lilgllt, Will take plain to.
da at 11 n'eloik.
The lunvial of llle lati .laniei Howie
will take pliu e al t o'l lin 1. this linun
liiff lioin the house, i' 17 So anion stiott
Seniles will he held In St, i'atilek's
(.'alhnlle ihuuli lutoiliiilit will be
nttidc in tlif Cittlltdiul ii'liielei'.
Dcfcntctt Wllkcs'Btme Golf Plnyeis
in Contest Just Closed.
The Senuiton unlr tcani went to
Wllkefllurn' Haitirdny and jilujed a
ninti'h with Ihe Wllkr..lario toini ovir
the link of the WoiiiIiik Valley I'ottn
tiy dub, nnd weie defeated hy Ihlttecii
The "WllkPH-llniie team, howevrr,
woip defeated In Sciatiton two wrekn
iio hy i IkIiUm'U holeji, which kIm-i the
net lei to Si'iaulnn liv u iiiuikIii of live
holcc. and liii'ldentnlly the cup, w hli It
.Seiaiiton has held for Ihe past four
yea rr.
For Seiaiiton, ,T, II. Diook.i played
the heil kiiiiic, inakltiK the splendid
Ffoio of 7, which tied ihe if tout ror
the I'ottMP, and nt the saiiie time de
feated lili old iivnl, lluntluKtou, hy
one hole. .lumen lllalr, Jr., inaile the
ne:t hest utiiie, SI, nnd l ('. l-'uller
nnd H. T. Shafer both tied their
iiiutehe.t. The following la the older In
which tho tuiiius pliijed and the sioie.
HltAMtlV, tiifflt, Wll.kl'.i llUlltf.
.1. II. ItllK'l . .. llllllllllKltill .. (I
I'. ( I'nllii . . (I. 13. Womlnill . a
.1. 1 1 l.i I r. ji 1 I. I'. Tmnei t)
I. I.. I'.t-1. IW. II. tl
II I', ill iter IK .. I nit I nnl I)
'I'. II. ttiiiol.-i UM. M Pollute 2
W .1. I m ip U . tt 1IM' I
Mr. and Mis. John Jermyn Ccle-
bmteil Their Golden Wedding
Anniversary on Saturday.
Mr aiul Mm. John .Teiinvn, of Jef
liMsim iiM'iuii', hne lhul together um
man ami wife lor half a lentui and
(inietlj eelelnated their llflletli wotl
illiiK annlei.,iiy mi Satuiday lait.
The eieni N tit ppiuliar Inteieit, he
eauip hoth Mr. and Mm. .leiniMi linvo
Ihed these lllty ye.ns loKOthcr 111
Scranton or IN ldnlty. and hae seen
It kiow 1 1 om a small I11.iko into one
of llip moil piot-ienho and liusy celi-
leM of uitUltv Iu tho louutiy.
Hoth Mr. mil .Mm. .Teimii had
planiKd -oine nionllw ago to hne .1
leeeplliin on theii golden weddllif, ,in
nlM'is.tiy, hut the condition ot Mr.
.lermvn'4 liealui pieiluded this, and
the lelelnatlon of the h ippy event w.lK
limit"(l to the lioino drile.
At 1 o'( lock on Satuida aflei uooli
the old couple dined with theii nine
Ki.indehlldieii In their beautiful home
iiii1 at 7 o'llotk Ihey s;it down to ihe
talile with tli lr i itilil ihllitKii mil
Mi. Jeruiyn's i.neei has la ell one
Iouk inund ol aithitv and haul wotk
lioin the dav lie landed in tills crnin
U y tn ISIV. a pennllen ouhk' mini,
and ii ii due iilmoit entliely to hU
own until Intf eueisy and bnilnesi
ahilllv that he ii now moKiiifd ai
one of the WL.iithleit men in tllli p.ut
ol the stale.
lie win Inn n in I3iik1uii(1 In lJS. and
(.line to thi-. onniiy in 1S1T. settling
at oiue In what ii now West ho an
ion, lie sctni'-d seeial l.lndi of eni
ploMiU'iil, and tin. illy sot Ihe loutiuit
tot the iipeiiliif; ot n'M' mlllei In
Ninth Seiaiiton. lie went to Aiibhald
a shnit time later, m in iny: a posi
tion as mpei iiitendenl of the llo-toit
('oal i'.- White Oak mine lie
later n'liunl an inleie-l iu ioeial
toal piopeitiei up the alle, and
iiioim1 to llinhdale, hlih Inn ilnie
hpeii named .Teinijii. in hli liouoi.
He kept (ouliiui.illy a((iuiilii(? ' oal
land-, whidi hi- laiiine-s sagacity told
htm would be Miluable latir on, and
dlslio-ed of a laifie pel cent, iue ot them
In the llelawaie and Hudson iiiiu
panv iu 11. He then npeiied up i lie
mines in Kendhaiii, whlili he Inn slme
opeiated mult r lb" name ol Ihe .for
nix n Ctial iiiinpanv.
Mi. .lei in n li one ot the lau'.est leal
estate o uei - in ihe 'it. the iloti 1
.lo ni a. foal 1 Mli.iiirtc liiiildiiiK and
a nunilier or otho I.ukc ami Miluahle
holdlu'i ill llU' telltial fit, lieitlK bli
liopeit. lie ai lor yeais a oelal
td iu the i null ol ami miniaKeinent ot
a number ot ilu industiial (onipanie.s
wlihli liae 'linie so nun h lor tin
Kiowth of this ilty, hnl of late e,n
he his ieliniiil-hO(l hi- holdiiiKi iu
Iheie Inn Pl.tdtlallV till lied oel
ilie inauaHi'lueiit ot his allalM lo his
Mini, lielllff ilt'iiiolli ol ipellililli,' III'
hut Stan ill Uit I lellieniellt.
Mi. Jerin.Mi was m.uiKd iu ISM, to
Mi-- ICiiUlu. who was al-o a
native ol Hncl.'nil. The (eieuinin
,as ptllonmtl in a Hub two-iloi.V
llullie nil .lill kl "II itliet. the tillltlat
IllK ili'iMU.lll helm, Ke. .1. S, (iitl
dlllKi Ml. .Ie III li (Ii-llKllts In 'ell
thai hlmiill iud wlf'" i'b' io Hilt-
Ion and (ii a st,me lo.uli tor
Iheli weiltlllit; Kim, the Inllif?
unknown iu lill- pan ol the munii
lot thai lime, 'the i niipl" have stiiio
. lived a lilt' n mnl l.ahle lo. the devn-
lliin ami loo w hiili ei' li has "hown
I the oilier.
TlU'll Ullloll has bieil hie nl Willi
I eUllt i llilill "ll. vvho-e naliiert tollow .
.Iii-oph .1. I'lank II.. Hi'iilj,!' 1! W.ll
1 trr, llilwatd. Hollo !.. Mis. It. .
I Downey mid Min Hmina. All ot Hie
'sons aie pioiiiiiieiuly ideiilllltil wllb a
llllllllii'l ot llUPdl lunt bUslll"ss lilt i-
I il"'"
1 Ovcicoats! Oveicoats!
I 'fill- mnl wi.llllel leniiiula lis nl
lie.iw i lothiiu I't'i lust sin h weather
we llae opened Up olll' lill K new
slink of ou'itoats, iu hoih HkIu and
heavy welwhts All tho nnhliv iu w ct
lei is lii cut. Iliilnh ami t ilnh in"
shown, and the pi li ( s ,ue sip li ai will
siill th" iiialent pin ketliniik.
We Invite ,iii In-poi'tlim ol thlH lliii
ami a loiiipai'lstiu of pi ins.
tt.'o l.ui kawauna ae.
D., L. nnd W. Donid for Today.
KullowliiK N Hi' mnku-up of the D
1 i: W. hoaiil tor today;
sfSDW, in .in
Wild (Ms Hikt i p in, )l It Mil m ; ll
p, in, l , Dunn
IOl, OL 101)1.1! JI
Uilil I .a, I'el -1 . I. in . II, llislmui II
t in . li. llJi.imlll, 1 p n, V, II, limp; -i
p. m, II (llllliuii; ." p. in, tt, V llntlulu
hum, li i in, ii(nri. 'llu in.i.
iininiilu, In - 'i 4. in, nisi, . NahoU.
11 J. in., v.i-l, 'llitiinpsin, 0 . m, i ,i, I.
(iiiilrV, a P in., iu,-i. w. ii. i, ini, p. in
i.i. ii iinin i oii)ii. M iilnk'i , ,' p ii , nun
Vii iw, I, Mt. Milan
I'iblii'U ii i in , W liliit i ; ii I , i in i
riimtii' ; - j in., llin-u ll iii j m Mhiji
ii p. in. I Mi p. iinit 11, ; p in Vniiln n
p m, . II inn n , in p in nipii
l'l 111.11 I iiiii n 7 i in, I, mini , i II ,
I, Ini lliMn in .i m, Njiiiii in. in i in I
I. -'till, 3 p. in, -IJiiliiii S J) e in M
Willi I ills Wll 111 I in , I Wall. Il i i
I, I) i, '.' p in, M . ,i in
I lultl mi 1 i in, P 1 .ilplinu'i i
P m I' I -i I) lijiul.ilpli's inn i. i' in,
t . Iviii.-lt.i
Mini i:
I i I II 1UJIU ,lli I' (.l'i. ill Jh.l
iimiii Mill ittuiil IU j in tin, iu I'l.ilu' in
.nuillvii ui, nil. i. I i mun. I,
lit n.
I .iiiiliiuun I tt. lluiMint mil M l-i uhn
jmj iicii will atliiiil i p iu. tliji alt LiAc
Come Here Today
and Shop Profitably
This Store, with its immense stocks of Seasonable
Goods, can best supply your wants. Style is here,
combined with high quality and low prices. Capable
salespeople to serve you properly, free delivery to all
parts, and every convenience that can make shopping a
pleasure, you'll find in our establishment.
Monday's Special Values
Fine Muslin, Unbleached .
Mond.iv Price, yard 4C
Best Silver Gray Calico, the
6c kind. Monday pi ice, .1
yard 42C
Also Indigo Blue Calicoes at
this pi ice.
52 iir Percales, dark gtounds;
the ioc kind. Monday A
price, yard 02C
Light and medium Colored
Outing Plaiinel, the yc
kind, Moday price, yard . . 5C
Blue and Fancy Striped Tick
ing, the 15c kind, Mon- ,-1
day at, yard ZC
AH-Wool Shirting i-'Utmels, in
checks, plaids and sttipes,
Monday, at yard joQ
"XQr Poun(1 for 50C Fathers.
iSx,6 Feather Pillows, cov
ered with fancy ticking,
at, each JC
H Em I Kn IK B HmSJ BaL Wfll fcJlZ If Bnawa ilttv wU f
Buy Now
And Charge It
31V Lacka. Ave.
Second Floor.
Onen Eveninsfs.
Lyceum Theatre
M HI.I-. 1 1 -si- iil M-ii"- '
A .1 lit 1 1 . "' !'. f
rionday Night, Oct. 21,
The Spiiijlitly,
MAXiri'S Jul u lalin ' V J.H 1i "V
, ItiulJ.
I'l ill. -'! Hill- I I l )
"Ut. "II "ill I it'll) I' '' 1 ' '
Tliursdny Night, Oct. 24.
Howard Kyle
Preseuliug Clyde Fitch's
Great American Play
Nathan Haie
Prices, 2,sc to Si.oo.
w i i i u-ii ,, j j "
iimi i. ii. ii u in n 1 i niiii ii
Oil 'I
I lllllll i Is li I si lll Jll'l I D " in I
I tt In Will Jl.lU'l 1' HI ill" I" I'tlU .11
..lllllll' 11 Ul till HI' ll'l lUllIM! IllslllUliull,
0,1, M
Wlllljiii Kill).' Jml in n lull nl" 11 Jl .U'ir
llillll'lcin's ullt l, IU H 111., IM. il.
Towels and Toweling
iSx-?4 Towels, on Mon
day, each ?C
2o.o Towels, on t
Monday, each 1 JI2Q
Lot of 25c Towels,
Monday at, each JAjQ
Biown or Bleached Crash,
the 0 cent kind Monday . 1
at 42C
Brown and Bleached
Linen Clash, Monday at. VC
I lomespun Russian Crash, Q
Monday at oC
10-4 Blankets, white . .
tan and grey at, pair 44C
11-4 Blankets, all col- q
ors, the $1.00 kind, at.. OOC
11-4 Mottled $2.00 .
Blankets, Monday at.. 1 ,5U
Si. 25 Spreads at 98c
ioO Spreads at $1.25
S2.25 Spreads at $1.85
Don't wait, don't be uiicomfoi table,
don't be behind the piocession, come
and get the Suit and Overcoat now and
have it chaiged. .Small weekly pay
ments will soon clean up the account.
Women's Garments
All our garments for women ate of
lie west style, elegantly made and lin
ished. We have a splendid collection
of Tailor-made Suits, Jackets. Skiits,
Capes, Silk, .Satin and Flannel Waists,
I urs and Ciavenettes,
Academy of ilusic
M 111.11, i,.t( I fi (T , Mm.,cr.
ll i Ill's HI I li
III l ISI I) -I'M ill HI J
IImi i li 1 . 'ii
I i i u n'li ui r i in i
Iu, -In M, in Hi, I ii I il'lin.
I'm,, in "j i ii ii
-. it- ..ii i
All' C, III ItltlMilON Mai i.,r
I l'i WI I K
'rnils nml Tollies Builosqueis"
Mn ii. i M ii ' i. Mull h I i il am'
--ll lill I
DR. BARRETT, Dentist,
I .) W.i muni, wiiui Om i.' tic Wjiiliou'e
I lu "I
ii 1 1, a . , , :.(i,'
iinl "j
I " ll ll. M l Ul
I i nl. inii Inn si u
H ll. ll. Nt III
I I, l mli .,11 ;,t ,
1 II ll Mill, Mil, 'I,
1 ll il wuli ...II ii j 7;,
1 llU s ( , ( liul, s j
I lllllll itii li nut siiiiiilc
II . I, ,1111 1. 1 1 1. . .
- '- - ' -- 1,1 ,
II . I ., i.t 111 a, III. 1,1 ... , ,.,i. ...I.
III. ' I ...... .. -. . . ... .,, ., f .,
flilll' I l'1-l ll Wltll.llll I ljlf, 11 IQ1 M lhl,
miii il I mi 1'iliitis Ii .mil will I, rn'ljll,
ui iiliiJl" in l"ii. I'xpuliiii' it lliu iei lea t
iu,l ton-Li. lit III 1,'ioiJ, .ilbalanlul DiiiUl
Wull, ull mi nit-,
V'1' t' ll
yft "1