The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 21, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Starrett's Fine Tools
made by skilled nt-chiiiiles.
Klnrri'lt'c tools hit (he stnnd
anl for nriMini'V, wiifkntiiii
flilp, design nnil Ilnlidi. livery
tool warranted satisfactory.
AVe carry h complete lino of
Stnrott's tools In stock.
Foote & Shear Co.
1 19 N. Washington Ave
lid fin
Dealers of tlto
oi.n ti;i,i:iiiont, WSZ.
Room 50, (,'onl Exchange
co.Mi I)i:mvi:iii:d to a.vv paut or citv.
You can never enjoy dressing
your Paby until you see our
Clothing Comfort fur the
IJab.v. Your I lino mid nerves
."lived do no planning until
you visit our store and allow
us to show you tills." new way
of dressing the llnliy.
Tb? Baby Bazaar,
510 Spruce Street.
J-.-U'lviuaiinii Ilu.-itiess College. (!ood light,
iocil institution, Piices ii;;lit.
have a right to expect that
their banking: business will
be treated as confidential.
This we do, and we also aim
to protect their interests in
every legitimate manner.
AMeim.ui luhn T, llunc is in I'liil.i'loljilitj.
Attorney . I. Pi lie is iwnilini; a fetv il.iij
nt tlic l'.inAnieik.iit.
Jli.-, William .lime, of I'lt mouth, N Uitins
Wet Sci.intoii fiiciul-.
1). .t. Ciiiiiilull i i-ilitrj- liU il-uigliter, -Mis.
J. J. lioulon, in Xcw Ynrk,
Arthur Tliainai, or T.irim.i, W.i.-h., is i.iting
West Siijiitoii Iricnil.s .mil lel.Ulie-.
"MK L'slliei- llutf.iti, of I'liiiJKu. is tin' Kiif-4
tt Miillle lle.iler, of Dunmoir.
Mr. ami Jirs. II. .7. Keuum :ne inuliiii; a few
cloys at llic P.iii-.iiii'iii'.iii cNptiliIon.
Mift Ul.i l'l.itmig.iii :iiul Mi-i Alii 0 ll.iniiULel
lime letuiiicil Hum .1 v i i l In (.iilninil.ile.
Ml. X. -'. M.ito, of Sui'lLiml Mieit, Is on
tcrtniiilnc .Mrs. sielU Jtoo.-.i, uf C1c.1L llewl.
Mr. ami Mo-.'l, of
Street, .tic Iiotue lltifl.ilo .m. I NLigau P.ilk
Miss M.1111I T.iliull, of Xnv lleiiiii, .V. Y.. i
the aiii'l of li. II. II, .-loll', of M'.imLiihI
Mr. ami Mis. (ii.ulis S. Ilel'iie. of l.ininlii
nu'iiuo, lute letiimeil linnio finm tin' P.m.
itiiiner to Hie ISi'iil . town .nlv
Riven Sattinl.iy l.v Mi., .Iom1i O'lliiui, of l.nb
iMHi incline, Mvt o tliu lulilvi'lcw.
Colonel 1'. .1. I'itAiimnioiH w.H Mi11111n.n1 1 in
Ilaultliiut.", ji', in iitlinil ,1 meetine of
Die Urn nicratic slate luniniilirc, at nhiili it U
propose! u .Mr. Cot.iy 101 tii.iiiirri.
('. S. .I,u oln, or Hie Hint .l.uoln .V I'.imiM, Ml
("tcul.iy iitli'inuoii for .New on In, way
to 1,'uroiii;, Mr. .laiol will tp.-iul .ilioiit two
months abio.iil, tl- ..t inir mo.t of the lime 10
the. thinly of inteiior iKrni.uii ait.
Itee. l.-.iao .1,, P. I), of the (iieui
ItlilKo Pirli)llUil iluiltli, Hi'.iilieil ii.liiihy
at I'oltslo-Mi, I'.i. Ku. W. I. clc.ui, II, P.,
I'orninly ol llie W.iililniin f. 1 1 ci t ilniiili, now of
Danville, mcuiitnl .Mr. J.iniiini;'i. pulili.
The follnHinir u.-ii- rel'li'ieil at llio Hotel
Alheil III V'.- Yoik. laM eel,: M. ,1. Kelly,
P. II, Co.Mie, S. i. Moiil,on, Will llaaeii, .
P. Ill ol., .1. M. t lump, Mr I Mis, O, I'.
Ilyjjjco, fin I . She.111, A, , Ken, II. M.
P.ip, l II. M1I1 1-. M11 Key lliikey, Mr, .unl
Ml, (ieoico p, IIiomii, Mis Am) (owl
Pew .111 1
M.w i.-rti; hi 'i in,
Do not fail t" fit wnir ilniilen.l in
.link, anil I'linf ii t u ami we will
filliir t'tiy it 01 sell i ir lmi a
fpeit In haie soini! f.n- al in . (ny
llou;lil, N'lil ami i:.iluueil.
R. E. Comegys & Co,
Dime Hank lluilillni:, Sciumoti,
0 per cent gold bonds, 1st.
I'or tale, at l)i jliMini; neail icr
1 1 nt. i f';',ii) In book au'oiiiiU ami iali,
For Sale. U tlieii inorlini; the other
' clay a sw4 (linv, In; vj, nuile.
Kor Sjle. j cod Intrrliiient for ton
wnatpe men ami IjiJUv. Sale at hank
Genet Street Onco More the Scene of
Turbulence Crowd on Luzerne
Street Stones Two Cnrs and Starts
One of Them Under Tull Power
with No One Aboard Company Is
Fitting Up Its New Machlno
Shop as Winter Quarters for the
Tlml Idleness lieuets mischief was
oni'e mure instanced In lilts street car
strike yesterday.
One week tm yesterday two rlot oc
curred on the .South Hide, niter tlio
city had been praetleally fre from
disorder of this kind for it ivn-l: pio
vlotts. DiirlllK: the six days subucipieiit
to this outbreak peace' once nnn'e pre
vailed. Yesterday the lawlessness broke
out afresh, nnd before the dny was
done three ,orlous dlsturbunces were
to be chronicled.
The occurred on Genet street,
South Hcranton, the scene of one of
the riots of the Sunday previous. A
crowd gathered at the intersection of
tlonet street nnd I'lttslon avenue, and
just beroro noon stone throwing nt the
cars begun. One after the other of the
four cars running on that line were
greeted with a fuslliule of stones and
nearly every window In eaeh car was
demolished. The car tracks were not
obstructed, and the cars were allowed
to proceed after they had run the
gauntlet, but as a car was departing
ilm prow irrolvpil warning from the
crowd that If they came back again
they would be given a warm reception.
The news didn't po back. Manager
Sllllnmn decided to close the line rather
than run the risk of further distur
bance of the Sabbath.
On the l.nzerne street, line, near
Koiitleentli street, 11 .crowd assembled
about noon time and from knolls com
manding the track on either side, pelt
ed the cars with big stones. One crew
succeeded In safely running the bat
teries, by turning the power on at a
IiIkIi peg nnd then lying down at full
length on the lloor of the car until It
bad gotten out of range of the stone
throwers. .
Another crew deserted the car and
raced for dear life across the lleld.
The motor lever was left behind and
some one of the crow it turned
on the power sending tin; empty car
swinging along tit a high speed towards
Main avenue. A police otllcer on his
way to the scene espied the running
ar, and boarding it brought il to a
standstill, it was afterwards taken to
the central city by a. crew despatched
from the ollice. The line was closed
for the remainder of the day.
A South Main avenue car was at
tacked near Hip "Farm house" switch,
below Stratford avenue, Lincoln
Heights. A number of Its windows
were smashed by stones.
A 1'etersburg car was struck by .1
stone during' the early part of the af
ternoon, and John Costello, a Peters
burg youth, was arrested later in the
day 011 the charge of being the stone
thrower. Ho will have a hearing to
day. Altogether ten ears weie brought In
yesterday with their windows smashed.
The company Is undismayed . y these
weekly outbreaks and proposes to per
sist in its policy of gradually extend
ing Its service. The new machine
(diop, near the Providence road power
house, was completed last week and
the steam was turned 011 to dry ils ce
ment work and paintin;;.
Today the company will begin fitting
It out as a. boarding and lodging house
for its imported men. this move being
made necessary by the fact that the
company is to bring on another big
force of men that it may run Il.s cars
until midnight. The shop will be fitted
up with u view of being used for hotel
purposes all winter.
On Saturday last the strikers Issued
it statement to the public, declaring
that the strike was still on, and asking
for a continuance of the support thus
far granted.
It. 1:. Hlodgelt, an "ex-Import,"
ha been hanging around strike head
quarters for the past two days seek
ing assistance fioni the executive com
mit tee in bis effort to apprehend one
Farley, tin agent of the Drummund
agency, who, according to Hlodgett's
Information made to Alderman Ruddy,
assaulted him Friday and again on
Saturday when he refused to work and
made demand for his pay.
At midnight, Constables Ira Mitchell
mid .lohn Hawks, accompanied by
Jtlodgeti and followed by a. crowd of
strikers, went to the company's of
fices with it warrant for Farley's ar
lest. .lanitai' Kane interefered with
the constables when they were about
to search tin building and was ar
rested. When the constables got buck
from the station house, after leaving
Kane, they made a search of the
whole building, bill could not Itlld
Farley. At the time of going to press,
they hail the building surrounded, be
lieving that Farley was hidden within,
and intending to Keep nu all-night
vigil. Chief Clerk Lauilis, of the
Traction company, ami Detective tul
len, 01111 of Uriiiniiiond's men, secured
the release of Knno by making a ?:'J
The stiikeis havo received reports
from various sources of imported men
insulting women and otherwise mlsbe
hnvins. They are greatly chagrined
at not being able to identify them and
have them dealt with by law.
A young boy imincd Costello was
caught In the net of stoning a car on
Prtseutt avenue yesterday afternoon
and was promptly arrested by Superln.
tciident Patterson, who has been sworn
In as a special oillucr. lie was locked
up In the central police station,
Local I'nlon 2I of llio United jno
A'orkers has adopted earnest resolu
tions of sympathy with the cause of
tho striking street railway employes
ami has voted to give moral and prac
tical aid.
Greatly Reduced Excursion Rates to
On October II, IS, 23 and SO ticket
ageiiks of the Lackawanna, ltallroud
will sell two-day coach excursion tick
ets to Huifalo good going on any teg
ular train date of sale and for re.
turn mi any regular train tho follow
ing day. The 1 omul trip rale .from
fc'cranton will be Jl.OU, which Is the low
est faro ever made to Unffalo, afford
ing a splendid opportunity to visit the
Pan-American Imposition at a nominal
The popular Tunch clear Is still th
leader of the 10c cigars.
L. F. tiower Spoke nt Y. M. C. A,
Meeting Yesterday Afternoon.
1,. F. Uowcr, gonr.ral manager of the
Allls-Chimiers company's local plant,
delivered a ttumt able address at yes
terday atternuon'H meeting In the
Young Men's Christian association
rooms, Ills toplo was "The liuporlance
of the Invisible," nnd ho based his re
marks on a portion of the eleventh
chapter of Paul's epistle to the Heb
rews reading as follows!
"For He eiidtiroth as seeing him who
Is Invisible."
Mr. Uowor snltl that the seen and
unseen are both factor In our dally
life. The seen Is the material world
about us, but this material world Is all
actuated by laws and forces absolute
ly unseen. Ho laid stress on the great
unseen law of the certainty of results
and pointed out that '"as a man sows,
so shall he reap."
He urged the large gathering of
young men to pay more attention to
the unseen and spiritual things which
ate real and eternal nnd to shun the
allurements and temptations of the
mateilal world,
Court of Inquiry Renders n Report
in Which tho Chnrges Preferred
Are Dismissed,
Sergeant of Police ltldgeway lias been
exonerated of the charges preferred
against him by Simon Hingerfeld, who
alleged that he was Illegally ar
rested and clapped Into a cell
i tne sergeant some two weeks ago.
Tlie exoneration comes in the form of a
report from the court of inquiry which
tried the case a little over a week ago.
This report was given out yesterday bv
Director of Public- Safety Wormser
ami reads as follows:
P. b. Wuiiii,er, Uiteclor Pepjitment of Public
Dear sir: Ue. (he inuleiii,ne(l oillecr, acting
a-. .1 court of ino,tiliy on the cIuiitm piefeneit
by .Simon llineifeld .ig.iin.t Seige.nit UMge.
way fur iiiiJiiL im.uceijlion, i.-peetrnllv leport
that we have well ami duly tiie.l tin; i-.i,e ami r.tiefnlly inn-iclcici! the testiinoiiv ofTereil
at Mid iiifiiliy ami fln.l, utlor due deliberation, S'l' Ilhlneiv.iy iiclcd 1ml in tho dl.
ihaiae of ids duly, ami we iheiefoio leiomiueiid
bis eoiiei.itioii. I!epecl fully Mibinllleil.
Thomas William-, r.iplaiu of police: .lames
1'. IVeney, lieutenant l'ht. pice mil; Amos W.
I'.iliinr, lieutenant Tliild piecimt.
Announcement Will Be Made This
Morning of the Result of the
Russell Coal Case.
The big coal case of ltussell and
others against tile Delaware and Hud
son company is til an end, the public
announcement of the verdict being tho
only remaining step to make the liial
a matter of history. The jury retired
late Saturday afternoon and came to
an agreement dining the night. Its
finding was reported to .lodge Arch
bald at 10 o'clock yesterday morning,
lie read It, said II was satisfactory,
and thanked the jury. After instruct
ing the clerk to make it public this
morning, the judge left to attend tho
bi-centennial of his alma liialer, Yale
college. II was a quite general guess
that the jury found for the plaintiff in
a. small amount.
The case is the longesL ever tried in
the United States court here, occupy
ing si full two weeks.
The address of ex-.Tutlgo .lesstip was
one of the finest efforts of that kind
ever heard in this county. For an hour
and a half, on Friday afternoon, and
for nearly an equal lime on Saturday
morning, ho held the close attention of
the Jury, while lie detailed to them the
full history of the mining operations
of tlie company in the vicinity of the
plaintiff's land and reviewed the testi
mony the defense bad presented. It
was a plain, clear, forcible presenta
tion of tho case, with a grasp that was
remarkable and a memory for details
that was marvelous. He not only held
the close, undivided interest of tlie
twelve jurors, but of everyone else in
tlie court room, and received the warm
congratulations of many of those pres
ent 011 the conclusion of his address.
A masterly dosing address for the
plaintiffs wtis made by Attorney S. I!.
Price. He spoke for tin hour and three
quarters. Judge Archbab: occupied
thifo hours In. the delivery of his
The jurors sport the night in the
court room, sleeping on sofas borrowed
from tlie olllces. there being 110 provis
ion at present In tho jury room for tln
accommodation of a jury over night.
.lohn Mitlunne, a ,outi boy icidiii on Sec
ond street, was .mi'-teit mi saliuda.v and .ir
i.iiyiKil befoio ldeiniaii llinhly ur ste.ilim;
lu.iss f 11 nu the l.aikawaun.i , .nil-', lie was ioii.
niilieil to the eoiinlv aii in default of bill.
.lohn Smith, aucled for begging and using
infilling laniaiaio; at the l..iika.imi.i station,
w.u loniinltlcd to the louuly jail for sixty dies,
on .Siluulay by MasjMiale .Millar.
Smoke tho new Kleon 5e. cigar.
Oriental Rugs.
Please notice our special sale of fluo
Persian, Kerman Iran and all kinds of
Turkish rugs.
You will find rugs marked down to
half what they are really worth.
Mioluiollun Hi os. it Co,,
L'l Washington avenue,
Sinoko the Poeoiio Be. cigar.
Fresh from Hill.
Ralstoa Breakfast Food,
Ralston Barley Food,
Ralstou Hoiniug Grits,
Ralston Pancake Flour,
Ralston Crushed Oats,
Ralston Health Flour.
(Whole Wheat) ia lb,
Sacks, Great brain and
nerve food,
E. Q. Coursen
Sole Topic of Conversation Every
where That Two Men Got Together.
Seemingly "Too Good to Bo True,"
but The Tribune Vouched for Its
Accuracy and the Story Was Ac
ceptcd Without Question Prop
erty Values Caused to Jump nnd
Business Men Forget the Strike.
Xo Scraiilon newspaper ever printed
a story that gave more general and
genuine gladness to Its readers than
the exclusive article In Saturday's Tri
bune concerning the local plans of the
Lackawanna nnd Wyoming Valley
llnpld Transit company. It was the
one tonic of conversation Saturday,
lloth people and papers credited It with
being the best news that has been told
Scrnntonlnns In many a day, nnd Inci
dentally one of the biggest. If not tlie
very blKgest, newspaper scoops local
Journalism has record of.
Whut was particularly gratifying to
The Tribune was tho fact that while
the story was seemingly "too good to
be true," Its appearance in The Tri
bune, with Ils facts stated unequivo
cally, removed all doubts as to Its au
thenticity. The main immediate effect of I he
publication of tlto story was to boom
real estate values in tlie neighborhood
of the new company's holdings. The
departure of the steel mills greatly de
preciated this property. To what ex
tent It dropped can not be told. That
It was a considerable drop, however,
Is generally admitted.
Saturday the prices of such of I be
properly as holders were willing to
market, jumped suddenly from fifty to
one hundred per cent., and even at that
sellers were not as anxious as buyers.
Whether or not any actual transfers
were made could not bo learned, but
several investors were encountered Sat
urday who were looking for options on
anything In tho shape of real estate
they could gel hold of in the neighbor
hood of Lackawanna and Adams ave
nues. One of these properly owners,
who was holding his building and lot
at Sli'.mjii, declared Saturday he would
not sell now for $2.".,000.
The buoyant effect of the story was
felt tlitotighout the whole city. Every
where could be heard concurrences in
Tlie Tribune's eoutmtlon that tlie le
nioval of the steel mills now develops
Into a, blessing In disguise. Ihtslness
men depressed over the dullness result
ing from the street car strike, forgot
their losses in the contemplation of Hie
goneial and permanent gain that was
to come to the city. As the Telegram
and Free Press put It. yesterday, In
commenting on the effect of the story,
the street car strike was lost slishf of.
As viewed bv manv of our lpiidincr
men, the most important feature of the
story is that telling of wealth and In
fluence behind the new enterprise.
These parties, possibly, knew little or
nothing of Scranton, the naturally
wealthy territory of which it is tho
cenler and Inducements It lias to offer
for profitable Investment.
Once they put their money hero they
will take an interest in the place, and
as the property of this region Is neces
sary to the prosperity of their present
undertaking, it is as good as certain
tllPVM'ill ilrt li ellititn In 11. if
prosperity. It is probably no exagger
ation 10 say tuui an tne patties directly
interested in the new road and its allied
enterprises represent $:;tiO,(iOO,tiOO.
To attract towards Scranton the
studious attention of men with about
a third of a billion at their control Is,
to put It negatively, something that
augurs no ill for our future.
AV. D. Langerfeld Wedded to Miss
Eiida Schoonover.
AVallace D. Langerfeld, of this city,
was united In marriage on Saturday
night to Allss Hilda J. .Schoonover at
the home of Mrs. Mattio Frost, in
Ulnglutinton, X. Y. The ceremony was
performed by IJev. Dr. Hayes.
The bride was becomingly attired In
a brown traveling gown and was at
tended by .Miss Sadie Clifford, of
hainton. The groomsman was- Ceorgo
D. Person, of New York, while l:.
Allan Chase, of this city, and Harry
liergen, of Brooklyn, acted as usher.
Mr. Langerfeld is a trusted employe.
of the firm of C. H. Scott & Co,, of
Franklin avenue, while his wife Is an
accomplished young woman, who
here up to a short time ago. The
couple will leslde on Franklin avenue.
Citizen Reform Candidate for Judge,
The mail who was removed from
ollice for faithfully doing his duty.
Tim man whu was excluded from
tho Republican primaries ho
was too poor to pay an enormous as
sessment of .$1,000 tor the privilege of
submitting his naiiiii as u candidate
for ollice.
Do you ileshe to register your con
deinnallon of such things In this fren
American republic-? Then oto for
Colonel Hitchcock. Ills character and
Illness tire unquestioned. Adv,
Winter Clothing.
Our fall lines tiro now complete. Do
you want a nobby suit or overcoat at
a very small prleu',' If so, come ami
look us over,
. a.(j Lackawanna ave.
' 1
American Health Methods-Enormous De
mand for Paine's Celery Compound.
AVhati'Ver else has been accomplished
in Cuba, the health of the island has
been wonderfully Improved.
In Havana the change has been mag
ical; streets have been asphalted, sew
ers built, buildings whitewashed and
drug stores supplied with sciontllic, up-to-date,
preparations. The demand for
P.tine's celery compound has grown to
enormous proportions.
The following statement from K. J.
Molina, of the Havana Custom House,
shows the standing Paine's lias already
secured among the most progressive,
energetic people of Havana:
Havana, Cuba, Feb. 4, IfiOt.
Wells & Kichardson Co.:
Dear Sirs I take great pleasure in
stilting that I have used your Paine's
celery compound, both while in the
United Slates as well us in this city,
and find it to be of wonderfully restor
ative power, especially in this enervat
ing climate.
Very truly yours,
Patrick Caffrey Terribly Injured by
Bert Gray, in Rielly's Saloon,
on Saturday Night.
Patrick Cul'frey, a young man, resid
ing at VilX Albright avenue, was fright
fully slashed on the face with a razor
by n negro named Perl Cray, in I'.lelly's
hotel, on Penn avenue, Saturday night,
and Is lying at the Lackawanna hos
pital In a serious condition. His assail
ant was arrested yesterday morning,
and is being held til the central police
Caffrey had been in Pielly's saloon
for sonic time on Saturday night, and
got into an altercation in the back
room with George Dolphus, a one
legged colored man. Cray took up the
one-legged man's side of the case and
became- engaged in a. llulit with Caff
rey. ile was apparently getting tlie worst
of it, and found that he had left bis
razor at home. He left Caffrey and
came into the barroom to borrow one.
Caffrey became frightened and ran out
Into Raymond court, which runs in the
rear of the saloon. Gray succeeded In
getting a razor from one of the men In
the barroom, and started after him.
The crowd started lo follow him, but
according to the stories told b- eye
witnesses a big colored man stood In
the doorway and blocked the passage.
About live minutes later Caffrey stag
gered into tho back room, covered with
blood, which was pouring from two
horrible wounds on his face.
Ho was quickly taken to the Lacka
wanna hospital, where It required no
loss than thirty-six stitches to close
tho two sashes on his face. One of
these cuts ran from the loft temple
down the side of the face and across
tho ear, nearly .severing It. Another
cut ran from the ear across tho face
to tho chin, 1'art of the edge of the
razor, which had been broken off, was
found In the cut, and the doctors tire
fearful that another piece Is yet lodgetl
In the wound. Caffrey's condition was
reported to bo very fcerloiis last night.
Gray was arrested yesterday morn
ing by Superintendent of Police Rob-
For Women
Made from the same
heavy skins that the
Men's Gloves are made
from. Heavy seams
short wrists one but
ton, either Tans or
Grey Mocho,
Molina Is but one of many prominent
Cubans who have publicly advised the
use of Paine's celery compound, basing
their recommendations on the benefit
they themselves have derived from its
Not only among business men, law
yers, clergymen and physicians, but
among all classes of thoughtful, intelli
gent people, Paine's celery compound
is tlie one reliable remedy for building
up the system when It is run down. It
Is the greatest nerve and brain Invis
orator the world has ever known.
If your wife, daughter or sister is
pale, languid, headachy and irritable,
persuade her to try Paine's celery com
pound. If your husband, son or brother
cannot eat, sleep or work, and Is
drowsy, dyspeptic and despondent, in
duce him to take Paine's celery com
pound. It restores a worn find weak nervous
system to healthy vigor.
There can be no substitutes for
Paine's celery compound.
liug, at ills lodgings on Oakford court.
The superintendent learned the number
of the house, and when lie inquired
there he was toltl that Gray lived next
door. He Ment to the next bouse and
was informed that Gray lived in the
llrst bouse visited. He hastened buck,
and ran upstairs Just in time lo tlml
his man hurriedly pulling on his
clothes. An open, window leading out
lo the roof of the next building would
have afforded an easy opening for es
cape, had the superintendent been a
few moments later.
Gray is employed as a Pullman pal
ace car porter. He will be given a
hearing this morning.
Ninth Ward State and County Tax
May be paid at -! Jefferson avenue
from !i to Vi a. in., daily, and nt Trib
une l.ttslness ofllce, Saturday even
ings from I lo s o'clock,
E. T. Sweet, Collector.
AVo are dividing the proilts
of tills great stoic with on
customers. Hundreds are re
ceiving dividends ovovy day
111 tlie shape of Handsome
Do You
Save Your Coupons
If ;.ou don't you are losing
money. Thousands of fami
lies tiro furnishing their
linines with elPRiint furniture
without It costing tlioni a.
Start today to save your
t Oils, Paints and Varnish
X MaIon?y Oil 5 Mandfarfiiring Company,
141-149 Meridian Street.
The In coma
which mi estate
will bring is al
ways an impoi
tiint factor. Opportunities for safe
at hI profitable investments arc be-
coming more and more scarce, and
the individual executor, guardian
or trustee often has to leave money
belonging to the estate idle becsuse
he cannot find a proper safe invest
ment. In appointing a trust com
pany as trustee or guardian you get
the advantage of the financial ex
perience and business ability of its
officers and directors, together with
large opportunities for investment
which a financial institution always
has. A trust company has special
opportunities for putting out money
on bond and mortgage.
516 Spruce Street.
b. A. Wnties, President. lit. A, Knapp, V.'fre
A. II. MeCllntoek, I'. I.. Phillip.,
Vlce-preldfnl. Vko Pic.idcnt
Italpli S. Hup, Tm-t Officer.
I Fancy Purses 1
to order. Made of Iri
descent, Turquoise Steel
Black and Gilt Beads.
Purse Twist in all
shades Purse tops at
all prices. Instruction
for making purses by an
Expert in that line. At
no other store in the
state will ladies find such
an elegant variety of
material for fancy work
and so many beautiful
novelties in Embroidered
work as at the popular
Establishment of
Cramer Wells Co., f
130 Wyoming Ave.
There is a new shirt in town for
men, it is called the
The name tells the story, ona
only need add that the colors are
the newest in shirt patterns.
"A Gentlemen's Furnisher.
305 Lackawanna Avenue.
Ladies' Tailoring
Jackets, Htons, Raglans and New
market Dress walking and rainy
day Skirts. Our prices are reason
able. Guaranteed to give satisfac
tion. Goods furnished.
King Miller, Merchant Tailor,
432 Spruce Street.
A Second-Class
City with a
First-CI ass Stock of
Gut Glass,
Sterling Silverware
Clocks, Etc,
Suitable for
Wedding- Gifts.
Mercereali & Connell
132 Wyoming Avenue.
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