The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 21, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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    '' 7f$J V. A W'-' " ' '$Mtt li.-'tf Mw-W$fc- '1m 4 J; 4.4 P" -, fe.ftj
1 N
ttlje ScMtttott $ri6une
PuWUlifil Dally, Kxeepl Piinilny.tiy The Trlb
tins Publishing Company, ol fifty Cents a Montli.
I.IVV R. ntCIIAlin, IMIlor.
,0. t DVMlin:. limine) Manner.
New York OlTlcel ICO Nhjmii fit,
a. s. viti'.i'.tiASn,
Sole Agent lor Foreign AdvcrUilng.
Entered at lln IVi.toftlte at Reunion, IM.i a,
Second Clan Mall Mailer.
When upaee will permit, The Tribune t nlway
tlad to pilnt short letien Irmn IM IrlcniU bear
ing on current topic, but It tide Is that Hide
rnut be tinned, for ))ulille.itloti, by the writer i
real name; nnd the condition prcicdcnt tn ;
irplatue I. that all contributions shall be subject
tn editorial levlslnn.
Hie following tabic fhovn the price per Inch
sch Insertion, tpace to bo used within one jravt
" tlim of " yTilinc onP V'ji"
niSPr.AY. Paper Itcmliug Position
LrortlianAOO'lnches .2." " .275 " .30
f.W inchci 20 .'-.J '-'
10OO " in ,17. .1!
mmi " i.v, ,17 .is'
roco " i,i .in:, .18
I'nr ranU of thaitlis, lesotiiliiiiii of rondolenru
nd' contribution-! In the iiatuir ut ml
scrtlnlnc; The Tribune make a chaiKC ol " ""
Tlftes for Classified Advertising furnished on
Ki'ltANTON, Ot'TOHHit 21. 1001.
fhipirnic Court -WILLIAM
TiU'urcr-ritAMv (i. HARMS.
,iiidgc.i. w. (.Aitri:sTt:u.
fiilmllrr-i:. A. .IONT.S.
Coroner-nil. .1. J. ISimillirS.
Election Nov. S.
"When ilir Democracy went out of power In
Mir t.itc it left In the IScniihlitun u.nt.v a lei
ny of almo.t -IO,000,000 of debt. This debt, by
ssie adiiiiiiislintiim under Republican lule, h.n
been alinn-t entirely piiid. Wo b.ive incTe.iscd
llio iipprcpi billons to the loniuwii ulio'd until
ssc kland nt the of the Aincilinn fctjtrs in
mppnrt of nopulir education. I'ndcr llcptibllcan
adudnliliallon lliern lieen p.iiil each year for piupn"i lump tlinu was appiupiiatrd
by I he Di'inoi mIip p.uly in their qiurtrr of a
rent my of misrule. Wc have iuei eased our up ioiH to iluilt.iMe and in-ti'
liitlnn. until p cm make the boast thai no statn
between the tsso means Eiippoitt these instltn
tiojis an well as dm.s our own. Our 7,000,000 of
peoido ate imliisf tioti", linnet, law-abiding and
lappy. Yrt, niiriiiuiidcd lis we .no on every side
ssith prosperous hnsincss conditions, with people
happy, nnplnwd iiud iitnlentt'd, and with every
avenue of business and tiado fully occupied, and
ssith the piospeit ol the fuliiiu brightening and
Binning nioie hopeful, the oh! historic party of
distinction and negation sets up n hyslcilcal riy
of false preti n.-o. hypoirisy nud in'lnccrity for
tiie purpose of misleading Iho people ,itnl regain
irs lo.t power." l'rom the liepiibllcan Stale
AW uotico Hint ,m change Iiiih come
iivcr the spirit til' thc Tltnoc' liolltical
iliT-aiiis. It Is tin liiiiKcr holilliiK I'1. W.
l'McltK uji as Hit: (' issue (if the
cimipnlKii. Has l.ynett licen called
The Hitchcock Candidacy.
IX THK aclvertlseinent (if his
caiidldaey which f'oloncl llltidi
cock Is rimninir in Hie
newspaporsi onu of them ap
peared in Satirday's Tribune and
another appears tills morning us
well as in his persona! canvass stress
is laid upon the fact that he was as
sessed one thousand dollars by the
Kepuhliean county organization; that
he didn't think it was a fair assess
ment and that therefore he chose to
run on a third party ticket.
This was fully explained In Sir. Con
null's recent interview but in order that
no misconceptions should exist, we
wish to refer to the matter apraln. As
all Republicans should know, the party
rules require the county chairman to
assess nil candidates before a liepiibll
can county primary for the expenses
of holding: the primary election. He Is
directed to proportion the assessment
to the protltableness of the olllco
soimht. This was understood by Col
onel Hitchcock when he registered as
i. candidate.
Was the one-thousand-dollar assess
ment too IiIrIi? There lire HIT election
districts and In each district to hold
it primary requires the i-orvlees of three
men besides a return juriKe. In a ma
jority of eases these men have to stop
their ordinary work and lose a day's
time. It has, therefore, been the cus
tom lo allow them $L' apiece as com
pensation for their time and work. The
return jude, who has to travel to
and from the county seat with the re
turns, losing a day from his rcKtilar
work and also having to pay car fare
and for at least one meal, gels $3. Ts
this exorbitant'.' Would Colonel Hitch
cock have this work done for nothing','
Could ho get it done for nothing?
Could he get It done for less?
Here, then, is $!) expense for every
election district for labor alone, iiut
there are other expentes. There Is the
hire of the booths. There aro the
printing and thu distribution of the
ballots. There Is the advertising, llrst
of the date of the piimary, then of the
candidates registered and of other
matters called for by tho rules. These
necessary Incidental expenses amount
in a county like Lackawanna to not
less than $1000 lor each primary elec
tion; we iliiuk wo are safe In asserting
Hint there isn't a county In the com
monwealth employing the direct piim
ary that harf Its primaries conducted
more far as the county
organization's connection with them
goes. "What tins candidates themaelveH
spend Is another story.
.Vow count this up, One hnndred and
Blxty-seven districts at J apiece for
labor represent ?ir,o:). Add a thousand
for advertising, printing, booth-hlro
and Incidentals and, in round nuiii
burs, you have 2,-,oo as tho totul cost
of a. primary, When there are a done--or
two dozen candidates this repre
pouts only a mall amount each, itut
Colonelj Hitchcock's friends should re
member" that tills year there were only
six registered candidates, though tho
expens,! nf holding the primary was
as grt-yt as if there hail been a hun
dred, He could not imvo got off for
less than' $100 f nil the candidates had
been assessed equally, Hut Hie rules
require-, that tho assessment Hliull be
In v proportion to the revenue, of the
office. .There is little in thu olllco of
controller, coroner or surveyor, witit
only a "three year term, to compare with
a tcn.year Judgeship at $1000 a year,
Very properly thu candidates for judge
were assessed J1.U00 apiece. At that,
their ut-scs-siuent bore a smaller propor
tion to the receipts of tho olllco limit
111 the etna of the other ciindlitiUes.
Offhand, Jflooo nniy look bin bill
consider wliul It meant In Colonel
Hitchcock's caiif-, it meant covering
for hlni tho whole expense of tlto
primary. It meant paying hl print
ing MIK distributing his ballots, us
miring him the beiielll of nn absolute
ly secret ballot, relieving hlinof the
necessity of hiring men at each polling
place to peddle his tickets, and guar
anteeing nn lionet nnd linpattlal
count. If lie had been nominated bin
subsequent expense would have been
slight, He naturally would have hud
to take bis chnnies on being noiiilualed,
as all men do who mopU elective public
olllee. Hut the assessment at which
he shied was literally a rulr and tie
curate application of Hie parly rules.
In Luzerne county, under similar rules,
but with a big Held running to divide
the expense, the candidates for Judge
were assessed ?IOOt) for primary elec
tion expenses and paid piomptly, with
out a whimper.
We have the utmost personal respect
for Colonel Hitchcock hut feelwltli many
of Ills Intimate friends that he has been
wrongly advised In this mutter. Hun
nlng as he Is. on a third party ticket,
there Is not the remotest possibility of
his election. If he gets a thousand
votes he will get more than some of
his friends are estimating. Hut wheth
er he. gets n few more or a few less
than a thousand votes, ho Is ns fnr
from election as the mini In the niooii
and tho only effect of his candidacy is
to encourage the Democracy anil make
harder the election of the liepiibllcan
candidate. Judge Carpenter. AVu don't
believe that in the event of Sir. New
comb's election through the Hitchcock
deilectlon of voted from Carpenter
Colonel Hitchcock, six months or a
year hence, would feel satisfied with
his work or that his life-long Uppub
llcnn associates would look upon t as
consistent with bis political career up
to tho time that he permitted himself
to be led astray.
The proceedings In Hie Dauphin
county court to test the legality of
Sir. Coray's nomination on tho Demo
cratic ticket by pari of a slate com
mittee, which had by resolution been
Instructed to name for vacancies none
but Democrats, have revealed Hint
politics among the "reformers" Js
fearfully and wonderfully made. No
wonder thousands of Democrats are
disgusted and apathetic
Dr. Roosevelt.
who before the war was a
slave and immediately after
It a penniless vagrant, now
dines with presidents and queens and
receives honors often more genuine
than those given to royalty. A'by.
Jtecause In the meantime he has done
something; he lias built up the largest
educational establishment for tho in
dustrial training of negroes that ex
ists; and by pen, voice and example,
through sheer force of merit alone,
and against all conceivable obstacles,
has won the attention and respect of
In the name of all that Americanism
stands for, why shliuld such a man
be barred from the dining room of the
president of the Culled States, who Is
the president of S,00flnon negroes as
well as of ilS.ofiO.OOll whites, If the presi
dent feels inclined, by honoring him,
to show ills sympathy witli the ra
tional uplifting of a ilown-trodilen
race? Those who are criticising the
president for inexpediency in this
matter overlook that prejudice and
Injustice do not cure themselves. As
well suggest that a cancer on the hu
man body is best treated by neglect.
The statu of feeling which exists in
the South today with respect to Hie
negro is abnormal and dangerous,
alike to those who hold it and to those
who suffer from it. H has got to lie
lanced, and some brave man must
make the llrst thrust. There Is a
brave man In the While House today,
and afer showing by his generous re
cognition of the best while elements m
the. South that he lias no prejudices
and no person il or sectional ill-will;
quite tho contrary; he now proceeds
to put the lancet into Hie heart of the
South' worst ailment. The ia
tlent, not having been chloroformed,
squirms and shrieks and swears, but
in u short lliuu It will feel better.
Some day, maybe not In our day, It
will be building monuments to the
man whose picture it now vulgarly
in order to bold court In the I'iUo
county end of his district. Judge Craig
of Carbon has to travel L'JS miles by
rail and wagon at a mileage expense
of nearly $isu, and the Journey con
sumes a whole day. lie would save
time and money by using a balloon.
To Expedite Police Work,
THK IIOAP.D of governors of
the national bureau of ideii
tillcatlou an Institution or
ganized and sustained by Iho
police chiefs of the principal American
cities and perfoinilng already, with
limited menus, an excellent work In
facilitating the rupture of criminals
Is to ask congress to take this bureau
under its own control, A bill to Hint
clfect, which failed In Hie lasl con
gress, is now, witli some amendment,
ready for preseniailoii in the next; nud
It will bo pushed. Attorney (leneral
Knox having liulors-cd It.
Thu bill provides thai there i-liall bo
established and malniiiiued In Wash
ington, in conuncctloii witli the federal
department of Justice, "a division to bo
known as tho National iiiiivati of
Criminal Identllkatloii, where tliall be
colli cted and tiled, so far as may be
practicable, for record and report,
plates, photographs, outline jib tines,
descriptions, mid ineiisui'ementu of all
persons who have been or may be con
victed and imprisoned for violating any
of the military, maul, or criminal laws
of the I Milled .Suite!', Including the laws
In force In any of tho Territories or
possessions of the United .Stules, vio
lations of which are punishable, by tho
United States courts. In said bureau
shall also bo collected and tiled for
record and report, s-n fur as may bo
practicable buck plates, photographs,
plcturru, measurements, and descrip
tions of persons who have been or may
be convicted and luiprltuued for crime
t'onuulttcd In any state or territory!
provided, that tho atlthoiilles or Hie
several slates ami territories, or iittinlcl
palltlcs thereof, shnll provide the same
for such purpose,"
All such plntcs, photographs, outline
pictures, measurements or descriptions
"shall be placed In a systematic milli
ner for ready ciiiisultiillon nnd com
parison, and nny Information pertain
ing to the same, or any Idcutlllcatlon
of persons upon description furnished
by any ofllclal iiforcynld, through com
parison with such plates, photographs,
outline plenties, measurements, or de
scilpllon already lllcd and recorded,
shall lie furnished on request to ally
t'nlted .Stales, stale, or municipal olli
elnl duly authorized to receive tho
same, who shall certify that the same
Is wauled in Hie Interests of public! Jus
tice, nud not for any private or per
sonal use," The bureau Is to have a
chief, ut $;),000 a year, a stenographer,
three clerks, it messenger and four
skilled detectives, while In addition
$10,000 Is asked for to provide the tc
qulred fiirnlliire and equipment.
The game Is well worth the caudle.
Postmaster (leneral Smith has asked
the civil service commission to waive,
In llio case of women applicants for
postal clerkships, the rule requiring
the applicant lo hop on one foot tor
the distance of twelve feet. Thus wo
hope soon to register another victory
for civil service reform,
In our army last year for every four
soldiers regularly discharged, a tilth
soldier deserted. The ratio Is too high.
Roosevelt Faces
The Race Issti?
Ami He Doesn't Dodge.
I'ioiii thu I'hll.idclphi.i I'icss.
Tbcudoiii KouseU'lt b.ia a lijiht lo do what ho
pica-is ill mid with his own t.ihlc, in Ills own
bouse, tlmmili cien Iheip no tme American will
know or nnieiiibci- aunht but tin' l',t Aniciic.ei, H'j-.ndless f ches di-linclion. Ilul Ilia
pic-hlcnt of the L'nili'd States in cnteiliiiuiie;
nl Hie Wlillc House N the tnMee of the bclt"r
inli'iisti and the lilulier .idi.iticc of lb'
laud. Hooker T. Washington ropie-cnls tliesc
onc liiller. He slaml.s for the aihauic and pie
i.iih'ii of all. In his own caiccr he furnished an
cample of inliuili' (inoumkciuciiI to cicry one,
boy or youuir ln.iii, niil or jounu: woman, who
fei I" williln the .M.imil:;: for aibaine for him
till tlmiiiijli uvdnlm-s to olhci-. To no liljiher cm life he put. To no other (impose his
Ml. WashiiiKlnu dcwdpil bis life. Honoring him,
I'lcMiIciil HoocclL booms the puipose and Hip
ideal, of the llcpuhlic. The lich. the iwdbhnui
and Hip lilchiT castes of society enjoy Hip better
ol life in all land. This icpublic p.iU Ilul. all
nidi, be their tiii tli. their heritage, or thcli mini'
what they may, shill hale all they Simp. The
iipgni aks no nioip. lie nuist hap no le-s, if
tho Itcpnblio is to eiicliuc, tine In its principles,
and if il is not (rue to llieiu il neltliir can nor
.should rndiiip. I'icsideiit llon-cvplt'x (lilies ale
wastiuir lnealli and spilling ink. Theip is an , .1 -linalp
loan in the While llou-e. The. civ of
"niic-ei" will neither present liiiu from lonlinu
im; In appoint to any olllio in the Southern
'talis the bo-t men, under uh.itps.ri' color of
pidilies, win, cut lie found under (iiiicnL con
dilinns or lecomii.inu- in the hospitalities nf the
While House Hie be.-t tjpe of Aiiieiu-.m ni.iii
hum!, under sslulosiT color of r.kin it i.'iu bo
Ail Impossible Price.
I'loin Hie Washington Mar.
II appeals that in older to lay lite huuiilaiious
in a party lhinuKlt shiih Hie south may Mistaiu
tlmsc policies of snuiiil money and of terutoiial
and H.ide expansion, sshich ale in Hip
Mclieii and sslddi :ue nose absolutely essi nihil lo
iis wolt.iic. a pioidcnt of the l'nilpd
Mates must not mile (undone open and llaj;i oit
sinhitlous of aiueuihueiits and the
letcntion in the national inuiiL-ils of ao. undue
nud piopntiihranio of .sonth'i'i
icpieMutation; must nut nnly icirain fiom anv
indignant uttctauics sshich might. olTcnil Hip .scii
Mtiscnefs of ihosc sshem il piea.sis lo iudnl;,
in Hie piaitice of limning uegioes at Hie stake;
must not only shut out the uegio ironi ottiic and
in (licit i oiiim. mil him to iclialu lliuu Hie c.mi
i i-" of lights of ritlciisiiip in Hie South, but
must escu choose the gursis at ids ollicial dip
neis .solely ssitli iclcieme In lire cuiil pieju
ibcis of AmeiiiMti citi.ens ipsidiug in the Niuih.
Dined with Queen Victoria.
Ness Yolk ('iuiesiuiiiteni e Public Ledger.
ApieM of the iucs"iiie of Hooker T. ,i-V
iiigton at dinner in the While House on imita
tion of l'risiileul Itoo-esclt and of the seseie
critioi.sni.s by (i i lain Southern papcis nf the
picshluil thus euleilalnlng a cob red mm, it
may lu Mid that sslicu in Lngiaud, u seal or
tsso ago, 1'iolOs-oi' Washington -imiLii I.v
honoicil by liicen VUloila. As is well knossu,
a luesenlatimi to the lion n opens Hie dour nf
nil let.v lo any one ihus honmed by lo.saii.s, and
It ifiiei'ii Yhlniia (Oilld Hceisp Hie ilil Iitmiilicil
loloicd lewder, ceil.ilnly Hi.' plesident ol tho
1'nited Slates might do .so.
The Man's the Thing.
I'ioiii Hip ( liicagu Itecoid-llciald.
II does, hossescr, ahuo-L i oiupteheilsion
tli. H Willi the change that time and pin-peiily
base ssioicht in the Smith Iheio i-hiiilhl still
linger the uiiioullolhible spiilt of r.iie animosity
Hint applies the t cl til "most d unliable outrage"
to a -tuple a( t of peisntial (ouilc-y to an Anieii
can citizen mi universally e.lecnieil as I'mfcs-or
Washington. 'Iho coloi' of the skin ( lob
I'loie.ssoi' Washington of tin; clicni, honor and
admiiation of all men ssho iccog-nic sslut be h..s
bad tu oscuome in acliloving the pn-lliou thai
lias made him a svclunnc in the uiiiipauy
,1 lip Icadeis ol his lime. Ills life, In- ssoiks',
his Millings h.iso ohlllei.ited the insidious line
that ii. ilme dicsv Jiuiss Ids liutiiucs al his hiith.
His lilt' has bun desotcil lo the mis he of his
people, lil.s hooks ale In the homes of all i hisses,
his limn i- is ill the heals of all ssho belies e
Hut colol is oiil.s skin deep -the in. ill's the tiling.
Not Representative.
I'ioiii the Lebanon lti'".t.
Il is bald tor .Noithciiicis to ic.uli a lib im
ilcliiiiillug of j ii-L liosv lar the "ilaiiiiiahle out
i.ii,e" geiiliv leally iipuxul any cuii-ldciablp
I illicit "I the South. Tliat . ill land bis alu.n.
bein iiiimiI sslth a sell noLy luiiuli vlio, al
though a niluuiiij in tin It ussii Iioiiic, hale at
linns .siiccicdid in ucaliiig I lie iniiii.-,sioii tial
they ssne lliu vsliule llilug. And Ihoe iiilM'ep
ic-iiilalises ol then- eccthin biso .do .it limes
impl lilted miiiiu iis giotiMpie bleaa at Hie
Nuilh as to sslut a leal Southi'iper ssa like.
'Ihe.s liase .iicoiiipii.-hid lids on Midi uuMaloiis
lo ilitault ol the hi slul.ut and luoiu lepii
M'lilatlsi' tuojile Miutli of (no I'oliiuuc, And,
a.- In Hip pie.-ciil i ,ee, when the llie-ealci base
bein most psiotccluiis', ii lieen mure user
f.niu than .uli. I. uue. It ssne ssdl tor lluiu
did no pils.ile ml. of lluils si. ilul .is inn: c lepre-heli-il.le
than the ssiu.t liuu-esell Iij is lull
that ssiiinl is ib no pa'illi Is.
ITsim tin- l.m.'jtU'r A("v Kia.
Villi" o.iudai5 I'ic.liliiit lloo.esi It's pulic,
for ui entile mouth, and nunc loudly I lull ctel
ssithlii a sue)., kciu-ii o his .iipolulineiit of a
I onledeutc Mitdiii' hi a jiiilgpahip, the south
n sv Hulls Ui)ii the plesident and lesiles him In
Hie i holier! .king ui the duni. And lor what ;
l(it because lie gisc a goml dinner lo about Ike
braiu'Pit mail Hip South lus flensii up liming
tliu laJi ipuiicr of a u'ntuiy, Honker T. Wash
ington, If lie bad diced a lieoiult "ii.ukir."
i.iublu lo or suite, or cscn lo speak a dia
led llio iis'eiage AiiiciIc.iii could un.icirtiiii.l, il
ssuiild lusc been nil lljlit, and not a hoilllielll
Juiinril ssoull base tiid a word.
I'ioiii Hie 01.sph.inl Ituoul.
County (.'oiuptiolhT i;,ssau A. .Ioiui' puiuie
is to b- .'icii In in my pines in lliis u-jlnn, an
the ijeopte sslll ,ow nt I'lrdlmi that they ip
member bis kindly f,i(l. nnd undid dltHj.llnii,
ns ssell as Ids ability lo liomstly administer pub'
Up aikilts. During 1,1s Ions ItiunuheiHy a poor
illivilor (if llkikely ilMild his has bcill
rilisolnlrly sdtlumt Mrmlsli. 'Ilu! illiritotK
liaiiilled the people's money sslsels" and cser lute
they ip.illzul tlmlr dellcite tio'l(loti, y,t Willi
KelieioiH blind ilipy has,, t.iroil for the pour.
Mine his ,iipollitiii(iit as toinlilioller he has
made Ids ciieigy and nbllltc felt Ihioiiahonl. Hi.'
I'liimly, ami his Incoituiitlhla diatadei' fI.iiiii
him ns tho man fur Hie position, (loseiuor Mmi..
Iicser made ,i lettc-- nppulntl'irlit ,1lid the peoib
of this lounly mil fww t the iniuhu rlcdlon
Hint Hips' appreciate mi lionet!
I'loin Iho Oh pliant Iteenul,
The judlclil coldest teeelseil an iiddfd Intel
est when the petition of the l.idiiissiinna county
bar In (iucrriiol' Stmio ssas publlslied shusslntc
pioiiiliiinlly l:. (', ess(omli niuoiiK tho namm
of I lie I.iss.spm ssho leipioted Hie (:nselliol Id ap
point .1. W, I'arpciiliT, i'si to Hip lacilluy
eiiiMiil by the cdesatlcii ut duilgo Alihbahl lo the
federal bench. 1'i.idlciilly nil the leading taw
.vers mo upon Hut pitltbui, ilnd liosv Mr, Nnv
comb Is seeking' to out Hip null be nsked the
gosenioi- In inline fur (he plicc, ('oii-lstdity is
csldeiitly ii Jesscl not in Attorney N'ev.'comh'a
eii-e. It st cti' ssell for him to Ihlnk peilups
Iho people might consider bis JmlRiueul in slun
lliir the petlti.iii n good sine for them to folloss",
'I lie tolcis bellcsc, us Mr. Nesscomb did llien,
thai .1. Y. Caipeiitei' Is Hip man for thp pl.iie.
If Mr. .Vesscoiub h.ii di.mgeil his mind it Is time
he fate the people tho le.tsuii for the thatisic.
N'o (lever, Inllll.uil thinker the,
With lolhge lecoid and degne!
Shu has not kliossn the paths ot faints
Tho Win Id has nesir lie.inl her naiiie.
She svalks in old, long-lloildeii,
'i'iie of the jcslcid.ii.'.
lloitip is her kingdom, love her dosser
She M'eks no other wand of p.iss'er
To in ike Iioiiip -.sscel, bitug hcivdi Us'ar,
To ssln ii Millie and sslpo a tear.
And do her duly day by illy
III In r ossu ipiicl place! stay.
Annmd lur dilldUli licit t.-s ale Iwiiicit.
A loiind si.iuc teicirnd .ilnt cndiriiicd,
And follotvlmr hois the diildl-li feet
Ale led In Ideals Hue ami ssseit,
And find all pmitv ami g. ml
In hi i .lis In. -it inothcihood.
Slio keep, lur faith un-hadosscd llll-
l.'.i.i lutes the ssoild in good and ill;
Mm in her died .lie braso i.nd Hue,
And ssniniii tunc as tuwiks of iless-.
And life for her is high and gland.
)!y is oik and glad i nib .for (.pinned.
This old c.ntl.'s a luliihler place
All fur Hip Mitishlnc of her' I lie;
Ilir very Miiile a blessing thiosv-.
And lip.irts .up happier sslnie .-lie g.u'3,
g, ulle, cleaic.sed niP-M'iigei',
To nlii-pcr losc--thank f!ol for ! ei!
-I.. Jl. .Monlgoiniiy. In the t onri";.ilionali-t.
50c School Shoes, 50e. Miss and
Childs, nil sizes.
Lewis & Reilly,
114-116 Wyoming Aveuue,
eir t'
j, M- 'R j. )s? Ai
V ,-CsV? 'Jf V
Selected villi iiie .- to sour p'.i.e
and m )'.-. U111
Sunk is ( Iv good ualns 1.11 il. piax
Small sums talk log and hasp nun Ii .-nen.-th
iimougst our ea-onahle ntliilngs.
.2 Spruce Street.
Capital 521)0,0(11). Surplus 3-25,OOI)
United States Depositary.
Special attention given to
nusiNivsa, i'Krsoxai. aud av
inch ACCOi-'NTtJ, whether large
or small,
Open Saturday evenings
from 8 to (.) o'clock.
VVm. Conni.1,1, President.
Ill-NRV', J it,, Vice 1'ies.
Wm. II. I'1'.ck. Cashier.
sir -Tiyy t -i itsT-s
s4 y .
Virginia Ase. and Heath, Atlantic lily. N' I
b.xth lear; ;,'j'j beautiful loonii cnsulte, liliigh:
and wiili I'jlh; hot and cold ici ssuter hailu
in hotel uud annex. I.uiallon (elect and central,
svilhiu fesv 'uuls of thu sled I'lcr. Ouhcctra.
Oasis (pedal (prim; utcs, ii Id $15 by sveek;
t'.'.Ul up by day. bpctlal rate to families. CuJtlu's
uictt ill traiiu. Write lur booklet
ol Mi's li.
tail m
i EitimRis
The aniioiineenient of the opcaiiiK
of our new lines Is always received
with appreciation rceoKnMmr tli" fact
that our tdyles and qualities arc al
ways", superior to those shown by oth
ers. Tills .season we have succeeded
beyond our own expectations and are
showing many novelties of that natty
and stylish appeal. nice Hint easily dis
tliiKtilsli our make of Waists and
Eiderdown Robes and Sacques
Iteautifiilly made from the llnest
quality eiderdown, In all the new pret
ty (.hades, plain, and fancy trimmed,
Dressing Sacques conn; with crochet
eiljrc of Kcphyr. Olheis daintily fin
ished in sshile satin baby ribbon.
Flannel Dressing Sacques
Alado from llnest quality all-wool
French llaniicl, in all the new wanted
colors; some plain and others nicely
French Flannel Waists
In lai'se nssortment of styles. Abide
from the bee. I. quality French Ilauticl.
.Many plain styles, tucked and plaited;
others more elaborately trimmed, per
fect in 111. and correct In make, style
and llnish. Ooine in blue, cardinal,
pink, old ros' cadet, lavender, etc,
Silk Waists
New Silk AVaisIs arriving dally of
excellent tirade soft taffeta, silk, tins
quality that insures Rood wear, in new
shades and attractive styles.
Lackawanna Ave
.3'27 Pen 11 Avenue.
To use furniture in your ofllco
that is not up-to-dnte in stylo
nnd quality.
You mcut prospective customers
in your ofllco nnd they will juilgo
you by your surroundings.
Your offico furnltuio should be
such nn to mnko n Boti iia
Wo cany the finest stock of
Office Furniture
in the city. If you want Desks,
Chairs or Tables come in and seo
what we can uliow you.
121 N. Washington Ave.
Oone quickly anil reasonably
at The Tribune office,
rr , 4.
n 4
-S s.Ssf
1 v-jOJHl 'J
ybu ilir ! Williams
Can't Wm
s3" W .
ArtPvi.' lf-rj . f
Ill & Com
L. SOMMAR. Ilulldlnjt Coiilnctor.
rmplojs union men, llstlmates cheerfully
k'hoii. Itcnuidcllns and rrpttrlna a specialty.
Cold Medal
!lt)n(ill'.S nnd VA(1'
ONH nt all kinds;
iiim Houses and
llul'.cling Lots at
bargaln.s. IIOIISI'.H.
01,11'l'Ht) unil
!ItOO.Mi:i nt
tlllhlivil' P
M. T. KcLLcn'sl
Moves fieighl, Kiiud
ttno and llaggage,
Hifes, Piano and .Ma
chinery. II? Lackawanna Aso
Dcalcri in
Plate Glass and Lumber
Will sell all Ihclr Famplci of fine Imported
Madras .Shirt for men at title. ; worth $1 to ?2. JO
214, 216. 213 PAULI BLDG,
Attomey-at-Law, Scrantoii, Pa.
rear Ml l.ackass-anu.i avenue, manufacturer nt
Wlro Screens ot all kinds; fully pictured fnr
the spring' season. Wo make all kinds of porch
((Teens, etc.
(.'eneial Contiactoi', Builder and Dealer In
Building stone. Cimeiiliug of cellar. a .spe
cially. Telephone lla'J'J.
Ofilec. !.J7 Wasliinglon avenue.
Rurce.'.sor to the Hunt tc Cornell Co., In tin
and sheet metal ssoik and ventllut Ion. farlou
Inmates', icpaira and general tin ssotk a
specially. No. U'.i l.ackass-anna nscnue.
s"t'"S"!l''f2"3"S"S''S"34i'I"3!'i' .s..E'....
4 s -S L -, ---.
3 ? is Wt
m yLEl r M $LW xb& kJF B Afe. I H kJJ
I o
i 8
In cinnouncing the opening of our new stock, we
call special attention to the fact that our Entire Line
has been made to our special order, thus giving us an
Exclusive Line of designs and colorings from the
world's leading mills. Never before have we been en
abled to offer a stock so complete at such tempting
prices. A superb stock of all the leading fabrics.
Velvet Tapestry
Early Inspection Is Advised (!
126 Washington Avenue.
I'ifflf " llil'il
Cooking Jeciure Jo da if
iss &mily
M Monday, October
CAMISCrcam ruffs, Choco
late claim, Rayels, Cream Vill
ing, The lecture and demonstration is held at our
o.lni'n :lf ; IV m. V'f rnrrlmllw im;ilo -;nn tn lin
I Ml VJ",V' "v O 1 ' ''" w"
I lift I -,-..
JFooie $ falter Company.
Mear$ liuildlng.
Successor to
tVc make 11 fpcclally of flno brcd sltiffj.
Orders for Saladi, Oyslcrj, Oroejuctlc, tic,,
promptly Oiled.
A full line ct Lee Cicain and Ice.
I'lectrle Wiring- and t'lttiirci.
t:icclrle Hell and Telephone Work.
309Commo we th Building
Staple firocrrlc and Provision?. A full lino
ol Vegetable, etc., received dally.
the souanton Vitrified Brick
khu 1 it-c iviMmuf-ACTUfllNQ VOMPANY
Makers of raving thick, etc. M. II. Dale,
tici'Cial .Vales Agent, Office ."K3 Washington avc
Works at Nay Aug. I., Ii. k W. V. It. 11.
I athionalile Tailors (Hotel Jennyn nuibllng),
J22 pruco street, hcranton, I'a. Suits pressed,
M tents; pants pressed. 10 cents. Clothing tc
paired, called for and dcllscicd. New Phone, 200.!
Kingsbury & Scranton,
Manufacturers' Agents
District Agent for
John A. Ttoebllng's Sons Co. 'a Wire Itope and
Klcctiical Wire. Outta 1'crcli.i and Jtubbcr Mfg.
Co.'s nclling, Packing, Hose and Mechanical
Ilubber (ioodi. Knosvlton Packing. Carter's
Oil Clothing. Itoom S10 Paul! Bldg.
Home office, 20S-r.03 Meara Building, transacts a
general building and loan business tluoughout
the ttntc of Pennsylvania.
- - 4s.4,4"i'4'44 ..i..ji.4.,s(s(-.4'
Axminster Brussels
Paper Draperies !
M. Colling
"'-'J iinus. "W 1" us.
A -
W- v
. V . -.-I'ii-toA.