i jm-iV Thei A. !VK?9k tir r,i, P.yWfl rrwtmsM J '' - ir'f .; yTi'-iriw' wr') Kii "' ' rw w-' -n-t -f . . ,.- .--jfi rT-'r v iV M 4 , NV'H, '?f K ' 1 r m THE S0RA3TON- TIUBDN13-A10JNDAV, OCTOBER !!', 1001'. i Men's Shoes If you want to wear The Best In Quality, style and workmanship, call and see us. Our Hen's Shoes at $3.00 cannot be ex celled anywhere in the City. Lewis, Ruddy, Davies & Murphy, 330 Lackawanna Ave. CITY NOTES. UllVxIKIN II U lldiiliuii ill In Hi mi "I Kriimllc s Ji on llmi-'lix "I tlm xiul,. MHnl'IIMI) All I IIM. -IIipii xxill I' in nljnmmil muiliij ii lln l'ii '" ",l ulix m in iloiK, ltd Mill t I II Mil. IDIIW -II itjiilit tminllih' lllnilllij l III -ll llilOII lioinl nl iinli. u II .t Ii lil luil ii 111 III ll-i: IOMOIII - llic ill ii in 'I Hi 0iii 1'i-lnil "'ill H hi n n' Mill. lit il i 'I r.'ilnk In llii lull nf tlio onirf Uuimii- ( lul tliu i'-ikIi Hon in U islilntuu mm. I III II -( Hill N 1 I M I! M Hi" linn i il i Irnl -itiiin will I il.i lilin llii utniK'Mi 'I ' ii o'il ik fiuiii Hip i.-Wiiiii, Hi"! imm,' aArmto Interment "ill 1 1 iiml n iln I u-l Kill iiini-liij II - I I -l I) ONI DM - luliii l!i liiul n 1ms Iii-m1 tin lim.mti Imlil il llim.i's hli Id Ii i4 li i n in tin Imul li'i-'m il Wi'iivn Hun Tin i iimiliii it i il- mil In- Ii 'I ' MUtli-flll I l!( II lil II Ml Ii MiM limli Mi ii i 'i t ii ulil ;iil ii-hlm,,' on I'ulur -ti.it nil ..If 1 lit imirh il In i limi i -ituuln iititii m llllll tllltllllll III I inn -In MJ- llllliill 1 I" tin l.ul ii' nun In - lul -UlltllW- ( (IMI.II.I HUN- -iiunlu i st i iitnl mil Hi I" Hit MiWiiiltx imiii ml Inn I lull m I lm Mn i. Mi- l"!i i Mini- lliniit I iclii, M- II H liiKn. .Mi null i i.i"--. 'flu iiu- I'lntlicru, (linli- I II iixhi mil I' M i o-i 11 j I lll-l 1 MM (il! I M Ii Hi I i I it 'In fin I iilu I ill - to l urn In Mi-, -i-in I Did in- hi ill 1 1 Ki lil (i il iln hm 1 1 Mi 'IIkiiii, lli.k-' n, ' n llitn-lii next Hit M it 1 II I Id I III' Mlli.1" I i- in Ii' ' nui n l" ill linli" (.ii-o In Kit-, I"" ililln- mil liir-l I il.'l-. -imiii lm iint- in in ilnri if Miii x,itiiin Riiiiillunt, if lO.'l Mull in; lud Ul I Ix's 1 i IIWCI s Hi. luili-n. Mi hi it ImiiI ii iiml". ( l.iiiiu- f. i ill' -iinfinii (li Hunt II ii-. i-Miiilii.n fi i tin xi. i , mini.: Hit P, J filloii, Mmiln. y.M i xi, In -.In, -l '7111, Mcilin-lii --01 M ), Ihiii-ilix, - 1 vill i). Iinlii. -'I.' "it 7 1, -ilinilii, -l-i-l-fri) tot il -l, ti' i, n- I In ixdiin.r- tni tu iiiiii-p inline ' t' 'I li-t xi n mi. -I.il 0 t ,1 MI.MiiKIM -i III Jl U i iioitin' . f I Im No .'..'. linl(iiiiliiii Ui.lii it It liitli Ml ill mi, lull xi-ut.lu llKin.i n it xii- ileum it tn i 1 ilili-li i ln Ilrli. ii -ill xl tu li Ktmxxn i- tli Willi mi Mihliiln M.niDiiil -i-li j I in lionxi if tli liuit'li.l ili-iili III Mil ndm il mil In' "pcn.l In i fin ill.- t tin iniiiit it I'liin nxiiiiio mil I mil 'i tic t -1--1.HI- xull li i elil lirtxucii tin Iioji- 1 1 7 n jii 1 - il i m iml I irnl li I' in X. tiiilui i- to li si In tul III tllf l.illdl lllj' llllllliltl' xiln li xull li ixo tin nun i, 'run nl .r tin sdi. ,.1 It n l ll-dn, -muii J i nit it. 1 1 iml laioli -mitli MOW llilli-l llll I I- li o iiu i liniv li.ti I tli .t tlif in .In in; iml I. 1.1, Inn .. i iiml - hlnti tin li-t tun iln- I I lln! n. f Diniiniii Ml In- miioI in in' In inn' "I I I ili.itx - -il . in n I', nn ixiiiu lilt -iliinlii iiUlit, nil xildi In i-inn out fund tin niliiiil tml lm.i ... in l i rum' n -li uli I ft Ul- an'i ii"i- iml ml In tin. I lniui in fn nt it I .Inn inn's i -i iiu mt in - ni i -tun li t pirniiiu nliili In xniil n -I.I li .lini N . tii el iiilin i.inlil lie tonnl i I lit in In in I in i xxlion In 1 tt llii- ic-tnniii Hi 1 1 In i' in ti-lnj. noix imli'mii t.. nii.ni 1. tli null- N. Y O. and W. Annunl Fall Excuifaion. Tli' iiiinii.il Mil (Min-ldit nl the N'cxx Yoili, Outiit lu .Hid W'c-totii t.iil ix.iy td Xcix YoiK iitx- luKts iiltd- mi Moiltl.i", lit. -". 'I'Ih-ix OMUl-lntl ileKi'ts will li" tfnoil i utui ultit? .i.iv tlnii' up In and ini IiiiIIiii, Nii. -'. 'I'i.iIii loni- Ai. mldii ,tt 10 in it, in , ami tin idtf lo Now Y(n I .uhI ii'tnin N nni J". !". 'rill's is tt iniililln i ill -c.i-oii lu xi-lt (lie lll-l illx- il .SllU'lli.t, 1(11(1 xxc iiil fc all x lm i in lo t.iKf aiHanl.uc nl tills low i.iti cm iiu-ion 1 "nil i.u tli'tiliii.s on apiilli atinii to iiijitu'-t o ami , Utlii'L iiKt'iit, nt lix in(lus-liiK I. (. Ainli'i-iiu, niiiciiil )ilh-"HKi I !IK 111 Si! UiliXil utietl. New Yot I: i 11 , Heavy Weight Clothing. 'i aie now shuwIiiK our lull nml xi lult i lliii' nl nii'ii-' ami hoxt. siiltv nml oMiiiui-, wlilcli (oimiliiv Hi. i -t Mslilous in tip. (lothillji woi Id s'uy nulilij fft.i'ts waninl uin li mip-jilli-il by us. KKMI.SKD.S X W1I5T1I .Ufa l.ni Iviiuuuim ai, Pinol.c llio piipular I'tllitli I0i , (Ik.h, r it K V w di:,m.i:iis iv . 4 X Bonds and i Investment S Securities BfCJ'lnj, N, X, Wllkn liirrt. Carbon ll, mf tit Conimcnxrcalth liW't', Saanlon, I'a. 'Z t t'& i. u u la it '4L '4 tt'4 VI U M '4 M it M W NEW CHURCH DEDICATED EVENXTUL DAY IN THE HIS TORY or TIRST BAPTISTS. Tlnee Seivlces Held Yestciday, hi Which Rev. J. H. Him la, of Buck nell Unlveislty; J. W. "Powell, of Buffnlo; Rev. F. S. Dobbins, of Philadelphia, and Many Local Cloigymen Paitielpated Hlstoiy of the Oiganlzatlou and Oiowth of This Chinch. Thr luinilnnu' mid cubHt.ilitlnt new rit.it ll.tptlMt I'huuli, on South Main tivoniip, wnn foimtill: di'dlnitcd ;, ett -tlav wlih tippuipilrtU' -oivli'i". In the liiornliiK lln' 'cm moil win iklliii(l liv Mdv. .1. II. IIiiiiN, I.r. ) pi(liliMU ol r.inl.urll iiiiKcihIIv, and In Ihc nflci notiii it pint lm in liiictlniv wiii hclil, nl will li iitlilii'i-it wcw ilclhiifil In lite lnt"ii"'L of Hi" olili' propli'H iiocli lii's ol llio tlitinli. Al Ihc m.Milm; mm x Ii i till' i oiiKiPKatlon ol lln 1'din .(lliir' Utiptlst i lunch tmllfd witn tiic mother i hm ell, mid 111. rieiic i oiKliii 'i'tl tli" li illi 'itmy s-iixlic (senilis! will ul-n lie lu Id rU'iy ixeliliiK dining 111'' (ninlii!,' week, eieil Satunlitx, ami llio (If if;x men oC llio m loni i it ihiinhot and inenibiii of the Alilnuton Haptl-t au-oi'latlon will dollxd atklie 'c-. Till? IH'W ('(Hike Is Olli' ol tile lltilKl- -(ime-t and most modi i n dumb bulld-Ini,"- In Noitbeaitein l'ennx ixniiln, and lm- lid n i in tni nt n mini co-t of Ml, OnO. iiKlinllnK the nlKiill nml iKUIM'i anil nnnl-lilni,'-. Tlie I'll -l HtptHt (Inn ih of Siianioii was nm.tniid on Anmi-t Jl. InI'i. lix lt(X. . K. .Mult, ami Huh fliM iliniili liiillilliiB w it' ll i-'i tni on Clu-tiiiit -(loot (now (K(ii- I li it In the (leiniin T'it"-lix t i lan), and wa (ledleatid on .lanuaix I, IT..'. Thili -c'loi'd ihiiidi InilkliiiH: was eicitid on Hiianlim -tiett and was (lidlialid on .Max 2 1SMI. and di-tin.xid by tli" on Jantmij L'!', l-'''i i'astoiss or rumen. 'I lie dllieunt jitstots of llio ihlilih bac lie. ii l!i. V. K. Molt, ltd. V i tJioxx, I!e. J II. Ost.inlll lt(V. H. .1 .MiHiml, K(. A fiiltlwill. llix. I-.inc Tixau, Ili'V. Owiii Jaini -, 1) D, Kox. T. .1 CullillM and J!(X. F. Malheix-. tlio pi i -(lit pi-toi The in (-eat ilo.nons of the (tuiith .ni Chin let Colli, -i . Randolph .Iniie1-, IS. (!. Muliloe, C, l JMileman, W C Ial-" and T. M Si n (killii. 1' (' C.i iv Is the ( hinih ih IK. and lloniRc A-luiix, tua-uiii The liu-tof - .tie .1 M JIatoli. .lake I'IiimI, cii.nles llii-h, I'.olnit I'ii Kens .iml A J! lfolllli- Tin- lllllldllitr lOllllilillie (Oll-istid nl Di 1! 11 HmIiIiv, piisi dent A II llolllli.- -Ktetnix. II I! Mills iieastiid. C 1 K-hh man, ( llaiks Uit-li, .1 .M. i:.itnli. Itolilt Tiil(ii-, .lnlsc. IToxd, . c Uaxib.ind 1. Piatt The hi-Un.x of tin i lint ill il i to- link ox i i llllx eai- x luit It xxa-oiKaili( d xxlth a liuinlHi-liip of nine men and fonili ( n w iinun Its tiiiunpli- tnd ad-et-i(i(s k.no kton imn h like otliei ( Inn i In s. lint out of it haxe -piunj,' the Pi nn AMime ltapll-t iliuieh, and lln Fii-t. Wel-li P.niiti-l (liuidi In 1S71 111 In n nn niliets k It the ( luiiik and e--lalilisiiid xih.il I- now known a- tin lack-on Stnel Ikiptiot (liuidi All of tlie-e diuiilK' .no lioxx .iimms' the nin-1 in nspi urns in tin. dt. 'I lie oiHiilnp: -pi Ices xe-t,, i(la x(ie .ittiiHkd lix a iepi( -intatixe .i-mHI-bl itfp ol puiplt'. fiom all paits ul ike illx, and tliKiiinliont ilie day Iiiki ( on Klis"ntlons K-itluiod in lln in w idillir In woi -hip 'unl pi il-e Clod. The nioin lnw: -cixiio boKin -luutlx altet Hi o'tkiik Willi a piano -. lei Hon k ili- II (1 lkddoe lollowid l) the dosokiKX and inxoiallon k 1'iot. 12 llulle.x, Pill), pii-ldint of Kixstuiie.u idiim Tin (hull and i oiiKiiKiilion -nnu" the lninn, I") Thou That Hiaie-t Pt.tx.i." Plot Uulli'X K.id llio Siiliilino los-on fioni the siioiid lisalni, ami aftci an alithoni lix tin i hull, pi ixi'i was offoiod kx Id x . II Hi ou, nl Cai lioiitl lie nn:.Mi:u i'.t-iui: ThI i xclK i.ikk i kihxmaii was at one time a pnsior of llio ilniii li. and Is now Llio oliksi IIxIiik nn inker ol the Aliln;, ton Haptlsi a--()( iniliiii III- pii.xei xi.ts iint (knl xxotilil aliiindanllx lilc-s iiu dumb iml It- pi uplo and t;lxo Hum sti.iiHilt to i.tii.x on the liloiinus wink llnx me iloiliK lm the Ma-I(i. 'Ill' p i-nn lii'X S r Mn I In ix -i, in ido tin aiimiimi i moms i',n tin ltmalmkr ol tin-dax ami niinliif, wed, and Mi". .1. W. 1'iiwdl ol lliiflalu, tlien -aim n M)lll lti ,1.11 Ilniii- l.ii-Iiknl or P.nd: roll iinixonltx w. i Intiodiiitd in pu.uh Hie -(i moil. He piuand hih ill-i urn -i w Ilk a i-lUlil toll ioik to the ki-ioix ul tin iliiiiih, and -nld it xx is III- pi!!li,,i to pniKli a .-eiinmi lo the i oHKieuatloll tlllltX Mills, tKO Ik lilts' (iiiojul lln i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -' 1 1 1 1 mid i nnllik m e ol llie pioplo lul moie Hl.lll lllilix-iwo xi.iis and ih i nii'd ii an e-piilal piixl ki at llii- Hit i in piiiidi tmaln, 111- -llliliiL was 'he lull, iltam i of CliilM," and hi- lixi was hired on winds iiiiiml in ihi ri ninl p-alm, II" plillllid ('111 I- its Hio li Unions ii'lllei ol the lm mn ii Ian and dud Hie hl-- IOIX, ol llio Clllirli.lll loliloll lllllll llr Iniepilon, piifdtiK down iliiniisli tlio x ,i t Imis epiii lis to Hie ihik'ui dux, and piopiie-kd what III" lllllllo liar III SIOK lor lln lielle(l- ill Chll-t 111- illr iuiiii was n ri hnliii h iliiiit, itnd wall-It lied lo with mm Uul attention, ,1, W Powdl ot Hnliiilu, who ha- as. slt"(t iimii' dirndl"-! In lalsliu fiiiuN to liimlau Hi"1! Indelitidms-s than mix uili.i man llxliu, xxns una kIm-ii the oppoi lllllit) to intiodlK e Ills --tem ol i,iI:-Iiik' nioiitx, and ii moi with a pellet oils uspOIlM' lioill lllllll. people In the iiiidli me III- laihoi lie said K.l0 IlilllroU' lo liOll ill llio l'llsl Itllp. tlst dun di and ho wis pli.iMil with tlio oppnitiinli.x tu u-skt the lOiiKU'ri.! linn al this time. Ho oomplliueniid the piople of Wtht Seiantoii iiiion haxliif, oieit.'d nidi a inumiblci'iit idlilii' in mhIi an admit able plan, nml llion piuioeihil lo Iri-tie Miliiiunry bnndi1, nr ioi lllliaus of litOik ill the now (liuidi. The icrolx oiM pkdKo iliem-Phi - to j,ic aiimiK .-inns low .ii (it- lliiildatlng the link bud Hi on the ohnub AI'TIiRXfiOX .M.h.-lu.V Tilt pkltlnilil llti'"l!llK liiK.tl) .shoil 1.x ilt i .Iii'iIol'K and wan pal t!dtulod ill b lti. I) I). Ilopklns, ii.tftin of tln 1'iist WcHb Iklptinl dlllldl l.'i l).i. id Speimi I ) !. of lllikolj Hex .1 I'liul 1 I), of (keen P.iiIko Piul llullcy nl l(U0i,x xllle l!tx. 1! I' I'lcui I) 1). nl tho Peiin ao. mt H.iptlht clini'i li mid J Vi Pmxtll, of lliitTalo. 'Ihc cu'iihiii niivio'l vn It 11 a pi. urn ri'luilini b Mih II il. Ik'd.lot, ami a (hoi us by a pait of inal. xolein, un der tho dhoiilnii or Willi. mi ljxmis Attn- a lijmn by llie (tii)HioKatlnn, Itev, U.ivkl Spimeer ofleied piayei. TWINING X f OPTICIAN v 131 Penn AVE d The lift uddii""-) of the ntloiiionn wns liintlo by Uov. U. Ik Hopkins, who Haiti he was Rlml to unerH his iikustiiu nt beltiR pio-ont on tliu ociasltm. Ho wiih Kind lo hop Hitch n nuiBiilll (eiit bulklliiFr, Httdi tt bonutlful lil.u" In woi ship Hud. Wo all know siimt tlihnr iiboiit this olutreb and Hit voik, he (otitliiiipd, nml the obJ"d nntl luiluii' of Its ovlBti'iii'e. Tlic nuMiibois now lmxo aoiilPthlllK to do to pioxe to the oiil-ldu woi Id what C!uit has done for them mid pun do foi otlii'i". Ilo -a.d the pulpit omjlit to luxe tile faiemo-t I lite In tliu life of Hie. dlllldl. m wlilt li ClnlHtlanlty and the Hip and puklit dim at tu of tho niembcis ounlit to I'ijtlil hot oio Hod iiml th" woibl Jl" Jlupeil the nielllbelS will U'llK nihil Hiit iko desk" Is to lix- inr cinlsi and m hi Ins people to ClnNI. Tin- In lmpdl they will siiciced at ilolur. pitor. jii'l.li:ys audim:--. J'lof Illlllox. of Kisslone acadoliO, was i illicit upon to addli-.s ills le niaiks to Hi" ouiiK iHople and ho ihose tlio sllhltits ol oiKiinlntioti ami liei-onal losponsllilllly nml intlixiduii illoit to talk upon. Aloni; Oils lino lie -aid tills is an mm of mimiil 1 tlon mid a booiI dial ol Clulbtiati woik I- lit hip done. Yoiiiik iooplo niiltit lie oiKanled to UKomplisk somethliif, and al-o put foi Hi Individual ifioir. Aftir an aiitlieiii bv tli" dink, Di. I'okI. nl 5l con JliilKi, olorideil the Kiii'ltius of bis (oiiK-iPrfatlon to the Jlioiilo of Ike Phsl Hapll-t dlllldl. Ho said (hey had ,s iiip.ithied with llicm in their Hills, anil iijnho with them in thdr ultmipli-'. lie -poke lo the dllldlill piesenl about llio day nt Cloud Tidings and added that wlio-oeei slnll bdli.o in Hio Loiil -ball be -ax ed J Jl . Piclit ;,!ie his loateis the klloukdKe ol Ills !iit-pliatl(iu wll. n he loiinilid llio I!apti-L Villus J'diples t'lilou ten xi.u- aao, lln. b nlrfo ol wbiih Is now win u b mailv a mllliim joiuiK lunple. Ho nl o uo MXcial In iiilllul xxoid plclilies and niado an onnt-t appoil tor a deeper knnwkilgo and yial in ClnNt s wotK Mi- .1. Powdl, oL Ikiltalo, la oied the a--einlil.m;o with a si,o aftet wbiih hoi liu-kiiid inllsicd a niuiilifi' nl pli dqts lor Ikiuliliititit the Intkbli.il-ne-s on the diiuih. 'lln ioiil-(s Wile i lo-ed Willi a hxiilii and biniilk Hon J2VI2NMNH Sll-SIOX. Tin rhllldi w.tis not lale onollli to accommodate all tho people who made an (.Unit m attend the omiiiiK sti ieis and In (onso(iieiuo many woi tin nod axxax 'J'iit -oiliui; ( tpadli xxas ta od to Hie utmost, and Hip alslis wile tilled witk diaii-, and the S-und.iv -diool toidn anil da looins weio all ot upied. All otiliestia xx.ih pi c-l lit at llio senile and a-Mstid in Ike exeul-i". Afki Hie liMiiu. Conie. Thou Al iiiiKhlx' Kinr," xxas leudeiod lix tho a--"lnhkiBo Hex. S 1". Malliiw-, llio pastoi, (oiidtuted the lesponslxc load inn ol tlio twentx-thiid p-alm Tlio ( huh follow id xx ilh an . tiilhi in, 'Xeaiei. M f!od to Tbei ' whldi w.n e fin tixily l ende icd. Hex 1 S Dobbins, I. 1), ill. ti let i-eiietaix- ol tlio Aineiiiali Hapli-t .Miss'onai.x I'nlon, ol Pliiladelpliia, led lu piaxei, and Mi-. Powdl saiiR- a so let tton pli isIiikIx. The .-iilpuue ks--iiu, th" iw i title Hi diaptei in the Aits ol tho Apo-tle-, xxa- nail bx Piof. Jlulkx, ol Kex stone aeadom.x. The (liolr folloxxed xxllli an aiitlum. "How Hoaiitlful Aio Thx Dwi lliiiB-." xxhiili xxat- wtitton osped illv mi ihis di(ll(Uoi .sci ii u and i huh of tin I'ilst Htptlst dlllKll, lix- tlio (llstlll-.ul-hid luiiipii-i'i, .Mis. 12 I. Aslilotd, ot Naskxlllo, Tinn Tho aittlKin xxas x"ll lenilciotl and ii)-h-h- iiillib mui'.. I2VI2N1NH .SI2II.MUN'. The exeiiliiB -ti moil was dellxind bx Di Diilibiiis, who s ,t (,'iottl .sptakei, and Bnx.0 a billliant adduss. He (hose bis lost fi inn the ninth diaptei ot Plisi Coilnlliiniis and the twent--ti oml ei-o. In the ioiii-e ol hi- u milks In -till. "We llll 1 1 toll. Kilt to Blo lllls house lo (iod To hiiiiBiill oiii -i.ti i lilies ami lull.s ami lav Hum at Ills toot. In i, t il I jl x o litiNoa plate to win -hip to as. suable to llsli ii to the slii4lii(;, pieadi iug and teadiliiB fH th" wind, n place In piax and enjox ouisolxes. Mm llu 1 1' Is sonn thhiK keltii 111 in tnn ic inimboi-hlp In tlio .lint, li Munlnj sihool and rliimb -oelel.x "Aio xxo Ju-t !liakitiB hinds with ii uplo oi ale WP i.llllB tlli'lll,' 'I'll" i huii It i- ti Kioat ,-oul dap to i mil -ouls lm- ( 'hi I-t. Hut al. iilim li- wli.it is iitided. li l .-.eatei than Inalth in wealth. 'I ho diiliih that docs not k ixe -nlxat'on as lis ,tm s niI.snK , m II h ' Mr. Powell, nt Hutialii tin u umk up llio Wink ol -eeiiihiK- plodRin lm tho diuidi ikbt lie w mked haul mi v an hum, and unuouiueil thai al tlio i lo-i ol the diiy'H senhos noailx llio whole ainount ot the Indebtedness, $ll,0i'O had hien pleilBed. llo wa.i rIxcii a mho of thaiiKs, 'Ih.s exoiilm, ihc ikdkiitoix ronleoH will lm (iiiitlnued, with William Me t'l i as iinnloiatoi. Aildios-er. will ke dfllxeiid kx lto, D p. HupUlii-, of this dt, H(, w. I! (how, of Cur bond, ile, and lk, dweii ,lainit, tho InlUi' two bdiiB toiliiei pa-iiiii, ,f ih,, i llilli II, Faie to Buftalo and Retuin Only iJ4, via the Lackawanna Raihoad. On Odohti 11th, ISth, 2"ith nml .I'hh nu can puidia.-o lounil-ti lp (kketH to lluffalo, Via llio Uduwaio, l.acluiwniina and Wistoni laikoad, at the esttciiieix low i,i ten nt .( While Huso tkUcts aio limited to (oadi pabbago uul, t)ty may bo tin d on au iialn, good jjiilng on the aboo liat( mid lor ictutn on all tialn tho mllowlug da, Thlb is an p(rptlonn!l good (ippoiunilt) tor there ikmimirt ot bpendlnii a shoil tiino at tin ( '.pubiiion at a small espeiirc. We Rest on Sunday I a n ill . i' i iu in iiu ixni, llll lilNsI.IIX IllllY ll.Hl.K l.llli' lll.llH I ilJH JII till ir iiiaiii til.wil In II lux. tutu1 Mitt 1i tme illl im I . i I ( ul 10 til... i i ;istr. l jij!h,h J .xllml i'fiiuirj. tun, Pirului, SOME SUNDAYS INJUROPE INTERESTING SERMON BY REV. DR. C. M. QIFFIN. Ho Declined That Ameiirans, Who Have Never Been Abiond, Cannot Appieclate the Snbbbath Desecia tlon Which Prevails Tlnoughout Em ope A Wondeifitl Seivlco In thp Cologne Cathedial Woist Ponn of Snbbbath Descciatlon to Be Seen in Pails A Sunday in London, hex. Dr. C. M. ailllu last night de lhcud u pennon on llio tuple, "Homo Sundays tn ijmopo," befoic ono ot tho lut sent iiiiiBiPlMtkuiH oxer Bathuiid In I he J!lin Pink ihuirli. 12eiy seat mi tliu low Of Hour, bade to the far end, was lllletl find It xx'otlld be i.ilhii tlilll eull to Iiml a plmo In the Ballon, wlikk (Vtoiuls almost uunpletcly aiomid tho climeh. Hi il'lllu, who has b.'i u a inol es t(ml llmopenn linxclei, spoke most iiili iPFtlliRlx- of his Sabbath ob-ena-llniis ill the l.utri! ( Itles ot tho old xx ol Id. lie ( ho-o lor Ills (cm a poitlull of the woi da round In loelation, J. 10, "I was In iko Spklt mi Hio holds n.i.x." In opening kis uniaili", llie doe tor liintlo u Boneinl sliiteim ut to iko ifl'eit lb it the Clnistlan Sabbath is dc-i-(i.iltd in llie dlles ot Duiope to a far Bieatei osttut thnii tliu people of tills coiinli.x, poimeatdl u-. tin. y ai" xxlth Hi" atinospkoie ot Sabbath ob-oi xame, tan ieallo. "1 haxe ottin lountl il al-nio-l niiess.nx-, wkllo tiaxclhiB In Hiliupe,' -ild he. 'to consult Hie eal i nihil' lu onk i to llnd out which day xxas Smida.x ." Tho iloi lor took Hie pu-ltlon that wlieiexir the Clnistlan Sabbath Is mule a dav of titisllim", ol plea-iue asd oi di liatlein, il will be found that the Clnistlan loliBlon his lu-t the powd and Itilluenio oxei the minds of the people tint il should hold. II" then pioiinkil in fumy lo a number of Hlliopeau i ities on til" Salibatk tlax and )ik lm oil tu th" ioiiki caution llie HI 111 S ill IMlll coLOCt.vi: cATin :nr;Ai. lie In -r told nl CoIobiio ami its xxon deilul (.ithcilial, a buildliiB xxhlih lie ded.it id to be Iko lln( st tiluinjih ot aiihU"i'luie o(i ionieiX(d by num. llo siixe a lengthy deseiiptlou of th" mam lulls beauties ol tkis Ktoat -.hi ed pillln p. wkieli look oxoi sl lontinles to build, and -aid that it hail alx-axs seeimel lo him to bo the lm at lutilon of the Clitlsiian hie t. He then de-iiibed a hiind iv att"i ilooii whlth ho -pull in this gie.if iatliedi.il in ittenil.UK e at M'-pcii-. Th" hiiini ns( loiiBKBation, niimbeiliiB sexeiil Ihou-anil, ltiKkied -exeial liMilli-. and he ikelared. thullBli ho w is a Motliodl-t ministei In a Itoinan Cuth olu diuidi. iiu had -ddoiti felt sink a iiiIbIU -pint of iloxotioii as came oxer him. "it xxas kexond the (iiie-tlon of a doubt the lim tt iiiiiBieBatiou.il -.limliiB I exet lieatd in anv thiudi In the xx oi Id,' he -aid, "and I would that we (inilil kixe something HKi. it In this Clnistlan land of ouis" lie il(.iiilril a htiiitl.iy at Dipsden, wheio ho .ittendeil -eivlees hi the moi ulng and found the i it mm v I e liglous iinlll the at tei noon, xx hen ' beoi -tit I ii kbit, became i.impaiit ami a He hut t-iiiK-t. attendid b upixaids of 7"i,tiu0 lieopk, xxas held " nii-den, ho thought, in (did a iiittx- good -tiong do-t of 'I'm lt.iiik.il pklx " In l.uioi no ho loimd a Siolek Pit's, bx Uli m (ongi eg iliuu xxotsliipping In a Roman Caiholii ihunh. and to -nil nn ixeix hand appaieiu exieieuteb ol title Cliilsilan tlexntlon. He then n l.tled a few of his Pailsjan Sabbath opi i iciu i -. .sAHHATII IX I'Altl! Ill Pail-, he s.iid, the luntliu ntttl Salib.tth (tin bo found lu its ei.x xni-t luliii. The tlie.itiis and tales ai p xx Idp open, the sticois .tie noxxikd xxith gax-jileasiue-sceklnt ciowiIh anil oxn.x wluie it Is appuoiu that "xui Idlni -s has hi en lei loos-e " London, the do( toi -aid, wa- almost as bid as Pails, ,ls im- a- Sabbtth dt sen .nliili Is tonieiuod Ho .-aid that London Is 'a -it thing (( --pool ol in iiiultx," and ipie ed xxoiukrand mii-pll-e thill tile illlllli in e oi llie Chiliell of HiiBland, nl whldi the leadhiK moil of 12ngt. Hid ate nn nihil s, does not -eom lo bo nil. ' Tli) le tne dniK lies enough in London," said he, "lo exangolio It, but they don't " Ho told ol 111- nttt lulaiu o al a s-ci-ke lu Wesimin-lei Akbe.x and ul his leaving the 'iold n i. muiilall-m ' ul ill" i:pl-(iipallan lltiiiil lm T!r, Clunks Spillgioir.s JlaptirL tiinple, Monday White Cotton Blankets 59c Fancy Sttipe Blankets 85c Giey Cotton Blankets 59c Daik Skirting Outing, ioc grade 8c Fancy Blight Plain Outings 5c Soft Fleecy Outings 8c 36-inch Kimona Cloths I2jc Printed Flannelette, new patterns 9c Blue and Gold Piints 4c Best Silver Grey Piints 4y2c Chocolate Prints 4C New SilUalines ' 7c Light Lawns, Suitable for Com foi is 4J4c Gent's Fleece Lined Undoiweai 39c" 40-Inch Mixed Venetians 49c 36c Fine All Wool Dress Flannel 33c uc Fast Black Pprcdline 8J4c Black French Hair Cloth I3c Will Ul lKv.ll V-dl tlS MMIMIMIIMlltl d iMMiMiMMfM f If f t M VC MEARS&HAQEN 415-417 Lackawanna Ave. iipiithy, W'lKio he htntd n cloiloits cx porltlon of Ihc woid of (lod by Ihe "glen test pieachcr rlnoo the iIii.xn of the ApoKtlcH," iih he was pleam! to let in Spuigeon. TO ASSIST THE STRIKERS. Committee ftom C. L. U. Appointed to Aid Executive Bonul. At ycstetilny iiftpinonti'd mituliii inocHiiB of the Oenlial l.uboi I'nlon a Hpoclnl Lotunilltce of Mil oo wan ap pointed to assist tho esettitlxe 11011111 11C tliu Milking street out men In ion dueling their .strike. The strike wtis dlsdissed at length mid It was suited after Hie meeting Mint 11 lint ii being prop 11 ed of till pel nous ildlug on the Hlieot cam, thlu list lo lip tho basis or rutiite notion on the p.nt of the body. Hlchatd llobeitp, of the fnlted Mine Win keif, xxii.-i eleited a drlcgntu to Hie cum option ol the Anieileiili Foeleinllon of Liihor to be held In tills city In Do roinliei. S. 11. Pi ho of the JaipentPis' I'nlon, was chosen as alteiiiate. Tliu repicspiitatlxcrt of the nowlx' 01 pgnuld tttlleiis and bookblndcis miluiis wcio slated at tho incoiltig. Oigiiiilet llugli Pianoy ul the A, 1'. oC Ji slated alter the nin'ilnn that mi oigntiisriillon of tlio hold and ier t.tui.iut xx'aitoii. xxan being lotnicd ami that a diaitif will nnlxo Mils Xlcl.. AN IMPRESSIVE FUNERAL Victims of Klondike Mine Disaster Buiicd on Satui'dtiy Seivkes in St. Thomas Catholic Chinch. A -ndlx' Impips'slxo .spene xxas pip sonleil in Aiehbald Satin day moinlng xx hen tho lemaliib of P. .t. Nialon, John llcilcy, .Mattlioxx JJougker and John Keanicy, the loin pieii xxho xxote killed In the Klondllco mine on Wednesday, wcio oscoiltd to hi. Thomas Catholic iluirdi while solemn son Ices x.oi" (ouductpd In tho piosenco of a lingo lOiiBieBiitiuu. Tlio stioots weio lined with people as tlio luneial pioip-"lou p i-sed lowly bx- on its xxaj lo the dim di and litany heads xxcin bated lu lobpcit lor the mommy of tho men who had 1110L such a toniblo death In llio lion els of tho laith. A solemn high mass ol nuuiem was tekbintod al tile diinoh bx ilex-. I'. J. Comeitoid, u-sIsimI by the lollowhiR delgxinrn Peacon, Ilex. fieoige Diekson; sub-deacon, ltox-. Willl.nii OMlaia. inonter of ici ( monies, Kov .f. A". Slei.xlan. Seieinl solos xxeto 1011 deied dining the beivhe bj P10I W. A. Kellv. P.ex-. T. .1. ('omoifoid lnonihed a biloL but eloquent 1 uncial s. 1 mon The lem.ilns weio Intel icil in the Aidibttlil cemetery, soxeial liun dtid in. mbeisol the PiiltedMine Woik ei s lolluxxing them lu the giaxe. The pall-beaiois xxoie as tollo.x-. 1 .11 Mm In unci I ilm liiln, 1'iiiul Xim lix, 1 1 Mmiln, Willi 1111 Mt II iK, 111l11tl XI, II ill, a . XI I Mi xmlnxi lit .lolui Hi ilex . j, li-iiip' lolin 1 I) tt ndl, Pitikl. It. .-111 I'. XL(, mn, -., 1 nn. -Mil) 111I1I, I'ltrnl. 1 -iiniici, el Ip-'iip, mil 1'ilnel. I. mn, .if Xuhl 1I1I I oi M 1II11 xx iniilin Hi mi m Xlotm, I inn, 1,'ulh. limn Mmiln, I'ttiul. Im, loliu iu 10ml. mil Willlitn Mtlltk 1 or 1' 1 i 1I011. I 1. Kcirn 1. II I In 11 mi Willi 1111 limtiuiiuti, 1' II (i lljitim, lliumi- Mi.ll ik, W, I, twin 111 NOT IN THE RUNNING. Thiee Local Foot Ball Teams Met Defeat on Saturday. Sit.intoi. foot ball teams xxeien't Hindi lu oxldenco 011 Satuidax. The plaxid, bin met oxei whelming deteat m eat k instance. The School of the L.id.awann.i lust al Athletic paik to the KcxMone. Aiad emy, with a bioie ot ki to .-.; the Seian lon Iligh Sdiool wont tlow n brfoie the .Slioiiilslmig htatt Noinial School ,tl Mi middling, with a teoio ol 10 lo 11, and St. Thomas College xxas oiitda ul at ('tn honilalr bv tho Caibondalo Indian-, who lolled up a -101 o ol i'3 to the college team's .1. The game .it Athletic paiU attiat ted .1 laij,e eiowtl and xxas xigoiemsix- 1 011 tcsietl by the Latkawanna, team, w lib h was plnlnlv outilnsseii. Caiej. Koj--tono's last leit knlfbai k, in.ide txxo touchdowns in Hie tii.st hair, .mil Phu c rollowod with anothei in the bccond. Laiknwanna'b one touchdown Mas made by Kcnned.x. The featuits ot the game weio txxo long inns niado bx MoDoiuild, ot Hie Lai knxxamias, who wmt down tho hold foi llttj .x.ndb tadi time. The line-up xxas- as lullows: lad in 111111 hoi -loin. m Km., Mi Ssktr lul nil , , . ',n,l lli'lnnl Ml ttsU.. . . lloljnl liiiiiiuli Icil s.11 nil 1 ai. r Mm ii- uiilii . ... Iliil.in -I"' 1IU1I rfllllit lliumi im 1Mb . ,ri,lil 1 11 I.I.- s, M kiiintili slil ml -iiuliiii (' 111I11 lil, Mi Xskti tml lliixwn nunl, iln, I. . , ,r, (( i, t ) (linn- iiklil lull . ,1'lm Mi li hi 1I1I 1 11 Kiiij..Ii lult e,M , II1I1111I . full link . -H llll Ms Bargains. iW4wmwmNMwimmwmm Lamps mny be Iiml at .1 very moderate price If tliey are chosen now. The lot includes great many rich designsi The pi ices will make you wonder how we can sell them so low. Kich Green and Pink Plated Glass Globes and Vases. Cast Moulding and Best Center Draft - . n Hurneir, worth $).oo. for p4.oU These aic bargains, and ir you want a lamp at small cost, come now. CVvuVCA . I Geo. V. Millar & Prices from vyx. a y . -s-s,. .. .. s. ocw t rrwt . sfcS's's,, v S..7s-i7i . 'OOsSC X7 Xy-Osv-c::s-:NrV-V-'s s rNrsrvTOCKtr Scr anion Bedding Go, F. A. KAISER, Lnckawanna nnd Adams Aves. ' -hMaaMaM Crane's Offer This Week Special '0 US Custom and Tailor-Made Gowns A showing of Advance Styles for Traveling, Calling and Evening Wear All the Most Desirable Materials and Effects, Exclusive in Idea, Natty in Appearance.. Crane's 324 Lackawanna Avenue New vcssnsi WWWWWVOWWJWWWMOWWWW?!) tttt-"-ttt'tt ' . .1' ! ' ' J ! Scranton Garpst&FurnitureGo. t 406 LACKAWANNA AVENUE 44' Vii m SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER Occupies m Iroperibhablc Position in the BUSINESS WORLD, NO. 23 S. Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Scranton Brnneh OrHce, Nos. 1 and 3, Arcade Buildinsr. Co. A9 J Just Because you nic not going to wear them for n few months don't ciush your ilnlnty summor lints nml gowns into spnee nltogethei' too sninll for them. Xet us innke vou n box (.ouch with sopmnte compnitments for li a t s, waists nml sklits pietttly lined nnd eoveied nn addi tion to any room $7.00 Up. MANAGER. Both 'Phone 'ir. (& e: 9-. Building ' tt-t-rttt--f--t"t-f-t-'ttt-f Attractive Rockers in n.iiii III t-lK l il X.Uli tX 11C si.ii.'s nui ki.hIis lii, 11 u 1 im. liiifsihii to .in 111011' tlmii inoiitlnn 11 linx xxhiili aii iiii l( iiliu ly ut ti' u lix i' in ili'islun nml in Iif Tlii'si' nitlili's xxill bo Iniiinl lnMiitiliil ii)iisiiituiiis! of our si. 11 1,, mil ih.. mi. Uli. xxlll kI II I'llU III XX lllll Is III lie lOIUHl ill ill ii.lii Iliiis Tlioir .stipiiBth mil iliti, ilillUj iiiuki' tin in .s.uls. Ixliiij- n iiu I'liiiiimliMl, xx Iiliu tln-li lilli tluisli will 1 nt 11 In tlii'iu tu .1 iilafo In 11 n most liiMiilous- Jx llUllls-ll.l ll'Hll' 4 - 4 - - - - 4 - Registered 3 4. 4-4--.4-f4i4"'-f4--44-: Unquestionable Superior Merit Annually adds thousandb of names to the long list of Smith Premier users., representing cery line of trade anil 1 wry piotession , ULUSTIHTl D LATALOOUi: MLb. f The Smith Premier Tvnewrher Co.. 'A. sW i. m. ,jj3A3t&. jjy&