Wwr' w .W-w u, -.ft-iys .''' t iv L. t - , THE SOttANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1901, The News of Carbondale, CARBONDALE HAS A CLOSED SUNDAY Tito Older o Mayor Kilpatrick Goes Into Effect nntl Drawn Blinds and Tight Doors Are the Rule Throughout the City Cigarettes nt n Premium The Movement Variously Discussed. Tho. older Iwuied by Mayor Kllpnl rlok last work Hint nil mildoiis and stores would huvo to bo closed every Sunday In tho ititnro was rullglously ubsurvod yesterday by pnloankuopcra nml mot'chanls. During tbo week ClileC MeAndrew untitled possible offenders and ns tbu lostilt saloons, candy and dry woods stores were tightly closed against any business. Many who glanced over tin- order as printed In the Tribune were of the opinion that saloons and dry goods places weie the only places that would be allVcled by Hie order, but yester day they found they iiitule n mistake. A lot of cigarettes was at a premium mil o show a package nn the treet was n signal for lovers of this "smoke" to ga ther mound and plead for one. Then- was one place In town 'which h.nl not heeii ordered to close up. 11 being probably overlooked by the chief, and Ihe proprietor stated last evening l hat he had a lecosd breaking cigarette day. Willi respect to cigars the case w.i!-' different as they could bo procured In all drug stores which are allowed by law to remain open at all times. Several times In the past the saloons have been closed to Sunday business, but not under one similar to this latest order, that is one so sweeping. It was in must cases on account of threatened visits of the .Men's Colon League of Serantuii. Those who seem to make a habit of imbibing mole freely on the Sabbath than on any day In the week lilt upon the scheme of boarding a street car and going northward to Simpson where they were able to sat isfy their l hirst, procuring beer or liq uor In small or large quantities. Yes terday, owing to the ears not running, many walked to Simpson for their sup ply, and got an abundance. Three young men with inoiv than u generous share, wandered down Main street in the afternoon but refused to tell Chief Mi-Andrew where their thirsts had been iiuenclieil. In the history of I'arbondale there never has been so ninny saloonkeep ers, bartenders and business men on the street than yesterday. Chief Me Andrew made several trips around the city dining the clay and failed to lind one place which was not living up to the very letter of the order. The new order of affairs has come in for much discussion among the business man and other Interested cit izens. The Tribune man happened in with a gathering made of three denleis in "gent's" clothing and three city of lieials. One of the business men was in favor of the new order, one was against it In some of its forms, while the other remained neutral. Tin; one in favor of the order thought that any business man who could not make enough pioilts In six days to live ougiu In go out of the business. The man wlio held a different opinion believed that a clothing store should be kept opened for a short time in the morn ing for the purpose of exchanging goods which were bought on Saturday nights and found when too late not to bo the exact tit. Another listener thought, that if drug stores were al lowed to .sell cigars then saloons, candy stores, etc., should also be allowed to sell the same articles. They all pay a mercantile tax and license and no par tiality, he thought, should lit shown to any class. Chief .MeAndrew stated to the reporter that drug store proprie tors would noL be allowed to sell cigars on the Sabbath. Many people are of the opinion that the movement is but a (spasmodic one but those In favor of tlu movement will .strongly urge its per petuation and will not allow interest to ille or lag. The Columbia Fail-. The Columbia Hose company held a regular meeting in their rooms yester day afternoon, and decided to manage a fair in the tlrsi week In January. A large committee was named to take Maro, the Magician GRAND OPERA HOUSE MONDAY, OCT. 21. lli.ici.uii now open ,n l. !!,, mil, . , ,m, Lincoln nicmir THE PEOPLE'S EXCHANGE WAYI'llll-Two tlift il.ix lulnteis in miic. Ai. ply tii V. .1. Pinch. ('IuikIi stiwt, Cailinii ij.itc RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware and Hudson Railrontl. JllIlP I!, 1'Jfll. Tldllii wilt 1cjp (.'Jllioticl.ili! .it city -,!,il,m ,- tulU': " Pur Scunimi nml Wll;i.l.iiii'.-ii.iio. i n; ,. sun, lo.oi. n.si n. in.; i-j.hi, u.i, .i'-.i' :..' 3,1m, ".mi, lii.oi, ni.31 1 1. in, ' ' ""' ' Suwljy r.iln 1m vn :il S.50, l.-j a, ... , . . 8. in, 0,.''1. !.M p. in. ' ' Por Albinj, Sniitiiiirf. 'Montic.tl. iii,tn v..,.. rnalmiil JmllltN ill., i.'i'l .1. m.; ,M ' M ' dlaily.) ' "' I'm- I.jWp J.t.iloie, lYj.nii.iit, ami uiicl.li. 7 !. 11.113 .1. in.; i!.:il. lU.'l p. in. "u-'i.i,-. s i.i.v U.iIih l.ii( Lake l.nihuo, ,., , aril limit-rial'- at li.W .1, in.; ,.-'i, ,n ,' nlldt Tiuili.'-in'lu- .it I'.illniiul.ili' 'mm Will;'.,.!,,,,, mid giMiitnii in lullown! J.fli, S.'tr. a vn II,.!, . in i lS.iir. 2.M, i!,23, I.SS. 11.05, 7.0 , j ' ?;'? U.r.7 l, 111.; I.KI a. 111. ' ' l "x Minitay train-, uuhe at 0,:i" n. in.: m ..... i 1?, (1.1!!), ll.S'l p. in. ' ' "-' Niinlay iuIih niriM- at rjinnil.ili nnni l .1-,. .l.nilorc. Wajmait mii !loiu-cil.it jt I" ir J , snil 7.5ip. in. '' 'l(1 v New York, Ontario nud WesteinT Sopt, 17, lfl. t Tr.iin b'.nf l'al)Oii'lalo for fccranlon at :m 'm.; I.'O i. in. ' Vimlay trains at 7.00 a. in ; u.nil p. n,, 'n.lina-V-iO" t?HilioniiU (oi poIni nottn -.1 II It) .. On UiiiiUjy at U.IO a. in. 'iv.liii liuilns at II. JO ii. in. wcil; ila.in ami 11.10 a in Ruiulayi inaUa roiiiiectloni lor ,y Vork ('on ' uall, rlo, Tuilm niihe funn scunlnn ut J.n a. m u i p. jn,i irnnj Puliiti ligitli, 1.00 p. m. Si'imlim funn Snantoii nt o.JO a. in, ami 7.1 1 ,, m . : i,-,,, l(Jn.ia atatii; p. in. ' ' " ''' Erie Rnilroart. ' ' Juno 3J, jnoi. Trains lcae city nutlun, raiLdmlalr, ihiiv ricepi Sunday) it 7.W J. hi. ami ,;is p. m u;v Jrjndt and Nlncvilij at V.XI a. in., ,j,-',.,,. ctptins tiundJ), fur lllnshainlon. uuMns ivii. nnjtlooj for ,cv Yerk illy and llutfjly. ami ,,i 1.10 p. m. for Sumiuchjiinj, nuklns ivnuoi.tlniii lor Mfstfin pointi. Sunday traliu at 0.l a, in. f,.- hiiquclijiin.i. ith nrtcm tcnnfctlon, and u.27 p. in., uilli lame I'Ciincctior.'. Trln arrlvp at sy a. in. dinl 3.13 p. m, I Buoviaj'i) at S.W a. in. ' the iniillcr hi Intuit anil spare nothing to iniiko tho fair a grand success, The members of tho committee named arc till hustlers, and It goes without saying that I'arhondallans will have 11 solid week of enjoyment In January. The company accepted an Invitation to take part In the parade In Jerinyti on next Monday night, when the Ar tesian Hose company, of that plate, open ft fair for 11. week. They also 111 cejited the Invitation of the I lose company to take part parade on the opening night fair In this city In November. I 'nllii HP In their of their On both of those occasions the members of tlt company will appear In their uniforms and their hose wagon will be In lino. LOCAL ELEVEN SCORED. Local Eleven Scored .1 Decisive Vic tory Over St. Thomas College Team Score. 23 to 0 Indians' Brilliant Exhibition. The Carbondale Indians maltreated, scalped and massacred eleven gridiron stars of St. Thomas college, of Scran- ton, on the Aluninl park grounds. Sat urday afternoon, before a crowd of sev eral hundred. Jt was the llrst lime this season the Indian team's supporters had such a chance afforded them to let loose their enthusiasm without calling Into use any safety valves, cheers, following cheers, vibrated on the breeze. Such Incessant yells of victory have not been heard at a foot ball Contest In this city for years. The ignoinlnnus defeat of the visiting eleven was a hard pill to swallow without sugar coating, but they took their medicine like the gallant stars they are. Since the days of Mtirrln, Sadler, llrennan, Forbes, T'otts, "Ward, Singer, etc., the annual lug game each season was with St. Thomas College eleven. Former elevens were content to lose every game but the big contest with St. Thomas College boys. To win from them was the highest aim of their am bition. Willi the .Indian eleven the same ambition has lived. A decisive victory was what they wanted; a vic tory so great that no (piestiou of it being an earned one would be brought up. Such 11 vlctoiy was the one of Sat urday. To be sure, Scranlon boys lacked several of their best players and were forced to play "subs." but the latter played n great game; In fact, as good a game as any regular man on the eleven. Hvery sort of a vehicle carried the crowd to the game; fi eight trains being the most accessible, were liberally pat ronized by men of agility. The oppos ing elevens were taken to the Held In separate 'busies. At 4.10 the game was called. The vis iting team won the toss-up and took the south goal. Indians kicking off. Jladgins kicked to opponents' lift-yard line, Cooney catching the ball and ad vancing it for slight gain; tinkled by MoAndrew. Oislck tried right end for no gain, llurdy t-kirted left end for one yard, and a center play netted but n similar gain. The ball went to Car bondale on downs. Price smashed Into left tackle for four yards. On the next play a fumble occurred, and Scr;nlon seemed the ball. Hunly covered three yards and on Ihe next play, guaids, back on the left, wilt- tried, but a fumble was the ivsillt, Scrautou re gaining the ball. O'llaro covered tlnee yaids before being tin own to Mother Knrlli. Scran ton punted, lladglns securing the ball out of bounds. Tackles back left net led three yards, and lladglns followed with a line plunge for two yards. The play was again tried and three yards weie covered. A guards back play was next tried, lladglns securing the ball and passing it to Hope; no gain. Price added two yards through left tackle, and Hansen followed with a similar gain. St. Thomas team secured the ball on downs. A center play netted two yards. A fumble resulted on next play, a Seranton man securlujr the ball and gaining a few yards before being neatly tackled by McLean, fluards' back right was not a success, and Indians secured ball on downs. On their first play they fumbled, ii. Hanson securing the bali. Knds to the right were signalled for. Hansen taking the ball and passing it to lladglns. A fumble occurred, Hope falling on the ball, lladglns punted to O'Hnro. who was tackled on 10-yard line. Scrantou's first play was fumbled, 1 usicK tailing on the ball. Cooney circled right end for two yards. Cusiek tried right end, but fulled to gain. On a center play the collegians fulled to advance the necessary number of yards and the ball went to the Indians, Mason smashed through light tackle for Jive yards. On a fumble Hope secured the ball. A revolving wedge netted two yards. Hansen circled lefl end for eight yards, and l'rice, on 11 mass play, added one yard, lladglns struck cen ter for no gain. The ball was within one and a half yards of St. Thomas' goal line, and Indians had but one down. The signal was given for a tackle play, but was changed, and n le volvlng wedge, Hope having ihe ball, crossed the goal line for the (hst score, lladglns kicked a goal. O'Haro kicked olf to lladglns, who made a slight gain. O. Hansen was downed for no gain, and Mason ad vanced the ball four yards through right tnckle, lladglns struck- center fo one yard, and Price followed with a throe-yaid advance ilmniKli ihe line, tiuurds' back on the right in-tted one yard, Time was called with ball on 10-yard line In Carbondale's icirltory and In llielr possession, Score; I mil, alls, ; St. Thomas, 0. Second Half. I'oouey kicked to Iladglus on lO-yard line. He returned the punt In St. Thomas' SO.yaid Hue, a St. Thomas man missing the ball and Williams falling on it. A revolving wedge worked for two yards, mid was again tried and live yards covered. U. Han sen carrying the ball. MoAudrow hurdled the line fop seven yards. Crane fumbled 011 the next play, an Indian securing the ball for a two.yard loss, (iiinrds' back loft was called for and lludglns was given the hull, dashing between left tackle and end for a seven-yard run over the goal line, lladghui kicked goal. Score, jy to 11. Cooney kicked off to lladglns. who advanced live yards. Hope was given the ball on Indians' O.vard line and as ho was about to he luckled passed to lladglns, who lu turn threw It to 11. Hansen, who skirted left end and up tlm Held for a touchdown. It was a lino run, lladglns Interfeiiim for the runner until he was bowled our by O'Haro on ScranlonV .Vj-ynrd line. Hadglns kicked the goal. Score, IS to 0. Cooney kicked off, the hall striking the front line of (he Indians and car oming olf toward McLean, who caught It up and falued a few yards before I To 5uffd. and Return I H I IHffllf8B I 15 c yH IS wZa I Mr fr Ei $r I i 1 i ir El rft Jm H B&H u1 ii" b mmmmffii mmmM vmsmmsmBxHk wamm& mmbhow m m JBL ran jpsgq WSwigSBmm WBbBSf- JL 1 m mmamsm fea m y m m n Wvm m mmssmmft m hsb wmmmmm w jsj m k m m & xm h m mmmwimx, m 1 MB' rll I Ii ittllll 1 iK5lliSHii&iMSwSWM m m Five-Day Excursion Tickets, sold at Six Dollars, of any Lackawanna train on October 15, 19, 22, 26 five days, including day of sale. 9SJ i co n m w co m Ten-Day Round Trip Excursion Tickets are on sale good for return within ten days, including day of sale. Bear all trains in All Lackawanna trains land you at the foot of Main street Buffalo, Electric cars run direct from the station to the Exposition grounds or hotels. For further information, call on or telephone the local ticket agent at Lackawanna avenue passenger station. Telephone, 265-3. hAwk ta'ekled. A criss-eroi-s, HailRlus to Hansen, failed to work successfully. Hope gained one yuid. lladglns punted the ball, it heluit fumbled by a St, Thomas player and kicked while on the Kroiind toward St. Thomas' Roal. .Mur phy covered the ball, Cooney tried rit?lit end and trained two yards, o'llaro advanced two yards through center. Cooney punted to Jludins. who ran three yards. McAudrew tttilued one yard through rlKht jtuurd. On next play, a pass from Hope to II, Hansen, a fumble ensued, an Indian player se ciirliiK the ball. IIiuIkIiis went back for a try at place kick, hut Cusiek broke throiiKh Die Hue and cuiikIU the ball as It left lladiilus' foot. This was one of the star plays of the koiiio and Cusiek was loudly cheered. St, Thomas' backs came towether In close formation and advanced on In dians' center. The half-ton smashed Into the line with terrible lorce, but the Indians' line was eiual to the oc casion and the result was likened to a rubber ball bohur thrown at a stone liuildiuK. The line wavered for a frac tion of a minute and then the St. Thomas formation hounded back- two yaids bin k of their oilKiual line-up, It was n Kl'iilld deftuse of the local eleven's line, on the micceedillK play Ille pigskin struck a knee of one of the St, Thomas' hack lino and bounded toward HudKins, who picked the ball off (he tamuid and circled left end, tliruUKh Ihe broken line, for a forty yard run and a touchdown, lie missed Hie kouI. Score, 2H.li. Itadh'ius c.iukIU the ball on the khk off and advanced ten yards toward the enemy's territory. An Indian phoer fumbled on the next play and a St. Thomas man fell on the ball. Cooiuy punted, ihe ball lu-inn. fumbled by Had gins and koIiik over Indians' K"al line. He regained the ball for a Hatchback as time was called. Final score, 'SMK The Kiime was a brilliant exhibition, but was not devoid of sIubkIhu'. The Indians wen- warned several times, for hlttliiK. by the umplie. Only a few slip.- oci urrcd. A second K.nne will probably be ar ranged between the two elevens, as St, Thomas' team Is by no means tatldlled Two-Day Excursion 70U CANNOT afford to miss this opportunity to visit Buffalo and the Pan-American Exposition. The Four Dollar Tickets are good going in the day coaches of any Lackawanna train on October 25 and 30, and for return the following day. hi mind that over the result of Saturday's traine. The line-up of both elevens follows: Indians Williams, center; cokkIiis, rljfht Kiiard; .McAudrew, left miaril; Mason, rlnht tackle; Trice, left tackle; .1, Hansen, rluhl end: McLean, left end; Hope, left halfback; fi, Hansen, riylit halfback; lladt'lns, fullback; Crane, ipiurterboek. St. Thomas Murphy, center; limine, rlfiht Kiianl; HiiKKorty. left Kuard; Kelleher, riKlit tackle; Dane, left tackle: Mc.N'ulty, iIkIiI end; Cusiek, left end; Cooney. left halfback; Hunly, riKlit halfback, O'llaio, fullback; O'.Malley, ipnil ierback. Iteftree, ,1, .MltiTlli; umpire, V, Mm rln; timekeeper, O'Hoyle; lluesiurn, Hope and Campbell, IMPORTED MEN HERE? Question That Is EoliiR Passed Among' Strikers in Cnrbondale. "Where are ihe twenty or iimro im ported street uir men who were taken to the power house at Maylleld on Sat urday nlisht last'.'" Is the itcstlnn hoilioiiiit; the street car strikers at their headiiuarters In this city. Tiny aie of the opinion that the nun re turned to Seranton with four of the Iui'ro open cars which have been lylmr on an outside switch, near the power house, since the strike, The four cars wero taken to Scranlon. hut word has heel, received from tint Seranton btrlke headiiuarteis that the men had not till returned on the cars and were still in this vicinity. If the latter story Is eor icit, the uien heroine at a loss 10 know wlu-rn the men spent tho Sabbath. There are no accommodations lu the power house for sleeping, as the cots were all relumed on Apill I. At strike headiiuarters in this city the men believe that an effort will bo made to run curs throiiKli this city to day. Superintendent Patterson, of the company, having stated on Saturday that all lines not yet opened would be opened today. Tho sh;ht of a car on our streets again, though It he run by Imported men. will be ipiite unusual, as but nuo has been throuj;li hero since the strike was started. F all the above STORIES OF THE STREET A Couple of Happenings Not En tirely Devoid of Humor A Con vention nud a Bnilrond titory. Attorney C. C, Donovan, of Seranton, of election contest fame, "Con Uono van" his friends in the Klcolrlc City call hlni, wan elected district deputy of the Improved Order of lleptasophs the other day. Tim election took place in Carbondale, and 1 her. by hangs this tale, a lain that will be repeated at many a Hireling ami will cause many a laugh among the men with the Ureek name. Ciirboudale was namul as Ihe pl.icn for the elecllon, Delegates from Ihe surrounding' towns were elected to be present at ihe meeting, on the day of tile election ille delegates came, that lh, two of llleiu. jlls,l two, ,r. luiju. van himself and a Mr. Arnold from Vanillins'. Mr. Donovan and Mr, Ar nold waited for Hie belated ones; they walled some mom and ihey waited again, but delegates weie as sinuo us pass "iiiieM on a Scrautou trolh y car dining a strike. After another wall and u few more .Mr. Donovan do- ciiled t would be Well, hi get duW'll to business, Then followed something like this: "ilentleiuen," s.ild the mail who is mi adept lu dlsiimllf,vlug votes lu a hot elecllon contest, "tli nileim-n," he co. tinned as he rapped for order and ele ateil his eyebrows and to see If tin-re were any of the gentlemen n night did what "Chuck" Coiiiioih woiildcall"ruh berlng," this meeting- will coino u or der. If there aie any nominations to come before the meeting tlm chair will lo'eive ilit-ni." Mr. Arnold generously walled for some one else to take tin- Hoop Jlrst, hut us then- was no move, he moved: ho nominated Mr. Donovan for district deputy. The chair wa noi opposed to iccelvlng the nomination; in fact tin ihnirin.iu is licensed of smiling Jtit a bit, a spit or satMlleil Miiile, a he received the nomination. 'Who else Is nominated?" iniiulred .Mr Donovan hk he assumed added seriousness and dlg- are good going in the day coaches and 29, and for return within every day at Ei tickets are s:ood on nlty and swept his glances all met- the room. "I move that the nominations close, Mr Chulriunu," c.ime from Mr. Arnold. The nominations were duly closed, Ihe million!' Mr. Donovan wa placed before tin- house, there was plenty of room for it. and Mr. Donovan declared after the vole was taken that Mr, Donovan was elected. Mr. Donovan then ad dressed Mr. Donovan as he aro,-o to ex press his gratitude to the convention for unanimously choosing him to give i .spresslou to his views as to how ho would discharge tin- dalles of ollh-e. Tin- convention, th.it is, .Mr. Arnold, hearilly applauded the sentiments of tin- chair and the district ilepuiy-olecl. 'Phoiv being no other business before the house the convention on motion of .Mr, Aniold, adjourned, It luiMi't been doubted whether or not tin- ab-iulltig of the delegates wari done with malice aforethought, to en joy a Joke at the expense of the good niilured Scrautou attorney; but at alii rat-, ther- Is always an unusually ex pectant liiterept shown when a brother lleptasoph asks .Mr. Donovan how tho convention carried out its programme that, hetiays a fore knowledge of the day's doings. The Delaware and Hudson i.illro.ul men are enjoying a ,itory in which Nlglil Hag-gage. .Master Charlie Urllllih of the city station, and Passenger llu glncer John Miujfelter, "old reliable," urn UK' principles, A few nights ago when Mr. Mugful ter pulled his train lu shortly beiore 10 o'clock, lu dhmounied from his ep. glue and hustled into (lu- express ollleo edjolning the station baggage room to telephone an Important message. When he rang off and wtarted op, a run back to Ids engine he struck a miag In locked doors. (Irlllltlls not olcervillg J.lllgfelter li the room locked the doors, In an Instant there was a furious o.i glncer wllhlii the impress olllee, There w'as no light In the loom but some one who was passing at the time '.-i almost willing to swear that lie saw sonic kind of u blue light around John's head. He twlsli d the knob and he knocked on the window-, but no one heard him; looking- around, ho discovered thai the ars, other was locked from the Inside, a spring lock doing' the trick. In another instant this door was jerked open and those who wero passing observed John running as he never rnn before to gi i. lo his train. He caught It by a halt-N breath ,-iuil the last seen of him was I In-owing' things at (.Irilliths, not klssr-, but chunks of words and looks as dark a midnight. Since thou Charlie and John dodge each other. DIED. Mi Mary i:,u-n died at Duud.ift I .. .,,111,. ill,..'. 1lkt ... , 'It, I. ,. Ill inlay iti'ii moon at tho home of le r Henry Uace, aged til. Sin- s mir- 'd by one son, Henry, of Dundaff, one daiiKhtei, Mrs, Simon Maxe, "orest City. Services In Hie housfl morning- at tk'iii by Uev. Mr. Wi - , pastor of the Uaptist church at .duff: interment at Northman - I, Wyoming loiiuty, her former I, net, S.uu sou. VlVel and of 1 thlo ters, Duin laud, j'c-dil An Incrensie in Men's Hoeting- There wen- thirty-live men In iin men's prayer meeting' at. the BaptHt ehurili yesterday morning, an luircas-i over the ntlendnnei, of previous So i dnys. .Mr. llcorgo Kmiuutt hd the ineethlg very stleeessfully, The nc n of the Hei'i-an congregation Hud th--o meetings very enjoyable ami helpiui. Next Sunday morning- Mr. tieorge X Sbinion will lead the meeting. THE PASSING THKONG. .leiotni Wnliili, of Pittsion, was f. vkiltor to Carhondalo yesterdaj. M. J. TIbIio and Martin Kt-ilj. n' Sirantou, spent yesterday in iirhoii dale. Miss Agnic Coleiuati. of Vine slicet Is homo after a week's pleasant islt among relatives In Scranlon alld Pitts, ton. -Miss M-4.lo O'llrlou and .Mlsi. .Mar gatel Kelly, of Pittsion, W'U'. Urn guests on Sunday of tho Mioses Tigh" of the West Side. Qthor Carbondale news will bo found on page ?, i i