The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 21, 1901, Image 1

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f 'iTTTT
J J ..
If 1 - f '
Gelebratlon Begins with Gcremon-
les That Are Essentiallu
ricpaiecl in Accoul with the Devout
and Revel ent Ttadltlons of the
Good Old New England States.
New Hflvcn Is Ptofusely Doco
latcd with Yale Colois Picttnes
of Roobevelt Aie Nunieious Ho
tels Rapidly Incteasing-.
11,1 Ivillpltl Will II '1H 1 lit -ulutnl I'i
Now Haven, foiin , Oct. J" -Yule
Vn.vt isitv biKan today the elobiutloii
of tin- 'JUOth .ttiul u - n of tin1 foutid
liiK ot lalo (olliKi. The bi-ceiitonnlnl
ol tin1 mott institution ui h.nnliiK w is
nslmoil in with k ic monies e-sonilullv
Tin1 sh1lis wen- pup.inil in .ii i oi I
Willi tin' (It out anil n'M'ionL tiudl
tlons (it i 1r. kiiihI olil Xitt iliiKl. iiid
(I ij s when llu little h.iii'llul ot iletv
lllili i.ttlii'lcd tnK( tin 1 .mil with ptu.v
Uttll Mipili(.itioil- .i-Ki (1 divine hli'ss
illK lllll!l till' institution Willi h llli
ioiuii((l anil bioucht foilh The old
hj inns wen suuk mid jmw 1 1 fill su
moils Wile utti it d
'I he tit, pioud in It.s ltiiHliiin .is ,i
s it ll I'Mllllllff ll,lll 111 (ll Kp(1 ItM'lt
111 Y lie's lolois .mil inisintld .1 spli'ii
lid s ( tm le Uliie diapiiiis vino iti-
llllVV lllill with III" lilt iVClKlotll .Hid
this mil st k in,. ,if ( oloi was hnik
n onl bv the Kl.liillll told- ol the
i-l n s .mil su I)n v
'IIk puiu ip il stu ii h,u l, ruine tit. 1 1
w iv.s ot lilii' , .idol ned .it nil- 1 .lis w it ti
piituus nf tioos, mil who mi AVtdnts
d 1 is to lie ules must .mil who mi dav will In i nun .i sop ol Yale
when the uiilMi"lt s ionoin dtKiee
N lonlimd iiioii him 1'ioni -tin sm
jik s, lino) ot iviii Yile tod ii. lotniil lit i -Mil
.i Rieal uniiiisitv divi loped
till nnqrli tile voais lioin .1 om -hiilldillK
ilistltiitlou down thioiiRh liei 'Illicit
low" to .1 cninpu. tin in e to ,i ..I mini
i .'(inpii .. anil now to a tlilid. and
-tiel hhifr out In In i ilep.n Lint ntiil
bulldiiiKs to teliltoi a. mail aR.iin.
Within tli ilnip.'l a Ii -! - the lit
t was iniiUKiu.ili d the sen
iles weie p ililelpated in In an as
semblage as Impos'iiK 'ii the (Micisos
vvei c siniph .
On the lostnini sat l'ii"-itUnt Ai
thui Twining tladlov. At his i,j,it
was Ke ,l(isiih 'Iwitihill, D. j , o
llarttoid, tin pKailni ot the hl-i on
toiiiiI.iI si niiim. To his kit was 'I hum
as (I Jenintt of iht ale t in poiation
Ni M In Ol. 'I'm itt hi II sat follini lJnsi
deiit 'liliiothv JjmIrIiI on one end
was lion Helm Haul mil ol Now
"YoiU on the iitlni Ke. Chalks linv
I'nlmei. holh lillows ot tin unlvoisjtv
(Oipol.llioll win, the RllWlls of
tlnii olliiis i:, low hi tin tlmi! stalls
mi a ph Kid thou ot stniknis. The
bndv ol (In i hapi 1 was u iiiim i in the
'lilt I lisli li disling-llislii , tltlitfltts
and quests who won aiailunh Rnwns
Willi hood. o in m minis
Tin se its ot tin si. asl,s mi, tilli.l
With Y.lli ni.iiluilts while the thin,
gallflies weie iisiimiI tm lidlis
Beginning of the Seivice.
The senlif In Ran at 1ii ,n a In A
din nt Ii Hie ihoii was toliowi d l. me
I. oid's pia.Mi. I'ies,lftit lladh i.iitl
ali.'son limn til. Siiiptuns, and nltei
the "Te Oiuiu" the Mist i omji ej,'allou
s.iiik I'F.ihu Ixv.
l!e. Josi'iili Hopkins Twiulull, ot
Mill Until, the s, jii,M nilnw ot tin mi
poiation, pitaihid the i-i inioii,
The i losing liMiui wns "i .,,m 'i h
Kingdom," uiltltn bv lti, Tim
otli. Dwhdit, 1). 1)., I.M). pi.s,,i, ,,!
Yale itillof,! funn 17'". tn si7. Tin h
was snuff tin. iinsnioj, kdiI i in inii,.
dhtinu was lunuouiit td h l!e. Tlin
nth.v OwIkIii. piisi,ft ,, ii,o hiiImi
s ll mil ISM. tn Ix'i I
.Moiinwliili - i lul lil-n i ti nnlal s. .
xitis win hi hi in nth. i ilmiiht.s m
the elt. and pnlul siimnlis win
Piuitliid by Ikv .N'ewmiin hmjlli, l.
J in the i 'nil. i i hint h, i; .is, ,,,
Anileimu. DO oi Wad i Inn jM ii,,
Cnltnl ililiiih and Hi Waltoi Wcs.
le llntti ihhall. 0. O . ol Alliiii, in
Tiinit iliiiuh. All ni tins,. , inii',1,, s,
UK lot, lliil mi , lilMnlii HI .I'll, ;ti.
Jaulll In tin tolhKe plnpHO. and 1m
niiim miiis the i olleue t omim in tin m
"Ut 1st s Ill III ill t't lilt I I IlllHli
'11 l!e Walton W. Haiti i shall, O
11 In the i inn ,n ni his wiiiie,.., .,n "Tin
Old T.illh uiiil i. New Kliuwlnliii '
fnid "riu wot Id todn s im Inn pi oh
kins wlikh ptiple.s it uiiil appall It,
whlih sunt up nun, suMiKitlts
Willi h It diuiiiHil It hud liatitiied down
with Hit Mi)., is o its iIUIIjUoii
Willi h shnke tin plllais m lilt Ii
Its ihillitlou has him hunt, whit Ii
onloillitl Its iiiooth-liiut,uii iloil. is
i ope. cmiI plilloMipin it. Mho li It
ihnt liuiiiiinlu tm ith mdi e and will
lielns uinl Us diMinpiiiini nt0 mp(n
tiiul tonteiittd llh in tils ii. , hum
hi Ond, uol Hit s, , liuinoiiulUj,
hut mil Hit .spin ot s.t n.iiii ,ss ti.
restl.lillts ol tlic pnlli, ,) pi ,,, ,.,.,
ami Ihc hup. o illllihtim- Hit piit.s In
the human fu itnlih u u,s iindilue
should gain ii liiKt pein tiiage ol ton.
eit.s, like tliof-c who liuiiiiu ami p,,t
in hubtuisiiii'iin lhiiope, liKi sim. I(1
inn i f out liuiioiiiitloiis. IlKi ti,, on,
who a mouth nun htiiulc tkiMii tin
inoslikiit niul htm u mum ,,l lmuin
moiiuil Iho u oi hi, chilliuioii umiiti
i nil. ips-e lt it house (if i imlfe.. a ,,,
may tlilnU that h tan tulllll hks lite
wlilioiit the thiiiih ot ('liiiht and the
Ifllll'-llllOUS Illlt OK Willi it plOplllJui. ,
In the c-miH Ieni " and tondiut nt the
win lil. Tone will hi tilses In his hi..
Itui In width l'e will ()kioii tits mi...
take, and If lie look uuUhli oi iW ,1,,.
tiiliieil windows lie will ko that tlir
Brtat w oi UI, ll it keep Us hold on us
niosL pioilous IhliiKS. must hac a ie.
llfrlou that piit the Mike (1f the ete.
tul behind the t-ocliil motalltles ami tin
linnp of mi Inunoitul hope within the
eiiulchi" '
Atlthoss by Dr. Fisher.
This nrteinoon at :i o'clock, 1te,
(icoiKo Path rishet, I). U, 1,1,. 11,,
lnofessoi ol e, eh iluslltal hlHloiy tind
dean ol the dlvlnliv Hiliool, (kllveidl
an ndiltisM mi tin. sublet t ol "Yule In
Hm nidation to 'I In olojj and rviit
sloii't" lie snl,, in pine "As to
theolot,' within the pieiimls or the
unheiult of the Inst foitf of lle tle
i lilies', the peilod W loo letdit tn lie
leA lowed at leilKlh oil the piesent ot
nsloii. II Ii a pot lot! In nil enlighten
ed coinitilis of the emu entiiilloti C
thoUKht and luiiuliv upon tin hlsioil
tnl foumhillous ol ('lit lsllanU, lu
tluiliiiK' tht ill'', Iho poMoti mid Mini,
of I'lulsi. it hat luttiiilttiid a in w
( po( h lit 1 1 111 ti il iiltlelxm Willi h i mil
pels a lei oiislileiatlnii nl the initial
(llisiin ni tin. sent oi autliollt with
pal lit ti lilt nloienie tn iho luspluitiou
unit autlioilt til the lilble. Mine
nti, the stair ol plillotophv ami new
lenihlii'.s and theoilos ol
Mleine liee iiillnl Im a iitonstiist
tlon of the imindatlnns ol tliuhiu.
They hne netessltnted u new loititv
IliK ot the dtiiiltl of all ioIIkIous lath.
"It mm be ild with piopiletv that
Yak has l en inithii Indlfi'oi out nor
silent mi 111' so tiuillnal iiuettlons of
woild-wlilo llltot est. It Is pmpei to
mention lint in the fit Id nl apolnKetks
the ofim I heie ll is bi i ll lo dial with
the new piobknis In a sph It of t in
tlm, m lib mingled ftaili'ssness and
di.i lolion 1 willeis in ifient
ilas hue made mole tliiulv. Ii i li
and illative enuli Ibulloiit pi i tnln'iiK
tn the KiounOs ol llulsni than our
honoud and Hineiilal thoolosian. Or.
Siniutl Minis As to the Ucstlou
4ioupttI untie i the load ol the hihi t
ti lilt ism, whatexrr may be Indeed of
Iho wisdom or want of wl'doni. in the
ni teat liiutr. thli at leist i an In af-
llnnal Hint tin ip Ins ban no e.i
slmi ni tin ni and little Im lination on
the put of the Yale tiisti in loi s, o-,-tih
li-lll.o. lo 'lldi thh heads in the
siiid. and, on the Mliok. J rutin c to
si the usual mule.iMii has been, as m
all piiiinis p i bids nl nil i aiatlemit
hNton, tn unit" a ct ntiine libiialitv
with a Ism and unable tonseiva
tisin "
Tills (.oiilujr at S o'i lot U 111 Hat Ik
ih.iptl tin i olh me oiK-inisI, 1 1 .i 1 1 v
Itoui iitiin .lipsim, astl'lant piofessur
nf applinl niusk . an io 'Innlsht Iho hotels and bniin
In,; houst t an l.ipidh lilliiir; and now
aiihals ate i oust ml 'I be ,wenllitr
was jupoib. and all dm the sueits of
the ill bae be, n tilled. hi
i.ise.. loiifr Intnntvs In team ha e
been made liom suiiouudliiK towns hv
Sidllls, lis
Toiniiiiriw will In- ikMited
lo t e-t monies ol nllk I il wtkoiue.
The Steamer Centennial Bungs
Many Destitute Fassengeis to
Pott Towiihend.
I)i I v lien W a, (itni 1 1 i i 1 1 til 1'ir-
I'oit Tow list ml. Wash, Oil LCI
Tin Mtiiniti pie
itpoi lod asliou n, ai 'lelhi i'll, ai
lied 111 t.Ml.uailtiile lust hIkIU. biiiiK
my: I'iO pissen,5Pis 'I he i V iitiiinial
sailid finiii Nmue Oil. 'I Aniline lui
p.i'-iiiKiis win' lhlil who who tks
lltute and weie InoiifthL down b the
ste.lllHl file nl i liaise The Ctntfll-
liial' . pisstiiKMs lopnit that at St.
lib bael wintii hud pi.irlk.illv sit in
anil tli it the slioets wile lioui and
snnw bud bOKini to tall. Skauay and
lis klnlly Iiiim been littd li tlis
islimis i mi stninis aamdiui. In pas.
senilis aiihliih' mi the rlt of Ptiu
tli loda, lauslue, iniuli loss of piup
Mt. On tin al km noon of Ot l 11. a
iniuiii nl M.ilei i ii -In ! down the al
l i.ilMiUr. tit si in (inn In its wake.
'1 ill O 111 MftPs IMIO Mlt'll.lil. llle
luil nl the Whllf 1'ai.s and VuKon i.iil
load was waslini awa in phuis, ami
buildings mi tie watt i fionl botwern
Uttiiidwii and Hit llliilt weie Innii
ilatnl A li! siiiU o, i in i nl neai T.'uuliirf
ton ami the siiiim si ,s, Just tutted
Wile wit, lad laissohWlll i ,ihll foot
up to STIiuiii. W Ik it the mii It is bo;raii
to make i In It appt-aiaua aimind the
ilonii. ot houst - mi the low Mound in
Sk.iKi.i, tNi lit nil in pieMillnl, and
as ill" i.ilu tame in mi louts', all inmli
pit palatini, tn IIIUM'. I'lilntltl .It llKt
I'lilltil Hlulis allii, onk'Kd the mlll
ila. ami tin it mli lid in-sistnm o in
savlllH llle lint pi uppity
l "lilt III,? aw IV nt Iho IiiIiImis almm
the milt nails nieiiis tritut Iiism t lo ihe
men nt Piwmiii wlm muo shipping in
unit liluti Im mIiiiii minim; pui
pllsi.jJ, as llle III. I' lllllel iiom in
wa i auiiol Ii' mmeil iiinil the mad
shall be lepaiied, ami lo. Dial Him Hit
ihti will be tinrii s,i ib, il the m.i
i hilioi v tantinl loinli Oiiwsnu until
ni'M (pllll
Napoleon La Jole of the Pluliulel
phin Tenm Leads All.
11 l in V W ii n ni I In .. s r 1 1 ;i ( o c I I'rtjii
l'l.i,ll,n Hit .0 - Huttliu; ilil,iis
nl ille plan is In tin. AineiU.lll IpiiUi ,
IsmioiI b I'ii . si, Ii ni Man .loliiisim,
sllin.i. Nnpnlioii I .a .lull , ol the l'hilii
lli'lpllhl to.UII lthoe i'elliod i'Im.
Ills .iMiav.i Is ;;, ii 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 n i 1 1 . 1 1 mii
II" pltod In Ul minii's, .ati ui mi
'ill lines mid made 07 tuns mid n
lllls, llonnlv -.11 1 Itii i (I mn " ami stole
IJT Iiim's. Wilis, ni I'lilladi Iplila ih
siininl, Willi a b.illiDK .UPl.iBe nl .!.',,
while Maiiaw, of iiiiltlmmt', s tlilid,
wllh .".'.'
.Imiiis .1. I'allihmi nt tin I'liiian
ilitlj, stuinls Huh on tile liht. Inn lot,
mi iiM' oi .ill. lln hi .Inst in low
'IJtiik' ritiiuiin nl tin Hot-inn Kaiu.
-. -.
Will Play in Nntiounl League.
lit wlHat Wlri'f.iu Hie jvoiMtui 1'itti,
I'liib.i, ;!.u. o.i .ii it his ifiiihii.t- j,
iiji.iiiiiI I lint H.iii 'ln,lCil Ui' I'iil .i
iii l ', i Sii nil I. i. il liw lull ihili uil ilj
V.llll I ( Ml! , I J. im It L M I" 11 III I
),nit V.ilin ni, Hill, a'.il lutiiMii'l "ill 'l.
In W.Mim.'ii ii, 1 l, k, l)i:i,lil't nl Millie
lns will 'l v ti ( iiiiin i Mj l.'s I'nlli! Ipli a
Pill lite illlli Ii j. vitl v. IH u fuuid Willi
Hit tikrlt.ui I, lull i I 14 it'll (t I .11
iii mm I mil uiili vim i lulij the will he (on
lice tul
Ddsttirdlu Attempt to Wine Out the
Family o? Superintendent
Upon Returning Home fiom Cliuich
Supt. Motgan. of Wilkes-Biite, Is
Staitled by a Tenlflc Explosion,
Which Wtccks a Poition of the
Building Mr. Moignn mid ram
ily Nmiowly Escape Annihilation.
Ik P in im W ir (ii'in I lie oi ill I I'n .
Wllkos-nano, Oi t. JO A diislaidlv
a tempt to blow up llie house ol Uets(.
Jloiwan, Mipoilntendi ut ol the Muii.iv
mliio, mid kill hlnisell mid l.unlU, was
niade tonlKht 5li. Moiau's home M
on flimil stuel, one nf the lesldilit
tlioioii'lilnit s nt tliis ilt. lie at
tendid spi k ( with his Ininllv at a
ncmby iliunli eailv in the on'iiintf,
lttuinliiK leisineh with a iieh;hbni
shoitlv , it lei 'l o'eloik. lie hail lust
opt'iird the k.Uo lo ko Into the house
when a ten llle explosion onuiial
wliieli neail knoi Ked him ofi his it ol.
At 111 st he did not know what had
liiippined but when ho was able tn
tnlli i I lilmsili, be -aw tlmi . i pmlion
ol bis dwelling had boon wioiked A
liiilhoi iin estimation show oil that the
whole leai poition of his ihM llliiK hid
been loin nwav bv thr esplosinn. i:
his lime the nelKlibois bad (olloolnl
In laie nunibei s The fono nf the
evploslon was so that main nf
thi'iii weie stunned and tin y i iisIk d
nut ol thr It In nn s into the stint.
They thought mi explosion had t.iivin
11, no In one of the mines and thai
t In io iuIkIiI Ik. (I.iukpi ol theli ilwtl
Hiiks taliiff liv 'I In polite who noii
llid and liuitid to the sane TIk
i milil obtain no 1 1 no as to the pat lb",
Mho i iinnnll toil the ileoil mil All. Mm-
pan i mild tlnow no llslit on the mal
lei, lie sas ii" iiid mil unow no nan
m enenn In tin- woild.
'Iho genual supposition Is that some
mine (niploe who immeilv wmUed
for Mr. lUoikim. and who im iKined he
hud a ile.inio. ks at the bottom of
(lie plot 'the police think s-omi.i1 mrii
w eie t HK-iPd in ll Tin watthfil lor
llio i.tlmti nt Mi Ii,i '.in fi mil illlli.1i
and Hist about llie lime tin v thought
he would inKi the house tht explotl
rd the d naniite
Made by Comninndei-iu-Chief Ell
Ton mice at Milwaukee.
Hi I ilu-i, Win tioni Hi' N-'.niiilt 1 I'l'
Mlnui npolls, Oi t. L'O- ( oiiiinaiiib i-lu-I'hitt
I'll Ton. mie ol the Oiauil Aim
ot the Id publie. totl.n j,ae mil tie lol
Inw iiik: appnititim nts
.Illdt,e athoiate t,uiii,il, Ciiitial
Homy M Oullitlil, Oitmil, thiol nl
stall. Maim A Noil Jiliikiin.iu, -Mmint
'ei nun, X. Y.
The InlliiM luff it i still- liai In i ii
nanii d as iiuinbiis ni the ixniitiM
aiinmlttie ol the nation il aiiuii 11 oi
adininlstiatimi, and witli the mm.
iiiauilei-hi-i Idol, his ailjutaut Kunial
i mi tiiiaitpiiii.ibtei i,eiieial will tb t kle
upon the time and plan ol linldiii"; th,
next national iiiiaiupmuit "Willi mi II.
Ai instinnt,', Indianapolis iMtai Alien,
Jtkhinonil, '.i.; Thomas f!, Siuipk,
AlleKllcll, I'll . S. I'. .Intlis, i'i utleille,
Iowa: lam n W. Collins, SI. cioutl,
Minn.: Thomas W. Smtt. Tail Hi Id,
UN, mid Pi .ink .M hkuioti isi, i,uiS
Mixed Ameiicun Claims to the
Amount nt $8000 Aie Due Now.
riiht Instance of Default.
Il l iil-ili Win l) in In, --ini ilnl I'ii ..
Wllknistoii, "Island of ciu.iian n, t
"n - The sum ot fMiuii lioiatne I in ilii
montll to the I'liitetl Statu limn n
t .in la oil .n count "f liletl Aiueliiau
il.ilnii ami it has nm bet a pihi. Tlic
tlalms iiiti't. out ni daiiiarfcs htist.'iliiul
ilmhiK tht ii'Milutlmis of Js'ij, Thev
woip udUldli ated betwitn Yi m iiida
and iho Cnltnl Stales mid Up. loimu
aiteinplod to pa xij.ndii pot Mm In
iliunli ilv pa.Mnuii.s with miiiunl intii
i si on tin, Miikim, lund, the piimuciiih
m Ii. dhldid pm tain miinm; tin
Aim tit an ilalmuuts.
This is the Hi -t liistamo wlieie i n
eiteia has (leiaulted on a (itiaiteily
Authmcite CoaT Tinile Is Without
Novel Fentuxe.
lit I I I Win tloiu I iiu Win it il p., .
I'l llulili la. Hit 'ii Hip I nl. I in it, i nil
urn I, I iiinil it il .,i
It" nillii iilu mil tuli i- win a ii, til
i. nun lliu, Is i u ti llh lull iniuiii, nut ,
I U 1,1 lull 4HI,.II. 11 III III I iill.nt
ii 1011111 lit 1; -a i' Itnanwv lit t In ml in
l H ill ll.llljllil Willi ll.lllMil rllitl, ,
".en Iii.IjnI i'iu i dm ..nt iniri .ukuiu,,
llmlull H'.glH .ill uiijn.ul ililiiilnl ji.j (Im
Ilia i c-. i J.t -. it uk inmli a(.i i, i4i t
( ( llllllllll ,,l ui t.lll'i Ml .lllllllil llt.,
ml lln, iiilui ia Hilli llie waltin suliinn,u
ilimwii I'ii" lni'ii limit up ilio l.ile , iu. .., t
kr Miiu in In aiiuii iliiulii wluilui ti,,
iitr I ill iirt. will l-'ll nil llii' Jlillii.iilii. Iliri
ll'Tl! till. U lllll I, lirilHl Hull ii Kl ll JM
a It to,ii a i i (jit Ion ,i uf
Sseietiity Root nt Utio.i,
lb I m.iiiiii. Win I urn lliu U, iuIuI l'nj
l.'ll. N 1 , Ol 20 --VcritJr) t( W.n IJnnt
tjiui Ieni Will nn i WhltiiiM. i picuMi i He
liln i'l i!jiU t Itiilu .in! ,,1 nt tlio ih in
llliiini ihli 1 1 wi, a iu lent it lljuiiltoii
lii'lltfl, 111(1 I , lilitlnl, pitif, 1)1 in IJynt, i,
tin- eiillet. fatvh. Hie erivi ny U nliluitl
toucli HuiKiiJ In licjltli ai.'l tniriu
His ritst Visit Since His Appoint
mont to Gicnt Britain.
lit I lii'lti' Wire from flic viclileil I're.t.
Npw Vol It, Oct, L'O. Joseph It. Choate,
Uiiltnl Stales ninl)ii,s:iilor lo the i oitrl
of SI, .lilllles, liht wile, his ilmiKlitei,
Mss Cluiale mid IiIh hjii, .Tol'pll
Clionle, unhetl heie on tile Alueikall
I. hie sleninor Phlliulelphla. fiotn Soulli
miiplmi, oHleidin. The steamet doekeil
at s n'eliH k In the tnoruliiK', and .Mi.
Chnnle uud IiIh fainllv weie utnons Iho
III t to lane the M"Wl. A. W. l'vai,
a law pailtipt of Mi. Choate, met him,
mid the two wiilUed up mid down the
plti tnlklnir, while the biiKPriiKe of Mi.
Clio lie was helnir tlisembni kcd. As
ooti nn It had boon eollcelod, Ml.
ciniMie uud his lamllv wont to the
Uniiiil Contial .station to lake a ti.iiu
fin Slot kin IiIkp, Mass., whete Mr.
Choate has a summier homo.
Mr. Choate would not vnv whether
his i etui 11 home wns amilii'ted with
the lHthmlau paiiiil and the abi oration
of the ClaMoii-IIulwei tteat oi anv nt
the othei' questions, undei tls( usIon
tittwfen thlsiounti and (heat Hi Until.
He sulci; r hud a most ili'Iljjhliul Hip
atins, and hive enloval nnsoic eiy
miu h. 1 shun lem.ilu oei heie uiiil
New Yem', .uu, ot ionise, shall so lo
W.isliiiiKion and (onfer with the piesl
dinl and Sciietnn Ha. I shill not
ko to Washington tor a lew dins"
This Is Mi. Cho.iie's Hist st to thi-i
(oiiuliv Sim,, in. -was nppolntal mn
luss Him. to flu it ltiilain, about two
m.iis .ign Ti is lepoited thm while
hue he will tllsi uss with the slate de
pailinent riir-it Itillaln's altilude to
waid tlio piopospd leilpioiitv licit
with Camilla and the Alaskan boitnd'
ai v dispute, Ik sides llie ubiotjation of
llie Chi lon-ltulwer Ileal.
Captain Cook nnd Eiieinan Diowned.
Accident Was Due to Mlstnke
in the Signals.
!'. I I-.KI Wn fmiii riie Winnlel l'ir-
Ik Uoit, Oil "ii Without a moment's,
wainiiiK the iiik Samuel J. Chiistian,
ol 'Inliilo, wns Mi ink by the Mk ll
(his fniKhlu, John J. AIIiiIrIu, last
niht in the Uitioit iiei- at the head
lltlillisst isle and e ut in two She Milk
iinmallateh. Captain William liai low .
the (link ami a Human, whoso names
mi' unknown, but all ot Toledo, weie
tltownal. IhiKinter John I'lt tchei was
s.ntd liv the I uk Iloine Jtult . and a
tin limn, whose name is not Known, was
also s.ned. He lloated down Mi cam on
a pieie ol wie( K.iko and ( linibnl aboaid
Ihe siliounei Seualoi. The aiiklent was
due lo the tonluslou ol eiostt sgnns.
Tin. AlbiiKlu w.n bound up. koIhk
about loin teen miles an lioui, and the
chiistliin was bound down, tow Iiik the
s( homier Senatoi
The aiildent oaiuial s,, suiiiiLnh
thai ihc i In l. dioMiiid, who weie al
suppu weie unable to if. t on tletk in
ihiK tn sue thunsehe The tut' is
x .iliti il at T miu with no insiii.inre.
The Mimsteis Who Aie Attempt
ing to Pay the Ransom foi Miss
Stone Hae No Repoits.
bv the lulK.inds.
Mi. Hiilul, wlm was at Diuinnbalo,
has i , tin in d in S.mi.ikov, Indk atltiK his
I'allllio lo j,et into toildi wllh the bll
K.imln finm Ihe TlllhMi shit.
ll illmts will now bo iiiik entiatnl
on the I'.illo' side.
Thiowu to the Giound While Fight
the Plmneb.
lit I i lu.m Wn, Horn III, L'-oiiJui) I'riM
ChiOllKo, n, t. LO 'llie foui-Miuv
stiuituie mi West Foiiititnth utitet,
ouiipinl bv Smltli ix. shneniiiKer, inau
litiH lltli l s n It ,i tin I Knods, mis do
st i o id lij Hie loilm. While oIIukIiik
in llie top i iiiik of a IiIkIi Itnlih r and
IlKhtlni. bllles, llMl 111, , 'll Welti
lliiowu lo the Kioiiud ami .seniel In
Jin i d.
All will loinni. l.nss mi buihlliiK
and toiiti nt.s, iiui'inii)
Rebiilts Show ii rnlling ott Dining
the Past Year.
lit I m In. it Wat fiom'lne .ui i.iill'ied
Ni w Voik. Oil. L'o -The foui ilns'
I "hint I. 'I linn in the binuuylis lompil.s.
Ihk llltillet .New oik i lii-oil hl-i
lllKlll. Willi a tnlitl It suit nt 1,1 ,v0.'.
The liKlstialinll out ,M,n ,iko Wllh
Two Boyr, Killed.
I!) li lull w Wai' III Ml III' (ikUIu1 Pie
nun iiu, iki, ii -in, im , luiu t'liiiii.iu',
II Mil. bill, lllill li'.-'lll -IliL, I, Mill i,, ,
win iiii milt 1 ill. I "ii Hi" I tluuii ulltt tuili
lllill till, llllllull Wlllk till. i"V Wll.l ltl
iiv mi lit mil" id liiil. i .u, iii.ii. uu
III in iihwii I hi I, "I'i. mho I J I uuiglul
-''.'. i i I., .
Rich Iblind Annexed to Englund.
11 I mIhiic Willi ll Jill llll' . 'X.U(l I'iih
I ind. ti. J'i V'l "llio i ruin i 'lnl(
ltllr," l.l,l .. lit .1 ill 1" llio IlliK Hill (lull!
Siilmi, X s , "11111 Bhe Ii is ,111,11 i I Uu in
Miu I, v,ai u( lit iiill'iu i.-Iiih! 'lc I.IjiiiI,
ullilll Iiu liltluiln llttll J lllillitl ('".Kllliljll,
I. ui I'liu.iiliJli -.
SteamUiip Auivalrt.
lb Imi'i-'h Wirt d in llu . uiljtnl I1 c
Vmutlli, (i.t -U Vuucil Viiiuuai!., Xcw
,rk I lit ii nit SiiiuiI I iiiliim, ,Xi'n oil.
in tjjtci tlmn Muvilli-ulnl, l at o(
Iti, nit, Nm iiil tut OIkjiihi (iu,l iiucic led )
liii'i'ihi"Wii"iJlli I iuiiaiiij (In m l.bniiol),
.Niw oik. tgutliiiiiitun isillinl. Iiksliinl
tdiiu itwnjy, .New "iirli
lit I i 'ii. i, in H in 1 1 W i ilul I'n -.
Ctiiislantinnpk, tin jn 'I'liu TTnlted
'Man liKiitlnu in Consiantlnnple is
still witlioill di Unite new- lium ell In i
the !k. Hi II c Haskell m the He.
.1 "W, lialld o! the Cnnmi'Kiitlonal
mission ,il Simnkoi. liuiK.iiti, who
IlIlM' hall PlllliMMillllK to Kit into
liiiuhwlth the abdiu tois of MNs r.ilou
M Mono, the inissionai ami Aline
TsilUa hoi aimpanioii, Willi a iow nt
ai lancliiK .is tn the latisnni demainlal
Democrats Will Be Recmlred to
Nominate Him the Sec
ond Time.
Judges Simonton and Weiss Decide
That the Selection of. Mr. Corny
Wns Not Made in the Pioper Man
ner State Committee Will Act
nt Once nnd Again Place Coiay's
Name on the Ticket An Opinion
Expected Today.
11 1 xclti'ne Wire Irom The Associtletl I'rru.
IlmiisbtttK, Oct. L'O .Tlldfjes Sltnoil
tou and Weiss jeMerrlay attemoon
llkd a (Iciioe In the piothunotat',,
olllce iidjudKinK as iinalid the tiliMi
tuto nomination u ol lalsha
A. Coiav, Ji., as the Demoualle nom
inee for stile Ui'li-Uilol. Tht! com t
.niUal at this ooniluslnn within
tliier hotu.s attei the .iigmucnt in the
ease had closed.
When cmirt opened CoiiKiessinui
Olmsted, lor founei Btate Cliniini.iu
Gaiiuan and Valilck Donoliue, the tie
posed I'lilladelphl.i stale coinnilttee
mnn, made an :iikuiik nt of home lciiRth
the ihlef point ot which was that the
lXiuopi.itlc stale t niiiniittee had
thrown nut the Philadelphia membeis
oL the oomuilttee without nottliiatlon,
without a lii'.ninr and in an atbltiaiy
and unjust miniiei.
He was followed bv Itobei t Pnod
pias for the Demneiatit state lom
miitie and Mi. 'oia.v, who rontcndal
that the Oainian motion Khinjr the
slate (ommitlee the liRht lo llll vacui
ties on the state thleet wltli none but
Uunooiats kail been passed uftei the
emiM-ntlon ml join nod and had no
plate In thr aise. Up maintained
the deposal state ( ommittceim n hud
nn kiIi tiiu p if they weie not liotillod,
as such notitk'atiou was moioly tllieetl
under the l ulos and not matitlntoi .-.
As to the powei nl the slate eominit
tee to pxpt I the 'hlladelphiaii' Mi.
SnotlKias'- quoted the it solution
liiK the llassnn ainimlttce, and in.iln
tiimd thai it had the powei to leiom-
nientl sueh expulsion and the state
commutes was authoiUed lo expel.
The aiKiniieiits eiosed at noon and
the mint look all of the papeis.
Couit's Degiee.
Tin loutls deciie war, as Inllow.s
siili.litute noiiill ltii 11 . iti.i ati ,( lll-ln
'urn. ji is iltiuiK i ali t inilidai, ti .tid
titi.iiiii iilijuiiiiis ti, Mik.iUue , 1 1 1 ni, it n ,i(
llillllllllllOII lit Uu ( tint till il.'IM ICllill
tile I. jiljmk-i il Im ill, I mil ll, pi, Hi nul u t
i iliit (tul I,, tritjti ti i iti,tiiiutiil Ii, lie mi
ll I 111 if tin " MIIII'illWl lllll
is (.in I; I W. s-miuiili ii I' I
Idiu II Wn,. I
'I Ills was at mirr llkd in the ollke of
the seut.tai nt the eomiuoiiMi alth
'Ihe Demnpialii' state imnmittee pio
posis tn iIkIu niatltis on Tuesdav at
its niftiiif,. .ind it is said Mill, aftti
pioceediiiK under the ink's, and ad
miiliiiK the lixan-Domu'llv men to the
piorcedliiKs af,ain plate the name of
Ml Coinv nn the tli ket.
No opinion win handed down Willi
the ihcieo .liidfo Wess savhiK that It
-would be lllal latt l pinbablv next week
Mild that it would not la Ioiik
Democtats Will Decide What Action
Shall Be Taken.
Ut I , Iuim ini fioiu Hi. Awiiiiltil l'it-
llauisbiiitr, Oct. jo.-a tonieiente of
l"tlllii( iillii liadois will be hi Id ininoi
iow nlKlit nt state he, tois In this
eity lo tleioi inino what notion shall
bo taken In llll llie v.unnoN on the slate
Ikkot UPiittd h,v llie ilPciilnii ol Iho
Dauphin muni aunt deilaiiuK in
aliil the iiomluatlnli ot Itepust ntatUi
1. A Coia, Ji nt I'lttsimi, ini- stale
ttcasuit'i. State Chalimaii Cipiis
sis the sentliurnl of the tniuniilteo
tuMiis llie iPiioniluatlon of Mi, Com
ami that bin lUime will iikiiIu be pliind
on the Hi kit b tlio Deiuoc latlo stall
tmnuiltteo at Its nuellnK' In this illy
nn Tllpsilii) i" Hie Illollllit'is luiM' pnsl
the iis.sutauie that tin Ir ail Inn Is
The limit ! expttlal tn file llll op
inion lullinilow hlllK his laisnns ,i
lejoitillK .Ml. Cnlin'h Unillilllltliili and
ll tilt' iliM Iiinil h baspil on Up. u Inn
nl the tilllimltltt ill 0:pelllnK til" i.
adelphla liloinbilH al the tiieeilnK al
wlikh .Mi. Coiuy wiih ollKiniill ii'ilii
ilialeti thou tin htaio iluiiiniaii HilnKs
theie t an hi im ipn slimi us In the i!i;iu
nl tlte aiiiinillti i to leiioniliialit li!n.
.sinm tile deposal nn lubei.. lime ban
Khll notito nl the IllooliiiK- mid IliNllal
in be pipseni ,llld pal lit Ip.ile in Us iv.
Mntquis Ito at Washington,
lb i xiludw Win fii'iuili' vi-niani I'iim
W jtliliiktiui ll. I '0 -Mihiiiii It", lie lipju
i l it, -in in iiln I. u-hiu. Hi. I ujiui sua,,
uiili, I ui W i-liiiuli u llui it', ii. ii l ti,
lllll .IL lliO lllllllil 41 ll "II 111 llll I M ,
iiiiiil-m, Mr .ill,hi, mil ll r am liiiui
till, nul i .ii. ilul in ilii iliui hi 1 1,,, I, ulim
III' Will lllllllil ll'lllll. III! l,i , t i, i,i. I'. i.
Iii.Ii' Uu Mjiiiii. j' i nli it tin .1 a ,iiiiiti ii
tin 1 L-iu i.
Ban Johnaon'i. Pluyois,
Ut 1 ll veWlie liuin I lie lirtu nl p,,
clilmco, IM . I. I'llollu I I,. ii Iciliii.un tn
iii'.la iiiiluluh Jiiiioiin nl Hut ti.o .iiu id ui had i ii In iiiuii Dili i ue
N.aioiiil lu ui iiiiin,- ml llui iu nuiilii
v III 1,l tb i ii (Mil In I.,). Hi li',iiuit;
il lit" I HI-', I'lisliluil lolin-'jli, liotiui,
t, ill, M 111110 11 lllllllil I ItlllilUlll fulfill ii ti lui
IllllltllillJl 'l IW'I IlltlU'ltll i lie I l'l Rcpoifj Recrived,
111 I III t'Wni lulll Uu ,'.11.11' .
I uiul. it, 0 ' J I. Mi. Imuiu Im ii.ii.i ) i
ripul hvlll "t)l stnjH, lliii, ii il.ul iiu jJUJtel
pm ut rji" irl'.i i hi (jwi kIjiIIiiiii," iv.
. ,1, -imIiIt Li lliiikVjb Mill I'l.i.ii Ihls-i 1,.
I' .nul Hut tin h;ti- lute annul rait) MiILii
dcr i.ltliili the liit lliiufi iiiiulln. '
Will Leave for I'nrmlngton and New
Hnven Todny.
Il I reli-be Wlr fioiul lie. ..0cliti,l presi
WnslilnKion.Oit.L'O 1'ieslduit Itoosc
U'lt will Hprnd a iluv ill KiniulUKtoii,
Conn,, the suuiniei homo of hit slmtr,
.Mis. Cow les', befotf koIiik to N'pw
llnson, whue he Is to haw the iIokioo
ot 1.1,1), coilfpitpd upon him bv Yule
uiihcilt. AceoinpanlPil b Soeirtni
Coltt'Uoll, till' pIl'sllletiL Ml IcuM'
WiiHliliiKlnn loinoiiow nfUinooti. Sttt
ator I'lalt. ol New Yolk, was at the
while lnme this niieinomi mid talknt
With the piesldent UKiildlliK the lid
einl p.itiouiiKo In the Ihuplte state. It
Is altl Ihe situation lPKUtdlliK Hip ii lu
elpal nlllip", uwr which their has be"ii
couslilciable iIIhi ussldii, n mains uti
ehmiKal. TonlKht Cltll Hen be Cnnt
misslon. f Pmiioi m,s; m thr while
The piesldent alleluia icIIkIiiiis soi
x la sat the (li.K'c Itifntmcd tliuith as this inmiilm,'
Adtniiol Bowles Points Out the
Evils of Delay Tioublo fiom
Ilv l.wlii.itt Win fiom 111" . oi i i'i il I'n-.
AVashiiiKton, Oct. L'O The annual ro
poit of Ailliilial Mom les, thief of the
butonu of eonstuietloii and lepili, calls
mention to the Mow piokioss niatlt
in tlio coiisntiptloii oi tin ships now
beliiK built Im the nay made dui
UiK the past C.u on account ot stilkis
and delns in Hie deliM'iy of
ai inoi and M"iol foiKinps He
point- out that mulct the picsont ss
tem foi tlio puicluiso ol aimor the io
sionsibilltv ini dchns enuinatiiiK timn
this sum ip ipsts w ltii the K"M'inni"iil
and it'iitliis it liable to suits foi iknn
HKOs In the .ship lots The ton
stiuctlon buieau. he s,is, lias matle
t nnsideiable piounss tow aid the
standaidbatlnn of ship llttltiKs wlikh
lie sa.s will i educe Ihe oiiKiual cost
ot ship-, ot Hie nay and deeiease the
xpi'iite nf tholi mainten uu e He
loin lies Ihe tests of tliepiooled wood
(onduiled lis his bin out and s,is that
while the piodiuts ot two pioiessis
submitted, both possess tk suable qual
ities noithei wholly iiuuincuiln Itstlf
tn adoptiuu b the na Admhal
Itowles stimiKh luoniiinnds th it the
llnitiitK ill dodc at Havana, ipcuith
puidinsal liom tin Spanish kovuii
incnt In sent to the sit,, ol the new
n lmiI station al OleuaKpo Philippine
islands as soon a. the lopalis on it .up
milipk ted JL ii, is..ential he saj s, mi
the efUeient ot Hie paw mi the Aaltle
station both 1 1 nm a Miategltal ind
omiimn'i siandpoiiu that the jjinci n
minl shall be In possession nt a tin
dealt in the Philippines at Hie iiiliest
po.sslblo niomont. Ho sns that tin,
doik luj-t piiuhasul e in bo jiland in
tontlliion foi the use u M.s.eis up m
HiOufi tons d'spl.K I'liient within Hie
limit nl tin sum appmpil ital h . nn
Ki' ss ini its aiquliPiucnt
'Joe" Nelson Makes n Remaikable
Uv liiluiitt Win from 111 A-ocutel I'uii
Xtw Yoik, Oct. JO- ".Iiie" Xtlson
luitiht a li K. ililo shiiMhiK In. a bo
still In his 'to. us at the ir.tlWuiiK i.lo
tiiuk Iniluv lie not tinls defialal
Tullon, IiIh nppuiK nt, easllv In a lil-leiii-iulle
motoi paced i.Ko. but ti.
aled a now woild s amntcui uimil im
PM.1V one ot the lillks exioptillK Hip
f nm lb and fifth, r'ulton took the kail
al the stint, but Nelson qukklv ov.i
ll.uil"d lit 111 and lid nl the end ol lilt
IhsL mile bv time IciikIIis, eMiituallv
mIuuIiik bv Hun mid a hall laps, m
vvlihln a linloiiK ol i mile Ni Isnn'st
time foi the ilislatiiP was J4 " J-" Ills
Hist mllp an oi oil in I ." .:-"
About -l.liiiii spatutms Mlluessul tin,
spoil, line nt iho en ills a innliii
hniiilU.ip. was a novili. lAlboii
Chmiiplou, alllitiiiKli on a MiikIp mntm
liii.vtle, was plated mi the sualth. He
won t'.isil iii.tkliii, win hl's, motoi in.
utd.s lot in ml pvoi.v mllp. mid t fix m -ItiK
Iho lle miles in D'J'i
Hi I v I i t W in In ui llu nil iti il l'it-
lllill Iliilul, l , Ol .0 ("III ll llllli. V
illii, i'V inrinliii a Iiiim the Xuitli
li nil ill-Hit t ni'l i In Is "1" l i in id ui tin
t Mllflllil ill nun, wlm it vim lliiiu i lllill mil. I
slum nil! 1 iik-iii'. n,l lui. uli, iliul jl li.-
ll llll III lllll lllll, I Ill's lll'llllll.
Xtw V nl,. Hit, il -Viikiwli ll lnii.1 ili
tuli In, mi ulii. J wlm (iliti'l I' nil:., ih'i i
with MimiiiiIii -ilvlnl, luhii Mil iniuiii. i .mil
1 .lu m II mil,, ilml Nllll ll Im llulili ill llu.
Itih i.l . X I IM 'ii Inii' In nil I. I'
I uiiil, i, nl Tn, I lull" a Soldi I ii'illui, ui'l
i. .1,1 Hit jii.ll . a tin I nihil sa 1 1. nil n
pin iti Inul 1 1 inn. ii "uiili I,' w.i. i'i iliilul
In I'm iliiit llinkou 'u l.i, iliul lull' tub
lln. uu iiiiin He w ii i in. lulu i tf the nm
llilil.lli lOimiei llll WH llulili 111 llu I lllll, I
-I lit s III"!-. Ill lll'll MlllltllO illlllllllUllb it
lii ili, ( nil im, lj-it ui, nul no, bil
w j. Llu.!' ii. ui mi i Im la lima,
I ) l.illlll III IVIIH lU W .ll. ,,l ill'l i luiu of
i iliul in ill niiiit. ''ml .il Id. I lil. in i lii'
iiiij, ii.ul -I ilii. Hi ta liui ii In Kul ,-!,. i.
X i , ml uu. iiluilitu) i,i Hi' lui in Mli nn .
I ult in li'lt i, .hi mli hi Pin. i id Imi I,
I, i uu, u I'l'ju'lilii hi ii l.-'n, lllill t u .,'1 i
ilm nli. il nuiilii i ll, i nut mi imi Iiu ii'ii
tun il innciiii I.,' llu in .I'll in. i Wl'ii In
mill ti. ik'ii'l ju-lliiit le J'i',iiii'(l ( il ml
Ijiiii i ll . tot "I iti.leiui it sm nnui.ii,
ii !i, H llllil.l' ,tili iliul t.l Iiid
I hi. nl s i'i , te ii In!" l luifliui I , i.
nip tm lit I ulniil It Una II lv i l.i in, m
I nli ill in I'M,'i' it ' 1I I ru mli i I li In
tliu t'uvrii n f',l likuiil J in e w tli" li l)
li.rm Ilutiii( iii( in ii IL ui I in lie
,l.llil.' ilul I II mil .llui .liltl 'Win
III. plillllul lui Xi.uji.i I, ills n, I Ihu. .1-Llll, ll
t,i ,i i i l j. , i ,' I i , ii' el i
Mis. MtKinloy's Condition.
II; 1 1'i.ut Win hum hi n,t'jn, pit..
I Jl tl'll. Ut M SUp( , (,,,,. slfuuu,
I W ltlil'11,1,11 ll l t III -ll. f.H l , illiu ,'IH vi.u
I t( 1 1 u I'd. IjI lni-iiio, hi- i s,, t ut
I Mi limit I oiut" IikIk Ir 1. ritiu mil i it
II hi Mltll I nc tii.ii 1 j. ui "".I lii.ul f tin
W kluli' lu lull j 'U I all ei Mi. Mi lull
1. . -"hi l ji li k Mlulii, iiUih I liui
uj. i.i tluiivu In lui I'liii'lil)., M ui i il"l In
lit iihIiIiiiiiI jlteaiUute , .Siiiiuii ticuujl
'kiiiU H,'.
Another Massacre Averted Throuali
the Vigilance ol Lieutenant
Thomas Baine.
A Scheme lo Till the Ptlson with
Rolomen Who Weie to Oveiwovvei'
the Gum ds at the Pioper Moment.
NewB of the Ameiicnn Rcveises
Received with Delight by Fili
pinos Ti oops Hmrylng to Samar.
11 I vi ii. veWia-efi m llu Jmiu ilul I'n .
Manila, Oct. JO Uw Iiik lo Hie vlgl
lauee ol Monti mint 'I'lioiuas M. Ilaliu,
jt., ol the Ninth Cnlted States infant!,
anothti siaiiKhli i of Amciitmi tioopi
b instil onis has boon a v pi ted. It
Minis, iliit Lb utt limit Iltilnp dlsinv
euil a pisoiiH. ii.-tutoiliiK u tell ut
CmblKii, Island of hanuil. whole s,. .
nil weie iiiiillii' il, HiimiKli a linle that
hud In on nil in the w ill. .i limstl
Kiitlon shiiMod a plan tn Mil Hie In i I
Willi bnkinitu and to tall the kuiiiiI,
whii li would be ntppssmv tn ko! Hie
tloot npni, and then attntk the khiiI
son. U also (levi loped that the iiisli
iwtuis hui'.i piiosl and the pnsiiiente,
both ol whom have lnv u mipsted, t
Kcthei' with syvi-ial othei ptotni.Tiit
pel suns,
Othei attempts hao ban il.i ovcted,
but foi tuimielv tiiistiatal. at Itnmbu
lun and ntht i points in Samiii ot v -t
nil poisons h u e In in in 1 1 t( d in t on
net Hot i VV itll tlltsf
Jteinfoin ments aie Ix Iiik inslial In
S.unni 'lluee hundinl and thiity ma
i hies, mult i J.ieutt limit Colonel Jlar
c II C. Oootliell. Ii.iml Kone thcie on
bond llio I'nited States a nisei New
Voik.anil two battalions or the Twelfth
liifanttv will stmt InmicdlatPly foi ihe
same destination.
Cnlted Htilis ollkns fiom othu
pioviiitis that nie Mippoid to be
patlfled have leiently ai lived in Ma
nila, and they say thai the newt, of
Anieiiian disasteis .spieail UUe vviid
Ibe anioiiK the natives, vv ho si,u telv
atumpt to eomeal their doliKlit.
Tlio Manila eoiistahul.n v tllstoveiid
a la i kc (ii.intitv of sttt I murou sHuks
vv lilt li vveit hoiiiK s-liippid to vaiious
dlsiiiitu. InvesllKation showed that
these Mao to be iisnl in iiianufaetui
intr bolus
Haiti riRhting Anticiiinted.
The tionps in S nniir antli Ipate haul
IlKhtiiiR. HiiK.idkr Ciomial J.nob II.
Smith, who is in tomniand, has visited
inosl ol the polls ami inti uiliil the
t mum unlets that the insuiiectlon must
be hamuli ml nut .nul ("lencial,
the hisuirfont kadi i. lapliuetl Alic.ulv
the niovimiiit nl Hoops bus Ikkuii.
ii'liiial linn who sin it udend last
lav, has i (implainid lo (lonetal Clnf
lie that the ttiins upon width be and
hs lone stu i endued hive not boon u-
sptotttl b tin Aiueilians He exhib
its a tliKiuutilt, siKuid In hinisolt and
(iiutial rndiiiik Kunston, lu which
ho and his tone an Kiuntnl inimunilv
ill itspat nt all aits inininittid t mi
lt. nv to the laws ol miu Since this
dot uniiiil was i'i i utt il, siveial ot l-i-t
Una's niik i n mil nn n have been ti ini,
millennial and -iIUiiimiI tn (It nth foi
killliiK Ann i k .in piisoiuis. ikneial
I'uiistoii Hint whin It was s-iKiiid
he Knvn Lit uni oiallv lo unilt i stand
that Hip killing ol Ainetkan pilsonpis
was t x i ptal. l.n una admits th it
sum thliiK wns said on tl.p subjoi t, but
s.iv-, no UKiaineni v,n
ii nc hi d and da Ian s iho wilt ton .ikh
uu nt binding.
Faievvell Meeting Conducted by Mio.
L. M. Gates of Scinnton.
lit I , Win fiom lln sv,i utul 1'iesi
Lam. i tn. Kt. .a. The ililiK.itoi
tn the foiiitopiitli amveiitlou of
ih. YmniK Vniii"U's chiimiun assotlu
: luu of I'eiuisv Ivauiii i .illl. t t.nlv this
inuinliiK in tin Imal V. V c , looms,
w ht'i e M l v it t s wtie ( (inducted bv .Mi-.
Ileulmi li ikt i ot HiiiilsbuiK. In th"
iilleiiioon then was a nuellnK lu si
I'.llll's Uelnlinal iliunli, pti'Hlded uei
by Miss Amies lllll, missioiimy iiom
Tim (Oineutlnn was t iineludeil this
tvenlUK wllh a IuikpI' allPlidetl and
i nlhiisiastli tatewell mailiiiK In the
Mmtlii iiuditoiliiui, al width Mis, I,
M (iniis of Hi i iiuliin. pii'siod
II) I i lii-iie Win (nm lie VivnUlul PriM,
l'iillinlil.lii i (li il 'llu- MlmnMilp siijI ii
lu. il'lli'l il ll' llilin.ue llil.iKu.lii'l, lutiui;
luiiil'lili'l li i n. iiln -uniiiil i iiiiIm hi tun
1 1, Hi warn llu smu,ii Im ,iu on Iit
Jl, Willi lUlllt .-Hill' llll- .lllllllil
II inltl., Nut - V In-- t inlmlii
fil.lll- it lliu In im ilibtu le w nun .lllill"
w l,.i i uu Hie mil null mini' li'iuun i nb u
Ituu llullnw .i"l ll'itvkU Hit' nl lure Hi
limi's tm, Inn t l.i jmiiijl t-lii .1 It ml ui'i
loll I i,
II I'lliu, On Ji uni piiAuo w.i. killrii jut
out laldi iiijuiitl l' ll"' ixi'litf'ni in llluuiliiii
In,- in la a (Itt, lliu h't'l i ii Hi" i i(fin ni'l
ll ll' lilt t. (llt. llll' I 'IM J llllllllll,
b wru I nl 'llu .!ii"iiuiiu' iliullinu' wa Jli'
aulh ,iiiW'jiil
I'ui.liilli;, tin .'I -in,, luu luiu li.liicil in
in nl" ujl llie litliiiU. .1 lln Sliuikxui li iiu
i,Ij. i uiisiio .ni'l iiu 1ml 1 1 I, Ini i on, -UI",
till' I'' UJ'llIU Blli'Ui Lll5 romllii,
linn., ml II" ; Hun will In (uu ni a full
I'liUlluhs .n J, r.ilili ill Si", 1.
I'illli lilpliii, H' n Ui'l miuliu ii epl
il. liil. ii I'IiIIjiIiI 'Iiu l.'W S'lieiiill iil..('l
ul. tin l. linn ilili in tt i uiili, i Hit
i lui it it i luu i'i ult 1 1. 1 iltiluliciH (if I'lii'i
ilelplu no. i I'ii.!." Mitiiutul tljily fur uu
liiiiullt linn llu ilk t-e U Ut aeiiiniilUlii I
.j ;lii.- uiii'iti'l.
- Wj-lniiJioii,lkt. LO I oicci t for Moii. 4-4-
ilj jul Im iij): l'aitirii t'miiMlwiiii -f-
I ,di Mi iiilj and luei-Jj , !i'lit varl-
f lllll V III L S).