The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 19, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Cue Woman's Views.
' -w5f
rHHIu: Ant! AX.T. HOKT8 of wnyn
In which vq may nchlevi fame
mid distinct (he International
Correipimdenec Sclmotn, Htrlkpie ilp
icr hill". ohrlstenliiRs up the vnl
cy, nhlllty to finnlsh c.tndldateB for
ill Itlndi oC oltlee ami vniloiw other
tticiin may he employed h the enae
of tfei anion. AmoiiB tlnuo n ' hi Ken
pi nl ue the attention limy be beeted
to u description which Is appended:
In nn nrtlelp In the uiiiienl Century
iiHRnzlne Helen Churchill Candcc dln
iMUitcfl plensnntly on the subject of
'Madame Pietltlent nnd Iter (.'oiidtltu
cuts." It piliimilly letor.M (o Tie Fed
riiillon or Women's cIuIih nnd bIvps n
bilef review of certnln dubs and their
idvantiiRes, chief of which l eotiRld
eied Hip outlet tluoiiKli the imnow en-
linntncnt which hedge's iiiiiny a wo
ninn'H life
Oddly ciioubIIi the veiy piece tie te
dstnnce of the nitlclo Is the following:
"Hut what Is the Rood or the woman's
chili In ptiblle nffalrsV" nsUs an Impa
tient man, RiopliiR In this enlightened
arc with hl eyes luit. Well heie Is
a case In point which Illustrates whut
the practical club can do. Two years
no the wnlei In tlicen HldRc, the court
end of Sciiilltnii, became so thick and
hlRh llnvored thai coinl'oilahlv thick
soup (oiild he made by the meie appll
cit.on of beat and the addition of salt.
One day a woman's club of the place,
nfler studying hygiene and sanitation,
asked If the foul condition "f the water
Mm a necessity. Several iiicmbera took
t upon them solves to examine the wat
r shed of the city's supply and
heie thpv tound the most levoltlng
ondltlons. The Until icsnlt was n
"lining up of city officials, and the
Miichasf. and ledemptlon of the water
linl at n cost of tfiOO.000. This Is the
-oit of thing that Is accomplished by
the woman's eltib when It undertakes
practical woik."
Now, the most silt prising thing about
this statement, width leally rends very
well in the (Yiituiy. I- that the above
effort of the Woman's t lub in question
was leully its swan song, s-o to speak.
"The dog It was that died," In other
wotdo, the dub was the Innocent
agent In a big water deal, which made
a lot of money for somebody, not one
tent of which act I ned to the dub, nnd
then the said club peaceably and uii
ostentatiouslv, g,ie up the ghost.
It teit.iinly did get a thange of wntei,
.linvevet. Uveiy blessed member found
out that her water lent was piomptlv
It was unnoted that .some of those'
most intcipsted in leforni hud been
thieatened with ,1 water famine, when
they entnietl to lemonsti.ite mildly
about the maikel pi Ice of this com
modity. The Home fot the Filendless,
which had paid about MOO a ,enr for
Its watei supply, began to contemplate
t ills.istious pud to Its long and appai
t ntlv nsulnl taitei when the bills sud
denly leaped up to sums ranging be
tween ttt and $40 tneiy month. The
little imnsites bad suffeied mildlv with
meiisles. 'tin let fever, whooping tough
and dlphtletia. nndei the oltl and pol
luted walei sstem, but tliey had eliph
tlieiia, wnooping tough, scailet lever
md measles mole 01 less diseoniag
ingly tinder the new and wmltaiy
ipglme. ami etlous (oinlctions weie
cntei tallied by some nifmbeis of the
management that liequent bathing
would bine to be eliminnted fiom the
schedule on nctount of the expense.
Theie we-e ("((lent in the flreen
ltidge section ol the city who weie lust
like lesldents In other places. They
would iiithei c'llnk watei which con
talnetl luiklug typhoid teer genus nutl
other awful possililllties than to av a
lew dollaisa eai more foi that w hit h
was alleged to he immaculate and Ine
pi oat liable in cliaiacter. The howled.
Their 111 st cousins uie in eeiy town,
.ho woiiltl lather have a tapnt lous and
convenient cesspool in the It out nie
than to pa a sewei asvc.sonK.nt.
Tlien tlie dull had a little excursion
and basket picnli one day, and made
up its mind that the water supply
which tbev had v earned alter and
vouched lei. and w lilt li tliev had inno
t eutlv nsssci tt d to jt. as nit e and clean
as wete the milk j.ns in a t ei tain daiiy
establishment, was it-ally and tiuly
like ,c lady a Ith a past a little open to
suspicion. Then theie was mole tumble,
which included -peec lies, hint feelings,
explanations, ;i geneial house-cleaning
and tli-iufei ting all along the line and
finally, pe.ue.
The peace bus lasted In tuibiokeii
chunks- evei since. Why-.' Well, loi
no leaMiu on eaitb that could applv to
men's clubs. Men don't lead this col
umn, and Iheietoie I teui me gleatly
that the linn .ll to the tteatlse under
dlsc'U".slon will be lost. The tine and
only leason for the peute and nion
olony following the outhuak which
lias lauded u on the S.Viid page ol the
t"eiiluiy .Maga.lne for Octnbei, is the modesty and iinassei tlveiits.s of
women. .'olmd would be piesldc-nt ol
the clul) tills ear and nccoidlngl.v It
disbanded tllst onsolntely. The lensons
Tssigued weie ns varied and plctui -stue
as weie the est uses of the inill
ilclunN In the Hlble, who weie bidden
to the feast. (It sloiy hud been
Miywht-ie el-e iiuiltr the sun than In
ae Ililtlo. I should have doubted Its
lobablllty. I never knew a man yet
vho would allow such a tilvlal excuse
as getting a new yoke of oxen or a
wile to Interfeie when theie was a
banquet In piospect.)
The members of the club In question
weie olnluiato In lefuslng the honor to
seeuie which, women In other cities
squabble and weep and tear down
leputatlons. All of which goes to show
how very dlfterent and very siipeiinr
we nio tt the women In other cities, it
Is slnceielv to he hoped that our
fllouds and iclatlves nppieclate us at
our tine w oith.
Imagine a woman anywheie else
than in Sc Linton admitting that Mie
did not feel herself competent to con
duct the affairs of such an Important
Institution as this cuh had pioved it
nelf to he. Imagine any other woman
c onfesstng that her husband would not
like to have her accent the position or
that she felt her duty to her home nnd
her church left her too llttlo time for
the pioper lonsideiatlon of the olllce.
The amount of the matter is this:
Pel Hilton does not seem to he a Rood
Biound for women's clubs, i uin not
Pino tliut this Is a compliment to our
city, Neither Is It conclusive pioof of
Antedated Ideas and lack of progress
It Is n lltttlo of both.
Mrs. L'andee hays theio nie (lasses of
people who iCRnid women's clubs with
Indlfteience. They me the so-called
roclety women, who do not feel the
need of lnteiestannd amusements to
It In tlorc for all who use Kemp'j Balsam for
the Throat and t-ungtt, the gicat Buarantceel
rimed'. Would jou believe that It li old on
IU mcrlli and any cliuggldt la authorized by t,Q
proprietor ut this wonderful remedy to gl0 j0l,
t Minrla bottlo frcc-V It never lilU (a iuie
acute or chronic coujli. All clru;tUtii tell
Jvc-'i nj Is j in I'rUe He. and 60c.
till In their time nnd who have many
Individual charities which respond to
the Inner dcslro for work which tuny
help olhois. This Is not altogether true
of our city. The society women nre
the ones who seem most to recognise
the need and ndvnntagcs of certain
kinds of clubs.
The icnl difficulty In the way of
mnklng Scrnnton n club wnmnn's city
Is the hopelessly steadfast habit our
women seem to tmvp of minding their
own business. They nre not cnthunl
ostlc over reforming the entire world.
They nie capable society lenders, are
Intoiested In church nnd chnrlty work,
but prliniully they look well to the
ways of their own households and do
not seem to find much leisure for
taking cute of other people's affairs.
They n to little Inleiested In politics,
and If It weie announced that the city
offices were to he filled with women It
Is veiy doubtful If enough cnndldntes
could he found to make It Interesting,
and they would scnicely represent the
Intelligence and cultuio and executive
ability of the community. But as far
as that goes, the majority of offices In
any community aren't filled with such
The sciapplng nnd wire-pulling and
henit-burnlngs which are evident nt
the Federation of "Women's clubs, such
as that at Heading this week, do not
appeal to our women ns they seem to
appeal lo women In most cities. Most
of these gatherings of women nre char
actei bed by Incidents ns questionable
ns those which anlmnte a fuslonlst
convention, or any other nssemblnge of
professional reformers. It would he a
great honor to hold nn office In the
state Federation, or to have a free trip
ns a delegate lo the General Federa
tion In Los Angeles, but we cannot
seem to keep a club together long
enough to secure any of these plums.
There Is a field In this city for a
woman's club, one that will not try to
do everything from Inventing a patent
to utills'e yellow dogs, to solving the
rhlnce pioblem but one that will be
In Its way a civic club and yet which
will have ceitnln aspirations tovvatd
ideals of llteiature and nit. Such a
club could start In a humble way to
improve the city hv plncing galvanized
linn receptacles at street corners for
waste paper, and hy patiently nnd per
severlngly working at plant to beautify
the river front and make It something
better than the symbol of a noisome
Tt Is a thousand pities that the Green
Kidge Women's club has disbanded, for
it had nn excellent organization of
foices which would have accomplished
many things In this city. Tt should be
levlved. with a wider scope, to take
the dignified place It deserved In our
t (immunity. Saucy Bess.
I.MIIVI "Mi, Itoli While." Afternoon md
ACAIII.MV. Ilennrlt A Moullon eomrnnv
Afternoon nnd nitht.
sTH Miv llnvtnrd company. Aftt-rnoon and
"Miss Bob White."
Willirtl sjirinc-r's litcM opera, "Ml Itnh
While," w n seen at the Iaceum lat night,
aid will lie presented ngiin this ifiernoon and
tonight. The operi is in three ict, two lonted
at the firm houe of i Quikpr ind the third
it i -.uinuier home on the Hudson. The story
of the opera deals Willi the trials of two wealthy
clul nun. who. to j-aj a bet, have to live as
ll imps for two months. In their vcandering
thee hnppen on i farm and are put to work
doing ihorc- The humor li derived fiom the
ellons of (he! trimru to ev.iele work.
I he tlancee of -me of the trimps learns of the
1-et ind goes lo the firm disguh-ed as a milk
mild In the end the couple are reunited and
(lie million iiics reiurn to their homes Several
nlliei miliimoniil alliances are carried to a
finMi in-l ecerv one is Inppv as the final curtain
The IUU-.IO N ndieallv dilTeient fiom that
which ha uiaiked nnd in some mirred
tin coiiuc open of the list few ,veir. Tt is
sweet mil (jptiviling ind in some inMinces
veil ciiteh. hut theie Is little of the Wire
md u iIm Hi it of recently his been I feature
of i he mucins so geneionslv intiodurid into
c t ill) if op i is somiiI of (In miiiihers sing
I ii iiiuht will he md wlu-dled etensielj
al-out town during the nct few weeks.
Mi. Sipn,ii furtiiiiiti. in tin eompinv which
l pic-nting his open. Mis 1 ihel .lirkon,
win, i p K us In the title lole, i- of -Infilling
ipi-iiitict i tul pi"i -e a tieiutifut voice. Her
woik w I-, 1,1 in imM.v encored Lc-t night, Mice
I. (mil h-ll, Millnhle I'ervill. md William K
I'ullp wen inionir the other good voices of the
I lie two amclein ti imp.s wen- impcifnuucd
hi llirhnd I' ( iirnll mil I'rink Deshoii,
i i-tiiiilun-. of nioie linn oiilinin ileveruess anil
nittllii.iiiir, who get Inulu Kiloif without c!i.
Mi'tiilln,; to hoi-e jibi, 'the chorus sang well
ni-l in- most d.-.reetli- fo-tiinied. Ml three
ol the .uts ire stayed In nn except Ion illy fine
in nun i 'Die opoi i wis enthusiastlcilli received
li-t inghl. t the end of the second ml i
liiiih vi is ileiiiin-hd fiom Mr 'pen-.ei, hut In-filh-l
lo lepond
' 'Dangeis of New York" Tonight.
'loiln will he the ln-1 of the 11. mull k ou
tun company' (iigigcmint h-r for thl- season.
'I his id-ll noli thee wilt pie-ent "Out in the
Siiici," and tonight's hill will he "Uingei, of
New Voik "
llnlli pin for toelav called foilh mini kin-l
wends of praise fiom the iiiidiinces tint wi'tiieM'il
(hen- pinductloii list vuik ami will undoubtedly
.ittract tlie niny lucil lovru of iiicluilriuii in
Ibis popular phi liou-e t hi- iftiinoou nH
"The Gill fiom Maxim's."
One of tlie lno-U i in ) ,-i I .i 1 1 1 ciinU of the i-ej-on
will be the prestntatiun of "u. t,ul iimM vie,
im'i." at tlie Ljceinii in vl MoiuIj.i nlglit, 'this
is the famous I'lenih tun- nhlih is pionoimied
In be the be-t em wiitten uml pioduccd In Puis,
Hie home of all Hie BicaitW tonudies cm mui
on tlie slate It was (nd m n this couiiti.i
ut the Crlleiion llieilei, Sin oik, vv here it
pla.vcsl ii phcnnmeual eugagcmeiil,
Alter tlie New ork uin it w is nem in ( lilcago,
lloston, I'hiladclpliia and uthei laige riiies and
it met with the tame -.iiccc-is tint giniul 11 In
New oik,
Kynn Here All Next Week.
llinlel 11. Itian, who li Mid to he one of the
best romantici aclniji on the sIjbc, will open a
week' engagement at the Academi on Mondn
next in "Don Cjpoii'ii Iteturn " Ills inleipula
(Ion of "Don Cac-ai'i) Return," which I, pusent
cd heir foi Ilia Hist time, la splendid, and Ihcxc
who wituce-i llio piodiidion of llils iiccc will set
nn attraction iiuual to lepeiloin icnnjunle-i
"Don Caesar" I Iiiterestlug in pioduccd fiom Ihe
originil, but Ml. Itj in, uh..o e.iruc-,1 woik has
won (or him u prominent poritiou in liiM iiolc
(Ion, has greatly btrenthened the tlete b.v the
addition of tlie third act, of which lie in author,
This act, Willi IU thrilling duel tcrice, and iU
evciting situations, puts a moiu tinlslied tone
througlioiit the whole plij, and It is doirlailed
in)o Ihe piece just wiieie it is needed.
(In 'luctela) evening lie will irescnt u iiiammolli
scenic iiroductieiii of Han Suite's play,
"O'llrien the Contractor," On Tue-dav ofleiuoon
"Ihe I'JtJl Wfclclliij" seat now on nie
"Fads and Follies" Company.
'Ihu auiiouiicement for the coining week at the
cvcr-populir Star Is IIU.cH' 'Tad and 1'olllcs"
couipju.v, unit thcisc who wi-h In iiituch a good
dean show free from double entendre Jokes n ml
toiled will have an npportuiill of seeing a pel.
foruuiicc Hut U out of the oidluai). 'the loin
pau.i is couipned of urlhls ol ackuowliilgul
ihilli), who will piesciit two nnuiijl hiiic-iUe.',
and a high i las vaiiekiillc -ei forma nee,
'liic opciiing liuilctiuc K'liu to Inlioduec the
TAo-Day Excursion
YOU CANNOT afford to miss this opportunity to visit Buffalo and the Pan-American
Exposition. The Four Dollar Tickets are good going in the day coaches of any
Lackawanna train on October 25 and 30, and for return the following day.
$6FiveDay Excursion-
Five-Day Excursion Tickets, sold at Six Dollars, are good going in the day coaches
of any Lackawanna train on October 15, 19, 22, 26 and 29, and for return within
five days, including day of sale.
Ten-Day Round Trip Excursion Tickets are on sale
good for return within ten days, including day of sale.
Bear in mind that all the above
all trains in both directions.
AH Lackawanna trains land you at the foot of Main street Buffalo, Electric cars run
direct from the station to the Exposition grounds or hotels.
For further information, call on or telephone the local ticket agent at
Lackawanna avenue passenger station. Telephone, 265-3.
lullis ot the compmv in scveral'cntih.i musical
nuiiibii-. ind the olio i-. e omposcd of whit .lie
turned in "the ptofe'NSion" as head Illicit-. Ihe
kI.ii,c xeitiugs, costumex ind all nppoiiitiuuil-. will
I--, of eoiirM, as lim .ih iimcnuit v ot ih mil
ium and .utiMs iiu ppvihli make iheui Ihi
eoiiipaui k mains it Ihe Mar loi tlie entile' week,
with mitiiices em Monda.v , VVjilniK-li.i, 'HiuimIii
.mil '-ilmdii.
I -In ml ( While Is continipl iliiur lln piodu
Hon ol i new liu lfuli jm.i in XI m imhi lie Ins
laid) le id .1 number of pin-, in-l lu two 01
lluee Hitler eilou-. lOii-Iilcullon
Mnugir jiii S Hiiihut Ins ciigaged IMicinl I
(iiuudli foi the pundpil comcil.i icile in the
1 lueiald l.lo," Ihe jt open coinpo-cd hi the
I He Mr 1tl1ur S11IIu.n1 "The I'mti ilil'Mi"
Is not to he glien 1111 Ainerh in lie irlng licit i 1 licit
t-piing Jlr Ceinnelli will continue Ids will liked
Imperi-uiiillDii of Iihabod llioii-nn in "Hie Hi He
uf New ork" on loin this wintii
Vliss Olive Oliver, who plavul lln lole of tin
.nlwillllic-s list hea-ou with Willi nil lillletle In
""hcilock Holmes," Ins been ingjged 1 1.1 lmn
Tli It her ami llrinniii lei en ne a xlmilii put in
"Vlolli i'itclier," In wlilih MIns Ualliiui Kidd. r
villi he starred this -cn-oii One of tlie mii-.i
liouil fieni". In "Molli I'ltdni" Is .1 eluel, the
coulenlanlii in wldrli will tie Ml-s Meldei ami Ml.-s
Olive 1, Hot li nn- evieit kwoiiImioiiiui
.lulu jlailowc'ec iiiaguitiiiiii uoduciiou cd
"When Knighthood Was in I loi'ni" conn, lo liu
llioul kluct thealcr loi 1 nioiilh, liegiunlug 0-1
Jl "llils will lie Vllks Vlailowe. onli engage
limit in I'hiluUlphl.i lids aciwni In' fid, hit
nidi oppeiranec in Un i'nins.v inia cit.i, as
liu lour this ii 11 U iiioic Hi in usiullv Vil, t
Asidfl tiom u monlli in Philadelphia, .1 month in
llontou, and a monlli in I hleago, V.-, Mnlowe
will pts.v in cuili .l 1111 lie in ilih, duriii,' the
coining fall and ujnler -lie was ieeaeel fuui
hoi riiilidclplila lii pilng uwiug In
tlie great mucos 01 "Whin Knighthood Was in
I'lowei" at the liiliiiou llieilei, c'w oik
cili, where clu Would now he e-aic for tlie fact
tint fulfillment of piencii. tonliacls Is now ah
solutely demanded ..i iiijii'ciit wlm ourieuilcled
thcli llnie lal )ui V Marlowe', poilrajal
of Ihe iuie of Mm '1 111I..1 In Haul'i ill nn
ailitlon eil lliailes MilorV louuntio novel lias
proud Ihe triumph -,i her cueei
"Her I oicl and Mjviei." the inn da whidi
llcilicit Kclce.v and I'flh li niiou an appealing
in this M'jviui, iiuhiue in Ih it it contains 111
Villain Vlailha M.l l-.ii. ihe diamilisl, eil-leiilli
rilled for the Mii'mlli c-t tin pU em the lou
Kciio ami .1 eliinailci -unli of iiiiiilc.iu .mil
Knglisli hi hi In theii Inn.' Hue ol puts ihcc
two plajru liave neiei uiitii.ied ihiudu. that
ro o pccullail) .ulipied in Indlildualilivd.
To F)uffdi and Return
.Mr Kehe.i Is or I lulii-li luith, while Mi - s, 111
11011 I. .111 Id- ll lipi of the mnli in uol
"I'lio "(crd I)iulfli" Is 1 in-loh nut I, v David
lliggiu-, .iiithei of "l P11111 KiiU-' mil tp
,fnl Mill," and liows iithu Ihe 1I0111, -1 u linn
the militii:' i-le of the w 11 imis, ilihoiigh
enough of Ihe 11.11 c linn lit Is (niiMiucd to H.mip
il ,1- 1 suit of conipo-iti' mil icinove it fieiiu the
si I hi cililo.ue' uf eilhri l1i-s of pin. 'Ilic
on-- 11 ill.i iiiilil in ait uf I lie I'l.iv- iipievnrs nil
mii-oi between Iwu uiiulcs .md is iiuh)iie In its
niigiiillitv ef 1-cilh themo nnd tiiitmiul III'
pin s 111 iimp1 uf ioucImi w riling md vl
priuis 1 IIm i .in-l abounds, us do ill Mi. IIL'ginV
pi Hi-, in m in; line dice is mil oiigluil Ideas
The eliaililns ale well diawu ami lille-l to tin)
fubject tit lie -I.
roikviiic n.uitist I'luitdi, j s
Tlioninis, imstor, SoivIcoh tcuiiniicivv (it
10,'M u, ill. unci 7 p in. .'Moiiiinu' s-nli-jeet,
"The Havtli Iloliiiim tbo Woman,"
ovenins' Mibjcct, "Clulstlnn Cli.ii.ictc'r,
n THtlon'a lloht Dofeuibe." 'flu ovtii
Iiik horvlco will linvi Hiicihil lofoicnco
to the Into J'lpsiilcnt McKluloy, by ro
fiuc.t of lim l'cckvlllo IoiIko of tbo
KulBbts of I'ythlnx, wlm will nttcml in
a body.
At tbo llaptlst iKusnniiKo, laht Tlnu
day (ivcnliiK, Pavltl "W. Can nntl Allss
HlUiibeHli ''. Ulcliaul.f wtio iinlteil in
niaiiluKo by Jlov. J. R. 'riiomas. Tlio
Initio and riooih vlll niiilto tbclr liomo
In Scianton, Tlioir many fileiuls vlbli
tliom all liapplnet-s and jn opeilty.
Olais.s Vi, of tbo Jlaiillst Sunday
M'liool, will bold a weiKlit f-ot lal at tlio
lionic of air, Jelfoi.son AVanoti, nt llcll
place, on "Wednesday ovciiIiik. October
Hi. An excellent ptogrnimm) is beln?
mcpiuccl. A pil.o will be Khen to the
lieavlest ludi and one to tbo hc.ivlc.'.t
Kcntleinan. 'AdinUblon, 10 ceutH tor
those vvclghliiK 100 poundis or leh.s, 0110
cent for eveiy llvo pound iivoi.
In tbo Jlethodlst Uplscopal cliuicli
tinuoiiovv the juihtor, llev. 1', rieudall,
ivjl! preach in. the 11101111111; on "Tlio
i:io atlon of Johuph" and In the even-in,-
on "Clulbt on the Divine. Which''"
1' r Daltei, of Jeiiuyn. will dcllvii
llK iiopulai addtt'Sij 011 'The Hoc Uc"
and the I'allfoiuia I'oincniioit of tli4
I'jpworin i.e.iBiie' 011 'iiuvsiiny pvciuiik
III the Methodist Kplfi-op il ehuicli. Ad
niibsjion 'cui
In the men's depnitment .tie
varied nntl decidedly distinctive
styles Fancy Woi steds and
CheviotH nie much in favoi
plain black suits nie laigely
worn, nnd the assortment we'ie
showing' can't be bent. Priced
$6 to $20
Per Suit.
Hen's Suits
In swoll new fabiic effects
just the soit to plense and be of
innctical vnlue. Reasonably
piicecl fiom
$6.00 up
Boys' Suits
We have something special to
say about for the boys must be
becomingly clothed. The styles
nie such ns will appeal to you
patents who want the boy to look
light. Values nie exceptional.
Give us a call when in need.
every day at Eight
tickets are good on
For all nges of
nnd natty shapes,
in deibies
men in new
Conect blocks
$1.00 and Upwards
Correct Dress"
Men, Young
Men and Boys.
324 Lackawanna Aye,
Honarch Shirts
Tiesh invoice just received.
Patterns nie ninwels to nil who
have seen them. Secuie one
while they nio going nt
$1, $1,50, $2 Each
Too much cannot be sard of the
line of Coats we carry for all
ages you'll have to see the btock
to fully appreciate the foice of
that statement. Space will not
permit our saying nil that could
be said of these goods. Pi iced
$8 to $28
Per Coat.
Hade Suits
That please the customeis in
every lespect nie the kind we
build for they nie the best tailor
ing art can produce our stock of
woolens is now leplete with all
fiat's now leavo your oidei
here and get the swellest suit
ysu evei ,voio.
The values to be had heie in
this line will suipiise the most
careful buyer,
50c to $3.00
Per Gaunent.
. t.V V-