uu.VV?iv k ?, J s .&'' '"Hv;T:Jfw5iiiiiMRw1t4iyi? F; r ' " , , E , - -jgw' r r" s- K.)., -j V v - ' - , ,t,l , r-7- ,,w i. ). .12 THE SCKAXTON TIUBUNE-SAITHDAY, OCTOUElt 30, 1901, Leading Chefs & Pastry Cooks use Royal Baking Powder Absolutely Pure Makes the finest flavored, most delicious food BOYAL IMKIHfa M3WOL1. OO , HW WILLIAM ST., NEW YCHK. INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR CHANGES IN NEW JERSEY CEN TRAL MANAGEMENT. It Is Likely to Have an Effect in i This City Suncilntendent Hixson Went Over Pmt of the Line on u Rnihond Bicycle Raihoad Men Want n Semi-Monthly Pay Ru moied Extension of tlie Wilkes 3mie and Enstcin Raihoad The Boaid i'or Today. Tliioiif,h tin- ii)iiliitniiiit "I W W M'cntz, ji.. a- Ri'in-i.il -iiieiliitfiitlnt ot the Now .In sin iVntiul to hiineed .1. II ( illiauii, ictlifil ouiiiK to tnlllns lu.iltli .1 niiinljfi t iliangcs .in- .mtli'lpateil in the r.-ihi.U management il t lie ailnu-t dlvi-lnii'-. Just how this will tiffed tlit Siiaiitnii teimin.il Is as i t't u in.ilti-r ol conjcc tuie, hut it has ah-uilt fi led thf Vilk.es-15.uti ion ' and thci tilhu taiy stations, and itnnm has u lli.it i-iniilai I'li.ingis will 1 inaili' in Hi i. ni ton in tlio ileal tuttllf Thu conipan.v's lnisiu'-,s al WilUy- Kane, Aslilcn. I'aisons and utlu-i 4ii- lions In that vloinltv- Is now looUod ;il- , lor lu nno .onoial ,'if,'iit. and his ilciKs' at lP'li 1 -it I.i I it--. Tlnoiiuh iliis chaiiKv tin -alai list ol thf oin jianv m AVilKos-li.nM' and acliaci'iii iouiis has li'-i'ti miiinil a luindicd clnl lui a month oi iinue The ili'V.illiiiK oplii'ini .mtiiliK the Sunnton Pinplows m tho i uimiali.v N iliat the sstMii now in viitfiip lu WilUi Banc will In- cvtfiidcd to Su anion and ios-llily the liiisin, .-. hete will li" mill' i tin- siipei t I -Ion of the 'Wlllse'.-H.iiif am in II 1 tindet stood that but thiec jitliulpil divisions in- torniinals. hetwcni .knsm rit and Stianton -will piail altei the i nii teinplated hanm-x aie lumk Mow 'iiunv men will ihns lp all-1 led an JlOt now 1)l estimated Returned fiom a Cliilly Ride. S-upeiinleiidriu Hissim, ol Ihe I.hU nwanna Uaihoail li i'ln - and Uuild umb Depaitnient. loiuinid home je teiday altoinoou tioni a Ioiik and thlllv lide o or the io.nl. The dl.siaiue co i red was not so khml hut it w.is the manner In which it w.ih loveinl that jnade the nip anythiiiK lint pleasant. .Mr. lliNton and tlnee at his us-istants talted fiom l'oitl.iud mi Tuesila on a "raihoad hlc,ee," wheh i.- i ui;ed up with lour heats and i- opt i and by hand and foot power . .spreil nt oier twen ty miles an houi i .in be nuaiiied on thi.- modem invention hut the pas-s-cnscih i-eldoni ilde that ta-H, as "it is necefcsaiy tor them tn make a nuiiibei Ot htop.s ,'ilons tin- line. Tho men weie on a nun of Inspei turn On the s-outhein diIsou, anil iiitieall. examined noailv i vi i y toot ot the niad hed between Poitlaud and Sfianton, notingr what impiovi ment.s nues- aly, wheie Blading Is to be ilune and attended to other niatteis alone Unit line. These tilp.s .no made peilodlealh on all i.'illro.'ids bj the .siippilntendents wf construction and otlnr olllel.iN. Will Demand a Semi-Monthly Pny. It li.n heen leaiueil that one ol the :hlet demands now heliiK made by ilm l.aclvawanuu tialninen eiiKlneei-i. nui JuetotF, fli union, and ntliei einplo.in is lor a MinI-inonthl p.n day, the j.tine as hah alieady been auoidPd the mine woiKeid, The i.illroaihis i outeml thai tlu. nac to wait loo lon: tor theh nionej attor c.iuiIiik: it, and it II 1- possible lor tho eonipaii) to pay the nilnoi.s i-t'-y two weeks it Is itHi iosi)i lop tin in to pay the tiiilnim n. An histaiue ol this is i lied in the tint that the Killioiidoifr, are ui now ii'tehins theh eainiUKs lor Sepieinber, while the ntlnei have alieady ioie.e(i two pays in the month ol Oetohei, and will ie ielo another and possibly mo lie fore thu lalhoadeus ieielve iln-li tn . tohei i'.unliiRs It I.S IlloO lOlltellllell t ll.lt till soill- uioiithl pay will he as cual an nil antiiBe to the tiii'.muen a.s It Is to the nilnoi-, and It U jut as riis.inable fur tlioni to locehe li ah muii oth i woikiuen in the ailous tiade.--. ,lu,-t what the olllu'luls lum, m say oh the matter eminoi now he leaiueil, lull ' It Is expected will Ik known at an eailv date. Exteusiou of W. B. & E.' Tiie WIIKeh-lhino anl UiihUiu i.iil joad luis jitht loinphted the hiineMu of a new tome fiom Wllhef-ltaiie to AVilllain.spoit. It h not .,t iletiilu'l wliethtr tlie load Is to he built It I" stmed that the pioposea m line will lonnect neai Willlim-pui t with the lleuli Cieul; toad, and will eli tho :tU', oi which the AVIke.-nuue & laihteui is a part, the most iljioi t touto 1 1 oni ihl.s section to AVllllanitpoit. it i aho tilted that tho extension will pah tlnoiiRh vast timber teultoi fctiouiksbi'i; Tlnu-H. D., L. ami W. Boavil for Todny, Follow iujf Is tip make-up of tlie 0,, L. 4. v ho'iiit for today: i stum urroiiKit lb, Will .it-. I.i.i - p in, licence 'I l.oin js; 10 p in , J W I 'mm, tl (. id, J, llurkluit, !ILI1UV, OCTOUIIH ID. Wllil I nit, j:l-1.30 a. in, M, J. Ildiiiljju; 4 a. m., 11. l.augbiify; 6 . in., (). KtJiue.v; b . m , Jolin Hauler, wltli (. T. btaplrs clew; 10 a U,, f, JJallctt; 11 a. ui., I). llJmil; i p. ju, t Iln-li, 1 l, in W J Mo. In I, p in., Willi mi KIrln. "Ullllllll.-, cli II i tn, I l-l .1 I .illlVK, 'I II III, Ml -I, , II khul: 11 I HI, wt'l I in iiip-mi, ii p in, (j. i ,l. Ili-iuiu ui: In p. ii. m -I, M, Ixliliii; 7 p in., r el mm N.n iil, l Mi Mll-lii , T p. In . wi-l finiii I' mi,' I, Mi (lltili v I'll-ln I- i, i in . II. I "-I II . I l'i .1. in . s, I In mih, h ,i. in, Simile : II 'a ,i in.. Mnrjii; i! , in, 1 Mitlnniiill. 7 p in, Miupln. 'I in, W II Hull nl mirtt ; 111 p in, I iinpluv. l'i itisu Injtliii- T I III, (illlllM, 7 i in, -limn 10 i in, Niihujm, in i in , I' I. Shim; 7 p in l iiitmi, k ') p pi, W.ii,Kll Wllil I if-, i -I- ', ii in, i K.imliilpli: 7 ii tn. I IIiv'.-!m. 10 j, in, I It Mil.inii' II .i in , Mm i.ilivm: I p in . I l I illini 'i, "iili Wilim' inn, ' p in. 1, W.ill I p in. I P nullum, ,', p in M I inn 'b i p in , I Km Ii iiii, NiMH II (oti'Imf, r M t Hiiuiuiii mil Itiikiiii.n I) liuniii).-- will ii pint nl "iipetitili mli lit'- ulllu, llil.nl,, n. i moil of N, I J. l,,ii,l,n, o i. 'l , mini loi llilU'il Mill tJl,' In- iiiii, II ii p in . I), t Ii .1 .1 llulh ill iiiii No "'. , I I- I'. I.MIlL'lll will I il.i' 111- l i. in I l' I ,mi,I, i, I, ,m II W.ill i,l M tliiiint ,n,l iiiu- will iIimhI In i in 1.I1 it .in liul e in sfllllllbll 111, 0 t ll l"l Ml, Hill I, HII-I III III !-tl,ll t,,ll P I . iii null liul I I' s(,un ,n , i i,n. will mi ml I p in 1 1 1 n in bi il.i in in ill ii i ii, ii t I lnl -mini miih nl ill-lui, llntl II I liiMiiuml I. l.iiuU in I i n - will a i"!i' s p tn ill-- it ail In il i iti.liui tioti ,u (il pi, ti i -,iu nl i unr-p if lii-iim li in III iLrimii Willhiii I,.illi4lii iiul I, ,l,i i.oMui will i ill il it limn i.tri'- itli 'HI II This and That. 'Ihe ol11ii.il' of Ihe r.iiekawanna It.tiliuail aie detetinined to put a --top to thf pl.utiee of eailjlnq: pashellKils liee of ihatK-i on all tialn lite -. pai tlrtiliiih the pioi'e.-sloiial and loi.il "iiiIrIh .lunipi is." who mfiUi i piae. tlie of stealhiK tides. A IllIKe 1H1IU bei ol iii rests bae aluad.v been made In thlh n-pect. and all the 'peiial ut Ikiih hae been instituted In be t s. pec tally isllant lu this n'-imi u helioovi'.-. t lie tialn iumpei to ji iv Ills laie nl' walk, it will he ihpapei 'u the end. I'ln-tneis liavt been uk,ik d lor a nuinbei of dajs to lepiii tin wall m the main lobbx ol tlie Lackawanna pas-eimer .station, wheie tho plastei has tall n down s-eeial iime- . sheet (eiliiifr lias bffn eieited. w lih Ii hat been pla-teied oel. and when painted and piopeih duoi ited will lie In keep ing with the ni.iiu olliei uutli tahle Im pioMMiieiits that hae been ni.'ide at . u Ions linns In and aioiutil tlie si,e l on. I'lle Iii I iw ill e and Illld-uli lompaii' ni'i" lielHlu station Is last neailiiK com pletion ,md wIimi fluNhed will alloul aniiile loom mi tin liandlliiKr ot tlie loinpai's cteii.-ie loeal buslne-s dihewny will elend on the side ol tin hillldhiM, nevt to tlie riasseiiR -r station, and a switch will be inn nlons ihe ust s(d(. f nie buililliiB It. V. I'oteet ihiel iluk in the li. IrIu depaument of the Lackawanna Kailioad i oiniianj in this city, has H" tailed ills position to an em a mote I'leiallve one with the Lackawanna laevaloi couipan.. Fie ha.'- heen .suc ceeded bv ti. v, HisbiiiK. who has been cashier at the Sitanlon fietaht loi i ntimhei nl jean. ntlk KNIGHTS OF MALTA. - Milium M. kiiikj i mm in, I, n, , )t lit iu I ilN. Hi mi imi,, fi , (, in-uuliil tn tin cuiiini!- .! Hi t. ', ml ., In i, utml 0 innli'i s,, (,!,,.,, j j.,,,,, ,.,.!, ,i p0,i,, liutnl ( oiiiiniti.li i-, s, lolui (, 1111,'. mil In-pph T. .iinill. .Hid i iliiie -mil tt ..tit t'liiliin loin liuiulil. N". , o( WitMu-iMitk. I In' li t. Oi pi-l l..lllllljlnlll I- llltli.ll Mil, llll.'il to Ml I'l.inUiti P l,,u', ,ml , ,,i,i,,i,,i, ,,, mini tn lulu .i I, iiul-, in,, pn luiiini in, lot's JUMl, 111 llllMllllilMI , In- lil- In plllti.itlK' Hi" siimlli nl llio new liuil, In,' pntiilpil oi lldl- llHlllllll Will -It lillijlll I llllllll1,-i, il ! Blilm Mi I, nun, tiioiilii, sit .Mm II Mill-mil, llr.l-lllfl, s, i.pnij,, , , ,m ijm I w is pir nl al liililnlulil Ml-,11, llillllll.llill, I ,. ,l III lllllil.i,, .lulus, n u,iiiit. Pi, i ,k in, in, il, , I mi il,i ti In (Si .iii.I II, ion lu Nl Ciuili' II I'tiMci- ,-,.i,, In I'j-t ( uinmiiiili'iK s,i ,ii i, j.' ( inn,!,, ,,,,1 kill,, l I lti.HlH, ot liiiiuMi; ,iiu s,, mm, r I' II.'aiiiil ,h, Dai it II Noilliitti.'i, ui 1'lnllips. 1'itll.. Hi' ptiiuii.il olhiii- un s, Kniiir ciniiiiil'lii, -It Willi mi II IV nl, tiitiinVi, ir Williiin ,1 Wi.itei tici-iitii, s lu,,ir lluclii- li 1, inn- it ij-i i miiii ii,,li i 4 r KJtilu w.Te ivmhIhiI pi sh Willi mi .1 Wpimt, In ttlmiii i In i ill it til p.et i uiiiiujii.il i cfl vis pu-i'tiltil I; i'ii' in Inn It, V li.mipi, i wai putilui i, I ,ii iniiliiiulu. Il,, iiL'iilir iniitoi i lie n-will in In lil hi Nnliicilii ituiliiR. In ndil IMIira-,' lull, While I in,- 1 1 nun it,i ii i lu, on -muliy illitiii'in, tiu i,, In M minion il -,mi - In .oni in, moral, ,ii if II, ii ilui.i.-i.l , ,,ni,ini,,ii, sr j ,l. W'kiui. it, I i tut In;.'!' iiiiinli w,n pir.. ml I Hit it, u' tin "itiir- pritu i-s mini, I l,t l,'i. Willljiu Illicit it, mu. I, tiii.l, u, I In I iio lllllil III 111. Ill 111 lilt I I 111, I I t OIU'llll ll ill, 111 I, mill .at t'niiti nl hIiIo ililttitul 1 1 Hit I W M mill." i t iilumhi i ui in unit it, N,i J- , it ilu. .in, iu'iImiI i i lav- it iiiitne- h-i mil, Hie .ti'iiuui iiiinniiiiilir; nl uuriii In- in-t ICi.'tdl Until tin hiipillil Hull nl s uiluul , ept nl Hi" "Vl.lic-a In i. ji,i, Mnu Id wttil ll, iiiiiii tin tiil, nl oni lllu-lilmi. Oirlu IvIll.-llU i t ill J," in Willi lnt il,m. ilillltp liitii ii'i ui 1,1, iii.i ji - '. ilulii ii, ,ii ,i- ,i i n (Un ,,wu',n; pl.'il, llnh l,n,it In lil- ii -un, till,,,,, ,anl unillv, .mil n it ,,i "oi i wiiluii II; l.inudoir, n,d piu-p nit will, in il, lulani.' II,,' iK ilililit i- lsiin ui, I n iii, I l,v st Williiin li lii-jiiin, Imp, I III siaml lii.,. iti. inl s, Willi un -'ililrt, luip.iiil si ui'l li ii.ultl II,, .inmul luthiiiutl ii of Hi- miniiii. i mu lointiiiii, Un ii tlie i.,miui'iil ii tin. i i l, Id it. -i.Ii,in ,it limliciu, N. , in (l,t 1 1, 1) ;.i I 17. jii .ittiiidji,, i . .i --in .1. Minim. Dm in ' mniiiidjiioii, in, il, r iliu-.li, ii in i In ,l,j)',ll In lliili.ii,' tin i,,-t ,: ,i .until. Ilu ili'.ill, n ol li I'odl in l,i kiiott ii a. i l,i II iiul'- ,if Mall.l, Jii In ion.1,1 I m Ill-It . It nl tin Hit-., Inoll'd,. r-Utt l-. anil il.iiurlitu of Immlili nl M.i la, .n I Ion upon y l rati i un-i.iiiiii' in tin ninnili It iouiiill; the iippiiiiul el lie mill Inn ili.nlu. l,l.liill,l l,t I In' .npiiuii' nlliuH ilium; Ilu ,l,l toaij 41111111 upon a iiiuiilici o( ami ndiuuii-, jiul maiit utlici luailu, nl i.pnul un u in lie iidu. OBJECTIONS IN CORAY CASE Large Number o! Witnesses Galled Before Dauphin Gountu Gourts, DECISION EXPECTED NEXT MONDAY Mr. Cot ay's Nomlnntlon Objected to by John M. Oannnn, of Nauti coke, nml Patiick Donahue, of Philntlelphln Mi. Gaimmi Testi fies Regm ding' Tiansactions nt the Recent Stnte Convention. 13) Kxilmitf Wire luan'llip .ocllnl I'irM. Triiiilshuit., (Jit. kv The olijutlons to the leilllienle of III iilei-eulutlve .' A. I'm ay, Jr , of I'lltstcui. Deiuin tath niunlnee lor .state tieiisiu,., !,. iieniil loda lu the Dauphin louutv court h, .Illttaes stlnionlnn .Mild Weks. , inm'e number ol wltneHses W)U. ulleil on both sd,. -., unci it i e.N-peitnl n decl-lon will benlrn op Monda, when the lime limit foi inlli.tlny the nominations by the stal deiuiilmnu iNphcs. .Mr. (mac's noiuliintlon is objet ted to by .lolui M. Itanium, ot .WtnlleoUe. foinie'r ilmliiii.iu ol the neiuoiiatle state coiii iniltee itiid I'atilek Honiiluie, ol I'lilln dilphiii. II Iheli obiietioiis me -lis. tallied his niinie will be m i It ln tioni tin nciiiui i, itli loltinin on the ullWi.il hillot. All I'oiac wits iHiiniimled oi ta lnallc l the I'nlon and .Munielpal le.iKiie panics, nml in onlei lo Mint tllslon with Hits,, pai tli s on the stale tii kit. Kepi, M'litutlce Aniln-w .1 I'ahn. ol Shade lllo, who was noiuiiiiitnl lor slate iicastiiLi lust AiiKU-l hv the li'inoiiatlt stale i oinentliin, wtthdi'w at a spiiial nni'liii", ol the -i,iii uiitt initlee held iii Hai i Isbui jr la-t Fi id ty. At the iiiiiti niioii whli h noinliuitcd Mi. I'ahn n motion was offcinl bv.Mi. In l ni.iii ami adopted, llntl in ,i-e of a .lllllll on the tliktl -mh acanit sliould In IIII. d b a Ut'iiioti.it, The iiinventiou ,iln adopted a i t-utut Ion iiuthoiiniK a i omniitti e, ol tt hie li Cap tain tr.is.-oii. ol (ill i'!t, is Lhaiinian, to take thai i,e ol pal ty atlaii -in I'hlla delphia The I l.ts-un i ommlll tt l.'cotn inilidid to the eNci iilhi lonunittee, al a mietiuq; held in this t itj last Tliuts clnt. the eNiuilshm i, ilK s l'lill.uli 1 phla in, inb, is of Ihe tatr lommlllte loi alii L.,-d put ilsuiilt, Itsieeom nieiidation was iippi oed h theiNciu tie loinmiitei, nml at its suggestion tll"-e iniinbeis wcie eNpelled li) the statf iiiminlttee and then phoe- tilled by olhei Dinioiiats, one ol whom is eN-tioceinor l'.tttisoii. Mr. Gannan's Testimony. Mi i l.'ii mail It'-tlllcd at toda.v's lieai inr that he olieied a motion at the lueeiiiiK oi the letent state coincntion that In i.i'i' ot a ai aney on the tli ket 11 should b" illicit b.v a Uemoci.it and that .subseipit ntly a motion was adopt ed that a conimlttie be appointed to notll the state candidates nt their nomination lie was conoboiatod b .1. W. i'. Austin, one of the Yoi k di legate-' William ii. Muipht. "iici,iij ot the Philadelphia eity eominlt tei and ,-oeiaI othei pel sons who u stilled they wcie pie.sint tlnotiRliotit the proecedliis:'! ofthc convuhtlon, Mr. Donahue and "the other members of the eommlttee, who W'ele pN'lielled testllled that they liad ictehed no mitten notlee of the ii)cet Iiik of the eonnnlltpi' nt which they weie exuelled or that I'luugca nt any kind hail- been prefeired iikhIiimi them before the llnsson Loinmlttce. They elulnieil that they liad always boon good and tegular UpinoiuatK and nt all times mippoitPii the paitv ticket. f'aptaln John 11. Keenan. or tiipens bitig, (halininu of the tnle conven tion and Seeiotallcs l'nilt 11. tlnVlK of IJitslnn nnd Thoiiins v., .Mlnolmit, of ClmiubciMbtiig, testllled Hint the 5ai liian motion was not offeied and adopt ed until ufier the coiHeiillon had ad .louined. Caiitiiln Keenan admitted that the motion liad been orfeied, how rvei, and put and Hint it had been declined cm i led and that ttlieiiii'iitl.v he was dheited lo appoint a nollllen tlolt committee hut all thin oe. in ic d af ter a niol Ion to uiHouin had run led ami ninny of the delegates mid peetittois were leaving the hall. Captain llnsuuti mid Col, Haves llilPf of Columbia, testllled as to the nc'llon of the Hussein commit tee In 'adopting ii lesolutloii uigliig the ev- pnl!on of rho Phlliidelphla nienibeis, Tlie minutes of the nieetiug at whhh this action was taken wcie piodiueil b .Mr. tii ler, .-.eeictan of the i oniinll tee. roiniir (loceinoi I'allisou tt"-tl-tied that Hie Denioeiats have n eiy luelllcleiit oigiiui.illon III I'lillndelplila and that lu learned this while iniiklnyr a tutu of the mu Ions wauls as cliali innn oi thi lipinoeiatle c ft y coniiulttee. Itnndolph Shhk, lesldeiit seeietaiy of I the --tile lomniltlee, (".stilled thiit wnt ti n notice ol the meeting of the lecent state committee was mulled lo oei litemliei meliidiiig the ' I'lillndelplila iniinbeis tlio weie deposed. He sjild State Ch. ih man Cum., had In-tnuted hlin noi to s,,( notice lo tlie Philadel phia iiieiubeis. but that he had vio lated the chaiiman's liftiin'llons'iind ninllul a notice to e.n h inenihei with the CNieplloii ol one In Plilluili Ijihl.l, whu-e name was ofel looked. Tli" i,ih, Will beaiguid luiuuiiou b Congiuss Jlilill (llmsted, of 11,11 lisbllig, loi the nbliitcus and Koheit stiiodgias-., of lliiiilshinn loi ihe ollic r c-ldt. Coijiointionb Chaiteiec). Il.i I , lu-iii Win' li mu Jin 1 1 iitnl Pii ,4 II ii i i-l, m:. l'i, ii,i. I- ( liuti t-i win t ii. 0 lit tli' -MU ilijielim nl nil it In Ilu inlluitinj; i nlpTllmtis Itlllli -lint Itulitlt i jlilpllit, I'lll-lniiC. In I, oil, I I"d mill, ri ti nl i tpu il, s '.tillU lil,tii-tn ln'liK --tiiit Itiilttut mill pun. I'ui-liui, tn Ixiilil tint" null- ut mid, i ipil il, sl-Ulm llioijrll Wil-mi, ol I'ilt-I.lli,, 1- pli-nlitit i, l I ,, lulupiliii'- Death of a Volunteer. In l In tcWiu uom'lli. iiiiit"il I'ii - Minniit, l'i, U t. 1- Wilur Winli i who -pun Itin tun- tn tin I'liilippini-, i -uutJiil in tin I n itt thi, I i, mm 'id, I tiltoil -tit,, , dim tut- w i- foiui'1 il' el in lied till- in.iiiuiu I" lii--l-lci IIU clnitli w t- cut-ill In i i-Mii-liul, in ilu' lii.pn il iliinilf II. wt- -'" te.il- nf i, ami -un nf 1' Wttitci, i will known mil, to tlcilu. Tiied to Poison His Patents. Bt lAtlintie Wue fiom llio s-onaI.) l'rc- MiMitmiu, l'i. Hi . I- (. W il-uti -pliuii.tPi mril J- ji ir-, .iiul -iii.Ii. put it-pun inili iiiif.e it In- Initio tt.l it tn ui-on iii- pin nl- lioc iti-i-lint hid i libnl lo 211 1,11,1 111, 11,.' Ilu pi, nipt (iilintiil-lrali.iti of iiiuiliti- tun -ite ll.ih litt-, tliiuli lmih .in nan dlt ill siliinotit it t- ar icti'l i- In w i- patkitu lit- i If'tlu - In II.. CHICAGO -TEXAS OIL SYNDICATE CiiplUI Htciili l,(In("i lie. In nitron of riilerntucasli KUI'ERi-NCnS. Chlcicn Nitlunal Bank, Chlctico, III. Ihe I'lrtt National Dink, Beaumnnt, Ifim I tic l'lnl;r & Mechanics' Nat. Dank, Houston, Icicm. Tho Texas oil (lekl. nlthoimh hut rtaht nionlht old, aro lihotiily the BrentP.it oil iirudllelltij fields of the world, Oil Is a standard eumtnodlty nnd lin ninitr more ureal fiirloiK'H tlmn Tiy other hn etini'tit, Tills S.Miclknte s lands are nil paid fur. NO LEASES, NO ROYALTIES TO PAY. It tins covered tlio oil illslik'l, lur hiding tltn fuinuus Splinllu Top. Sour I.nkp, Sirntog.i nnd Djton Pruhle 1 he niom-i for dilllliiK Uk that Hiudier on lis Hihnlle Top li tul. whtch it nearliig coinplellun, Is duposltcd In the A met lean I.Klloiinl Hank of Itpuutiinnt. Trensur Sloulc Is now offered for lc to protlde niniipv to btillil plpp lines, milks nnd tnitk pari for mnrkc tlrir Iti oil, 1 i order that tt n1.1t pitj clltldriula to H toeU1ililer nt the i'lirlp( piisil)t- innoiflK. GUARANTEED STOCK. This Ik no stock speculation. It l the purchasing of an absolute ceitaliity. You take no thancpo. WE GUARANTEE A GUSHER ttltliln W iluys or eteiy dollar Mlhscitlicd will be it filiated. All subscriptions are riepoMtcd in the CHICAGO NATIONAL BANK. Tols Is the onl romrmii) tlinl Hlnotutelj uiiiir.'tn- a f lusher within ltj da or ic finds tin inuiiej dl lectlj to the subscrlbei. 11111 pale! am! lion ntrrstaUo (H'l'ICKKS ANIl l)IRt!C10H5 r-l.-rit W C IMI111I? l'ip.t nflliAMnArn l-.,rln. i ' . w t r', 11..i.l.,n 7..t ?,'.tS."".V'.rl 'L ',. ,"J"-!.N "lilr I'laiilrrs A Mpelinnlc Xiitlonil Ilk . Hniniun Tor.l 1IHN W M K MA' I n tp.isinviif-rii'itoi from lllliinl. I'l'llllV A llt'1.1.. Mn(r lu I'lint.coryofllifl'lri'iilt I'ourt OIiIciiro, H II. l't:imMAN, Atlornnj, ltcjintnn.Tei. A TfMit guslipr flown TO.oot) barrel nf nil dalle, which nt I.Iip mat ket prlcp of .ID cents per barrel Is $T,nTI.VHXi 00 per yenr mill wntilrt Itisnro uer 7o) per i cut J early dividends upon tha uillip iiipltnl Muek nf this ftjudlcate or AN INCOME EVERY YEAR of sTiH'i .'! un everv luitultu! ilnllais Itivestpil Stt'ii by Nti'p as the ili'Velupntenl ot thl ptopertv pro i pods tint vnlllp uf t'lls Mtoek will niiilltnlj nml inultlplr unit l( I'irr tiii'i-i-iialiiu ill t lilemU vlll renrli fnhli Iiiiin irniirllnH. 'I'll I h ulroiiK Sj lillleiile linx liollt for (be fnlttre. It has euverpil the oil nreu of Texns nnd Is de tlned lo have more kuuitm than iinj other eompnny In thu Klf.it Tpxiim nil fleldH. The IntPKrltj 'iml nfcgn i-lve hiistness elm meter of the ofil ers uf this Kjndlcitte Its stnuiB reference", larfr" holdltiHR ot utl binds and the Kiiiiiani.e kIvi-ii with this stock are the INVESTORS' BEST GUIDE. All stockholders are on an ecpinl footing and have nt equal Interest In alt Ihe KiiMier", lainls., property and dlvldeinlf of this Hj iiilleiite, hi propoillcm tu thctr huldlna;s NO PREFERRED STOCK. This stock Is. nun offered at W) cents per shore In lots of ISO oh ires nnd upwniit this Is the tlrst solllrtr price the Krouncl ilnnr liiivniivv, .ib the prli w vtlll rapid lj itdvince upon coin pletlnn uf Its tll't sjushei. T2A IIUJ9 hO -limtej $RII llu 10 I Shares. ft 01) Hui 200 Ahnii'S. ?2S0 Hnvs 500 Shares .s.'iid all remittances f.n -ii'l, and address all liniulilf- mid re iitol- fm iio-ipi tn- to fidelity wdst k mzmum wmm, Dept. II, AI0.5ll-.St2 .Stock llxchanice tSldf; , Chicago. .NOl'JCU W i' futiilihuronrcuuest the nmrkciv nine urcclllnciirli.cot.ui I-caso!l hoc Us ii'iiuob il n ilir llnu-ton anil Dcuumont Stock CucUimt. Hepair Shops Binned. Hi I t. lu. hi Win n em I ii -ocl.tlcl I'ii I l-liill l'i Oil I- 111, in nil -In i f tin litill.ll .iml Nitt luu'liu.l llllltniil , ,lll,li,i it I'm Vl.'U, liv-ltllll Willi I In Innillli till- iml luuliinui tin ili-ui'tiil lj i Iim .! mult li ii i niliii li-l miilni,'!.! I lie In-, i- milt -I ., IHhl i.ailt tll-lllcil Automobiles, Bike Wagon We Have Just Opened Out New Hall Stock of We are prepared to do all kinds of repair work on the above, tires and bear ings a specialty. We have enlarged the door in the rear of our store, you may run or drive in. Compress ed air always on tap free for your tires or air tank. 0 Needless to say it's the vety best possible for the money, or it wouldn't be here. IT INCLUDES. Florey & Brooks, 2ii Washing1 on Avenue. Pots, Pans, Kettles, Coal Hods, Spiders, Griddles, Etc. In fact, al! of the many Kitchen Utensils made in this ware. See window display. J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 312-314 Lackawanna Avenue. Snow Falls at Xock Hnven. By Ktdiube Wire from 'llio AtkoiUtol l'tc- .oik llaun, Pa , Oct IK 'sinu lo 1 1,,' uVntli ot one inch fill in the iiioiintiiliioii, poiilotu of Clinton coui.tj- )ut night. The urounJ tin n tlri'ly coined In ininv pltiei. Tli, re wt t bl( tlrvu in the tcniiiutuit', Will WMy v yjufr I k. - k ( " ASeSX mm M 3 ! ii' ill!' M :-; : m iff' ! ! . W IlllSffc TUB XKW IIIIMK OF TUB NOKIIt AMKKICAN, HH'lAn ANH KANnM Nl V rfKTS. PHII.AliKM'IIIA for October 20 k 'i A Ghetto Comedy . Maryland's Woman Piiol Inroads of the Mormons . . Abe Buzzard's Conversion . Adventures of a Famous Bear 20 New Street Costumes . , How to Get Rid of Wrinkles . 1. Zangivill Illustrated Iltustratcd Illustrated Illustrated J I lustra ted Illustrated Illustrated New Fashions in Furs . . ''Don't be Familiar With Strange Children" (Full prgf, in tolors, l.y McDouaU) M A1arv Jane" Sheet Music i rollicking -.ailor Ming) !2Page Mngazine . 8-Page Woman's Supplement 4 -Page Comic Supplement . and In colors In color. In colors Pages of in ihe next News SUNDAY NORTH AMERICAN 30MKBESCJ 4 WtirMMMI . . . w h& ;- f!i i 4t 'tJ'V.J. .- C? vP V :. ,j . siMsa'fs.'-- 'fc-iijii, Jt ,, J