JWff"Jvii t-fv "?R-'--WH"l" ' ' "Tr',v1yrrrjr)-v','r'fiv-'S''''.''s''-': "ty jVf JUl prsi? jTP ",(! fms'WPy,e" v "'' ! ,vl ?' ', THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATUH DAY, OCTOBER 10, 1901. X ! j Rc9ious.. REV. BIS. C II. ItOlMNSON Is still nt Jlltm ('uinniliiffs' julvatu hos pital, on Vine Mticot. where he Iiiih umlciKoiio it notion oiipra llmi. lie will be able to leave next week for hlx new home at l'ellmni Sltinor, N. Y.. which Mrs. Hohlnoti Is now pi-up.iiliiK for their nci'iliituu'.v. 11 In with the Bi'culesl icbivI that tho coiiKi'OBiithui of the Hi-coihI J'resbytor lan chin eh ielliifiilhes. tho imntor be loved for ,-o many year?, and Dr. Hob , iliHrm Is yiutllleil durllltf hlM convales retiee liy the i mnitlf!". evld-nees of the aflVetlon and honor In which he lt held by thoKe who luuc been tinder hlsi im toiate six -well as a multitude outside his chinches. Jt l plcasiinl to note that when they depart from iVr.iiitoii Dr. and Jlrs. ISoblnson are to ro to the hciilllful New Yoik suburb, where they will be near their son and his family. At the meelhifr of the presbylety of I.aekawaiinn held iccently in Ifone! dale the presbytery bade Dr. Itoblnson fiitcwdl on ills offering the reason for his icHlgmitlnii of his rhm'Ki' and a.-dc-Invr for a dissolution of the pastoral relation between him and the Second chinch f'harles II. Welles, e.-c . ol Scialiton, elder of the Second Presbyterian church, presented and lead the resolu tion passeil by the church, which closed with the bestowal of an annuity for Dr. and Jlrs. Itobliihou each of S.'nt) for life. Then .Mr. Welles said: 'llie-i if-oliitiuii, liner lie xet.x diini.il and .ir rv vny IlltV if xxlut st.uiiN link 'f I In tit. Put im f'Uiilrfii loar. of .i"Ofiiti"ii Willi Pi. Id luti hmi, in vxliklt time llii' iluui.li li.n Klnxxii Houi i mii ill iuiuni.'.eiiiii In ,i (iiimii-mluui "I ''1. in my h.t iii-r "tie in iiiil ""I liomii' linn, we luxe .ill Ml the t In i-t-ltt.c- loxe nf Pr. Kulilii. ?oii mil In I'.h Lad ,t xxutuluiul iiitliiutic. xxilli it. ill. I 1ii(. lid n awiuatiil with dint :is one of tin' elilu .mil iliiiiiic all tin' dim Inn jeam he li.i liei n with ii- In- lin hail (hi- i liwl viu. niihv nt tlio vxliuie i iiKI'5it ion. 'I Id otmic ition h ni.iid' up ul .ill i l.i f- oi people, tl.i' lisli ami I lie loxx, ami lii li.is lirui I ho pa-tor if them all. Id' st (i oiti ii; ami Ihil Jut plaer in i.v li. lilloil liy one jnt a kmiII.i, jmI a full if luxe anil nf Chti'l-lil.e ilurjitir .1 lie, conum- ik all. ami we moil join piaxei- 111 toiwileiiu;; tin m.i'lcr. )r. Itoliin-nii .vi.x. he In lu'H'i l,etii a Will 111.111 for the fnuileeii t(.u.i villi u. 1'e.x men in full vinur of uiaiilioi'd wmilil In- (.ti.ilio of dolus; the win I, h" Im id. i.e. The 'liuiiti Ins niuie than iluiidd il ince lie his dcoii wild -. I Know that Ihe pi uri-t i.f the ilniii'ti will follow hint. May Coil Me liim it lih polii; mil f 1 mil amou;,' 11 ,n 1 iliunli, ami follow him vxluievei' In soo-. Itev. (ieoise K. (luilil. D. D., pastor of the Provident c Presbyleiian chinch, paid : I irmrniliii, i lew of (he Inelhien pieoeut 1I0, the d.'ix when 111. Kuliitwin i.iine iuin otn mdl-l anil lie, tine a nieindcr ot mif jni -hi piy. thin!. tlieu an fev hen vim leineinluT when he lie tame nloi of the hoiotiil l'i! leritn tliiiuh in .1 leiy liniio-ie enice. We Ih'j.iii (o love him wlu n he Him (.line d tit ami we luxe 1 on ttnneil willi imiiM-imr .nlinii.il 1011 10 loe hint tip In the pii-eni houi. It h a iliMimt lo in mil pH'Ooieiy In line pi Kolim-r.N withihaw from nut tellou-lnp. Wo shall iiioxiiie mif lo. fn llii (niiinil 1 ii. I , oinmiitofH of om pielp,toiy, j will a in npni no-l)liii. It U el i'ii a cioal. or 1i In the -otiil ami rhtiuh 1 oiiimuiiitie-i ami Ihe miiiMiy of suaiituii ami the niiimilhte u inily In Ihti alle)i 01 J.ad. iwann.i ami --ii. qneliaima we have .1 losinopnliiaii population, it i 1111 ailio, v. nle-awake popiililion. It 1, li!iiiitly .1 innuneulil iilittr. Ami il lime i stu pl.ue within liie lioiiieii of I'um-x lania white tin 10 i neeil lot a profit tie, iwen-ttin. tm oil and f.iithiul 111.111 nf deep pit ly tunl of Kenoial loioynitien atnl uii.oivint; in the ri Mii: of Cln lit. the (iie.it Head nt Ihe I liuifli, that tonlor w Scianion. Pr. ItotiilHon i a man of Bie.il depth nf that a icr And ,m'I time K thi thoiiuht lo me this 1H0IIIIII9, lli.lt Pi". IdllilllMlll lul flllhlllll hH 1I1K- .ioii hi .idinir.ilily that hU lite ami woik will live .iftrr him m Siianln'.i anil the (linuli. ami lie will luii' the pii.un nf iln, pu.hMot; I lueil not add the do, p sethe nt miiiow that tllU nnr he.uls (hat om' den, 1 apilde and e-touned lnuthir i to gn linni nnr Munit.x 111,1 l.ihm htia ill wnt lellowMiip 110 dmscr with n. Othets .-.poke as follow.-: lle 1", Von Kni:f, ol Kiii-tnii, I'a While I w i a slmliiit at the Anliinn T'heolouii il ri'inin Hiy I no tn li.ni' the pu.ili'se ol j.oi mv" and Iiciiiiik a Kio.it in my of Hie pu'.uhrti finin that paa ol .Vow Y01I; -.talc. Anil in- we all Know, Ihcio .no tiilain 111011 ihii'mike siioneri ine previous tlim nlhei.s, nml I nmoiiihii at a leit.iln iiine Pi. Kotiin-on wa pic-ent and thrio woie ithei pioimnetit moil pic-nil ami made aildie-01. While I iiniiinlioioil 'nine of them nftirwiniU I .ilwa,n li.nl a mm (luir and iid pidine ot Pr. Jtnjiir-oii in my own mind not only nf hi- p, 1 -tonjlili lull ol what lie Mid. W'h'ui I he.nd la'ir Oil, fOlne .M'.ll.- llftir that III tail, tint tho S'c imd I'lOrli.Miiiaii 1 I111rc.l1 nl N.ianlnn, had nini n tall In Pi. 1'ndiii-on, I had 110 tumble lo tee cni7c Mm, fnr he li.nl liein tip in tint time in my mind a- I unuindeu'd hint 111 im -dhlim cl.i.it. I w.H ul id lu know Ihil wo wntild hue hit JiiC.-onio lue in lliic pio.h,iluv. And I foil that it i- .1 i(i.iin,il d.,, in me In hue hint limine fli'lu Nianton. I del that he will Ihe 11 Kiiat mam' W'.n .mi. Imt I am xnio otn .m )iathy and pia.iot will un with him wheieiot he Ilex, 11. I'. Iliininoiid, of Ol.tphaiit- If the oldi 1 I'lothcis that liu'e Ik en a 01 laleil Willi llr. ld.li iiiMin ilinlii).' all the wu he has hull hole lool hl. Inv, I lliink the xoinmor mon have file a Iliiuh. I well iiineiiilii r tint whin I flirt .nne lu'ie .1 ineinlur nf till- pu -hi let.i, lie cum tn mo with tlio older of I1I.1 rlntuli ami niiiicd me nliiio-l an an own mh. I'.nr .-lino do hi- -loud in the u III ion nf a fillior. ml I, .1- one of the .n1111tr IniindeiK nf the pie-d.Mir.v, del lh.il 'It I-, imt only ,1 lo-s In the pn-li)uj, Imt ,1 ln-c li. me. Ili. S.nimol IlinUe, Tiiiilduniioil,, Pa- I tlili.L Jlii'io aio fiw ininl-ti'H In the pio-liUoiy whn ato lioatu wnlki'i.- than Pi. ltohlii-on, I haw iv.ilihi'il Pi. Iloliln-oii elo.-il;- and have ileiind t woiidiilnl ln.-piatloii In w.llililtiK him III In unik, I del tint ,14 Ion;; n I Ihe I will Inn the jnpn-.sl.ill n hi- lite, lli. Pi. I. .1. I.iiilnvr, N.1 nit 011 'I In ir ,11c J10-0 who h.oe known pi. Idililn-oii for .1 ImiKir jmo II1.111 p. ih.ip. I Into, hut I luxe ,1 piofomel vihilll.illoii lot him. Coinlns: a- I did I10111 a '11I.111I pl.lir, while do had pinlulil.x noier kmiwii t lio.iul nf ii"', hi- kirnhir- mole .1 plnfoilinl lipnMloil upon inc. thU ijpadli) nun of t'lui-t '.o j Innihii' tn me In exny -m-,. III- tall, Jiliilieil poii-im and vv , 1 1 iiiaiiiioi' dale lirt.ii i Ml'jli'd x'. ltd me rifi lnie. He ilwaxs ni'liiod in 1110 Pi he mix xoiit'ifnl, ml I w 11, ..leaked whin I ln'.u.l i ,, n,-in. 'on, and I 1.111 not ihlnl, of hi, ailing .m.i.-iixx-, lie has I "in al tlio la .id 01 a -ieat ilinn.i lilt li w.n inntiiiiiaily adi.iiiolns 1 umm. leal, for tho l'uh)lny at lho--e xxlm h.nv dun ire loiiifoi, Imt I knoxx- wdcu do 1, K(,m, h) llU til ml,- him 111010 lit 111 I. li onl;, one wu.idl .line wlm 11,11 like hint, Imt not ixm a in. 111 of I, iii.illlx un ex 11 take liU plan. ume to an a .1 Mun-ioi ami do undo nie te. I ,a hoiin, should like It to lie in my pown in nukii Pi. I'llilinnn at aIioiik ph,xi-l(jll a, po,-.dh'. ftiv, .1. Mexxjit, P. P., Tow nulj, '.i. 1 (,,i jitltii mil I11d.11, in Mi'xv of lln Mpaialion 'hi, 1 tepcr.ittoii ,11 iiai frlond-np. In luol.in,- xtr the iiilniili's I flml pi. IMihi-on u.i- uidamnl xdout lie: raine lime a. I wa,, ami om nnn, hue dun a.f'iulfd on tdo toll. We d,iaii m,r inliiilrlii nlioiit Hie film lime, ami it nui.i, ,, ,. foil t.ji ld.it lioxx ho 11111,1 1 1.1 u.nlo In, : i.k. Sime of li aio uottin.' to Ihe point ixht'ie we h.ne In lay jnk' om impkninii- nl dii and lay our null, idnxn UI11I .1 pda.jiu inn.. li when 1 mill I I'll- It it In iMIl loll lio dnuil .it Id work. In Mile wild .ik'i a liont'ilit iluii .1, 1'(. Iluliliiil dot'-. I luxe d,,'ii In ihv i, I'.xlcii' with h. Kiililn,oii iliiic ln tiiliird, I hue hei(i liut' ihiitj.uiip t'.n. Vtiy low ,1 Oon' tii'ic lodav une li'ic wlm I lamr. Pin In; f'jintcoii .xiaii, Ih Itodlnton lu dtrn pa' In 'I 1 he he mil 1 im ih In Siijiilcii. and din ing Hint time 1 liixo found gro.it liKpltatlon In Ids fricniMiip atnl dllowidilp. I date alxxajs If. Biulcil ill i'. 1 n an otremol.v who. 111.111. I llkrtl to dl'di'i illffcitnl inioftlom wild lilm, ii.pccl.illy tliTOloRliid ftielioii(", tn Unit II dtno In ias, 1 may he lu'imilloil to fi), that 1 li.wr always foni'il iii.i.ol( on tde linp fide Willi Pr. Itoiiln- FOIL I found sioat pd iiii 0 In lilt follnxxflilp. Ills llbci.illly, lil fircilniii from proindloo, lite dio.iillli nf die mind for liutli ami Ihe lirmillfiil iiipciit do has alwiijs kIxoii In tlio id el-Ions 0' tlio diiiirli l vct pliwanl tn 1110. 1 dale ah xx-a.xt fell gir.it lomfoit In iIIm iivlni,' llioe iiio. tlohs with Pi. Koliiteoni I foil more viae I xx.h llttlil wdrii I did lilt xlinx. 'thru lilt Kio.it pil Koiiallly, hit main power Hot in Ms Itidlxdhi.tllix, lint it Pr. Ilodln-oti's pewn. Ito liat lx on i Mrr-itiir lo nt ami n oonifort to n. I am "otri In luxe him ko, ami I hoe un idiiidt tliat tho l.nrd will Mini snmohody In the Sooond tliurfli of "-oraiiton. Hill he tnlnl a moat work 1 lit tf ami 1 knot,' Ihe land will lool; nller It. M.x pt'ixots 1110 for this 1le.11 liiolhot imlay ,i ho leaxos ihe loving tnoniP of Sii.inlon. 1 tin li"t l.iioxv while ho Root, lint as do koo- down tlio wetli'tn nlope, do will find 110 lieltn ttlrml. no kinder do ills 01 an.x tint will de 1111x10 faithful in lliolr Mlnw-hlp lor dim. And we all piay that at llii jo.iit un on and slieimlh Is i.,i.i(d, and ,t ho uniit-i lion tho mil, lie mix de ilienetl Willi the poxur of piaxor and iij, "I luii' foiiadl 1 muni ludt; I d.no tlnl-hnl nix' loliii-e; I luxe kept Ihe fallli: In inefoilh time is laid up do me .1 flown of uahlioti-noi.. wliiih Ihe l.o-il. the liahlooiis jinlue, i-h.ill ulie me al Ihil dix." I am -lire do will de .idle lo mj tin-. Slid 1 hope we 111.11 all de lei octileil in n'lr xxoik .11 (,'iod and fnilliltil serutil. lie ..es ftoui us, and -ome of us mix nexoi .10 dim .iKaln. dut 1 dope we max al! imrt in Hie kir.ilom nf Ho 11 1 11 Ilex-, .lames Mr l.i-,l. p p.. vianlnti I 1111 thankful tor thie iirululdnis liiim tdo Siintid I'le-d.xloiiin ilmuli. rpio-.-iim Unit foellnss fo ward Hit 11 licloxod picior. I (dink l.'od ihey Inxe hid a pi-lnr ., Ifiiis nf ulioin ihr. 1.111 po.lk -0 klndl.x. 'Ih.i'X' hue -down I heir loxo, not milt 111 piini" Ihe-e ie-olulioii-, Intl dy mil. Im. pint Mon for dim and tilt wife hi I.iiir a- (ioil iii.ii rp.110 ihr in. I ospet I lo -ro Pr. Hodiisnn ten ton, fmni now: lie It mil 4olii to tde. 'Idls i- nut his fiitioi.il. It will do .1 Ions lime defeir he -oe- lo tie.it in and uirols Pi. siewail ihtie, and I hope llr. Slewatt and lie le.ix lonlliuie lona wild u- a- miinlutt of our pio-tnl.'iy. lie I- inj m,ne.-t iieiuhd.it. I do I ii-t mil .eiouil ihitnhc ale mcilhor and duiehler, ami If the ilmahlei haj. out -dipped Ihe mother it . duo litmli tn the i-doils in Pr. l.'udin-on. We will (md II dillriilt lo find any one wlm will saitpi-s or ei'iial diui. lie Im put dis ho.nl and t-oitl in hit lahoi. He his done ivelleid woik loi loroiRti mi ions. Hi- upon, tt the pie-I.(iii d.ixe doon model- of luolleiiry ami rliaiMo-s, .mil do In- done a wink in Idal line tliat r onlv it Mi 1 1011M 1 kiim. I will not litt-l lnx-ilf fo speak any Mionaet idan 1 '1.1x0 n-t done. If .inxdo.iy mk-o- lilm in this Pie? liv'tix il i- I. We will mi dim in mmy wax, Imt tlim I dope he will 110I alloxx his nitiie'ti do ora-od tioin the loll of this pio-dx lu.x. 1 hope he will tome link once a .ion, lint wo in i.x see his 'aie. I'ox. I, U. IVi-ln-I .1111 -uio Ihil the tilx of NI.111I1111 has no man in it who-e iiifliiouie' li.is dodi felt iiioio linn Pi. linhiu-rinV. Mi fit-i work, xnii all know whit It wa--. Pi. Iloditi-on wa- rdi-ely a--oti.itcl wild. He In, helped ni" hrar a Kit it 111 tin diitiletis. lie has helped mr a meal tleil, hut t-peiially In deannit hiindnt. Iln. Julius llaiulioivkt -Ho nut onlv wa, .,., fo mo dut do wa.s tery kind a, will In in wpe anil tn mi ptopd. r a-1; Cod'- liles-in4 upon dim mil f wi-h i.'tnl will bIic hm, a lonj- nm,. -u he tan do Rood, (im) dlex. him. llrx. l'lliv 'teinium-1 would like to clxe 1 -pu.-ioti n an in-lanco wlidli ocniiuil (iKit jiais aao when 1 wa- infixed into this pie,ln l(iy and which I kliall netri- IoiriI. When ' I ho nd l)r. l!olihi,ou (he fii- t licit- I mel him at a I'lo.-lixloriil pia.iu 1111 otin' -ay, with his meek-no- md mo'd-tx. ''play tot me dot ,11-e I feel my imdility to do tde v.i.ik I haxo to do a, I would do it." I nexer f,lnll foiKot this iuiidriit. I filt Ida) 1 not alone Imt older, felt tdeit in alulity It, do the wnik. ud I hnpe the diotlni-, will piay for mo and wo will not loiRet Pi. Itiidiu-on in our piaxei-t. 'Ihomi- I'. Well-, i-..- would mil -peak heie Imlay, ooiptn mr Hit Ian lli.n all lh.,1 Ins doeii h.id Ins dcoii In. Ids ti llnxv liilnMei-, and 1, a, a laxiuan nf tie rll. of sri.inlun, waul lo dear le-tiiuony x hit hi- woik in the , liiiuli w-as. 'I lie uty ot f-irinlou ha, loll his influence. I want m ti'lale a little im iih nt I mw one day. I'ax-itiR- down Hie Miott I -axx a tall mm and'a Utile lad in icnxoi-jlion, 'Jho linn had dis dtud 011 Hm doy .mil (de box wa- luokiui; inio Ids due. They did imt ,-oe mo. 'Ihe nun .-aid mhm ploasint wonl- .mil tin 11 in oil on, Ihe ihldl lood lime wild In- hand ,ill mil and a look 01 tailli on di- fito ami watrhoil Pr, Itolilii-on pass hi. 'I'otlax miplx mx I h,ink tlml that thi- (.udli iuin I, im 1111 ml Ilex. . C, l.i..in, p. 11. Mj illations with Pi. liiiliin-nu, his rhuiili ami Id- woik.Iiaxe In rn ,0 elo-e it would -eoiii 11, il I should .iy vonielhine. More lliau uue-lnlf of ihe iiioinhtts of his 1 Imuh n thilihon of tdo l'it,t tduicd and my a-o. 1i.1l inn villi 1I10 im-loi of the ihiinh litis doon nl Ihe iiio-t plea-ant and Int. idle. What of the 1 aio it was note aiy In oh-eixe in liuildiin; up, side di side, llie-e ilituilie, ynll do 110I know' and tde dmili'ii lint da, deni iliiuwn upon the older dioldoi., of dnlli idiinlios. It wa- not inoie ilnu ouu tlaj im hit nnnluj, dole ciiiil we who diullioi-. We hue dcoii Ijiolhoiii exoix day siine. We woie liiulliiis to Ri'lder ami time da, noxor In en a iloiid dctxxiin Pr. Idilitn-oii ami lutself .1, oo-xvoikoi.- with Co.l. 1 Ihii'k (intl loi ide .1 otialluii, tdo union) diain-e of It in ikes lue stioiii; a, I rioxv old ami wlii'ioxoi' wo 1110 om siiiipalluos will so wild end mliir, I coiiKi.ittil.itc dim 011 hi- woik and Ills miiiMif, I Hunk lioil for xxh.it he da, done ami dot 11 in idled lo tin not only in Id, uwii -penile cliuuli, Intl tu Ide xxdole oulside ilitittd. The incptliiK for men at Ihe Kallroad YouiiK fMen's I'liristlnn association on Sunday afternoon at U.iTi o'clock will he fully up to the present hlih stauiliird. D, T, Yost, city aei'lll of Ihe l.ohlsll Valley, will kIvo a sospel tall;. Ho Is able to speak effectively to railroad men, linvlnir had yearn of experience In the ralhoad service, Tim rallroud de. partinenL iiiiirlelte,coinposed of Messrs, .Tunes, Uarlnian, Lou-rand .MorKim, will render special inusic. My special re quest. Air. Jones will slip," "The Holy City." ills lendltloil of the piece is not the ordinary Uliid, All nun will II111I a coidliil welcome at tho ineetliiB, Which opens with n iousIiik- tonff service at S. ! p. 111. The I'enn avenue lt,iitlst chui ch will unite with tho Hist M.iptlst church next Sunday ovcnimr, Octulmr -.'O, In their iledlcatnry services. The Kli'ht llapllst church, ot which Ku. si. I-' .Mathews s pastor, Is the mother nf all the H.tpllsl churches In tlii-s secllon. The chinch was about to celebrate Its llftleth anniversary when their chinch edlllce 011 Keiaiilon stieet was destroyed by Ihe, Willi confcecratlon aiul sacrl lice the church has erected a handsome pew church on .South Main avenue, and they will dedicate the htillilln-' 011 rjabb.ith evening ncxl. The I'enn ave line, church will unite in the dedlcatoiy .-ervlies and their pastor. Ilev, Jt. p. V. I'ii'ive. 0. D, will conduct the ser lies of ihe dedication. w t I,. 1' Itowci, uinuaticr of the .Mils Chalmers tompauy, will inuke the ad dress at the. Vomits .Men's Christian as sedation service Sunday afternoon. Mr. lower Is well'kuown as a clear and I'm cil nl speaker, whobf addiet-seh are always to tho point. Mush' will he tin, nlnhcil by the Youiir- Men' Christian association initio choir, which bus be come a very enjoyable part of tint uer vice, and the pew books Juu purchased Sunday School nv Lesson JOSCph Exalted. J. E. Gilbert, D.D -' clan vlt la An Setrct.ary of Amctlian October 20. Qen' xlL 38"49, gffloS! Rc,lg,0U5 rf)XNi:uTIOV.-l'li.ll,ioli's liullor, of whose ilream we fliullril l.i-l week, was li--tninl lo lilt nftlre, Imt lie fniROl .disepli wlm hid Inferpirli'il Ide ill cum, ami wlm llieicfon i citi.i (tint In pilson, Two wdole .o.ii pilil, tliirlnn wlilcli Hie 'mine; Hphtexx peifoiinoil lilt til lie imiml nf ilutlot. Hut Coil itlil not foimil It i in . 'I lieu l'liaiimli hail u ill earn xxhlth lieudlod dim, and he vuimlit In alll to Ide wle lue.lll In know Its liic.ililny. It was Iholi lh.it the tint In ir tailed Ihe kindliest mid Muxiie nf Jtitrph, anil litoiillniioil dim with rjieolal i minuend illuti In Ide kllll.'. .lii-epd was tailed into llic pio-rnu ul I'duaoli, mil Hie ihe.iiu oxpl ilneil. Tie loan l.lttd' Hoeii in the lloli lopio-otiteil a fauillio, iiint Hie fal cattle a lime uf plenlx, mnl It was uilx!rd that tluill'K Hie Rood .xe.lls nfllicnt fliould de rnitiiKOtl In uallni up Ide Miipllti Rialn In Mmiliiiii-i'A In do pirtotteil foi the iIijh of waul, 'Ihe monihors nf Ihe eolill W'eie inllirly sitl'fioil willi this etlilaintinn. lli'ioj!iilllnn - (Vei-o, :!i ami .in). Il I- nut ilif lit nil. lo tllul men ftit the humbler sMIIon nf life Whole little alilllly is icrpilieil. Indieil. inili.x' Ulixe for p(i-lllilH thai may do eii-lly lilted. Hill wdru foine ilolieate l.l-l; Is In lie tmil'ilakeii, rlt'liiaiiilluit lildli; t.ileul, Ihe m'Iii.IIou of tde pir wni liin-t do made Willi ;loil tan. Who shall -iipenlse lids intlustil.il null or in Ka'pt so as to ploxiile for the iieoplo? 'Ili.il ,iiestlnn i.ill-ed Mime di-riK-ioli, and at dnslh .luitpli xxas irci.Klib'il as the pioper poii-on for Ihe plaio. The tost hons Hal 1'luraoli leulinl Ih!, ion tin, ion after 1011,11111111; wild Ids mlii-ei,, ami Htil ifleixvanl he made known tlio iln.i-lou In JiHepli, 'Ihe datls of Ide iholie w.i- Hie .xoiin' linn's l-luiii,jjMi.li eeieiloil thai of olhor 111111, and his Miiri loiity In llii' loft.nd was plainlx li'fiuoil In one tin iiiu-ljure - "the -piilt nf (iuil was In lilm" (.Xumli. xil.P). A hoalhon mnuiith Hill, lorngtilod what 1- tde bunion of all Soiiptuie tli.it the lUxine Indixill. im; mikes 111,111 duly unal (.loli swil:-). I'KOMtlllO.V.- tir-fs W and ). 'Idne is one adtanlauc 111 .111 ad-olute ittoiiait hx -nioa,. uios nny lie quii.M.x exei tiled. II wa, md nor is-ny fin ,Tcieii (0 eiitei into a heated 1 au la as ngaiu-t some r,lh,r , .ltididate, ii-oltiii In aiiiuts oxtiotlieiils In soime mi 1 lection. Vs -0011 as the kind's mum II tleleimiiiiil his tillli-litafioii- In xxas appoinled. I'mhadly an lioin tlitl not pa liolwoou Hie lutoipiolalion of tde til 1111 .mil tde xvr.nl- Ilia! uxi him po.-ilinn. I'ltnaoh poke till, Lily Iti him in tonus tliat intilil not de iiti'muli'i-toi'd. lie wa. 'ot oxot all Hie I1111I nt I.V'pt, kind of viroKCiout (D.111. i:'l). He was al-o inatle Ide inln of the kiuj' doii-e tl'rilui n:-'U. ami ni f tuliliir tn Ids wonl -lioiilil Ihe people do stunned. Time wa- In de 110 poxxoi adoxe tint of Jo-oph topt the poxxoi nl 1'hu.ioh. 'I lie lluniie il-ilf wa, not lo do xae.ited, Imt tde llodiow was pin. moled to a plate lie:! In the Iliione. In .1 iuule day do wild flout tde pii-on it'll to Ide ldjl,t-l po-iliou 111 tdo gift nf id" .-oxiioiitn llOMtlt tVei-e- 41 and 4). I'.xoiv place of le-poti-lliilily Ins its appmtoii.iuco-, the piord, ot the iligiiily and Ide In-liuininls of u-ctulncs -will be used. The meetiiiK will be in the Youiir Men's Chiistiaii association room al I!. I." o'clock, and every man will be welcome. The Methodist Ministei.-' association of Scranton and vicinity will meet at the Mlin Park church on Monday nioin Iiik, October 21, nt lO.UU. A paper will be presented by ihe Hew .1. It. Austin: subju't, "Facts and I'Veliitfr." Itev. Uinid Spencer, D, D., will pre sent a paper before the Baptist Minis tei lal Conference, next Monday moin IiiK In the Pcnn avenue XiuptiHt chinch on "The Holy Spirit's T.evelatlon to the Atonement." To the leaders of the "Leaves of HealillK" and "Friends of .Ion." A meeting of the Friends will be hold in (iuernsey uuIIiIIiik. Oct. ".I and ;.". Further notice will be slveu in tliis paper. Iwnw's Services Methodist Episcopal. dim I' Ilk M, Ik ihiiii ll Plllx cinitiiii; -1 1 Mfu nf pia.xn and piai-e at !i.I.il; pioiihiuj; by pi-mi, Pi. C. M. 1,'iiihu at lil.'.n; 1 1 1- iiii-elini; at ihe 1 lo-e nt uioiuini; -eixiir, in suuilix -lIhioI loom: Sundiy -rhool at p. m ; J1111I01 League al .'!.';) 111 Lpwoith L-aaue loom, a-.i-tant pistol Ik II. Mntiu Ins 1 hair;!'; -oiuor i,o.i(;ue .11 1., ,11, tm in 11. 11. lui-hnell. tope, "A Pad llaiRahi." At 7,."n tin pi-lnr will j,ht the Ihlnl of Ihe aiiiioiturod sundiy cttnins lei line-, sullied i, "Soine uiiil.n in lanopo." Tde people aio wokouie lu all ihe-o .-eixiie'. Siuip-ou JlelhnilKt Lpl-iopal thuioh-Hox. II. C. Mi Hotiuolr, pi-lor. Pioarlnns: at 10.80 .1. 111. and 7.::i) p. m. Moinli; nidjeit. "What 'think Ve of (he Chti-I?" exriiinK Mtlijrrt, "A, loop nr Awake.'" Mind.ix ,thool at 1.' 111.; Junior LiUKiie al ti.Jii p. 111. Peal, die. All wtkoiue. A-h Snoot .Mi'lhodisl Hpi-oopa! thiuih llox J. II. Vii-Hn, patdn. 'iloiniii',- pieat Iilntr sl ide at in.'.n, .-udioit, "wv.ihii ,,r ihe rpiiuht." Class nii'ootuii," al ll.Jin p. m, (hallos t'oopei, leatlet ; siuiitlay siliool at J p. 111., II W, -ioue, -iipi'iinlonilinl; .itmlni Loikuc .11 ' p. 111. .Mi-, (!. W, lliiilib, Mipoiiiiliniliut: Kp.xotlli l.einiie al tl.l'i p, 111,, Mi- (.11.1 Lawn, lo.nlei ; ileum: pioaihlni; hOixiio it 7.:.o. A roiill.il well 01110 to all. Sax Mi,; Mithodi-I Kpi-i opal idiin d -Ilex. J. It. An, tin, pa.-tur, Suuilay mIiooI at ''.::ii p. in, 1'ioatliini; at ,1.30 p. in. All writ 01110. Coiul htieot Milhodi-t Ppi-topil thiuih 0. C. L.tinan, pi-lui. Sunday nhonl rally Jiul loll tall. Iti.iiO a. 111. Ynii ate itnllod. Nuulaj ulionl. li.n, fi IL ri.uk, -iipiitnli'iidiiil. Kp "Oi 111 I.o.isue rt.nn p, tn. I'liaililnp; dy pi.ur T.ao, seal, flee. lixux hoilx wrltniiii' 10 all our Hiicct, I'loiiilonie f. I' iliuiih-llev CeuiiiO A. Cute, pa-tor. (Jiiiili'il.x niooiini,' in ides ami old folk, anhoi-aiy in II,. runitii;; due fea-l at U,"n. I'leatliinu' ami tde raiiamtnl d.t Hie Hex. . Ciilliu, P. P. al lli.fiil; iii,tlay Mlmol at 'J p,iu,; Lpwoild Lcauue at il. I'i; it,pli, , Hid Ilartiiln." Ml.-.. 1'i.nl W'.nklti, liadi, I'ri.u'liiiiK I'.) the pa, Im al 7,.iti. 'ihe rpivorlli Loamte ii'pio,eui Hie iliunli lu Miidius loxinr; iux nation lo all its tldoily mrmdi is and filend. Ilex firomi' . fine. Ilauiplon Sunt . II. 1 nm . li Ilex. Jamo llflinliuor, pa. lor. Loxo fi l-t at 10; piraililn, al 111..!.) bi Ilex. Ik II. Miner of Him I'.uk ihiinh, ailrr sciinoi Mci.iuient of l.oid's mp. ptlj Sunday xlinul a' tj; liitoiiuodi He Ioikiio al ,1; "viilor loat'iie .11 1I.J11, loader .Mm 1 I.ol-ui. ciouini; iirjtliliiit Mixjie at 7..1U, biidjecl, "KecplHB (do Sidilli Hit llol.x." A wolioiiie to nil. I'ilat 1,'oriu.ii) MitliodM LplMOptl iltund, Allans aieinie and Vine -lifel-fl, llodlln, pal lor. 1're.u lihiff Millie-, lil.::) a. in. and 7..'Ui p. 111. i Siiniki.x Hlinnl at noon ami at J n'elotk p. 111. al the Tajlni atonue li.ijicl ; Kpnorlli Leasuo inri-lluir at (Ua p. 111,; IIikIiuiIiis tomor row we -lull doltl (Jo.pel mriliiiKs noiy oxen, int." ixnpt Mtiinhn Mriilin;. 'Ihe iWpri I auiiuo M. Ik lonurfituioii will imne wild pi, 'the Cl 1 ill ill .peakiuir fi iili't, ate i.iidl.llb' In lllid. Baptist. I'tiiu axiiiuo lljptUt ihiiHlil'ita, hlnir, luoin llii: at In.oU, by Hiu pa.loi, e, liolwn I'. V. I'iciie, P. p. n evoiilnt,' oiio. Moiiiius prjjfi 111 Hie lower temple al IU. 'Ihinie of Ide iiiDiuiiij-kfininii, ' Man In tlul-l." uu da.x Mlmol at Hie lionio idiiud at a o'tlotk, and al the AiiKiiuiu nil. -Ion at :i :ii) p. m . Ymiii" piople', nifHIiiif at (,.:in, The rioiiini, Millie will di oiiiiiieil. ai Hie lOiiHii'iillloii will mho lu tin ileiliuloiy aitliis of tde 'rt lljpll.i I11111I1, 011 south Main amnio. 1'iut PaptUt iluiith, spun, n4ill au,llll0. Itox. '. I' Malhoxx.. pasior. Saddald didi-a nny nudes, nioiulm;, lu j. m,, jtex. j. . Ilarn, LL. P., pii.Idtul of lluiknell imiu?iuj will pie.iid tde Diii-nluir terinon, A jounj ,00. pit' Mixiie lu I lie afliriiooii at a "p. m., j xx-hltli Hum will be jddre-sn by tUUIni; ilnjx. mon. i:iiiinir, 7 p. 111., Hex, p, S, pobbiu,"p. P., diilliit Mticuiy of tltc AiiKiltau Rjpn.t Mluloinry union, will prratli, i. .1, I'oxxcll, of lluflalo, S. Y will nuke atl jrj,u,t at ill the niccotlii(!. Mk, J, W, Powell, hjlo. 't, 11111 iUa iing. The tlotini- deditiloiy .fi- of the oituiunt. Ihow may not de tlenlcil whip nut wmnslni lilm wlm liolrls Hie plan. And -0 ,)oopli was duly Itixetietl wild llmt wlilrli do IihiroiI tu Ills exiltnl mi Inn. tin his Innil was pl.ieoil Ihe lo.al ilin, lueil In sealing utlille ilnoitmoiils (IMItrr Illtli'J. lie wat iiHil.lod ill tosluirs of line linen, the nppniol nt offloois ol liiuli innk, and u nodi ilnlii, erpirMlxe nf wealth, was hum.- nhotit lilt pork (Put. t::!i), at an atloiiiliioiit ami ilNtliKllon. The nottittil ilmilol, Hie lli-t liellijr lotoixoil for I'd.il.loli, was nlloied for tils use, Imleeil, all lids was done it unic. And as lie wnn (01 1, n lids slide lieni Ide pidue intitlor pioirtlod dim and uleil, "lioiv llic Kiioe," ami ihe populate hum Med tlioliltoltos as he pas-etl, sn was the joun( nun doiioieil, llteii Imt llililj .tens of ,t, all liocan-e (did was wild dim tn cite lilm a Miuutl tiilml. APIIIOIIIIV-(Voi.e 41). In the Mid and 41l xolitos tdo eallod po-llluu ol Jos, ph I, In. illoatod, as inlor our all Hie Imd atnl people of l.'uxpt. liy Implliiillon I lilt 1. 11 1 led wild it wlijloier autliinil'' xvas 11101I01I, ii a nunc foiln.it tllul illlott .-laleineiit was ileriuoil tn lie npplopli.lte, nml dote II I-. lie is luxetlitl wild Ide most ali.olute 1011I10I met tlie enlire popit lalioti, 1-0 Unit un linn i-lirmlil lilt a liiud or tool in all tde land without lilm, lie Is Huts made Hie master nf exeiy Mini, lilt jw It Mipiouio. His wonl is ilinl ami unlxei-il, from whiid Hioto should do 110 appeal. 1 In- i ome.x.im e of litis aiithoiily was in a mo-t Inlui'-l'liii.' mid alfot tin!; way, "I urn l'liaiaoh," Mid the Mm;, ilei 1 11 Inj; Ids Mixoioicul.t, and Inuic his lintiues Honed light lo Blank lo whom he ploi-ut Ihe liluns nf Kovi'iiUilonl. lie po t od In Ids nxxu pornu xxllliuiit illxision 01 ili-pnlr ttlial lie Han. foiietl. He w'oulil daxe .lo-opli kimxv tde muiiio fiom wliiih Hie autlioiily was tleilxod MMIItlAlii: (eise l.'.j. 'Ihls wnmloiliil ele xatiuii of .1oeph leilly nioaiit his enlrame into Hie ini.il liuu-fliold, .1 li'luaikilile omuioii'e wIkii il is lmioinhorril H1.1t Hit T'.'.xpliau for oiuii polity was inaiked d.x liuliod of the jollmt and xxdlle 1.11 os, as lloiodoltis hoxs, . liaiis foiitialiou xx.i llioiofoie oflotlnl lit txxo pioti t, A now 11 line xxas uixon wdidi simitiid "Hie 10. xoilor of -otiet-." .111 amiomit eniont of di, iliief iliii.iiloii-tii :i tde Kinimd for di- pin luntioii. 'I hat new I'auie soixotl Hie nine end a- f in miKl-inu aiuomr Hie Jew, xxho lutrupoi ated -tritiKois liy tlial nit (l". il:,). ,lo-epd alvi iiteixod .111 l.'t.xpii.iu wife, itiioii tu him dy l'liaiaoh, the daughter of 1'nlipln rah. pidsl of On. 'Ide ptio-t 1.111k was o-lumcd Hie tilpriic r. ! as it wa, the tatte to xxhiih the kmir liiiu-rlf lioloumd. 'JI10 inliodilitlou of .lo-rph Intt, tho-o lelilions was ilnulilt pinner. Hx Ills njliitid Silt ,1'itl di- woik .1, an Inlitpulei of tdoatii-, as 1 pie ed III di, nexx liiiue, do was sup-po-otl It, daxe iiitonouiM w'ilh tde Mipoiiialutal. ami bt di, now nfliee ho xxa lu he lel.llcl In the lii'ahr-l dicnitaiie-, Alll SHAM Ik- tu-is Hi and l,j lhu in hlillul in Id, le-pon-idle olllcc .lo-tpd 11-iled ill patl, of tde Imd. A, Ki.md i.ior or tdiif iuin- BLACKBOARD LESSON HINTS. By Rev. Robert F. Y. Pierce, D. D. Troiii Author'.- Notes 111 "The Muiil.iy School Lesson Illustrator," PublisheJ by II. f Revel & Co., Chicago, ill, J n'lniu (do auldoi' ll.ll Si llool LevOll lloxoll ( 0.. ( hii.ito). Od. I! Jllv pll Mid minimi note, in Ide Nm lllu-liator, pudli-liod dt into Lujpl He. .wxil: ('olden Tet Ide pall din hot, mated with mux, 'old ,lpli iulo 1's.xpi, dill (.oil was with dint." c. xii: P. 'I lie an mint ul the -ellim; of Jo-ipli l,j lot bielhieii i- one of ihe tun-i duel ami lie 111 1' -t sdmie- of (lie llidle. We load llii, slory 111 the liuhl of jU fiirpiot, and Ihe kuotxlodKe of me blo-dintjs xxhiih cinie lo Jo-oph in after jean (entpett our Ihoutrht uf the nicked b.ir(,Mln and sale dx lilt dletlil Ul. .N'otwilli-taiidiii;; lhat Cod oxniiilid the ae lionr! of JonphV d'.olhioii for aiood, tet their tiaii-adion wa- a dad li.n (4.1 m and a a imp .lgMiu-t lituiidtiitx and aK.iiu-l (lot). Jo-opd xi i liiollior. a good 1'ollui, and a loxinj;, duihul -.on lie wa- 1101 an idle tali lie. net. for his diotlioi-' oxd ai tinut woie bold di-Iionoiadlo and a dliahl upon Ide faiiulx name If ,lo-epii know of llieir aieat xvioims do sdould mike tdcni known imd) Ide fitl.ei. nod Kixo dim ilioain- I rniie (lieni xxas dut nilutil and -dould not ,-nlieit him tn nui'l lieiluionl. 'Ihe baizaiu ua- dad lu no sni-e tould il do jii-liflid or ouu-od. (,'od doet not fomel unit'ponlod .-im.. Juda- al-o sold our land lull wlule (ioil luitiod tdit lime ngain-L Hi, jittmititnniiit......... xde, dy llox. It. P. V. Plnce. P. P., of the I'eiin Axiiiuo Hap'i,t iliunli. Ml ate wed 01110. .latk-on -noet Itjpli-i thiui h MoriiuiR piajor niootiusr al !)..'(), loader pot Patto-; -pnid .-oixiio;. all day; stand tally and llaixr,t Home pioaihlni; at 10.S0, ptstor Itox Thomit )e (iiuihy. I), p., Itiple, "TaAton, (icni J'adod l.oaxr,;" Sundiy ,ihooI lall.x at 2 p. 111,; oxen iiit; ,-eixiie al 7 p. 111, -hup. Hiixc-t Home -.outfit wil de lenidrid dj the Siddalli uidool. Kl.ilioiale pioKl.iluu'f, ihoiit-ot dx tde tihooj anonipanlod dy full oiilio.lia. A s-llxei oflu inir will lie takm. All ale woloo'.ne. 1,'ioen ltiil(,e llapti-l dun d .M01 llinu pia.xer lurelini; at 0. 1",; mtiiioii d.x Hie pi-lot at lo.tlu. ulij-t in Ide 11101111111,, "Human Allnupl, lu Itanl-li Siiileiiuir," in tde evenliiK, "HiiyhiB Ide Unix Spirit ." ,-imil.iy ihord al II. n; inoetinir of Ho Jiinlor iilet.v al :i.;,u; piaxoi uitetlng of tde Senior sOtiety at (I.Sil, l'ii-t Wel-li llapli-l iduiid. M.ukot flieel Hex. .1. V. Paxl-., p.i-liii. Onlii of K'nirit Niiiday Oct, J0. It) a, 1,1 , M'ltnon dj (lie pa lor; 2 p. lit., sundiy -1I100I; fl p. in., senium dy Ide pa-loi, The tu'nlim koitite will do roil, din led 111 Ihe Hniill-h laUKUase. dutiui; wlidli Ml'. Vijianl ot Nnnli Sti.iuloii will dug a -olo. All flienil- ate iuxlliil. Seat, I lee. Illikely t linn li. -I)n 1,1 Spinier P. P, pa-iur P)."i1 a, m., pudlli wninlilp wild .-eiluon on "Co opoiation 111 Ihe ( lull ill ;" 11. Pi llidle liiuol; 7,u0 p. 111., fb,t of a tirles of 'oiuiont on Hie Hook of I'Mhoi, "Mi.ii.uiuu Ihe "I'.i 1 ill icit llii-daiul," llx'ir.xdody weUoiue Presbyterian. -Miuud Pii.li.xli'ilan ihiinh I'n J, bin. at 10. ;;i! a, m, and 7.ot) p. m.i suiulij ,-ohool at );. lu p. m.: (Iiil-tdui Ludoaxoi .11 f,.M) p, m. pfij iinitallon oxlnidid to oxeij one to .illeiiil llio-e H'lilto-. (hern Hldae I'le-djloilan iliunli llox. I. ,1, Taiiuiiu, pa,or. At 10...0 and 7.:n, nixltt, of woiliip, W'ltli soiiuoti dy Hex, Pr. 'leans, ot Pinxille, Pa. Vi nl., Iliido mIiooI; li .11) p, m,, Ihri-ll.in Kndoaxor, All roiillallt ins It 1 it. I'loxdlonre I'rei-d.ileiiin cliuuli. -Tlio iia.-lor lire. Pr. Guild will nnupy the puliiil ai lll.r.O 1, 111. and 7.J0 p. ill. Smidjy .ihno at noon, linden 01 Hxlely al I1..1.1 p. 111 'Ihe .1,11.- ot Ihe 1 lunch alixajs lioe. Sumner Aicniie 1'ii'i.djtrrl.in iloinli, unncr Sunnier annuo ami I'llte liiol Vitdet loiuoi loxxt Saddalli Kthoul at i p. tu ; exoiiini: -n-ire .11 (1 p, in. Rev. IMxx.nil llnxxtdl, ,,f Lll.d.ile, xxill preaih, Seats dee. All wrlronte. (apoti.e ( h.ipil (I'lrtli'lrilJii) -I'leatliliu: Plan and 7.0, dy W, W. Adair (it tde llallinjd Y. M. ('. .; Sundiy nhod :i p. 111.; Junior I htlsli.iu Kudt'.ixoi, i p 111,; Senior f'liii-Hin Piuloaxor, ii.Kfl p. 111.; piajfi iiioelhuf, T.30 'luirila.i exon liiB. W't'ltoine lo all. AiIjiii, Auiiuo Chapil, N'm Void klicol-Tlie Ilev. ,141110, IIukIi"-, wll piraili al pi, SO and at 7. SO; smidjy udool al II u'ldu l.,.lr. Iluahe will loath ihe iipii'b idn); l'luill,iii lliuleator al u.ll; Men', mreiliiR Mnnday ixmliu,' at 7 II. Ml xuloonie. Episcopal. (Inn id of Hood -h, phord. ioiiiii Moii-o, au'tuiu ami d'n'iii lllilge luit llox I'ijiiu, II. Iljlt'iiian, roolor. 'Iivtiiiulli '"imday jpei Tnu liy. Moinliiir pio.u-r IO.mj n'tloik; Suuday ,.hool ami n'tloi' cljt-i .'.) p. 111 ; (xeiiin; pujei ".SO p. 111. Reformed EpiBcopni. (,'iaic Itrfoiuied Kplaeopal tluutli, W.iouui.s annuo, below Muldciry tifrt Hot, (f-oitje L. Aliltli, pallor. I'rajii and piale ii'itV1!' D.SO a. 111.: Plxino xxonlilp, 1 0. :; a, 111, jud 7.SU p. 111.; idoiiiIuk; iidjrti, "CluUtUn Loxo," Cor, la.'.; eicniii;. ipeelal oxanstli.-lle .erxlie; isabdalli kdiool 1- 111.; Yiuim; I't'Ople'ti tooitly el rhrlitlaii Liidcaioc d.W p. in.; Iciivn itudy, Ulrr of I'li'rnnli lie wont tn eetille Ilinse men tiles wldtli In Ids Jiiilftincnl woie notos.iiy to the piidllc weldire, knnivliiB lli.lt after hoxoii jeats Hie fjinliip woudt loine. He wmilil niltir ally Kile IimIiiicIIoiis nil all Intlilslilnl, out Ir ill I111.1I, ilelne.-tlr, lln.inelal .lint public iii.itltrt, Wiinilnif eterx' une lo make irmly for the tone Uiis time ul ilPliott, mid wlniteior lie mid Hie piople woiidl ndoy. Ills pi 1 Mine would lie an lii-plnitloii to all, ami di. wonts x.-ould lie hold as the einboilliiiml of wImIoiii. Ami ihulin; all lhoe xe.'lis the drill xltdltd I lid li;irxtl-. Idle was due lu pill tn Hie Imptuxril methods dy whit It Hie Holds woie tulllx.iletl, In the tare rxoliUril dy Hie woikois, lo Ide ftuitallly and ilidusliy on exory liaittl, dut mnie plod idly lo Ihe hleliu; uf (lotl. 'Idore t-iin de lio iiio,llou Hut tde Alliiklity sends al limes dis favois In lowtiitl the loll of men, mi Hut Hie pioduet Is llii'dtcr Hi Ml nllieixxl-e It would be (Poul. lll;l). At If.tst suili l tilt luouide. Sllllt Mil',. (Veins IS ami 1'iJ. 'Ide .tied! uf (.'l.llll iMoodoil Ide unit ol tde people, and Ide Miiplus was laid up foi Ide minim: iai. Jo opii caineil floiohnit'os to lie tieiti'd in nil tlic lilies for tdls piirpoi', and of iniiifc owircem woie nppnliiteil In tale for tlii'tii. Ihie Ide Hflli tint of tdo lune-t xv.is laid up, Ralhoud fiimi the iokIoii lomid about, at qit.iutll let, like Hit! siuil nf the MM, xxeie hliiieil, o (pent that loxv.ntl the end no atroiuit xx'.is kept of It. excr bofoie or niuie lias llieie doon miiIi lieas ine of ptotl-iou dy Hir cnrriliineut nf any people. 'Ide hotel! jeat., durini whiili this xxni dune, like tde .teals oicnpietl lit' So ill in pie parilitf for Ihe lloml (Hen. t :JJ), woie eloiiti'lit of the faith of the llodloxv who supeilnti ndid. It was a Rioxvlns odjtit 1e--on lu politdal eton oiny, in piotltlenl intluttiy and in plactkal le lilliou (I'lnx. .i:fl). l'cr Ihe llli-l time ill all hoi hi-toiy, poiliaps foi Ihe .it lime, Hie great nation of norllioiii Afika, the home of cixllpa lion, is piepuini; lluniislioiit doi onliie donlt'is to uiict tin1 fiilme as di-iln-eil dt .1 piopdot of (.oil. ( t)M l.l'-IO.V. Tdl, liasuiinit of .liieleiit lii (oiy tonlaiiis Impoilaiit iti-liiii lion on -exeial poi'ul-: 1. r.'od tans for Ids ilildlun, He nny for loa-oii, known only lo dini-u'lf Hitter linni lor a tlim to mine under -me dial, dnl do noxor foiRi.ts llu'in. ami hi Ills own iiaj lie drinss tlirni fond inln pi no of u-ofuIni-. .'. (Iritulne xxotlh will xonerally lie ItioKiilod. He wlm das adlllt.x will lie muisIiI and found and em pln.ted mil tiu-lod, lie v. lux sols teatly for a woik will tlmidllo- do 1.1II11I 10 lh.it woik. X 'Ihe pool 111. in ill exeiy plate .-I1011I1I do a pub lic -oix.tnt and Innofailoi. Id may indeed 11 leite honoi! ami enioliimonU. 'Iho-e will 1 Kladly lieslmtttl .utoidiuir (' Id- -tatioii and 1111 ill. Hill moie impoilaut u il lhat ho should til di pl.ue. To ai.1 one's pait is Ide diirde.st lionoi. I. In ihe time of pio,pulty all should piep.uo foi adxeiMiy. The joais of plenty .-Iionld de tde time of iliK.illieiins; mil hloiiui Idal tdoir may be no l.u.k lu tho limos of famine. I'oio-iichl and eroiinmy added lo hnlu-liy will supply aluuidaiu e foi Hie il.it. - that lick and ijlxo 1,1 lo the loiloi. Son low.iiil Hie -roililV Silxalioii, jet Juda- iim-t .-idler So xxiih tde uiaiix bit bai;aiu, of tde woidl. 'Idoio max be au appaiout trnipmaix italn, dm winiiH.-i will do liRlilod. Jo-opir, biothioii max put him awaj. dill tlio tunc will 1 ome xxdoti imngij, Moulded, lnuudlo, they will duxv difoie (lie esalletl ilie.iuiei. Ilttxaie of bid baicaiti,. mm 4ussi-,tioii, Draw a lund doldim; a rro1l on xxhiih it wiillon Hie 'Hill 01 Site." Thou draxx a hand holiliup; a lue; null, oil whh Hie pal lix .-imt united tor di-honor. XtttlH,t4H,t""."".'. Wediio-djx at 7,:ai p. in ; piater mreini- ar Seat, lire. Ml weliniuo. Evangelical Lutheinn. Hx. 11iRilk.1l l.ulhoi.111 Twonlie'h Muuli.t .if trr Tiinitx-f.'o-opl, .Mall, wll: 111, Kpi-ile. x: 13-JI. v. Matk', H'.i-lidiirn and I'tiiniooiitli -ireel I'n, A. L. Ilauier, I'd, I)., pi-lor. SeuitPAi HI 'ID a, nt. ; 7."U p, in. ; Liilhor League, li.HO ji. 111.; Sunday .-1I100I, I.' 111.; iiioiniie; ciibleet, 'l Ik- Kluiitloui of lleaun." Lxonlns; Mibjeet, "Clni-t tde Mono llrjeileil In Ide HullilFie." Mi-,lou band, S'atiinliy, L'.::tl p. 111. llol.x Tilultx, Adam- Axmue ami Mulbenj -tioel Hex. ('. (1. Speikei, p,,tor; -end oh, lu,J(i a. 111. and 7.!0 p. in.; l.utlier Luaaue, il.) p. m,; Sunday -edool, 12 in; 1 iiUKiegatl'iiuI meelliiir, W'l'dno.tda.x, 7,t) p. lu. .Mi-iou Innil, in a, 111., .lluulix. -l I'liulV, Sdoil axriiuo llox. W". ('. L. L.iuer, p.i.-lor. Soixiiot, I0,::n ,1, m, ami 7,;!i) p, 111, Siiuil.iv ,elinil, !.) p. in Xiuii'i., Millllti axenue-ltex. I'. I'. Zlleiiiaiin, pa-tor. Sitlie, p). .11 a. 111.; Sunday fidoul, p, in. - I'dii-I eiiuiili, ', ,,,i axeiiuo and Hind el 'ret - Itev, Jaine, W'ilke, pi,toi. -orxiiet, 10. "a 1 a. in, and 7. .0 p. 111,1 miiuI.ij- nhoul al -' p. 111. SI. l'eloi',., 1'ie-iolt iixenue Itox. John It in ilulpii, pa-lor, Soixiiot, ID.; 11 a. in.; Sunday M'llOOi, 'J I). Ill, Ihii nan I t.t 1 111 111 I'l'l l-ll I.Ulllel.UI ihui.h, Itoo-ii -tioel-llov. 1 1'ldluaiii! 1illelnl('ii 1, pi. tot, I'h'ii hiiiL' ill 1 lu- (ioiiuan l,linuj';e. 10 .1 m ; Suiulax h lionl, 'J p, 111. I, '1, 110 Pxanitrlkal lutdoi.iii iliuioh (Henoial -mod), eoinor of Madi.on ateniie and Mulboii v i-ticel Ilex. Lullitr llrat W'ailui.', p.itoi. p.,',11 a. 111., Miiuliy i-idool; 7 p. 111., Yonne People', Soilolj of riirl-liati lli.iloaxoi; U.:I a, m, ami 7,ni) p, 111., Pixlne wni,lilp, willi borniou, by 'he pi, tor. dciiiiau Zioii Luiheiaii iIuikIi of Millliu axe Suxlie, at IO.mO a. in. in (iriiniu. I'a-lor n-iar I'lldnkauip. vdn d.i, dern i.iloi(od lu miiood Ide Ilev. P. P. Zizoliuanii, will doluor Ihe .,01111011 -'iiiili.x -iliool al -' p. 111, Miscellaneous. I'h.t I liiiuli (l iit-Miati Stlenll-I.) r,n A'lims atiimi Mindiy euiios, 10.30 a. 111., 7..I0 p. in.; siniiliy -iliool, li.n a. in., Midfeil, "I'loli.itioii Afloi Poatli." Ti'xlinionlal imotliiKt, W'liluo, diy eirnliiKS al S n'lloik. 'the ihuiih I, al.o oprn noiy day iluiliuv tde wiek, Tde llidle iui I'liiixliJii Siiiute Llleraluir Is kept in jit (lee pudlii leidin; loom, "-tIfiiie ami II0.1I1I1 With (lie Key In Soilpliuo," dy Muy Hiker laldj, will do lomid lo luxo.l litatnn without tlidue. Vk-ilou and Ifltir" of imiiliy aie ml ionic and uixen loinleuii. alienlipii and in foiiiutiou fuc. I'jli.ny llofuiiiird iliurrli, Muiuoo axeimo ami (illi-,01) kliei'ille) Mu Ion I,. I'lim pa, 101. vrilirt ld.oO a. 111. and 7.10 p. 111 ; Sunlaj volmid 11.11 a. 111.: (Ini-liJU Ludoatoi 7 p, 111. Moinluit kiilijul, "Why Cniniiiiiiie." Ci iitiiu, "Mnnuljiilly Add 10 axe." llol.x lomuuuiioli (1'K'L'Wtiil at doth nixki... .lo:, I'liili'd Lialif,! Ileal iTniud. 1 1 Jt) ( apeitie aiiniie Hit. J. W. Mi.-mucci, pnioi I'iraih Im," lu.eii a in. ami ".all p. in. Ilex Mm I'ai out will pieaili .11 710 p. m.i suiidaj -iliool ti.'JO a. in.; J1111I01 ladtMior I p. 111.; souloi Lu ilea tor C..;0 p. in. All -.rait- nee. Hteijludv .ukome 10 all ten iie. Td! will de impelling da.). All mix lu.- ol t.peiial iuleti'1,1. 1'irj.t I'liniiuxo MilhodUl, (iiren llidni Ilex. (L Lre,, i-lm . I'leaihlnir al lo.r.u a. in. ami T p. 111 !i,Vjfit Uioiuini;, "Holy P.tlii-.') Lxinlnif, "Miulnsii on Auinnin." A wekuuie U ail, I'ulon Son ko,, II0..C liou-e. Tripp I'aik-Suri-day mliocl ,1.:;n p. m.; ciihIub kcuite 7.30 p. in., londucti'il dy Mr. II. lardcxv, I You JhM don't JV I wad nktJ I ice rTl When you use Dr. II a ml 'it I'hosnliiilcd Condonsed Milk J-ou don't nerd ice to keep it sweet, and you can nhvays feci sure of " its purily. Delivered milk Is fre (ticntly kept from souring hv the use of chemical'? dangerous to health. DR. HAND'S Phosphattd Condensed Milk Is always sweet no Hinder lioxv hot It puln. It In rlcliest In butler (tit and litis utldeil (ill llio plioapliatCH and liypoplios pliltes I'oiitnlned In tvlient. It hns the llnvor oreieiiin, tlio niiNlnlnlii),-powei-ofii xvliont diet, llookletrrcc. THE DR. HAND CONDENSED MILK nn Scranton, Pa, RAILROAD TIME TABLES plIraiiT mm Schedule in Effect June 2, 1901. Trains leave Scianton: 6.45 a. m., week days, through ves tibule train from .Wilkes-Bavre. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Pottsville; stops at principal in termediate stations. Also con nects for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and for Pittsburg and the West. 9.38 a. m.. week days, for Sunbury, Hanisbmg', Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays, 1.58 p. in.;), for Sunbury, Har risburg Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pitts burg' and the West. 3.33 p. m., week days, through ves tibule train from Wilkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia via Pottsville. Stops at principal in termediate stations. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Hazleton, Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadel phia and Pittsburg. .1. II. IIITtlll.NMIX. Cm Mirr. J It. WOOD, (Jon. I'a--. As I Lehigh Valley Ballroad. In Lflcct .lime J, 1001. Train leate cianton: For l'lnlaililpliia and Xoxx Yoik xla I), k II H. K., at 11.41 and U.:M a. 111,. and -MS, 4 -7 (Illack lllanioiul Lvpiol, and 11. SO p. 111. S'uii davs I), k II. H. It., 1 I'. K'-'7 p. 111. Kot While Ilaxou, Iduleion nml piimipal poinN in the coiil legion-, til I). & 11. It. It., 11.1.1. i.lt! and I.-J7 p. m. I'm Totl-iille, o.t.1 a. m.. !.!$ p. 111. I'oi llollilolioiii, lla-loti, lleailiiur. lliiiiluiiK and piintipil iutrrini'ili.ile ,ialions i.i I), k II. II It 4,1, i.:li a. in., i.li. 1.27 (lll.uk Ilin- liiond i:pio--M. ILt'l p. in. Ninila, I). .t II. It. 1!., P..)! ti. m : 1..1S S.ii p. m. I'oi 'I 'iiiiUlunnoi k, Towandi, Llinlta. Itdaia, (loiiexa and puinipal Intoi'iiodiale (.il ion-. ii D.. L. k W. It. It . S.10 a in. ami 1.40 p. 111. I'oi Cenei.1, Khetci, lliiflalo. Mjp.-na Tail?, r'lu'cJRii nml all points wet. via I). II. II. It., 7.4rf, 11. .".1 a. 111.. I.-. ((.Ko (111 11k Diamond L pio-), 7.13. m.ll, II. ::u p. m. Siindaw, 1). k II. It. It.. 11.51. S.J7 p. 111 . ,,.,,. I'ullniaii pallor and eciuij; or LoIiirIi Valley pailor ciii on all lulu, lietvveen WiHo-IIaiin and N'oxx Void, Philadolplila, Muiralo and Su-pen-Inn Miidno. ItOI.I.IV II. WILIirit, Hon. SupL, 6 Coillatid Klii'ol. ox 'Soil,. nilll,i:S S. l.KK, fieu. I'a. Asl , !! Ci'illatid rtieet, N'oxx' o,. A. '. N()Ni:MAC'Ili:it, Die. I'a-. Ast., ?oullt Itotlilolieni, I'a. I'oi tiikel, ami Pullman ie-iuatioin apply lo r.O'i l.kavx'Huiii avenue, Siraiiton, Pa. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, hi Uflocl Auif. 11, 1WH. Tiaiii" leave "stl niton loi .N'oxx oi!. t 1.li), .I.Oi), fi..1.1, 7.00 and 10.01 a. 111.; I'M, (l.-JO, :i.i5. B.IKI and S."0 p. ill. 1'or Xetv Yoik ami Philadelphia- 7,r.o and 10 01 a. 111., and l.Mfl and ,l 1.1 p. 111. I'm 'loh.xhunna At 0.10 p. m. ior niinala 1.13, t:li mid t'.uo ' 111 ; l.i.O. n.Z. 7.01 ami ll.ftj P. "' I'"1' IHiiRliamtim anil vxay r.ta. tioto lii.-U 11. ni. and 1.0.1 p. 111. I'oi (UxveKo, Miatu-o and ftlia LU ami -! u, 111,: l.'0 aiul ::.j2 p. ni. 0xopi. mulii-o and ftka train at u.''- a m l"l, evoopl uuila. I'or MJiilio.io I'.UO J. i"'i 1-W"' al"' 7.03 p. 111, Nkn. ol-ou aioiiniinodatiou LiXl jnd tl. 1.1 p. m. Ulooiii-duri.' Hivi-ion-rm Noitliinntcilaiid, at 0.41 and 10.01 a. m.: L'i "ml 0.10 l. in. Tor I'lxmontli, at MO a. m.i .'' and 11.01 p m. Mindax Tialns l'"i' Vi'' Vork, 1.40, .1110, .1.11 and lu.lil a. in.: "'-. &' ai'l "" m. I'or Ilul1adi-I.l1 .md ,'- ,": '"". '''-', 7.01 and ll..'l.1 p. in. I or HIiiRliamlon ami vxax la-lloti--.),00 and 10.20 a. 111. Illonni-liuie division I.".ixo f-iiniilon, 10.01 a. 111. and 0.10 p. in. Delaware and Hudson. In Kneel .lime 0, 1WI. Tialin lor (alliondile leave Siuiiton at fi V), Sli. .',.t, 10.11 a. 111.: l-'OO, l.ri'i, 2,44. S.Vi, joo, 0.23, 7.57. I'. II, IL-O P in! Llii a. 111. I'or lluiie-dile ami l.iko l.odoie, 0.20, 10,11 a, ni.; 2. it and r.2' p. m. Tor 'ill.e.IUiir-U.4.1, 7.1?, S.tl, O.SS, 10 1! a. 111.'. 12.01, l.'i-J, J.Hi. "'"'!, 127, WO, 7 l, 10.11, ll.;in I'- I"- I'or h. V. II, IL 1'uliiti-O.n, O.is a, 111.! Jl", 4.27 and ll."0 p. m. I'oi PeniMlvaula It II I'oliils-D.ll, DaS, 2. Is, "T'or Aldany aiul' '! polnla north 8.W J, m an t O..,.' p. in. " ' I ..,,, 1, l t 'I I, II VJ For (ailmiiJak' -Ml), ll.:i'.t a'.'mj ill, 3 32, a.r.J and I0..U p. 111. loi WllhOS'liaue l'..n a. 111., i-.o.,, 1 ot, o.;3, O.llj ami i.U p. in. I'm Alluti.v and poInU iir.rtd .J..1J p. m I'oi llone-dile and Lake l.cdoie S..V), 11 01 a 111. mid .V'2 p. in. New York, Ontailo and Western, lu elicit Tue-day. i-opl. 17, I'OI. Mill I II IIOI'MI. Leave Leave irjxe Tialm. S11.111I011. ('aidoudile. 1 ,,0,., .So. I 0.:.la. 111. 11,10 n. 111. Lu).,, , o, 7 n.iop. 111 r ('ail'oiuljle 0.10 t-OI'lll IKIl'MI. ' ' Leave .eaxe t,,,. lad.'.-'ia. Caidoudile IIJIlt0ll. N'o, 0 !;!' " " 10. 1 in 0.-i 2.M P ni I ("P. in. 4.i)p Si SII.WS OXIA, MHtril 11(11 M) ' ' Leave i.t-ave tni.e Tulle. "l'a!!u"1 ' l,'i,V1"11'" adiutj No. S..0.I. in, IU0 p. 111. j,u-ia n So, 6 7 III) 11.111. i Cailionilale, ; i),, ,' SOI III IIOIi.Ml. "I- ni I.e.m Leave liuie lail'wll. Cailioiulile. Suaiiii.u No, 0 7.u0a 111. 7 pi. 1. , No. 10 LCD p in. li.Uiip. i. i,,,!,,. ,' Tralin No. I on vvcek da.Xi., and I) on -hmda,. Iiiako liiain line lonnt'itlous it,; .N,-xx v, , ,, . Jliddloloxvn. Walton, .Nonvi li. ()ii.4l o,neji and all point xxi.-t. I'or fin I di r inioiiualioii, tou,ult liil.a aurutv .1. C. ANDKIlsON. (.'. P. A., .New Yoik J. II. Wi:i.Sll, T. P. A., iiunlou. I'a. Evie Railroad, Wyoming Division, Twin (or Nm Yoik and iiitcuueilditc poluti leave S-u anion di folloxxt; 7. id a. 111.; -.','.'3 p. 111. Airxal- lO.'iO a. in, tioui IIourdale. Ilatxlcy ami inlcini'jilijtc polnlii 0.20 p. m nom ew York and Intel mediate poluts. No Sunday tulns. $ I EDUCATIONAL. Free Tuition My a tecent net of the legisla ture, free tuition Is now granted at tho Literary Institute nnd State Normal School Bloomsburg, Pa. to nil those lircnnrltiK to teach. Thl.i school iiuilntiiins coureen of Btuily tor teacher!), for thoao prepuihiB for collcse, and for those stiulyliiEr music. H will pix to vxrile for pirttculirc. Ko older ccluwl offcis such ttitierlor id unbgot al Midi low rate-). Addren J. P. Welsh, A. M.f Ph. D. , Prin. BINGHAMTON TRAINING SCHOOL Tor NorvoiK, Hackwuil and Deaf Mute ChlS drcn. Phvulml Tiaiiiluir, Manual Tiniiilni?, Arlic illation, Mutic. Iluxvlng, Klndoigaitcn, Open jcar uiuund. Cinulai. S. A. Doo I i tt! e, tl Faiviexv Aveiuii', Illngliamton, N. Y. r.HFSTNUT HILL ACADEMY Vissahickon Heights, Chestnut Hill, Pa! A lioartlhiR school for boyt hi the elevated and lieaiillfnl open country norlh of rhila tlelphin. 30 niinutc! from llroatl St. Station, yor cjtal'oRues nditrest JAMES I.. PATTERSON, Head-Masttr. SCRANTON CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, SCRAN ION, PA. T J. Toiler, President. Elmer II. Latvtll, ltoij. It. J. Poster, Stanley P. Allen, Vite rieslilent. Secretary. Mnunfacturers or OLD STOCK PILSNER 48B to 455 1ST. Ninth Strast, .Pft Telephone Call, 2333. Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machlno Business ol Dickson Mnnufacturlns Co., Scranton and Wllkes-Bnrre, Pa. Stationary Knglnes. Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumps. NEW YORK HOTELS. tYESTMljtfSTEK HOTEL Cor. SUtrrntli St. and Irving Tlace, NEW YORK. American Plan, .1.0O Per Day and Upxrard. L'uropean Plan, l.OU Per Day and Upwards. Special Italea lo Familici. T. THOMPSON, Prop, HOTEL JEFFERSON NEW Tunis inj.10l.IO) Kaat 15lh street. The .ILFFHItBON li a thorougldj SraW'"' Until? and transient hotel, ott.ringatamini miimenit.in.xImuraofluinrTandcomfort. On ISth Street, jut enit ot Union g c. It la within a few mlnutee ot the loadiBK uoi9, meatres wu cinu". lllBlllll,uv""'-' European Plan, $1.00 up. Amrinin Plan. 12.S0 up. Suites with Private Bath, $2,00 up. 1 or epecial ratei.guides oj; Information write JOIIV K. 'llTrilil,Di rroprletnr 4. For Business Jlcii In the heart ot tb wholeajlt district. " For SlioiHiors 1 minuter' walk to Wannmaltfrs: S minutes to Sleeel Cooper's Blrf Store. Easy of access to the emat Dry Goods Stores. For Sightseers One block from B'way Car. Klv. Ine easy transportation to all points of Interest. HOTEL ALBERT NEW YOKK. Tor. 11th ST. A UNIVE11BITT PTi Only one Block from Broadway. Rooms, $l Up, piffiia ' E. iiis Lager Beer Brewery RAILROAD TIME TABLES. New Jevsoy Ceiitvnl. Siaiioin In Nov Voilx-root ot l.lbeily street, S II , and Snilli IVliy. MI11111111 iiaiiiiiieiit itiiietird to Oil. 15, 1101. '1 1 aim lt'J" .-xiJii'0!' I"' Ni oik, Soxvail., I'.lialieili. Pliiladi'll'lila. 1'.'".",' "'Hil-uem, Al enloxvn. SI null t'liinilx and Willie llaxen, at -..il ., m.i i-iu'". 1 "US ein, I ml p. 111. ?i,,. ' Yii'r Plu.uu J"11 ilK haff. "' a 111.; 1 i) and LUi P I" hiunlaj. ill p. 1,1. I'oi lialtliiioii ami w-liliifsion and polmi Soulli and tti'-i lit Hetlilt leiu, 1.3-, j, , n and I (il p )u hiiiidij,. '-' lip. 111 I' r l.oiu lliainli, l)-.iJU (iiovt, elf, at S3 a 111. and I PI l "I I'oi Itiadiiil.'. Lilianon and ILiuuanirf, via l leiitonn, 0..VJ a, in. and H'J p. m, suudaji, r.M'1 p. 111. I'oi Pollux Me. i a. 111, 1.10 i in. I'or Moumaln Paik, ..") j. in., u jlfj q p 111. 'Iliiougli litlvrli to all poiuli cj.'t, iouth Jnj wed at loxxeit rates nt tlio nation. (' M. Itl'ltl'. Iliii. 1'i's. Ail. 1 W, W, WKNTZ, JK Otn. bupt. V j.m