The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 17, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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the MoDnnrt itArmwAnn srona.
Alt' tlnik'il 111 liii'lUHiliK
fi'l' II luil1li' il plili i' Id
finlt, n (ilucc tn i nl mill ii
llllll'l' lO H0CI. If lll'I'P"-
f-'iiry you can cat ami il"ri
on tlm Hour. Init .Mill rnn't
onk mi tlii Mom. Toll
llllll'l llllVl' HtllllP coll of
tin aiipaintiw to ilo jmin
imIIiik mi ami tin STMI!
I.1NC ItAXili: N the vny
lii'"i tliliiK on cm Hi fur
till! I lUIillM-,
"Has No Equal"
Foote & Shear Co,
H9N. Washington Ave
Yon never onjov ilirvMng
our lliilij until you sop our
'lullilnp I'oinfoit for llio
lialiy. Your tlnip ami nerves
sivul ilo an jitn miliiLT until
yon lslt our stoic anil allow
un to -lam you thi now way
of ill I'-Jliir I In H.ih.v
Th? Baby Bazaar,
510 Spruco Stieet.
I.acl'iii.niiii ttii-lncM Ojllcse. flood llfilit.
flood iii-liiidioii. Prices njlil.
We Dont Pound
puncli, ami pull .Miur linen to piece
vu s-,ivp ll ip wear lor you. Jl'n
rionoiny lo have join linen piopci
ly cmcil for.
E08-31O Ponn avenue. A. B. TVnrman,
l-.iic 1iau, of HiIIpuip, w spcinliii," a fi
tti.i - tilth fuomls in V iIKo- ll.iiio.
Ilium is 1 limn i, nf HpIIihip sr i rcl , i liituc
fiu'ii i j-.ijouin .in tlir I'ocunu mount nil-
Mr. and .Mi- (.coitc SiiPidiuin, nf Vt.idpun
In ot, 1i.ip nluinpil lminc tnmi the Hluom-tuii;;
i.ooirc S lloin .iinl ihuhloi, nf flip-hint
;mrt, .up -n mliiiir i f,w dii-. .it ilm I'm
Siijk i inlc mlont V. M. Itinc, of Imp fni
a.iiiiii i.nlii'id, ii lit pmiii1ii it llliiuiii-iliiii
vtiil VhIIiuiiiIjciI iinl.
Mr. .in I .Mis I Iioiii.ii I'm. of Vnliliild stint,
.iivc li'tiiimd Iimiih1 fioin .i Nil with ulmip-,
in Si hnv ll.ill imuiti
Mi. mil Mi- .lin'.iii I. l.'ii-r, nf Vl.ililnnn
Hint, .'U' ruin I lining i he H'liitu'.. t.iot'ioi,
Sle en l.'u-c, of i-nii.iii
111', and Ml-. Uilll.iiii N linn-. .1 Viku
mump, lit lli'vuo, i.ti .1- liitii t.ut'-t, Mb ti
Jillllll', (it l'oiaii!dil, .ili'-.
.lolin o-iiill.i and -Mi Knlnjii ISnnt who
ttiiuuil in m 1'i'tei'-. i ahull it .i -a idi.v lu'iinnu
In It i. 1 it lit i I) Hum Milium IIikruii .ul
cd a-,, wlulf Mi--s Uii-i L.ndi'ii wji
the Ijiidoiiiiid.
ItiMtjth'tt'j lmc liirn lPiitird l'l i hiiiiiIkt of
Su.mtoit t'toph' tor the linth umI linir .iimi
,ciii) irklu.itioii nt Mi and VI, -lnlui 1".
!iiiiK. of ( ailiondalt', winch will t il.o die
un .Moml m , (Jit il.
The I'laiiklln firaiunnr 'iliont Toot Hill If.ini,
tii'iai$m ll'i priiim-, iliilliii;p nti.v tciin m
tu tutnli nl uiinilj tu a mini, liilri lo
nir.ini.Til liy ioiiiiiiiiiiu.itlns wiili It. iltf.iiti-.
!! Ht-t Klin moil, Wilkmllnic I'l.
't'he Ili'i m hool m lull doit'.itrd tho l'lUp-p f.iot
lull It. mi at IUIt In- pill. ti-!('iii.i hi i -un.'
nf ll in ,. IliRh -.hoot won llio to. ami tlieir
upponint'. Ilikul to ilioin. 'the lull n -lonlilt
uth.uitt'il tuu.uil tin' Itlip-i iiintoit, wlun Uljh
kiIiikjI ln-i tin lull on a fiimlih' llio IMIp-.'
Mi IP fuu nl In Mil. and Ili'h n luml n-t on a
fumble. 'Iho lallp-o iiiliiil l!,i lull ditMl llio
llilil ami In a ibtii Klik In lliui'ti tho bill
tf suit til invr mif llicli mIiduI'i (.-oil io-t"
Si oio, ;"i to ll. Ilo H1.0111I lull loniiiii'iuid In
llluli -lliool khklllK In Iho IMIp-o lllllh nlinnl
hi run d tho lull on a finnld.' and 1 .1 Inn,; kiIii
liiinlo by lltnn-, ( aipriitoi, llr.uu. and Suit 1 h ilo
lull h.i iiiiiul moi tho IMip.o b.mI lino. ( 11
Iirnlri kukid a ililfn ull (.in I -uuo, o to .'..
'I he lllsli .-1I100I Kr 1 1 r Iho bill nio.ih In 1 In 11 op
jiotu nl-." tinltoM. Iho foiliiiii of tho Kino' woip
tho luiu' kiiii in, 11I0 In Hum., Ili.nn- .aid 1 11
1'ditor fur iho lllu-h ftlionl and l In k.uii' and lino
t.u klitil,- of slain ij aid ( imnmnss tm U,o
m .
A .MJUU,t 1' inn naiiiod Mb hlil l'hlllii
Wit aiiodod ti.uiilit foi Mi dim; .1 tide mi u
J..iil..m.inni 11.1111. lb a iliiod isl b,i Miitl'tiatu
llinv r,mi, 1 oini,' but omplioiil a a dimr
liv lliiilt-. 11nl11iMi, ,i, uiiiMiil jo-toidii at
tho In-l.iliio of 1 halo -lllnilnno, a . I100I hot.
who 111 11-nl him of tiiikliu I il 111 l"lliiitone;
with ,1 whip tur iuiiiiiii' mi the u,i'nu ho tt,n
ilriiini;. MiKi-liato Millar limd ,m.iiii- I'aiwt 'i.
Anth'jiit llniii.iii-l.i, .lu.i ph I'h km lh and
Adam liiorn voro irifitnl Mwlndiy in llio In
KtuiiiP uf Vj st, iiibri.', Iho I'pmi an uuo mot
ill jut nlui 1 In 111 ttlih .iiiln In a dU
ordorly 111 iihit 11 In. ioit on 'liio-dj.t nl'ht.
Iliry mho (oininiiiiil lo llio unnil.i jail In M.ii,-i
titrate Mill.n fm ihui.t 1l.1t- In lioi mlt of a tmo
Mitnai'l Ho'.ili and lui h I nlirr u'tt nto
a llj-ht 01 luojdjt nUhi uu l.j.l. i.tjiiiiua
Illin .ml liloin ll 10 i'llialit!oi n holh .Idc.
Cull 1 1 bad M0I--I1 Jii.'-Ud UjU'i.I.ii an I Ma,'l.
Irilo Millar limd liim J -0 W1I.I1 ih. 11 lu
Pnlter auotid 111 llio ihaiuo nf .i...inli and
lulleii ami no, I , i- llni'd si ,i) b.i the
SmoUo the fm 0110 Jo. 1 isar.
The Harp and the Book"
dip!a,iid 111 our
Hu.O po tir I .ok
fui 11 ll u Iho
moat aitMu' ' ad"
Ml p up In the
I l S VOlt
uml "llui neatut
thins In luitii," l,n
iatatu$ii', llrail
llnoiili and lirjjlu
J. .Mired I'ennlng
(en fiirector.
WORK OF n. n. Y. M. C. A.
It Is Mnppcd Out hi the October
Lncknwnmin Bell,
The Uptntior iiunilicr of Hip I.iii'lm
wnniin I toll, J111I Wiueil, ponttiltm n
ptrmppi'llls nf till' Htur iolll'"'P nf cll
li'italiinipntR lo lie iilvon uiulpr llio uit
plipi of Hip Itilllinnil Y. At. (. A. thlfl
ponilin; HPtiHon. The pnKon opcim nil
October l!J with the Inipoilal Itcll UIiik
pih Dllipr aitiiiptlons u 111 bo .1, AV.
Mm y, hiiniotlsl: New Y01U l.uillei'
Tiloi JIpiiiIiIi loii, tin iniiKli'laii! Ml1'
Killth Xorlon fliiPiitlnnlsl itiul John
V. IJIIIun. tuliiiic ami liiiinoiht.
The plani for Hip piluiMllnntil Miiil
111 c alsu otillliii'il. TIipip will lip pouises
In ini'i liiinli'iit ilrawlup; anil (Iip 10111
1111111 hiniiihivi The itIIkIoum wiulc H
not to he iip(?lcrleil ami Hip iimiiiiI evun
kpIIIIp tni'ptliiHH pvpry Hunilny after
noon with lilhle pIiiihm 011 Thin "day
A now fi'iilutp will Iip iliapel cur.
This will Iip a p.lispllKCI' limi'h llttetl Up
with an oiKnn. hpih anil icikIIiir iniil
ter. ll will he placpil on oiip of thp
pIiIIiik in the yutil ami a ipIIkIhik
lnectlliK will lie comlllotoil In It threp
ilnys a week It will hp open for ipiiiI
Iiik anil tpitliii; puipoiesi the leiiialmlef
of the llinc.
Letter Cnnler D. E. Weltly Accused
of Hnvlnpr Tnlked in nn
Offensive Manner.
Velei Kan. of 1 Vine iltopt, n
piano apstnan, has ptefpiicil pltaiKPs
lit WifhliiKton jinuliiit Li'tter rarrler
1!. K. UVIily to the poutofllcp ilepart
incnt. The latter In upi-useri of usIiib
liiHUltliiff IatiKtiaKP In Mif nan.
U N cliiltneil that Yi'elily, who ilp
HvuiH the in, ill at the Kan home, told
Airs. Kan a few tlnvs uro thai If her
hushtiml tluin'L stop ilding on hcnb
stippt cars a committee of sttlkoiR
would wait upon him and letiuest, hlni
to do ). It is said that llrs. ;an le
plicd that 11 was nonp of "Weldy's pm business what her hiudmiul did.
At lhi, It is claimed, YVeldy Itifoinied
Mis. i:,ui that slip was "a bad a scab
as her husband." 11 Is claimed that
he fiuther lefened 10 one of the letter
i.iuieis who lins been tiding: on the
tais as a "ditty stinker."
AVeldy, wiieu seen by a Tiibiinc man,
practically admitted that ho had said
sonic tilings to Alls. Kan.
"1 said sometlilii"; 1 shouldn't have
said, but J IK-pd It up nil light aftet
waid!," he said.
Up denied that lie ii'-ed the ruit
I.iiifjuasP meiitloned aliovp, but Inti
matPd that It was conect in some le
Topics to Be Spoken on Befote Catho
lic Historical Society.
At Tuesday night's tegular meeting
of tin t'.ithollp Tllstoiical society, an
addiess on tlip wotk of the society was
made by thp Ilrsi vice piesidenl. T. I'.
Holmn. A piano solo was icndpii'd by
All's. Al. V. AVymbs, and seveial ieci
lations wpip clpvpilj lendeied by Allss
Kenny, or Ottawa, Canada, who Is the
Sin"-! of ft lends in this city.
The moderator, Jte. .1. J. (iritlln, an
nounied the datPs and topics of the
public led uics to bo given timing the
loming season. They aie as follows:
October L'l, "Iteligion In Shakespeaie,"
Tlev. II. Tleniy, of Oveibiook seminaiy;
Xoveinber L'(l, "Tlie Cnlhollu-AinPtiian
Citi.eii," Hon. John J. Delanpy, of New
Yoik 1 ll. ; December :!. "Xewiuan,"
Jtev. r. Clllfotd, of Bridgepoit, 'mm.;
.Tanuai y 2b, "Tlip r.itliohc ('hutch in
the Kducalional AloicniPiit," tt. liev.
Aloiisigiuir l'onat. of AVa.-.liington, U.
i'.; J'Vbriiaiy 2,"i, "Hamlet. Its Human
slide," Dr. .1. .T. AWiWi, of New Y01 k
pit. Al.ncli l'"i, "J'ai.nlisp," I'onUe H.
Defeated the Backus Team in a Prac
tice Game Last Night.
The Kills' Howling team defeated the
ll.tikiis team last night in a piacllee
game lolled 011 the Rakus alleys.
Illell, of the i:iks, 1.111 up tho exceed
ingly high wuii' of 0.14 and laid a high
a pi aye of IK,! 1-:!. The suae:
11 Mill's.
II..II 117
Mn-in 11'
r.iiiion'iidi lis
lVckon- It.',
Ilnpkin-. 1 :i
mi m
17. Mi
11! Ti-.
llll 170
ll'l li.ll
7.VJ 770-
Ui". I .'i
in 111
Til l!.l
1 .) 17.'
1 .'I lJ
C-i hit unit
Waldnoi .
Jl.ill ...
Illlllll'l ..
.lui -, ....
7i!'i ii"" v(.a-2.ll.l
Fiesented at the Nesbitt in Wllkis
Bavre Last Night.
Alan.igcr A. J. Half of the K.icciiui
and Academy was in Wllkps-ll.iuo liiht
nlglit wIipip hi' saw the ptndtit lion of
"Allss Hob White" ul the Nesbitt,
To a Tilbuno liian In- said the opei.i
is bilglu. t Ipvit mill dean, is .superbly
staged and piceulpd by a line loin
pauy. ' "
California Exclusions.,
T-ea line Wnsliigloii evoiy Monday,
Wedni'silay and Fild.iy at !i.5."i p. 111.
via HontliPiu uil I way, New Toinist
Slecpcts, peiNoually conducted, go
thiouglt to Hun j''i'iinoil'i'o without
change of cat, conductois or pnrtets,
Tim loutp is through Atlanta, Moni
goinety, New Oilcans, Houston, San
Antonio, New AIonIco, AiUomi and
Souiliein I'aliioiiila. The caus nto tho
vety latest puitein of 1'ulliuuu Tourist
Hleepeiis, bit iltw noil Mlllsh, high-back
seats, sixteen suctions, .supplied with
linen, etc, same as .stnndaul sleepets,
llghlid with i'littsi'li gas, loom for
gentleiueti and two I'i'tllllig" 1001ns for
ladlt's, Tin po and one-half this to
Alesicii mid Aiiisoiiu, four days to l.os
Aiigi'les and live duys to San KniiiPlsco,
Itnti lor douhlo but th Wa.'-lilnglon to
Han I'lanclsco onl $7.0d
I'liarlcs h. Hopkins, illsttlct pnssen
get iigeiit. Southern Hallway, .s.'S I'ltest
liut slieet, 1'lill.idelphl.i, Will bo ip,imm1
to tin nlsh all IntoniuttlDii.
0. & W. Foliage Exclusion,
H special iPQiiest lite New Yoik, Un
tat In and Western iunipaiiy
uiiiioiiucc ihey will sell p.i iirslou tlili
iti to Haiti ocii, . Y on next Kundiiy,
Oi tolier W, to enable those disappointed
last Sunday, owhig to tho ini'loinent
Wi'iithi'i", to vleiy tlm folliigu 011 the
mountains. Tiulu will leave Scrunton
at S.oO 11. in., and ii'turnliig leave Han
cock at 4.U0 p. 111., iirrlving In Scrunton
at ti.43 p. 111. Tho fine, ttom all htatlontj,
Seianton to Ciuboudule Inclusive, will
bo Jl leturn. and from Forest City. 75
Day Was Devoid of Any Develop
ments of Note Geneinl Manager
Sllllman Confined to His Bed with
n Bilious Attack, but Will Be on
Hand Today to meet the Cotincil
mnnlc Committee Six New Men
Anive and Nine Depait Company
Opens Another Line.
Another day lias passed with the
fttei't 1 tir stllko situation lllicllitllged
as far as hopes of settlement me con
cerned. Nothing' was done tow'aids
that pud and no lalk Is lipiuil or any
inuveiuelil that piotnlups to effei t that
end. Hoth sides me as detei milted
mid contldent as pvpr, and Hip cotn
pany continues to iIppIIup ptoffets of
inedlatlon. dpplailng that It pan not
now icceile front lite- position ll has
Tlipio was no dlsoidor and 110 111a
tPiinl plmiiRt In the mullpr of pat
loiingp of the cuts.
Kaily yesterday 11101 nlng. ('Iiaileo
Hainllton, of tho Kycpuiit Hill I'ostlng
company, found some tl itiimlto pei
ptisslon caps on the rails In ttont ot the
Academy ot Altislc. They wore not or
sullleient size to do any hniin, and
weie likely placed thou by miiiip oiip
bout on causing" ft seme.
Cli'iicinl Arnnager Sllllman has boon
ill for several days from a bilious at
tack and, yesleiday, at the athlce or
his physician, look to his bed. He
will bp about tills morning, he says,
to meet the councilm.inlc committee.
Slc 111010 Impoits at rived from New
Yoik, yestotdny morning, over the
Kackiiwauna. Niiu; ot the men who
had been wotklng since tlie stiike be
gan iiit Tuesday night mid loft Hip
illy yesleiday morning. They told the
strikers thov couldn't put up with the
lodging and eating accommodations
furnished by the 1 ompiiuy.
Some one lias been dirtying icpoits
of tho strlket h' meetings to the coni
pan's liPtidntiarteis. A conduct or sus
pected of being the spy was ordeied
to appear befoie the pxecutive boaid
yesterdav for a healing. Ilo denies the
accusation and sas lie is glad of an
oppot Utility to piove himself guiltless.
Strikers' spies have been viatehing him
for several days past and mo piepared
to give him plenty of explaining to do.
The Milkers say they are only glad
that the louipnny should hear or what
is going 011 at tlieir meetings. It will
prove to the company, they say, that
the claim that the men ato deteiinlned.
contldent and solid to a man, is not
mere blustoi .
The joint committee of (oiiuiiW ap
pointed under the provisions of thp Cal
jiln resolution to make an effort to set
tle the ftillip will have a lonferonee
with fipneial Alanagor Sllllman at 10
o'clock this morning. The lotnmittee
wanted that tho president mid diiectois
of the lompany should be piesent at
tlie conference. Air. Silliman said
they could bo leadlly communicated
with it anything developed that would
lorpilii' tlieir attention. That the diiec
tois will not be on hand Is indicated
by tho fact that two of the local diiec
tors, Timothy and John Htuke left the
city est"iday to be gone until Satur
Additional losolutlons endoislng the
stiike, tendeiing and ilnanilal
suppoit to the sttikeis and declaring
against the puis have ben
passed bv Stone Alasons' union, No. :IJ;
farboiitlalp Kedi'ial union, No. 1::04:
Ameiican Kedeiatlon of Labor, and
Klottf Alill local. No. 1'OS, Textile AVoik
eis of Anietic.i. The last named is the
Mist of the feninlo labor oiganlzations
lo adopt insolations sympathizing with
tlie stiikeis. The letters transmitting
those ipsolutions lo sttlkp liPiulquartPis
me usually accompanied by good sized
Ti.ifllp on Hip I.uzoi up stteot Hup was
opeiiPd up yesleiday by the stieet i.iil
wny company, but no passengeis weie
(allied. The cars 11111 weie occupied
by aimed deputies, but no violent e
whatever was eiuountoied. Kveiy-
thing was fiuiet also along the Lafay
ette sheet line, wliete the distuibame
occuried leiently.
As a piecuutlonaiy lneasine against
any acts of violence on the pari of the
school ihildien, Hip (cachets have cau
tioned tlieir pupils lo lefiaiu tiom
Un owing stones ami 1 ailing the stieet
car men names. Tills lias had the de
bited effect.
H Is noticeable that the tialllc on the
West Sctantoii lines Is gt.iduaily in
t leasing, and that theio is a peuepti
ble tailing on' In the pationnge of tlm
TIip following statcineiil was is.-ued
esletthiy by tin' slrlliets' etecutive
Wo uuo iinlp .liuii.od ill Mi siini.m' t stt.i
axant htiitonii'iit 111 llili iiiomliiK' inpii", mIh-ii
In ailuil lount time weie ! niiph' ildini;
etenli,v lint at any II1110 dinim; tlie lriko,
I.IIW1I, WO Mlppo.O, III- tho lOllllllll.l B'Cltil!K tillll
nf lib iuj,' people 10 udo. We ten llio Mine lunl
n( iiuitf that Hfie on W.i1iliit.ioii auniio loin
Int. hum tho i.n bain ami- I'lllnir In .1 ioiy
i lint ill il lai to hloip in Iho cflui'i nf the uilil
)iini 1'iei.t MrullV. 'Iho iliiu.illiiiiM me iniiiili
in le.nllb al an tur uu 11 irlu." 1.1I0, and the
Mnkiii aie lonhdoit and nilhu-I.Mii
1, o. limlti, snrelary
Infant Stuick by n Train and Had
Its Foot Ciushed,
Anthony lleuiiPtt, the infant son of
Alt. and Alls. Anthony Uenuett, of C.'G
Kei'iliunud stieet, hnd a marvelous
escape Horn tleiult yestordny mot nlng.
Tho child, who I only two and 0 half
yriius old, toddled away from home and
stiayed on to the Lackawanna i.iil
io.ul Hacks near his parents' home,
While on the tiueks tlm Infant was
stiuck by a passing fuilgiu tuiln and
was tluowti to otii) side of the tinck.
His leu foot leiiMlned on the mil, how
ever, mid was so badly ciiNied that
t had to bo amputated at tho l,.it Ua
wanna lin.splldl. The ihild lecelved no
other Injuiles
Faie to Buffalo and Rettnii Only $4,
via the LncUawaiina Ralhoad,
On Oi lolier 11th, ISHi, Hath nml 30th
ou 1 an puuhaso loiindtttip tickets to
Buffalo, via llio nelawiuo, 1,-awiinim
mid Western i.illio.ul, at tlip extremely
low uites of U. While, theso tickets ate
limited to con tli passage only, they
may be used on tiny ttuiti, good going
on tho above dutew mid for ictuin on
any ualn tho following da. This Is
an exceptionally good oppoitunlty for
those desirous of spending u sliort time
At the exposition at a small expense.
Dnvld Coutned Beaten by Several
Young" Men Last Night.
David Coiitned, 11 slioomitker, with
11 shop uu I'apoitsp nvptliio near I'lii'lps
stippt, was brutally ussiullcd catlv
Inst pv'ptilug, In fioiil of his shop, by
young limit who hud boon aiinovltig
I'oiitliotl Is 11 pen pen hi", pay-goliig
soil ul a pel sou mid has lor some tlnii
bppii the butt of Hip young men or the
llelgllbnihnotl, Who Imvo seeiilpd In take.
gipiil delight in teasing him, Thry
'.010 iiiinoylng hlni last pvenlng, when
he cunip out fiotn his shop und 01 doted
them uway. When ho made for one of
t licit) Hip ipsI potnued on hlni und
beat him bttttully
1 lo wiis stitipk over Hip head with 11
stone or some blunt lustiiuuent, and
was iclidetcd nltuost lincoiisclous. Ho
was cat lied, In a dazed londttloit, Into
Alderman UpI.iicp.v's olllcp, nnd was
later tPtnoved to Hip Lackawanna hos
pital, wheiP It was said last night Unit
Ills injilllps are not serious. The
names of sovetal of his assnllauts nip
known mid wrests me to be made to
Dr. Robeits Writes front Fails to
Have His Namo nnd That of
Mrs. Robeits Added to List.
Tlie following $1 subset Iptions to the
AtoKlnlpy 111011101 lui itintl were ycsl"r
day locelved:
Hubert VliKmni, Itnbrrt 1' MiKiiini, Pjild
A. .Vlilieiinii, MM .lean MiKinni, MI'i Kitle Vk
liciini. A. . Ilonei, Mis. V. . llon-ir. r irnllnc
Tiriiuitl, Mr. It. ,1. II011111II, Jaiiiti .Murray, MI-
Miry A. Mltrner.
The following letter was received
l'ali, Oil j, 1901,
I'.lilur of 'Iho Tiibiiui
S11 : 1 fee that Siranton is to eietl n McKintry
motnttmnt. We iiiiild bo creatl.i ditippoiuted
not to bo niutibered ntnoiiK the i-iib-iriboi.
Plo.1'0 nilil our initios lo the lil for uliatner
nuioimt Ueudnl liion In llio rnimniller, wblcli
I bellrie J1 lo be stipulilnl, ni wife t.if, vl
1 .11 Ii.
What 1 comfoit 'Hip Tiibuiip has In ill to ni
iluiintr nur ab-enie. ll H ifiinik iblc bow pionipt.
Ii nnd how irgulnli we Inio loieiied our dcat
old filend, 'Iho Ttibune, nitr FUtcni of keep-iiiR-
link of lour snb(ilben while Uanlliij; in
foieign lountiles luii-t bo poifoit. Wo lino de
pended I'titlioly on 'lhe Tilbuno for full leportt
nf the nisiislualion of otn beloiod pio-ident, and
hue not been ili-appomlod l'lej-e .ill at my
otlifp fol piiment of .iuli-cllition,
V outs ttul.i,
( hnlc W, Itobnti, M, I).
Funeral of Mis. Hannah Powdeily
from the Home of Her Aunt
Yesterday Morning.
The funeral of Hannah, the wife of
Hon. T. Y. Powdeily, commissioner
or omnilgiation, occutred ye.steidity
11101 nlng fiom the lesidence or. de
ceased's aunt, Alis. Al. AL Collins, cor
ner of North Alain avenue and Clark
httcet. The cottego moved ft 0111 the
house at !) o'clock and proceeded to
St. Patrick's Catholic chuicli on Jack
son street, whoie a high mass of le
uulem was celebrated.
In the chinch weie many life-long
friends of deceased, who had in some
way or another become associated
with her dining her long lesidence In
AYest Spi anion. The casket was liter
ally bulled in flovveiK, outward tok
ens of the esteem in which she was
The nuis.s was tolebiated by ttov.
John Dunne, assistant pastor at St.
Patiick's, who also preached the fu
neral senium fiom the text, "It is a
holy and wholesome thought to pray
for the dead, that they may be looked
110111 their sins." He spoke of the en
dearing traits ot deceased, and ohm ac
idized her life as wot thy of emulation.
During the services Joseph Hums, of
"Wllkos-Harre, sang the "Ave Alalia"
and "Ncaier Aly Cod to Thee.''
Tho pall-beat eis were T. J. Powdeily,
Jr., Pat lick J. Powdeily, F. B. Collins,
Thomas Collins, John Mullen, and T. V.
Powdeily, jr. The llower-beaietfe wore
Kdwmd Collins, Thomas Mullen, Jos
eph Powdeiiy and Chailes Powdorly.
The lemalns woio intoned in the Cath
cdial compter.
A l.ugp number ot people fiom Pitts
ton. AVIlUes-Barie, Carbondulo, and
other points up and down the valley
attended the sei vices.
Citizens of Cnibondale Petition the
Couit to Pi event Signing.
John Walsh and Henry A. Collins,
citizens ot Catboudale, yestoiday tiled
a bill In equity against the city of
c.iiboiidalp Alayor J. Y. Kilpaltiok and
Nicholas L. Aloou, city cleric, to le
.slialn them fiom executing a . ontract
with lhe Lackawanna Yalley Kleettlc
Light and Power company to fuinisli
sixty-eight mc and live incandescent
lights to the city for a pet lad of tluee
jems ut $70.
It Is set fm th that the C.ubondale
fias company olfeied to light tho city
tor a lower tlgiue! Tlie petitioner.s mo
represented by Attotnoys 11, C. Hutlor
and I, 11. Dm ns.
Ml i: ul,iiMi) -U the Kim I Mil, par..on.
.U(, (lit 7, In ll,. ('. M. tillhii, lliiiuliiui
Nno and Mai A. sUinon, botli o( Jeinun,
KlilV lllll s -Vt the liome ot the lulde on
(in 10, Ii lle. Pi. V. VI. ilifliii, Vr irnlii M.
(ha, of ninsli union, X. V, and Vi-i hnily
P, Hindi, of Vuntnn,
Fancy Cnl, Asparagus, SOc. Fancy
French Piunes, 2 lb Jais, 50c;
value, 75c. "Boss" New London
Crackeis, 7c per lb; value 10c.
Colombia River Salmon 10c per
can, (half size), value 15c, Snow
Flako Corn, 8; value 12c Bone
less Sai dines, 18c; 82.00 p9l
dozen, Fancy Ohocolate Ci earns,
18c per" lb
E. G. Cotirsen
Runaway Car Had Knocked Out a
Number of Flops and Assistant
Mine Foi email Patrick Ncalon and
Tlnee Assistants Were Engaged in
Replacing Them Whon a Great
Slab of Rock Fell. Instantly Kill
ing' the Four Men Men Are Well
Known in Aichbald.
Kottr men weie Instantly killed In the
Klondike mine of thp Dplnwme and
Hudson company at Aichbald jester
dny afternoon by u fall of iool The
victims mo:
l'.VHIICIC M'M.OV, n-llKiil tunic foieitun, mu
lled, who and one illld; Hud on lllll
ktieet, Alibbibl.
MVrillKW DOnilllllt, dther. 2! i-ii of .i(r'.
ulnelo; 1 1 v iil with Ids mother, a widow, on
It.iilronl Mioet, .Vrclibild,
JOHN" lli:l.i:V, nilnei, whinner, two ililMreu;
liied nt l'ockiille.
JOHN' KI.'.VltM'V, niiiiFi, iiiBle, ."!.' ot .iis,
liv c il with lit mother, i widow, on l'ine
TIip jcclilpiil oci'ilriod about I p. m.
A. iiilnp car had 1 tin down a piano in
llio initio and Jumping tlie track near
the bottom had knocked out a number
or m cms.
Nealon took the other Hit co men to
assist hlni In putting Hip car on tin
track and arter they had donp that
they began Jho work of replacing tho
props. While they wore engaged In
this work a slab of took twelve foot
wide, twenty feet long and about a
foot thick fell and liwtantly killed the
four men.
The accident has caused geneial
soi row In Aichbald wIipip all of the
men were well and favorably known.
Ladies of Cnibondale Auxiliary to
B. of L. E. Visited the City.
A number of the mcnibeis of Knion
Division No. 120 of the LuilW Auxll
laiy to tho Brotherhood of Locomo
tive Kngliipers paid a fraternal visit
ypsterilav afternoon to the members of
Alia. w. K.'Hallstoad division, of this
A most enjoyable social session was
held in Guernsey hall and at 4..10 o'clock
the paity lepalred to AIltcheH's' din
ing loom and partook of an appetizing
Every modern requisite for the store or
counting room, and at the right price,
too. We do not mean by that always the
cheapest price, we leave the cheap grade
goods to others the best is none too good
for our customers. We have a deserved
reputation for keeping the only complete
high-class Stationery Store and stock
in the state outside of Philadelphia,
and this fact acts as our best advertisement.
Perhaps you do not know we can supply
your every need, and do all the work under
one roof by our own work people. We do
not send your orders out of the city, and get
a commission on them, but do all ourselves.
It will be interesting for you to look over
our plant. It will also show you that we
only advertise facts.
R. E. Prendergast
Stationery, Office Supplies, Engrav
ing, Embossing, Lithographing,
Printing, Binding, Steel and
Copper Plate Printing.
The Only Complete Plant in this Section
207 Washington Avenue.
Oils, Paints and Varnish :
4 MaIon?y Oil & Manufacturing Company, t
141-149 Meridian Street.
At Our Line of Playing Cards
All the new designs ol the famous "Fashion Series''
carried in stock,
REYNOLDS BROS., Hotel Jsrmyn Building
dinner. Tlip ladlr.s present from t'ar
btili'lnlp wpip ns follows! Mis. 1 Hull,
Mm, W. T. Itlngham, Alts, o. Hudson,
Airs. D. Wilson, Mrs. c, , smllh, Alis,
U. H. lllstptl, Alls. P, A. Croft, Alts.
I.'bblp lll'itptl, Alrv (I. II Dlmnilpk,
Alis, . Cooiifi and Alts, ('hutlns MlW.s,
of Siittiehiiiinii.
Lehigh Valley Rathoad'u Special
pxpitrslotis to Pan-Aineikati ppo.itlou,
Tit" Lehigh Yalley ttalhoad (oinpanv
will inn sppclal pspiitslons to lliirfaln
on account of Hip Pan-Aiiipi lean ,,.
position, n inn .Sctanioti and Wilkes
llairo. on Oclobor II, IS, sr, mid ?n
Itoiind-tilp tU'ltPls, gootl oiil.v on spo
chil Ualn leaving Wllltps-Uapi.,, nt j. ,)
ti, m. mid on local trnlmi rioin Seian
ton lonneetlng thoipwltli, and good to
ipturn on ipgulnr trains witlilu two
days, Ittpludliir, day nf pcpiiison, will
bo sold at into of 31.00 fiom Ki'riiutou
ami Wllkps-Ilari'p. Those HpIipIh will
not be good In l'ullinnn parlor or slppp.
lug (arn In pIHipi' dlt'Pctlon or on lllnik
Dlaninntl Kxpioss. Consult local tiiket
.J-l.OO Buffalo nnd Return $4.00.
Account Pnii-Anieilcnn KipnslUnn,
the Lehigh Ynlloy i.illio.ul will sell
tickets October 11, good going mid ic
tuililug on all trains except Hip tllack
Dlamond. good to return on the Jtiih
ltate fiom Sctniilou, only $1.00.
The popular Punch cigar li still the
leader of the 10c cigars.
For Women
Made from the same
heavy skins that the
Men's Gloves are made
from. Heavy seams
short wri3ts one but
ton, either Tans or
Grey Mocho.
r Wtthlniun AtP
The Income
which an estate
will biing is til-
ways an impor
tant f.ictor, Opportunities for safe
iiiul prolitnhlc investments are be
coming more and more scarce, and
lhe individual executor, guardian
or trustee often has to leave motiej
belonging to the estate idle becsuse
, he cannot find a proper safe Invest
ment. In appointing a trust com
, puny as trustee or guardian you get
tne atlvantage of the linancial ex
perience and business ability of its
olliceis and directors, together with
large opportunities for investment
which a financial institution always
has. A tiust company has special
opportunities for putting out money
on bond and mortgage.
516 Spruce Street,
L. A Witrei. President,
A. U. McClinlock,
it. A. Kimjip, V.-Pre
I". 1;. riillllp.
vlto l'rMldent.
ltilpli S-. Hull, Tout Officer,
j I Neckwear
;; Pinest and largest
; ; line of Imported Neck-
'. '. wear ever seen in Scran-
; ton. Stocks, Jabots and
;; Four-in-hands an 1m-
'. ', mense variety to select ', ',
from hardly any two '.
; ; alike. Ladies' should em '
1 1 brace this opportunity ;
; by securing the "Newest" !
tliinortt in "Neckweni"" .
', ', at once.
Cramer-Wells Co., J
j, 130 Wyoming Ave.
There is a new shirt in town for
men, it is called the
The name tells the story, one
only need add that the colors are
the newest in shirt patterns.
"A Gentlemen's Furnisher.
305 Lackawanna Avenue.
Ladies' Tailoring
Jackets, Htons, Raglans and New
market Dress walking and rainy-
day Skirts. Our prices are reason
able. Guaranteed to give satisfac-
tiofik Goods furnished.
King Miller, Merchant Tailor,
g 432 Spruce Street.
Our 1 1 if ,.toik minis the latest pro.
dtiuidii. ut mam I num. Uioiih. und In
iio inilii. i tin- fji 1 moro than
111 UllttM'li UIIIII.
Iloil.i HiiK.i'k 1U 1 (Iip ideal Aiior dec.
nrjtlon, if a p.idd idiiililiiJllrii nt lifiu.
tllul ifliiH .ii.d Uu limit ot wi'iriw;
1)11. lllll n llosilill.
As lids ilr.iitiiiriil of nur tt"ir, nn the
ieiond (loot. I. I.nuitn fm iu inuple floor
tp ami iliidnl liuhl, ,nn ore jurcil
tlie jihjlit.mi' of lii'lii; iililc in ninlc jour
ilu mim liui' limit 1 Hit- iniMi favoralilti
1 .mill ni"
Oin liln 1 til 1 irilit vi.icin 1 al.'i fii'tly
CMiliilnl in .ill uiptl iiiiiuii
Pi us ji .ii-. Iiflni; ol iiitirt'il it will
lip Aill in jiM llui no 11 i' slnmint; tonn
Hill .llli II Ih 1 fdll llUtiolUliulli of
liuili Hiu.-i'i. jl
$1.25 a Yard.
j .imIMB
flAMlteit ..jiuJf.i..... ,
-v . i-v.