The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 17, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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    TT -,fK
tuMIlinl mill. I'.Tctpt Biimliy, ly 'n.'ri
ine PuMWilliR Itotnpurji lt HHy CinU a Mont.i.
1 1 VV ! tttrilAIIO. r.tllor.
O K. nVMJI.K. llulnpM MntURcr.
ScwUtllOmie!li0NaTH' Vlt.:lt,ANP.
Sole Agrnl tor I'orrlRii AiUiitldnB.
ItilUctl l the I'lMlofflcn at Scruitnn, I'l,
Srtotitt Uasi Mall Mitlcr.
When mure will permit, The Trlliiuie li nlnv
Blil to tit I lit nhotl tctlrn from lln frlenili '"
1IU on tiirirnl topics Imt Iti rule U tint Uiee
hunt be Nlhtieil. Tor iiihllrillon, hy the writer?
real tiames mil the miilltlnn iiinlotit lo ;
ttpta'i.e I tint nil i onlrluulloni dull lie liiojcct
lo iilllnrliil reil'lon
mi: ir.vr itvri: iou AnvnitTisiso.
Hi" (oHminc tahlc ftimn the prlee tier Infli
each liwrlinti, space to li mnl within "lie vett:
Ittln nf
sliline on
DWt.W. I
lei tlun iVx) Ituim
.'no IihIici
irioo "
;ooo '
- . . ... ." .. . I......
i or nrin or mat k, resolution ni roiiui'it-ii'-
nil flmllif tnntrll lit ion In tlii iialnie of ml
irrlMng Jhe Tribune make? a iIiiikg ot fi centt
Tttte for Clusilicil Aihcilldn; furnUhcd on
srn anton'. 0CTuiu:it 17, ipoi.
Niprme otiil-W It I 1 Vl 1
licauin-l HANK (I. II MUMS
.Iiiflse I W l Mtl'I.MI.K.
rontiolln-l'. 10M
( oiotier-Dlt. I I ItOltl.UTs
buiir-.ior-UI.OIK.I. I S1IIN0V.
Modioli (ii. f,
"When the lVinnnjti went out of power in
rur vtito it lett lo the ItenuhlK an Mil) 1 li 1
of altwi-t s0,l0iM(HI tf ililii. Hii-. iliht. h
! .iilinltiMritlrti umler llipiililuiii nili, hi"
I rrn nltno-t intlreh pilcl c hue im leiwl
Hi" appropriation-, to 1 1 (amnion m Iiool until
up (.tawl at the held of the Ann I Kin ".tales In
wippoit of pnpulu eiliK ilicn. I udei Ilrpnlilinn
nilniiiiNfi itloti tlieie ln hern piid t nil Mar toi
educitioiul ptnpwi nine thin n iiproprlited
In the Pritiot ulic pnt in 1 lie n i.uiitu
itnttin of inl-rtili Wi hue inucwit out ip
proprlatioi In li' anil eln moiini lti-li
tutlono iint'l ue tin in i) e tin Imiit tint iu fct lie
Ir-tucen the two oienn iu. polls the fn-tltu-lions
at well as iIok our o n Our TOOrtOOO of
people aie ili'lu-tlinit- Iioui -t, law ilmllng and
liippi tt, Mil i nunc d i we il," on u hide
with prnspnoin biMui'-... rntiditinns, wih pfopl'
liappi, emploied mid 1 1 nlpiilrd, mil Willi ni"i
aienue of luiine? and tiad full v u tnpii d, and
with the prn-pett of tlio fiitim IiiIrI leniiu and
Biowmir moii. hopeful, th" old liivtoni pirtj of
chBtiuetion irid Ticprilioti cts up n ImIiiicii eiv
of fiNe j reten-e, nml itiMiirint' lor
the purpose of tniMeiilin (he penpli nitl legaii.
iri; lost powir " I loin tin liepiililiun 'la'o
It now lnoK! n though Jit ri.innnu
Intended to tiy to do a little l rit tnirit?
The Grounds for Confidence.
Till: t'AlillOXDAU: Lender
tolls IJcpuhliL.ins not to he
too contidont. Its adlie is
wl'-c, l)0(atso no lijjhL Is
cer on until the polls close .mil the
ote is i uitutil. The lclnil of confi
Ociilc villi h i.iuse those -who hold It
to stop m oi Mult toi the sm ( ess or
their cause, to ' l.u down" Mhlle tlio
eneinv is indusliioui, 'would, indetd.
be tlisjMioiis it should not pimail
nnion? I2 uljlieaiis
A'o do I-,. iLriioio llio fiu t that .t
sinijf liR'.t 1-. on. "UV she iiedll to
Mi. Xewcomb and his suppottois lot
iiiKontous (MUipaifruiiif,. Tin if on oils
to s-ot otes foi t'olonel
Illtilicoik, lecoRiiUinK that eeiv ole
po iast is as good lot tln-ii puiposos
tis a diieit oto lor Xu comb, .no he
Ins put foith iltli (onsidoiablo skin,
thouqli wo beliee with scant sikkss
Hut the fact that tlicv .tie aithe
dimply nieans that r.epubliiaus nittst
bo moie nrthe. This Is a nepuhliian
lountv. Tho llepublleiin p.uly this
yeai is united Thete aio no laotional
dllsions -within its lanKs. its ticket
Is i lean In peisonnil and aneptablo in
lioint of the Reoaiaphical disttibtitiou
ot Its landldateb. Tlieio has not been
a bettor ticket in tho hlstoiy of the
p.uty. t oiiRht to he cleitid. U will
be electid. Itepublkans must mo that
It Is ,'kcted.
Until tho fcpillblndeis aie tinned loose
the inajniity ol out Union puty ltlends
-v 111 no doubt bo a tiille unceitaln as
to what they aie leally siioutlii(j tor.
Hurt by His Friends.
AS Tin: Schley linestlgntion
piocecds, it lit comes cleai
that the touise of the Jk
Kinie.N admlnl.sliatloii with
icfeieuce to Mi, SUiley was wibe. It
did not i;le him the chid command,
and wo think the dlsclosiues nuulo In
the tostliuou as to his Mack of thin
ness and decision at nitlcal moments
constitute a justification of tliat dnls
ion. But It him the kiiuikI IiIrIi
cfot coinmand, to avoid any uppe.uume
of piojudlce; and If Ills liieniks had let
Itlm alono this, also, would have tinned
out well.
When ho made that oMiaoidlnmy
lottoRiitelo nun ('1110111 off Htintl.tsu, It
did uotiK most ol the ollhns on die
btiaHRy-boaul expected and wanted,
oilier hg .ilieht and appeai.iuce heroic
it coiiitniaitiul. It waited to leain
what lib explanations weie, These,
tlioiiRh not satlstaetoiy, weio not in
:ihnlnatlnR'. At most, thetc with a or bad JudRiueiit, a cabe ol' not
lUHim- tho lull ie(iilioineiit.s, I'm that
the .idinlul.stiatlon was an much to
blame its. Schlej, tor it put him In tho
phut lucsuiuuhlv knowing his chin at
teiihtlcH, The Until vlctoiy at Santiago,
tvlth sloty eiioiiRh lo ro lound, would
nave willed out IiIh eiuller enoi.s and
cpt tliuni iioui tho puhllo l;uow ledge,
eavhiff'tho euilie naval seivko In fur
ojttn odoi, If Schle'.s fi leuJ had kept
Kill when VicsldeuL McKiiilej Benin -5UKly
nuiiud him toi piomotlou bee
and to Bainpson, tlio oomiiiaiiUci -In-:lilcf.
Instead ot that, they inlsed the howl
of pel .sedition, ilaltned for their man
the built, of the gloiy and limisted that
unlesb Schley got the biir end or the
ewaul no piomotlou.s at all should be
uadp. Their louiso In this pajtleulur
s (lliecjly jebpoiislhlo for the ontiie
muss subsetiuently Kicked up. It has
foiced n publlo washing of dh(y nnvul
linen wlikh tho udiulalbtiatlon tiled
laid to iieitorm quietly and without
publicity. It has ilcstiojed eftectually
Schlcy'o iliHiices for a Ililii pinto on
wl!'leit;lilvcfi Sanipivu Into physical
tiinl, nrtoitiliirt tu some icirnit, tneiitnl
rollitpic, stiiiod tii enmity and III will
umotlRSt htltldti'dft o( intvitl otlleeis, to
say notliliiK' nf It1" effert tiion puhlli'
opinion, mid the fountry will lie foi
ttttiitte If It shall not bo tho iiii'ima
of Inlon llptln rot sonio ,eni the Ken-
PIOUS tll)OplllttlonS l)V I OIIRIO.OS Ul'Ct'S'
city lo kIm to tho fulled Hint's Its
inoper phuo itmoiifar the son-poweifi,
TIii' ItHostlRrttlou luiH iiddid no litllicl
to Mtltley that he larlttd beroio Ills
rool lilotittw sliiltrd the low. Ik' ltu
lettalnlv not been liowu to bo a hli;
rop matt than his nilmliots itmnnht hint
inloi to tlio iiillnir of this scandal. On
tli Nttai., while ho litis not boon
tonvletfd of lowindleo of of ttoisoil
ol of any Intentional Rioat lullll at u
Unto of lieineiidous ovpoi tntn , nil
Itldklotw toadois of tlio loMlumm intlut
ceo that lie was iu lllutlltK, uuslilble
mid Illfitl. Veiy piolnhlN ho did Ills
best. Hill thill uns not Rood olioilRh
to rtlllll the host liadltlons. And,
iiioieinet, hl i ot icspondelii e with
HiidRson hIuiws him up as a tilikv
tnitn, rtotn the most ihailtablo .stiind
polnt It Is ilaiu.iLrliiR: to his lopiltallon.
Onie the low had beittiii. nn linosll-
sntlon was lne liable; and now tliat It
liax. been stattod. It Is pioH'il roIiik
lo the hot loin. In "onie lespoilo ll has
developed less to Stliloj's disneillt
than was ospieled, and lot that both
his liiends anil the public Roueially
aio Rkul. Hut It lias levoalul enough
to pioe tliat (he AkKlnlev way was
tiie jiiudotiL wav and that those who,
In Stlilm'tt behalf, hloiked the rullll-
liiont ot Hie pusidenfs pioRianini', did
Hihlo.v an liiep.tiahlo lnui.
The lliiiil disposition of the dhoice
canons at San nmiel-in no doubt
caused a rtilhi!- of i ollef In Dakota
busiiut-s elicits.
Concerning Divorce.
Till: VOTi: of the hout or
deputies of (lit r, neial i:pl
topil tointiitlon ileillnhir
to aciept iu the t.mon on
inaiiliiRo and divtiue iidoplul h tho
house of bWhops llio .e( linn outlawing
tht iliij,e ol iniioiont panics to
dUoue, thoilRh tlosf, Is slKiilliiaiit
Tho supiioit lm this pioposlllnn i nines
almost wholh riom tho tleiR, Iho
opposition lo it, fioiii tho J.i ft 'I he
(Il'IRN lio In an iihal w 01 Id
and would oidci thliiRs to t ni icspon,.
'I he lait iiiosiiif lite as it s
Hotli lcws thth alito hut n
tho making of laws, whetlni
oi c it los,,siitnl, it is bet tu to line
liws tint i an bo mroittil than laws
whkli bicoino lttlns 'J'hoio is
nnl one lime It wlikh has -tu 1 1 ctli I
in nialntaluliiR amonf. Its in, minis the
indlss(,iuliilit otni.miif,t riom tlio
tnUiiie or thliiRs no I'lotestatit d( nom
ination i, m hope to piewnt dhoui. Tt
limy disc ouiaj,e it, liown upon it and
Use oeiv piisiiasie ,uid t
inlluent" at its lomni.ind to luininiie
it, but the moment it pioiiosts to (,)st
I out or its toll! those who hue linn
(IIUiiiPil without Riiilt, sio Insolai as
Rllilt in.i bv some lit' assumed liolu
the l.u t or illMiiie, that luoiniiit it
opens its dooi to an t odii' ol tho.(
or its innnheis w hoe lonsiltnies at
(pilt tin m toi lunliiR obtaiiit d illume
In the ees or the tiil law, niai
llifeo is j (ontiait, toi life oi Rood be
ll i lor. Tt Is piopei to t imi t suff. ds .iRiilnst the whimslt.,1 ,in,i n.
(ousldeiale bieakini, ot this lonti.ut
It Is juupi'i to Ihitiw 'ilisiuiil'.
aiound the making ol the (outi.ut sn
that those who wish to cntii into u
in iv not do so until tin v icallo whit
thev aio doiiiR Jt is piopei loi those
who so riel to louiloniii the lmaKinR or
Iho lonti.K t umlii ,ui iiu umstani es
Hut until a majoiin tan bo made s0
to red in tlio m.ittti, diumt in oiu
(iIl (ouits will be aailalilo loi muse,
and while that is lino no ei ilts, istin)
i anon tan stop 11 oi ni,ikiiall ihnklt
'I he disposition or the is m niailo at
San JVi.iuf It-cn is tluioloie Woiidh
wise and in (ousonante with common
The tt st!mon iu Iho Si lib y us. c oii
liiiucs to loulliui the suspicion that
mmli ot the news published diulni; the
Spanish uu wa-5 wiittcn at Iour- luirc.
The Battle in New York.
FOIl SlMi:iTi:i) lMilltlcal ilM"it
iiiR Hie caiupalRii In Now
Voile is Incoming an object
ol whlo-spiead Htlld.v. Hhue
Petit T.ow lesUned the picsideiu y of
Columbia college he has r1ou cviiy
minute of his tiiuo to at,Rio-Mvo cam
p ilgiiin . Tie Is an o.unest, eloquent
niul witty .speakei and Ills uise tin lists
at Tanuuiiii) lnalte a l.isiing Impies
slon. Tie Is closdv buiouded bv Wil
liam Tiaveis .leiome, iho anti-Tatn-iniiny
(aiidldate lm tlitiitt attoiuev,
who Is moie blttctly baud b Ciokir
than aio othoi mini in the auti-'i'aiu-many
i.iuLh, bemuse .leiome as a
magisti.tto has jitilled the mask on
Tamilian 's paitnoif-hlp with vice ami
furnished most of the ammunition ami
in the pieseut attack, it would not
hint I'loket'.s hold on Tuniimiuj to
lose the lua.v til's 1 1 Jlli c Some think
hi has put .Sliip.ud up to bo knoi kt d
down Hut it might destio.v Tam
many if both the II1H.VOI mil the d!t--tiiit
attoiuc) weio honestly hint on
piosecutlurf tliose iihnluallj Impli
cated In otlielnl I', in that
iciibou .leiome lb as nun li tho iciiiial
IlKUto in the lonlest against Tamilian)
as Is Helh how, iilul hi) is ilolurf aa
btlOllg llRlltlllg.
Tlio piluelpil point uiRtd by T.ow,
Jui oiiio and the othei uiiti-taiuiuuiiy
ioadci.s Is that government, by Tain
m.iny Is a ronspbai j uf loot, a system
atic and (oiitlniioiis peneision ot pub
llo to pilvato elide. Hut tlxie aie Ip.
teiOHliug bilbshllaiy aiglinients line
Is tho lint ol' J tit (I 1'iokei s ie,sl
deuco nlnoad 'I hey will him .Siiulio
t 'inker, of .Moat Houm Wantage,
links, lhirfland, and alludo to tin In
habitants or N( w Yolk in. his tcnaii.
tl This Is louuttd iititiu to appeal
espedallj to votn, oi iiish desient,
who tit o ti lilllloiially opined lo ab
sentee l.tndl )..! Another Is tin lad
that In N'iw- YoiU dij thousuinU of
chtldicii of Hhool.goin, ago caniiot
bo aeioiniiiodatcd in tho public schools
while other thousands,, owliirf to lutkot
loom, get only ball a du h llistiuellon,
.Mi. Low iltcs llgui os to show how
Tiiinmuny, while sklinping the hdiook,
Is adding aniiuiilly nillllous ot dolkua
to unncctssuiy or exttavugant pay.
lolls nml wasting other nillllous upon
fiivuiitu toiitiiictoM. lie ptomlses IT
elooiotl niavor lo out out tlio wastes
and biilhl nunc siliooK
Olio htlinotoii.s roalttio of the tam
piilgn was Iho appeal nine iciotitlv of
a (oM-book lot Hpell-lilndei s, Issued by
Iho Mi't.iiiiglillli or W'llliillRhhy sltecl
iKinnciatlo iiiRuulfiitlon or ItinoUHtt,
Taiiima'iv I'liuillilaio Shopatd's dilot
Hponsof, In whldi initio of tlio (hinges
In might b the aiiti-'l'iiinnian.vlies
itgnlnst Tninintiiy title aie adinlttod
and (onilomiieil Hole, ror cMlinple, Is
one etinit! iho poisunal lefeienie be
ing lo the llMioklvn leptisentatlve on
the liieatop New Voile jiollto boanl
' It Is eveiy whole leroRtilsttil tint L Mr.
Voi UVi ell oils have been till ot ted to
waid keeping Htookhn at least rice
fioiii the evils which ulllli t the boi
uitgh or .Maul attati With tho ou
tturn o of Into iho league of
IioiourIis which (iitirttltutes the pics
ont i itv of New Voik, an effoit was
nuiile to extend lo tills boiough the
ihiiln ot' poohonms which llteially mv
eiod the IioioiirIi or Manhattan, and
to Inttoduco the in stein ol' polke pto
toi ton vvhli li has iloutlshed lor over
loitv .vcats in tlio old tlty of New
Voik. ' In nnnther place- thcie Is u
i eft t elite to the Tammany attempt lo
"iJovoi.vlo" Hiooklyn, J I Is cMilttltieil
tint tlie.o ihinsts at Tnnunany got
Into the book "Inutlvpitunlly." Hut
their jnesente is better explained by
the fact that lldwlu X. Shep.nd, tho
Tammany mndiirute Toi mioor, Is ti
iug to lace both w.ivs.
Iu tlio nieanthno, Ciokei and his lol
loweis aie puisnliiR the expedient pol
kv ol olleino They ate letting the oth
oi side do the spouting while they oil
their mat hlne
'I he Roveinot of Alabama announces
that lie will piotect sheiirts iu his huto
who dclv 1 lulling panics. This Is ev 1
denie ol l clot in at the loot ot t v II.
Mobs do not tin he veiv long when the
admiiilsti.alon Is iu earnest in the wotk
of piomolliig good older.
SHidying American
Streams and Foresfs
sjieml dire iiidui i of lle'Tillume
W i-hiugtiiii, Oct lit
1111. VI Kit iciiiiu ,t the lulled al it s
.0' Iiiiiij; .tiilittl mil ie tilted on iu i'o
-nut wn u in tin mlnuil le-ount, of
ill' rounlii jTIii- w iU i, t iniiil un li
tlio 1 ml tl st an , ol.jjit it sunn, mi u,L u,
stilt-. .1 i- puiili 1 h one of tH vidimus iiiiiipri-.
in.' 11 uiiiiiil ii ult n tiiN o giiiiitimi I lm i
llH JllL he n l-llld In 1 1n L,oit liunclit pi, nil j;
I till f .. Mlllllllc tilllll, tllu II -ult. of i c II
sliu'il I I in in- the hiol. K,es do cilji-
uni if nn; if Un pimiipil ilen nf il c
1 nilttl s at l,nniii- with llio-c tf hine
.mil enlln- will ( thftii.ili. lie fiiiinll ,f
w uei Iliini in Iiu,,. ,tu mi, ,iv n ,jn is
6ln,n h nn n s if tlii,iim, puttiiij; hefoic t li
mg ii i iplm nun tli. Hut tti tt ic if wliidi tiie
lln mil mil iiu tii'tnt it t chnec Hi j,i it
milium iu un it nt liclvMiit (in tlun of I'ujil
nul tin. if Inn wan Hi, ilifn uil(. eiuoim
tin I In inij.iiiiiia; the Ibw nu di-t.u,td md al-i
Hum fit, whitli In it upon tin lint nt ,ln
'In mis in fin iii-lmij: witci powti ml in up
lliuiK w it"r foi iisiuiiltiirr- l,, niiitioii n will
ii tu nihil liitlii-linl puiMi-i A lirjrf lminhu
ot Mtw- in 'iuu 'liowiii'- tins witnfilK mil
tliiiiitiii-tii lipriln if nliuj; nm,
si t mi-, md il ,i uiiui tiiii'i imp, nml di i(,i ini
llie wink Iik mt ii t iniL onlt to in.'iiii, I in
to ill iiiiini wlin in iniiciiiiiil with 1 lie id
Ml '1 n i ot it tin ruiiiti.i ml tlio iillliiiiin of
VMtei iu miniifiiliiii, i,iiinlnu , m inuniiipil
Blippll .
Vhoi t oiefi'th rf tl,,. fnited suits con-l-t-if
luli i Inn, Miuitti! ilin iiu i i,tnn fient
"i ll, II il; in unit niH itid sitei di ir noilh
wul ml nuiliui-tw ml VI ml in i iiuo
tli (in uli ii, ioilhwt.r 'llu- -ill is (Mlnuil
li Uli I til its i ilui iuiiiliui i)h i, il, pciitUnt
uinillit fiiiiinV ihlin In pioimi wiin ll,
utiliitloi uf i he liii.h plilm Ins li hi I ii sih
eet if in in tiu'itimi t iniel rn toi ., m ,m
1 Will ml p Join- n, it tin t until sntci gen
h,.i il Minn llu usiilt, imt ju,t l,ein pub
1 -hid in i ii ii iutniiimin.' Put IV if Hit
twtnti lli-t a in in 1 1 i ,ion ni Hut mii(j Mi
.1 lm-1 1 i,iis in iiinii-ilnj; imiiuit'if tli
tiiui i id -liuiliu,-' if Hit 1iu.Ii pi iliN ik ,,
llMCIIIl ifllillllt, iu I iho w-n lllWlitll Willi
mil li' tin mud wiilini uitilii nu i, h,. ,,
in- i n I- uiriiipiiii i l, i tiio,. iiiiinbri 0f .
lu-ti itiun, hiintinj; nm ilenh ibe u uli nil! .
of this u it iiiui md sin win.; tin i mdituin
mid r wlnih f-dt i nn nt i u pun ml with -ifitv
Vtltinpt-t hot In n nml, in tin pi-t 1, III u
mini, uf peip'e in m il P , u, , u, firi0
-iil i pn ill ifin n i , nf iluiuilmr niufill,
mull- tin- lilief tint wnh -iillim nt llu mlii
fill v iiulil iiii-n i-i HI ipp iiitiutnt md Ini
lnc tillnwcl in I Hen pn pli lnwi leni uni
jtlhil In lone iluii li, in, s and j.u lUpwhcie
.li iiliinlni; llih ImpiiH mint nn I beu ninj Pf
liotlui li Kl uis Hit Iii lm pi mis la l In i on-ld
un! i li 1 1 Ml fll till IHWIll, llu IllMlllint
uiilini. o' z il teiu, I iiipiliur l'ic -itiln in
lil-t linn II 1- mill when the Jiitlitirie, nc full
huowii tl-lt in in tin liope in -line-fulli i p.
with inline'- iilc-iulh -uppli u wan ,n thi
1 li ll -oil
llu wind furiii-Iits one uf the cr,ile-l nnilil
1ed li lies of luiluu Ii lunh pnN if He
riniiln. ntitiiliili up u Hi tin it Plilii-, It I,
in nl nnll n aliua-t i intliuiilli thioii'jloit
(lie jui, itl,l,i,i- ih, mii if iu, lunl-iiuc .iii.I
oflei iniiin- iw.ii Un I Kh ei pntlcl . Ihe
iiiiiiuiu ol nun i., Iinwiiti, miiMiihu, whit u
i mil iiie lulu i hli -n- In rninlnilui lln
pliin-i in i. ii. id, i ibl, iiiiuillli, t, wilti.iinUt
l,r nit in, uf nihil Ic mill. V( diplli, ol fitm
' t '0 feit beirith Hie .infiio of tlio we-ttiu
lliin- in-toiniilii tld' ipiiiultln ot w.itrr .null
lih It li nun I )n s 11 ti pimp t , , n
thou in I .f winihulll, bdn.' nm in on n
nii'l pi bibb iiiill'on. of tlullir, Imln,- lem In
ve-lt I iu inii'iiutii nf ilii, t li ii hi i. ue wnii'.
mill In. In i inn, ihiiiinu, , ,, t Ik n it in
tut In tin diiilopiiifut i f u tli 1. 1 pnA of Un
I nihil sin,, u milium in, I rioiniiuii u e
III, I'. Ill til' J-llbj. It l,,(f;,,, ,V 0
I uiiul si,,t , (.,,,,,, il mii n, .iiu,. in, mil
iiilioi of llu witti leMiiurm nf tiie intuitu I,
Ml llllll ill lhl, III l ,.n t, ilnL u ,llt.
in In- 1. in iIImu.-ii bi I'lnri,.,,! ( Mi,,
pill III V llll Slipplt ,i,l U , i, p,pn, ,,, t L
I nlli. I -mis (iiiiIilji il Siiiur Nn, l md 1.',
IKUilll hxiiiil li.i llu tiw II unlit n liitidfr of
hi C, md dl'liibiittil tn iiumbeis in iimtji,.,
in iu u la in upli'i i in ,o liul up ii ipplliitmii
V llo fiLin iup, I,, ,,ol le ,
Vml toi io awiij j
-to, fur Hi nine nimo Is om
llu l!i,lil oi ihj,
ml.h'il k the Mih nil nl.lit
.Vml Iho Hiiiiin, i fa i i,,i tt
With dun l.,, blue;
ll Hi tnj iluii" (ui lpw,
.Viiiu, iliii- the eci-in mule
'Ih lit art, no?
IUm, and tho and j.1 ule
t'uino with un ,
low; Hi Iilul-, I lit ir kou luie iiuik
lloui liny tin,
1 l.len, ono outbids tbeui .ill--lm
the .ttnt-ioltril iil.litlnalu
Hut wo in. I,
Vlilhfiill he nn iIhr,,
Idle him t,iU' all lioiibl'oin tiling-.
,Vi iluv.s lieu.
'Hint, wlin lull oi,i nieuj w i)
lli-i .lulu,
V ho lilt i, our lui p.i iljt
, With Idui be 'jCJi
sillh, -nil will Uioii ,j,
oiu with .ii, iimi fiau'it ilay
"V llu wa I
'In lit the bi.nily of mj fJl(
Nelcctcil fade and all Hie
Uf Jt'lllll piii In, "
ToiupOH I 1 tin. lOuiujiiijii (-Jitcii, luin
lltcd It Lew Itwi.
Cult In lul fioni PiRe I 1
llllt uf Ihe nun, md num. of tin- nun- Wire put
nut nf nitloii, tli null the liplilltl uf the Ine Win
Vh lliiniii i!,el al.out the Onxtili III lheilil
llu wlliiis kiI.I Uni lm limn, w.w ihniil 'no
laiili fiom Ihil nf ,t llruoklin mid on the lliwik
lui h stnibninl iiintri
tu npli In ,i iuisliin fiiini ( iiplnlii I'uhrr,
( i linn in. In Vli-un ,,,, "ll,,. iiuimIis uf three
of Ihe Hip hull unit wire "Welled, but we llrnl
with t Ik in. nml kept un III llu;, initwlth-'l iiullmr
this tiuiildi,"
lie i unit ml ed i ininibtr nf iiie,tlniis about the
( loiilniitos iniij SZI) hloikulen liefore ill
rhinrlliir tin- nllmw When the loininiliilir ltll
the rtiiul a rciei inn til,, n for hint In en.
Afternoon Session.
Ihe flr.t viilniK at the nfleriinon esh n i
ideiiliiiint I'tlwaid Mit'mli.t, who wh tt n i u
Men on Iho llronklin ilurliiit ilie ( ulnu i impilioii
and sentd it I'oiiunoili.ii s, ,lV. tlfii it oftlter
llo hid n dim la width he hid tindi Holes of
the inuiiiPM ot eients iliirlnt; the w a mil In
tiientli (onsiillitl ii ,i lefith hit minion. II,'
iltl tint on Vlij j Hid llrlllrli iiteiuui Vduli
hid itpoitiil Ihil Sp1Mf,i, bid left -inlliirn
He fpokt nf Hit wi itlm on Ihe t rulm Until ( ieii
fueiriN tn Siiilliitn, Miliur that It was 1 id nml
tint built Hit' I'iiiIi md VImii "mule bid weith
u" on Hut dip. He Kile i iiiuubii of tdiuiilii
niiile fiotu md In Ihe llrnnhln, luo-t nf them
itlitinir to llu- (oiiilitiuii of the i oilier Minima',
width Mm siiniwliiit (list tilled on Mai v'tlth! iho
tu the luw kptcd of Ihe sniillu Mel It wn
nt I. p in. on Hut due Hut the t initio mil
ill en of the Vleirlmit lei line iiu ipu II ilul.
Iho fl;lul ho, Iv of Hie lliooklni, width the
wiliitss intnullid. (.Iinnpil Hut I oth the Mlnne
.ipolls mi I the lie hid leporttd hliott Miplli of
o il. the MIiiih ipnlls ilnj tint -he hid Jul
ciioiirIi In tike hei to lt, We-t.
When the Enemy Sunentleicd.
'Ihe wllnes- Hun leul n ll-l of (lit Mmnh to
mil f i om tlio ii on Jul j, the ii-l hunt: as
"lull.' ISO-, ) a iu 1 Iu..iip In lleif M)i
I re in! Hit I ion- of llu u.i.mrlli.lir in i Mi I.'
' ti 1 j I in llioikhn In text-: 'Wlut is tour
tliton ibniit bitinliig of link hun-ts on tin' hill
ll-t IllRlllt'
'".tl i ill luu i to lliouklj ii: 'I iiemi is rs.
'!' t" a iu lo lltet: 'I iitnii is es
t ipini: '
" 0 ,i iu lliookljn to flirt: tleir foi u
' 'i 1"i i in lliooklni to Ihel: '( lo-e up '
"11 i", a in llioollin n the Ou-ioti 'Will
'U"0 p in Oiiuoii In llitioklin: '11 is of i
stringo it.el s.tu is It dim '
' U l'i p iu llloukltn In OriReii 'she wis
built Iu It lit '
"While timing Hie (Moll the Oieon lit oil i
mnnbii nf -hot Wo uign impil liei when tub
iiu- -tiuil,, md a innnbti t imiiiipoit mt tins
ticts wire i tliui.'i'.l "
(,lic us the-e iiininporl mt ine ages is will as
von i in ipiolltct."
"Win It the (Itii-un t line up on our rpurler we
wiw icitid to her '(.ml blt-s tic lliiitini ' 1 it
(run iIuiIhk the tlu-e of Ihe ( ohm we wntw ut-ril
(he OiiKon lo tn out of lm thirteen Inch Runs,
oi siiini tliinur to tliat t flu t "
"Wis tint tlio Miaul Hut Ins Inn spoken of
as Ti one of mil i lilroul tl iln-v' "
'I hue bend it spoken of oitt-ul' the eruil,
but I don t leineinhei "
' II iu Mm ,,'iitii ill the sijjtnls on the tin of
Hit Inttlei"
' So, f-ii (reidiui.') 'lids I- nut 1 sil.ii il, ju.t
V noli' t.f Inn llu (til.u Mun mien il. ( ololi
hied In I Ice sun md h nihil down lur flic ' "
"I Zi p in lliookljn to Oiiroii 'I uiiui ins
-in 1 1 mil i til '
' I Jil P in Him 1 lui tn On him ' i i-e lit mir
' I 11 p in Itii i.l, l ii to llitfcon 'Imp iour
guns loidiiliiid tl lined on the etitini '
1 op m Itioiikhn tu Oitnn ( onjritiili
I mm on the gi mil viitiiv. ill inks foi -phndul
i i-t into '
"I "i p iu Oie.nn to llioiiMvii: 'Hun ion
in ue thin winds ( in i pu '
I 4"i p in lliooklu. to tli-liip New Voik
We Inn iriined i ieit iituii Detiila will be
loumumitaltd '
' 1 "U p m New Yoil In ItuuAhn 'lie p -it t
join t isiultu- '
' J j j p in lliookljn to Xiw oik. 'killed,
one '
' 1 1", p m linuhhn to Xew Voik. This is i
i! it tin fu oiu intuitu '
J Op in New Voik to Riookhu' 'V-eirliin
as fn is po-sild' po moil mil tuii'.'lli uf llic
rnenn s tuns mil liput wilhoiit tltlij '
J tip in Ntw oil. to rtiookhn 'llui-t out
ill bolt,
"' in p in 'Ntw Voik lo llionklin 'Do ion
winl si'ivuis of (hipliin to hull tit id '
J 4"i p in lliooklni to Ntw oik- 'Would
lile ta line -rtiins of iluplaln Will kii.ii tl
lilti '
1 10 p in iw Voik to lliool hn' '-md til
ilnpliln win n j nil w mt bun '
' il p in -Ntw Yolk to llioukhir 'siiid
both -tc nn uitleis mil -tninsi-t low Inn '
"J 13 p in Itnokliii lo Ntw Voik 'li)th
sli mi i uilei- entiiili ill-ililed li shot W ill u-o
suili pulliii; bolts il- we ( iu Will st nil to
1.0 p in lliooklni to Orejiu: 'lollow
II IU' '
' I J", p in lliooklni tn Oiil.011- '(Iwiip'
' I .'I p iu New Voik tu lliooklni 'Will ic
lniin iu iliii(.e of puc '
Pu ou iiiuenibii un lm uli nt ronueeted with
the -leiiilluu' of Itiooklni to Ihe lii'nn it 1 '0
P iu. follow llic,' nul it I It p tn from the
llu nklin to tin Oircon. (Iiipiip "
Hint vis i ltpnt Hut tin to wen oiu- or Iwn
Sinu, skips tn llu ei-twitd mil I liudil-ttnd
tint (he lliooklni mil OtiKni weio tn j.n nlu
tlin-e -inp- We st ii,t ed nul sUtiilkil Hie (Me
1,011 t.i ftdliw u- slie did nut Ret until i w n
nuinednleh, i- I leiiieiulei it4 so wt -nrnillcil
lit i to Mo-i up ' "
l.oiu' link lo Mai i-, when the lb rt n iihed
Suidisn i flu tin ii lm. iilo iu imiiuiiI, I nut
nut "Mi ( niltj -lid Ilul the -pini-li II U w i- llims
t il Mniiii t i-tlt Hie luxl nun niiijr lie lml -ot n
the ( i oh u mil auothei i-puu-'i ieel
h m.' Iu tin lull or
I niiteii mt Mi( iiil.j il-u tin. i ll-t of the iU in i lo iiiiii iho Mi it Irt-i Hs wlilh tint
is,tl vis bunj ll-ul 1- ( iilllllli dnio Sib!,,
III. -hip, Mn .11, md Minn ikul win tint un
-ismli hid luin -mt to tin' lletl to "not o in
mi ilo-n," iipliul:
' No, Mi "
lie if-1 lil he hul t!iin.e oi the Fun il- ml did
not Mich i eluil
Schley's Netves Weie Steady.
Indini; up tie lalt'o of Julj ., Mi. Itiuier
' Whit wis the eoldurr mil beiiluj of uiiinio
tlon s, blp on Un tlai if Hit luttle "
I'nftt th innl md Hindi "
"While wis the t ,' What w is Iu. po-
f-it mil win n ion nn him "
On tin plitfiiini uuthitle lie inniiln.' town "
"Did bo iu ike un i in oiil.i-ll ' Hlniik-i li lint
lln In Hie oflluis 1 1 the sliip Hilt uni hind '
Hi sihl: (iiu- Un iu hell, buUk-' "
' Pld ho saj tint mure linn ouie '
"V r, hit , -nu il thins "
't in iou L,lie in in luililrnt tn Mi iw Hut he
wi, not lilioiini; nml, i nieal inentil pxciteiiiint
on Hut d n ("
"Win ii 1 III- tu. I Iilul md miitlur ofihor in 1
iin-ilf plikul up hi- b.di nul -lartitl tu llnuw
ll nuihoiitl tiie (i uuuodoio i-iw us ml Mid,
'llin't tlilntv him u eibuuid, ( mi hlin up Willi
blUllllll'll,.'.' "
"Wiicjoii pit'.ent w Ik. it I ills was l.iliul
"Vis, sl "
"How neu wis I llu to the ionium lull' wlun he
w is killitl, and I" luu'"
"lie wits eiiiullnv ti.lit iii1 tn in- lie wis
limit fitli'on feit fioni tho coiniuoibre, 1 thould
think "
I li iiiuuiil li ('.ml, i disiilbttl the Ineldents of
the huth of luh I, Mi lm," tint he hid "on bl
own linnk" loi-ttil the sl.'iul ' I leu slilp foi ii
lion," .nul tlun wl tli In hid itpoilul this ,u ilnii
In the toiiiinod le llu littn luhl him to I ol-l
"( im' Up" lln SUllhll sqn lillilll l-, lie Mid
nt tint time heitlul wiulliw ird and wi-ImiiiI,
mid a! iiidliii; out, th" V li n i ,ipiiienth lie ulinir
illliilh low ird Ihe llrookhu II. Mid lb it win II
the llionklin hlirlitl In luin with poll In lul Vio
nun 1 Ills bid .'Inn hlui the !M ml.
He Mid tint not until altu Ihe IlioonhnV Miaul
to the Ouyou hid ihu l.itlu heiriu ti u-o lur
thllteen luili (,-uii.-. iiml Hill w i wlun the IIiuik.
Itn ,ll,o opiiiul Willi lin i i in h i,uiu
Ibiiiriius tu the b. nil. iitlnu nt nf Ihe I don
Viv II, (he witness. mi.I Hut ( Shhi'a
hi u Iiu' on tint o, ii,ion hid n..r Iioui dllltieiit
liom whit it had bull on uilur uiiaiiuns
Signalled to Oiogon,
the t )("- exjniln itlmi wa (niuliiitiil Iu Mr
Hun, I, who ijiio.,tliimi Un wfliie in iltiill ton
i lining tin' ittul to iho Oififuii tu iiu hn Hill
lull hull (.uns, nkilif the witm-i win tie' I uiiui
bond jt npfilllli
"llu lu-i I -nit it mi -. If," wji Hie iph
"Hid jnil .il-o Mild 'lie tubus iu iihlili mil
hut lefmht I jtui luiiunit lo iil.niiiK' to loia
tiuol. "
'the wiliiivi ciitl Hut Ik hail nude II.. in
lie did nut null Hut Hit' On km hid nude
uni ii-punm tu lie sl.iul In Ilul vtil Mi
llaitni .iho i a) It il titi nt Inn In an nil iv in tin! n,'
ml bunks if Hit Hi... Mm ) ml tin st, pml m ,(
lm,, it o lur Viliniiul simi.,uu It iipeaiul Hut
as itniieil Iu tie M Paul llu it w n a. foi
low 1
"If cainp,on roiiit, litie loll Idui that lull Hi
Miuiiliun i nit nf ii il mil Iiu tho iu,iiii utile
mlllei is I. ii. km down '
I pou iij.liiik- tho intn of IliU buiiiI I.'oultn
ant Milnulo) Mid a un 'If Siuip,.uii
ionics hue till liini Hut half of llu npnilion In
flint if tu.ll" Hi. ni, I, hotMiii, Hut llii wuid
'.lint" v.n vnj iiulialiiiil Iho tisnal ' iltv-e
up' lml, the wltiKw taiil, leiuiiucd HjliiR "until
we iliaiutruil tho Ortbim un our qiiaittr, S vital
if the thill! lud Iluii jiLiwiilui; plliinill- 111 in.-,
Iiu iiiitciubtird, .md r.puiallj Hut the On. 'on
h.i I, but lould not mall tin t-hipi whiili nude
no mpoii-e.
liditeiutit MiCauky wj tlun cvtii-fd and
l.U Dlu ant tluiks Wih.iUr W34 called. Ik taltl
he lud hern it wnltli olfiier nn Hie Itroeklin
ttiirltiir llii 1 iiiiIhIkii uf Ivh and beinii his tesll
Ilium hi ilinrlbliiit the bint hade nf ClnilnrRiw
lie llinuiilit the dhluiip nut ,it nbrlil wis ft leu
01 tiht lillhs, with ph lot boils luilile Ihe line
Ihe tl Wis iniiilrrnti, ho r-till, hetluen Ch'iO
fueiriis mil sua liit,,, nu the utiiislnn of the Ihlliit
Hputlrnu'it Volace, "inikiiiff htd Weithei for the
in 1II1 1 irs'tds." Ihe iinlnni it snilinin wn Iu
lie ulf fioni the poll four 111 tile Inlhs iliuliik' Hie
tin. I lio ns-rls li nn, I link iilul inlli at trlht,
ill.. nit the ? 11110 dlst into ml
V'ked If he lud cteii am unplilun iuoitiiitnl
nu bun' id Mull nili ihiiun; lln imiiIiih uf lull
.', the UIIIU..S iipliul
"I leimiiiher htliur on duk .tub 0 ml srelm
lolllllllis nf istllol 1 tl.lllk- mil nppln mh luullUK,
ns thnuijli visis Weie i...imllu In Hi.. Iiiihnr
VI-11 In lilt vi ill li 1 iiiiieuibii llu l.lillillik' of
blink ht.iisrs In Un. wesltMiiil of Smlimo, width
I tipoilitl In the loiniiiiu hint oftlut '
"WI111I wis the 1 (uiilini iiml In irliur ol t mil
Minimi' sdilpj in n ilnieitiit eliitlLi 1111 ids mil
un luh 'I-
I lunr mw t'liiniiiuli ie s,bln ituiuu Ihe en
B ! tnrlit I siu him Ilium .11 it. h uf t f 1 the bit
lie uf .lulj .1 Hid hi wis peifutli tool iiml 1 ,(
The Battle Account.
l,h iiliiimt Wibslir Hue 1 lilef iirnnnt if the
Initio of .lull ." He -lid tint when the -lull il
w is iiln 11 to 1 h 11 .-1 1 f 1 for 111 Hon hi h id luu for
wild, hit lm,- ilium of Un liiwnd k'liu duk
I. ltll l.t lit hid thin Mtn the lists mid the
low it n tilth' nhift of the lliiioklin's In 1111 W hi 11
tlio tiutlius mi 10 a( irtul the lliooklni hul tit tiled
ilheith Inwml the lull, 01, the holm 1 1 iiu;
iliuik'iil tn, l'i' nlli until ufiii (li Ine' wis I cBiin.
when Ilie Iielni w is put hud npui He e-lliu Utd
lint Hie imimV les.tls wis l,i) to l.iilil ,1 lids
dhliilit whin I he lliookhii In k hi Us turn 1 nil Hut
afttr the loop wis niiiiplilul it was . DO ml',
Iliticifllii,' to -',s()l) J mh win 11 Hie lnit 1 tuiliid
On 1 nm (Miiiliulinn Ikuluiiiil Wili-lir mis
iknl 11 I111111I 1 1 of .in, In tin 1 mill uiilini;
to llu lilt (little nt ( hulutRos tiinl ibe position of
tin lliorlliu it -intlurii He wis on tin Hand
when ill I p III tin 1 0111 1 (iiljntiiiud
Lewis k Reilly
114 116 Wyoming Avenue.
See our School Shoe Window.
A Second-Class
City with a
First-Class Stock of
Gut Glass,
Sterling Silverware
Clocks, Etc,
Suitable for
Wedding Gifts.
Mercereafo & Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue.
Cooking Jecture Joday
Miss Smily
Thursday, October 17
Chicken rimhales with Creamed
Peas, lioudins with Uechomei
Sauce, Macaroon Custards.
1 1
The lectin e and demonstiation is held at our w,
stole at 3 p. m. We coictiuliy invite you to oe
foots Si fuller C
End of the Season
Sale of Baby Carriages
Wo have hail t gieat season of baby caulngo soiling, but
still hnve about thhty fltst-class, up-to-date cnulngeb lett.
We don't want to keep thum over the winter nud in ottlei to
close them nil out have made it senetnl seduction on each
nnd oveiy one now hoie. Tho tollovvlug llbt will (iivo you
some Idea ns to the mngnttudo of tho bin gains ofteied in this
S45.00 Caulages now S30.00
35.00 Caulages now 135,00
87,50 Caulages now 22.00
25.00 Caulages now 10,00
23.00 Caulages now 18 00
312-314 Lackawanna Avenue,
Wc fire now showing this
largest nssortment of I'tirn
ituic ever piesentcd to the
people of Scr.mton.
Our stock is bigger, our
s.ileMooms Urge and better
fliungeil tlun ever before.
Yon will h.ive no trouble
in lindnig just you
Our prices aie right. We
buy our goods in large
quantities and our piices are
coirespondingly low to you.
Our manner of doing
business, our custom of fair
treatment, has won us
thousands of friends.
If you have not yet dealt
with us, don't fail to give
us a call at the first oppor
tunity. We can save you money,
Hill & Connell
121 N. Washington Ave.
M& : rl
S7 .-
OP Tfifl
s ei t d ti nil 1 in 1- tn t tu pt r e
.ind nm' Om
etuk is t-M.i,l 1011 illi j:ood tinli,i f,r Ihe pine
siiull hums 1 ilk In; mil mr unit li -Uen,tli
amongst oiu bci oiidile offeimgs
412 Spruce Stieet.
Done quickly and reasonably
at The Tribune office.
M. Colling
. i,
S80.00 Cnumges now S10.00
17.00 Caulages now 13.00
15.00 Cnui.igcs now 12,00
12.00 Cnuiages now 10.00
0.00 Cauiages now 0.50
KM EC1BJ' ft !,-!. Wl -.' V
nt ru n u' iiih
ompany. I
Mears Building. M
li di
Sil vies
II; n
Wo Iiavo cotis'tiiumntcil a special
put clinic or 230 plrcei of silk at much
below 111011' icKitlitf value Including tha
newest vv ens- nf tliN season, nil pura
IIU nml sood vvotiiliiR qunlltlci. AVo
piopose' In benefit our teRtilar ti title by
bIvIiir lliein tho best silk values ever
30c for Taffetft Silk worth 50c
All silf. Hue IIrIiL welRht taf
retit tint in bi.uK, white unci colots,
tt kikmI llnltiKHllk. Sale pilee 3Dd
15c for Taircta Silk worth (iic
Veiy line qimlltv Tuitel.t Silk In
lilnek. white and till tho new shades.
A like waist or lining siilc. sHIo
pi lei
. lot)
."iflc for Heavj Tatreta worth 75c
Jle.iw (inalltv Tafteln Silk lit
black, white and nil the new coloi-lnt?-(.
(loud cnoiifjli lot any purpose
Sale pilce 50rj
S8c for 27-inch Silk worth $1.25
Host qtialltv Mide Taft eta Silk in
Kiiml assnitmenl aL colot. !ale
in it e ssi
Guaranteed Black Taileta Silk
Toe. SSe, $1 00, Sl.'Jj and ?1.7r
Lyons Black Tatreta Silk
At $1 00, ?1 2.-,, ?1 , -,, M,", and J-'.O
New Silk Weaves
Nuw in stock. All this season's new
.silk iw.uos In black, white and now
hliades, including- Uotilsines, re.iu do
Sole, M.iSLOtlc. neiifraline, Atmlne.
P.utlelto do Suie, llliadumes, Cashnielo
TarCetas. Satin Duclicsse, Libeity Sat'
ins, ciero Do Chine.
Lackawanna Ave
327 Pcnn Avenue.
Bike Wagons
We are prepared to do
all kinds of repair work on
tiie above, tires and bear
ings a specialty. We have
eularged the door in th'
rear of our store, you maj
run or drive in. Compress
ed air always on tap free for
your tires or air tank.
Florey & Brooks,
2i r Washington Avenue.
Capital 200,000, Suiplus $325,000
Uni toil States Depositary.
Special attention given to
ni'sm-ss, PURSox.u, aud sav
ings accounts, whether large
or small,
Open Saturday evenings
from 8 to 9 o'clock.
Wm. Connlu, President.
Mlnry Bq.iv, Jr., Vice Pres.
Wm.Hi Plck, Cashier,