" fT5i ' "tti'" T?'M "ivrv .?- r ii 2 THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE- THURSDAY, OCTOBER, .1.7, 1001'. - P,itiij;jj gjs. Mi The News of YESTERDAY'S FIRE. Much Dnmngo Caused Blnze in A. W. Bcynolds' Dutg Stole. Ycstciduy morning tit ! o'clock Humps ucie dlsi'ovcrod sttliig fioin thu littllcl lriR owned by W. li. Krttti.v & t'o. imd ou'iipled I'J' lJiiiHlt A. V. itcy noltK The ilniiiea weie' ncun by HtnRO Curiientcr Hull of the Orimd opeiti liouc. Jin sent n niosoliRpr to lull) In nn tilnrni vvlilk' lie look 'l'i' """e used In the opein house' anil with I In nhl of hl biolhiM Chut Iff omi lmtl u Ml cam on tin1 bullilliur. The lite nlarin H stem was out of in dm- and but one bell sounded fioin tin- city bel fiy. The Hipiiu'H. bellevlnir a test win JjcIiik made, did not lt'spoiid. The Ron tlenien who tinned In the iilaini i.ut to the lioe hoilxe of the t'liltiinlilm mid sueet-eded ill kiiiIipiIiik " li' ' the yotniR lni'tnbcis ol the company who 'mo einplovcil in the ne.u vlclnitv of the compaiiv " iiuiiiti'ix. Twenty minutes imsM'tl hpToie the Columbia conipnliv was on the "none and shnitly after the Mlteht'lls in lived. Tluee Htt cuius weie thiown on the biiildliiK. A heaw oliiini' of blink sinol... point d out of the lt-v Holds' tiliit". be tween Ihi' opei.i ltotwe and the ill in? Hoi p. Thp bla.e whin Hist "o-ii was near the tin till and vvoil.ed ftoni the bottom of the btillillim ti'iiv.inl i onllit iiiK It-elf to about four leet In width. 'I he the hud itiuleil In lit" basement uf the diUK ut"tt i.iiiieil In ,i piob.tble defective Hue in the tillll.ni 'I'he 111" bad uiuitlu on to the cold alt bo and It om theie uillht to the outside ot the i eat wall and i itching between the walk of the bulldliiK which Is double boat dcd. lietweeu the bo.uds the llames nept to belov the tin ami m the one stmv addition In the icai of the di iik note. Tin-smoke IliuilnR no t'Kipss theie had followed a 'olii-e up wind In the bulldlim; md potneil Into the stoic ot W i ! Si ill i !-.- 'o. Klv tnir. the linpiession that till bnlldlntr wan on the. Thioufih small loop holes In tne second stoi ot the Ti iioleiV stoic the .smoke pound out and in.iiiv piotllcteil the lo-s ot the i.evoial bulldliiKs. l--foie the Ihe tonip.inie- had .11 lived on the scene the Hull bintliet.s sm (.ceded In eUnj;itMiiiiK .ill li. his ot Hie flie In the uiu of the liitiUlIimr. A space was cut In the till loof .-md Josipli (.'oukIiIIu of the Columbl.i (oni iun squcec d the lio.le under the loot with a stieam nt watet soon nl n Iiir the hlae under tun tiol 'I'lm damage 1 walei is iij lairce as lonip.iied wlrii that done b the Itanns. The tile was so eliiel i online it that the ( ciniliaiiies weie unable to lot .etc it lot a time and wcio toned to content tliemsehes with plae-lii? tin n.it"t In vvh.itovoi plan the smoke itsuLd li om The watel fioin the font stieini- lan In leiiipiitc limn the top llooi down to the dills' stock ilniiutKiMK di elest i o Iiir: .ilnio-t the en tile slock A Lit Re canvass eocl, tvvtul. leet in length, had been placed ovci sniiie valuable ai titles on a coun ter, but the Roods vvtie almost dt tuiovcd befoie the i.invas- Imd been laid. Had it btui lnocuicd within twent.v ininutc s .ittet theduscoveiv of the the the Him ot 1'e.vnolds A.- i'ii. Mould h.ive suveil cousldpiablo stock as the countei was heavllv laden A stipiun ot watei was elliectccl against :i l.iiRo wiiulow in the ic.u of the stoie ol Li. Ketitiv & di, hieaUiun IhioiiRh and wettinf a poition ot llie stock on the shelves ne.u the noith hide . The suenin w.is (iii( klv vvlth iliawn when it was discoveied thai the llaints had not 1 cached that building. Jli. Upv Holds' simlv is InsunMl loi ibout oue-fouith ol its ieal value. The ihclf iiiutiilnlUK lh" c ostlie-t dnifjs was clhtctly iiudi i i laiRe -lio.ini of vatoi ,ind weie badlv elimaRcd. The Dtiflot .md the cliessln looms In the Vpcia house vvtii deliiRCd with watei A'atei to a deoth ot seveial inches owed Into the bisemcnt ol llie Kleph ns' ta'loihiK establlshmem though he dainiiRf mused wtis slight The KTeedle Club. A do, en oums ladies, .ictivi In the roiniRCi -ocial lite ot the iltv, have 'oiinrd a i-evvhiR elule and have phi-n the union tin- name of '"l'he Xeedle flub" MeethiRs will he held each Thui -day cveniiiR nt the iminheu' homes, Lh one on her linn to he the hosttvs of the incision. Theie will he mi llollt fl PEOPLE'S EXCHftHGE W'.VMIl) I no tn -t di. pilnl r nt nun V plj to V I I Iik It I linn li .inn, I nli u il.ilc. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delnwnte find Hudson Rnihond. .lltlic I, l'lll 1 1 a 1 1 1 - will lcu( I ii In iiililo n nit iuiuii is follow , tin N ri i i n iimiI WilKi- linn in,, -a, ,n mil, to HI, II -M i in . 1J in, I .-,!' , ' J Hi, 7 !., lei ill lull )) in ' ' MiihIii n ilii I .ii .it ;,i, j i ,,. , ,, -' III, 5. Mi, Sim . in ' ' '"' I ni Vllnm. snl Munlii'il, II .-I. u . liulnnl ionH, tit., ;ii i in , I ,i ' ,., tdiiii ' '" hr 1-iU l.iilnii, Uimiiiii ml lln.usiiii, T ".'iijiH-i ii in i ..-). n ii p iii "" Suuilii' h tin. li iw I .iko Union, ,,,, rinl kn-iliilc it ii .flu in : I ,n, i r, ,. ,,, lulin .mile it I iiliimlilf licm i siinr, niul Kiintin ii fn lira I'ii,, (, jr. ;, ,, ,'., iik; li ..7, !0il, .li! I i (,(), 7(i, s .,' ! "'" II ir;ii 111.. I. VI i. in. ' ' '' siuiilii Irinn .iiiiii .it !7 j ii. , l i,. . ,, 4 'Vd ii, II a p in "' simili) liilin .mite jl I .ulnnUlr. rimn l a. Liilnti". W ii nun nn I IIoih.iIiIi ii mi- ., mil ?.5.1 l in. ' Now Yotk, Ontmio nnd Western. "opt 17. I'UI 'I Ml in !eaP UjiIioiuIuIp fm erjiuuii nt 7 ri , m ; I em p m J siiihIi ii.iln.. i 7 00 i in ii in, , m liilin li .up l iilinmldr lor i.oljils ,,,, i ;. ,, 11 lu d in On niihIh ot 'Mil ,i , .',,' Iciilii.- Jl II ID ,i iii, uil, iUi mill ii in j ni MinilJis nuke coiincitlom tu- t uU i .n, mill, clt. Tinltu .illlve fn in sii.nilini it (i j m h 11 n in ; Horn pulul imitli, I uei p ni Sniidiw "ioiii simntoii ut.tl 10 .i in, jiul " u ii in . (,,,, -uili.li ut ft 00 f. in ' ' ""1 Etle Hnihond. ' lime it, l'll 1liin leoo ut kUllon, Jilioinlali ilnh fi VI Pl't smiilj) it 7 1) J ni niul I .L, p ,1 mi lliumlt .mil Miieiili, tit I'll i in, jj (lv uptliiK MiniUi), Im lliiuliiinliiii linHn, in iiiitiii for Nih W!, dl, mil llnluli ,n:, , n.in p. in for s;iquili3iuu, nuklni; lonimtiiin lot up.tirn polnt- SiiikIj) lulu, ut II II a 111 fin -.!-iU(uliim. uitli ut rtt iii i unnii Uoin, .mil Oil p in, nn), I lino lolillfttluls '1'i.ilni Jiriio Jt s VI j in jiii Sli p in Siimlija Jt b 6-t u. in, GRAND OPERA HOUSE Carbondale. Pa. MONDAY, OCT, 21. Maro, the Magician U luiv va tJlc at usuil vUu. Caibondale. devottd lo few Iiir nnd 'unotlief hour to KOclttl enjoyment nnd rohIi on minus topic. ItefioshnienlH will ioirIuiIc each nieetlmr. The ineinbern hip the Mlie" .Maine and Annie Moialian, ttinie Hli-hop, (Vila and Doni laulv Minuiitel Ale Uotinlel, Xellle and KiiIp l.lttle, Smile AUdaitj, ('ainipl D'llpitin, Mai riii et AVhlto mul Jltty tllennon. The llict IlleetlliR of the club will take plate thin evelllliR at the home of the JlWici Kail.v, on Seventh iivenite. BEFORE THE PUBLIC EYE William V I.atlnope, of thl eltv, t one of t'aiboiidule'H .voiiiir nun nbioad Who W achlevlllR llceess in bin pin lesslon, that of loniiiiilNiu .Ml. Lathiope lell ('ill bondale scMi'al .vpiiim iiro In le.aponxe In a lliittnliiR olfpf fioin tln 1'attei sou I'tc-", wlfie he wiiH news editor and wIiimp his Rood ludRtueut and his Inditsti.v won Ihe blRhc'st ice oKiiltlon and luvnr fiom his einploveis. .Ml. l.utluope'i ui'WHpaper (an mi had n humble IicrIiiuIiir In Cni bondalp, wheie he was tv editor of the HvenlliR l.eaelei. I.atei he sue -e ceded lo ihe chair nl mnnairliiR edl toi. Then he look a colli -n lu polltlial eeonoin.v at Columbia i oIIcrc, i pluming to t'aiboudali', wheie he lpsumed the tllitli" of edilm ot till- l.eadci. The ollei lioin the I'atteisou 1'iess nme and wii' aeeejiled. A mote pinitiMiiK tender lollowid fioin the (iilt at Wlllluinspoil, white .Mr. Latin ope was made news edlloi. Till" N an liiipin taut position on this papet. which li hIoiir dlfleicut lines than tin' aveinv Sundaj iievvspupi i. His latest chaiiKe, a Miittue Is inoh ablv the best lei in. Is the idltoilal lliai.asement ol the Wiitubuiv (Conn) liepublliali All. I.atlnope is not alone in the ventuie, but is us-oe lated with a imin ol ii'iiutid sound business jucls iiipni and foiesltjlit, ami ihns( ho iiji pipclalc Alt. l.atluope's (tialiti(s ,ind sphit, pieelht a rich nieasun ol sue -ee-s .md iiuiiiv a tilumpli iiIoiir theii (anil l'lobablv the ino-t ioisp(. ol Mi. I.atluope's eiualltles ,ue his un til Iiir eiieiR.v 'and Industn: and. while he can do a piodlRlous amount nt woik In a shoit time, i'Vci.v bit ol It beats the stump of thoioiiRhness and llnlsh. Mi. I.athiojie, bv his pleasant pe i -sinial S'lele has aciiullid a wide ilule ol 1 1 lends in Cm bondale, who heulilv wi-h foi ihe continuation ol his mu- I'l'ss. . unt lit i e'ai boiiilalian who Is -mo to to. ike hi- native eltv tcel -utMied and pi olid ol his effoi t- is t)i. .1. Mnote Ci.iro, who lelt this vvieU loi Hon,' Koiir, China, to lollow his pi olelon, doc ten ol dental Miieni, in the l.u cast, a Held that ofttis i.ne oppoilii nilles to men ol tin- il-;ht ealihie and Hill it. The offei to Dr. Ci.iro lame fioin n In in ol Aiueiiian deuti-ts who aie tin 1 hif, well auioiiK tin- Oiiental Tli.it he is will Kiulpped and will not fall to ai(ept and impiove i'm op poitunitv tlie fi lends ol l)i Ci.iro ean well leslifv lie is a f,iadualc ol the '01 elas- rnlvei-iiv of l'i mw haul i. He has In en a diliRcnl student, and has an apt and Keen mind thai will manliest its itialitli s when the situa tion ailse- Di. Ci.iro K the soil ol All- Alhe Ci.iro, ol Seventh avenin I'attkk I' V, m.iillm; i lei lc at llm Caibondale po-totllce, ean In I that lie can claim a ijnoil position when iiedlt is beliiR pi id aiiium! aiming (he e r llciint einplo.M- ol I'm le Sun's wnn elciful postal sj-teni This s adnilttcd lv a si eat -vstcm, and foi one to mas tci all Hit di l ill and bei ome piollc lent and ept 1 1 in di-po-niR of them I- finite an aclilevenii ni, ivtn in one of tlie -mallei po-lolllec- Hut ihls can be titilv -aid ot All !'o, who In Chuck Connor.-, vtiu. iiulai 'knows his book." He knows his book and knows It well, and tills, uiupled vv Itli his plea-liiR ppisimiiliiv, make him a -val-ueel emplove in inanv ,. t'oi one ot whom the-e thini;- inn he -aid, is tine to be a HH.it iulluenie while hai monv and unllv aie mk h huprutunt fm tins. QUIET HERE. Stieet Cms Not Running ns Yet in This City. At the hcadeiuai li- nl th" -tiikliiR sttoPt car men in the Academv ol AIu hle bulldiiiR wold was leulved ves teida.v liom Sciauloii headiiuaiteis that a Caibondale uiaii, a tounei em plove in the llemlilclc woiks on J)un clall -tieet, was woikliiR on the mis ill Siianlon. OwlllR to the piouilnence ol the .vollliK man the .slijkei- heie will InvestlRiite tiuthei helm e i en-ui Iiir the; lll.'.n. Still, eis appointed a committee .vik teida.v to attend the nieelliiKs ot the Cilllial l.abcn li II l in ns deleRtttes lot the tlllllle. Kvei.vthliiR is iiuiet lu this s((-tloii. The lompanv have not a ot aitenipt c el to tun calf, tlllotlRll hole thtillKh llie.v aie looked loi dallj, !use- have been put on the load loi the aciomnio dalion ot ihe fililr. emplojed lu the silk inlllf, and the vvoiUliiRim n of '. hon Cietk mines and the uuiailo and Wt-itei ii, To Move South. Kill (1 Miekwhe, who has been In the blc.Mle ami icpali lui-lin ,-s on Salem avenue for a Ioiir time, Is mihiR tothaiiRo his leshkmee and Is piepaihiR to tlo-e out hi business b tin- L,ui ot Uetobei It Is .Mi WUkw no's Intention to ro South to lot aie in whaievei bti.sliie-i lie llllds most lavoiahle. Je wU ro lliht to .latki-oiivllle, I'loildii, thoiiRli lie ma,v not lemaln theie. Ills nunlly will lemaln In Cinhouilule for a time. Meetings of Touieht, (ieoiRo liaudolph camp, Sunn of Vet. ei.ins. I Uv It-Ion No. "i. A. (i, , Vlliled .Mine Woikei.-, So. S77, Hiiiuch .No, ',;, i r n., , Luilleb' iiuMIIiii, Itnllioid TliiliiiiK'ti. (At tu noun) Ciitboueliile loumll, No ij, lioj.ii Ale aiiiiiu. D, & H, Notes. Piank Walkei, ot CoiiaRf Mutt, has lenlKlitel lili, pohltlou at thu Delawnie ami lludhon loiomotive Hhop. .lauiPH l.jnuely, bain ho-.s at Wils-on Cieek tunnel, has auepted ,, po.sltlon with I.ymh llioiihon, the ued deal clh, on ItlVd stieot. Bcrni, Hoi n To Air. and Alls. Jtlehaul Cob blcdlrt, a boy. TEST THE FIRE ALARM. Negligence of Councils That Ptovcd Soiuovvltnt DlsnatiottR in the Fite of Yesteulny Will Piobrtbly Act Now on The Tribune's Suggestion. l.iielc of itiovMon nit the pint ot council", iioHllfjenei' H the teim that espiefoes It, icsilltid Mitucivllal dleus Itotiply lu the llie of .veMtetday ut Upy lioldK' diilR Hloie. When the ii lit t m wiik tinned In fnnn bov L'I, Alain uticet nnd Snlein avenue, llitri' wtm no icsponse Horn Ihe bell In the city hull towel. Theie was no sound eseept a iiri flilke. The 10 wtllt tan he inilvccl nt without it gieat loss or nientul ciicirv. The llietncii didn't know the toe ut Ion or llie llie, find most of them had abolutely no KllowledRc of the lilim. All that win to Rlllde the llie men niaibv wus the noli' of the liinnliiK hose wagon mid Hie elatiR of the bell. The whole llie iilaini systc in was paialyed. The elelleate luaellllleiy, which Is affected bv the ti'inpeintiup and v in Ions oilier tain-en when not In elallv u-e, wn blocked b.v leiiHon of tlie hummer or sit lite on the bell in the tow ci be c omlne; stln ol action by Riease and iiut KummltiR the sjuIhrc 'litis condition was btoiiRht on by the FVHttlli not beliiR kept In elallv m-e, by the sendliuv In ot at least one ahum. The Tilbune pointed this out nioie than once and mirki-sumI the piudeiue and snlety ol eoinpeiisatliiR the one lu ihaiRc ot tlie svsteni, Cltv Jlecti Iclnn 1. II. (illleian. lor iIiimIiik: in onniilmiu each dav. Councils, howevci. weie In dllleient In the uelvlec, and, as bus Jiei u line loo olten, leall.ed Its mis take ii I lei the tlainiiRe was summed up. The the aim in sjtcni Is made up of the most delicate' inaehlneiy, this beliiR nee e-s.n.v te loath Ihe lilRhcst elllel euev. Naluiall.v it In ca illy affected. I'liaiiRc of tempeintuie ami Inset ts eiawliiiR Into tlie -licet boes nnd ne--tlliiRainoiiR the hall -like spi Iiiri, these aie some ol the little thiiiRS that mlRht ).ual)t.e llie svsteiu, if not tllseoveied. Now. the onlv way lo locate Mitli causes I- bv the -oundlns of an nlaim elailv, Anv dileet could then unt con tinue lonsei than a day. In the laipe titles then Is a dally test made, even thoiiRli tin iu be a the once m oftcnei dniliiR a da j ; in Set anion it is sent In tliioutjh the telephone efhallRe. nut, heie, In Caibondale. wheie fie riuentlv a w hoi- month elapses between flies, ab-olutelv nothing Is done to is suu the woikliiR conditions of a ,v.s teni, whii h s iin-ui pas-ed In the ( otin- ty. The leon to be Rfiiued fioni esri dn.v's espiileme Is ileal ly befoie the council-, and the safety or piopeitv and the entile tominunitv behooves tlii'-i' bodies to make such mov1Iou lot lesiniR the the alai 111 s-tein as will keep it not only In Rood winking oidei. but up to the highest state or ellltieiicv. This cm onlv be done by a elallv test, pielet.iblv liom a elllfeient bos each dav. This was the piaitice that was followed lor a veai altei the Gatnewcll companv installed the sjs tem In Cai bonclale This was a pio ision made bv the company its' If, vvhle h leciutsUd (bat it be continued il the eltv would piet-eive the good older ol the -vMcm. As stated befoie. how i pi, count lis -how an indlfleiont -plilt and paid no heed to the sug gestion In the nn aniline. The Tilb une lenewed thee suggestions, and while seveial countllnien espie--ed the opiniou that The Tiibune's suggestion was an escelleiit one and should be acted upon, none of them took the 111 st s-tep In that dliec Hon, Had the il if ot jftpitltiv oi(tiind in the middle ol Ihe night, when it could not be mi icadllv dlsioveiid, find the (li emeu would be icmoved liom the vlilnliv tin ic might lie a feaiful leali I'atiou ol the couniils' lack of pimMon toi the elailv lest ot the svs-tein. Il is hoped that at the nest meeting of Mdect council. Aloud, ij night, tlie neeessai.- steps will be taken to pio vide for Cltv Hlcclilclan (Illleian send ing lu an ahum liom a dllltieiit bos etc h da.v. AMUSEMENTS. ' "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Last Night. Al V. Alai tin's conipan.v gave a splendid piesentalion ol "I'ncle Tom's Cabin" al tlie matluic and in the eve ning at the tSiaiid. 'l'he -t.ige setllngo weie as iliectlve as eV el witnessed In an ' I'ncl" Tom" pioduc Hon In this eilj. 'l'he ipetlaltlis weie clever and the cu-v was i.ipablp, Mato's New Tiick. M.iio, besides being ,i ningU Ian, Is an e:.pi"t .nigh i both on and olf llie suiRe, ten with the legulatloii md and llv he casts about on the stae, or In the air ami cattlits -eveial ical live llsh in lull view ol the audience. A' he i, itches them he puts them In to a tianspaient lai ol watei that the audienci inn, be po-ltlve they aie iciil 1 alive. Almo has mntiv other w nu clei Mil Ulckri ton uuineioiis to mention, and too i omplli iited io esplalu. You linisi s,,,. Alain the pi lee of nuiRli . II ,vou i njn.v the nil ol 1."rci ilen ill ll Minn will he at the tiiand nest .Mon day evening, the oiienlng ntimhei in the eiiteitalnnii ut and lei tip e i om -e lu which the Hiockwav talent will ap peal at the (iinuel this -e.ison Joseph Callahan "in Taust." .liisejili C.ilhil an lu a tomplete, h. enle I'leililuil pioiliu Hon of lloethe'H linni'iital "Patisi sv ill be at the tlinnd Siiunla.v iiIrIu He luih beep etn heie on seveial oita.sloiis hoieteiioie IIAVR TO GIVE UP. It's, All Over, When Netvotts Sick Headache Comes to Young or Old. Evetything Stops and Nothing Goes On but the Netvotts Sick Headaches. If anything will eiiReudei a dlsie. Raul lor even lilc Km If It Is continued or olt-iepeated allaekri ol sick hcatl ntlie. You ina.v be ablo lo paitlally dcsiilbii It but the Hngll.sh laiiRtiuRo falbi to do It fully Jin-the, ll'n nils-uj co t om cull .t ti'il. mi louileiiM'el, -o pi os. tiatillg lil.il all i!m in enveloped Iii ln incshcs All. Thomnti Suiinin i. ol No bdO latksou Mieet, Siuiulon, I'a , mih: Dr. A. Cluihe's Nnvo J'ills me n i-plendld mi" lot neivoin, Mil,- lieuil. aihi'H. .Mliie weie it 1 1 llilu at Hint's. I was neivous at iho Kinie iline The lleivo lillls weie it'tomiiieiicleil In mo and i gol a bos nt Muthcwh Hlos.' ding aloie, No. J.'K l.nekiiwaiiuu ave nue and ihev niniplelelc uuod Hip ht'iiihn lies and nei vousnes-!,. TJils, I think. In ipcoinmcndailon eiiough," Di. A W Cha.se',, Netvu l'llls aio hold at ."iilc. a bos at denleis, or Di. A. W. ChiiM! Meillilue Co, Hullalo. N. V. Seo that poiti.ill and uigniitinc of A. W. Chase, Al. 1), aie on eveiy packaue. 1 ID" Is Gladly Extended by a Scranton Citizen, Theie tu e ninny enthusiastic citizens In Scifinton pteparcd to tell their es--pjilente for the nubile good, Tewtl mouv fiom .such a soilico Is the best of evidence nnd will piove a "helping hand" to semes or teadci, ltruil the lollow lug statement: Alt. Jacob Uupoiithal. ol S.'O liv ing avenue, South Slclo, emploved as machine attendant lit the n 1., and V. It. lt.'uhop", sav-s. "1 had alinobt instant pain lu my back and ut night U was so bad 1 could not tutu In bed, I tiled all kinds of plasteis mul kld ii"v medicines, but elcilvcd little. If any bencllt. Xotlclng Doan's Kidney 1'lll.s advcitled In our cltv pnpeis and endoised b.v nuinbeis of Siianlon citi zens, l got them at .Matthews llio.' drug toie They did me mole good than all othei lemedles put toRothef. Having at times a slight ictilin of the pain In my b.uk, a icsoit to a dose or two of Doan's Klduev Pills never tailed to ill ho It awav." l-'or -ale bv all dealei", pi ice ill) eeiits. Fostei-AIIlbuiu Co, Ullffiilo N. V., -ole agttits for the United Slates. P.enieniher the name, Doan's, mul take no substitute. and alway.s with the gieatest salisfue Hou. This season Mr. Callahan has a new piesentalion ot the diumu which is le plctp with novel mechanical calcium and clectie cllet ts and his vivid m tiaval ol the icile of AlephKlo Is gieatlv enliaiieeil theicby notably In the "Hiocken" stene. In this act heieto loie the auditor was In fear of Iho theatie being binned down owing to tlie binning of "ice! the" and the shooting ofi or lockets to lepieseut a lain ol the liom the ".stage lies" Air. Callahan has entiiely eliminated all such danger with his ciecttle and cal cium appaiatus The llluon Is pel fee t, vet theie is no llie. Hemy Austin Adams Fiiday Night. 'l'he hist spi akcr of the lee lute e otiise of the Knights nt Columbus will be Hentv Austin Adams, w ho-e subject will be the 'Twentieth Celituiy." The let tin e will Like iil.no In St. Ito-e Pailbh hall which it is hoped will be tilled on the occasion ot the visit of this dlMingulshod wntei and speakei. The dlagiam ol seals is at It. A Ke lly s ding sloie. POPULAR COUPLE WEDDED. Katryu Thomas and Onus Buckland Enter the Matrimonial State. Miss Kali mi Thomas and Onus Paukland, two ot the eitj's most popu liu voting people, weie united In mai lilige j.csleidav inen ning. The ceie monv, a .simple and pietty one, was -oleirniled at S o'e lo' k iu the Methodist li.n sntiiige ot Rev. A. V. Chaffee The bilcle was vciv pieitlly uttlied In a handsome blue bioadc loth ti.ivellng gown with hat to match. She earned a bomtuel ot loses Only the immediate lelativcs of the iiintiactliiR panics witnessed the cei enionv. The oung couple left on the 'i o'clock Delavv.ue and Huifoon tiain. Thev will be gone ten das, takiliR In the l.nger cit'es in Xew Yoik state. On theli leluin heie they will take up I hell iia.ldi in e in a newlv and ( oilv furnished home on South Chinch stuet. Their man.v lilenels will wish them a long and happj maiiied life. The bi ide is a clauglitei of All. and All-. John Thomas of AYashlngton 'tieet. OBITUARY. AlKS. AlAltCAHUT riHJIOOL, as biietlv stalcel iu jestei day's Tilbune, passed away at her home cm niooklvn stieet Tuesday night. IMi.ilj.sls was the c aitsu ot bei death. The deceased wa.s loimcilj .Miss Mai -gaiet Kllkullen Ilei blithplace was li eland wheie she was lioin iiO jeais ago. She lived In Caibondale lit ai ly all her life and was held In uflei donate H'gaiil b.v a wide elide of iileiids. Alia, (lllhool's husband was lounil dead in bed In June la-t and a lew ve.tis ago bei son mt't a nagle death. He was aiclelentall.v killed while hunting op the Wc.-t .Mountain. l)eea-id I- suivlved bv the lollow Ing T A. (itlhool, .Mm. AHihael Koll , .Miss Winllied eillhool, All-. Thomas f.lbbv, Jo'eph (lllhool and Alls. Hemy Nelson, all ot this city. The luncial will piobablv be held on Friday moin Ing Inieimeul will be niaile In St Itosv i emetei y HOIHIUT AllHtTilA. a well known if"!dciit of Hiooklyii .stieet, elleel Tues ela.v night in HiueiRuiiey hospital wheie lie had been cmilliicil lor seveial da.vs with an Intestinal ailment. Air. Aluttha was hoin In lielaud slst-lour .veins iiro but had leslded hi Caibondale sllHO'llH iMiyhood, One ster AIM i:ila navldboii, o Dalton, Is tin only .sui vivoi, The body h,i,s been taken to he home cut .laiucs 11, Faulkner on pJundalt snoot wheie the lunoiul will be held fiom, The sei vices will piohahl) bo held on Fiidn.v alteiuooii al -110 o'e lot k, Inieimeul being lnude lu Alap lewood ii'iueteiy, l!ev. It, A, Sawyer olllcliiliiig. Loses a Limb, Cluules Kent of Alalled .v.ud, a hiakeiiiiiii emploved by the Oniatio and W'cstiiii lallioait lompauy, had one ol hlh lowei limbs taken olf at l.hliiKstone Allium AliniiUij night whllu eugaRcel in swltililug cms, A Complete Success, The social given last night In Htuko's hull, managed liv ihe Centennial cluh, w.us a tomplete s(Ji lal mul llnaiu lal success. The Aliiait ouliesiia t lit -nlslled the mu.-lr oi il.llli lug. A Bitthdny Patty, A blilhda Mity was lendcteil .Miss IteiHia Davis li. hei maio iiitud.s last night at hei homo at the eoimi of Hightli and Wjoniing siiceU. The Centtal Labor Union Tail. The Cenliai Lilun union full con. tlliucs to be well ultcltdcd am! the pio JectoiK Itel hiitlallccl with the jiation age ill view ol the stieot tat till ike which keeps subuib.ui le&Ideutb ut Mi home. The ctitei Uilntnont which Is pinvlded by Hip cointnlHee Is a highly enjoyable fpaluie. Theie me heaps of pplondld alleles- which mo to he ills posed of by ehanee, Richard Udy's Busy Day. Yesteulny was a busy dav for Itlih ant I My, the nitKo mitt thelcss keeier of Ateinollttl iiu It. The last of the plants which have bloomed all milli liter and made a bcnutlrul pleltne of color for papifisby to admlie, leitnilned 10 be taken up mid stoieel away, mid bv nightfall .Mr. IM.v Imd Ills task ilnno mid dolle well. The big bed at Hie Chinch stieet eiilianee or the pink waa cleat isl or lt plants and was ui tllled, wlille the giavet walka weie given atlentloii wheie' iiecded. As inciitloncd, It was it busy day lor Itlch uid, mul It would have been haul to Mud a mole active w inker In till Car bondnle. With the Stiffeiets. Atlss llessle Healev, nt Dtindnff "ttocl. Is conlllied to Hr. Wheclci's pi I vate hospital by a sei lous iittui k of typhoid lever Last nlfht her toiull lion wan slightly iinptoveel, .Mm. Ilobeit Van Ileigeii of ltlver stieet, who was opeiated upon al Ihnei getie.v hospital, several weeks ago, was lcnioved to tier home .csteiday. Her condition Is vciv cneoiti aging.' Dr. X. W. Pletcher petfoiiueil an op eiatlon on Juliii Kllpatilek ot Dai to aveiille, i ('moving fiom hi- no-e a long glow Hi which was leudlng to sei Ions 1 1 noble. Uncalled lor Lettets. List ot lettei.s leinalnlng lu the Cai bondalc, I'a., postollhe, Ott. Hi, 1'nil, for peisons unknown: W. T. JJlaselcll, t'h.nlis Flick. J. Al. t'tltei, lia V. Cuils, Mmk DufTy, Wil liam H Fos, (ins C.llgallon, V. V. Cieg oiy. F. F. Pi Ice, Al. U. H. It. Putniiin, Albeit .Smith, Oeoige J. Soiu-a, Cbas. Spcncci, Hemy Taolfe, Atlss Attn Ion 11 ke. i:ila Plannoi.v. AIi. A. A. t 'ol lei v, Alls. 1'llss.ibPth Lewis, Alls, AVulu vv light, Dominica Ynnetto. Pot elgn Antonio Hut, (iiovunnl An tonio, DI J.oieno. THE PASSING THRONG. .Mm Vlilsn, of lii7ciMi', iniilc i hip to (In-, till .vc-tdiln. Mi" MdiiloN'olm, uf Mij Hi M, wis i ( jiliumlili vi-llm cuinriln Vlin 111 ii k, of hum n, -k nt Wtiliimliv ivm J"-; in ( .nlionilili v'm V (anllp, tif Mnilolil, i-c 1 pin-f e itci I lined In ('ulraml.ilp filriul- 11 lliuuti, ni I'ilt'tnii, null! I, Wliiliiev, tif llniinilili, uiio it (ho Vnirlii in llnii-c v e-t nl iv I liom i Utvxtl, iluk it the Vim rum llmisi, tiliiiniil Mtenln fiom i inn it (Incuiil.i, s V. Vlin Villi- OVIiHo ipltiinoil tu liri liumc in -n inli ll lul iuiuii if ei i nn diis isit itltli iclihui In llm i ii Mi" Hii li ml Kllpiliiil ,is iiiions 1Iiii-i ulm iltinclcii llie fiuieidl nt llie im Vlr- I" V l'n iliib In Sn niton vermin I i Venn UikkII. of leidl em, ( ient foi this Mitiim fu Mi In lli i linllMii V.in Pike ilium fuloiv il -il.nili'ii ii in the uli I 11 sn,0 ttll, , Snliol-, n iiiinr VI. n (liv. In tlie ititncst ..f tlit Sin ..rl. I if. In hiti nice (ointiini lloiiiiul .1. Iinili, if Sen Vnik mi, rrpiiMiit iiir t lie "S uli in II il, uli ii tin, ls tl . , n, i-tenlii, tlie Riioit uf Vlnnot 11 I' Ilnno, ,f the f.i mil Will I, l.olllli, (hi ini-llllr- -ilcnilll fn ihe Olhelle ilgir. i link fnnn tin I'.m ViinlliTn I vpn-ilioii Alitllllil lie in HJC i Ili.l mei tin llnnciililf hr.mch W. II. Pius in, I M i:iin. Inhn I Sillin, John I Muliiu. I, II Vinniriniin. Ilu-li l.dli rIki line iiiiniu lie simUii -ilc-incu Tt tin II til l-Oll lloll-C IPifllllll JERiHYN AND JHAYFIELD. The mm i Inge of David Davis, or Wc-i Al.i'lleld, and Alis Jlmtie N'lchol. two well Know n oung peo)le, took place at S o'clock last evening, al the home of tlie bi Ide's mothei on See ouel .stieet. The bi Ide was a Hlied iu a pietty steel giev silk ( ostunie and was attended by two little flovvet ghjs, Flossie Puce mul Jtulh Alavuaid. The nuptial Knot was tied by Jtev. Al. D. Puller, 11 D., and tin' pietty cm oniony was witnessed liv a huse luunbei ol the oung couple's fiiends and lela tlves. Kuppei was alteiw.nds .seive-d. All and All-. Davis villi make theii homo with the hi ide's tnothci. The news ot Ihe mil aciident at the White Oak tollleiy was ncelved Ikk with nun h soi tow b.v the numeioiis n lends of the man who met .such a piematuio death, All the men wue well known to m,iu ol the iesdents ol both boionglis. H. V, Cook made a business nip to Ilonesdale yehtctd.ij. JIl.s James l.u is, of "West AIij lleld, is visiting Alt. Hauls' binihei's lamll.v at South FoiK. near Johnston n. All. and Alls-. ThoniuH H. (iiilllths c-'tpilal ktiil, jl Rl!rCRI!CCS. CtiUao National Dank, Chlcajo, III, 1 tie I Irst National Hank, lleaiiinont, Tfm I ho Pluntsrs ft .Vlecliunlis' Nat Hank, Houston, M ifjil I J , . f From Photo on Tlio Texas ol llclcls, nlthoiiKll but clsbt inonlli old. 111a alionilj tint uroatriit oil lilodiKlnir lli'leli eit tlio world nil Is a ,and ml commodity niul Im mnile niiiu tirnit (ortiiui'H than .ini otlior Investment, 'lilts SjnUic.ilo'a lainls uro all paid fur NO LEASES. NO ROYALTIES TO PAY. it lias inveieil tlio nil illslilet Ini'luelltiB llm famous SpliuUo Top Sour I.iKo. SiirntoKu ntitl linton I'mlrlc Tlio money for ilrHlilDf It, tint Rilslici on 1 i. Hplndlo Top lintl, wlildihnoarliib' toinplttlon, Is cfpciltod In ilu Anit'ileaii Ntitlriliaj JlinUof It.'iiuinoi't Trtasurj Stocli Is now offciod foi sale to provliln mono to build pipe linos, tanks mul Innl, iiur- toi mniki tlni,' I's- oil li or.li I that it tnn l'" lllv IiIciuIh to It klorUlmlilrri. ut (lie I'liilli'Hl iieitollilo lilouu'Ot, GUARANTEED STOCK, TIiIb Ih no torl bpci illation It Is tlio jun i-liasInK of an tbtoltitt.' it'ilnlntj. Yen tnhu 110 ohaiii'oti WE GUARANTEE A GUSHER wltliln Hi days or every dollar mbscilbcd will be ufiiinird All atibscrlitlom uro deposltod lu thu CHICAGO NATIONAL BANK, This Is tint mil) coiiiiuii that nli.oliiti'I) Kuuriin tvot 11 OiiBlit r within nIM da.vs or icfunds, thei inouc ill. rcctl to tha aubtorlbei, ' 'H ibi) ii) biuret, I f-cncl nil rtniitt 5J nuj iu 1 stmrej. $100 Hu J 200 ih.ircs. FIDELITY a.iu nuyi run aimres. A01ICU-Wfuriiltiui.onrqut the market v mid two tlilldieni AVIIIiint mid IMItli, iiltendid Hip Anllmiiy-l.ovv Is nuiillitlH at Hjilc l'aik, Almnhty evening. A ;, ming man iiained Titl!ot. of Alny llcld, rinplovcd In the Keystone col llciy, had tils hand painfully crtisheel between the buiupeiH of two mine ems while ut wink .vesletdav. A number of Jeiiuvn people me eon tcmiilatlug a tilp to Ihe Pati-Atueikmt esposltlon on Satuiday, The mini Inge- of Air. '.'units tt. Slink pi", of this boioiiRh, mul Alls Aim Ian Ciane will take plaec this evening at Hie Pie. b.v lei Ian ehiiith, Caibondale. Aline Feiieiiian 'J'hoinas IS. TIiuiiihh ami lamllv lmve moved heie liom Weal I'lltston. TAYLOR. llie lliinl aniiuil ibinlilfuil n( the Wibli ton- Rruiitloiiil ihiiuli mil 1,o In 1.1 on lliibliim (In, l((. "i I'lDI lollnvvlnit 11 tin." Iltl vl eoiiiiothloiis mul pil n1 I Mlvil pull, not less Hun ,il In immliii, "r II i" ("The summer"), llMllun l.'vuiil.Wel.li in I iiKlh.li noiiNi prli, .l"i 2 I'm i lill'liui's iluiti, iiiuln I" ,vi ns nf .11,1, ullli ilchl mlnlls In ,ii., "I Vin lie lint l.lu Ih," f i tio-prt tlimiii, prire, -ID !! liunlile iinilitle, 'Kin! Minlli I I4I1I " time Mm 1., I.nspil IIviiiik, pi re, , uliin In Sir-, llohul l.lrnclhii I "Iho Vhrlhl -pint," In Pun: pil,, - "i-IIi-h oln, "Hi, 11 mil 1I1 in," In belle sun lies 111I71, .!, j.liin In ,1 I' Wiilkln. (I-I nun iiln, "I'loiubi," In- leiiis Wnlkiii'; pile, -.', rIviii In Prof P I Jones T Sipnni 1 .nl", "Whin lie lleirt Is ouiir, ' In lliulln llnck, pil?, -', ,Iimi 1' W I. II011IN S-(iinll iltn -oil, ' lie ml iMI I mil 111 Ibali," In P Mil, In Vli. V II I nlii. pui, --'. iciini In limn s, pub 1 lie nlins 11111.il it -Idil, fnur vniiis piie. 4t. 10 t oinpilillon fin 111111 mil- VI mils of me oh! tune of llulr mm m In linn, piire, si 11 f otnpptitlon fm lullis inn l"i uirs if ij.1 , I union lu.m tin ( 11111 ineiluhl on lt viotils "Vn Si;hiliol Sin": pue, -, IJ -oln fm cuts tiiuh r 11 i ns of eri , 'Si t Ihlf lhs I 111 Hi (U loM," (inin (,'i.pil llimiis, pui, -I, 11 U1M1 11 1 if ill in fm mlnlls, "Di 1111 Inn lliil It til 111 VI111 11 in", pile e-', linen l'i llivul P l.rillilli. 1" I iikIMi irtltitiiiii fm iilnlls, ' Ihe Inn lloiil-.," 1,1 I, ni 1' ml It it li 11, f 1 .nn Wil linn,' lltoi iline Inok, So J, prie. '. thru In l'i if I. I' I'oli, ptlniipil if I ill 11 sclmols Id Itfcll lllnn, fnl (hlhlirll llli, hi 1" nils ff .IBP. 'lie llm Hill 1 111U1- " siiniliiii Iterllitioii.; pui, -I. K Inipiomptn nienh. pile. "0 renU I--Impioinplu ililnle, pni. PI I 01 ll e lie. I 1 njut snlipi I pi 10, -I, 1.1U11 In Mm '1 re i Winn" Willi mis, of I -11 niton 1!0 r onipi tllion iioul rn 1 nen W tlllls titer: pue 21 1 or Ihe lu-t ne lollu, 'J -III nllnj it nli , pni , -, llet 111-Hiis if Indie "iu fill. pi le. l VI triiN iIIOllons, 1 He, In lihllllon lo tin 1I1. ie lohu VIoiih, if sinnliin, mil jiu 1 piie if V, 101 1 VVel.h reiililiin whiih will ,.ieii on the nlfti 1 il liioui llinne (npiii lul So 1, 1 iu le olit 1 nr,I fioin Hii oil n l'i Dm 1, I'lnl uli Iplni, .mil of So 7, nliui Ditt'ou, llu-1011 -iinuel ( I 1 111 , icciel 111 I'lnf W ill no, 1 I" ( hi t foil lei linn Im il . VI 1 V south VI nn Hurt, 7 1) o'tlo I nolnl Voimr Vli nV 1 In t-,tl in ot I'liMim. Hill iihlu.i ll,, 1111 nilini In the 1 u mis on 011 I lulu cviniu m vt nt W II l'i lei on, 1.1 nf cf the hull Milion of Ihe Dilnnrc mil lliul-nii mmpuit, is lun. poinlli llllinj 1 Mmlhi poiilicm in Oliphnil lid. nod, V-enL Dm. of llrein Ithl.c, is .iilnliliillni; tin f, nmi lirn V piitli luihlin,- leuiiinii ii i- sili mmid it the home of Vli nul Mis i,m nhe. of VI1111 Murl, VLitinln iilnnriii, iheii tin u conipll-iie.l ilnuhlu, Vlin s,u, 1, v( K uminl in 111 111 1 1st lo Vli Vliihnl -1,1,,,., i opnlu voim mm, 1I-0 1 lunlm! if dm tnun 'In 1) (' 1 .In nils pi-ior of the W1M1 11 ipti-1 ihiiuli, tieil the iniptiil I not. Ihe Inule 11 1. ittiml 111 1 in it iieihlnu "iiii iml liininl iinle till ullvi VI tin lomliiiion 01 the ine mom. cm ki ilnliliciii line itimlul jiul ,1 np 1 ei iiiuil V (ompllm iitni ilim, wis kIuii liit ii uiu il Uiliu' mil, ivhlili i 11 it mul il In iu 11I1 o'i ..in -1-. PECKVSLLE. lie leiihiri nul puplli nt S'l 1 -dionl mil oh tin 1" unit-.' I)u, on I inin lfipinium ikI 'Ihe iv.icnn nill In h.hl fiom j t, i oil,.!, 'ihi pnuili are iiuu-tli l . . j , i, -. l , 1 tu uti ml Vli. linn lloluili ii ill it hii li. nie in "VI iln i,iei Vli -ii In n ( .inn. ji of U inli n nul Vli-, llii iVIII nn. it I'likillle, inn in ii 1 1. it il Ihe ho ne if Iln Mints II11J11-, ot Ckhi llhli. Vlifllllll llli lllilOM (h-s S. 1, if Ihe HiplM Sinuin n h 1 il mil Imlil 1 VKH.I11 -i, hi it iln- home 01 Vli li ir W111111. 01 U1-1 I'liVvitli, on Wnliidilii rvni. liU, 11 I Jt Ml nul Mi, 1' I I aim 1, f 1 1, eiiiiin,; to ipcnd 1 link if the I'm Vmpiii in I heie villi h" 1 ihiuhuut mill 11 Ihe Viilm ili-t lpiiopil 1 Inn t Ii pnloii I inin c v 1 1111,4-, eld Ii, tin 11 In Vln, him Hi. Ililicink fm Ihe lie in lit 0' tin I .mi. 1 h lui III one ot I u d. nlin nl- i.ill l. f.'iin 1 1 In 11111111I x Id 1 in V i-p .ml mul n t f im lnl i llh 1 1 11.M1,, So 11 lini mini (lul 1 II pi 1 oplii mil In h.'hl In 1,1 ml Vi 1 1 1 Hi puhi hill I inin e 1 1 In,:, e), 1 i 1 1 1 I! tn In I I ifiu tie 11 ,tu WC.UW 00, 111 Blurts of .Vicfius ca.h rmi pud and Tcvis OrilOllRh AM) l)IRI.C0R. Pifrll'tit, VV (' Monrsr IM.st ofilie Moore 1 or" fundi fn , HouMon Text Irratiiu 1) c" UHI.W Cashier l'Mnlei-1 A. Md'hnnlis Soil nnl Ilk Houston Tex I IIOS VVM.I. M.VMIX I line. Iht.c-HHS, muni-fiom lillnol. l'i;iHV A III'!,! .VUMtr In I'luiitiii utti.nl limit ( ouri .'hl.-auu. h It l'l.l,ltMVN, Attarn, Houston Trt mcev for itool. nnd ndilrc-o all lurjulrlik unci 111 TMSr k cjlVS37HT COMPANY, W K'c'ho5 utus r nelllnc prtcBf urj Taollitos;l(iai(5jiotd INDIA AND CEYLON TEA BLACK or GREEN The Fight for Purity IS A FIGHT FOR PURE TEA just as much as it is a fight for pure poli tics. Wives are just as much interested in the one as husbands are in the other. The only pure Tea comes from Ceylon and India, and is ma chine made. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Ceylon Tea REFRESHINC. DELICIOUS hold only in Lend Fnrlcrtii. .iOc., fiOc. and 70c. Per Lb. ATLANTIC CITY-HOTELS. Grand Atlantic Hotel and annex VlrKinli Ave and Bcith, Athntic Ol, N I. bixtli car, u5U I'duliful loonu riiaiiitc, c-ln'!a and u ilh I'llh, hot .mil told tea water hatln in hotel and anncv 1 01 ition sclctt ami tontial, uithln ten sinks of Iho fctccl l'loi. Oiihcslru. Oilers tpulal tpriliR latos, $12 to fl"i by vvtck; 1 CO up 1. da, .-iniial riks to fnnilics Coach's meet all trains. Write for booklet ciiAiti.i's k corn CLARK'S GREEN. Mr and Mi-, r 1.. I'billips .md fou, Tlniiiuis, .ut' .lKnin ies(loiit-i of Sti.en 1 1 111. lining' iib.iiielniiL'il t lie ft eiiiiiinci liciini' heio em Fiitl.iy last .1. L. l.utspy w.is ,1 visitoi at tlio Iieiine ot his .ii outs, aii. ,uitl ails. i;d W1111I l.tit&ti mi Sittiiiliiy anil Sunday last A Im bo elclciiiticm attcniled tilt; su-. slons of llie; hlinp-on iiiiiiin at Uulel Blount on S.ituulav last. .Mi. and .Mis. Aitliiu l.a.Mont or Hi 1 anion, vkiitt'l 1 elallv cs heie; over Sunday. OLYPHANT Ihe hiit of 1 iiiits if leitniii 1111 Riiui h ll,i. II I Uliilui, of ( nl.oiuljle, 111 ire lllikili llipll-t ihiiitli lul ei tin up;. Ilti -iuIi-jiit vi 11 ' Ihe Uil ml llutini of Iho lu-li I'eoph lir Wluleti hi Id the ilo-et litem op 01 1 Ine' iiuliitii Uiioni,hoiil hi. dtitottiif Ihe nihil 1-1 vi 11 1111 iiileintiiu' nul in-tl 110 lit. Iho im 1 1.1.1 nn ill of the .liuenis Dim in: cliis mil he In Id in VI ihoii'i hill tomoriou iKinti luMiiue 01 tin ill 1 lull he 111 ittciid anei. Iln mimliiii rt the ( n.r. ition il (hniiii lull hohl .111 itltul milium III Ihi lull r ii Vlnn 1I11 eiiulna', IM Ji Mi- .lulm oil 111 1 r i.l lifllo 1I111U1U1, Sora hue lotmiuil home fiom Vlonii linn Vli-i Vim I nul, ot I Inin 1 11 vliininr Mr nul VI,. ' I Vlillih, ot Dmilllon stieet Vli-, 1 1 .1111 1-, 1" it tt ii nul Mi. vim Vlniris ne t-piu luirf 1 uiu 111II1 lilitiin it I'limiiutli Vli- lul n Ui ih "I s, milt 11, i-itt it Iticnili at (iii. pi in vi null. Vli-i Im Mull lis 'iiih to l'hll oklplili for in i ti nihil 'iit I. V. Hull nul I". V 1'iii.iis hue nunc on a'luniliiif tup t" -'.uiu 1 11011 irjp'.iiblo A 't'rsas KU-illoi Hows 70 ode) bnnrls of oil clnlly, villi h nt the uiiiikot prhi ct riu c e nta itr birnl Is STdi'i.' (KHinn pei car iu d would insiiic nvcr 70(1 poi tent e,uly illvlilonclu upon tha tntlir capital suns of this Sjndjcate or AN INCOME EVERY YEAR of $T( il Mi in ini! Iiiinili' il iIoJIuih Imesteil su i b) Kte-p n tin. ilc vt'lupnii'iit of tilts properlv pro ra iK Iho vnlii' of tins hlotk Mill innltli! 11 11 it ioiilttil 11 ml Iln I'M-r Ini i-i'iiNloii dlv IiIi'iuIk itlll ii-ncli fnliit Iiiiik in opnrlloiii,, II1I1 nti'inm: Sxiillcnio lm liutlt for llie future. It Inn n.vercd the oil iirpi of Ti-snH and I de tliicd to have iiiott' kunIm in thin un ttlier comimnj In tha rrtnt T0.0.S 1 II lUIiU Tho Ini' b'rllj 11 ml ,ifi;risslvi busltiesi! plmrnrtor of tlio dill " of this hsndluit. its stionir refereii. m lurfto holdings ol oil liiiulb mid tin uuauuiUi- (.Ivcii with thU M u-K uro tho INVESTORS' BEST GUIDE, All stoc kilobit is aio on in (qunl fuiitliii." nnd havi an iiuil Interest In 1 1 tlmKinluri, liuulii propouv and dividend uf tills PjinlltJtc. in inopnrtlon to thcirliolilliiBs NO PREFERRED STOCK, This ?tri K 1 3 now offc red nt .Ml rents per tihare In lot- of .So si ins and upwaid this Is tlie fit st s-elllni? pilre tho giotind floor Hu now m the' prleu will raphllj adviilico upon cm IiU'tluii uf Itu llrst ,;uohoi, iuojti for propoctus to eyi tbelUvwttirj iuiilKoa.V)mstit.St4Sl.E.Uiiwrt. S M'