"? -w i7.jts- -M vn"" sJ"WfwJTi5 wiflMHi m'ft.tW rt?i". ; (t w 'I 8 .THE: SOU ANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 190l v yr. dWf Cleveland 5 A JJakm&powder A pure, cream of alum, no HATTON CASE MAY GO OVER ATTENTION" Or COURT CALLED TO IT YESTERDAY. Municipal League Asked for n Con tlnunnco Because Its Attorney Can not Come Into Couit Now Appli cation Vigorously Opposed by At torneys for Hntton If. the Case Cannot Be Tried This Week It Will , Go at the Head of the Libt for the Next Term. Application was- m.ub' to .Itnhw 1M vnitls ycteulny .ittfrtiooii lor ;i ron- tinminei; of tl tixi til" tli' t'ommon- Mfiiltli iisalnst H. I'. Hal ton, "ho lh t.-liaiSPil Willi pcl'.llliv by tin- MltnUI )i:il J.l(Jlle 111 t'Olim'1'lii.Ul 'th ri'l'tuln ii.-iliuuiiy lit' kiiu bcl'oif AUIcriiiiiii Kitller In lh" league i asc nmiliisl tin nier Selcet t'ouuclluinn Simon 'I'll mm. Tim request tor .1 oiiiiiumiu u vuis intuit- by Attorney V K. Hois, who paid Hint the iitim-m-)-, .1. II. Toney Hiid V.. ". Ncucomb. who liail thai fro Of tile tlf-f for tile t;,'IKU". ale tumble to come Into tottrt in thN time, Mi. Torrey beim; inclined in the in.'il of nn imjHii'liint imfo in the 1'nited Stated couit and Mr Newtonili noi tlt-m lim to utile Into lollll beeall- of the titlii ji.iIkii he hut. on hiind. An important vitties-s for the proi-ot uiion, t '. !. liu liiml, they have not n yet lie. mi able to subpoena. Mr. I'."i"- said. A vIjroroii piote'-t nir.iiii't Hie urn tlmuiliec of the i.if w.i made b At lotneys Jo-t'pli n Illicit, .lohii I". sjrraKfr and (.!. M. "Vat-on Tlicj saiil the e.is-o has ahe.id.v In en tv, in- 011 tlnueil a I the ieiiicst of the bMSiie ami that Hatton was in conn deniamliiiq: a itlal and was entitled to it that lie was a poor man and could ill affoid to he put to th" oxpen-'p of having uli-nf.'s-es jue'-cut torm .ittfl l"iin .Indcc Kdrturrls. said llatton ,n in titled to .1 tllal. but he did nut iltMi1'' to fori o the league to trial :n the alxcttn. of u. nttnineys. Attorney llnf v as ashed how Mum 31 r. Tone.' would In tluoiiErh in Cuitcd Slate mini and .-aid Ik might he on Tlmtilii .lit Iri- IM v arils said that if Mr. Toirev -, able 10 take up the tiial of the ea.-e I'Yl ilny it will be proi exiled with. He ad vised Mr. Ileeis 10 luvr- the subpoena setved 011 Mr. I inland for l'i Ma. . If the case cannot be tiled on that day it will be pin at the head of the list lor the next term. Nathan Cobb Convicted. Nullum 1 "libit, ;m old man 0" Mais of fiJiO, was ronvii It'll beloie .liidye l,d wards of feloniously womuiin ("on stable Kduaul ,1. .Wary, 01 t'.ti bortlai", on tlm nittht of May 1:1, last. Karlicr in the day Cobb had tumble with JXmiel Uempscy and William 1 is borne and stabbed Imili of them lie ihen retired to a little house he on 11 Tiieil, near the 1'owtlerly mines ,11 t'.ir bondale, wheie Chief of I'olke MiAn ilrew and Constable Xeaiy -went hi tteareh of him. Cobb was in the Ikhp-p and they t-alled to him, tcllhiK him who tliry vveto and what they wanted. Chief JlcAndrcw stationed himself in l'mm of the homo and .Wary wt-tit to thr rear. Xeary heaid I'obb liishln;,' to ward tilts fionl of the lwui and staiteil fonvnnl to till the thief s ho w,t icturniiiK to the iiar duoi.Cohb opt m d it and nil awa. imrsiied h. NVar, who eomimimlt tl hhn to :.top ami iuc,i lus l-fMilver in the till Cobb went some dlslam t rut tin r ami mumbled and fell. When h, ,110-e to hli feet, Xeary was alnio-t 1 pno him The constable ileiiiaudeil that Cnbh mop ami throw up h hamls anil he did both. AVhrn Xear. wot within a loot of him, down taint tile Ii.tmlx. In one was a hnlfe ami In tin oilier a it Volver. The knife lodged In .W.i r. V Jiecl; ami made a tilKhtriil wound, missing the jugular vein b. an eluluh of an Inch, Cobb niade muni his .. 1 ape after stabbing Xeaiy. ami was not arrested until InM month at the home of telalivis In iiieei.ll' Id low n-f-hip. Allot lle.V lilllpll I,( W.l- ,l'--ll.lll to deleild Cobb, ami made a ;;allani ef fort fur hhn, Cobb salil thai w In n he Heard tlm nun outside oi Ins lioii'-. le IhoilKht it ls Deiupse.v ami i)boine niitl, heluff iifralil of thein. lan 'iwa. When he was pursued ami a shot tie. tl M" still IhoilKht II was the men he had he tumble with, ami w In 11 he siabhul Ne.uy he thoiiKlit it was )i'iiie-iy m C)sboini' who was hi" kllm. Cobb's ;eronl is a bad one Tlnie mi two Mlicr felonious woiiiidliiK i"-t s on the picsent list iipiiliist Cobb. MINOR, CRIMINAL CASES, ltojor (Ulf4 was i.inw.N'.l of l,,nrt ml .- tlfll $tl. PI lUlltla Of till' s,,tl, ,,;.,, f Prnililnup, cf wliuli h, in. miMiipi ndiii iliout i niontlis a,-. i,i' . ,,n,i,, mi - 1I1' mi: in ikfi'ii.i'. A M'lillit c( not u'niln- w ,, 1 it,. '1 ,. 1 ,u Hit Miiirlion, fli.iisi.l wan I, cm- 1 ,, .m,, ,.( Din il.lhl (I Sjuli .1 inn Sue. 1 1 1,., pariipi live in I'irboml.ili', (lie. m 1,1 u i,,.., i, ,, n the t.ini',' woman luil no ili.-n. t . ,i n samml ,'ilurl, of IH'lli".np. ,ip l" .1., Ai comb ted of liclnu' the inn m lohl tl Mis.? Kiln 1 Heller, nf spviiiii ,1. ,1 JlSe jo yrarii. 'IIip ihiltl was l,om .1 ..i.ir nun ..ml u bllntl. li llflloi ptati'tl 1 t 1 .tlm. w.n I'oninililiil 111 her nwn home on. nuni m Lain iy, li''. after IMivjiiN 1- ortml lur hurne (rum .1 p. nt. lie renulnctl at her home for tu lest PI lh nliiht, SI19 aJt11Ilti.1l thai the lad been In, in. 1.. with olhtiii bu'nlc.i Kib'.auU, l.ut that w.,-. tw . nara I'lkr to her olletijo wnh l.li- I', ii'i I lit 1 r wa acfnltlpil vt ronim 1 mc mi a .a 1I1 nt, I 1. 1" iv 1111 Mrs. Hate JIjii!i'., ct il. s nl. ,1 I'ii coiti wire pui m 11 e coiiin l 1 a'ili)t' qumiel .iml it wu slleitttl ih.n tl. I 1 in.liiil tho wonuii oiT hn premlxi. iml l-i. I .1 her down, lie .nlni'tul pii.hlmr lii-i w.'.t tti'in hi place, lmi ik-nteO lrtUlnir Mi M m 1 lli'iiiKin llin, in tst.ur-old Iluiiniorc )oiing jujii, wa? in ! 'i 1 iii.isp! preltrrel by Aunlo ("ollliM. aim 'i ll'iini". , wl.oio chlhl was born Aus. i la-l II.:, n tJi'ii'r.l absolutely that ho lud Li 1.1 .11 ab ojiinuti' wllh the yo'ins woman, but tho jury Olil not Lii'llno hhn. 'Ilia cnllct wit EUllty, M ill. Wule Shu wu rqulttetl t the chiti wholesotoencss to the food. tartar powder, adulteration. No ( cAninillllni; an .nilt atnl lulttry nn tirr tiolahlmr, Mr. May liVmlrkk, 'Hi" tul were itlllilril liftMcOll (lie llllllt", who liu- In ct .Sfr.uiton. Jin, Many Ann lliiimon, of Sidie plirr, Wot S'cmiiioii, ,n iliarcnl Willi milliiotn ihi'lIiIpI Ii,v licr Mtr.ii.hu Ml. 'Ilinri slirilil.in. Net Rtillly M.11 llio 1 title t .mil tin' te.Ui ttcio ilb Id ptl 'llio i.i'o win llir uiitKinnlli el .1 I'.nl loci- lllfc' Wllllll t'lll'll liftHl'I'll lilt! iihthvi. A orttlct uf tint ciiilly, ijiI tlhlili'il, .n nbit ii'iiirntil In tlii nf l.lwriniin I'. h. Kiciet I", tl.irtKcl Willi ,i.-.iult ami IuIIiti bs I iiiln t.il.pn , lolm I!, lliKiti, llpjfjn owed lkfirt: .1 lull nml thr I1IK1 m lit ,111 olluir In tnlliit It, Ih'i ltt'S.111 1II1I At liki. .mil nn ,lnl II, lr -.illiil mi lluiri.'Aiil Itihl Mill m. Il'i' .ill' aii lull I'.vi lett llUhlm nut .mil I. n l,,.l him. l'.xrri'it ms Itiuiiii m.m 1111111x0 iinil he put linn out lit. .Idlinl tin' hill,. Hi., .liu,' .le.wp .is t ilktl fi.r trljl, iliuanl with .111 ,inik .mil li.ittii.v en Mkn M.iKsio ItnriH. Tlit'.i .lie In in the 1 i'l lUlii tll.trnt 'lln unlit w.is i lifoi in.'il th.it llie hiil IuiikiI the Inn In", iinil 'i Mitlki nf ii'tl ciiilly iu t, ila n 1.1 nil llllKllt1-, .1 IJ.M'll'tihl Imv, mi .liinc l'i pit in .1 IiiikM i,ti .11 the Mvittti nl Hip miiupm u(!.iii; ht'ii-i, .it I'iiii- tin", It, ! neij tliii Iir.i,t nml nil the 1.11 nut mi I tna 111 nn lino n( the IIIim.iii .1111I llti'l-eii, .dm, i;t 1 .iiHit,:; thn wiuh fif a ,..--enircr ti.iln, 'Hip 1m ,tp.nlil lllll itllil .lllillll1 l'ilu.lltl-1 ll'lf'llill si lit I II' 1. nml iniiiiitt' il the bii tu tht1 uiioily m hi. f.itlii, who j, iniiii. nl tn .-1 tl.it tin wnilti Ltip on', nf iiii.i ini'f in Inline W In 11 ioiiii iiliminiiil Jul tlie ili ir n ,, pniiihl, Klin t'l'ii '. .mil Miiiiu Moon ..1 L, , hilil. i hp en Old Iipf, n .liiiliip I. i'il,' in I, 'in 1. 11111 V ,., ili.iii;pil uT'li hrt '1, ns inn pi 1 1 Lackawanna jfmwmi mmmm in iiiwwiiiini iMipr.ttfiii To 5ud atld Return I j Two-Day Excursion j i Five-Day Excursion Tickets, sold at Six Dollars, of any Lackawanna train on October 15, 19, 22, 26 five days, including day of sale. Ten-Day Round Trip Excursion Tickets are on sale good for return within ten days, including day of sale. Bear in mind that all the above all trains in both directions. 3 direct from the station to the Exposition grounds or hotels. For further information, call on or telephone the local ticket Lackawanna avenue passenger station. Telephone, 265-3. H mire unit ttiitbon frtldlit c.if ami tc.t!lns llito kri;i n( In rr. Ilklianl .lojce plMilril cnllt) In Irtlliu n ttlltli nml snniP ilntlilnx fnnii IMiUil I inhllnit' ton, wliti etiinhicH .1 li'Miiii.inl in I .iilirinlil". ninl liy whiMii .tnjip w,M nnpln.Mil n ,1 w ilipr Il W.U M111WI1 tlltl .In.lPf W tlllllll, it Hip IlIlP el thp llirft iiml tlnil liPtptiirnlP If lu li'ni liW'illihlllU. Thc.p l.ntt Jtnl Hit I'll 1 Ik r hup th.1t Ic.Mc ln titfti In Jail lor l1y ill, IiiiIiiipiI .lliik'p IMw.ink In l"l kill oil Willi j htit' oi M, colli nml khly iI.i.m in jail, M ;liljoni tiilic limn Atllilil' Unwell. .1 lhtlilimrt' iPlllh uf ", w.l nn Itlll, (li.lltil Willi lining dip fiillior nf the 1I1II1I nf I'lnli ll.ntli, whit nbn 1ips it lliiiiinorp. Ilrt- ninlhrr, Mi. Man Mirth, U Hip iinppiiMv, mnl Mr, IIdwpII .Iis hi Hip iltf'iiil.iiil'i Utile with Iipi nn. Xt t Iti t'l.itu', ,i li, w.i ii IpiI for "ti'.ilhis 1 11ml tlntlii'1 fitmi ln Iniiiii' in .south sinintnii. Up h.nt Iipi n ,iw,i for .1 limp, mnl, 11 I111I1I11.. rlildril Hip hoii'p thiniiuli 11 irnml 'niy wniilow mnl Innl. the InnhM initl ilnthi'.. it It illlf peil. 1111 Hull Win t li.il II" w.l. ii'iupi HimI I,, mill cntrr tin' ItuiiM' In nit hl tlmlif. whli li hn . n I'll1 Wnnhl ml nil'' lilin 'lln' mi.i w.i "lit at inljniiiiilin,' hum INDUSTRIAL JOTTINGS. The Lackawana Boaitl for Today. George Frottnfelher Appointed Yaiiltnaster at KiiiBston. I'VilliiwIni; Is the nitike-up of the I),, I.. & W. boaitl for today: 11 i:miv, hi nun. 11 1-,. WIM I ,n, l',i"l-" p. m, .1. . IImIih: In p. in., M. .1. Ilimiig.fii; It i. in, In nip' 'limine. M.PMIV, lit lOlll'll HI. W1I1I ( il, lliit I ..Ml 1, in , t. IS. Ui LniPt 4 11. in, .1. IhiiUhni; .1. in,, M. I. iiivliupi . s .1. in.. Willi 1111 II. mi, ah (!, T. StipkV crow; la j, in., ti liiiim.v: II .1. in, I'. Iliilhlt: J p in., I). Iliiuntt; .'1 p. 111., tl. . l'iti'i,ihl; 11 p. 111. H. .1. .M11... 1. -inniniH, lit . 1, ,1. in., pa. I, .1. Cinh;;;; S 11. in, wpt, . !l. N 11 lull-: II .1 in., wot, 'I lii.lii..iili; it p, m., tatt, ,1. Iliiiiii.ini s p in, M. l!iii"iii T p. in., wi'-t fnnii I'a.'iv.i, l. ii li'.v i "i p. in., i',et liniii Vie iie, j:, MpMIImi'I I'lnhii" n 1. in.. iilm 1 . I, t.i a. in., s. t -j,. nciti; s j, I,,., Hoii.e , rn .1. m . M.,1.111: ii p in.. I lt Pniiiiell. T p in, if. 1 ,li v : '' p. in. W II. It iiiholoiin-u , tn p. in,, i. limping l'i".iiuit I.111.I11P- "a in. t,.illiii'i , T in, sin.:!'. In .1. 111.. I II M1.1.1-. Hi 11 111 . I I Si' III , p III. s , !,lt) s .II , n, . fiulllll W 'I.I 1 I-, W. 1 ,1 in., .1 II Mi) .11111 . .1 tn.. .In.in 1, 1I1 ty in In . m , 1 11 (..n m. r. wi h W i.lli. 1 1 1. w II 1. in , I Wall, 1 p OU CANNOT afford to miss Exposition. The Four Dollar Tickets are good train on October 18, TeiiDay All Lackawanna trains land you at the foot of Main BIGGER BOX SAME, PRICE in. I' 11., mill an "p m , M I .iiimnh ' p in, . I.. Ki'lihiini; I p in, P I .iviinamili ,1 p. til, I), lliiitlolph, n , hi , 1 Kii.'j.ht. M.llll'1:. Cnmliif tor 1, ,1, Unity will tun N'n, W, wl'h II iiIiiI.i'k Hen, I), I. In ('11111111111)11 II IIiiukiiiv anil 0, W, rilKCtalil nml inn. will aitemi m 1 mnl iuiii,.' Iii.iimttou .11 lh" air lital.e lii.ttuitlgii 1,11 ,il It) ,1 in,. I), I. l'i. t'ninhii IM , I. lii.lef mil I'. tan Win titer ninl urn" will nitpinl 1 p. nt, ill" nt all In. 1 l,i' Itelruitlnn tar "it. Pi lor v-inml imiiw. I'nuihitliiM II, llohutv ninl II, M. Ihllt'll ami ni' will iltpinl n, 111 ili. it all hraln' lln flinili'.n mi ihi, pi lur mi mnl 1. .111. r nf In Mini lion lliahnn.iii I'l.iiil itiiotls (nt t'oii'luilm I', W, Dimn lliiikeiiuii i:iiipnii npoit fur ( niulni for W. , llaitholoini'W, This anil That. The I.aeknunnnn nillioail stiitlon I111H been orinililenteil by 11 ;iibstiintliil new i-Ikii on the Itle I'neltiK- l.tieUsixwitimi itveiille. lleoit;e l''i'.'iiiiifell;er hn been op liolntetl yni'tltniK-ti'i nt IsIiik"oii for the l.llelitMMillllli I In tit 0:1 tl eomiiniiy, to llle 1 eeil I.. I.. IMiftll'. F. .1. Mo-el, of Unl his. TeMts, lot met ly Willi Hit Tcniis Iiml I'lti'llle I tti llw n . Il.lt been ilipolllt etl sti tioKiniihel to Stlpi'l Itlleiuh lit II. M. Illlle. Intpeiittl Clown China Entiee Plates, S.-ic. .1nt thluh' ultiil this iiu'iiiiH. A plnte, beiitttifttlly iiimimenteil hi pink lloinl tle.-lKii. i?dIi1 1 inimetl. Wetlnesthiy nml 'rhurs'ihiy will be yotti only ehntiees to imilto your inom'.v ilo Mieh uouilei'.x, nt tlruemi'.s Kiri .nniei suty Sale, .'il'i Womins iiviiiiii . " Smoke the new Kleoli ec. eisttr. this opportunity to visit 25 and 30, and for p 0 rYC!ir$1ftHii Enameline THE MODERN STOVE POLISH Brllliant.Clean, Easily Applied.Absolutely Odorless. 1 Cooking ecture Joday BY Miss Smilt Wednesday, October W LLSSOH IN FRYING Lobster Croquettes, Lobster Chops. Swed ish limbdlc Cases, French fried Potatoes. The lecture and demonstration is held at our store at 3 p. m. We cordially invite you to be present. foote & fuller Company, Mears Building. Buffalo and the Pan going in the day coaches of any return the following day. are good going in the day coaches and 29, and for return within every clay at Eight tickets are good on street Buffalo, Electric LIQUID BETTER YET! FIREPROOF!! s- JYf. Colling - American Dollars, cars run agent at EDUCATIONAL. Free Tuition My li recent net of tho lrcltla turn, tree lulllun Is now granted ul the Literary Institute nml State Normal School Bloomsbttrg, Pa. tii nil those tueiiirlnfr tn tetteh. This PL-linol niiiliitiiltis caiiri.es of Muily Tor ti'ii(liPt!, for Ihoso IHt'liatlnir fur college, and for tlnwe HtuilyltiK music. It ulH p iv to mile fr parllonlar. No other tlnttl olleit .nth mii.oi for ad wr,(ti;t"i at 6lli.li luw l.lU't. AJdicn J. P. Welsh, A. M, Ph. D. , Prln. BINGHAIY1T0N TRAINING SCHOOL Tor Vimvoih. II n Vwiitl nml It'll! Muts Chib tlrt'ii l'li.t.il 'iMiiiius Mintiil 'li iniiiii,', Artit' lil.ntl'iii, Mink. Ili.n.uij, KliuUiS'Ht''li. Optl t;jr aiuuu I (.in ul'ii S. A. Doolittle, SJ I'juipw Armi", llilii;l,.iiiilun, N. V. CHESTNUT HILL ACADEMY 'Wissahickon Heights, Chestnut Hill, Pa! A boirtliiiR tciiotil fur boys In the rlcvntrtl nml liftititifiil niicii coiinlrv notth of Thlla tlclitlii.i -n niliiulrs fiom nro.itl St. .Station. For rntnlosiiei atlilt t"-- JAAf.S !.. PATTERSON licnd-Mtutcr. SCEANTON CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, SCKANION, I'A. T, ,t. I'oilrr, President. Klnitr II. Tiwill, lteai It. J I otlor. Stanley 1'. Allen, Viio I'rcjitlent. Secretary. 1 Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers or OLD STOCK P3LSGVER 485 to 4S5 N. Ninth Street, .M Tclephono Call, 233J. THE 1C POWDER CO, Booms 1 and'2, Com'ltb D'l'd'ft BCRANTON, PA. nining and Blasting POWDER Ut)dkt Mooiloknd Ilmh1l Wallet. LAFI.IN RAND POWDBR CO.'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Kl'otrlo IlatterlM, Kteotrla Kinlodsrt, zplodtns blaits, anfety fuituai Repauno Chemical Co.'s HIOH RXPLO:IVE Allis-Clialmers Co tjuecesscits to .Machine IJtislne.s3 of IJlehstin .Miinufuetttrlnj; Co., ikrantun uml WlllK'S-Jlitrte, I'.i. Ktr.tlonuiy Knslttcs, Boiler.1", Mining Machinery, I'umps. I'or years this reranly li.is been the ftniitl ml uen-c lc-.tointlve. Thousands of liapiy moil owe their uewly found btrenKlhloit'.ii-o. tiexine I'HN icjilnee weakness and exhaustion tvith .strciiRtli nml vlRorj tlie brain Imomrs cleat; Hie nerves uttatly nml cilia, i;loomy lorcbodliiKS are luiii.-bed mid jierfect vitality is fill, ly re' toi ctl. If yon me ntlTciInu n-t above, Ivy a box jtut'll be i'lU'Oitt.iKid by Its effect to l:il.o tlie lull coiirbcof ss boxes then if jiii tire not entirely cmed, we will it i u ml jmir nuiiit This j-atis-fjctotv offir j one ot the fattotsof onr -iivi'u.', $1 ik) li. , l,o fiboM-R (wltli Riinran. jcr tuttii t or moiiiy lui U i. 1 (Kl. nrult'd ill plain puk-met. IIpdU ft e I'BAI, Mluuin. Co., Cleveiainl, Ohio. 1'or tile by John II, Phelpi, I'liarniiiUt, coruer joniitu a. mm ami bprtue ktreet, BUY THE GENUINE mw OF FIOS . MANUKACTUmiD BV . CALIFORNIA HO 5VRUI' CO, lir.Noii: Tin; n.wj:. Pfof.G.Kf HEEL.527 sHUti ZTA l'hllJrlplil l. ilj l.frwaq hjirrUlcl Uf TLI tutrlr. i'WarDtftlvrri li.ib wall l'rlitlf UUt Vrs I fkr, 4butt, IHihu I ulq, HrU, ruiila . I BdvtrluiiBitali .t Sbmnkro Urzant. fcfrrb tATtrurrl 4 l 10 1J.31 J tin irtl trail Oifini Ihwtpltal fS)trUBrl tt-rwaif. m'I ferbeul MTrblr'tll IixmIdc trirt BiNill i lmrl fruJ. MratlwH lilt utpfnT i cmg0 .rs !