. T "i.vu !( " (tfl "'4 ' "l-MM ," if ', 'IV '- ' -, 'V! ti "" '',", --'''" rt -,, vt ,w. (i.j , -. . i--. ' w if i-,f i-'-Vr', v3 "-if- '-'. I - THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 190f. I . -, ?.., (Je cranon to6tme fuMl'liril Hilly, I'.tcrpt Sutiiliy. by The-Trlh line 1'iihlMilnK Compiny, nl Tltly OctiU ii Month. I.IVV P. IIK'lt.MII). IMIlor. O. V, I1VMM.I., Hiiil'in-i Maimer. Iicw Yolk t)fflnl IK) Naatl M. Mo Ajrrnl (or I'oicIrii Ailcitlilnf. tillered at Mi( IVi-tniTne at Feur.ton, P.i "' Second Clist Mall Milter. Wlim i-pair "III permit. TIip Tribune: H ilwnyi Rlad lo inlnt stmrt trlton Irntn IIh Mend, hear inn nn t lit lent tniile,, lull lit Mill" l tint Jlii'Ml mu'l lip Rlcnfil. tor ubllc.illon. Iiy Ilu writ cr i rr.il iiatnol nml llie rnndlllnii prr-i nielli t" tu rf pl,inii li tli.1L nil contrlbutloni uii ill lie subject n cilltoriil rev Won. i mi: n..T hati: rott advum-isim. Ill" lollowltic lahlp -dwutt the price per Inch Mill iii'iillon, since In be turd within one your! I'nl Wfil'I.AV, I'tulllM. I (n than MO indie. .to .24 .1!) .in .18 tvo indies... 3000 ' rtinei " .,. icvyi " ..,, Por eardi ot tlinnkK. ir,oliillntii nl t onilolciie nil flinllir .nnlrlhullntii In (lie nalmo C ad wrlMnir TI10 Tribune tital.es a iliaigo ot 5 ccntJ line. IJrlri for Cla'sllicil Atlvcrllslnq furnl-hcel on ippllmllnii. KCI.ANTON, OC'TOHKU IB, 1P01. THE REPUBLICAN TICKET. State. Nupremc f'.uii I -WILLIAM P. POTTLn. Ticaurct-l'ltANK (1. IIAHIIIS. County. .luilar I. W. t'Altl'KSTi.ll. Controlli r-i:. A. .lONI.. Coroner Hit. 3. .1. ItOtlLUIP. binror-(ii:OII(ii: II. S'lKVI.SMW. Election Nov. S. "When Hip Democracy wont mil t.l power In cur slate it loll to Hip Ilrnublknn u.uty a los ey of nlmo-t 4MKXMKW ot ilebl. Xlii- debt, by .e nthnlnlsliallnn under Itepublkau rule, ha, been almost entirely paid. We Imc inncased llie appioprialtoiH to (lie (ouittion tihotil-i until e flaml at the head of the Ameiicm flairs in nipport ot.popnlir ciliip.itlon. Under ltepubllran nelniliiMinlion there b.i- been paid e.uh jejr for rduentiotnl pinpoes nioic linn wa- .ipproprhted lv the Honocratiu p.irty in Ihelr rpnitcr of a lenlmy of iuirup. Wo hap inue.i-.cil our ap propriallon tn ch.ult.iblp nml elppinoJ.viiaiy iu-t i tullona until we cm make lliplo.iit that no stale between the two oceans cuppotN thepp institu tions as( well ,n dor-,' our own. Our 7.000,000 of people nip imlil-tiiniH. honpsl, l.iu aliiJinK and happy. et, buri oitijifoil us p aro on peiy Bide with proppinm bu-iiie omlitioii '. wllh peoplo happy, cmploeil and i minted, and with every 8cmie of lmsinprt and trade fully onupiod, and Willi Hip pio-pert of tin- fuiiiip "brlghtenine Jnil prow ins more hopelul, the old hl-toilc parly of idistrmllon and negation sets up a hj-leiial ny of fale pietcii'p. Inpociiy ami in-lnepiity for the piirpo" of ini-te.iiliin; tlip people and iriraln. irs lost powpi." 1'rom the llepublican Slato Platfoim, TIic Pliilailclphia Pros-s leponts its fhnrsc tliat Supicnic Court .1utico J'ottor informed the frovcrnor of court dcels-ions before they were publicly an nounced. If true, tliis would impute no crime but only an ii regularity. It. how ever, is not Hue, for both JTr. Poller and the Roveinor have explicitly denied it. Their word is certainly as Rood as, that of the Press; and In our judgment U is better. Regarding Unionism. The Tiibune, the lot.il coipcr.il ion iiioiuliplpce, d'liip tinii- .iiro ilainipil ilia Hip -ironu uiiiu-t-in .iprtpil in sci.uilon would diip nwav pio ppitive iiidn-trip'., if nnl runoie imlu-tiiea al le.idy located lieu-. Tune. TAA'O KPJtOllS liore. The Tri bune Is not a. eorporallor. nioullipieee any more than it is ,i woi kiiiRinen's mouth piece or a business man's mouthpiece. It says what it believes. It never said unionism In Scr.mton -uotild deslioy industry. It said that continual strikes would; that labor constantly bickering--with capital and tryiiiR 10 luurads and hamper it would; and we lepent this now. Unionism, to be successful, must pin pro itself of the piiRiiacious elements; it must learn to so for -what it wants along1 the lines of reason, conciliation nntl the best interests of the commun ity. It must soeuro leaders who aio competent, conservative mill trust worthy. It must learn that it and capital are in one boat and that it cannot look the boat or drive a hole in the bottom without gettiiiR as bad a wetting as the other fellow, Capital usinilly lias a life pteserver in the form of a surplus in tho bank, to tide It over when times are troublous. l,abor Bhould follow- capital's example. Unionism, wUsely managed, is of ben efit to capital and labor both. Unionism Is eoiporationism. Kvery corporation Is a union. Kvery union should bo a corporation and should move as care fully and bo as watchful of dividends as well-managed corporations' ;movo and are. Along this line unionism can help lo make Hcraiiou ri-ow and pros per. Hut not by continuous htrikes and the stirring' up of discoid. This Diings only injury to labor and to the :lly. AVe know whereof we speak when ro alllriu that men with money to in .cst will not ehoso a Held where they lo not have reasonable assurance of .heir ability to employ steady and traiifiullly disposed employes. They lo not h.tvo to ilsk their capital In itrilfo centers when theio aio plenty of mid'll communities nximis to secure, low, .Industries and willing to oifer lu lucrjjiionts Impossible in larger places; .mtfnot having to do so they will pot lo l. AVIieii Oervera reads tho evidence, in he Schley case ho will no doubt legiet Jut he did not put up nioro of a light, Pattlson Redlvivus, I'loiii t-lum, Indication! ami probabilities Ihe iiaitt-'n 'irilmuc ronilmlci Hut lormer (iou'inor :ilirE'ii uf Iho Kejilono ktate i pifpailii(- to liuipr into yolltii agjln. It U (uuioied al.o aat Hip hims Piinmutlu polllleljii ,.t ,s rje fpiPoideiillJl liutnni.it Ion three ji-ais nli.i Adteilier, IIH PUUPOSi: of the former goveruor'H re-entry Into local polities In Philadelphia Is apparent, Ho cares llttlo or notnlng about wlio is district attorney af Pjilladelphla county or tteasurer of Peniisylvunla, Neither of these ollices Is of enough consequence, to him to ox pluhi ills Buddeu uwakenlui; us a pio phoof icfotiii. As a mutter of fact, ihe piojectlon of hs personality Into (ho campaign ut ;hl3 time is In pursuance of tho pio is nt in mc adopted at a conference of Pcmocratlc politicians In New York ylty soma months ago at which fuulon ivlth the Insurgent Itepublicun ek'nient Hun ot lcldlni on Paper Uridine: .v. r -" .20 .2! .1(1 ,17 .1ft .17 .in ,ir.-, uiir ni'i'oiitcil an ii convenient iiiohiir of ve-vlvlfylnp; .Mr. Paltlson wllh n view to running him ror Rovcnior nosl .voar nml for president in the event ot IiIm election us Rovornor. one dllllcillly In ihe way of this pro immune Is that the InwiirRent Itepubll fiin eontliiRi'tit, wlileli Ih the chief IlimiRlal support of the present coull tlnn iifraliist UeinibllcanlHin In this eoniinoiiweallh may, In respect to the Rovernoishlp next year, have other llsli to fiy. it is generally umlerstood Unit the Wunniimker Iniliienco Ih lor foimer .ludRc llorilon. Now Paltlson and lioidon cannot Imlh head (lie hosts of "reform" In next year'H iniupalRti and those who are ncMiialhtcil with .Mr. M'nnaninker and .ludRc lioidon do not need (o be. (old thai (hey nie not fond of ImvliiR (heir ambitions liKerfered with. The nieuns whereby Air. Paul son hopes to Riilti the whip hand over them aio not visible to the naked eye; and hence we pi edict llial fusion will booh be havhiR Doubles or lis own. Our Rood f i lend t'olonel 'Wntterson Is erodlled wllh wIsIiIiir to be Rovernor ot Kentucky and he does not deny the roft Impeachment. It Is even reported Hint no ih c.isiitiR "roo-roo eyes on llie next Democratic piciden(lal nomina tion, a minor which requires confir mation. AW had as lief see AVatleisoii Rovernor as any Democrat, for he would be mho to make a Rallant one and a Rood one. Hut as for his wanl Iiir (ho presidency, ho Is In the wioiir pally to hnve any hope of success. The next president will bo a llepublican. Eccentric and Unsafe Movement. The rililnr nf the S.i.mlnn Tiibune ens Hut prirnii.illy he liU.-s lion. II. A. Coniv. thii fusion (.uidid.ite fur M.ilo tii-.ntnpr. I,tn tli tt lie r.n.not Mippoit him Iipi.ivm, In- i Ml kill!; lo ill-lllpt Hip llepiiblir.in pntv. ' - m1Ii,h- 0f The Tilbiuip U polltlcilly blind. It U not llcpiililleum llkp fiiiny who ,hp illMiipliii!; the If. O. P., but (In Binif The Tilbiuii. ti.iim with - ilkos I: i,u ew'. T UK "OAXC" The Tiibune trains with is the regular orprnul'atlou of llie Republi can p.irty In Pennsylvania; recoRUlzed at homo and nu ns standing for the parly bv the one tionully virtue of regular indoisemeut nt tho piimnries and at the polls. If Mr. Coray's nomination had loine from tho Republican people of Penus. lvania through the channels prescribed by (ho Republican paity rules The Tribune would suppoit him for state treasurer most heartily. P.ut the fact is that Mr. t'oiay has not been legulaily nominated by any party. The so-called eomenllon nf the so-called Union p.uty was a .self-constituted affair set up and liiiauced by the small gioiip of we.tllliy Republican malcontents in Philadelphia who were still trying- to get even with Quay for his not IeltiiiR them run him. Tho delefiates weie self-appointed and wu doubt that half of them paid their own expenses. As lo I'or.iy's endorsement by the Democratic, stale committee, that, as foimer Stale Chaiuuan Car man has explained, was enually ii tegu lar and violative of the e.piess lom inuiul ot the last reiuesentalive Demo cratio slate convention, twice imposed. "J lie personal excellence of .Mr. Coiny does not weigh in this connection In the slightest measuie. AW gladly cer tify to that but it Mipp;;e.s no ieaon why a Republican who has regard for the futtiio of his p.uty should Mite to betray it Into the clutches of a miwd of political pirates and housc-lneakers. The Reiuibllcnn candidate for slate treasurer, Mr. Ilarils, is also a man of personal excellence, whose pilvale charaeli-r Is above lepruach and who politically is legnlar and loyal. The Republican parly has a light lo expect of Republican voters support of Re publican candidates save in tho face of ubsolute proof of personal unwortlil ness. Theio is no such pi oof against Mr. Il.uris. Time Is no stub accusa tion. The yellow journals h.to been making a series of Irumped-up charges against various Republicans but they have never gone Cm titer in iheir al- i.icks upon i-.iiiiiKiute Harris than to uceuse him of having' as a representa tive at llarrisbiug voted with the ma jority of his party. Not a word has been said alfectliiR his personal honor, nor, if said, would it be credited by those who know him. It Is lime that the Wanamaker-tlor-don league of sore-heads were made to understand that they launot obtain by fusion chicanery power that tho people are afraid to entrust to them directly. The;- sire using i:. A. foray as a i-nt's paw. He may not know II. He may think It Is his lecord us an objector that has brought ibis fusion baublo to his door. Rut it Is not that. Tho KC-hcmors at Philadelphia wanted a mujk and after consultation lled upon him an Iho likeliest material out of which to make It. Ho Is honest. They me tricky. The couiblnallou is an unsafe imo and there aie enough loyal Republicans In Pennsylvania lo smash It. The withdrawal of the lewunls of. feted for Pat fiowe, in older lo per suade the kidnapper lo come lorvtnul and stand dial for his olfence, looks like a ildlculous pioceidiug limn a long uiligo lew. If the Omaha ulll- clals cannot suciecd in locating the offender, who seems to have lingeied aiound In the vicinity of his cilme for so many months, without a conipio nilse, It would bo better to lei him go unpunished, Historian Mnil.iy's book does not seem to uppro.Kh ihe clrAinallnatloii stage with hoped-for rapldliy, TRUE EVERYWHERE. 110111 a SJW!,'l Iteioiit Seiiiioii ol New Voik. !'. Ih'v. III. Minul J. I .nil not lull is inn. h tioulileil uboiil the bad people ill the cil ,n I .1111 about Hip (jood one.,; wp cm u't .iluiii; Willi Hi,' l,.n ,iup. , u uii in.) it iy it jii, ituitmi Hum. jf i,y ti,,, kv, . plu would bo lull ih-iiui. 'lime aie ,i h,t oi li'fniimii wlin it ilicy i i-uioi i.uij Hun p,-i Idea will lliiuw iho ,il!.iln oi tin- i"ny into tho hand nl lliu unui .nut Iuhc-i cliimni, ,,( ,,ii, Thvic aie piu'iln who. out a hllle luuur of how SiiiuI.iv .lull bo kept, m- wlielhu ll,i UeiliiJIi or Hut i-IijII luw iU gUn ol Iiji-i beer, will Ihiow lliou.4iid of lionet willmeiu Ins pioplo inlo lliv laol.j uf Iho oppu.lHon, .t-cau-o they ipm-iiI, u I d'j for Uieiii, IiuIiik their peiooiul llbeily in iwn-cwcntUI in.illci liileifeied u(lli. M I Mid, it H not Uii bad pfoile in .New- Yolk I urn jfiuid of; it H IIip Bood people. It I tho ifoml ppoplo who ipurrcl ucr lion c.enH.iU mid let T.iiiiuian, Hut H iieier diWded when it loniej lo llie pull, luce It own W3). ARMIRAL SCHLEY'S SIDE OF THE CASE iCnncl'iiVit from I'.ikp I 1 Whrtt I'liimnaiiilir Vim hid loin lulled hli th'.illplloii or the Ii.iIUp Ml. It liner urkiil him It t'oiimnHlotP "-, 1 1 1 , hid tiltp'i bliil .1 ilipitill to III' K'llt to t l.i U.IM ll. p.1111111 hi inikiUK II Upon of Hie I'.mlr. 'I In' ulliii-" iipllid III Ihe nllliltuiliip, Ailmluil IIicm.v tlnn n-Ki-d II lb.lt ilbp.it, b li.ul bpui M-ni mid wm lnfoiimd by Ml. I! ij lur Hat II bid lul bun lorwanled to the ill lulllllii 111, n 1 1 li.-ttu h It had hern tuklll to the table oftlu-. 'Ihe couit del Idrd Hill " Hie ilNpilili hid lint n.iiliiil Hie ill p.iilniint II could Hot iipiiiai, "Suppive It wa pot ( oinuioilorp tililej'i fault tint the illipalili ,it Hot foiwiiuh'ilf ail nl Mr. It.iiner. 'lo tint Imiuliy Admliiil llewcv irpoiidiili "oii i.m't ,ik iUi'llon nf Hip lontl. We ntc Hot in Ihe wlliie. bo. I'i IiiiuoiIoip Si-hlefn ie pmt I' III cMilitui, ii ml Hut l tmftliltut." "ilr. II.i.ilici Hun p.i.rd to oilier polnH of the Impilrj, iildti ih In the 1IM.II11P brtweeti Hip Ibookl.iii ami the Ve.u when Hip fntnipr mule her I in it. 'Hip w Itlit-i lepllid t1i.ll he It id only kcii mlllc lent iillcntlon lo tv tint Iheip wai no illhaii of , ioIIMoii betwieil Hie Iwn M'fsrl", n 1 it I dltl not feel nble lo nice ex ul llg. nr. lie win Mile Ibere wm ,1 wide tcap ol wilier pnnlbly iilmtit itK) nrd', .Mi. lliMier tpicotliinnl the wlHieM airaln ton cciiilm; lil asot l.illoii wllh l.hutili.int ( otu lil ilidrr I'iiIIi on ihe M H-.ii'hll'elt and nl.ed If be had ho.nil Hie lommoilote F.iy, c.u Hip oi-ce-lon of the Colon iiiiitiiio'v.tin p, iiii,iHiIiii; in Ihe pie-clue ol .Ml. I'olt-i i oiiieinliti; the iiiii,-iliuiHi-iif., of Hie imlforuiH of Hip iilficen .Ii 1 1 n-V slooil on the tllllil dtlllllK Hip h'lllu; nf Hip euemt'i b.ilteilei. 'I lie wllmit liiiliul In Ilip ncraticp, "U.n the loiiunodoie behind Hip eomiius low er mi lint oic.ulon," "He wilt IhiIIi Ih hind ami ill front of II; be Win Iiiiij; nbollt " In lepl.v to ,i iUpHou, ComnumKi s.m iid he hid been t'oinmotloie siliby in live enniuie in nti all told, He w.i-t then ,iked in to the livniiitir of tint nfllm under Hie, nml nplitil: "His bearing lo hip win u model fot anv body, woilh.c if emulation at all liinei. I'lider liio Iili fuulllex. If il wele po-ilble. M'impil to be tie inr nml he w.n timtp in pos-rsioii of tliiiu Him al anv olliir lini"." "Wns he In nil .l.ile of iN'i ildiiPlit?" "Not Hip sIIbIiIhI." "Win he nml .mil ciliiu" "M.Mlllltll.C " "How alniiit poliiti of ikiitai r; would he sol .iwn liom Ihnii ol did he cMpoo linil-rll to Hiein.'' In Exposed "Positions. "lie w.is alHm liuttiiiL' blni-eli in rM-ed po-.it ion-. I iitiueted him nun' Huns not lo expo.p bim-tlf. as it w-.m ti-ch's in to o." IiiiIkp dec Up I. duly minim leil the tuw I'N.ilitiiulloli ol Hip witness, who Kibl in iripniis,' to Hip iurtlon lb, it lie It id u.iibeil the limit i st.inihuc: tli.il t'uiifiit'f-tn was .i Spmih slion hohl euly in tin. w.n. He nl-o slid Hut be ond (lie ft.iliilin; ;li of Hip Allli'l ii'.ill licit ill C'ieiifm, mil Hip -, rid mi; in of foe Atltila. no tlToit It nl been nude belme Captain Mi I. Mil's nt ill il lo dNiour N.lnlliir the spini.iiiis viip in Hip hiibor iheip. lie also Mid tb.it he could not admit the uossihihiy of Hip receipt of fit Mil .ilia mrmoi.inilt In'aiiy other c-il tlnn the lliwk or on nnv il'itp lii fore Iiv 'J!, f'om tiloiinie --i hle hid dwlt-rd tlte toil silintiou fmb villi fiiiii and lli.il whin Hie leltosnle mm c on lit was In mm Ihe Tpvis hid mill i llltle moie thin el oinrli toil to i.niv her to Hie near ft toiliui; stilion. lie linl, .it ( oiiiiiioiImip Schlei's inl imp, ln.nlp the siyiiil foi the tuop we.-tn.inl. 'Ihe witness j-.ild w far ai he kii-w Leio w.H no t;i mt.il iiiitil.ir onleis ,tf Inttie. "Weie tin ie any oiitu-. Im .-peti.il loiilinscn cirs?" "N'one (o my knnwliilsp." "Vim would have known If tlieip wen T" "'Ih it tloe-. not lollow." Akeil about Hie i n.se :icn for the of tin- AiueiU in nuns on t iv :;, Mi. slid lie hid Kin it .n T.uiti .inK under fiiinir sr.ils dilii'- tion of ('iiimnodoie Nhhv. A-l-etl if be hid anv i oncers itton with c oiuuiiKltiie Schley coiHcuiiittf tliat i.ini!P, be uphill in Hip imr.iliip. "Pul oii l.iip c.thciwise in tlie w.titl tnoin of the MihIiu-pK.-V" Mr. funic :i-Ur,l. "Ihe ipte Hon is inidmis-ihlc," slid Admhal Dewiv, be fot , Hie uilne-s i ould liplv, "unless Aihiiii.il sihby wis pu.-nit." "I want in know- if ,ui did tut slate other-til-i' wttii ley.iul lo tint ijiisi- in lie w.tlil loom uf Hip Missactitiitls on the tl iv of the in tion of May :il thin ,um line start d hcte; Hut is ou hue ".Ijlnl lieio uii said iiotbinj; about it." "I bace no recalled Ion nf staling .midline cl-e " njillid the willlls. " ip ,on io-itii ." "f am poilhe." "'iw ufn-li jour iiiemoiy. I a-k If ml ilal not si in the v.iul loom of IV M i it hu-."it-: Tor Clod's siko don't iIIm.uiii.iep him. Il is all we b'ip belli aide in do In wolh. him up to Ibis,' or wouls to tint ifTei t?" "No. I win' slid .in.Mhlivf of the kind," ie idietl the witness. In itulv to fiiither questions Ihe witno-s uhl th. it whit.- no i oiu Iii.-ii.n (oiiitl bo ie.it lied fi m the siu'nil fins on Hi" -h i-e .it Santiago, on Jul M. Hut tin SpiuMi Heel w.is pupailuc to iM.ipe, i r tlte solution c,is wo tcn-p tltit I omtnniloip Sihliy felt -t tithing unsinl was miini tn otiui. 'Ilu touit lit.: tuol. leies-, iut ltiiKlieou. Afternoon Session. The afleiiinon s(..inti of the courr tH-jrnn with (lie ict.ill of Captain l'l.imis A. I'tfol; fir ihe pm I of coiieiiiui, tin- te-tiiuon.v kUpii by llilll i-tnili. While he w.l till Ihe st.iml Jude Advot ite lend .tsi.eil luui the loliowin ipics liou: "Uh.it ronoi-.iiloii, if any. did you luce with ( oinmodoie s.,i,l, .ilu nt Hie ictm;1. itie miice mctit eitlier bdnie m .ifdr the sinil-. weie ttude and Hie i.nln nf Mac SI In ntiiiii to Ke W'estV" "As tie.u as 1 t.iu iecolet.L the liii iiin-tanccs time w.u a lotiiei-.ilion aflei lite niessure ha 1 bun In. nielli lo loe th.il .1lii.i1 h.ol belli nude 'bniitnl ttir Kiy W'esL by Viu.it. ill C'limud.' I did tint luitlelst.md Ihe simnl ,uit Jo unl Inn! bit tint .it tint lilii" mix I Itilf- b.id In t it -ml about linl. I went in to see the t ouniinjoip nboiii it. I ,i-l, til bin' whit Hip siiin il m mi and lie s.i ill Hut lie mil-l coil ihe .-hips, tint be mtist mpU imiip pl.iip to (oil tlittit .mil ilm he w.is miiiu' Inu ml Kt West uiit'l lie i mild find an oiiiioituuilc lo io.il tieiii ll"- u.llni, nml if be did not I. I'd tint lie must be ueai a coil in.e to ket;i Ihe i-hip, loiitd. I' untie s-iiip muni, lonieiuini," the we.tlhcr loiidiliotis. thai I thoiiuht the would be nunc lr.in.ihlr liter, He s.Jil: -1 mil the .up, and until 1 .in able to ittal fnni the inllkr. I iiiukI knp wilbni sliikliii; iIisI.iiiip of toil.' I t-M tint I lm-a-ulptl that lie iplt Ilu' ii -iini-iliilil .is tin i. n.' ci-e iniilil .mil that it was .1 Melons i'it-iinii, lie aiisiMit'il linl he i oi .-jni.t .1 t ii.it In i. but tint be mil I ad m .uioidinip with lit-. jiuK iiteiit, win I In i mhi tr 'viiuiu': tint .. i - ,,i . I i ousidii limn was of on an mint wb -n tin- s if n of tin Ilu I w.l- to l,e luiisiilned. Th.il I. alt' all 1 icinlh.it " "Was .nil tiling fmlliir s.iitl .a ,tm ollm i in on tin. jiib.ii.it bctm-in oii aitd ilu i inn ,. ilorp"' "Nol eveept what 1 hup K,i(til in i.vinl l. Hip fnt of luiuu KiJIen in.il .ilio.iul lie T. ,i- ' "I all ull t.lte whilhil' this i onn l . il o.n i n k libit e liitoio or aller the r.iu il w.u in uii ut, ml ilu the loaliti" o Hie Tpa5" "This tmiii isiHoii look pi up, if mc tueim i ' penes nip 1I3I1I, lielvein s and ll n't Im I. mi tin' mi nine ui M.u :!. .ifdr Hip ml-ii.iI hid b in. ule tint WP WlIP lo 11 l in n lo l,p- Wi-t ' "Wlen did the i ntueisiitloti betwetn ,,,,i in I the toiiiiiintl.in! take nine with ipk.iiiI In miliu Hip Tinas-" "'lh.lt WIS on the ouhihir of IhP '-7lli " 'Ihe mint i-ked the wlluiss t.e lullnwiiii; n ics tI(Jli: Commodoie at IIi3 Tost. "Willi lll-l 1 11. t Inns .11.1 Will icielco flotn I'i 01 lltojuie ihb) le.llilliu the llloM llieills nl l llu.i.klui .ili,i' it w.is ilisuiwicd Hull l,ii,-i.t's Mlii.tilimi wis i iiiiiii, out ol Hie h.uUu nf ,-m tl.IKo'." "llie .'lillii'i.l"ie wis on ileik when Ihe th nivi-iy w.is in ule, nml whin I wont fniwaul i.t xliili was It. m In,- Inu ml Hip Clli'lli. Il.t thin- hid In t ii tPMPitcd in Hip u.tiiiiuvr n.tie. ami lie w.is ill lur pti.l, or tip pl.i. e lie lii. I eh i led lo .-I mil w iiiili wa iii.ii Hie ionium isv iuiumuiili.itii.il wllh in lowci, In bo m I .In not letiilh'. I III M'l till lllsllll. tinlls. 1. weie Maiulini; lur I In1 tll.'llll. "I'li'.iso ii'iiiul atn t uiiifinliuii i It it luui, pi ie e bilwiin ( oiiiiu.iiloti' ilic mid .luiiisi-lf ilmiii'T I In- lime' tho -ji,itilli win tin it .imo out mull Up limekiln v n t-tt ..lftt on her in t tile ioiii.i' In ih.i-e." , "lie i'ital tliui'a p.tke ol Ihe position ..f the tliuii. .in- time In i-pilo uf tin- luiniiu of uiiu nf tlii. sln.H iiotii tl.i- lint'. ,iw il, tlte Vl-ta.u, I Hunt, t in ii nut ami lln it mill in BB.iIn. lie pok.' of lb it. Ho (..till In me at nut' time lo I. ml, out tin I in- luipeili.is m I i peil.i bti.ils, loipiilu Ii.iiU. I tbiiik. I know- i.t tli it lilii.' I lie- I'M-iiitiu offiee'l luui i. il.u fiuiii I below and I tiiintd In him ami i.ihl: 'I. .ok mil for llie loltiiil.i huts ur inipci.i jii.u k" ll. fll'l: 'Viijlliiui; else, t-1 1 ': ' uinl ),.ft 1111 . I I :'. Ilu iieollu ilmi nf m i'la; t In in. ili.l not i. ui cup iii'vlt liliuli al.iiiil tltiiii. 'Hun linn wis llie t. ii.wi.jln.ii i.hotir puilln1: Ihe lieliu ip..n. whh h I hive .ili.'.'ih sl.tti'il. Id.. ni,i!,f i.i.iiL'ii Iv In me iluiluir thw at ih, it .unl aliuin . uiii imiii: tho luui al the bnieius ii Hi Mi itlih nml (hiWlC, llul I'i ..M' llli'll aluils. . laUi-il'iun i limiibir oi lime- bud t u.iu-li t.i ! tu u.l to the tunc! ..ml l.i be b.-au ,m the w, , I.-. I by Ihe null 111.11111111.' 'he ,mli.u lt.11 1 .-. 1. Ilii i-li'idili, and 1-p.1t.1ll1 j ,1 Hi,:,, wl, u i,,,. i-liip. Weie il'itllibd 1.11 t.itlt nihil, ..,, fi n . Mann', ' li- (.dun pa-.sid p.. tu tlilitl 1.1 iii.t pl.m. Illslil" of I 111' otbll -llii,. Ho 'Im'.r lo 110 ,1 nunibir of times ...l.un If 1 ,,,1,1.1 i.t,t 1 j, iu ill lln in. I undliLt th.it di.tliKll', bn.itisa 1 was anxious In kcip 11 sti ilndt mid ttcuclc .uiii.e, biliiiinir wo e.iln.il In ibat, and wo bad ilu in ut all limes unilir .111 e',iv 1 nsi. We bid ihelr raiue n.iujili ti l.v and uut- ,bot, wile Iiu.Iiiil. 'ibeli weie not." Cool and Brave, 'I'leis.' ftjic wlui wjj, i, (uiielutl and hojr luir ot t'.iiiiuit.iloii' Si lile. ilutlm; llie lutllv of July J. 'llie aiiiwer 10 Uii, ijiietlon picUuUjIj Rlitii,!'' Jmi itor, p.,1 refer upoclflciilly lo Hilt "I . t rttinol linlitliie nut c-otitluct lit Inllle moie flilnill.ihlr. p w,h ,,,ol, brate .mil iiillimki-llc rioni Ihe lir-nliinihir t,i ihe rT f the ndlon." JllJiri' Athoi id Wh.il .ppi lile nrdcis Wrie Ullrli by )nit ,in,l utuniniloip Sblev with reitllil In Hip litndllhi; Hip I cm, I under onr com In Unl, Mlicr tlnn muIi a lotl b.ne alreadv rIuii Icalbr. lei Ih,. imn i.t ii.w,ttd? "I lln mil. ;,n ,v , ot, ,i,, ntt-lllll'S " Whit I i.i, illicitly beitl Ailil. The whole tllilitf paiil co iptlikly Utile Will linl wilili luiiPiinr iiiiMill.illuii. I will n lli.il whalecii I old Win elotip either under his iilrn Hon, nr. n lit it' I know, his ilimt appionil." "Thii lefcri In Hie halite Unnimhoiit iimt Ihe niilu, nhh Ii nnv Into been glceii In leir.trd in Hip hiiiillliur of iho csjclf'' "II lloi'S," .Mr. Itntier-Wlinl dunijre or Injury wis chine In Hip lltonklji, ,,n (, ,,y the btttle by Ihe Hiaiilh hlpsj ".Mi rrciillf cllon (tint she w.H jtrutlc twenty lllnei. She bad Hip milks nf fome forty in Jiilles, but (he ex.imltiillou showeil Iwenly shot bolei. Slip w.n In fitch a condition at Hip piuI of Hip b.itllp Hut fn far as Hip chip lienelf will cnliciiliiil (.he WiM ir lilv for action mrllii. Slip wis not tinlerhillv Inluied. 'Ihe most In lury was ilotip he a chol lli.it ctttpred Hip mliMilp ioniiailmeiit nml Imp Hili'its up ptelly bull. Tin ip were dint, Hiiotnrli the fiiiuke-,t.iit. Hut nilirht h.icp Intctfptid with her draiiu'lil Uf her flie-lticb bttlpry Ihrrp were yrc out of Iwebe taitlaues linl bail been llijineil In sm h an rslPiit lint wp could not pIpc.iIp IIh'Iii, In fait, .it Hie ciitl of Hie aillon wo were llftlue wllh plpeps of bonds, lit Imitation of old rlinppliiir bloik." Iiy the Court Were Uiom Injuries jmi l,it re fi'iitd lo uiiised by Hip sltol? "N'ol Ilicy weie caused by Ihe Ilip of llie Rim and jipi Ilip of iv ilcuttni; ijear," A Position of Danger. lr. llacner Was f'ouimoiloip shhw'ie ioillon on Hip lliuokl.eii on the. il.n of the billle one Of tltllRPI? ''e. ,1s mileli til .nil,- one mi bnll.1. He was In Hip open all Hip time," lly Ihe Cnml-llow" fir waa Hip Colon flotn the llinuklyii when the turn lo .slarlioarel w.n intniileledi1 "Two llinii-imil nr I went i llie bundled .mls " When llie eeuiit unit linlu'l lis iilpalinlis Captain Cook wlllnhew and Lit tilt it.int I e.iiini.tnilir Seats eoulitiueil bis ipill.il of Hip details of the Slnti iiscn i iiiiiiiIl'Ii. beinir tmiler trtM ps.iniln.lllon. 'I lip is.iiiiliiatinu was eninliidpil by Mi. Ilatin.i. who asked especially i-ouicitiiu? Hie iiu'etin.' uf the fl.iliur Mii.iilioii'nllli Captain Met till, when llie iiiuidinu was on ile w.u tn CiinfncL'ii.. but Hip wllliess coiihl not retail utiv e onpis.iti,.n Willi Cotnuiod. io S'iblcy ulillve lo thai ouur letup, speiklny: of the dul I, Hip witness slid Hie papeis of tint vessel wcip nil ilirhtj he bad looketl lull) tliat mitipr hiiiisclf. -lieaklmr of the arilwl of the Hawk at Clen-fm-itos with dl-pitdics on M ly L,'.;, Hip willies lefeiied uir.iin In Hip i t'.ill.i ineiiioranil i. width Maltel that Hide w.is .i itnutl luiJinu' pine Hilr teen tulles fioin t'irnfiieKns, but he litl in topic In iUt'stitins lli.it tin clToil hid b.en made prim to I lie annul of I apt tin .Md.illa. on the Jltb to lluil Ibis l.imllii-; place. f'niitiniiinir. the witness Slid Hut iinliuelions wctp ilceu ininutll.ilely aflcr ( .ipl.iiu MeCnll.i's trpnit that the Spoil mis weie not al Clenfucgn. to ptneciil to smtiac-n. lie bid nut bond that Hie toninm.Inie li.ul oilier Intentions linn to li Hi' fnilhwllli and ho knew iiiiHiiii: of the alleged letter wtillin mi tint dale by ( iiiuinn ilme Sehlev, f.i,Iiu llul lie wnulil not. le.ne until the .'..Hi, tlie nel du- 'Ihe wilm-s. wiili tefetince to Hip ille.-ed dlflkulti of coiliiii; Ihe Tesi, in sea. slid lh.it he had li nl the authoiity ol l .iptain Philip for tint stateincnl. Spi.tkln.' ij the siU,l f the llmokhlt in Hip i.i-p of Hip olon, Hip wiltuss sii, tint jt linl bieu in eip.is'il Bi.uliull. 'lite leiouls mule of the tun show tint the coined foil nine mil. s on that oie.isiuit. Mr. ILirini a!.ed why Hie Vuealan Channel nlhir than the Windw ltd P.iss.mp hail l.pen stipend in ui.ikltiir the lelni'ratlp neui mi nl. 'I he witness iijillnl tint bis opinimi was that Hip M-letlinti hid been tii.ulc Intau-p of the Kiurtnl fpilii.g that Hip i-lilps nf Ilip cm mv iiniIil Pace colteii opt of tho h.nbcr at Sintinro .mil trot to the we-lwinl. In lint pm nt it wis r, It dial Iho iiiptl,in ( li urn, 1 niiito would be the bedcr. The iniiuession Hut (mcii bid left - iiill.iuo. he Fild. bad been eicalcd bv inhumation ,e fi'bld fioin Hip ihli.l, hut he eollitl not no.v lei.ill Ju-I what tint inform ilfru was. He slid tint Hip Heel under Coiniuoiloip -t lilpv bail iipm'i ii wilhthawu ftnin Smllisn In a ilelanpe out at sea al iiiitht. , a nile thp slup, weip fiilluv in-i'le at nUlit th. in 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 -c Hip thy. 'Ihe shi,s linl liiwer -roup fjither oil Hi in si nillps. On onp cue i-iou the lollieis bad been c nt tw.nl tiM' niiies iiw.i.v. 'Ihe mint asked a number of question of Ihe wilness tililite to tho battle of smllivi, b.it the ifsiuuM's ilfi'loi.'il no iniln ul.nly nc.v iioinls ii geupril inteiisl. Uliiu the couit . on. In, I, ,1 its nue-lions Cum in.iutlei' seats w.is eu-ii-eil .unl Hie e nut ml jninnttl for Hip illv. fjr. To use finnltuvo in your oillco thnt is not uii-to-tlrito in stylo find quality. You mcot pvosnectivo customers in your oillco and thoy will judge you by your surroundings. Your oillco furnlturo should bo such as to make a good im prjssion. We cany the finest stock of Office Furniture in tho city. If you want Desks, Chairs or Tables come iu and see what wo can show you, 121 N. Washington Ave. ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS QriAHo ATLANTia Hotel and annex Vngliila Aie. and Ileaih, Atlantic City. N. J, El.Mli jcar: B1U beautiful locius riuuitc, ilnjlj and with I'Jtli, hot ami cold bci-wutcr Utlit iu hold mid anne. I.ocallou tcle-t und c'lttial, within fiw jaids cf lb. Mcel Pier. Oaliolia. Oiltw ipcdjl tinj; utis, fll to sfli by week; --C0 up by djy. -jpieijl ijtei to ainilic4. Coadui tucit all iralm, Uiito lor booklet. Cil.MIM.9 i:. COl'B. From noftTfii i I Shoe J V bsssJ I I t5irfi!1g,'S I f 1 I flaass I In announcing the opening of our new stock, we ; &. I H II I 9 B ft ''sSiBBSIiiTSiiS' 'i f. -ill "iiari.-il oilonlinti in ttio -fori- tlvit- finr F3nflf I ano a' N0 OBDER TOO SHALL, J I !-f 1be6.n mff l , tllllS giving US HH hoohdhetoolabgb. 1 ! Exc Hive Line designs and colorings rom the not rR0i?iT but business jfjo-i 1 world s leading mills. Never before have we been en- increase. 1 Am 3s 1 I abled to offer a stocl: so complete at such tempting lower the price, f j prices. A superb stock of all the leading fabrics. f LARGER THE TRADE. ji - fc see the point, alwavs busv. j n Axminster Brussels I 1 ewisf' ifTlillw 1 HOSferSForsyth velvet Tauestrv Inrain f Ly Wi3 Wu HHWlBBJ I im Penn Avenue. J U;iWSutl JLJa S. ""a10"1 "ALWAYS BUSiV lliS2a2KS5SSs52ZE!3rS3S3! X ,,4 M6 Wyomitig Avenue. - - g j InSPBClJOn SS rldVISetJ I I Sec our Scliool Shoo Window. f n 0 c 0 r M s m$ rill im h -i o 1 - IIUluBI!uUHl6b9 j I yk lice Wagons j Williams & McAnnlty, j flS3 K4f?lM We are prepared to do S 126 Washington Avenue. :: W$$$k a11 kinds of repair work on ;j; qh' WMmAz the abovc tires and bar' I uam Afford h n km i n v:--.i.rvj it-iw'i. ii ttt i r. tr m n i n i im ftk t& Hill & Coiisief! FIEEY'S iiflii Silk VOIR 1 ft!.... AVe haie conuiuinnlcil a special purchase of 250 pieces of silk at much below their legular value Including tho newest wears of this season, all jutie silk und good wearing qualities. We propose to benefit our regular trade by giving them the best silk values ever offered. 30c for TaiTola Silk worth 50c All silk, lino light weight taf feta silk In black, white anil colors, a good lining; silk. Hale price .. liflc Mc lor Taffeta Silk worth ; Veiy lino quality Taffeta Silk In black, white and all the new sluule-c. A nice waist or lining silk. Sale price ,leC 5Dfi for Heavy Talfctn worth 75c Heavy quality Taffeta Silk In black, white and all the new color ings. Clood enough for any purpose. Sale price r.9c SSc for 27-inch Silk worth Sl-23 llest quality wide TalVeta Silk in pood assortment) of color. Sale pi Ice SSc Ciiiaraii.cci. lilac!. Taffeta Silk 75e, SSc, $1.0n, $1.2.-. and $1.7:, Lyons Black Taircta Silk At 51.00, $1.".,-,, 5i.:r,, 51.7,-, and $J.0O New Silk Weaves Now In stock. All this seat-on's new silk weaves In black, white and new .shades, lncltitlinr I.ottisines, I'cati tie Sole, IWaseiitle, I'eng.illn", At mine, Paulello de Sole. Khailames, Cishmere Taffetas, Satin Dtichcss-o, T.lbeity Sat ins, Ciere Do t'hine. We are prepared to do all kinds of repair work on the above, tires and bear ings a specialty. We have enlarged the door in the rear of our store, you may run or drive iu. Compress ed air always on tap free for your tires or air tunic. Florey & Brook Ss 21 r Washington Avenue OF SCRANTON, Capital S2fl0,00l). Siirplm .S.V25,OI)l) United States Oeposltary. Special attention giveu to IIL'SIXHHH, PHUSONAI, and SAV- INV.S ACCOL'X'i'.s, whether large or small, Open Saturday evening i from 8 to 9 o'clock, Wm. Conni.i.i, President. II1.NRY Ri:us', Jk., Vice pres. W.M.I I. I', v, a . v 510512 ifBlt PCSifltS I Lackawannia Ave O -j. t k 1? Rilm. s?$M'rL 1wiE'ftk mgs a specialty, we nave d r,rnp MzHrnnPr Branf-PSPC : :f!iiiiimii SCRANTON'S BUSINESS HOUSES. THESE ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OP EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY, L. SOMMAR. Ilulldltut Contractor. l.iuplo)! union mm. IMItuHci chrcrlull; rben. Itotnodellti; nml tepililnif a specially. aSO WASHINQTOH AVC. r vmh-v mmmmmemmmirrmamBtmmmwnmw EDWIN S. WILLIAMS. CONTRACTOR, BUILDER noor.t as coit. cxchange, SCRANTON, PA, I (lohl Hlnl.ll iiotograpimr , FOI? ISALE V. vv minoir.s ami vn O.VS of all klmlq also House and llitllillntr Lot, nt bnritaliiM. UOIISIia. r 1,11' I'i: I) and l!KOOMi:l) at CltlhlMn' Artist. FARRELL'3 Transfer M. T. Kellers Jfevrs tielnht. I'mnl tttro and UaKsas-e, fsifec, Pianos and .Ma cliinery. 217 Lackawanna Ao Lac kaw anna Carrliji Works. J. B. WOOLSEY & CO covrfficroRS diVD BUILDERS. Dealer) in Plate Glass and Lumber OF ALL KINDS. LACKAWANNA UNDERWEAR STOREl Will rell all their ramplci of fine linportcil Jladras hhlrls for men at die. : worth ?1 to $J..',0 WALTER E. DAVIS. 214, 216. 2IO PAULI BLDG, Attornsy-nt-Law, Scrnnton, Pn. C. JOSEPH KUtZTTEL. rrar 611 l.aikowatnn airline, manufacturer of Wire Sireem of all kinds; fully prepired for tho spilti-; a'on. Wo make all Mud, of porch rcrrflis. etc. PETER STIPP. General Contiaitor. Ilullclcr and Pealer In liulldln? Stoie. Cc ineiitiiij; of tellarj a spe cially. Telephone -il'.!. Office, :,J7 Wa.liiiittlon a'cnite. 'M.imr.1.,.-. 111 1 i.i...w-,i iii.i.w i. wM-fns..u m m JAMES J. MURRAY, Fnecesyor lo tl.e Hunt V Cot.nell f'o., In tin tied sheet 11tel.1l woik and lentlkitlon. Cartoi fitrniccy, npaira and f. 'iieial til. work n tpeciilly. No. 41! I.iiknwaiini aenue. WVMM'W z I-:'':''5'-':''2:" :-;i j - : - WTTii;n--rT-j.T-fctirtrTTTfrf7-Trn'i.wTrrrTTvinniTirrr 'iir tt' 'I .jl ' ' " --" ' A, HOTELVICTORl Broidway, 5th Avsnua anti 2711' Slrjof, NEW YORK, 5 .jMgifat i fejSs Iu the contor of tho eliopjiiu-y district, riic Only Hotel la ManluUtiui Fronting on Broad .viyuwl Fifth Ave. EUROPSAW RL.A.IM. A Modru I'n.t l hvj II t. I. ( uuipl Ie in all 114 a,,yiiitUKiin. ruiiiishin. and dcrorallonj flit inly new tliruu.-lioul Ai.uiiunniljtioiu lur .HO 1,11011 j; l.V) iuttt'4 with bitlu. liol IU'i coli water mid tcicnh'.ii' in ewi.i loom, t'uilua uii" xidlcd. OEORGE VV. SWEENEY, PROPHIETOk, Hanlevs Bakery. A20 SPRUCE ST, Successor to HUNTINGTON We mate a specially ol One brcatl sttifli. Orderi for Salad.,, Oyster, Croqucttci, etc., promptly f.llcd. A Ml lino ol Let Cic.im and ten. W. A. HARVEY, i:iectrlc Wiring and fixtures. Kleelrlo Hell and Telephone WorV, 300COMMO WE TH BUILDINQ FRED H. WINTER. BS4 CAPOUSC AVENUE, Elaplp Clroccrirn and froU-dcni. A full llim ol Venctables. etc., rceeliecl dally, THE SCRANTON VlTIilFieo BRICIf ino 1 itt ivifwuFAOTURlNa COMPANY Makers of iMiln: niiek", rtc. M. H. TIiIp, tiei'crat Salei Apent, Office "id Washington av, Works al Xay Auir, l'a., li, & W. V, It. 11, WILSON a COMPANY. Fashionable 'Jailors (Hotel Jermyn nulMInc), V.'il f-'pruco Elreet, Scranton, Pa. Sulli prewcel, S3 cents; ijnli pre.ed, 10 cents. Clothln; f(., paired, called for am delivered. New riiono, tflM -! Kingsbury & Scranton, Ifniiufacturcrs' Agents MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES, Distrht Apcnts for John A. lloeblum's Som L'o.'s Wlro Hepi ati'l Illertriral Wire, (iulla Pen ha and Rubber We, C'o.'s tteltlmr, l'aikintr, Hoso and 3!eclianln llubber Hood--. Know lien Packing. Carter's Oil Clotlun;. ltnoin :U0 Paull Bldf, SEOUftlTY BUILDINQ & SAVINGS UNION Home olF.ie, 'JOS '203 Jlears nullclinr, transacbi a Reneral building and loan businc.13 throughout liie fctale of Pentis' lvania. :.'!e':s.:s.?j'jj: - '5'i - :": - :".. - :"3.''j - .:;s':.4i. mm nyiniijii:iw mym.wirw wiimw in iw w - ? -.- I