r v" TT Vt Wflf . 5. u.asL'V I K:.JiEi,t , ( B THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1001. ,A l ROYAL fUKINCf POWDER, Imparls that peculiar lightness, sweetness, and flavor noticed in the finest cake, short cake, biscuit, rolls, crusts, etc., which ex pert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable by the use of any other leavening, agent. Pure, healthful, highest in strength. ROVAL BAKINO POWDER CO , 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW Y0RK. THREE COURTS THIS WEEK IWO OUT-Or-TOWN JUDGES ARE HERE TO ASSIST. Coutinunnce of the TomnsklfsUl Mur der Cnse and Enteiing ot Pleas of Guilty Caused the List to Dwindle Down So That Theie "Woe Not Enough of Cabcs to Keep the Couits Running All Day Evidence in Divoice Cases Many Maniage Licenses. Tliicn judRos will luvu and iliipo-o fit t.lfrCS ill (iilllill.ll (unit this Ctl. I'lPf-ldnil .ludsu II. M. IMw.uds. K In tlu main uuiit hkiiii .IiiiIk'" 1i i '. of Vilkes-U.nie In Xu - .uul .Iii.Iki- I. lain uf TilouinililllK; ill No imllifi to the I'ontiliuuniv nC tin- Tom.i'-liit-il.i intliiloi rase iiud tin- eiilciin" of plm ot Kiiilt tlir lifat for LstiMd.iy u.i-. i1is,o.piI nf railv nnd mint ,ul inui in il fur tlif l.i tit 3 o'llnil;. Tlii'io was untiling; foi Juiluo 1-l"l" t" do cfrt'id.i .mil .IiiiIri J'n ris tilril imlv tw ii stn.ill ui . .1 Oil II II.IIM U.ls 11-tlllllPll lH't Kllilt of stp.ilins .i --lilt ir clothe- " 1 1 1 i . 1 1 1 lldipv, Ills f.itlici, iwis lnuBCi'iilni, lint did not ili"-iu to pir". t lir i linen i stcirt iv. The Mlit av i -. tin- oiiIkiov Hi of tioublr hPtuii'ti .Miiuif, Il.it fy .mil Ills Stl'pillOtlliT. John It. tMiiitli ui ( dypli nit was ir lunml not niltv of h.iMis oiniiiiiti ri nn .f-viult .tin li.itti'iv upon liK inotli- i-in-1. iw, .M.iin.ui l .IciiMn. Tin lit icr s-.ild tli.it Smith iiiKslml hci out of his hoii'o and olf 111- po.mli and tin n Ix.'t her. Kinltli iilmittfil li.u liifr put Jirr out of his lioiiM- ami off hK pinn ii'S on M.i -ii 1 ist IK- told In I to ?:". Flip ipfu.soil, mid lio put In i out. Ho drilled liming anulli'il liu, liouifi. , coisTS iivii)i:i). ' Jo-i pli SMiimi'-Ki ua.s aiiitnttid ot nsault and liatti'iv on Ml1-. Judy Sp.tejni'f and tin io-h win- niutlly dhidod. Tln ai o luMliliuv ,n Jcs sutp ,1ml the quautd was oiu in whu.li oai.li of tin- panics -ooiiud to be equalb In bl. imp. The i.i'-c against .nilitui Miuni'-Ul. chaiscd with '-olllus liipiin to iiunois liy Joseph KiVm.nl and liiih.ml I,' InRitou, iliaisul with In 1 1 em and io-n-l ins hv .Maitln Ctuinoi, wcto (on tintied. J.UIiikMoii, though iinlktoil, has not et hi en apiui'lieiideil The case afrilnst II. M Ames (liaiKed with t'mhoy.lcmenl h r.. i Coe., was ulo continued. The la-o ot llanv Alilinsei, chaiRPd "s 1 til keeping kuiiIiir houi' l)' Kolieit "WlNou ot the .Miinkip il l.eastK, wa" lontiiuierl ly aRiioinci't ot the pil tli'fr and the tilnl ol the i as,-, of Kpi n ml J. Kelly, amp-ed ot einluvle inent hv Steplini I)ii, spidal ap;ent it the Si laniou liallu.n iinnpim, was lontiuued In .i u -.- ot tin' itiiUi Philip Ak'N.uulei was uled hrfmp Judse Fenis on i i hai,,e ot assault nnd battel y pietuicl lij lleiuv I5ei n liniill. Alexander is a in ii.m in the Nay Aur-mine al Diiniuoie and liiin haidt is a dinei bo.v in tin aiiii mine, Itniiiiundl ii'tused to haul an (ins Snto Aleandii' ihiiiiilui mull he .showd hi.- union nnd and till- led tu some tumble bituein ilieui. liiin lianlt s.iid that AleMindci heal him ami Tin Intlgi's -tin j us tli, it the huv was i allium him lie nanus ,ui 1 in ao him a push ami s1Ci(d him a i. 'I'lie ,1uiy cild not Kilill and pla ed the (.o.sts on r.eiiihaidt jii: nr.oKi: Anthouv Steponow It.: ploadnl ru1H , In hieaUlllR- iuImhi Hi was mIiik' n ici ni In the iiuiiii In I loi lu ui) find li(eliiiR nnd wlulr wiiiUiiik ill the chain r.iiir inn au i II, un.s siii)enied to thiii dm- in tin , oiiiii. i ,1nll, Steponow It, has heop 111 jail loi imi i- uiiiliths iiwiiHIiir tiial I'lvdeikh riihlniU was ionliiiil of I'oiinntltliiR- an iiK.siuiit and iaiti on his wlte, .Maty Sehl.u K Tin paitlrs live al I'otei.shuiR. Si hl.it K hus hepii in Jail s-iiu-e Aukiisi 'i ihmiIHhr tihii nnd was- let off with u lhu nt Jl and OOSlJJ Willi nn l'ahncr pleadid ku,Uj to fltealiiiR n watih nnd i haln nun his fathei, K. S. I'lihucr I'alnier 11m s at J'lovldoiuo and Is n leilUu-s oiith llo was fined $1 and msts mid diluted to hpeud nine months in the utility Jail. Kiod Peliliolder pleaded Rtillty to n rhaiyn of stettlhiR- a hoi. si mid latuago uwtied by lllce, l.ey ic i'.i linm In Hunt of the Htnit' nt Hut llim on l.arU.iwiinnii aveniiu mid iiiik to o)i It tit I'latk'.s Siniiiiilt. Hi was sen tenceil iu hoen mouths in tin uuiity jail. Nathan .Cobb, the Cubondul. man 'who almost Killed Constable IMwaul J Near. William O.suoin and Punlel 3)empsi waa called tor tilnl yisti tduy but the i .is had to go over nutll this iihuiiIuk mi .ici'otint of the 'ahseiiib of Dmipsit and Osdiotn. Kcaiiug3 in Divoice Case. Toiliiiiin was- taken befote Judge J. "W. I'uriii in i In huvcial dlvoieo eases jeileid.i h hieiiogiapher V. A. Hat ttuihen;. .Mi- lleatrleo Abbott Is feek JnK a iliwuii tioiu Jebso Abbott to whom she wn tnuiiied on April 1SSS, ot Nnntkoke, b. i,qv. Mr. Sun tec. They Used together tlueo years uiul then Abbott (iinied his wife out of doors nnd has never lived with her since or contributed anything to her suppoit, Hi tie .was also testimony concerning tin ents Unit Abbott miide iiRtilnst his wile lies, des the lestlmom of Mis Abbott, lli'l steplnlhei, Mai tin Smith. In i mot her, .li Smith and W. II. Snillh weie swum. Jamb 'I'enlei of iilvpluint told of his doubles with Jane Ti nlssei to whom he was mauled in l"i ei pool, IhiR, on June 22, ivid. 'I'enty.Pi now i onilin ts a tailor shop nt Olvpli.int and beloie RoiiiR- tin i e had a diop on I. u U.iwan na avenue In tills elt. About hiv innnths aftei tliy in m led 'IVnti i and Ills wife had a ei lolls dNTRieenu nt and he i.iine to this louiitis. Two eais later she followed hhu lino and thev llird togetllei in New Vol it loi time eais. Then he w lit to Tevis and slit" Joined hhu tliett. but was not "atlslled with the tilnee and In dtii'od him to lettiin to IhiRliintl In Mtiroh, lMiS. They lived In taiitdoii fur n time and Tentzcr iibuIii enme to thin coitntty In .littip, Moo, his wife fidlmv-Iiir- nunc time lattei. She did not join hint, however, bill lived In New Yotk. lie Fitld hl wife did tint Inve him illlii alwayH told hint theie were othei tn-ti .she intieli in "lei roil. Un June 2t) hist she i ami" to Teutzei's home uiul tisltod to he taken haek. Af ter sevetal ilavs hrf ciindltlon was up. irn'i em mid she admitted that her te latlniKs with Allium AImiuk In New Yoik had been liupiopet, lie save her tin to dity.s to leae III hotpe anil nl once liPR-iin pioeeedltius to sCeuiu it ill voire. I'hlllp HwnitK lustllled that she told him "lie wus nint i led to anothei mini nml showed hint a dot iinient wiltteit lu llelnew which die. ulleffcd was her inanlaye paper. Yestetday's Maniage Licenses. Orm I) ItutMaml ( iiitiotulilc Killir.m M IhuniH , ( nliumlilo llJild t. Dills Mil 111 lil little .Nithuli , loiiinn Srili(ii ( nhii", J Wliitnn Klli Wlllliine. I'mLmIIc lulm Ml ll s niitim Nniliil M((,iu s, i mtiMi Villi Mitlmiiv Niinlnu I mi I I mi' s, imt,, Amlnni MillinudU IIiiiiimum Villi- Itinill s, I,,,;,,,, f'Mlnio li'All! , . .- i uiioii Mi. Map I ImIiiki s, , U,0, I honi h til Ie I illmtiilllc Militiiit lolliu I m,,n IjIi. I nml s,(. , inoola lo?(lu sl M,i,w .1, fin , tun ir Moe (,lin s, inion In 1.1.1 l.iucor Obimmt Jehu J. ii i v -c i.mtoii Hi i M Mrmliili t utitmi .loliii I'll irii,. Ilmmioip I'tll '"Ii Ilimiioip Inlm I. Mi iiiilnn Mii-iiim K Mini ii ll Hi i n m .(.iiiiliMiuin I Iioiiim U iNh s( i mil tt Mim f Imji i i ,-, .:i I Hi I 'nt tt nit -it, 1 1, , !.,iit(,ii II tin lbMt . . . s, , mion iv ti,,. r, ijin . . . . . s, i iittott l litltt U l el,. ml, it. Moan 't II, onus . ... , -minimi Midi ii I stiiitt' . I nlor snili 1 lltt-lits lajlrr COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. Mint I tltliir lliitlidtonl ipdciiliy lriddired M ft I uv Htmlciit In the utllce ul .Mtorm)' .Mm P lli.inel'. 'Hie inu t Koto lltl.uin ftiillid the (Uv nt frimitoii nm ictcttli ictriuil to Altotm; I'miiI: T. Olall, 1'riuili MiIiiiiiii cntrioil lull rliril.u In llic win nt Vni for hU iiiiiiriilit t imill. ! !' M'ukinin liormio liU Ihiinltiniili. Mil llos mm icstuiln npimllilril rnmtjlilc of il .Mi IikImi toiMidilp I" HU d"' i I'Jii'y iiliil liv tin- trdnnillMi of W, I, (iUirnlrl. Ilw drilling In ido rt.p of niit'lln IIcuihM' mill tin! ltoili (Hi n Mutpi lump iti. isnlii't tlie fen mloti unit Norllii itcin I'.illiin mill' pan Mite ptt tit n lontlmiiil unlit llniiiliv lulo ti Rimini dltiiln tn ulinii i iim win (lie Mini uf jn nml tniii'lttii; iii-f rlimilil lint In' p i hi .Inlm Mull it fer i.iittirllur lllinn slitmll nn iit).r(iimt i i mi'ctril Of Il0-L' HlOlllllJf TWO CONTRACTS AWARDED. Only One Bid Was Received in Each Instance. Hlds weie opened yesteidav for the pnUliK of Ulle stieet between Adams and Madison avenues with usplmlt and for the HiMdtiiR of Tnlor aenite be tween Mitlheny and Vine stieet. As Is beRliinlliR to he the i ustoni theie mm no competition oul.v one bid for each ob helllR- let el"'d The Mm her Asphalt eonipnnv'.s bid foi the Olive .sheet paM'liieUt was ;.' :!i pel Mitiniii vanl with a the mmi's Kliaiantee I'. J .Mahan's bid lor the RiadltiR ol Tiijlor avenue was 75 ii-tits per ruble n.iiiI. Heioid'l I'ouilell and Oh oi tin nf I'llblh Wol Us Motile decid ed to ni nd the rontiaets to the ilbo e named blddets, D.. X. & W. BOARD TOR TODAY. rollowinR- Is the make-up of the D, U L W. boa nl for today: IHMiW, iil'IOIll.l! 11 V ilil I Hi I el tu i in , I . I . -Ii ii n; JI i ill , II I il ii, Willi Mil in Un -i inn. II I -DVi, IK lolll II II it, I i its I i-i 1 n i in . i. Iliiiiuiitl: 4 i iii , I I llikii-, ,i iii , i! w Mm , s lu , I W Ilium in i in , I' 1 il7iilin i , II i in , II l.'ou " , 1 1 . w V llo tluiliiiiiiM ; , p in, II I',etiii4, ti p in, It f.illlsili Miniintts lie C .1. in, ci't, I iruix, 6 M""31-' atKil-' -SKa ! Joday's Cooking ecture BY Miss Smily M. Colling Tuesday, October 15 DESSERTS HI uit Moulded in Jolly, Little Chocolate Puddings, Sicilian Sherbet. Wc wish to thank those of our friends who accepted inconveniences at yesterday's lecture without complaint. The attendance exceeded our expectations. We have rearranged our seating airangements and now have almost double ca lf pacity. All are invited to today's lecture, which begins at 3 p. m. precisely. I jpoote & fuller Company. Mears building. a in, west, W, II Milio'-, O. l"i oinifelUri "s dew; II 1 in, wisi, lliomp-oii, Up in , lit, I llrnuliiin s 1 1. in, wim, M l,iiltlni, 7 p in, usi fn in Nn inr. I' Mi Mil tri. 7 p in , wr-t fiom I miici, M l,lnli. I'iivIiiis ii i ill. Wnlnir i I', ii in, s nn mill, s i in, I l.iu-f i . IKO i iu, Merju, it p iu, 1'. Mi Oniiiii II 7 p in, Mutplii; 'i p in, W II II nt liolfim. i . lop in, i imping I'livrtijrn Inliii 7 I. lu . i.illntv; 7 i in. Slut,, i , in t tu , I I Mm i ii J'i i iu I'. I sp nt , 7 p in . st ml, iu, s ,u p in , M, l,n, tu Uiltl UiN Wi-I i .1 ni , I II Md inn. 7 tu, lolui (.ilintmi, Pl.t in, I II Ijtiiimf II i in , I' ill. I p iu , 1 Iciulli in; J p in, M t irmoli, ,1 p in , N I Kiiclimi, P U p 1. Ciiinuuli; U KltiRslm. 0 p iu , 0 Itunlolpli; 01UT. ( iitiliidnis II lll-lilni jikI II. Cillidir inJ rreiis will iitliml 10 i. m elu. Vfi III lUe ur, Ot t I",, fill iienil imirw nf liulru lini t VV. Uoiliti mil J. II Mutori ami new mil allmil ' p in ill" it Mr Urike i ir, O.I I , I umliii turd M. .!. llrnnigan iiml Cioiti! I hmn n nn! tuns will ilti-ntl 6 p in t liss l Virliiule c ii. Oil. 1, tin piiml uiiim' of initiiultni I I nittiiliii J t.niil. will limit i. tn wild 'J'. Uiiliif.il ii. Hit. In Willi J. Mi DmiH'll . new .mil i i m 1 1 fiiillui unlit' HnKiinm II l)i pen lopiitf. fur MiCartlii. To 5U afid Return t' Two-Day Excursion 70U CANNOT afford to miss this opportunity to visit Buffalo and the Pan-American Exposition. The Four Dollar Tickets are good going in the day coaches of any Lackawanna train on October 18, 25 and 30, and for return the following day. vU"TIVC"UClj Five-Day Excursion Tickets, sold at ..Six Dofilars, are good going in the day coaches of any Lackawanna train on October 15, 19, 22, 26 and 29, and for return within five days, including day of sale. Sa PK Ten0ay Excursion Ten-Day Round Trip Excursion Tickets are on sale every day at Eight Dollars, good for return within ten days, including day of sale. Bear in mind that all the above tickets are g all trains in both directions. on All Lackawanna trains land you at the foot of Main street Buffalo, Electric cars run direct from the station to the Exposition grounds or hotels. For further information, call on or telephone the local ticket agent at Lackawanna avenue passenger station. Telephone, 265-3. EDUCATIONAL. m en BlHHHHHaBHHHragy Free Tuition Hy ft lrccnt nrt nt tho leglfda tine, (ico tuition is now granted at tho Literary Institute and State Normal School Uloomsburg, Pa. to nil llinnc piopntliiK to tenrh. 'J'hli M-'liool niuliitiiliis rourfiM of study for Icu'Iipm. for tlioio picpuilni; foi imiIIl'ku, nnd for tliosf fluilylng lnuslo. It will piy to write fnr pirllrtilar. No oil tt selii)"! ofkM mk.Ii simorlor nil jntii;c3 ot tuili low i Un. Addrcjj J.P.fclsli, A. M., Ph. D. , Prln. International Concspondence School of Scinnton, Pa. (IncoipovRted) 1,000 Fiee Scholnrships. For pai ticulais, tuldiess P. O. Box 18 Scinnton, Pn. BINGHiMON TRAINING SCHOOL Tor Vonoui, llirkwint nml IVaf Mute Hut. dreti. I'lnl( il 'Inlnlnir. Miiiuil 'fniliilii,', Attic illation. Music. Ill i ln0', Kindergirten. Upcn j c 11 iiruun.l. LiKiiUr S. A. Doolittle. b2 Pantcu Avenue, HmIiimtoti, N. Y. CHESTNUT HILL ACADEMY 'Wisiahickon Heights, Chestnut Hill, Pa! A hcmllnc ichool for lioji ill the eleinled and beautiful open cnimtiv north of PliHi. delphln. ip niiiiutes from Jlroul fat. fatatloii. l'or catalogue nildies JAMES I.. PATTERSON, Hcad-AUjUr. 8CEANT0N CORKESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, SCKANTOV, IA. T. J. Foster, President. Timer II. Law ill, Treas. tatilry V. Allen, II. J. Foster, Vice President. Secretarj ills ft Lasrer & Beer Mannractarors or OLD STOCK 430 to 4G5 W. Ninth Street, SCRANTON, PA Telcphons Call, 21533. WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. bnterntli St nnd Irilnc Place, NEW YORK. American Plan, .1 50 Per Pay mid t'pwiriR Juropean Plan, il in) Per Da) and Upward Spi-ual lUtu to Famlllca T. THOMPSON, Prop. MlHillMIJf ."J-fr31CTIIII I ll'CTTg. I HOTEL 1 NEW YORK lo'j.iot.inu Euit inili Mreot. Tho .11 1 1 PHSONiniithorniiBiily lirit-Uasi fauitl aniltrKtutieattioleltUtlerincatiiinini- latimenai mn&iimiimnf lujun and comfort. Uu loth Mrnet. nttt vanl of union Knuaie. it u uitUlo a foiv mintuoj of tho loadinc: snope tntiairen nnii ciudh. European Plan, $1,00 up. Amerloin Plan, $2.50 up. Suites with Privatn Rath, $2.(10 up. tor npocul ralw emdeaor information unto JOI11, I.'. ri!.4Tu:f.l), i'miirlelor 7X7SBtiB'IBfifi 4.4. -- -- ---t- '' For jjusmess .nun In tho luart o tUa wholesale district. For .Shoppers s mlnutci' walk tn Wnnamakery. S mlnutci to fal'Bl Cooper'a nie Ftoro. IJauy ot acoess to ino urea; T J)ry aods atoms. " For SlKlilseois Ono block rrom iriray car'. glv . Jiib easy transpoi union to all points of Interest. OTEL ALBERT NEW YOJIK. ror mil st a uNivnitsiTY rr Only ono Illock fiom Hroailivay Rooms, SI Up. ,.'av.li. ! tr'f-f-f ---( ,-j i j,-j .. ii rFSL,(:V U 'i l rtl I Ever Woman 19 murtieit-.iitii't ei.uiii't uui -it Ahout i lie wiWrf ul MARVCi Whirling Spray T)u' new inltjr !' injte tit Moht ( oilViMiift.L . ,, " iii y i pi i IV Mill. J 1 iik your givccM fnr ti If h -1111111 liimly tit M lll i:i.. m.i'DLii ) 0llrI lull it ilkuutiiiforH J y Hilliitl'llOt "ralfl U Kit 04 .J Jloon f.A Times IMc New iK w Prof,G.F.THEEL,5278?t r t hi h'Mt rTrl I blUJ.liliU. Ik llulj (.iriuan Si.1.1 1. I In 3) iirl'. Un.r.iilf,, lu ruif ltolj uill I'riialf 'r - 4S hli ,M.(frch rat i to IO(Jib)tMmr,ibuf,, llluixl I oNuo. rou IlcbllliK lht BtDbwdd I ttrUucli i, MrlrlutM (D ruUlac . i m Jf rlus riitotiiif nry in 11ml nJ rlcltUalfri4ud VpdIUh iiur' s t . ' - t.41- n x&u, f .irf-'S '-afc t. yi-S -tJ n4if ,