The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 15, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    tyfi " J 4A1
$T "
"rt J . J J "
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method nml beneficial
effects of the well Iniown remedy,
Svitui' or Kms, miintifiictwoil by tho
Camfminii Via Hyiiui Co., illiistinto
the vnlur-uf obtaining tliu lifjiiiil lujca
tlvo principles of pi tints known to bo
mcdlciniilly laxative and presenting
tliera iu the form most refresliiiif; to the
tusto nnd nceeptable to the system. It
is the one perfect htriiiiglheniug Inxa
tive, cleaiisiitL' tlio system elTeotunlly,
dispelling cold'?, headaches and tavern
gently yet promptly and enabling ono
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every object ionalile. quality and sub
stance, audits acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, make if. the ideal
In tho process of manufacturing figs
nrc used, as they are pleasant, to tho
taste, but the. medicinal qualiliesof tho
remedy arc obtained from senna, uml
oilier 'aromatic plants, by a method
known to tho CAi.iroitNiA I'm Fvkbi
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
effects ami to avoid imitations, pleases
remember the full nanioof thet'ompany
printed on tho front of every package.
i.ouiavii,LE. itr. new your, n. t.
Forsalobyoll Drugr'sK PrlcoKte.pcrVottlo.
,1111V II .- LOOK. -"Ill, jui.i in In- ttn til
ln.ll i.w unit to I Jlli'itnl ll( ,(i-.ti nl i t WiN
Hie piuiiiiit ,iir ulihli ll( initciiliuii .ui-i-".
(. I I. MI.I'IIMi.'llir I , nil it lln
in, ii-. ( lii .( uiii '1 fin t in, liinoii will iiiih
I in- iil'n.wii .it ) ii'ilnK. in l.uoni-ii lull.
-I IT. I.'lllil.lM.'-. III MM .ulllillili-lit
n I'nlu.- I'uiiK Itnliliiur, ji , ilc liml In .1
luliiin iii lit e-tcnla ilm In -tin. Iv lo-,ili
I'lilllini. tin1 miiiiij ii, ,in In in lie pliml liinlii
lll-t I'll MtlllillJ f"l lin llll'J . IU'l.
SV"iV"-ll M I l.-l.- M'-s Hill, lif illin'.
1 i ,1 '.lie "mini.: Ui'imii'-, iliii-lini 1 imiiIimi
1.111111 l-llltll. In- 1 1 i--i--" ((-i- iliv lull Willing
('ii. '-hi I- .il-n it lii' l--", i ition to ul-i.c
Willi mi ivliu M.iiil. -piiiH oiK, .mi ill. Imt
ciln -all. .
v i,iiii, i.i.oiti.i u I'l.n.i:--I'.i-tin.i tir
lSlllll" ICl'il,,l ,1 1,11(1 II Kill II" "II llllllt-
iikiiI -l.iuj tin intt'iin Hum ui llic win ii il,i.iit-
,11 dC'llKI' W I VI I I r. vl',1 .! 1 I'll III' "I "HI
piill K. "xi I'll, I V.". 'l i-iK n.lln, .ili'l wIm-i
wiliir--!-. .ll I In- nine (if i lili-llui lit, ,l" li
iln'H "-until ,ni, lolni IIiimIoi.
NM M, 111 l.riV. I In- oichlli .imi'iil
lllllltU nf Will 1. 1 1 l'l I I ll.llltl.- Ulll l'l' III I'l
iln llim-'lii MininK .it x n ( i In, k in iln .in
,li, ,1111111 i'l Hi, x( l.iiki "-. I'mi-Ii llnil-i. !
i oiinncr .im-iiih-. 'I l.i- in, mini- iml ill ,it1n'i-
llltl ll'-llll 111 till' ,'!( it lll'l J I ,,ik o( tins
.Olid.! .in (Oiitiilli iinitcil in iitiiid.
M I I1:M)i I". I.MM.i: - V.uwili-tin.Iin.;
ttl, l,llll nizlit, tlirio , I- .1 in., .tilt i, lino
;l' tlic lilti-u-il I ,-t iMiiuti; f tlio iipiit ,ii Mlilili i, tn I,,, limii f"i III, luiii hi ,t
tin' II illin in inn li" 'Hi, ii,'t pi uliii' will
In llmi-ilii ninliii:, (lit IT. n 7 n n'll, uk,
In tin lull in tlic iiiin- U ilium-- ( ,i,
s-iu i.ll.i'll, ml ..inuliill .llllllll.
Ill MM U.I' -AM . llio Wi-miinN l!,lf ,oi,.
Nil "ii. iilllii, Ii) l.ii nun mi Ci i i.iilin
pd-l. Hill ,'illililit .1 lliiiiniui -ill. In jiinillii;
'llmi-ilii ,if till- (ik, iii the mi jut -Inn, K, in,
2JH Wu-iii.1 iiiiiiii' jn-i,i t,, l'u-i-li'iit
Mi-, iiiu, -,,,.( ,i, muni i ii
lllli , Mill ill-llli' tin- KiniN t,i In tiki n in Hi,.
-iii Ml .inn Ii- iliuifiilli ii'iciuil. .i. Hi,..
Jnllix ,"i,' ilninj; n ililc Mmk.
f iMIOM.Ifs f'x.x-i,. iii, ,. ,, , ,
iiiiii-l mot ilii- liiinin, ,,f Mulml Kui, wli.i n
killnl mi the r.illiiiiil .ii IViI.mIIp mi "-itur-ln
lnii'it, .mil 1 In- llll Hllilciul l Mlillll tiui
i1(iili i.i-. in nlont il II,, ,il-u oiupitiollivl i
tun t,' lii'iinii' itili. tho ik.itli nf tli. Lit,.
I llll I'lilil, Mill, M.I- kllldl 111 111,- .. 'J i,h.lfl
lit Oljplnnt mi I'lnli.i. 'I lie limn- ii,, Williuu
"ili-uti, .Inlm Smoi'iki, I' I. IhN.illi, .hilui Mi.
i, luti, Willi mi Dm- nml Williuu .1 I'.iui, 'll
fiinuc-t Mill lie In 1,1 .11 i iliti t. l,i .liiiiiniiiiiil
IXsl M.I.VIKIV 01" Ul'l'lt I x u 0,1,1 l".l
loMx" lull, WjnlllilV .IMIIUI , I l-t III, III l,l,lll, 1,-lii.iiini Ioi,t. No .'i, hull pi lull ill Id In
nf Oihl IVlllniw, in-tillnl the f,iloiin' iHlh.i,
Volili' auiiil, 1M. (iMMihiiri;- ii,,' ki mil.
llniMii;, 1". Uih-tn, m.ui'. ii.
M. I', llhnjil-: ilupliiii, .1 i: 11.1111- lii-tii, t
Tlrput t.i mil Mi,((f ii ml iafl, ,,f i,n,.
limrr. mho the in-l illliii; ,,liin- n,. tl ,
H illms M.i- ininplrti'il, i n m,i- liiiliul
tn Ihc l,iiiiiut lull, Mln iu i liiiiiiiiinil up i.i
linl lici'ii lurp.irdl fur iln iiiii-h,ii Tm th, , M.
1 n l uiinit lit (niniiilitiv, nml whlih m.i- iiiiu Ii
rnloinl li.i- tlm.,' picvnt Pnllic Mui-li.ili.
.Mm I". IlnMi- m.i- toi-tnn-tci, whlih pn-itlun
lie nil-'l with rip.Jit S'viril ii-iliiiir n Inn
(loin otlirr lmli'-t nn pir., nt n- miIuiiik'
Iluali MifVH.I, ,i l,-M, ui i,l l,,lui.,,ir l'.ilili,
Til- .nii-itcil .M'-leidii- it tin lii-t.iii(i. of .iii.
Itirirlt, .1 iii'IkIiIum, iluiitul will, iIimIiiikIhi; ii
ipiiiltrr. .MiKi-tr.ili" Millai l,i,l lum uinlu sum
MUlll',' lll.lll lllllKll ilnllll V III Ili'l, li.lilln.
r Ii Ninth Mini, mi- .niiMul rnh thl- iiiiiiii
ins In I'.itiuliiliM llnluul, for rii-iu,- ,i llxt iirl
111111" In li'l 01,1m- ri'- kjlniiii, nn n 1, .
v.iinil .iMIilii- He ir-l-lcil ll.-iu-li-, ,-, u , I t r,,.
qulinl tin imnliiiiiil ifforiti of I'iiiiiIiikh h0.
nml, "mi tin n ! 'I i.cni i ,l,'i,f. In 1jii, hm m
(111' t'liilii' Km -talimi linii-i'
HnioUo tl,' popiilui' T'tiiiili 30c, clsm.
i Investment
If nroiilwjjr, K. r, u
Z "
Wllket Birre. t C.rtoniitl, .1
ti r t
h. 4 S Commonwtilth bld'i, Scrmton, r. '2
V I)i:ai,i:hs in
Large Tlnoitfj of Ft lends Honored
His Memory.
The funeral nf the late Liiit.v KetilrU
wiih held yi'iteidaj' iiiurnlitf; fioiu the
family tenldonrc on I'eini avenue, and
was iillntidcd by n lai -re number nf
FonowliiK frlendx, who had learned to
love the tii'iid man Toi IiIh many kindly
traits. The cnl;el was ('omptelcly ti ttl
den with a pinltiHlon otllnweiM, incliitl
liiff nlci-eM friim the lliil IciiiIcih' ii-fo-I'ltillou
ntul the Ciyidal I'lilne tom
pany. The lemalim weie (alien In .-it, Voter's
cathcdial, whete a stilonin hlt;h iimt-s
wan eetelirated liy lie v. .lalm J. 0) Illin,
ushIhIimI liy l!(". Ji A. U'ltcllly an
detieon nml Uev. W, I'. rj'Doinii'll as
Htib-deaeiiiii The lomahiH weie InteriLd
In the cathedral cemetery. The uill
hi'iilpis were .lolni O'Malle.v, Kiank
Kciiulua I'. !'. Coiiellii, John til lines
and William Cuughllu.
At a meeting of the dead iiiitn's
frlendH In Hie Si, Chillies hotel lu-U
nlfx'ht. H was dei'lik'd In hlieil heneflt
hall Kiime pl.'i.M'il tit Athlelli- iaik on
'I'lltlfsilit, October St, fin the bellelll of
his nidou. An oNecitilve eommltlec
w iipiinlliteil In tnlie elmifif- of the
iirniimemeiits (or t III "h kiiiiii'.
The Ktinie will be played between
I earn h pli'l.'i-il fiom nnuitif; the leadliiK
lii'(il'esloiial bull players In this city
and 'N'llkcs-Uitne, nnd sluuild ptovo
otii of the best qniiinn ever played In
(his city. AmtiiiR those who linve ol
unteeieit tlleh s-i'i leei me: Wllllum
CoiiKblln, of the WaubltiRtoiis, .lack
Dunn, of the IJitltlnioies, .lames Ue.iti,
of tho Uamlltoiis; "llttckey" Kicemaii,
of the Itostnic, and M. .1. O'Nell, of the
Ht. l.ouls team.
Juiy in Winans Hull Case Had a
Considerable Part of the Testi
mony Bead Yesterday.
The jiny In the AVInana Hull boinl
eldi case, Mhlib lethed on S.ituid.iy
evening nt N o'clock, Is still mil, miuk
lillllf," to iiblidKC tunl lecoiii'lle (he lllf
l'ei fines ol opinion v, hlcli ii events
tin in 1 1 inn iiineeiiif-; on a n oi (Mi-t.
Thai the iutors mo oi.- niucli di-
idetl, nnd may likely dlxiifjico, w:is in
ilictileil yesteiday moi hiiir:, w lien Uiey
ciime into court about Ji.CO o'clock. Jt
wax expected tlial ilioy v.aiiled por
tions of Hie evidence, but when
Iiulse Purdy iiie.x(lonerl llioni on thlx
point, I lie foreman, Dt. Nilix, aioe
and, iu a mantlet Hint indicated a
hopeles.x spli II, said:
'Your honor, iheto doesn't sei in to be
ail use ill llcillllff all ol the (".idem e.
A'e'e Rone oer it aRiiin and iiRitin:
we'ie di.xi itxxed this pa it and ioiiskI
etid that iiiiint, bill we don't seem to
be able to llRlee, nohow."
"Yes, we do waul 'mill' ol (he evi
dent o lead, nui lionor." Iiiukc in Jut in
Ktid M.iui. "Oui has ,i linlf
doeii (iiestlons in wrilitiR that we
want anxwoitil."
The ftio.x(ions. il iIi-m loped, weie
Willi icfoieiioe to the hour at which
Hull i. ix olixervod on the
li.iek liv .Mi-i. Wiioil, who saw him jllxt
lieloie he cutoiod the laiixh. Fled
isloliy, wlio was (In- Ihxt k meet Hull
.illei" hix Ic.nillR the llltlxli; l'iolex.x01
l.eshei, lo w lioin Hull spoke ol his
ll.lVlllR the stlllRRle, .111(1 .Mix. (J(,y., l(,
whose bouse he wont after loinitiB
iliiwn die I, .lit o,id ti.toks aftei li.iviiiR
(In wood". The time at which e.icli
one met lull was w Inu was p.uiiiu ly sough ( lor. The tes-thiionv of .til
I lies? wltne.xxos was te.ul, and also the
testinionv of riau.t Stephoiixon.
.Jin ui" .John O'Connell also had a ques
tion to ax),. This was iitli lefeionce
to Wlio III. st ni.'ide Hie slIRKestloll to ro
Into Hie ioo(x( Hull or Sihoonoicr.
The le.idiiiR of null's testimony, the
only testimony on this point, showed
that sjelioonover declined he was too
ill link lo no to Hie picnic and dosiied
to Rd hack and lest. Hull, llll tiler
aloiiR the track, stiRe.xtod that they ro
Into (lie woods .toil lie down to sleep.
When the lO.idiiiR ol the testimony
was i oiiiiileteil, Jlr. O'Connell nodded
his head with a poxiii,i and s.ilixtlod
The Jtuy tlieu asked for (he iiill.u
luiinil on l lie hod, Hie lodge manual
piikid up ne.u the i oi pso and Hull's
knlte, and took tin in lo the juty lootn,
when tllo letlied,
.IihIro I'tiidy aihlxed the juty to ro
li.ii k to tlielt iiiiiiii ami ondoawii as
lns t they could lo lei out lie tlieli il(.
leiellie.x o opinion. He pointed out
that it Hio illsaRiie it would be tanta
mount id an ,(ciu(it;il, since the de
fend, nit maid iitti be ic-tiled on the
sa mo i luiiue.
The Jury showed a leluitnnl spirit as
they ai(ix(, to lu.uili liat k lo the taxv
of their ilulle.x.
Hull was In the until mom, and riio
I'Nldellio ol a (beidedh illeerlul spllll.
The wonles of Hie tiial have noi ln
toiti'ieil with his sleep, pur hi.s sIioiir
aplietllc. The latter -coins lo hue been
slim pencil, lor yextei'dny lie uskeil t ( 1
ami was allowed an i Mia lual ol lite.ul.
Read at Meeting of Baptist Minis
terial Conl'eicnco.
The Haptlst llliixteiial i onfeioin o
niei yc,xoiilo. moiiiln,' ax iisunl In tin
I'eiiti tivi'iiiii cliuich, , iili the ptosl
delil, c, A. SpaldlliR, iu the diali. The
devotional seivlce was i oiidllclod hy
lie-.. W .1. Kind, ol (lieeii KIiIkc. anil
Ucv. William llollinshod, ol tin I'les
byleilau iIiiikIi, l-'oiosl I'hy. Ijov, c.
I. 1'oicy, ot llonesil.ilc. and Uev. Levi
Hlltll, ol l'ei lillle, mil ileetetl o
lliclllboi.xlilp, Ijev. C. 1 V,v pie.
wined a paper on "Tho lllstotlc llpi.x-
opiile nml (In New Tcslauient Ui, min
ute." Il was a ciy able paper, nnd
was uppieilutli, illsuissul by e.
Hi. W. .1, Koiil, S. K. Jl.itlnws, It. v,
ciyiaer, l,il Silvltis, A. II. Smith. v.
11. Hum, ,. c, Si liinlii, II. 1. Knst. I),
J, Williams, tl, il. Cole, .1. It, lioildio,
ThoutuH do (iuicliv. I), H., it, i'", y,
1'iilie, I), l 1.i Id Hpi'iiicr, 11. J).,
and c. A. SpuldiUK'
The sthslon was it otv luioicsthm
one, Nct .Monday a paper j to be
pHsciitcd by Itev. ImIi Hponi or, J),
1)., on "The Holy .Splilfs isolation to
the Alouimoiii."
Foie to Buffalo and Return Only ?4,
vin the Lackawanna Railroad.
On Oi tuber Hih, J St li. .-, 1 1 1 and soth
-.on i an iniichase louuil-tilp tickets to
lJuli'al'i, via the Polawaio, kawaima
and W'Stein, at tho evtrcmely
low rates of $1. While thoxo tickets sue.
limited to i ouch passage only, they
may be used on any tiuili. Rood irolin-
on the above dates and for letiirn on
any train the follow In,- day. This is
an exceptionally Rood oppui tiuiity for
lluix ik'.sliuus of spendlitK a shoit lime
at the exposition at a small expense.
i .. .,
OfTeied a Resolution in Place of Cal
pln Resolution Beqttesttng the Gen
eral Manager's Removal and Do
elating a Non-Compliance on the
Part of the Company to Be n Chal
lenge to CouncilsAction on the
Resolution Postponed and Calpln
Resolution Adopted,
At Inst nlshl'fl tpcclal meetliiR of
Fekct council, culled to pass upon tlm
Calpln lesolutlim providing for u
coimclhuanti; committee to mediate hi
the stieel ear atilke, a substitute ieso
luiion presented by .Mr. VaiiRltiin o.ili
liur uiion tho company to dismiss (len
ei al ManiiRei Sllllmnu was voted down
and the Calpln lesoltiilon ailoiiied. The
N'.iUBhun substitute mad as follows:
N iK-fCllI, '111" lll.lJl linn (if X,jtt,ii jmi
our iltlrpiit RiiitT.ill. ihc In (liming il.itlnul liy
t'ic iititi--l linl In" Iii-iii null a iliii.nli'iltlL
(T our lil-tory ilnriii the put twelve niulilli,
.l ll. I
Hliorcn, .Viiiom; Iln liitliirnn-i tint dinl in
a (tii'il iiic,vine tn iuuiIiiic tin' iinti t tl"' nn
iirMlul) fii dn-ilj .il.ln tn a iciun nf titinr U
the nc-uit m.iii.iKCiiKni ol tlic lai.ll strict Mil
vv.i.i; uliii
WIipimi, '.tM nniiiffoiupiit l'i I'rrn crin
nmly ami licliinu-ily ilincdl in Hip news i oliitinn
of tin- loi il (ni'.-i Milli nll(ti.r tint if juuvrn
-.innlil rcmioi tlirni lit iiilijnt (it .1 p.-nil InMllii
Iiiiu, l.itlui Hun tin- is-odjti' ot fire (iti'ins
nml lioncif nn n ; then-fore
lliMiliul, llv the nle(t ioiiikiI of Ihe (ill nf
Si r.inloii, the common roiiiull i ,ik hi i uiir,
li niiiid lie lunik' on (lie Srr.uilmi llill.n com
pun, of uliii h tlie firm nf I. W ( lul.e A.
lumpinv if the i iioitilnlhr, for (he leinnval
nf the pu-inl muiuriniiil icul thcFiilititiilion
nf null m.ui igenu lit .is will coii'ene tlin in-liii'i-l-i
of the illi of Sri.nitoii .i well ,i, (he
bilni'-N of llu- Sci niton llillw.ii iiiiiiiiiii', iml
tint will put in (-nil tn .1 fnithir leprlitlnn uf
the tronlih- lint we nc mm liinUKhf f.i(c In
fne vi Illi, tint liiipn-n the kii-iIi'I IiiihIiih lint
the (0'iinierrlil inteie-t of the i ity of x,i.ln.
Ion lull- riu hern liIIkI on tn xnjijiorl.
Ile-oliiil, 'lint ,i nun inniili line with the
plnln-i j-14 nf this ie-iilillu,ll h. tlui-e ,i r-oni
In whom it U .iilihe-.ul will he .naplcri i
(inn Inlie jiiul tint It t4 tlic fiMil purpo-e tn
li-ii ifjiil the wi-hc uf Ihe iti(iis of x, r.intoti
nml lli'ir iiiie-int itlici in uiunrll
Ite-nlieiJ. Hut ,i iiijii'iotiipli mrc with Ihe
pr,ni-iii- of tlili leoliilion hi the -tnchholil, m
iml (III ti tor nf the Siriiilnii llnlw.iy lonipnii
will he ni(eil(il ii i ihilhnue fiom mi, I lorl,
Inilil, m .mil Imiiil nf illiulors In the -elut .mil
toiinuiin (Oiimil of Ihe cilv of xutntmi
lie-nhi'il. ' die ntv link In', .mil 11 e
xiinc i hen In ilnecld! tn jirep.iie, ,i mpv ot
Ihl- le-n Inn, .ii, pinpiih .itle-lul, nml l, -eml
lie' -.line, thinmh m,l In the mine nf the up.
leiunhl m .x(i,mtiiii, ( tilis.lll.ini I, in Ihe
x, i.mtnn liiiluii. I'. l, jiu-iilmt, llul
litl lniihliii'.'. Philiil,.phi.i
I!e-,ilml. 'Hut linn. Williuu L C.iiiiiiII.
fill r-Tinilei, nn the iiKniiuhibiiiiiit nf tin
ruelpt nf the .ifme-alil l(-nlllll"ll In thn-e Inr
wlinin il I- inti inleil, he In-tinitril tn inrntne
i, inn,)- in fnint -i-iinti tn .uieil tin- )ph nf
llu x,-nnt,,n liiiluii iniiipini In the nforeini
leu Iiiiiiii, I,, MKe xiith mtinn i- inn lie
(liimtil i -p, ilient, hiidi .14 the riuum-laiuci w irr.inl
It: tbo ilixcuxiidti of the lcxolutlon,
members in.ido eomnii tits, subxlunti, il
ly, us follows
Vt V.itili.m Vr rei-nn for ntruiin: tin- -nli-litiili-
I- lint nn the moi iniir folhiwini Hie
,iih'itioii In inmtiiitii iniiinil nf tlie ( ilpm re-o-lnlion.
Mi xnuii ilnlnei m .in uilimcu m
The liil.une, tint there u.i- nn lnnm tin lnul i
tinn 'Hull- I- Il) ll-,-, tlielif,,!,, ol l (iliUnll
inline i ( inlillltee of nn ill tllnii. W'e tlkiiihl
1,1 ,pi inoic xtietninii4 nu'i-itii- Iln- u, nihil h
limi xoini tiling lllnie thin l Mtihe nf the -pert
i.u einpln.i i-4. It I- a pinpli'- -luKe Niueti
llilie pi ru lit. nf the piople lifll-e Iu ihle 111
the i ii-. II i-ii Inn-, ithiii upie-i ntiluis,.
to iii -mill thin,?, 1 moil- tlie lili'plinii nf the
Mr u'lloile I -eioml Mi, A'limluti'- iur,tun.
Ihe illi in- horiie Inn,; enoiuh Ihe ill- nn,,i-eit
In thl- ii .in "-illlnnti lie 4 .in oe-oie. If le ihe intne-t- nf the iilr .iml hi- loinpniv
il he.nt. he wouhl n-lKii. Die cin'l tn
Inn. He Iii-tilt- (".mono who enin,-et in inn.
t,i(t with lnm. If .mil go t,i -in him In- w ill,-,
nhnnl th uiniii, ii.ii iiivt nn .ittintiutt to inn
Mi Moll in (niiiiiniiee ,,f tne xinl.em
wnliil on mo "-iitinliy .iml jl,nl mi in vme tor
tin- I'.ilpin UMiliilinn. 'In .iilnpt the Viii0'lian
le-iilini in i; ii,,l eoiiiphiiij,- Mith tin ii re,ii,t.
Mr. iiikIiiii-'lliix n .i -luntir unite to wlut
llu' lO'iunittee Id moil ihe iiuu.un iml
jon lemnie ihe tionhle.
Mi. Milvln-W'ill il In-"-
Mr. VjiiuIiiii- I iin't -.iv .i- In, lint f
i in 3-ine ,vnn It will ,ln in thin the othir
li-nliilimi, for .inn wmi't (jet mil heiinii; finni
niiiii in
Mr, 011m i - Tn .nlnpt the Yiiiitliiu ii'.iiiutioii.
(iiinniK vvnnlil lie noin out ol it- vv.iv jml
tr.ivelnn," on foihhlihn xinmul. We hive no
lluht to .ltd nipt In clii f He tlie iniiuni mint of
3 in roinoi itlnii.
Vli V null in- 'Ihe iei,ple w nit "--illiiii in ie.
inovtil. 'lint vnti will have tn .iilnilt. Vn is
piilnll f i inn ii. ti. .in (pio-olnil finni llio while
),, nple It will have welkhl.
Mi. I'li.ti'llri'llii re-nliitlim Is llnielv. "illi-
lil in ha. I.-llul .1 ihalh-lue ID the whole i -
limnili, whin he ilnlliiui- the I ili.n- eleiiKiit
nf llu iliv .mil villi'i. It w ,- an imllieit ,
liiil.e, In do Mtie, Imt (he mi n luve rlithtly
I il en it 1- ,i ilii',1 i h. ill, use
Mi, WdKiiiilliU litnlilliuii liliuht lie in, ,ie
pieprili nfleiul aflrr the ininpni', Iml n
In-, ,1 .n trial with Ihe loii.niilti e pinvhlul f, r
In ll," Calpln le-nliilloii. 'Ihe piiipir iniii.e U
tn ait nn tin- ("ilpiu ii -nliilluii
Mi. Vleliln 'Hut. Inn. wuithl lie cniiiplv ,t
Willi the vlilker." nnneil
t Ti I Ii iii.iii ( Intti'iiilui Uliu,ioiiieslci the fjl-
pill ll'.illltlull
Mi. Melvln-I miilrirl.iinl the slnl.ri. ilhl
Ml V.iiuhan ll,e l.-ne en wlilih the (.title
wa. niUin.illi IumiI N now lii.f xlalit of It Ii
Ihe pennle who an- mm on still.i. 'the xil t'.s
.lie ,(, v- pinlei In the , nnlinvi in, i,,.
piople want thl. llilin; si Mini iml i-eltldl f. a
lime liv the itiiiuval nf ihe i iii-i nf ihe liniihh.
Wi hue Iml inn slrlhi- imw wlihln i v-ir.
We ilun'i want .iiu.ll t in : ,rln,',
Mr Wiikiipi" i o.-od the dixoiission ,y
iIi'iiiiii-UmUIiik' tho i'.ilpin resoliitloii
its enii.xorviiltve, ami moving to Indell
nltolv poxtpoui. lU'ilmi on the VtuiKimu
substlitite. Jlr. l-'lnn seconded tho mo
llou. The vote was us follows:
In ,n-ipoiie Mex.n I'iiiii, Ilun'i Mnrgini,
Mi Inn, VVacinr, Slim liter, Mitninan, s, Vm
iln, I lul limli n !i
Vuain.i ivl)uiiiiiirni Vli.tu CiteiLllo. Uf.
If in, Mihuii'v, ( n-ijiuvi', OIImi, n'll.ile,
V.ouh.ili 7.
Vh-ini Mi.. i. Iln.., x,, lf (1,1,1011,, i,"j
!(,i, Mi Al iln iv i
A motion bv Ml'. Wnrani, I., cnwnii'
III the i'.ilpin losolutlou was adupteil
by a viva voce vole, .Mr, Oliver binuR
the only olio to vote UKUllixt adoption.
Chaliiuuii, Chittenden did not ,ui.
point tlm committee of tin on c.iiiod for
In tin losohitioii. o ,id ho witutod
lo think thu ni.ittiii over, It I., under,
stood mn-u of the soloc tnn-ii have asked
the not id appoint them on
tlm (omuiltti'i .
It Was tho Propei ty of the Abing.
ton Dairy Company.
A l.ii'Ke lonilonsor.v ut Clink's Sum.
Illlt liuloiiBlUK to tin, AblllKloil U.lhj
coaiiuny was totally destioyed by a
lire which bioke out .it u:M o'clock
but night and which l,s stippo.-ed tn
have been i.iubed bv an,,,, ,,-
The bulldln,' was a two-storv briok
htiuetuii) ulmiit 10U by 50 feet In slo
and blazed itiplill) .is soon as (he ihe
started. A bucket brigade wttb ijulck.
ly oi-R-.tul-ted, but It looked as If tho
ItaiiieH would Hprond and a leiiucst was
pent to tliN ulty for iiiMlRtanee, The
Ct.vstal steamer and lump Wukoii were
lmi lied to the 1-ackiiivnmiu station
nnd weie about boliin; landed tin a spe
cial Unlit when wind leached hole that
they weie not reaulred,
The diimiiKP done by (he Unities will
bo about $10,000.
Expected that Pine Brook Collleiy
Will Staxt Up.
The Hiib-connnlKee ftoin (ho district
hnaiit of tho I'lilted .Mine Woikers,
which waited on (leiietal JIiiiuikci
Uiyden. of the .Seiautou Coal com
pany, relative to the lockout at tho
I'lne Hrook oolller.v, was Inforineil by
him that certain tcpalr-t wore now be
Iiir made at the initio ami that when
they are completed It will open.
It Is expected that operations will bo
icstnued beftne (he Mesent week Is
Kxecullvo Uoaril leiuher It. X.
CoiirlilKht was e.stelday delegated lo
Ko to Old J''otne tomoi row night to
confer with the Jerinyii ,t Co. miners
leK.iitllujr their differences -with the
oiot a tors which (hi eaten to inovoke u
ti Ike,
It Is the Largest One Ever Prepared
lu This County Twenty-ntno
Divorce Cases.
Nest Monday argument court will
open anil a. Hi l of 1 in up-os will con
front the jlldaew. Tills t,s tho laraest
list i vor iiiepaied for an .lruincnt list
and contain" a total of twontj-nlna
divorce Lilacs ivlileh Incaks another
Tho loKiikii iiiRUiuonl llxt watt pro
p.ned sonic time iiro and was pilnted
In the Tribune on September j"-. The
.iildltional list has .iust been coiiiplled
by Deputy lTothunotuty Cutnnilnss
and i. as lollovvs:
V P I lean v-i. A. V. lirevvii; eiiptioii to
Ma-tei'-, lijiiit.
.Mil hid ( nlliii-i w Hi mitt -Iniie; ei-c lileil.
ll II Kiplnjl' '. A. I'intliin;liatii; nilu
to ,i'ii-li te-i 11 1 1,
.Inlm W. llolluiliiek v. A. Xofoslo; nilc to
op, n judgment.
VI .1. l.i-h I". II ( lemon- ct al.; rule for
III iv til 1 1.
Ii. II li'iplnvlo vi V. rralhiii;!iiin; rule to
qill-ll te-t it ft.
Ih'itini W. spnl,x v. Wllliini Kiribati, ft al. ;
rule foi ii'-w lull
MIaMli Willne. .iihiiiiii-lr.itnv. . W. W.
Snniill; i (i ptlon! to lipou nf u-f, ue.
I! I Willi v-i Stephen I'l iinijaii, mlc to epeu
Al ii s: ti 1 1- I'ljliiity n. Annie l'hheili, inlp
fni lieu tuil.
.Inlm ('i'rii!in v-i Sianti-n 'Iraition om
pinv, i iilc In -tnUe Ml "ion -nil.
Ii (' Will-- v-. .xnpliui 1 l-iuitr.iii; rule to
npeu juii-pni ut.
'Iliouu-. Piih v-. A. II. Ki. -',.'11; rule tn ftlike
nauie fiom llioni
Vlat.v lliuiv V" Aiiiue 1. Zuillteh, niituiii--tra
lli. nth- fur in iv liltl.
I. I. V. l.ilw.inl- vs x. p. r.onn-trect; rule
(o aliu-l .nuuiiliil (lodai.iliou.
(in of xd.tntnn v.. Atitiui Itevnnlik; rule
fin new llill.
i.inlii i" xinti-tle eompiiiv vs. Oiapmin k
Hull; (urptinn- In ilepo-ittnn-
x, t niton Ivuittin.: innipinv i .lolni J. How
lev. ei. il., rule to judinenl.
ltd iv Mutual v., William .Miui.var; rule for
tit ( n e in ilivoii e.
V. i (kmti. v- John P. '; rule to
stnke ntf jiiilunu nt
I. (' Uniiih v-. W ilhiin ?. Donne; crep-fiou-
ami ml,' fot juiUiuini.
(i(v uf xijmtou v- II. i. Tlnmiix e-tate;
nil, In n)iii Iiiil--ini in ot inle In Miiki nil.
Nnrnil'i 1 1 nil v-. xjt.n Haitliv; mlc for mvv
I Hi 1 M nl' vf. II. . I! Cnl,.; mlc fnt
tleiite ill ilivnire.
I hill,'-. . Vimiiuiii v- ( iinlin-i -, Iniiiill ;
inle In up, u iuilamint
lleittnc Milmit -. ,li -e I". Vhhott, inle for
timet in ilivnue.
11-1 tli i xninnluan n I'luluuk -(.thtnlii in;
lule fin ihilie in ilili'tce.
In-i plniie rilpilriil. v- .Inlm .1. I'ilii.
nth; i iili- tor iliTHt- in illintie.
Mlniili- 'lliotin-. v,. J tine, Ihonn,; nile for
deciec in ilivi'iie.
Wallir Wiixlit w. ..iriul Wiislit; rule foi
iIkki- in iliiiiiu.
II II. lli'phisle v-, A. riotliliiKlum; nile to
(!l!.ll te-t II ft.
I'l.n.i. A. 1 omptuii v.-. Carife r'uiiiplnn; rule
foi ,1, iiee in iltvoiie.
Viiuie Divts -. .Inliti X Dili.; inle for ,Iei lee
in iliv JlLl-
x ( ,-nit-ii . M 1); nile for snoiiiily
fut cn.t-.
1' 1, IVil, ( , (I al , v-. (iiiml.i (Ommix.'.Inn-ir-i
ot i. k I, nvaiini louut.v; appi it.
I I P((h i, i-i al , i-.. (imnlv i-oiuniix5tuii
ei, nl, in-ilm i (ninii.i ; appi il,
Olive ,x, Iv'uii keilioi her v. IMu I. Kuklier.
boekii; nile tut (linee In iliveiie.
I. I! lilte v. .Nellie I'.iv I'linlli--; ili-nuurei.
Vmilc liriuiuli v-i Pallid. Iv, ntieili ; nilu fur
ile tee in illvorve.
kuiiiii Puitly Vx ("luili, V.. Ptuil.i ; nile for
(III III' hi ilivoii p.
I'r.inlv xiiiiiIijiiI n llf-ie .x,,iiihai,l, rule f,r
Ii nc In illume.
lnul) Tuil,r v-. .line 1'iiitu; inle for ile
tlic Iu iliiuiie.
Mm Miiiiii v.. flui!,-? II, lluii; rule for ile
um In ilivone.
riol-e II. Hal. il, II vs WillLm O. Ilunnoll;
rule f,,i ihtire Iu ilium e
Mi l.i Ik lm vj, lluiry lldiie; rule for ile
nee In illume.
William Miihii v-i. Kale Milker: rule for ri'-
uoe ill llllllll l'
lllihoilt l'lilllii vs 'IImiiius D. I'liilllp-.; rule
fin iln t -e In illt nu i.
lllo,', ,V I.ltlinu n, V i iite-eell; mle for
-r, uiiiy fur in.U.
V. Vvlm k Co. v-i. M. ll llre.diell; rile f,-i
hei tuily ut cn-t,,
llmlit'-ilir (I.diiiial iniupitiv v W, 11, Cuon,
I.iiuileil; mle fm miiiiIii nf ,,..,
Iliivv llnu. t, imiiil .Iii-rpln,; rule for ue-
lllllll Inr illrl.,
.lul it .1 Mum, io v.. V I'.. Wnnliiit rule tn
stnke nil appeal
Mj-wIo ('. .luiiei t.-i, I" .1,,. rlIt0 0
open Imluiiuit.
Iii ii .i,iitluii if Viul i IMitanhj ailon
I. I in n (! in,,i Vin burn; (cr
Dhector Wotmser Believes Innur
mice Rntes Will Go Down.
DiieLtor of I'lihlle Ha fot y K. h,
orinxor .xtated ychlotday to a Tilbuuo
mail ho bad ovoiy tea.soii to he.
Hove that the ilto lubiiiauco l.tte.-t will
lin i educed today at tlm moetliisr m
the iiuderwilieifl nf (Ik mlildlo depai't-
meui to bo hold in Philadelphia,
"t havo piopatoil u lengthy hiiiIo
iiicnt," tdild he, "nhowliiK in detail the
Iminovoiiioiit.x which havo boon nunlo
III tho Ilto doitiiiiiU'iil Hlnee tho l.ileti
vveio advanced and have forvvaidod a
(opy of this (o bo u,id nt (oinonovv'H
meiuhiK:. Thlh t-hou.x that wo have
lived up to piaclii.tlly ,ill the iciiilto
melU'S Which weie imposed apou us and
will lo.xtiit, l fed .,inc, In an onler ie
diuluK ihe rales"
Additions to the Fund Continue to
Flow Iu.
The ,follownjT 'ontrlbuilous of $
oaih to the .McKluley meuiorinl tund
have been iccolvcd fclnee the last ai
iiouucemoiit wa made; 1 c. Smith,
IS. AV. .1. M. Iteaijan, Mrs.
It. Al. OliiiDttMil II. i:. Ycvveiiy, V. II.
Seeley, .Mrs. V, 11, Heeloy, Cliarles I.
Soeley, C. It, liibley, Hurry It. Klns,-lc;
A Number of Impoitant Mattel s of
Legislation Ate Yet lo Be Consld
cted A Hlgtory of the Ptlinltlve
Methodist Church In This Cottntiy
Is to Be Prepared by Rev. J. H.
Acornlcy--AU Church Funds In the
Future Must Be Raised by Tithing.
Rev, Baker's Addiess.
The fotitth (itiadrennltil confeieneo
of the I'llmltlvo .Methodist chlireh of
Amotion, now belmr held Iu this city,
Is draw Ins to a close. The conference
was sehedllbd lo cud today, but on
account of the latse number of tiniill
matters of loKlfllatlnu which yet re
main lo bo cotiHldetod, it Is believed
that an adjournment cannot be taken
until tomoriow.
The moinlnp Hcs.--.lon of the oonfer
ruee yoslcrdoy was opened with a
pcnteioMlal hour conducted by Kov. A.
Htimphrlo-. Tho flist biiclne'- of Im
portallte HanHuetcd wn the considera
tion ot the report of the committee on
publication, which bad been laid on
tho table tit a m'ovloiis ncsfclon.
II was decided, after some little dlx
ctisslon, to admit the committee' rec
ommendation that an ofllclal hNtory
of the I'llmltlvo .Methodist church lu
this country be piipnrod by Ucv. J. II.
Aeoinley, of New Hertford, Min. It
It the Intention of the committee to
have this hlstoty a-t comploto and ex
buustivo as imsblblc and with this end
iu view, a rei-olutlon was pus-icd ic
(ttio.'tltiw all mlnlflleis to send loral
data leatdiny their churches to the
compiler at their cullest convenience.
The ropoit of Itev. Mr. A"oinlej,
who is the editor of the TTlmltlve
.Methodist Journal, for the l.iht four
yeiiis, was received and udoploil.
rtit. MATTiirjws' iatm:k.
The moinliii; session wa biought to
a close with the leadliiK of .a paper on
"What Can "vVo Do to .Make Our
("liuttli a Urciter Success In Aiueiica'."'
by Rev. X. V. Mntthcwt. Ph. D. A
Kicat ( of .xecrccy over the con
tents of this paper was displayed and
the .societal y positively refused at the
close of the session to rIvo any selec
tions from it out for publication.
Pi. Matthews ouehed upon the prn
poxcl organic union with the lltlboilist
I'rotestant church and that ho ex
pressed It as his oonviulon that sacli
a. union should not be oll'ected without
conditions which would prevent the
I'llmltlvo Methodist chinch from be
ins swallowed up by the other chinch.
The alternoon set.xion was opened
with a devotional sendee conducted
by Jtev. J. Ito.v. A telegram eonvojiiiK
the Rood will of the gcuuiul Lonfeiciice
of the .Mcthoclixt Pioteslunt cliuich
tiom the inesideut was road and ic
ceived with much enthtixlasm. Tlie
election of an editor for the I'llmitive
Methodist .lourmi! and the dovisiiiK of
some plan to distiibute tho losponsltnl
ity for the pioductioii of that join mil
vveio deleiied until lotUij.
The littot lecommeiulation lo be made
by the committee on loj.'1-diitlou av.ik
tonsldeicd just hetoie tlie ultcinoon
session was concluded. This was the
lecoinmendation that the tlthlns sys
tem of collecting funds should prevail
in all chinches, u adopted with
out much discission.
The action ot the confoioiiLo in
adopting this legulatlon moans that
.ill chinches of the denomination
must taise their luiids solely by sub
scription, and tliat the holdlnc; of rail.,
baz.'iiiKx, etc., Is to lie dispensed with.
A biier holiness convention led by
Jtcv. Dr. W. II. Kariuvv bioiiKlit the
afternoon se-slon to a close.
Rev. If. ". llalier, the frateinal dele
gate tiom the Western Lonl'eionie, dc
llvoied ,n interesting lectitio last night
l)"fore a large sized audience on tlie
.subject of loiirtshlp and maiige. lie
spoke p.u ly of the necessity of
eveiy jouiir man having an honesty
of purjiose and a purity of motive in
selecting a ilto p.utiior and said that
caution -was also ieiiilied so thai a
proper vvitc could lie clioxon.
Ho touched brlelly upon tho ijuex
tlou of dlvoice, which be declined to
bo an evil which ovety teacher and
minister of tlie goxpel uiu.xt tied, no Ills
opposition lo iu no mild manner. Ho
i el ei led to the fact Hint In 1S!lii iheie
weto llfty mote ilivoices in the slate of
I'.illoiniu than iheie weie mai i lago.-i.
This, la- said, was ,i tilghtftil thing to
Tile only At ay to prevent di voice, ho
said, wax tor both men and women to
ask for Divine guidance In iliooxlng
a wife or husband and to reuse trifling
with tlio gioat passion ot love.
Today will be the mtixt Important day
of the coni'oience a largo number of
mall matters or legi.-latlon. Hie niorii
of which aie in bo lu ought up by the
i'onn--ylv aula cotilorom e, will bo oou
sldeted bath iiioinitig and aiteinoou
to tho cMliislou ot all other btxuo.xs,
O'Hnia Brothers Could Not Get Mon
ey on Sewer Estimntes.
Dhei tor Itoihe stated jcsteid.iy af
ternoon that O'llai'.i biothois, oonti.u
tots for a sower on Itldge Itow, had
tin own ii)i Hie conn ad, the wotk bo.
lug only partially completed.
It is understood that tbe.v havo
found 11 Impossible to got the lot al
hanks to advance money on theli esti-
mrite .imi for this iciison thiotigli
sheer lack of funds havo boon unable
to continue the wotk. The cit.v will
endeavor to get Ihe contr.ti lot.s' 'bond
men lo lOltllutlo the Willi; mid 1'alllllt,'
ill this, will In lug suit.
Dllector limbo x tin lint-il to hi -llovo
that the i. 1st of ,. o'Hiim
hi oi Iii i h la but the last, ot a nutnbei'
of other sower outi actors who.iu fuuils
llio hopelessly tied up, 11,, believes that
this js one uf tho tcioiius why so few
seivei" bids havo roieuily boon u
In Both Ca-ies the Giatulty Vos n
Ttibute to Pine "Gilt.'-
I'iuiii llli I lili .i,i) IV I
"Von may have hcaul the stoiv ot
how ConillluiloiL- Vandoibill Issued a
pass to a candid man," said the gen
etal passenger utjuiit of a western load,
as he lllngcied ghifioily a daintily
tinted piece of paper.
"Xo'. Well, .n eaily countiy tic
iinln(nlicc of tho old ('ommodoie,
whom he had known .veai.s befoie he
became a mlllloualio, was iu Xew Yoik
one day, and thought he would pay his
li'lcuda vtait. He prcticutcd himself
Libbey's Cut Glass
Cvvvgrvfex .
den. V. Millir &
Cy, -x ,----. wi.
Prices from
S.VSLL .. -. S
Scr anion Bidding Co.,
Lackawanna nnd Adams Aves.
Offer This Week
Custom and
Tailor-Made Gowns
A showing of Advance
Styles for Traveling,
Calling and Evening
All the Most Desirable
Materials and Effects,
Exclusive in Idea,
Natty in Appearance..
324 Lackawanna Avenue
Occupies an Imperishable Position ir, the BUSINESS WORLD.
NO. 3H S. Eitjhth St
Scrcmton Bianch Ofllco, Nos.
ill llio I'Mrp (IT tlic prr-'ldi'llt (if UlC
Ni'U Vol U iViUi'al -iiul wiih virv lUliil-
! K-l'l'IVCll, Atll'l' till" I'llll" -.l'!lllllll ll.lll
inoieilvil I'or u hljo In n 1'Unilly va
tin- I'oiiiinoiliiio ivniiiiUeil.
" 'ls tlieli1 anyililiiK I 'iin do fin iiu"
Is tlH'i'o any liuliiut-fi In join' i.ill'."
" 'Yof.' ii'plli'il iln- I'lilloi. 'I am (in.
In;? up in Albany, ami I wanted to t-t-o
If you iiuld Hhn inn ,i paws '
"Tlii' I'dii iiui(iiu''h iiiiiniicr ili.uiKc-il
liihiaiill:-.. .mil Ii.' in oiuo a i-t'let
Hvii nl iiu-iiu's.s, liMikiui; ai tm rc'iuc.-t
l'l nin .i puii'ly lait-lui'ss hluiidpnlut.
"'On wlmi do j on Imp' ; our loiiuont.
fni' n iMhs'." ho tihkt'il, "lluvi' you umi
ili'inl tlic load any si'i'Viee. or Is it 111
ili'litt'd lo ".on in any wuj ',"
" 'No,' ipplW'd Hie mail, 'it iii-ob not
owe men iinyililiid. I lnu not had
any di-alin,--- witli It.'
" "I'lii'ii why do you aj-l-: a p.n-s'."
"'WVII. as 1 told ou, I am soIiik lo
.Mliany, ami 1 duu't want to pay loi"
tin- tilp if 1 1-.III i iilo foi. it Just m
funcd to uic that you mifjht fiu'iilsli
It llfll 110 ItPlT III llllllll)', .III ll ll liiMlll.V III
fflini, nml I'ultirii, i,r nf i'.vci lillnii.
1 loin illi tlic Icidlnir rxpniltltm-i il lui nii-ltcl
tin- lilRlifd iiitniiN ol liotinr.
V ii vvnlillnit Kill b wmilil lie lilulilv prlwil,
Veil will iinvvlii'ii' liml il l.iiiii r ii-mliiitnl uf 1 1)1 -i
vvutliMiiiiinti kIi'i linn nt our florr
.1. Hi- in Him lion HMkm xI.ibi.
I'lliit lloivlt '.nl.
1'l.llri ...'.'.
SlI itlkli ninliii for l.lliln'A I lit lll,iii, ltutl.vvoo,l
' (iml Oilier I'.iiniiii-i Wan-.
Co. 4 Wfonlns Atoms
- wik in .11 uoK Arouna. a
Just because you au
not going to wea
Chemfor a few month'
don't crush your dain.
ty summer hats and
gowns into space alto
getlier too small foi
them. Let us inakt
you a box couch with
separate compart
ments for hats, waists
and skirts prettily
lined and covered an
addition to any rootr
$7.00 Up,
Both 'Phones
Unquestionable Superior Merit
Annually adds thousands of names to
the Ion list of .Smith Premier users,
representing every line of trade and
every piofcssion
The Smith Premier Typewriter Co,,
, Philadelphia, Pa.
1 and 3. Arcndo Buihlinfj,
nil- iiiinpi)iiiituii If I nsked you, and
ru I nuked.'
" ",M ftit-iid,' icmaiHi'il llio I'omniu
iioiv. "j mi nio tlii- Uihi mini who ener
a-l;i.'il inn for (i p.if-f and told nui- llio
f-luipl" until iilioui it, You HlmlV
a p.i--,' and calllnic a duik, lio oi
di'iiil lii in io lucnibli his ialki" will)
H illitsput Ultioli.
Gieaily Reduced Kxctiv&loii Rates tc
On Oi tulici 1), IS. .'.'i and SO tli kot
agents n tho l,.u'kavunn.i
will toll two-day roach cxcui-jIou tUK
I'ts to IJnli.ilo ijood tjoliiR on any ien
ulai ualn dale of tale and loi" u--
tniii on )iliy icbuIui- train tho follow
ing day. Tho louud tilp into from
Siianlou will ba $.0o, w lilolt Is the low
out faio i-vff mado to l'uit'.ilo, afford
In,' u s-plc-ndld opportiinlty to viblt tho
I'liii-Ainerlaiii XCxpoi-ltion at a noinlmil