'AU 'J(f -iy .$ .'. -tc -. tyVjg'--!"!!1 rrv w- 5' wr 'I"!'.! . v. w$$R J,. . f ' ?'?,, ; ""H' My.. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1901. 3 Olllcet BURKE BUILDING COUNCIL MEETINGS. Both Branches of Council Meet In Separate Sessions. rmninnn council met In roBUlar ?fs Plon hint tllKllt, AlcHnrn. I'ubIIuiio nnd Kennedy IipIiik the only iilixotitceH. The meeting whk eolletl to order by t'hulr inan C'olllnw tit S.I.", n tuioruni huvliiK failed to uiipcnr until that time. The flnuiiee ('(immltteo reported favorably on the following resolution of select council: That tbe bill of Lynch & Jlronson, for $;iG.fiO, be ordered paid. Adopted. The following resolutions from select council wM-o t'onetirted In: That $"0() be transferred from nan and eleetrlo light appropriation for Ii-riiI costH for tens', etc. Tbe resolution bad been drawn up by Controller Wheeler. That tbe city engineer dlreet tbe Kcrunton Hallway rompany lo have their tracks placed In the center of the Ftreots within ten days', or the rails he removed by the elty. That a blue print be slven to the wild company. An ordinance, tile of common council No. , providing for an are light on 1'owdcrly street, In Fourth ward, pawed tlcst and second readlugf. File of common council, providing for nn Incandescent light of IK-candle-pnwer bo placed on Ourlleld avenue, at intersection of Wyoming. Packed two lcadlngH. Kile of select council, No. T, provid ing for a sewer on Seventh avenue, from High street to Wayne street, re ferred to committee. The following resolutions were re ferred to various commit tees: Uy J. M. Masters That the elty en gineer give grade to the residents of Chestnut avenue, and notify the prop erty owners to comply with the ordi nance to lay sidewalks within sixty days. Hy P.. S. Whltllold-Thnt the city en Rlneer Is authorized and instructed to. lay stone ling sidewalks in front of Kingsbury Fuller and return the cost of fame, with penalties, to city solic itor for the purpose of entering liens ngalast said property. That the city of Carbondale pay to P. A. Walker $100 and William Hoffman $K0, for damages to their respective properties by reason of widening and grading Ninth ave itie: provided, that said Walker and Hoffman sign leleas-e to said city for all damages caused by said widening and grading heretofore done or which may be done, and provided, further, that the said parties shall erect sub stantial retaining wall along the prop erties on said avenue on street line. A number of bills were ordered paid. Select Council. Select council held a short session last evening, Messrs. Jlarrett and Battle being absent. An ordinance, providing for a sewer on Ninth avenue, from Main street to forty-live feet east of the properly of -Mrs. iinnnlns. The ordinance was introduced by Mr. l.avls. They then adjourned. ECONOMY. Poor Board in the Future to Prac tice the Art. The poor board intends from now on to practice economy. The directors bad intended having several books -irliited containing the special laws governing this district at a cost of ST.'. The idea has been abandoned. The board intends using their attorney I'or nil information required and will not expend that sum for the books. They bave also decided to use their own discretion In regard to .sending insane paupers to asylums. The board will decide on which asylum to send the patients and will not in the future be influenced by relatives of the charges as to the place. Tills has been the sit uation iu the past to some degree. A talk with several of the directors de veloped the fact thai Danville asylum chargci for inmates is very much hi excess of the other state institutions of like character. All the prices are different. Hillside home rate Is in ex cess to Warrensvllle. In order to practice the art of economy insane pau pers will in the future lie placed eith er in the He treat, another state insti tution, or at one of the other lower rate places, The retreat Is situated below Wilkes-Uarro and as yet the board has had no inmates there. At the last meeting of tbe board Chairman MeCuhe deemed It advisable to take. some of the inmates from here at Dan ville from there to some of the other places. It is probable that tills will THE PEOPLE'S EXCHANGE WAS'ITD To liil class p.iintiH at onip. Ap. Vly in V. .1, rinc.li. Cliut.ii tii'ct, C.itbon l.ile. RAILROAD TIME: TABLES. Delawave nnd Hudson Railroad. m .lime 0,, J'JOI, Trains lll lcno CirlioiuUlc at city jt.i(cn ,ii (lilluHBi I 'or Sirantoii nnd Wllkca-Iljiie (l.nii, r.nc, s" on P.oit 10.01, 11.21 .i. in.; J'-M'i, 1.13, 2.31. ;t"jo' 0.U1, 7.M, 10.01, 10,31 i, 111. ' Sunday trains Imu at S.M, 11.21 a. in.: 1 lit 5. in, 5.50. s.oo p. in. ' Tor Allunv, h'ai.ilni,M, Jlntilrral, l.i.,on. ,.v llnnUml point, Hi., 7.00 a. in.; .;i,; ., ' ... (dally.) ' '"' for l..ikf I.mlnti'. M'u.wnail, and uii.ul,,i 7.-i, 11.03 a. in. j ..il, 0.1:1 p. 111. ' Sunday train.-, Icni" l.al.o bmloip, n.niniii am! HmicMlaln ut O.iiO .1. 111. s l.::n, i.r, p. ,' TraliiH arrive at rail'ondalt' fiein tVill,i.,.:jir,. and' S:u11tn11 at Mirny: ij.flil, s,:J7, ji.;;,, ,,,... , m.; I3.:i7. 3.t, il.2.1, l.'Jfc, O.ik, 7.n, s.;ii, i..-. U..17 p. 111.; l.sa a, in. ' '"" Mindaj train-, aiihe at 0.37 a. 111.: J.'.IO J' l.Jt, 11.30, U.WI p. in, Sunday halm uulu" ai Cailiondalo ficmi l,iv(. J.tiflnri-. Wiijinart and llnnctdalc at u.j j.pj ami 7.6.) p. in. Now York, Ontario and Western. .S."iit. 17. 1UII. 'I'lalns lo.no L'aibondalc (or ."unlim at 7.0i) a m.; 1. im p. in. Silinl.iy h.iliis nt 7.00 11, in,; li.inl p. m, Tiainu lc.ui." Cailiondalc for polun ;ioun at II ,10 a. ,111. On tSiind.iy at 0.10 a. in, IV.ilm Ip.uIii;- at 11.10 ,1. in, w.fU days and II p) ,1. m. Smidaji. inalo toniu'tlloin lor .Vrvv Voik, I uim wall, lie. Tiulnt arrive fiom SrVianloii at 11.10 a, 111.; fi.n p. in.: fiein poinU 1101 til, 1.011 p. 111 Siindaia from ."Viantou nt !M0 ,1. 111, and 7, p. m .; bom I adcia at 0.00 p. in, Erie Baihond, June !JJ, 1001. Traliu Icne city station, C.11I1011 laic, dally (cmtiiI Siinila.v) at 7.00 a. 111. and .!IJ 11. 111. tor lliaiult and Ninciclij at a:st a, m., ifjiiy (fx. irptiu; Sundav), fur lllnvliaiiitun. m.ikli,,- ion. M'ctloiu for New V01K illy jml llnli'alo, and al 0.10 p. 111. for Sntijiivhanna, iiiakim; loniicitioiii lor wutcrn point. Sunday tialih at O.ti u. in. for Suiirlijniu, ivitli vtrtl'rn ronncctioiii, aiJ ii.-.'7 i. in., with faiuf. foiiiicctlocs. Trin arilvc at E.U a. in. and 3.13 p. in. J ' ' Cafbondale Department. he done In the near future when rates for keeping audi railroad rules' are learned. Another matter In which some of the directors believe there Is a chance to avc money Is the send ing of a policeman with a patient along with one or two directors. Those mat ters will probably be discussed further when the board mcels again, Attorney Mutler of the board has written In Philadelphia for speeul laws If there be any. governing the disposition of bodies for burial. Maro, the Magician. The opening number of the entertain ment course for this season will be Muro, the magician, at the Uratid opera house next Monday evening. The diagram fur reserved seats will open In Reynolds' drug store tomor row (Wednesday) evening. Checks will be given out at f. o'clock, and seats re served at T.r.O. Kach check will entitle the bolder to four seals. Course tick ets are .$1.50; single admission, 1M, 50 and T.'i cents. Tickets for tile season can lie secured from Claude It. Smith. Isaac Singer, or at A. W. Iteynolds' drug store. Emergency Hospital. There were two operations performed in tile hospital yesterday, both prov ing very successful. The III si was for the removal of a tumor on the neck of Miss niidget (Jafl'ney of Brooklyn street. She was admitted to tbe hos pital yesterday morning and the op eration performed shortly after. The patient was testing very comfortable last night. The second operation was performed upon Thomas Coleman of bundnff street, mention of his accident being made in yesterday's issue. One linger was cut open and dead tissue re moved from the bone. The operation will stop Hie increase of poisoning to other parts of the hand. Mi.. Finne giiu of upper Dundatf street was dis charged from the hospital yesterday as cured. She was an inmate of the hospital for only a short time. Not Discouraged. Tlie Carbondale lilsh school football eleven art In no way discouraged on account of the defeat they suffered at the bunds of t ho Scranton high school. The local eleven showed lack of prac tice in Saturday's game', but Manager Burke Intends having them out dally now and perfect their playing. On Saturday next they will play at Hones dale if a game can be arranged. Wed nesday the eleven will play a practice game with local eleven. Manager Burke Is trying to arrange dates with a number of out of town teams. Owing to tile park here liclng a tiling of the past, but few games will be seen here this year, To Lecture Here. Henry Austin Adams will leituie In this city 1111 Thursday, h's subject be ing "Twentieth Century," under the auspices of Knights of Columbus. The lecture will be held u St. Ko.-e ball and the proceeds will be turned over to the St. Rose church fund. This will be Mr. Adams lirst appearance iu this- city, liul Ills reputation ua a lec turer has preceded lilni and a largo crowd will listen to bis words. Fair Opened. The fair, under the auspices of the Central Labor union, opened last night in Watt's hall, under the most prom ising circumstances, A valuable silk umbrella was the door prize. During tin evening refreshment,! were served. A large crowd was iu attenilance and were delighted with the hospitality of the labor men. The fair will continue nil week. The Powderly Funeral. The remains of Mis, T. V. Powderly, who died in Washington, Sunday night, will arrive in Scranton tonight and will be taken to the residence of her aunt, Mrs, M. II. Collins, on Xorth Main ave nue. The funeral will take place Thurs day morning fiom the Collins resi dence, Two Years' Efforts. The ordinance read Iu common coun cil, In regard lo the laying of a sewer on Seventh avenue, has been petitioned by tesldents mi thai street for the last two years, they agreeing to stand the costs. They are well sallslled that the ordinance will now go through both councils. At the Grand. "Pennsylvania," from the pen nf P.iulel Hart, was tlie attraction at the (liaud ojieia house lust night, Tlie show gave satisfaction to a good house. On Wednesday, Stetson's 'i'ucle Tom's Cabin" will bo Hie uttrmilou. Two pcr turmnuces will be given. Funeral Notice, The funeral of the late Mrs. Patrick Unckerty will bo held toiuoriow. Hie remains being taken to Si. Itose church at li.oO and a mass of reouicni will he ead, The remains will be interred In St. lloso ceinoiery. Returned to Work. MIm Theresa Tlghe. one of the ef ficient "hello" Klrls in the Carbondalo Telephone) Exchange, has resumed her duties after a week's absence. Miss Stella Morgan presided in her place, while she was itwav. Installation. The Olive Leaf lodge, Independent Order or Odd I'Vllows, bad an instaj liitlon of olllcers last night In their hall, on Suleni avenue. h tftiMiBs iis 'Phone t NEW, 286 010,0423 OBITUARY. OlilVMIt W. KPANOKXHKUCJ, who has been closely Identified with the early history of this section, tiled yes terday morning at his home on the east side of the mountain, towards South I'muutn. Death followed an at tack of apoplexy, which Mxed httu while on his way to this elty with a wagon load of mine sprags for the Dehtwaie and Hudson company. He was found In the wagon in an unci.n scIouh condition. This was on October 5. Consciousness never returned. The deceased had an Interesting career. He was a native of South C'u nnuil, Wayne county, where he was born In lsun. lie was tbe llrst lumber contractor for the Delaware and Hud son company In this vicinity, and up to the time of his death be continued his relations with that company. With bis father lie built tbe llrst lumber mill In that part of Wayne county which was his home, lie supplied t ho Delaware and Hudson company witti all tbe Mu lshed timber that came from that vicin ity. The llrst ties used on the Dela ware and Hudson, between Cnrbondulo and Scranton, were furnished by htm, tlie shipping being done from Wuy ninrt. When the Stillwater lumber mill was erected by this company, Mr. Spangenberg was engaged In Its con struction, lie had a remarkable knowl edge of the tracts In this part or the Mooslcs. and Ills services proved valu able Iu many an instance In locating dividing lines of tracts thai were In dispute. Ills knowledge was equally valuable In estimating Hie value of timber binds, and he was eagerly sought by prospective purchasers for his close Judgment. Probably no man In this section bad as good a reputa tion iu tills respect. Mr. Spaugenberg was n resident of Carbondale for several years. The tim ber iu many of tlie buildings Iu this city was bought from lit in. He was engaged, also, for a short time in the retail coal business, supplying the trade from an opening at Wilson Crock, owned by tlie late Captain William Brenuan. He was a type of citizen which Is always an Important iactor In a community and leaves its impress for good Iu the relation of life. Mr. Spaugenberg Is survived by bis widow and two children by tills, his second wife, Colonel and Millie: ami I he following by his llrst wife: Kdgar K. Spaugenberg, Buffalo: Simon K. and Harry A., Carbondale: Moses K. and Krulik K.. Wiiyinart; Thomas X., Pcck vllle; Stewart Spangenberg, and Mrs. .lohn Beers, South Canaan; two broth ers. Philip and George, South Canaan; two sisters. Miss Itachel, South Canaan; Mrs. Henry llayues, Scranton. The funeral will lake place today. Services will lie held In tlie Methodist church at South Canaan. A telegram announcing the death of tlie wife of Commissioner of Immigra tion T. V. Powderly of Washington was received with much grief In this city yesterday morning. She died nt 10 o'clock Sunday night, after a long illness. Deceased was- formerly Miss Hannah Dcvers and a native of Car bondale and Is survived by two broth ers: John of Providence and Frank of this elty and one sister, Miss Margaret of Providence. Tlie lady will be brought lo Scrantoii this evening. The burial will take'place on Wednesday morning after .1 reunion mats lias been read ovi r the remains. A New Brewery. Application has been made to the governor of Pennsylvania for a char ter for a brewery to lie erected In tills vicinity. Their solicitor is Attorney H. C. Butler. The stockholders ill the new concern are Zoplirr Leo Joseph Kraut. Joseph Shock T. 11. Xortou and Frank Kraut;:. One of the men interested was interviewed by The Tribune repoiter but he was loath to talk of the matter as it had not as yet been decided as lo a situation. The brewery will lie large enough. Home from Wales. William I low ells and family have re turned from Wales after a two mouths' visit ther". They were delighted with tlie t.rip. A Birth. Bora To Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Flannery, of Dundaff street, a son. Bitten by a Dog'. Kx-Seloet Councilman T. M. Xoalon, of South .Main street, was severely bit ten by a dog last evening, Mr, Xoalon, tthc onlv milk th.it should Ik given a 1ki1 , b'tesh milk ihdan.ijerousin warm weather, bvcatise it is uMiulh kept sweet with foimaldehvilc, or some ntlit r chemical that im perils the child's life. Jle sure to jjel )r. fam('s-. keeps sweet iu auv weather don't buy ice. It' is richest iu butter fats ami has added all the food elements of whole wheat. It makes a puny child healthv and sttong. booklet on infant food, and letters from motlicis?;, Tin Dr. Hand Condensed Milk Co. Scranton, Pi, wmMaM R feidensed I Milk I 1 1 Curad After Years of Pile Torture. .Tames Kenton, Memphis, Teiin., says; "i mirrored tbe tortures of Itching piles for year, and not even mercurial oint ment would relieve me. One Ml cent box of Pyramid Pile Cure cured me en tirely." All druggists sell It. Book, "Piles, Causes and Cure," mailed free, Pyramid Drug Co,, Marshall, Mich. who conducts a store on Tenth avenue, was going through Cttinney's court car rying In bin hand 11 can of nil, In front of the home of P. l'inneg.in 11 black dog, the property of John Doyle, ran from the yard and sprang for Mr. Xoalon, his teeth Hitching him on tlie right hip. Tlie dog, an unusually large one, secured a good hold and it aviim with much dllllculty thai he was shak en off. Mr. Xoalon's tiotisets were torn and blood was drawn from the wound. The dog's teeth had penetrated the skin, leaving lliolr impressions and around the marks the skin was black and blue. The dog will be shot. The wound though painful for a time, will not Incapacitate Mr. Xoalon from his work. Called to Scranton. l!ev. Waller (Ionium of St. Boso church was called to Scranton yester- day on account of the serious illness of his father. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Duffy, the latter a daughter of Mr. Gorman, are also at ills bedside. Horse Dead. A valuable bay burse In the Morrison livery died yesterday after a few days illness. Mrs. Morrison feels tile loss keenly as tlie animal was one of a team recently purchased by her. Mourning' Down. The mourning on the postollice build ing was taken down yesterday, the month of mourning for the martyred president being over. THE PASSING THRONG. Miss Mamie Cannon, of Plko street, is 11 Scranton visitor. A. W. Kilker of Maylield, was a business caller here yesterday. The Delaware and Tludson paid its shop and railroad employes yesterday. Miss Laura Finney, of Scranon, is the guest of Mi.. George H. West, of The Anthracite. William Clemo has purchased a horse and wagon and will run a maikcl dur ing tlie winter. Mrs. A. (i. Xieliol and daughter, Mrs. II. Llewellyn and tlie lattir's children tire visiting friends iu Hir.Ieton. William .loost, of South Washington street, has gone to Virginia and will take his family there next week. Frank Brown, accompanied by John Durkeu. of Scranton, left lasL night for Buffalo to take iu tlie sights at the Pan-American. John White and family have return ed from AVi Ikes-Bane where they were in attendance at tlie wedding of Mrs. White's sister. Miss. Mareella White, of this city, was bridesmaid at the marriage. JERlHYN AJNDJHAYFIELD. A boys' military brigade is to lie or ganized soon in the Baptist church In which the boys will loam to drill like suldkrs. Bev. David Spencer, D. D., of Blnkely, who has a hoys' brigade of nearly 11 hundred members, will meet tlie boys here in tlie Baptist church at :!.ir p. m. today, and all boys inter ested in the movement aie Invited to be on hand. TImco Sliubinskl, 11 Hungarian resi dent of the Kast Side, brutally as saulted bis wife on Saturday evening because she refused to dance with him after dancing with another man at a dance In one of the saloons. After knocking the woman down lie kicked her and jumped upon her, breaking her thigh bone and otherwise injuring her. She was taken lo tlie Kmergeticy hos pital tit Carbondale for treatment. Dr. I. S. tiruvos ami M. .1. Shields lti.'wln 'I linsl-lntit'lete evnllllnil lion of I tlie late John Mason Sunday afternoon I.....1 ........! !.. ......... .., I, It. ,1....,. it.,.. tlllll Klllim IIIU l UHi"r ,,L Itin ... ..Lit ,.,,T due to 1. nicer which was Iu accordance with their diagnosis of tlie case made several v.i eks ago, The friends of Ontario and Western Kuglneer Hall, who ,1 few weeks ago ivivi d Irom Xorth .Mull street to Cadosea, will be sorry to learn that l.e wiii fatally Injuied on Thursday night and him since died, Somewhere iu tl'.e neighborhood of Preston Park he attempted lo alight from his engine and Iu the durkuos fell off a high 'res. tie. Misses fit. ice nnd Clertle Vuil and Kute .Mullen arrived hero yesterday from their Pan-American trip. The congregation of the church 01' the Sacred Heart will conduct 11 fair during the Christmas holidays. The marriage of Dominie McAndii'vv, of Avocn.n former Jermyn icsldeut and Miss Auule McAndrow, of the Kast Side, !s announced to take place s-hort-iv, Prof, It. i. M, 11 tin, of Seraulou, was a caller lee last evening. John Waters, of Fourth street, is do ing Jury duty this week, iiiete was a slight Improvement 10 portcd last night iu tile condition of Mrs. Hartley Mullen, wit" has been critically 111 for a week past, OLYPHAIST The llrst of a series of lectures and enicrtalninenis will be given in iho Hlakcly Baptist church tomorrow even ing, when the people of this town will have the pleasure of hearing itev. Henry J. Whalen, D. I)., pastor of the Korean IlapUfl church of Carbondale, In 0110 of his celebrated lectures, "The Wit and Humor of the Irish People." The following will.be heard during the course; A. V. Bower, October ill, lie v. A. Hatcher Smith, November II; grand concert. November is: Miss Cora (iiil liu, the noted elocutionist of North .Scranton, December 12. An excellent programme has beep ar ranged for the enleiiaiuiueut which will be given n the Primitive Metho dlst (Juiroh tills cvu.hi& A social will CHICAGO -TEXAS OiL SYNDICATE 111 ,i . ,M rl. unn .1 'fli -1 .- K-u.u'i KM "''ir 1 u .mm 'I 4 lJl 11 $ i'fi 4" fr'ft 'H V-' c'upnal stocl. RHFURnNCUS. Cltlen.T National Dnnk, Clitcuen, lit. Vlic first National Until;, ttcaiimniit. Tctn. lite Planters & Mechanics' Nat. Hank, Houston, Tho Tex.13 oil field?, although lint eight mouths old, arc Already tho greatest oil producing Holds of tho world. Oil U n standard commodity nnd lun inmle more Brent fortnncn than nny other Investment. This Syndicate's lands nro nil paid for. NO LEASES, NO ROYALTIES TO PAY. It hns covered tho oil district. Including th" famous Sptmlto Top. Sour Lake, Saratoga and Dayton Prairie, The money for drilling Its first gusher on Its Spindle Top land, which Is Hearing completion, Is deposited in thu American National Bank of Beaumont. Treasury Stock Is now offorrd for sale to provide money to build pipo lines, tanlts and tank ears for imirkrtlng i's oil, l:i order that It may liny dividend., to ltn tooliho!flers at tliu curliest pnXftltilt: moment. GUARANTEED STOCK. This Is no stock speculation. It Is the purchasing of nn absolute, certainty. You take no chances. WE GUARANTEE A GUSHER within 00 days or every dollar tmtocrlbcd will bo refunded. All subscriptions aro deposited In tho CHICAGO NATIONAL BANK. This Is tho only eamimiiy that almolutely Kiiaran teen a dusher within sixty days or refunds the money di rectly to tho subscriber. Send all romlf fidelity NOTICT1 We furnish uuon request the marl.ct be liebl at the close of the programme, when refrcflinients will be served. Ocorge .Mason, of (Ireenwood, N. .1., is visiting Ids parents iu Hlakcly. Dr. .1. J. J'rlce and T. Frank .Ionian have returned home, after spending a week at tlie Pan-American exposition. Mrs. William ltogati, of Duuinoro street, is seriously 111. .Mrs. 'William .lames, of Hyde Tali:, visited friends at Ibis place yesterday. The Citizens' club, of tile Fouitii ward, will mil meet tonight, as previ ously announced, but will meet on Sat urday night nt Fletcher's hotel. PECKVILLE. Sieve Kozak, a Folander, about ";! years of age. was run down and In stantly killed by 11 Delaware and Hud son train Saturday evening, at a point near the Steniek Crook crossing, .lust north of tlie Peckville station. The body was badly mangled. A portion of tlie head was cut off and one aim sev ered, it Is supposed Hint the passenger train north-bound, due at this place 11 1 S.l.'i, struck and killed Kozak. A few minutes after the train passed, a coal train followed. Tho engineer observed the body lying alongside tlie ruils. lie stopped his train, and untitled residents living nearby, and Undertaker .Michael took ehanre in' the remains. Koak boarded with a l'ollsh family on what is known as tlie Patterson farm, and had been to .lessup and was boniewnril bound when he met Ills fate. The rummage sale to be conducted by the .societies of tho Presbyterian church of Peckville opens this morning in the vacant store in tlie Odd Fellows' building, opposite .Morgan utore. A large assortment of new and second baud goods will be for sale. Do not miss these greal bargains, 3lrs. K. JI. IJiirues has returned, after spending a few days with Mrs. Andrew Hale, of Yatcsvillo. Jlr. and Jlrs. W. J. JlcICelvey have returned from a week spent at Hie Pan Ainericaii. .lames AV. Smith is doing Jury duty this week. TAYLOR. Tomorrow afternoon the marriage of .Miss Sarah .1. Hughes and air. Jl. .1. Strlne, both popular young people of this town, will take place. Tomorrow evening a complimentary dance will lie given at Weber',4 rink lo their numerous fiicnd.i iu honor of the event. November 7 is tlie dale of the grand concert of the Anthracite tlleo club lo be held In Weber's link. Tickets for the event can be purchased I'rmn the members of the C.lee club. The pat rons aro assured of 11 grand musical anil luerury ticitl. Among tlie talent already engaged is Plot". ,1. Ter.inllas Thomas, the widely known bawso of Newcastle, Pa. Tbe committee In charge of the grand coiueri and lot drawing to lie bold at the Calvary liaplist chinch on Tues day evening, November -', aro hard at woii; arrangiiiR I'or tile event. Persons holding old tickets lor the drawing are renuesled to turn them over to the pastor, J lev. Dr. Jim lis, and have them r new. Today will occur the intuit heralded iuoi match at llldgewuy hotel grounds between Jlichard Williams and .1 oil it Itldgenay of this town ami Wal ter Dllinlei uml .lohn Wagner of West ScraiUoti, Jltv. .Mary Nash and daughter, Jlrs, August Kelnliardt. and Mrs. l.ydla Wlnteiiiitrii al tended tho funeral of iho late Iteujuiulu iiiointiri at Wllkes llarre on Sunday. Itev. J. Crwjn Kvnns ullkiatod at Jerinyn on Sunday, Itev. Kvuna ex picts to depart this week, visiting tho stales of Indiana and Illinois, previous In lil. departure for his natuie liunio In WuIuh. v Thomas ll. Thonitis of Kingston spent Sunday at tlie home of .Mr. and Mrs. .lohn S01 Ivors of Storrs siieci, Mr. anil .Mrs. J'erwllllzer of Hones dale and W. I,, Hells of Scranton spent the Sabbath at Hie home of Wlecitt elan and Mrs. W, Jl. Hell nn Jitilu stiee'., .Mr. and Mrs. Iteujauiln l.luwellyn of Siotrs street are homo from a few days' visit with relatives in Plymouth, T'rof. Hairy Kvuns of Wales, who has been spending Hie pnsl few mouth wilh relatives and friends here, will iclurii to hi. native laml todiiy, .Misses Mary .lenklns and .nn ,1. Nicholas were guests of lelutlvcs III Helluvue viKterduv. The KillniwjiK citizen, friuu this town were drawn 011 Friday as traverse par ol'. for November term of court; l. J, Daniels, David J. li.tnis, I'.mick W, Jleijv Wlllhun N. Wllllanm and Cicorj;iJBarsh. S2S nuys SO Miarca. $50 tlnys 101) Shares. SI 00 flays 200 Shares. 52.10 Hiiv SOP Shares. t,000,eu0,cw, In th.irci oC CO cents each rail rnl'l anil Tcim. OPI'ICIHJS Vrililiil. W ,r MOOM!. Prit imi'iiinr, I., ;. ijhi..u. i 'nniiT i'i:mi"n tb. aiecimnicc .xniinni ok., tioupmn. icx i'w .11. 1;. .MAsiiiv.i niirMisiutMSi'imtor from nunoim i'ekiiy a. iioi.i, n"i In ClMiiccry of tho Circuit Court, Chicago; B, It. 1'UIIKY.MAK, Attorney, IIouMnn.Tei' tanccs for stool; and address all lniulrles and request for prospectus to mut (5 nmsimm valuo crtelllns prlco of any Texas oil stocks as (junto AfOADTJMEABLES Lehigh Valley Railroad. I11 Illicit .lull" v, 1101. Tuim Iimvc si r.itiiir for I'hil.iiMplii.i and New V.,a l.i II. .V II. Ii. ll.. .it a, I.', .mil ii.;;s :i. in., uml lm, i.-jv ( IU.U'!, bi.imoiul l'.Hi 1, .111.1 1 1. .10 p. in. Sun days D. .V If. K. II.. I-''-. S.-7 p. 111. I'or White H.iW'ii, Ilirlt'toii and piiiitlp.il point-; In tho coul ii'L'icii", via II. ,c II, Ii. Ii., it.13. J.IS .mil l.-.7 p. 111. I'or 1'otKUIIc, i. 1.1 .1. 111.. 'J. I p. 111. Per lli'llili'liein, i;.ilon. lfi'.uliii!;, Il.iiii-lnir ami piludp.il Inlcnin tli.ito 'l.iiioti i.i I). .S: II. II. 1!., ii.1.1, !.;; 11. in.; :!.IS I. '-7 (lll.11 U Illi nium! K.p'V"). 1 1. "0 1 1. 111. Siiml.iys I). ,t II. Ii. I!., !i..'i .1. 111. ; l..'. .V-V p. 111. I'm' Tnnl, !i:imi'ck. Tim. 1 :i' 1. 1, lllinli.i, Ithae.i, (,'cni'v.l iniil piinclii.il iiiloimciti.ili. ct.ilinn-i. i.i p., 1,. & W. Ii. I!.. S.IO .1. 111. ami 'i. Ill p. 111. I'or lieiii'Mi. Iteciie-ti'i", lliilT.iln. Miimi.i Kill", l liir.uo ami .ill peinls vwM, vl 1 11. II. Ii. It., 7.1-'. 11.. V, .1. 111.. I.-S !!.:"! fill 11k IIIiiiuukI ll picl, 7.1s 10-11, Jl.au p. m. .Suml.iys 11. .v. II. Ii. I!., 11..",, S.'J7 p. 111. I'lillni.iii p.nlor aii'l -lPcpiiiv or I.clilsrli V.illcy p.lllor c.llo (in all Main- lictwccli VilKr--ll.llle ami .Vciv Veil., Philadelphia, ltiilf.it.) ami Su - peiMuii I'liiUe. litll.LIN II. WII.IU'II. (icu. P'ipt., 2ii (.'oill.ii,il MicpI. New Veil; ell.Mil.KS s. l.i:i:. Clou. I'.i(. Af.t.. Sli Corllaml ttippl. New Voik. .. W. NOXUMACIII'.li, lllv. P.i- ArI , S'oulh llptlili'lipiu, l'.i. I'cr liikitf and P11II111111 le-civ.itinns apply to ::l!i l..iikau.inni aicime, Snautdii, 1i. GREEN RiDGE. Colonel lltcbeoelt will deliver one of ti series of lee.tures; to lie given by va rious lecturers this winter iu Capouse chapel Tuesday evening, Oct, 1.". All aw walcomo. I Itev. and Jliw. I.. It. Foster will at tend the synod of the. Presbyterian church at Pittsburg, P.i Oct. 17-23. Itev. A. D. Hudson, of Delaware, is visiting the .family of Joseph Fidii.nt, of Deacon street. atlss Annie Nolal. of Hobokon. N. J., is visiting friends on Sanderson ave nue. airs. C. W. Siott, of Philadelphia. Is visiting her parents, Jlr. and .Mrs. T-. F. AVoIIk, of Washington avenue. Harry Connolly and Ilussell ShirtlelT, of Washington avenue, are at the Pau Ameiicau. c. If. Pond, of Fletlric iiveniie, left yesterday for Preston Park. William Hlnies, of lierwick. his sis ter, Jllss Sarah Klines, of Danville, and aiark Smith, of Syracuse, spent Sun day at the home of Jlr. and Jlrs, .1. Jl, Vought, of Sanderson avenu'. Jllss Sarah Judge, of Wllkes-Harro, Is visiting Croon Jiltlge friends. Kdwurd Sargent, of JOS Jliuion street, wiio acted as watchman at the (liven P.ldge gas tank, disappeared from ids homo Saturday. Sargent was between Ill'ty-llve and sixty years old. DALTON. Jlr.-;. Theodore Jllller Is visiting her sister in liinghuiiiton, N. V. Jllss Helen Hard, of Kiietoryville, was the guest of Jllss Hthel Out mi Sunday, Dr. W. How land Uavies. of Seranlon, was a culler In town on Sunday. The following ladies will mvo a supper In th liuptist church on Wed nesday evening: Jlrs. J I. W. Nut'thup, Mis-. Ueorge Noithup, .Mrs. K. J. Noi'thup and Jlrs. Frank llrooks. Tho supper will bo ready at .1 o'clock. Members, of l he senior class icudered a liier.11 y progtaiuiue iu tho public school building 011 Friday lu'teiuoon last. Secretary lleurge M.lhy expects to move his faintly to Scranton about November 1 tor tin- winter. HA2..LSTEAD. fp"i"l9l to the ?i'r.iiitun Tril'iine, II.iIIoIimiI. ! i. Jl- Mr. Jml Mi. W. Jl. lilioi'll.'i' .up vwilui; thU week al the liullilu p.xpil.lti 'll. I..ii Tl.iniUy PMiilns u party v.i- slw-n In AHi.iiiic li.il!. in holier nf Ml.- loii lliuttii. IJiiiIim, N. V. .Vlioul ilih'i,-lio of tho yK ppuplo 1 uiii,. I'd ll" ini'tiiimi. Jlr. and Mr- sieiiiii 'I'llislcy d Mr. ,'l Mi. .I. II. an I.""!! 4ii"l ilmlilr, Jp.-I.', live tiiuiiu'il Upiii ii U,ll ill tin" I'JU. r. ami M11. Viillijui llu-.li-y. f VniAfi. N. V., i'ia iMiml.iy j tli bii ul Mr. mid Mi.,, r. 1 litej. The lent kttllcli hi tlie I'4ll''i4il 'd ' l"l ijmiI ihirv iiulii. to u Iph'I wiili Hi" main iruiU.. ti'jilipu 1 uiiriitir lia ri"iuiieil otli. "" S lliln.i ilj.ii' K. n Inn. 1, .1. 1 uidtfs i )ilil"S "i enjiojlli'iil 111 lltlluilo l.i.l uri'k. liiiiuul .llfii a vMiina hi Mualwmton, Melld). Mi. Weed wiliuol In I'plimu'd Itouie ficni u vi.ii in Hip I'jn-iuurlMii. l.iue ll.i',"ti l'4arliiK liliK" del liv four- tedi led .ii plJ'i'd hi lliu .l hi lieiil rf I.. 1:. 'liilaiu'- ih"v uuililliis, mi Mmi inii. M. P, (iiiri.i lu .'ii-jiu piliud uoik III Hip iiiiililnc diciw, jficr mici.d pjk' iilliiic..-, due 111 MlkUO. .folui Tuii!ic i- luj.lln; Mvrr.d (Jis Willi lire IIjesIiiv MiMi'ilul Iroiu Jile. ipnrile-. .1, .1. I'l'iiipluii opcinlin,' the wick 'Udtiii; in II111I.1I.1 Jl tlio c.li.Hl.ii. From Photo on noii-asseswmlilo. AND niRUCTORS, of tln Moor-rorlon Cnnnl Co , Houston, TVx.i e.l A Tomis gusher flows "0,000 barrels of oil daily, which at the market prlco of .'!t cents per barrel Is $7,l!nr,000.00 per year nnd would Insnro over "On per cent yearly dividends upon tha entire capital stock of this Syndicate or AN INCOME EVERY YEAR of $70!.r,0 on every hundred dollars Invested, Slop by Mien as tbn development of this property pro rrrds tho value of this stock will multiply nnd multiply nnil H ever ItioreuKltig illvldritiln wilt reach fnhii. Inim pi'iiiinrtloiiN. This xtrnnpr Nytullcntu linn linllt for tin- future. It has covered the oil nrea of Texas and Is des tined to bave more Ktintiern than nny other company In the grout Texas oil fields. Tho integrity and hggresslvo business character of tho offi cers of this Syndicate, Its strong references, largo holdings ol oil lands and the guarantee given with this stock aro tho INVESTORS' BEST GUIDE. All stockholder nro on nn onunl footing nnd have ev equal tntorest in all the Rushers, lands, property and dlvldendl of tills Syndicate, In proportion to their holdings. NO PREFERRED STOCK. Thla stock Is now offered al fin cents per sharo In lots of B0 shares and upward-thls Is the first selling price tho ground floor. 13uy now, as the prlco will rapidly advanco upon com pletion of Its first gusher. Dcpt. II. 10-511-512 Stock l:ic!mn(fc ISIdjj., Chicago. rl on the Houston anil B.euumont Stock CzchMUt RAILROAD TIME TABLES Scheclulo in Effect June 2, 1901. Trains leave Scranton: 6.45 a. m., week dnys, through ves tibule train from Wilkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Pottsville; stops at principal in termediate stations. Also con nects for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and for Pittsburg and tho West. 0.38 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Hurxisburg, Philadelphia, Balti moie, Washington and Pittsburg and tho West. 2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays, 1.58 p. m.;), for Sunbury, Har risbnrg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pitts burg nnd the West. 3.33 p. m., week dnys, through ves tibule train irom Wilkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car and . coaches to Philadelphia via 1 Pottsville. Stops at principal in termediate stations. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Hazleton, Sunbury, Hnrrisburg, Philadel phia nnd Pittsburg. .1. O. IIIITCIIINSO.V, ficn. Mgr. .1, !!. W0OP, Con. Paw. A;t. Delaware, Lackawannn and Western. In Kll'ptt Aii-. 11. 1:101. Trains le.ne Stiaiitoii li" New oik At 1,10, .'1.00. 5..V,, T.oO uml to."' a. in.; 1'.'. Ill, IJ.20, ii'tB. 5.IKI nnd S."0 1'. "I. I'm' Xpw Vuk- niu Philaili'lphi.! T..'iO ami I'i.O'i .1. 111., mid Il'.I'J an,) ;; is p. 111. I'or Tol'h.iiuia-Al li.lll p. m. "r lliiir.iln- 1.13, ''-' ""'I l',)" ;' '" l.0. .'1.3'.'. T.0,'1 ami II.::."' p. I". I'01' llliiBliamlo ul .iy ma tion-. 10.-') a. in. i'1"' '"' !' "' ''or O-iu-pitu, Miiidi-p mill 1'tli.i- l.i"' anil C.2 u. m.; I.jjfl uiiil ::..V2 p. 111. )PS", S.m.iiu-,c anil Utlci Haiti al I'.-'-' ii- "' daily. eu"Pt Sunday. por .Monli(v-e U.0O a. 111.: l.u." uml 7.O., p. m. xich olseii an oiiiiiie'laliou l.eo uml J.M p. 111. Itluoiiidiiiig lliii-ioii l-'or .Vi.itliiiiiil'eilaiiil, at l,,-i mill 10.0.1 11. '": 1." "lid ilia p. in. t'or l'ljinoutli, al S.10 a. 111. i .'1.11 and H.itt p. in. Siinilav Tiaiu-. I'or Xpw Yolk. 1.10, a.00, .1..V and 10.01 a. in.; ;!.'Sl. ::. 1.1 and .1.00 p. in. I'oi lliituiln -1.11 aii'l 'I'-!- " !! 1"". "I."'-'. 7.0.1 uml ll.::i p. in. l''or DliiKhanitoii uml ,iy ..t,. ti(,lH '1.011 and lO.'-'O a. 111. lllooiii.-huig diviaion Irfuw Siiniilnii, 10.01 a. in. and 0. 10 p. in. New Jersey Central. Sl.it ion in Xi'' Vmh-l'oot of Liberty street, X 11.. ami South Tcriy. timi: taiii.i: ix i:i'i'ix"i' .ni.vi: ::n, vwi. Tuliis Iran' "cuiil"" 'or New Vmk, XowJik, 1'11aliPlli. rhllailelpliia. lii'ton. Ilelilpirui, A. li'iilmMi, M.uich Chunk and W'lillo Haven, .it S.55 a. 111.; i'ui"p. Ll"! oim, 100 p. m. s,M days, 2.1.1 p. in- i-Vr Pltl-tiui ami WllU-niiic. S.M a. in.; 1.10 and 1.00 I', ni. Miii.I.in -M.1 . 111. I'ur llalliiuoio mnl Wa-hiiislnii and polnti K.,ulh .mil WY-.1 via llptlili'licm, S.33 a. m., 1.10 ami 1.0 1 p. 111. siimli.is 2.13 p. 111 lr I.011B Ul.inch. Ocean (.'line, cto,, at S.33 a. 111. (tluiiimli in.ii Id. and 1.10 p. in. Tor ItiJilinu'. I.thaiioli ami llaiiUiiug, I.t Ah Ipiilimn, S..13 a. in. ami l.iu p. 111. Sumliyj, 2.1.1 p, in. IVr I'otlsilll'', .'"i'i a. "'., 1.10 p. ill. I'or Mountain I'aik, S.51 .1. in., 1.10 ami l.W p 111. TliKiuuh tlikPls lo all polnla pad, south .1111 ni-t at jowcil i.iIph at iho ..I.Ui"ii. C. M. Hl'ltT. 1 ten. Iin. Ast. .1. II. Ol.llAl'SIIX. (,'pii. tiillit. Delaware and Hudson. Ill llltcil .lime 11, H1I. Ti.din for i'.irbniiil.ilu le.uo Sci.m(on at U.20, fi.Oii, s..V!, lo.ll a- in-: 1-", I--.'. -Ml. 3.W. ,1 S!l, l.2.'i, T..17. CM. 11.20 I'. UL, 1.10 . III. I'or IIoiip.iI.iIo ami l.iko Lodorc, H.'.'O, 10. 1 J a, in.: 2.11 uml ''.2'i !' m. y Wiikpvltiiipn.i.i. -'. s.11, n.:;..-, ji. r 11 in. 1 12.0.1, l.2. 2. IS l-l. 1.27, 1U0, 7. IS 10 II. II."" P. ni. i'or !,. V. II. II folnU-0.13. ..".: .1. in.; 2.1?, t "7 ami ll.Sl" 11. 111. l!or VciHobJMli It. II. l'oluts-H.l.-i, 0.;;?. .!,, 11 :::t and l.'-V P- I"- "for UI1.111V Jii'l all points noitli-(j,20 .1. m- ""' "' ' '"'SIMIW TIIAINA I'or ('ailiotiihle AW, ll.ii.'J J. III.; 2,v 3.5J, 6.S2 and Ul'- I'- in I'ur IMIkivlLaic-WSs a. 111. 1 12,0), 1.J5, J. n.:ij 11111I vl'J I'. ' I'ur Alhaiiv aii'l limit li(illli-n.,U p. in, I'ur IIoiii'mIiIc and Lake laidjte S.51), H.3J a. 111. and si.M P- m. New Yovls, Ontario and Western, !n illct Tui'5ila. h'lH. 17, l'll. vou ill iim.xn l.i'.ui' l.oavo tun Twilti. hir.iutcii. ( '.uhoinl.il". .nfoai.1, No. I .,,,... .I11-"". 1. ni. U.IOh. 111. 1. imp. 111. No, 7 ., ('.lop in. Ai. ('4iboiiililcU.il) 11. in, ' ' SDI'lll IIOl Ml, ' l.i.HP l.i'aio un,i (.',e...'-ia. r'.iili'Miil.dp, Si i.ininn, Nu, (1 7.ml.i. in. 7.PI.1. in. No, 2 S. IS pin. I.i p. 111. 1,10p.m. Si MUS ().V, Mill I'll IIDl'.M). I.IMIO I.IMIO Alll.'S Tl4lH. S11.111I011, CailiomldP. I'jilmu Xo. !l 8.:tUa. in, n.iop. 111. 10. n a. 111. .No, 3 ,......, 7."" !' Nr.l'ailieii'lali', 7. I0p. m, sOt'fll IIOIiXD. 1.P.UP I.pjio Aniio l.l'lv.il. I'aihciiilalp. ScimiiIiiii, No. B 7.l'l 11. 111, 7. ID 1.111, ,Nn. )i) I..:il p. in. il.iln i. in. li.l'ip. 111, Tl.lllit V111, 1 en will. il.i), and ! 1111 Siiiid.it s, inako Hi tin line oiincilldtK f"i Now Vni: env, .MIiIiII.'Iomii. Walton, Xcim Ii, OiipkIj, O.ho.-j ami all point.', uml. I'or tuilUcr Infiiiiniliii.'i. ronult jukct a?cnU. .1. r. .i)i:it.ii). is. r a. Xpw York. .1. ll. WI.1.MI, T. 1'. A.. Siiamoii, l'.i.. trio Railroad, Wyoming Division. Tijiii for Xpw cil; .u.rt Inlfrnirdialo point leave Suiilcii a follottn: 1.20 a. in. s 2.2 p. in, Ailials- 10.3V a. in. Horn lloncj.lalp, lUnlcy ami iiitpinicillalc point: 0.20 p. ul from New York ui'd iiaciiiirdutc nointj. No Sunday train. ,v, .