wirPSSKptjiTKW. -'-f '"VSlWiWifWWf ?y'.!1,Yy f;. THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1901. OR Enameline BIGGER BOX SAM E THEM0DERNvSTOVE POLISH Brilliant,cieaaEasilyApplied,Abso!utely Odorless! l: PRICE A-tJMfllJlA'.B.MI llf 1BW GROSS MAN OF SUSQUEHANNA WHITNEY HEARS OF ONE WHO MADE MILK SOUB. '&. Fortunnto Chnngo of Wind at Burnwood Death of the Mnn Who Tell from Stnirucca Vinduct Lo calottes nnd Fcrsonnl F-tu-ngi-nphs. Eprci.il lo the bcriiitoit Tiilmiic. Sufs'-iiclmmm, Oct. Vi. At I ho nullity "ourt at Monti o( In a enntof-t over a will, a certain w Unci's wiih glvlns IiIk evidence an lo the disposition of the leHtntnr. "Was ho n enoil-naluicd man'.'" tlhlccil the attorney. "Xcit iiltnjjethei." "Wiih ho uiosc, then'."' "Well, ye; ratlin1 In placet:.'" "Wiih he vciy ciust.''" "t'oiihiderably." "How uo--s miis he? (live u.s an ex ample nf his disposition'.'" "Well, sh , he was that cins-s that When he culled up the tows at milking time It made the milk Minr." "That's enmiRli! Stand down." (.'(HWTV crUKl'NCY. Tho SUMinehanna County Medical Pension K.iiiiilnincr lloaul met In this since on AVcdnoKlay, the usual numher jf vetoiaiis appeal Iiik li- examination. The Sunday school Institute of the O'hiid iMxtilit fif tho Siii-riuehauiia Vounty Sunday School association a ill neet hi tho I'pi ouvllle. 1'ieshj teiian chinch on S.ituulay, October l!i. The lemains of tho late AmbioFe fioiiMin. ol niiiKhaiuloil, but toiineily a lllMpiehanilii hotel piojiiietor. weio on A'erlnesdui Intoned in the Xoith J.ick lon cemeleiy. FOKTfXATi: CIlAXCJi: OF WIND. It uiii- a launwood man, who, Allien i tenihle htoiin began one night last vintei, rushed into tlie house ol a jeishbor and oiled out: "ttoss.tlus is the melius; up of caith!" "Peihapr. so," was the jeply. "What shall we do'.'" "Say nothin'. bin lay low." The wind blew still sti oilier, the house hci;,in to shake, and the tenilicd man o.e l.iirnrel: "I?oss,ou loft six bushels ot potatoes InM fall.'" "Yrs" "And j on haw -1 1 i It imisV" "I liao. The man w ho look my pota toes had belter own up." "Cnn ,nu foifflve him'.'" "1 i ,in." "Well " lleie the wind stopped -iKhlenly, and after a look UuoukIi the window the i on1-' ience-sti Icliun man turned and linlshed. "Yes, it eer I "neet him I'll adxi'-e him to rail il'ound." litti.i: i.oc'AI.l:tti:s. A nuniber of newspapeis In the dis trict .lie nominating our .'oiit;icsMiiiiii CVilKht tor soveinor. Mr. Wright has not, a yet, aunouiued hlinselt as a canclidate. The boaid ol tiade will do what it can to pieseive the lemii.mt ot lln loi ests in tliiH icinlty. One way will be .o uhnlMi wood acid inctoties, and lo Induce mine opeialois to use uon mine itops. lion tiPK ousht to be n-eil on "alho.iil 11,-iks, ,il-o, Theie Is a uric.il lack ol tenement houses ,md boat dim? places in Susciue hanna. The Ihle sdiops me being l.tp Mly tilled with fUnnim-is. A stoik icimpaiiy will pinh.ihlv sewer the town. Tlio boa id of Hade faois tho projei t. FELI. I'liOM Till: STAUIJt'i'CA VIA DUCT. Sheilft' TJiay, ol one of the countlc h of a western state, was lecently kllkd while ultemptliif,' to stop a iiumwiiy team. While the meat Stairucia la duet at lamesboio was In pioiess of ronstructlon, Hi ay, then a woiknuin, fell fiom the naiapet of the stiucluie to the mound below, a distance of neai ly one bundled toet. He was picked up tor clond, but when the physi cian CMiiiiincd him he was amazed lo Jlnd that no bones weio bioken. llray jecovetcil, and in tour days letiuned to work. A pioniiiieut lesldeni of Sus ciuehanna, now lesidlnjr heie, saw Ihay when lie tell. ji-'st r.ri'wi:nx rs. A Sciantoii meteoiolojjlst. of somo fame, says that It is the little end of n cyclone that Is destriietlve, People fOiotild make a note of this, and when In the hereatter they have oeiaslon to pick up a eye lone they should nlwas take It by the life end. It may not bo etiquette that compels lilm to do so, but a man usually takes oit' his hat In the piesenco ol his bat her, With the map of today lil'o Is a pa thetic, hemic- and uiinvalllns htiutjKlc nsaiust lialdheadeduess, It'h a waste nf time, money and ointment lo Mi lie HBatnst It. "When a man does not Ret up with the lark In the moinlnK tho piesiunptlon Is that ho Was out on a swallow the night before. WHAT FUI3D1HK WW.NTKD. Master Fied Kenton fell fioin the top limb of a chestnut tico. Ho was picked up Insensible and cauleci home, Atter waK'hliiu at his bedside for many weaiy hours, his mother pei celved blsns of letuiuliifi lonscloiisiiess, I.eaiiliiK mil' him, she asked him If thcro was iinytliliiK she could do for lilm, now that ho was heidimlug to ft ol better should sho bathe his loiehead'.' Should she tan him or ihauue his pil low? Was theie unythlus ho wanted? Languidly opeulntr his eyis and look. liiB at her, tho llttlo sutfeier said. "Vcs, mamma; l want a pair of pants with a pocket behind." He got them. PAUAClHAl'lirrTJIS. John C'liine, a popular Ciuboinlulo young gentleman, has put chased and will conduct tho well-known "Mltthell House," at Hallstead. Tho Susquehanna rounty teaehcrs' Institute will bo held tit Montiosc, Oc tober 21-23. The autumn sccneiy in the Susque a& r?2rB LIQUID BETTER VET! FIRE PROOF t hanna valley Is now more than beauti ful. There Is nothing prettier between the Hudson liver and the gieat west ern lakes. The rush over the Kilo to the Pan Aiiterlcan still continues. The Kile's summer tialns 0 nnd 4 will bo wltlidiawn on Satin day next, Abiahiini U. Schiller, found ly of Susquehanna, but now ot Seranlon, has piesented a petition In bankitiptiy. Hrle Detective Clmiles 1'eiry, who wan recently shot by a nemo Mump, at Owcko, is slowly recovering. He Is still the city hospital, at Dlnghamtou. Whitney. TUNKHANNOCK. Special to tlie Sirnntoti Tilliune. Tunkhannoek, Oct. 13. A. H. Squler and Lucius It. Squlers loft Sunday iiIrIiL for Arizona, wlieio they will siend a couple of month". Mis Mnrgaiet Lelpham, who has been at Wax oily, I'.i., tho past two months, visited her daughter, Mrs. Stephen Itobinson, on Second street, on Siitmdny. Mr. and Mis. Clnlstl.in Fox, of Kat- MOTHER GOOSE PUZZLE. Doctor Foster Went to Oldster, In a shower ot mln: lie stepped in a puddle, 1'p to tho middle. And never went Iheie again. Find his two patients. onvillc, was calling on fi lends in town on Sauiithiy. At tlie shei ill's sale, held at tho i cant house on Satin day altei noon, the lollowing leal estate was sold: Thieo piece? ot leal estate in Moshuppen township, sold as the piopeity of (Jro. V,. Hunter, the (list piece to Mis. .Mar dill, l Haker for S1U0, and the other two pieces to John Qulnn for ?-"' each. Piece ot laud In Falls, township, sold as the piopeity of 11. 1). Kyte, sti ilok down to A. uon Hiown for SI, 000. Two pieces ol land In Xorth Hianeli, hold as llv piopeily of Seeley Hullinil, sold to J. H. Staltoid, the Hist piece for STfO and the second piece for $70.1. Oetoher lei m of Louit lonvencs on Monday at 'J p. m., and will last for tw o w eeks. Judge Fiank W. Wheaton of TaiKCino county will pres.de in com t heie on .Monda, but Judge H. M. Dunham is expected to be heie on Tuesday morn ing. M. ullage licenses have been gianted to Hclwaid H. liiown and Miss distil Hai vey of Moshoppeii, and lo William C, I'oiter cif Lemon and Miss Canlo Lockhait ot Xicholson. Squhe Woitliy K. Kelthllne, of Ianeltou, was doing buslnets In town on Satuid.iy. Hx-County Auditor Heiuy Young, of Xorthmoreland, was .i caller In town on Satutday. THE TRIBUNE'S PATTERNS LADIES' IONG CLOAK. Fif. 508. One) of the newest models In the fav orite long i oats Is heie pomaded In light mode-cnlorecl i loth mid the llnlsh In stilet tailor tlo Is composed nf bauds stitched in ions and ornamented with small squares of cloth stitched lu exact tiquaies aln. If this woik is not liked any suitable giiiultlue may be substituted. Six ynuls ot cloth will bo leqtili'ed. I'atteins In II sl.es; Sll, 3U and 10 Inehes, bus measuie. Send 10 cents to "Fashion Depait ment, Tiibune, Stiunton, Pu.," Muting slzo and number of walbt or bklrt jiat tein desiied, and It will bo forwaidcd to your addiess postpaid. For patterns of the full costume, including both wulst and skirt, 20 cents must be enclosed. AVOCA. Knily Sattlrilay mnrnltiR hiirglnifl mad.' a stieeessful laid on A. 1. Hollls- ter's hmio and euirled off with them n huge quantity of silverware, Ineluil Inir elttlerv. Mimbleus. tea set, anil n handsome hiooeh. Many ot the nvll eles woie heir looms nnd Mis. Hoi llter feels her loss keenly. They pried open n window In the rear and lifter ransacking eveiythlng down stairs they proceeded upstairs nnd was nhoiit to enter Mrs. Holllstoi'fl room wnen Rhn luekll.v nwoko and was terrified to tee two ot them standlntr at tho door, Thev urn lit the sllghto'-t iilarm nnd were successful In milking; their rs rnpe. The people icnllzc that theie must he a gang of them In the town somowheio and have taken extra pre caution In preparing for them. Yester day morning they attempted to enter K. 13. Snyder's store, but were unsuc cessful. Chillies f'roodnn, aged 3.1 yenrs, son oi Mr. nnd Mis. Dennis Crccdan, of Dtipont, died yesterday moinlng after stitfeilng several yeais of peritonitis. Tho paionts feel their allllctlon keenly, tliKs being tht thlid time they have bf.cn called unon to mourn the los of a giown up child, Besides Ills patents ho Is survived by two In others, Chillies and John, and' ono sister, Mrs. Thorn as MtCaithy. Tho funeral will tuUo place on Ttiefiday morning Interment will be In St. Mary's cemeteiy. Mr. and Mis. Finnic Heston are vis iting their daughter at Catasauqlia. The U ( H. will serve a tut key sup per on Wednesday evening, November 20, for the benefit of St. Mary's chinch. Mis Edward Kane and daughter, (ifitrudc, spent yesterday at the Han Ion lesldetice on the West Side. The town council met on Wednesday evening. Members present were Roilly, Osborne, O'15oyle, Oilioy, F.ir ltll itiid Devois. A (ominimicatlon fiom the boiough attorney, instruotlng the council to make provisions tow aids hi inning the matter of tlie West Avoc.i bildgo beloie the gland jury was read. A committee composed ot ('italics Aek eini.in, D. 'I'. Morton and J. II. Andei son, lepievonting the lnngellffc ceme tery atsMoelatiou, asked the council to can clown Wield. ill sti cot to such a depth that the water may inn, off the Cemeteiy association to pay one-lialf. The council aecepled tlie petition and oideicil the woik done at once. Chair man Ilellly then tcndeied his icsigna tlon and Cornelius Oshoine was elected picsideut. The iciuneil decided to le I n I ii tho pioposltlon of the Klectrlc Light company, Infoiming them that they would accept a contiaet for ?7.1.!J0 for aio lights and $J0 each for Inean-de-eents. 'I'he hoeiotaiy was instruct ed to piciiare tlie tax duplicate. Dev ois made ,i motion that he be not paid any extra compensation but this was not seconded. WELSH HILL. Specl.il to tho Sii.imoii Tiiliuuc AYeUli Hill, Oct. 111. The meeting of tho association of tho Congregational churches will bo held at the Congiega tlonal chinch nt this place on tho lath and llilh of the piesent mouth. Mr. Harils, of this place, who had his leg amputated at Caihoudalo some lime ago, is icpoiied as being very sick. Mr. Holmes, of Plttston, Is a visitor at this place. Mr. and .Mis. Albert Hitice and fam ily of Carhondale, utc visiting relatives at this jilace. Mr. and Mis. William llutler, who were tccently married, havo begun housekeeping on the old Butler taim. Miss I.oulso Piico has loturned to her home at Xoith Seianton, alter a visit of several weeks tit this plnce. Mr. H. Lewis, of Fnlondnle, was a vksilor at this place lecently. Miss Uzsdo Moses Is vlt-lthiB at tho home of David Thomas, Mr. Itlelmrd DaWes, of this place, Is repented veiy sick. Mr. Davlcs has passed his eighty-sixth year, Mr, Thoiiins IJ. Thomas, of Xoith Scrantop, is visiting his sou at this place. m ' AtOOSIC. Mrs. K, Ooner has letiuned to her home lu liracednle, Dald Jones lias leturued home, af ter spending sonio thuo in Wales, Harry Hlithuer wasn caller lu to.vn jesteidas, T. F, Jones and IMwaid Anderson liave leturued tioin tho I'an-Amerlean exposition, Miss Hlaiiche Trogellas Is visiting i datives and fi lends In Syracuse, X.Y. Communion services weio held lu tho Pie.sbyteilnu church Sunday morning, Mrs. AYels-h, of Avoca, Is visiting ut the Mel'oiinlck lesldeiuo tills week. Mis. A!. Smith islted Serantou Sat in day evening, A legular meeting of tho school boaid will bo held lu tho High bchool this evening. Misses Xelllo McCormlck and Mamie Doian weio visitors In Seianton yes teiday. Mrs. ficorgo Hufsnilth, of Strouds burgils tho guest of Mr. unci Mrs. Peter Wilson. Kugeno Wutfron organized n dancing class Satuiday u veiling lu the Dyinond auditorium. COURSE Fast Being: Realized by Scranton Poeple. A little bnekachc nt first. Dally Increasing, till the back Is lame and weak. I'll miry disorders quickly follow; Diabetes and finally Brlght's dis ease. This is the downward couise of ltld nev 111-. Don't tnko this course. Follow tho ndvlto of a local citizen. Mr. William Hlloy, ot 10U Cnpottso avenue, says: "For seven yenrs I had trouble with my back and kidneys. When I 'stooped, walked or stood long, my hack got very bad. I could not do hind work about the house without giving out completely. I felt all play ed out and had no ambition. I read a great deal about Doan's Kidney PIIIh nnd got a box at Matthews Bros.' drug stote. I took In all three boxes and they cured mo." For snlo by nil dealeis. Trice 50 cents, Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, X. Y., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name, Doan's, nnd take no substitute. SCHLEY CASE ENLIVENED Concluded from l'Kgc 1 the illspitch of Miv 27 111 e Iili'iicu, and ntlcr colloquy between Mr. IT ij nrr nnd .lucljre Adio cite Lcmly. Mr. Haniii lrm.irked tint there ivjh no otijcrtion to putting It in, etce'it lint it wai "oln iou-ly intended to lelleut on .1 per-ou who is not under inquiij." To t ti!-4 .Mr. llijner responded tint it win not intended tec rcfleit on any one, but tint it wis intended "lo pieient .1 ledettion ot Commodore Slilej." It wis decided tint the dirpjleli was alieidi In iwnlnnc, .mil .Mr. Iluima took tlie wit ness for lediuct ex.iinlmtion. Me tieir.tn by .isk mi; it lie Knew the u imiii for the l.ip-o of tlie or six di.is bitucen the frimlii of di.piuhes by the lljiiK and tlie W.i'p To this incpiny Mr. llijner objeded, and theie w.is .1 prolonged ,ir Ciiinilil on (lie pot of coiinset on bolli sides as to tlie ichni'-sibilit.i of (he pu '.lion. .Mr. Iljnn.i sod in the cuiiriu of his arKUiuint that the nut ter eolilil be fully cpl.iined, but tint if tlie court objeited he would not pic-.s it, whereunon .d niiral Pcwev leiniikcd: "Vou liad better not ntk that ipie'.tmu." Mi. If.mii it v ill ak whether the witness docs not know Fdinctliini; .ibouc ft. I think I ejn denlop ful which he docs not know as to tlie i lriuin-ljnics under which thev wire sent. .Vhniril Pcwe I hue staled before, we want flits, fact-.. Mr. 11 mm I will My, if tlie court his no obiection, tint tho oueitiou I hive in mind is whethei or net thi-, older of .Miy 21, the men oriiiduin, wis sent U'lilcr t iicuiiisl imes of e itTf in .is a huriicd outer, and tint that fict w.ih lOiiiiimiiU.iteil to the in in who timed it, and lint he was nistriieleil to dcliur it as such and to mi inform Coinniodoie siiilm, Mr. It liner ou h.io to nioe tint Comino. doio sLlile wis nifoiuied. Wlnl is the im,i sion of a huriird oideir It could not hoe been huriicd cly lime h. 'this is an important bi.iuch of the i,w, 'Ihc-e nie ofllcial toinmuiiit.ilioiH, and wo ouht not to be bound here by whit took pi ue hi'iuhcils of miles away from whcio we w'ne. line aie the dipikhes. Whv an.i c-rbil toliiuony on this? It opens the whole field in this i ise. If 3011 can t;ot into it we certainly ,ik to ilo so The liiiidint was closed hj tho withdrawal of Hie cpiesitiiu. At Mils state of the piooeruinin ( apl.iin I.emly intirihiml i, ,i pirt of the inord two letters f o.n I'oiiiiiioiliiU' Sihle.v Id ,dniii.d Sampson, both cliled Mil' '21, ls'ls, the llr.-t s.iihn; tliat lie was l,i no iir ins sitihcd tint the SpauKli sipiulion was in il at ( IcnfiioKos, .uul tho snond Icllhig of (hi iiiloriuitlon ho hid leeched thiQUKh tiie llnlNli sleumr clul.i. lie sod Hilt he presum ed the in huaii-e I hey bore on this inittir of the ucilpt ol dNpilclKS. Lemly Makes Rayner Angry. A sonieul.at eeitlnt: iniideut heie aiose be tween .liid-j Adioiile l.i ml v ind Mi. lli.iuei. When l.iculeiiinl ( oiniiiiiidor St iiinlnii was e cuieel Mi. Kiiner askeei leie lo pieeut iw nil dence .1 supple ineiilaiy ihait picpaied by T.ieu ten int P.csoii, of the lmieau of steam engineer iusr, slinuhc the Ms-els ul tlie ll,ihn; squadion. Captain Leiuly ubjeclul, on the Kinund Hut this ciiileiiie wis not peitincnt at this stage nf the pioreidins,'-. Mr. Iti.uiei icplied tint it hid been aittced be In cen eiiuii-ol tint it should be put in, and lie w illicit lo iiilioduio It befoie tho tislhiiony (jot too fir .nui) fiom the tiielcnce beaiiuj on tlie coal snppl.i. Captiiii 1 emly flid that he hid a witness present and wi-I.eel to piocccd with tho tiking of c ih.il teM limine. Aihiiiral llewey Wli.it objection Is theie? Captain l.cnilj I do not think it is the time to do it, sir. Admiral Dewcj 'I'lie wltne.s-i nine come down Mondiv. I'nle'ss there is sonic lemon why It should not ko in now, it Is a cniute due lo the eoimcl What objection is then? We want to know the objection. Mr, lta.iner undertook to rnd a doeumnit ac cnnipnu inif the ihait, when Ciplaln I.emly lo d and addiesscd the eouit, n vlni; with itfeieiue to Mr. Ita.iiier: "He Is not aiemite in Ids stale, incuts, if tlie oiu t pk.i'C, On the inuturi, lie is usy iiniciuate. lie holds a pipit licfnic h'tu anil iiMds whit is not on tint pqur. lie his re pcilcdly clone It." Thciu was ,i ripple of IiiiRhlir llirniiiili the room ulicii lliis Malcmiut was nude, and some pennus iiiide the lailiiu' jolnul hi It, but It was noticed tint Ml. Itanur did not nu.pl the lc marl, as (,ooil intiiKil. Ill' flee was llu-hcd wlicu bo replied, whlili lie did without rlliiu, tj.ilin;: "If bo stales that oul,lde tlie court I will say It Is fil-e." v Captain I.emh If he states Ihat outride the couit, It Is aiiothei iiiatlci, but if he slates it In the coutt II is lilsldi' Impioptr. While counsel wcie lalkini; Ii irk and foilli at eicli olhci Nclioli.il lleuev .no-e mid mhuiiils teieel the mill to the next wilnes, I.iriitenint Natliiu ('. Tttlnln::, formerly of the billle-lilp Inwi, who had bcni wailing to be tailed wlillo the colloquy s 111 prolines. Meutciiaut Twin. inn's tritliiiony coxeicd points already bimijjit nut ns to the niece of ficnfui'go) and the lnnii baidiiicut of the Ciislnlul ( olon in the huhor of suillaco on Ma.i III, When I.lcitlenint Tnlnlni; hail concluded and the couit was about to adiourn, Mr. llajticr lo-e unci mldrcoslnx the court, sjidt "I would like to tall the ultcull fi of the court to what I consider ii eir lUasrecablo attaik ot the iud;e adtoiatc, 1 b.iir ion Jin led lu.iself Willi the utmost ileKiee of romlej and politeness. It has not oci lined oiue. but over and oici again In this ca-e. 'I ho least llltto objection tint ionics in brings In tlie mnt irri table humor poslhlc on bis pail. All I isk is this: lie nude n slate nifiit this nioinlm,- which icllulcd on me; tint we leid llilii-j to I lie couit that did not cexlst. and did not lead things tint did elst. nv man with any decree of sui.lhlllly would oblett to that, mid I do not think niv biolher wants that tlainneut to no to ll.tt touit '1'hc.i liaie tiled I he case Impar tially ami fjlrli. there lias been no statement about their tilal of the u,e at all, but w.hcn I liac read a icport, not thiiiklntr tint the 1M pari would bear on the cue, Ilo point w.u made lint I did not lead the whole of II. 'lhcc thlnss aie er objeetloiublo to dmlral Schley and ui.isclf, nnd I think tlie gentleman owes us a statement lu retard lo lint. Captain Iinlj '.' the court plcaie. I hue to stand upon the morel in this matter. It was not my intention to he oflenslve, anil when count-el (peaks nf my temper I mint say to him, "Neighbor, remote tho beam from your own eje THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Pour I.lnei, a Cent tor Rack Rxtrn Line. For Bent. I'Olt ItCNT-l.ariii' liatn on ionth Side. SmiiIIIi, No. fJI Conncll llullillliir. I'Olt lll'.M' Mne lonni linit'C, i:o Seientli street, all iniproieinenli near .Irrory (Vnli.il depot, Inqulic A, llatrowiiuti, Ui'i North Main nieiiue, I'Olt HUNT Tlirre rooms for rent, with or with nut hoard, Apply lo J. !. Sweeney, till Nuitfi Washington aenue. HAI!tli:it SHOP anil hath rooms fully fuiulsliid for Immediate tent, lies: idand In Catboif dale. A fine oppotlimllv for a couple of joimc, skillful lurbers. Allken Woik, cornel M.ilu ttrect anil Salem nieniie. FOll tll'.Nr Klcht rooms, "S3 Jellcritoti aventtcj all rrodern conveniences. I For Sale. vv llOlts,i:il(i,n KFFKCTS ol nil kinds for ule nt 11157 Midlson aicnue. -All In Hist ila.s ton illtlon. Can he seen dm In? the lest of the month at any time of the thy I'Olt SAl.K-lliv m.ue, n jeus old, welsht, l,2.'i0, 220 Went Market idrcet. K.NllIN'i: AND ltnil.Klt for ale. A '.'"i hoiscpower lioilcr and 10 hoiscpower ciiRlne In first clas lonclltionj will bo Kohl cheap: ran he seen at tho packlnir IidUsc of T. K. Carr k son, Item hifftun aicnue. I Oil SU.i: Lirge fate, dek, show cises and waidrohc. I!. I. i:ans, 107 South Miln aie line, roil SALIl Two light Bprlnjr wagons and 6omo harness, cheap. Evans, rear 1122 Luzerno street. For Snlo or Bent. l'Oll SAM! Oil HUNT Hill on Summit aunue. Mnltli, No. fi.'t Council IJuildlng. Benl Estate. I'Olt s.i;. fi,r.(io bus an ciahl-ioom hou-o on Jhiieki 1 inn balist iinprOM'ment!. Smltli, No. (j.'.I Council nulldlns,'. I'Olt SAl.l' Siloon and two elouble dwetllng houses on .summit aicnue. Mnllh, No. tiJi Coiiuell llitihliug. I'Olt SI,i: One acte of I mil, improicd with lilne-iiiiin ImiLse; plenlj and i.niili ot hull; good loialion in Ullage of I'lcctiille. Mis. Olice l'Mi. l'leclville, Pa. r.lt of about iti'llic lines, good house atiei bain, in ir .Montiose. Address bo-c 31, Pun ock, t-u-qiKlunna county, li. Furnished Booms. 1 Oil fll'NT Furnished rooms, for gentlemen onl j vte.iin licit; all modem tcmcnicnccs. 10J1 Mulheny slicel. FOll RUNT Furnished fiont room, with heat, bath and gas; near court house; gentleman piefcrred. Addiess Room, Box 299. FOB niINT Furnished room; heat and lialh. 02j Linden street. Lost. .ssxxs. I.O.SI' White bull leiner, an-wering lo the name of "IHiU",." Kewarel ghen lor rctcitu to llenty Ileliii, Jr., 417 .Icfler-on iiionuo. In Found. IN Till: POF.M) at or. liieen Itiilge street, two biv hoises. Will be i-ohl iieeoiehng to 1 1 on Thursilij, Oct. 17, pifll, at 10 a. in. . 1". llendrickfon, Pound lu.islir. hrfoie .con allciupt to tike the mote out of in own." I iiferred mote piiliculirly this nnrn iug to the nutter of the writtin question whlili he )iccenled, and then ie.nl the question diirei intly without any intention of guing oiTenic, but In the earnestness of debate. Admiiil Diwcj I tliinlc tint nnglit lo be enougb. 'the statement of the juilgc- adioeate should be enough. 'I he court understands tint the judge adincalo hid no intention of wouml ina: the fi clings of either nf jou, and the court now .nljoiiius. Acortlinglr it 1 o'clock the court adjourned until Monday, THE MARKETS. SATURDAY'S STOCK QUOTATIONS Tlie following quotations arc furnished Tin Tribune by JJ. s Jordan & Co.. rooms 70V7O4 Mears builditg, Scranton, 1'a. Telephone MO.: ing. est. est, ing. Open- lfiifh- Low- Clew- meiiean Sugar 1I0H noij lit) IIS Atchison 7M4 Sn 7,sii TPvi Atchison, Pi 'up), p;u K,a4 ,; Aniul. Copper ?')il pu fxi4 Ss-! Amer. ("u Foundry .... !.'.))t '.-i4 :'iaj jjVa llinok. Iiactinn Id l,l'i fi'i'i l,ii j Halt. & Ohio IOJ'1 101 10.)j HX)i3 (lies. & Olili Filj sVA 4Vi 4Ts l Inc. it (it. West 22'i "'t; '1 22 M. Paul V,7 l(,7'i llit'i Ifil'l Ilocl; Wand UiiA Ulij njij H'lj Col, Fuel k Iron 0! M fi'i !H lllle It. It UH JJU 41 41V Kile, l'r 70'i TO'i C'J?i ii0 Louis. & Nisi lOi'4 10IU 101 101 Man. lilei.itccl 1204; jl -!HTA lllOS HO'l Met. Traction IVii; Wi li'i'i I'.fiVi Mls.o. IMclBo tuOi rSi O'iIJ fi-j-Ji Norfolk fc West W! M &V't Wa Out. & WesUin Ill si iiiij, iiV'j V. V, (Vntr.il IW'i 1.',7'i 1V.U riG.K I'cuiii. II. It Id! Iir, lr.'i Itii'j Iliaillng Hi- tl'i 4lj 40a W's lli.iding llj , Pr. 70U 70' I.')1; l.'1-i-j, .southern It. It !U'i .1i3 m?i 31 Southern 1!. II., I'l fiOU (.ON, 6'i f.'ii; Temi. Coil ,t hon l.n. ii)-; c.0'1 l,ilij Snulh. P.Kille W1U l.0s ,ri0ij JQi; Tcms 1'itlflc 41'; ll'i 40 4m2 F. s. Leather IJ"i 1J'4 1''4 li F. S. Ialher, l'r., .... Ml'i fsllj s.ij K)iA F. S. Mei'l Co ,. 4l't H'i I f H IP, l', S. Mi el Co, l'r Ul HI IU" III Westiru I ulr.n Wi OJ'i HI'j lil'i Walu.li, Pr 35 ""'.i ST i!7 Scranton Bonid of Trade Exclnuigo Quotations All Quotations Based on Far of 100. STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Lscliwauna Dairy Co, Pr , CO ... County tsauuza u-"' ...---,, ow First National Bank (Carhondale) 3j Standard Drilling Co 30 Thlid National Hank (so ,., nlmo Deposit anci nisiouni uans;., 2,a Economy Light, II. t I". Co ,3 First Natioml Bank- 120) ,,. I aeka. Trust Safe Deposit Co 151) ,,, Claik & Snoer a , it JJ3 ,,, c...-mn Iron Fenco k Mfg. Co 1111 giranton Axlu W01U 05 Scranton Sninss u-un 400 ,,, Tiadeis' National Bank 173 ,,, Seianton Bolt & Nut Co. lOi ,,, Pcoplc'i Bank. , 13J ... New Mexico Ity, it O, , Co. , ,,, 76 Scranton Passenger Hallway, first Mortgage, due 1W0 .,...,. 115 , People's Street Hallway, first mort gage, due 191S ,,.,,.,,,,,,,,, 115 ,,, People's Street Hallway, General inortsJgc, d"' 1WI " H5 Dickson Man11f.11 luring Co ,,, ii) I.adta. Townililp School 0 per cent. ,,, H)3 City of Scranton St. Imp. 6 per cent 103 Scranton Traction 0 per cent ut ,,, Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by IL O. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Aie.) Brans t'er bushel, choice marrow, if J.OOa.' t5. Butter liih creamery, SlaJ.'c; dairy, tresli, 21c. Cheese Full cream, lOallc. L'ggs Western fiesb, I5Vial0j nearby atate, UViaU'ic. Medium Dcani-Pcr buhcl, 12.50. Green l'eas-rr bushel, l.(0al.. Flour Best patent, per barrel, $1.45. Ucanj l'cr bujhel, choke marrow, J.10. Tctatoes I'er buihel Ul.lO. , 3 More Help Wanted Male. MAS'AflKIt lo bllulle sile of our puhllial limit un der dl'lliicth new- pliti, (luod uppoilutiil.c for tight mill, Itofeiniii's requlreil Write II. Ap plfton .V (o., 1003 Wlllicrspoon tiiiililiiiir, I'nil'd I. phi 1, I'.i, VAMi;il stenographer and bookhcepn. ti Council hiillclliiR- Appl) CANVAFSIllISs WAXli:i)-For an honest, straightforward proposition. Not n dio-diy fclieine, but good piy for good wotk. Young men of licit Appearance and good habits wauled; if they luce I111I some experience In ramming", so mile Ii tlie better. Addicts, stating age. ex perience nnd preiious micicss. Ni:WSI'APl'lt, Tiibune olflcc. CANV.ssi:ts-Te woik In city: easy hours; good piy, tihrv j:i 1 icirn'(slon. Addicit I. II., Ttlhnnc otflti'. BltlCKLAVms WANTF.D-ror fire brlrk wotk. Comniunli-atlons and personal applications will be icoehcd at my ofllca In Hancock, N. V. B. J, BiKsiuan. Help Wanted Female. WAIIIIKSS WWmi) at once al Lick.iwantia hoi plt.il. MiM bring leleinues. CANVASSIIIIS T work in city: easy ho-us; good piy, ulirv nnd commission. Address II. II., Triliime olllie. WANTLD-A girl for genenl lionsewoitt. Apply nt 101 South Main nicotic; mint come ice ommended. W'ANTi:i)-nirl for genei il housework at Dalton. Address, II, T., t-are Tiibune. BRANCH WANT OFFICES. Want Advertisements Will Ba Becelved at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 F. M. .1'.: II Central City ALBHHT PCIIHITZ. corner Mulbcrrj" street and Webster avenue. OUSTAV riCHLL, eo0 Adams avenue. West Side aCOTtcn W. jnNKINS, lOl South Main avenue. South Scranton FRED L. TEIIPPE, 720 Cedar avenue. North Scranton GEO. W. DAVIS, comer North Main aienue and Market street. Green Bldge CHAHLES P. JONES, 1537 Dickson avenue. P. J. JOIIN9, P20 Green Hidge street. O. LOrtENZ, corner Washington ave sua and Marion Etrcct. Petersburg W. U. KNErFEfy, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore J. G. BONE & SON. Wanted. WAN ri'D Coorl seconel hauel furnace, will piy ta-h. Addiess J.oek Bo lJi, Serinton, P.i. WAM'I'DMen and Ip.enis in iountr; nnn and te mi, SHU) lo sill) pei eliy; men. $1.."I0 per ili: cleap boaiel; steady work. Addicsa bo A, Tiibune oflle e. . WANTED A large fhow case. Apply William Gilford, 1317 Dickson aicnue. Boarders Wanted. WANTED Tat'Ie boarders. Mrs. Tompkins, 531 Washington avenue. Booms and Board. BOOMS" "10 HEM", witli board, t-09 Mulberry stiect. Wanted Boom and Board. MAIIHIF.n ( Ol 11.13 with two rhildii'ii, age fi and 4, chsius looms mil bninl; pni.ite famil. pieteiiid. Addiess, ,, 'Jnbiine Of net-. Business Opportunity. "IF 0 HVi: 5awi m s-.imio lo une.t, send foi pmkulars bow .ion 1.111 it-ietie a nice weekly income 111 Ibe be si and most sueiossful fmciitincnt " Mettopolit in I.Mlnugi, VJ'2 P.uk Jtow Building, New Voik. b'lOCK AND WHEAT Tit DEHS without delay. Wiite foi 0111 special 111.11 lcc-t lettei Free 011 application. b M lliblnid J. Co., inemheis , 1. Consolidated and Stock Ec hinge. It and 4i llioielw.i'.. New Yoik. Established lscit. Long Di-tance Phone 2sS Broad. Money to Loan. 300,000 TO LOAN Lowest rates: straight or monthly payments. Stark k Co.,Traders' blj'. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO I.OAN-Quick, etraigl t leans or Building and Loan. At from 1 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 311-315 Connell building. LEGAL. IUMEL M Sl'lllMlV. I'X.ciilor of Willltd IMlle ei, tltt eased, nnd 'lliieiiloie li Wolfe "end Kiirctt Warren. cMcnlois of II II. Thump, de. lei.ed, is. ihrlslliu W.ihleis, Eliibelli Walileis lai, William .lay. Emini W.ihleis, Minnie Wall lem, August W.lllli IS, ,l , gllllilllll ad I He 111 of .Minnie W.ihleis. .1 inlum; 1 In man Wihlii', .II., and Willi 1111 (I. C Walihiv In the 11.111I of 111111111011 pie is of I itkiwanui count, No, 117.', seplelhbel llllll, 1101. To Die IK feud nits Above- Niiuid: 011 ,ne hen 1 nolilinl tint nil .nliou of e n lini in Ins bun hioiiulit against .lull In Hi plainlltls above iiaineel 101 .1 lot of giuuud situ aled 111 the llouuigli of llunmoie, lukiwiliui eouiili, IVlilis.tltaui 1. being hits liiimln icil siu (7) and light lh) lu squiie or bloik imiiibi 1 tight ls -ind situated upon siiett c illnl nnd iiainiil .le'ssiip .ileum, upon Ihe pint cf Slid propel h I.1111HH is the nlluliiiint of the sluinuud finii, lu slid Ho'oiisli of Duiiinorc, Intemled lu lie dulv itgisleied nnd iiei'ided; Kild lots In In, cull cine huiidKd and sMieil feet (I In) fnt wiilo iiiu .lis-iip .iieiuie, the line wldili in ihn icar. and two hiuiilred nnd twinl.i-llio (2i"i) (nt ill depth 1 I lie lihht of pos.ov.hill and title 10 which slid plaintiff' .n is in tin 111, and not in slid iliiendimsi and lint on the Iwelflli eliy ol Ihlobei, HUH, lh mint of 1 opinion pit is of Liikiwanni loiiuty gianteel .1 lule upon 11,11 In appear and plead to slid nil ion, which sihl Mile I. leluiiiable lu slid touit nu the iwenh thud elat of Peeeiiihei, l'll. at oMock 1 til inn .no then foil' hut hi iiolifltd to appc ir and ph ul In Mid .it lion 1 11 ' liifoie said 1I1U', oilier wli-e jiidaliicnl In ilefaiilt will be rutciiel .e'.niui j 011. in .iiii'tdinie with the st.iums lor nu 1 purpose nude mid piinidid 1 WILL MID, W MIDI N A KVVI'P. 1tor11e.m lor Pliiuiilfs. SITUATIONS WANTED l-REB. WE OPPBR TO YIEUD ABOUT 5$ s., 000,000 BUTTE ELECTRICjUPIIWER COMPANY of Butte, Aoiit. (Ihlttt! Is tlio giciitost copper pioihiclng city In tho lvotld), 50 First Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold Bonds Denomination SI, 000, mutiiilng 1 to .'10 iciw. Amply iinulilcl Tor liy icserio ami sliikliig tuiiil. Net i.iuilngb tluco unit three tpiurtcia times interest iluuKCS. Wrlio lor report of Mr. Bumucl Iusull, I'rcsidcut of tlioCliiej:oIclbonCo.l anil epcclul tlreulur. RUDOLPH KLEYBOLTE & CO., 1 NASSAU ST., DIRECTORY. Insertions 25 Cents Than Four l.tnei, 5 Cents for liacli Ultra Lin:, PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EIIWAIID O. Sl'AUI.DINO, 23 TIIADE113 BANK Building. Architects. EDWAIID It. DAVIS, AltCiilTECT, CONNELU Bultding, FitEDr.mrK t,, nnnw.v. Alien, u., riiau Jtate l.xclnngo Illdg,, 12(1 Washington ale. Civil nnd Mining Engineers. If. L. IIAltllINO, 000 COVNDLI, lllJILDINO. Dentists. DR. C. E. EILENIlEltOl.lt, PAUL! HUILDINO, Ninicc strict, Scranton. DIt. C. C. LAUBACIt. 11,1 WYOMINfl AVENUE-! Lawyers. FHANIJ L'. HOYLE, A'nORNEV-AT-AW. Booms 1, II, in and 13 Ilenr lluilding. V. K. T1IACV, AWYCOMMONWEALTIIBLDo! D. II llEPLOflLi:. AlTOItNEY-LOANS NEHO tinted on ical estate security. Mears Hulldlns, comer Wnshlngton aicnue and Spruce street. WILLAltD. WABIiKN k KVAPP. ATrORKKYit ncl counsellors at law. ltepubllcan Building, Washington aicnue. JESSItp & ll'.sspp, ATTOltNF.YS AND COUN' E "o'satdiw. Commotmcaltli Building, Roonul , 20 and 21. "V I4,1.1." "' TIIAVEIt, ATTOIINKY. HOOM3 OOI-WI, f)(, floor .cars Hulieiin,-. h ,A "'iATni:"i- ATiOltNEY-ATLAW, BOAHD i Tfaclc Building, heianton, I'd. 1A'n '-'I'-jON A- WILCOX, THADEHS' NATIOXAt Dink Building. - . 1 af C COMEOYS. p.:i IIEPIIBLICAN BUILDINO. ,v- ni'HHOLF, OFFICE MOVED TO MU :il Wyoming aicnue. Physicians and Surgeons. Die. W. V.. ALLEN, CU NOHUI WASIIINOTO.'J aicnue. DR, S W. IAMOHF.U'V. OFF1CF. .130 WASH Ington aicnue. neshluice, 131S Mulberry. Chronic diseases, lunas, heart, kidneys anil gcnllo urlrary oigans 11 specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. in. Hotels nnd Bestaurants. THE EK CAFE, 12.1 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVE - nue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIOLER. rropiletor. SCRAN'IO.V HOUSE. NEAR D L. It W. PAS Bcngcr depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICIOR KOCH, Proprictois. Scavenger. A. B. HRKiOS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND cess pools; no odor; only improicd pumps used. A. B Bnggs, pioprietor. Lcaic orders 1100 Koith Miln aicnue, or Eicke's drug store, cor ner Adims and Mulberry. Both telephones. Seeds. C. R. CLARKE k CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NURS erjinen, store 201 Washington aicnue; green hoiiTd, 11J0 North Miin aienue; store tela phone, 7e2. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KFE'ITEL. RIHR 611 LCKA. AVE., Scranton, Pa , minufacturer of Wire Screens. "Miscellaneous. DRESSMAKING FOR CHILDREN TO ORDER: also ladies' waists. Louis bliccnukcr, 21 Adams aienue. MEfiAROEE BROS, PRINTERS' SUPPLIES. EN-lelonej-, paper bigs, twine. Warehouse, 1J9 Washington aienue, Seianton, Pa. IHE Wtl.KES-IIMiliE RECORD CAN BE HAD in Scranton nt the news stands of ltciani.ui Bios, 4Ui) Spruce and SOI Linden: M. Norton, :t22 I ackiitanni nicuue; I. S. Schutzcr, 211 f-pruec street. Situations Wanted. Sni'UION WMED- woman wants w isliing 01 .111 kind of woik b the eliy. (all 0.1J Finest court.' MI'I AIIOV WNTED-I!y an cxpeilenccd cool; 111 hotel in bonding house. Address Cook, Tiibune olhie. MII'NTIOV W tMIIII -Hookkieper. c.ipericnceil III uiiiiantile and 111 111111 letmiug ImsinrM: eiglmui le.ns' rxpi ihiK-e; w nils small set of bnoks; di'inaaed ihiee diis weekly; hlt thiei lefeiences. Aehlu.ss W. II , 'Itihune. MlI'l'IION WWII'.D B a middle aged wo nun as rhildicn'rt 11111-e 01 In wait on in 11II1I; gord itliunus giicn. Addriss L. M. G.f 'J 1 ilium- oltlee. Sllt'Vl'lON' W WILD in eipeiieneeel slenngia. plu-r elesiiing to in ike- .1 change would lika position with n liable thin. .1. .1. Sill TI( t VMI'D I idy nf scleral .iear cMieliuuo ile-iics 1h111.1l position of any . 1...1 '..11.. .. 1. -1 'i. 11. ...... ni,i,, Mini, -luiiicss ,,,,, iiiiFi,,,,- mitn. A COMPI'.I'E.NT BOOKIiEEI'LIt and stenograpnee ehsiies a position lu offlio where tlijuce of iidiancini''nt is miiih-iI for laiililul woik; thre-i tens' pxpeilenee; good ufcicuics, Addie ".. '1 '," Cailiiuidiie. blll'A'llllV WWII. D To go out bv (ho el it washing or edcuiing, Mrs. Maiy Husell, I'll") I'edir an nue, Sill'VIHIV W WIED House unit, by the) hour or dn. iniiiiic' at olx Foicst court. SEALED PROPOSALS. MIM.F.D PHOI'Osils will bo opened by thn . r r t ssjsssss.s -n 1 iliiciliu ul tlie iii'iiiiinieni o' riiiuii" .sjiei at 2 o'ehiek p 111, Moudav, liitolnr 21st, t, ten 111.1l to he- diliieiid ut ihe seieial lire cugiim mill ho.se hoii-cs In lliis elty for tlie ensuing 1e.11, Bidders will plea-e hid oil Ihn following size': I gg, sMie and ihisiiiul Ml bids shall bo filed (niaikid pinpnsil) Willi the 1 It.i contioller.it his nlHee in tin tin lull not liter than 10 o'clock a. in, Mondii, IMnlirr -'1st, Pull Ihe city re)' titles tho ilUit lo icjrit .nil' m nil hid. F I. WOllMsER, lllieei ir Dipt, nf Public .safety. Scranton, Pa , Ik tuber 9th, 1WI. FINANCIAL. Dirjct New York Wire locks and Bonds AH orders executed on Exchange. Quick uud ulisolutcly reliable service, Teleplione Connections, Oil, d c 7 -.1 ; New, 219. IRWIN THURMAN tfc CO,, 7iJ-7'a Conned llulldliii;, t-'crunton, Pu NEW YORK. rf