, 1 V, --. ?-y ytp : -B- THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 19017, K i"-1 -tATiU. J TOT TWO WOMEN I TlNDERARREST .THEY INTERl'ERED WITH THE ' STREET CAR EMPLOYES. Entile Laiayetto Sticot Lino Ob- Btiuctcd with All Soits of Things. .' Jtevolvcis Wcie Drawn Hnckman i-Cramor Dischntged nntl Sctnnton Knllwiiy Company Employes Held in Ball for Comt Meeting of the '"Men's League Funcinl of a Child ' of Mr. nnd Mis. J. E. Kein. 'The limit of oliMittrltim wcnlt vn eat-bctl Cdotd.l ill 'i't Snntitnii lien tl'.e piiijiIom"- nt tlio "-Vninton Hallway company attempted lit inn their cms mi tlto Lnfii'iiie tliivi line At t li o- hit ci .-ot linn (il Mit in iiM'iuit' nntl .wrillniiil -liecl tile Double ItOR.in 'tilimu noon, and i ultiiliiali'd nl t :ti) ll'llll'k III ill"' III IO-t llf IWll Wlllni'll S.li'.lll "I'llu Mill MliKRli' J' Villi". II "i tlenta tit DtioKei's unlit. '- TIk" tviii'U! weio blm bailed fiir Hi" 1 .l fl lllll .M.I I II .IVlMllle lip Svlt'tlllllll Htiri'i lo llniinlp.v, in Lafayette, in Kit'iett iitnu wllb eiei i am ei -able iiiistule 1 1 (tin ( itltlili' 'stunt's In b.lHl'ls III .tlHU'S. W.l'.'OllJ-. II I't'S l(l rt. Diuim? tlie inion hum i.ii Ts'n. lj.', in i'Ii.uo of i,tht men, t-lai t(,d to Jim tlie gauntlet of distinction, .mil llir iIpiiiIiik tin- i.iIN i en Ih il tho leiinlniil MiTlHmt all", fiutlici tumble. In tlii' iiio.tti l iiiic. wcinii li mill clin ch on lciloillilfil (liilt rmnit'i oll'm ts nnil n.ibi eoPitil tin- li. ii Us on Hioinli'i fienii mill wtilanil sti.-tt with all s.nrt'5 nl' di-tin-los, .mil thi'ii united Id h'c tin', lint to tollovv. On tin' i ft in ti 11 Ip llll' l.ll W.l'- IllllllWIll l) l-OWIIll bundled m hnol (blldien. .mil ps ih,. t.n was- stiipnivl to penult the nii'ii to ileal the ti.n'U-, i he .'hililu'ii i.illecl thi'in nil kinds of scab-, (.,. .. MH1I1 .IS tlK' l.ll luill lIlMippH.Ul'lI nioii.nl a loiiici the tiaiks woio at,Min blockidod. .mil this suit ot tiling wa? hept lip illlilni; the nflc-i ilium with In cica.seil vIrcii on llic ii.ii i ot the pfi Jilo Ih Ills' hIiiiih: the llni'. AVlion .1 (.11 was stopped on Swell, mil stiii.t, at I iiilmlv. v.llllc tin- 11. irk w.i Iipih (lentil, a ininilici of women In lied tbu nii'ii with (k't'.i.i'd tomatois and othci vi'ui'lahlos. JIomiImis wen- ihaun. tinea it wtte made, and Hit ulldist Kind ol opite lnent ensued, ulion Patiolnuin .lohn Thomas and Kiah IViets apponiid on llic s, e,,p ,1,1,1 pint i il tin I'm,, ,m, " wins women limit 1 .iihM This had tho I'llVt t ol puttlny a slop t tin A Daily Reminder Inn ni'l lint lie i1iMpiintn In piitmir s I ir: 11 mil irln v, lint L'uiuli ami I old 111 tmo nulil. FOR SALE BY G. W. JI".K1.S Special Bargains For Saturday Shoppers The Annual Handkerchief Sale Closes on Saturday evening at 9 o'clock. If you get to the store before that time you may paiticipate iu the extraordi nary low prices which have prevailed all week. If you come later than that looking for Hand Uarchiefs,you'll pay regular prices, and that means quite a difference. 4f -f-f -f -f-f-ff-f ftt I Ladies' Hosiery ,........ ivaaies' ast Black Fine Cashmere Hose, pure wool -f and finely finished goods. t A mere half dollar Q71m 4 quality for just Jl2U V-H-f4 4-f-fi-f H44- : Ladies' Night Robes Ou Saturday we will place on sale about 10 dozeu Ladies' White Night Robes that 4 have become slightly couuter soiled. Some 3 ?f l.c ll.5Surst priced numbers in stock are -l:iV included in these and from these the list runs 1 ' "4 down to the got-d medium grades. Cambrics, ".'' 3 'Knglish Long Cloths aud Fine Muslins are thcmaterials, with trimmings of unlimited t variety aud all good. Prices Very Nearly t Half. 4 t4t--t tt tt 4444444- 1 Ladie Silk Waists : 4- 'New and stylish gar- 4 meuts fresh from the "buyers.. $2.98 ; 4,ttt4ttttttttt ttt ft ttt AJti'wV i " ,i-tu,v.iiiu i j uicaay men ougiu to see, j 4 WtHftn,eJw fashion ideas 4 J Open back aud front in 4n-iUe bestfcolorings aud 4 X all the new materials aud t 5 ffrrj." TliVi w.Ti'utt; nr t ntu.nr r r.ll ........ ll t pr w,,r"'.'" ..-- ....... ...v. T jjimiiiua iui tait wear, ui r actually worth $4 each, 4 sizes up to 17 j aud iS. X 1 and'.the size list is com- X Choice of anvthiutr iu the I 'iil-l 'D.L. t Ct. .,!.. T ....... 1 r .. ? nt 1 4 ptcic iiisu iu srtuniirtv wiuuow tor sPi.wu anu g t Globe Warehouse & & il'' K! I Si. SCRANTON lioliblc, nlllioiiRh n number of mnll bot (otitltitied lo bloL'ktule llic tiiu'li". Tliu Uiimnii ueic Klven ti heal IliR bf foio folic u MtiKlsttutC! Dnvh'o, nnd mio wiis lined nnd ihu other was ill" I'lmtgeil. Cinmer Wns Discharged. The heni'lnpr In the c.tic of ilfotRO CrtmiPi', the but tlilwi'i who wilt in icsted on Tlniidu cii'iilnir for dl oulrtly conilltPt, wns IHd m the .liu'ltsoii sttcpt polke xlnllon 1 ti'i tl.i.v .ifletnoun. nntl ieiiltinl In the di" ehaiRp of funnel', John llirnwt nnil Mown nl I't'ier, Hit- (iimpiin.V't tppi'lnl otllPPlft, who weie iiltit (lllllKi'il wllh (IIhoi (lii ly 1 iindiK t mid the IiuIiIIuk of the two nlllit'iH In 'M hall e.11 li roi tlielr iipppaiiuii'i' nt i 0111 1 on the 1 Inn K of nwMiult mitt b.utt'ij, piefciii'd b.i I'lariei. The stilt loll house n" ninwlpil nt tho IipuiIiih; nnd any uuinhtt ol lt npf'spH wimp on band to ietli In ('linnet's behalf, but I'lillie .MupHtiiitt1 l),lles dei'idid tbnt 11111-11111(11 lis the ipei lal otllt em w c 1 bound mei to ap pear at mint he would iINiiiHi tile tllMlltlellv (OlllllKt (list's, riiinle 1'. O'.MhIIpj iiipeiid 101 liiown ami I'lhe, and Atttitiuy." .lefl'iles and l!alli'iit no ilcfeudpil I'lmnei. The Double jjicw out of the l.liKil on ,liu kcoii -11(11 Thui(lii iiltei noon, when IIiomii mid Pi Ire iittc nipted to mie-'l t'l.lliiei fin 1111 aliened ulittl III (loll ot 11 tlii'PL imi, The e-"t lllliillV shoip,l Dint ('lami'i had ineiih Ukked a stone out ol I he was of his hoispu, and 111 (lolnjr so attiin tttl the altt'iitlon ol the speiial otllt ( 1 s, who writ- under the linpit'osion that lie was ti.viim to lllil' kade the , .11. It liKiucht (tin ill the eaniliiatlnii of I'.iown and Pi !( e that thej eanio hole fltiin Philadelphia to ,11 1 as ppoinl of lutis toi the Set anion Itallway 10111 p.iu and thai the. bail Iicpii pi opt 1 ly loninii'-.sloncd to make aiiests Tbex (lellit d Ii.i illH" ItPt'll looklnn for Double, but adniltled h.niiiK r nt oiintcied it on theli lust nip. They wa'ved a lio.u 111 In the assault mid liitlei ease, mid Special 1 nib ci St ttlieii l)ei iiial HiPil .1 theli liondsiueii. Simpson Chinch Notes. The pasliil. IN. II. i". Mi Do liliitl, will pit nt h a sp, i.ii senuon lonionow nioinhiK on "Some Pit st'iil-Day N'a tioiial Pel IN " The I.lttlp Cliant'is mo aitiwh pi e i,u iiiA' toi a liimin.iKt s,, ,. u tin- ue, 11 1 11 1 u 1 c A tlass ioi iil(. slud of tlif Sund.n s, hnol lesson at the t lose ol the V d 111 "day ewniiis piaei iiKPlinu is a new feauno It is well attended and I'lilliusi.isil, . 'I Iip J lilies' Aid will tntiitain theli tl lends at one ot 1I11 il lootlisonfi sup. pei.s on Tliuis,la picnliiK. tbt 17th. Meeting of the Men's League. The null's le.ii.iii, w hi, li was leieiit h oisaniod 111 the I'll t Welsh Hap tlst iliuith, held a meeiliiR last nlylil and iffeidd a pel maiienl oiKanl'.illon, adoptPd a loiislltuiloii and b.-lawh and ni,ipp"d out 01 U foi Hip lomiiiK I e.ll Til-' olllieis of Hie lcamie in- as follow I'lt'slik-tit,, rtP. U. 1 1 Hop- 4 44 , and Underwear t - T ,!.-! T?." - AW1 . l . .lyrtuieii rtue iviiueLOt- - rt rl-r. .nt(1. ..l.. 1 nju ij, iviin c..iiu qiiai ity fleece lining and beau- X tiful finish. A match- Cfln X less value at jUR 1 nt Htt H f t 5ft t tt-t-r 4 444444444(4. $ In Men's Shirts I X There's a new Hue in X the window today which X $1.50, .tftftft tf4 t Itltisj vice president, Lewis Cleoige: teoti'laiy, Davltl I. Jones; tieiituiei', Wlltlani 11, 'Vllllam: pxpouUxp umi inlltoc, itttnicH It. Huglm?, laitber Lew li, Henry Jotie". .lohn Itp.inuUN. David Jninct, DiUld ,1, DiiIm and l'raiipli Hevun. The tibleit of the leiiKili' N the cotlal mid llleimy itthain etni'iit of the iiiimii hot m, ami with that piiiI Iu Mpw a liumlipi' of etilci'taltiiiieuti ami hocIiiIh will be bold ilurhiK the wluttr moiitliH Lpi tin ex and talkt will also be Riven by pioinlneiit vpenkc!.u. and thf inetn bpi.s will win it In Inn ninny with tho pastor for lneienliiK th' lnteipt In thin ih woik. Hecent Social Events. A ti tin liter of West Sei anion ppoplo jtppiil a ilav ipiently wllh Mi. anil Mi", .lolin tiptHhliuer, or Dalloti. In the pmlv wetp Mi. .lanies ami clauijh tor -laiy, Mrs. rti lilltli. Mis. Ilobin miii and diiiiKliti'i s, Mmy ami Mm- Karel, Mis t'oslell ami won, .lobu, Ml. William Klme. Mis. Wallet rustei ami ilaUKbtei, P.bemi. All h. Holt Kline and datlRlltei, Kliiifiicp. Mis. William INbli iiiaii and son, into. Allium Wlltuoie, of kill Thlul stipet. was ti'inleied a sin prise pin ly nl lilt home Tbuisdny pvpiiIiirt. by a number of lib D lends. Annul!,' the quests w pi c .Iiii ob SbalPi, of SlioiidsbuiK, John W'llnioio, That lea Deek"i and .lohn llanlti, of Plltston A Hinpilse pail.v was held at the Ilium' of Miss t'nlhcilno Klein, of Lu f ne .street, on Thursday p Piling, wbeip a hum' uuinbei' ol miiiiik peo ple i oiiki esated and enned th"in sehes, Voial and Institmipntnl m-lt'c -lions wpic lendeipd ami lelipslnuont!! wcie sell nl Miss niliel Thomas, of Sloan ae nne, entt'i tallied a partv of f I leilils at her home Tluiisdni t oiiliiif. runcinl of a. Child. The liineial of Hubert, the joiiiik vtm ol Mi. and All s. ,1, W. nni. or Scian ton siipet, oMiineid ypsteiday aftei -noon Horn th lamllv lesldeme, and was ImikpIv iiUoiuIpiI. Thp spiiIcp-i weip In (hame of Hev. Ci. H, tiuild, of the Pi o Idem o Pi t'sbvtei Ian (bill eh, who spoke wnids of toiufnit to l lie beie.npd patents. Tlu- pall Ivai. 'is wcie lit'oiKc Dan iels, Stephen Dawes, i.'i tcl l.idstone and Albeit J'ostei. ol the Itepubllean tttllt e. Intel menl was made in the lniiinioic (PMielPiy. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. llaii P.ainev, of South Ninth sticit, has i etui lied lionie floni a st with fi lends In AVI1Ups-h.ii ip SamiiPl Powell and tainih ot ,l.n U son sDeet, haw- teluined honie fiom LaUe Wlnol.i, wlnie iht spent thp Fiinmiir. Misses Anna Jones and Alni IJ.u s, of South Alain .iiPime, b.ip letuiued hoiup fioiu a Nt with fi loads In OI phaiit. MssC Sablna clink and Alan Mili um !c, of HpIIi'MIp, Ii.ii e lPluimd hoiup fioiu Pitlston, whcie thpy mpip vlsii Iiir fi lends. .Miss I.eah Jones has letuiued to Ik i boiiip In Philadplphla. attei a visit with fi lends ,uid lolalhes in West Si t anion. All". John Stephens, of Sunt li Alain .iw'iiue. Is (iitci Mining hei i-sci, All". Alice Tiibel, of rioelaud. Thomas Lewis, of Swpll.uid s,.e, was tin own fiom Ills blew p on Alain aw line, on Thin Mia , and snsiained painful Injniies. Air. ami Mis Pi.mU chase, of Ninth P.ioiulei avenue, wekomed a son nt then liome letenll. The (tlnbo Ifiilst1 of Odd 1'pIIows In il hilt il spveial laiidlilalt's Into Hull i. inks at Hub mcetlnsr I.im ('Veiling. The Colonial dub held theli vvetUly damp In Washington ball last , veiling. Alusie was luinlshed liv Allss Nellie t'uiian. and Itistiuction was ;iwn ),y Ii til. John P.. Joins. Joseph Can, ol Ninth Main aiPiiue, lias ipliiuipil liume fiom the Pan Ainei i( an. and lilss sistpi, lhnma, is now enjovinu the sigbts theie. Alls W. II. Conns of South Sinniici nveilllP, has been (ailed to Pitlslnnj, by the si ions illllt'ss of llPl (1, l UK 111 el , Alls Uiin'ji' P. Thomas .Mis, l'etii- DpiibU', of Point) ruth stiei't, is eiiici t.iiniiiK .Mis. Johnson, of l..li e v ille. Ali.s, Iteiiben J)iii(s, of Noith Hioin Ipy aviliue, lias as hei tl'Psts hep niotlui ami f-lstii 1 1 ii n Hehideic. N. J. Alis Nellie Phillips, of Swellalid '.tui't, is the Kliesl of fiiPiids In Wllkts. H.n ip. Alls, John nmidolph, ol South llvde P.nU aveniiP, I spendliiK a livv las With fib lids 111 lielliib le, N ,1 .Mis, Jmiics Jiisrnli, ot Noith Hiom- ie nvi am lias i tin iu ci Home iiom a Ibice imuillis' visit in Wales Di Angus fliav. ol Philadellihia. Is the gue-t of fi lends In W, s( S, i.ininii, llaiiis lluiils ami imuilv, ot Noiih I.lmolu avpiiue, hll estii)la fu a Visit with ulativo.s In Suilbm. Alls, Han Id James ami Alts. James fiillllths, of Noith Tli'briia avenue, haw i.'tui ned l'oin exposition liowaul I'n. man bus letuiiiiil lionie AVIIIIain T. Spinats fiom the liullalo of D Dot. .Midi,, 1 1 til ii a si with of Ninth liioiule.v avi'inie Allss Mailon I lut( bln'-i.n letuiiinl to hei honie In Plilliuli.'lplilii .W'sti'iday, attn a visit with old Iriemls heie. All, ami ,Ms Ch.nles Kuhliuau, of Noith llioiule avenue, baW' letiiimil honie fioiu Ni w Vol k, wheie ihe hi tended the fimeial ol it lelatlve. Some inn' llui'w a stone tbiougb a plate fil.n-s window iu Smith's tuiloi shoi on JuiUmhi sln'i't ptfiil,iy, (inising daman,' to the etem ol $,'0, Tbt! sell lees Iu Hip Hellenics Welsh CuhllllMh AlPlhnillM t liiu t li toinoi tow motning at in o'dodi will be In Hip Welsh liniKiuiKi'. In llic evening at li oMotk In the llngllsh hniguagp. A sou was Inn ii to All. and All;:, Slew ait Hli'sei Uer. ol Ninth Itioinlpif avenue, on Weilnes-dn, ami died on Thin. sd, iv, Air. and Alt. K. D. liohaihtiii. of South ll.wlc l'aik avenue, and All.ss Ala Hli'luiids, of Swotlaml slieet, lot t last night for HtiiMlo Owen Williams, ot Washington, who has been sing Hlcmla in Hellevuo for .scneial weeks, will leave for homo this evening, lie will be a (oinp.iuleil as tin iik Uufi'alo by .lobu li. Davis. All, a, . Williams, of Suuili Alain avenue, Ih III at the homo of lu-i Uls ter, Mi H ,1. .1. Itobeits, wllh an .illad; ol typholil level. Kale Kenned, of Hildgo sliettl, had a win mill Issued b.v Alileimau Kelly .vcstleidii' lor Hie illl'fst of John mill lil.niiho ileiliy, whom she i bulged wllh slealln;r doihlug. The avldcmv; was. iuMillideiil, aud the aldeiuiati dis missed tho caso. The I.et'U Sin lul dub held a ineetliiK last evening In Ihioih 1 Ivans' hotel, on Jackson hti eel, ami adjoin ned to meet again ucM Tacsduy evening Uldi.tt d 11. Williams, of Academy bticel, who ipoently uiuIpiwciu an optn.it ion at tho .Moses Taylor hos pital, will be lemovetl to his homo to day. , Ifr. ami Airs. V. U. Thuyer, of South Main itvoiitip, Imvo icturned home fiom C'ainbihlge Sptlngs and the Pan Aliipikaii, Allorney AV, II, Um of Pi be slteet, Is lininc fi om a wreU's stay at Ihe Hurrah) cvposltlon, Mis. AValter Cupwcll, of Noith Hum ner inpiitii'. vb ms bten III Iu rliepti Itldgp for souii' time, has mnili'lpiitly tuovpipil tu he biougbl liiiine. Airs, t'lank DePiti'. roimeily of West Si'iantttu, li it tl one or her toes ampu tated at Delawatp Wilier (tup .vestet tlay. The Solit of TpinpeiuiliP (Hip dub S-illtg III llteeii Milgn hist I'Velllllg, lie roic a bilge nuilleiiii', In tilt PlllllltlVit .Methodist thtiiih. The lieu l,i oiganl.ed Inaiub of Hip Am lent Older of Kotpsteis will hold lnltlnlnry cm'usps In Alol'jaus' ball this evening. The lhmlnlp dub Is making niiange nipnls rnr anoiher sodil, to be hld at AIpiiih' hall iip.M Tltcstlay evellltig. NORTH SCRANTON. (leoigp WINon wns aucstcd on AVo nilng avptnie, pstpidny nfteiiioiin, It Constable Mills, rr the thclt of a mill tinv imlfoim, ovi'ieoal. hut and leg gings, it seems Wilson's ambition ni lo get Into the ipgular in my, anil as they me only allowed t',0 u .war lor flnthllitf mid ns H would ntPiin about $-'" the tbst thing tor dntblng. Wilson, thinking he saw a way out nl tills, en listed Iu Coinpanv II ypsteidnv morn ing. After netting mustered iu ami le (clving his uulfoim, ovpieoal, hat and leggings, he stinted to piepaie Ioi going awii. Captain llulf. or Com pany II, healing ot this, hiiniPilhitely telephoned to Constable .Mills to be on the lookout for AVilson. The lnltir staitpd out and esplpil bis nmn on AV.vomlng iivenup, and liniiipdbitely plated hlin tint'cr in test uiid nun died him lo lip.'iiliiuai tPis. wliPiebls unltoiin wns taken away fiom blni anil he was tilled the pi be of Hip unlfoini, whieh amotintPd to J1. lie stated alliiwmd thai he will not join the legul.n aim foi the piesent. The basket ball euiiip at Hip Amll tiiilimi last evening, sdieduled between the O.ukeijniks, ol this spitlon, and a team fiom the ctiiti.il illy, did mil take place, on iiccoitnt of the (cntial It tPiiin not being able to seuue i.ib s,. . tpp. As lliot.. w.is !i l.nne I nil it In attPiulaliPC. tht'i (lei liled to plav an e- lilliltlon game lielwocn the tbst team nnd tlte sei mi.l In. mi m III, li etlileil to a lttoiy for the Hist team b.v Hie stoic or ll'-lO Alls. Allihiiel Alifloilgh was suhmxiy Iniuied at hei honie, on Hloom avenue AVednesdn.v even lug, b.v lalllng (low u a Might or seps. Hlip siisiain, d a iiiin pound fiaduie of Ik i lPtt mm, wbidi was lpduced b.v Di . Stanton. The PiovIcIpikp Pit'sliv teiiaii diiiuli Ihideavor sodet' ( oniludPd p. piaNe sei v Ite in tbeii Slinda school loom list pvenlng. Thp ppii sps wcie led b John Tdfoid, assi-tPd b.v Walklushaw's on hpstia. TheiP will be a gospd nut'ling In the Noith Hud Vomits Women's chilsHan ass,-), latlon looms toinonow afternoon at " "0 o'doik. The topli will be "The Praieis of cin Nt." The b.ubt'is of the Noith i:n,l will niPi'l iu l.rou.iid's hall toinonow alKi lloon at ' n't lot k. The s,.ites m the Piovidi me Aleth odisi i;p.ional (IiiikIi tomoiinw will be londlK ted li tin p.istoi. Hev. Ceoige A, Chip. The Hiotheiliond of St. Paul meet at In a. in. lot in a pi. Moiniii sei moil at ln.,ii; Stiudnv si hnol at 2 p in.; npvvnith league at fi I". p. in. 'I ople, "Daik Davs and Tin ir Lessons." Mls Nellie Henlaniin will lead, i:pnmg sei ninn at T !0 o'dn, k, subitd, "The AVisp Woman of Jet b o " Cintain Alhhae! Wal-h, of the K t dskn llue conip.iiii. i" leioidng ovpi Ihe aiiiv.il of a bab bov at his luuiu on Xa Aug avinue .laiob Hentlei, wlio was anestitl on Thin sti,i aftPinoon foi bemtr diunk and lusulllng sehnol iliildien, was lined y in polit p touit i'sttidav nioining. The (tniailo and AVcstein ltaihoad loinp.in.v Is lemovlng the sidewalks on thoii land on i:.it Maikei sued, Iu piepaiatloii foi the i.ne, villi li stalls upv.1 Moudii nioiiiilig. William Snwlei, ol Saudeis ,; Sn dci's dgai stoi e, who bus bun in New VoiU on busiiiiss, leuuned home last evt n In if. OBITUARY. .MICHAP.I, Fl.VNN. agul 01 ji.,u, one ol Ihe oldest ami most hl';ld ic sjmm led i ilit ns ot Ninth Si lantoii dlt il ul his honip on Hi i U avenue es toidav morning at 7 n'doi U, utter an Illness of three wieks, Mi I'lvim's dt alb, allhoilgh not enliirlv imepeil i'd, i am" in the natuie ot a sin pi ie lo the lamlly and Hie nmuiiiultv , bv ivluiiii he was deeply loved and hltfhly le'peiltil ieiiii!-ed Is suivIvmI b.v s chlldien nnuiely, Kale, .Mai. Michael, Pan bk, Alaitili and Jnuic.-. Paiicial in laiigeuic ills have not .vet bten i ompli ( d. The liineial ol the lute l.awiente U'etink w II bo In Id Aloudav nioiulng at 'J .lo tioin .'10 Peiin avtniif. PITTST0N. S.M J i ii. I llllull IlllllllO ii I 'i i.ii. iif ilif wi a I mi tin' l.i lni.li N lilt I iiliniil ill! llll IllHIl il II' 1 III1 .lllPlllliHIl I'ill.U 11 11 Imllllil tl III, N U.H ill I I, I ill V .111, f .11 hil. Illllll. Mill' IIIIIIIWU. .1 hull IiiiiiI fo iii ilii uiini; el liitliiiilr tiiinii llii hluni li itl her n limlul (ii i ..iu ,1 nnil,. Inn Imi Dili li nit. III. h Mil- I In' , .i.I..hiii. ti n I, but Nii.li' iiilt'il until n inlt ul liuinN l.i.i i it inn; .11 Ins i,uui nu -fru. Hit I, V.. I'lti.ttni. Di i li. pi. .t In Mm i i.i nl h.1111 'l.ili ,!,i iilnl .liilin DnlUli I', lull Minion, ii, nli.i wi'i,. I.iil. .1 in tin- I Mill inin.' llil.s VMM I, in. In luu Ihm ii In lil in tin nil i' n( 'o,iiin' ll'Ui'i ,it -In nu i villi, this iiliiiiiuiiii, Iui mini; in in. Ink nf uiiiii.m's in,. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . t ui i.i.i 1 1 n.i 1 mail iicst VI, ml ll llll in inn ll'lii'. Mis l.i.., nl I. Mlil li.niiu;li 1. 1. iiii.l .il tin' liuilil m; in I (iiiiiii'iI) l. Mini ill nu lipid! In ill llniil" iiiiiiini .lint' ut Vun i aii.l mil III Hit Imililln,, mil fm li'iiil itni.i I V I'l.i.l.iu .iiuinil ol Ilii' Il lltilillu. Villi, in lllil.i nl li lll'in. I i.i. In i li inv illliil luu lln- Hi j.i bin. in iiiilltlili . ni I ihii' iniiiii iiliii.lnl ,i in i, w inn i in. In til u Wi.t I'm o on Ij.t iiPiitnj l)ii..il jo iti. Until tin il. nl. ml tl it'i.ui. Jinking briu U,i iiiiiiilur ivlikli b.n e lien ti'ui .il nu tin' I'.i nl. s nt tin i..iii li.naii Iui,' ui'lni lln' pi.t (lis iln,. ul lll.Jlllll. Iwn nt I b III uin in, -ul u l.i j .inn ilu.; wliMi ni. .uilni. In li niunj tm tin i ion llu Iui il. Mm I. m, ml jin .llni int' nf iIiiiii .ti.l.iii," ilit 1'Uli' sli. ulialiirt in l.it't.-.i'. n'nilii ..Urn. Iii.' I, Ii, u.u lii.i.ini. I.ill , ,in. i.i I'ltkiil iij, li., a l.uilliiiiui lm u.n I'O'U1-, VI lln. Ill"llllic'. .i -iii'l el II," VI llmilLl I'iiiIiM nit 11111111111, , st jiiuuiiI, I nun , j, ill i lul mi it. llic iiiu'lili'j I'll, i' iui him ii ir tin Willi in. II nil..-, Il II, w it unhid it in limit iiifs-i-n,! i limn lc t'lil.liini; in nl. uin .nil .1 ln.i f mlilii.. ",l. mull' la hlin III spjii i..i, ilu toil it.iliind it K.Jii' In .ilini'l tin' I'illtliinj inifinmi' iii'M no lie li'ln pail nl tin' iiu inin.- vvj. ili'uiliil in tin' iii'iiii liuiti'il I'lijili. i,' ial ri.iru lln. .ilii'iiiiiiin u int uiui ul ,i..si)u nu In IJ in iiioiiiun ul lln- la c ltd Hi. KdliliiMiii, nl I' m i. on. S I 'lli fpi'jK(r wen INv. ( II I'nult jinl lit v I' W Vjiikv, 'llni fii'.iLcn IliU 1 1 i'ii Iiu v. on lln (!, II VliMjii.iuuii anil Iti'V Ilii am s IIjiiU, uf I'ill.linri; 'Hie iviifililtie will I'lotiatili jil JuUfll SuinJj). THE POPULAR WOMAN. i The Kind That Men Admire. .tfen ndmlrc a pretty faro nntl a Rood fljftirp, but Rorttier or Inter learn that the happy woman, that cunleiitod tine Ih most of till to be admired. Those troubled with falntlnj,' spelli, Irregtilarltv. nervems Irrltnlilllly, hac'Unohe, the blues nnd that dtpadful bcarltiir down fecllti; rntinut hope to bo happy, and advancement In either home or inclal lift h Imposslblo. It is rlearlv sliown in the .vounrf lady's letter which follows that Lyriin R. rinlclittni h cyctnlitc C'onipotiiul w 111 certainly cure the MiuVrlttKH of vm uii'tii and when otic considers tlittt .Miss Murphy's letter is cinlvtin.eof thccciunt less hundred, which wo nio continuiilly publlimiui; in tlte newspapers of llils country, tho great vlituoof Mrs. l'inlthain'i lnedii'lne must be tulniiUcd bv all j and fur the absolute cine of all hinds of female ills no inbstltute can possibly take its plnce. Women nhoiild bear tills Important fact In mind when thcygii lutoatlritir More, and bo buip not to accept aiivthlun; that Is claimed to be " hist as -rood " as Lydin 1). rinkhtun's Vogutablu Coniiiotiiul, for no other medicine for female Ills has made bo many actual cures. rUIsS AlAIJOAHETTA MI'RPIIY, Pivstdeiit ".en(l-.i-Iliiii(l Club," Scat tic, NVasli. "Dr.Ait aIp.s-. Pintcham: For throe yr-nis 1 .siiii'cietl with boaring; doAvn jiaius:, backacht, becanu" nervous ami hystoicul and could not onjov lifo as othor youiijr Aoniun did. A lady hi'Mid who had suiVoiud .similarly and been cuipdcSiifjffcstcd that J tiy Lydin K. ViiiklinmN Vk ctable Coinpouiul. I had little faith in it. but upveithpless 1 ta it a trial, and 1 am wlad that I did. I kept setting' better giadually and my pains left, me and Avitlun four mouths 1 Avas a Avell Avonuin. This is a j'ctir atjo and 1 ItaA'o never had tiny trouble since. I Aish all sutlering Avomen knew of vour valuablu medieine. Vouds a my Uuly, jMaugak ni v. .Muiu'iiv, -JTO;! See. Aac., Seattle, Wa.sh." Two Hore Grateful Letters. "Drvn Mas. Pivkham : I feci it mv duty to write nu in reffard to your valuable medicine. I have been tioublpd with falling- of the womb and inflammation of the maiips. anil was so bad I could h.ndly Miillt across the tloor. The doctor", slid it M.n impossiblo for me to fret well unless I hail an operation, lift this I -would not listen to. Having- lead so much about Ijyciia R. Piukliiiur.s Vt'gr ettlblo Coilipoiincl I made up my mind to g-ive it a trial, end it has done wonders for mo. I i oumienecd to feel better from the fir st dose, and today I am a well, healthy plil. "Hoping- that joiii Vt'jretr.ble Compound will iclieic other suffctci.s ns it did me, and thanking- you for restoring- mv healtu, I lcni.nn, Miss Aiai.v bAitso.v, liov 188, Hudson, Wis." Ion't hesitato toAvrlto to ."Wrs. Pinkliain if tliero is anything about yonr sickness you do not tindur.stnnd. She Avill treat jou with kindncHs and hor adAico in tree. No avoiuiui over regretted writiujr her and she has helped thousands. Address L,yiiu. Mass. i $5000 KEWAKI). Woliivodopeslteilwltli llio National City Dink of I.ynn.WOOO, whli h ill tic paid to nny pvrnn n lln rnn Hint Hint Ilia above tuntluiODlal letter is not (.wiuiut, or was piiblishe'l tiefnru cititilnln tlio vilter'n djiecinl iior mission. Lyilla K. l'lntdiam Medicine Co., I.vnii, Mas3. HEARING OF IMPORTED MEN BErORE 'SQUIRE LEN1ES. Youns People Biilhns foi a Mld Wintei Testtval Wotk Hut. Been Statted on One of the Latctal Sevveis Til. and Mis. John Millei Entettained a Numbci ot Chtlchen at Their Home ou Slocum Stieot in Honor of Their Daughters Twelfth Biithd'ty. I'liink lilib llv and .lohn f-haiighni -sv , the Mtiot nu1 men atiist,d on Thins, d.l bv I'ollsiallle W'odkiis-, up hilin uuition .swoiii to bv I'hailes Oiaiu, vvtie glviu a healing Indoii' Aldiimaii l.ut tis (.sten.l nioining ou u ilunge ol dlsoidt i ly i nu I tu l Tin vvtii llni il $n. Iiom w bit 1 1 tin appealed lo mil I s.ii'plit n Dm i, .sp.'dal agent tor the i otupauy, llll iil-hed tin in 1 1 i-sin ball Iteloie Sh.iilKlnit t-s i oiild get out ot the nldeiiniin's' iiillte, be wns again m i .'cit'il. .'I Hi" Instant" ol t'oiiielliis til i 111 ti . nt Ltakloitl com I. on a lunge ol making t in t n im ami turning ioii (i aled weaiioiis. The evldciue wax lo tin dint that he i in 1 U it a icvolvei mid i vihh'iI ii dislie in llll Utilllu lull ot bad The evident c was jilnin iu tin (in-f, nnd Shaiighlii fi-' win. Iu Id In .n.'iiii ball tin iiiilii, wlili It All Dvi'i again nil iil.-ln il. Tor a Mld-vvlntar Testlval. Tlu .viiiing folks- ol HiIh s-Itlt who will pal lb Ipale In the ' Ktiull.t U'oinn-" paliiiuit i uiciiiiimm nt, vvhldi will b glveii bv tile NpnnlMi Win Vittiut!! nu I'lld.i.v ami staiuidii, Dn. IJ and 11 mo .ilu iidv haul at woik pi i tu iini; ihiuii-vlvi.s In I li li- vailoib, p.uts, Till-In Villi be H Mini l llhl I III- lunged b tip lin-liuilor at (Hiding in t-l.o nnd h''- Indiidiug it Hag dilll. u gun di III mid a gtainl iiimbliiutlou lab. lean, the like ol vv lilt li has mvir ben. seep In thlt, ill, The .miiiiii; hullt-M ol i hli. so. Hon aiiiiidttl a diill and lu Mint 1 1 i talk la.st 1'Viiilny, ami will iiltei again lor I'Viulw ou atiu d.i in Hi" old annul on Adams iivinuo. Aiuoiig tho.-" who will lake pan ai.--'UifMlnMit Kosiu.oi iiiniiMiut .MI Itouialm- Sni ul, .. i 'hi a Voiing. htella Kolb I'taiui-i KIiiiiiiiIiii.i i, I'miiiu .Mill., fault l'ii-1. I.tu.i l.t-iuic l.'mina I'oiillou.s mid I'lauifs Pasdiold. A ba.voliel di 111 lo utiiMe will aim be a tt.ttllle ot tbt i lllel-tlllllllient and will lie pat th Ipateil In ! t'liaile .Siianild 1 fill hdiweiikt i ami one ol two otll ei-.s iiom ibis .side. As. to Sewcis. Yv'iuU has been htaittd ou tin mwci lot the section ot fecial iiU'liue iu the 1)00 blink. It i tins tinm Alaple .sticet to llt't'ih, uu fedar uieiiue, down Hcccb sli Oct lu Siuiiim, una iuiis buck ou I " l)r AIus. Pivmiisi: I have been pseatly benclited by the use of jour medicine. 1 was Doubled with a p'lin in my .side anil any little uu- usual thmc would almost piostrate nioiiwissn nervous.: 1 wnssoivcak I could not do my Morlc ; mcnsti na tion was -veiy scanty. I Died med icines foi my nerics, alio kidney and liver medieine. but nothing- did me anv pood. I then concluded to tiy Ij.i'diit K. Piiiklinin'.s Vogablo 'omj;outtl. I tt-olc tin t-e bottles of it. aud otic bov of .-vour f.ivcr Pills, and 1 have not been sicl, since. That was tint e years sign, and I have given biitb to two childien sinto then, and do all mv bousewoik for a family of si.-' Alits, John Mcii.ii:, llillsb'oro, Ohio. (Nov. ll, 1000.) th it lint to .Maple itlttt again. The woik Is In ing (loin- bv ( onti.ntoih Paitildi-c and Fli la and Hit- iii.spti toi is .-( 'oiiin ilm, in .liiiiii s Al.inlt oT the Tvm-IIiIi waul. ( 'mitiat lor i 'onus who has diai( ul He m Millionth Hi'tilit usui woik will biglu optiailops on the -lili I stm i s, , tlon in a li w davs. Tiieic aie sluing lmpi s (bat all s, n , t will be lompb-titl and coin i liojt" made bt- loll w illlt! M Is iu. Hiithday Paity. A loeiiv dilldien''- pallv was u ,1 jil tin In iii)- nl .Mi. ami .Mi- John Alllln. of 'Ml Sliiiiini stieel, vist,.d,iv .iliei in ion. vv ho i nu i mint d In boi-or ol tin' li (laughlt'i I. llv s iwi'llth lilithdiiv The Utile ones jatluieil al the l.s. tit me alit i s, , limns mid not n galul w lib lelti slllin nts In a ho-pita Imp inauiit t bv ihih .voting li lends ,mi hosti'sii, who was asss,, Iu (lolnf the hoiiius bv In i molhfi TIiom- piesp'it win tin- ,Mi-ts Annie mid l.oiiis.i Weblii i. i'lsle i:iituia mid l.ilv Mill, i IMvvaiil lloosevdt I'm It v, Ji J nob and 1'i.tl .Mi'b i ami fb.nbh .Mill- i. NUBS Or NEVS. A si Mi-lim ol l he .M.ieniu n hot- oi -i hesiia was lu Id In Si hluipli hall last evening, pieoaraioi v lo the opening couieil of the i-e.ii-iilt, whlili UiKi.t Iilliee AVi'diit'Mla V, Odobtl- 1.i, The lumial ol .liuob tlollti will take plan' thit- alteinoiiu ill o'dm k fioiu the lamllv ifHldPiiif on .Maple t-tiecl. s-ervhcf will Im In Id at the Iioiim- and l'lithtoit avt-nut' ii-nn-li-l b lln' lev. Willlain A. .Nitldt .lolin Ncaloii is uith old. le.sldlng nn lilitli titifet. wan huill Inn mil at the Suuili mill on Thui'sduv nlglit, A hull" niuliiiiillig u iiuiinill.v of million metal was tipped mi i in d'U in. illy ami .some of the nu ml si.iitiiuil ou his It,;.', Iilliuliiir llioiii "Mid. II" as ii liioM'd to lb" Alofi s l.i vim hiisiilial iicui-ial tiimn (ninniiin.lt i v Knights ot .Malta, held a lurid, aitciidtd s, s-. doi iu lliitimiin'M liall.i' i 1'itisioii avt mi. . butt cm niiiu. The linn r.il of I'miiU. an lul. ml t-mi of .Mr and Alif. "fill.c .ook plan Iiom IM; filial av i niie . sn i-dav nl n oun. tnti inn in w.ii ii.ai'' ni lln' Alluool.a ci llic ti.J . Tin ,lctllei' AllleiHlt-ldltil will lllm I lu Uvular Wild scwlnu a' U ' ' U in nioi tow llflflllUUII iu lllt'lr Ili'liilllUUI Icii. on tVi'iu Hiiiiitit nnd UK hoi HDn l. Two g.iniis nf font ball an xi In tlitled for loiiioi'lovv on this side. Uin w.iini will be pblM'd on the bilk mill lil mum In IW till III" .hilly I'li'M'U. ol I'lllf Hlnok. -lllll III'' .lUM'llill-s. of llll- hii. Hot The iiiliii (.nun. w lili Ii will li, Iii tw it'll ihe liullalo and lln Mvmiii. mis Kit mii tnke- "In i on ilu Hollow giiitindf in lln Sun im th ud Sbi wa tlnv i'uiiiauli m nr Z..t t ".'..... ."1. .. iii,,.. rrni iu 'ii uunia ' llVu lllfujr 1 iKonvonicnrisiiiieriiquyiRiiiii 1 li .K-lit 4 'ftirtiiitiii. l!ii bebn unU luU't'iioiid Iui Hi kllTlip Lwii l AMUSEMENTS, Lyceum Theatre It. 1 1 L. 1 bl, l.ci'cc ami Minmrt A. .1 lit 1 1 V, tlu. Munmef Saturday Matinee and Night, t tu nuirit ptii, 'J be li ,-t nt Ml (licit U.il I'll!.'. WINCHESTER runtime ( limlul i In '! vuili nn ill itur (,i.l nu Inihiiir Mi" M 1111111 M i .imi tut tuiri' llittlll JIIIIIillK I i' M l?fill 1'ilir. luiiin.' 'i in l I'll Millnrf, "iiil nil unit ilnltli'ii. I In mv put nl Iioiim". s, a- mi 'lie llniivi.it id '1 .i I" Only One Night, Tlonday, October 14, J vll S II l I it K iniiinmiM .1 111 mil nmcnlf IH-ilotiiiiini- nf I.I.I MIH MI'ltllON'S Mic irvbil dtiiit'stii pin. "The Dairy Farm" after lil'i nljlils in rv "mil,: 1.7 nlclilA In 1'lnl nli ll'ln 1 , III inslit in (.lili is" I nli linlili 1 nl' 1 piltl ro-i mil -lit iniiwn Mill Im imoitilttl ullli u liiiid-i nn- "IMIij I inn" s.niunli. li i i"s '" trnli lo M ml -lli nf m Us i'u 11 I 1 ill 11 ut 'I 1 111 Tuesday, Matinee and Night, October 10. l. l MMHIN's s'n.n,) !,t b Ul- Uncle Tom's Cabin Ml I'lllfl.l. Vl , riiiiiiti.ii t'Kii'i.i. - "0 llot- -, piiMl s, cil , IIONMA- "(I. Inwlini: in 1 i,ili li nil. 'Ivvn 10 lnnli of spulil -, , iu 1 j , (,1.111,1 sli oi t ni nli tlill.i. I'ltlCks I Milium, ''it , lln , .mil ."A M 11 nit t : 2 1. : ilnliliiii, to mm. -Iii r nn .ilc sitnrilii ,it tl a. 111 BROCKWAY COURSE. THURSDAY, OCT. 17 CARTER, IHE HAQICIAN Oct. 25 Ex-Gov. Bob Taylor, as sisted by male quaitette. Nov. 27 Ei nest Gamble Co. Dec. 4 Fadette's Womans' orclies tia. Sopiano soloist, Miltlted Rog ei t., late of The Bostonians. Dec. ID Thomas Dixon, jr. Jan. 10 Debate on "Impetialism.'' Hon. C. B. Landis, of Indiana, vs. Hon. Champ Claik, of Missomi. Feb. 14 Mine, Rosa Eindc and a supeib company (America's gieatest contialto). Teb. 21 Double number: Ottum was' Male Quaitette Co. and Rogeis Giilley Combination. Match 0 Hungaiian Coutt Oiches tia, assisted by H. B. Jones, baii tone. Match 10 Luctetin Boigia, pie sentsd by George Riddle. Muslcai accompaniment by Listemann Tiio. .C;isoii Ailinission Tickets, $1.00 Single MkIH " " ."0c lit'scrvci! Seals 10c, 13c, 20c, 2."ic ami 30c KMra. It s, ,. h ,n M.inril dr fr.iinn n li 'i - !nn mil ill Inn tun iliml ni l.tciy iliinl in mil In lapl fm i H ions ili.iiinc to U.1IVI til full ll Itnllll Ilu i s, a-, i.iii ln p.. llll I l.ll lll-t llll lll.llU II J-.llllt tllin IU'1 InWI .is in m i-i ii, iiiiI tt'i I. -i lit 'In- pitviijii lo - ilt ti i .iih i nli it intuitu! Sale tor season or Thst Five opens 0 a. m. Mondny, Oct. 14. Checks given out at 7 a. in. c nttt -di inii. 'I i in liic-ilo (tit li V. -it i- liniiiiit. Imi i. tin tntii-f inlitts it i in t nt - 'lit llni-. 1 1 .il I" i Kit t. Academy of flusic M '.Lib I if-i I Hull, Muii;cr. I.s" VMM li, BENNETT-MOULTON COMPANY. I .inin. ni mi: VI inin Din In r Dili, ; mi, v vt in ll 1 1 vt i- . -pi il i ii. i.i iiii nt- ni tin wnilil Iiiii m- Hoid llinilii i., i tin ib ii n lui lii pi in in Im ni l Mi'l In inn.-. .tniif.ir 'liiti.u- ( Nt Mil. . In-iliv, Oiilnin of Niu Vii Wnllii ilo, ' I'iiii li nl I limn Mil", lliiu-ilo 'Vl lln Hi in "f Nun' . Iinlii. ' lln" l in Hiil-iil. s, i, mlii Pn.ti.ifNiM V -irl..' VI mine- Vpllilil Mi. I lH nil - Mltr": I n ' ,u In. I'm nn i nt VI. ii i.' Wult i'mIii, ' Haul In 'I ll" ""' ii i' llnii-ilo. ' lln" -nn ,1 Vt nl, I ii. In' . Iinlii lln Vli-k nl life", sitinilii, ' ma in ll" i lift " STAR THEATRE At t t. Ill ItltlNCION M rugT "The New York Stars" Matinee Satin day. Next Week May liowaul. iiis Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers or OLD STOCK 486 to 455 N. Ninth Qtraot, ,M Telcphons Cull, 2ddJ. .TV Every, Woman r sS , y n nlwiitlliavionderli! f'v T " .! MMUn NMiirlintj Spray Z& SvaI ll'il't'VTlMlnl'1rlK'' 1 s5c rtsY vf i, limit vi'Uiu. Itfil ,"il s ls -TjiN. .. Mui ( onicnlt-nl .." "' "fc lllir,liUl'. ll'JUIlUJ J ;n t.kjiur Iiuk'.i (or It II li". n nu I Minl'ly ilm i.ii I..1I...I1III, otlitl, liliuii i hi ilnplur I' llUll lllll luuiL, .wi. I ll IVH lull t, in i iilii..ul liir.lliiii.nl tin tlil- lull ll 11 llll I I.I O. I'ooni m! I. Tim IM. Ni l ! j Kuft. bmraith rli rwrr Uly iU I'rlv pit J jS Itiir,(frrUf 1111 i 14 IU J-ttijk-irrtotibutfi fXtViftrt Ulul rlMin, llQa1 UtMIlt;, Lo.l MKtkotxi 'Lmri nrloM-ilf i hirlt lurr (og rultla? , lulfiUp f wrShruuiii(lriiii.roltvrhwvru IrkllmooUUtt Bowbi lfulutftirrf iitcUlrjl taj ililrlrirraw 1. HrnlUu VPrrT y ,Ai