The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 12, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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On this occasion each person who calls will be presented with One Dollar's worth of stamps
free. This will start your collection, enable you to fill a book before Christmas, and ob
tain absolutely tree of charge some article for home adornment.
The Sperry and Hutchinson Co
Saturday, October 12th
in ,1 1 , Wi-I1 1
v, mmmi
(yVVWfftyffrMMyf tmm rTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTyTTTTTTTTTTffTTTfWwwwww,ywwinre1w"yw" T f I WW ffff f f f tTtf'tf f f fff ff y? M
Do not fail to attend this opening, as there will be' on exhibition goods in greater variety than
have ever been offered by a trading stamp company. As a matter of fact there is no com
parison between the stores and methods of this company and those of any similar concern
in existence. In This Business WE STAND ALONE.
These Are Points You May Not Fully Appreciate. We Desire to Place Them Before You.
You will always receive courteous attention from the attendants in our store. It is their
duty to show you all goods and to explain the improved methods of this corporation. Remember
no article on exhibition is for sale, but dll may be had without cost to you, as each is given
in exchange for
Owns and operates more stores ttian
any other concern in the world.
Its, responsibility, experience and reputa
tion, safeguard you against any possible disap
pointment, such as might arise from patron
ing an under-capitalized company.
About one hundred and fifty of them have investigated our methods of doing busi
ness, assured themselves of our responsibility, and have signed contracts, agreeing to give
our stamps to all persons who will pay SPOT CASH
It Remains for You to Improve the Opportunity.
We are mailing to each family in Scranton
and vicinity, a book in which to paste stamps,
a list ol the merchants who give them, and a
coupon entitling the holder to two dollars'
worth of stamps FREE. Should you not re
ceive these within ten days, notify us by postal
card and we will see that you are supplied.
Arrangements Are Being Made for a
Special Term of Court for the
Purpose of Clearing Up the List.
Philip McDonald Tried for a Ser
ious Charge Preferred Against
Him by His Daughter Forger
Moore Given Three Years in the
Eastern Penitentiary.
Criminal court worked at high pres
sure all day yesterday and a large
number of oases wore disposed of be
fore Judges Kd wards nud Kelly, It
was a lively week throughout the
total number C cases that worn tin
ally disposed of, being sixty-nine.
On Monday, tlie second week of the
term, will mien with President Judge
JCdwards on the bench In the main
court room ami .Indue Little of
Dlooinsburg and Judge Ferris of
Wilkes-Harre In court rooms and :i.
At the bead of next week's list Is the
ease against Antony Tnmoslilfskl,
charged with tbe killing of David
Thomas with a pick In the Arclibald
mine last July, On application of At
torneys John M. Harris and i K,
Olvcr, who represent the defendant,
court permit tetl it continuance of the
case on the ground that they have not
had sulllclent opportunity to piepare
the ease.
Tho case of the Municipal league
charging 11. t Hntton with perjury Is
on the list for next Tuesday and the
present indications are that It will be
Arrangements are being made for a
special term of criminal court to bo
held bofoio tbe end of the year with a
view to clearing up tho list of cases
awaiting trial.
Accused by His Daughter.
A caso with many distressing fea
.urea tt'iw tried before Judge John I
Kelly in court room No, 3 yesterday,
Last July Philip McDonald was ar
rested charged with assaulting his 14-year-old
daughter, Oenevlevc, and he
has been In jail ever since.
The evidence yesterday Indicated
that the McDonalds' led ti wrecked ex
istence. The father nud mother drank
and frequently quarrelled and the girl,
Oenevlove, was wayward and tho fath
er had threatened to have her com
mitted to some reform Institution, On
tho night of tho alleged crime McDon
ald was drunk and fell on the bed oc
cupied by his daughter. Tho other
children who slept in the room testi
fied that 110110 of tho things which
(Jenevlovo swore to occurred and Dr.
Fulton, who examined the girl on tho
day after tho alleged assault, said he
could Ilnd no evidence to support her
The little brother of the girl went
Ion the stand and swore that his tils.
tor drinks, smokes, stays out late at
night and is credited In the neighbor
hood with leading an improper life In
other ways. A number of the neigh
bors were called who testified that the
girl's reputation is not good, that she
in generally credited with being very
wayward. The caso was given to the
jury late In the afternoon. Tho fath
er says the glti has made the charge
against him for the purpose of be
ing revenged on him.
Three Years for Moore.
Thomas Moore, alias Thomas Mur
phy, was put on trial before Judge
Kelly charged with forging tho name
of James Nealls to a check for $14.
After the case had been on trial for
some time the accused withdrew his
plea of not guilty and entered one of
Moore has a bad record, He has
served a term In the penitentiary for
burglary and is said to be wanted in
New York state for several offenses.
Judgo Kelly sentenced Moore to three
years in the penitentiary.
A verdict of not guilty was taken in
the case of Jacob Harowltx., charged
with larceny and receiving by Thomas
Drown. Tho crime consisted of the al
leged theft of a suit of clothes. Tbe
prosecutor did not appear, and a ver
dict of not guilty was taken.
Andrew Steoko was returned not
guilty of discharging llivnrms. with In
tent to kill, The prosecutor, l.ouls
Itoblsky, did not appear.
David Kvaus was convicted of com
mitting an assault and battery on his
wife, Jane Hvuns. They are a couple
well advanced in years, and reside at
Tony Norl pleaded guilly to drawing
a revolver and making it threat against
Daniel Olivary, the foreman on 11 "West
Scranton sewer, on which Norl was
employed as a laborer. Norl has been
in jail for forty-six days awaiting trial,
and was therefore allowed to go with
a sontenco of thirty days and 11 $10 Hue.
Mrs. Jane Van Horn had her hus
band, Alnion Van Horn, arrested for
assault and battery. They have since
settled their differences, and yesterday
a verdict of not guilty was taken In the
case against the husband.
A nnl pros, was entered In tho case
of Patrick Toland, charged with assault
and battery by Patrick X.oftus, .Simi
lar nctlon was taken In tho caso of
John Uuaiio, charged with assault and
battery by Theodore Treonnwita,
A jury yesterday acquitted Mart
Wallace, colored, of participation in the
burglarizing of Louis Hernhardt's Jew
elry store, on Lackawanna avenue.
Tbe caso was put on trial In court room
No. a, on Thursday afternoon, and was
given to tho Jury yesterday morning.
On July 22, Jacob Townsend, an old
man, entered tho house of Dayton
Lewis, op Church avenue, and Assault
ed Lewis with an Iron bar, When the
caso was put on trial yesterday it wns
shown that Townsend Is Insane and tho
caso was disposed of by the court di
recting that the accused be sent to the
Insane department of the Hillside
Ferdlnando Lorenzo, of North Scran
ton, was returned not guilty of having
stolen u cow owned by Adam Sertlln-
skl, of Dunmore. The commonwealth
was unable to trace the stolen cow to
the possession of Lorenzo.
Adam Smith did not appear to prose
cute a charge of assault nud battery
against Charles Keedy, and a verdict
of not guilly was taken.
Stanley Xnllor was tried on a charge
of kicking and throwing a stone at
Irvln Mitchell. lioth are boys about 13
years of age and reside at Old Forgo.
The verdict was not guilty, and the
costs were equally divided.
James Howie, who was put on trial
Thursday 011 a charge of criminally as
saulting the" 10-year-old daughter of
bis uncle, John Howie, at Piieeburg,
was yesterday found guilly. An effort
was made to prove on tbe part of the
defense that Howie was not present at
the time of the assault and also that
he Is weak-minded.
The last case tried In the main court
room yesterday was that of Frank
Stelubaok, charged with breaking win
dows In the house of Mrs, Mary Hasch
tick, on July I, last. Tbe Jury was out
at adjourning hour.
When court adjourned, Michael Tolnn
was on trial in court room No. ",
charged with the theft of a trousers
from Chapman's store, on Point avenue,
Tolnn tried on the trousers and then
walked out. When arrested be had tbe
stolen garment on him. The case will
be resumed this morning.
Verdicts of not guilty were taken In
the cases charging Isaac Mitlleman
with perjury. The prosecutors, Thomas
Kenny and John Ollbride will pay the
A nol pros, was entered in the case
of Antonio Tiiiii, charged with larceny
anil receiving by Antonio Pace. The
defendant will pay the costs,
In the case of John Uemboskl,
charged with selling liquor on Sunday
by Iteeso S, Davis, a nol pros, was en
tered 011 payment of the costs,
Anthony Farrell was convicted
Thursday of stealing watches and
chains from Squlers' store at Jessnp
and sentenced to one year in tho coun
ty Jad. Judge Kdwards afterwards
mado some Inquiries about bis record
and yesterday recalled the sentence of
Thursday and sonteuced Fnrrol to two
years in the Eastern penitcutinry,
Hurt Holtliaiu, who nleaded guilty
to a charge of burglary, was sent to
the Huntington reformatory
Thomas It Jones and Margaret Jones
vho pleaded guilty to loiceny and re
ceiving, were yesterday sentenced to
pay a lino of ?t costs rind spend ten
days In tho county Jail.
Marriage Licenses.
Philip Ilr.uly
Katio Wells
William J, Jenkins
Mary Williams
"Foliage" Excursion.
Tho N. V O. & w. Hallway com
pany will run n Foliage excursion to
Hancock, N. V on Sunday, October
13. Train will leave Scranton S.SO a.
m., and returning leavo Hancock 4.33,
arriving Scranton ti.15 p. m. Jtctiirn
fare, $1.00.
Smoke tho Pocono 5c. cigar.
The teams comprising the Northeast
ern Pennsylvania Howling league arc
hard at work whipping themselves in
shape for the opening of tho champion
ship games which takes place on the
Hist Monday of November. The sched
ule has not been completed as yet, but
will be ready in a few days.
Following is the personnel of the
dubs who will contest for tbe trophy
this season:
West Wheelmen (Wilkes-liarre)
Yost, Wiegand, Oreon, luucss, K. Da
vis. Scranton Mlcycle Club Wnrddl,
Mitchell, I toper, Dullleld. Moore.
IJlnek Dlalionds Delivers, Kays, nor
mal!, Foley, Doluc.
Oreon nidge Wheelmen--Welchel,
Moore, 'Seamans, Mason, Taylor.
Klk P.ielil, Wnlduer, Jone, Kd
wards, Osowlndt.
lSatkus Hopkins, Meist-r, lto'nl,
Fnhronholt, Peekens.
Work is rapidly progressing on the
extension to the Kloctiio City Wheel
men's club bouse, made necessary to
give sulllclent rot.m for the new bowl
ing alloys. Tlie K, C. W. boys expect
to open their alleys some time dining
December, and when completed the
club will have a thoroughly up-to-date
bowling alloy.
In a short time Scranton can bo
classed as one of the leading bowling
cities. Social clubs throughout the
city are rapidly realizing the value of
good bowling alleys 11 a source of
front revenue, as well as amusement.
Besides the Scranton lllcyclo dub and
Oreon Kldgo Wheelmen's alleys, the
Flectiie lily Wheelmen, of tbe West
Side, iir now putting in 11 good sot.
Tlie Country club Is making plans I'm
an alley In Its hundsonio club house.
The magulllcent lit w Young Men's
Christian association building, now
Hearing coiuploilou, will also contain
a tine set of alleys. With teams from
all these organizations In the Hold,
next season will surely bo a great 0110
for bowling hereabouts.
A game between the Oreon ltldgo
Wheelmen's Nottheasb'in Pennsylva
nia League tenill mid the Hloyclo
Club's League team from tho same
club, Will bo bowled 011 the Oreeii
ltldgo alleys Tuesday night. The
teams are very evenly iuulchd and a
eloso contest Is expected,
Tho Inter-dub tournament, now
wining tho end, which lias been going
on for several weeks In tho Scranton
lllryiio dub's alleys, has uwnkeiieil
much enthusiasm ami Interest In bowl
ing among tho members of lie S, II.
(.'. Many good scores lmvo been
bowled by members not on the regttlai
Tho Ladles' Aid Society of tho Pros
bvtciian church will tender it recep
tion to Hie members of tho congrega
tion In the church parlors Tuesday
evening at S o'clock.
Uus lines arc now doing a thriving
Our $3 Shoe
When we thought of starting
this new department we made up
our minds to have a shoe at a pop
ular price, that for leather, quality
and finish could not be imitated
anywhere. First we hunted up the
best last designer we could find a man who is used to
working on the better grades. The shoemaker has fol
lowed his lines. The result is a $3.00 shoe that could
not possibly be sold in the regular way for less than
$4.00. Every sole is solid oak tanned leather with up
pers of enamel, box calf, kangaroo or seal top. The
toes are blocked according to exclusive styles for this
fall. We know that this $3.00 shoe cannot be dupli
cated at this price.
Scsmter brothers
Complete Outfitters.
Inisinobo, now ones appearing dally,
A halt' hour service Is maintained
throughout tho day ami until about
10.30 j i. m.
Joseph Ooldcn, tho thirteen-year-old
son of Mrs. P, J, Ooldeu, received u
fall fiom a wagon In charge of T. J.
Ooldeu and as a result Is sulfeiiug
from a broken arm.
Mrs. Michael Mellalo of lllooin
street, who recently underwent an op
eration at the Moses Taylor hospital,
is III a critical condition at that place.
Frank llngert returned to his homo
today after being successfully oper
ated on for appendicitis nt the Scran
ton private hospital.
Treasurer Wahlers will pay school
and borough orders at the boiough
building today at - o'clock.
Dunmore Presbyterian church, ltcv.
W. F. Olbbonsi pastor. Communion
Sabbath morning. Topic, "The Mark
of Disclplcslilp.'' K veiling topic, "Ood'a
Thomas Harrington returned' to
Dalesvllle yesterday after spending
several days in town.
Mis. J. H. Taylor Is visiting friends
lu Hawley,
Stephen Nolan has returned to his
home In Hoston, Mass,
Tripp avenuo Christian church.
Preaching both morning and evening
by the pastor, J. D. Dabney. .Morning
topic. "Prison Life In F.gynt." levell
ing topic, "The Olllce of Christ." Sun
day school at 10 o'clock. Kverybody
mado welcome.
Tiu First Methodist Kpibcnpal
church, ltcv. Charles Henry Newlng.
pastor Services at 10.30 a. in. and
7.30 p. in. Tho pastor will preach at
both services. Morning sermon by re-
quest. Kvonlng subject. "The Results
of SI11." Class meeting at tho iio-e of
morning servco, The annual rally
day of the Kiiudiiy school will bo hold
at L'.SO, All former members, are spe
cially Invited to attend. livening
prayer service at 8.30. Mid-week
chinch prayer service Wednesday eve
ning at 7,30.
Services will bo conducted In tho
Haptlst church both morning awl 'even.
Ing by the Yokefellows' band of the
Hallroad Y, M. C, A.
Tinii-Iu't In1 the most tiroyiiii Ulkcr joi,
ncr lie.mlr
llumiu. Vi; lie Iriiuiuls mt of a huiiuii thiq
ciilujr j puuil.
Tuwnt--S.'U jour iirir on else, eht
iliewnc Net unl.v Hut, but it lkM hnti
long lu net tu tho point. Philadelphia ITc&j.
fo.,w,.3fclifAJ.i ..ii.-',gA .txt&'Jk. ltdm- -. ft..-a..'.i.. . r ,,--. .,3w' . a. 1 rffci,