!tlfff-Tfifi'lf' v"t 'WipiSisf iS!iWH';r'Y'KH"'ffv,'i i S"i ',"' j y 'r'T'S 'tt'r.MpPWVr s 4 i t (,5S;''"-'''r-?"lI,ipiil THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- SATURDAY', OCTOBER 12, 1001. 2 ?"""Tr -1 ii i -1 1 1 i 1 1 1 -1 1 1 t- : .Oiliest 'burke RiitmiNr, 1L"" - :the smith case. The Poor Board Meeting Argues the Caso and the Attorney's Opinion. , Yellow Journalism. ,'The poor lioaul mot In tet?ulni' se Plon ltiHt evenlns. The meetliiK vviist culled tu m dor by I'litilinmii .Mol'nbo lit MB. Attorney H. i Hutler. Hip at torney of the boatd, wni In attendance and kiiv'o loiil opinions mi seveni! oiihcb which hno come befoio r.he board of lute. A motion wan made by lSyneh, seconded .md carried, tlmt In the future the nieotlliKS will he railed to older nt 7.30 liHtfiad of & o'clock, the in wont time of opening the kc hIoii. Mct'ube explained the ease of the deceased V. Klsvvorth Smith, which Iiiih caused much public com ment In which the poor hoard and rs peel.illy MeCubc and Wltllunii of the f.um committee, liiiied. He explained lilt p.ut of the wise. He had been notl licd that a man named Smith wan deail mi the (lieenllelil jond and his father, the i enow nod li. WiishliiKlon Smith, hart no means with which to bury him. IMic'ubc journeyed to the scene and infoimed the lather that the body would be taken cine of by the poor boaid and s-onL to Philadelphia us the law icnunc to be used by .111 anatomi cal society in Hip Intel est ol medical hiler.ee. The lather did not want the body used in Hint wav and said he Mould take chin rc ot the 1 cumins, and linvo theni Inteiied without the help ot the poor rtotuitinciit. Mi- .McC.ibe then came home and tailed Attorney JUKler and fndoi taker Hums bofoio hlni. He stated the case to the attor ney and the latter told him he was In the right. The nest moe in the case was when S.iuitniy Ollker .Moffltt of the Boaid of Health notitied Jit I'nbu that the poor bo.ud must take caie of the badly decomposed body. Mr. McCabe then had the bod intoned at the boaul's 0x110110. Attorney r.utler lead the law in lofivnd to the disposal of bodies, of mipeis. tie showed that Mr. Jlu'ube was In the ilsht in li'Kiiid to the shippluR of the body to Phila delphia and that he had iiNo done light in luirylnjr the decomposed body alter helm,' notilled to do 4-0. lie stat ed that the body was in such (ondition at the Inn lal that 11 medical school tould not handle It. Chaiiiiinn Mc t'ahe ptedlttcd a mast tor himself and Mr. Williams In a Sunday yellow journal. Ho .stated thai he did not fear f. loast, as he (onMrteied the eh dilu tion of the jellou sheet, but he did not want the publii to bolieto that he hud acted Inhuman in not having the body attended to inside twenty-tour limn, and Attorney Butler was then n.skrtl foi his opinion on the taMng i.ne jf people said to be insane. It was xplulned to him that constables 1 1 tun the.- towns can uish, and hao dime 10, persons- said to be insane, to the jail neic, and then send wind to the poor boaid to take cue ol them. "We do not know whether it is diunk oi in sane they aie." Mr. Mol'ube said, "and Me have to pay lor two physicians to examine tliein. TIiourIi Ihey be ies dents of this ( Ity he was of the opin ion that the telations should nay lor the examination. The attorney Mated that the boaid could not .11 1 ept them an- Insane unless a statement by two jihjsleiuii.s testityiiiRr to their insanity Mas shown, .UCibe wanted infoi 111.1 lion In 1 or. nd to pu.vinp l.ues for 10 lations of an Insane poison confined In an asylum tor them to go and see them. He stated that he had paities come to hlni lor tt.inspoi t.itjnu to Danville to see lolatlons lonllned thoio. The attorney stated that thoie m.us no le.ison for such demands. The dhee tois thouRht thoio MPio too many pa tients coutincd in Danville. Thoy be lieved that the patients fioni heio should be distributed in some of the other asylums. ljneli thought the Jiillsldo homo an unsalo place as pa tlenth aie allowed loo much liberty theie. He told of the sovoiul escapes of a Uaihmidule man who had been onlined thoio. Several bills weie 01 deied li.iid and other minor mntteis irettled bofoie adjoin nineiit. To Play in Scranton. This aiteinoon at 1.10 the HIrIi School foot ball team will joiuney to Sci un ion to play thelV brother students! at Athletic paik. For the past tew yeuis the local sihool has not boon lopieseut td 011 the Rrldlion, hut this yen's, touin lompaies liivorably with thu vletoiious elevens of 'flii and '!7, when not a sIiirIo defeat bliured their jenud. As the Suanton boys suifoted defeat by (.'111- THE PEOPLE'S EXCHANGE WAMfJO-Tno fht ili-t. p 1 Inlri -. ,it mice. p. ply to N J. I'liuh. (Iiiiuli etuct. 1 11I1011. dale, RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delitwnic and Huclbou Enihond.'' .buio P, VJOt, Tialns will lue I .uliuiiU.do at uly stallun .'15 ollnnt: ,.' I or siTKiiton .mil w ilkcs II mi' -n nn, 7 mi s. mi P0I, 10.01, II 'Jl .1 1,1; l',., ,H, :,!, j,;,,' 6 0", 7.1 . Him, 10.51 p. 111 ' U,J ' Suii'liv tuln luc .it S.5'1, II .'l .1, . 1 (1 C HI, 5.,'.0, Si p, in. iii, Tor Albun, hJi.ilil, MoiiIimI, ll,oii, yov, I iul.ni'1 pointi-, ill., "OH .1, in,; J;j 11 . tdjllj.) " I'm I.4I0 lnilmr. Wn111.nl, inul ii,iim1,i,. 7 3.', ii.iv .1. in : si. n 1 . 1. 1.1 p. 111 " Mind IV U.lilH k Hi' I..1K0 I.nilmc nunii mid IIohchIjIii .it li.'io ,1. ni.i 1..0, l.n p m 'lulu-, .iiihi) nt t'libonilili' imiii Win,'.,,!;,.,., anil Sii.iiilini ,i fiiii; ih, t. 17 ... . a, 111 i I2.U7. 2iKl, a..' 1, , am, 7.111, ,s.i (i II ." p, m.i 1 ,vi .1, in, ' "" Mimliv ti.iiii anho .it f,.!7 .1, ip : 1 10 : u i 'JS, 11 JO, 1 Ml p, in. -'( .siindjy luliH miiw nt ('.ulmriUlp fmm I il n I.iidnii', t.i,nnait .iimI IIuiiuiIjIv 41 1 ' 17 j 1.1 and 7..'u P. in. ' " Now York, Ontario and Western. Sept. 1", l'lll, Tialni. Iimic UiiIiciiUjIc (of SmijiiIoii at I no 1 m.i i.io p. iii. Nlndiy irilns nt 7.00 .1, 111 ; (1(0 p. m, Tuliia l'.oi; ( .iilioiul.ilo lor polnu iioiih u 11,(11) a. 111 On juiiiuli)- ill ii.il .1 in 'jj'., Ifailii? at II. P) .1 111. '.ink ila jn,l 1, in .,. Sunda.w nuku luiiiuitluiis (or .N'm oik luin wall, i'ii. Tiuliii uuhr doni S; 1 inluii at 11.11) .1, hl . ,, . , 11. 111 ; tiuni puliitt uuitli. I mi p 111 Vilnius iiojil Siruntiin ut D in u, in, und 7.li n in.: i. .,,,, Cailtol 111 11 W p, in ' " """ Eiie Kaihoad. June it, 1001. lulns loaic illy cUtlun, (ail,.)inili', ii,, (xicpt hiindji) at ".Oil 11. 111 anil III,, p , ,. Rramlt and Mnciili, at '1 III .1, 111 , ifiv ,..v icptlnn hiiiiilm), l"i lliiiqli.nnti 11, niil,4 inn. liKlioiii (or .Niw Vmk illj and H11l1a.l1, un, ,,i f.lQ p. 111. fir Sur,ucluniu, nuking ixiinulion, lor uettcrn noliit.. Sunday lialiu at 9 Ii a. m m Siqufiuu,,,, ivilli wrttcrn 1 on lint tons, and Ii.-.t p, (11 nn, fame icniinlloiis. TlU) atriio uj. 8il a. ii. mid J5.U 11. iu. bundajs ' JJ a. ni . Carbondale Department bonilnle twice nt base hall, they will do their utinofct to rcdrein themselves on the Kt'ldltoti. A Iiiiro eiowd Is expected to iiecoinpauv the Imyn. to oiiiouiiiko them throiiKhoiit the uiiiiie. The line up will ho as follows: Center, Itaynor; rlKht Rtiiiul, I'oiiinHi rlKht tackle, I.of ttis; ilf-ht end, I'lilllo; lluht lmtllmi l.i Mitnnton; iiuarteibMi k, sipencor; left end, .Mutilu: lett tiioklo. (Illlls, 1. ft Biiard, JlcKenna; left hiilfbaik, M011 Bliiin; fullback, Van neigen. AN IMPORTANT QUESTION. At School Boaid Meeting Tonight a Warm Discussion Is Piomhcd. The s'lhool boaid will meet tonight and 1111 liupoi taut (Uestloii raWed at the last nieetliiff will he dl.seussed, The (iiiestlnn pel talus to the soihIIiik of soholais to schools outside of the allotted torrltoiy mapped out by the boaid. lleietoloio the dlltoient schools have only leeelved schnl.iis who live In the section designated by the bo.ud as their dlslilcts. In seveial liistnnces the school designated by the ho.nil would be further away than a school In another district. In fait the line dividing the 'district might li.no been 011 one or two stteets back of the school of another dlstilct. Patents complained to the boaid of the liile. and asked that Ihey be allowed to send their chlldien to the iieaiest school. The monibois of the bo.ud, lo.illzlng that It would not do to make any concessions, ionised many leriuestti. Since the .schools opened tor tills term seveial paients bale went bofoie Su pei lntendoul 10. Hair and, it is s.iid, weie allowed to "end theli chlldien to the schools ne.iiest their hollies. This matter was bmuglit to the atten tion of the boaid, and at the meeting to be hold lonighl the rtiosim as to whether or not the sstem used in the past in 1eg.11 il to distrli ts will bj debated. Theie pioinises to hi 11 win 111 discussion. All Occident Nanowly Averted. lteckless (hhing by an inebilated otiug man ueaily caused 11 lat.il ne ildent on I'ike stieet Thiusday night ill 10 o'clock. In the lig Willi the diher was a .01111g ladv who was he.nd ir.iilig lor him to le-sen the hoise's speed. To her entiealns the senseless diiiei ued the whip with Inei eased actiiitv and lame on to Main .stieet at .1 fast i lip. A .Miss Muriay, 01 I'ike stnet, was iiossmg the stieet, and Indole she undeistood hoi danger the hoi'o u.is almo.i on hei. She jumped and was --aeil I10111 Injinics. Ollhei M. Mm j 11 made a t huso for the i ulpi it, but liikd to laud him. Stieet Car Strike Topics.. A banner with the wunls "Stieet C'.u Mill's llond(iiai tei s" was tliiown to the lneee 0M01day In limit of their looms In the Ai.nlein.s ot Musk. The local stiikeis do not ospect to see any i.us 1 iiiiulng' to this city, ul the public believes an attempt will be made today. Soioial local men who h,ie had np plioatloiis In for po-ltions mi the 1 .u before the sti Ike h.ie been sent lot, bill none hao as yet iinsucied thu summons. John Miflowaii. of this eit.i, is 1110 tniniau in Sci anion. The stiil.iii heio liae gieal coiilldonoe 111 the out Lome of the sti ike, Kemnins Laid at Rest. The funeial of the late itkhaid Con n.iughtoii Mas held yestoiday atter lioon, the leinaiiis being taken fioni the late homo of doi eased oil South Chili eh Mi out at .'! "11 to St. K11-0 ihuiili, wheie ;ev, Walter (liunian otlloi.ited. The lenialns weie then 111k 011 to St. Hose leinetciy for Intel inent. The luiioi.il was all unusually lingo one, the membeis ot the Catholic Mu tual lionewilont so iety attending' in a body. Dei eased was an active mem ber of that oignnliintioi! dining his Ule. Tho pallboiueis weie selected lioni the sooiot.i's Links, I. Singer's Opening, The now T.uk ilothlng house opens today. The phu e wlihh bus In en oc cupied for seveial e.us by I. S. Singer has been tlttod up in an appiovcd man ner and will again be ouiipiid by Mi, Singer, A Htirpiiso Is in stole lor the public, "who have been walclilna with Inleiist the woik of lepalilug. Jli. Singer has made a name 101 liimsell In the business woild, ami Is to bo 1 011 giatulated on his new pl.uo 01 busi ness. A Coircctlon. In the list or those In attendance at the llrsl mooting 01 the "I'logiessUo I'luilue Cotoiio," nt the hoiiui of .Mr, and Mis, T. V. Powdeily, the name ol Mr and Mis. p. ).'. Molllti und .Mr. mid Mis. William Pool was omitted 111 The Ttlbuno lopoit jestouiay, May Be Settled. Tho assault and batlerj i.ise of u Vi'lsus lllgglns was put ner yesleiday 111 Sil.lUtilll lllllil lle.M teini ot coutt. Owing to the piomiueuic ol the lain lllos of tho oung men It Is pi nhalilo a settloinout will bo made Iteioio U10 ease Is again eallod. A Bnckwnid Stsp. Kioin ptoeent appeal anees tho so ciul Inclined noting penplo have taken a b.ickw.ud step Mine the couteiiulal celebration. None of tho many smlal-. miiuageil hlnio iheu liuu heeu iliiiui. ciul biieiesso, Miueis Pnld. All Iu-Uwiiiii and Huilsou inlnors weio paid heio .Ohtonliiy. Tho day had been put b.u k 011 .iciotuu of thu leather Mathow day je.stmda:', A Romoval. Mr. unit Mrs. H. n. Vail have 10. moved theli household oit'ects iinin North Phuich .moot to ihelr fotmer home on Hlrkett stieet, Recovciing Rapidly, The iimdltlon of Tlioums Delaney, n WiiMimil, Is niiich iiiipinveil today. Hopes nio now' held nut lor hs tapld 1 ccovorv . Lost a Valuable Uoiso. A liniso of Diaman John Month, ot this ilt, was taken .suddenly III In Jo-nnyn, et,ieidy, and died la an hour's time. 'Phone t NEW, 286 J OLD, 0423 BEFORE THE PUBLIC EYE. There Is no 111 nt In the eltv more inogresslvo loi the public Intel est when he tltidonitiindti the mollis of it good thing than does Alderman Vi'll II11111 MoitI-oii of the Third and l'ntli ill wards. Mr. MorrNon hurt always Ik en thiol ested In llidlisllles possible loi' this city. Ills Inii'iU work of Interest was his iillempl to have a i oilln I'm -liny for this cltv. The liu tory men weio heio and doclilod on l'ell town ship us the host situation for the fnc tin y. and the tinvti'dilp uutluii lllos vvro Interviewed, but some hlti Ii in ose in login d to oMmeiatlon of Iiinoii and the deal fell tlnoilgh. Aldoiinan Mnirl"on did Hot give up the battle and sp.ued no expense to have lh Imtoiy men's decision leveised, but he was itlisiiK esstul. lie wont to Phila delphia in the Intoi est of this ihy, tint the dlleitois of lite Imtoiy hail ile ildod 011 going to a oily In Xe .lersey wlileh had offered splendid Indllce ini'iils, Mr. Mmilsnn mum so enthused with tin ptolltnble outlook for the new Industry und sin i ceded In exchanging ,omo of his silt plus cash for stink. He now legiets tlmt he had not taken twlio as iniiih stoi It as he ill piosent holds. Ida Vlaj, the fl-.v-ear-ohl actrc-s with the Ityan company, playing at the (It and Opera House tills week, has spiling into popular lnvor. She Is 11 splendid little notions, hut her pleasing; le.ituie Is hoi song and dance spei lai ty, in w hh li .--he has made n tremen dous lilt with the the.'teigoeis heie. She has a tlllely tialned vohe loi singing, but she reels in daniii.g. As a li Iple bin I; dam or, her pioud lathei aveis, 'she has no eiiml on the stage tnila.v Miss Ida May was limn In Philadi Iphla, und lias been a pio'iil lleiit fa-tor III the silci c-s ol nianv niiiateur pi odm tlons in the Quaker City, and (lining the summer mouths at Atluuti' City. This .e.ir is the ( lever joiing 1 idy's lli.-t .vear in 11 pio lessional lompan,', having made hei debut in Hiikimor, . V. on August "h. with the Tt .111 (onipauy. Her paients aie giiath llatlleied ill hei stiuoss, and piedlcl a bnlliant futllie for hei . Her mother s 1111 I'Viellenl sinyer and the l.ithir a d.uuei of nielli. Iloth li.ivel with tile li.vau uinipany, taking minor paits. Jlis Ida has met n number ol voting 1 idles ol hrr on 11 age hole and is hap py taking hi the sight-- daily with them She Is ,1 sluieie iidlilllel of I lllil 1 ity and ionises our oiihestin in 110 mean sl le She believe, she i annul sav too mm h fo- the oMillent music Ihey give her loi her speii.illv. A 1 1 li In 1 ( ouip.uiions heie, -she has made heisnli ,1 deenlcd lavorite und they ,110 loath to pail Willi hei. Hai h evilliug at I. o 1 loi k she delights seveial ol hei Intimate II lends with solei turns ovu the telephone. The Ti ibiinc olhie Is one ol the liivmed places tin si 1 Inline to he.11 this (banning; voting pi" sou's singing ovei the phone. .lostph Hei beit, the lob.u lonist, Is one ol the 111, my men in this t ilv v ho never misses an oppoi tunlty to si 1 some tclohi. limn or mteiesting events in the lal go ( Itles. The iJewey irlo biatioii, tlie Pan-Aineih an esposiliou, (lieiuen's ( onv eutloni;, inauguration oeri ises have 1 nine unilm his eves. A it lend ot his fittinglv desuilifs genial ".Joe" when he said, "He never misses nnvihing out of the oirtluuiy, no niat tei w heie it happens. I le nupi ov es his inliid as does no other 111,111 in the Pioneer cit.v." IPs plaie of business, on Xoilh -Main street, Is 11 meeting I il.it e tor ".loi's" old lallioad 10111 i.ules. Tlnie one hours iallio.ul und stage talk', whlih to the uninitiated sounds 1 omul liable. .lolin Paiil.e, the manager of the High Mhool loot ball eleven, Is nil in dent ailuiiiir ol all national spurts. He has been manager of 11 sunes-ful eleven for the last two yeais, and thiee times was eloi led liiimager of the High sihool base ball leimi. Two .veins ago he hud his log btoken by having II i.idlutor full on lit 111 und since then has almost given up his base bill and loot ball playing. A ii'SmouiI base 11. an he was a leader hole, and lor two j oats play":', on teams whose pluveis weio nianv ve.ns his senior hi yo.ui. His tool ball playing was adinliable, ami It i.s to be icgielted that the acci dent vvhli h boli'll him mused him 10 give up the sports In an active manuoi, lie Is as nblo to go lu the game now lis he was belole the iKildeill, bill hesitates lor lour of another. Two huso ball guiuis lie played last sum mer und In both games ho sull'eied minor Injlll ies, lie takes Ills foot ball eleven to Si rem toll today, to do battle vilth the toum lioni tho Suanton High si hool. Mozait Otchestia Engagement. At the m.nilage of Miss M.11I011 Ci.iue, of UiU illy, and Attorney dank Stoiker, of ,lei inyn, 011 next TlllllsdaV night the Mo.llt Olcliestril will fin 11I-H lllll-i' . The oiihestl.l bus TOLD IN SCRANTON. It's tho Evidence of Scranton Pooplo Published in Scranton Papers That Has Made Such a Reputation for Dr. A. V. Ohnso'a Norvo Pills, Standing l.,n und dlsllnit. nnulJiu- the UIIH'ie the silpoilor llit'ilt, the ndnpliibllltv to piesent.ilay alliiieiu,i Is the Milium' ot loial testliuony for Dr. A. W. Chase's Xeivo Pills. It's so illf feii 111 to the niillltury lemodles ictVi. ling to lines iiiuiio ut iiistant poiius WIUUi II Is haul to vvilfy. Thoio Is u UMson 1 of Hi. A, M', cim.se'h .Nervo PillS lOllllll Hiding lliillio evldellee w hei . over Lilt y 1110 know 11. .11 Is ihole won. del I III inllllolico jii biiiigitlg up tho htllllltllltl ol nerve I one. .Mi. lli'lliy Albelts. of Xn. r.li! III1..I1 stieet, Sunnion, Pa., tuys: "t'Nir (ilnmt two mmis my had; mill klduey.s jiud been sine, liune mid I lie secietloiis in nan siiiipo. .Mitning sei'inei) m help me 11111II i tot Dr. A. W, Cliaso'u ,'ei vo Pills at Matthews lUos.' ding slore. No, .'L'll LaikllWIIIlllit aveiiue. 'I'ln,. did the voil, fining the loionoh's and laiiieness, niakiiio; the St 1 1 1 lions healthy, and geiierally giving; me he ilth and slu ugili." 1)1. A. W. Chuse's N'erve Pills mr sold at .'Hi .1 bos ut dtnleis, or Hi. A. W. Cllil'-e McdlUlin Co.. Hull. tin. N. v Boo that poitiall and siciiiituie 1.1' a W. Clutbo, M. P., nro on cvoiy paeliajje. nlso boon cngiiged to ftitnlslt lntisle. for the hall to ho hold by the Hotnl-Cen-lennlat eltib In thP near future. Tho t'lii h wan fonnod dm lug tho weinl oontounlal mid Is eomposort of n tilini tior of pioinliiont young social Inclined young 111011 of the elty. Cnrbontlnle Continctois. I'onttaetors Xolan and Collins, of thin city, mo pushing tupldly fowaid eoinplollon tho now elty hull In KoiosU City. The foinior eouliaclor mid Coli triu tor .losoph O'Connor, in' this oily, aie also hustling (ho work In Forest City oil the Mul hot hotel bllllillllff. Sunday Services. St. PattlV Lutheran clutnli, Chut eh slieet, Jlev. 1'. Hhlngor, pastor. Xlne teonih Sunday In Tiiull.v. Sablmth school at !i.;; a, 111,; orv Ices ut 10,.'!0 11, 111. Sllhjoit of the loimoil, "W'linl Is Hi loving the Holy Spirit." All me cor dially welt 01110. Acting hh Clerk. U. H. Hoolor Is enjoying a week nt the Pnii-Aiuerleun exposition gioitnilM. Walter Klordon, of Ciniiiun street, Is acting as clerk In Mr. lloelei'n confee tlonery stoic on North C'hurcli stieet, dm lug his nbsem e. THE PASSING THRONG. Prink Clppoiy, of Pittstou, was n taller In town .vestoiday. Miss I.oiolta lianett spent Thuisihiy evinlng with fi lends In Aiehbald, Meuolljn Woodley, of lieaeh Lake, tailed on fi lends In this city Thuts diiy. .Maltlievv Maniiioli, of lloboken, X. .1., has 1 etui lied to this elty for a few d.ivs, Mis Allie O'Malley. of Soiaulon, Is being enlei tallied by Carbotidalo fi lends. Klchiiid Miiikey. of Sohenei tady, is lu this citv for a lime, being the guest of his mother on Dtmdnlf stieet. (looigo Clow ell, ol Xevv York elty, fm inei ly of this (Ity, was among Ills many 11 lends In this cll.v jostenluy. JERA1YN AND V1AYHELP. In the sclinol lejioit those who had no 111. ulc below :ul pei unt me as' lol- Itlgh school Senlois, Mamie ICvans; jiinlms, Xell.e Hvans. yens: Hula Sll.lgue, (leoige Cobhaiilt, A llllo (lil belt, 11 nold Pivls, K Hie Monilhail, Xfllle lilglan. Siua .lone.-. IliUinndi Hi I) i-ai tlneilt, eight giado Hell, 1 W.idoinan.Minn'e Pa ikes. Seventh guide Maiguiol .leultm", Hlolve Shields, I'"iank l.oughuev. Sixth grade K'atle Itosie, May llosio, I'sther l'Vouey, Anna Clink, ..lames M.mn, Ch.ules Winlois, Xaboth Wil ll.i ins. M.vrtlo Smith. Piiniaiv deparlnionl, tilth giado lost ih Unwland. .Minnie Maim, Maiic MiClouskev, Mabel Sheiwoml, .Mkhael l.oscjiik. Call Ktlly, C01.1 .louts, Alii e Hbcloii Kciutll giado Hell" Tlionipson, U01 othv Hlidoii, 1,'isvvell Salisbuiv. Thild giado-(lieu Wall, Al" Mtll ilooli, .lolin Kelley. .1 1 1 1 1 . 1 Helidi li ks, Came Hlalte, .Mlldied ('.illicit. Si 1 0111I glad. U.isil llnvt, H.uol llovf, Maig.uel Mann, Cecelia I.ovvIj-, H.ii 1, v Ji.iv s, .Joseph Day, Muicella li v in-. Fnsl giado I'.ovd Alvoid, Ka.v niouil llaktr, llan Dunn, .lie oph Clai k, .James Mi F'Tei i lur, Hanipst Luxnioie, li( I ti tide IMn'ouds. II. X. Panett, Piintlp.il. "We Came to Itoine" will be the sub ioi I of the sermon bv Itev. M.inaid II. Thiimpsoii in the Daptist eliunli tomonovv nioriiliig; lu the evening, "Habits." Thoio was a 1 oinpaiatlvi ly laige attend. into nt the pi.ioi' meet ing Thin sd.iy evoiiing. All membeis 'I1011I1I lome to the mid-week pi.i.ver t-eivito. the Inst nieeting ol the week. 1 spot ally lor Cliilstinas. The tiustees, helped by nthois, ,ue giadually making some lep.iu.s to the 1 lunch piopiity. The home ot Mr. and Mis. Kiihaid Hinvey at AVest .Miiyllold was sol on lb. vesterdiiy moiiiing' by one of their Utile (hlliWn who was placing with niatihos. ,n alarm was sounded anil the William Wall,"r Hose 1 011111. my 10 spolliled. The hoil-e was not d.1111 astdi veiy nun li, hut the lo.-s to the fm 11 tin 0 by the and water will lall loavllv upon thoiu. llemy Scott is- imtlliui! to his home on Xoilh Main stieet by setlotls ill ness. The Mlssu-; (hate and (ieitio Vail and .Missis, I.lo.vd Vail, ,1. (I. Aveiv, John Allan, with stvtial otheis, lett lor the Paii-Aiut'i itiiu last evening, JMwaid Slovens and l.iinily have moved lioni A. .1. li.ivln's piopeity on Seioud snoot to tho llilbeit piopeity on roll! ill sti. ct. PECKVSLLE. Mi's isubiii (laiiioinullor was ton deied ,1 suipilse p.uty at her homo on Ninth Alain stieet. Thutsdiiy evening, the ocnisloli being her nineteenth blith'da. Pining the evening Miss liiiiuii'iuulloi was piosentod with a beautiful silver mounted sill, ti'iibiellu us 11 token of iigind fioni those pies, tut. The evening was onjo.vably spent. Mi. 1. (iinixeiunlier m-,is equal to the 01 lasloii ind piip.ind 11 suiiiptuous ie pist, ol vvhli h all pattook, Those In ilteiidiiiK'' weie; Misses Jessie and Myia llolfeckei. May Kngllsh, J.uilisa J lentil IoUb, Jennie Williams, Nellie illamlllo, Hlaui ho Taylor, Louisa Hughe.-, Pom I Whitman, Llz.;le Ullen. dike. Hose llia.v, .Mrs. John I'a.v, Mrs. I'rey Mejois, Jin,. Ldmuiid Wllllains, Mis, l'jlmor Uoheith ami Mr. ami Mis, James Cow en, I'eikvlllo HapiM ihuiill-Uev. J, S, Thomas, pasloi, Sorvlteh lonioinnv at 10 ID a 111. and 7 p. 111. Mninlllg sub Jitt, "The Kiii ud of Cod"; t'voiiiug subject, "Israel in L'gjpi," Mrs, Cli.nloliu Walker and Mis, James A. inicli.iliiiii, of Port .lervls, X. Y., letuined homo fpicidiiy, allot' visiting the 101 inert, sou, W, 11. Wulk- ei, of .Main stiuet, i'li'sbyterlau 1 11111. h Kov. S. 11. Moon, D. I)., pustor. Sorviies Sun day at I'l.iIO a, id. and 7 p. in. Sub Jet ts, liinililn,,, "Lou' .Spillls"; 0i' illW, 'HlleiltO lu the Tt'lllHle." 0LYPUANT W'llllnin l''oli v, of Duunioto stieet, Wiis l.llhd in No, i' mines at S ii'iloik yesteuliiy inm iiug. The unfortuinito MiiiiiH iimn had just toinmeutut his ilutles ut, 11 lahoier iihoiii an hour ho lme the mil, lout, when without the slightest warning over two tons of lock It II upon him, 1 rushing hlni so badly that ho dkd bofoie the link tould lie ti moved tioni Pis body. The lemaluti v.oie takin 10 the lioino of Ills niotliei, on lltiiiinoit' siitei. ptoinsul was boin In this low 11. and was L'll .veins old. He was will known, and possossirt ninny udniliable Halts of 1 huuicter. He Man toui'tuiy of No. SH7 loi.il, mine wotk ilh' 1111(011. liesldes his Illotltir, he Is survived by one biothor and two sls ttis, namely, -p. P, i-'oley, of l'i ice burg; Misses Hildget und Kutle Fole: Tho fuiKinl Will be holU tynioumv nrteriminr nt a o'elotU. lnloiinenl Will he made In HI. Palilok's ecineterv, Hov. Hainticl Xloholls. of Tatniuiua, will deliver 11 senium In tho PtlinltUn Melhodlsl t li tn eh tomonovv nuiinliig. The riliier.il nC tho late Kiiilik Wood will bo held riom the le.sldoiue or Itlch 111 d Polllgrcw, on .Scotch street, this afternoon nt 2.30 o'clock. The nieinhein of tho liidejiendelit Older or Odd I'ol lows lodge will uttoiiil In a body. In totiucnt will be made in fiilon teiiio tety. Kplscnpnl servlios will bo hold III Md winds' hall tomoriow itrtciiiniiii at II.BO o'clock, Uev. i:. ,T, Huughtun will have t Inline. Tony liicgonla, 1111 Ttullan, losldlin; on 1'Vrrls stieet, was 111 tested by Coli slnblo (hillgliall, at Hi assy Island, on Thin Hilny, for Mnlatliig the game lawn, tliogonla, vvhoii 111 rested, lind seveial song bllds lu his possession, which he had shot In the w noils near his home, lie was given 11 homing hemic 'Sutilio Cummlngs.who lined hlni $10 and tests, Tho eloctile lighi committee of mini ell has ordered n now eonimutalor for Ihe Incalidescoiit machine at the plant, and Its milval Is expeeted lodav. Olypliant ludsie of Odd Fellows are lonuestod to meet 11 1 Sweeney's hall at 1..'!0 o'elot'k this iiiteriioon, lo attend the mucin! of the late Frank Wood. "Pennsylvania" will bo at the opera house this ovenlirjr. HarviMt Homo services will be hold lu the lllakoly llaptlst chinch tuiuoi tovv nun nlng and evening. All tue tor dlally Invited to attend. The funeral nervli.es of Jumps W". AValsh, who died at his homo on Dela ware street. Thuisdiiy evening, will bo hold tomonovv attornonn at 3 o'clock, DALT0N. Kci rotary Uoorgo Mahy Is building an extensive chltkery on his piopeity. Conliaelor 'Wllllanis, of Scimiton, is doing the vvoi k. Mr. mid Mis. Theodoie Miller, Mr. and Mi.-. A. M. Finn me ut tho Pan American this week. Myton Clmko and uncle, of Sioux city, Iowa, utc visiting lelalives in this vicinity. The funeral of Mis. Webster Koss, who dloil on Monday last, was held ut her late home, near Wall's Coiners , on Thiusday afternoon al 1 o'clock. Theie was a large number ot fi lends and lelalives piosent. Mis. Koss was .1 member of the "West Abington lliange mid the Kebotca lodge, of Fao toryvllle, and a large delegation f 10111 oath ol those lodges was in attendance. The services weie conducted bv Itev. Leo, pastor ol the Factoryv lllc Metho dist (lunch, and he was assisted by Kov. Kobci t 1J. Thompson, of the D.tl tou li.iptiht 1 lunch. The interment was made in the now tcmeleiy nl Pulton. Mis. Itoss was .'Is .veins of ago and is survived by her luishand, two sons and a daughter. She was the only daughter of Mr. and Mis. Jterlon Finch, who still survive, and also tin cc biotheis. Her early death is gieutlv mourned by her many 1 datives, and li lends. Mr. und Mis. U. L. Morgan mid clut dieii, of Si 1. niton, me guests ut tho Llaptlst p.ir.ioiiage. A meeting of the Women's Christian Tempo .1111 e union Mas held yesterday at the home of Mrs. Fred Palmer. At the Baptist 1 hutch Sunday morn ing the pastor will pi eat h on "Con sociation of Sell to Hod and its Re sults," und 111 the evening the theme of the diseouiso will be "I'ei lis C011 ri outing Young Men." Mis. M. I. Sherman is visiting her mother in Dhnlra, N. V. OLD FORGE. Hal vest home seiviies will bo held 111 the blick fhurtli next Sunday unfiling mid oveulny. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wood attended the lair at I'looiiisbmg- this week. Mr. Ch.nlts Shales has pin chased .1 house ot .Mr. Thomas. Jones and moved ills l.iniiiy into it. The choir of the lulek church aie ar l.uiging for a bazaar and ontei luln nieut lo bo hold In the hose hotusp on Oi toner -- and .:;. A lii.iina entitled the 'Old Maids' Convention" will be piosentod the Hist evening. On tho Jd a pi ogi amine of vocal and instru mental music and 1 collations Mill bo given, U will give the inothois a Unmet to buy apioas for their git Is w mscHxasimxvsizBxsmsam It's a decidedly new Suit Fash ion for fall wear. The greatest care and thought have been ex ercised by us to combine good cloth, stylish cutting and perfect tailoring. Many followers of the custom tailor have been won by the merits of our "Atterbury Sys tem" of clothes making. The "DeSsarte," we believe, will be another revelation to those who have well defined ideas as to what constitutes the best of the tailor's art. Some samples are shown in our windows, but we would rather you would try one on. We can better demonstrate the result of our efforts. SAMTER K , M wy-AfiS-lf.'JItlHilul rf;ii Small Beynliai'iH's Tribute to Trmifo'fon:l t.iko great plenstiro in moit adinlrahlo recuporator when tho loast tn rAM, .. I DUFFY'S nm 4 U fQZb if S --v.C'... '&' '- -f ,.- j .c . . T-lCCjfQ hns enrrlotl the blowing of honlth to tnoro homos during tho past fifty ycais than all other medi cinos conibiiied. It clues iniisiiniiition, nervous ness and inrtigc-a ion; stimulates tlio blood, tonci up tho heart, and is n boon to women during their peiin.is; it allays nil pain and emeu the dis ease commonly known among women ns fcmnlo nenknes. It lias saved many noting gills' lives nttlioentio.il pi-nod oli.iiiging ttoin giilliooil to TTomunhooil. Duffy's 1'iuo Jialt Whiskey is abwhitely pure it contains no fusel oil. It is tho only w hiakev iccosnii d by thoGovoi mnoiit nsci lncdiciiie. This i, a guarantee. All ihupcists and grocers, $1,00 a bottle. Hew.iro of cheap substitutes, put tip bvimreliiiblu dealers in bottles that look lil,o"TJuiry's. AVIicnovor jou scoa (toilers na.no on lini'lis crnoil-t. linvvninnr tlmt; ... ... ,., . . .' . ri. and waists tor the bojs beside other tisoltil ,11 lit let-. The tiinei.il suvues of tin l.ile Mrs. Henry Hauling were held on ThinsdJ.v ntttinoon ut the new Mitliodlst i;pis i opal iliui eh. The t cm, unit laid in the p.nloi ot her late homo whete lliev vveie Mewed by the liirnds. The IIoi.it Uiliiite.s weio many and boaulilul The solvit es woie i oiiilui toil by Itev. Holmes of Pltlstmi assisted by itev. AV. ti. J'-iinl:. pastor ol the l'i csbytei iau t'liuieh of this plate. The lcm.iius Intel i ed in Many lOinetei). Mis. Hauling was limn in IMiS. Her liiald en name was Ciithena laiaday, daugh ter ol Mr. and Mis. .lolm Futurtuy. She has lived in this place lor I lie past thiiteeii .euis, wheie .she wus lcopeet i d and loved by all who knew- her. Al though a Milletcr lor the post low mouths she boie Ins sufieilngs pa tiently. She is sin vivid by a husband and lour small chililion, tlio youngest only live months ol aye. clark;s green. Distiitt Deputy CJi.inrt M'aster H.n pei, ot Duiimoio, will Instiill olllcci.s tonight (Satin ila) Into ollico in the Kleetiic Star Lodge, No. IU0, r. O. O. F in their hall in CUnK'n Uieeu. Itev. M. S. (iiidsliall will preaih a si i mon on Sunday evening on "Faith Healing" inul the Ksties of the day will bo .iNci piesputed lu the toutnc of sei mmis now bi'giiu. .loiin Smith is siieuding- a few days with ulallvo.s and liltnds In Xay Aug. Miss Stella Cunerj is sulfcilng lioni ,i,n ... i ... ' "",""'"" not, iii'Mt.ito to sell vou impure. ?"R,1,"I'; llllI, holly (lliouost. Adviioand limit -iiniru Tnt frco '" a"' 0 " l10 "t, Uuilj Malt htskov Co., Itoclifi.ter. N. Y. ' MSSSSXSSSS3BSSSMSKIElSSK9B3KHKSKll )) COHPLETE OUTFITTER r-""-r t ran urmi wti BROTHERS Sarah ereihardi tlio famous actress, pays ib givoa her pleasure to tell what a great medicine ia Duffy's l'uro Malt Whiskey. Sho tolls it in her own way, and tho following is an exact reproduction of Mmo. llcrnhardt'a iciicr in ner own iiiiimwriiiiiR : .s.. ... .,. h . the World's Greatest Mediolne 8 1 nsiii'inf you Hint T find your Mnlfc Whiskey tea bit fatigued. I know 01 nothing so perfect nor I an attack of typhoid fever ut the home of lit lather, Mr. I'ulaski Covey. M". llowatil i:, NoilhiiK has ip. turned home from an extended busi ness 1 1 lit. -Mr. S. D. PuiUer of AVest Side, Kci iintoii, -visited lolatlvcs here on Thiusday. CLARK'S SUMMIT. A II ii o-t l'i '-loll will be hold in the Mcllio ih-l 1 piiii'i'il thnuli nu the llli ot the pre eit month. Ml. .mil Mis. Jiumnnic nl l'i inkliii, V. V., am ii-itui' the fnimti's siilti, -Vli. Wauioth. vir. Ilui t'hile, nf Sti.itituii, has been vuit nu JiiiinN htiu 1 Ills wicilv. Mi. anil Vtii. Ilrniiiuiii Ilos altrmlrd llui fimtril nt the foiiiKi'-, tuiMu al ithol--nii on loiuli lut, ami nu 'I I1111.-1I iy tho (uncul ol tlio litln's inii-in, .it Wall'-, ( ninoi-,. 'Hie loiiilui-nry his iliv.nl d.mn. Mr-. Homy LilnauU si nt a toiiple of dj.w af ti.iutou thu wech. ASPHYXIATED BY GAS. Michael r. Creman and Son Tound Dead in Bed. lly i:tlu-ne VV I'lul ideliihn, .'.. m u, ind lie fruin 'Ihe Aj&oualed I'rts'. Hit. 11. AIuliiol 1 Cicni.m, .i;ed In-, n.n, .lo-ipli, ajed 10 jp.iis MPII l-pll.Wlltl il lit illiiiiinutiii? g i-, .Inline li t hnme r, Mi. (leiiiin'd biotlior, ins linaiiltd, 'Ihe ln w.i-, fouii'd s ti i . . 1 1 1 1 1 ir and his lithci w k im hill, lie latei dieil.it i ho-.pilal. nlitht .il the win ic the Mtli ih id ill lied (111 COII-rilMH in a I It i- liolieioil gi-t tiU'ie t"c gi-, to i -i ipe. piihli-liinsr liiiu-i anrl a wr n the (ieitiital nttat l.inrnl In tilt line ilia manned, pintuttiii? Iho Mi. t it man as ininigrr of thu nf Hoiiin Vllciiim k Compiny, some lepnle, mn WHISKEY . i