The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 12, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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    iv fos i - !n.J .f"ncu.'Wt xsim.ij.'.-aiTt; ni-" "'. ""v1vjJ-ii,!fi''f'iv t'i''TE w.i'ivf j-iw'Ci 'Ml" ; 'T -- ! --5 - r' en ft ' '
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I . - I
Jr"IltJ ANNUAL Ktiitc convpiillim
of Hie Yoiiiik Wchiioh'h (Mnls
IpJ I Inn hhkoc'IiiIIoii 'if JVnimylvu-
iiln will lie held tlilM.vrnr iitLan-
WlSlnr, Oil. 171!0. TllP IllL'UllllKM
M'lll lio held In the ittm of tlm
lino' Ymiiitf Aton'M CHilwltuii iimki
clnlloii litillilliig, whciv tlio Yoiniff
aicii'B (.'lirWtlun iis-fioliitlon niol lusst
lir. t'hiiilcii Kulnmu rIvcm the open
Injj sulilrpHS Thin winy pvcnlim:. iiuil u
lillilc ttilU on Kihlny. :. (!. Mtihy, nf
our city, hpi'iiKs twite iIuiIiik tlu nn
vpntloii on tiriulkiil I'liilslliui wmk.
MIsh l'rlw. of (Miluifto, Hip iHijittiar
Fludpiit sptrclary of tlio Aiiiniluin
foninilttpe will lie lu'cwut. Mlwt IIcIpu
Biiiiiph, unnlher Ainoi li'iin M'l'U'tiiiT,
who N mi olo(tipnt hiipiiUpt mid oner
Kctlr worker, Mill huvp dun'Rc; of 11
confpipiu'u lor iiicinbpf.s of ( Ity iiko
clatlonx, which will dlstiiii work for
BlrlM hi liiillis-ltifil PKlahlWhinentH, llio
educational fpaturps of the itpsnilti
tlon, noon iota and vui'iitltm honip
nncl othpr lirnt'llnil tnple'H. MM
Agnes 11111, tin" niitlniuil spciulury of
the Yniiiitr AYoiiiph'h Christian associa
tion of India, will rIvu an illiwtratcd
lecture I'Mday iciiIiik "nd lead mis,
slonuiy (oiifpiPilce on Katlliday.
A Itolley ride will he Khun the Wi
lms H.ituielny at'tPiiiooii to Mlllcrh
vllle. where u icteptlou will he ln'Iil
nt the Normal school. It 1h hoped u
largo nuinher will allPinl from Sci an
ion iissoiiittlou, in nddltion to the
iiieinhprs of Hip slate connniltce. MM
"Heinel, the koiipiiiI soci clary, and Miss
Deacon, nt the hoald of iniin.mci'H, and
otheis, have been elected as delegates.
This is lovely wpathcr for such a tiip,
und reduced laie is kIph.
4 . V
Kv.msellst Ha.sdcu Snint-ou will s-pcaU
In this city tomoriow tutu iiiiiK and af
tcinooii, under the auspices of the
Watch Tower JJilile anil Tiact society.
The nipetlims a111 he held at l.::o a.
in. and 2..'in p. m. at hall No. 1, tJucin
sey hulldlns, :!H! Noith AVasliliiKlon
avenue, the subject of Hie addu-ssos
on both ni'i .tsions heins "The Divine
3'lan or the Arcs." 'I'he subject will
he illu-tialcd by a I, use cli.nt of the
Within the lial Mr. Samson,
whose home Is In l'u(kIIIe, Pa., has
visited all the moie linpoitant cities in
the I'mled States noith of the I'u
tomac and Olilei iheis, ami t ,tst of tlie
Mistomi liter, kIIii? addie-"-i..s aloiiK
the lines of t lie Millennial Dawn, Uld
Theology Qti.n tcil , 'i't.tet sniiety. The
v. oik is entitely, ami
is intended tor the building up of all
earnest t'lit licople.
In his addi esses- on Sunday Jlr.
Fainsnii will ende.tMir to move fiom
the Sciijituics that llio Cliuich ol t lie
l.ivln? lied wliereer toimd is com
posed only of thn'-e who aie fully 1011
Feci.ited to (iod's seivlce; that tlie
pilnclpal woik of the (.iosjifl urc has
heu and will be the selecting; develop
lliK and testing or tills classs nt OhlM
thtns, and that during the
Ai?e now about In dawn, these believ
ers who ,iio now, and have been for
:?ni), heinpr prep.ned lor the
wek, will be the missionaries who will
preach the tine Gospel to ceiy nea
tuie who has eer lived, lie will also
endeavor to show that the pel mission
of evil, past and piPM-nt, is educa
tional and pieparaloiy to the usIumIiik
of mankind Into the soldcn .ikp of
piophecy in whkh all of Hie families
ol the e.n Hi will be blc-ed with a full
nppoitun.iv loi obtaining r.vei lasting
Life thiouKh the Rieat I'.edeemer of
our lace, Jesus c'hrht.
The men's lneeiiiiR at the ltulliond
depaitment of the Youns Men's chiis
tian association will be addiessed by
Hev. A) thus Liu us, ol Caldwell, N. J.,
nil Sunday alleinoou at u.l". Mi. Lucas
was founeily secrelaiy of the local
railroad department, and has many
frienils In the dt. The music will boa
featuie mt Suitduv. A small oiches
tia will asibt the inllroad depaitment
(liiaitette lu leading the sIiirIuk. AVill
Jones and Aithur Moisau will lender
the duet, "AiiRel Yokes," and llieie
will he a speilal selection bv iho lnale
quiu tctto. It will he a pleasant and
protlltahlc mectiiitr lu which to spend
an hour, and all nion aie ursed to at
tend, liev, .' 1 I'eic., ol' Ilonrdule. will
present a pcei In ton the Sc i anion
Baptisd M.nisti i lonfeienie next
Monday iiioiiiIiir' m the Pcnn avenue
Sewing as n business is an evaetinj,' ami
exhausting occupation, Long hours, line
workfpoor light, unhealthy atmosphere
tlicae arc only some oi the things
which fret the nerves and hurt the gen
eral health. Often there is a diseasul
condition of the womanly orgnuibiu
which causes backache or headache anil
the working of the sewing machine
under such conditions is akin to torture.
Thousands ot
women who work
have w ritten grate
ful letters to Dr.
U.V.l'iercc, whose
tion" has cured
their womanly ills
and established
their, general
health. " I'.ivorito
Prescription " cs
tablisheb regular
ity, dries un
healthy and offen
sive drains, heals
iiifhmmatiou and
ulceration, and
cures female weak
ness. It makes
weak women
Btronj; and sick
women well.
Sick women are invited to consult Pr,
Tierce by letter fny, and so avoid the
indelicate (uestionttig, offenshe e.
amiuitinus and ohuoxious local treat
incuts deemed necessary by some physi
cians. All correspondence pi tvate. Ad
dress I)r. R. V. Pierce, Huffalo, N. V,
"I tit.e jtrs-nt pleasure in trcoiiiiiicuilai;lir.
rfercr'i.V.iNOtite Prescription for fcin.itu cal.
iicas" nrites Mr hiiiaiitnli I'ermciiter. of
I'jiiH Stortr, rilitrlbv Co 'feva-. I a trnuhlnl
witU beariiiK-ilown pains In uiv luck ami liip,
for tlx year, ami wrote lo Ir 1'ieric foi mUicr.
I tried lil I'atorltc rtcuripiloii' mul sl
battles cureil nic I led like a new perii ntul
I thank I)r Pierce for my health, I.lfc i u
butik-u to any one without health I hac told
ka gieat many of my friends, about the ureat
iieuiciue I toou."
,ur. Tierce's comnujit ctle .uemeni
ijvjser, in paper covers, is sent free on
ipt ot 21 one-cent stamps to pay
bense of mailing only. Address l)r,
LV, Tierce, liullalo, N. Y.
(W S'
ehtirdi nn "The Historic Dplscopato
vcmiis the N'ew Testament Dt'iiconate."
J!p'. C. (i. Splekor, of Holy Tilnity
Ltitlietau church, of Hiizlctou Vn for
IJov. ,T. O. Schhinker, who Is uttendlni;
the convention of the freneral council,
nt Limn, Ohio. A t'lofKyinun limn
riillmlplplilii will occupy the pulpit In
Holy Tilnity chinch.
llev. S. U. Moltcr, pastor of the Kiee
Methodist chut eh will pleach Sunday
moinlns- and cvenlue; at Klnn chapel,
Uieen Jildge. All me Invited.
The Youiik AYoiuon's christian nsso
clatloii Uospel uicetliifT .Sundiiy nt ll.l."
will bo lend by Mrs, M. F. Larkln. All
women are Invited.
Tomorrow's Services
Methodist Episcopal.
Klin I'aik I'mUp and pm.rr inoilins nl P.:a.
1'ri.irlilni; .it ll):il liy the pulin, Dr. ('. M. tilt
tin. Clwi nicetliiff nt iln-p of inoi ninir nnlcr
In Sumli' ulioul loom. SilinLiy uliool nt 'J. SO
p in. Junior Icikiii1 at !i p. in. Kpunilh lc.iciie
riinni, liev. i:. It. fclnct f, mpcrinlcndcnt. Sniinr
li ibup at n..ll, Mi-i Wnleis Ir.nlci. .t T."il tlio
pi'-tor will clic the second ot tlio announced
Siimliy piriiiiijr Intiiiei topic, "l.lulitH and
sli.nln ol London. " llio rnlilic i? welcome to
all lliofe fcrncc.
Siinp-oii .Milliodi-t l.'piii.opil ilnmli Iti. II.
C 'Mibcimolt, pi-loi. I'ii'.k luim itlOoO.i, in.,
siiliji-ct, "some 1'iOMiit Diy Nilionil Peril'"
In the cirnlns will no held tlie ICRiilir quiiliilj
nicclliu (onico. I.ovp l'e.i'l in lonnicllon with
Ppworth leiKiie at fi..O p. nt : llolv t'nninnniion
at 7! i) p. in.; Siimliy tiliool at I J in.; .lunior
leis ii at - ') p. in.
Acuity Ietlloliit 1' ilnneh, mmrr
Mousey aini and Dclmaic liprt l!c. (i
Simpson, II. I), p1lnl. (Junliily itu'dim,' lne
feast, 0.0 a. in.; saciament of the I.ouls clipper,
in.d a, in. Sunday seliool, 'J.ISO p. in. l!poilli
le.iKiie, OHO p. in. Preailinur at T."(l p. in. hj
I!e. . CJiilBn, I). I), prcsidinc; rlilei of the
301111t15r district. Piajn meetiiu, Wedncsdi,
at IMI p in. lloint'-5 meet Intf ot tlie lliollici
hood of SI. Paul on the Ficond and foiuth 'lues
dies of euh month at 7.M p m. Pelts lice and
all .lie welceuie.
lliniplon srut. Methodist l'piaiopal rlimeli
Iter. Jaiiiii lleniduKir, pistol. Pieaihins tmnc
at 10 10; Mihjcct of sennon, "Hie l'mwaid loo
nienl." ( Iiss nieelitijr after piiailiinj srnlie;
Suiuliy school at - p. Ill ; intermediate leiue
at .! p. m , 1 pwoilh Ictsiic at a ."0 p sit , It T.
stone, leidci, i;cniii pteioliinj: j-entee at ".'.0,
.sermon hv llev. S. .1. lloisec. At tlie nioriiitiff
wimo the laiihmv qinrtttte will sm tlie fcoi
ile lonnis of the niarfred lnesidrnt, 'lead
KindK I.iht" and ".Nener Me Ooil to 'lliee." A
ornliil "clcoine extended to all.
sh stioct Me(liodit Kpi-rr,nl ( Iinti It lte
I I!. Ait-tin, pi-tri. 'Ilie third miutc ilv imel
iirj Mimes cull he held, commenoiiisr at to a.
in I.'ec. Josipli Midtson will hie chitKe.
sund i.i Mhool at t! p in., I. W Stone, fnpeiin
temliiit. I'pnintli I.eiRiie at fi l"i p. ill., ('Illlle1!
( in ip h nler. IA riiincr preachm eiucc at "'0
p in, wtbjoi t of mormon, 'lfor to T.tce in the
Miiishine I.ien l)n." eordi il wehonte to all.
av Am; Methodist 1'pUiopil ihiiiiii lte. .1,
It. iistiti, pisloi Sinidii srhiiol at 2,1i) p
in, 1' IMniiiN, siipiiintendrnt, Prejihing
it ! Ml p. nt Ml welcome.
( onrt si., Mothodist l'iiaropil ihinili 0. C.
l.wiiin, pi-to'. Old people's seiMie, 10 :'.(. ion.
sistinc; of ndiliess of wehoinc fmnt the lip.
woith I.eiKite, iiadniK-i and sennoii fiom the
pistor. I.Mijhody welcome. Sniul iv school it
II I", (.'. It. i l.nk, Mipciiiileiiilinl. lliotlter
lioml of S, p.inl, ;; i, in. Cpworlh I,ejne,
ii 1 .0 Pienhiinr. 7.M). Peits, fuo.
tedir Avenue Mi t hocli-t 1 ; I - n . ) 1 1 chindi V.
I Dole-, pislnr, Meelimj of ttinthciliooc! o it.
Paul, 10 a in ; inoiiui s woishiji anil sciuion,
10 in i in ; siimijv Khool, unoii; .Inniur I'p
woitli league, '' 'id p m ; 1'puoith leiue, 0 '.0
p in ; oicnini; woi.-lilp and sinuon, 7.10 p. m
Ml welcome.
flK.lll Mithodisl ljii-dipil ilituih. Unci ird
place III. I) '-. lliinle, pistol. 'I he j lu .m;
iciiico of the coufeiotuo jcir will like plice lo
iniiiiow'. I'lCTchinc at in HO a. in.; Nui.liv
mIichiI, 'J."0 p. in , Poiter, Mipeiiii(ciuler,
(hiiaiin Ihuleiior 11.13 ci i!ndinj.r, 7 p. m.
Preailiinu- at 7.1" p. in. conn mice ineetlns
will he lie 11 Wnlncsilii' cvcuinj," at S oMiiil., Id
wliiih all numbcis aie icquc-lrd to he picscnt.
Piini Aeni'e rtiplM cliuicli Pie.iclilnc; morn
lug at lO.n mil cwuinc? at 7..M) hj the p.isloi,
Itcv liolieit 1'. Pierce, 1). 1) Moinlns: pnvers
in the lower temple at P.Ci. 'lliine of iiirnninsr
'eininii, ' Iho Piofllahle senan("; Simihj mIiooI
at the Pi mi unie chilli h nt -J o'clock, and at
tlie Suicniiin mission .n p. m ; Voimir Peo
ple';, uuctinK at n "0. 'Ihrinosc uf the cieuiuc;
teiinun. "U s,.i Without a Coinpis. " 'Ihobiiit
(Irene aiul Million in the iiiiditoihuu will be fn.
1'itved lij in ecanselistii. meetliif in the loner
temple Ml aie volcanic it all tlie Fenlecs of
the chinch,
I'itit lliptl-t chinch, South Main avenue
Itcv ; Mathcw,, pastui. Olosinir sulce,
sililnth ii'ornin; and mciunsr, in ihe Wel-h
lliplls- Inn li l isriiirnt , piiar In the ilcillcl
tion nf the now rlmiili hiillchnsr, Oct. 20, Clo
iuj; ferici if the . ii,i,nti, s, , ,k ih0 pp.
mouth chinch at 2.10 p in., puci lo (lie oponinc;
wniccs lu the now chinch building Oct, 'jn.
t'loslns lliptlst nun? People' union semce,
li.! il p in, a' Iconic lull, pilar lo tlie open,
iiui si line in the new i lunch building, Oct 20,
( lodu.: pi ier nuclinc niclcc, 7..'0 p. in , in
the hisiuuui of ili Wil.h llipll.i ihinili, All
aie miihdb iucilcd In this,, smlrf.-
.iKk'on siicii lliptl-t ihurcli Hit, 'Until is
ile (iiiuht, I), D, pistol. Miiiulm; pi i.tet meet
inir at ,i, Iholher Mjlihecv Ilolh, leidci,
I'ii ichlnsr niivice at In- die pastor, 'loph,
'IMiil l Mltalluii " 'Ihe l.oid's nipper will
taki (line al tin- close ol the iuiiiiIiik khicc.
Siindit m honl ,n ' i, m, Ktcnlui; hiitiie at 7
i-li up. I't.iUe and mns senile, lnllonid lit a
hoii addieis Tuple , "II11 luhus of sn,"
nl ue .ill jntllcd to tlie M'ltiiCi o( out (llluill
soil lie nil lici.
lauli Itulce llnili.t 1 hull li -llev. W. ,1. Pnul,
p.islin ( hiiiib t-eitlccs, with (.eimoin .j the
pi mi at III ,11 unit 7. .0, siilicit lu tlio morn
in.', (.mi's 0neiliip;" iteims, "tlal.t' !lu
luilullon and Oui LmIIjIIoii." nml ij- nhool
at II li, iiiretiut; o( tlie .luiilor smlelj al ;i:'0;
piatci ineeliiii; of tlie senlm mclflj at fi.'n.
Illakilt lliplut ihinili Dithl penccr, II. II,
pislni. Iljitrt Home Smithy; lOilO a, in.,
publli wnroliip, with fceinion 011 "f),. pm,,t
llniue "; II l', llihle filiuol; 7,0 p, 111,, etui.
Ink (oiiIh, ttilh uritinii on "Our I'lnil Hume
(latliiian; welcome,
l'h( tliuuli Dr, .Mil.eod will of
ficnte Imili inoiiiniK and etcniiiK. 'I lie Kiii.iniiit
1 Ihe l.ouIN supper etill he ailiuliitncicd in the
inoiiilni; Slranseis wclcouie, tcrticcj 10...0 a,
in. mid 7.-10 p. 111.
.-until I'lealijteilin rhurtli. .Irlfeunii atonic
Itcv I hailts Stettiis, of l.os Viscici, fal., tel
fniiipe the pulpit inoriilii; und ctiiiln?. 'I lie
l.oid'ii Giippn will Im celibratiil In the inotnlnt'.
I.trinu senile at 7..!0. All welcome.
(iiecn llldsc I'le.-h.tleiiaii ihunli-ltct I .1
I .'iiisint'. pi.tur: llev I,. It. 1'ostiT, usiistjnt pit.
loi. 10, .11. scltlce ot wot, hip, Willi Eiiiiion by
Ihe pi. lor: 1.', Ilible school; CM, ( lirlstliti I'm
ileatoi, 7 .11 eteiani; ttoulilp, teilli tciinim y
Hit pistm, .sctond in cll( on "The Home of
I.tfe IViuidJllon " All cordially Intilrd.
WiMiIiiiiii sniet l'it'ditcrian ilianh -Kct .lolui
I'. Mi.flil, II I), ia,tiir. .Srticej .it Hl.'J) .1.
in and 7.uii p 111 ; Ilible uliool with full or
elu'slu at ii in,; I'. II. oiin.' People nl i.'J0 p.
in ; plain nifettnir, Wednesday, 7,:,o p. nt. im
parlor will pic'Jih inoniins and ctriilic In od
elilloii to Hie qitntctto Ilieiu will bo added Sun
diy itiorulu and etiiilm; .1 clioiuj choir tinder
tlie Iwdcithip of l'iofiior Iciinuu. All arc wel
come I'lotldciuo I'resbelrrUu (liiiuli Itcv, ftcuree
I!. (iuilJ, D. V,, pastor. The wcraincnt el tW
Sunday School , . 7
Lesson Joseph in Prison. j. e. Gmjcn, d.d
October 13 Qciii xxxlx: 20 to xl 15. sfetv!0 rSisiou"
t'OXniXT.-'tlii; f.tle nl .With to the. MidlJic
llri, a studlid In nur l.ul Icwon, rciuotcd lilm
foi a time tiotn his Inellnrn. 'I lie tteo M
low Inn ch.iplri, llio .15lh nntl .lOth, pieent In
tlrlklnir contrast tlio Mcci of llnvc brttlitcn
and Hie xlrluci of .lutcplt, ttitli tin cthlcnt
purpose n( cxlillilllnit the ruprrlor qinlll ol the
litter. We n id first ol the oliimetul eotidiict nl
.liidah, the luuith non nf .limit, tlie wlcnl'
nci ol llr and the otreiin- nl Otun, Jmlili'i two
son", the cilnie ngaiiut 'Lunar and II? N-ue, a
reeoicl of rstolllng tliamo and dcci.idllloii, n
lain upon the fame ot Israel, I Inn, In licaiill
fill outline we behold .losiph In the home of
I'ollphti, iiiilntiiinlinr lilt purlte, aiiiuit (lie
most Ins Influence', tnallfened, and llicn
Imprlsonetl. One who lead, llice nccountt itoci
not wonder lint Jacob loud Joseph mote titan
be lotod (be ollur on, nnd Hide I pliitily up
pirtnt also the laounil lor Hie Dltlne fitor. We
vitill noev mi- hoer .m Innocent mail 111.1 lie sus
tained in &iilTci Ins.
llt.l.!-Si:D (Verse 20 and 21), Mlicuctcr a
ilnlilrniH milt h broucht into liouhle thioiiRli
the detice nf ttickedncM (I Pet. II, In), lie
in id (list of nil to he niiiired of C!id' fit or.
If Hint ia denied or doubted be it wictclird be
j ciml cuiiiiiiii'nii. If that It Riantid lie il
sllonc- and hippy (I't.ilm xxtll, I). Pinlel In
tlie ilon'it den and Paul in Hie Jali at PhillppI
(cl-i ti, '.'j), wrtc comforlrd became of tlio
Dititte picsciite of ttlilcli tltey tecie ionclom.
So Joseph, tliouali n ahtc in a land far
fiom hi klnilred, wu not oteicomo w lien east
into pi is on teltcio ollcncleia acilnst tlie iuijc'.y
of tlie kinif were bound. Dishonored b men
be was bleticd by his (,'od. 'lint omnipresent
Spiiit liiat coiiiet to all men alike in etery .irc
and land (I'ttiis II, II) wu with him to prlto
peace, ami with tlie kicper ol tlie prion coif
inilniT him tint the jounif llcbiew- connnitlcd
to hit cue vas worthy of cennidcrallon, be
ciusf of I113 ecdlint piiit and Rcntle dcpoit
incut. ''D. (Verse? 2J and "."). Tlicie Is n
work for a Rood man in nut pi j i r where lie liny
he. 'J ho 111010 iiutoieaid the cm imistanci Ho
nioic taluilile will be his Fcrtlces the Rrealer
hit niisforl lines lite hriulttei- will appear his
tiitucs. Hence comes fiist e-onhdince, then po
hilion and flinlly rc-poiisibiit, faithfulness ind
honor. Tlut is the red secret 111 all piomotioiH
ntnoiitr men. Po it came to pass with Joseph in
Hie pilson. 'Jho blcssiniT of (led maiked him as
an cxceplienil nun, nml his wniili was rciot;.
nicd liy Hie oflic 1 iN. Ciaihiilly Hie pnsoncrs
were committed to Ids cue, and lie was ad
tallied from place to place until Hie keeper ae
til illy turned oicr lo him all Hie inleiior lnan
aKCinent. lint was Joseph's ciand oppoitim
ilt, ami lie fully nut He liu-t which was 1 ltd
nniitl him. His nun ess. hoeererr. tint tetinl.
Iy dtie to Ins tti'ilotn and Roochicss, The Lord
ewi wiui mill ci, en. i, ai, as lie inn pie
tiottslr been, nitikiiur ctciy woik to prosper.
And tliis fact, beiomin:; appaienl, Incie.iseil tlio
confidence and enl.tiRed and coiiflrnicil Hie trust.
I.nid'a supper will be cchbnlcd at the morn
ing sen ice. school at 12 o'clock. 1'u
deitor seitice, 0 ',1 o'clock. Piaiso sertice. bd
by oithcsti.t. Keening seitite, with setmnti he
pi-tor, 7.'.0 o'clock. Scats of tlio church ate
aluats ficc.
Sumner Atcnue P1esb.tlc11.1u chinch, cinier
Sttiiinet atcnue ind Piite slrcct sumhy school
totuoit nt- at 2 p. in.; ctcnitig seitice it 0 p.
lit. l!ei. John, II. I), will pio.ith.
01t11s People'.-! st'ciel immediately alter ctcn
ing sertice.
Adams Airline chipcl, New 'ioik stieel 'llio
lief. W. Ming in will pieith at PJ.'.O i. in.
Sunday sihool at .1 o'clock. Mr. Hughes will
tcidi Hie men' Ilible e Ias. fliiistiau Kiule.itor
sotictv .11 fl.11. 'Ihe ltet. Junes Hughe; will
pieach at 7. 0 p. m The Men's soeiolv will
niret on Monti iy at 7.11 p 111. ?ubiect of dcb-itc,
"Anaiiht, Its Cau-c and Its Cine," All wcl
tonic to the-i" inectiiigs.
Cipoiisc chapel (Prcsbtlerini) Preatliing at
100 a. 111. and 7,ri0 by the p.istoi, llev. 1,. 1!.
Tester, f-unclif school, .'! p. 111.; Junior
01, 4 p. m.; cnioi Tndcator, 0 .0 p m Piatci
inciting, 7. .0, Tliuisikiy en mug. Welcome- lo
Ft. luko's Palish llev. llogeis Isiacl. 11 11,
rctiu, Itci 11. J. H.iughton, seiuui ciuate. Nine
tetnth Suniliv aflcr Tiinit.t.
M. Luke's cliuicii 7.'.0 a. 111 , Iiol.t csirmim
ion; 10u0 .1. in., mnruing pi i,ei and termon;
7."0 p. 111., etening pi.un .111 1 ,-enniii; on a.
111., butidiy school .md Ilible ciir., s,
St. Milk's, Dutnnorc S 1 .in , bole- commun
ion; lO.'.O a. in., seiinon and ooly inmmuiiion;
7 till p. 111., eicning plater and seimon; .'! p. in,
Sum! 1 shoo and Ilible cl isscs
Kist Km! Mission. Prc-iott atcnue" p. m.,' scliool ami Ilible dt-.-es.
South siil, Mi,ion, Tig sheet 2 SO p. m , Sun
dit school and Ilible classes.
st fieoige's, 01) pliant -'.SO p, m., Fundif
seliool and Ilible cli-scs; ;i po p. 111., etening
put ei and seimon.
(I11111I1 of the (.'ooil siepi,ej, (oriiri Monet
atcnue and Oiccn llidge sticet -lief. 1'iiiki It
fl item 111, lector. Nineteentli Sunday after Tiln
itt. Ilolv communion at 7.110; t, mining pri.tcr,
10.0 a 111 ; mndiy school and lee loi'a clis, 2 1.0
p. 111.; owning piatci, 7."0 o'elotk.
lliiit's ciniuli, Wiisiiiuglon atenitc nnd I'.uk
street Itcv. I'rank Sthell nillentlue, re-ctor.
Moiniug, lit iii,t, sermon, lu.Ml; nnJiv
scliool. ?.'10j ctcnlng pi.i.ter and snmon, 7.S0,
AH seats five. All welcome.
Reformed Episcopal.
(lure Itcfoimcil l'piscopai cluiuli, W.tnuilng
atiniie, below Mulbciiy Ml eel Hot. f.eoige l
Alricli, pastor, Plater and praise rcitlce, MM .1.
m.; dltlne worship, 10.10 a, 111. am 7,:i) p mi.
Preuhing liy tlio pjotor; Morning, "LhiUtlan
l.ote," 1 ( ciiiullilani, xlii, t; eicning, -pet ial
eiangcllstlc seitice, " CJiie-lloil for Todiy,"
Jon ih, i, 11. Sibbitli school, T in.; P s." ol
('. I.'., U..H) p. 111. I.cs-ou ktiidt, Weilncsjiv ,it
7.. .0 p. m, 1'ia.tcr me ting at 8. Pa-ior (lib'.
Inn, ol .Sew Yoik, Ins llihle tli-tcs on 1'iidiy
allcimiiiii at 1! n'cloek in Cciiuiu, I o'clock in
l.uglisli ami at S In Hie etening in tieinnu, All
Evangelical Lutheran.
Ktanceln.ll laitheran Nineteenth Siuniiy aftrr
Trlnil) linapel, Milt, P. l-s; ipl.tlc, I; 2J-;e,
Si. M.iik'.s W.ishliuiu and I'nui tt iitli stncK
llet. A, I,, It unci, I'll. 11., ptstoi. Smite,
PUI a. in., 7.110 i. 111.; I.utlin league, (1.110 p.
m ; Minilav mIioo), 1 m. Mniiilng Miliect, "lie.
Jnv of riiiMV Atonement"; eicning suliject,
"'Ihe Kxaiuple of tlie I hit f Shcphcid."
Holy 'hinll), Adniis atcnue timl Miilbcny
sticets Hot, ('. tl. splrkri, putoi. Sirtlecs,
1U..J0 a, in,, 7..'0 p. 111.; I.uilici league, li .10 p.
111 ; uiiili' scliool, U in. "llio paspn will .e
absent. A eh IK) man fiom Philadelphia, will oc
copy the pulpit.
St, I'auPii, Sliott ntrnue llet. W. C. I.. lautr,
pn.lor. Fertile.-, 10,1(1 a. 111 , 7..V1 p. 111 ; suudiy
scliool, 2.110 p. 111.
Zlon's, Jlllillii ntenuc Itcv. I'. Klilnger, of
CaiboneUlo will pieith, hcnlcev, ld.1.0 n. 111.J
Sundat school, 2 p. m,
t In lt ihurcli, Ccdir atcnue and nil t h street
Itcv. .1,111113 Witke, pitoi. suvU;Ji jo(j a, m .
7..W1 n 111.; Siindi) scliool, 2 p. 111,
Si. I'clri's, I'liscnlt ateuue-llev. John Hin
ilolpli, pi-lnr. Srititts, 0 ro a, in,; Sunday
school, 2 p. 111.
I'mimicl (iciinnii-l'.ilhli liitliiM'an cbiiiih, llcea
stieel -llev, Icrdiiuud Satlchnclei, paxtor,
I'iracliing in tlio Herman language at 10 a. 111. i
biindiy ccbool, 2 p. 111.
Tjltary llcforiiicd cluiiih, Monioc atcnue and
fiilison slirei ltct. Maiiou I.. I'lior, pastor.
Senlrcf at lo.JO a. 111. and 7 mi p. 111. Sundi)
school, II. II a. in , (hijstiiu Kndcitoi, 1 p. in,
Me riling silijeit, ''.sell-Mule Jhd (lod-iiudc
.Mm;" cwrnliig, "Itlikns "
Xlon I uiticl Ktaugcllial eluirtli, II.1!) Cipoiia
itriiuc Preaching ut Mai .1. in, and 7,u0 p. 111.
by the pastor, ltct. J. W. Messingor. Sunday
fihool, OUI; Junior I ndcatol, I; Senior 1'iideiv.
or, lil.0. 1'iajer inceling, 7.'W, Wtdue..dy cteii.
ing SeaU fuv. Welcome to all,
1'ii.t iliurcli ((luitliaii Silcntht), olO Vdaini
atcnue -Sunday sriilct, 10.1.0 a. 111 . 7,"0 p. 111.;
Sunday sthool, 11,11 a, 111., subject, "llot-tinie
ol Atoiieuient." Tctlinionlil meetings, Wednes
d) ctculngs at 6 o'clock. 'Ihe chuiilt h uho
am tveo day during the week. 'Die Uible
OtTi:.NIli:i)-(VcrM 1 to I) Miny and M
llctl ate the methods implo.tiil b llltine I'mii
clcnie to Woik out puipoes ol Rood for 1 lies
lliilileniis, Il ollen ocMir Hut fonio sceiulnsly
tiltinl miller In Hie life nl unollm alToids nec.l
kIoii for llio execution nl lir leicltlln,' il.'slistn.
Willie Jncpli w.w filtlifully pcifointlin; his
duties In tlio in)nl pibnti two men weie sudden
ly ImoiikIiI Into relation Willi liim. 'Ihe ktns'n
butler nnd baker nlTciiileil tlielr lord by snine
ltd whlili was nf so little Inipoilatiie ns to II lid
tin leconl in Hie n.iuatlte. Probably It was
iiolliln tt.oie titan some tllRht lncKiilnrtly Iblile
to oecin' at niif time lu Hie pel form line ol ion
tine serti-e. 'Hie klmj's nutter Icil lo Hie pun
ishment of Hie olTendeis, and Ihey were ilillt
eicd I11I0 lite kccpliiK of Jo'cplt. 'Ilins Hie lie
blew .tniith, himself a prisoner, was iIiiiroiI Willi
the uopniisiliillly ol tailui; foi tun 1'ujplhin of
llceis of hlL'h lank. 'Iltl Is the Mitt "step In .1
clialn of Inlli'dices to be lelatcd heieiltcr by
which the nun of Cod will he benefited.
I)lli:AMi:il-(ere 3.) In lite culler use
Oil spoke more lirepicnlly and directly, if not
more ih finitely and lull to men. ' com
mtinluitlmis wcic itcce-aiy In .1 lime n( limit
ed knottlcilRC, and they ticie made liy diteis
)n Hitters. (Hebrew', I, I.) Tlio mod 'common
method t' as tint of elicints and tllon, hy
which Juipiestioiis were m.idn upon the soul lu
time of sleep. When the body wat In.ictito llio
mind w.cs mote sii'cepllhle to spiiitml Inlluencej.
(Numbi'is, til. (i.) Ahimelcth, Jicoli, I..1I1111
nnd many others In this way learned the Dltine
will, ((.enosls, xi, 21.) So, Ino, the butler
and hiker of PI1.1r.1nl1, shut up in pilton, weie
mido to know wit it concerned their future.
Hot It of them circuited In one and the same
night. Ilrout'lit into contact with the man of
(lod tiirv weie permitted to sit ire Willi him in
that onthok upon life for which he had been
clislinsiiMicd (f.cucsis, wtil, to, a proof tint
nt tint llni" fiocl'a phns weie not icstricled lo
tlie nairow limits nf u clioin people, that His
mercy was race-wide.
i:XM'irti:D-( r, to 5) The two men
weie Rrritly nnrttcd hy their dream. They
knew that some 11pe1n1l111.1I inlliieucc Ind hecii
exerted upon them; that they hid hem in com
munication Willi Hie sphiluil wndd. 'Iheie
weie no miteiinlists in lilts. Philosophy
Ind not lobhed men of their faitli in the un
seen and itnnnl01i.1I icalities. '1 he a to felt
lmptc-eil Willi the iiiienonietn chuailcr of tlio
loprcscnlatlons, so notel and ititriesliinr, ftiilo
lie.tond tln i.iiikc- ot pliable. Witlnl, tiny were
in suspense, fur they knew no one witc, ennll
Inticpirt lo lliein It Is pasilile they
sought Hie toll ice of sootltsajers and failed, al
though pmhililt- llirv weie contincctl tint tlie
linttris weie In nn,l Hie knowede of an if
tlie wise men ot Dgtpl. When Hie liioinins
c.inio their flees showed the stale of their minds,
nnd Joseph inciuitcd why they appealed so snl.
'I heir fi mk si itcnieiil cnihed him to do pood
seitice for ,'od, and lie requctre! that the sub
stmce ef Hie ilieams honlil be iten to him tint
he tnilit 111 ike epI.iuiliott, at tlie same time
and all (.luistiiti Science lllcidiiie is kept in
its ficc public reading loom. "i innce nnd
llrilth, wnh tlie Itcy to Scripttne." by Jl ny
llakcr Kdiic, will he lomed to i nt est iga lots
without ihnec. Visitor .1111! letters of inquitv
aie ttchnuiid ami gitcu imnteoiii attention and
Inform ltion ficc.
Allliough Ktliel Jickson. Hie piima ilonin of
"Mi-s Hob While," i an Anient in gul. (-he
nude her debut 111 London and her lu-t hit wis
at Iho suoy theatie, as Waudi in "Hie (hand
Ducliesa." ( h.ules l'rolini in hiought her bid;
to her n.itite land to originate a put in one
MIS JACKsQV, IX "MsS 1101) Will IT:."
of his big iniislial comcily prodiu lions, After
fulfilling that engagement she jonud the Aiuus
till Dily iniislial coinpin), wlieic the inacle n
ciiiecM as Wiulftril liny in " llunatta.t (ilrl"
and also in "tins llcislia." 1'ioiu the Dil) fences
alio nilgiated to Mxnu k y.iiiiini'iiiiiii, wlm again
sociuod lie r foi ")lls.s Hub Itliitc," in Hie lillo
pail of which she si nnd so lieiidy lajt season,
I 'I I
Opcrilie .nc iisinllt men who hato
cletolcd a llutime to tlio study of
mum. Tin') wiite their "toieV i a pmo mu
ter of business, tiingiug to ti.idllioiia and follott
iug all soils of set rule In hiniimn, Hioiougli
bass ami composition 'the lexults are lirQiienlly
satisfauoiy, but nfleii tlie opposite, showing iho
i-ti.ilii rcMilliug from the lliiiitalions of inflexible
lcgiilatlons. In Wllldiel Spcnei- we luto a coin.
po.-el wlm is 1 utile I) tlio tieituie of In-ph itlnli;
a 111.111 wlm Ins the Inborn gilt ol "nieli.tli ," ami
wlm Jots down his number as they coino to him
apparcntl) uiihlildcn. 'Ihe result is ctblent 111
sir, Spciiser'.s three uiirrsslul oier.n, "Iho Little
'l.ttoon," "Iho Princess llonuie" and ".Mi-s II, I
Wlille," whkh is hilled foi time pel tin 111 lines In
tlio l.ttcuui cm 1'iidiy ami siliudat, ()a Is und
PI, 'Hie simple, Hotting melodies of (hc..o ibiilu
ng operat line tlcirlv piotm tint a technical
musical training is woitli fir lew than nature's
gifts to tlio SlkCCr.dlll opeiatic lOlliposcr.
,. I'
'J he sixteenth iiiinuil meeting of ihe I.aiki
wanna .ind W.tninimj: Musical alliance will In!
held in the .Metliodut KpUcopal cluiri It at 1'ac
tor)tille en Oct. 2) to 21, Professor l.dttnid
Mom How nun, nl Xew cil;, will bo eonduc
lor, and Miss lelc M, Iloitmin, conlnlto, the
Icadin,1; fooloist,
I, '
The piiigi.mmio of music; to be giten In Hie
I'iist 'uli)lcilin ihuith tnninnnw by Ihe iholr
under tlio cllirction ot .1, T. Waikius will in
iltidc .111
Anthem, ' '! hero It a Crctn Hill" Ihuetall
( hoir.
Tlio, "Till 11 'Ihino C)M to f!od,"
Soprano, Alto nod Tenor
Anlhcni, "0 sating viitlin" (iounod
Itjiiloiie Solo and Chou.
Snpuiio Mis, llraelt, )lbs Ilanjttjy.
Contialto Mies (iiuencr, Mlsi Kingsbury,
'Inior Datld Slcpliein.
IUs J. T. Watknn.
OiganUt -Miss Hichiiiond.
A new and supcih fcaluri1 Is added to (lie
woik ol the Coiiserulory ol Muslu for thU car
in Iho course ot arllls' iccitals oftriicl. 1 lie
talent h the best that cm be secured (or re
mm, Tr
illi laltiiliu; wbdoiti nnd asserllnij flocl only
coitltl iiitciprcl. (Ilanltt. ii. -S.)
lli:r'll'i:i), (Vctses tl to II ) The chlet butler
was the llr.t to nice at 1 mint ol Ids dteaiti, which
wis In Hie line ot his niui-loninl duly, but
shaped nnd (olnred so ns to appeal In the Imtgl
nation, He scind l'liii.inh with llio wine cup
as lu oilier eh.ts, but hy 1 new procgsn In ttltleli
the ptepiratiun lor lliu sertltn wat procntcd In
a tminr.11111. lie hud flist seen 11 tine, tlrn
he oherted there weie llirco hiiiiiebe", lint
these branches budded and put fori li blossoms
nnd then ilmtcn ol ripe grapes appealed. With
his It mil he pressed the Juice of the craps Into
the nip and dilitrictl II to (lie Mine 'that "as
the highest kind nl otllcial sortlce. lit- it the
brl itullty of lu'tci.iKe was pioildrd. It Is
postllile lint this coined tlie ciy point which
hid ilNploHed tlio klnir, hut the butler saw
liim-tlf peifoiiiilns l.iithfully and will libit
h hid before dime Imperfectly, whit bid tret to
his liiuulsonmetil. Its interest was measurably
Incieaseil as he recalled nnd recited the fuctt be-(on-
.Imt pit, a prisoner, a Hebrew eertunt,
klnntll ih a child ol (tod.
r.M'I.AIMIl). (Vnsea 1) to 15) Joseph then
luteipirted the dieam, wltlcli was a Miuhollc
reprc'cnl.itlnti ol what would soon occur. Tlie
butter would be rctniril lo his old position alter
time ilits. 'ihe capilcloiis klnir, win It owned
one 1l.1v ami smiled Hie next, would lecall his
oflh er to sertice. 'Iho delitciy of this comfort
ins Itiforniitlon, nude hy lliu Ilebicw 3 out Ii in
sitcli simple and diiccl wit. was accompanied
liy a rco,ius(. Joseph thought n faioiablo time
In assert hU Innocence and to ele'tlaie tlie manner
of Ins; his kindled. Ills own wmilj and
spiiit would help to outline the butler tint
his slilctnents weie truthful. 'Ihe ohllgitinu
under wliich the latter was placed by the Rood
sen ice rendered wairaittrd Ihe hope that tl,rro
milit be some Interposition in Ills hcliilf at the
court. Ills tlcslie was fi.inkly slated lo bo
hiutight out of pilson. Hnwctcr usclul he lulk'tt
In- tlicie, bo longed for liberty anl for t Indica
tion. It was Hie natiii.d impulse of a good heart
to bo set right liefoic men and among men.
ItlHTXrTIoM? Our lesson Is incomplete. .1
men" fiaginent of the hlstoiy of t lie puicst man
in ptliiaitlial tltites. ' piison experience
1n.1v be considered as a blessing both in its im
mediate and remote influence. It brought .lo
siph into fator with the captain of the guaicl
and him a kind of missionary to an
officii. II the chief clement in tlio life nf n
good 111111 is usefulness tlicie was no icasoti to
feel thai the of confine unlit wcic waded,
hitirly, no hum tame to htm, and the story Is
another illu-lr.ition uf the fact tint Clod pro
tects Ills owt (I Peter, in, l'l.) 'Ihe experi
ence lttu-t Into li nl 1 silntary influence upon
(lie .toting man, causing hint to rely moie fully
upon (,'od. Hut lite cflect upon his after catccr
was imme.isiuabli- giralcr Hi in ant picent gain.
It 111 iv be sifcly allhmcd tint if Joseph ind
not gone to the prison be would not afterwaicl
hue been tletatcd to tlio chief place of au
thorise .
quired dales, anil includes lMwaid Ilaxlcr Perry,
Jessie Mnw 1n, (,e f,rc, yon Fleriiberg. who
is to be hcie. Oct. 25. Xew York Music and
Duma, siis: "llinusli some .tears hate pa-acd
sinee Ilulow enlightened this tountiy about
Iteethotcu plating, it is not foigollcn .set, and
It is sifc to sit- tint no one since then his
gitc-ii as .s.itisf ictor) 1 tendering of ids works
a Mr. Members in list night's concrrt.
I! I! "
The following musical selections will be ren
dered al the morning mil etening scitlees In
moirott at Kim Pnk rhiuch, under Hie diiee
lion nf Air. J. Alfred Pcnninglnn, orginist and
doir icistcr:
Oigm Pielude in T I'lelciier
( lion nthein, "Hie Bud Let Loose" .M.iiston
cligm solo di Oboe CipoccI
lit 11111 xnllicm, " 1 lie Pillows 'sitcli 1Py
Oigan Postlude in A minor nacii
Orgiu-Piehide, fliiu Coro in T fap-icci
I hoir nlhein, .lubllile Deo in (! Hutlett
Oigan huproinplu in f! Ilaitlctt
Oigm Impiomptii in (1 1.Oschettcilky
'lenor solo "Lead Kindly Light.. D. Pligh Ktans
Mr. Alfied Wonlcr.
riioii nlhctn. " 11chor Vour Fluk"....0eibel
Oi.iii Postlude in R Hit inat'01 Hath
Lliu I'Jik qinrlellc Mis 1'11ahetli Tliomas,
sopiano; Mi. Lciiore 'llioinpsoii. cnutt.iltn; Mr.
Aided W'oohr, tenor; Mr. 1'lnlip Warren, bass.
i' 11 m
Mr. lfied W'oolcr will let xoiics at anv time,
dec of ciiaige, at his studio, fiot Linden stieet.
1 il '!
WV hiti seen tlie pioof of the second nuin.
ber ot Hie "f'on-eit itoiv Ke.tnote," a little
paper issue hy l'iofesor I'cmiiuglou, and it is
picked witli guod, haul sense. All nni-ie il peo
ple are gild to sec suili woik done and 111 un
til!! thank him in .tears lo come for timely
!' II "
'Ihe business miniger of Hie Consoitstnry
1cl!s 1110 that the chool is double what it wis
list tear at this time. Simi ailditioinl pianos
lute I ecu placed ill studios for adt Hired work,
and foi ty to Pfty student rcceite instruction in
.1 single linui. Ho oflcicd to show 1110 this
woik any afternoon
I' II I'
The (minus Haggles Slrcct qmrletle, of llos
ton. Miss, hi, dlshinded after neaily tttent.t-tltc
tens o( idcntilication with tlie Ituggles Stieet
" 'I 'I
Among Mine, Mclba's (atoiile songs aie to lie
found llio following;; "Aid fens e llu," "tiduii
gl' linens"," "Good-Hie," "L'Aiueio," "Piattr
fi mil Ttniiliauaci" and ''X.nnplis and I'awiis."
: 'i ,1
To atiominodilc Hie nnny icnucsts fiom clerks
to Into tin if toicc tested, J, T, Watkiin will le.
main at Id studio each etening of nest week
uitil S o'elnek, whcic he will be pleased to gite
a UH Hid flee o( chnge,
Low birth or 1nrnl.1l occupation are b) no
nil .ins an impotsihle I111 lo a slugci's success if
lie bis llio Iii.iIim and tliaractcr, tlio bin.ul s)m
pitli) of intelligence and gcneial cultit ltion.
' P II
J. T W'atkJns has a trrv busy season before
I11111, witli eight conceits ithcailt' booked, Hucc
coiiniy institutes to conduct, his church and
sihool woik and the laige number ol pupils whom
ho teaches, will snipiss laal season's record,
1'ioiu II 11 pel 's rtaiaJi,
If no hotter HMson ran ho found, n
dt'i'oiit cniisldorallon for the comfort of
otlioi'H .should pro. out ntm's tnllthisT of
niliiiciilK, llosldi'st bolns had inau
iioim, tlio subject Ih wholly without lit
tolet for any but tlio spoaker; tho
heat or only HsIoiih nioro or Ipms per
tiiiictnilly in lmpci presently to soii'.o
tho fhanco of tellliis," her own melan
choly condition, UcmIcIcs, to talk of HW
inoiital or bodily, helps to IK tU.ln u
tho nilnd, to liitenalfy tluini-uud ia all
ton apt to HUffevMl tho cxiiKKunitlou of
thoin lu order to inako n uooei lound
tale, Mnieover, If you talk about
them too much or too otten, nven tho
loiiK-Hufieiliis,' physician may errow;
tlrod of liehiK battered with symptoinn
wlioso eiituloguo ho lias heaid leclted
n hundred times in or, and thus tho
very ineaiiH taken lo impiess them will
hi Inn about ltn own deteat. .Still mom
determined, if you nio nenottn your
self, should ho xour stand iiRiiiiiHl lot
tilth' othets tulk of tholr lliu to you,
Uvou tho healthy can not Ktuuil tho
continual pres-enttillnn of iUhciibc to
them without liability to tnuiifiiiary iu
lcctlem thciefioni.
Works Either Way,
D'Auher lime ,1011 ccn my painting, "The
llaiiiukeis," up at the Ac j. It 111 V
tiittck y, and I heard . coniincitt on it to
dj). D'Auher I'oniphuicntji) 1
t'lltcck Judge loi )out,ell. An old farmer
who was locking at it eaid, "Waul, that luikcj
1110 Ihcd." I'ldladclphU I'ku.
Odd Parlor Pieces
Yon can't hate ton mmy nl thrm.
Wo are' showing an iinusuilly bright
line of oeld pulor pieces plain ind
cartedj beautifully upholstered In
leather or silk claniisk.
The largest assortment of Office Furniture
In the city. Our slock is complete.
Dining Room Furniture
No furniture in the house comes In
for harder or more constant, We
(shall rstrcm It a pleasure to show ou
our new stjlrs of dining furniture, that
ro thoroughly nnd artistically nuele.
Hill & Connell;
121 N. Washington Avenue.
End of the Season
Sale of Baby Carriages
We have had a great season of baby cariinge selling, but
still have about thirty first-class, up-to-date carriages left.
We don't want to keep them over the winter and in order to
close them all out have made a general 1 eduction on each
and every one now heie. The following list will give you
some idea as to the magnitude of the bargains offered in this
$45.00 Caniages now $30.00
35.00 Carriages now 25.00
27.50 Carriages now 22.00
25.00 Carriages now 19.00
23.00 Carriages now 18.00
312-314 Lackawanna Avenue.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In r.Hect dune 2, 1101,
Tl tins hate Scranlon:
1'or Plnhdelpliia and ew orl; tii T). k 11.
R. It., at (1.1-1 and II 'IS a. 111, mil -.MS, I 27
(lllii I. Diamond I'.spie-s), ami ll..:0 p. 111. Snii
ttaf, D. fi II. It. It., 1 .".I. K-J7 p. 111.
1'or White llaten, Hahlon and principal
points in the coat regions', tia D. & 11. It. It ,
(! fi, 2.1S and J 27 p. in. I'oi Pollstille. ti.13 a.
111., 2. IS p. in.
I'oi liethlehcm, Inston, lteidltig, lljiri-hiug
and piineipil intciuudute stations til 1). .. II,
II. It.,, 0: a. 111.; 2 IS. 1.27 (lllick Dia
mond r.spies), 11.1.0 p. m Sundi.i.s I) A. II
It It., fl.HS a. in.: La's. S.27 p. in.
I'oi 'lunkhiiinock, Towamki, l.lmir.1, Ithaei,
(cueia ami ptlmipal inleimodialc Mations, tia
I).. L. & V. It. It . a. in and .'! 10 p. 111
I'oi Hcneta, Hoc hosier, HulTjIo, Mig.u 1 Talis,
Chicago mil all points west, tia 1). ,t II. 11. It ,
7.4S, 11.55 a. 111.. 1.28. .'I -! 1 (Blick Diamond Il
pics-0, 7.IS, 10 II. II. "u p m. Sunda)', I), .t. II.
It. It., 11.5. 8.27 P. m
Piillmiu puloi and sleeping or I.chinli iller
piilor Lai on all Mains between Wilkes llano
and New Yolk, Philadelphia, nulfalo ami Sus
ptnion riiidirc.
HOI.I.IN 11. Wll.nt'lt, (ion. Supl., 2d Cmtlaml
i-ttcet. Sew Yoik.
C'HAIH.I.S si. l.l'.r. On. l'.isp, Agt , 20 Puiilaiiil
btrect, Xew Yoik.
A. W. XOM'.UU'lllilt, Dif. i'i-3 Agl , Soulli
Ilrthleheni, Pa.
I'oi tickets and Pullman le-citalions apply lo
.100 ..iikittanna atcnue, Pi union. Pi,
New Jeisey Central.
Slalions in New V01L I'ocit ol Liberty treet,
, It . and Isoulh I'cnf.
'I'iMi: tmii.i: iv i:rn:rr nwi: :io, vm.
'Irams lcate t-t union for Xcit lull,, New ail;,
Klliibctli, Pliilailclplili, Ill-ton, llilhlilieiii, l
lcnlown. 51 11n.l1 Chunk and While Hutu, at s.l,
a, m : opre-, 1 Id; capitis, 1 IK) p. m. J-ua-di)',
-MS p. in-
I'm Pithton and Vlks Riire, " a. 111, j 1 PI
and t.00 p. in. SiiihIi)n 2.I'i p m.
1'or ndllmoie ami Watliititton ami pululs
isoutli and Wist tu llrtlililiim, S 5-, a, m, p)
ami I.OO p. in. Simdits, 2,1 1 p. 111
I'oi Long llianth. Ocean r.iote, clc, at S 33
a, in, (Himiigli coach), nml 1.10 p in
Tor llcaibng, Ichitinn and h .
lentottn, b j'i a, m and 110 p, 111. hundi).),
2,l.'i p. 111
Tor Potlstllle, S :,- a m , I 10 p m.
I'or Mount liu l'aik, by a, lit., 1 It) and 101
p m
'lliioiigh tickets to all poiuls cut, south an 1
west St lonct Lilt's it the Mat Inn.
('. M Ill'ltr. Hen. l'.ls. Sgt.
J II. 01.11 CM:S. lien. Snpt.
Delaware and Hudson.
In Illicit .lune n, Pn
Trains! lor Caibondtlc leatc Scianton nt ft n,
3.00, hfll, 10.1.1 a, in: l.'.OO, l.J'l. 2.11 .IV.',
a'Jtl, U.,'5, 7 fi7, 0.13, II 3) p. 1,1 Lit, a, m
I'oi lloneijle and lake l.odote, 0.20, 10 11 .1.
in.: '.Ml and .1.0 p. in.
l!or W'llkes-ll4rre-fi.r.. 7.1', S tl, n::. 10 1 1
a 111.; l.'.0.t. I.-S -IN 3:11. '-". "'", 7 l
KM I. 11. '0 P- m
I'oi l V. It. It. rolnl-).la. CM 1. m.l '.Ms',
1 "7 nud 1I."0 P ni.
i'oi PcnioltanlJ It. It. I'oliils-il.l-i, 0.,i, Jh,
U S.I ami t,2i p
I'm Alhaii) and all points north G 20 a, in.
un I v,'i' p. in.
Pot Cailieniiljlc-I-.M), 11..I1 1. Ill ill, 3SJ,
5 52 and 10 P. m
Km W'ilkc-llJrie y.js .1 m.j l.'.iu, j., j ,
li 2 and I ' P '"
Tor Alluny and points 1101 th-.l .' p in.
I'or llonnaljle and Lake l.oduic 6.5'i, II ,.l
a m awl il tv-i p. m.
Delawaie, Lackawanna and Western,
In r.firct Aug, II, 1001.
Tia ins) le'ato biijiiloii lor .Sew ioik-t 1 ID,
SW, OW. 7.W '""l 'l)u'' ' ': -I''. ...2J.
;i 15 ft no and KM P. m lor Xuv mk and
Plilladclpliia- 7 10 ami 10.1H a, in , and pj an
'113 11. ;n I "I T'oh.iluiina t il. 10 p. in. I'm
lliilU.o-l I"', S-! "l ''J" f- ' ' "". ! '-' rui
und ll.te P ,0' I'liigluiiitnii ami way ia.
lions- I0.2O u. m uld l.W P HI I'oi ll.ttigo,
Muni-e and I Ilea 113 und U.2J u. 111. , ,1)
and J 32 p m O-wcgo, viae us. jmi -,, ,
li.ilu at 022 J. I" dill), rxnpl Sundjt ul
Mjiiliooc POO a 111 i IKS and 7 03 p ni. Men.
ulwii accoiiiinoditlini -I ui und ii.l j p 111.
Illooiusbuig )Illoii I'or N'oillmmhiiljiiJ, ,1
(113 anil 100.3 a 111 i I ..'I and il.lD p in. I'd
Pltmuiitli, at .ID a, 111 ; :i j.3 ami 11 Ui p m
buniU) 'lialiis- I'm- .Siw oik, I 10, ,1.1s), 1 33
ami 10 0.3 a 111 . '' 20. :t 13 mid .3.110 p in. I nr
HuITjIo I 15 and Ii.22 .1 in j I..11I, ,152.7U
and 11.33 p m lor lllngliamioii ami HJj ,
llnHi-n.l'0 and 10.20 a in. Itlouiibbing elitlslcn
Lcate tHMnton, P).05 .1. in mid tl. lu p in,
Eilo Kaihoad, Wyoming Division.
lialn (or Xiw oik und iulcriiictliato poinu
leatc Siianton m follows: 7.20 a. in.; 2.25 p. m.
Airulj-ltf.n u. in. Horn lloncidale, lUttlcy
and intcuuediite points; D.20 p. m. noin .New
YorU ami iutci mediate points. .So fcumJj) triliu,
Toilet Tables
We hare cpille a number nf very
handsome lollel tildes ja romplcle ai
mrtineiit ns )ou will find nn.uvhfre.
We Into them In 01k, mslmgany and
liirilr)n miple, with French bcveUd
Brass Beds
W'e have feme tcry artistic designs
In Iir.vs Itrds which we would be
pleased to show jou. You should look
otcr our large assortment before buy
ing. $20.00 Caniages now $16.00
17.00 Caniages now 13.00
15.00 Caniages now 12.00
12.00 Carriages now 10.00
9.00 Caniages now 6.50
Bike Wagons
We are prepared to dfi
all kinds of repair work on
tlie above, tires and bear
ings a specialty. We have
enlarged the door in the
rear of our store, yon may
run or drive in. Compress
ed air always on tap free for
your tires or air tank.
Florey & Brooks,
211 Washington Avenue.
Schedule in Effect Juno 2, 1001.
Ttains leave Scinnton:
6.45 a. m,f week days, tlnough ves
tibule ttain from Wilkes-Barre.
Pullman buffet parlor car and
conches to Philadelphia, via
Pottsvillc; stopr, at pttncipal in
tei mediate stations. Also con
nects for Sunbury, Hairisburf2;,
Philadelphia, Baltimoie, Wash
ington and for Pittsburg and tha
0,38 a. m week days, for Sunbuiy,
Harrisbuig, Philadelphia, Balti
moie, Washington and Pittsburg
and tlie west.
2,18 p, m,, week days, (SundayPi
1,58 p. m.j), foi- Sunbuiy, Har
rlsbtug', Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington and Pitta
buig and tho West.
3.33 p. 111,, week days, tlnough ves
tibule tiain fiom Wilkea-Brme.
Pullman buffet parlor car and
coaches to Philadelphia vln
Pottsville. Stops at piinclpal in
tei mediate stations.
4.!27 p. m week days, for Haaletoni
Sunbuiy, Harrisburg, Philadel
phin and Pittsburg,
.1, II. IIU'lHIIS-OX, fien Mgr,
J. II. WOOD, ll(ii. I'a-j, Agt, ,
New Yoik, Ontaiio and Western.
In clfcct 'fueilaj. l'l U. 1"H1.
MHtlll HOI M).
I.eate Lcato AlilVd
Tialiu. huanton. faibondjle, t .nltv,ia.
NO, 1 ...,,,,.1 u.l". 11. tu a, in, 1. imp,
II. 10.1. 111.
tiplp 111 r. C'aibunclalou, 10 i! nu
s-OI'lll IIOl'MI v u
,0. I ,,,
l.caie rriti
( Jllinuilil,., Sirjlilni..
faciei 1.
Vo. 0
No, 2
''kN. ni. 7t0a. m.
2 I3p. in lUlp, 111. t lo,, n,
M MlVVh OM.3, Mllflll llOL'Sf), '
Lcate Lcato Airito
Suiiloii. ailiondilc. fadcvla
.s:.oj m il 10 p. I,,. 10 i-j a in
, T-" P 1.11 1 arbondalo. 7.PJ n. m
Train 1.
.No. 'I ,
Mll'lll liniAH.
Uatu l.cno Nrrito
l4do-ii. Ijiliondile, Snaiilon.
,.ft .!,' "' no. ,:
Tmiu No 1 m week d)j, and n on Jtiindjis'
make uuill line toniiccttons foi v.... , '
l" i..s.. in. i, 111. (SI511.111.
Mldcllclottn. Walton, .Soiwi.h, OaMi, Ott'i
and all points ttctt.
for tuiincr iniornuutvi. ponpjlt t cVct lirnti.
. ,f tU Ay w-. ' A- 5r
J. u
ltb-tfltj k H. UVttfUlUD, i't, ,