f7i'" M4"fV; V-fWRT tyil "" 4 ;i$73fc-.r- V ltfJHi. -K ifift- ".jv Vrt7 JHv? WK'V.-ft,.W l i - r H aIJ 9pKf mhm.w"''" 1?' "- "J5j. V ,"" 7M "-VF - - r ' Y vv '" ' r" ' " - I s THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1901'. M. ( r; s m NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA TROTTERS AT BL00MSBURG IURF EVENTS AT COLUMBIA COUNTY FAIR. Vnu&unl -Features of Interest Avo Witnessed by 0,000 Spectators. Many Exciting Incidents During tha Afternoon Tho Jockeys nnd Horses Have Nnrrow Escapes from Serious Injury. FpCCl.ll (mm .1 M.llt ('ollo.-pohdellt. Tllooinii'illl'K, Hit. !l, -A rlowd nf nlmiit b',000 iilMiilril I hi' mjcoml ilriy'rt inuetlng of llio I'oliuuljlii .'oinity Kalr association hero tuiliiy. 'I'lio tisniiil fon- tlll'CK (if lllOMt I'Olllltr.V flllfM WPl'O In cvlilcinc, iitid llio fakirs and hIiIcmIiows nml u'l'i'oalinioiil I'utorers did u Koott business. Tlierc witp tbri!" moos', tllvlili'il Into ton heats, paood and (rotted, tlurliiK tho afternoon, for pnrsctt iciicliliiK an npfji-osato of $1,000. The tlrst rare, the li. 17 pace, was won by Oscar 1j., of XtoehoHtor, N. Y., In Kiiml ntyle, second plaoo IjoIiik fought hard for, making pome lluo finishes. The best time made ,van 2.17'i. The Koccnid raoo was captured by Hay ar of Lock Ilavon, after four heats. This was for trotters of the .27 class nnd the best time was L'.L'.VU. The third race for I'.LT. pacers, was finished in three heals, but they were hents illled with accidents. Two hordes were tripped by broken hopples and took tumbles, and another laid a nar row escape from the same fate. A driver jumped from his sulky to avoid accident. Xo serious iIiiiuukg was done despite this side effect. The race was won by Itoynl (icorge, of Jlorrls, N. Y. . Host time 2.20'fc. Itetween the heats Mine Siiuhin Rave exhibitions on lier trained horse In a canvas rliifr in front of tho Brand ptand. The animal did cake-walks, waltzed, picked up n handkerchief and returned it to its owner ami leaped over four-barred sate?. Prof. Simian guided a well-trained bull through a number of dillieult feats to much ap plause. Uesides these trained animals there were acrobats, jiiRRlers and other nm users to dispel the tedious waits between heats. Frank Smith, tho slartlupr judRCKavn great satisfaction by his masterly handling of the horses and drivers. The starting was, on the whole, satis factory to all. Tinker, the only Scranlon horse In the races today, broke Ills hopples in the first heat, and his driver, Frank Hannas, could not do belter than llnlsh ninth In tho boat, and tho next time the gelding did not get a satisfactory start. Tho olliriiils in charge of tho racing were: Starter, Frank J. Smith; judges, II. J. Conner, T. K. Hyde and V. 11, Jackson: timers, ('. SI. Crovoling, K. F. Mufti be and C. AV. McKehvay. A history of tho races follow: First Hace 2.17 Pace. There were nine starters in this lace out of nineteen named. Tinker, owned by M. C'r. Norton, of Soraiuon, drew the pole, and AVilkes Medium, the bay gelding of I.. A. Patterson, of Carbon dale, was placed fourth. These were tho only Lackawanna county horses in the crowd. The Hold scored t Ice and then the starter said that ho would no longer protect tho rear one, Miss Jennie, who could not seem to get up. True to his word they were sent away tho next time. At the (piaiter pole Itaehel and Niano were on oven terms with Tinker third, close behind their sulkies, eight there Tinker broke and nearly all the Held passed by before lie settled. At the half Niano was a nose hi front of Itachel, with AVilkes Medium a half length back. At the three-itiarters Jtaohcl was a trl tie ahead of Niano and four others were bunched for the third place. A terrific, drive down the stretch to homo fol lowed, In which the whips were used to great purpose, for under punishment Oscar I won the heat by a length, Tinker's hobbles broke and ho finished last as a result. In tho second heat the llnlsh was a glorious one, llvo coming down almost abreast, but Oscar In the van, a head in front ut" Niano, who led Haohol by half a length, AVilkes Medium was fifth and Tinker eighth. Third heat After severe flukes the word was given to a very good start. Oscar .. was tho leader all tho way around, Pure Uold being his most for midable rival, first at the quarter and then fading away to come again very strong at tile llnish, closing up a big gap and losing the boat only by a neck, (ieorgoC, Kaslon oaiuo in third, Summary: 2.17 cla-, iMi'inu; piilfc if. 0.ir I,., In. s., John I ion !-, llmliealcr, N. Y 1 1 1 Mr.no, i, in,, r. I. l.iiK.un, ll.isidi.timii, Mil i '. I I'uio Cnlil, Ui. f.. I). liullcl., U.i-liiim- Ion, I '.i 7 li '- ftt'UIKO 1 li.l.lnll, hr. v., Slieill ..plsel- ine.wi, .lcicy Mioio, p.i :i I .1 It.uhol, cm., Siiiimii Mn'Minl,, I l.iliinn i, li S Wilkin Medium, 1 1. j-., .. A. I'.iUi'i.-Hii, t.Jllioiid.i'e 1 3 li S-tl.ltlltill'.e, li. m., .1. I,. t'oioiuaii, llollc- fontc, I'.i ."i 7 7 Tinker, l, e , II. u. uiien, Sii.uiluii .. !l S 5 Jilts .Iriinlc, li. in., WIMI.iiii Mi'lir, WIH.rs.ll.inii ; 0 U Tinic-2.1!i, S.W'.j, 2.17' j. Second Race 8,27 Trot, There weio four starters In this race. The l.o'it was given t Castoiiin, with Maud hccoiid. Time of heat 2,27?i. Ill the second heat May .M, got thoie by li:ilf a length, while Country tilrl, under sliong puiilshiuenl front her negro driver, beat Camilla by u Ma fur reooiid ilace, 'i'lino of heat 2.2.i'i, Third ileal A good start at once, At the (iimrter Itay M. was two Jrtiigtlis to tlio good of Catonia, Maud S, third. The only change dur ing th'i 1'ist of tho mile was Maud'!) beating Catonia for second placo u tne last &u yunis, country ij ill llnlsh. rtl bolilml tho Hag. but by mutual con sent of tlio drivers distance was waived ami she got fourth placo and h.! allowed to titart next heat. Itny M. won llio beat easily, nuver being headed. Time, S.2S!. Fourth Heat Itay M. passed Cii toula at tlie ylxth furlong, and front there wont homo in ftout In easy style. f'atoni i iinu.;icd r.ocoml and Country Ci.il lillld. .SU:i!l." -; 2.2" il.ivt, ltdtllnsri iiiirsc. $.100. ll.iy it.. I), c., 11. W. Pcik. Ltitk II.hcm, P. 3 111 Cntonli, l. ., W. It, .Wootty, llmrls- lime i t a i M.iml .o., li, in., W. A. Ntnlc, llmrlv lutrg 2 a 2 2 Cmintry Clil, dun in., II, s. l,nl, lliiri l.-burtr 4 2 3 1 Tllilc-2.2;:;, 2.2.V,i, 2.2SU, 2.2.i?i. Third Race 2.25 Pace. First lien t Seven starters. Avora, Cilrl, of Avoea, got the pole. Shu was the only liorse In the bunch from the Lackawanna valley. It was not until tho starter had threatened lines that the word was given. Avoea Cllrl was nervous and broke at the turn and was the last to get to tho riuarter pole. Director AVilkes led nil the way around by n generous margin until about thirty fool from the wire, when lie tripped in ills hobbles and wont down, turning 11 complete somersault and throwing his driver, John Flnchor, of Montoursvllle, over his head and about ten feet away. Flucher landed without Injury, hut the black gelding lay still and a cry went up that Its neck bad been broken. This was proved untrue a few minutes later, and it was announced that he would be given seventh place and allowed to start next time, distance having been waived. It was certainly n narrow es cape for both horse and driver, ltoyal Ocorgo won the heat, n noso In front of Gregwood, with Thomas AV. third, two lengths back. Time of heat, 2.2t'i. great reception when he came down to score for tills heat. "A game horse and a, game driver." was the universal comment. P.oynl George cut out the pace all t lie way around, Gregwood being close up most of the time and AVootlshlno the balance. Itoyal George won the heat In 2.2014. a length in front of Gregwood, who had a neck tho best of it over AVoodshine. Avoea Girl fin ished Inst and stumbled just at the wire. Those who saw her thought she was going to fall like Dictator in the last heat, but she recovered herself In time. Third heat Only live starters came out for this heat. Dictator AVilkes and Avoea Girl luivlng been drawn. The start was on the second score. All went well until the horses drew near the third furlong, when Koyal George, Gregwood and Uockport goL mixed up at the turn and Gregwood's hopples broke, throwing him and his driver in just the same way that Dictator AVilkes fell in tlio tlrst heat. The driver of Hockport jumped to avoid trouble, and P.ockport came halfway down the homestretch alone. Gregwood was af terward led to the wire without a sulky, in order to save his placo. Driver Opdyke sustained a skinned knee as his only injury. The race was decided as follows: llnj.d (,'coigc. blk. !,-., A. I!. Simon.', -Uoiris X. V 1 1 1 Gii'khoiiiI, li, k.i .mstt'fiii & upil.il.0, llollilclicin, I'J 2 2 S WuoiMiini', tli. ?., ):.)l! ocl; & Holme-, Xomicli, N. y t ,! 2 Itoiknoit, li. ., U. (I. Jlpplpy, JL hail- ioburjr, l'a 5 4 1 Tlmnus W., f. . .1. I., ('i.iuiiirin, lli-lli- fontc. I'j :: 5 s Avui.i Oil!, . 111.. W. 11. Unwell, Uni.i G 7 ill nict.itor Wilke,-, In-, (j.. C. W. Wo.ivit, Mnntimilllc, l'a 7 li ill' Time 2.2IU, 2.20;i, -.'.S.:. The road race was nostuoneil until toniov'ow. The other events then will be a 2,13 event, for pacers, for a puie of 5 Hiii, v.li'fh has nine entries; a 2.21 class, for pacers, purse $;:on, with 23 entries and a race for colts, under A j ears, for S100. which lias six oantll dates. The Catawissa. band will furnish the music and there will be ejKTial attractions between heats. H. T.. Hatllold. ... H0NESDALE. Special to the Scrinton Tribune. llonesdale, Oct. 0. Amherst, with AVilliam Swift, 'of Honesdale, as quar terback, held the celebrated Yalo foot ball team down to only six points last AVeduesday. Manager Sllverstone has invited the newspaper men, including those en gaged on the Hull murder trial, to oc cupy the press box In the opera house Thursday evening, to hear the cele brated drama, "Pennsylvania." The residents of AVaymart and vicin ity are agitating tho establishment of a canning factory In their little town. John AVoodln, a life-long resident of Honesdale and a traveling salesman for an eastern linn, has removed to Port Jervls. N. J. Spencer, editor of the AVayne County Herald, and wife are at the Pun-Ainoriian this week. .Miss llessie AVhilo has accented a situation as teacher In llio public schools of New York city. Miss Ora Stephenson, of AVaymart, sueceeods Miss "White In the Sceleyvlllo school. "Pennsylvania," by Daniel C. Hart nnd C. K. Callahan, with a select com pany bf llfteon people and the cele brated Dlack Diamond quartette, will bo soon at tho lionesdalo opera house Thursday evening, for the tlrst time, The scene Is laid near AVilkes-Hnrro. The fourth act is enlivened by a mine strike and tho calling out of the nillitlu. District Deputy Grand Master ,lud mjii K. Tiffany, of Pleasant Mount, in stalled tho olllcers of Freedom lodgo of Odd Fellows on Monday evening, and those of the Howard (Gerruun) lodgo on Tuesday evening, Tho funeral of Miss Caroliuo N. Tor ley, who died at Clifton Springs Sani tarium, was held at her homo hero on Tuesday afternoon, her pastor, llov. William 11. Swift, olllolatiug. Inter ment was made in tho family plot In Clleii-Oy berry cemetery, Deceased was tho eldest daughter of John and Ho beoca Fuller Torrey; was born In Honesdale, April 12, ISIIC, wliero she had always resided. She Joined the Presbyterian church in early life, under tho pastorate of the late Kov, Dr. ltowland. Sho had been an Invalid for many years, and often sought rest and recuperation ut tho sanitarium, Clifton Springs, N. V, Mr. T. i:. Calloway Is still in n critical condition. 1I Is loutlnod to Ids lied, entirely helpless, The ruinuiago sale conducted by tho Ladles' Improvement association is progressing llnoly, Chestnuts arc plentiful in the Hones, dale market, Uv recent advances, coal in llnnoe. dale costs 51.10 per ton, delivered. PITTSTON. Sfifcial tu the Sainton Tribune, I'ltUlon, Oct. 0. Tho first steps IuijuI the cigjnlutluii nf a ttron: foot Ml to mi were tlUn at a iniTtln; o( well I noun Wut 1'illi lon .tu'iiiK iikii last ricnlntr. It U li"ij to ar linse CJi'ii'4 ullli all vnuteur tejnu in llilt tklnity, Anions flic iikuiWu arc Mvtsu. I'Ar, Mfnnfflc, Itancll, l-'iillmtr, Wilder. KobctU, Anllionj-, rinnuti", lllmklinrn nml ollirm, The tnarilaRp of Harry Phillip., ot Vct I'lllv ton, ihtel eleik In llic nfflcp u( County Cnnlmllrr Jncili t.onl, (o MN S.hhIi l,ockooil, il.nmli' icr ot .Mr. nnd Mm. Kiituk T. I.oeliHnuil, ( .Icr.-ry Clly, took ptino I.1( ncnliiir In llio Trln Ity i:ileni.d ilimi.li, at West t'lllnlon. The ccieiiiony wai iicrioimcil at S nVlock I'J" the irclur, llev. -Mr. Ilarrlnitinn, lielnm a Inurn n.i-cintil.mo nf Intllcil Riie.lK, MIm cfo. VininR w.h nnild nf honor nml II, II, llttjlira isronim. tiian. S. M, 1'iirke nml O, t'. 1'n.lpr, holti nf Wrt Pllltoii, (.rrveil n4 ihrr.. At the lull' (IikIoii nf the teieinnni' Mi. ami Mi, 1'hilllpi wcio ijhrii a loirptlon at the home of Mr. nml Ml. A. 1', Cu.e, on South Main lirrl, llh whom the lirlile h,n inaile her linni" lor u limiv her of jc.iis. Mr, ami Mrs. Phillip, will irhlo In llio I.lcivelljn block on I'hllatlcliilili avenue, Wet PI I In Ion. P. C. Kelt nil, ot Aoia, tint nitchaeil the leather csl.lblWiment on Xnilh Main stirel, thl city, for jean imuhiiteil by .lohu Thnihuin, or Vrt I'lttAton. .Mr. Kellam takes pi("nlmi at ome. (.'oiKiiler.ibtc Inlcieil I lulus riionu In an rent whlih takd ldace at the Wit Pllltnii fair cinnndi tievt 'lliniMl.iy nlleiiioou, II will be a I. lie tor UV) a kIiIo lutween Piter Ciillpy, ol Afnra, nml "I'mij" MlCiic, nf thl . oily. The mi! will be n biimlicil..,iiil il.i-li ami will be no fake Mir. The money has tieen pl.ueil In lh liainU of Seletl fnunt.lliiiati Thmn.in Murphy, ni .l.ikeholilil', ami :i lile bet n $.',0 ti.lt be'ti liinle betiveeii the two pilui Ip.iN, t.'on'iderabtc liioney h.x been posleil on the eient. TUNKHANNOCK. Special to (he Scranlon Tribune. TimUuiinoik, Ocl, f. Mr. S. S. Il.ilfiehl li vislllnc rel.illvc? and friends at New Voik this week. Tuukhjiinnik tiibe, No. 107, lininovrd Order nf Ited Men, held a imldlu lnvt.ilf.it lott nf of. liceH on Monday evening; whlih w.h iiiite well attended. After the inl;ill.ill"ii ieicinonliM were coiuludcd, V.. .I. .Ionian ilelliereil nil ail. diea on thi woik and bllory of the soeie'y, whlih w.i.1 much npprei lated. Mi--es (li.un 1'iey and I.iilu Iliown al.o t'.uo tome e.siellent ret talloiH. .Mrc. .Tnlm llian, of Monlro-e, l Hie suet ot lirr brother, ltuel II, Ullllng;, on i:.tt Tinea itirel. , Woid w.h rceehed here on Monday lb.it a nans nf four men had been apprehended at Sa.ue and laker, to Towanda jail, who weic. bilicied to be the (".line p.utle wanted hpie for bieal.liiR into and lobbing the llllkowlili dolhiiii; s.toie on Sunday liinininir. Homy Jlllluiier left for To wand.i on Tuesday inuiniiK;. aiiniutunied by Oltleer Vaughn with a waii'.uit for their ano-t. The Munil.iv rlub held t lit ir 1tr-t meetlnR of the seaiii at the home of Mia 1". 1'. Aoiy at 2 u'ltntlc on Monday afteiimnii. C'h.iiles Cr.uM'iiiil and family, of l'jilnryvlll?, are i.-ilini; fikiuU at thi'i phee. Mr. ami Mr.--. 1). ('. (irahain au gue-ls ot fiiends at Suanlon thii week. Mis'! Sophionl.i l.tickpiiliill i Fpcndlni; this week llaitim; fiiend-i at I.clithlon. The l.easue of American Spoilsmen, of Tiink hannoik, h.ne nlllcns out on the Idli'S eieiy day looking for iolalors of the jame laws, and any p.n ties taught liiinlin out of sea-ion will be aeM'iely dialt with. 'Ihe "f-I Stelibliis" Comedy ennip.iny, whirli played at Tiatt'.? Opei.i luiii-e on Alnud.iy even insf. cao an e.eellent show lo a well filled hou.-e. Mi. A. II. Squicr and Mi'. Lucius S.jincr vis iled at Wilkevll.ine mi Tuesday. BROOKYLN. Special to the Siranton Tribune. llrookltii, Oct. S. A lareo number fiom this plane attendid the county fair at Mmitiixe lait Wednoaday. Mr. ami 3li?. Joseph Kent, of ltOAtou, are vi.-Uiiu." lelatiM'.s in lliooklju. Mis. (Icoige I'eikliain is spcndlui.' a few days will', her paients, Mr. and Mis. ('. II. Kly. Lewis .Siiii(r pent a lew dajs in lliiiliamton la.-t week and attended tho fair. Mrs. (!. I, (lUorf enteilaiiied at tea last Thuis day afternoon in honor of Mr. and Ills. Henry lilies, of l'ill.-ion, .Mr. and Mrs. ll.ijdeii Vi.n Auken, Misses I.oui-e Ainey. Ile-sio Cliamber lin, lleltio Cjiwi-ll, Ueiliuilc .mil Maude Waldie. The m. n l i, ico of Daniel Jilewcllin, of Willies llaue, and Miss l.uia f.alluoij will taUe plan: in the l'ie-b.leiiau iliutib net Wednesday I'wnlni.'. About foity imitations b.ivo been tent out ami a reception will bo held at tho honitf of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mi.-. S, H. Kldiiiice aic t.iUm; in the sights ul the r.in-Aiiioi icuu tins woes. lloi.ui Itios. are laying pipe from a bpiin; in their newly purcha-ed lot lo their i-hop ai.d h.nit and al-o to ( '. II. Kli's le.-Idruce. 'Ihe V. 1'. ('. l coiiMiiiruii was held In the t'nlvci.-ali-t ihuicli last Saturday, DcIcrsii.'S were piiwnl fiom all (be unions in Ihu dutiiit pM'ept (iib-ou. 'fho afleiiionn session was eiy inlpicitiiii; and londalnl of a liely bujiness Ecsiion, n paper ami iliscu.--i.m ou missionary woik, and aildies by I.con Stephen, president of tho llrnoUljn union i Dr. X. S. Sapre, liev. II, H. Sniltli, ol" tho Methodist t:pi.-cnpal (hurcli, and others. In the evening an cnteitainment wa.i civin by the ilelejatci wliifli was eiy up. propiijle and enjoiable. Soi pral delegatea at tended Hie Sunday nioiuins ncniie. NICHOLSON. Special to the Scranlon Tribune. MihoUnii, 0t. !). Viofessnr C. I', O,borno and W. K. Wjincr visited liicnda at llaiford Sunday. Mr. and Mis. fi. C'air, of fUeen Itidye, fnent Sunday with their daughter, Mis. Walter Will. JaiiK. Mis. lilrcta ffatdncr, of lloi.uey, X. V., is spending some lime with fiiends at this place, 1'. K. Ilond, of I'ldladclpliij, was a caller in town Monday cvinint. Mks Ilia Daimer, of Reunion, is the siw.-t of hir filciid, Miss May Hinklle. THE TRIBUNE'S PATTERNS FUR-TRIMMED COSTUME. Fig". 540. This rich and elegant costume of ItiiBslau green cloth lias a trimming of velvet bauds and u storm collar of chinchilla fur. in any other color or goodrt tho saiuo design is pretty and i collar of sable can be used with good effect, especially for black or violet cloths. Ten yards of goods will bu re ipilred, "Vulbt patterns In r, sIzoh; 22, lit, I16, 3S and 10 inches, bust measure. Skirt patterns in 5 slviesj l:1, L'l, :, as and .10 inches, waist measure, Any number between these sixes will tuko tho next largest size. Send 10 cents to "Fashion Depart ment, Tribune, Serantou, Pa.," stating blze and number of waist or skirt pat tern desired, and it will bo forwarded to your address postpaid. For patterns of tho full costume, Includlngr both waist and skirt, 20 cents must be enclosed. mm I, S THE MARKETS. "Willi Street Review. Now York. Oct, ij. The saiuo doubt and hesitation regarding the future course of prices wan rclleeted In to day's slock market us In yesterday's. .Speculation was listless and apathetic, and the "ciittmetit of the small trailers whoso operations made up the market underwent ninny variations. Few ac tive stocks show a net change of as much as a point, even where tho day's range was considerable. The disposi tion was to close up contracts both on tlio long and the short side until the future course of prices outlines itself more definitely. This tendency wuti demonstrated In the response of Urook lyu Transit. The annual report of Hrooklyn Transit was Interpreted un favorably, yet the stock promptly ad vanced and resisted an attempt on the part of the professional trnders to de press the price. The slock advanced at one tlmo llVi, showliiR the most con spicuous strciiKth In the market. The election of an additional Kland ard Oil representative to tho I'tilon Paclllo board of directors was a vcrlli catlon of another bull prediction. Hut the bull party hesitated to take up tho speculation for an advance, owlnp; to the diniBor that money Hurries may still Intervene before the Interior move ment of currency tcnnlnates. Ku.nar and AmalKiimatcd Copper, which continued active, drifted rather uncertainty, but with a rather llrm undertone. Norfolk and Western was bid up nearly two points at ono time on the assumption that recent accumu lation of the stock lias been for ac count of Pennsylvania railroad Inter ests. 'I'he mnrket closed irroftulur. Total sales today, MO, 300 shares. There was u. sharp break in 'Wabash debenture B bonds. The mnrket other wise was rather dull and irregular. Total sales, par value, $L',S40,000. United States bonds were all tm chnnired on the Inst call. The fiilloirinc quotation are fumlhed Tin Tribune by M. S. Jordan Ac Co.. rooms 70VT08 Mears bulldiig, Scranton, l'a. Telephone COOt: Open- High Low Cloa- inir. et. Ml, In?. Amttlf.ui Sugar ll.i'.i 11V,J 1131 liv; Atihl.-oii 703i Tfi'l T.'i'.i 7Hi Atcliiioii, IV HVi RITA lis D.'',1 Am.il. Copper M'i S7',l S.jii fciiifc Anicr. Car roundly .... 2.VI "iiij ;."A4, 2.TJ llinol:. Traction .1714 i.U .17U 5'lU Halt, k Old., l(W,d 101) w'l poi. Clips. & Ohio 4IU J.-.i; iV.i 4IU fhlo. & (it. West 22 'J2 Wa 'J11 Chli'., Mil. & SI. I'. ...IS7 1.17' i l.V.Ti Ijflli (.'hie., It. 1 It Pacific... 110 JlOii 110 llO'.i Col. Pii'l k lion HI '..J lit n i:rie It. I! :;'.i1t W;i SOU noaj i:rlc It. It., IV CS'i fo'i CSli (iS'.i .oui?. & Xa-I KM 'A lOU 10li 10i,A Man. KIe.ileil HOJi :i!)U IIS llS?i Met. Tiactinu 15SU l.'iS1-. l''l l."7?i Jlisso. I'acitlo !M',i Wi O.is; !))34 .Norfolk A- We-t .1li 5i?i rti 5IJA Onl. ,v Wclern M'l :avi "J Si'.i X. V. Central UVi l.V,TA l.'it'A l.V reniia. It. I! HI'S 1H!1 111 11! Headinp Ily .'10 Sfl'.i Jill r.'J IteadiiiK Ity.. l'r 7.', 7'. V, 7.'. boulherii ity :i :i'l 3l'i ,','l'A Soiithcin Ity.. I'l fa! Wi W. S:,-JA Soutbcm I'jpilip SO M .V'i .m'.j Tcnn. Coal & Iron Os',1 ."i",i AS r.S'i Texas r.icilk' 10 40 ;','! 40 1". S. I.eatliei- 11; VI llJ 11TA 1.'. S. Leal her, l'r 7u'i .' 7U's 7ll'4 I'. S. ltubbcr II'A ll'i ll's ll'i T. S. Steel Co 4'i 4i"H H 42-fi I'. S. Mcel Co.. IV Ji.l',1 Ul't (.!-;A W-li Weteiu 1 nluii r0i-j w'.j !0"; ni, Waba-li, IV t)7!s Ih's ;:.J5s Wi Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. ETOrKP. I,ael;awanna Dairy Co., Pr County Savins Hank k Tout Co.. Pirft National Itank (Carbondale) .. Standard Drillim; Co Third National Bank Dime Deposit and Discount Bank.. Economy I.lsht. II & '' Co Tiist National Dank I..I1 Tins! &)f' DcnO?K Co Bid. CO SCO Asl.ed. 32.5 30 480 43 1200 J50 125 Claik & Pnocr Co., IV Scranton 'iron Pence k Mfg. Co Sxranton Axle Works Scranton Savin?; Bank Tradcis' National ISank Scranton Holt k Nut Co People's Bank New Mexico Ily. k C. Co BONDS. Scranton Pafsenpcr Railway, first Moilease, due 1020 Teoplo's Street Railway, E.-st mort gage, due 1918 People's Sheet Railway, Gcneial mortgage, due 1021 Dickson Manufacturing Co I.acka. Township School S per cent. 10O 05 400 173 101 135 75 115 115 115 100 103 City ot Scianton St. Imp. 6 prr cent Scianton Tiaction 0 per cent 102 115 Scranton Wholesale Mnrket. (Corrected by II. O. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave.) Beans Per birdicl, choice mairow, $2,G0a2.t55. Butter Prcch creamery, 21a22c.j dairy, frcu, 21c. Cheese Full cream, lO'.aallc. L'ggs Western fiesli, loHalG; nearby state, 1J',417JC. Medium Beans Per bushel, $2.50. Oreen Peas Per biuhel, ift.tOal.43. Plour Best patent, tier barrel, 54.45. Beans Per bushel, choke matrow, IJ3.10. Potatoes Per bushel $lal.l0. New Tork Oroin and Produce. New Vtuk. Oil. 0. -I'iour-Wcak and lower to u'lls Miiiuesnla pjlviitu, ?.!..ia:).f-0. Whc.it -Spot miikit weal,! Xo. '2 ltd, "."10. (. o. h. afloat; No. 2 red, 7l?sC. eleintorj No 1 Nnilheiti llululli, 7.'i?ir. f. o, b, allnat, (Ipljons weal; and he.iy all djj. C'liucd weal: at Tkc net Ins., 4 m 11 Spot weak; No. '.', fill,,., 1 leialnr and (il?io. f. o. b. alloal. Options weak and deillued. ClnM'il weak and 'sa?1. net lower. May tloscd (ilie. ; Oi toher, U)v. ; Peci-niber, i!l?,c, Oats Spot Heady; Xo, 2 ml, ifeUc; Nn. ,'!, aVj'.; No, a while, lie; Nn. 2 while, lljlit.; trails mlud western, ,1S'8.il0c,; track while, 49.il7-, ('lilioiw dull ni.it weak, lliitler Mcady; iieani. cry, 13.t2'.V.; fatloiy fich, 12Ual5Jje.; .lime cii'.imery, 2().i21'sc.; imitation ricjiiury, llalSc; i-lali' dairy, lla'Jlc. I'licesc Steady; fancy large, colored, Hie. j fancy large white, fi'.ic. ; fancy 1'bkj l'linij ilalo and Pcnii-.ilvaiila, .'llj.i'.'ic. ; wiflern nncaiidli'd, 17a2li'.; weslcin landled, 21 tmall cnloiril, 10Uc; fancy snull while, luc, a'je. Philadelphia drain and Produoe, Philadelphia, Oct. P. hc.it -'i;i. Inner; ion tiait glade Oilolier, 7I',jj72c. Cnin lie lower; N'o. 2 mixed OclnbiT, Iil?i.i(i2ii. Oitv-ramj No 2 Willie illpp.d, 4'ii.ijc. Iliittcr-nnu, good do iiiand; fawy mvlciii iieauniy, '.'2!i.; 1I0. near by piintu, Me. Kggs-I'lrni, t..alc. highei; fii.h neaiby, 20,,sa21c. j do. woteiii, 20l;n2li', ; do. soiitlmi'jleui, 0c. ; do, toulhcin, jf, ciitiw--I'lrni, good dciuaudi New Voik full ireams fancy Finall, linialO'.ic. ; do. do, do. fair tu iliolti-, la(V. Ilelluitl fciiRJK-ljuIrl, but htcady, Lot-toH-U'iii'hangcd. Tallow I'ii m; illy pi'mic in hhik, 5?ia0c; do. and country daik, 5',H'.; cakcj, Wart I.he I'uultrj Quiet, but sleady; fuwU, I'aa'.iv. ; cvciiitioual loin, 0o.; old rnotci, Ca, 7c; spiing chiikcns, SaOlcj ducks, Oaiijjc, Dievicd 1'oultiy Steady, but ipilet; fowl iholio U',iial2c; do. fair In good, lOliallc; old ioov teui, 7c i biolling chlrki'iu nearby, lUUc. 1 wcot cm, lOabtc, Hl'iclplS-riour, 1,000 bauds and ..a.lo.OOO poumli In tacki; wheat, 2."i,"') InishcN; oni, 82,000 liuilii'lii naU, C,(K liiuhcl. Shipment! Wheat, 4,000 biu-liclj; com, KS.Ono hiiihelj. Cat. 3,000 biuhcls. Chicago Oraiu and Product). Chiiago, OU. tl.-Oeneial bcailjh rondilioiis ami 4 lomtlou ot feeling among (bo bull leaders depressed all maikelj today, ami Jlcccinbcr wheat cloffd 1 lent down; Dcicinbci' coin, 'jc. down, and Deicmbcr iat, 9c. under jcetciday. Pio xlslon.1 clwed from al-j to IJJjc. dcpicsscd. Cah i)uutjtlou wcic as follow a; THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents Mote Than Four Lines, J Cents lor Each Kxtr Lint For Bent. I'OII llll.vr -I'mir roonu; fltot floor! hetl; mi- lutnlflicil. 7ot (Juiiicy uutiue. TO HUNT Ten-room houe on Clay nenue, with all modeili lonwnlcntcn, Including illy Kleaui heal; will eao erv reamiulile on necounl ol ill heallh. Aildrew I,. A. II., Tribune QllUf. toil lll.NT-l'Ight rooms, 7.13 Jetrcmon nvenilci II modern convenience.. For Salo or Bent. i'Olt SAI.I! OU 1IKST- KiirnUliPil "Kroom liou-e, all luodiin iniprnveinentii, furniture nil like new, hoii'i! In llit cl.m londlllnn. (icorso 1. Blown, (liern Ridge l.umbcr loinpany. I'OII SAM! OU ltKXTlloue, garden and fruit in i:itiiliiiil, AddrcM Dr. Ilatesmi, ..17 Washing Ion aicnue, For Sale. POIt SAM! finest inulc boc made. ( illerlon make, torlv llnet nclei linn, worth IjIM); aell right away at tJIAW. Shnir, ill I Spune htreet, I'OII SAM! -llcaiy leani. Jurjulrc at 1 H. Kvciltt's livery, "20 lilt court. I'Olt SAMI-Onc lnlglil bay hne, 10 hands hlgli! good traveler: kind and gentle; a peacock in eiery way. I'or partlctilais address II, I). Tilm.in, Montrose, Pa, llOIMIIIS-l'or f.ile. two 100 II. V. billcr. M Iioii.hN steam. Addicss P. O. Ilo.i 200, Plain Held, N. .1. FOIt SAM! Two light spring wagon and some liarncf, cheap. Kvans, rear 1132 Luzerno street. Beal Estate. I'Olt SAM.--Wr Iiave for i-alu a very niu- double lioiL-e; JIulhciry streel, shady side; only $."i.500; loiuo ipilik; homes iioin il.0O to $13,000. ( ha. Schlatter. I'Olt SAM'. One mm of land, inipioied with nlue-innm house; plenty and vaiicly ot fiuit; good location in villago of riectiilie, .Mis, Olive ri-ii, rieetville. Pa. I'AHM ot iihniil -Kty-lhe am, good liou-e and bain, mar Monllo-!'. Addles box Ul, Dim ock, Sii-ipii'hamu loimly, l'a. Furnished Booms. I'OII HIIXT V'uiiiHied loom, for gcnliemen only; tteam heat; all modem comcnicuces. 1021 Mulbeny stieet. FOIl HUNT 1'urnlshcd front room, wllh heat, liatli and gai; near court house; gentleman preferred. Addicsa Room, Box 209. FOR R1!NT Furnlslicd room; heat and bath. C25 Linden street. Wanted Unfurnished Boom. A YOt'NH LADY WANTS uu inifmnl-heil room in rc-pectablo locality. Aildicsa M., 1IKI7 (Jliuich avenue. Booms and Board. ROO.MS TO RK.NT, Willi boaid. SO'.) Mulbeny stieet. Boarders Wanted. WANTi:D-Table boarders. Washington avenue. lira. Tompkins, 531 Boom and Board Wanted. MAimi!.I) COUPI.i: with Iwo ihlldrcn, .TsTHnd 4, delrea loom and boaid; tniv.itu family, picfeued. Address, It., Tiibime Ofuii'. WAXTi;n Two or thro2 fuiniiied looms, willi or without boaid. Hill section piefeircd. Addiess 1). H. 1'.4 Tribune office. IiOBt. .0 A black seller pun. l'Jndcr will be le wauled by leturnins' to V.. S. Williams, 7112 W.i-hinglnn iiimiie. I.O.Vr Near Nay Aug I'aik, a whlti bull tenicr, liiimllo frpot oxer one eje, rain (lipped, and aiiswcis to the name of .Inc. Rcwaid lor ictuin to 410 Wheeler a.cnuc, city. Stocks and Bonds. I'Olt sai.i: TODAY cherry Hiier Boom k Lumber Co. stock. Al.imagniilo l.iuuber Cu. Hoik. Alamagnido Lumber Co. bond. Yaiioiis olheis, iiidii'liug bank stutkl, water nnd elcctlif light bond. WANTill) TODAY lulled hl.ilei) Lumlier Co. tlo, k, Laikawanna Zinc Mining Mock. Laikawauna Tru-.t and Safe Deposit stock. I. !'. Meg.ugel k Co.. 212 Connell Building. SIJALKD PUOPOALS will be opened by the director of llio D.nuitincnr ot Public Safely al 2 o'clock p. in., Mondaj, October 21st, 1901, for io.il to be dellveied ut the eeral hie engine and hoe hoiue in this t ily tor the cnsuliig jear, Hiddei.s will plca-e bid on tha tollowing bites: Kgg, Rlnvu and cin'stnut. All bids shall lie filed (m.iiked proposal) wllh the clly controller at hi office in the clly lull not later Hull 10 oYloil a. in., Monday, October 21st, 1IX)1, The cily lu sienc- Hie right to leject any nr all luiis. I". L. WOUMSLH, Dliector Depl. ol Public Salely, Scianton, Pa., October Dili, 11)01. LEGAL. IN Till: HIsTHIOT COL'ItT uf Ihe I'nttcil Slates loi the Middle Distilct ol" IVnn-ylvatil.i. In Iho nutter uf Abraham I., Sihlller, baukiiipt. No. 31 in Itaukruplcy. Tu tho creditois ol A. L. N-ldllcr, of Scranton, In thn i (nml v of Lackawanna, and ilUlilct afnicsaid, a banliiuii: Notice is hctehy given that on the snicntli day of Oiinlier, X, 1). 1001. the said ., L, -.ihllle'r was duly iidJudliMleil a hauliui!; and tint Hie liist meeting of Ills (icditoia will be held .it the nfllit' nf Ihe ltel'elip ill the (iouilimeut lnilldlu, in the illy nf Sirantun, on the nlni'leeiilh day of (Iclolier, A. D. 1001, at 0 u'clock, in I In. iiioiulng, al whlih lime tlio said ticditont may al tin I, piuvo their claliui, appoint a liuiiv, e.xanilni' Hie liaukliipt, and transact hiiih other IiihIucm a may piopcily mine he'oro tald inoelliig, C. A, YAX WOIIMLII, Itcfeiee, Scranton, Pa., inoi. 1'ioof ol claim, r,0 end. l-'Jour- l.asj ; Xo, 'J spring wlical, fi7U.a?ic. ; Nu. 2 red, iiS3iiiC!lio. ; No. 2 .cllow ruin, 30a.i ?i,j Xo, 2 oat, tJ.'i4i'.; No, 2 while, ll'via.'.s'ic; No. :i while, a7'iaJ?c. j Xo. 2 li', Mi'.; fair tu ilioiie inahlug barley, 3.".aJM,;;C. ; No. I lla seed, if 1 . IS; Nn. I Xoithwcatclli, .l,3l; Inline tlluolliy Sfcil,; lil'JH pnik, ?ll.70.iUI.7.'i; laid, ).M.0'J; fllmit lilw, ?S.23.iS,15; my called khoul dus, 7,ia1ic; short clear slilis, 73t53; wil. key, ijl."0, CUlesgo live Stock Mnrkst. Chiiasn, Hit. O.-l'.Hlle-lli'iclpl, 17.3IHI, In. i hiding 30 Texan, LOW wc-lerni; He.-l heaiy, 10 ii-uu hlb'hti; otheia no inoic than Heady; good n pi line nterio, $0.t0a0.00; poor to mediuiii, iSJ..'0a5.ll; tloikfia ami fecdet, if.'jl; ins, $1.23 nl. do; heifeis, T-a3; tauntis, $1.23a2.2i; bulls, 1.3l.ll.30j i.llM'S, ltJ..Via(,; Texas lrei, $iMU ;i.3i wcti'lii ttci'i., I.0."ki3,7"i, llog-ltcii'ipl-i today, ,';o,0(K); tomoriow, S7,IM0; left nicr, S,(v). Slow and 13 in 20 mils hmcr; mlxcil and butch. i'l, $; good In iholii- heavy, isil.vOali.li'lj lough he.ny, -'i.T."ai.l0: light, !j0.20ail.X); bulk of alc, pljU.'J.I, Sheep ItccclpW, 20,0 "); f-liei'li btiuiig; lambs, 15a2"c. hliihcr than Mon day ; good in ilinicc wcllicrs, .'l..V)a:).7."i; wolcrii hecp, W.73j:I.30; i.alile lamba, '.30aj; wotem Iambs, ;i.2J.il..'-0. Buffalo Stock Market. La.t lluOalo, Oct. ti.-Catllc-llim llghl; feel ing Mcady for good giado; common and m.' dluiii imiliangcd; ical, '..'UT.30. Hogs-lIeieiptJ, 17 uii lower, but fairly aitlie; be.-t heaij, G.C) ao.70; mixed, H'.OOaO.M; g lasers and common good weight hogs, ifil.10j0.a0; louglu, $j.OOaO.IOj blag', il.7.'ui.23. Sheep and Lamb ISccolp.U, li uit.; tteady for lambs, top uathes, $l.t0a3; com uioii to good, 4-;j.73; t.'anada lamlui, $iai).10; buck,; lnl.xcil tliccp culls to iholir, Jl.00a3.10i wtlhtiv, .OOaXiOj ywrllug, 3a3.75. SITUATIONS WANTED PRBB. Help Wanted Malo. r t-j-vyys (!0OI) .tOllltlNII Mori.DIIlt WAXTLI), perm.in. cut employment; martini man piffi'ired. Av lily to National Mentor mid Machine company, iloliesdale. l'a. WA.VTIID-K.iperlenceil dothlng cateiman, Kio toky Hrothct. WANTr.ll A lht da-it man In handle lue.it mar ket In good locality. Call ut Laud Olhce, rorner llrowii avenue and Hates sired, (JAXVAHSKItS WANTI'.D For an bonet, stiiiiglitfotward pioposltlon, Not a ijilOa-day rlicme, but good pay for good work. Young men of neat appearance and good hablli wanted; If they have had snnic experience In canvassing, w much the better, Addiess, stating nue, ex perience and preilou tucicss, NLWSPAPLIt, Tribune otllcc, t'ANVASSKIIS-Tii woik In city; eay linnn; good pay, salary and cmti clou. Addion I!. II., Tribune olllce. IIHICKI.AYMIIS WANTHD-For fire brick work. Communication, and personal application, will be iccelvcd at my olflce In Hancock, N. i. II. '. RiiHsman. Help Wanted Female. TAII.OItllhH WAXTLK-One conipilcnl lo act as forewoman cm ladles i lo.il.s nnd stills. Crane, ,'121 iKiikawanna avenue. WAN'TM) Housekeeper; call between the hours of 0 and 0 p. in., IJOil Xoilh Main ave., city. CAXVASSIHtS-To woik In illy; eay hours; good pay, salaiv and conminulon. Addrcs K. II Tribune olllie. W"AXTI!D A glil for geneial housewoik. Apply at 101 Soulh Main avenue; must tome ice ommended. WANTKD-niil for geneial houscworl: at Dallon. AddrcM 11, T., care Tribune. BRANCH WANT 0FFICKS. Want Advertisements Will Be Becelved nt Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 F. M. Central City AI.ItnRT SCHLUTZ. corner Mulberry trect and Webster avenue. CUSTAV PICHEL, 030 Adams avenue. West Side CEOftGI. W. jr.NTKINS, 101 South Mala venue. South Scranton FRCD L. TERPPE, 720 Cedar avenua. North Scranton GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North ililn venue and Market street. Green Bldge CHARLES P. JONES, 1337 Dickson venue. F. J. JOHNS, 020 C.recn nidge street. O. LOREN corner Washington ave nue and Marion street. Petersburg W. H. KNEPFED, 1017 Irving avenue. TJunmore J. a. DONE & SON. Wanted. WANTEU-Men and iianH in cnmlry; man and team, -1.00 to SI. 30 per day: men. I.3(l per day; cheap boaid; blcady woik. Addie.vS box A", Tiibuno office. WANTED A large show case. Apply William Glffoid, 1347 Dickson avenue. Business Opportunity. STOCK AND WHEAT TRADERS without delay, Write for our special maikct letter. Flee on application. S. M. Hibbaid k Co., iiiembcis N. Y, Con-olidaled and Stock Exihangc, 41 and 10 liioadivay, New Yolk. IJ-tablished 1S0I. Lonj l)itJiiiM Phone 236S llioad. LEGAL. IN HE: ESTATE of Rebecca If. Diinkri, late of city of Scranton, County ot '.acuawanna, Pennsrivania, dcccasid. Letters Ic.taiiiciitaiy nu the above eilate hal ing been gianted tn tho undci signed, all persons haiing claims against the same will picscut llicni for paimcnt, and all persons iuilebled therelo will pl'eao make imniediale paymenl to Waller Peim Sliipti'V. Executor, 401 (iiraul Uullding, Pliiladelphia, l'a. AMENDJIENT TO THE COX.Vll TDTIOX PIIO POSED TOTlinCITlZLXSOFTIUS COMMON WEALTH I'OII '1I1E1H APPROVAL OR HE ,1E(T10N 11V THE OEXEItAL ASSE.MIILY OP THE COMMOXWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, lTULIhllED IIV ORDER OF THE SECHKTAY OF THE COMMOXWEALTH, IN PL'ltSDAXCB OF ARTICLE -Wilt OF Till! CONSTITUTION. A JOINT RESOLUTION. Piopoaing an amendment lo the Constitution of the Commonwealth. Section 1, Ho it ic.vjl.id by the Senate and llouwi of Repicsentativcs of the Commonwealth in Ucneial Assembly met, Thai the lollowing is nionn-cd as anitudmeuts to the Constitution of the Conunonweallli of Pcnnsjivania, lu at cordanco witli ihe piovislons of the ciglilcvutli aitlclc tlieieof; Amendment Ono to Article Eiglil, Section One. Add at the cud ol the tlit jiaiagraph of said section, alter the words "shall be entitled to xolc at all elections," tlio word "subject however to such laws ren,u!ilug and regulating Ihe ii'irUtutiWi of idoctois as tho CJeueial As eniblv mav enact," o lhat Hie said section blull 'lead as follows; Section 1, ljiiallllc.il Ions of Lleclois. l.iery male cillzcii twenty-one yean ot age, po-.-c-ing Ihe following iti.ilillcallon., shall he entitled tu vote at all elections, subjii I liowrwr lo such laws ii'nuliiiiK and legnlaling tho icgl-tiatlon of eleilois as Ihe lieneral A--emhly may enact: 1, llliu shall have been a cltimi of the Culled Stales .it leasi one lunutli. 2. lie tliall have leshliil In Ihe Stale one year (oi, having pieiinusly been .1 iiualilied elector i.i' native bom iltiiu uf the Stale, he shall have tt'iiiovcil thciefioui and ictmued, then six months) Immediately picieding Iho election. II, lie shall luxe resided In the election ills, tijct whom bo shall ofter to vole at least two inonllH Immediately pieceding the ilollou. t, If tv.cnly.Hvo jcara of ago and upwaid-, lie shall li.txc paid wltliiii two .tears a Slate nr lounty tax, whlih shall li.iv been as.es.-cd nt least Iwn moullis and paid at IfJot onu iiiontli befme tho eleitioii. Ainendiiunt Two tii Alticlo Eight, Section Seven. Mll.n out from falil section the wolds 'but no ejector shall he demivi'd of tlm pililcg rf voting I iv icisiiii r-f Ids naiiii" not being tegls tcrcil," and add to said section tlm following wnids, "but laws insulating and reipiiring tlm icftistl'itlou of rleiinik mav be cnaclfil tn apply tn cllirvi nule. protided lli.it mill laws be ijuf foim for cities of Iho same il.iss," to that the said seiiinu shall lead us follows! Section 7. I'nlfoiinlty ol Election l.iws All laws legulating Ihe huldliig nf cliillous by tho iltUens or (or llio leghliiitlon of elccims shall io uiilfoiiu lliroiighout the Stale, but laws irgulatiiig and lequiilng Ihe rcgisliatiou of rlecloiH may lie cnacleil In apply lo titles nnh, priwldcd lhat sucli laivs bit unifoim fur titles ul Hie saino class, A Hue copy ul the Joint Resolution. " W. W. (,'niESI SaivlJiy of llio Coimuonwealih. AMEXDMF.XT TO Till! OXSTITITIOV PRO- i'oi:d to Tin: citizens of this ioji- MITICI.I: .Will OF THE CONSTITl'TIOX. ' JOINT HOOLI'TION MONWE xl.Tll I"" iiir.ni .xrniiii xi nil in: JECTIOS" IIV Till'. (lENEHAI. AS-.E1IIILV Of '1111! COMMOXWEM.'III OF PENASVI.VAM . PUHI.ISIIEII IIV OIIDEIt Of Till,' SCCRETUl V lll'Tlll! lOMMOXWEALTII IS PUR-d'ANn. OF Pfosposing an amtnduient to tho Constitution uf tho ('omiuonwcahh. Seclln 1. H" It enacted by llio Sinale and llou-c ot Itrprcseulatiica uf Ihe Commonwealth of Pcnu.l.ani.i In Ucneial As.enddy met, ami it H heicby nulled by Ihe aullmiliy n i, tame That the following is proposed a., ,ui ameu'lniciit to the Constitution of tlio Coinmoii. wcallli ot I'cnnsjlvaiiia. in arcnr.linu- with the Piuilsion it Hie Eighlecnlli aiticlo thcicof. 1 Aincndiuint. Strike nut section four ailiile eight, in, jeit lu place lliercol, as follnwf, Sri lion 4, All tin lions by cili-rn ihall be by ballot i't by inch other method aj nuy bo pirn illicit by law: Pioiided, 'lhat secrecy in voting lie pietcried. A ttuu copy ot the Joint Resolution, W, W. (IRIKST, Sccretarv oi the C'ommvuweitth. DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions -25 Cents More Tim J:aur Lines, ft Cents for llnch Bxtra Line. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD crSPA,lHN(l7V"TIMDi:iis"DANli llulldlng. Architects. EDWA1II) H, DAVIS. AHCI1ITECT, CONSELU nulldlng, I'l-EDHItlfr. L. llltOW.V,Altrit. It., HI.AU ijii.iie i.xinango mug., iza wasiungton ve. Civil nnd Mining Engineers. II. L. IIAIIDIxa, G0H CONNELL IHJILDINU Dentists. dr. v. e. eili:niii:hger,"pauli iiuilui.no. Spruce street, Scranlon. DR. C. C. LAtlUACII, 113 WYOMING AVENUa lawyers. l"'l'A'NK ,,'",, "OVLE. ATTORNEY-AT-AW. Rooms 12, II, li) in,,) is urr HnUdlng. ' "" " i - i.i. .,, F. K. TRACY, ati"vcommoxwi:alth hlpg. 1. II. RKPLOttLE. ATTOIINEV-LOANS NEficb tlaled on teal estate secuilty. Mears nulldlng, coiner Washington aienue and Spiuce aticct. Hi!,'ri'A"D' WARREN k KNAIP, ATlORSEY.-i nntl coun.-ellor.at.aw. Republican Building, "alilnglon avenue. ""n1"' -t,''i:SStlP, ATTORXEVS AND COUN seliors-at-law. Coimiionweiilth llulldlng, Roomi 19. 20 and 21. ,:ilni'n?.D ".'' TIMYEII. A1TORNEY. OOJjOOl, 0th floor, Mears nulldlng. ROOMS '';. ''TliES, ATTORNEV-AT-LAW, BOARD or fiade llulldlng, Scranton, Pa. '''nTI'!1".?0,')",, '"t.'O-V. TltADERS' NATIONAli Uaiik Hullding. C COMEOYS, ,.:j REPUBLICAN nUILDINO. ' ' - 1 , A..,,,V.n,:,,"0t'1''. OFI'ICB MOVED TO NO. 211 Wyoming avenue. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. W. E. ALLEN, 513 NORTH WASHINGTON avenue. DR. S. W. L'AMOREAIX. OFFICE 3.10 WASII ington avenue. Rcsidinie, 1318 Mulberry. Cluonio diseases, lung., heait, kidneys and cenilo-nrlr-ary orgaiw a specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. in. Hotels and Bestaurants. THE EK CAFE. 123 AND 12? FRANKLIN AVE nue. Rates reasonable. P. zr.IGI.KR, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D., h. k W. PAS. sengcr depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor. Scavenger. A. B. IIKIGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND cess pools: no odor; only improved pumps used. A. 11. Bilggs, piopiietor. Leave orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Eicke's thug store, cor ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones. Seeds. G. It. CLARKE k CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NURS erymen, store 201 Washington avenue; green boii.-es, 1030 Noith Main avenue; stora tele phone, 7c2. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KIU.TTEL. REAR 511 LACKA. AVE., Scranton, Pa., manufat Inter of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. DRESSMAKING FOP. CHILDREN TO ORDER; alo ladles' waists. Louis Shoemaker, 212 Adjnu avenue. UEGARGEi: BROS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, EN velope., paper hags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington iiienue, Scianton, Pa. HIE WILKESI1ARRE RECORD CAN BE HAD in Scianton at the news stands nf Reisuiau Bros.. 400 Spiuce and 500 Linden: M. Norton. H22 Lackawanna avenue; 1. S. Schutzer, 211 Spruce street. Money to Loan. C0O.OO0 TO LOAN Lowest rates: straight or n.Anll.lu nnramrl. Rlnrlf A- Cn .TradprH llMf. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN-Quick, straight lfana or Building and Loan. At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 814.315 Connell building. Situations Wanted. SITl TION WANTED An experienced sienogia jiher de-.ii ing to make- u ihango would liko position with lellable 111 m. J. J. SITUATION WANTI'.D Lady of several jcars' cxpeilenee deslics- rlciic.il position ot any kind. Addie.Si t'leik, Tilbunc otllcc A COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER and slcnogiapiiti' de-ins a jiosltlnn in ollice wheio rhame of advanceinenl is secured for faithful work; lliron jeais' experienei.: good ietcreni.es. Addie-s '.Y, Y. .," C.iiliondale. 8ITFATIO.V WANTED To go out by lh day wa-hlng or cleaning. Mrs. Maty ltiu'ell, 1019 Cedar a.cime. A YOUNG MAN would like position: nndei ttand.s eating for horses and delivering; best of lcteicnces. J. W. 1'., 4.:o South Ninth street, cily. SITUATION XVAN'TED-llou-i'ivoik by the hour or day. miniim at 5 Is Forest court, SITUATION WANTED -Ily a boy 10 years old to do any kind of work. Answer to W, V. C, 511 Wyoming avenue, clly. FINANCIAL. Diract New York Wire Stocks and Bonds All orders executed on Cxcliunge., Quick and absolutely reliable service, Teleptiono Connections, Old, 6673; Nexv, 319. IRWIN THtJRMAN & CO., 7117 2.j Council Building, Scranton, Pa OLDEST! SAFEST! BEST! WALL STREET Money Will Corn llle Monthly Returns- . " Theln.oflorsFiiudPaiSenii!montbly Tho oldest clahludicd ill Ameiica, Xo ceitlluale holder ha ever but a icnl. Payment mado ti all siih.i 1 iberit cMiy 13 ilivs. Nn trouble. Nn delay. Money iifunded on ilemind. Wiite today fur pailiiul.ii.-, fiee lu any uddress, I'. E. Maikry k Co,, Hudson Bldg, New York. Spencer Trask & Co.; BANKERS 2X & 29 Pine St., New York Now ready for distribution, and mailed upon request, October Descriptive List of INVESTMENT SECURITIES. Member New Yuri. Stock Eulunjc. Branch Office 65 State.St. Albany f.'lw.,?."