The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 10, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Anntveisniy Cclcbintctl In n Fitting
Manner Lnst Evening Christening
of a Child by Rev. Willtnm Davis.
An Alleged Shooting Story Father
Mathew Dny Events Entertain
ments and Socials Other News
Notes and Personal Paragraphs.
The members of St. T.po'h hnttiilloti
colcbrntcd their llfteenth iiuiilvct sniy
tin a tcmperiinee organ Igiulim hint
ovctilntj, and tin event wits attended
by a Ihiko number of the picm-iiL unit
ex-inc'inhers of the soeletv.
.AdVUIltlIRe WllH uKii tillsell nf Ihe tii'
msdon to hiiiiifftnute the inciulipitdilp
(oiliest 'Whleli the boys upeet will win
for them the national bannei al the
'iul eollNelltiolt to be helil III l)illitlitii,
Iowa, In AtiKUst, lHO-'. Tlmy have til
jendy won It twlie. ami the third wln
11I11K makes It, their pennaneiit pn
KniollllleiiL booKsi il dlsti iliuteil
ninniiK tb" meiulieis ami the i ontet
will be vlRoiotisly eaulid on until the
second meeting nltjlit In .Inly of imxt
it'll r. The will be a $.'. unlit
iwiUh. a trip to the national iiinw'ti
lloll or ii ( chip In the Inteina
llonul I'oi lo.'-pomleiKo m licmN
The memhi'is unit their Kiie.-m ast-ein-bleil
in the p.uliiM on the sniond Moor
of the St. David's- hull billlilliiK, wheie
whliesi-eM Wi'le delUelecl and entertnlli
)nent was ptn idrd. ITi"-Ident Ki-iink
(illioy was i of the ineeliiif;. President John II. Otvlni pn.-f-enlc-d
the .it-t his-toi.1. ot the b.itlnllon
l"i mil its Imeptlou fifteen eais iiko.
spenhliiK fiunlllaily ot nian. Intel est
iiiK events.
Daniel l-cullnm. pic-ldent of St.
I'.inl's Pioneer ceil ps iiImi spol,e of the
futuie piospiets lor tin- battalion and
i iiiiKiMtiiliitcd the tnembi'is on I In- hiir
ics thoy have abe.iily attained In the
(Mllf-e of total abstinent .
.Mls-s Nellie Ci'inty played piano si-li'etioii;-,
l.oiifjhlln AIc-IIukIi, .lolm
KhiiUKhiicssy and Matthew .Malta s.hik.
and at the (inclusion of Hie om'H'hs
the membeisand their lady Iriemlh ie
p.iiied to the d.inee hall allow, lAheie
lhc- eiiln.M'd theint-ele'- for n,t'i,il
lioui--. MKs (ieiiltj. fin nulled the
Chiistcncd the Baby.
Jlr. and Mtt. John I.. James, of 1712
A Daily Reminder
Vu will not be ili-.ipioliiUil in
iiifniii's ' it will ii'lino lint
Coiuli anil LoW in one night.
Fop Fall and
Winter Wear
Two Great Departments Filled
with Matchless Stocks and Un
equalled Values
For Ladies and Children
We are now showing a superb line of Underwear of
every description, in all makes, weights, styles and sizes,
The products of the best mills only are offered, and besides
the ordinary two-piece suits, a full line of combination (one
piece) suits are shown in a full range of qualities, weights
and makes. Combination Suits are more popular this year
than ever before, and can be had to fit all figures,
Underwear for Ladies and Children
Center of Left Aisle, Tlain Floor.
For Gentlemen's Wear
No Men's Furnishing store in Scran ton carries a
line of Underwear that will compare with ours in extent,
variety, quality or prices. We show everything that the
intelligent, well dressed mau cau think of and promise com
fortably fitting, perfectly made garments in every instance.
Price3 to fit your pocketbooks and values better than any
where else in this city. The entire season's line is now at
your disposal,
Men's Underwear to the Right
Of Our flain Entrance,
Globe Warehouse i
"Washburn Bltect, held a chrltilunlnK at
their homo lost evening, wlilch was
I'lindtit'tcil by ltev. AVIIIIam lJnvls. tit
the Hellenic "Welsh C'ntvlnltttlo Aletlin
tllst uhureh, Miss Ullssnbeth James was
the ecntinl Ilsuro In the event, nnd the
sponsctg for the child veio bur two
Krent-Kntiulfntlicis, David WlltlnniH,
ofied S6 years, and Wllllnm Lewis,
tlged S'-' yeittn.
Two Ki-nndfatbris of the Utile one
were olso piesent. Mr. James and
Police Magistrate Uavles. Ill mldllliin
the memheis of the Iminedliite families
participated In the event.
Father Mathew Dny Events.
The members of St. Void's Pioneer
forps will ineut at their headquarters
at 7.1,0 o'clock this mornltij,', and bead
ed by the Meadow Uiook band, will
innrcb to the Delawuie and llmNiin
station, whole they will board the Haiti
I'm Wllkes-lliiue. and then- paillelp.ile
in the exercises of the day, The Pauls
lime been (IrlllliiK lPfiiihiily for some
time, nnd expect to entry off the Illin
ois In the piniide today.
The nieinbets of nil tho loial lein
peianee societies will p.u tlelpale in the
pai.nlo al Wilkes-Urn i e today, and, as
usual, will he lonsplcuolis In Ihe line
of man h. The nnnheisniy of rather
.Mathew Is always looked forwind to
b (licin with a Ki'eat deal of pleasuie,
and thi' bo.s aha.s obci ve the duy
In a tlttlnj; nianner.
This evenlni,' the Hyde Paik rather
Mathew society, one of the oldest or
Kiiuls'iitliiiis In tlie Diocesan union, will
hold tb"lr niiiiiuil i-nlci talnineiit, ti-ni-peianee
lilll.v .Hid b.UKlllel. The leather
Mathew cadets Will pal tlelp.ite in the
i eieli-. The pilnclpal uddi esses will
be made by .lames i (lalhiKher, J). J.
Campbell and ('. tl. Holund. A num
ber of Mieallsts and niusklaus will
fmuisli tli' umaindei of the pio
Hiumme. Today's Races on the Speedway.
The beM mid et pioldid by I he
West Side Drl viuu dub will be pie
sented at the inees on the Speedway
this afternooii. The lonnnittee In
charge of the entiles bus seemed sonic
of the best burses In the county to piu
llclp.ite, and .iv-iiio their 1 1 lends that
tod.i 's i. lies win be (list-class In eeiy
'I'heie will be sK st.uteis in tlie 2.S0
i lass, live III tlie 2.24 (lass, soph n the
fief -fin -all, the ill tlie iuiiuIiik i.ue.
and six In tlie club nice. This oii-jlu
to furnish enough spoil for those wlio
ll.ive a lejulnp uIoiik line.
The uiees will be stinted piomptl at
2, o'clock, and the hoisenieu aie ex
petted to line tliclr boises nil the leady at that time. The pi
will be i dh, and of MitlictPul aliiounts
to insili" BOod speed.
The club has nn.uiKcd foi a w.i;on
lo lonvey the niemheis to and fioiii
the tiack, and nil those who intend to
take ndNdtiliiKC of tills lp ppci led
to meet at Dkkelnick's m 1 o'clock.
Happenings Last Evening.
The young people of the Chestnut
Slieet ( Piesbytei l,n chimb
belli an enloyable entei t.ilniiient and
soi l.i I last o cnliig, Willi h was .itteiul-
ed by a kiige nunibei. An intPiesllng
piogratnmc was rendered and Ice cream
and coke was sold to many patrons.
The affair was In charge of the Sunday
school classes taiiRlit by Misses Mlniili:
Youiir nnd Kllzabcth Kmntet.
At the incetlntr of PatitBonla IoiIkc.
KiiIrIiIs of Pythias, bald In D. D.
Uvatis' hall, Inst evening, the second
rank of csiitiltc wus conroiied on u
number of applicants. KoIIowIiir this
a social hour was enjoyed by those In
The ladles of the Washburn Street
Vrcsbytorlan chinch held a inccthiK
last ovpiiImb, for the purpose of nmk
Iiir nrraUBcments for holding a ruin
niitRo sale In the near future.
Al Mcnis' ball Inst evening the non
lipid Sisters wete given a beuellt con
cert, which was attended by a large
number of their ft lends. The pro
ri amine consisted of neiil and Instill
meijtul mimbcis and the participants
weie: Misses Kate Ueuidon. Olwen
llowells, Miss Armstrlee, Sklfdam, the
"Wnlklus family, the Uonlleld sisters,
T. D. I.'dwuids and the West Side Ulee
i lub. A dance followed the entertain
ment. The Piolilblllon Alllnni e and Sons of
Temperance (lice club met In Morgans'
hall lust evening lo lehcnrse music for
a coining tenipeianeo tally to be held
In the near future.
St. David's Chinch Notes.
It is leason for coiisldentlile ton-
giatulallon that the altendame upon
Ihe legular xervlios Is incieaslng. The
niornlng service Is specially marked in
Tlie change of hour for assembly of
our Sunday school has been fnvonibly
leielved liioater regularity In ntteiid
auie ot te.ieheis and schohus Is ob
seived. Miss Myiile Dot sey and -Mr.
Pike me lidded to the teaching loree.
The Wednesday oeiilng services have
been lesunipd. llaeli evening except
the l.isl in tlie month is devoted to
the study of Hie Sunday si hool lesson.
'I'he last Wednesday will be used for
study of questions pertaining to the
Holy Huehailst. The pastoi's wish is
to oiganlze an I'liehoiist guild.
The Slsteis of Hethany meet eveiy
Tuesday eienlug.
The St. Agues ( liapter held a social
meeting on Monday evening, in tlie
Sunday school mom. The attendance
was veiy large.
The Ladies,' Aid chapter meets on
Tliuisday iif'ternooii In the Sunday
school loom.
At the meeting of the estry on
Moudi evening tlie date and pi, no
for giving tlie supper was settled.
Messrs. Colony, Smith and House were
appointed a committee, and expect to
have Hie tickets out In a few days, for
a supper lo lie given Thanksgiving eve
in the Sunday school loom. The fur
ther aii.ingenieuts for the rummage
sale weie pel fee led.
The estiy h,is ileilded to ask for
donations of i oat. The lector and scc
lutary have this matter in bund.
Tlie societal y has now about leady
to send out all statements of accounts
of the members of the parish. It is
very much desired that all inembeis
pay as soon as possible,
Last week William Phillips dei orated
the walls of the Sunday school loom
Willi a beautiful tint.
Events of This Evening.
A business meeting of the
flu i.stian Hndeavor society will le held
in Ihe "Washburn Stieet Piesbytei Ian
chilli b tbi.s evening.
Tlie .Ladies' .Missionaiy society of the
Washburn Stieet Proxliv tei l.m elmreh
will nice! this afternoon at the borne of
31 1. s. i:. U. Fellows, tm South Jlnin
The Voiiutf People's society of the
Flift Welsh i ' i liureli will
hold an enterlaliunenl and social this
evening. An c-v client piogiamme has
been piovldcd.
The llrsi annual ball of the Uelnier
Social i lub will be held in IImis' hall
this evening.
(amp 175., Pah lnll Older Sons or
America, will woil; the iulliatur.v dt
Siee this evening.
The Ladles' Aid soi icly ot the
Baptist c hut ill will meet Ibis evening
at the homo of Mis. John Hi.vant, i oi -mi
of Zvlulleln and Wnsiihuin Miceis.
t'li.ule.s Mo.vlc, of Adams avenue, and
Miss Maigaiet A. Thomas, of HI Xonli
Hyde Tuil; avenue, will be nulled in
inaiiliige Tuesila.v evening, Oitoberl.",
at S o'eliji 1;, at the home ot the oung
lady's puicnts,
The Uxfonl (ilee i lub, under the di
lei'tlon of David Stevens, is beioinins
a very piolieleni oigani.uion, and
tlieli sei v lies uie in deinand. Tlie.v me
at pieseiu icIliMi'slllK for an elstedd
lod at Xoith Sciauton on Tlianlcsglv
ing day. and in iouseiiience their Huie
Is iniieli taken up. A lehearsal will be
held niwt Sunday aftiinoou at S
o'eloi U.
Mr. and Mis. W. t:. Thayer, oi South
Main avenue, in c at I'uinbridge Spilugs,
Pu and will visit the Puu-Auiericun
exposlilou beloie letiiinlug home.
Miss Noiina .lolie.s, of North Suin
ui r avenue, Is lejioited to be seriously
111 with an iiitiiik of diplithuiia.
Mr. and Mrs. Allien Lewis, of Divis
ion stieet, aie lejoliiug over the ai
i ival of u son at their home.
Mr. uiul .Mis, W. (i. Daniels, of South
Main avenue, are spending a few duj.s
al the I !u fl a In exposition.
Mr. and Mis. V. K. Pi It e, of South
Main u venue, have tetuineil home Horn
the Puii-Ameilenn.
William IloplUn.s nnd molhir have
retuiued home finm Pottsvllle, niter
nttendlng the funeial of a lelutive.
Miss Leah Jones', of Canton, o Is
the guest of West .Seruntou relatives
and friends.
Miss L'uuna UecKer, of ltoblnson
stieet, Is spending a tew d.o.s In Phila
delphln on business.
Mis, Phoubo Snyder, of West Pitts
ton. Is llio guest of her buithei, KelUeu
Pawling, of Noith Main uveiuie.
Thomas llovvaid, of North Main ne
nue, has recovered Horn an Illness and
lesunied his duties at the lit tegs col
liery. MIsh Kllwibeth filossuer and In other,
John, nf North Hiomley n venue, have
leiuineu iiome troni the iMu-Aincrleuu
George Saxe, of Noith Main avenue,
Is homo fioin u visit to lluifulo anil
Nlnguru Falls.
Anthony Penro.-M, a miner In the
Sloan, was euuglit by n (all of ioth on
Tuesday nnd seveiely Injuied about the
heuU and liuek, V)r, J. .1. Hu'iinau
iliessed his Injures.
"William Deuion. of South IJveiett
HVenue, had the Index linger of his left
hand amputated at the West Side bos
pltal uu Tuesday. jt. nil the member
Would ue Kfinp'j BjUjiii for the Tliiuat anj
Luis'. It 1 rutin? more Cousin, Cold,
Aillitiu, llioucliitl), t'loun and M TliroJt am)
I.unj 'liouMts, than in other medicine, 'ihe
propiictor lia.j autliuiUid mi dru;i;Ut to i,ive
you a Sample Dottld 1'ice to (ouvlucc jou ot the
until o( IliU JIMl Killed, 1'ilie ';.. tud W.
All Scrnnton People Hrtc to Do
Is to Follow their Neighbors'
Advice and Act Upon It
Our rentiers have no excuse for going
nsttny. The way Is almost fenced with
guide posts In Sirnnton. They nre on
every hlchway and by-wny: be who
runs may lend. Investigate this ex
ample: Mrs. PntilcU Itrady, of r.L'5 Hampton
street, HMle Park, says: "Dull pains
In my back for two yearn bothered me
a gteiit deal at night and the constant
stinging made me. so neivous that I
could not sleep for bolus. Tf r tinned
In bed It was something tenlble. In
the morning my bnek felt lnme and sole
and so weak that It would huidly sup
poit my body. 1 felt tired nnd languid
nnd had little ambition to do uiiy vvoik.
I saw- DoanVs Kidney Pills advertised
and so highly recommended that I
got a box at Matthews Uros.' drug
store. After tlie tutment I slept well
nights, had uioie (Jlibltlon when doing
my houoewoik, uijfc seldom felt any
pain In my bnck ntmkldneys."
For sale by nil dealers pi lee CO
cents. Foster-Mllbuin Co., P.uffalo, N.
Y.. sole agents for the Tnlted States.
liemeber the name Dean's and
triKe no other.
while at vvoik in Hilggs' shaft, several
weekH ago, and blood poisoning set In.
Th Uilggs' shaft local. United Mine
Workers of Ameilea, and the local
JJaibers' union, No. 21, have passed
ieolutions sympathizing with the
stieet car men. and have offered them
their moral and financial suppoit.
Pieparatlons nre actively under way
for the dedleatoiy services at the mw
First Haptlst chuuh on October 20.
Ueorge Daniels, a graduate of this
ye.ns class in the High school, bus
been appointed as West Seranton lor
lespondent ot the Pepubllean, to suc
ceed the late C. A. AVIlllams.
Putliek O'Connell.of 524 Noith Bioni
ley avenue, sustained a gash over his
eye and had the bones of his wrist in
the left foieatin dislocated yesteiday,
while at work. Dr. George B. Ueynolds
Is attending him.
Dr. W. Jlowland Duvies, of South
Main avenue, letuined home lust even
ing from a visit with fi lends and lela
tives in Pittsburg and other parts of
the state.
The Christian L'ndeavor society of tlie
Sumner Avenue Piesbyterlan iliurch
will hold an enteitainment and social
at the ilmrdi on Thursday evening,
October 21.
.Tames II. Shippey, of Diinmoie, was
lined SI in police louit yesieiilu morn
ing for committing a nuisance.
Miss Elizabeth Henry, daughter of
Mr. and Mis. Michael Heniy, of Milck
avenue, wus nulled In maiiiage to
Thomas Burns, of West Murkei sti eel,
osterday nfteinoon in Ihe Holy P.os
ary chuuh. by 75ev. N. J. Mi'Manus.
After the wedding ceiemony, the couple
lett on an PMeiuled tour to New York,
Buffalo and Niagtuu FnlK
Last Sutuid.iy evening Miss Nessie
P.oss was pleasantly siiipilsed at her
home. 20a Iteese stieet. by a few of her
many fi lends, tiaines and other amuse
ments weie Induced In until a sea
sonable hour, when lelieshinents weie
seived, after whlih tlie guests depai ted
for their homes. Those piesent weie:
Misses Maiy .Tones, Louisa Williams,
Mai sin ft Collins, Agues Collins. Jen
nie Collins, Jennie Webb, Jessie Wells,
Hdilli Jlogers, S.ulie l-togeis, L'mniu
Wood, Sadie Wood, JJessie Thomas, LIii.mI. Anna liiissoni, Maiy Jar-vis-, Tliuinus. Annie Hughes,
Nessie Ttoss, Anna Uoss, .land Itoss,
Kllubelh Itoss, nn, Messis. lOvun Jen
kins, Ailhur Jones. Uenjainlu Jul vis,
Ha.vdeu Pi he, Lewis Hughes, Waltei
Mil hurl Noone, of liieen street, ding
eleilcnl H. V, Miennun's pliuiniucy, on
West Muiket slieet. leaves today lor
Philadelpblu, lo lesmne his studies at
the Jeffeisou Mediial i ollege.
The ladles of the Methodist ihuiih
will serve their Ni w TIiirIiiiuI supper
In the elitiich purlois this evening.
Mis. MHo riuu, of Diamond avenue,
who undeiueut nil operation at the
Hahnemann hospital last wick, is u
i ovei lug lapldly.
Ml.-S Jennie Howell, of Piovidclice
road, who has been on n two months'
visit lo fi lends In Siisiiuehaiina, has
lelurned home.
Flunk PelnkofsM was ariesled on
Tuesday night by Lieutenant Palmer
for bilng helplessly diunk and insult
ing pusseislij. He was (hied SS In
polhe lourt by Maglstiate Fldlor .ves
lei day morning.
John Haitus was aiiesied on i.lo.vd
stteot on Tuesdav night for being
drunk uiul lighting. He was lined sti
by Magistrate Fldlei in police tutu t
yesterday morning.
JAMi:s FLYNN. a well known nnd
highly lespected iltUeu of Dunmoie,
died at l ho home of bla daughter,
Mrs. M. H. Dunks, on Chestnut slieot.
at the advanced age of S." yeais. Ho
had been u resident of Dunmoie dur
ing the past slsly yeurs, uiul Is sur
vived by Mrs. Hunks and Miss Julia
Flynn. The funeral will be held Fil
duy nioiulng. A solemn high muss of
li'Hillem Will be lelobiud III St. .Mlliy't,
i lunch.
I.AltnV KHTIlH'lv-Woiil leuehed
tills city yesteiday alteiiioou ol tho
death of Larry Ketilck, who was a tew
years ago ouo of tho best known tesl
dents of ihe eential pint of the city.
Ho died esteiday morning In Ashe
villi?, Noith Cuiollna, whither lie went
upwuids of two jeui's ago, In the hope
of letjululug his health.
MP.S. .1ACOH K. KORN. wife of the
lute Leonunl Korn, founerly of Sci
oud stieet, died Wednesday at 7 p. in.
nt the residence of H. Hugen, S.'7 I'n
poustt avenue, runeial Fildny moin
Ing at S a. m. Servlies at St, Maiy's
Herman Catholic i Inn ill, I liver street.
Jnicuuuut at the (iermaii CatholU' eeni.
etery at No. 0.
MRS. POLLY HAKDlNli, the wife of
lluuy Hauling, died at her home at
Old Forge Tuesday afternoon. Fu
neral this afleinuon at 2 o'tlock
Latest Books
At $1.10
Copyright Edi
tion. Books you
should read.
"Right of Way,"
Gilbert Parker ; "liter
iial City," Hall Caine;
"Crisis," V. Church
ill; "Sign ol the
Prophet," J. BarrNay
lor; "Blennerhassett,"
C. F. Pidgin; "Cap
tain Ravcnshaw," R.
N. Stephens; "Mr.
IDooley, in Peace and
War," by himself.
Many other clever
and interesting books
on sale in our Book
$5 for
Soft felt shapes, in
turbans and bonnets,
trimmed with velour
and feathers and pom
pom and designed by
the same milliners
who make our best
hats. Some Hlegant
Creations at this price
Winter Gowns
Made of fine flannelette,
yoke trimmed with ruffle and
fancy stitched with silk.
98c for Ladies'
Deep ruffle, black and blue
and heliotrope colors,
We Have a Complete Leather Goods Department
ust now the New Fall Belts are commanding attention. In Leather Belts we show morocco,
patent 'leather, alligator and seal; also a splendid line of Pleated Satin Belts, including elastic belts,
plain and clastic belts, with steel mounting, with buckles to match. Beaded Belts with beaded buckles
and many others. These belts come i-i the new shapes, such as girdle back, with front dip effect,
etc., in medium, wide and narrow width. Prices from 39c to S2.50. We are also showing a line
line of Pocketbooks at 25c and 50c.
Wanted to Find Out What a Dyna
mite Cap Was Made Out of Fu
neial of the Late Anthony Lynch,
of Pittston Avenue Cases Heard
Before Aldeunan Lentes Maiiiage
of Patiick Fanell and Miss Saiah
Conneiton ried Hennann Enter
tained Manneichoi Qumtetle.
1'atiliK. tlit l-i'.u-nlil i-oii of .Mr.
nilil .Mir. Mllll.llli', lf-lillllK oil I'.ilm
s-tit't't. mt'i with .1 M'llous .11 1 Iili'iit
t'-liiila,v that will ni.iiin him for lllf.
The liltlt' ffllow had In mhiic u.iy
Knt luM'rhloii ot a (lyn.iinli"' ami
ns i'liildn'11 will, w.intt'il to llnil out 11 1 ontiiliicil. Il' loiiuil out, hut
in the ro-i of a thiiinli and loiclliwr.
which wcic tOmitiMcil by ilic explosion
iv-ulllliK lioiu (inciting the uip be
tween tUO ftllllfs.
Dis-. IJiilnniiii anil AV.ilsh weie Mini
nioutd, who ielieed hN iifiony .uul
iliosed the wound. Al :i Lite hour
I.IM IllKllt the little Mlllelt'I w,l lo"l
Iuh ( 0111I01 liibly.
Funeial of Anthony Lynch.
Anthony r.ueh, of r'ltlstou incline,
wIiom' death declined Sunday, w.ih laid
111 leM at the MlnuoKii ifinuicry yos
terdav. Sei lee.s weie lu'ld at St. .lo
hcph's 1 hiiri'li in .MinooKii, and the
Mieied I'llllltc was tilled With MU'low
Iiik lelatheM and llelKllhoi.s ol the de-
The pallbearers wen Jllihuel
W11M1. John l.aft'v. lvtcr Walsh, .lolm
Male, .Michael W'aHh and John I.;. dan.
Before the Alderman.
MatthUi Niiviik. of in.", Not Hi Wob
bler avenue, had wairanth hvomi out
yCHloidny beloie Aliloillliill l.entes lor
the lollowliiB' ihlldieii on a 'oharno of
loins' silo and piofane liinuiiat;'' and
throw Iiik; htones: Itoiiia and I'owoll
.McKeehail, of lulS Wcb.slei' aPliue,
and .Millie. .Miirthii, Harry and Kd
waid llll.seh, of mil Wi'hHt'T avenue.
Tho di't'endaiits r.iURc In iirc fioin .i
to h! yen it. and have Inr a Ioiik thilu
been annoylUK- llio Novak lainlly.
Patience toawd to he a virtue and
Novak desired lo have a sdnp put lo
the lUllHUUe. OW'ln lo the eMieilUi
until of tlu accused they weie Klven
a seero icpilniaiid and dlHcliaiKcd on
Ihe iia.MiieiU of costs by the patent!.
I'red Ucikler, of Ml Viospect uve
liuc, was 111 rented ychtcrday at the In
slauce of Jliv, Maiy c'lunuu, of rtii!
I'iltsum iiM'iiim, on 11 cnan,,i 01 ins
oidcrly conduct and iisint; inol'ane Ian
riiiikc. The facts an related liofoic Al
dei mail l.euics weie that .Mr. uiul Jits.
C'ltiinin arc tenants of HccKler, hut
deshe to iiioi, and kmvo tui days'
nollce, This tiueered ileiklcr, who
piocccilc-d to make life, nilsciablo for
the loiiiplalnaiit ami iiuiohr oilier
things said she watt not all she ourIii
10 be. lie icpeuiPil 1 he iciuail.s ho.
foie the liiatilstrato, who piouiptly
lined I1I111 h. with the altei native of
spending- thlrt. days in the lounty Jail.
Flie Escape Gives Satisfaction.
Kicd Murmh. of IMllston avenue, has
juhl louipletcd a haudboiue and tutlstlc
lire escape lur ihe trustees of tho
Hundley estate to bo phupd on the
rear of the .Jonas I.uiir's Son.-i' build-Iiir-
on l.aikawauna avenue It lias
been act opted and slves eminent sat
isfaction u thy flint anil -.iployes.
A photograph of the safety appliance
him been taken unri shows twenty-six
Wonderfully Comp ete
Is Our Great Stock Now
livery department has something new, stylish and
seasonable to show. We have the stock and we have
the facilities to make prices so low that competition with
us is simply out of the question.
Long's Sons
cmplo.vo.s of Jonas I.oiir's store stiotch
ed oer tho lle stories of iron work.
Ml. .Mm. sch has recently made con
ti.icis for ton other escapes in this
iit, all of which woik he has obtained
principally tluotiKh the sood work on
the one mentioned ahoo.
Fariell-Conneiton Nuptials.
A pretty weddliiff oecuired vestoid.ij
at the Cathedral, when I'.itiiek
1 ell and MKs Sarah Coiineitoii wore
joined for life by J lev. .1. A. O'Kollly.
A tier the ceiemony the puny enioyed
a drhe and later lopaiied to the home
of the bride's patents on Stone aenue.
wheie a locoptlon was held, followed
by a weddlnp: lopast.
The Riooin is a member of the Kan ell
i:-ptess company, ami the bride is one
of the best known oimR Indie- of
this sei tlou. They will spend their
hono.wnoun at the I'an-Amei icaa In
l-'ied He inn. of :::.n Hlnh stieet,
had loi Kuests, last o r-itliiK. the .Man
uel ehor (iiinrlette, and a Ihoi oiiRhly
enjiiyalile eeuliiR was spent. Soveial
seleclions weie rendered by th" sIuk
eis ill an able and iirtHtli manlier,
and at the 1 0111 lusloit icti oslinients
weie served.
Coneial (liaiit i oimiiandoiy, KiiIrIiIs
if .Malta, will hold an important so-
siou lit llaituians hell tomoi-iow even
In R.
MN5 .Mamie O'l.autihlln and U.mlol
O'l.auRhlln. of 1'hiladelphla. and Wil
liam l.aiiRiin. ol I law lev, aie the ruosis
of .Mr. and -Mis. Jnines I-'. Most, on
Cedar aonuo,
A Riiine of hasKel hall will take place
tonlRht between ihe Twontlelh Century
club and the Delendeis at St. John's
A 1.1! RO slolle Wl'lRlllllR M'M'l.ll tOUS
Is laid m ross the stieet car ti.ieks
near the .Mlnooka liiv.
The Seranton Athletic ' lull will moot
111 monthtV l-esslon tonlRht,
Coinpliilnts aie IhIiir uinde hv iesl
deins near St. John's new iliurch on
I'ittsloli nenue, iiboiil Ilic laet that
stieet nil cuiplojes In elcaiillR the
trai k of debris, stones and other nib
lilsh have tlliowu the ob-.tiUctlous Into
tho loadw.iy and ail incident is liable
to oci ur.
Kied Wcls-or and wife, Tied .Mlirsih
and wile and .Mr. and .Mis. William
Ihldenliach. all of this side, will euc
tor Huffalo Saturday eonlu.
The Sciauton SaeiiRei riinde met In
Athletic hall for sUirIur- praclho lust
The Slur Sodal club hold an iutn
estliiR nicetliiR last eeulni,, when n
frehhnients weie seieil.
.Mis. .MllllRan, ol 117 chmry stieet.
fell down stalls esicula. and was
badly hull.
.Mis. llairlet Itanium, of riiisiiie
hauiia. Ia. ! vIsltliiR her daiiRhtei,
Mrs. C. II. Tobey, ol llleiiiii iiunuo.
Mr. and Mis. U. W. and sou.
Challes, of Mousey .lU'lino, ale at the
i'an-Aniei lean espu.-ltlon.
The Amity Literal y smlon will hold
Its ii'Kiilui ineeiliiR on Pildii oienln;,',
Oi tuber II. at the home ot Auhlbald
Williams. '.MO Siuisci aoiiuo.
The No. J7 si hool nluiiiiil will hold a
nieethiR In the nhool on l''ildn. aflei
noon, at !l.r o'eloi k, to elect ollliels.
Jamb Lewis, of Towiinda. has n
turiied home, alter a week's Mt ih
liieen ItldRo trieiids.
The lorty hoiiis' deolloli. w lib h be
Ran In sit. Paul's chuuh on Kuuday,
was IiiourIiI to a close .ostcnlu iiioiu
Iiir with the celehiatlnn ol a solemn
IiIrIi mass. The closing t-rt moil on
Tuetilay ulclit was pieachcd b ltev,
John O'lhniiK'll, of St. Tlionins collvije.
Ladies' Pine
Dress Shoes
In Lace and
. tor Our Confix
ipO deuce, the new
fall shoe lor ladies.
Come in selected vici
kid, with patent leath
er tip, also high grade
dongola with kid tip,
ropo edge extension
sole nnd Mannish
heels, finished bot
tom. AT - Ladies'styl
px ish shoes, in
wax calf, vici kid, ve
lour and dongola, ex
tension sole, rope
stitch and new toe
and heel shapes.
Splendid values.
Ladies' Stylish Boij Jackets
For Fall and Winter Wear.
Handsome all wool Kersey Box Coats,
will compare favorably with any 1
$15.00 coat ever sold Ix.oU
27 inches long, double breasted yoke front
and bade, with fancy strap seams of satin,
piped and edged with fine black satin, coat
cuffs lined with satin that we guarantee,
Blue, black, brown, tan and oxblood.
AT t Ladies' All Wool Kersey Coats,
p 1 U made box style with stitched
reverse and velvet collar, Princess back,
satin lined, in blue, tan, oxblood and brown
Lyceum Theatre
Jt. ltUlS, I.csce ami Manicri
A. J. DUM', IJuj. Jlamser.
Thursday Night, Oct. 10
'Ilic so.iMltl'-l lili'lIlM lilt.
"J ho bpccticulir l'.uio Leiiidly.
Ire You a Buffalo?
An Ditiu-ly N(H- ami Oiigmil l'milucilon.
Uiii C'lintiinioin l.iinhins 1'it.
si.ii (.i-t of I'.iiiinii-, ("iiiiiliiie I'ntlv (lirla.
(..inli.i, I pt11U.U1 Mi Wcl splint-
lie- (.niciiiii- n-llinirs 11 tluliomtli
-li-idl with lli iiitiful Sinicii
I'm.- J1 inih lo SI Oil.
silr nf suns upMis 'lin-Ji morning it !) .1. in.
Friday Night, Oct. 11,
rnncilj In I uur t- In- loins hlupinm.
I I ilmi m-b Jinl lli'uuii illy I'niioct Scciury
.111.1 I O-lllllll-
l'riii'- On lirtn inil lofc -iiil, 'I, id; or
clii-ti.i ilii'-s iinl(. si mi; lmrr m -i il, ' to. ,
lliliini,, .Vi .mil 7j niili; liu .uul lose scats
J1 .10
Saturday Matinee and Night
oi imii i; i'n.
'Ill, lll-t ul 'l (.11 ll W.ll 1'I.IH.
Iclllliri- iT lll'lHl II '"! wt ' .1" II la'
i i., iiiilnilin Mi . linrait Vi .iii'i h" woi'
ilulnl jinnim if lioi -i-. Mnippi.
Iiim- I. in n, .' ii ii s mi Mihnrr i .IP'1
VI mil-, iiiililiin, J " in in' I'm of turn
s in mi -io Ihin-ilo .ii ') .i in
Only One Night,
Holiday, October 14,
JMs W I II Iv in in"- .i uruiil I'll "-nil
pill tine nf I I l.Mllt Ml IIIKIN s Ml
ll villi ll lllC-lli pli.
"The Dairy Farm" ,
.III, i Id nijii H in N 't 1 I111.I11. in
pliiljil, Iplu.i; !'' ii'j'Pi- in 1
I 1 li Ii liln nf .1 iiiul ir-iiiil -n.ii 1 iiiiioii
mil In pK-mi il w Hi a Ii4inluiiii Din I .tun"
I'm 1- "'l mi ' 1 1 s mi
s(i ,1 ,ii . pi n J ,iiii .it 1 a in
Academy of flusic
M lli:is, Iriio. . ,1 Duff-., Mina.'jr.
"- w 1 r.Ki
( 1 iniiii-ni inif Momlji IK! h 1
ii Uu: NjihIimMi i K
1:1 pi nruiiii; 1 nit i ii:-i' u 1.1.1, m mid
' UjiiuIiIi-i of Hi, -null, IiihiIjv. IUI'rch
if Siw "oll, Unln1.Ml.1l. 'Ii I jptdlli 4
Mjlo" 'llmiMlai I Uu iiii', 11 1 1 I lui iiown
linlii, I niiiil 1,1 Mi.iii, I ni ' sjiiinii t
he l Mil' ill N Mi. M MINI t In -'l 111!
I Jpuin'. M 1, ' Uiiliirnlui Hi i.'lilci' nf
iln 1111 11 . liniil 'lill, 'i Ni ill.',
Iil.lj' ll,, ai, u 1 - ,1, "it mil Orpin n,!
nl , . il. '
Mjhl I'llin, 10. 'll 111 ' ,11 11 -
Mililm I'll , in jmt il iii
.Ml' (I III.ItltlMilOS, Mamgcr
Hut- v. 1. 1 nun 111 hi. M iiln 11 1. 'Per 7.
'The New York Stars"
Mjunu'i MuuOjy, Uiilii'iilj, ThurtJiy .lJ
bjiuiiu;. .
I , rfiiT. ,Jn4mi