sll (' ivV"77-?7)j iS;iittf,?wr!-"i'-' ; "v iw v-jy rr'j3Sw?-(. ? Tsy?f i"-?i? efw'W;.i'it'P ptfSMff . . s 1 THE SOttAJVJLON TRIBUNE-THUKSDAY", OCTOBER 10, 1001. 3 ) WALDRON'S Big Horse Sale Today Thursday Oct. 10, at Cusick's Old Stable, Washington Ave There will be two carloads, consisting of Roadets, Conchcrs, facers and Trotters, Big Single Draughters, I-xpress and General Purpose Horses. Anyone in want of horses should not miss this Big Sale. Exchanges can be made at any time before the Auction hour. If you have one to sell send him to Waldron, for he will find a new home for every horse. CITY NOTES. Illl K 1IIIIAV 'IIi.mii villi 1, n,:. it llio J tf-ncilluj ull till! lmlllu.iril .It -..ill t ilul. (. I!. I!. OP V. .1. I'W 1 l.o tniiloi'i o! tin- (ttitiil of N'tw ,lir-t- li"liw(ii MjiilIi C lunik mil sti.iiiioii will icn'hi! Ilicir hoptrmlni oruiiijs on Oct, IT. J) TALK OV 'llli: UOI.V I.WII-MI-s 1 incline K. Iliilinuiiiil will kIic .1 UP; omnium nUU at tlin North Iiml "N ouri-c Wotiiiiis' ( .s.-oci ilioti luuiiis on lirr ivit I) tin Holy Liiul. l'liO(.lil."l il l.l Clllti:. --ir.xtiloi coiinul, Alt iiii'in, u. '-), uill itilcitiln their Jiiimluis lij liivlni; i mil pri'.:ii' no 111 111 f .It tliru Uinlll-i, -'lll in! L'll U.MillllllJ menu" Imiislit. "I'l.OU, Ml LIIM. llio llnlcinliis I.m il, 1 !l, mil lioM, i -pi'i i! lnictini; tins IMIlillK nt S d'iiixK .it M. Ill llll ' Imti I. to tilt action rti the iloitli ol Liui lntiuK, Ulllill IXCllllllI ,ll A'.llClllle, l , t'-tltlll inuiiiln?. IN (HI 111 HOI -I W. M .I..n,-., nt M.lllln, .mi! I.utniliibl Mum III, of till- iltl, sruur,l ,i nitiiiit' lluii'i- o-tmliy moriiin mi! Him told Hie (Ink in Cltik en the (units 1'mirK' tlllii! lint HipiM like jt lu inniicil (line. M iListi.itn .lulni 'I, Hone ii.i, vitiinni'iiocl In ttlc plmnt. innl In- i nni up m .1 f iv mite lilts .iiicl iciluniKil tlir rrictnom IIOMI, ( 0l! -ll( I . 1 pufitli l.i 11.110 or Mill r.nk i mil liolil i Inuu' tomin' snii.ll tui linliy citMiiiij of ilns 11011, in llio lituno loom if llio clinic1!. A nil mlcip-tiiu Ltn ni Hti'l piojri.iiniiip liis tin n n unveil itn! ii ficsl. mollis nil! lie -innl. u tlio iiuiiilitis 1 1 die It iitno I ilnii fiirmls .no lll'nl In lie iiesrnt. In-epli (!. ''icplioiil. Hit piiMilinl, ulio Ins ju-t ft t in Hit Lin mitiitil d niititioti .it l.oinl ii, will ni.iko n fm itiintl,- m NEW HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER. Committee Seems to Favor a Hai vaicl Graduate. The hij,h .mil ti. lining ttituintttfo Mill nic't't tonight lur the i impost ot sok'illliK nit iustiuelot fur tlio high HllKKll, tl) succeed I'rofAV". J:. Si llillllllf, lC'Siglll'tl. These nic several .tpplit .itions mi file, two or tin oo Iroitt to.ieliois, .mil ut le.isl oiii' lioni outside the flty. u Is nun i' Hi. in likelv that the commit tic Mill ilcciile upon the outside tipplktmt, who Is .i gi.itluato of itnl eisll,. The argument advanced Multilist tho. selet thin nl" the ap plicants is that thev aio gi initiates ot ; it'iliiin tollege. ol who-o iilnmiil lllele ait' already UllCe menilit'l.s leaching ill llio high t-clloul. One ol the lnembets ol the i tmiinlt tee saltl the other ilu.v : "l think it M ise to hao ni'atliiiite'i ol as nitin I'olli'Kes anil iiniveisiiles as possible tepre.seiitetl in the laoitlty of the IiIkIi sihool. 1 tliinlc that by to iloinj. Me ivill he able to n;el the cty best Ideas fiom tltet-c lain'1 nnlvei shies' and tol le;es Into our school and also a little of the iuiluoiHC Ifoni the hi oat itlttite renter ot this country. 1 think it Mould be a M-jy had mistake to hne a piopondoi .nice of gtaduiites of uno ioIIobo or iinivoi!lt on our IUkIi school faculty." AN EXPENSIVE QUAIL. John Sampson Shot It on Lindon Sticot, and Was Anestcil. A sttaimo spotlaolo miis witnessed on Linden stieei, ni'.ir Adams aonue, jchtoriiny 11101111111,', Mhen a Hoik or iiuiill, llyhiK tlnoiiKli the air, diopped down on the. pavimeiit :ind iialked nroimil as uncoiu onuil an If they ieie on a meadow land nway Jioiu ciili.ii 1 1nn. Tin sIkIii or mil i muIMih; mound on tile slteet Mas too much fm the Siort- illK: lil I of a Minntf lellow tuimril .lohn .s'auipMin, lesidlm; ,, Kh-i,,, loin-t, He Mont into tltc h.iu.-e ami K'llillft his ttltsty lille, baKKcil one of llio liltds, Hpi'cial Ullli or T. '. h happened to ho passing at the tlnie and pltiidl S.iiiipHin under nncst, on the chaise of illwlmiKinj,' li.inn.s Mllltiu the iliy limits-. Ho Mas taken lieioie AIiloi uiun V tc ft' tl l)i:.l,I!US IN Bonds and v i Investment Securities Broadwjr, N. Y, Wllkei-Birre. Catban'IiU. 4 6-6 Commemveilth bld'g, Sirantou, p. fcfcfc'ttaV'-4M';4itatit Ittiildy, who fined him $s and iot. He was allowed to keep the quail, Willi It wan lonsideiiibly higher pilced ill. in an eet ptniliascd at a maiket. HE TRIED TO ESCAPE. B, Josephson Attempted to Get Away Tiom Alderman Ruddy's Office But was Captured. I! Josephson, the I'eun ti venue rlotliinfr nti'icliant. inadu an atttinpt to escape form .Milcimun ItuddyV of llie ycMtetday afternoon while under in lost but ii" e.iptured tit the loot ol the stalls by .Deputy Constable John Hawks, whom he resisted liereely, but who finally succeeded in placing hhi' under lonuol. losephson'.s ntleuipt at escape was the i ulmination of a seiies ol suit1 and counter suits ivhiclt have occupied the attention of Aldoiman Kuddv and aiiiKlsti.iU' Millar tor the two das. .losephsou wot Into n MUaiiel on Tues-day afternoon with a ouiik man named Isiael Ktoll. The lalter caused Ins attest on i Ii.urom of assault and toi and disorilcily ttinduct. Alder inai ltmlilv held him under -OO ball on the lii si chaise and lined him l :um costs on the second iharsc. Josephson theieupon tinned aiound and had Ktoll :i: testtd on the thare ol ttssaull and battel y and Alderman lludily held him (rftoll) under ball. .Insuphsou did not pay his line or lm iifs.Ii a bondsman piomisliif, to show up ye.steiiluy moinlns. Aldettnan Uuddy permitted him to so upon this bin he neve." showed up at all. H- went befoie JlaKiMtate .Millar .es- tetd.o and had Ktoll ai tested a F time on the thaim of dlsonleil:. duet. M.iRistiate Millar lined I'cond attet a heating;. Stall then w nt latino Alihimau lludily and had a swotn out foi Josephton's attest on the ih.nge of peijutj, clainiiiis that lie .swote f.ilslj at tile heathm befoie the Magi'' tiato. Deput Constable Hawks, who htnl a ciininiiiment in his pmket tor .lo.-eph-son lor the case heaid on Tueila., aiiesled him on Spiiue sttei-t es(ei dn alternooti anil took him to Alder man Itudil.i's iillU e. The w ai rant iliatfjIiiK- him with ptrjuty was then st ied upon hint. lt- deinaiuled that he be if leased on bail bill the aldeiinan insist, .(l thnt he remain until the m o-ecution atrived. Joseph.son luss,.( .mil lumbled for a wltlle and linallv, when Constable Hawk's b.iik was turned, .iinupeil over til" i.iillinr and dashed out of tlie door, llaulxs was attet him in a minute and nabbed him at the toot of the stairs. Joseph-on iesisld hint lleiteiy and the constable was lulliK ills hlaok-Jai k iutii onlj sen oil to inereaio pnwois of ivilst.ince and obliHed to us,.. Tills Josephsiin's, it ieiiilitd the .isslstaiiee of Alotinletl Dill I'm i.n and J'atiolman I'artv. who weie passing, to land him In the ollh u once niuls, Ho was iiKitln aiifsled a, soon i(.s pnssi),. ,, tH. (i,,,,K,. ,,f ie,stnK olMter and was held in S.Miil bail on tills iliaifie iintl in S.'iiiil hail on the ehaiBf. of peijuiy. Sliiiini Hlnerfeld lieeame his bondsiiinn, TO GO TO NEW YORK CITY. Miss Weir Called to a Wider Field of Usefulness. Alhs- Vloiellie H. the .i.uki. nut of Hiipeilntoiident Saubotn at the liosono mission, lias ieslKiied her posi lion to accept a ,all to sslst in tlte wotk ill the .Madium Squate iliuieh hnilse III .cw VU ill, JlniiUK tile llio M'itis of lier Itilllilul ami elllclent serhe at tlu tulssloii she has piovod hes,.f a ,,,hci' t ,,,, nijiiny ,, t'lnlfll.m of the hlKheM type. Jlltnv :i home Inn been hrlKhli'iifd by lie'r piesfiuc itliil iiinil II lite helped by her aihlu; and sympatli, As a W 01 kef in the Youiu; Women's Clllistliiu as-sociatiim, a lsllor at the hospital, a leather in tip. i",.,,,, -u,. nue ltaplisl chin ill Stllid.i M'liiinl and h. llet- inatl It lends ulio will be mvallv mlssid, Inn all will wish lit I slides :ts superintendent M t. luttiuh of tho new wotk she Is about to eiltei. AIIsh Wolf ellleis e new Held of Wotk Ol . toller lu, Gient Ttain Under New Name, When Hie Southern Itailway an nouiuoa ltn winter siliedtile, Hi, widely Known and popular Flotlda iialn sei lco between New Yolk and St. Aukus II nu, ltn famous New York and Kloilda Ivliulicd will haii a now, uuiiic, It will be uillcd tho Soiitliern Palm limited, and In splii of the eloKume, IttMiiy and loinlorl affoided Iteietoloie, it will he doinoustiait'd that tlte limit was not leached. The Pullman company Is) htilldliiK cntltely now equipment for tlie tiahi, the poiiectlun ot which in lonipleteuess of appohumeiit and beamy. It is pioinlsed, will sill puss an thins tlut hus ever been attempted In passeuKe)-i ai i onstim tlon, ('huilos I,. Hopkins', Dbtrltt Pass-oii-Bi'i" Afeent, Southein Itallwa, SSS I'hestniit sticot, Philadelphia, will ho pU'dtcd to fin nish all i,ruiiiiulluit rcla. the to this elegant "tiulu, Smoke the Pocono Dc. cIbui-. END OP THE PAPA TRIAL ACCUSED ENTERS A PLEA OP GUILTY OP MANSLAUGHTER. Counsel for the Dcfemlrmt Made llio Proposition to the Dlatitct Attor ney, and After Court Opened Yes terday Morning He Agieed to Ac cept It Silltmnu Case Has Been Continued Judge Edwaids Says Tltnt Perjury Is Rampant in Criminal Courts. noiiedctto Papa, yesteidny wltlidicw liH pica of not utility and cuteiod a plea of KUllty f iniiiiflaiiKhler In coii ltectlon with the killing of llaiiy .Da ls In tlte Hotel Dewey, on i.urknwuii na taemie, January 1, last. Disttiet Attorney W. L. Lew Is uereed to accept tho plea. When emu I closed Tues-day tifteinooti there was a conference between Alttn neys Jo-eph O'Jttien and II. 1... Taylor, who lepie.'eiitetl I'apa, and the district tit tot lie, at It was ptoposod by the attorneys' for Papa Hint lie plead Kttllty of liianslauBhloi. The district attorney asked for time to think It oer, and yesteulay moinluf,', tiftn com t opened, ugucil to accept the plea. Sillhnan Case continued. A motion was made yesteulay moi n JnfT hy Alajor Kvcfltf Wat ten and At torney Joseph O'Jii len lor a continu ation of tho otifru aaalnst Prank Silli, jr.. who Is cliaiKcd by Wllll.ini Itepp of Old Ioikc with haviiiB Iji'Ibed certain cntiucllnien of Old Foiko. On account of the stt ike 111', .Sllll man now lias on his hands it was con i luded that it would not be fair to the defendant to tty tho case at tills time. The leqilest was not opposed b the dlstrlcL attorney but was by H. 7,1. Hannali, piivate counsel lor Mr. llepp, who uri;etl that the case ought to he ttied. Jt was fret down lor ttial next Moiitley. The colltt allowed the cotl t. nit. nice. Perjury Rampant. "Tl H case is an lluotration of the pcrjuiy that exists in ctlminal ourts. Seldom, howeiei, litao We had a t rise wheio such clear and wlllul pcrjuiy Is nidi o noticeable than in tltio citte. Thete is haidly ii fact in the case on which llio witnot-es tor the plaintiff anddrleiul.intdo not dltlei so ladicnlly that it l.s impossible to lecnncile what they say : an honest dilfeteiice of cni llop." This was tne way Judge Kdw.nds opened ills thai go tothe Jury yestet day in tho i use of Pat lick Itoclie who was chin gcd with n-.-aull and battel y by .Mis. Maty Whitley. Moth live at Jrim.Mi. Mi". AVhitley's stoiy Mas that on June 1!' she Mas employed in mus ing the b'other-in-l.iM- of Koi lie Mho was sick. Roche cann in intoxicated anil olfeictl her ?." if she would consent to hae improper lelations with him. "Whin she lefued he assaulted her badly hiuisiug her face. lloche admitted being ditink but denied tho piopnsltiou and the assault. He said tliat ho came home drunk and pulled a hauillul of nioncv out ot his Uiiusoij; pocket. Mis. AVhitloy Riab hod a live dollar bill and it wns witli dilheutlv taken away f t om h"i. She Mils not a muse in the house the Jtotlle w itnessch said but had nioielv diopped into the house for a Jew niin ules. The mullet was not guilty and the costs weie- iltidod. Sent to Reformatory. Ch.uks Hai mini and "William O'lloyle, two oung men who weie. ai r"sted witli Hoi I Iloltham for huiglar Izing AVeiieman's bakery at (lioeii Kldge, pleaded guilty to thice charges of burghity and will bo scut to the Huntington lefmniatoiy. Hjiltham pleaded mtllty on Tuesday. AVIIJ'am John JJiace who on Tuostkiy pUadeil guilty to stealing a watch and some money fiom his lalliei, Monjaniiu r.iate .:is jesterday (onimltted to tiii' Huntington lelcnmatoiy, Tlie s hup in Hon was taken In the case of ,1- lm Pnadv, roloied, who pleaded guilty to stealing a coat and two satchels fiom Pacinian Johnson, Piosecuted by Her Aunt. '.Mis, Alary Ann cordlur of Yaudllng was charged with unlaw fill jelutlous with Thomas Cloak hy iter aunt, All p. Sarah .Sumonson. Tho latter nllogr.s lint her nlc-co Mas (list niauied to ji man i imieJ Cotdlor and on his death mat) icd a man named I'm I who is now her law till husband, She left Huil, Alls. Sunietsnu said, and Is now living with Thomas Cio.ik itnd has been for tlte last eight yen.. The defendant said she is tho housekeeper for f'toak and denied stoutly that their ldiitlnu.s- me any thing dliteient than that. A oi llet ol not gullly was icluineil. The Statute Intervened. Thomas Davis was aitainged befciic Judge Kelly charged with enibcv.ling llio Hinds of AV, H, AVIilte b whom ho was employed as nit agent olllng tlie gonih of tlie Cooper j)ii tilling cotu p in. It is alhi-eil that Davis (ollccted ?.",00 or $(iut) whltli ho fulled to turn over to the jlli. Judge Kelly dlicH-tcd that tlie Jury ictiiin a oidht of not guilty as mot" iluiii two mis had elapsed bt IW'cpii (lie tlmo the mane was col- Like ai diet of wnmc m i - r wamu&atihi CTMiallk w Jtr TliitiiCB Comk'iisi'il .miii. i. a rftluctlnii of rlt Post, ,ur miiUHtluimospliatci nmi ij,,0. nlioqili ion oi,(,t p, inaUlti.iiial In niitrltlu'ioluf tuiiul ulimt. DR. HAND'S Phosphated Condensed Milk U b perfet-t lindj liulltllnii food for Intuiim. Alwuysi miciM-iluii i Imy Itc. Itntier tlimi "frli" milk, or vuiuiiyn n (Tfttlll, JIOOkltH on liimiil roott rilllK. Tlit Dr. Ili, lUoJ,g nnk (,, Mrmltiv, '. h"fSk All Excellent Combination. The pleasnnt tncthod and beneficial effects of the well known remedy, Syrup of Fias, manufactured liy tho Caufohnia. Vio Sviiup Co., lllustrato tho vnlttoof obtaining thu liquid lasa tlvc principles of plants known to bo medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most rcf reshing- to tho tastu and acceptable to the system. It is tho one perfect t.trcng-tlienlnR laxa tive, cleansing- tho bystom effectually, dispelling- colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly nnd enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and Bub htttnee, audits nctitnj on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating- them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing- flp-a arc used, tis they are pleasant to tho taste, but the medicinal qualitlcsof the remedy arc obtained from senna nnd other 'aromatic! plants, by n method known to the California Km Sykup Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company print oil on tho front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN 1-RANOISCO, OAI,. I,OUISVIL,T.r, KY. NEW YORK, N. T. Forsaloby.'dl Druggists PricoBOs. per bottle, lirt'd and tho limp the Indictment was lotiii'l nnd under the statute of limita tion::, the light to piosocitte no longer lie--. MINOR CASES. Miiliicl (Ii.vly 1111 til-il Tucm ii fir com milling .ai .il'umi id il i j-inlt .mil Intniy mi W. W. Miiir.iii, of Wist Siitnloii. Ill wly ttinlii toniitliil ni .is.iuli .mil luttcii. Mi. Ilcs-if I'lillfiloii .mil Mi, lito M. 'Iliomis lilt' in lln" 'liui' limi-n in Nnrth sti n,. ton, iiml list iiuiter linl ,i tli-liiili' ilininc ilin Ii, it is .llltm-il, tint Mis. I'lillcrtou lilt Mr-. Iliiimis in llio f it u witli .1 lirnoui, 'llio Mlilllt not tiulli JII'I till! COkts icic Un nliil. (!ciiic l'.i ill- ii.i? (luuri! Willi 1 I ill f- mill lntlri.i In- Mi- I.irtiiliru Ki--. Itotli ro-ide nt .liiip nxl '. nis lio.inlcil witli Mm. Klsj. He tlriiitil tho .i--.iiilr. Tin' orilu t not guilt. V l ul pin-, w.i- t.iKiti in llio ti-o (if Oioiro l)in;.l(liiiii, who uifstcil I iy Ui'lirrt W'll-on, in tio Wuniiipil k isiio, lor keppin-," a flit tiiitltmi in In- lintd up tlio i.illoi. Mil'io tr'ilnlil imhctril for niiliiiniis ii!i-olii(f mil .1 nil t .iurl liittcry it tlio in st.inie of Mki I mil' s,o -iloiilpil guilty to i-uilt imil liiltoii anil it sli.. Ii ul litrn in jlil f-M l.Mi tllulltlll hlio W.tS .lll'IWCll to go ill Iinlsc 1 ih ml, witli t lino of 'I. llrnUil M iloiioy wis tritd fur obi lining crn. i c rir -. from ' Itiilot, of Noilli siuuion, In- iipit-nilnu tint f-lie wis tlio owner of i tt mi of lim-i- tlii golting mil using tlio cooils sho .nlmiltoil tint sl,o did not ouu tho hot-i- s,o i tN It(,t rrpro-culoil hy rniinscl Msindn, .mil .iftti the wltiir (4 for Hie (om nuiiivoilih won- licanl lio went on the st.u.rl .iiid ilonittl tint sho undo .mi )il-c lepre- silllltM'Il 'llio 0lill(l WIS gllllll .111(1 tlio ili'ftndiut iicniniiiiniki! to llio nicii of tlio lOUlt. I'llntk I l.i on nil. ii ho urn- i liolil .it iiml tor iiiimiiitliiiL. .hi i - i nl c .iiid John, who m cs m lint 1 s(i(iu ,.(, Mil, W il-h's ifoii .. ,. ... ...1I..1 ....I ..... ...., nr .t.A llnl-ll , M Is liittti,! on ihinlti- on - ..,,' ,1. 1, I- 11,111,11 ,l (Mil ,1111. L I , ' - lmiil without 1.111-0 ,nnl tint lie MJs- lfldii mis llnl I inun I'Oiitn hi i.poimd miiiip uiov wcio out. Mik? cf tho hok'l. I.oi'iniil -lid Walsh i ic it dig i di-tiirliinco .mil ho put linn out. I hen WiiMi thuiv ,i stint" tliinush one of tho win-ilnii- iiid ho win! out .no! slipped him .md tiKik .1 Mono fiom him. 'I ho juiy Mint out ,i fm- iniiiiiUs lxfoio .idjouiniiicnt to dt lit'( i ito on tho t hr-. mil pio. ni? intctiil in the caio of WilUim O'llu.i, tluiLod with koi puu a liuiily lio IsO. 1)1111(1 1 1 llllliglllll w i- tho plO-PllllOI, Whin t oui r iilioiiiutd John D.iitoi.iu and 1'icdiruk liatk'H into on Hid Inline Judge Kf Hi , ihaiuil Willi stcihng ,i waler toluinn fiiun ,i 11lI.iw.iio. I. nl. in.iiuu and Wi-loin en Kin, r n nli small, . pcnn .Udiiio iiml, nun, losliiit.I tint tin i tiled to f-ell tlio tolunin nt hi' plito It w is nli'iitltled a proputi- of tho Pilaw.iie, 1 iikiiiiini mil wt'sti'iii lomp.iin. V iiidu) nf not giulti was t ikon in tlio (iso of iithnm lliakis, (i,ii'i,l wllli jiciimy In II .Mia-. It wis staled lint tin piusim linn ni- liioiin-ht in guilt filth, but siiiio tho aiii'si iho impoiijiit iiitnct') 111 tho la-e line di-ippi mil Willuui Hog ull m.i? (fsltitliv roi.iloltil of hiuitjr mi two oiia-ii'iis to'tiuiufod an .is-ault md liillin- mi .Simon Si linen, of W o-t Stiiiitou. Itigaili now- hits at Mi-l 1'itlsioii and m.h brought into ci.uit on a bid pine lie lud no limn- to tkfiiiil linn .md i oiiltiitt'd liini. so'f ltli i-olng on the stand ami telling lm ur-ion of the tioulih wkith glow out nf the K I ill, m- of liudlonl md ten nit lietiieiu tlio pnth- I!eiii wis liiinl spi j, 10,u j r .ill c isi, WILL SOON START UP. Plant of Timmcs & Hecht Is Nearly Completed Rolling Mill to Be Stoited Tiiot. The etons!o plant which tlte lit pi of Tltninos ,v- llivlit l.s onnsti noting in tlie loser Valley lor tlio inaniltiictuie of is now neaiing eoniplotlon nnd opoiatlons ate to bo begun very shotlly, The huge lolling mill building haft been lomploted and fully equipped with llio requisite machinery, and will ho lotuly to stall up In a few days. Wink on tlio splko mill piopor, which Is be ing ci cited by Hie I'eok Lumber com pany, Is going along lapldly. This lat ter building will be lompleled ami ready for use by tho hst of Decem ber, Ii H tho intention of tl)o fit it) to stui t the lolling mill fit oniii and to picpaie. a lm go utoik of what is known as 'splko bar." About Msty men, a laigo portion of whom inn fiom this city, will ho given employment in the i oiling mill. Tho spikes aio id bo cut lioni the "spiho hai" and finished in the splko mill piopor. The h tit's Hiooklyu plant will not bo dismantled completely until the splko mill Is loatly for otiupaiu-y. It has boon p.utly dismantled alioudy, how cvei, and a large pat t of tho inucliln. cry has been shipped lioio and used In equipping tho lolling mill. Tho linn will employ about V.Ti men altogether. .Mr, Hoi lit, the Junior partner ami genet al manager of the Industry, has iiiuod his lamlly to this city, and is residing in a beautiful home in Ttipp park. ''Foliage" Exclusion. Tho X. V O. ,t AV, Hallway com pany will inn a Foliage o.scursloii to I him ot k, N, Y (in Sunday, October 1J. Train will leave Sei.mton S,0 u. in., nud icturning leave Hancock 4.33, aiiHIng Sciantou U.t3 p. m. HcIihii fate, Jl.VO. FORMAL DECREE OP ANNEXATION lono-dhawn-out contest is AT AN END. Judgo John P. Kelly Hands Down nn Order Extending the Boundar ies of Taylor Boiough to Include Adjacent Villages of Lackawanna Township Attorney Jnincs E. Wat kins Appointed to Apportion the Indebtedness Maria E. Myers Seeks Divorce Other Notes. A lltutl decision was handed down yesterday by the com I in the matter of the annexation of certain lands of Lackawanna Township to the borough of Taylor. Judgo Kelly a few weeks itgo handed down an opinion dismis sing the exceptions to the repot t of the gland Juiy, confirmed the lepott and dltectlng thai n formal order be prepated. The deeiee follows: Ati'l lion to wit, (lil I), m)l, the rmirt lin ing lonflimnl the n pull of the giiitnl Jim In the ilmiu pioreidlng, 11 Is ordiicd and detiiid llnl .ill llio lota, mttlols .mil ollii'i ti,ul t litid 1 log ndj.linit In iiml uloii llio wt'sliily and imrl hoily lioiituhty lino ot 1 lac lioiough of T.ijloi- and sltinto in bnkiw iiin.i tonn-hlp, l.irkniinni (oiinti, lie and the same .lie lit'iehy aiimsed to tlie burou;li of Tailor. I In ootn-04 and ill-l.uue? of slid lot", out lots and other tiaits of litid no i follonx: Ilegitinliig it ,1 coiner in Sthittlil-o l.ino. a (Otninoii comer of the boiougli of 'l.i lor. tlio township of Old l'oigo and llio township of laickiwiintn; tlenco along the line between the lowii-liips of Old l'dige mil bukawinni noi lb eleien md oneliilf (I US) dtgrtes nest ihout s- liuiulroil and ten (010) feet to n toincr; tlienee norlli foily-oie anil onedialf (ll's) degiec. wist about the lliniisatul the liundrtd ami tiiuely-lbo f.'i.Vifl) feel to a comer in the Kmtheilv lino of Ilin-oiii tonnsliip; Ounce along sihl Ititi-oiu township lino mrlli tlilrti eight and one lull (Wj) degiees, cut ahout right thousand and ten ((Mill)' foi t to a roiner In the southwest line uf iho tily of Scranton: tlenio l,y the soiilhwosl line of llio cllv of siiinton "toiitli flfl (VI) (!eRi(o, ea.t ahout tight tlioii-iutl four lniinliril and ninili fS.IOH) fet to the noilliwe-lirli lino of tlio Hound woods tract Oo-eallul); Ihriue along nid lino of the Hound wooih li.Ht south (nitv (10) tlegue-, Mist iliiiut one tlioiisind Iho liiinilidl and ninety (l.lW) feel In the (enlei of sinm iienur; thenco along the tenttr of mM aienuo noitli lift v (V)) degiees. we-t about nine liuiidied and siH ("no) feet to Iho not tie wtsleily line of T.incoln IleiihK plot of lot-; theme along said line soulli foitv (10) degree, ne-t ilioiil eight and tiglili light (SPS) foil to a tniiiei in the outhwe-t line of said plot of lots; ihen o along siiil line south fifly (in) liiviot?, 1 1st ahout four thoii-uul one him died and ten (1,110) fei t to the cintei of tin' limit road leading fiom Pit Won to Si ranlon; (Ikiipp ilong renter nf 'ml main road north flft.i-lne (.1-1) ilegues ml about eight hundred and eighli-fiio (s"1) fitt to the i-outhwist lino of Iho citj of Seiiiilnii: ihnice along said (itv lino south (lfti- (Vi) dogieis, out I'mut tlueo tlioii-.ind two himdietl and flfti llio ( t.-"i) fiet lo the Tukawanni inn; tin mo along the renter of the T.ack.iiiauna rner in n westeih titration liv its arioiis rour'e- and distances to a iKirtheiskilv lino of Tilor lioroiiRh: theme along said lino tlio following touisos and di tames, north fiftv ('AD degree-, west one lain died and eighty HWi) feet, south ttglili -l 0-0 tlegiees. fifteen (1.1) minutes we-t, four lmn ilrod and tluily..-oieii (117) feet, north seirnt.i seien (77) degiio, fiftetn (15) iiilnute, wr-t time linndied and I i'Jii) feet, noilli foili stion and one fourth (17',) degiees, wo.t two" liundicd and fnitiflio (ill) foit; noitli ililm nine (.0) degrus tneutv- i.'n) ininutes, we-t s, liundiitl sdinli-two and one-lnlf (hTJ1.) leot; nnilli foiti-siv and otiebilf (Hi'..) do glee-, we-t nine bundled and thnli tin i o f',:) lift: not Hi twinly (in) degieis tifti Hie (11) luiniife-, wt-l two biintbcil niuil -enn ml light tentln (2(7b-lH) bet; north nine and onohilf (uv.) degietJ. i a-t two lumduil ninet and sci en tenth- t-'" 7-10) fiet; not III twinli. soil u and ono-fouilli (J7U) degiee, e.t-t Too hundiod md eighti-one (I) foil; noitli Inn and tliuo foul Ills (2) dtgiee-, ei-t tlueo bun dled and llnrh eight (.!'s) fiet; nortli tiineloin ind one fourth (lli'i) degiees, Mtst two lain diid and -i(t fiio (Hoi) feet; tnitli luent.i six md one half (JO'j) degieo-, west two lnmdrid lwcnl-s and one-half (i2b'-) feet, north fifti (111) degtees, Most one thousand tio hundreil and sou nty (1.170) fiet, to the nuitliwc-terly line of slid borough of Tailor; theme along line smith fnrtv (10) dtgtets, we-t mo thou-iiid Ine linndied and full lime (-,111) feet, south fotlyeight (Is) ileateis Me-t tlueo ihou-iinl mil M'tmti llie (1,071) ft el to Iho pl.uo of beginning, (onlaiiiing one tliou-iuil sticn hum ill nl and tiube (1,712) aiie-. II i, fiuthei- oideitil and dnieetl t bit the ittl. Hon and Hits dteieo -hall bo leioitled in the letoidti's ollito of I lel.awantii loimlv at the open-e of Iho appbrauts md fiom lieni efni!i the (,ud lit-, outlets and other li.ii Is of Iiml so auntxed shall be deeiutd lo In a put of -lid boiougli and sulij, ct to the juii-dklioii and (.imminent nf tho lmiiilupil authorities of -lid borough a- fulli- .15 if the mini hid hi en ong in.illi a put thotiof. Attoiney James i:. AVatklns was ap pointed an auditor tu ascertain tlie ex isting liabilities of tlie borough of Taylor, tho township of Lackawanna and tho school dlstikt of said borough and tow nshlps respectively rjs they may be affected hy the change of tlio limits of the boiougli. Ho is to ascertain the value of tlio pioperty owned by each and tlu ainout and value of the prop erty passing fiom the township to tho boiough and the assessed valuation of all ptopoily liable to taxation lor boiough, township or school put poses as shown by the lust annual assess ment and make equitable division of tne (tetiis, etc oi miiougu and town shl;i. This ends the lung fight to have this part of Lackawanna township annex ed to Iho boiough of Taylor, Attoiney John .M, Harris leproseiittd llio bo iougli dining the piogtess of tin pio- ceetllllKS, Marriage Licenses, llli nn .loiir s.iatitun bin utlolliiu Moiijiii siianton William 1'. I'll' hi II n, morn ,bslc .l.i.iiie Wcit Diiinnurc I'lank il. I..10IH .Iil-oy City .Mm ) I', I lulluijii , Ilnnniore (ills V, lb I'K' Si r.intoii tiiiii' limes Dl,i ph mi 1'lilllp D. l'lilllips ill-pliant Hoi t I '.my ,,., nl.ipluut litiugi' 1 mer ,, ulilis, ).n.i M. H-'il Mihhahl D'liiuiihii l'alomoit ... '-i union Amu SUrii Him ..Pitt-ton COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES, '1 In i.ill (t Matihni liiubli, late if tin j ill, wis admit tt il to piolute icdtldii and 1' Ins esi aiininl lo Maitin buu-liiifr William .Inn,', aid I, it'iidollii )toiriu, Imtli oi l'd ill), win iiuiilnl ,u'-toii!ji in the it,'i3 (ir id' wills' otlice In Aldim, in loin 'I, lu.e, Nil'. Mini II, II) en wis uii applicant tvUi d.ii lor a dliiiut llui' Alloini) .1. I. lie.i nulib. she V'l man It. I in I i,i n;, i Mitts in lib II, IsTJ, and tin") lhni toitbei until m pt I, s (il, wlitn Mm, Miti. allien that lie ili'Mitel her willioitt uipe, Mttiiiif- I'altiiu Willi.uiH filed a i-illiuii ie. Iililil bit' Hold A. ', ot lllaki'li, asking ptitiibslon lo jdoi't Moi 'Ihoini-, iho minor child of lhonia and Dliib'tli IMwlld-. lr. b'diuiiU I) ikad aid the -ihiieaboiiU ut Ml.-. I dw.iri's aio iiiiknoiiii. An application .n tnnle M's'.nlji lor a iluiln for Iht lii'i.-ir .ii.i I. mi, tho purpose of width 1.. tu injlntain a ilub toi k nil liijo.imt'iit, 'llif siiiauii cj lo die apiilliatloi, arc: 'lliumas lluin, Iknijiniu )ui! William II. I.tonartl, l'dwanl l.eoiuid, l.ou'j IV, Andrei and Thonui Notion, The 01 mole, Hub, of Si ranlon, which nn ut mwmmmwimmmMmMmfa Open Stock Dinner Ware And still they come, another lltivlland it Co. Kieneh China upon Stock Pattern, iroin which you can select such lHcccs as you want, It Is otto of thoFc patients Unit gmw on one, the mote you poo II, the heller you like II. Two dellciili Hold Lines mound rucli piece. With scatter llowets. It leselllblcH the Feu do four tleioi atloii", which me very expensive. Wo feel sine If ou buy a lew pieces tltnt you will ttdtl to until yotl get the cuiuplete tet. 109 Pieces, $65.00 Geo. V. Millar & wmmmmmmmmwwNmmm Prices from Set anion Bedding Go, F. A. KAISER, Lackawanna and Adams Aves. 4MtinMMMnltiM f" Crane's Offer This Week Special Custom and Tailor-Made Gowns A showing of Advance Styles for Traveling, Calling and Evening Wea'r All the Most Desirable Materials and Effects, Exclusive in Idea, Natty in Appearance.. Crane's 324 Lackawanna Avenue 0" New End of the Season Sale of Baby Carriages We have had a gieat season of baby carriage selling;, but still have about thiity first-class, uw-to-dnte carriages left. We don't want to keep them ovor tho winter and in order to close them nil out have made a geneial reduction on each and every one now heie. Tho following list will give you eome idea aB to the magnitude of tho bargains offered in this depaitnient. S 15,00 Cairiagcs now $30,00 '35,00 Caniages now 25.00 37,50 Caniages now 83,00 85,00 Carriages now 10,00 83,00 Caniages now 18.00 J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 312-314 Lackawanna Avenue. (.anuiil fw Hit' purpose' of inoinatins athletic pillt. .USlfhlj) lilftl ; ,l..Ik.llion fell a tiur- In, 'I lie ultiiilivr au" Jolm I'. huincil, Jo K'pli p.iiniilh, 'Jlioiiui l,)ne.iu. ,lolm llllcc ami Hint Mdlivnt'. Attvini'i P. ', l.uiijlu.iii icprc -Wilts tlie (irtllloiifid. AUdi Wfexv. Co. J0-kA;dfl Just because you are not going to wear them for a lew months don't crush your dain ty summer hats and gowns into space alto gether too small for them. Let us make you n box couch with separate compart ments for hats, waists and skirts prettily lined and coveredan addition to any room. $7.00 Up, MANAGER. Both 'Phones "A f S & Building i S30.00 Caniages now $10.00 17,00 Caniages now 13,00 15.00 Caniages now 13.00 13.00 Carriages now 10,00 0,00 Caniages now 6,50 There Is still Time, ' Students aio leglsletlug dally for tho Conservatory's couibeH In piano. Ollke, 001 Linden tstiect. Open ull duy,