,l-yl1 ' WMliSjjoWW t i,' iw .- -. (.-, ClAV r?.'i k M THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1901', Ift. -. Uto"' . '" j; NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA THE FAIR AT BLOOMS BURG EXHIBITION BY COLUMBIA AG RICULTURAL SOCIETY. jTlia Second Largest Fair of Its Class In the State Good Dlsplny of Ma chinery, Live Stock and Farm Pro ductsRaces to Be Held Today. ppeclal from rt Mall C'oi tonoli1f lit. TJloOniHlitirf?. l'n Oct. 8. Today was tlio ill'st of the four tlnyp' meotlnir of tlio Coltmiblii County Airrluiiliuriil soci ety. 'I'IiIh Im tlio forly-eovnitli minimi fair of thin iiHHocliitlon, and each year their ineuthiKS arc Kiouliit,' kith lor it ml are iitlrucllnir liioi'u uitrnrmp;r, until today the HlooiiiyliurK fair In the sec ond hii'Rost In the Plate and takes on the proud title of "Inter-State Kxponi tlon." llloriiisliuri; Is adinlrahly equipped for tht' entertainment and nccoinnio datliin of the thousandH who attend her 1,'ical fails, and with numerous rail roads centerliiK hero, Is brought Into easy and pleasant communication with all sections of the country. Most of the live railroads will run special ex cursions. Tills year's inter-state ex position promises to surpass any e. 'lilbilloii of live stock, poultry, farm products, textile fabrics, machinery, etc.. ever held in this section of the plate. Tlio grounds are conveniently located, but ti shorl distance from the depot and there are kooiI pavement:; leading; to the nates. The main exhibition hall is SOD feet loitir and so arranged as to ex hibit goods to tlio best advantage. .Ample accommodations have been pro vided for stock of all kinds. A large addition lias just been built to the al ready mammoth grand-stand, which is now guaranteed to accommodate all who desire to witness (lie races. In front of tliis Is one of the best luilf inile tracks in the stale, vvith a record of 2.0S'i. After gaining admission through the main entrance an interesting pano rama lies before the visitor. To the right hand lies the course for the races, flanked by numerous barns for the pacers ami trotters and a number of sheds for cattle, swine, sheep and horses entered lor premiums. Today these sheds were being rapidly tilled with thoroughbreds of all sorts. A number of mules and Jennys add an interest to the usual exhibits. A vnri-i eiv of sheep, including Angoras, with (heir long, white hair and corkscrew horns, are also something' not seen at most of the fairs in tills section. Numerous Exhibits. To enumerate tiie many animals and n-tiiles entered for premiums 'would oieupy many columns. In poultry alone there are upwaid of 1,200 birds. In ag ricultural implements a complete manu facturer's catalogue is necessary to convey an adequate idea of the thou sands of dollars' worth of machinery in tents and open air. There are six steam threshing machines alone in this sec tion. Tlio exhibits of carriages must number at least 100. Cattle by the drove and many pens of swine will con tribute to the rural citizens' delight. All in all, the lilooinsburg- fair Is greater than the AVallsville, AVesI Pittsloa, Honesdale, and Dallas fairs combined. A wide avenue In front of the secre tary's olllue. at least 500 feet long, is lined on cither side with tents, wooden houses and stands as closely as they can be clustered. A number of the ealing places are in t-hai'so of church and other societies, who take this means yearly to increase 1 hell funds. The large dining hall Is Secured this year by the ladles of SI. Columhia's Itoman Catholic church, un der tlio supervision of Hew Father 33un A turkey dinner, with all the ''llxinV is given for half a dollar. Intlier tioclcllcs who have rival restau rants on Iho grounds are the I'. O, H. 1A.., No. Tiia, of Catawlssa: St. John's Lutheran church of Catawlssa and the JW. C. T. U. of Tlltininsliurir. In the main exhibition building, he tildes many tliousum1 of articles en tered for premiums, merchants from towns ninny miles away have displays intended for advertising purposes, such ns T)r. lland'w Condensed llillc com pany, of Scrantou, who make a very creditable showing. The Bloomsburg Is'oriual hehool also has a large booth fitted tip Willi free-hand drawings, XiulntingH and oilier specimens of the work of its pupils. Formal Opening Today. Tomorrow' tlio fair will ho formally ripened at It o'clock, by a selection by lAcxamler's Ninth regiment hand of Vilkcis-H.irre. At 10 o'clock the judg ing of horses and rattle will begin. Owing to the many lino- specimens of lioraoflesh entered, tills will partake of Iho nulure of a horse show anil will attract many spectators, as the aul jualH are put through their paces on a driveway back of t lie trotting cotue. Tlio ollleers of the Columbia county PKrkiiltttrnl. horticultural and me chanical association are: President, Tj, II. Sloan, Ornugeville; vicc-prcsi-lonls, A. C. Creasy, Cabin lttiti; ('. 1-3. Adams, Berwick; :, is, llagenbuch, Light sheet; Nishn. Itlugrose, Kowlers villc; treiihurcr, .1, C. llrown, ltlooms burg; librarian, V. It, Allen, ltlooms lnirg; secretary, A. X. Yost, Ulnouis burg. Besides the harness races tomorrow afternoon, Thursday and Friday the management of tlio fair has provided other attractions to amuse their pat rons. They liavu engaged rrof. Sim ian vlth his trained limee and bull. Tlio limw does fancy galls, cukewalks, waltzes, and high Jumps, while the bull DR. BARRETT, Dentist, 125 Wyoming Annuo, Over t.tuie Wju-lioiue, TEETH IMraetcil ,,,,,,,,, I loaned S-c-alod Cluiwinl, -;iiM ... Omuii'il, pourlaiti llililiiu work . . . .n: . 'JJV . iji 'l lll SI un Filled wilh ko1I ;jc 'filed Willi dlicr ... tf, Killed wltli RUlli .lluy :'-j5" run fta i Teeth ......;,, i:.Miiiiiiijlioii and uiimiii firl Il inir imll ,.. .t . .M l. fog, il eu iifffl un aitiluijl fol, , un tt'i;'! lome tcelli i.nlaci-il wltlmut ,i plan-, it iun m.i, your woik tloiw pjinli-wly jihI urll by icIUIilc etaduatrs ct Ions c-pii h-nc-e at (lie wiy lc.nt imt lonsUtrnt with gcod, tubiUnlul Pcntai Woik, (.ill en inc. 111 U does astonishing tricks. Then there will be acrobats, tumblers, etc, to di vert attention during the heats of the races. There will bo plenty of racing nlso. This part of the fair will begin at l'.'.no p. m. sharp. Frank G. Smith, the well loiown professional starter, will oill elate. Tlio programme of speed for Hie meeting is as follows: wntXKSt).Y, ocr. x 2.tT C'Ijm l'.lce, Piiifc, $l00-OMr I,., bn, c, .loliii l)niil., llnclip'trr, N. V.! It.icli.iol, g. in., Simon Slitio Ick, ll.wlclotij l.iicy llrjci, li. in., .Taiiipi Cool, Wllkc'llitip; MM .luinlc, li. in., William Mcjrr, Wllkcvll.uic Allen S., li. it.i Tltncwooil, Mk. g,; Wlllr .Mnllnnt, li. (,'.; 1'p. ton dill, lilk. 111., I,. A, I'.ltlrr.oli, (.',itlintiil.lli. lloMiy 1t n. K.i Trimlile, g. it., .1. '.. Illllriiin, licit Hill; Tinker, 1. r., It. (I. Xortuii, Sinai. ton: I'mi! Cotil. ill, K., V IJnllck, WoiIiIiirIuh, I'ii. t Cpoikc V. K.idtnii, lr. pr., Shcin Sidijrl in.ier, .Icr.'ey Sliuic, I'.i,; .N'inno, li. in,, ('. rlailc mn, ll,iecrtonn, MJ, : Sl.i-licr llnv, in. a., W. i:. IIohpII, Avoimj MfC'luv-rry. li. ir .1. b. ('iicnin.in, llellfluiitc: Stratlililiir, 1). t I. I t'oioin.iii, llcllcfniitf; llolfrrp Hoy, in. .. It. It. Ilruluiker, MliMlcluvvn; Wjlkcr Wllko, li. g., l.o flufker, Kenton, O. J.37 Tiut, Piip .i00l).iiiooil, . ., It. ('.. lloiwton. CooiKi'town, Pel,: C.nl V.ni, in. g., W. A. Il.ul7.cl, llloonihuiKi Coimliy dill, dun. in,, foimnly Klllo 1)., 11, S. Il.nli, ll.iiiMiurs: 1t.iy M li. b.. It. W. l'eik. 1.ork ll.ucii: Maml S., li. in., W. A. Ne.ile, ILiiiMiutk; CitoiiLi. li. ir.. W. II. Mnoily, ll.iirMiurs. IM.i Xina II., I.'. M. Mienvooil, ll.ill.i", I'.i. 2,Ui I'.nr, I'liim VKX Maml, It. in., C, A. Itwcllit,', ILlliinKlen, Pel.: Crpgn-oml, li. g (i.ingHeio .t (ipil.Mk, Ilellilelioni: ltoj.il (ieorne, lilk. it., A, II, SIiiioik, Moiil.s , V.; tlr.Mn II., .. ST.; .1. V.. II. ; Pine, .1. V. Illlleg.i. Iti-il lllll. WrtuiMiIiie. cli. ., ll.ilico.k k Holmes, Votwieli, X. V. : Iiiiliitnr Wilkc., In-. g., C. W. Wi'iiioi-. Montoiiillle: liockpnit, li. p., I, li. Kpplry, .Merli.inlivlinis; TIioiii.k W., ('. jr., .1. I 1'moin.iii, Ibllefrnlp; Avoe.i r.lrl, s. in., W. i:. Ilnwi-ll, Avocii. 'J.IO c l.if.-i. Jllwd County Hordes; Pulse 21111 I..ily K.. li. in., (illicit KWili.iih. Ueiwlil;: Nipper, lir. .'., William .Mrn-cli, llnpprt ; liiaec in. 111., Ilu-li ( iT.i-y, l.tghNtu-i't, I'.i.; Monn l.lslii. . ('. (navy, l.'.iMu Hun; lUiii- (.. lir. 111., WiNon CiiM.y. '.iukrllli'; .lolin Spljn, liv. g., ('. II. Keiter. lllooinlnii;: Clii-ti'r. lie. ir.. W. A, ll.nlel. llloi-.m.liiiig: p.m ., , rm, (,'., (!. 1". Spoiiiulieijr, llciwiik: Youti',- 'I'op.y T.iilor, li. in., ri.ink T. .V.irIp. INp. - II. b. Ilalfit-M. MONTROSE. Spetljl (o (he Seianlon Tiilmnr. Jlonlrose. Oct. S. The County Agri cultural society live already llxed upon the dates for the county fair nexl year. It will take jilace at .Mont rose on Tuesday and Wednesday, tfept. if, ami IT, lOOl'. Jlr. and Mrs. George Ives, of Falls church. Virginia, are visiting at tin: home of A. I.. Ives in this place. The following; are among Montrose people at the Uuffalo exposition this week: M. S. Uessauer, X. K. Ulssell and wife. A. Av. Lyons and wife. V. A. Tltsworth and wife, C. S. (iardner and wife iiml Frederick and Truman Urcwster, jr. S. .1. Halsey, of I.esterhlre, X. Y., is visiting at "W. 11. Dennis'. T'.cri Millings, of the linn of Mil lings & Tiyaii, hardware dealers, was taken ill at his place of business yes terday and was removed to his homo 011 South cherry street, where lie Is now in a critical condition with pneu monia. District Attorney 1!. n. ,iulc wils at gcrantou and "Wilkes-Uui re on business yesterday. Misss Lillian Mackus is the guest of friends in BinglianUou. Tlio famous Kngle clock, the handi work of a ilazleton man, is on exhibi tion in the Tarbell block, and is at tracting; much attention. The niwly-elccted ollicers of liescue Hook and Ladder Co., Xo. I, are as follows: (.1. It. Kdker, president; (!. II. Fraxier, vice president: K. .1. Fuge, secretary; il. II. Vuu Scolen. treas urer; II. R. ISuffuin, foreman: .lames Colby, llrst assistant forenian; John Itiitnn, second assistant foreman; Captain II. V. Meardsley. AV. It. nen nis, sr O. II. Gilbert and YV. .1. Max ey,' warders, Ur. 1.'. li. (iai dner leaves this week for a two weeks' absence, during which lie will visit Philadelphia, Xew York and AVashington. S. K. lirodhead is seriously ill of fever al ills homo on South Cherry street. Mrs. K. It. Cook, of Liinesboro, was tlio guesl over Sunday of her son, O. Jt. Cook, in this place. The store fronts of M, S, Dessauer and II. P. Head are being attractively repainted. 1). T. Mrewster, esi is organizing a stock company to control ihe llshlng, bath and boating privileges at Urew sler's pond, a hotly famed rot' its abundance of lino Ilsh. Certificates will bo issued at ten dollars each, en titling the holder to all rights and privileges of the pond and grounds, for a term of ten years. Tlio project meets with great favor among our local sportsmen. It is rumored that Searlo McColluni, esq., only son of Chief Justice .1, M. McCollum, will allow his naino to go on tlio county Democratic ticket as candidate for district, attorney, to 111! the vacancy caused by tlio withdrawal of John D. Miller, of Thompson, Dr. .1, ft, Wilson and wife were called to Fiiclnryvillo on Saturday by thu death of .Mrs. I'nriuiiu AVIlson, tlio doctor's grandmother. Tlio marriage of Miss Anno Post Little, daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. tleorgc P. Little, to Mr. Windsor .lef fers, will bo solenilliv.ed at the Map list church in this place tomorrow at fi o'clock p. m. The ceremony will bo performed by Itov. T. Aurlol Hughes, of Until, X. Y., a former pastor, as. slsted by the present pastor of the church, Itev, K. K, Thomas. Tlio county commissioners were at AVInilsor, X. Y looking over a bridge that Is for s.ili) and which It Is thought may be purchased by tills county and utilized iu one of tlio many places where new bridges are to bo erected iu couseiiuencn of thu late Hoods. THOMPSON, Spedil to tin Sainton Tribcci. Thompson, Oct. 8, Miss Flora San ford, whose Illness at the Methodist pai'Miuago has been mentioned In these items, was taken to the .Moses Taylor hospital, iu Scranton, for treatment lust Fridiiy. Since then, nothing lias been heard by her friends concernliig her condition, Mrs. Thomas AValker and other friends have been called to Starrucca tills morning .becauso of tho seriotu Illness of her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Lurrabee. M. P. Sullivan, esf., was In Hones dale Iraiibactlng business yestcrduy. llev. I', It. Tower wus in Lawsyillt P0R THE CHILDREN. To Keep Their Digestion Perfect Notli. Ing Is So Sate and I'l.'ajnnt as Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Thousands of men and women have found Htttart's Dyspepsia Tablets the safest and most reliable preparation for nny form of Indigestion or stomach trouble. Thousand of people wlio are not slcl?, but are well and wish to keep well lake Stuart's Tablets after every meal to insure perfect digestion ami avoid trouble. 13ut It is not generally known that the Tablets are Just as good and whole some for little folks as for their elders. Little children who are pale, thin and havo no appetite, or do not grow or thrive, should use the tablets after eating and will derive great benefit from iheni. Mrs. O. II. Crotsley. MS AViislilngton street, lloboken, Xew Jersey, writes: "Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets just till the bill for children as well as for older folks. I've had the best of luck with them. My tlirce-yenr-ohl girl takes them as readily as candy. 1 have only to say 'tablets' and she drops every thing: else and runs for them." A liuffalo mother, a short time ago, who despaired of the life of her babe, was so delighted with the results from giving the child these tablets that she went before tho notary public of Krie Co.. X. V., and made the following aili davli: fientleiiieii: Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets were recommended to me for my two-months-old baby, which was sick and puny and the doctors said was suf fering from indigestion. I tool: the child to the hospital, but there found no lollef. A friend mentioned tlio Stu art Tablets and I procured a box from my druggist and used only the large sweet lozenges In the box and was de lighted to find they were just tho tiling for my baby. I feel justified iu say ing that Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets saved my child's life. MItS. AV. T. DKTI1LOPK. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day or April. 1SH7. IIBXnV KA1US.. Xotary Public iu and for Krie Co., Xew York. For bailies, no matter how young or delicate, the tablets will accomplish wonders in increasing llesli, appetite and growth. I'se only the large sweet tablets in every box. Full sized boxes aro sold by all druggists for r0 cents, and no parent should neglect the use of tills safe remedy for all stomach and bowel troubles if the child Is ail ing in any way regarding its food or assimilation. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets haw been known for years as the best prepara tion for all stomach troubles whether iu adults or infants. a collide of evenings last week. Ho visited lllngliamton on Friday and preached at .Alt. Pleasant and Ilerriclc Centre, Sunday last. Potatoes are yielding well, but they an; rotting badly. Mr. and Mrs. Kay (ielatt, of Scrau ton, are with his parents, .Mr. and Mrs. :. !;. (ielatt, for a 'py days, They drove to Susquehanna yester day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Kent, of Hickory (irove, Pn., while 011 their wedding trip, spent a little time with her aunt, Mrs, Ada Turrell, They left yesterday. Mr. Jacobs was the speaker iu the Methodist Kplscopal church Sabbath morning, in the absence of the pas tor, Itev. Mr. David. Itev. .1. M. Carroll, of the Jackson charge, was able to preach last Sab bath, the only thno lie has tried to do so for several months past. THE TRIBUNE'S PATTERNS LADIES' TAILOR COSTUME, No. 502, A stylish tailor costume of blue cheviot, wltli dim whlt stripe, is mado from these designs. The priori bolero opens to show a pastel-blue vest, and la faced and lined wltli the same. Six yards of goods IJ Inches wide will bo required, and H-i yards of silk for tho vest, etc. Waist patterns supplied in 7 sizes: 32, :)l, .iti, lis, u, - and II Inches bust measure, Skirl patterns in 7 sizes; 2D, ?, , -'0, 2$, 30 and Si Inches, waist measure. Send 10 cents to "Fashion Depart ment, Tribune, Scranton, Pa.," .stating size and number of waist or skirt pat tern desired, and it will bo forwarded to your address postpaid. For patterns of tho full costume, lucludna: both waist and skirl, 20 cents must he enclosed. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. New York, Oct, S. Tho conflicting and varying movement of prices In the fitoek market today showed that spec ulative sentiment was considerably Un settled, Prices touched tlio highest late In the day hut hesitation ngaln over came tlio speculators and prices sold off again, making tlio closing easy. Tho signs of an oversold condition of the market were balanced against the per sisting doubts and dread that the mon ey market resources are nut sufllclent to save tho situation for tlio remaining period of interior demands for cur rency. Of special Influences ill work today lite publication of tho unfavor able August statement of earnings of Hrooklyn Transit was regarded as the culmination of unfavorable conditions for that stock. The steadying of tlio raw copper market, hi Loudon seemed to affect Amalgamated Copper favor ably. There was also a show of a settlement with contending Interests, The recent reports of a coining IncreiiHc in the AtcliliiHon dividend rate persist ed today, but that stock showed less firmness than others in the list and closed at a net decline. St. Paul was conspicuously strong and there wns a renewed advance In the A'anderblits. Tho late reaction, however, was uni versal. Total stiles today, 519,000 shares, Railroad bonds shared in the irre gularity of stocks. Total sales par value, $2,273,000. Fnlted States bonds were all un changed on the last call. Tlio lotion ing quotations ire furnlnhM Tht Tribune liy Jt. S. Jordan k Co., rooms 70V7M Monra liulldlijr, Scranton, I. Tflrplione OOtW: Open- IIIbIi. Low- CIos- Inir. est. ct, intf. Aiiieiicin Sugar mij lini; ll;i 3 AtfliUn 7-ii 77'i V.VJ 7(i AIcIiImiii, I'r. fil?i iij'i flti !.",!; Itmok. Tree! ion Mi?', fiS", MK r7u ( lie. & Olilr l.lli i"i, 4:l''i tj ll.ilt. k Ohio !i!i 1ml id ffljj CiiiciKK k St. I" I.V.74 J5S l.Vi'i 1."0)i hock l.l.iinl Hi!) nii ;:) j.ikjj Kim. k Tr..is .Il iil ,"rt Gt " l.mil. N.1.I1 10i I027i 10IU 1021i 5I.ni. Klciateil IIS'.j !" HT-li lls'.j Mot. Ti. ict ion LIS l.Viifc I.-.O'i liVS Mi.-o. l'jcillc (C, V.Vi !l fll South, l'jcifle :,-,; ciia; ,-,,,; ,-,r.; Xoifoll; k Wi-lciu ,'::;i ,-,p,i 5::; Mji .V. Y. foiiti.il 1351 j l.-nlii Kit?; 1j:,i,1 Out. Wi'stun r,2 :v.!!i :!i"i .".3 1'1-iiiu. it. it h.iij lii'i iti',; ir.ri; r.uiuv .M.iii u 4ji; 11 ni lto.uling lly. ::ii :sl :istj jshu Soiuiiciii It. Il :i-.i :;iya ,'ii4 .'ii-j South. I!. It., I'r MTJ Ml hi"; Wi Trim. Coal k lion 5-i Bin SS AS'.j C. S. f.oitl.i'i- Il"; )5'i 1l?i li t'. S. l.i'.-itli.T. I'r Tl'U TO3! Tti'.i 7'ni l S. JCuIjIi.'V 11 IPi j' 11 I'llioll l'.nili" !)",;i !)? ;i.-,i in: W.ilm.h, I'r :!7 H7"i :;-'l r.V,', Wcsti'iii I'iiIkii !VU )" : i !Ki"a A111.1I. Coiiirr Mi'i ,S7''i S."iU f'i 1Voplo'.-i (i.H lu.i; (i4i; j, jujv, To.-l t'.lcilie IU .W'j SiiiH 41,14 Am. r.ir k I'oiimliy ... '.'C'l 2.T1 2l:1i :!,i', I. S. Mo-I Ji'i; 4-j 4-jii V. S. Steel, I'r !i:"i HI .i-2 ! " Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. stocks. i.arkaw.inna Paiiy Co., Pr County Savins Bank k Tuut Co.. First National Bank (Carbomlale) .. Stondaul nrilllmt Co Third National ISnnk Dime Deposit and Discount Dank.. Economy Light. " & ' Co First National Dank Lacka. Tnwt Sate Deposit Co Claik k Snovcr Co., Pr Scranton iion Fence & Mfy. Co Scranton Ale Works ex,, inn Kivintrs Dank Rid. Asl.oi CO "CO 32.-. 3D 430 275 46 1-0O 130 li5 ioo 05 401 175 101 135 75 115 115 ... 115 100 102 Tiadcis' National Hank Scranton Dolt ic ivtii to People's Dank X'a.i. llntirn ltl. k C. Co BONDS. Scranton Pacngcr Railway, flist MortsaRe, duo 1!0 People's Street Railway, Erst mort gage, due 1018 People's Street Railway, General moitgasc, due 1021 Dickson Manufacturing Co Lacka. Township School 0 per cent. City of Scranton St. Imp. G per 1 cnt Scmnton Tiactlon 6 per cent 102 115 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. O. Dale. 27 l.acl.awanna Ac.) Beans Per bushel, choice marrow, $2.60a2.G5. Butter Freeh creamery, 21aMc.; dairy, fresh, 21c. Cheese Full cream, lO&alli'. Fggs Western ficsh, lj'ialO; neaiby state, Medium Ileans Per bushel, $2.50. Creen Feas I'er bushel, fl.40al.45. Flour Best patent, per barrel, 51.45. Beans Per bushel, choice marrow, $3.10. Potatoes Per bushel $lal. 10. Philadelphia Grain and Produce. Pliil.iilclplii.i, Oil. S, -Whe.1t-C0t1t1.1ct suite, Oct., 72,i72"jc, Com Unrlianurd; No. '.! iniv-'d, Oit., lUahji-o. n.it- Fiim; No. S wliite 1 lipped, 42 ' ii-. wnnl rnclmigril. Pi'oKions I'lich.ingeil. Mutter -i-Firm ; tancy western iioanici.v, 22!i(.; do. niaiby piiuts, 2.V. Fggs Steady; ficli neaiby, ;0e. ; do. western, 2iV, ; do. !,outhwitci'ii, l!ir. ; do. oulllerll, Inc. Cliecne-Firmer: V. Y, full ne.uu, fancy email, ia-410i.il-. ; do, do. do., fair to choice, UulOc. Itctlnrd Migai Quiet but steady. I utton t'tiehanscd. T.dlnw Filing 1 itj piiine iu hlnk, fi?44(ir, ; city and country d.iik, ,"iUc, ; cakes, il.ii)'4c 1,1 vc poultry Steady, fair deniaiul; fowls O'.ialOo.: old ioo.-.teiR, (;,i7c.; spilng chicken.-, fati'jc,; duck-, Pa'Jlie, IMc-seil poul. ti -Quiet but ftlejily; fowls, iliolie, lie.; do. f.iir t" cooil, llalMsc.; old ionten, 7c,: bioilers, neaiby, ll.il'r.; wctein do., lO.ible, lln-ciita I'lmir. 3.W0 li.iniN ami 1,U2,000 pound- in tacks; wlie.it, 70,000 bushel; 10m. .W.OOn Im-hels; o.it, n.ono bu..hels. Hiipiiirntt -Wheat, 27,WM bu.licl,; corn, -JO") biithcls; o.ilS 11.000, Xew York Grain and Produce. Nov Yoik, IKI, S.-Foui-F.ilrly .icllio and lfi1y. Wln-.it Spot linn; No, S i.d, 7u!jc. f. 0. b, ulloat, and "."i'-jo. elciatoi; No. 1 il'M'theiii Dulutli, W:i: f. u, li, ulloat, (Iptloas epenril bleaily, but sold on". Later 1 1 1 r.v turned tilling: cloyed very Hun, uiul c,iTjc-. net higher. May clo'il 70',e-.; Oil., 741.-.; Hoc, TiV. ( "uui -Spot f-teady, Xo. '.', r.llic elevator, and fU'Je. f. 0, b. afloat. Option inaiket w.ii weak but finally leioveied and co.-rd iteady at He. net declliie. May closed H2',ic-. ; Oct., M-i-. ; lec.. 61 V. Oats-Spot trady; No. 2, Sa;c. No. :l, :iili'.; No, 2 wlilte, l'i.i42c; No, ,t white, tic; ti.uk ini.tcd M-,tein, uS!jj40c; Hack wlilte, 4ii.i7c', Options inactlie. ami ir. regular, fcllowlng com. Duller Steady; 1 iviiiucry, 13,i22i-. ; facloiy, freli, 12!ial5e. ; June i-icaineiy, 20a'2Hji'.; iniltatlon iieamery, Jt'.sulSc. ; Mate dairy, lli2lc, I'lieivc -fn-ot. tltil; fancy laige coloied, (Hio.j fjury laigo while, O'.ic.j fancy nuall coloiccl, lO'Jc. ; fancy uuall v, lille, 10e. i:g Slieiig; ttoto and Prima., "llj r.'-. . : wcleiii, uucandled, I'a'ilc; wcstciu, randli'd, 2lj'!l'.c. Chicago Live Stock Market. fliliaqrii, Oct. i. Cattle-lleccuil., i.OuO, In cliulliiK l.irt) Teais and J.oni) u-ivtnni; inaikit dull at MouclayS iliillno of lO.iFic ; guod fa pilniu fieri;, laO.HO; iour tu medium, Ifl.-W.i .1.8.',; stuckeia and fcedeit, l'2.2oal; io, il.:''i al 1.0; lii-lfi'is jI.T'ii'i; lanneu, l.-Jjj'J.i); bull?, l.75.il.7J; talu, li.SfMU-J.li Ten tier, i2.ti0.i;i.7.i; witiiii Klc-ei, $J.ii"ui.o. llog- Itc-celpta loday, 2l.r); tomoiiow, 20, 000; left out, II.IHU; opercd 10 to 10 icius louer; ilcued li to 25 cuits oil; mixed and butclii'M. ijfl.23.ifl.j.)j good to choice lieaiy, $; lougln, lieaiy, tVOiUCEU; light, ifii.35afi.il); bulk ot sale, ?ii.30aiJ.I3. Sheep -lti'celih, 10,000; lecp, good gudi-f, 0 cents lilghcr; otluri, ktradv; lambs, tic.-t, 10c. higher; good to choice wethcn, $3.10 to THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Thin Four tine, 3 Cent for Cacti Gxtrn Line. For Bent. $lt-,Sk room home, V, T. liatkett. $12-Mx room bouse. V. T. lUikoil. ?1.1-Sli: room hon-e, T. Iluekell. $15 Seven room liou.o. V, T. llacltett. .1," Homo and liarn. V. T, llaikell, $lil Slv loom home, W. T. Hacked. $IS-l'.lRht loom home. V. T. Il.ickett. $20-Modctn lioiue, Wet Sliic. V, T. Hail.elt. $20-.Modern house, crnlial t-lly. W. T. H.ukell, $.'." Modern liouie, Ihecii Itldfie. W. T. llaikell. $2,"i .Modem Iioum', Dunmoie. W. T. Ilaikelt. $2.7-Modem, uteJni-heated house. W. T. liatkett. $2S- .Modem house, o,ulto ccnti.il. W. T. Hackelt. ViO-Moileiii home, (jreen Hldse. V. 'I', llackett, $.'13 Model li liou-c, ciiiilc central. W. T. Hackelt, .SB-StMin-healeil home. "The lllll." W. T. Hacked. $:iO-Sleani.hr.ited home, "Tiie Hill," Y, T. llackett. $10 -Jrtl'ei'4iii iiienufi house. W. T. Hackelt, Piii'o building. $10 Hi irk lecldence, ilocin town. Y, T. llackett. $rt2-Sti'iundicatcd liome, rentiul. W. T. Hacked. $45 Sincle liouse, quite centi.il, W. T. Hacked. $50-Steanvliealed, deliable, cenlral. . W. T. llackett. $50 Steamdicited, coiner hou-e, on "The Hill." Hacked. $3 TO i20 l-TiATsi Stoves, furnace, iteam. llaikell. $5 Fl'-Steani-healed oillcey. W. T. Haikett. $.15 FI'-sl.Miu-lie.itril .sloic.s. W. T. Haikett. $28 I'l'-F.uloiy pace. W. T. Haikett. W. T. IIAfKUTT buys, Mdl-. irnti, iii-mes, e- Ii.iliRC-s. apjiiai.-e-i piopeily. $20 Will lent fuuiMieil lnin-e. uilh liuin. Sfe IT'ltNISIIKI) IIOISi:, with bain, only V20. See Haikett. SID SleaindiiMlcd, luinished l.ou-c. Sec Hacked. FUHNISIIKI) IIOF.xK, leam-healed. deniably .-Itujled, on "Till' lllll.' Il.il Lett. l!Altlli:i( SHOP and bath rooms fully fninlshid for immrdlati' lent. Best tt.inil In t.'arbon dale. flue oppoilmiitv for a couple of .counir, i-kiUfiil lurliers. .Mlke'n llloi k, coiner Main ffieet and Salem nceime. l-'Olt Itr.NT Four loom-; rlisl floor; heat; un-fiiiiii.-liiil. 701 ciiimy avenue. TO It KN'T Ten-room hoii'e on Cl.iv acenue, with all n-.odein lomeniciices, iueluding city steam heat; will lea-e elv lea-ouablo on account ot ill health. Addiess I,. A. II., Tribune ulUe. F01! Itr.NT i:i:-lit rooms, 73S Jefferson avenue; all modem conveniences. I Wanted To Kent. WAXTIIli TO ItKNT i- loom hou-e. with moil em inipiocciucnt.--. H. IV Ul ir, International Coiiipoudeni'i' Sihools. For Sale or Kent. FOIt SU.i: On HUNT Home, garden and fruit in Klmlnu.st. Acldrcs Dr. Bate-on. Ki7 Wa-hing-Ion avenue. Furnished Rooms. FOIt HUNT -I'm nisliod iooiih. for KeiiUemen only: team heat; all niodein conu'iiienics. 1021 Miilheny street. FOR ItKNT Furnished front room, with heat, bath and gas; near coin t house; gentleman picferred, Addiess Boom, Box 299. l-'Olt ItKNT Furnished room; heat and bath. 23 Linden stiect. Koom and Board Wanted. MAItRir.l) COl'I'I.K with two iltihlirn, age (lnd I, desires looms and board: pilvate family, prei'eried. Addiess, It., Tiibune Office. WANTKD T'n-o or tbieo fuini.-hed rooms, with or without bo.nd. Hill (.cctlon preferred. Addie-s II. II. 1',. TVibune offlce. S.75: natlic lanibs, $2 504.1.10; wetein lambs, $!l.25,il,50; wctc-m sliecp, $2. 75a ;i, 50. Chicago Grain and Product. fhii.iffo, Oct. S. Anrthei- ftaro anionir the wheat .shorts R.ivn sliridh to nil oilier wi-e dull and iiaiiniv inaiket today, and December wheal cloi-cd .lie higher; Dec. coin, ?i,i'. lower, and Dee. oats, uiichanjeil. 1'imi-ioiis clnsed 7'i to liii cents down. Cnh quotations were as follow.-: Flour Fa-y: n. o priiie wlic.it, r'i5inni'. ; Xo. 2 ird, 7M70!.i-. ; No. 2 oaK KiU.aSil'ie. ; Xo. 2 while, .'KrtSlir.; No. :) wliite. ii7Ua:'SUc. ; Xn. 2 rjc, 55c; fair to ihoiie maltimr barley, 55.i5m-. ; N". t Iki i.ced, i-t.10; No. 1 north wetcni, $1.15; prime timothy seed, $VtO; me...s poll.-. $14,114,10; lard, $3.70.i!).73Vi; fhort libs $S,35a.53; dry salted shouldeii.-, 7?ia7"ic: short clear .ides, $j!.00aii; whiskey, it,:;o. Buffalo Stock Market. Fust Buil.ilo, Oct. F.-Pattle OfTeilnc, 7 rais: dull nud tmcliiiiKed; eals and calves, leceipU, 70ft head; Rood demand for vcaii; c.ilc-i, steady; choice handy veals, $7,25a".5il; fair to Ruiul do, $ii.50a7.l5; hcacy fed handy i-alics, $l.it,i,1; RrasKcis and butleimilks, $Ja. lines OfferinBD, 10 loads; fhacle lower; mixed packet, ijui,i!ii.itl.;0; Rias-eri1, liglit tu good, $(1.15.-111.10; pii;s, good to choice, $5.70,i5.M; IoiihIk, coiiinion, $5,; blas, $4,75a1.25. Sheep and laiiit'j-OlVeiliiBS, 25 rais; miiiket lather dull; lamb, choice to fancy, $l.75,t.Ml; do. fair to good. $t,(i0al.70: cull, common to Rood, $.til; lieep, clinico handy wctheis, $',fi0 nl.75; choice to eMi.l inUed, $.1.40a:i.3O; fair to common, $.14:1.2.1; i-ulli, $l,.10a2,Sl, Bait Liberty Cattle. Fa.t I.iliedv, Oil. S,- fatllc-Slcaily; choice, $1,7,1.111; Plline, ?J.50a5.;0; Rood, $l,10a5.S,1. IloBV-Stow; piimc lie.nles, M.00a0.01; best liii-dluniv, $ii.lfl.lO.Kl; heaiy yoikeri, $6.t)0a6.ii5; liaht coikeis. M.IO.iO.jiJ; pis..-. $.75a3.U0: ikli.s. $la5: Rl4sei-s, lpCail.40; ioiioJk, $5aO.0. Sheep -Slinv; best wellieis, i.(ii)a;i,70; cum and coiiinion, la'2; earlinui, j.'.CAiS.til; leal lamb'. $iia0,;0. Oil Market. Oil Cily, Okt. S,-l'icclll baUiice, ISO; ier tlfi(.uef, un bid, Shlpiiic'lils, 111,051; avcias". 10(1,014. Ituiw, S7,02li aicrJff. 7S.III, SUSQUEHANNA, Special io the Si union Tribune. siiisiliieliiinnii, Oct. 8, Jlr. and Mrs. Herbert liejiHon, who )mvo been vlslt lutj Susqueliannu relatives, huvo ro luiTiPd to tlielr liotne Iu Nobruska, Mr. and Mm, AVillltiin "Wrlglit tire In Now York rlty, where .Mrs. Wilght will iiiulergo it Kiu'Rlcul oiierulloii. MIhscs Harali K. Harvey, Kittle VI Dromipy, Kullo Keene, and Mnrln Doyle, of Susquehanna, and Nellie Keeiia, of Montrose, left today for tlio IMn-AiiU'rleaii. .Mr, and Mrs. William K. Tiffany leave for the I'aii-Aineriean toulglit. l.ouls Knyser is at the Pan-American. William Hlrdsell, of Uocliestor. Is tiie guest of his father. Dr. Samuel Hird tiall. Michael banning lias taken a posi tion In Cleveland, Ohio. 3 More Help Wanted Male. -V.v "v. CAXVASSIIIIS WANTIiH-l'or mi lione.t, cliiilltlitfotwnril piopoiltloii. Not u $lu-a-cl,iy ichtnie, but Rood pay for Kimd work, Vouim men of neut appearance and pood hablt-t wanted: If they hale had 1.01110 eipeilenii' III canvassliiK, so much (he bettei, Addie.14, slit 1 1 nu nee, ex pcrleme nml plclluin Miuevi. NKWSl'AI'l'.lt, Tribune olllco. OAN'VASSi:i!-To woik In city: e,ny Iioum; Rood pay, Mlary and ccir.tiV'ion. Adilicji II. II,, Tribune olllie. IlltlCKI.AVI'.nS WANTIill-l'nr flic biirk woik, (.'olnniutikolloin and permnal appllcatlotm will be leeelved al my ofilce in Hancock, N. V. II. .1. BtiMinan. Help Wanted Female. '. NTF.I) -lloiuekeeper: call between the liimii of U and 9 p. 111., 1SW Nurth .Main ae., illy. UANVASSKtts'-To woik In clly: ea.y lio-un; Kood pay, salarv ami roiniiiiMlon. Adilrem li. II., Tribune oltlce. W AM 1,1) A Rlrt for Ri-nerat hou.'-ewcik. Apply at 101 South Main aenuei mini tonic ico omineiided. W'ANTFD-Olil for ueiier.il homework at Dalton. Addicts II, T rate Tiibune. Wanted. 'I'D HUNT Liirc model 11 ho.i-e wltli liatn. V, T. lliu Kelt, I'll... InilMli'ir. IF VOI" HAVi; iiropeily for s-.ilc or rent, te llackett. II-' YIIIT HAVI! 11 hu-lne-s for sale, ftee W. T. Hacked. WANTIIII Men and Hams iu i-niiiiti-.i ; mini and team, $.1.00 Io SJI..1U per day: men. $1.5(1 per day: cbnip bo.uil; hliady work. AiMicm box X, Tiihuuo offlie. WAXTFI) A large phow caw. Apply William Olfford, 1547 Dickjon avenue. For Sale. . Vxy-.- FOIt SAI.F A fil'-t ila-i canopy lop Miney clieap; l"fl 111 inv plain and ini'-l lie Fold. At M. T. Kellvi'fi, ).ai kawiiiiiia I'uiiI.iri; woilw. FOIt Stl.i: tllHAP. nml iiiu-l be .-old. .1 Rood iitiiim.il ii' -ulky. At M. T. K"llfi'a Lacka wanna CiiiIjkp iuk. FOIt SALK We li.ne for .ile .1 t-iy nil e double hou-e: l.iudi-n M111M, -h.iiiy side: only $.1,500: nunc quick; hnmri fiom l,.".0ft to l.1,nou. ('has Schl.iRir. FOIt SAM: llraiy le.nn. Inquiio at F. F. Ilveiitt'c HllTJ, .1211 I li v lolllt. FOR SAI.i: One luiidit bay hoi-e, IC h.tnili hilth; scud ti.m-li'i; kind mid Reiitlc: a peacock in i.eiy way. Fi,r pjiticuliH adilre- II. I). Ti 1 1 1 1:1 11. Jlontio-c. I'.i. BOII.FItS-Fiir sale, tun 100 II. P. bcilcia, fi.1 pouniN fleam. Addic. P. O. Box 21)0, l'lain lield, X. ,1. FOB S.U.i: Tno light tprlng nagom and tome harncjii, cheap. Kiani, rear llSi 1-uierne Btrcct. $3,000-Modein hou-e at liieen llldge. W. T. Hackelt. $2,!Kifl Mullein hou-e near Linden f.treet. W. T. lljflietl. $.1,200 Xew iiiodi'iii hou-e, full lot, Seienleentli wind. Hacked. $2,5(10 FiRlit loom in,iiiiu limi-e, Sewntecnth waul, Sec Hacked. $l,S0il HP Modem hou-es aiioui pails of cite, llackett. $050 I.aiRo lot, ll.iiii-on :iirmn; r.h, water and tcwer in. Tlii- is .1 biR luiRain. W. T. Hacked. $1,50011.1111, ile.-iialdv located on "the hill." See ll.ii lull. $'.1,01X1 Slcaiii'licalcd le.-iileuce; locaiiou illicit in city. Ibiilcelt. $5,500 Model n double hou-e on (Jtiinry avenue. See Haikett. $0,000-170 aire I.11111 on 1).. L. .V W.: Ihie-t In Siisu'iehann.i cnunlr; .-pit'iR water hi alt flic bulldiiiR-; hljt baiR.iin. See W. T. Hail.elt, Scranton, I'.i, DALTON, (iliiibiun, W.ivcily, Faclmyvllle, (laik'd Summit, Chinchilla and Lliiihur.-t propeitie-'. W. T. H.uked, Siraiiton, Pa. $700 AND I P- F.irin, laiae mid M.tall, W. T. Hacked. FOIt "AI.II or i-schauRO, i-ltv and c-ounliv pi op. erlies. W. T. llaikell. Benl Estate. W. T. IIACKCTTT buy-, m'II, mil, in-uies, ccliai)Ris iippiai-es ptoperly. FAItt cif about .itv-ttve aue-. Rood hnti.e and bam, neat Mont!o-f. Adi)n-.v- box :), Diin ei k, Sii-ijiicliiinn.i inuiily. Pa. JIl'ST HI! MILD AT OXPi:, ih"io.i-oii.i11o idler lelu-iil, liott-e al liendli.im, 'is I.iirc inmnii, lilt Ii mom, hoi nml cold walei, Liirc altii-; klituililis: !n two lot-, caili 5I50. Fmit. shade ttroi, etc. A. II, Kev.ten, lleiidhain. Pa. Booms and Board. BOOMS TO ItKNT, with board. SOI) .Miilheny tticrl. Boarders Wanted. WAXTKD-Table boarders. Mrs. Tompkinj, Kll Washington avenue. Business Opportunity. STOCltv- ASH WHHAT TIlADIlltS without delay Wilte for our bpccial niaikc-l letter. Freo mi application. SS. SI. Hibluiil k to., ineinbris X, V, Consolidated and Stock- Kuhangi', 4t and 4tl Bioadway, New Yoik. llaMUhect lflll. Long Distance Phone g;S3 Broad, I'0at v 1.0T- Vcir Nav Aiir P.ilk, a while hull teuier, brlndle pol over one eje, ears clipped, and iinwcH to tho name ot .Inc. Ilcwaid tor letiitn to 110 Wheeler avenue, ill.i. LOST -A black n'tter pup, Finder will bo 1-wiudc-il by letinniui; to I.'. S. Williams T.'U WailiiiiRtou avenue. Strayed. hTIIAVLI) to the home ol John Kupc.ak, Patter-i-on fiim, Peckvlllc a jellon cow, Owner mac Itacc Minft by paylnR for danuRrn. LEGAL. FSTATF OP .leicmlali Siinon, ap of the ( lly of Si'iantoii, I'ount.v of Lackawanni, deiea.i'd. l.ettci-i of ailiiilnUliutlnn cu die above named cflatii ItavliiR bsen Runted to tiie iiiidcisiRuiil, all perton having il.ilnn .iR.iiii.t tald eitale will lueieut the Mine tor .icttlciuciil, ami all thie Indebted theicto will nuke lnini.;ilulc pay infill Io DWIU J. DAVIS, Vdiulnl-tiator. I'lly Halt, Scranton, Pa. (SITUATIONS WANTED PREB. WE OFFER TO YIELD ABOUT 5f $1,000,000 BUTTE EIECTRIC3EP0WER COMPANY of Butte, Mont. (Ilutto Is I lie Bii'iilret roppor proilucinir city in tlm wnrM), 50 First Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold Bonds. Dciioinliiutioii Sl.000, iniitiu-iiiR- 1 to .'10 yeia-s. Amply iiruvlili"! for lir r;$ervo and bliikiiiK tinul. .Net curnliiKS tliivo mid three nuiuirn, (lines jiitcre.it ihniTS. Writ" for report of Mr. Samuel Iusull, President of the Cliicutro iMUou Co., and special circular, RUDOLPH KLEYBOLTE & CO., 1 NASSAU ST., NEW YORK. DIRECTORY. Insertions 25 Cents Than Pour Line, ft Cents lor Uach Rttra Lint, PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. i:iv.itn 0. HPAlitdMNtirspTiUunits uank Uullillns. Architects. iiiWAitt) it. ii.wis, auciiht:ot, connfi.ij IltllllllllR, IllllDI'.IIIrK L. imoV.V.'AltCII, ll ItHAti l.-tate liMliange Bldir., 120 Wiiililtinton avc. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. Ii. HAIIDINO, CM UOXNIXti Btlll.DtXO. Dentists. dr. r. 1:. i:iM:xiii:ittii:it, paum iiuildinu, Spiuce uliect, Sciuiilon. DIt, C. C. LAUnTcH, 11.1 WVOMISU AVCNUu! lawyers. I'lJANK I.'. I10VLL". ATTOIINKY.AT.AW. Itooimi 1J, II, m and 18 Buir lliilidlnp. 1'. K. TTtACV, ATT'VC0MM0NVi:AIJTHni.t)Cl! V,tn; ''''I'Odf.i:, ATTOHNKY LOANS SriCO tiated on real estate eectnlty. Jteaw Building. coiner WnnliliiRloii aienue und Spruce sired. ViTI.LAltD, WAHIIKX ti KXAPP. ATTORNEYS nil coiiiwlloii.nl.law. Itcpubllcan llullding, UahiiiRtun avenue. JFSSFP & ,:s.S()P, ATTOrtXKYS AND COIW-feIlot-K.at.law. Coiiimonweallh Bulldlne, KoamS 1", -O and ,21, 'VJiWI1," V" TIIAYBIJ. ATTOHSKY. "ft'-lWI. Oth floor. Meats Building. BOOMS '' ,A- W;ATm:s. ATTOnXHY-AT-LAW, BOABD) otriado BuildliiR, Scianton, Pa. 1,-);'"I'POX 1- WILCOX, TRADKRS" NATIOXA 4nk Uulldiinr. C. COMHOYS, OF! ltllPIJBLIOAN nUlLDIXO. A ,,w' ii:itnoi.r. OFFICII ItOVED TO 0( ill WyomliiR avenue. Physicians and Surgeons. int. w. 1 avenue. ALl.lJ.V, ia XOHTH WASiltNQTOIj 1)11. S. W. L'AMOIHIAF.V. OFFICII Mn WASH iiiRton avenue. Hesldeiice. latS Mulberry, thronfo dl.-cas-e.'. IttiiRa, heart, fcidncys ancf Rcnilo-ttrlnaiy oigam a specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. in. i . , , 3 Hotels and Restaurants. tiii: i:k oafr, hm and 12? fuanklin avb line, lt.itc.-i reasonable. P. ZRinLF.B, Proprietor. SOItANTOX HOUSi:. XFAlt D.. L. k W. PAS wnser depot. t'onductrd on the Europca plan. VIOTOIt KOCH, Proprietor. Scavenger. A. II. IllllCOS CLFANS PUIVV VAULTS AND cess pool; no odor; only iinpioved pumps uicd. A. II. DrisRS, piopiielor. Leave orders 110J North Main avenue, or Ficke's chiiR stoic, con Iter Adams and Jliilbetry. Both telephones. Seeds. C, R. CLAItKi: k CO.. SFKDSMFX AND NUBS. cimcn, .store -01 -ashiiiRlon avenue; Rrccn hoiHra, lli-'iO Not Hi Main avenue; etoro tela phone, 1&1. Wire Screens. .lotnpii Kin:'m:ri. rkaii on lacka. avb., Scianton, Pa., iiiamifactuicr of Wile Screens. Miscellaneous. Ulli:ssMAKI(l FOIt CHlLDItFN TO OftDFtt; nl-o ladlcn' waiitd. Louis Shoemaker, 'iVl Adams avenue. Mi:o.itfii:i: Bitos.. pkintiihs' supplies, i:x. celopea, piper Iiirs, twine. Warehouse, 1!V) Wa$liiiiRton aic-nue, Scianton, Pa. Till: WII.KFSBAKIti: ItKCOHI) .'AX HI! HAD iu Scranton at the new 'ManiM of Bcksmaii Hio.1., 40(1 Spiuce and 503 Linden ; M. Norton, ;:2-J Lackawanna aicuu'e; I. S. Schutzer, all Spiuce ttreet. Money to Iioan. ?3;i0,000 TO LOAX Lowest rates; straight o monthly payments. Stark & Co-.Tradcrs1 bHf. AXY AMOUNT OK MONFY TO IX)AN-Quick. stralsht lcan3 ov BuildinR and Loan. At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 311-315 Council building. Situations 'Wanted. Slll'ATION WANTIID-Lndy of fevci.il year .spcrii'iire ilohii cleiic.il position ot any kind. Addle.-- (leik. Tnliuiic ollke. A I-OMI'IITENT BOOKKFHPKn and stenographer di"-lie-c .1 iio-llion ill office where chance ot ailianccm'til i-t .-rented for faithful woik; tliri-i; mmiV cspiiieiire: Rood ic-fi leucci). Address ".. V. '" I aiboiulale. SriT'ATTOV WANTED To Ro out. by lh daj w.iiltiiiR or cleaniiiR. Jin. M.ny ltuvell, I'll1! Cedar .iceutic. A VOl'N'li MAN would lllce pn-ition: undfr i,t!itiiN i.uitiR for hoifei and dellveiin?: be.t of rcfcienies. .1, V. 1'., -130 South Mnlli street, city. SlTt'ATIOV WWI'KD lly a boy It) jeara old tu do any kind of woik. Ainwcr to V. V. C 5il Wyoming avenue, cily. slTFATlOX WANTED Houm" cvork by the hour or day, iinpiiio at 5'1S Foiet court. SITCATIOV WANTED A respectable coliiH man, lately iiirlcrct In thii cllr, wishes plaen ns butler: icfncnce, it required. Addrcs II, Tiibune Office, YOl'M! MAX desires position a.i stenonraphr and Ijpewiitcr, consldcr.ibln expericnee. Iteriiincudatioin turnUhcd on application, Bos 10, Tiibtino office, city. SITUATION' WANTED A woman wants wmhinc to do at home. Addtcs-i, Jt, K., Tribune Of fice. SITT'A'I'IOX WANTED - woimn wants mcn'l imder-ilotlii'.-i to wasli; c.peiicnccd laundies, Jl. K Tiibtino Olfice. sl'l'l ATION WANTED- By youtiR man In mac hint ,hnp; wlllliiR to btart In .it ii'jsonahlo wastii has t-i'iii-i kiiort lediii of dialling;, Addren, Boi S'i, Hont-.-dalc, Pa, FINANCIAL. Diract New York Wira Stocks and Bonds All orders executed nn Rucliange-s. Qulcfc and absolutely rclluble service. Telephone Connections, Obi, (id-j-y. New, 319. IRWIN THURMAN & CO., 713-731'j Connell Kuildlng, Scranton, Pa i X