T:T,iitVj ..try vi vrfiiwyf'' , j Ti"ffls, wi - .- wwwf.i i r j . i - - -w , - W t THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1901'. 81 : NORTHEASTER PENNSYLVANIA HONESDALE. PrtelM tn (lie Scrntilon Trlmme. IIoiiomIuIc Ui'l. 7. 'I'lii' mhpio fiont Inst nlKht ml oir nil vi'Hi-iiitloii. The mill wind on Hitiitliiv nt I'tiuul lo Un- ft i-ciubcr writtlii'i. Tin' thi'iiiiDincti'r this 11101 lllllir lsltl'IC(l ."1. ,Tho billlliint new (iinii'ily-ilininu, "1'eniiH.vlvniilii." will l)f f-ci'ii nt thr oiiem hnllsi', Thlii'-iliij, October 10, by u Hi'li'i I coiini.tliy A sioiy hi' (he toul mliii'i In tlu 'U'ioiiiIiii, iille., the mlni'is' hiiIKi- or ls77. Muiiv tbilllliiK Btl'IK'M III llll'M'llll'll, IUll'IH)lM('l1 ttltll h'1p t iciiin bv tin- i I'li-biiiti (1 Mriilltin SfllliOc quill ti't to. Mls-t Klltlll'l llie .1, olllv (liUIKlltiT Of Mi. ntnl Mm. Wlllliiin A. C.n.Nliitil, will bt nun i It il nt tin- liuini' ol' Mr. anil Ml"-. rSuVlnid, on Xoitb Main stiect, "Wednepiliiy MPiiltiir, Oilobi'i HI, lit S n' lock. riuincii t itn, Otiobii Is. I'ninilo In tlir mot limn;, inliiulii'l i nti'i liilniiK'nt mid ball In I ho in nun v In tbo mdilittr. llklmiil U. AVi'k'h died l-'i Idnj nflol lioon at the WiiMip hotel, whole bo hnd innilo liN homo lor a number of .em-', llee eased was but il In AVilMie eolllliv, was i2 ji'iiis ol' iiirr, and had bien ill with J'llirlils dlM'ii'-i' for ov ci a veai. lie l.s Mil v Ivul bj one stpi, Mi. A. II. Simpson, and liiuil's, .Iom ph X. and Tlminiis S. of Uiiiiesiliile. .lohn "A", and ri.inl; 1'.. of limit Nlaud, 111. The fnmial was held at the AViimic hotel nt .' ,;ii p. m. on Monda.v. i oudin ted by Itov. .lumps 1'. Wme, of ill mi1 i liuu h. Jiitciiiiont was made In (lion D.vbpuy (.1'im.tn j. "When A'e AVeie Tu nlv -One " the beautiful diaina, mil, Men l ,i lniLro nudli nie at the opeia bouse, 1'ildav ovenliif.. AVallei AV.ilkei. as lib haul i '.new, wan the icutial IIkuip. Vn.v tew plavs Unit vWit llolK'silale an Its equal. O. U. ll.uls.ill. who is loialeil In Fludiliifr. Lous Island, is mov in;? his IIo.n f-dalo i flei Is to (lie above plaio. A Iiiikc lllllllbi i of pioploaie ill limn to l)e pie-iiit at (lie opening ot lomt nt - p in. The tilal ot AVinans Hull will make the nltontlanrp I.iiko. .vjlss Caioliiie N. To) toy ilild at Clif ton Mm lints Sanitarium, Oi tuber ' The liniPial soi ices villi lie IipIiI nt In i old home In llonesdale, Tuesday nlti'i noon at :! o'iIoi It. FOREST CITY. r-punl to tlir stiiritun riliune. Finest "I t , Oi t. T. The nnlPipii'c "Hose ioniianv held a s-moKoi Satuiday fvpnliifr and had as its invited iruests tho liunui.iiv nioiiibeis of the company, tho boioiiRli ollli i.ils, Hillside and Y.inilllntT JIu-e loinpanips, tlie Vnllc.il biuss baud and Hie Kt.ir Dunn imps A lls'ht liinih was mm til, follow id bv cijr.us and i reason of music, and olliii eutei tamiuiiit. It vvab a very pleasant ult.ili. lMuanI Iloiion was in t'liiladplphi.i last vvicK as di legate fiom tho lnlii pi l-o Hose, lonipany to tho state fhe illill's i oiiv eiitlem. 'I'lio buaid of In .il til is bcstiiiniK it self and has oideiid a lot of uloaninpr flow n .ilioiil tow n I'loti.'-siu' Ihoipe'.s lopoit for last month shows .in eniollinent ol :',14 mails and J77 females in the eleven looms oi Hie t-lt v si bools. Tins is a total of ii'U pupils, and the aveiaso at tendant c was ."SS The- newly oiganicd .St. Allies 'io noer i ni ns will hold a social in the iipei.i house mi AVidnepdiy ovonliiK'. ijiioil music will be pioviiled. and tlio oiganiatiou Is looking- loiunid to a l.u o attendant o. V 1!. Hauls anil lldbpit lloviuild, of hii.iiitini, spent Suuda.i in town. No Mien tais bavo appealed at this end ol the line Hint e Hie sliike was in- lUKUialid last TiiimI.i.v, and the sus roiihioa ot lialllc hah Kieatlv cnlaiKcd tho pationarfp of the steam load tialns BR00KYLN. S'lifiiil lo (Ik sM miDji 'liiljimc Hiokl.vn, Oil. li The Yuung people's f'lulsti.in union of tlio Susquiiiann.i Vulvoisallt-t assotiation held a sut-ce-sfnl i onvent Inn on Satmday and Sunday, October " and li, being entei tuinod b the Hiooklsn union In their usual hospitable st le. Owing to tlio fact that the coinenlion held a meet ing with tho associalon vvhkh met at Xicholbou in Spptembei, tho numbo" of delegates piti-eut at this convention was somewhat small, but to those pus. cut the meeting pioved both intiie-t-lns ami piotltable. Klngsley, Hopboi toni, Xicholson and Sci.iuton weie iep lehonted. Satin day alteinoon tho (on v Pinion enJo.ved a pknsant addiess by it A New woman.9' Disease makes many a w otuan prema turely old. D irk-rimiuctl eyes, hollow cheeks and wislcrf form are" accompan ied by listlcssuess and loss of auibition. Homo duties arc a vveariuess, and social pleasures have no attraction. Une ot the commonest expressions of women cured by Doctor Pierce's J'avorite Prescrip tion is this; ''it has made a new woman of me." There's a wot Id of meaning in the words. It means the sparkle brought back to the eyes; the com- pleion tinteil with the rosy hue of healthy lilood; the form rounded out anew in graceful curves; the whole body radiant with health, Dr. Pierce's Vavorite Prescription makes weak women strong and sick women well, H (llics debilitating drains, heals inflammation and ulcera tion. anil cures female weakness. It makes new women of those prematurely aged by disease, 'l)r Piem h mriltriiifi nre the best I Inve ier ti-etl "wrilfs Mi 0 .SfUuii ot Cliemaua, Marion Co Orc-ipm ".M hultli wa tudlv nut down wtiru I loinulleil linn bj lnur Mv limlisMcreioUl uml mv lirntl hurt me luiitlnii 1I I was 4o mrvoin tint the le.ist thinir vtoiild startle me nliuost lulu muviiNIdnt, J liod pilpililmn uf the hrort m bad thai I could uiccl ivall soiiiftiiuc. I fi'lt utterly tlumiir Ifed, but two bottles of I)r 1'iiiie', l'avorllc I'rocription and one of l.oldui Medical Dit. coiery' made a new wo.uan out of me " Dr. Pieice's Coininoii Sense Medical Advise; is seut,)fcon icceiptof Mumps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the hook' in paper covers, or v.i stamps for it in cloth bind ing. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, No. 663 Malu Street, nuffalo, N. Y fMMM$M m fa the Methodist pnlor of the lliniiklyn (Inn oh, Nov, Mr. Smith, and iiIpo a choil iiililii'ss bv l)r, Sane, The siib jeot of mlsonaiy wot I;, Its purpose nnd helpfulni'S!', both to the glveis nnd those who ipcoIvo, wns dl"i'llseil by the ((invention. Tlio I'Veliltti session toiHutod of u piogimmiip of uiUHlent nloi UoiiH, lPi'ltutloiiK nnd FPVeial pa llets on subjects sulttible lo the tie oaslon. The next iimventloii will bo held In Mny ill Klgf-loy, It sr-iiiilnir vvlsu lo omit the I'Vbiuaiy loiiventlon. FACT0RYVILLE. Spec i il to (tie Srmilbn Inbiin? Fneloryvlllo. Uot. 7.The fitlioial of the late Mi. Corlnnii Wilson vvhh ioii dllctod lioin the Melhodlpt Hplsiopal ihuiili Saturday nt ;i o'clock, lntci nieiit was made In Uvpikipcii comeleiy. Si'Vunil people fiom this iilaio aio down to AVIIkcs-Hmie this week us witnesses In the case of Xounian vs. Delavvaio, Lackawanna nnd AVestoin IJalhoad ( oinpiinv. N. It. AVInters spPm last week with lelatlvcH in Sctunton and AVilkes liai le. The sixteenth nniiual mretlne of the I-iKkavvauiia and AVyomlng Muslial allium c will bo held In the Methodist Kplsiopal chinch nt this place on Oc tober L2-l!3. Prot. Kdwaid Mon is l5ovv ninii, of New Yoik, will be the con ductor, and Miss. Uessle May How man, daiiKliter of the professor, will bo. the soloist. Ke-j stone foot ball team went down to Kingston Hatuulay and plned tho Seminal y team. The Kamo lesultcd in n vlctoiy for tlio lattoi team, the stole beliiR IB to l! A. A. Hi own is doing duty this week as a I'niteil States jmor at Suanton. T.owis AVilgley, of Kingston, spent Sunday Willi his paicnts In this place. Mis. Hemy 1'iko is t.eiioiiblv ill. Her dauKhter, Miss Saia, of New- Yoik, is al homo foi a few da.vs. liev. t). V. Hai mon lias anepted a (.all fiom the Baptist chinch tit Tally, X. Y and left heie last Satin day for his now Hold ol laboi. Mis. Haimon will join him in a lew das. Mr. and Mis. T. Hiayton mo entei-talniiiK- lelativcs fiom Ithodo Island. Mis. John AVilglev, of Luke ('aioy, and her mother. Mis. Shaw, of IJast I-uinon. wcio Buests of lelatlvos In low n last Fiiday. Tho many tiieuds or Mi.s. Maiv Hio.idbcut, of Hunker hill, who loll and broke her hip last vv inlet, will be pleased to leai n she is able to walk about witli a cane. BRADFORD COUNTY. Spernl In (be SMnlon lnbunr Towanda, Oi t, The automatic signal sjsloin is now complete between Hailing Spiings and Manohe.stei. on tho main blanch of the Lehigh Vallev i.iilioad. Theic aio ovoi L'10 blotks on this division. A movement is being made to di vide the township of Columbia into voting disliicts The dioiese of the Scianton mth deaiomy of the Kplhcopal ehurch has thiilv-two cbuiclios in this disliict. Al the annual meeting of tlio CJuai 1 v Glen c lul). the iollowing oflitois woio chosen: Piesident. o. y. Hlackman; vieo piesident, 13. T. Hale; Kouetaiy nnd tieasuior, ('. Ii Porter AVilliam Handy, the negio who fatal ly shot Kile Dotoctivo Penj, at Ow e go, has been dellveied to the lattoi plaio on loeiuisitlon papois A lobatto ill 111 of Philadelphia, wild aio bu.vlng up 01 ops In this (oun ly, l.avo leased a laige building in Towanda, viboio they will soon put a lame loieo at vvoilc. soiling tho ciop boioie shipment. Huiglais enleiod the house of It. A. P. Moado in SaMe, and seem oil ,1 Lugo (piantltv of plundi'i, (uiihisting of dotliing, .sllvei waio. eut glass, jewol ly and other -valuables. Xo tiaio is known of the thieves, and tho fainily wns away lioin home. Mt. and Mi.s. Peter Doiuey, who weie wanted at Athens for liort-e-thlevlng, weie allotted nt Ituffalo, and .110 now in (he 1 aunty jail, awaiting tilal. Mi, and Mrs. A. J. Close, ol West Ruillngton. (debuted their llftloth wedding annlveisaiy last week. 1,'h.ulos M. Ivoous, who died at Tunkhannock-, was at one time one of the piopiietoip of the Waul hou.se. f 'ashler j, ic, Xewoll, of tho Fhst Xiitional bank, is on an extended busi ness 11 Ip thtmish Iowa. The death of Miss UoniKla AVelles has lau.setl the lemoinl of one of Vyi luniug'.s pioinislng .voting ladies fiom tlieli Hidal di dt, She had been en joying the pimt hoas-ou on the Maine coast, and when visiting her ti lends at South Plainllcld, X. ,I was tauon with typhoid lovoi, and despite tho beht ol medhal attonduiioe nnd cue Death tailed hoi. She waa tbo oung ent daiiKhter of Mi. and Mis. (i. II. Welles, and besides hoi aged paienl.s, leaves thiee s-lsteis mid two buuhei.s lo giieve her untimely death, Fund .1 1 Horvlees weie held at the oung ladv's home In Wynlitdng lodu.v, and iutei ineui was made In Oak Hill icmetery, Towanda. William S. Mine, who died hi To wanda 011 Satmday uioinliiR, urpiI IJ .veai'H, ufler a long Illness of loiihunip tlon, wan born In Wyoming lounty, Tor hoveinl yoai.s he has been genoial sales agent tor the Dejawate and Ilud sou (.'oal (ompnny. A wile ami two htop-chiuiioii survivo hlni. A dkk swludlor has been lalcl.v do ing his woik ovoi in Tioga county, He is an old mini and navels with a hoi ho uml 1111 1, He di Ives up to u Ihiiii house about evening nnd plendn that ho is tiylug to buy wo or 700 lines 01 laud for 11 tattlo lunch, Hols ullowi'd to lenmlii over night, uml the nest inoiniiiK when he mints uw.iy, ho sas ho Is going to see tho ncM lar- mci about gutting his luim. He goes, but never lotuins, .Mis. Theodnui .Mai tin was Mi ink and instantly killed by the work lulu at AN 1 sus oil Tliuisday Sim was picking up 1 oal, and was u.' iih old. A husband uml thico diililien suivlve hoi The Mur give llio follow lug tacts (nib I'liilug IMwaid Itlui'bohl ot Tiiuk Innnoik, who wao a toiiuei lehldipt (it Towanda. He also was a tot met ii'sideiit of uveiton, his lather having moved ilicie when It wab a wldeiness. Willie et In Ills teens in 1S37, Mi, Hlne bold was hhed lo Ldirj the mull fiom .Mune y 10 TunkhaniioiK by the wnv ot Towuinla, The tilps weie ninilo on HOLseiiaih. icfiuuiiiK liuue uajb timn Towanda to Muncy and ictuiii, and two dan lioin Towanda to Tunkhan notk. He continued these ntduotis du ties through the then Rieitt fotests and over mountains rut u M'at. Ho Is now elffhty-tlnec ieaiM old nnd stltt pos sesses U'liiaiknblp vigor. Chailes tHuger, it fiiinicr l.ulilRlt Valley engineer t chillier t Sayic, tiuumltteil suicide ill I'liloii Spilngi, X. Y. Dnvhl Yoik, nt Kjtvanln, HUM coun ty, while In MutMlold, was held tip by two unknown men near the Xoiinnl school and relieved of .$lfil). Dr. ('. II, Wniner, a well known nnd siiitpssfiil physician, died at his homo In Itush at nn advanced ago nNer ti long illupss. Jim lul was nunki at t,u ltn.vsvlllo on Thursday. Fled Ullks, a young mail while play ing football, had u leg fractuied while clamming In n jilletlp. The State Benin tmeiit of Agilcul luio has announiPd fanner's: Insti tutes to be held In the county this winter nt the following places: Spilng Hill, December JD and 17; Homo, De cember IS nnd in: llnst Sinlthlleld, De cember 20 and 21: Hianvllle Ontie, December iiO and 31, Servlios weic held In the new Meth odist Tabei uncle chinch at I-aicv vllle, which Is ileal Ing completion, for the Hist time yesteiday. A sluing gtitud has been placed over tho edlflie, as It Is tho thhd one circled within tluce J.0H1X, The oilier two chiiiihes weie bullied bj lucelidnilos, SUSQUEHANNA. Special to the Scnnton Tribune. Susquehanna, Oct. 7. Considerable new machinery for the Kilo boiler shop Is nirlvlng nnd being placed In posi tion. Itev. W. M. Hoiilon, pastor of the Avenue Methodist church, Is quite ser iously III at the home of Anion West fall, Oaklond township. Tho Kilo Is cm tailing expenses In v.nious directions. Theio vvns a killing fiosl In thin vldnity last night. Miss Agnes Sevois, of Hinghmnton l.s the guest of Ooakland side iclntlves 'I he luneiiil of the into Miss Johanna Higan took place this moinlng fiom St. John's Catholic diuidi. when 10 quiem high mass was colebiated. In tel ment was made In Kauie! Hill LPineleij. Hai vest Festival sei vices, of an In tel esting niituie, weie held in Chi 1st Kplocop.ll chinch 011 Sunday. Miss Stella Howitid, of Thompson, was, solo ist. The chinch was appiopi lately decoiateil. The Doicas socletv of (he Piosby teiiaii church will hold a Hai vest Fesi tlval in the diuidi Oct. 0, AVodnesday evening noit. Tho "Pennsjivania" ( ompnny is the Opeia House atti action for Fiiday ev oning. Mr. and Mis. I'atiiik Goaty have ic tuined home fiom tho Pan-American. Mts. James Donovan is at the Pan Amoricnn. T1.1i.1man John Dugan, of tills place of Palmei 's Jeffeison division "lljer," while assisting in the unloading of a heavy easting at Hnlondale on Satin -dnv moinlng. suslalnod two laceiated toes. Amputation was notessaiy. Miss Kdna M. Oiabani, of Uieat Hond, has 1 etui lied homo lioin .1 visit with her sistei, Mis. John AV. Jnra- beo. 1 Allied Weil, ol P01 1 Huion, Midi, has been i siting his neiee, Mis. John AA'. Lai 1 a boo HOPBOTTOffl. Special In tho Siranton Tiilnme llophottoni, Oct. 7 Jlr. and Mis, Chailes Kelluin have been .spendiiiK the past week at the Pan-Amei lean. JIis. Fannie Boll, of 13inglianiton, is cailiiff foi the Kelluin home Mis. Davis and f.unilv and 'SU. and Jlis. Oioen weie guests at II. J. Hait lov's on Sunday. 11th. Tuinci, or Hinrjlianiton, was a vidtm in town l.isl week. Mis. Maltha Hell is sin louslj ill at this writing. Mis. i: m. Tift.iny and Mis.s Melin Blown ,itt ended tho convention ot the Vouns: People's Clnlstlan union at UiooklMi Hatutday and Sunilav. Mis. Almiia Blown has been spend ing a few days with her daughter, Mis. Jai ksou. Quito a number iioiu this plan- at tended the Montioso and Blnghaniton fails last week. 3li. Saiah Blioailcc leceived a fine combination honing table and clothes lack as a pioniluni for the best honed (.nihil and cuffs at the Monti ose fair. Mi.s. Tiffany will spend this week at tlio homo of hei paieuts, nev.nncl Mis. Hallow . THE TRIBUNE'S PATTERNS BLOUSE WAIST COSTUME. No. 517. I'OI II JOUIIB Kill tills s ,i f-iy I),,. uiiiilns- iiKidi'l, and tin- bklit Is, mt s(i us in lie easily tuekfil and jvt ictain ith Hlyliwli Blmjii'. Tlio ni.iteilul s i( lilue Ilonilcttu cloth, and tho yoke uf iioiy Kitln, with kuI-iuic iimt, ami tlllillllllitt ol bands of blaik i-let iltli Kilt liultons, Till' lilousp Inih Hie new lii'U Hleovi; and till) iiiiltH of IkuIhIk liiinincd wlili Vnleiii imi net., Tills s, a dies-s-y waiht In iveai' wltli mi) sklit, It tlie tuiked fkiit Is too bIiIMi, Nine yanlH of -,1-uils will Iju leiiulied, AValst li.it lui ns s-uimiied in icnu hIi-s- ), ai, :iii and as indies, ims-t nuMbuiu. skiu liatieuih in two h.Q; j and M Iniliu, waist uu.ibui. Any nuinlier lietwien tliehQ hUcs will take the no.t IriiceM fcl.e. Send 10 cents to "l-ibhlon Dep,m ment, Tilhune, Scianton. Pa.," btutlnir slzo and number of ivalht or bklit pat tern dcblrcd. and It will be ioiwaidrd to jour urldrcbs postpaid, l.'or patteina ol tho full lobtume, liKliidlnt- both waist and skin, 20 cents mutt be en" cleied. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. Xevv "Vol It, Del. 7, I.liiuldatlou of the same cliaiuctoi' as that which has been inanltosL lor some time proceeded to day, rioine nigged hieaks In the pi Ice level ot the nmikel lesiilied, but heavy and conieutiated buying was In evi dence all day. As a ciinseiiiii'iiei' the decline was checked and the latter p.lit of tho day was given over to a broad and tonipiphenslvc covering movement which lifted pi!eeathioiigh otU the INt, losses In the laflioad list being quite geneiully iccoveied and largely 1 educed even In the weakest of the Indium IbId. Theie was a gi owing sphlt of scepticism as to the piuspect of dividends un Industiial cimunon slocks vvhoie the organizations weie dependent for success on ceiiillnued or oven Increased juospeilty. The senti ment tovvaul lccont ilunnelal ptojeets was extended to the lalhoad win Id by reason of the annual showing of the Chicago, Huilltigtoii and Qtilncy, which vvns published on Satuidny nnd which showed a balance of earnings after chiugos Insufficient to pay the In toicflt on tho newly Issued bonds for wbloh the stock Is collaleial. St. Paul, which sold e-d!v!deiul of a per cent was subjected to savage attack and was foiced down l?t. Mlssouil I'aclllc lot as much and some of the cotton and corn caiiylng talhonds weie quite weak. The selling of Brooklyn Tuinslt, which carried It down Va, was nppai enlly ba.sed on the gcneial condition ol pooi earnings and an unduly high pi lee. Sugar was weak at the extreme de cline of ;;i,b, on dicad of the effect of the war against beet sugar. Atchison led tho iccovery 011 very confident 111 nior that the semi-annual dividend ute is to be increased to 1' per cent. Theie were purchases by a. single com mission house of several thousand shares each of vni ious stocks all mound the room, and this was sup pced to lepiosent coveting by a west ern bear contingent. Tho rally ran be tween -' and 3 points In nianv of tho pilnelpal active stocks, and tlio de mand foi Amalgamated Copper showed some urgency, tho stock rising Hi over Saluulay. The day's net gain Is a point. The covering demand made a flini closing. A renewed advance in some of the junior A'andei bills was a feature ot the day. Total sales today, 7JS.200 slimes. The lalhoad bond 111.11 ket was weak eailv, but 1 allied In svmpathy with stocks. Total sales, pai -value, $2,370, 000, United States new 4s declined ' per cent, on the last call. Inc fulloniii? quotation arc (urnished Iht Tribune bv VI n .Ionian k Co.. room T03 M Mcars buildirg, bcinnton, Vx. Telephone C001: Open- High- I ow- Clos- in? oit ft. ing XniPiH.in Siijrir Ill's llji; ll''i 11 Ca Ati'lil-on 7V4 To-Ja Vl' Th'-g Alelii-nn. I'ltlciierl .... 1 047, 014 91"s Anul Coppri 5,1 SC.'i STIJ S Vni C'11 A foundi; .. L'l'i 1i Jij 25 Jtioukhn Ti icl ion .....W" Ml y, 571,- llilt i. Ohm 'i-in4 ')'i ')iv 9J " (his ,1. Olun 1, j- tj'i ,fij Cldi .V. 1 J. Wist Vi i it (hit, Vlil A si. l ...uia, r.H'J llPi li.Y I lue , 1! 1 .. 1' .. ..Ill 1 0 lis us C11I0 I ui'l ,v Imn .... sili 'J s5i . 'ii". iiif 11 11 I'l", :u-"s 3i'i .i'ui lot li II. pi i,i"s lis1! br34 (,3'A I.011H A. N i'li 101J8 lill'f. 101 101 V" Mm llivulnl 11R'& lib"! 11, 'a 11S Ml nun I'uilie . . 'is mj ni' . 'M"J oiftilk . WtMrin ... ,nit 11", 51 'n . , O i. W S .I2t 5I, Jit V. V. Ccntnl 1541 1 1", r.l l),i roiiiu n it m mr -jp-j jity. Heading li s"l tu ,1s!.'. .0" Itciriinic, 1st l'i 74"t TI1". 7'U l southern Itiilwiv M'g .'.!' Ji ?, suuthriii 11v., I'r .. . . 7 Southern I'uiflt -JJ ",1 IpJ -mJ Tmiii. Coil A lion .... "is ,-,hi4 ,-,i,ii -,si'. 'I cms Pit lib ', ') :,s""J ,,',-jj V. s iP.thor l"s l 11 us, I s Itiilioi, I'r .... 7ij 7n 7i'i "Hi I. s sirol l. i " , ipT, iy, I . s -tiol (o. Pi ... tiji. !ijj" m t)5, Wo;-lrr , I'nion ...... . '0' "ill ')u m Wiln -h, I'l ;i7' 7 'il,'i i7s3 Scran ton Boaid of Tiade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Far of 100. STOCKS. Lackawanna Dairy Co , Pr., County Saving' Bank & Tntt Co First "s.itlonil Bank (Carbondilc) Standard Dulling Co Third Tvitional Bank Dime Deposit and Discount Bank Economs Ugh. II. & P. Co Firil National Bank , Iacka. Trust Safe Deposit Co Clark & bnover Co, Ti Bcranton Iron Fence k Mfg Co. .., Scranton Alo Works Scranton Savings Bank Tradcra' National Hank Siranton Bolt & Nut Co People's Bant New Mexico Bj'. f-C, Co BONDS Bid. Asked. CO ... MO 3J-, JO so 275 ... 4S l-oo 1W l-'S 100 S3 IM K3 ... 101 ... 135 Scranton Passenger Railway, first Mortgage, due WO People's Stieet Railway. Brat mort gage, du" WIS People's Strict Railway, General mortgage, due 1021 Dickson Manufacturing Co Lacka. Township School fi per cent. City ot Scranton St. Imp. 6 per tent Scranton Traction 0 per cenl US IIS US 100 102 102 115 Scianton Wholesale Market. (Coirccted by II, 0. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave.) Beans Pci bushel, iholce ntariovv, ?2C0a2l5 ButUi-rrech creamery, 21a22c; dalr3, fresh' ilc. Cheese I'ull cicam, lOVSalle. L'gg Wolern fie'li, ISHalOj neaiby 15'al7'it. state, Medium Beans Per bushel, $2 50. Crcin Peas Per bushel, fl.40al.fS Hour llct patent, per birrcl, $4.45. Beans Pel bushel, choke maiioiv, $010, Potutoes Pel liushel $lal 10. Philadelphia Grain and Produce, Philadelplili, Oct, 7 -Wheat, .l blgliei; con tract Biid October, 7lH.i72c ( out I- inn; No, 2 inKul Ovtnbci, ii.MU2ji, OaU rhui, o '2 white cllppitl, 42t, I loin cjulet, but steadt Butter I'lini, guml tleiiiiuil; 1,11113 vicalei'n crejineiv, 22'c i tlo, ncirbv pilult, Jli, Eggs l'ti in. fill clinijnd; iit-oli neaili, idi.; di. vvcsltiu, -21k,, tlo. Siuullivvtslcin, IK.; du, touth em, Ihe (', I'irm; New Vnrn full cieimj fiiuv inill, inHulO'ie ; du, tlo, (ait In iholce, tnlik, Id fined Sugars Quid, but ele.ulv. ( ot. ton I'liiliiugeil Tdlou I Inn, good iloiiuiul; (il.v inline in lihtli, .'il4atii ; do, uml loimtiv ilaik, 3'sje , t ike, daHUi, live I'oul'is Hull and lou, lotvl., IK j 1 1 1 1 1 ioiuIcm, (a7t , pilui; ihiikinc, tic., tiucks, Hi, Di eut il P0UI113 Dull and luvvdj lovvN ibuhr, 2i , do, fall to good, llall'.c j ud luo.tcis, 7i , hmlllng chickens lieu I13 , llil't , tvesttiii do, llialJc, lliciipt-, I'loin, .l,n btiiels and l.loo.uio I1011111U In uk, wheal, 1 1, WW hu.hilsj ioiii, il, Ml buihcls; tuts, 2,000 hu-lnh, s.,tt,ill(.nl. Wlu.it, 2,i,iKl hu-le, tern, i.Omi liinlieli; nats, O.OOi) buliil, Kw Tork Orttiat and Produce. Nivv oik, Od 7, I Mm I'iim jul eld (SilOi liUliei Hluat -sput linn; e,t ;ja1t j 0 I atluatj No. J led. 71V eltvtlm, So I No Hi. em Duliith. 7i.t t u. b adoat l)iiioi4 who gc in 1 ill ihm ludty ami 1 a 1 1 1 jiiive; clu'ctl III in at ?ijti. net juuiunl. Sla.v closed 7SJ.c. i Odtibci, ".I'.c., llKimbii, Ji',,1, Coiii-Cpot tiuii! .No, V, 02t ilcijtiu ami i,,i, 1 0, b alluit Options inaiket opened 111111; ilo,etl Ihm and Ua"!c net lilghci, Mjj closed d2e i (Kli bei, (JPJi ; Huenibei, 2 OaU -spot Hun, .No S, Jsi.t No. .1, .s',,1., .No J white, 1 1 i,ta IJc , j No. i while, 41c.; Iraik mhed we.tein, .SStlik.; tiack while, lOillc. Options quiet, but fliin lluttci s.iiad3, creamei3, )5aJ21ji,; fuloij flCth. ljiijll'li.t .I11110 ilcanierr. "fi.i ",. iml". fcutloii iicaiuri.v, ll'Ulet., tate daii.i, liable. 1 itc.c sieau.v j iaiu jairfc inKurtl. lHji.i fam.3 laige white, U'sv',; fane) email coleicd, 10'Jv.j THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Four Line, 3 Cents for Gich Bxtt a Line. For Rent. TO ItKM' Icn loom lioui on Clflf iilcmic with nil innilciii cuniciilciicc"), Imtmllns illj JlCJilt neat; wilt lejw vciv ipionib1i on xroiint ol 111 licillli. Aikliew I,. A. 11., Tribune oilier. l-m ,,..., ... . . . vi iu.-N i i, ana room, , n -"? .Ti.frrti.nn flvpnUC til modern ronicnlencrt. I For Sale. VWV XAW.Vi 1011 HM.K White ctntuthil, full cl.o bed ultli woven w'le fpiliiiT'i nnd nnllir; In poitnt condition, ' 1117 Tiijloi nvrnuc. HOII.i:itS-l'or file, I wo UK) II, P. Inilcis, Hi pound jtoim AddreM I. 0. lloiv 200, l'hlu ndtl, . .1, 10U sm: An up lo djln incut ami llili maikct: ctidillflird turntj-lhc .vonai doinR a laige iiuilnrMj oloilile motor for famagc, ami tan', lie, it fFipiice. Addit-8 Andrew Ilroivn, Middle town, V, V. FOU SALi; IVo light spring: wagom and some , harness, cheap. Kvans, rear 11.12 Luzerne street. Wanted To Rent. W'AMI.Ii TO Iir.M M room home, with mod em iuipinicmrnl. II. 1'iillir, Intcinational Coirctpondeiico bclioolc. For Sale or Kent. FOR sWl.1' on IlKSr Home. Rarclen'nml fniil In I hiihuut. Atltlrcss Di. Iljleion, :f!7 Waihins,' lou avenue. Furnished Booma. I'Ort HKM' I'm nUlied room', foi nontleinen onlj : stiani heit; all modem lonvonienci's. 1021 Jlullieti)- stiect. TOR HUNT Furnished front room, with lieit, hath and gus, near court house; gentleman preferred, Address Iloom, Box 299. FOR III'NT 1'urnislied room; heat and bath 025 Linden street. Booms and Board. ROOMs TO BUNT, with hojid t09 Mulberry streef. Boom and Board Wanted. MMtniKU COUl'I.i: with two children, igo 0 and 4, desire? roonn and board; pilv.ite fjniilv-. prefened. Address, II., Iribune Office WAMl-.i) I wo or fhiea fiuni-lmd room", with or without bo-ud. Hill section preicued. Addns? II. V. r, Tribtmo office. Boarders Wanted. WANTED Table boarders. Mrs. Tompkln, 631 Washington avcuue. Business Opportunity. STOCK XR IWIl'Vl' TRHU'RS without dell. Write for our special maikct letter. 1 rce on application, b Jl. llihbard i. Co , membeis X. Y. Consolidated and Stock I'uhange, 44 and 46 Bioadnai, New Yoik Untablished 1SS1. Long Dlatancc Phone 2JSS Broad. Lost. IOsI' i ir Niv Vus Talk, t white hull tciucr, bundle Mut uvci nun eve, cm tlipiicil. .incl an-vvci- to the mine ot .loc Itewaid lor ictmn lo 140 Whcclei .ivcmii, cm. LOsl' V black icttei pup. 1'intlci will be ic wiulctl I13 reluining to 1". "s. Williams, 7.12 W'nihinglon avenue. Wanted. W VNII-D One luge, niifm 11 i-lieit 100111, bv ladi, hi iepectible loralilj, Aildio-i ,1. ', cue tf 'lubunc oflhe. WANTED A large fliow case. Apply William Qifford, 1547 Dickson avenue. Jdz$JzL, Till' ANNUAL meeting of the uicnilieia of the Pennsylvania Oral School for the Deaf, for the election of four directois to seive 'time jcais. and for such other busine-i as mav ruon. C1I3 bo biought before the meeting, will be held at the other of Hie tecietary, Room 401 Council Building, Scianton, Pa , on lucsdav, October Slh, l'JOl, al thiee o'clock p. m, HENRY BEI.IN, lit , hccictaiv. f un 3- sin ill white, 10c. Fggs mcadi : Rlale and I'cniis.vlv una, 211-i22(.; weslern unr-andh d, 17a 21c , 'vcMcrn candled, 2IUi;c. Chicago drain and FrodtiM, Chiugo, Oit. 7. A giovvmg bull tonftdenie 111 1 seeiniiiglv ovei sold iiiueL gave stiengtli to griius (odav md Decenibei wheat tlosed si, lilghci; lletembei coin ?iai.c. advaiiLPd. and De- cembu tuts, li it. up. Piovl-ions closed 7'j to 22'. cents depie-sod. t isb tiuotations ei as fOllOV' s. rioni Stcidi ; No. .'! spung wheat. Ci'aOi'.e.; N'o 2 led, tlOaV 1 o '.' .villovv, ,17'8c ; Nil. '.! oats, S",isaubi,; No. 2 white, .,7lo.; N'o .'! while, hUU'c.I .No. 2 i)i ulliin4C.; fin lo choice milting bnlov, ,11a "A,; No. 1 ila heed, "j-l.J t ; No, 1 Northwestern, St. 41; inline tlmolhv seed, f .0aj .",', uics poik,sl,l,1il4..'ll, lud, $9yia0s.'i:, xlioifc ilbs, a i0aS.1i); diy biltml slinuldeis, 7li'c.j hoit clear sides, $0i0 10; WlllaklJ, ft 0 Chicago Llvo Stock Uarkat, C'hlt.igo, Oil, 7, faille Itecelpts, 2J.00O, In. tliidmi, l.Ou) 'lesaii anil 7,000 westcins; choice t-lp ulv ; othtrs. 10 to 11 cints lovvei; good to priniti ilea-, siiaii fiu, poop 10 medium, j.l.,l0i5 SI; stockcts and leethis, 1-2.2tjJl: iovis, il.Jiif oil; hoiftin, $1,711;; i.-imieis, l,21a.'.21; bulls, $1,711 4,UJ; cilvio, 10atl-!j; 'lexas Mens, V.M)i'.7J; westrin iki, ff.ltl.1aH0 llogs-lluelpts todav, 27,00(1, luinoiiow, 21,000; bft ovei, 4,000; upcnt'd htcitU 11, hlnmg; dnMtl weak; liihtd jii.I bulili ers, $ti ,11111,70; i,noil u (hoite htivv, $1. Ctlib DU; lough he.iv3, yi20a0.'i0; light, fi, 51)111,70; bulk of hilts, $1, lOuun. .shetp-IletclpM, ll.uuO; goud ilitep ntead.v; othcH .1 ding; good lainln klctdj ; othin a dug; good In 1 lion e wethers, is.! .11il.il, fill In 1 hone mixed, tJ00io ,0; wi.lein theep, $2..10aM0; nillve limbs ion, $17.1, bulk, S' ""1 4 21; neslriu lanibs, sji-,a 10 Buffalo Stock Mmket. 1 lit IluOalo, Od 7.-Cattlo DtTeili.'c, s;a cais, vnj slow foi all gijde; exti 1 hue mens, 1j"aii21; good to 1 huh n do., f 1 CuaV'O; iholce tn extiu fat cow-, i.al 10; tlo, common lo good, rj72VkJ Mi; Imtclier cows and lieifei,!, 11.50 1 1 21. llofls Oflcifngs, IW loads, dull; miwii packers. sffj.TOiU SO; gia-.cis, $(l25aG40, pig, (.nod 10 ilioke, i .101O.IO; lough., i!at 15; t igs, l.'iui 3 '25, "hiei and l.nnbu-OfUrlng., W tais; verv low, 1. nubs, choice lu flue, jll0a1.11; lali lo good, sl,71i,00; mils, common to j,oo I, Ski 33 1 4,13 Shi'tp, choke Iiunly vvt lliei, -.1 (1jl,fi): ihulii' lu t'Xlia inlvd, -?1 Mil, ,il; mils ami cuni. liion, fi .'Jl 1 2 il, Eait Libsrty Cuttle. Kast libeitv, Od 74 .iltlt -slratlj S (hoite, $.1 71j(, iilim, $1,10(1 70; good, Vi I0i1 M ng slow ami lovvei; inline Ikjv3, C.fi0jt.,ir,; .,t, luetllums, i!01all6ll; luuvy voiles, t Wali.70; little 30iku,, sl 40ji! r.0, pi;,, s.l.7Hfc iiiii.Ih, $3a0 10. Sliivi'Mc id) i.ii Inubs slovui nil fclic. 11 Best midluuH, i oil I 7; mils and louunoii, U 2; 3(JiIiiib, siSOafW; veal ulv.s, (xi; New Yoik Live Stock Maiket. New uik, Od. 7 llici(sttrn blow .md lowu, I411I It. kiuj cuvva (.eniiilli .leadi , f.11 bu!l lown, lfus, t-(i0j1,73; oxen ami l.ig, w.i.j 4'Ji, bull, $2,l3al71; icvvs, fl.30aJ.40, etu f'lt cows, $1; tlockeu. W.w) 1 1. id f'alvp,-Veals btiadj; giacis lowci; veal, I50io.1.); little calves, H; glJls and bulteimllki, VS TJjI.Sj, few ilc al 8I,j 10, wfsicin calvr., $1 Oil Market. Oil Cily, (Kt. 7.C.icdit tialanin, 1.'7; vhln menu, W7,:i').l; ivcuge, 103,09. Hunt, UJ,7W; auugi'i it,WJ. . , 3 More Help Wanted -Male. r fv'rs f W VMTI1-A I'oitt'l. pplv nt l. ( Inii.l llulul C'AWAsSKIIS VSHT1 I'ui an lionet, til ilgbtfonvaiil piopo-dtlon, Nut u Uludiy iclicnie, lull Rood pi foi ftojd woik. Yohhk men nt neat npiioH.iiHr and Rood lublti w mini , If lliev Iiivp hid mini t'xpoileuii' In iuivjlti. m much Iht' lipttri Ailtiipi. litliis iiRi', peiliinc iiinl puvliiiM Muiesi. M VVhl'AI'KIl, Trlbimc ollkc. CVNVAbMillS In woik in ill! wJ hnutil liood uv, tilai.v nl mi i Minn Vddicsi I!. II,, lillninc oMIu' IIIIICKIiAYKIlS WAMTIl-t'oi fire bilek woik. Coinmunli'itlom and peisoiul upplliallons will be rci-elvetl al my ofllce in llancoik, N. V. D. .I. tliiiinu. Help Wanted Female. CAM AsM'lls- To woik In CII3J ci3 ho in; good pjv, mUiv uml Lommiuloii Adtliew I.. II., Tillninc office. W'ANn:il A gill for geneinl liouwnoik. pply at IOI South Main nvenuej iihmI conic lee ornmended. WANT!)- Olrl for general homework al Dillon. AddrcM II. T tare Iribune. BRANCH WANT OFFICES. Want Advertisements Will Be Beceived at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 F. M. Central City ALBERT SCHLUTZ. corner Mulberry direct and Webster avenue. 0USTAV PICHEL, 650 Adams avenue. West Side OEOROB W. JENKINS, 101 South Main avenue. South Scranton FRED L. TERPPE, 720 Cedar avenue. North Scranton CEO. W. DAVIS, corner North Main avenue and Market itrect. Oreen Bidge CHARLES P. JOVES, 1337 Dickson avenue. P. J. JOHNS, 920 Oreen Ridge street. O. LORENZ, corner Washington ave nue and Marlon street. Petersburg W. H KNEPFtL, 1017 Irving avenue. Sunmore J. a. BONE & SON. BANKING. REPORT OF THE (.OMllllON Ol' THE THIRD NATIONAL BANK at S, Linton, in the Stitc of rcnnvlvnnh, at the lice oi hii-iiie-i, sopifmbef otl, l'i)l. RLSsOl'lin-.- loans, ind tlittounts 2,1,7,12S4J Oveidrilts, secured anil inisecuiid. . u'i bl l. S Bonds to otcure tiuiiUlit .Vl.OOU 00 U. S Bonds In senile I" S tlepniu I7!,ono 00 stocks seeurilies. clt- Dunking lioii-n, furnlliiii- and flstuics Due fiom nauouil hanks (not ir-erve agents) Dm. from stale banks mid biiiku . Due fiom approved lCscive igeuls .. lutein il levuiue t imps f hecks, mil fthrt cisb ittuis lthingn tot ilcailng hou-t' Notes of olhn uilioiiiil liinki I rational jiapei cini-eni.t, nickels and cents J au till Monev lic-eive m link, vl spwic -jif,.', Ilrt ;, Jigil tentlci nottt. ... 111,100 IW SITUATIONS WANTED FREE. 1110,410 (.0 :,VM G Mi 01 J 'iS 1.112 J .01,011 04 .1 12 (17 '. sn II I'HLM 20 .l.s II DO I, Co II n lo, :,i Iteileniplion fund with l. x (i,j, 11111 (.1 pel toil, ol c 11c11l.1t tun) . 2,500 1)0 Due mini I . .s lieisiuci, nthci thin .1 pit Kin iideniptiou fund 4, lit1 HO lol.il fl,l7',2txi 7.1 I I Mill 1 1 II s f.ipitil (.lock pud in . 200,000 00 sniplus mil. I 521 OOOOO llltliVlllllI pitlllls, llss (XptllMS iml taxes paid 7l,.4l2 1,9 N'liliuuil Iniik notes iiuisianiling .... .10 not) M Hue It, nlhti Nation il Hants II li.'l 1) Due lu Mile lliuks md llaukei .. ,:09 12 Due (o liust (omninics aril i-av- ings llmks HI Isl ill Due to appioved kmuc .uouts ... 5 ii2 I'l Dividend imp ml i,70 10 llidividutl dipiMts niilijut lu eli ik. '2,71'1, lis It Diminil leitllkates ot iltpo-il 10,112 01 (eitlfied clKtks 2,211 11 Casliipi's tlieiks oulsi iniling Ill 11 I'niteil stiie, deposits 4i,7,lIO 14 Diposils of I , s, Ul-liuicing ofltceia, .I,!.!, 72 Total suii- of l'cnnvlv mil, w imn, s : s-l,l7.l.2t.l 71 touiuy ot I like I. Wf II. PICK, Ci.luer of the above uini'd iiauk, tlo xokniuH mvi 11 that the above state mini is tine' to the bt of mv knowledge imi belief. WW. If. I'l ( h, C'n.lilei. -siibsciiljeil and iwui to beloie me this 5ili dav of ikttibei. IWH. sMlll, y. I'DfJMt, Xoluv Public, fund tlcsl: lll'NUV IIIII IV. .Ill, I VMI's H( IIIHID, I.IO, II. C VI I IN", Dueolois, 111.1'onr or '1111; (ondiiion or 'iin-: TRADERS NATIONAL BANK at sninlnii, in the si lie of l'i-iiiijjiiij, at llio ilue nl hiislni'so, Hpt. .0, uml; 1II,S) ll( I X u.i in and lliseoimts t,2ll,oll Jl Oveitli nts, seuuiil ami miMtmiil ,. 711 nil 1, s, Itumlsi lu Mime iliiulatlou , po.btHl HO 1 , s Bonds to ,su mo I', s. Dcpusiii 120,ihii) nil I'lUlllmils nil I , s, 11, mils f.UOll 00 soikx, Htuilllis, di,, , , , ,'!I7,I'2,25 lljukin,; huu-t, luiuitme jul tn- tllll'S i il,i'H) iVI Ollui 11.1l csiiu. ovviuil 7,700 011 Hue In 111 National lliuks (not lumo agtuts) 2l,ti7i0tl Due Ihiiii uif llinks ami II iiil.ois ,. 1 , 1 7 ,1s Due' lltilil appinvul lesiive ,l,onti .. J;i,,lll 22 Iiitenul Itevtuiio M imps , d7lbl (links anil other ta-li Items 2,M0 Ml Ixthiiigis fiom (leiiiug hua-e .... I'l.SiU .II Notis tn mini N itiiiti.il lliuks , . .120 00 I laclloiial pipu 1 111 it in. v, ulikt'lf, ami cents , , ,. 1,011 47 lawful mouov ii-nw in luiik, vi .spet le , 11,22 1 ml l.tg iWmtlei mite. In.ltlO (1 02, ,M 00 I,0iV) 00 2,100 ft) ,2i- Ml 13 210 OKI () I00,eW OH 4'M02 07 s, 1,000 ui 2S.501 0 431 SI 2sl I'l r,2J,'il I Ot! sll,7ai Ps 120,721 )V 2 .120 7.1 IV HI l-0.li ) It) oui None None V11. Itediinplion fund Willi I', X 'luu 111 ri (1 nn inn, uf t In nl it Ion) , Due fiom l', 'lii'JMini, utbei than ,1 po nut, icdciuptluii luml ,, . . Toil I .... $2 1,1 Villi 1 1 ll.s. Capital riot k paid In ? sin phi,- mud riiiliiidtd piollls, lo- cpeu,es 11ml taxis paid . . Niitiuual II nils nulls oiii,IjihIiii' ,.. Din- In 1 tin 1 N tli.iuat llanks line lo sate llinks .11 d lljukils , ,, lllv tilt lid, unpaid ., lliiHvliln.il ikposltt. siibjnt In tlieik llilil.iiul it'ilitiialis of diposlt , . , 'lllllll KllllllUtlS I'l til Mlst (t'ltllutl iheik , , (.u-IiIii'k (Inks outstanding . , I'liiltd stili- ilcpo.ll' Dtpcslls nl' I s disbuirliig ulllitis Notts aid bills if iIImiiiiiiIiiI , Hills pavalde. indtidu . nillfiiali. ul depoit lm iiioutv boriuwid liablllllrs ulliii liuu lluise above land . ., . filial ,, .',2.S,ll!l 10 mjIc of I'nii'.vlvauii, 1 mimi 01 laikivvamu, , I, K. V. Dulph. .imLuiiI ca.hlir uf hr abuvo 11 nuts lunk, do oleiiiiilv wiai llui ihe.iline .Uleiiiiiu Is Hue In lie I cl uf 1113 knowledge Jinl billef I' Dill I'll, V.jUlanl rjshiei. .subi-iril'i'd and tit inn lo hefoie me thh-. r.ricntli .lay of Oelobei, 1101, , , III,. Not 113 Public ll.v (ounuission explifs piil, IMI loncct-VIICsU l. p. MUIIILUS. I I". I III lr. VOW, IDWMID-b. ION1-X Pi, .1 .. DIRECTORY. Insertions 25 Cents THati Pour Line, 6 Cent (or L'acli Cutra Unt, PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountnnt, i:d'iii) c. Hi'Am.Di.MiTs i luunns'nANic Building. Atchitects. l.D'lll) II. DAVIS, AIICIHTECT, CONMJUi Building, nii:i)i:iurK i,. iiiiow.v.Aiitll. n , ri:aI4 Utate l.xdiaiige llldg,, 12(1 Washington ve. Civil nnd Mining Engineers. II. 1. llAltDINO, UOa CONMIl-l, HUII.DINCI. Dentists. d. u 1: uiu:NBi:uai:ii, pauli buildino, (puice fiioet, tieraiilon. DK. O. C. I.AUUACII,1IS wvominq avenue. IJawyers. rA.K io1". "OM.i:. ATlonNKY-AT-AW. llooms 12, u, 10 an, ig nUrr Building. !' h", '1I1ACV, ATT'V.,CQMMONVi:AI,TltBLDol D,n: '"f.ooi.i:. A'rronNi:Y-i.oANS Nta'iv Mated on ical estate aecurlty. Meats Building, (oilier Washington avenue and Spruce aticct. W'''V"D' 'Mtin:v k KN'APP. ATTOnsr.V'9 and couiiselloiKat-hw. llcpublican Building, Washington avenue. ""s5,lut" & ,.i:.SSUP, ATrOBNBYS AND C'Otl.V Bcllois u.lnv. Coininonvvcalth Building, Hooral 10. 20 and 21. 1:unAJ,'.D ".' THAI MR, ArrOBN'KY. BOOMS ' W3 001, mil floor, .Mcar Building. '' Av ;vrm:s atioiinkv-at-law, boaih? of fiade Building, bcranton, Pa. '' i?!I!:B0,y'fc WILCOX, TRADHItS NATIOSAa, "ink Building. C CQVEGls, on m:PUBUCAN BUILDINO. A..,,lV',,.U'-Ii101''''- OITICU MOVED TO N0 211 l30mlng avenue. Physicians and Surgeons. DU. V. i: ALLI.N. D13 KOKTlt WASUINOTOsJ avenue. DR. S V. 1 WlOUI'Al X. OrFH'K Ml WAblt ington avenue. llesldence, 1318 Mnlbarrv. Chronio diseases, lungs, heart, kidneys ana genlto uilnaiy oigana a specialty. Hours, I to 4 p, m. Hotels and Restaurants. i TDK LK CAl'n, 125 AND 12" FRANKLIN AVB nue. Rates reasonable. P. ZninLER, Proprietor. SCn N TON I10USU. NEAR D., h k W. PA'S. senger depot. Conducted on the T.tirope.n plan. VICTOR KOOII, Proprietor. Scavenger. A. B BItlOCsi CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS XB cess pools; no odor; only Improved pumps used. A. B." Biiggs, pioprletor. Leave orders 1101 North Main avenue, 01 Elcke's drug store, to nei Adanu and Jlulbcirj. Both telephones Seeds. G I! CLMIKK i" CO , hllEDSMEN' AND NURS ei3iiien, htore 201 Washington avenue; green houses, V)M North Main avenue, store tele phone, 7t2. Wire Screens. JOSI.PH hUKPTlL. REAR Oil LACE4.. AVE., Scranton, Pa , manufacturer of Who Screens. Miscellaneous. dih.ssuivinci ton children to ordlr; ul-o ladies' waists. Louis Shoemaker, 31J Adams avenue. MFOAROEi: BROS, PRIMERS' &UPPLIES, EV. vclopes, paper bigs, twine. Warehouse, 13? Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. HIE WILKES BARRI! 1UCORD CAN. BE IIA in bcranton at the news stands of Rcismar Bios , 400 Spruce and 50.1 Linden; M. Norton 1122 Laikawanna avenue; I. b. hcluitzcr, 211 bpnice street. Money to Xoan. $50 to $50,000 AT ONCE 4 and 5 per cent, in teresc. Easy terms to repay. Gcorgo W, Okell, Coal Exchange building. $300,000 TO LOAN Lowest rates; straight 0 monthly payments. Stark & Co.fradcrs' bids .. , ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN Quiet, straigl t leans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to 0 pei cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 311-111 C'onnell building. 1 Situations Wanted. sIlFAriOX W1NTED To go out by th dar washing or cleaning, llrs. ilary Knssell 0j0 Ccdu avinue. A IOI V(i MAN" would liko position: under slands taring for horses and dellvcnng; besd of itfiiruu.. J. W. l, HO South Kioto, atr&et, 1113. Mll'ATION WANIEU By a. b03- 18 yeara old tf du anv kind ot work. Aisvver to V. V. C, 121 Wjoniini, avenue, city. slllf.vnON7 WANTED llouiie-work by tlie tou 01 dav, Jll'iuuc at 5 IS 1'oic.st comt, bUI'ATIONT WVNTOD A respectable colorrol man, lately anived in till- city, wishes plaeij as butler, reiucnie, it rentiired. Adcire!a , 'liibune Olfiee. 0UNO MAN" de.ircs position ai stenognphrtl and Ivpewilur, innsldciable cperlenee, Ilecoim uilatloiiH fuinUhcd on application. Bo-t; 10, 'liluuue olflee, city. sill ATIOV WANlhD A woman wants washing to do at home. Addiess, M, K., Tubuna ON Hie. 1 ' , MH'AI'ION" WANIED svoman w-Mita men'4 imtlei ciothea to wash; cxpeucnccsFlaundress, M, K 'lliuune Olhce. &I1 1" VtlO.V WANl'bD-By 301ms man in maclnn ehop; willing to ntait in at icasonahlo vagej has nemo kuowledjc of draftiiu. Address, Bo 615, lloucsdalp, Pa. FTrtMAJCML Direct New York Wire Stocks and Bonds All orders executed on exchanges, Quick and absolutely reliable service. Telephone Connections. Old, 607-3: New. 319. IRWIN THURMAN & CO., 7JJ-7J11., Council Building:, Scrantnn, Pa Spencer Trask & Cor, BANKERS 2t & 29 Pine St., New Yori Now leady for distiibution, mul mailed upon tequebt, October Descriptive List of INVESTMENT SECURITIES, , Minibus New oil. tolk Lihan;, Branch Ortice 65 State St. Albany ti.. ?4l & 1