.'.MmiwVKpii ,-- ''--OSit lwsisfff3uisstitM.il '-"f I B THE SCJRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1901. WEST SCRANTON .'S.AV . . TWO MEN HAVE DISAPPEARED BOTH CASrS ARE VERY MYS TERIOUS. go far ns Is Known Thoic Is Noth ing to Account for the Sudden Manner in Which They Hnvu Dropped Out of Sight Condition of Miss Mnttle Wntkln, Who Wns Run Down on Went Lnckn wnnna Avenue Blockndlng the . Stieet Car Tincks. a Meek UK" hi-a niKiit 'riiniiiiiH w. 5titklns, itued tin ont-, ill-iiiH'iiiiil Jioin liN lioiinlliiK plim- ut tin' liiinii' of Mr. nnd Mi. Hoiii.n N. HnK i::T Jan-ouie idroet, ami absolutely ititililiiK has been ho.iid ol liliu .shin- lii(iilili" have In on Hindi- iiinmiu lilt n-latlNo-i nnd fill-nils but iiiMic nf tin in hnow st ii v tiling ol Ills ulii-ii-iibiitil-'. IK- bad inn taken uL :i IIkIii Iiiiu Ii hi -fine li-lllillK', illlil M llfll Ml". DaN is wuit to call liliu on .Mnnilii. inninliiK mio Mils miiinl--t.il to ill'-inMi that lu ll, nl Ml tin- Iioiim- and ilKi)ixiiti-il. .11 it the i-.tltb bail i-wallowed lilm up VN'ntUlils diesst( lilniM If In :i new Milt ol i loll-i". bt-liiH- lc.illiK. bill li-it his n unk anil olht r i lollies behind, toKi'tlli-l- Mlth two Hold illlil I1n.-i Willi 111"- ami M.H1H Mil, ill iluingi. Ib is Kudu a lo luiM- had sonic inoiit ttb lilm wlii-n be- l-'lt, but just Imw lllUlll 1? llfll I.iionn II. Wat Mils i. mil- to Si t .in I iu about a i'iir imu lilm South Aim ill-1, wlii-n-Ik- bad ieideil lor lil.iuv i.iis. Me was (inpliHMl .is a liiinii 111 tin- Os IoiiI. and b'H without iIi.innIhk bis pa. No cause l.111 b- KiNoll Id bis dWup po.ininie. Anotlicr Man Missing. Thomas Smith, ol !1S UcIIonii- place, Is !ilo lnlssiiiii i Km- boiiic, and bis ulatheK me al a loss in Know wb.it luiM bifonn- of lilm lb- It'll tin- bouse II M eelc IIKO J('st('lda lo net a pall ol Male i and lias nut been s, , h sbn c. Smith is ,1 NOte'iail ill llu- CIII M.U. ami is r, li'i-i I Im lies tall, lias him Hi"., llftht bair and a s ,ti nil llie lilt side ol bis loiehoad. His- bi-ad Is hint lo oin- .side, and In- is a - ii tliu ut iheti inatlsin. Anj inloiniatkui toiittiniiu; bis In i f a bouts u 111 lie tfludlv ion In. d b bis wile. Condition of Miss Watkins. Miss Jl.it tit- W.itUlns. of Smith .Mam ti 011110, who m,is i mi down by a Inns, A Daily Reminder on will not In ilii iiir,mti'il in lllfiMn'a 111. ll Will tlll'te Ulll Lou,'li ni 1 ( old in nnc ni, lit. FOR SALE nY O. V. JUNKINS. Only a Handkerchief Sale tluil's all It doesn't look like liiinii al lli-t thought, but when ie toll jmi that wew koi m.ui'- tbou-aiiil.s ol dollais m- j otrl in laiidkeii hit t.s alone, it mav ln-lp to t;le ou .111 Idia ol Mll.lt llallllkl'll lllolh llKllli HI ill the ,lf,Rl (-K.il '. Ji With a lew in Impiess upon I lie people of this Ielnit. what fin Impoi t.nit. 21.111 tin llniidkeiohiof tiitle tluuiKh it be pluj s in 1I10 icimineii ial Mnllil, we hae boi 11 winking loi two mouths In lniiiK about ,1 Special Sale ol Handkf 11 hli fs that would slniplv 'r astonish the natives in pioviiiK to litem lia a lot oL mom v inulil r be ,le(l in s-uib .1 ullllm; mattoi as llanelkoii blots, m lion an Extra Value Sale bV .1 bolls-' lllll' 111 ikes It .1 liM.ll Hill- to 11-0 ptiuteis' Ink to till the- It tun uinl nothing but the until. ' f This Handkerchief bosiiis 011 Tuesday 11101 iiIiik and lasts as lon as llie b.UKaill pill -I'luiso lots Mill last. We hae tlio'.isands of ilo."iis to stmt with, but home o! the numboi.s ( annul lnsi Iuhk, and ir juu lull to pet iboni sitter the second da, don't bl.inii- i, bill iidiulie the shiewd j-ons-o of tho bu.veis who look time by llie fmeloek and ilocbiii-il 10 take cliniu.es on .1 sood UiIdk in whliti t!i"y hid ooi,tliliiK t' Kiiiu aril jiohlua to lose CJ3 It Is Out of the Question to look for iletiiil.s In a lliitulki iihlet Sale. Lot u- s-a that eveiy Kind of Jl.iiulkeii lib I ou (.111 a-k tin is lepio-ouitd In this sale, mid as they luiie all bom k-hIii-i1 losetlici wlililn the- pa.-t two mouths tlioN'ie .stiiiih up-to-dal'-in st,b . Here Are the Prices : Men's Cord lidge Handkerchiefs ami Ladies.' Hemstitched Handkerchiefs 4C Men's Colored border and Ladles' Hemstitch, Lace Trim or Kmbroidered Handkerchiefs, of good quality 5C Fine All Linen Hemstitched Handkei chiefs for ladies and gentlemen. ; foi 25C Men's Fine Hemstitched Linen llandketchiefs and Ladies' Handkerchiefs, of supeiior quality, in all styles. 2 lor 25C Men's Unlaundered High Grade Linen Handkerchiefs and Ladies' I iandkerchiefs of every description. Rue quality 1 4C Another lot similar to the foiegoing, but of a still liner quality. Choice of all each 1 Q Another lot ol liner quality than the average buyer aslcs for. All kinds for ladies' and gentlemen's use included in this Jot, Choice 25C Children's Handkei chiefs at any price, but there's a won derfully good little lot that won't last long. They're put up in pretty boxes, 2 to a box, hemstitched, initials, embioideries, etc. The box and 2 handkerdhiels , 1 )C , "The above will be found on center tables during this sale, For those who desire the very finest things in handkerchiefs a visit to the regular department will prove exceedingly profitable, Special values from .'50c to $2.50 each. Globe Warehouse im Wont liaekownniui nU'iibu last I'll ilny owning, Is now out of ihitiBor nnd Dr. Wlnebiiike, the iittendliiK hl tlnn, vuyn hIio will loaiver. She letiuiliied unconscious for some time after the ucclilont, unit It im feaietl that she. wuh Intel nnlly lnjuicd, but aside fioin a slight cnnetiwdon of the biulii, lier Injuries wore UlVlnl. Blockading the Stiert Cais. An iiiisiii'iessliil attempt wni made by the Siiiiiiton Hallway loiiipain ulll-t-lultt jesteiday to tun theli hum to West So union, but lifter a few tillis Mete niitdi' iboy biino up In dl-wist. Hoys moused the in IN on West l.ai ka li anna incline and West l.lndeil stioot, nnd plated till Ulllds ol olistiuitlolis on the ttutk. i'hc lali L sdieine foi bloi'Mut the (HIS was to lie Imp' ubstiu li-s liu-cllu r nnd tbiow tin-in mi tb'- liolloy who. A lllllllbei ol WUKiills Weie lllll illll lllff the day bi'twcut tin lential elt iiml Wist Setnntoli. Wedding Yesteidny Aftetnoon. .lii-cpll t'.lptlto, of Moblll-Oll stiei-t, and JIN Atmelliia I'liuiluli-letll. ol HI IMwaldi i out l, wen- imltid In mai ling yisteulav al til noon at I 0M01 I; nt the It ilian I'atholli' i linn li on ('Iicstiiti' stm-t 'I'liev wi-ie atteii-lcd by SalN.ttnio Ullieo and 1.1.U- White. A I lei I hi' (( iclliuliv WiildlllK ttt-tlNltos Wi-le lll d'lUed in at th" home ol tile bildt's p u cut', whin- ii Iiiiki- nunibei of Ii lends ,eic clltel t.dncd. llis( was fuiiilMiul li. tin Italian Jlanilnllu and (illll II l 'I'll. Electile City Wheelmen. The ini-nib'is u tin- nieouli City Wbeelnii'ii an in.iklim .11 i.uiKi-lilelits lor a stag social al tin- dub bouse on llallow'on nlBht The piotti.uiiine will be uiiiiotiin cd lalei, W01U Ilia bun 1 oiiiiiu in id on the in w IiouIIiik: alle.s. wbiill aiecpiited to be 1 oniplcti'il In a lew weeks. Wa&hbuin Stieet Chinch. In Jlofiat In bl.s Sabbath iiioiuiiiK .vllilun I10111 Ibis lel 'The Jlasti 1 is iiniie ami lalletb Im the " - t loitb mi.v jilahilv the mud ol nuue ol 0111 ptoplc belns uiif.iKi-'l in ii-UkI'ihs in l'iu Hon ol "in rmtli. Till- ill 1 III -tl .1 li'Ildeieil llllee di-lbt-I ill iiuinbel al llie bible school sit iu. Tin il.i attoiiooii tin I'.i 1 ilia l.a Jloilt" JI-siouaiv-oe!"ts will bold all Inipiiil.iul iincllnB .11 tin- t lim i li Woilnosil.iv tuning alter pi.iv-i imctlnj; the 1- dies "t tin- 1 bun b aie in Kid to meet tin the puipose of de-ililiiu- on the luniniiisi. - ilo. Tbilsil.i. iveulut; all who de-he to jo m tin ibollls iboil .lie HlKi-il lo bo pii'sont. Vocal Instiuillon will be yiin im- to our monk-. Tonislil tin Hoat d ut Ti lisle,,., and the Cam a Nil -olot will 1 .11 b liokl impoitant UBUl.tr met linns. The I. lilies' Jts-laii.it -01 iet will iiieel at tb" home of Jlis. K U Pillows on Tbui-ila-, atttinoon. Events of This Evening. Kisular uionihly inoliiiK of the Sale Swedish Citizens' club In French Hoof hull nt T.SO t. 111, Hpet'lnl niecthifr nt the Went Side driving rlub at C. U. Deekolulik's ol car etoro. MINOR NEWS NOTES. The loRtlliii' lileotltiK (if the West Side llouul of 'I'liido will bo hold tomoiiow (UHlllK. OW IllK tn boilld's hillllljr to Mien ir their iUintolB over tho Wcjt Side bunk, the lueotlliK will bo hold In the loom oil the sooiind llooi- of the i'o iipotalKe hull bulldliiK. 1'iosldoiit Dan iels Is l1cll'l)tls of Imvllitf 11 Iiiiko ut tenilani'o, an eveiul niiitteis of hnpoil iinto 1110 to bo tnleen it) Im- oantldeia tlon. Sliool t'omnil.-'sloiioi' Thomas lias had a folic of iiicti al Mm It for it uuinbei' of das InipiovlllK ilm ksnii .slieot. be tween Uiomley and dm Held inclines and tin stieet Is nuu in kihmI nhapo. Tciiinsieis nro In hopes that the stioot botwoeit I'.teiott iiWIItle and the Kuv- soi VuIIpj 1 alll old eiusslni; will aKo be put in better shape. WiiHllblltu stioot, f 1 0111 Sumner to Clr.nii aMuiuos in In a lU'ploinltlo lolidltlon and n-oils atten tion. The William foiiuell (tic. i tub will inoiit In lni He ball thN onoiiIur: at S o'elnek'. All liielllbois tuo lt'(tlosted to bo ; tiMi'iil Ilenr. .Mlklns ol N'oifb Mnlii iienue, who ban boon 111 for the p.i-t elRlit Weeks tb 1 ll( Ulliatlsin, Is llllplovlllK. 'riioiiipjon Heme Is toinpniaiy Illl llIK the position of West Hil.llltoil 101 lospondcl't of llie Itepltbllcan. Kdwaiil duel nor, ol .MadKon aeiiuo. hud Ills sbotildei iinettited In a k-ihio of toot b'lll on the i!e l-'leld vcstenbiy. lie was tioatod .it tin. Wet Side hospi tal. AVlll Wlll.ums or .South Hyde I'.nlc avenue, wlio has been up in Va.no eount foi .sovoi.il weeks roi the benollt nl his health, spent yestoiikiy at his home. Ilo will loturn toilnv. Ill ilbon Siaplfs, ol the (!i mil rnlnii Tuu ooinpany, nuil WlUlnnt Sniltli, of the .Im Icon stieet iluii, who ill Plltstnn and Wllki.--i;alii .otiid.i 011 busbies,, .lames I liitin bus ben appu.utid dl--tiiit pioidoni nt the Patilotlo Older Sons of AniPilen, vioo II. T. liiaihhaw, ii'slKiieil A .MiuiiK mm ii.inii il fliaili- I'l.inois ol I'll til Mleet, ldontiill shot him self ostetdu. wliile bamlliiiT a shot Klin The wound was nut sci Imis, and w.isiIk-sp(1 b His, i',.(.ii .mil Kelkr. An (".plosion ol pa- in 1111 led In the Ofonl lillne leiclith In the IiIk elii. w lilib was (.iiised li, .1 naked lamp One man w.i. Inluiod and -evoial doois Weie bieiki'li I I then lllllKi's. .Mb bail I'llllllp-. of Tbbd stuet. fell li fun a lice In the lunnd woods em Sattiidav and li.ntuiod his Iik lloniv del--, ol .Voith l'.iomli- ,io liui'. Is al the I'.iii-Ailleili.iu. Jlis. .lames ltoe-c ol South rilmoio uw'iitH, save a dliniei lo a number of 11 lend- titentli In hoinu ol boi son's 111111 1 I.ikc to iL He-sv (.JuitltiL-i of r.u Ini v llie. David Tow let, o 1117 West .o( il-t slleel. bn- leinniid home fi oni the I'hlhppiiies aftei two m.us ot m-i -III An oulusii.v 01 lle pious has bt on lidded to the S11111l.1v -fhool ut the I'lMiioulb iliimli and tlnv pl.iMd lor the Hist thin- o-toida. . soii'f,' (.ci -lie was eiijujed last ,.oiiIiik undoi the diieition of the new ehoii-tei, Pi of. Ii.ivil Owen-, and Jli-. a (!. i:11cm -aim a solo ltd. i: A. Uojl pioaihod 11101 inns and o uiins. SOUTH SCRANTON. Registet ot Wills nnd Mis. William Koch Thiov Theh New Home Open to Their Fiicnds. P-' sii-lir ol Wills William Km b took possession ot bis bandsonie new l evi dence 0,1 I'ediii uM-nue Saluielav liiubt, when he. ,issstil by Ids i-stinuible wile, s-ie a hiiu.se-w.li mlliR- to til. Ml' iiunioious ii lends. 'I ho Ktiosts be,au lo iiniie at S o'tloik and fioni that tune on the now- homo i,is the men a of filonds and ni'iiiinliit.inies Horn all iiM-l this .side and the eeutial iltj. A fU-lcxiiiloii 1 1 nni (Joldsmith's ija riuir m 1 in oil .iboui !i oMoek. ami aftoi teudeiiiiK their I'oiiKiatulatlons, ne sentid .Mis, Koi h Willi a Niilimbl- p.ili oi liisb point hue iiiiialns. kater, another ileloRiitloii uf intiniale fi lends .111 In id. beaded by i bief i lei It of tho niplmiis' 1 0111 1, Homy Koehler, who In .1 neat speech, piosentnl n bandsonie linker to the losistor. Tin cnoiiIiik was .sliotehod out Ulll II the imiIn nun iiIiik lioin.s and ttalety lelKiied siipieme. Jlnsii was furnished lor the ou.isiim hN Petei Mm ker. William delKei mill Ol. Pieilhilll. Slip pci was sei veil between 10 and !'. mid Mis. Km b, who waltnl on the Kitf.-ls, NN1IK .is-lsleil 1)N the lollowliiK Mi and Mis. William Klein, Mi. aiul Mim. .lolm l'kkus, Ml. ami Mis. Kiod lleiis iiei. .Mi nnd Mo- i -In isi Pii ku-. Mis. dull (re Itos.il, illlil the MissCf, l', lines rassold, Mamie Demuth, Kate, Annie nnd Minnie rii kus, Annie lliiitin.iii. Mamie lliirtm.in, Mutiiio I.oiikIoi, Ida I lei ker and Wllllitin Sutoi. The new iisidenc- ol .Mi nnd .Mis. Koi h Is ui 7-',! I'edui UN .-mil' and Is one ol the best ami most model u in (lib pmt ol the -ll Laid ut Rest. All thai was mm ml ol the kiln deoiKO Wll'lll Wii.s laid nt iosi .Satin -dll uftoiuooil ill llie piosoilie ol II tliulllludo of MiiiowhiR rileniU, In the Plttstou llNcinie ii'lliotoiy. A l L' o'cloels scrNke.s won- held at llie tiimlly ios deiKC r."!7 Willow- stioct. by Pastor Wllllmii A, .N'oidt, who spoke cloiiionl 1 on the 'in is.ti.iti lliii nml Idyll MimdliiK of the (h-uns-cil, The pall bcatois woio selei led 1 1 inn the lied Men ami Odd Follows, as fol lows, Kiod l.oiiiluvr, AiiKiisi l.onKlor, .Mm llu Piie.slor mid I'omad HoIIIk. Mun.N llor.il tul, in NM'iu In I'Nidoiiio mid tiny wiio uiiiied to the kuim- bv .Inlin Tb kits and d, P. lliiilmmi, Mis, JoIiii limimau, who-o death took pl,i(o Thilisdn.N, nmis laid In Moilnr I;, a lb with liupie.-.-he m-i . Nlios Nesliidaj li lie) linuil, I.ODK no luie L' o'llutk, hiiiiilinlH nl liloml.s Kiilhoiiil nl the house, on Dim .stiec-l, and took a last look m tho K'.ttuie, ot tlnlr llfe-loiiR liieiid aiul iicIkIiIioi. SeiNli.es nn(o hold by Pasior A. Ilei lotlb, in the Piospeit Avenue Metho dist npUeopal i hui eh, who )i.'iid u lilsh ulbuto to the i ii 111100 of the iv leahiid. The pall bo.ucis woio i liot-cn fioin the Uml-dml s-oeei, and tho I.tulle-h' biniiih, to s blili dee'i'iised lieloiigeil, fninbbod the Honor beaioi.s. Intel- A SENSIBLE MAN HouM ue Kinip'j !jjm lor the lluuit ami 1 ui ;. It ii iiiiln: linn; Ooiijlu, I olilj, A.lhiiu. HiomliltU, Ciuiiii mil Jll HaoJl aii'l jl tin; 'liaublrt, llun jii) otliu incdUbiv. 'llie t ioj.i Iclor lai autlioiUcil my ihu;i,l lu siu )ou a h-.ini)lo Ilottltt lnc tu luinliuu .ton ol the mttii at IliU jic.it linicilj. Price '.'Ji-. ami M. inont vus made In the Mlnoolm oenic toi y. NUBS OF NEWS. ilninefl Tutililll, initniiRci of Km mi clier'H phiiiniiii-.v, on l'lltsoii itvoiiuo, Is homo nirulii from dte Kitonicn's ion "iillon, whole ho nmii tho BUosl of llie llarktoNvn bilirndo, of Plttstou. Chillies P. Ai mbi urn hiiH sinrtod n oiish inont niiiiltol at 101S South Wash- IllKtoil llVr-llllo. Alintlst ltimcn, the Alder street phiH liier mill owner, won u phr nl the olain bake In Itnldiior's pailc yosioidiiy. Ilo doslros to notify his ft'ionda Hint n uponlerk'nl (plfr lo.ist) Itiiioh will be solved at his homo this ovonlntr. Waller Nape, John Hehutik nml Wll llmii Holsmor won- the Kitost-i of Wll llmii Sehweiikor In Soott township yos toitbiy. Tlioy m lived homo nfior sup per last evening loaded with llsh nnd llsh Stolll'S. An Infmit ililld of Mr. mid Mii. John I'lourv, or sio Hoooli stioot, was in toned in Mlnooku lomotoiy. Mrs. Com ml Poll and daughter, of (in') Pltt.stou nvoniio, at" lsltlni; fi lends In ilonosdalo. Clinile.s Pell, of Wuh stieet, u well known loiiiinoiolal ttuvellot, who Koi tho news of mi nceldent to his luther thiiitiRli The Ti Ihiiuo, arilvetl homo li m lllooinsbuis' Satuulay. At u Nvell-attended session of tho Junker Maenoi-olior osterihiy. it nniis ilocldod to i ondtlot tho miiuial olectlon of ollli ors In Sehlnipir.4 hull nest Sun day iiilci noon. M'hcie Is Home kooiI uiil tiled livahy for the arions ollle-os nnd e-Noiy lnombor is iirnvd to attend the net moetlng. The sni Iol will at tend the opening ( unie-i t of the I.eldoi kiati society in a body (it Music Hall noM ThuibihiN eveniUK- NORTH SCRANTON NEWS. Fmnk Chnmbion Is Attested for Thientcning1 the Life of Peter Nobles Other News Notes. Piunk cii.iniluon Hied to kill Peter Xublos .Ni-totd.iy afteiuoon witli a icNohei. A tolophoiio message isttiie to the station lioiiso, stating tli.it a man nn.is iiinnlng ninund with a io-miIni-i in his band, on Xoi tb .Main llNeliue, Hull',s Hi, nl, looking foi Peter Noble". Patiolmmi Moll.ile icspoudiil and lound Cluiiubioii In fiont ol Nob le's bouse. When he inv the ollloci he stalled to lun. Mi-Hale g.iNe ohae and nn.is ju-t about le.uly to giab his man when the l.iltoi tin onn .iwiiv the iiNohir. Mollate stopped and picked It up and ih.ised Cliambion down .'Hound e'luiuh's bleaker. tbn out Main avenue, to Wood stnet, down Wood stioot, and In behind Cl.uk's Mower liou.-o. whoio lit was eaptuied. He nnHI bo ijivcii .1 heal ing tliis moi nilig. Police Mnttei s. Joseph Sliaiiilla- was ai u.-tod Satui diiv night by Patiolmaii Thomas for pi ow ling aiuiind the PiesbMoi Ian I'htueh. Ilo was lined ?! In police luuit Willi h bo paid. Miibaoi .Mm laugh, ot We-t Muikil -Hoot, was lommitted to the eeiunt.N jail Im iwontN (Iii.ns in dofault of a '5 line In police louit estctilav mouilng, for disuniting the peace. .Mm laugh's .-on appealed against him and stated that bis lather got up In the middle of the night and e an led a lamp all thiotigh the house, sweating ami iins Ing nil the while, so that the- iosi of the lamlly could not -lop Ollloeis Mas and llocke-nbuij m.ido thoaiiost. "P.'ltt.N" Hllgllis. ol West MuiheL stitot. got into a light with John Oio ba.s al the coiner ol Main meiiue and Maikcl stiott, SaUuda.v night l,oth' wi'iv aiiostod bv Lieutenant P.iliiu i and Patiohnau Hoi kenbuiy. Uotb weie fined V' in pollie eouil ,Ntsteula morn ing, NNllllll tllON I) lid. Patiiek (Jallaglior. ol lit It K avenue, was aiiostod Satiudn. niglil 1.n ljiou ten.int I'.iliner foi being ill mil; and illsoiileilN. lie was lined ti in police i oui t .Nfstetday moining. Puneial of William Peaice. The lillieial of the- luo William Poauo an as hi Id Horn the homo ol his ikiitglitet, Jlis. J. K. Smith. I7J7 Ninth Main .iNouiie. Satiiidii) attoinoou at i p. in. Ili'N Dl. dllild ol the.- Pie,-I),N to l Liu chilli li. nllli l.iteil. Inieiinent was made In the Dunmoio lemeieiy. Tho pall-beiueis weie. S.iiihkM Da vis, William I,ono. I). I). Joins, n, . Ilm Hint, Chuiles I J en wood and Homy Hawkey. TOLD IN A PEW LINES. Ml-s Hiiith ll.iNis, of West Maiket Mieoi. who ha.' been Nk-ltlng lu r sis. tor, Mi-, denige P.uiidi, ot PlNinoiith im the hist IIno weeks, n-tumed linine ias evnil'llg. Tied Mao, ding ilolk at Heiiwood'.s dlllf, stole, Is lejoielug o oi the-aiilv.ll ol a bjbN gill. Stanlov Silkinau, of Huilalo, Iuiiihi ly of Piovldeine, is Nlsltlng Ids patents op Not Hi Main uNonue, Ilnvdoii IJ.inI,- of West M.llkel Stieet ha- an'iptid a position nnHIi the I'ol ll(i. n lhlgiiioii. i mill) me. Tin Si l Hilton Men's soiletv nf Nut Hi Sitantoii, ulll hold its opening iisseinhly im the .season of litu l ii In the Pi on hit nee Piesbyti rilill -oilal looms Ibis evening lb pints tor tho .Near will In- toad mid otlb ok-, lor llu ilisulug .Noau loi led. The pieseiit ol tlcois .no Pn sldoiil. Caplulii Uolph 11, Atheiton, vlio-piosidont, Ui, Hei mini liis-oj, .soeiolaiy, deoigi Aiuli'i-i-oil luai'llioi. Stephen Clutppi II, Uu-ell II Conwoll, l p ui Phila delphia, will Inline in th- Ninth Main uvmille luill.--t Tain liliu le on Tin sdiiy evening. Oilobfi i'J, on "A SIInu Ciowii oi Km it a King." This will bo Ur. Conw ell's onl app ainiiee in Sei.in tuii ill's sen-oil. The dittgglsl- ot ibis su tlon met Sat in day illlil i llli'il to ilu-e tile! ding sioiei- uii and utter loiiluhi al ;i p. m, dui lug tho w Intel mouths insien of In .'a as at pi oseni, Ml-s HmollHi- K. itlelimolld Will lei. tllio on the subject, "My Journey Tliiough Pahs 1 1 no," illu-iriiti d. in-i Thin -duy oNinliig, ik ioli i H. at ilm Noi ill ihul Vomits Woinen'n Cliik-tlin assoilation ioiiiiia, Toihoiiuw ulhht the Noiih. lhid Mats' basket team will play iho fctiong Tu lot SiuiV learn, A lively smile Is un ilulpated as both teams an tidily inutehed and know eoiy point ut the game, The Not Hi Ihid Uaibois Piilon liu-t sesteiday nftoniooii in I.eonatd's hall. Th" pioiiioteis of tho subs. Option ilanie met Ms?teitla afieinooii, GREEN RDGE. Mi mid Mis. Hugh Aiuliews, Mi and Mis. Nelson d.n loll, Misses poail I.liUtoue mid i:il.i IEouo.n spent Satin day ihestuuttlus, nvui Clink's Sum mit. The Hiombom of dui-u Itidue lodgi , No. in-!, Independent Ouloi of Odd I'It Tlviriri4-m f-rvrHr juiiicoti vjruuvao t And Rutifiil Mitlitiprv At Prices That Those Who Trade eVEUYOiNE needs something new for the Fall and Winter season. Every home has requirements. Shopping must be done where will you do it ? Experience has taught hundreds of people that our store is the best possible place to trade in. We have the broadest collection of merchandise to select from. Everything is guaranteed so absolutely that no rlsUs remain. When it comes to prices and quality the magnitude of our double store buying power is manifested in the lowest prices ever quoted. So we say shop here. For Monday Shoppers Domestics While Shaker Flannel at 3 7-8c yard. Regular price 6c. Indigo Blue Calico at 3 "4c yaul. the oc kind. Silver Giey Calico at 4c yard. All the new fall styles. Satin Finish Calico at 5c yaid, cadet and navy blue grounds. Kobe Cietonnes at 8c. for cover ing comfortables. Printed Flanneletles.it 6c yaul. Regular price 10c. Hill Muslin, one yard wide, 7c yard. Dress Ginghams at 6'jc yard, the 10c kind. 10-4 Bleached Sheeting at i4c yard. Regular 19c goods. Percales, 32 inches wide, 9c, the 10c kind. 10-4 Blankets at 44c a pair. 1 1-4 Blankets at 85c a pair. Feather Pillow Cases at 38c, the 50c kind. Fine Silkolinc Comfortables at $1 Jonas lim:-, nII1 .ittend tho in--Ull.itii!- nio liiuilies eil Line ubi and i Vhi-ll.il lodges IllK oNellillS in ,l bdilN. miillne; .it .M.i biinie hall. Dleksoi .iNonno. pioniptl.N nt V.SU ei'ilocK, Di. and lii .1. Jliiiit roulli.iin .uu homo lioin Ninn VoiK. An inipiiitiiiil nientliln nl tho dllCIl llidnc AVbeobiii 11 Nill bo held TnoMlny oNi-iilntr. Oitubu S. In tho ilnl) lKiils-o, iOt". V.noihIiik: .inoihio. Mi and Mi.s. l,al!iM, ot Do.ieon Mint, cntul.iinid .1 innnboi or ouiik people S.itiiid.iy oNi-ninK, in honoi t theli --iin, Joseph. SliiMo .mil K-inii s NNiie the dhi'i-dnii ot the in(iiIiik:. At n --o.i'-Dii.iblo liuiir ilnint lefieMinii-nts NNi-io --oned. AininiK thoM- pio.--enl nnoio MN--OS 1,0011 I-'iiinh.iin, Imop.ono Iloyl. Kiniii.i e'olNln, l! II" dii-b. di.m .Meiiim.in, .Minnie iNinond. In.i I'.ei K, I.ain.i Coons, and Mi"-"-!1-. J.iy llns-s William IliiKht, I'uri OiMn. Unuy Sonn.iiiI. n.ink Mo.ul. I'l.ijtim i:.u 1 onn t lilto, dim so Wheoli-i. Sldm Ma. U. ('las--- No. -'.!. ot the As-buiy Mi llmdi'-l i:pl.nip,il bni eh. will Ino ii litonuy nnd 111n-l1.1l -tn Ial, In the iliimli pai-loi!-, Thin --day (-NoniiiR. The "lib Ols-olei l lit liillll lllllKC liidKi-. Nil. ('"J. Ilidependeiil Older of odd Follows-, will bo lllMnlllil Thill H ilnv i-Ni-nliiK. Oetober bi. in M.iMmlo hull. Ulik-iiii iiNi-nm-. liniiiodlnti-ly fol liiwIiiK the In-iulliitlon .iiniiiinliH a b.lllilliei Mill bo n-lNid, to NNbiili the nnIvos and IihI.n I i lends nl llie ineinboit. .lie i-p(ilul lo be pies-i-Hl ill lilIKU Hlllllbois. OBITUARV. ClIAIIl.Kri .MiriV.dAl: ne'd IJ eai-e, lorn moiitln- and Mi.uiu.u iln.s, d,il niiiiiiIiiv iib.ht at 1J o'i loch nl the lioin,- of his s-on-ln-li-w. Wllliiim 11. Jli-i".', 11.1 Tliliieoiuh .sliool, Nllli NNlioni lie had lo-ided loi llie p.n t tuuiiN ni-uih. lie hud boon idlliu; loi till- p.l.st 1 IkIiI NNOt-hs. Ui-ieiui'd nmis bm 11 in Hamilton InUll.-hlp, Mlllllili- 101111IN, n In-ii ill. u I oiini as Known ,11- Xoiilminpton iimiity and h" M-iNi-d In llittt-iv J I, PIlM I'olllls.NlN.llllii l.lsht Aiillleiy nx II pi In. He dm Inn tin- war, Hlmo iniii Iiik to heiantoii he moi Kid lor William i 'mini II on bin land in South Sii.inton, He is hin vIn oil by one In oilier, nnIio Is ,S7 y ill S ot HKO- one Hihter, l! ieais, tliu diiuuliteis and iwu i,onn, Mis Thomnii I'olloi U, of ('hliiiRo, loimoilv of Siiaiitoir, .Mi.s. W. 11. itoiso. uf tbis I ll.e , iji oik1' .Mi't.K.ii, ol I'ailiondali-, 111,, mid .Mai l In Molui. ol Ih.ull, liiilliina. The tiineiiil soiNhos will l- bold al tlln lteosi) lions,, Iiiihuiidw nUeinooll lit J o'lloiK. Ililoi nii'iil will Im iiiiu., III l-""o en lllll lOHIiHei.N. Mom 00 nillll- ly p.ipois ploiiHu iop, JAMl.'S UAltUINdTo.V. 111,. d !.-. .Man-, died nisiuiIii.n hi the St t.iutiii I'iIn.Uo li.i.-plial. v. Iseii, he wat. laliin tail TiH"-il.i. MllleilliK 1 1 011 1 jmi ii- II inn lu . Thu doio.i.sod Mith pi npili tin oi I lli 'alo llOllso, on I'llOitllllt Mln-l IJitiiinoie in hoi it he livnl wth his who nnd ilueii ihlhlioii, nil ot Mhom sui. NlNe lilm. Tin- dteeasid was it pioini' 111.111 lU'pt.iMjph, and 11 mcotliiK ot tho Dlinilloll LOIIeluNe Mill hi' held tollfghl to taKo in tiun 011 hi:) ili'itth. MUti. .M'di'sT r. i.r.i'si'iiNi;!;. iiuod "2 viMif. died oil Sauiid.o IllKhl nl her hiimn 011 KoliiliiKton aNe-niie-. The (loiiHsnl inniK Miniiun hud lnoii ill to'- nbottt iwu M-oehs and lu-i- deiiih Miih eNpoolid. She m III bo Kie-atl.N inlbti'd by 11 I. ii,:.- and i-ni-i-kiow liif, 1 liilo of in (plaint. 1111 os, to whom she was 111 ui 1 1 ondi-.iml bv lons-iin of In r boiiHtifiil disposition unit many khuos. She ih tun n l oil by her niwb.iinl. lour ndiiiik thll'lioH and one buitboi, I. A. Hail el l, of the llhiitni 'iVIeuium. Tho J h BrMOWU ' Will Meet the Approval of tfcws, here Todau. Items of Interest Display of BeaMiftil Hats Continued In OIip Millinery Department Visitois to our Millinery Department find something new to admire and enthuse over every day. We show the handsomest and most varied collection of exqtifstte hats that was ever gathered together under one roof. Common sense has played an important pjit in the fashioning of feminine headwear this ses3on. Black and white seem to be the predominant colors, while elegant sim plicity in the trimming and general tieatment is the keynote of the designer's Intention. At $3.98, $4.98 nnd $5.98 we show a number of Pretty Ready-to-Wear Hats that embrace a profusion of new fashionable idea;,. They come in white nnd black. low back sailor shapes, with rolling brims, also in the newest Alpine shapes, trimmed with torchon silk, in soft folds, with Uncy Pompons. Dozens of very pretty cteations mis 101 at Children's New Fall Hats 49c tor Children's Hlegant Soft Felt Hats, made with stylish rolling brim, tastefully trimmed with silk cords and lancy band, red, blown, giey, caibon and royal. 75c Chikhen's High Grade Felt Hats, trimmed with silk, fancy band and stylish rosettes in all the newest colors of the season Long's Sons I uncial Mill bo held toinmioM inuiiiint; al ' o'i loi K. Puneinls. 'I In- fnneial ol tho Int.- lionl.iinin r.eddoo will take plaie; tills afteinoon at 2 M ti mil the linii'o, and al .! o'i Im U at the Kllst Welsh I'.aptlsl i bin ill In tel mint will be mado in W.-Mibiini M.net ii'iiu-tei . M'KINLEY AND HIS CIGAR. How Ho Got a Smoke in :i Town ol the Stiictest Molality. I'll 111 llu I'lll'lilili Di-ihImi Obeilln Ohio, in tin- ii'iitu of tho I'unnot Iiml Wt stout UesuNo, i-i piob ably the most piiiltiinli .spot in the 011- the I'llilnl Statis. A l.llffe lllliNi'l.sll.N (this ibe town it.s bihiK, and s(, J . 1 onsl.N Ii.ino llie eeillose l.itlioit- Kll.nded the 11101. lis ol llliir yoltntT people lll.ll not onl.N is ibe s-ale ol lliinn piohib Iled In the Nillaro limits ,uid fm- mih s iiionnd, but tobano, in hot hoi loi Miinhln;,-, ihewlm,- en imiillhig. Is 1111 Known in the toio, Mhlle pI.inIhk i. mis me on ll si.in.ei Hum the piu-M-ibial bon'.s Uotb. CHko .Mi. .Mom oo, fotinoily a ion-Kioi-sinaii 1 1 oni the Oboilin illMiht. Mas the loading llepiibllnin of the ll l.iB'". and usually ontoi tallied pollliuil oiatois of the puny nn hen l hoy N Is. Hod "Ibe' dtN." UllllliB Mr. .MeKlll loy'.s Hi ist Kiiboin.itoilal lampaiKii 1'iofoisor .Mom oe hail llu- pleasiiie ol onti-i lallthiK llu landiilati Alter dln nci on tin eNonliiK pinediliK tbr ad diiss Mi. .Mi Kinb-j mole n Ipai lioin his piioUot. and i.isiiall.N leiiiaiUed "Von don't mind il I MiioKe-, do oii. piolossoi .'" Mr. Momoe was hkIuisi He illdn't Mls-h to appeal inhospllable j i t dlead nl the almost i oi lain mhIhI ostiailsni due to lollow the dl-ioNOlN ot a s-niolvi i mi bin phu. i. i von In- he the piOsptetlVi- KHNf'l 11.11 iirtlli-Rie.lt Mllle. lie i onipioinlsiil b (oiidm lin .Mi. Mi-KlllliV to the semiiil llooi. llllollKh a loiiff ball lo a b.n U hiliini. whoii'. -alel.v s, teellul liolll pllblie li W . the Mood was i ii on ed As the miioKp iiiilod iipwanl hiMlin Uni Iv Mi .Mi -Klnloy loobed aboni lilm Im a i lis pldoi. "Tlleie l.-Hl't mull a thliiiv In low n," mid l'ioi ss-ur .loniiio. A toal bin Koi was ilnallv IiiiihihuI into sot n lie as a .ompiomiie. Two dajs alii i llu- oboilin ineellnp Ml. .Mi Klnloy spn;o at dawl MNiiponl, the Kle.it polieiN leliloi. I'llillli Ilm lo iiiiilllou the Obeilln opoi lime to Ills liieiid. Coloiiil John N. Ta.Nlor. the plopili-toi ol olio ot Hie bier potliiio.s, lie .s-ald. "Ily llie wn, Tii.nIoi, I'M loi a Jul.. , M'lid a Kin?-1 ot youi ililnn spiitooiih to 1'iolossiir Mdihoo. Don't loll lilm NNllllo tlley (.1111" u mil Ol boll iHH-- pi 1 1 I bad a band in it." 'TolniN Illri llie Min'cesl inn I'liloliel 'I'll.N 1(11 lilt, ll lip .III US-Mil llllelll Ol H-ll- i !- ii ui Ii ill IiIh.in. iiif mal miiI ii lo oh. i III) A .Near l.itu- .Ml MiKliilej was atrain Mi. .MoniooV iihcm. rou-. NNiuiieil ami ionsoiiii'iiil. luii ui nml with ii llbeial siippi,N uf f,uoil lliiN.inas, lie HBilili MillKllt th" Nlllfil-l'l b-ibon. l.lBhtlntr his ilui, In s-ald. wlih a twhiKlo ot hl oo: "Vmi Inne-n't u i iispldni In tuwn M-t Iiuno on, Mom oo"" "It's might tuiiio. m-iim tho ic.spoiii-e, "bill a few il.iyt. alter .i)ii won- heio laM. e-nr Mime one niu me a wholo ( I. lit- ot those tlllllKs Of mill ce, I hadn't mo hmi loi thoin. nnd tlioy Mi-io Mith alio illlna ami mi pielill.N painted that my wile iimi! ihem nil tor llowei puis Thou- iMl'l olio iibotll the Iioiim- not 111 llt'O " It Shook His I'atth. I Inlt Ilm, I-I lu. In ii (nil ill siin.lj; . 1 jut ll.jr llu- ( 1 1, 1 ni li'.il in in.u.i , I'lmi, V liiiiiilii-,iill I ji-j . ml l, Ik i iiii, ji tin- x,! v. i JJxrL --SvS, ?.fs-r . . 1 rT V n 'T' inese prn.es. Ladles' Street Hats At 98c. Ladies' Scratched Felt Hats, the newest Alpine shapes, trimmed with Persian anil silk bands of the most beautiful shades. At 49c, 75c, 98c, $1.25 and $1.49 Hundreds of Turban and Sailor Hats, in the latest ap proved shapes and colors. AMUSEMENTS. Lyceum Theatre M. ltl.ls, Umiu '.nd Miiiij i A. ,1 III UN, llu-. Mtnagtr. Honday Night, Oct. 7th An Uilmi.itc b, urn I'iniliK linn uf liic Ke.iluHc (.I'liinly Hum 1, 66 e Terry" Hi nn iltril 1 W tlii ait (, ui lioin (uirlc- Nluiin' ll'Hllll Illlil., lllll,' lliri ' lllttui(ll!l! MIf, JNMI s It N Nil I. .i I mio line. I'lltt- -.'", ti lll-t In .1 I.I .scn-s I. -do I mill it '1 1 in Tuesday. Oct. 8, llie I lift "Mill NiiimI" ( ,hii-i) Hi iimi, Pennsylvania lit D11111I I. Ilm nni 1 I 1 ill, tun I'loilmiil teflh -,,,lal Miliite lit I lino I ot , I t w Nml., 1 mIiiI toiiipihi ,l filii ui people 111, 1 1 ililuiitiil III 11k Hi nn, ml (11 ill, llr. lii, Mniiil, ilnl lliiiiiav 1 11I111 I'iIi llu (nil Illlil,,! ll Nijl. Illlilllil .,1 l"il Mini . shell uu Al .- .11 NNi.iU N H11I l.li-i ilm mil I i'il 1 a Ilm ( m In .111 1 Awful J Nplu-lon. llu- 1,11 ll sliitf M, spu lilin la il.e Itl.nK Diiiiinml f,'n atone, Tula Minpla .nni nllii 1-. I'li.f. jit In si mi s, lla 1,11 i!l Siliniln al -i 1 111 Thursday Night, Oct. 10 l s, , ,,, (ll 11 lie ' I'i s,i, 1 1, ,, 11 I'm, e,,iiiih Nn linn It , ml (li mn il I'ii hie Im. Dm 1 ui intitiei-. I iuIiiiu 1 .50 ARTISTS 30 si.ii I . 1 I mi n I nml 111- I'i I I, ill, I .III III t p In Plli NIiimi Net I sp,i ,1 ll, . I,inui"ll' ( 'Ollllf- II llut-nini ll si i'u mih lli mlifiil 'mini I'll, I - '". I I I I. I s "I silt ,f Hit-, pm- iMt'lit niiiiiiin,' 11 nl. Academy of ilusic M Itl.lfc li-ii, J l)iff, Manager. w 1 I It- ( ninn in uu 1 ml it Di 1 n BENNETT-MOUI,TON COMPANY. llu -niliull N i- 1, lil I'I Itlullll Hilt Ml(s Ml I It M, nni iv N Dm. 11, 1 ',1 In, s, nil, , ,i, ,,i 1 1 nil. I I ,1 'tin Nml." Wiilni'i-iliv, ' I 1 I piali 'I Nln llin-ilit, Mlii' (Mini in ilm n n I 1 111.11 I 1, mil ui t nil- I 11. 1.' , siiiinlit ' Nl 1 in Iimi ,i Nan." Nl MINI t. In.-ile, Im ( ipl.iin - Hn.". M.ihii'il.i.t, pn ,1, 1 I uu s mil, , lim, iin, Ilm. 1 Nut N.irk' lu.lo Hi Mm iiir nl "-inn In Oipluiu 1, 1 , N,il ' NilI'I I'm,- in 11 in I ,i N itlliu Pi 111 - In in ' '11 1 STAR TEiEATRE .M.I fi III ItltlM.ll'N M4iU4cr ill , I.. . nn. 1 11. M iiuu 11 ' r 7 'The New York Stars" M.nij'.u- Ni iiiiu Hi In -il in tl .ucljj ami sjtlllllll .nni linn 11, I'm 1 iimp'i , ' lie in-i 1.1 1 1 .1 . 1 . One 111- unit 11' 1 1, , ' 11 11 1 1 1 1- . il.i, I ,,01. l,ip 1'it mull 1 nt Sllllin fi, I lilt 1 1 I 11. Mill. I. ml, pli.i t il 11 litaiiii- -ir- lo lie t itilluil 1 " NI,,U lltllti , liilt I l-ll ,-f ll'lli'il' "dl illi. Imil, iiltj.t- itu 11 n ilnl 'luii IliuiiJcl li-'lJT lliullU lu b.lt'l 1) 111 " 'Hit- nM 1I11 lliiuM Iml I U Willi imil. I at" mm li. iliilll.lii li 1 Inn lun tnlili-' tor X' I -U Jli'l jll jii 0ttn s 1 .v, 14II (t