l'WiKmiu. 'fpI- vaw 7tm-j PPIRiji'ii ' M i .ji,,Ta6w.IfiK't-s,i''' f wls? F"?" -lijjjSK? rtpsft t F'.WfV '?f3'rS'"1w' i-jffjV h' S j THE SCR ANTON TKIBUNE- MONDAY. OCTOBER T, 1901'. ' : '3 CONFERENCE DESCRIBED DR. OirFIN SPOKE OF THE GREAT LONDON MEETING. 1o Wnn n Member of ths riist Eeu liienicnl Confeiencp Held In the Snmo Tlnce In 1881 Miuvelous Orowth nml Spicntl of the Move ment Stnited by Wesley Memor ial Seivice foi Fiosidcnt McKlnley with Which the Confc.ence Closed. Gilcf SlioH'ii in London. T'.cv. 1i. Cililln fin cl hi UltinN tn Clin I'inK ihuiih ("Hiilnv with ii hnppy Kiti'tlnjj luitn nil mill lie kiic Minn an iippiopi lali- Iwini'-Kiitlii'i Iiir pennon 1 1 oin the ti'M ' s-n lie InliiKi'ili Hum tn their iU-sIiimI Iiumii" (lieut coiiKii?iilliin" wiii jiii vi nt At ii)f,'ltt lii pol,( mi tin Ki mm till nl LuntVM'iiie, ulileli In iittiiidnl In l.nn don, Sopli inliot I In IT. Hi wiih ii iiifinlicr of the Him loiiloiiMui' Iwlil In Mil' Slllll' pi II 1 III iNSl. It wii u -InMi-Itli fact tlnu lit two -i '"lull", -o till npail, the ifMi'-'-liiiitkni ut mil pii"-I-ilcnl hIioiiIiI lnhiK ii vlmili' iipun Un built oi'iiilniis. ' In- i oc i in tonU fur hl teu Inst ninlit l'-ulnt 71 lo. "lhe ttiUc roitniol to-jellm." A whkid stt, .it :i u he- -"UHKi'Mlon. n II litis alums lu'i n .i emite'ilmm mid unltps 1H stunntli to oppni ilie Rood. The chut i lies haw 1p n li.itn litK of their loo. One .iltei .mntlur thp. luiM.' (omciifd In .i-e'inliliBt to ionldoi liiiilniil wolfaic rollovtini; 1'npil, ,iif,'llenit l'l i -Ii -tin Ian the Methodists ioi two ilpe.tilt lmf been Kolnir up to tlnii .li'iu-.il(iii Id talk tuKCther as to what will add to their sjiltuiillt and Mitinsu 'I'hc Iilaco this le'.u n, nioxt .ippinpilate, belli;,' tho ti i ill lie f ot Mhlili tln'li (leiioiiiln llional apostle was the niilil-tce-t. The pulpit in whlih lilshop I.il low. iv pit ae hid tho opening hiiiidh Is the oiii' In w hie h AW -.let ull.ti itood and snke, and the li -.-on was xnil fcoiu the i'i tc-liunint 1h oltdl u-ril for tins s-aiiio pmpciso. "WHintj: avi:si,i:v rui.wijnu 'I In- ailjoinini; louui ouuplts tho plate' Will 1 1' etelt lllnllllllK' .Ml. Wis. ev pi culled at I and " o t loi K to not Miely limit Ins, but eiouil ol e.u;oi isloiii is. u tho aid is thu jilniii ),n ionaiu lie oiiupleil, simple iioukIi to Mint no pi iii. 'I'he it n khiiiiiiI of the ;luitih is honoieil with the dust ol the .ulindt i and Ui. Adam I'lnKe, Kit haul Watson, and nlliir heioes ui im.p 1.is-. I'mli i Uic K.illoiy ut the (hut eli lie luminous tablets to woithlis maU IliK 'lt Knad. the 'e"-ltnlii-.tei bbe of om ( Inn eli Auot-s the stiett is the I'.unhill Vlilr!-. a small nnnt(i, ttheii the nU non-ionloi mists ni in jieue. sitih as !ii haul I'lomweli, s() f.niud in the ilil stiile, Susanna Vfiske, Piolliei ut the Kie.tt pall, pn.uhtr and Joel: .liilin J'.unan. .lin-.( .i1Iokoi Ms tiiucled tho ambition ol mi m.iiit 0 follow I'luistian, lluiiel Di Cm , .ilio-c ,sloi sl.uttil out f.im in a xlcl'i ltieli. lsa ii AValls, a ho e liMiius Me hae .ippinn i Ui d, sjnie "In v s-wiillv (pii-s so huh ii nt oiii . l Itli and imIiiij, o loiatnl tin i on Vt rente w.io In Id ainnl uisph lap a'-'-o- 1 itlons. it was i ompii'-td ot tu hun ilitd dileite tlucc huinhril liom MtN sii. mil two handled liom tin ,,stiiu tctioa. 'Ihedoitoi letttiettto the l.ut that Klni I'.uk ehiiini was ikhly htimaed, in that it hid imi U legates, mole than .in (thu one (htliih. and ,iNn th U tin liienilniililp of the bodv Mas s (fiiciit lium the ili.sl, onl T1. p i i cut of the iimnr i lJinr itis uiiint Ii iiif, in altenilaiuo hi j jcai. ni:w i:i:i.ii;ioi'ri imkci; lie nteiiid in tin almost niaiI that this mow mi ni hid spiuiil v,, t . i mil bun s mii iess tint imiiiiv ii .uuw'iiiil in what Mas an ei unit nil al or Miitlil-atln u d asualiiv. Onl- 170 iais,iltu i si htau his moiK his Miliitual di 'i i iiilauts aie met liom the foui munis u tin .it tli Mime uaw I lap -' lino mill - in In pi cent 'IhNdi nou iimtloa st, mils annua? the wnmi i and indiiatesa new hIUIuiis fm i o it Jin t in tin biitbpl ii e ni' Uii t Inn h iiKlliansm has outl istcil its i.iilitsl Mi in lilies, I onie has lit .s(, i'im Mhlih he li' w i built in piittml. WeMe iiiKin liiMud us to witlni in Hie old hum. , In the Hist i mini W lliui s.u nin wlnee K o.ii-tri uniliiifjt in i was tin thhiiintii pel Mill A. ill) jolllid the suiitlj in 17. ;i Look at that ImKu's driven in 17 ,' ami Una ai the host ii pu seatid in 1'ihi with l..imn Iiliiuaat iainisiei.s, ini.imu lotul ptenhus t.T'iii.ihiij iinmbeis and mill' Kitts in ,t iis than L'.l iiOn.Onn. ' u. inciiase ni iiieaibi is sme the last inu leiciin in Wa-hiiin'tou in 1S'H, ni leu iais mis lepoiltil at I, I "i"i nml. total wiIik ol piopiit laid b Aletlmilhi (huii ins in jiini ,,,. dow u as (ui,(i(iil,iiiiii. Tho ihliKain. m illidti ia The Hie M't tWl pattN as icpii si.i,tW t. luiiw s of tin eaitli Amu ii ails weie then, Ihu llsh. Jilsh, Human. I'muli. Italians, Mime Horn I'lilun India Ausualla. Pl. in fait, a mil to. niopiilitau hinup li was. We i amc liom twnt..si ni iwuitx-ciplit klnd.s ni Metliuilisiii, some piodituil bv KioKiaphUal and otlniH 111 how'inmi'iitnl dliii ifiiits, inn ttfll, all one In dm nine ami espciluK e 'ni,. I'SldUlie wtm ill .11 llllll tills III). Hi,, tan adapt ii-cir in Inim to all Bitu. nt loii-. U plnlulv di mnisatLil that a k- V tf u tc tc V if X ft1 JV n n ' ft' V i J m m i.us iv Bonds and Investment s . Securities .1 4 ." ft .1 .1 M Br 03 July, N. V, WlUei Ptne. Carbondile. 0,S4t Coromonwulth tld'e. Sainton, p. m lMK'4 M '4 ' VI X "A i4 H fcfc IlKloii otiro Imnlihcd to lhr 1011111101101?, Stud to livike 11 toinbHlnne Its pulpit, I nit nih nine inul leu eh upwind and stieleli ilownwiuit and atanp licit and ll"ol th'inouiillu itud inouiile'hlriil pen IiIch In Uh tonttol. The ieoieiiil R' lltlclnan le-fellul In the I'm t that III 181 the luiil nin.Mir or l.uuilon wiih the H)ti of a AVelnnti pieiuher and Mlth till the lefTiilla of his ollh ' iPichril thu hod. In the iniilislijii, and this jeai tin pieiililctit of om iiiiiiittv wiih it honoipil laiimu In thlH chin eh. The tuiiKc ol Jti'lhodlHtn Is hIiowii by this Kntluihifr timn nil lotnuiles and till ilaMS it .Mr. Wele.v inttili' Methodism, then It would itlt 011H his kind, but If he uot hack to the mil divine oilKlnul, then ll must bo outl for tin win Id. The (olinrll Indicated how this Hphltuul fin in i-ei while wins slitotliu. This It i"-on tieidcd to be I'lvett to the uitlchhlK w ot Id. An otlui meat H-iilt In IIiiKland will be tn lmpi -s Hun nation with the fact that our Ism s a wist powu la this new uiilluii, s uuie to lead the uuilil In tin .wais tn 1 nun, it Is not ensv Ini the Uiilluii to lecl What has uept 1111101117 them kuis with Kliint Hi ad mu brie. 'I'he had the fiauienoi our di w lopnii ut as a i hill ch, hut when we ,uit into i'lt lioiid lionifstead like I I owned heioes, the li im j lncaiui' leal, 'Ihal lesson the timid, lousuwi lli Weslewins not ded to leal 11. will xot m: Aiisoituuu. It Is oniv of late the u.isui to mil thih ulltkes ihapcls and tlul them (linn lies. thee K, t ild of the old 10 it hot lowed Itom the ( -tabllsliinelit, vwnr tlieh own simple laiinent, thev will haw loiiKet and lasting ineiense lr I mn Judfie b what the pies "aid, this 1 out ci (mo Kae the diath-blnw to all cMiLCtatliui that .Methodism In lhisland will 1 niiseiit to be aliMitbid In the state 1 hull h This eniileieiii e di mniisti.iti tl that we (an (ltnte samples ol almost all Kinds of kIIkIous Hie and cpiesson and t 1 1 mala innfissediv and tiulv .I( tllixIWts The 1 1- wue piespnt lltual Ists and cMeinpoiaiilsts, eplsmpal and liuii-i pii opal, ot the toimer liom Uishnps to bishop", spelled Alth the sin ill li. sin-tilling liom the talk st notion ol episeopae tnei to the inde nt ndent -Methodist a the txtieme. It Is the widest 1 lunch In the w oi Id, as It Is woild-w hie Xo i floi I was made to pi inline a it oil on Milk hall could .isioc It Mas slnipl a K.ithtiluc, of those iiikkeneil Into spiiltual 1 111 liestness -Ve toi,ijt divisions on mjiiip m.iitits in iHiecment mi tlie Rieatir point, 11 C in and foi find This admission of bi othet bond Is wotth all this Kte.it t-'UthuillK of the elans bus 1 ost, AIM r some iiiduatlotis nt how the pi tv lous nit 1 tings hail consolidated s famuli in Methodising into one, two Iiish into one. and was iinsinj; Au--tialian st.pu itlnn and Mimld Mime ilav inmbiue all Aineiii ill v.nletlis into n, single iliui ih ni this name, tin dm tor (liisrd his talk with a ti'Mirme to the 1 tlei I the assassination hid upon the JllKlhh 111 ople lie said 'Om spsslnn was tltiKtd with the slmddi i nflioiioi, the unlle nl liopr- Hid then the sjnK inj: nl hravliiiss nui tin J He nl mil pi 1 sident ' wi:iti: cii:n:r-si i:if ki;.v. 'I he anxletv and .ionv of the i;nr lisli w is a tlihute to tilt leal blothei linnd of the two peoples 'I he Mcie as piostiati d as Ameil(,iiis. 'I he sm pathy we ipiesscil oci l lie death of theli iiiecn i.ime I1.1t K in ipiissloris of union Willi us In 0111 jtu.it i.ilain lt. 'Ill ink lied it the AllKlo-Amu I- .in alllanti is not on pipo. it N vv ill ten deep in hoaits If Mi Mi Kin lev s t.ulii bill laid a heav bunlui oil Aiif-lltan Hadt it did nut pnviut a -fital niittlnw of s0i iow ovir his di itli 'tin 1 outlast in li iliiiK In (Mien lsM and 1'Hil was matUed. Then vie Ann tk aas In London aiinblcd at the 1 onleiiiu o 1 00m to vnitt nui fillings iivpi the lt .1 111 ot Mi C.n Ik Id. ami 0111 it oluiiotis wue pupated and passed a-, a sipai.ite put This wr U was the vv hole tonteieiKi toimall.v llldn it-iiiK-iltl mu the tall ot om im MiK nt aild tl'i ii li iliivv-MithoilIsi l.oiiiliui mi that 'I hill m1, 1 r, wlnu all litis land mi I tm iiieninilal hi v it 1 s, was. luil liusiud into ipilct, the 1 lillK lies llp tliinlltil at Mill mil hi-vki-. AV'i siminsti 1 Alibev tuiild not hold 111" iiovv ds v ho pi(sUi to its e,ati , s.t Paul's iathcili.il held .1 s(. vue Ilk thu fflven to the lnle rpu en's hniiiii, Wt lilt tin laud of mil latin is Wl'll theli w ill nvil Dill woo 1 llltJIliK in 0111 eats, and the jtais to timn will in vi 1 lose Hie 1111 11101 v ol tin dead in 11 ih in vvliii li the, tolled mil ihtir ItJIovv Hi lei. JlKMfMMAl. br.MVIf 1: 'lln 1 onii k in e (Instil on its 1 vv tilth dav vi itli a tnemoil.il 'onlt'i, .Mi. f Im Ui and his stati weie pi 1 sent A UiidliiK VVe-levau. Dr. Sti phpiisnn, mr tlie eastein seitlnil. lnui lied nin beails with his iilbtttt in .Mi, MiKinlev'.s I Heel and ihaiattu and liislmp Vln- I I at im us n the vw st, pmtiawil the laiiuni'il as of ns wlio had In ui in olllistl. lie ilosul vvlth the sn ui; that 0111 -i ssimi imuitd with Jtsmp litllnwavH ili)iiliut appeal Im ,1 ,.t anil I'.pns, ii ipuluite nt tiodV Hi in in i'- nml mail, "n putti' mu leiulu tn tiiid and neiltil h t In the ln-ai 1 nl foil It ended with a la.v inaii s 1 minis, in,. m ,, his m,. .,,',,) death pui, it mii k ink 1 'I liv will be iloin puliii k -t- '.N'taiu, uiv lind, to thet " mi mu ei imn uii nl iniiieiiiui ,i,i, s lint 1 In-e," s,, Hi, liislmp In pall nml siiintid, mil tin illiii ilitlitn! tin 1 hiimlii'i' nt death but III tlienpenluc htaveiiMiiul 111" -umr ol vktniv ' s:,) i, it an the spillt blindul ill ulll last mninuil t(i l.i 1 hu and mi uuit mu tn int. unit" ill lll-'pll.ltllllls 1, 1 111, i, ,, ,,,n ,. em I MICHAEL MECHLER KILLED, He Tiled to Save Anothei Wotltmuu fiom In jut y. While 1 1, vine, In .save ll Ullovt wuik ninii tmiii injiiiv, .sutilid.iv Mkhuil Mctlllll, .1 p.lllItU, (H 1 111 IIVV 11 l itli) tile pniili ol A i' Tullel'M K'Hlileine, ut li.'d Kin uh nveiiut, and Intiilly In- Jlllul. Meilllei W.1S iliiploVitl b,V .lilinhs ,V J .Isold .Inliu Kiiniie anntliei flu ploo ol tint lliiii, vvtus vviukliiK ot) iko same buiklln,,. lie liiiil placid n tail dti on tin lop ot Hid pni ih and mount' d ll to paini ilie iippei 1 an ol Uin bulkllllK. Tim laddiil lieyan to slip itud Meilllei, who watt win kiln, oil the loot ot the poitll. ob.M'i v Ins tills, elkd to liuaiii ol his ihinetr ami at the same iluii) Kiabbiil tho liulilii. 'lln lot 10 ll laiti titulned tluew lilm h'iivll to tin htnillid. 1 ili-ituiiio ol lit tt fit li't't, and Im .siibiniiiid iniililcs ti his plia and shull liom vvlikh Im died Mveial Inmix Intel. Ho K'Sidcil ai Pl.'i; Tasini avenue, 1 ml ks Mitvived b.v a wife and Iwo thihtuh Theie Is Still Time. StuilentH mi! loglsliilui,- dally lor tho foiiffctvntoiy's iiiiiiees In piano. viiiu', vvi i.ioitvii isiiuci. v'jii'ji uii UKjr, 1 CONVENTION AT JERMYN DELEGATES FROM FIRST DIS TRICT PRESENT. Consldeicd Matters of Inteiest to the rnthor Mathcw Men of Thnt Prut of tho Scinntou Dloccs.tn Union. Secietaiy Bui Ice, of This City, Wna Present nnd Ut god Thnt AH of the Societies Pnitlclnate In the Par ade at WUkcs-Batte Next Thuis dny Revision of Constitution. The dlKttlet lonvelltloil or the I'll si dlstikt ol the fiilholle Total Absti nent c union of the Dknese ol Hu anion Vias held at iletmvii .stiiilu. On m ( otinl ol Ihe .stteet ear tttilke and the dlllkiilty ol tiaiiHpottiitlon, innni! ol the soiletles weie not lepiesellteik .Most ol those, however, who weie tepieselit ed hud Kood-slrd dek'mitkins on hand. 'I'he i (invention was 1 tilled to older In Asi'smblv hall shintly arter hall past I! 01 lock by Distilct Viesiilelil 1'enl, ol faibotidak'. I poll the plntlntin wue Diocesan Seuetaiv I'.uike and 'J'lf.istuer Mallov, Dlstikt Heuetaiy Oleiiuon and Dlntilit 'l'l ulees .loha A. Kclllv and 1'ctei McDonald. John De Inney ol faibondalo and Audi evv .Mi e lian, of Jt'iniMi, weie appolnteil a com mittee nn (Kdentlals and lepolted the follow Ihk: deleates entitled to seats: st Jinm T V 11 s, .on, tis-nip vi v Inwlci. Ihomw linls'c, Mm In, Willi nil lj niti, William l.ilriv. st M tt tin 1 -, Simpson .1 hmn la nti, "j In 111 11 I lvHimdi kliklit'i of I ithci Vlilliuv. 1 iiIimimIiIp Mnk II ( llllplull. .lellll V l llllillill. .Ihij VV.dsli, Williaii Widla 1, Willi 111 i-iiiilivil si, Vlov'iit-, .lirmvii-l'itiltU lillntl, Uilllim VkC iliiiv, Willnm Kcimtili, Itlm ' anlil'tll. 1 Vluliin. st Itij.i I' V II sfi, ( nliniiil ilt Willi an (JilriM nil Vlltliirl I'nliliii I ilbei VIHlipiv sndolv. if Vidiliikl -I' I' I ii71iilruk, i.ioiri smnii, Willi nn Vlunln, lutU I iinrv. .Viitliimv 11 11 -1 11 i Mmaiii., ( nl twlili Mm Dilinov, I ,! nml (.nl Uii, Willi hi IlinK , 'Jin' 'Mil ui, I I ml. Ni 1I011 lviiislit-t (f lillii Milliiw, ViililiJlI-luilIi Pili't. W. I! (.linn Pi n 1 1 1 nin VI nl 1 vv s i, h. r nl mil ill -' v tvilh. I liom 1 I iimritv. Inliu MePunilil, Vlti'. Iliiimrv 1 ml .luliti kllltcii a.uxfci ix Mi:Mi!i:itsiiii 'Ihe lolkivvhiff lepoits of stieiihlh ot niiinheiship al list convention and at yresuu time: st linn-. In up Mi ml n-liip 1 el up 11. TH, lilmlttdl. T, in 11 ui iii(inliiiMili, U, I ml foi nl. l.i 11, lit-, sun KiiikIi s ,t I Uii" r Vlithivi. ( nliniiihl'-l wt iiiul. 1J', pic-nit luniiti i-lni. I--, I nl lr snI In nt It- si J Pun d lillii Mitluvv wiiti ( Jil tiliU -Iw1 uimit, s; .iitiinttiil. , im-iin im nit 1 1 slap, '"i. I rnillti I 11 1 "'' Kmiilils 01 1 ilti'i Vlilluw Vulilnlil I -i 11 Jul. im) iilmiildl in pn-ini iminlni I Mi II" I illifi Vliihovv sJ( in Viililnll I iwi niii, TO. iiliiiiltid, 1 pn-ciit mtiiili wiilp ' si Vllilucl . simp 011 I wt until, 1. 1 ri sent lllllll01-llll 11 -I ttiv sins. Culj nilili-I .-.t. 11 null, -1" nl tnitliil, 1-' im-uit iiKinljii-lnp -''' MUCtatv Ulennoii nail the liilnutis nl tin last 1 munition whleli wue adnptttl and IN ct-tilcnt Teal Intiodiuul JMoies.m Steiot.uj lluike of fciantnn who sjioke at length on the 10th ot Oe tol)et piiade and the 1 ausos vvluili led to the abandonment ot the p.u.ule nl ll.ileton which was due to the labs ot tine pioposod bv tlie lallni.uls lie tpiesscd 1 wish ihativeiv soiielj of the dWtiicl would till 11 out to holloi the Si cat apostle ot tonipuanie at tin pn atle in "Wilkes-P. u 10 on the 10th and .staled that eveiv Miihtv in Seiantmi with onr ieeption had alieadv sIkiiI iied its Intention ot p.n.idhiK at 'Wilkes I! ti in on tli it tlaj . .lolm A. Itelllj ot tlie Doaid of Tills tics K.ive an inteicstiu addiess on the want ot uuifoimitv ol ution amoiiK tin nchlkt.ol the dlstm t and lciuin lileiuled thai all nn k ties elect ullkris on the same da. lie undo a stlulut; sp.eilt foi the ic vision of tin consti tution and li.v-Itws and with nun h vvai mil) spoke ot the need of moie so dal Hie in tile rnMtil ition Diod.s.in Tn asm ei Mallov spoke of tin lour nici tiiiRs held by the ISoatd oi tloveinuient in September lCKmrilnK tlie luth of October paiatle and ,iku .spokt ol the neeessltj of ipvlsinir the 1 oii'tltutlon and liv-lavvs. He was fol lowed bv .lolm Klllceii, Muk ('ampin 11 and John Di lanev, who moved the tol lovvimr lesolutlon: "Thnt one delegate b" appointed itom o.itli s-ncictv 10 (011 vev the wlslies of their tespci live i-o-tiptk'. in Kpaid to tlie iliniiKis de siiable in the1 1 (institution and bv-lavvs, In Ihotlur Jtelllj, who .shall it lei the the inattet to the m si convention lor appiiival " Dr.l.IXiATCri AIM'OIXTIM) The delCKiitcs appointed Im 1 li.it 11111 - pose v OK .lollll iJe'llllieJ, ht Alo)sus, CaihoiiilaU, J'aiikk Kllku, M Alo.vsiu.s, .Joilll.vn: .lolllt Klllieli, M. Itos T A. II, ('ailioudalt ' Mail; (' iiiipbell. 1 ot I' M, 1 'ai bond. ik : Tlnnaas I'iiiueitv, 1'lontei r.ithei Mat in w, Caiboudale 1'. K ritpatikk, r.itlnr Matin w Michiv, Aiihbild: W. It. (iiliev, KnlKhts ot father Jlatluw, Alilllmkl, Thniaiis .ImiLje M. .lumo, .lessu), '1 liom is litad.v. M, .Mk hat 1 s, .suiisiiu, ,1 .McDiitiald. J'loiieti Tathei Mathevv si,, 1, tv, t'.n homlali ; Mi ,uw lei DlMillilIll, and .Mi Cnslelln, KnlKlMo of I'.iihi 1 Mailnvv, The meet ing im ilils puiposi, vvhkh will he held 111 .leiniMi will be at tin tall nt .i, Ite'll: All llltelisllntf (Mm ll.ssni was tn tt 1 -wauls held and ((imiiilltei s limn 1 ac li sncltt.v appiilllM (1 to uintcr touetliei' for makliii,' ni 1 aii'i ments to hold an 1 lilei tiilnnii nt it I'ailioiiilalo fop the benellt 01 the dlstikt mud, niti 1 w I1I1I1 I he, meiiiiiK .iiljailllied CON.SLJMl'TIO.V i' almost as deadly a-, cnlt, al though physicians Know thuy can 1 me it gonurally, beginning when iuo-t of tho lungi an. A sound, and uen sometime-, when .1 great deal of damage i. done. The people don't know it yet, They have been told; but they don't believe it; they don't art on it. Scott's emulsion of cod-liver oil i.s one of the principal means of cine, There are other helps: dry air, sunshine, country, sleep, regular habits, right clothing fl Particular Interest Is c'U'lelseil 111 ivety nice We 111. We 1 rally piefet Unit .von don't take ntir vvotd for It, simply asd: all.voilc laud they ate not illltletlll In llnd) who has been lo s. H. TWINING, 131 PENN AVENUE. Optician IIARHIs' Idkug si orb An pvenhitr stxdon was held under the auspices of the local soolctv, ihe pioieeillnir hehijf of 11 social untitle. 'I'he visltom vvete etitei tallied by local .sihgcis and Mpc.ikt'it.. PR. CRAFTS IN THE CITY Spoke In tho Second Picsbytetlnn Clutich and the Y. M. C A. Tiilmte to McKlnley. l!i v. AVIIbur V. Ciafts, D. p of Washington, D. ('., thu S.iblmth Oh seivance ndvoeate nnd sttpcilnleiiilent ol 'I'he Helmut lltneau, dellveied th'ee mldiissm la this cltv yesteiduy, upeak Imv ttioinlim; and evetilnt; al the Snc ouil I'lesbj teilan chtlleh, and at the ,11" o'llock rttiiiR men's mectlnu In the Yoline,'- Men's Clulstlnn associutlnn looms. 'I'he 11101 nlng ndilK'Mi was on tlie sull ied of "hlvliiK and IXvliiu N itlnn ," In vvliii h he lefciied lo 'liln 1, 'I'm -kev, 'i ante and Spain as the I'jlni; ones, and the Viltlsli Ihnphc and the 1'nlted .Slates as beloiiKliiB to the liv ing nations. The pin poses of Sihh.ith ohseivanee also eliteied kiipelv into Ills (lis, om , At Ike aftunnon mietlni,', IteV. fiarts took to. bis subject 'The Vlc tcules ol an A 1 in v of One." luistng his Kin itks on the ltlhllc.il let that "one shall cht"-c a thou si nil " Ui leeoituted the sioiv ot .Inn, ih nml the while, and 1 elated olliei niltaeles to illustiate his subject. "Public rons( lonre Is stionnei than public sentiment," the speakei said, in leteiiniH; In tke pioper obsetvance of the Sabbath, "and the C'hilstlnn mid loclal envliniimeuts of 0111117 men bo .1 Ions vv.ijs to make the Sabbath holv." lie (lied lustam es ot how dlf ftie.it individuals had 1 coulter! minks foi ('hiist, and lefciied to bad llteiatllie, slot machines. KainbliliJ.' dev li es, .saloons, humoial pictiues and otlur ihliiKs as the "weeds ' that eoi nipl the wum men ol today. l)t. I'lalts emphasized the Inipoit ame nl single aits for 'hi 1st, ami advlsid hs lie 11 eis to use the ballot bo and mail bn to .iriompllsli their ends lie lelened to the ollicc-hold-ns nui "niouej -e,iabbet s" who aenlei I theii buslin ss l,,v irolnir to base ball Kami s instead of atttndluir to then duties, and said that the ballot bo is while sin h evils r,l be leaieilicd. ' I'll" wte comes Horn ('In 1st. tliiiiitKh his inllui'iiec on national lite," in- slid, and lui men 1011I1I bailee l lie ionise nl a cltv in tin wais if thev would onlv et tiiKi'Uiot Oi K.iniz.itlou multiplies Individual povvtr and bv nianlziiiH: niueli can be ae compllshed 'Tlie advantages of oiK.iulz.illon ale unllniiti d. and evov- jouiik- man ouijlit to be able to stand on his ft et anil expic'ss his niiiiil in the Unlit diiei tion. tm in 01 di 1 lo 111 ike a plate in eJod's vvnilc men and vvouicti tiuiHt be able lo talk." The sie'Kci .isi, elted instant cs wheie lutlti wiitinif his at eoiiiplished unit It iu iudiv lilt) ii woik, and seined .be tiiativ Sunday atti u lions vvhitli line pi ople .ivvav liom the dun ell and find He leliuid to the Suudav t -oiiiiiii and the kicpimr open of dll fiienl plat es 011 the fcabbath as temp tations tm the joun. In ncoiliitiiif, the niaiiv atli.tc lions olM ted lor S-ibbath desr iiatlon, Di i'lalts said tint ' Iniudieds of people ,;o to in 11 oil Milldav eelllsions." IM, t losed with a stiiniif appeal foi inili v Itl11.1l woik ainonjv all classes Al the 01 cuius seivite in the Soiond 1'iesbv lei tan (hllitli, Oi. 1'iatts .spoke on "MeKinlev's tliijliesi Iti 1 onimentla t Ion " In this, he lcftiied to pas s,ij;i s In a message ol the in.iitvied piesiduit lo (iniKicss in De'ceiuhei, J'lOl. illative to the ickiiI itlou ol the lliiioi ttade in vvhkh Mi Klulev said. I would Kknll" see its extension, by inli 1 iiational ami et meat, 10 the le stiktlon of the llqiini ti.illlc with all uin ivillzcd ptopk-s, esptclally in the Wisiein I'adlk." lie luviled tin- new pi 1 sklent's at t nti ni to McKinlo's uiteiam e. v keieln lie advoeatrd a vv oikl-vv ide application ol Chiistiau pi im Iples lo all the child l.iees ot the vvotld. He also Klei ml to tlie sixteen acts of ftoveinmeiu s(.uiied bv tin Iteloini l'uw 111 ami lis allien in M .ishhiKtim and Manila, iu tin lUMiist of temp"! am e. ilivmie idnini and Sibbalh de It Use. CITY NOTES. I Vs li A V nn i n,; in 1 Ik i In niuii 1 - 01 ll,. IILIi mIimi! Villi k li 1,1 lnle Ulll ilt will In itlttlll Ml I Is lilDW II s, ,,,,, ,,,(, U 1 lln. nn 111I11, a Hi "'J u'tloil in ihe j.1 iel n Itl I III K I I I'.ul! I) , I .V I'VV )t- tin errilf.. s if .ill lie H'lmaii, Inluvtiniii .ml Ui.iiin hln ii will nittvt' llii-a .-i I't, nil,, r mi luilij PVIMIIIs in V, 1. 1. in..iili,i, i,r I'm,', ris .in I p ni.itui.' (mill mil hi, Xn .'!(-, will unit in t lit 1 1 lull ul til l.ii 1, luiiiiiii .miin, ills im'iiiliu' .0 Iiiii'tluil, it jlnii'l tin (iimi il ut VII, Utl MuMti 1 I Vl s iil'I.N. Ih,. ili,n in pi t 11 il li iliui,-- I 01 1,11, nui 111 tin V.iiiiii, V. nun.-, I IllltlUII IS-lll I lll II i.tIIUillll, ll ll) llll' ii Ini'tiir.. Vi,s lnui Km. IPIk, vvlm will It I'llJi il tu inot, uii.v nun Mill lit Sl l S u j llll llll' Willi VIII VVI.lt Unci linfm,ii,ii, lln riiliud t el, wliu lui llklinil lnliiitii, .iki .1 (dli ltd lull,, im) Hit lit nl vtiih 1 1111 .11 iltiur II 11l, ii leiliv, w is .tin .li it rn sjiimlit jim lulit inul, 1 M) lull In Munliili' VlllUi I Im kill 1 II t etlkllsl) iiijiuril I Dill IMI III l -Ilium, llittl.lil, ut l'i i 1'iit .1,1111 V, .III Illll!it0 I I (ll IllllVllt, I.Jll ! VVIIHII ,il!il U 1. lllll III kill Hulls!', WlllU lllillil' ilU' 10 UII!l (II .III MuliH' III llio .l.llll s, (ulll IV i'..iillr', t-lipi" l .mil I'll, injuiliu' UK im llo v i lit.cn lu 'l'J Mu'is l.i,vlji Iu utjl SI.WIMi Ml.t.llvll.-llio Ii.li.i n ih Ikuo Mls'(iuiv mhIiIv il llo I il.t fit st.v ui ia.l iliiiitli will Im) I .in jII tin ciwliu' nusliii,- In ilu 1 iiuni nuni ii Hi'li iiumii it iiiuiiiiw, K n nin. .a I') iilIuiI. VII lnlit no ha iinl ID .il tt ml jii J 1 . t il.t III .i. kit; as luniiiiiciit A iliu ,lo luutli 111 n ni Mil front 1.' lu I. 10 uluih 9iiilknuii Jit. iiivilnl I mull, j icnu WIIU's (It VHIM.s ii, luiic,' xniuiijl lunk i'ris lie lulluulnw tli.niii.'i Iji ilie s.i niton I kjiint; II111-1' i-.-oiiui.il (ul tlie Mill. 1 mill, 1; D.l li Mlili.v, .'o0.u , IikmIii, iJll.js I I, V llllllrll.lt. S,u.,lllll, lllll.siLl, ti.'l K. lii'liv. s.'W.i 1 Hi, .sjluiilj.i, !ir.' li'is .-': iilil. i-l.ill )7i I'm lit., hjut puijij li.l ,141 lln ilmlnci vd( I,UI,(WJ Smoke tlie- I'ocono 5c. cIbhi. LAYING OP THE CORNER STONE SERVICES AT THE NEW aHACE LUTHERAN CHURCH. The Stone Was Laid In the Illdst of n Dlsneieenblc Drizzle, but the Xaigc Gnthetln Didn't BuiIbc. Set mou Was Pleached by Rev. Dr. Jncob Yutzy, of Susqiichnnna Unl vcislty Stone Lnld by Rov. Luth er Hess WnttiiB Chuielt to Bo Bendy by Jin. 1. The cot nor-ilone of the new Otiiro UviiUKcllcul Iititheinu ehutch, now In collife of i onsttuctlon at the loitici of l'lesrott avenue and Mtllbnuy Ktieet, was laid estodny aftunooii with up ptopilnte "civlces In the inkl?t of a (ItUlIng tain. Tho lact that the weatlnf looked tlnciteiiliiK a" dnv didn't detei a nooil sl(d oowd ol c huii h nienibei.4 and tin If liltnds fiom vpiittuliiB out. nnd when It flnallv did bek'ln to dille tin to wasn't anvoitc who went awav. All stood and listened and vv nti lied, though It was tt dow might dlscotufoit to do so. Tho cxeicNos weie opened with the leadlns of 11 ihnptif 1 10111 the Itlble and the ofleilnrr ot pnoei by llev. .Tames T, JCendiill. Aflef the finning ot a lit inn bv tho choir, ihe speakei of the ociaslon, rt v. Di. Jncob Yuty, dellveied n bilof nddiess, T)r. Yutry. who Is the dean of the theological (lepaitnient of the Susque hanna univcisity at St'lln's Oiovo and a pulpit oiutnr of mucli lonovvu. spoke but 11 eiy few lninutcs, on ai count of the lain. He those for his text. Isaiah, 2S.1C: 'Thetefote, thus sath the I.oul (Tod, lJeliokl, I lav In Zlon for a foun dation a stone, a ti led stone, a piedous coiner-stone, a sine Inundation; lie thai believeth shall not in ike basic," and spoke, In pan, as follow-: rtnv. Yl'TZVR TinMAUKS. "A new life for this dun eh begins with tlie ln.vlng of Ibis stone, now ac tivities will spiing fiom It that will he a blessing to this eomniunilv foi all time, beiause it Is Mutinied on the tiutli ns found In ChilsL 0111 T.oid. the abid ing foundation ot nil (.'hi Istianlty ami of all dvll llbeit. Ae. as laitheians, gloiy to s.iv that we believe In an abiding and 1 vei-piesent fs.tv lor. 'This stone, which is to he pint id In position todav. is oul.v the nimble 1 m l)loiii of that Almighty ft lend on whose bosom wo lay out heads when in (lis tless and bv whose powci we live. Jt is emblematic not of a dead t'lnist hut of .1 lisen and .1 gloilous s.iv ioi the King of Kings and the Light of Light. "Jesus is tli" onlv filind who uevei fmsal.es. Jesus, Uin Savior of the vvntkl in whose name we aic heie to dav and whose we aic. is not onlv evei piesent. but He is tiled and tine T challenge anv one of the inhabitant' of this gioat uly who has licnd the name of Jrsus to dielaie th it He has evei toisaken 01 dew hid him "Hnipiies have liscn and f illen, and lefoimcis have lived and died, hut all have failed iu some p.nt, save the Lend 'I hoe is no nation, no man, no woman, no (hlld who ever lilted up lis, bK o, hu voke to lieavin iu the 11 line of Jesus and leceivcrl not salvation and blessing. "Let me appeal to vou as a eongic gatlon'to ask lln- Lord ol Hosts to give ou gi.ue Ltl tlie old battle-llag be leaicd to the spin in tlie name ot CJod and let each inembii ol this inn giegatlini do all In his povvet. in sia sop and out of sojmhi, to make the name ot Jesus lionoied amuiig all the people of this ( i." Till: STOXi: LAID. 'Ihe ac liiil cut 111011 v of l,iing the conn t -stone was pufmmid liv the pastor, Itev. Lutliei Hess AVaiiiiR. who lead the piajeis piovided lor Mich an occasion and who lapped upon the stone tin ee times with n hainmci. di -dining it laid iu the name ol the I'athei, Sou and Holv Chost. The ( eiclses weie dosed with the singing of tlie doxologv. A (oppci box- wa.s plai ed In the stone, containing mples of the lot al papeis, a ( opy of thoAugsbeig ( onlesslon, a hlstoty of the chunk fiom the date of Its foundation, and a number ol I'liitcd States coins of all denominations. The new dun th. wlikli is In ing eioitul lij I'onttai toi H S. AVilllams, is to he lonstiucltd ot biklc and .stone, and will have a towel ojie hundied leet hlBh 011 the noitheast'ioinu. It will he about 10x10 feet Iu se ami will have a seating tapieit ol" about I00 Tin contiuiL mils lot the (iimpletlnn of the woik by Jnnimiv 1, and Jli, Williams pinmlsps thai the tn vv ullilie will he teady lot oiiiipalit.v hj that time. llev Di, Luu.v pnnehed vcsiuda.v, both moinluu and alluniion, al the ji c -t nt Cii ait diiiKh. At the mm ti lllg s-eivke he pieaihed oil the mat t Ii ot the apostk'h lo Juusakin, and at night he spoke ti 0111 a text taken I loin the lionk of llslhi'l. whom lie 1 illli d ''Ihe llnlv Slai at the I'ri-lau I'oiut" SOUTH SCRANTON WON. Contest with Minooka Plnyets on the Diamond Tinnlly rinlshed. Thu h.itn.) ball game belweeu the Saiiih Siiantoii and Mluooka teaims vvhkh hung llio Ioi wvei.il woks, was llnallv lluitditd 011 .snliiidiiy aiteiuioii al Athlelk patk. and lesiilttd in n liioiy lor the Souili .Suanioii M mi liv a pi did ni li-li, ThU wais the same puio with vvhkh tli" rt, nun iiudi'd tlinn vvnks nisi) whin pin) wan liiletiuptid by the uowd ttwaimliig 011 tin illamoiiil Ai thin time mvcii and om-hall Iniiluis.s had been pla.wd llm two Innings win plii) ml on i-iitiu da) in di ilil. who w.i. cnlllleil to lln s.'io ihal was up ni tl.o K.lllli . Tlni teams aid 1 w. mis pl.iwd six ln nlngri ol an exhlbllkni isimie, wlikn nub d hi 1 vktniv lor .Minooka bv a moid of t-.'i. .S'eltlKi team pl.ivtil in theli it'Mil.ir 1 01 ii). owing to tlm lokl vicallio i'ios,ii plidinl Hie two In Hint, of ihe po4potici 1 ontest. ami Tiicd an I .N11III11 pitched In tho e.. Illhltiiui Biiliie Uin lis. vvlin pla.ved with A likes. li.ii 1 u In llio Ail.nitk league, pkoed sit outl base toi Minooka iu tlie uxhllii limi game "Hill)" I'lUtghllu and "Ik attli)" Williams umplied the game Theie Is talk ol a ginuo being af linieeil for next Satuidii), lirtween tl.t .south So anion team and a team nun iiiimiI ol Mathevv son. Mk Intel ami .lolm O'.NYII, I'iKK)" Wank Hums. Coiigli. llll, D1.111, Kail) .link nuiiii and otho piofcssiounl ilil)US who will be- 111 the clt) iluiinu' this coming week Tim popular l'uiuli clsar is still th? leader of the 10u clears. uuuWWtiuWJM The Dining Room Tho Dinner Tabic cannot be furnished too cheet fully, The IHlllllit; Tabic is where the family comes together nnd the assemblage is the most cheetful occasion or the day. In ini inn Mi? iliouliiliiris In pc or di'lirt vUicu vnii 1,111 ml 1 intin cin nn plfli Kiiiu' Im tuilu pciipli' In Iniiili liilin Im . . kPAJ.UU II tint I n lr linn toil 1 111 unn I, itt lute Menu llitm in nn Irr Cie nn pi wul llulil IliiM tin iplt-'.UVi Hen V Millnr & tg. --S ww. . . .----s. Mattresses Made Over, Pillows Renovated. We will call for your old mattresses or pillows and re' turn them as good as new. Mattresses Hade Over, same tick, $2.50 New Tick, best material 4.50 Pillows Renovated.... 10 cents per pound. Scr&nton Bedding Go, F. A. KAISER, MANAGER. Lackawanna and Adams Aves. Both 'Phone! aj'mMmMaM Crane's Offer This Week Special 3 Custom and Tailor-Made Gowns A showing of Advance Styles for Traveling, Calling and Evening Wear All the Most Desirable Materials and Effects, Exclusive in Idea, Natty in Appearance.. Crane's 324 Lackawanna Avenue New 'WWWfMWtWWWM tstttttttttt'ft - t'ttt't - t - v it Wiw8& W I Scranton Garpst& Furniture Go t 406 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. 4-4 . m SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER Occupies an Imperishable Position NO. 23 S, Eighth Co. 181 Wf omlne ATeniie sw. wnikli iJ bosk Around, 1 sr. -& & Building trtt - ftt - f - t - ftff - t - - - t - tt - t"t - ttttt - f Dusting Good Furniture x ts i iili i.iiro I Ilie im In I 1 1 mi' lu" nfc w ir. Ill, 14 tlL lll.lllll.ll FURNITURE I i I lio t in inul timtl.ti lo if nml tiouim io I nn ii nil ilu- int p. T ii 4 iluii t nn)' in, if T i in .ui 1 1 in i In. r in in 1 1 Ink, i! w llll Ml Mil 11 II 111) i I I lllll llll lllllllll, W! ii iii i tuiiiihi "t iiiii !i i tliinh IiiIiiiii i mil cot loin or; i! liini.-. it lui.. ilu. im nil in, to in i 1 ti nl I l'i ml 1 1 Iji t. Registued i --. 4 hVVV4 ,V4- in the BUSINESS WORLD. Unquestionable Superior Merit Annually adds thousands of names tn the long list of Smith Premier users, representing cery line ot trade ..nd ncry profession , lUUblRATEl) CAfAlQUVE FhtL. , The Smith Premier Typewriter Co,, St., Philadelphia, Fa. fl W 9,1