The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 07, 1901, Image 1

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    P'wrtpsfrj' wftsy ww-.m-qi
B-vW4vWN- f"'yU''''lV'wSn'n' ili1
C ovwn.'HTS-iWiw.i ?.;;;tP"lV,'S!,v;'XirwJ
1 1
Mrs. Mabel Goodrich, ot Philadel
phia, Is Kent a Prisoner
Four Days.
The Victim of the Plot Is Induced
to Take a Caiiingc Ride nnd Is
Conveyed to a Lonely House nnd
nt the Point of a Itevolvci Is Made
to Sign Laige Checks Two News
paper Men, a Stenographer and a
Baiber Ancsted for the Clime.
11 I'ulu-ho Who (rum llic As-oililnl IV
Philadelphia, Oct. (!. Chill gi (I With
kidnapping u woman iiiul tiokltliK hi r
a iiiciiior tor loin d.ij-. i nliblnt? hoi
of Joutls win Hi innn thini J.umi, ami
compelling hei to sin hank i hot Us lot
lingo sums nf iniiiicv, Is tlic stiiiy
wlili h the pulli o inilolili'il hen toil.i.
whin llii'j iimiounii d tin .mist nl two
Jiuw r-iaii'i iiicii, ii Mi migiaphei In aii
otlu r m-w-papi'i utllii' and a b.nbtt,
nil llf V lllllll 1110 l llltlgl l w Itll llJIllplll -
Ity In tlic iilnii'. Tin- nun nou locked
Up at tlic iinlitil polite station rue
llouaiil K. Sloan, an mil niploji d 10
poitoi; 1 It in AVulluie, soiict t dltor
of olio uf the nun ulng tiowspapois; J.
Knight Kindlav, ol W.iMic, near hoie,
slenogiaphcr in the business ofllct ot
anulboi inclining papu, and Oscar S.
Dunlap, a b.nbci, unploL(l In one of
the most pioiniiii nl shops in the clt.
Tlir- htitii Is Mis. Mabel Ciooiliuh, Hip
pitipi it Mess ol an establishment un
Noi th Tentlustii ct. The iihii wuo ai
ustPil last iiIkIU anil will he shell a
heal ing toiiiiu i . .
Last Monday, Mis. Cioiuliiili went to
polite hoailquai ti is ami told a stoiv ot
Uiilu.i pjiiiitr ami lohhtiy so dating that
the pnlii c at lust, doubted Us tiuth.
bin- s.ijii that tor some time past a
tiling man, who lepic-cnttil liim-iII as
a i f 5-KIc lit ot Clcimantow n, hail been a
lioijiiint visitor at lit r islahlishiiient.
He was Mell iliesj-id, ami sptnt mmiey
li iclj . Last Weilnesil.u xxi ok. she said,
he piupostd a dilxe thinugh Pali mount
pail;, lie a.sKed hei to ditss in hei best
ilothes and loi Ik i to wtar all in i dia
monds and othtr iixieli, because on
the i etui n luiiij the dine lie Intended
to take her to the latest diiiliig-iooin
in llic iltj, and lie wanted her to
"shine" with the other womtn in the
plaio. She aciepted, and the next dux
she went out - I til him in u i an luge
with a line pail ot i K lily tapaitsuntd
hoi.scs and with a loailiman on the
lio wt ating Mj Mill lixoiy. Ai a Unit ly
plate in Kill mount p.tiU the i.niiage
was stopped b a man wlinin, she .s.ild,
lopn seated lumsell as 11 riaiiine.
Oll'boii, tin s(ie(u!, and attoiup
lor the Law- and Onlei sutiity ot this
i Itv. 'I his- man, she went on to sn,
told lie i that he had a xxaiiani fm hi r
ariost on the chaise of keeping a dis-
II del lv house, but that the matte i
tould be UmiI up, Jle was in-Wild Into
the t milage, and the next moment sin.
was K.iggul ami blliidloldnl. Shi ,is
dilxon soiwvxlieio, she did not Know,
but he liollifd Innn one i 01 not ot the
halldlxt'li llli t ntii lier ies that the
men paid toll at two toll-gates, ami
that they took lici into a building
Mime a liie online and a hook and
ladder tnuk weie standing. She was
kept a prisnnei limn Tluisdu night
until Fililay. without anything o t .it
or ill ink, and wn.s then taken on an
other loin,' drhc, blindtolded, to a
house, wlieie she was kepi I Mini Fii
day until Mondav. In the l.tttn plate
Hit men, who Mtie ninsU( d, sii Iijh il
her ol th' lew oh and at the point u
a loxtilxor loiupellul her to slun bank
i link-, loi vaiinus sums ol moiie she
had deposittd 111 tile Tllild National
hank. They made her sign loi uioie
than she pnsst s.sed, hut lomptlled In r
to pioiuise she would make up llic de
Ik ii my -when tliov loloasul her. The
moil, she said, tin u took hei on anotln r
long diive and put her out of the i at -lingo
at Tenth and 1'oplar Miiit
about a nille liom hei liuilt-t ,
Looked Like a Tniiy Talc.
"With otlu r Infoiniatlon the woman
gave thcni. th. dctpclhcs bosun to
woik on what they believed to bo a
falty tale. They got hi M'uil (lues,
which lead them to a llic house in
Ninth AX'a.xno, Illtecu miles Innn hs
ill. The til o iiiuip.iuv s a oluntiu
rn p?n ii I.-..H ton and th ko.x to the plai o
van liept 111 tlio Ileal eM dwelling, The
ncaicht liou.-io was ouupinl liv a lum.
11 uaiiiul Piiiillaj, and theie thepolln
lciMHil Unit one ol the sons, ,r KnlKlll
I'ludliy, had In en lioniii but little 1 1 ui -illK
tile pilht two WccKh. tJetliiiH ii de
hClllilloU of him, the polli o letuiu.'d
to the ilt.x, and lound the oudk man,
who Is imlv il iau, ot iiko, In the
olllie whole he is inpooc. He with
ilmiKPil with the i lime and luoltP
down and iiiipllniied thice oilieM
rindlii sUd Unit he had iinpeihonaied
11)0 foailUUliii. that .Sloan, the uiiem
liiOC'l M-mile. ailed the pait ot Al
torno fJihlioii, that the baiber plii.vcd
tho pait of the i U Ii Ceinianlowii n m
ilont, and that Wall.ue, the mii et cdl
tnr. Iiiul Miind a hoiice In dm man
town, while .Mis iloodiieh w.ih to
lune been held a lapthe. Ho told
HUbhtautlall) I lif wiim hti as Hmt
liaiiatcd by the unuin lie said tliny
kept lu I tontliled in the (Un Iioum. and
thou took her to the house, whriu Sloan
M(i aiifhtcd jt'studii. m St). '.'".'
North Twclttlt Htitot. The plan to
keep hei III the Wnlline hutiwo in f je,
inaiitnwii wah abaniloui'il n lavoi of
tlio Sloan house, Sloan, tint puiu,,
bald, iiiniclved tlio whole plot ,.u,j n
iMih In who sot the Inn her into t. He
hud aslud l)unliii to phi the pun
the ilih limit and (jet ,Mi,s, Uoodilili
put ilooi.s, so thai he iiiuld M'ii a
1wnil.lllt oil her lor keeiilny; u iIImh.
Ideily hmis'P. lie did not lineal the
real pin pose ot tho Klioine to the Imi-
AI1 the jewelry was lecou'icd, most
tit having been lound In the pus-
session or l''lndhiy and Hlimii, who weir
w oat Ins h-c wiitl ilnss, Only one
ilieek tor SI 5 Was caslicd, and most
or this money was also lemvcied.
Sloan was to litivo bi'Kitn woik on the
sunn' newspaper on which Klmllny wiif
einployed tonnniow. Wiillaee has boon
Miilety tdltnr ot the paper on which
he wan employed for only two weeks,
The iiiuiilij lor IddnnppliiK In this
Mtale, under in I of assembly ub amend
ed at the Int .session of the U-kIsIu-titii1.
Is life Imprisonment lor the piln
ilpals In the 1 1 line, and the puiiHi
lllelit tor in i esstiilos is left to the dl)
tietloll ol the court.
Captain Andiews and Diide Begin
Perilous Wedding Tour.
Hi I'mIii.Iw' Win (ioiii I lie uoiiilFil l'n-
Atlantic City, Oct. l! Captain Vi'll
1 tn in Andiews, the eteian 111,11 Inc. left
hoie late this afternoon lor lkuopc In
Ills folli tci 11-foot boat, the Hails Se
ll ct. At fouil) 111 Intr Ii i 111 011 the dar
ins trip is ills vduus hildc, whom ho
wedded a leu weeks ao.
The taptuin is 1 (i vents ot asc and
tills Is s,i,l to be his seventh flip
at loss the menu in small bouts. Me
op"ots to leach the HiikIIsIi (haniicl
In about tM he wreks. la the boat
weie pun islons ur fotti months,
Government Kcstiaincd by Constitu
tion Committee Must Raise
Money foi Miss Stone's
Ill 1 uluiive Wnc ti 1111 Un --fiiiildl l'ic
Hos-ton, Oi t. (1 The uificnty ot the
(.to ol Miss Helen Stone, Ihe iiiissloii
111 y held lor l.insom bv In isands in
r.ulsaiia, was dlsi ussed by the niciii
hi 1 s ot the pi udeiitial 1 ominltti c of tho
111e1ka11 boaid lor two liotn s today.
Liter, the loinmittc" issued .1 Mate
1111 lit. based upon the views of Piesl
(U'lit Samuel H. t'.apPll. ol the (I,
and tlio see 1 itaiy. Ilev, Dr. .Iiulson
Smith, as the lcsult ol their visit to
Washington estcida.
Moth Kciitleiiien held intoi lews with
Tifsiili nt UiiosoM'lt and the olhcials of
the .slate depai tuient. It was made
plain to them, they told the
lommiltee. that tile onlv certain way
to sot 111 e tile leloaso of Jliss Stone and
save her life would be by the pavnient
ol the 1.111 Mini ol MlOOOf). The 1 ouiinlt
tpe was in f 01 mod that the kooi niuent,
bv 1 u.i son ol lcstlietion,
is unable to p.xv the lansom. The
oonimiltoi was alto made aw 1110 of tlio
met thai the Ameili.ui bond lias no
ii'onov with wlili li to s,io Miss Stone.
The onlv piacthal wav, tlioM'loic,
show 11 to be a popular subsci Iptiou,
v hull alleaiH has hi eu st.uted. The
i oinniittee lio.iiulv appioMd this, and
h 'tall sending telesi ains to lnanv
p.ilt.s ol the eountv uirIiis substiip.
The loiiiinitlte s,is thai in ku of
the spult with whii li the appial is
KnlM'il, thin is stlollK J,(illU(ls un
tlio hope that the amount will be oh
(alii'il hpeodllv. llli'Ml possible wav
the Ameiiiali bund will 10-opeiato,
both bv uitt and li solltitatiou
rifsldeiit Capon sav s tlio huviin
nu ill at W'ashinmun, both tlic piesi
deiit and the state depai tinoiU have
done, .11 e iluln? and will (untiuue to
do, all thai Is in their power to pi o
(Uio the M'loase of Miss Stone.
Boston Chinch Raised S1.200 To
waids Ransom Tund.
Il I uliww Wm Irmii tin "inlitnl 1'ri'i."
Uostoll, Kt. 11 T'-i Celltial Cousio
1,11 1 iuiiii! (hiiiih. of this ili, todiiv
laistd II, .nil low.iid tlio lansom Mind
to seiiiie the M'Ji .c ot the Allloiicail
lnisisouai , Miss llelon M. stone, tiotu
liie liulfiailaii bilK.iuiN, who are hold
in,; hi 1 a laptivo in the HalUau inouii-
This is Hie nnl 1 Inn ih that inade a
m pui l, but II is b(ieid that other
iliuii his in the lit iiiiscd mateiial
.iihliiiiiiis to the I nnd
Rear End Collision on Pan Handle
in Iiidinna Dead Men Weie
Asleep in Caboose.
lu 1 . ii,ii Wn.'fi m I In ,-1 uiul I'll.-.
I.offiilispoi t, Ind . nil ii Pom 1'iin
II, imlli 1 1 .1 limit 11 mil diath
mm onwaid, loiutoiu uilles niutheast
of hole thl.s iiimninK In a it. 11 end ml-
Usloll Ol lleiullt llllillH
The dead I1M' llllii 1 1 tileel, 1011
duiioi ThoinaM II Hiosliis, iliiKiuan. S,
A l.illn .'.1 1 Ii. Inuki man: .I0I111 Hutch
liiMiu. 11m inaii The injiiiod 1'ianlv
I'atti 1,-011. enisliiier
Th" sim omi mi tlim oi tip' tiuiii nip.
slM'il ol an iii'iliie ami two iabnocs,
111 the MM I (llbllllK. Wl0 lllllll l lllll,
liiiisiiis uiul (inch and ' 'ninliu lur
Veiler. All WOie lsnp when the
liniil stopiml ileal Onuaid to inaKc up
leaili, Tin II the lllild Mi Hull looliied
Up too 1 lose lui mi o tile 111011 to 1 !--Ulpe
ecept WeaVel who lllllp( (I find
not oil iiiilii I111 ti. I.ntiliiicr rinnlv
I'atti M-on, ol the thiid i-tiiluu, I'siapi'd
KllflUh llljlllj'. bill Hie leililnjj tl .tll
IIUI1 III tl'O illiOftfO ol the fcemiid hio
tioii ami Kin iuiiii llittchiin-uu, ol the
thiid n'cilon, wtie Inn led In the m,ih
of 1I1 hi Ik ami tin il hodhs hoiiibly
hui'liul. A lillllibil ot i.ii.s weie
wieikid mid iloi-lioiid b Hi c.
McKinley Momtineut Scheme,
11 Iaiiiim Wll. II llll II" "-i'lill(i ui
b lui.., 11 1 11 hum I JiIjii u,i, pin lum
im ind it Inn M-tiiiLv In Un lliKliik' -Muii'i-lijl
i.,iiillui lui ill iiiii.i,i el laliiu," n.iuU
tjWitiil llit tiuliiin i.t .1 VI1M11U luouuiiui.l
1)11' lllllllllul Ullll l IIIIM l'llll lillUtk, Mill'
I'pCillil flt'lll 1 III 6 1 1. Ill mi the IUIiiieC ill II'
(ililui; liluuui tiili.iilitlui lutjl ot 1.,; Ii
iiruii toiitilliutul, tlit' iroif.iU uniiiuiitiii tn
The Lieutenant Commander Puts
His Correspondence with
Scliley in tvldeiiGc.
Oiiglnal of the "Dear Schley" Let
ter Shows That "Santiago" "Was
Substituted Lieut. Doyle Makes
Changes in the Phraseology of His
Testimony Afternoon Session of
Court Omitted on Satuiday.
m Kil'iio Wire from I he si(iatcj l'ui
V.lshliifflon,Otl (!. Lli'lltPlllillt Colll
ln.ilidcr A. C. llodsson. loiiutilv iuii
sator of Conimodoie Schle 's ilagshlp,
the IJtooklyn. contluutd his testliiiony
beloie the Stliley iuiiii ol inijuli jis
tciilav, alter some of the other -wlt-ntses
hud liad ,111 oppoi tunltv to 1 or
mt their testlinoii. When the 1 oil! I
uiljouined Filduy lilsht, lliulsson was
in the bands of .IikIkc AiHocate l.ciil
ly, whoso I'Mimliiatlon of him p.utouk
laiKfly ol the natiiie ol a iieiss-fain-inutliin.
This was due to the lint that
Hodgson had In on i ailed by both Milts
ot the efmtioeis, ami was, (onsldtiul
oxen 11101c a Sibley witness than u de
pai tinoiit xx ilncss. Captain Henily and
Mr. llanna continuid their imiuiiy at
the bpsiunins of the MttiiiK Jtsteiday,
after xxhlch Mr. Ilajnor besan a t-ciks
of (mentions iiitendetl to pioscnt tlio
Schley side of the eoiidm t of the
Hiookl.xn duiiiiK not only the battle ot
July S, but the entile Santiago eam
palsn. Mr. Hnnna's Infinities -weie do
xotpd partly to dp eloping 11101 e of the
details torn oinius: the bombaidmont of
the Spanish .ship Cilstobal Colon on
May 31. The entile coiiesponilento be
txxcon Hodfft-on and Schley xxus also
put in as evidence.
llic !li-t of the witticvoi if tin tin 1011, iln
who ,is liiillod to (oneit kbtuun'n Mis 1 it ii
tc'iint 1)0 li, li 1 xx .h 011 tlic lliooklxii 1I1111111;
the luttlc el snu!!,). He imlo .1 ltuniliti if
Illinois ill )ilirwuln,;i. Hi-, .llliniio'i i
iiiul 10 in rirci 111 hl-f foiiuoi liltnonx i-lilin;
the ilittnuc the Ilunkhu ilfod nut hum Mono
it sititnjo. He linl fnnmily plicul liie ili
i.imt il mo 01 time nillis, Imt lml uio'ieui.-h
li.i,nl Iih ( ikmiiif oil (he Imr foi .lime 's. 111
ti nl ot Mix J 1 ooVinir it ihe loj fu Mux J,
he loiiiul mix one iitlnntc ot th tli-loitt, lit
1111; it .it Ptx en mill .
The "Dear Schley'' Letter.
Win 11 1 'mm ml Poili nil iru,eil ( iiinni
llllllx TUllll Iil(iu'ht lip Ihe 1,111, 11, .11 ot die llif
UlllKC ol 1 on-ll llttioil of Iik lis! ill il Ifh nf
the "Dcir chl(" lilur Hi inoihiiul the oru
lml (op!, Killing pirt 01 iln jiii 1 n 1 1 1 d 1 ., loi
lo!,' '1 tliiufuic .un ol the intHiou tint im
1k,I tli 11110 11 ,iiu In 1 mttitin Un 11 ohii.
Mill he In hohl two iii,, Linifiui's nj.l Hi
im, uttl. .ill the folio tint vi 1.111 urn-lei It
liln it -lltlllll lI'Vllop tint llic I Ms, 1, 10 it
snuii.o, M lonhl Hen , ,,, inliti' oil linl ) 't
ttu ,.hii, let , tiitiil f 1 the iuio,t nil (oin hloihnl. il. I mil xie, thin, uiiixe nee
politic infoiiiiitlon, i 'lull coiitnui' lu imlil
II 11.1111 linl sintn(,o "
( lptnn I mil tin 11 . ml' 'If the loutt ph i'e,
I mii x(,tiiilix Kii!i''liil liv couii,i 1 lor the ii
plli nit lo pioilucc Ihe uri'inil nt tie 1. 1 let fi 111
Xihnli d slinOI1 i0 (.nmii'lnre j- 1K , ill il
XI u' 'Jii, 1 .!, the nuetion ln'in ,1, In the In ,1
mine pt tin mil of tie lli,t pn ui ijih, xxhith'i
it -liouhl li dentin ko-.' 01 'sininso' I luxe
the oilnnl, mil tin name iniii5 smtni, ,nnl
ii ippi ir, on r in iri-iac.
"I lliliw .lllintloll to the fiet Hut in llu pus,
iipihoiU it I, snillin,' xxliltli shoxx-i tint 111'
tli Hue xxh nude luimi the Idler mi, -
upliil and Mill. 1 xxlll 'ild Hut tho pniiiliutli 11
1, .1, I ft .tc l (,iinli! in the pri1-. iopi."
lie ilo. at the n.ia, of -vlilc.'., ioini,M
iiodiicfil anollid inpx, "in Mhldi," lie i-nil,
von ..ill sie iluit mi, no lOtriition It ip
lullld nlUintllx' I, sintll.o'"
I ho 1 nit is nun id il i oiiiinl pipeis ami Hie
lu . copies jib ii., nnl it xx 1, iitiinl hit tie
pipus i-hunld au'iin In iiininl in tl e 11 n id.
( 1 1 it ii ii I mix thm iciiu,lri tint alt the pi
pir, in .sflUoj's inoi'ii Ik nun; upon the f 1,0
In siiiillnl, ami Mi. Ki.xii'i uplied tint sLii,n
hid tin moll pilli'M,
I. ;i 11I1 11 Hit f .1111111 nub 1 lloik',011 ix 1, then 1 ill. d
til lOlltllUli! 111, tl,tilloll Ho X,l ,1,'vllt In
(iptiin I.(lill lloiit hi, foiii-iiulidniK mIHi
'ililox ( nni lining xxhit Hie ud'i aihoialo di .
In. mill Hi d .1 iiexxpipn 'iulliiix " Ihe mIiik,
loll, IMIptll 11 lo tlio ll-l ll'Hl Mold li'lllill!"
and ( ipl llll Icinlx i.plhd tint Ihl, xi.i lln ! it-lu--,'
oxxii thii.iiliil.alioii.
Reading tho Letteis,
I lie kilo., xxiii tli 11 ip nl In- the jiiili adxo
rite, tloiU.oii iiUnlilMlV" III' xaiioil, dm nun 11U
a, tiny Mm spuililx pii-uilid. Mi Itnmi
niil that If lit, hid Ihe illu. Mould he iniptul
1, px I li 1 11 , and Hint tin x tould I, piininl
xxltlu lit In in, li 11I l .ipl lln 1 1 ml irpllnl. hox!
i!ii, 1I11I hi 1 mi, Id, ml Hut (In letieM hid an
niipuii ml Inning iipui the pinipi, aid tin.
tin inoie he iKiuiiil to n id Hum
WI1II.1 tin ii'iullMB nf Ihe Ii M is lnuxiin Shhv
Jul Id ilu rn ad "t, ailklii, li aliiu'
llpnll llll llXlllsllOIuli llll Mils 111 pliUltss, All
llixnei nhlulid to tlio nadln; nf on- 01 tin
ini!pip.i' tatillients ai iiiiltxilir. lln. 11 idiu
linl IliIIiii1 loiisldu idle I llu'.
1l111n il llixxe! nid' ' llu-n ililn.n iniihl ill
hue Inn pilutcil, un aie liking laludile
linn hue, !u Mint laels-tnts. We ilnu'r
xx ui- iiexx.pipif ntlile.-. Xn hi!" rule I thi-e
(nit. C.11111 it the-e inillilslie printed "
I iptaln 1 ui Ix -in j on im jii nii d 11 jI ixaiil
1I10111 it ill?
Xdnili il IMxxi.i II 1, w xx nit I Kin (iii'il
pot llu! U irillnli like nihil piuio
Mi, llixmi -e Mint noijlliliic tint pis-ul
tut urn lliiiluiiiii lli)il'i'ii nnd C.iiiiiiioiloi
s,hh i tint apiirinni In lld loiilroin.i, Imt
xxe Hi illd 1101 Iih llu, liuud tnimil 1 11 nil oiiiM
14 ilu-1 I niuiiioiloii s, 1,1,1. I i 1 im; ihiul, Hun
011. lit m he piiiilul ill the in, ml an 1d1lm1.1l
lUiiu.t dinli il s, hhi .,1 ui! nihil Xilliiu.i1 in
In iixui ii hilt xxliltli , 1,111x11 rim In Xdiuli il
sihl x it ill. Unit JltUle iv i linl sin. in 11 j
lillu to Ailiiiu il s, 1,1,1, , ,,v, p 1,
t ipl, in lillilx il l li ill) .1 pjit of ihe
(01 upmdciiii iiiiiml 10, iii ill inn 1 iiiiriii
(ui me luoiiunt llui any illigitloii. Hut mix'
Im nude 111 Hut rditmial .lKiili-t .s lilt
11 (iiiuf of xxhal 1 1.0-1 .illiuilimis ail, lml,
Ihl, I, 1 put nf the 1 orii'-poiiduiic ind 11 u,.
ui in deli iiiilnliu- 14 to 1xh.11 1X1 llll pin
pi Im if t uiuliioduli sililO' I'UidiKi in He
Mr lljxmr - mild iil lain 1 ttJtimriil finin
1111 iioxx lUt iluilril i bli .x fji. In 111 in aix
It mil nixu nieixid it'
ludui Xdiiiiale ou lum 111,1 lo tint ij!c
XI llninr-1 di not 11 ml. tin, moid i.iiit
to lie t ilnul xxlth thit tJliinuilirf ifjln,t Ail.
mii j t bihlix
llu 1 run l Hun lelll.d f.t C'lisiiltatloii, nnl
.1(11 1 j uxx miiiiili, 1M1111111I, nuklnu' the fib
l.mliij; iniiidiiiiciiuuit iiiioiigh Vdmlul Po'ieii
'The court ilcilji Hut any dippings from
nowtpipili ulilili foi 111. j put of the roiiuinnil-
mii lieu!uii ilnilinl S lilei nnd lileulriulit
( 1, llllll, llidll' IIoiIemiiI "liolll, I pinpitll lie ll'ld,"
Mi Iti.xncr Mil II pl(.te the 101111, linn I"
tin ex iit lit p In slum Hut Hilt pirlltitln cililmlil
fnrpM .1 put of the 1 niiispmnleuie, 01 III it il
xwn nir iinlxitt hi 1l1nI1 tl Silihx,
ilmliil lloxxt Lintel' that uiling it otiglit
linl In In 11 ml,
Allii' fnt tlu 1 lenllnu' of MIih nnd liefme
the ( nl Ire (olli'ipnliili 111 e hid hu Nlilbll'l, the
totirt, it 1 o'tlntl,, niljuuiiidl until .Monday.
( .
One Thousand Assemble to Hear
John Most Speak.
11.1 I ilij-iw Who lilitn the AmuiI.UuI l'n'M
New Voik, Oct. ii. One thousand al
iened nniilPhlstrt assembled in n hall
on Font Hi ulroet, this city tonight, os
t nsllilv to hold a bull In honor of the
oiRunlyallim of the Viel-Ai biter
Steniine, said to be a society composed
of nn.iielilsts, but the nature of the
ussenibhiKP xvas uspet'ted by the nian
HKor ot the hall and In a shoit time
forty policemen weie on the .sccno un
der 'command of Actlm? Captain I'lacc.
Tho liiau.mpr learned that the niecl
I114 xx as lcally iilanncil to lit ar John
Most make ti speitb, but Most while
on his ixav to the hall was warned
axxav by nioniboi s of tho society xxho
xxpiefiiiil out 10 head him olf xxlien the
lolleo 111 1 1 od on the scene. The pus
enie ot ollleeis inoxt'iitod any sdicocli
The Shnmiock Will Not Remain in
Commission Hopes That An
other Race May Be Had.
Il.x I 1l1isixe Mite horn Ihe A-mhied l'to
Nou Yolk, Oct. h. Sh Thomas Up
ton had the dav ol nbso'iutc lost
totla that lie lias liad Muco he .mixed.
The Ik in xxas at untlior otf West
Txxenly-sitb stiCet, but near to the
.loi soy M'uil o and her oxxnei lomained
on bo. nd all day. Theie woio xtiy fexv
Minis, Mi. and Mis. .Tamcson and
Mt. Watson bad kouo to tllon Cove on
a xlslt and the duke of Alba was at
his hotel in Noxv Yoi k, so Sir Thomas
had the ship to himself.
When asked about his plans lor tlic
futuic he said:
"Xfter the dinner nl the ox- oik X 11 1 1
rluli 'J iti,il 1 1 ulit I Iiaxo 1 litinthci ut nulla-tioii-i
to xtiious diih,, hut, 1 lu!C not ,xit
(hi ok I xxiiiih I 'hill he nidi lo aeiepl, i, tin
I line is xtix I11111I11I 1 (-lull jtii to ( ha un, 10
hi Hie cne-t of Ihe liiicuu Athletic dub on
'liiesdix nt mt xxick, leixinj; hcie Xlouday for
tint ihie It 1, not 1 1 Ut 1 v tint the siuinrotk
xx ill lctniln 111 toninii-sion 1 tin in.. s,,iix
she ilid imt Mill at li 1st one inc. lloxiixir,
1 1111 jjoln,' to urixe ( tplnln sipuuorc md tin
rn x of the 'litiniock 1 hiuintct. .Ii.vxillrjiiuli
ihlx he 011 I Inn -di! uljit I fnt "lint Ihi!
hue ('ulit tl ill !in lie-t tu in ll.e Hie licit
Mm "
K10111 aiiolh".' soul 1 e it was learned
that theie is a hope on boa id the Ik in
.111 1 Sli.iiiuiiek that another l.uo for
the Ainoiiia's cup mix be auanard to
lie sadotl next o.u. It thfs can be
.11 iiiiupllslipil, it is s.iid, the Shamiork
xxill be laid up in ow Yoik lor the
She is ,11 piesiut jn tin, I ; 1 it- bislu.
At Well Attended Meeting Reds
Applaud Refeiences to
"Saint" Czolgosz.
11 1 xi In, ixo Hiie fiom fhc j-,uiiateil Pirs.
Loudon, Oct. 7. A fahlv well nt
tendfd nitetliiK of auaiPhlsts xxas held
xesteiday in a hall In Tottenham Com t
Koad, London, to hour 11 leeluie 011 the
ussassinatioii ol Tiesldenl McKiulov
bi II. Kelly, of New Yoi k. The nu
tlleme, liiiKCly 1 omposed ot loielBiiers,
iipplaudid all leloiontfs lo "Saint"
Coli'iis and his "11101 llui ions act."
Thespcalxeis imlitdod Km ion Mala
testa, the lltlliuil illHtlcllist, who de
si 1 Ibcd tlie assassmatiou as a "deed
01 beiolsm."
Kelb'.s lectin e was a xxild hui ansae
in dciiuni latiou of Mr. McKInl''f, po
litlial tateor. Ho declined that they
did not liy to jnstliy assassination,
but lather to explain It us the out
1 01110 ol "the oppiesslou of Mnikiucit
by 1 apital,"
"It the killlnt, of .Mi Kluley opens the
exes ot the apltallstn and Induces
them to tioat the Axoiklug' people bet
ter," tiled the UKltator, "then hi oat
nod will haxe boon done,"
The Stauelniil, pintoHliiiK editoi tally
against tho holdlus of tho meeting,
"We ptiblhh a upon lor the tin -pose
of din xx Iiik attention to the 1 1 lull
mil methods that 1110 piiuiUvd in our
oiy i.iltkst. Kelly went unite far
onolPfll to tall lor tho nollie of those
v hose ilutv It H to stoii apoloKlos for
iiuudu "
Shot nt Plymouth hy Diuggist
Dean Compaii ion Anested
by Wntchmnu.
jb I xd'i 10 Hue ft 111 Hie iu Ijted 1'ievS
WlllxP.s-niiiio, Oct. R Shortly alter
lllldlllKllt lllhl lllKllt, I'. A. Oeail, llio
liiopl letiii of 11 ill UK stole 111 Plymouth,
a toxxu pear lieio, heaid some nolco
la the stoic limn), lie Kill out of bed
ami xxlth n icxolxei xxept down staiiH
lo InxostlK.ile. Jl flllllld two 111011 111
ihe plmt, line of thcni est ttjietl, but
lib' lOinpaiiloii shuxved JIkIH. Duiii
pulled hl-s loxolxer ami fatiilly shot the
iuiiii in th mouth.
iit't'nle bt'imnillK lliuolisi lolls, ho
said he was .losuph I'avullt. and lUi
nanio of his pal xxas .losppli Sihinitt.
The latlei was auostoil bv n nlKht
watihinan whllo iiinnliitr 111x11 . Tlio
wounded miiii was icmnxtd to the hos
pital In a dyinx lomliiiou. it Is pte
stiuietl the 1111 11 I'lili'Md tlio stmo for
the ptupose of loiiiinlttlntr a iobbor,x,
Sheiiff Noith Acquitted.
Xshexilli, Mi, Oil 11. s,i,rn .I0I111 T Vnilli,
fluiuul with Hit iiuudxi of .lolm 1' lilllilfli.hlii
ilullu.' the iltiinpl ol ,1 inijb lei tlollil the jilt
foi the piilpmi nf Ixnilillu' u juviu .-.--aillli 1,
xx.M jnpiliteil li-t iiitlit. 'Iht Hid xxa hi'lil
uiidti tin pioltctiun of Mate iiillliij.
Extracts Irom His Fortticomina
Book on tlic Spanisli-
flmerlcan War.
Quite nu Amount of Space Is Given
to Piove That the Schemes of tho
Geneial in Command of the United
States Army Weie Impiacticablc.
Colonel Roosevelt Is Ignored and
General Wood Is Given Ciedit for
the Good Woik of the Rough
Riders The "Round Robin" De
nounced. llx l.elt.ilxe Wiic Jie.111 the -omteil I'nx-
New Yoik, Oct. fi lK-Picsident
Kussoll A. Algol's loiip expected book,
"Tho Spauish-Aincilcan W.u," will
bo published bv HaiptrA: Uios. on Oc
toboi 10. Itf, apiitaiaiite has boon some
what lelaeil oxxlntf to the assassina
tion or I'lt'sidcnt McKinloy.
Tlie lolloxxiiifr extracts slxe Ooneial
Algol's lexxs on some of the most
eontiox cited fcatuics of the later ton
llitt: In his opening oluipteis (loneinl Al
Ki r niukos plainer than ex or befoie
the titter unpiepaiPiluess of tlio coun
ttv 101 xxai. The law making tho Jp),
000,000 uppiopiiutlon xxas sou
up 10 ihe declination ot xxai it tould
not be used tor the most necessary pait
of aimy efiulpnicnt. Coiu-oiiuently,
theie xxas much contusion in oiRani.
insr for the campaign. Tlic goxernniont
did ot haxe. anil tacloiies could not
supplv piomptly, munitions and cloth
lug ioiiilitil, and many ot tho .shoit
coiningr of the aimv soxoiolv uitli
l.ed at the time xxeic not duo to the
ollk eis 01 the dopaitineiit, but to the
impossibility of doing on slioit notito
what should haxe been pieparcd foi by
Congio'o caus bofote.
TIip book docs- not lefer dhcctlv lx
tlio attacks mtidu upon Cionoial Alger
peisonally, or give any account of ids
lolallons with the aclniinlsti.ition. ot
tlie events leading to his letiremont.
It defends the aimy -appointments and
dotluios that no laxoiltlsm xxas Mioxxn
in selections; that the gieatest i.ite
xxas taken to choose tit men. and that
as many loguluis xxeio taken toi xol
unteei soixlce as could bo sp.ued fiotu
the aimy f stablishtiu nt without I111
paliing it,- efllfiency.
Stiictuies on Geneial Miles.
The substance of Hernial Algu'.s
chapter 011 tho aimy beef lontioxeisv
was pulihslicd in ' Tho Noith Aniciican
Uelcx" of last .Tanuaiy, ami the pub
lic is alieady lunilllur with bis de
lcnco of Oenoial Kagnn's admlnlstia
tlon, though not of the language lui
xxhlch tho latter was nun t-maitiallcil,
und also xxlth his sti IclUH.s on Cionoial
Miles. Alter 101 minting what he tails
the Cionei til's "Impossible and inipiaf
ilcable" plan to nioxc .111 aimy Mom
Nttcxitas wcstw.iid to Santa,
building loads with the aid of piison
01 s, hu sitis;
I his piopcssiuou, lioxuxfi, is oiilx one 01
mill 1 lull, othris xxlmli xxue not apiuoxeil. M 111.1
it tlio trimral's jn.1p.-1-, il ixne nhiiiHt,lx im
in tent ihle, and In t iiifiiiitiiill di-olutely Im
po,sihIe. lie ii coiiitm uiltil the shiiittunt if !',
inn) men lo He X!(-t, x.hir.i all dunking xxitn
xxouhl luxe In hu hioujit ui lank .-hip-: x.llh
(VII liniils lull nt stntiiuo, nnl 110L inoiuli
I101 p3 tlu re, he pioio-id lo uiul "a lnttnx 1
iltilleix mil 1 li'liiimt of Intuitu," as .in i
prdilloii t the l-l of Pine, then ol 110 lulllt 11
it -Iialih liiipott inee. lie liisislnl 1111 spmlliu;
to ( uha, tni ti,e x llh infinity fipeiitttu ill 1
tn pn il jtiiili, tin! oxri 1 (uiiutiy impi,sili
10 m I1M1,, his "pnilihle" '011I1I-, run xxdgli
Inj l.tini) pounds ind oidi iiiiiiiixin .11 miiili
loom 011 a tiin-pmt t, an ho-iil,il 1111I111I urn ,
lie iiioiumeiidiil the .llillid.'niiiu lit tl sniln., ,
niter tuxili's lint had lum doslin.xul, Hituhj
lifllu' the i-iiui i the ill' linl luse ,;illi-in,
xxlHiniit leipiiti; the tl lit s of the i.lm Hnu
pi it th alh 111 mil liiiul,; ho Minted . innliii,
of the un; plmd mult r llll fuilifli In i
piiwiil tho opinion tint .1 Hnpu,iil (one of
li, IV! infli, nio-ilj xuluntien, Mi, "Ill.OiTO ino.ii
thin v.lll tie miiiiriil fm l.tneril Xluiltf, l'hll
ippi lie ixpeiilllnli, mid xxlilln ill I'm in Iticn In
t ilikd In Hie xx.11 Mi p it tint nt ,1 iiioiiiiueudiili 11
tint 'ilio ininiifiettiie of Spiluatlihl illlt -, In
1 ililne aiuuiuultiiiu, all xx Idle 1 nix 11 tuuua,
nnl Id 11k li'lllill (iiilpiii, ills nt exi rx d, -ui ilnu
he iliMniillliuid, ns tin x aie iili-nli te and MmiiM
lint he ,1 pill of th .11111 c iiiiiiiii nl " In ail
,,xii' ti litis list liuiiiimiiiilitluti the lolloxx ill?
di-pttilt xxiii tint;
"War P iiiliiirut, u J, hi,
' U.nei ii Xlllt. I'm to Itliot
"!h x on muht In kinxv. Hie 1j,i I', 1. ililne
sprlnli. Id illle xia, iiiiuiilatliuid in uliiel IIih '
simikei pnxxdu 1 utihUiM 111' mux lit ln 111 Hi
nt 11 mini nml xxlll ho fm 11 ililui, I sii.-.ct tint
xoti i,it ak'iiL, xxltli xxlnt Hie soxiiiiini nt his in
hand. II, X. Mmi,
' of XXat,"
Iliituu the xxuk in xxluili xxai xx is ilnliud lo
ruiiiiiiiiendid lint the unmifiituiu nf Ixi.u Jn
i list ti lillu "l'i li till' id to Hie minimum, Il
pit mtliilx' h iiniiiliil, ' .idxisins 11 Ih Mine
lime Hie ,'ih-iiliitlmi nl aiiiilliti small 11111 txxln ujifled In Hie iitlllltii tximts xiho
lml Minted I In. .lili'Pltd txpn of im Him ei
llu hunk n( nut lilllil .111111. in tin .ileitis
lltiiiiilou, ill-ippioxid leifiliiliu lid Uh I s in 111 di
in. nautili Id, latk m ituUiiimt nine ih 11 I lit
In siidlilil' ihalie llu li it tin lu 1; l.'.ili.'
1 1 tli 1111 .111' il-o I iluii.'o In He 111 ithll ii; Hid
Ilk thuds nf tie (.nil 1 HUH lit .I'lllul.X, !xh(li llnii'
alius aie lillili, l.xm l. llli. lie lilllii I ilii mils 'I
lids Input i i.j.jX nl tin ,nlx ml igi 1 1 sum u.i
nil 111 tMll"t hit' tlio 1'lltl link nl I
Mat 1, Hut the line tn ilutt'o He lipe ol diii
oi llio iujlIiIiki) Ml Hull mil ul itttiii.
xiotioiLt, lie 1 it. uukiu,; iippioiuliiti lis in
tin iiunutJMini ut .inns it tin. sujii.,iidil a
mull alxxa.x ill.uiUs tin modi 1 m die .put lo
le iihilitlid, .1 Mil xxliltli lln li.i,lilil ol II
hu.lld ot iiuliiJiiiii and UHllli iliuii and llu mint
ic,illn,r lie liljlift laid, in the a inn 1 1 t ilntx
(.hniihl luxe kuoxxii
t .is iloilded Hut liiiiiial siufur .-liuiild
toiiiuniiil llu sjutlj.ti i Npitlliioii, ttluixxi-i
kuoxxii .ii the' I'lllli inn, mid uf It t Milium iiidtii
hail linn I -."iinl to him, tn on il Mlln xx is iluei i
ul tn oit'.inl?' tin ixptdiiloii lu I'oiln llh i
I'poii (lie i iptnii' of Mull.1,'1), xxliith it xxa, tli't
lulh ml xxouhl ii'iulie Imt a t-lioil liuu, i.tnml
sliaittr nnl ii folii' xxue lo Kiuluxuiis ui Sln,
ami there Jfiu tin' aniioi lor li'itn lllio, lo li
linnliliilld ull i'j.e b 1
Held Lengthy Confeience, but De
clined to Talk.
11 llxcltuHc Who ficiu Ihe isoeliteil l'iej
Yx'ushlngioii, Oil. 0 Senator Tlmnms
C. 1'latt, of New Yoik, was a gtpst at
dinner with I'lo'ltleilt it ml Mis. Hoosp
velt tonight, Tlie seiiator lotiuilned at
the white lioiiHo until iiftor lo u'tlock,
when he 1 etui nnl to his hotel. Con
t fining bin fonfi route xxlth the piesi
tlenl, the senator declined he had
nothing to say, but perhaps would have
Foinetbliig to glxe out lomouou.
I'lc'Hltlent Itoospvolt spent u (lllet
dux. lit went to the Oiueo Ho I'm mod
i lunch with Ml"s Ikhol, his daughter.
Mis, lloosexolt, who lolt the white
house at the same thne xxlth the piosl
ilcnt, stopped at St, John's Hiilsiopal
dun ih with her son, Korniet. Poth
plate.s of woi.shlp weie ihiongpil. Alter
dinner the luesldeiit siinl his litmllv lott
the white bouse lor an hour and bad
a walk ainitnd tip. stittts ot AVtttihlng
ton, t
San riancisco Chuicheb Tilled to
Overflowing Wm. R. Butler, of
This State, Gave an Address.
11 I'xil loixe Wire fiom Hit s'oti it-d Press
San Plane Isco, Oct. (!. The 111 si Sun
day ol the Ulomiial i unlet -encp
xxas devoted ontliily to missioning-
seimuns In the vailons thatches
of the di nomination in this liv and
adlaient toxx ns. Thexxeathii xxaspei
lect, and the attendance tit all of the
meetings xxas laige, The siooxxalks in
flout of the Grate chinch xxeic cioxx ti
ed an hour holme the iloens xxeic
opcnetl, and that editlco xxas unable to
accommodate tho thioug that piospnt
ed Itself lor admission. At St. Luke's
and Ti hilly the situation was tho Fame,
but the oxpilloxxlng wus pioxided for
in other i hut die. Bishop Millsp.uigh,
of Kansas, pi out hod tit the Maio Island
naxv .xaitl. In the i Impels of the I'ni
veisity ot California, services won
hold by eastern clt'igiiiPii, xxdio also
tilled many pulpits in Oakland ami
Alameda. At t: o'clock this alteinoon
Misiiop l'otttr, of Now Yoik. tlollvoiod
a shot t atldicss m the Young Men's
Ctulstla.i association auilltorniui,vliitb
xxus iioxxdcd to the door?. He dealt
on tlio imooitanco ol civic, as -xv oil as
nioial lightt'ousiitss and 'iiged the ne
icsslty ol all men iinillnsr in an t ffoi I
to maintain a high stanilaid ot indi
vidual and social liie, which, with
Chiistiunltx. xx oie foundations) ot all
good governments,
A nulled Kitmlax school mis-ioiuuy
seixiie vxas hold at Tilnity ihuiih in
the afttinoon, the ililldiPii t timing
Mom all dilutions ami matching into
the ohm c li i ai i v Ing baiinoi s. TIip sti -x
li o xxas lend bv Bishop Koi jiisuii, of
West Atiiia. Bishop Half, of South
Dakota, Willi im It. Butler, of Mauch
Chunk-, IM.. and Dr. Dinning, ol Phila
delphia, dclivoied addi esses.
The Alleged Slayers ot William
Goebel Will Have Another
Chance to Escape.
Ih 1. veins xc Xlire fiotu Hie Asioiiateil I'teiu.
Oooiftotown, K., Oil. ti. Tim toui t
of appeals having gianted foimer Si e
iclaiy of State c.ileli Poxxtus and
James Hoxxtittl noxv tiiaN, the i.tsp of
the loimtr will be tailed hoie net
Ttiesiki. Poxxeis hits bten itinoxul
Mom Fiankloit to the jail hoie, and it
is denied timt his mind Is giving way
under the lonsr loniliumont. l'oxxois
was convicted nioii' than a e.n ago as
atiessoiy to the niuidtr ol William
liocbcl. in .lanuaiy, I'""), and sentencoil
to liln linpiisoiinienl. Howard vxas lati r
coiivlctfd of tho deed and sentenced to
be llllllf,.
The saine allot no s xxlll assist Ptose
cuthig l"i .ink-tin as in ill" liiitt tiinl.
oxer sltv vltnp.s.sis haxe boon siim ami It is e'.piiled that this
Mini will be conducted on Hues of
in.ii Uoil tlifiei elite Muni that of last
inr. II Is gem tally believed tluit
both sldo.s hu vo sci in ttl nun h uo exl
ilcia t.
Head-on Collision on Pennsylvania
at Steiling Run Euor of Tele-
gtaph Opeiatoi Responsible,
lit I villi lie Wnc fiom lite ,5ocialeil 1'im,
Vllllauisioit, IM., Od. ii- A head-on
t olllsiiin untitled on tlie Middle dlxls
lon of the Pennsylvania i allicul at
Steillng Uiin, thhl.x-sl- miles west oi
Ueiiova, ai .".in o'elot k Sunday morn
ing, bt'twpin passenger liulii No, !' ami
liclglii titiln No, i lesultlng In the
di ulit oi nit" innn mid Ihe injiiilug ol
llllll' utile! , as lolloxxs
Klllttl Unity Sniulgiuss oi Keiiiixa,
eiir;inr ul llio p.isM'iig. i liulii,
liijund Wlllliuii .1. Iliuk, ol lliiiuxo,
Imlh legs anil t'liollldt r Inokcii,
In ought to Williumspoit hospital. It,
A. I'li'iiilni,. Koiioxo, leg biokoii, b.ulx
sptuliud, iiiiiiti'ioiis loiiiimloiu about
head uiul bod , biolighl to Williams--Iiiul
hospital. Iluiix .liihiison, Jiuno.
vo, head badly mill, James i'uIUuh,
lleiiovo, tevoitly scalilei),
All tho Injilled weie iiriiiIh-ih ot tliu
iM'lylll new. Tho eaiise ot ihe ml
llsiou Is not et know ii, but it s uu
ileistotiil tti have M'Miltiil Iuiiii an ei
I'til lliutle by u lelegiaph opeiatoi.
SteaniEhip Auivals,
Dy I'.xiliL-ln Wirt Irom Iho titt,5td I'Mlt.
Sim Xulk, Do n Viiixtd, lux of lium,
(di-koxx ami Xluxilh, I mlu 1 1, lixiipmil ,i I
i ui xxii lltathx Iliad l'j.-nl Ixui iuliii
lill-t, Jilt nit li, toi Ihiiloutt; aid ixx 'mil,
l.ixiiiiuol Xlllxnl. 1 Inula. V xx Voik xit
; iinluMii, ' i. u.-luwi, a 1 il In, jliu lu-'H
I lllipnuii, st'X jnlli -MUX ristil. IXIOII
I'lln Ulit Im, Ntu Viik, fei I'l.Mitxiulli and
t llilliolll, Vxi Viik-lll!ld. Illltllt, 1.1X11"
The Sons and Daughters of Ohio
Hold Memorial McetitiQ In
The Gatheilng Held Under Auspices
of tho Ohio Republican Associa
tion Intel esting Addresses Made.
A Letter from Br. Mnna Piesi
dent Roosevelt's Regiets. (
Itx I'uliiixc Wile fiom The Assorlalcil Press.
Washington, Oct. C The sons nntt
diuighttis of the late Prcsldont McKln
ley'a liatlxe state ol Ohio, who aie noxv
le.sltlcnt-! of Washington, today paid a
last public tilbtilo to the inpmory of
tlu If dead eongiossniaii, gov ci nor und
piopldoiit, in a lnigely altondcd meet
ing at Chase's opera, house. The gath
oi lug was hold under auspices of tin
Ohio ncpuhlifiin association, but ixat)
not toullnotl lo Oliioans. About rt.000
person1 xvcie pics-enl. Tlio dccoiatloiiH
xxeic appiopiiato to tho occasion. Tho
Mnilne baud tutiiishod the music and
vxoif stationed fin tho stage dlicctly
under a laigo era on poitialt of 1'icsl
dent McKinley, which vxas diaped in
gtacelul folds of black, the whole sui
i minded by an immense Amoilcan Hag.
The iilec'Ung xxas piesidi'd over by Col
onel .T. II. ntlgbinn, assistant secictaiy
of agiicultuto. Tho Rev. Dr. J. J. Mulr
clullveicil tho invocation, and addicssos
woio inado bv tho llov. Frank JI. Uris-.
toi, tho pastor of the Mctiopolltan
cliuich, which the picsident attendeel
vxhllo in Washington; Judge Thomas
H. Andeison. Hon. Alphonso Halt,
Hon. D. K. Wathon, and Simon Wolf,
of Washington. The speeches -xxere full
of expiesslons of love and honor for
the moniotv of Mr. McKinley and
dwell, on the -xittiies and tiualitlos
vx hick bail ondoared him to the people.
Sevcial of tho speakois took occasion
lo denounce the anaichlsts in un
nieasuted toims und advised that dras
tic meastiios bo taken against them.
Letter fiom Dr. Mann.
An iiiteipsling featme of the meet
ing xxas the leading of si letter fiom
J Jr. M. 1). Mann, one of tho picsiilent's
phy.sleiuus. to Ml. T. "XI. Sullivan, tlio
sctiPtary of (ho association. It xxus as
follow s;
Dudalo,, -o, 1301.
T. XI s,ilht m, -,(
W Ihat Su. Xs I'ic-Idtiit AIcKinli" xxas Ox
Inc, I stood lii'liiiul ,i -null in hi, loom, and
lritd hint M' hi, 1 isC xxoul- lbs xxttc f imu
inlu tlio looin and hi" slid to hoi. "tjood,
all, auoil Iijp U n dodo mix. His Mill hi"
loin, not oui-t " Ihi'ii vis soiut' fiutlift eoti-!it-itiou
villi In, xxifo in tin' Ml iif Imt lak
nu', Inn tins , liouhl not In irpcnlid .Xhout an
Innn litu ho Mid to hi, Mifc ".Ntiit't, Mx Coil,
tn lino, ('ill thonttlt it tie i nos-, his lii'ou
mx f oiKtinl pitxn." lit' tiud to t-tv lontclhiii
nioii, lml I i imlil not 1 1UI1 it. I ga!i out nt
lln- tiini' tho In t-t hciiltiup as In Inj tin' mo, t
ippropti lie to In' lciuiuiiit ltd a, his list xxuitl,.
I Hintr thcni ilmi a at tin' tunc, m tin rn i in ha
no itie-tlin th mt It. ouij. xctr tiulx,
XI. I). XMmi.
A lot toi fiom Piestdont Koosovolt le
grottlng his Inability to bu picsent vxai
Movement in All Directions 19
Biisker Accotdiiifr to the Ledgei.
Ilx i;iclii'lxi XX lip fiom 'Hip .V,oihteil 1'icu.
Plilhililphii. Ott. I' 'I lit- Iid'Ci, in IM toil
ail ti le tiimoiioxx, xxlll six :
'tho .intlii itili toal tl id.' 1 not Milliard ill
mx iiuttilil mix. 'llio siptcinlur ilirnlii of
mil pi In h xxas toiitiiiucd fat eictolitt xxlthniit
alttiitim and llio indication H Hut it x-lll rt
ui ilu mull insril Ihrmwli Hie iiitiinin milt ss Hit in
slitmld i omt' in ttiilooltil tot-m n fit j Hill niu'lit
h'td Ho ilt ilits In ictixi ioiiiictitlon, to Mil
llli inlu-, llio output to tin t lo-t' of Sipliinho
appioxliuils Jii, .uo.ilon Ions, and m t,o00,00() ton
ahonl of Hit' Mine potiod list nr. Tlio itioxt
111111 1 ill ill dilutions is lulskct and i-i s.ltiiK
i-peiitlle .iiilxe up Hip !iki. xxliiic there ato
pitnionltioiH uf in nrl.i xxintrr, xxliltli uilclit
iniikh tloso nixiiritloii lo iio. (nistixl-n
isliijinii ills no Rood lu tli? 1st ami "Miitli. 'llii'in
Is il-') ripoilul i hetlor 1 ilmf loiidlthm Ihrotuh.
mil Iho .1 li t In li Ih' it ..'inn, thin it am' Hint' lit !
lot. hi, Kiiiuli a tlkpulo ristii' nii,!nlion' .11 il
piiiHiiilix iliiiust oxri illi-iiou hixlin; hnu
i.iiis 11 tot ilx lilju.ttd,
Sevcial Poisons at Reading Hit by n
Falling' Paititiou.
1! I xt lu-iiii XX ire fiom III Vs-muinl l'iw
lloidluir. Oil t - A doon pcoplp xxt'tp initt nl
tndn In st I'tlfi'i itihollt ilmirli n' llio nil
nt .1 litiiiiniiiv piilitiini t'tttliil mi tho iii.idn
.f tho inlu' Mill a, 11 ptoloMlou aciln.t Hi'
iloiiiint-. tliuiiia; .llliiitimis of Hip tuiildiiiff, V
liii' it ipmilln ot timliiis mil hruk, foil tn
M.inl iijitiii .1 portion of llio (oinjinratloii, I
111 i,t Kiioml injuriil xipp
viiv, l.illc hnili, thlsli liiitmril Xli 'Hi .nit
X iiintir, lml. and lionl nil; x, IMIipi sm
tin, iln,t Iniuitil. Xli, i.ruihf) It in. nh hiokni
and hint liiipinalli , Xhilp Xllon, Iioul cit, 1h
iuiiii all n ni'l in mx ot tin' P"xit xxeio liroltcn
Accoidiuf; to Consul McWade Epi
demic Is Dyius Out,
11) I .iiiilii" Win fll'HI III" '"ii "il I'ros,
XX i-hinui n, I''1 '' I Ililui Mills I ullMll Mis
XX uli, ii I tut hi, ( li'ia. Ill 1 mill 1 1 pull dan I
Xll.tlst I list, tlJll" llui in i1iup Ikon lui
aliiu ,1 mil. 1 1,, ihsappiand lini I .tlituii am) tut
Im-pilil 1 'i tin iii.itmciit if pliiatt pi
Iiiul, hnl fiuii IIUI--IUII I Hum Huh iiiooiui'.
ill Hi' J't .il ilxu, 1 1 po-il. t alituli, tu tnnpoitii
I 11 imis h lu tut t pn ilium
It it iii In (issiiim, attoiUlt In tho luie
Piil, Hi 11 Im iphliiuu' is fast tlUappiMilii; f 1 out
Hu- ill. tih 1 of .Sxxatoxx ami id immt'tlUw
in un
! 4-f -' 4- :'f 4-
-- sf
- X.i,liiniioii, Oit, 0, Porcovst for Vut
- rut lMii-liauUl Fair Jlemday ami &
- 'lucsdix; lii'.U uottlmistcrly xiiadj, Utm -
-f imtituv.
ttt t i At.t.Adk
v '..'"
' h
s 'I
. mtA4