v, fc, Is. i r y, ,., r , i. 7 ir THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 190L 9 ,v a; DOG STORY BY WHITNEY K)XO JOUK.NET OF MAJOR v ADAM GOODMSLXi'S PET. RYr" Follow the Family from PnnBylTnla to Ohio Orange Blossoms Flouish At OaklandA Dishonest Treasurer's Weakness, Farmer Fuller's Funny Find. terUI l the Scrunlon Tribune. SUHquchamiii. Oct. 3. When Mnjnr Adam Gootltccll icmovcd fioin Susque hanna county to Mnriou. O., lx pelc-v ago, hp left behind n phephotd dofr. Answering- to the name of Hover. Hover hurl been In the family for ten ypius, but, an the family wan about to ienioe to the city from a fat in. they luul mi further line for him, nnd they riivp him to a neighbor. The family tocle to Ohio In their carriage, to see the country and to visit enroute. For a week iiftet the departure of (he Goode rumlly the dos mourned mid reftiMod to be comforted. He smlclcnlv disappeared, to the icgiet of hl new owner, who knew hli vnlur upon the faun. The rioodpell family arrived safely at Minion ami ut onto commenced housekeeping. A ld ter from there states thai the family were on Thursday nlfiht iiioiifciI by the violent rinsing of the door bell. Mr. Goodsell opened the door, nnd, to hi titter amazement, found Hover tugging at the bell, Tie had follower! the mi rlage over HOO idIIch. In all that long, tedious Journey he had can led his pants in Ills mouth, nnd he possessed Vut one.bcent. The hearts of the Hood sell fnmll.v weip touched hy the raie devotion of the sngaclous animal, and, In the halcyon and voclfetous dilute, he will be given the laiest dainties from the ash barrel. ItAlnOAT) K'lVHlNOS. C. II. Bickell, formeily assistant pur chasing agent, has been appointed su perintendent of supplies of the Krle railroad, with liendiiuurtprs nt Susiiue hanna. Uneasy lies the head that has a "snap" Erie job. Quite 'a number of Jeffeison rtratich trainmen have lercntly followed the advice of the late lamented Horace Oieeley and gone nest. The Haldwln Locomotive- work0, at Thlladelphla, is tilling a laige older from the Krle foi ompouml locomo tives for the passenger set ice. All signs point to tin- fact that the IJrle will do a gteat amount of woik in Susquehanna during the loinlng win ter. IN SUSQUEHANNA fOL'XTV. The Susquehanna County Medical so ciety met at Now Milforci on Tuesday. A gteat crowd attended the Montrose fair on Wednesday. The Chapot chamois factory.at (Jreat Bend, is running with an inci eased forte and rushed with oidcts. Great Bend is to have a co-opei alive creamery. There will soon ! a telephone x ii e through eety township in Susquehan na county. The scheme to hold a til-ioiinty Susquehanna, Wayne and Lackawanna fnir is worthy of a "ni"-al. Its a good thing. Push it along. Whatever became of the pioposltion to make the prisoners In the Susque hanna county jail work enough to pay their board? As it is at present, the lucky, lazy pilsoners loaf, while the chaps outside do the woik. M'heie ought to be ,1 new deal In this matter. OR AXIS H BLOSSOMS. A pretty wedding oieuired at (iiace church, Oakland, on Monday evening, Sept. SO, when Sat ah A., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Plerson, and Rob ert E. lIstiihiiHik. two estimable young people, ol Oakland, were united In marriage, Rev. B. H, Abbott, of c'ai hondale, ofltci.itlng. Miss Knimn .lohn ston, cousin of the bilde, acted as bridesmaid, nnd John l.undy as groomsman. The church was beauti fully decorated with palms, evergieens and flowers. The biide was attiied In white Henrietta and cairied a bouquet of cream roses and astors; (lie bi ldes maid was attired in pink dimity and carried pink and white astois. The gtoom woio the conventional black. After the c e rentony a reception wus held at the tesldenee of the bilde's par ents and an elegant tepnsl served. The bride was the recipient of many hand some presents. Mr. and Mrs. ICsta brook left on train Xo. 10 for Xew York. A DISHONK3T TTtEASLTIUJR. When the accounts of a vicinity treasurer weie found hhotl, there w.ia the usual excitement, nnd lite usual number or theories weie advanced as to how he had used the money. "Gentlemen," said a supervisor, "I know where the money went to, and I have no pity In my lteait for such a VA.SC&I" "Did ho gamble'.'" "Oh. no." "Speculate in wheat'.' "No." "Buy wimilni: stocka?" "Never owned a shuio in his life" "Might have soim into rallio.id speculation'.'" "I think not. No, gent lemon, he Ivvas too deep a rascal for thai. The ieslgnlng vllllan has wasted the mon ey In buying patent rights, nnd the Knost valuable- of the dozen Is a ma chine to punch the wonu holes out of liarvcht apples." IX A KKW LINKS. The Jltst of a .sot lea of hops to be Iclrt by the young people of t 'hi 1st Episcopal chinch, was held at the Sturrucca house last evening. It was very pieabant society event. The oat ctop. this season, in Hub. Iquehanna county, is a failure, but a llarse number of farmer Im.vn aie bus- Illy engaged lit sowing wild oats foi (next season and other seasons to come. Mleacs McGlveuey and Hllsli. of LBinKhamton, last evening opened a ncing ecnooi in nngan uneia house. The condition of Colonel William H, leitorn, wno nas in-eii in tot oci a tar, s but little (imaged, rhe Oakland Congregational iiiuuli III be dedicated In the neai futuie. i'he Ki-ie will, in a few d.ts, win,. iw us summer passenger tmlns. IJolonel Charles O, Pratt, of .w Jfora, is (lie logical Jieniibl cuii ran. late for state senator for this ijs. ;t. Mo is an able, popular nun at hairs, and he would represent the ills. let worthily. "State Senator itatt" 111 sound well, IMER FULLER'S FUNNY KIND, title Farmer Fuller, of Sheinmn, irawiug raiiioaq ilea uolu Ills side In Tuesday last, lie had a notable I" Imer Fuller had come fmni Oeposii iy before, and, while theie, he pa hoi tea with a fellow lioni Hate' Eddy, getting another horse and three dollars "boot," The more he looked over his new steed the more he wan convinced that he had nothing valuable, except the "boot." The new horse backed with the very first load, and the farmer went to ar hedge near by to cut a big switch, to use as a persuader. In going to the hedge, Fuller fell over a big stick of peculiar formation, and, thinking It about the tight thing for a persuader, he picked It up and slatted for the team. Its stiange simpe excited his cm I oslty, anil, ilopy examining It. he was surprised lo llml that Ills ten-loot "slick" was a pcttlllcd snnke. The head and body Tot million had been pie seived almost pnifectly. It had been unearthed by an explosion In a blue stone quany a lew mds away, and the workmen, supposing It was the limb of a tree, had passed It bv umioileed. old snake hunteis ami louil geologists think Unit KiiIIpi's snake ciawled thiough the Slici man section about L'.iu .vents ago. The "Mud" will be sent lo Syiiu'iise unlvcfdty and will linvc u plate In Hie tiiiiitiin. Whltne, HONESDALE. s.ecl.tl In ll' Sii.uilnn '1'iiliiiiii'. Honexdale.Ucl. t. -Among the Horn dale pcnpl" at the I'an-Ameikan Ihe pasl week aie Mis. J. y, Weston, Mls Louise M, Dm hind, Mssts Alice W IhiuiiH M. ami Isabel S. Rlidsall, and Louisa and Kmmn Smith, Mis. II. PICTURE Cut on the lines and se; if you Holmes, MKs .Maty H. Weston, Mis. H. X Tortey, Mis- Claid It. Toiiey. The Mippu by the ladles of Hi aie chin ih l.isi evening as l.ii gely pat loniv.ed, and as usual a templing appp tizei. for which they aie noted. Theie will be special musical ser vices at the Picsb lei I. in church Sun day evening. In the inclining theie will be communion sen Ices. Mi. and Mis, K. K. Toney aie at At lantic city loi two weeks. Mi. and Mis. u, s. Salmon aie spend ing a few da.vs In Pen t Jervls and New Voik city. The Hone-dale eiolf cluh nllWcis lor the loining year aie: T'lesident. Aug ustus p. Thompson, v Ic c-piesirient, chailes T. Bently; -ecietaiy and tieas tuei, Hoi, ice D. Weston: board of gov cinois. Messis. W. F. Suydam, J. D. Weston. D. L. Howei and Willaid Hiidsall. Their first field day will tnke place this (Satmday) afieinoon fiom " to 6. The ladies of the enteitainment committee will serve leficshmenls, Theie aie ninety-eight inembcis in the ,club. The Republiiaus of Wa.vne county have In Mr. c. M. Hot., their nominee for county lieasuier a man woith.v of their undivided stippoit. Mr. Bets', has not been identilled Willi any political faction, lias never asked foi nor held any ollice, although a le.sideut of Wayne county for tvventj-flve yeais. He i onies bel'oie the oleis a success till business man, popular with all classes, able lo meet the lequhcmciits of the oirice. and if elected will give It his peisonal attention. The almost unanimous eiidoiseinent at the county convention, his large business ac quaintance thioughoul the county, al was upilfelil and honoiable In his dealing, will surely command a huge vote for him. legmdle.ss of patty lines, A uai tow escape fiom a tragedy oc elli led at Hie faim-house of Matthew Clemo, i ,it Heech lirove, neai Helh any, on Wednesday. At the noon hour I low ,u (I r. Thompson ace onia tiled Haymond C clemo to his home fiom the Heech Hiove school house, wheie they attended school, The boys aie about 12 .veins old. The Clemo family weie all awa.v fiom home. The boys look occasion to examine a levolver, which was taken I'lom o bin pan di aw pp. While the clemo boy was showing his playmate the good qual ities of the weapon. It was accidentally cllsch.iiged, the ball sti iking llowaid Thompson's bieasi bone. passing thiough lluee thicknesses of his coat. When sulking the hi east bone, It glanced to the efi, passed nuclei the skin for sevei.il Inches, coming nut In limit of the left shoulder, thiough Ihe shirt again, The weapon was so cIorc lo the boy that the pow del buiiiecl Ills coal. The position of Ihe levolver when dts hinged Is all that saved Thompson's life. No sellous 1 1 suit is expect, d, UNIONDALE. Si'iul iii ill,, s Miitun liilniii' I'nlomlale. Uci, t,-lra ciiuiclilll and family liave moved back Into the old homestead wlih Mi. and Mis. Shubal Carpenler. Ilvangellst chailes Newell attended Ihe Kpvvorth leuglie convention held at llnulev last Monday and Tuesday, John Tinker, Jr.. left this week lo lake up a com se of study In medlclm n the I'nlveislly of Pennsylvania Rev. and Mis. A, Kjhiiiiiui aie so journing this week with friends in Hlnshumtou, N. V. Mis. Huh let Hoswell has ivttliued nfler an extended tour down the valley. The Ladles' Aid society of Ihe Pies, byteiiau church was eutei tallied nt tea last Thin sd uy by Mis. Hurr.v Oice, Theie was a goodly attendance and a pleasant lime. Last Suuda.v morning again Hie Piesb.v teilan pulpit was occupied by a converted Jew, Mis. S S, Hubbard's, youngest child Is sick w lib typhoid fever. Rev. William Hlller. of Wllkcs-Bane, picuclioil in the .Methodist Kplscopal chinch Sunday iiiornins;. It was a thoughtful discourse, powerfully dellv eredt PITT5T0N. pttlit ta tk ttfinlta Trlbui. Plllslon, Oct. 4, Mr. Cllllett, of Roah eslot, u civil engineer by profession, who Is le cognized as an expetl on road making, was lit West l'ittston last eve ning nnd yesterday afternoon. He ad tiessed a well attended public meet ing in the Town Hall of Ihe Harden Village in the evening afer having made a lour of the streets of that boiough In the afternoon In company with the cuiinclliupti. Mr. Gillette .spoke of the merits of tha vatiotts kinds or pav ing, dwelling partlctilaily on asphalt, brick and macadam. In the opinion of Mr. tllllette macadam would make b far the best pavement In a tesldent town like Weat Plttston. Theie should be, however, at least four Inches of good macadam nnd It should be well lolled. Mlihaet Hatka, a Polander employed as a di Ivor boy In the Red Ash vein of the Kxelep colliery at West Pitts, ton, was Instantly killed by a fall of lock vesteiclay afternoon. Hatka was Inking a tar out of a thainber when die fall occuticd. lie wa riding as tilde the bumper of the ear, and was ci ushfd to the tails. The Textile Woiker.s or this lt-lnlty will hold a social and dance In Key stone hull hole next Thursdav even ing. October 1U, Abiam Luce, foi nian yea is a ies ib nt of this city, died last evening at PUZZLE. can form two boys w rcitling. bis nome at Lynn. Susquehanna coun t He was a menibei of Colionto Lodge. I. (). (1. !'. of this city. The funeral will take place at Lviin. next Monclar attpinoeiu. jitinip house at the Evven colliery of the Penn.sjhanla Coal eompnny was completely riestioyed by file at an eailv hour ypstciday moining. The origin of the die was unknown. The Aeollu club, a society composed of tlte vounger element of the city, w II ghe a palm dance In the Keystone h&li tieNt Tuesday evening which piom Iscs to be a social event of the season. The following is ihe committee n chaise oT the affaii Thomas IlaMie, Clinrics ' Touhlll and .lames Hi.vden Music will be fuiusipd by the popu lai Hl'le ciiiliestia or this cltv. Mi John llalverson left this oven lug for Sidney, Auslialia, wlicie she expects to moke her futuie home with lu i In other and her son. WAYMART. Special lo ihe stiitn Inlmiic. Wa.vmart, OH. t. Imitations aie out, annniiiii lug the coming wedding at the Stephenson lesldence of the Misses Ida C. anil Doiotliy V. Stephenson lo the Messis. Ilany II. Lee. of Schenectady, N. V., and Ldwaid P. Mdvvauls. of Pan .ft i vis, X. V Wedncsda.v, Oi lober !l, at IL'.JIO o'clock. lliiain Im li and fam'ly ami Mis, John Inch allendcd the funeial of Ed na id Inch, nt Carbondale, esteiday. Dvvight Smith, of Clinton, is seiiousl.v ill of ivphoid fever. Miss Cop Italian paid lloueselale a business call ypstciday, Messrs. .1. H. and F. S. Stephenson, K. F. mes, Mis. Reuben clelz and Mis. Jess Wood were subpoenaed to Houesdale last Monday, to appear be foie the giand Jury as witnesses lu the Sehonnover minder case. W. F. noughts, of C.u lioudalc, was cli dilating among his fi lends in town yesteiday, Edward Miner has auepted a posi tion In Caiboudale, and will lemove his family there in the near futuie. Hew Winner, ihe presiding elder of the llonesdale distiict, has icmovcd his goods help and Is now oecup.vlng the Hi, ltiaih house, owned by T. c, Robinson. .1. II. Stephenson was In Scialiton on business, Haiiiicla.v last. The uiiiiilagp of Louis J.e'llft to Miss Eloieme Hull will lake plm p on Wed iiesdav next at the home of her father. In White's Valley. Miss Maltle Hacker, ol While' Val ley, s the guest of Mis, ,. A, Woniiu ccitt. Mis. Olive tiuilsallls H visiting her giauddaugliter, Mis, liiuuell, of Scian ton. Eiimiet (iuiisauls and famll.v iiioveci thell household soods to Foi est e'Uy on Mondav, Mr. (iunsauls has been ciuplo.ved theie for neinly a year. .Mis, c. It, Tuthill Is cm a visit to New Vol k eli v. limine II. Allnlglit left for a ttlp to Hufl.ilo, the III si of the week, Men are about lo commence woik ie bulldlug ihe sawmill, which was ip eently binned down nnd was owned by I'enteceiM & Wcinnaeott, NICHOLSON. spciitl in l In seunlon Tlllniiic Nicholson, Oct. , Dr. H K. WIN kins returned home fiom the Pan American Tuesday evening, Silas Hauling Is seilously ill at the home of his biothei, George Maiding. .Mis. W W Johnson, who has been spending some time with her daughter. Mis J, H Stephens, at llojal, has ie tutned home. L. N, Boyle Is quite ill a the home or his mother, Mrs. F. N. Uoyle, If Slate street. Mr. mid Mis, Maynaid, of llaifoid, spent Monday with Mr, and Mis. D. W. Titus, if StnlP sliect. Mis. O I). Hoot-its, of Foster, vlsltcel her sister, Mis. H. 1). Hell, a few da.vs this week. THE MARKETS. Wall IttMt BdvUw. Sew Votlt, Oct. 4. The ccentiiclllesi ol the Indmtrldt ulcclct continued to tie dlsturblntr fitoUtr In the (took itntkft today. Yesterday' ll.t ol fm.elc!mattlrcl ttoctcs w Inctuwd to day hj- number which were not toiled yeiterdy Jurlnct Ihe proifrcii of liquidation. The ot fiilcnl nori-dh Idenil pa.vlnjc ralii-oicl slocks were lo In tnjfkcd dl.fivor nd nulTerfd icvere do-cllni-c mi telling out nt liotillnin. Bui the Mill more polent fjclor loirjird rc,-ctloii wji thr te-nen-eel fressmr In llquldti In Anulgienuteil Cop. per, vviiUli untlrcl Ihci irlci- down nn cvllente Ji lo SO1!, which li the lowest price on the pi esrnt mneniirnl, even dllmvltia for the 1Va p"r cent, Inleiect hlcli hi. enme ntT. Other tncl. noUbly Hftrctril nei (Jenerrtt Klertric, li'. Diamond Mutch, Vi I'nltecl tntrci Kxpicw, t! rnrmnllditeil tli, I, Sulhinil IIUcull picfeiied, ! Siittui, ii, unci Smelling, 2li. In the- low tnltpil nillinicl lcH'k, l.iilte Uric unci WV.Icin Ici.l S'(i si .l,,ip .mil (liiiml Uhinil unreinl nc teiiecl, Jij, Vlimirapcitl.. ?t, Paul Jnd SjiiII i Minle pieleriecl, Jl1., I'a invllle unci Tern- Hint unci Kntunl.A .iticl Micliljui, ::, nnd thr lcili-di, s l.mil. and Wotrm tock. 2't rich Soiiip f,f the i-rie si ,j.,.ii ,r4liidi hcicpi ,i Iflll.c hiK Ipiiclcnci, pccn tWnie tin- nenrul nutUet ImnP'l iii.inl In Hip IiIi ipccim-ii, limp wi-hj .nine i,p pclit ol c inula ind nunp iclilpvrd. S.itlnri.il -Siili iiicivpnd II jiointc ol i'.lpnlii' It1. lo cm IhlPf llaiiM'-litim 'Hip Lit o nlly 'pniPil lo hp cIiip ptillii-l.c In incpilni; hj rlioi ti. 'Hip ninlPl c Imi-d iiillc. jellep unci stinni! ut the I re iic pic Tidal siIp-. ,M0iik) Iiiip.. 'Hip I till o nl hnnil niii-ket "ii mnir nTpelpd h wllfnir tisl.ee lli ii on npcinii die ot i veppk I'liial .lie ur v.ilni-. t.',;0cllii. I iillpd sj,, I, nn, I. who .ill miiliiiiiitd nn the 1,-1 cell. The followmir qiiolalion re furnlnlird fh Trllninp In M S .lordan V t n., roim. TO'iM Mc-rs Iciilldliit, Scranlon. P Telephone JO"': Open, tlkli- low Clo- Ire e.l est Inc. ViiipiI, in s-,i h;i4 Ti4 II. '4 1 1 r vie in-ill t.vu 7ev ;.. Ten m Mild-mi. Pi . ' ''l"4 "i'i ltiok ll.lillol wi'4 1.1 Vl4 Hi ( hp. A lihh M4 It'ii II 41 IUII ,. iMiip "V' 1 c-mi -iO, inn I hie. V l.t. We.t It', H' 11 II l I'iiiI IVi line, ns IVii. Ilr,. t. Mind Mil lid lin'i I.t'lU h.m A Ipv . I'i i ' '! M .iItm loui.. K .c.li ,'liij'i ()Oj mi'.. IWj VIjii. r.lecitPd Ill's 120'j 111, 1 20 VIpi, haclinn PO Id! Iiiii'i M-j Vlln. l-iciflp ni'i i"i l'4 0', s.Mitli Plilllp iVj .ViTt nl". iiT Nnll.dk A VV'pt V!l, .',!, Ml, it1, v. (dual r.v, tv.'i r,i iv.u (.Hll. iV Wr.lein H .!! tj'v tj I'i line II. It Ml'4 111 II", IH'a l-.ieih. Vhil II II', Hi' lil'i llpjilmc Hv "I'i '"1c 'i1-' '',5 ItPidinc Itc. I'i m, Tf, 74l Tt'j sniillirin II l: W't :it .UJ -Ci Srmilicitc It. It. Pr . ... 1c s-,ij ;-, S, 'Ipiiii (e.il ,", lion .Vi ',0', .'ii'.. lli I . - I pal, 'i II". IIS in1, il, t s i ciihc-i, p, ; il ;; mi t - llnl,l,.i l. l"j 1!' I niccti IViciiii !''. oil', !-, "iii'l vv.iiu-ii. i-i it'. n .t; .-.? Wp.lprn I nlnn w1. '" "W'i W I cd I'm I , In n '" 11 '"l 'edt. mul ( npppi m, ' w, s!2 IVnple's c.i mc init mi i. ili Tpvj I'ceiile in n ..'!' 10 Viiipi I ,n IViundiv .... 2I3, 'l7 '.'!"4 2i, I' S. str-H ( ,, Iii, !.!' tJ IS I. : spp C" , I'r "I1, '!,s ''V2 n.-,c,2 Scianton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCK. Rid Ankcd. UeUvwnni pJin Co, Pr CO County ScvinK Oink k 'iiut Co.. iw First National Bmk (Orbondjle) ,. .-,. ;;.-, Siindarel UrillmB Co jo llilnl National Bank Ifl Dime' Deport and Diuonnt Bank., 'jr, Keonoinj Light II. A. P. Co 46 Piist Nationi! Bank uoo Lacka. Trent Site Deposit Co 150 Clark k Snover -'" . Pr. 125 Scranton iron Kence . Ml(t Co inr Scranton le 'oik 95 Scnnton "svinfi' Bank no Traders' National Bank ;j Scranton Bolt V Nul Co JOI i-eoplc's Bmk US New McaIco By t C. Co 75 BONDS. Scianton Passcnijer Rallnat, flrsl MoiIkirp, due 10--0 115 People's Slicet Kailnay, first mort- KaKe, due 191S 115 People's Sheet Railway, General inortKiRP, du 1921 115 Dic-kson HaniifarluiinB Co 10) I.acka. TownMiip School 5 pr cent. ... 102 City of Scianton St. Imp fi per cent 102 Scranton Traction per cent 115 Scranton Wholesale Market. (.Collected by II. 0. Dile. '27 Lackawanna -Vic) Beatis-Pcr bushel, choice niairow, $2 60a2C5 Bultei Krcch creumciy, '21a'22c; dairj, fiesh, 21c. Cheese Keill cream, lOljallo. l'ses Weflcrn tiesh, t5':al6; nearby state, lj'ial7"jc. Medium Brans Per Im-hel, $2 M Green Peas Per bu-diel. fl.i0al.45. I'loui Ileal pitent, per liinel, sfl.15 Beans Pel hii'hcl, choice marrow, $3.10. Potatoes Per biishel-ftal.10 Sfow Tork Grain and Product. Sew V,nk, Ou. t I'lom Vpi dull and iclhci weak. Wheat spot dull. No J inl, 71'aP ( n li. .iflmt: 7.!'4c clev.ilor; No, I orlliuii Diililtli. 7l7v f. n. b ailnal npllon. evceecl tns'l.c chill ill d.ii, Willi ll It lo 1 Ii.iiicp in pliceie. ( loipcl c.. Viae 1 lo.pil 77'V.; Oilolipl, 72',! ; Dpccnibpi, 71'sji t'otn poi h.j ; No, ', hi r, etee.itoi, tncl 02'i'. f o. Ic afloit Option iicii kpl openc cl p,ie. bin t illlecl mH IipM -eiili f,ir .c I Imp, c hi-inc Piis.e VI, elo.ed C21,! ; Oi lo bei, cl'ii ; Dccpmbei .IV Oct spol -traeiv ; o, ' while, 10'jc; oplions dull and biiplv tc,id lint 1 ci -'lead); c icanieie, IVi22bc.: f.ic. tun lip.li, I "'.ill'..,,; Iiiop 1 leainei.e. "Uj2Jci inlllnlinr 1 icilui'll, 1l'..llc ; .l.llp dlin. 111 LMc. c hpp.p- srad ; lance laii;p coloiul l'jc ; (aiicc Inpp wbllp, 'I've , fine V nllllll cololcel, lli'iC lane -mill eliltr, Itlc I'ij. 10 nil ; -l.i If nul IMin-vh.iiil.i, '2li22i ; ,-liln iiman iIIpcI, lu'jil'i'i'.. HPi.ein c.indli'il, siii Philadelphia Grain and Produoe. I'liilidi'lpbl,!, 0,1 4 Wheal si,.,ii, ; imiiiict iiuile Ocinliii, 7te7l,e Com snj.i,, 1 IiiImM Oelcibei, e.'.cr,"., 0,11. 'i 1 while c llpp ll l.";i II11IIPI - sip.hU , unci UPrlPtll lll'jllle 1', 22'jc , do. iienbe pilm, ;, i;f SIcMlb, but cplle-l , flP.ll IIP.llln, Ik. ! ll), nchlc-ni, v'el..; clu viinliMi'sieiii, I'k ; il ,, ,1111th ern, IPc t bet -" -rinii. N', V. full ,i,miii iiiuv siii ill, lti4i ; elo. do fill lo iholip, fullr. Be fluid Silvan, I iiihaimiii I nllon I'lim, I -Pi, IiirIipi i inlddliiiK npliud., '"hc lalbiw I'nnij cllj pump In hh-K. V4ic . cciiiiiIm dnk, St., , cake-, t,.,ii',i. Lite I'uullit Dull .iml lowpi , fowl., lO'-ille. : old ioo-.iii, 'ii : piiri' elilck rn, li'.-ainijc i duik, lliL'c Diowod I'liiilii.e llichiUKid. fowl., Ie , do fan In k,i.I, 12a I2';C i eibl eiW.IIIS. 7.1 T ' L , blOlhu millet III 17r ; wiMi-iii do , 11 elle ItecidpN rlueii, .1.00" baiirl .cud I O'll.Ouc) pound, in sacks wheal. .I,ll(l heululc, ,0111, U,(t) bn.lU; u 1 U. I,!"") Ic i.heN. Miip'iuiiu -IVIie.il, l'i,WI bu.liPl.i coin, "UO ,u.,d,, nets, S.uOll bll.lllle. Ohleafo Oraln and Produce. rhliago, 1K1 I. Ml niaikil weie dull and iijiiow on I In- bond of ludu lodjy ami )p,en. l,ei coin 1 bed 'ic. loweii DetPinbfi wheal. c. uVpicssi'd and Doctiiibei oJN a .hade ,"ur, I'iml. Inns ilci-i-d finiil ,', n ccnit, up. I ,i,li iiioliillom weie as Icili'iwc. Klenir Kj.I No ,1 .piius whejl, 07c ; No. J led, oS'ioO'i'!.; No, i corn oda", i No. ojU. 5l,e i Nee. '2 while, ;t'aJ.,Si . No .1 ubli . ilTilttc, .Nn '2 Up, .M'ji i lair In cliolip liullm-, 6.V,j60i i No I Noilhwesleni, JI.JO, pump lui. olhe seed. .5eiV, iuei polk lt.HXiM r; I.imI, 0.ll,ii0.o;!i dinil libs, J VOis ;ei, ili.e hdlK-,1 liouldei, Tijac.l hoit clear ml,), 'i V,u : whiskey, I..W. CUloago Live Stock Market, I'lilraeto, Ool. I I julc-RcceipU, 5,noo, In eliielinir 1,700 l'rii, "'') westerns, dull at iale 'Ibuitdat price. U cents lowci than Wcdneeday I'Veept (or lieslj sooel o peinie lepr, s,, ,,biai, pom In medium, txViViO; inckc'i ami fredeo ilemoialUeel, 2 2ii4.: euw, l,'2;ul eai, hpiifri. $2j 7; inincii, fl.2U2.2V. bulls. t,;jj.7i; tahcic, J..')0.ill.2'ii leva cteeis bmci, 2. lUj't.oOj THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Llns 10 Cents More Then Four Llaei, 3 Ccnta fer Each Extra Line. JTor Sent. 1011 ttllNTI'mir luonu! flint Hoor heat t tin- luinisiira, iin vuincy aicnue, 10 It FAT Ten-room house en CUt ecrenue, with nil n.ndrrn ctinvenlences, including Uty (lenm lieali vclll lpae vcrv reisonable on teeounl of III heallh. Addicss I,. A, B Wbunt office. 1011 IIKNT-Kleht roomj, 7M Jcflenon avenues II modern convenience!. ' For Sale. lVAW' llOtl.EIH ror Mlc, (WO 100 II, P. luileis, l pounds eteiiu. Addreoe P. O. n.ix '20, PHIn Held, N. .1. I'OU SMiK-flO ItJulein Oteicoiil, swell, ehoip, .h Rood ai new. fall ewnlnitii. Jl II t p dike, 407 Madison avenue-. ; KOIt hl.i:- ni-aih new Itcd Tro lleitlMr eloee. .Vppl.v le'i doliii Peru. 11.1 .Norih uni ner avenue, Scianton, P.i, I'OB "m.r: ,n up to dale meat and ttch niaiket, elaldlhee iwenlc-rlve jear.-, doing l"Re buslne..; eleclrlc moloi for Mii'iice, and (an, beit refeienre.. Aildrev. ndiew Prown, Middle town, .N V KOII SvLI.-l-wo light sprlnir wasoiii and iom htrncss, chcip. Evans, rear 1132 LUicrne itreet. Real Estate. fl.ion VMI.I, III lot. 1100 block Miilhe-iii leeel. VI. II llolgite-. ,, , , 1X1.000 WILL ni II loom linup, IH") block Mill bene luct. M. II. Ilolq.ilp LV WILL IlfV tinirle linn-,-, llllie 'IPet M. II. IIoIkiIp. , , .rf) WILL HI V Itionm Imu-e. .leim liPit. Midi-nn avpniip. V, II, Hols lie. fi.iim) WILL Ill'V 'I iom male houe. 100 bloek Vlulbein .tippt. VI II. IlolEan-. W.'iOO Wll.l, HIV double hnue. lull lot, Llie nve-nup M. II. Ilnlualp V.ncvi VMM, fit V piopitt.c. barcaln. Kent "ol. W'nilb lnoklnu up. M. II. tloluale. 7.,"inn WILL III V 12 room hoii.e. Listed .it 10,- ) M. II. Ueilcate. , . , ,oOe) WILL Itl'V double h'.ii-e feont, double house rem. Webster aven ip. M II. Ilolcale. 7,mi WILL 111 vere ompleie home, lot COv R1 fept, 1600 block Wjomlna; avpnu.-. M, II. Ilolpate , , tl.'iOO Wll.l 111 V -cinplr- bou.e. fireen llidite Pr-cp leduepri fiom !2 Wl. VI. II. Ilolccle. CJI.r.o WILL III V lirijp lot, VVcomins nveime. iipI lo corner of Dclawaie treet. VI. 11, llolaalp. H.VW WILL Rl V 10 loom I.ou-p. lot f,01P0 feet I'lne Ice. allon. (iipen Kldce. Pioprctj must l.p Mdrl VI. II. Ilolsratp, Inminonnealtli llulld tns. I Oil MM! V Rn.nl faun ill Wiverl.v bomuRh. Inniiiic of .1. V. I.vncli, Wavcilv, Pa. rurnished Booms. I.XRi.K, W Kl.l. I'I RNSKD fmnl room in pn itp fannle. with or witlout bind' all moil cm impinirinent- U2") Velini. noihio. I OR RLNI' Kiiinbhed roeuns. foi RPtidPinen onlv : tleani heit; all modern commences 1021 Vlulbpit i-tippl. TWO Pt.l'.AMNT ROOMS foi lent: onp fiirnidied and one unfurnished: heat, light, two balhs: fiee doois- from Elm Paik chinch paisonage; lieil and mol cenlial looation in the cltv. all a I 111 Madison avenue. FOR IIKST Furnished flout room, csilh heat, ha Hi and rhsj near court house; Rentleman prefencd. trtdrcs-i Room, Box 209. toil RIAT Fuinlshed room, heal and balli. C25 Linden stiect. we-pni teei, few fie.b Iipic. .! o'h'i 2. Iloff Ileceipl- loel.iv. IcI.ooO: Iniuoiiow. li,eWij led ovei, 1,00(1 Opened -IPlell lee ." cclll' lilgllCI. i lo-erl week, iinseil and biilchc-is, o .l",ac, ', Reeoel e choice llPIVV. -ci COaC p7'fc. lotlfiil Ic-JW, svi. 20ifiVi: light. 4', Velio ii'i; bulk ot -lie-, ' "i oi.", Sheep Receipts. I-cmo; bprp slc.idi , I nubs dull and lovvei, soI li cliolie wetb-i-. l..:0, .! 7i fill to choiec- mlvpei, s,.i !...!); we.lei.i -licep, ,.' ,"i0.i! nt; nclivp limb., 2.Viil 7'i: wcsl ein limbs. ; e',i :',. Buffalo Stock Market. I'a-I Hull lies Oct. I i .11 Up Receipt-, ' till (.noil piaelc- -t ode. ell.eis ilull: veils lower. Y "e0i;.7", loi; oneiint;-. .11 ciis! spoiled 3 to in cents IiirIui: clo-eel vvpikpr foi pia, miveel imd lipav.v. is.0e7.o.i: pigs ml .rd iml heave Iior-. C 'ii7 0'.; piR. (,He..".; rpis.pi iml VluliiRin., iil.'iOil. 70, ioiirIis. ico.IO, st.lR.-., At 'mil in shppp nd Lamb- OITeiluc-, I' ens. dull, one epiaiirr lowpr on sheep; lop mixed, sv.; .; e,n, culls lo soisj, -.L.Tii-j.!"; rft and vp.iiIiiiss S.70,1 ,.ie, limbs. III nuts lowei, lop. "l.tlOl",.! ,, flil to ROoel. . nit.sU. Clllls Slid common, ! Vial, New Yoik Live Stock Market. N'ew loll,. Oil. t. Ite-VI-s MPPI-, III lllel I'i cent, lowci: luill- and mws tp.uiv , pIpph., si. mi a, set, miinlv Ha": opii .him sir, JOOi'eO; liiilbfi 2..10i:!.7Si pMi.i heave do , . "Ail. 7"i: cowi, l,;'..il. Calve- sC,i,i vtal-, ct.'iOis. ',; Biiici-. 4.:,i.:.',U; cilv ditv-ecl veils, s'jiI2'i'.t i liii, 12'ae. si(,,,. sliiw ,ni, i iperillv lowci; limbs dull ,ind te.iib lo a -hack lown. sheep, 12.2'nl .10, iboke, s! "i; I null., -I i'i,2'ji Plie c.u, Vi.JO, (.nulla l.iiob-. "i. lion Vnv few cm -ale; cpu ' al t "jCIii.'H) Salt Liberty Cattle. 1. 1-1 LllePltV, Oil. I. I al til- -IP.ld.V, lIlOIIP, si VOili, pi line, "i IU.i'i 70; ro.hI, ti IO.iI .-", II irs - VetlV", c-vtl I pilllic le.iv.v, Yil.'cO: heiv.v tll-di urn-, !, H"ni,,N); IIrIu Ho. -e, ;,"ni, cl; heavj oikri, ".T0, lulu do., Co -,(i..in, -iis..pi, l-l) .illafi .10 l'i:, seeail.'ll, pkll, $l1; l.ell.'lis, Hi fi. Mieep Dull, be-t wrtlieis, s,.-u.i ;.'i0, ull anel common. ,", ij.'21; vpailliiRs, .'.10M; vcmI calves, t.e0i7, OU Market. Oil (ll.v. O.I I I iidil bal.iinis, I Id; ce-ilin ,j o bill, -lupine ill-, Illi,!l2. avel.iv-, '".- 1,11, inns'. s-,'2n; avii.iRe, 'i2,7Vi SUSQUEHANNA. Siecial In Ihe cciantnii 'liihiine- SiKsiU'Miatinii, Oct I. -A lrfni;o nuiii- l)0 eif Hllsqui-lllinilll lOOili' teicils III llin HiiighiiiiUoti eioMitImi on W'cilni'sd.i.v ii ml Thin iln v. TIk-ic wns a -dlBht full "f miiovn In tills place? iiml vicinity lii.st nlahi. Well titlPtnleel sorvlu's wcif hold thi.s nun nlnn In St, .lolin'.s t'lithollo chin eh The iVlltlll.V i lull llPlel 11 we'll lUlcilel- pel unci ve-i.v iileiioiint Imp in llDK.in tipe-IH hunsi ilils ovonlnK. Mliliiicl follins bus i.ihc-ii a luisitinn In the Hl'lc "filce. .Mlsse-M Milllvhtpy and Hl'sh or HitiB hiiinion, n)i'ii''d ii ilinu-liiK sciicioi In IIoimii oiera house nn Vidinsiiii civ cnliiR. t'oon huiilliiri I'.ntli"- aio all the i.irc in the wubui'h-. Tlio iipM meeting cf Hip Siimiui Ii.iii n.i county Mocllciil omMPty will b held at ll.tllsteacl on-llio Hist Tiud.i.v In Febiu.u-, This bllhiucss incu enjei.viHl a iciile and clain b.ikc ni roluinbln Hmve, on Thin mlicv. The "fVnii.c.v'lvanlu" t'oiiis will ai liear lu Mokuii oiipi.i hou-e em I-'rlctuy evenltiB. Oi-tobor ll. The viucid of the hoiotuh will. No. veiiibei 5. by poiitllJi- hallo., elce 'ele the mutter of dlst-entliifi troni the ni'tiou of thp couiiiioii council, InciPiibiug the Indcbteeliiess uf the boioutsh by $10,000, to oiect .t conti.il lire- stutlnn. TIip Western Hiitni'h t'hilHtlun Kit dp.iv cm rn'ou held a convention tod.iy at Wphi Lenox .lac nb N Hun, locontl.v siipi-iinlcii-dent of motive iiovvei of the H.iltluiiue and Ohio euil. lias a.stsumeil the cliules of iiici'haulcal supci Intcmlcnt of thc I'.nc. wllh hc'ddeiuuittia lu riusUe-imnnu, SITUATIONS WANTED FREE. Help Wanted Mall. 0L'TFl''TlTiri'r"7rcdir"ilvriij cut-price Stn.li leool. ;,iv. book ll! fl hook 23c.: tl.jO hook ,10e-.; '..VI book' ;.'ec', Also beit life Mo Klnle.l. Feipuson, .1101 I'lllll it . rinchlMll. CIVII, $i:ilVI('K itoverniiiPlit position'. I'.e1 f polnltuent made U yeat. Prohiblv 10,(10 (hi vear. t oininon ive-bool riliutlion rrepilird for Ihe eimlnallcui, t atiilowii' of Infoimiitlon Hie. t IihiimI.ui t'oiieiondenie. I'olleue, VV.ihlni?loii. I) f. WIVI'H)- Kvpeilrtieeel Im.v In srnceiv businew, Adchi-'. tlroceij, Trllnme rilthe, CAIII'IAIKH WAN'inil lo im out of leiwn. ev pciisM pilel VppH tils Wjomlna nvrniio lltiVs-i'iee Miiipk. in iiiiiodiiee metal spinulnir leps, wU-wliidlimi l'hi five mllililpsi ell elilTc'irnl 1,'hIHiiik Vildic-ss, vcilb aliimp, -lolm Keenei, I lop -t,, tteche.ni N 0Rlli:ilL WVNICII al Hip West Sid" ho-pil.el. Itefeiencp. leqiilmd. VppK cl the ho.plt il. I'ANVtsSI'RS WWtLD I'm n honest. Mialnlilfoivvaid piupollloii Sol a iMDiidiy sxhciiip. but Rood paj for ilood woik Ynnne men cef neat nppeaiatiee and rhuiI hibits vvanlcdt If Ihee have- had eonie i-xperienic In canv.issitiK, o much the better. Aihlicss. -tiliui; ase. r-i-perieme and picvlou. siiice-. NIVVsPAPKR, 'lilbunc oftlcc. f'ANVssi:ns-l woik In cite- e.i'.v liniiii! Rood pv, rt 1 1 1 r.v I'll ecn"i.-''.on Veldi.Mc C. II . 'Irllnin- oflice, tlRICKLAVKIt-i WNn:il-l'oi llie- buck woik. Communications .ml pei'onal .epplliattoin will bp received al my otflcp in Hincock, 2s. v. R .1. Russman. Help WantedFemale. LURK5.. niRI.t, p civwheip wintcd Vto nv R p.. thnti.,ii.i lor wrlilnn lptlcr foi n. VV e enn ii-p Iwenlv tl.ninind weekli. "-eii'l ecu dies.pel envelope puticuliiij). V M I , Dcpt lli. Mx Nil. Pliilidelpliii. tt A VI Mil V ulrl of lljHic to .In-I-I Willi hou-e work. Rp.ci of .121 Vrienis nvpniic. CAM is!KRsTi. work In citj : ea-v ho u; prood piv, silnv and commission nldrpsi II. IL. Tribune ollice. 1VANTL0-V Rirl foi Rpner.il houspwc.il. ppb ol 101 outh Vlain .ivenue: niu-l lonie U'c ommended WANI'KD Rhl foi griipinl housework al Dalton. Addici H. T., caie Tribune BRANCH WANT OFFICES. Want Advertisements Will Be Received at Any of the Eollow Inij Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALBKRT ssCltl.trrZ. corner Mulberry etrcet nd Webster ivenue. GUSTAV riCHEL, 660 Adams avenue. West Side CbORGK W. jr.XRINS, 101 South Mid South Scranton KRUD I TERPPE. 725 Cedar arenus. North Scranton OLO. W. DAVIS, corner North Main ivenue and Market street. Green Ridge CHARLKS P. JONKS. 1357 Dickson avenue P. J. JOHNS. 020 flreen Rldtre street. C. LORK.NZ. corner VVashinston ave nue and MaripD street. Petei sbtirff V. II KNLPFLL. W17 Irving avenue. Dunmore j. o. bone & SON. Wanted. WAN 1 1. D line laicre. untuini-liPil mom, by lid.v, in lepeet iblc joiililv. Ad'lic.s! .1. 1'., care of 1 1 ileum ofli. c WANTED A larsc how case. Apply William Clifford, 1517 Dickson avenue. Stocks nnd Bonds. ANIEI).- Iaek.iw.inin Tiust and sate Deposit sloe k. I Melon' Nationil Rink Mock, -n niton Holt and Nut Co. Stock. I nilpil siaips- Lumber "stock, I ae k.iwiiiuia Mining ?loik. I IIII s,. Wain Itnuds. Eleetru Liclit lie ne. Lumber Itond'. I. I'. Mpqaifie I .t Co., Council Biiildini;. Business Opportunity. II" Mil hive cjio or "iO.0O to invest, fend for panic ulai- linvv ,v on eaii ecelvo a nice week Iv liicime ill llie best ind mnjl nicec-siful invest ment. Mctiopoliiaii Exchange, l'Ml I'atk Itovv lluildius, N'ew oik. MIX If VND WHEAT TltMlKRS cvllhout delay. Viillc loi our ppeeial nnrket lelter. I'rco on application S M Illbbaid A Co., members N. . ton-olid.ued and stock Exchange. It and 4i Ilioidvvn, New York. UUbliahcd lSiil. Lone Di-lancc" Plionc -2.8 Hreeid, Rooms and Board. ROOMS 10 RENT, with boud. fcl)3 Mulberry eticet. Wanted Board. b Vl.,X..sx.,'sv. --V, NV-eW' Mil N(, MAN elesires board ill private family, (ieimin picfeutel. .eldic3 C. P., 'Ulbuno Oihie Boardeia Wanted. WAM ED Table bonrdcrs. Mr. Tompkins, 531 Washington avcuue. Strayed. I LIT Vl pi.luip. s(i. :, 1 bl.uk. laiKe, two. ve ai old bull. Ik-iurii lo A. W. BruneUgc, 1'eel.vlllc, Pi LEGAL. Ml He" I. Is l,lli:il lelVI'V chat an .ippllcation will bi mieic' lo hip inivi'inor ui i-ennsyi 'HIE ANNl'AL nieotlng ol the members of the Hennsvlwnia Oral School lor the Deal, lor the election of four dlirctors to lerve three jcars. unci for sucle other business ai may prop, crlv b" brought before the meetlns, will be held ai 'ili uftice of tlm secrcury, Room tOd C'onnelj IliuUllnt-, scianton, I'i., on Tiu-iilay, October bth, t'Jill, at three o'clock p. m. HE.VBY BKUK, JR., Sccrelaiy, SEALED PBOPOSAt.8 will be receded by thit department until 4 o'clock p. m. Monday, Oct. 7th, 1901, for coal delivered at tha cltv cieiratoiy for the eniuinj jear, Bidders will pleaic bid separately on pea and buckwheat ilzej. All blda dull he filed with the city controller at hl.1 oilier in Ihe cit lull not later than 10 o'clock a. in.. Monday. Oct. 7th, 190). ihe city icstivea Ihe rizlit lo lejccl ane or all hldi V. L. 1VOHM.SER, Director Deparlmeot of Public Safety, aicuntou, I'j., bepl. 2,'tli, l'jul, will I'i mieic' lo iiic novi'inor ui i-ennsyi. vaiiiu on Vlmidu, Uciobn '25th, Pall, by Jlului .I I'o-lfi, l.hui'i II. I iwall and Willi un L, Con. iiell, iiit.lt i me ail of .e.semblv entitled " Vn act to piovlele loi Ihe luc urpuiaiiou and irKUlatioimf cpi lain einpoi uions " appiovn! Vpril 'J'J.lhlLand il'.u siippleiuciite .tii. J aiiiiudiiiciil iherelo, foi a char. nr tm an liilrinl.il nupni nlou lu be called llie 1 1, lllcn Limincu iciiueaiiv, the character and nliliil of wiilc li Ic ihe li.iiis.uiion of a piintluc ,nd pulilijlilni: liu-ini'-, jnd foi these purpose In have', iosce-.s and ennv all the riRhts, bcncfllic unci pilvllegr. nt Jld Vcl of Aseemblv and Ihe iiiiiiIi llie lit. and .liuendiiiPiiKi Ihe-ieto. Wll.l, MID, VV Mtlir.N A: KNVPP, Solkllou. nnMrtnf DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents Mere Then Pour Llnet, A Centf (or Eacb Bitra Llai, PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWAnO a SPAULDINO, 23 TRADERS BANS Building. Architects. EDWARD tt DAVIS, ARCHITECT, CONNELU nulldloir. FRIWERIGK r,. nilOWM. ARCH. B., REAB Katate Eiichanga Bid?,, 128 Washington av. 4 Civil and Mining Engineers. f H, fa. HARDING, 60 CONNBLL BUlMJINti. Dentists. i DR. C. L UlLi:NIU:ttObR, PAUL! BU1LD1NU, t-prucc street, Scranlon. DR. C. C. LAUBACII, 115 WVOMI.NO AVKNUK. T Lawyers. 'IJASK , b. . novi.i:. ArrortNHY.Ar.AW. "oonn 12, U. Id and 18 Iturr Beilldins. V. K, 'inAOr, A1T'VLt)VIM0NWt:ALTH BLDC. V. R. RI.Pl.Oril.K. .VITORNLV-LOANS T.(T( tutcel em real estate aecurlly. Alcari Building. comer Hmhlngtun avenue and Spruce ktteet. "ILLAItll. VVVIIUKV k KN'APP. AT10nNK3 and coiinsclloisnl law. Kepublican Building, "a.lifiiKtun avenue. Jhssf'P , .ll.'ssiJI', AIIORNBYM AND I 01 N. ijpllois.ii.lavv. Commonwealth Building, Rooinf if. 211 and 21. 1:lmjLw" ",- '"IWi:!!. ATTORNEY. R00M3 Mil Ml, Ptlt nor Mcar, nuidinj. L .. w,Arill.S.. ATHIRN-KV-AT-LAW, BOARD "' Hade Building, Scranton, Ta. PAT! KIISOV 1WLC0, TnADERJ,' NAllONAla Bank Building. c. co.vft:ov3, ni3 rcpublicax buildinc. j A,w' .nr.RiioLF' omcE moved to sa 211 Wjoming avenue. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. W. K. ALLEN. 513 NORTiTwASIlINtifoS avenue. DR. S W. IAM015KAUT. OKI'ICB :!31 Wan ington avenue. Rctldcnce, lutS Mulberry Chronlo diseases, lungs, heait, Lidnejs an-i genito urirary organs a (pccialty. Houra. 1 to 4 p. ni Hotels and Restaurants. r THE EK CAFE, 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVE. nue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIOT.ER, Proprietor. bPRVNTOV HOUSE. NEAR D L fc W. VXS' erngcr depot. Conducted evn the Uuropaa plan. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor. Scavenger. A. B BRIGG3 CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS ANTl ccsa pools; no odor; only improved pumps uvd. A. B. Brfgg9, proprietor1. .eav order 1109 North Slain avenue, or Elcke's drug store. cor tier Adams and Mulberry. Bolh telephones Seeds. i G. R. CLARKi: ft CO.. SEEDSMEN AND N0R3. eijmen, store '201 Washington avenue; greets houses, 1!J0 Noilli Main avenue; (tore tela, phone, 782. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUGTTHi. REAR 511 T.vCKA. AVP... Scranton, Pa., manufacturer ot VVire. Screens Miscellaneous. DRESMHKINd FOR CHILDREN 10 ORDUll: alsy ladies' Trauts. Louis bhocmaker, 212 Adams avenue. MEGARGEB BROS., PRINTEUS' &UPPLILS, KV vclopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, I1) Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. TUB WILKLS BARRE RKCORD CAN Bl HM in Scranton at tha nevvn Minds of Reismait Broa . 406 Spruce and 50J Linden: M. Norton. Wii I.acka wanna avenue; I. b. bchulzer, 211 Spruce street. Sloney . to loan. 50 to $50()0 AT ONCE 1 and 5 per cent, in i terest. I'asy tcrnn lo icpay. dcorgo W. Okell, Coal Exchange building. $300,1X0 TO LOAN Lowest rates: atralght or monthly payments. Stark & Jo.,Traders- b'crlg. AN? AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN-fJjck. atralgl t lcana or Building and Loan. At from t to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker 3H-315 Oncll building. " m Situations Wanted. Slll'ATlCW WAMEIt By a hoy 14 years old 1r do any kind of work. Answer to W. V. C.,' 321 Wyoming avenue, city. bl'UUATIO.V VNrED lIoejse-'Bork hv the hom er day. Impure- at 5J8 Forest court. SITUATION' WANTED A respectable eobtcrl man, latclv aruved In this cllv, wi.hps plarn a.1 butler; reference, it icqulicd. Addrca H, Tiibunc Olficc. YOUN'Q MAN desires position aa 6tcnographe and tvpewritcr, considcrablo expcricner Bccomcndations fiirmslicd on application. Bit 10, Trlbunei ollice, city. SITUATION WANTED A woman wants washing to do at homo. Addict, al. K,, 'tribune Of fice. SITUATION" WAN"! ED A woman wants ni'in'a nnder-clothes to wash; cxpciicnicd Uundicaa. If. K., Tribune Oflice. SITUATION WANIT.D-A joung ladv desires i. billon ai stenographer and tjpovvillcr. Ad. clrcssi Stenographer, Tribune Olhce, SITUATION' WANTHD By young married man willing to woik at anything, office work pre. ferrrd; expert telegraph ouTator; can furnish best ol reference. Addles;, J, lu M., 607 & lrv. ing avenue, city. blTUA'UON WAN TBI) -By young roan in machini shop; willing to start in at reasonable vvag-i has nome knovvledzc of dialling. Addrcu, Boj 803, lloneedale, Pa, !J2S2!!z Direct New York Wira Stocks and Bonds All ordera executed on Exchanges. 'Quiets and absolutely reliable service. Tclfpticino Connections. Old, 067.3; New, 319. IRWIN THURMAN fc CO., ' 7i-7'i Connell Building, Scranton. Pa Spencer Trask & Co., BANKERS 2X & 29 Pine St New York;-" Now ready for distribution, and mailed upon request, Sctcpmber Descriptive List i INVESTfl.UNT SECURITIES. tlrmbcn New Yolk Slock Exchinga, Branch Office 65 State St, Albany , v, fi. -&&J&2rk?l.r