The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 05, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Took Possession of Their New Quni
tcis in Washington Hnll Lnst
Night and Celebrated the Event
With nn Enteitainment nnd Social.
Miss' Mattle Wntkins Knocked
Down nnd Injuied Boys Stoned n.
Strect.Cnr Progiessive Euchre nnd
Smoker Other News Notes,
The WPiUbeis of lilobe lodi;i N'u.
f5S. Independent Order of Udd fellow.",
telcbintrd their twenty-third uniihet
p.iry last evening Ity tu'Uipliu,' their
now qunrtors in the new WnMiiiiBtnii
lull liullilliif,' on Ninth Mnln inenui.
.Alter the business Mission, n client
jitofU'iinmio wi enjoyed In the elite-i-ir.liinient
hull, which u pi-evliled uvei
b J' ,. Wells. The upinliiK number
vns ii tfltino solo by Ml-- I .mini (.bible,
ItomiirlM wetc inmle by ( 10, i'.
Dcntm, roinmantlLT of the ilepaitindii
o; Petinlunhi. 1'utrliiichi .Mllltnnt,
on the kooiI if the otder
Tills 'tnif, followed by ,i - Iil-t IIiik
s-olo by Willliim fbuil, uhn iiNn rum'
nime extullniit. imitations of bluK
J Jon. John II. Fellow.'- was railed
upon for ii few leniailis ,md ,-tiolie In
his Uhiuul happy eln. Mi- itebeera
3Mnbritr recited "The I'nll-li llnj" in
mi effective manner.
roIIowiiiR tint etUm iJtimiuiil infiv-ih-inents
were Mied In- tin- c umniltlee
in el nii?p, nftor which the yuiniK p'nple
I'liicivc! a. elanen.
Tnc IihIri' will meet in their new ciciy Fiidn - i-tiIdk 1ic.ii-utt-r,
and at the net ictiiIui- meellnn
iheio will be Jive tiinilhl.iif - lor the
lii'ot degree.
illobe lodge Is one of the oldest wi let
orr.'intzntioiis in the stati . .mil nuiii
bcis amnnK its niembei-liip -einu ot
the must juoiulnent mi ji m the 1 1 1 .
' Scliool Teacher Injmed.
'A most distic.sinK' accident eu'eiuieel
last evenins:, in which Jtl-s Ma l tie
W.itUiua, teacher .it No. i:t imbllc
school, -was the Ale. thu. Sln iioss.
ins West Lackawanna avenue in float
of the t'ontinl of New .Ter
1 s-ey st.ttion, when a hoif-e clihen b W.
.. Carey, of .lack-Mm htieet. became
tilKhtencd by an engine, and in her
hurry to a 'place of safety wat luioiked
down and uncilv injuied.
Several iik.ii Laulcil her to the looms
A Daily Reminder
Vou Mill not lif li:iipninfci1 in
T!ifour's Tar: it will rdirie tint
t i Coiiijli anil Cold m erne nislil.
Saturday Bargains at
The Globe Warehouse
You can count on it, everything in the list that
follows is good, fashionable and just right for the
season. Prices are the only thing9 wrong, and they're
too little to be profitable to us. You won't find fault
with that, however.
Leather Goods and Toilet Requisites
It's a new department, practicallv speaking, but it's a
winner and grows mote popular daily. Just a couple of
prices by way of illustration ;
HAIR BHUSHES Fine, all bristle, solid back hair brush.
would be cheap at 55c each, For Saturday 23C
HAND BRUSHES Pure bristles, of best quality, solid
back nd nicely finished, all sizes, worth 50. Saturday 1 9C
TOOTH BRUSHES A very superior lot, not one of . 1
which is wortli less than 35c. Your choice on Saturday 1 2C
'Ladies' Hosiery and Underwear
Ladies' Fancy Hosieiy, fall weight in all the new fancy
styles ; 50c hose for Saturday 45C
Ladies' Fine Cream Colored Vests, in a good medium
weight, Very special for 22c
Men's Smart Neckwear
In all the new effects and colorings, and the most com
plete line of new styles that has over been shown in this
city. Choice 25C
Tiree Interesting Items
-Ladies' Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, fine quality and hem-
stitched Sc
, Ladies' Straight Front, Short Waist Corsets, made from
ft j'fi'nh French Coutil, white or drab, bias art sides and lull .
geres.- A vjc'-Corset for 49C
'' Theres a beautiltil line of Knitted Shawls, Capes, etc.
In the Muslin Underwear Department that are worth .1
i- look, and' they're cheap,
Ladies' Waist Department Specials
Flannel Waists
Lacjies' F.lnnnel Waists in all
coldfs, with silk 'switched front,
cluster of "tuck's, e'tc. A teal
good waists -woith
day..., M.75
Globe Warehotise
over John (JoIrIu'h nmrket, where ftr.
A. .1. Wlnticbrake exnnilhcd a seveie
found Hint she hud sustained a ppvpip
s-cnli wound, and seveiitl bodily
brulei, U rotild not he ascertained
last tilRht whether she had sustained
Intermit Inlurlos, but she seemed to be
MirfeihiR; Intense pain.
The West Silk" hnopttal ambulance
was summoned and conveyed her to
her home, wlieie sho was lcntlim asy
at nildtilRht. .Mr. t'lirey evphilnpil that
the accident was unavoidable and ex
pressed much i egret over the unfortun
ate ocelli lence. At the 'point wlieie It
oceiifipd H Is very dm It, and better
llehl Is needed there.
Boys Stoned the, Car.
A Smith Main avenue slieel iar tu
cluu'Re of Alex. MtTiiRRert nnd one of
the new lecrults eiicomiteu.d tiouble
at the corner of Washbllin stieetand
Soutli Jtalu avtllite slinitly after t
o'eloel! yesderd.iy aiteinoon.
A laiRe number ot nettsbo.s ;nili.
("red at that point and proceeded to ob
tiuet the jiasHHRe ot the by plne
Insr stones on the tnll. As soon as the
iar would jumped it slioi t illstmue
the bov Would tlnow stones under it
and n y to del all it.
KnllhiR In this thc. tlnew slones at
the w and tlnall Inohe one of the
windows, Then Patiolninn .lntbeWh
put In all appear.! ihc and miested
lel AIIrooiI. liRed Jil yeais, ot I'.mi 1'ilie
stieel lui throw Iiir Mones. He
aniaRiicd be fm e 1'ollie .MtiRistrate Da
vies ami tliud VJ lor illsoiderly ton
duet. This put a .stop to the .stonu
llnou ItlR.
Accepted a New Position.
flmrles AV. JInthews, of l!oi U sliett,
Who has- been cn&aycd as the AVest
Sci anion eoriepoudent of the Kepub
llcaii for I be pas-1 pIrIu weeks, . ester
day aciepled a position ill the ollliv of
TieiRbt Foi email II. D. Caulleld, ol the
i.aekawauun laihoad.
All. -Mathews Is mi eueisetli oiiiir
man. who is bound to b MUccsslul in
whatever lie umlei takes, tan ins the
shin t tlnu lie lias been doing news
paper woik, the public lias ii-coynled
in him a i lev ei wi Iter, a peislsteiil
luupRathe'er and n pcifoit Reiillenian.
The Kawii'ilia liuilioad lomimuj, is
l oi I u utile in ,-K.ui iiiR- ills perv ices,
Binned nnd Scalded.
Alls, i:itn JJavi, of Knllioad avenue,
let ;i pot ol lye loll into a b.iln ol boil
iiir water lecentb, and as a les-tilt her
face mid luinils -UMC badly buined.
The Ive exploded and caused much e
c Itemeiit. The woman's kit eye was
M-vciPly In.iute.i by the Ije.
Jvan, the !'-.eai-old sou of Hi. and
.Mis. .lohu It. Jones, ol HO-' Kotu teelltb
sheet, was .severely scalded leeently
by ti cupful ot builini; hot coffee sp.fll
nit? on bis bead. Tie is now under, the
caie. ot a physician.
Progiessive Euchre and Smoker.
An enjoyable evening was spent hj.
the St. Bienden boys at t licit looms
last night, when a proRiessIxe em hie
and smoker eneuKed them lot several
bonis. Ten tables-, -with lour vla.eis
each, wi'ie niimiRPcl, and I he piines
Mere a $:, umbrella, a ?:!.,"0 hat and n
Ladies' Silk Waists
Black Taffeta Silk Waists,
coided and hemstitched (touts,
backs and sleeves, and elecantly
finished. A waist
that's well worth $5. - rt0
On Saturday $3.98
booby piizc, which .wns a can of lob
ster. The first prlp was won by ltobeil
33atrett, who won ten mil of eleven
gnmr.0. The tiecond jnlste went to .lohu
lViilinpy, Wlio won utile out of eleven
Rallies. The booby pi life Was nwaliled
to .lohu JteNulty, who lost nine out of
eleven jjniucs.
Last uIrIiI's event was the Ihst or a
seiles of monthly events, which will be
held dm lug the winter months, under
the illteetloli uf the house committee,
The uom event, will be l'ollnvvpd by n
Hecent Social Events,
I'l'iuldofk .Innio.", of I1CJ r.iizpint'
pli'i'ct, I'litci'tulncd the I2i'idflor illi-e
1 Itth at libs homr on Thiii'fKln.v pvpiiIiik,
vvhcie thu )) hint 11 Kuud Unit' for
HOVPUll llulll-j. HclllBH Wf'IO cinig, unit
icrichtiicnls WTio served.
A pnity oC V.t Scrnuton .voiiiik pco
dt JiiiiiiK'Vid to Mooslf, Thursdny
t'VPiiliiK. find uncut tin enjoynble tlim
nl the homr nf flu lies HhciHH, w'Ikmp
thiy wen. loyally cntoitnliii'il. Dniu
ltiK wns 11 fciiltii'i', mid voi'nl mid 1'n
strnnuMital soltn-t Ions vvric leinhM'cd.
Thf s'.iOHtH picspntoil Jli. Shem.s vvllli
u lookhiK chair.
MIkh flttlp Uiowiilnu. ol Avi'iuip A,
lb'IIPVUP, WHM tPlldolcd till IlKIPPIltllc
MiipiKp pnity K'i'PiUly by a number or
her it'tiMtiK I'luiiioKraphlp j-eb-etloun
wp:o I'lijoycd, ami lefrexhinelitM vvcio
ppivpiI. A large llt of sue.sf- vveie in
ill tendance,
The Colonial Club Tiiiii'Iiib i him held
thdr vv.'eUly Ktelal nt Wn-liliiKton ball
ln,L i-wnlne, vvhllt the Paila Soelat
flub held Until In l.-ai.s' ball.
The Woniaii'.s I'oii'Irii Alls-loi!.n v
!-olrty or the Slmpum Jletlmdlsl Kpl eliuieh vveie eutei tallied last
I'Vi'iiltuf :il the home or Mix C. S, Be
puc, on Xoith Lincoln avcini-. Ait in
teKKtlnj; pios;r.iiniiie vva iendeiLd,and
l'pfic.-lnucuts veru seived.
Funeial Announcements.
Sei vleoi over the lemalim of the late
Charles AVainer weie eonduetd at St.
John's C.itholk' ebmcb, South Main
inenue, T!ev. V. A, KiieKer, the pastor,
ofllelatliiff. The loileic moved I mm
the bouse on South Ninth si i eel, fol
lowed by thy iiiciubeix of Si. John's
vleiman Itouellolitl society and many
lelallves and fi lends of deceased.
At the. chui ill 11 l.uo number had
also coiiKieuated to altend the s(.r.
vlU'.. Tlie lloial ol'l'eriiig.s vveie many
and bejiutltill. The p.tll-beaieM vveie
Filial; SUtulls!. M.ithla I'.nvles.s, Xith lllossiii.r. Snyiler. Michael
Ttoop and John ClnNt. Inteimeiil
made In St. John's Gnmaii Cuhollf
Miss Gifae Itiee. ol Selil.iKor botile
vaid, Is istins Iiiends in liioome
county, X. v.
William .usembumei has pun based
thf; iriteiests ot IMvv.ud P. ny In the
Hotel Fainhild bubei shop, on South
Main avenue.
Assistant City SolU iloi Uivid .1. Da
vis and l.iinlh, ol South Hyde, I'ai k
avenue, have icliumd home 1 10111 a two
weeks' visit with lelatlves in Jiiazil,
The lla' In fumt of No ill si hool was
ton; ly the wind on Wednesday, nimli
to the lpjiid of the teachers and sehol
aif. Tlie Opioid Glee ilub seiciiaded J. G,
Shopheid, at his home on Momoe ave
nue, Thui-dny evening, after bis .11
uval Jiome from a trio abioad. They
Vvero entertained loyally.
Claries Xo. ,S and 1. ol the Chestnut
Stnet Geiinan I'lesbyteil.m cluudi,
will conduct an enteitainment and
social in the chuuli nei Wednesday
"venins. 'Hie artalr will he uudei the
diifdion 01 Misses Minnie Yoiiiig: and
IJIiAilnnh Ihnmel.
The i:oelsior Glee dub -will bold an
enteitainment and soi ial 111 Meats' hall
on Tuesday evenins:. October i'.'.
A public meeting of the Ancient Ol
der or I'oirestets will be held this
cvenliiR- in Moisnn hall, comer of
Slain avenue and Jiukson street.
The sci vices In Die Ucllevue Welsh
Cilvinistic Methodist ibuich tonionovv
inoinlna at iO o'dotk -will he in the.
IhiKlisli lanifii.iRi: In the eveninii at G
o'clock, in tlie Welsh I.uikiuiro.
Mr. and Mis. Wfllinin Walsh, of Di
vision stud, and Mr. and Mrs. i;vau
Davis-, of avt-iiiio, v, eleomc-d
new at rivals at thdr homes tills w.ek.
Miss Anna Melius!), ot I'liesinul
sttcet, lias 1 etui ned homo Horn a visit
with fi lends in AVIIUes-15,trie.
Mr. am! Mis, William S, Davis-, of
Fouiteentb stteet, have thiee childien
ill with whooping mjiikIi,
Mr. and Mis. liodoilik Jones, of
South .Sumner avenue, an- eujojlny the
sights at tlie raii-Anieikau,
M. J. rtainey, of lauei lie sueet, is on
a ton days' Hip to Xeu Ymk .-.tale and
M. J, Gilhildi, of K.vtiou sited, is
1 if' fiont a nip to Jinffalo and Hie
Misses Sabltia Claik and KlUahoih
Donovan, of this side, have letutned
hoinu fiont Xew,Yotk,
Chester Lewis, "or Snder avenue, u
tontly spent a few dtiys with f 1 If mis
In Plttston.
Mis, Mai la Mill, r, Mis. Simll and
Mis-s Stioll, of I'oaldaln, ate the kiipsIs
of Mrs. D. W, Mosei, of Not III IJveictt
Miss Cirrtllldi' Owens, of ilellcvue, Is
vIMtiiiar ti lends In IMilston.
.Misses Maine Hauls and Maine
itowen, of lidlevue. and May Davis, of
South Mnu avenue, liave lelllllied
hottin ft oui the Pan-Auielli'iin.
Hoy, a son of .Mi. and .Mrs. Y. I'enn
Morsnn. of Vlntonilale, Is al the Moses
Taylor hospllal, wbete lie will underfio
the anipulatlou of bin leg. He vas
ihiovvn 1'iniii his bicycle thiee .vents
uro and susialiii'd an Injiuy 10 his hip,
which has mused the alllletlou.
The ineinlicis of St. Cecelia's c, T. A,
and Ii. sodetv will londmt their an
nual illibotl social on llallouo'cii, Ot -tiibir
31, A committee s now 111.1M11K
the iiri.iiiBeiuenis.
Mls.s lleiil.ih Hitllev, of Dallon, has
leturned homo uom a visit with .Miss
Sadie, costleii, ol .Ninth il.vdo Pail;
Miss Itltta llollou. ol Sixteenth stiiot,
bus iHtiuiied homo Uom an OMemled
visit In l'lvnioiuh,
MIs-s May Alqulu of Hover. ,N. J
left for home yestcida.v, nllei a visit
Willi Misses Jesslo mid Get nude Heav
ers, of Not Hi Uebccca avunue.
.Miss Kan- Pior has wninned to hei
home In Wilkes. Hai to, afli 1 11 visit
wltli West Ku anion 11 lends
.f nni ml J.ou, of Tenth stud. Is
spendhu; n lew days at the i'an-Aineil.
en 11.
Dr. and Mis. T Altai t l.'ynoit, ir
Xoith Main avenue letuined homo lust
Allow a coiish to 11m until It uU 1k.voiu1 the
lucli ol ihclIUIih-. 'Ilicv cflcii k.i), "oil, it n(l
vuar ana;," but hi most u It will vvcic
tlu 111 avvay. Could liny lo luducni to try tliij
iuc(ts(ul incdiiine called Kemp's JUUiiu, vvlildi
ii told en a potltho muuutia la line, ihcy
would iinnifdlati-b we II. g eucllcut cflctt Jftct
ULiutr llic Di.l Um.-o, Vihe ?. jnd to.; J'djj
lite Itet. Al all diuj;ms.
evening fiotn their WoddinR tour, which
lntdtided Jlurrnlo, NhiRnia Knlls nnd
other points of Interest.
, m,1'"' Mt '' 1Jltley "I'd ihilighter,
Iillllun, of Knek stieet, are home funn
a visit wltli iPhuivPH In Tiiininiuu,
Mrs. Ucoiro Kuchicr and daughter,
Anna, of ConmOlsvllle, nip the kiiphIs
of Mr. ami Mis. M. C, Ltlitlcy, of Itmk
W'lllhun 11. .tones and V. J. o'Uon'
tiel me home, funn the I'mi-American.
Mr. Guiie U, Pi , ,., of Kvvpllaud
Ml eet, Is the Bucst or fi lends In Xevv
, 5h!".iti1'nUer, or Phllndelplila, and
Mrs. Albeit u. EiirpI, of ttm-dnn, Pa ,
who were the kuphIh of Mr. and Mis,
Oeorjfp W. KiircI, of Mullein sttcet, le
tinned houip yesterday.
t:beii IJvmiH, of South Main avenue,
has 1 etui ned home, after a two Weeks'
lslt In Vermont unit .New Yoik city.
The iPBiiliii' monthly business ineel
lut' of tlie Swedish Cltlelis' club will
be held on Monday eveulntj at 7.30
o'clock In 1 ho rieiKlt ioof hull, on
NViishbuih slieet.
I.uke Hoiau, of Jiukson stieet, was
held In T2U0 ball lust ulKht by Alder
man Kollovv, on the eharee of maklm;
tin eats iignlnst bis bo.ndlm; mlstres-.
P.ev. Thomas de Gi itchy, . D pns.
tor of thu .Tiiekson Slieel Itaptlst
chtirdi. letuined home last evenlnK
fiotn Xevv York, vvheie he attended u
.John Kline, of Hyde T'aik avenue,
returned home last ev cuius- ft 0111 Phila
delphia, vvheie he attended the lit c
inen's lonveutlon.
Mr. and Mis'. David Jones, or Sol
dleis' couit, mo taklus In the cxposl
tlon at Uulfalo.
Mrs Anna Kdvvnids-, of Swellaml
sttcet, Is spending a low days in iiui
falo, and befoto leturnlnt' will visit
fi lends In Xowcastle.
Mr. and Mis. Thomas Davis, of Xoith
Fllmoie avenue, aie I ie fioin the
I'.in-Ametican and Xhit'ui.i Knlls.
Mallcatilor Jsano 1'ilie, of the local
earlier foicc, is on Ills vacation.
ltobeil Price, of X01 Hi Kllmoie ave
nue, has letuined home from Kail
l.ivcr, Mas.. and lesnined his im.siiinn
a l 'hi ike Uio.'
MNscs Helen Jos-opb and Alice Davis-,
i Xoith Hiomley avenue, aie
home from Buffalo and XI.ik.h.i Kails.
MIfs I.eah Joseph, of Xoith Hiomley
avenue, is convalescent alter a two
mouths' illness.
Simpson MelhodNt ehuidi,
Rev. II. i". McUermott, pastor. Pte.ieh
litfr at lO.'JO a. in. and 7..10 p. in., Sun
ilay sihool at U 111.. Junior league nt
-Tilt p. 111.: Kpvvnrtli league al fi SO p, m.
I'liind and sti.ingei wdi 01110.
Cracker Jack Basket Bnll Team De
feated a Picked Nine at Audi
toriumFarewell Pnity.
The CuiclieiJ.icUs defeat, d a pkUed
team at the Auditoi iimi, last evening,
by the scorn of 11 to I. The P.iti lots
wen- scheduled to pl.ij. but on auount
01 the .111001 mis not running, they
did not appear. Xevei tlieless the
picked team plaed a Kood game.
The fcaluie. of the fame was the
pl.iing of F. Davis and "Chailc.v"
Millet, ot' the Ciaeket lacks, and Jones,
or (be puked team Thu line-up was
as tallows:
I'. !"!- l'lflll fOI.VJIll 1 i.Itv
"UN lot t uiwniil onn,
K-U'C rintu Mlit?
Mdlci IMl.l Kllllil John
II. Dm left sujul
I'ho basUets vveie tin own by Kane.
;;: uavis, 1: wills. 1; Miller. I. for the
Ciackerjaeks, and Jehu tlnew a basket
on a foul for tlie picked team. Pofeieo,
William Davis; uniplie, lienlamlu.
Time of halves, twenty minutes.
Fmewell Party.
Miss 1211.1 Piiinm, of Mason City. Ill,,
and Miss Susie Hluley. of Mount Olive,
ill., vveie tendeiod a faiewoll at
th' homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fah
llnprei, liilT Xoith Main avenue, Thuis
d.i.v evenins. They leave roi homo
TiiPMlny, Oetolier S, after an oxtendoil
" iit vvllli fi lends and i datives In this
vicinity. Music and sanies vveie in
dulged in until a seasonable hour, when
lefieshmonts vveie seived, alter vvlildi
llio Riiests depatted for their homes.
Those piescnt weie Miss Kiln Pilintu,
Mason City, Hi; Miss Silsle Jjflitlev,
Mount Olive, 111., Mr, and Mis. j. m.
KnhiliiKei. Mr. and Mis. J. .;. White,
.Ml. nnd Mrs. Thomas U. Ulitley, Mr.
and Mrs. John Tt. Jones-, Jeimyn; Mr.
and Mis. Kdwnid Ilossor, Jernun; Mr,
and Mis. Han.v, Thioop; Mr. anil
Mis. Uoriinan, .Mis. Thomas I.eul-,
Mrs, Ulchaid Lewis, Mis. KranU linker,
the MI-scs Jennie Davis. MaiKHiet
Low is, Jennie Iloti'inau. Snsi... lihUey,
MaiKle Ulitlev, and Mos-is. Williain
DaUer, Wlllaid Jones. Wlllaid lilitlev,
Attliur Willie and Willie Fahringpr,
The services in the Metuoilal liapllst
Hiiiini ennui 1 i win oe c onncicifci ny
the pastor. Ilev. AV. K, Davies. The
sc-rv i es in tlie 11101 nliifi will be piv.n bed
in Welsh, and in tlie evenlm; In Miik
llsh. Ulhle study at 2 p. 111. All are
mtdially Invited to attund the sci v ices.
Tlie H.nbeis' unlop, of ibis sutlnu.
will meet Siiuda.v ai'ieiiioon at ;
o'clock sluiip In l.'onatd's ball. All
meinbeis sue iciiuesieil to attend, as
busiiii ss of Impoitanic will he linus-
Hm ion Thouuis, ot' Wa.vne uveutio,
llllS lliiepteil a position as 1 lei U at the
S. A. S. c iuar slim.
,,.,,-.i. . .,,,i-,t .tin, ci, 11, iiniiKi1, 1,1
Sllliiiult uveillle, have I el m lied home'
r...,., .i..-. it... t 111
T,...,a, .... ..11 .....1 ..... ,.
,11101 lie- 1 ,io-.oiei ii'iill iinjmisic 1011.
Miss Mnuiaii'l Tliornton, of West
Mittket stieet, is visiting AVellslioio
fi lends,
The Slatloliai v IJimlneels
Li 011,11 d's hall last eeulliK.
Miss Allio Sbephctd, of
stieet, has as her tiUisl her
Miss ,,il!iaiet Shcphetii, ol
met in
Ue.u on
Hill !'.
The Ruber Whilt.v sodelj par.
tldpatct in thf iiciolii-i in imi.ide In
Mis. claieiiio Sled, uf .North Main
avenue. Is at llio Pun-Aniei Jinn n.posi.
t ton.
The Ladles' Aid sodct.v ul the MelhO'
illst llpl-iopai 1 In 1 1 1 li will sfiivc a .Now
IhifiUiinl supiici lu the ibuuh pailois
oil Thillsda) eveiiliiK, Uclobei in. 'I'icU-
CIS, J.'l ll'lllS.
William Dean was itiiested oil West
MaiUt'l stieet yoleiday al'lellioon lor
tnsl mill lL-ekless li I vIiiht. by I'ati'oN
man Mi llule. on u waintni sMicd iy
Aldeunau l'ldler. Hi Was lined it,
which he paid.
itev. J. T. Whah'11. 1). U., of Caiboil
dale, will deliver his lelobi.ucd lee
line on "Wit mid Humor of Die lilah
People," at tho Ovei'ii Wldee Itaptlst
1 lunch on Filday evonhih", Oct. 11.
Conttnctois Flcktta nnd Pnrlildge
FinlBhed the Woik Two Months
Sooner Thnn Jhe Time Cnllcd for
in the Continct Ofilceis for the
Stnr Soclnl Club Elected Improve
ments That Hnve Been Mnde nt
No. 3 School Present Received by
Motz Scheller News Notes.
Cliilstlnn VIckn.s nnd Wlllliini lMit
HdKf, (ontraetois, who lmvc had
ehatcfp or 1 he woik on the JOIoventh
v.iliil sewer, compleled their conn act
.P!itotdn. Tliexonttaet called for Its
(omploiloii In four mouths, hut so
Piieiyellcally was ihu woik pushed
thai sixty days only vveie ioilllied,
and the conliaclor.s ale utile to lepoit
the sewer system complete with two
months to spaie. This is a most Kuil
ll'vliifv showing nnd the conttnctois are
bdiiK highly compllinented.
Tlioy will IickIii 011 Section P. of tile
Sovciitcmlh sewer In a few days. Tim
wot I; ol PatlildKe ,v; KicUus shows
stronifly In contiast lo that done on
the Seventeenth district sewer, which
has been cIiiikkIuk nloiifr about two
years and tlie end is not yet In slKht
Star Club's New Offlceis.
Tliei,. wns a full tileitdance of the
Star Social dub menibois at Mlrtx
hall, 011 Plttsou avenue, last nlsht.
when a leKiilar lnonthl.v mcetliii,' was
culled to order nnd after transaction
of sonic special business In connection
wltli iheir annual social, which lakes
place (jit. "0. ollb.eis vveie nominated
nnd eleded for the ensuing term.
Those who will till the ebalis the
coinliifr onr me: Picldent, Mil t hew
D.111111I: vice piusldont, William J,
lto-iir: filiandal si-cretaiy, Jacob J.
Mhlc; lecmillUHr secielai.v, Malbow
Miller: trcasuier. I'eier Phillips. t.:
ttustecs Chniles Cooper, IbiHone
Chilis and llavid Lewis. At the dose
oT tlie 1111 etliiiv n social session was
held and litiht icficshiueiits solved by
the olllcers-elei t.
'1'his sodetv Is In a healthy 1 ondl
tloli, and a snug sum Is in the
ui y. Tlie niemberdilp is limited to
tliiity. which is composed of promi
nent young men of tills pail of the
city. The annual enteitainment lias
ionic to bo looked 011 as one or ih
sodal events ot the season.
'Impiovements at No. 3 School.
Xo. ;) school, ivhlch is situate on the
cmnei of Hickory stieet and Pitlstou
avenue, in the Klevonth waul, has
Peon vastly inipioved b icient
clianwK The school, whicli was
elected seveial .eais ao, alua.NS had
a dinsy look, because ol the dull 'oil
in 11U used In its c-onsti in (ion and ap
pealed low, beeausu ot the sllnhtl.v -1
Itdu d ioof.
Thi.- is all dimmed, however, nnd
the Isomc tower, whidi now ten.,
ilsell ovc1' thiiiv loot above ibe ten
tci of ihc ioof. has added wondti fully
lo tho appeal, nice end
bciiny ot the Lleveiith waul home of
'Jhe du.nnes made ate due to tlie
di'jrtK of School Couti oiler l'eter
Xeuls, vvlio tikes Intel est and
j,-i"at pi hie in anything pott.ilns
to 1 ho sdiool clillchen or will add to loinlorl and happiness.
"A Piesent from New York."
MutK Sdicllei, nlglit engineer at the
r.aiUawaiinii brewery, was somewhat
s-'irpiisul yesteiday to lecehe a pack
age (C. O. D.) Uom New York, foi
which toity cents was cliaiRed.
It appeal" that Motz bad greatly
t.dniiiecl a loot stool made bv llio
Irowciy 1 111 pouter and bad cxpiessod
a ilt'Mu lo possess a similar one. The
c firpeiiler and several fi lends got to-S-
ther and the package was tho losnlt.
ii'li'i il was paid and leceipted for,
the iiiosscnger disappeared and Motz
as-si.i.ed by his wife, opened the bo v.
'I liey found a stool, but not like the
one MuliS .cdmiied. In lad, it was but
n irde Iniltalloli of a lluee logged
s.ool used ill olden linns, and Mot,
suoie .1 little when it dawned upon
'.'.'in that be had been buncoed out of
f. : ty cents. Hu is now walling an
oppm lunit. to get back at tlie Jokeis.
Mis. C.eoige Mil IK, of lit:.' IMilston
avenue, who was opeialcd on n-ceiitly
at the Siiauton pi hale hospital, Is ,11
homo .tnd gi tally inipioved,
Tlie banns ol tlie lollowln;,- well
known oung people Will be called
lioin lb" altar at St Mori's Ooininn
Catholic 1 lull ell, oil I'lver slieel, 10
lliouow liiointtlg' .Miss Helena Ko.-ar
and Deputy Slleiin Audlew P.est, Mls.s
Annie (isc buiuder and John lttuler.
Tlie ivvo weddings will take place muiic
linn' near tlie latli't' pint ol 1I1S incnith.
Kitl.v U, llio piiiei owiii'il by Peter
Maikei, maile a great 11111 a lew nigliis
ago and hei speed aloui' was the cause
of ,-avillg tile' tig or John Ueville I10111
u 1101 vy hoise-ihlei. He had a start
of over 11 block and et was oyei laUeii
in less than half a mile, and was 111111-
pi'lled 10 lump nut and lake 10 U..
M'lleie s mi linpiovellienl untie cable'
ill llio 1 1. ml 1 1 ie ti ol John Aiiiold.
city Tu-asuier IMwuul J, liohliisoii
and August Schliupli' 111c home Horn
Philadelphia, while llle.v illtelided the
Siaio.Klu 1111 n's 1 hum nt luii.
.Mis. John With, of Mapli'Uood. Is
spending a leu da.vs with her ilaugli
ler and soii-lu-hiw , Mr, ami Mis. Ailam
Kii'iiehtel, of .ilS I'odtir aveiiue.
Al last night's uii'dlug of lieneinl
iliaiit coumiiindeiy, Kulghis of Malia.
fllllllllli'lUelHs Wi'le lll.lele lul a sen Ial
uud suuiker 0 be held iii iin- near
John SleaiK, ol Tlo.v, .N. V Is ln
giiecl of ticlrgi' and jvur l!o-ai, of
Codar nveuiii'.
A shin 1 inonlblv .-edon nl' the
ililligei .Maciiiieidior was hdd last
i-vciiiiig to Ualii-iiii icuitlar liiislin ss.
An iidjoiiiiiineiii was made limn -j
o'docU loinoiuiw at''i noon, w hen cvci.v
llli'lllber s lllge'el In ntle ml
The I'll -t Metliodlrt
ihiiu'hTho l!ev. Cluule.s H-iuy
Xcwlng. pnsior. Se-ivlcos in 10.91 ,i, m.
and T.dn p. 111. Tin.' pastor will pt.-adi
boili morning ami evening. Morning
h'lbject, 'Seeking;" owning subject.
'Shlt of the Times." Sunday school
at S.0 p. 111. Hvenlng piajei set v ho at
ti.'M o'doe U. Xest week ehuidi pra.vei
st;ivito Wednesday evening at 7 SO
o'olo- U.
lfev. William SluiUBer will pieiuh
uc Hie Dudley slieel Itaptlst church
both mojiiliiB und evvnlua:. utuhiy.
Graduate Nurse, and President of Nurses' Association
of Watertown, N.Y.,
Tells How Much Doctors" Use Lydia
E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, -
Has Yet To Hear of Its Failure To Cure.j
It Is not In frequent that information comes to our attention provlnjr thai
the medical profession In (rcurrnl proscribe lurg-i" fiunntittes of Lydlii K,
I'iultlittnrs VcBcfnhlc Compound in their private practise.
It Is a fui't beyond dlsnuto that nowhoro Is to be found a remedr no
universally successful In I'uiiuff female 111n, uud the broad-tnlndi'il physician
of to-day Is quick- to reeoRtile his duty lo his patient, nnd does not hesitate, to
prescribe the best medicine lie can find. the medicine that is surest nnd
quickest to lirluir relief to his patient j or this very reason thousands of th
very host physicians are prcsoriblnfr in their treatment of female. Ills Ti.vdlft
K. l'itiklium'B Vegetable Compound, while not in the original bottle
perhaps, but in plain prescription botthjs with their own or drii(j(jlhts' name.
It is our pleasure and our prirllopo to publish a, letter from a graduate
nurse whoie leputation and prominence in lierjirofcsslon lends much weight
to her opinions, and whose testimony goes to ptovo our statements in regard
to tho hlfjh esteem in which Ljdlu E. Pinkbam'.H "Vegetable Compound
is held by our loading physicians and trained nursefl
J t
C '" . r ... S
"Duar Mrs. Pixkham: Twelve yoars continuous service at tha
sick beds in some of our proniineiit hospitals, as well ns at, private liomes,'
hasgheti me varied experiences with the diseases of women. I have
nursed some most distressing; eases of inflammation nnd ulceration of
the ovaries and womb. I nave known that doctors used Jo-din K.
Pinklinnrs Vofrotablo Coiupound when everything else, failed with
their patients. J have advised my patients and friends to use it, and
have yet to hear of its lirM failure to cure.
'' Four years ago 1 had falling of the womb from straining in lifting
a heavy patient, and knowing of the value of your Compound began to
use it at once, and in six -weeks I was well ouee more, nnd have had no
trouble hince. I am most pleitbed to have had an opportunity to say a
few words in praise of your Vegetable Compound, and shall take every
occasion to recommend it." Mis Virginia (Juancs, 444 So. Opting St.,
Los Angeles, Cal. Piesent address.
He it, therefore, believed by all women who are ill that T.ydia
K. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound is the medicine Ihey Mbould
lake. It has stood tlie test of time, and it, lias bimdreds of thou
sands of cures to its credit. Jt should, therefore, b considered
unwise to experiment further.
Mrs. Pinkbam.wliose address is Lynn, Mass., will answer ebecr
fully and without cost ail letters addressed to her by sick women.
KEWAKI).- Wolmvoeleposltcilwitli tlioNitional City Itaiikof t,ynn.3B0CO,
wuicuuiu nepaici ictnin peracn
ix not 1
Piiuil.i.v school -v 111 be lieM .liter the
niciinliu,' H'n 'ie,
Tilpji .ienuc I'hilhtinu iliuuh
1'ie.ichlils both inoiniiiK .mil evening
bv ibe p.istor, .1. D. D.ibie. .Meiiniiifr
topic "Jo'-epli 11 Type of Chii.-l" i:
enlim topic, "(Joel Manliest in the
Plc-li." Suiulay (-chool nt in o'c lo It.
Kveiybody nuiele lo led wcKoine. I'oine
wohlp with u--.
Stew .lit Hbbop, wlni been rtilllci
liif; Uom .in .ittnclr of .ippeiiilieitls Is
now iiim.lhxeelll .U Ills linllle oil
Itloolt ttCel.
Mr. mill .Mi. M. W. I'h.iinbei Mil ic
llillicd ye-teul.iy uom .1 tei weeKs'
hliiv In I'llil.ulelplll.i.
Iloiace 1., the' two je.11 nlil miii of
Mi. .-iiel Mi. llenr.v ISlltnnlllK of llioeik
Mieet died ycsteulay ultti ,1 sbot 1 III-IU--S
wltli iiitiubi.ineoiis eionp, Mr.
tiiunnln;; lett dus :if,ro I'm .1
11 Ip thioimhout Yoik suite mill ihey
ll,ie not yet been abb' to locate' I1I111
'J'hi' .11 i.iimeiueiils b.ive not M't
b"en m.iile pendlliK Id-- letiiiu
Hoi 11 To Ml. illlel Mis. I.. I'. Welt,
of I1I110111 liee I, ,1 win.
Ilinn-To Mi. and Mi. W.iltei H.irlh
of ISiirK slice I, u .-on.
I!e. N !, I'.ilUe, o I'itlMiii, will
pu'.ieb ut ibe t' e-huicli to
me now.
DANIIU, Al'riTI.V, the elde.-l Mill of.
Ml-. I.'. II. Moiedock, died W'eelucMlny
Ii) New V01U city. ni;i' .".I caif Tip' will t.llO' Pl.lie ,1 1 III elll.V, , I Ii t,
,, l!n, nt Hi o'clock-, nl lb" lainlly
USleleliee, 51 1 ', ollllllll ilealie.
Jul IN llfl'K dliel nt hlx leslib ine,
t:;;1.' IMs .-tui't, eitiM'il.i moiuiim ai
,"1 ii'ihuk. Hi' If Mil heel by h'f, wile
anil thiic I'hlhlu'ii, I'lnuli'.-. IMwaril
and pb. Ills mother, lour lnntliei
Illlel llliee id-lcl.-. 1 'lllioi ill Mllld.iy .li
te I noon al '! ei'cleiek, ll)t''l lllellt ill
I' e-eicelL-r;-.
Thu fllileiiil of Ml?-. I.lly I'oar, of I IB
I Vim u unite, will tukc iiluiii nil Sun
day men nine, liifteael ot this hum itiiiK-
Her uuilllillh Will be lllkt'll to llic lela-
waie line! Hudson elepoi .nni .shipped
lu lliine-il.ile 1111 Hie s..-,ii 11. in. ll.iili,
Whee Intel llieui lie 111, Ilk.
Tlu- Ullli'inl of .Mi. .lohu lliiiliii.ui
w.ll l.iliy I'laee- loinoiiow iltli'llioeili at
J p, 111. Olivine will be held III the
I'lci-peci iimmiiiu .Mcllio 111 i:iNop.ll
Tile leiualii-. nr llic late' liioiHo
Wli ill. will be laid at ui ihl an -i-iiiiein
in the- I'lti-.iun iiM-nui' i"iuelei..
Till- t Unci ill take'.- Place al .' o 1 tot k
llillll llle l.llllil If. ell lice. .'..17 WllhlW
(.lii'i'i. aii'l --i !" will Ie- In bl ai llio
lll(litu. htui't I' hm ill b
c. William A 'NouH
lliiillfiri lll.riMM
BMThcuo tiny Cuimulru ur- jv I
fcl In IS liuiirit lluuuC,tl-,rl
Dcoayenleiic'v, ulli't'llunol K )Y 1 1
gueb unit Inlfclloiei ImIi. V
wnc, catinnaiQfti mo aiiove cestimuinai iviir
Keninno, or was puulUhrd hoiorn ebtaininc tho writers spwial per-
i:. l'lnkhant Medicine Co., Lynn, Mini.
Lyceum Theatre
JI. II1.I-, I.c-H'c ai.'l Miiiicri
A I Ul I l'V, nil'. Jhisl,
Saturday Hatinec and Night.
I Ik. Ililu'.uiK Mie-ec 1! (nnirili, I In- Onrllill
11 tnili i'iit fi 1111 Ml Hie Ite-it.
moisi: 1 1' tu n i' .limn".!.
Mellll I vli.i(.ij,,nl S'ou-iy.
Molll, (..ii-iuiH I immi
MOIII' II llieeit Wit.
In. lmlni, IIii-n 'iiim, llillnlii .mil (,'eiiiiii, W lb"
Hi 1.111I1-, Wl.elm .nni On , MiK.'ii' Wc-'im,
( .inn' I In. iUlilele Mn-ilni, lni-ili Vliuhijll
.nni .1 . limn- el iiii'iilj !-iil- 111 nime ihhis -'i .mil ""Hi , ileiMiru
tn .mi piit ut nun ', 1'" I. innu, r, . id M CO.
Holiday Night, Oct. 7th
Ui I.I.1I1111. t" a in l'i 11I11 "n of tlio Hoilip(
1 nit .Ii Pi hi 1,
"Uncle Terry"
III iinniiil In W 1II1.1111 lull 1111111 Munn'l
i,iiiiIii I t.. I ml' fun ' In 1 mi li', MU.
.MMI li, W Mil i-l li. Ii I'eiii
Pine '1 uiiu t 1 ;l 'i
S.'iu .'i. - 1I1 I u '1 1 m.
Tuesday. Oct. 8,
'illl I ili-l "l III' Vlllleel" I "III 'Ii l 11)1,
IP pa .1 I II in iimi 1 I ( Hi 1. hi
I'l.iln .1 wi, -pi'. 1 il -.111.11 ii; l.niii'. Cot
,1 vi ,i 1 l.l nilli) 1111 "I llt'l-eli pooplo
,,,. ., , 'I, .1 il III ..I ii'iiiiiiml iMjii.'IIc
'Ii, W. ml nil IIiiiiii. 1I111 I'll. In (nil i
Hi, ii.i .1 Ni.' 1 iiiiiiini 1 e ,,n nun' -nni
1 1 1 , Win. Id el l.l. 1 1 01 III' I ( Ml
1 l 1 1 'I, In .111. 1 llll.l I vplii 11 l'9
e.n , -11 l.i' - 11.
-li.i.lii. I - in. Mil. I. lljniunl i,;in 'L-1'.e,
I ui Mielpl nni lli i-
I'll ,. 'I I I -I III
-l,lt , II nl' -lllltll.ll ,11 'I I III
Academy of Tlusic
ji in i 1. .-... 1 iiufti Muu,fr.
-II ul 1. Ml I UI hi MIM
In I! . 11
Tonialjt, Helping the Wliithviiul
Matinee Princess ol Patches 1
Mann pi in i,il '11 1, in.
I iliilii; l'i 1 i 11 jlil ,11 .11I9
All (I 111 ItlllM.IOs-, ,injSor
II 11. in I,, t ,11111 lu l... MuiuIj.i, Oi.uIki 7.1
The New York Stars'
Mjiuiifi Jln Ji, Wcejiv Mlay, lliurvlj Jul
i(tv 4it t
vi-, -A.