The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 05, 1901, Image 1

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    i. ''J-Ii.)1 ,-,1.
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She Wins the Third Gomcst with
Sir Thomas Upton's yacht
Shamrock II.
But the Allownnce Conceded by Lip
ton's Bont Makes the Winning
Time of Columbln 41 Seconds The
Series of Races the Closest Ever
Sailed for the Cup Sir Thomas
Lipton Undoubtedly Has the Ablest
Foreign Yacht That Has Ever
Ciosscd the Western Ocean.
Xfiv Yoik, Oct. I. With lit in j
flaps flowing fiom her toweling mast
heads ami the ends ol' her spieadeis
In honor of her ((including- tiluin)ili in
the Clip i.ii e uC I tf 1 1 . tile KIlll.llll sloop
Columbia i etui lied tn lior uucllniago
under the esroit of the ouliie eitu
slou Il0"l. She today loinpleled lur
tlelcnse of lie4 lumiiieil tiuphy In an
other Stirling- ii(e with lite Slinmiotk
II over .i beward anil windwnid tine
of ihli ly mlb s, cioosing the iliilsh line
lo sei 011(1 behind liei antagonist, but
winning on the time allow .inee i on
ceded b, Llplon's, by II seconds.
Columbia 1 1 :02
Shannock 1 1:02
Shannock 3:35:38
Columbia 3:35:40
Fur the second time she bus now suo-
essfiilly lolled the attempt it the
Jlsi knight to wtest 1 1 om Aniciiia's
possession the up means the
yachting siipiennie.i ol the wiulil. And
plucky Sir I.ipton, standing; on
the In idge. led his g-iiests in Ihiee
In ally cheem for the successful de
fender. "She Is the belter boat " hi
said, 'and she desei vo.s to lie ihecicd."
The seiles of rmi"i just i Insert will be meiuoi.lble as ihe closest
evi.-i mailed tor the I'lip.iiiul Sli Thomas,
although defeated, will no home wllh
the satisfaction of knowing lli.ii bis
KOlden yacht is the ablest lineigu boat
that OUT ctossed th wesli 1 u o( e.ill.
JJtiring- lioth sei les ol lines not an uii
towatd incident has dm lined, mid Sit
Thomas will i etui a lo Ibislaiitl bv tar
the most popular ul all tile foieignei.
who liae ihalleiiged tin the Amulet'
tioph.. Today's mi i,ipii. was I hi
closi st ul the sei ics, lull lieiaus,. of tile
fltlklness of i lie Mind on the beat home,
as a ionle--t ol the lelallve meilts ul
the yai his, it - nol to be loiupaied
tilth the uuigiilllocnt i ii it and ioyall,
fought battles uf S.uind.iy tt in t is
teiday. The i uiidiliiuis of the l.ue ,n
the stait today wen- m-i.v similar in
tho-e of jeslouluy. The wind was
slioiiK and from the slune, i on
dltlons fur the i Imllemjor.
The laiers weie seal away Indole the
wind, null caii.ving a peii,ii. tin
dossing; the line aitet the huudii.ip
Blin. No olllelal moid Is kept ut tin
time after thai huh Is Hied, but the
experts Willi stop-W.'itelles estim.ilnl
Columbia's bamlUap at tlltien sei ends
and Sliann nek's al Uilii.v seconds. The
eontest of the .iihts lleolng licfine Ihe
following' Wlllll W.IS pl IUese, Inn
not exciting. The big- i.ueis h id eeiy
Inch ol t.invns spu-iul.
Challenger Gains Slowly,
Notwithstanding (he i.ut ih.u tlie
Columbia beat the Shumioik befme
the wind last S.ituula, the i h.ill.'iuji'r
today (tallied slowly but steadily all
tli" way out and loiiuded ilie inner
mail; foiO-lllue scionds befme the de
I'endU', having- neliially gained one
minute ami four si-nuuK Immediate
ly tiller the yaelils tinned their noses
Into tlie wind lur the beat hum,., tlm
blece moderated and united ilul.j.
Tin sklppcts split IneUs. eaeh scanl'i
iui for wind, wltlt iheiesuit tlrst
one would get a llli and then the
other. .U one time Cidllinlila seelued
a tulle ahead, w linn u sudden i ant of
the wind allowed the Shiunim k to
point in'iii'i r tlie iiiaik, and a mile
fiom home the i luillrligcr appealed to
be leading- by tally hall a mile. The
talent be14.u1 lo leel nei mjiis, inn 11S
tlie Mtihts appioaihed the llnlsh Hut
Yankie skipper, by somo niiiaeiiloiis
leferdeiualn, sinned his bo.u into llu
llu'ht air Ilka a iilinutom ship and one
hundred vii 1 da limn homo the two
raeels Wei, alumni on een teiins, It
was a unitv sIhIii ami one seldom
vltl.C'ssi'd when lliev etosed rail lo
l.lll, the whim , mills' bow spilt Just
lipplUK the uuldeii boat's iiiasl, i'au
dfmolliuill followed. Wls(es, shells,
bells bauds anil iheeis uiiiied In a
ttiaud I'lioiux 01 Jubilation, ami ,1. 1.
MtitanV steam i.nlu ( '01. -air added
to tho lei 1 Ilie din by mint, a national
t.llllle 01 IWOIll.X-olle KUIIS.
After the Coli'inilila had hauled down
her Kails and sol hei Nbiniy llntr, tile
CMUIHlull IllUilH llOWdeil alollJ,slili til
rheer the Vauki'n sallms ami the win
lllnr Pklppei. .Nor did they foiset
rllher l.lpiuii or his gul'mit irali. In
tutu tho i low ded sleaiueis tan uIoiik
;itt! the Sliaiiuoi I; and lain, mid the
YiUHlUlshed li'i'eed almost as uilteh
llonor as tho vlolm. And thus, with
felfdtulions all around, the lueinii
series ot lines for tho old etip, w lib It
tho selniuiior Alltel ha IiioiikIii over
tlfty years nyo, ouded with th.. K.Si
of IVellliK.
While laklnj; bis ilofeat namely, sir
Tbouius Mptou uiiulii no atteniit to
lonieul his honest disappointment.
whep be talked abiilll Ihe line tolilaht
on the Kiln. "I was eiy miii'li dlnp
polllted," lie said. "I ean't hide thai. I
HioukIiI within llfleen iulnu(t of the
llnlsh lluil we bad won. I was sure
is my lliu we had won. When I
looked around, tlie situation had
i housed and we had loci. It was n
bald blow lo be so near winning and
then to lose. I should like to liae
Kot one rare, jusi by way of totisola
t'oii. Won Fair and Square.
"It Is a very haul tliliiK to lie beaten
bj a bl oath by a low beats ot the
piil-e. It has been a seveie stialn on
me. I have woiked so hard tin many
months now and I am Kind It Is over.
To h Hi' won would lme bi-en a jo.
Stealer than tod.i.W ilNuppoliiliiioiil.
L'olunibU'- win loda.i was fair and
.iiiaie anil hoiiui.ible.'
ilnully had Hip Kiln's unelun's
totielied liottoni wlnii a liiuiich luuu
the yaelil ("oisalr 1 .tine uloilK-lde beui
liitr tin i.'gatta loinmlilei of Hie New
i'oik yai lit cltili. Sir Thomas met
llli'lii at Hie h'.ld of thi' R.uiRWjy and
as he "hook hands wltlt tliem indivdu
. 1 1 1 v he said:
(leiitl'Miii'li, It was a fair T
waul to s.ij amiln that jmi
Heated mo with the titmii-t lali'iio-s
and loiutesy. You have met eveiy
wl-h of mine and fiom my heat I I
thank- .oii."
Commodore Lewis C.i.-s l,"ilwaul,
ihaiiman of the XeW Yoik .'iilit elnb
lenetta . onuilltti e loplled:
"Sir Thoinas, we have neier had a
tliiei siioitspian to deal with."
Vhn askul about his plans for tho
tutuf". Sir Thoinas said:
"U is tun eaily to talk almut any
plans. About Ihe Sliamioik.l annul
deiide it what I shall do slid as to
1 halli'iutliiK attain it is too soon to
think about it."
):. I .MoiK.111 the man. liter o tlie
Columbia, .-aid
"I am veiy happy that we won and the strain i ovei. We leiiainly
had lo make a splendid Unlit for It.
We bad a splendid eaptain and a splen
did erew."
C.iutiiln 1 in ii said:
"We did tin he-t we (onid and tliey
did the lust 1 hey (onid and we laniu
out Hist, That's all."
Fiogiainme of Events Teiminates
with Exciting Tests of Speed
011 Btoad Stieet.
l'.v I i lii-iw ii. 110111 II.,' i'ihiJ I'uc..
I'lillailelphia. Get. I. The Ion pio
Kiamme ol ent- ill 1 oilllet Hon "with
tile lonveiitloii ol the Slate Kiiemen's
association lei minuted toda Willi 1 -1
illll; tests 01 speed on liluad si leel.
The events weie as lollows.
Ilni in,, for l.i ll, J J) ,-,ll.I--I 11 ,t pll.,
"mi; .imiiiiiI ul.', -ri. iliinl ni". :.
Ill-l W.ltll I'll.' , .00). 111,1 , lltitl.i. I'.i . VWMI.
Iinl. n ml 'in In. iiiiiiint, II,. I lliu!,, V .1 ,
noiiil, Id Ii. f 1 111 iuiii)iin, litil lluil,, iliinl.
'lilli.' ,t(i'.. Il14, ,U-'i
- li. i un. -ill V.H.U. fail ).i it , stun. u
fllll', Sli), I I, Mil (III!', -.'",
I u-i Wad I lie unit. no, llullii I'i , umi,
hull 1 inli ul. liiil II ml,, mi 'in. I; I'iiIiiiu, (In--in,
iliinl Inn.'. II. I.',. .".'.
linn!: iinl lulilii ii.r, J'"i ini l'ut I'lii',
-7 ., uMi'l pi 11 , - .
Daughter of the Secietaiy of the
Navy Away.
Hi l.. tu-hi Wai'tiimi 1 111 -.nuie.l I'i.-i".
IHiiKhniu, llii"., iii 1. .1. -foiiow was
biollllt to Ihe household of Secietaiy
lullll I) 1.01114 III the ill .11 ll tomf-lll of
Helm, Ills second daimhter She died
ot pnlmnnar.v tiouiile wlitih had L- lu
icpiloii iijler 1 lo-o .Utelltlon 10 social
diillis dmiiiK th. sei ietur,'s lit, st tot in
in the inbiiii 1. .Mr-.'.i healilt had
tailed and Ii was neeessaiy that Ml-s
Helen should take her plaee. The
il.tUKblei'- he.illh also lulled and she
went to Colotado SpriiiKS In .N'ovemhei ,
ls'.'N. I!ei'"iitl hei pliysiians leeoni
nieuili d a letiiiu 10 Iter home and two
weeks ,ik she slalled The lionie
iiimitift did not hiluf; the hopod for im -pioVi'lllellt.
Slie was Ihe yollliKei'
dniif-hlei of .li. I.oiik's lii.-t wife, and Jli Ve.lls ul ,IKO,
Renegade Band of Apaches Commit
Attocities in.New Mexico,
In 1 Iii.ih w ai tioin im tun i th ii I'n i
Allniiili Ulie, N, Al., Oil. 4. Wind
ha- j.isl bii 11 leif'hed Hint a U'lle
I mil baud of Apai he Indians fiom
I In' San "u I li- Hescl Mllion is In the
.Mi Kolliiu mountain-, sunt Ii ol this
illy. I'I i poisons wee killed by
then a few ilnysnKo on Willow Cieek,
lit 11 Hie Hid War Hatch leinlemoiis of
llei 1111I11111
No pal Hi illnis ot the olltbleak luue
In en lei lived. I'ulteil Stales Maulial
I'oiakir Is now at Sliver Clij, and
piobahl.v will wo in Hie scene bi'lorn
II .mnlim heie.
11,1 llu'lMW Wll' III III III ).i. ull.l I'Ki..
'till.' II.II1U'. '1 I I llu gui 'I, iiuuil I.KU
.1 ..ul hi 11 I in 1 1,1 s iiiiiijiI. .
'.Ml 1 I.e. ..i i-: inn-', VI ''! I "'Hi' I
( iiiiin . lira; liiii'.i Wlll,i,,; I uii.Im
Mi. I'.i'. iliinl liw uIImU 0IJII1.I. Iti'-t tlllll',
ili ile, piling, n-i, fl.&im. Ii,.,iii Mi
l,u(.-iii. Hut: siul.i -mil..!, hi mill; 'J. II, 11
m it. Il.inl. Hid lliu.'. - II
'J II il.i puiKi', SI iM. Wulln K.ilil,
Hi. 1, illj.v. mi 1. ml; I 'nun ut InUu, ilm.l, ll.ii'.'
uiiiiu .i.nti.l lit nan', 'IP...
'.Ml iIjv. inviliji I'lii'f, fl,")!"!. (hciuii,
lnl, ll.iii It'll', ri.uii'l, llluli'l.i Iti'ilv. anil, thiol
l.iiilit illu'H llc-l lliu... .,07'':.
-.Ml 1 1 1-..-. I111II111K, pillM, -l,i). Ilul Cine
l ,lilt: ,llrM' ( , Ml.lnlt Pliluiv. 'llillltlj,
iliinl i:ii,lil h'.Ih'u jIu Urii''l. It. -I time,
Deliheintlons nt San Fiauclsco De
voted to Misslonaiy Field.
My Hvdmlir Win- tiom The ."isorlt-il rr'M,
Sun Ki(iiiiu((i, Oel. 4, Todio's dr
llbeiailons or the biennial eonveiilloti
of the i:-)icopiil I'htucli of Anicibii
weie devoled mainly lo lite missionary
Held. In Joint sesBlrn 11 1 ('solution was
adopt'd (0 adjoiitu the ((invention on
Thin sda.v. October 17. Petitions fiom
leplf si'lllntlVe cities', itn.sloii'' 10 sei till'
the iirvt tilennlal ineolliift, weie pit
sertleil lu behalf of I'lllsblilK. Ho-don,
Clnrlimatl, Louisville mid New Oileiins.
No 111 Hon was taken, bill on nioliuii of
J. I'leiponl Morgan a loiiimitlee was
appointed to decide where Hie 110M 1 nil
venllon sliiill be held. The house of
bishops decided to consider the t oust I
tutiou as soon as it shall be ai ted upon
bv the hoiise of deputies. The house
of deputies will lnle up Hip mailer of
niatfdiiul readings, whlili eieuln.v
was passed on by Ihe bishops as soon
as It shall llnlsh the constitution. wlikh
II is now lonsldeiliitf. The puipi-seil
union on niatthtKO and dlvoue will be
considered pexl, There was scarcely
stiimlhiK 100111 In the thunh while Hie
conventloii was In session.
IjiiiIiih: the day, sei vices vveu held lu
SI. Luke's chilli h by lite PallKbteis of
the KIiik. and loiilKlit at SI. Slepbeu's
1 inn eh Hie Hiollierhood of St. Andiew
had a quiet Iiotlr iind pieiiatntlon for
holy loumitmioi).
.-.. .
Gen. Dudley Tells of Men Expected
to Take Stock in the Company.
B, I'kIiii.i Will1 (ruin 'Hi,- .-uiIjIhI I'm'.
Wnsliiin,Ton. Oct. 4. I''rank M, At
tciholt of Akion, t) was the lll-t wll-iie.-s
cvJIed today by the Semite nillilaiy
all'ah ! loinnilllee in tlie investigation
ol chaises 11 gains l.ieiitonanl Colonel
Sir. Atteihoil had aiiansod for a
iiiietli:s witli I'Mint. Hddy - Co.. of New
Yi 1 k to he attended by llei-tand.
Hawkes and himself, Hei-tand. how
ever, did 110L attend the ineeilUK. and
siiljsequenUy appealed eutliely indli
feienl to the whole nintler. He said
he did not have, another meeting with
the inleiested pailies. Maior Jluwkes
emlfavoied to show that time had
been two nter lings, inn Mr, Atlerhoit
-.lid' positively only one had been held.
Cn'tieral W. W. Dudley, one of tlie
ptomoteis of the pioposcd conipaiiv,
and an attorney lu the settlement made
with I l.i tikes, de-eiibed tho prelimin
ary -teps taken In the oiK.liilnatlou of
the loiiipiiny. He said that Heistand
had nieiitiotii d the names of timcial
Cm bin, A-sislant Secietaiy Jleikle
johii and Assistant Seeietaij Allen .w
Ji lends of li.s who would take stock
in the iiiteipilse, and .laor Ilawkes
had mentioned the mime of .ludso
Hoyd, who also would so Ino tlie com
pany. The stiii k, he .-aid, was to be
appoi Honed as lieietofoie explained by
other williei-es.
General Chaffee Gives Further De
tails of the Affair.
l'.j I , lnMic W lie ti 1111 'II c l.n uinl I'i iij.
Washington, Oit. I The war 1lep.11 1
ment toulKht iKeived a (lls)iatih fiom
Ceiieial ('haffee, ai ."Manila, givint'
tiutbei details of the 111,1,1111' of
Company c, ;J-uh leHhneiit, in Sa111.11.
The iitloi illation was sent to (leneial
Cliall'ee bv umi of the lomp.inv who
esuiped, Tlie.v sa.v the lompaliv was
i.tlackid at a sIkiuiI ot the iliigiiiK of
convent bells, y iiijimt f,o boloiueii,
.'im Irom lear ol ipiai tei - mid .'mi 110111
in flout, slniultaneniislj , while Hie
1 timp.ill.i wusiMtluK hleakfa-t. Tlie ai
fin KlllK foil e Killlled possession ol Ihe
anus, ami lu ihe tlitlii for the anus
most of tlie men met death. The en
emy was bealeii ntf tempoiaiilv !
(ibuiii t went. -live men who jjalned
their aims. Tlie loinm.ind consisted ot
thlee olllieis fiini sevent.v-tw 0 men.
Tlie lluee olbeeis and lolly enlisted
men wen killed. Twentv -eight living
men me iik oitnled for, Ihlileen of
these iiiiK wounded. Four ate miss
ing. Insurgents set Ilie to iinarteis
building: and a number of bodies weie
burned, The little band of twent.v
elght men bulled the tlnee oflieers and
iwentv-nlne men beioie leavinji in a
boat lor Hasey.
Ruler of Jolo Declines to Receive
Aiueiiciui Law Mnkeis.
III I M lll.lll! 11' fllilll I'lif .s-o. 1111 I I'i,--
.Mulillii, Oil. I.-Tho lougiesslonal
pniy. oil its aulval at Jolo. was de
nied .ill luleiview Willi Ilie silllail, who
olfered Illness as hi- exi u.-e. The na
tives f.ay the suit. 111 I- well, and that
lie had oilier leasous for decltuliig 10
tuelvf Hie visitor finlii WiisIiIukIiiu,
Heiieuil Jlughes 1 aides I'uiin the Is
land of iSamar that lialauglga, wheie
Hie disaster 10 Compauy c, of the
Ninth icglmeill. oiinucd. is deseiied
and lu ruins. Colonel Isaac U. He
Hussy, of the nievenili iufaiitiy, who,
on he.nliu of the slaiigliter, liiiine
illatily stinted lor the sumo wlili a
battalion, Is 1 los.-ly follow lug- the I'Jlj.
In Ptison Eleven MontliH Befoie Fact
Became Known,
Hi I.iIiim W111 hum tin 1.,-i'iu ..I I'ii-i.
l.lllioln, Neb, Oil, I -Km elevm
iiioiitlis Ihn olili l.ils ,11 tlie Nebuiska
stall; iellleiltaiy Have sllppo-ed Hint
a pilsoiier known as "Hun" .Mai tin
was a man. The dl-toveiy Hiat Ihe
loiivht Is a woman, and that her teal
liiiliin Is J.eiisi .Mat tin, lias just been
III, ule bi the piisou phs hUlaus.
Thu woimui was aiiesled, tiled and
(onvluid at Spring: View, Kej.1p.1lm
uiiniij, us a man, a ,car ago. for lanse
stealing. She now has put on women's
clothing; ami will seive out tin. n.
niaiuiitr of lior tin 10 yens' smiieine,
She seemed to take It as a Joke when
(Im dlsioveiy was made. She is :'0
veins old.
Big Cigar Factojy Binned
II.i l;xluiJw' 1M10 hum 'Ihe A-,oiliUJ Pu'.i.
Tjiupj, I'll, (M. 1 'Hio il.r fattui' ul mul I'uiiiiiju.i, u( Ni' I101U jihI 'Ijiii
ij, n 1ln.t1u.Ktl by l.iit loJuv, tci.'ll.rr viii i
nunilur ut mhn tiulliliuv 'Hie tuljl In-, 1, r,il
tU'l (t sivi.liiii.
Viuorous Replu to the Gharues
Marie bu Mr. Shatter ot ths
Mmiilfjoiiidtecl flssoclatloii.
Mr. Goinpets Explains That No Re
quest for Assistance Wns Ever
Received from Mr. Shaffer Duriiig
the Entire Stilke of the Steel
Wotkers Mr. Compels Was Re
quested to Older a General Sttlke.
in Aid of the Union Steel Woikeis,
but Could Not Do It.
li.i I'mIii-ik Wlr,- from Tlie U-oelatf 1 1'irni,
Wa-lilnelou, Oct. 4.I'nfident Gom
peis, of the 'Ameileaii Fedvint Ion of
Labor, publishes In tho October Issue
of the FedeiatlonM, the official orj;.in
of Hint body, a vlgoiotts and detailed
statement lu leply to eliatges ninde by
1-iesldenl siitiffi'i, of the Amalgamated
Assoilulion of Hon and Steel wotkeis,
regaidli.s the attitude of IMr. (muipcis
am! President MIIiIipII, of the Cnlted
Mine AVnricis of Ameileo, din lug the
teeent steel s(fKe. jf, fiompers says:
"Mr. Shaffer says that he especially
lelied upon the Ameilrau Fedetatlon
ot Labor for financial nsslslnuee. 1 ns
01 1 that he never asked foi any. No
tc'iuesi, either willten, telegraphic or was ever teielved dining: the
entile strike nt the olllee of the Anieil
ean 'eilei.illon of Labor from Mr.
Shaffer or It 0111 any other tepiesenta
tlve of Hie Amalgamated association,
asking for llnaneial assistance. Yet 1
vendue to asseit thai neaily eveiy
dollai of llnaneial assistance leielved
at the ollbe of the Amaly-arnated asso
ciation came f 10111 uulbiis alliliated
Willi the Ameiiian Federation of
L.ibot. and if Ihe fedeiallon as such
did not give a cut, It was because It
was neither tlii ci tly or indiiectly asked
to do so,"
l't-KiiidliiK Mr. Sh.llfei's stalenient
thai he aiianged a nieullng- between
Mr. .1. t'lfrpont .Moigan and Mr. Com
pels, for which he alleges Mr. Moigan
gave up ids aiatlon, but Mr. Compels
lelhil to appear, .Mr. Ciompeis says;
".Mr. rfhaffer says Hint which is nu
ll ue, and be knows It."
'oriespondcnii' fiom Mi. Shaffer,
urging .Mr. ("iompeis ami Secietnry
Moili-on lu 1 mile lllllliedialely to I'ills
biiigr, Is published, and after detailing
sevvinl Inlet views Willi Mi. ShafiVr
and oiheis, Mr. Oompeis sajs:
"It will Ihiis . ..,-eu tliul Mr. Slev en
sou (an eiupkiir of union labor friend
ly to the Amalgamated) was to meet
Mr. Moigan at the ci.v time when Mr.
I'asle.v (of the Civic 1'VdeiatloiO, not
.Mr. Shaifer. had anaiU'ed lor me 10
meet Mr."
Too Many It our in the File.
Mr. Ciuiiipi'is says lie ccplaineil to
Mi Sh'illef that it was not advisable
to have too man.v lions In Hie file
at the same lime, and that Mr. Shaffer
agieed with him as lo (he substitiilioii
ol Mi. Sieveiison for himself Uiom
)i'ls at this piupo-ed lOUlelelKe, all
of us being I'ull.v iei.siiadf-d I hut Mr.
St. leilsou, being so highly leiom
inendetl by Mi. Shaffer and going with
the pio'-oslilon lor aibitiatlon to Mr.
Moigau. -would be sun essful."
Tile lei ins of Ihe Kgi eeinetlt so, mcil
bv .Mi. Shall'.-!', Sept. H, mid those se
iiited by Me-sis. nompeis, Mitchell
and olbeis, Sept. ), are piluled lu
larallel loliinin-, the former enuinei
atliig the Cuifil JJover and Demmler
11 Ills among those not Im hided as
union mills, and the laller piovidiug
loi litem as union mills.
Mi. fioiupeis says .Mr. Shaffer now
knows that It Is unwise for men at
the head of oiKanUatlons 10 deckiie
for polules which Hie lank and file
will not appiove. and tliul If such
1 (million sense 1- Iguoied the men will
d"s''l't their I'-atler.
Mi. liompeis sa.v-. that what Mr.
Sh.ill'er wanted him lo do was to have
a geneial union stilke In aid of the
steel stilke. This Mr. Ooinpers says
he could not do. "I felt i onlldeiit,"
sas Mr (Iompeis, "That the execu
tive olllecis of the tiatles unions of
Ameilui ought not ami would not
violate 01 llieir loitliacts or
agr-inciiis wllh ihelr employi'iy
llliouglioilt the county, limice llieie
would not mid ought not to be a wide
spie.ul syiiip.ithetlc strike."
Noll-i ouiplliiliie of his tetiuest, ll Is
Hs-ei'led. Is the basis ot the bluer at
tacks b.v Mr, Shaffei. Mr, Compels
sa.vs .Mr, Mitchell denied to him (hat
he ever had piomised 10 inll out the
Illinois of the Culled Mine Workeis or
any oilier labor bureau,
Burglar Who Killed Adiun St nine
Attempts Suicide,
II) I'x'ludii Will bi'iii Hi' -Kso. iafiJ I'ica.
I -Mini, n.l I -l.i-iiH liu'ilm, Hut Imijlbi
wlii.l.ul niul killctl ViCiiii slum, a l .nidi' ioii
iv .il. ml li) sinl.-i 110, 'hi 1 iin-til hu'
l.idjv 111 dii' ifll'l ul Iik i.lci'n liou,o lie ,ii
tcnilit-il lu flic'il bini-elf v1iui 1 hi 'i.ilkdiuti
.ami' iijiihi Mill. Im tin Ji Miitl In icitiliu in
I.I' ii,lulcl al In-. Injil
liii'iilui j. vvniiil lur Imilin, .mil S'linif,
willi .1 uil nt lrl.ili!i-, v.D ..ijliliin- ht him
in tin' ui.niU. 'I hi' ntu-i'ilii In liti.iin; hllii
.ilul wlion llii' nun fttie Jl'uiii Pi iIju htm inn I -1
.nri'.t In' mhIiIi lib ill ii a level 11 1 mi'l hlml
stiuiii' tli'til. lit' llit'il ajjlu lulilo lu. I'm 1)1.
ami In, nhtiulMiui-. 1. en in, 1 ili.iniruil until
11.1 i:iin.hi Mm fiuiu iiif ..hjiii1 i'u.j.
suouil.biiiif, l',!.,.!)!, . -(uluiiel Ilium i' II.
Dilli'', uf I'l.ili'l-ll'lii.i, mIii' In lii'iii li.aitliin:
.it I ho "ll;h.ilul inn," 1 i-i? Miuuiitl ii"lt
lino, tliul Ii-lninln'. iikciI 7 .U'.ii-. 'I lie il.'
uaij mik'iI lie Civil war vvitli j-ual'ii, IVr nuii.i Jul- In uj iiimril in
t lie is I in- l"j-ll't, in I'uii". t'loiilf. wl lie in
nuilo III- Mluiu. )tii,i'ul u., i Illlllltll'l (f
till- l.lj-iu'1 lit I tl'll'Jl .
Roosevelt Snys It Is BIr Enough for
His Family,
lb rxdudir llr fi (iu ilie li-iu i.ili il l'if.
Waslllngtoll. D. C Oel. 1. I'i'.f ideitt
Hoosevelt, like President McKlnley,
opioed to olleiliic the while liuiise,
lie believes, Us I'i evident McKlnley be
lieved, Hint Hie hlfdoili- mansion, ilth
Willi the iissoilatlims nnd u.idlllims uf
a centuiy, should be Kepi as It Is,
lie has taken note of the suggestions
Hindi' In Ihe newspapers that, because
of his laiRo family I be laiKesi thai
has occupied the while holiseHiere
would be ail Imperative necessity for
eiilarlng Its ueeoimiioduHoiiH, and
look occasion today to sn, wlih Ids
eu.tipinnry emphnls, thai neither be
nor Mis. Roo-evell deshul any nltei
nllons or additions, and that the whllp
house stilled him us a personal and as
tin oflklol lesldellee.
President nooeVelt's stjteuienls lu
lrgard to this umtter weie made in
Cmi1pi Mooie, 1 lei k of the senate
coiiunlltee mi ihe District of Colmn
l)lu, Who oUlllned lo hint today the
work of the ooinuils-foii of evpeils up.
pointed at the ottui ses-lon of th
senate last spring-, to pieparc plans for
Hie J'ntlne tientiiieiii of Ihe puik sys.
tent of the District of Coltlinbla, and
with lespeet to the lotatlon of public
bulldiiiKH that may be heienfter
elected in the D!trh t of I'oliimbla.
Ex-Fiesident Growing Feeble Physi
cally Also, Boer Envoy Snys.
Ill l'illld? Milt tlllll Hi'' "lUf.ii.llnI I'lfM.
The Hague, Oi t. I. A. D. W. Wol
maians, one of Hie Boer envois who
has been visiting .Mr. Kiuger at 1T11
veisttm, found the menial londlllon i""
the fotmer piesldent of the Tiansvual
to be by no means satisfai toiy.
Mr. Kiuger Is slowly glow lug Weaker,
physically and menially. His slowness
In reachltiir a decision on impoilaiit
tiiiestlons Is found to be a -eiious liiud
latiee to those wot king in Knrope in
behalf of (he Hoer cause. At the kIIbIu
est iiiipsllon reg-ardiiiK his health, Mr.
Kiuger exhibits intense Ii illation, and
vehemently denies that anything- s
wiong-. The appio.iih of winter i.uises
anxiety, as Mr. Krilger ieftses lo leave
Aciording: to ,1 leitinik made by a
piomlnent Hoer. tile foi mei piesldent's
londlllon would long since have been
much worse if balled of (iieat Hiitulu
did nol nerve hint lo continue.
Street Railioad and Electric Light
Linemen in Sympathy.
Br Lirlm'vt W ice fi.mi lie Issorl.'.nl Piftf.
Cblc.'igo, Oct. . A stilke on the
slice, railroad lines and tiK.iinst Ihe
eleclllc lighting companies Is thienl
eiied. owing-to sympatic foi ihesliik-ing-
llneiiieii, Agent A K. Jack-on. who
Is managing Ihe stilke. sa.vs thai he
has been empoweied to 1 all out the
lilienien employed by the I'tiion Tiai
lloii loiupan.v, the ChUago City Hit 11
load ( oiiipau.v, the several subuibau
uillioaiK u-ed as eeii-is and also the
lepnli 1 en ol (he Cniiiiiiniiw eallb Hle,
11 ic lomp.'iny.
Tlade Channels Reuiatknbly Fiee
fiom Obsttuction Nothing New
in the Steel Situation.
It.l l.v lurilf Wllf fiom lie It.".! Ml, it l'l,'-J
XeW V01 It. Oct. (. It, C. Dun , Co 's
weekl.v leview nt Hade toilliil low will
ll.nli' (111111111- .111' liln.ili.-l'!.' Hi.' ("in eh
.inn linn, .1III1 -iikIi ih" ini.i"iii"nc n jutitl- ji iolnti I- iliui,'.! la hi-iilhiiiiit'ili
linn Ul Illtn'-.
Vjniiiiiiiiilii(. ! nf ,uli vn,i'i Ilul '' win Hi.
.ue iillt, jinl fiiiilit'i Mj'i, ifcii-iiiiinU 1 .hi H
111. .1 II 0 IHIIIllliI I'f -illkll I'I 'l IIIIIIIIIHim
M.II11I14 lieu In- il.'irl..jir.l 111 nu ml i" Hi"
Ii 011 .ilul -.1111 t-hiulit'ii, .mil. uiili ii" null1
tiiiw.l. il In llnlt 1 Hull- In 1111U1I.1' ioiiiliiiiit leu.
ti e 1- llllh' ul no in II i'i ul 1 h-nilli' ill
Ih.' I or m Hi" link'.
Cumuli- lui in iiimiiii'iu- niiillti "I tlirl
l.lllS lllllvi'uhli' III l ,lill l tlllll'llt tllllilJUullS
iliilli.dti lln' v'li' u.iitliliiii.1' 111 the iUlilliii
ut I'llic-. .iinl Ih" iiiiudun '( ulh titilliii
ii.iiliul in ini'ii Hi" jnmini, hwiU ul ll." imni
In I'liiUhiil rlii'l .mil I'U mm -ili ii" nf
aatl-lll (llll lull'lll".
si,, ptniliii is I1.1W ilt'i llnt'il intuit LiU'li .1- a
lui", unli lln' 1 vii'.ltni nf uiilvii ami pi o
ilmlv ll.e uiIjIIiiii vvj vIilfl in nun. it
liili,tit 1'" iv.nli'il, film lliil iciul in1. Ihrtatul
mini lluil mi nihil irnuiiiiiilll', llvi.'il I1.0'
im irj, ul, Inn Ji" "till hiJll l"i tit' mi' I., en!
,-ll,',7l lnlii.b i,t'iii, in litnii Mlaiiilt nil.
jjijIii-c .',I4I,iii I.ii.Iii l lad leu. mil " ''At.- '-
Inelii'l- In I v'l. Wl11.1l m.i. .tl-i I.-1, iuiiIjII.
lioullil' nf il.ntll. Iinii i.lliui.M nf fnrflifil iui"i
ilul witl-, wlillo iipnil- fi.'in Ih" I niit-tl suo
wen: ..iiiillt'l Unit III Hie Irt.ii'illnit wi''!. ii
mill j fu lltnli .hliiiiit'iil., Ilul" i MII 11
j,nni i,i(,viiik in imiiijli)ii with iMillei u-ji
'III" Kli'Ul lc "f Hit-' il'illll'lk' i ! it iMi till
.veil' i-. iiniitji.'i I'.i inii'ii'.r iitfii.i. nf ',.ui,;r,
iiildcl, .idilli'l .. I ...- I lol 'N, .mil li.i.ll.ll.l
('.iiiillt'l tliif ct h ni'iiihi 1 'Jn-, ill ih" linti'l
si.ilt', .11,. I11-1 !lus 1 1.1 11 ji, ami lliliu-v'n 11 in
(.lluill, UJ.IKt IVMIlll lllll't' llM lui.
Repoited Reason for Rubbing Woik
on the Tiauspoit Solace.
Il,i I . Insivi' tf(' ll.'iu II" Vi-muiel I'll"
Villlejo. Cal., Oil, ) -dldets bav
been leeelved at .Mine Island lo 1 ush
tin) 1 epulis mi the naval uanspoit ,So.
nee, lis sin must he ead,v for servbe
by October 1.1.
The men will woik iiverlliue niniliiii-
oilsly tn gel Hie ves.-el lead.v. ll is nild
that she Is needed to lake a Intel ul
in. nines to I'.tiiaiiia.
1 1 . 1 1 1 i -1 1 1 1 K' . IM I V tli'itlti i iiiinil '"'In
jl Hi, .t.'li' iliuiiiii.i i In im Mi I.IHI..I I.UUl.
Hut jml I'oiui i.iiniiii,i, I l l.i. (im. uiiul,
Illllbl'iliy, IM I I.UUI.llI Mull. Iftll.l I'I
ibrnl I ii'l'lt" IV li uiff . MiMuiitf), im
ll(iiliili.v iJJlinl lininJciil, luii'ltiiiiHtl In I"
lijngiil i'll Hit. MiMinui i-oli .i Ii' u l.'oi
c( lite uiilll II. (. 21. 'llio ue liU i.vl ,ni I'Hi'
dUli'i-nl Ot I'.) tin' WtJiil ot luliioi.y
Com Be of the Ontntio nnd Western
Railioad Towatds Minets.
Hi I v liin' Win In Hi lln' A.0'!j ul I'i's"
New Yoik. Oct. (. -Piesldeill Kow let
of the New Yoik, Oiiluilii and W'eslern
ta.iiiind company m.idi this simenieiu
loiJa.v ie(-aiilltiK Ihe sltlkeor Hie till it
eis eiuplo.veil by Hie Setailtoll C0.1I
"SpeakniK foi the N'evv Yolk and
Seranioti Coal eonlp.uiy I in 11 state
Hint tin coal company makes no ill.
Ilnetlons between mlnem belonging to
Mr. Mid Ip-II'.s oiRaiilMitlnu and tho-e
who piefer lo maintain their indepen
dinee. No miner Is kept out of the
mines of that 1 urn pan, because iv has
In caul nor shall an, minets be dls-
cluigeil for lallure lo pioduee one. The
j inlfinis al i'lne Uioolc stopped n oik of
,ihc!i own volition and Ihe place was
sbitf down becatifle of their action.
Woik will le lesnined at tlie nini
Iiiiuy's jdeasme, Tlie coal lonipany
po-ied a notice lasL .Match 1 oiillntiliif
an Ini ieae of leu percent lu Hie wai:ts
of all Us employes until Apill next,
That offer was accepted and the dim
pany has not deviated one lou fioni
lite ai taiiBenient.
"No confeieiiee has been hud with
the exeitillve board of Culled Mine
inkers, nor with the delegate ot oiit-lde organlziitlon. Neither Ihe
New Yoik and Ser.inton Coal company
1101 any oilier compuny wllh which I
..m connected shall tiriender the con
tiol of ll,s afi'aiis Into their hands."
FotiUal Exetcises at the Temple of
Music -Go vet nor Stone Responds
to Addtess of Welcome.
Ill l.vilil-iv, Will' lioill Hi" It-i'ilJtitl l'ls
liulfalo, Oct. -t Pennsylvanl.t cele
bialed at the Pan-Anici lean exposition
today In .1 mtisL splendid manner. The
1 onimodlciiis state house was ciowded
to the utmost rapacity dining Ihe en
tile day. The formal exetcises weie
held In the Temple of .Miitlc, the lion.
J.'imb H. IHdgewav. piesldlng. Music
was linnNlieil b.v ihe SeVenty-foui th
leglruent band of Utiri'alo. The addtess
of welioine vvas dellveied bv the dl
leetor selleuil of the e)o.-llion, V. I.
IStK huniiit. who eme-.-iil his knUIII
(iilloii al (he lui Re nuniber ol I'eims.vl
i.inl.i. people pic'senl. The gov ei nor of
the state, Hon. William A. Stone, te
.spouded All addie.-s was deliveled bv l''i.tnlv lieeder, who spoke In
place ul Senator Hul-e 1'elllo-v, Ihe
laltei being uualile 10 lome lo the e-c-po-ltion.
Altel the eeieinoiiie-i the I'emi.-.vl-
. vaiiians visiti'd the iii,iii. points of in -
teii't. While ai the Indian longu-s
(jeicmliiio and his liiniVh adopted a
numb-i of the distinguished vistois
Into their tilbe. He ionium named Guv.
Stone "Chief Alonlupols" and Alloi-
ej (Jellel.ll j;lkils 'Chief KlIOW-
Much '.aw."
Citizens of Titusville Honor Meiuoiy
of the Discoveier of Oil.
U; Wire trim Tht M, f.illd frwf
'I'lllisville. l.i Ucl I -lu Hi" Pl.s
enee of fi.niiu people, Including Md
si hool 1 Illicit en and nuny oil region
notables and iild-liine oil men, Ihe Im
posing ami io-'U.v memorial elected lo
the meiuoiy of Colonel I". 1;. Diake,
founder of the Petioleuni Indium .1,
Was iiiivelled al Woudlawu 1 eineiery
toda.v. with inipie.sslVe eei emonies.
'Ihe 1 I.llie of the donor of tills llibllte
to ihe man who dillled the first oil
well Is for ihe ptesent wlihlield, but
will, It Is announced, be eleiilli.'ill. Ill
m rll.ed 011 the monument in h place
lell blank fur 1 hut put pose.
Among lluise who witnessed the 1111
1,111,1: vva.s Mis, r..iuui Dowd Orake,
VililiiW of Colollel 1)1 like, HOW II lesl
llt nl of I'hiluilelplila.
Chicago's Maryland Society to En
tertain Htm After the Inquiry,
Hi I. vi Iiimi" Win' lii 111 lln .-j. ..ii. ii I'ic-
I'lilnigo, Oct. -I Hear Adiulial
S.hley Is to be Invited hee as the
guest of the Mui .viand society of I'hl-
avro, at a dluuer in Ills honor.
The dlanei will lake place aftei the
iiiuri of lininli.v ,u W .ishiiieloit shall
Inn i inljotiiiied.
Steamship Anivals.
lb i:tin.ii" win iiuiii lln- v"ujuii pi"-'.
Ni' Vnil,, IM I Miiiitl.' Vulnrii,
llinilnlii;, s,.iiiuniii(ni .iik! I In l,oiii u I li'.iltil
l.tliinil.i. I.l.,,i;iiv . I, I Ikiiiiii1, 'iLHf,
i.h". -ml li'.i, i.i: imtlt'iihin. llniiMiliiii I In r
liiinil. Miiinl- .itliiitl. Nil', lilt, lii' Mil
M(lt. -ill(lllllll1i olcil. I llllllllllj llll'lll
llllillni'., Vl U Ul I hi 1 1. "llll. IJ iri'll'linlll
- j 1 1 . 1 1 I K i .11' It llll. Ill I, l. IlionlJ, Sin .'ll
II, nil lli'ltl I'j-.-m -I, Ii ll.,li, . Hi I. hll.,
Ill li
Dei by Will Not,
III l.i 'lOiK t ll" Ilt'lll I tlf oe'lUll'i I'ltlt
l,,'ll jli.n. Im , II i I llili.i 11 mil. i, ,n i,i r
.,1 I. "il I'til.i, inn. I -i hud ll'juu' Mil mi,
el (lit Ivtlllltt.) lllsliliu HulH lllt'l'ili !' .Omiii
ii I H.n ic I'tidti' 1) . mill n.l .1 iit Mi
I allien'. .111.. I. Jul "tli'i i.f !l'.l,"l lui tin liui. I
ini I him "it l)i tin .mil ll nilii. j
liiiiliiii$ III I lliniit, s, ,tl,,(1 -,,,,,
In... in, I lllllltll il.l ,111 ,i ilu. I , i'.i -in III
.urn l r l,',l i, . 'i..,, I , 1 1 x i .-1 tin n,i In ,t
llih lll.illlli llll 1 nl ill tthi.iil .1 t t'altt
1'IHI lt Ih" Illll illl'illl I nl -, ' ,11 (IXI ml)
hi plltl I'I Nil ,11
Pin jilill-li'i, II I. I lntl.v M. lnf..,i. Ii,
Ih" I llitol Stjli', il .lntl m,i i, ln.'.ii, ii ilul -1
riiiin . Mill kor 1 nit il s.ii, t.iii.nii-diiii'i .it
l.lll' jui , 111 I'Iju ul lliiijmiiiu I', V,jaiiiiiiti,v,
Be nskfid to Explain
Senience In tlie "Dear
Sclileu" Letter.
The Question That Now Puzzles the
Cottit of Iiitiuhy Mr. Rnyner Will
Insist Upon the Admiral's Being
Called Unless His Version of the
Letter Is Recognized Lieutenant
Dyson, Coal Expei t, and Command"
r Rodgers Give Testimony Re
gal ding Coal Supplies and Com
mander Hodgson Desciibes tho
Buttle Off Santiago. f ,
Ut llvi liitit" lliii" fn.iii 'lln Amiiiijlfil I'lfsH,
WashliiBlon, Oct. 4. In the Schley
naval ( om l of inquiry. Mr. Kaynm.
chief of counsel for Admit al Schley,
asked .Iittlge Advocate l.enily to sum
mon Sampson as a -witness in
the case. The lefptest grew out of it
dirtei enre in the coiistiuetlou of a sen
teine tu Admltal Sampson's letter to
Cotntmidoie Schle.i, wtitten fiom Key
W'eft, .May M, while Commoder Schle.v,
with the lllng sciiiodiou, lay off Clen
l'urgiis. This Is kpovvii ns tho "Dear
Sibley" letter, and ns printed In the.
navy depai tmeiit doitiineuls supplied
to the senate, the admiial said, after
expiesslng his opinion that notwith
standing the lepoit that the Spanish
scittadiou was In Santiago, it iveto
better lo lontlinie to blookiide Cienfue
gos and Havana, "we shall lontinue tn
hold lhivumi and SiinllaB-o until we re
i eive moie positive Int'oirnatlon."
During- the eNamltiation of Com
mander Itaymond I. l'odgeis, this dls
p.tlcli was under consideration when
Mr. Hayner expressed the opinion that
Hie woul Saiilliigo bad been inadvett
eully used by Ihe commander In chief,
assuming that he tue'ailt to use the
woul Cieiiluegos. as belter corresponding-
with the lOtilcNt. As tho docu
ment was printed theie was a paren
thetical note, towhlih Sclilej "1
initials were attached, saying- that eil
denlly the wiong- illy had been meii-
i tioned. .Mr. ltanor asked Judge Ad
vocate r.finly lo make this concession,
but the latter declined to do so, saylnsr
that he would pioduie the original ot'
Admiial Sampson's dispatih to prove
that be had said Sanilaso, Then Mr.
Itaynor said:
"I laimol lake that woul Santiago
lo mean anything hut Cienfiiegof. It
's an imputation upon Coinntodoie
Si hle.v and 1 can uoi pel mil It lo fst
without summoning the author of that
dispatch," to which Captain l.enily te
si ended
"I have told jou once befoie j on can.
summon any one you please."
"Th"ii," i jioi led Mr. Ita.vnor, ".sum
mon Admiial SaiiHison."
This oeciiried only a shott time be
toie the adioui mnenl of the com i lor
the naj and wn. Hie subject of moio
oi I -s (onvei-atlon of an anlmaierl
(h.'iiartr alter the day's ivoik was
( oiicliicled. Mr. It.ivnor would only say
that he would Insist upon Ihe admiial'
beliiK simimoneii unless the connectiott
was cciiiii'ded.
The wllne-,-e for the day were Lieu
tenant C. W. )on of the bineati of
sicntii eiiKlmei lug, loncemlng Ihe coal
supply of the Hying squadron; coiu
m.indi r Hainond l. l!ogeis, who , vvas
set oud lu iiimmaiid of Hi battleship
Iowa durliiK the Spanish war and car
i led Admiial Sampson's dispatches of
.May Jn lo Coimuoiioie Schlev, and
i '.111111)11 uder Allion C. Hodgson, wlm
was He navlgalor of Ihe flagship, While Commander Hodgfn
wns mi the stand Mr. Hayum sub
lulUecl a eoiiiiiiliillim of shells f i out
the Ameiiian Heel whh It had sliiielc
the wiecked vessels of Cerveia's quad
lou, showing: thai at least thirty-four
per cent, of them wen died by tho
Huniklyn, Thif, computation Mr. I'.ay
nor s.ild had been piepaied b.v Admiral
Sclll'-y upon the basis of a leport iiiml,
by a hoaiil of smvey of which the.
w Itness was the senloi member. Coni
miinder Hodgson gnir a graphic de
scilptloit of Hie battle off Santiago, rie
seilbiiiR Ihe pan taken In by tho
Uiooklyit and eplulnliiK Hie change
111 tilt I'llliy Of lh.1t M'SSel's log.
Wndni ulnii. Oil I when lln noi cillnts in
Ihe S. hi.i 'llll nf iniiili wciii inntlii'iril lliu
iiii'iiilm; l i pi. i in Ihu.nii, nf ih" in 1 1 iut' uth,
wlm iv.ii mi ll" M4inl ii drnl n, vf i.ill, il in
iniiiil lln nilii nl ini,i of hi- li"llnn,ii,t. 1 1 -.inl
lljt Mini" h" luil not ...'ii ih" lluvill.iii
rlMlllllll Willi ! llll'MIll III llli hi H.U IH" lll4C
kin- di. I .i kwini.
I.ieiiiilijlil ),i"ii, vi ki. vv.i en tlif 11 Iliit-.
ti Ilul 1 C. I Old J uhrn Ih. 1 mil l 11I1011111C1I, ue
llifli ulliil. Hi Iu'I jihlul 1.1 hi-i.i'.d libloij of
ih" il'fl liifoliiull'iii .i In liniv h-in" lln .iipph
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