,-"t1- i 'ft1 .&"' j)i' ' J t, i (wysWjT-llpPi. VAJ j f UtAJii JsTX rV M rTw 3rt' T "WWT- f JJfc .& ' i ' ''v- . i lr- 8 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-lUi IDA V, OCTOBER d, 1901. T "V ' '"f" ? Expert Bakers ( ccd no reminder when bilk ing powder is required they instinctively turn to Cleve land's. Long experience has taught them that Cleveland's Baking Powder is essential to the production of the finest cake and bread-foods. The beginner has to lean.' ; but experience is fast teaching her that Cleveland's Baking Vowdcr is the greatest of helps. It will aid more than any other one thing in making her an expert baker. COLUMBIA AGAIN WINS THE RACE (.ciicluilol icra I'.iv 1 'the; lnctf or the mj.i. II mucin the li.uk s'moUc from tin stacks of the oxeut Mon fleet and Ih" ivhito M-.im fioni thrlr rxhuiiht plpof and tom them into fidKiiicnt". The in.li;nb .mil ll.iKfi ilth which the voxel's ucic luvbi-.il Ftood out like polntod lio.mK Tho tall tanvus clouded lacois heel, d as t li" wind. Mtioto tln-m until their trow (dilld ivitli illtlioultv krp tholr fo.itlliK tn the Mippory doplnp: i1pc1s .nnl the pui ting -piay w.ihIh'i! thluy loot high as thry liook thcli loan nors .free nC the foanilni? inM. Uu (lie throb, to Mimiivaiil their link, vvoto a Miiother nf white and fountain'- of l'onms eurlcil away lioiu their gi.nctiil how a The Yankee viitmv Iickiui with the Mint, when the t a 1 1 ll.ur, hy a !--Tcm ol piiiiinttvrt In;, niiivIiHi-d his. ,irt ViTKiry that In- was trying to ernf- the lino In.M. I'aplaln Syianion promptly tool; the bait and rimhlnc. Ills ho.it into pu'-itloii i-i ni hei away ahuoat in the fiuoke of tin- sun. Theie til'ou I'.ipwiin ll.itr. lun'iiiK .moiii-plls-licrl his puipo.--e. ta 1m1 ilium! hick ni the Hue and held olf for mine than II minute. Then, wlili a tlyinn iiari. lie vent oxer nl liofoiv the handhap Kim m.ih Hied. Snim- of the patriots verc dif-ippointed until the expeits- ru HiuivvlertcKeil that theie was no wlnd Maid litTtli in a leaeh n hoi e the boats, ootilrl Ihj' tludr ionise .stiaiglii lor the Ti-aik and th.it ihe poMiion astern, where ll.irr could Keep hH eye on every irovc ot his nal was the ennunaudlni; t'llt . He could watch Se.unou like a liawk, Knowing th.it when the jwp be tween then: was closed the i.lie was hi. For the Hist llftceu mile no hu man eye ( ould tell whlih ship, if cither, was Kaininjr, s-o closely weie the iniitihed. I.ut Ki.tdiiallv it beiaine np litirent that the I'olunihla was ovei liMilltiR the flyliis halleiiKii. Slowly, tiuh hy inch and foot by loot, the white boat sained. ' Until vvoie boUir n' n teiiifle pace. The patiul Meet In Iccwatd. stp.iniin line ahead at In tel vnls ol lour bundled y.uds had dlf f'.iulty in kecpins the cm uMini lleet t lear of the winded l.inis. i:eiy ihlns Jn the lleet iitui to tiowd on ' ute.ini to keep the uuei.s in s-ight and til" Klllt at Villi ll lliey p it Holllg lei I the tut; boats and Mane of I lie sie.un yachts nstein. Tile fculde boat, which started fitteen ininuies betoie dii icd'in dtis out it full ..peed, but --la vus haidly able to u.s oft the dis. tame and Ret the lloat omi hoard oe foio the racers weie upon In r. .s the yacht', appio.ielp-d the out I ifi.ilK. a stieain of signal llafif. weie mi on the iceimo cutur Uiesiiuiii, the flaftrhip of the patiol ilei t, Intiuet. !np them in tin iinheis.il luiiRitaKe of the yea to i1miik diieition b. the liSlil Hank, The p.uiol boats swim;; nii-tiiiil to line ol wet and (liaised i1" wu upon Un- i.M'iirslou ilert The litt'i, with bells i IiiukIiik In the engine looms or mote Hpeed, lurneil tail, uim ilie vhole tit -t lushed madly to et 'u'lfl ot the last 'n ot the i nurse, Columbln Gnlns Slowly. i.e.ninK the Hist iiinlk ou the star V.o.ild hand, the i in fin, Kybed oer liieli bit' I'Oonis ami wept i.iirenlnsr lot the sciuud miiik. tlio t'oiiiinbia sutniw; slowlv but mii"'., They had OVPli,il tin- IllSt ten Utiles ill ,( tl, itr illty mliiulf.M. When they swiipr il.'ouud Ilie se-'otid stake I lie look u tl'Qli baby Jib topsails ami hauled thr ivJnrt for the be.it home, Coth ynchta heeled until their iindi i bodies ,,to l'lted hlirh oer the water ami then U-Q rails dipped ti loot into (lie swIi-IIiik lllllowfi. Til five IlliUllles utter loilud Iiik the second punk It was apparnit 1 at the Columbia was footlus faster nnd pointing hltjlioi. Sim .vent IhtuilKh sjlmnuoclv's lee like a uu.iili't hornc, The rush of the lo luilii ti.s on uu final tusk wat. nuigiiifl-fiii Tip imhi. slop boatF, blatK with "Oiiie I'lom KUllWliIe to pilot haute. j.i.iieied aboitl the llnWh In a great iiomppIiui As (he DR. BARRETT, Dentist, Hi iiuiis ivenuf, 0r OloLe Hau'uuf, TEfiTIi I xtiai tril , ' nail ,.,,,, - Ii'il ., .iniuil, (tol J let IH'il. pouclalu , IlllltUU UMll, I 'III I With L'olil iiilnl wltli Mtt . ,. I 'II d iilh colli Allvi ...fK . . .7 't! si up I.Ni up ,Vt I ) 70o li i ,.,,',00 I .; s-t ..I Tvtii .,:... up I,, iiiiuwiicil uim llllluli.) II. 1. IE OUl ielfl an. tr: (Eg. If V'li I'l ' Jn Jitlliclal nt. it on wi: omic null i.i.jrul uIUkiuv a jtr. If ion wbli youc wuik Ii"ii paliiktaly and will hy lellatilo tiiiJuitu o( Jf iitf evpi'iicnro it tho M'ty )ci,t ro.t lonslitliit 1tli tcoJ, ulilaiilul JJcutal Jt'eilf, cU w iu. white tl.vcr citilift on with a big bono In her teeth, well In the load, the patriotic skipper?, vltlt their IibiuIb on their v'hlstlQ cords, could Inudl' restifilii themselvpp. As she swept neioss Hie llnloli, the din wna uotil-tlcslio.vlng-. Whlftlcs xpllt I lie enr nnd steam .sltpns walled, dioivnliiff Ihc crntih of tho bands and the chceis of th people. The cotictil of pound was teuiric. 1'ntll nftor tlio Ritllnnt Shmntuck, beaten but not iIIsbhicmI, eios-ed it Pilnutp tmtl cliThleen seennds Inter, whistles nnd slroiiH wetc kept koIhh-. When they tiled nwnv the hnnila cotiltl be licnid plnylnw "t'ohniihln. (lein of the Ocean." "Vunkee Doodle," mid other pntilotlo nli. The steam ytii'ht t'oisnlt v us the Hist of the Meet to slRUllll.e Ihe Ameiluill letoiy hy seltliiK the utmry Imimer at bpr iii.islhcndf. Hy this tlmu till the. cklpperfi had amplu time to mnsneU tholr loek'ois nnd within n mlnuie nf tet wards every vp""pI In Ihc lleet was nllvc with AtnciUnn Has". Sir Thomns Flies Snlitte, Sir Thomns, In the Ihln, did not np pioneh vtlhln u hnlf mile of the thilsh line. Jle Inttl seen his IiIkIi hopes blast ed, and piesunmhly dlil not iiiro In he In nl the Jubilation ovei the detent of his champion. Itttt like a Kood name spoilsman, alter the Columbia went over the line, lie inn Ilie Aiiieilinu Hair up to tho foiepejk, mid Hud n salute in Its honor. The llvnl eiews clneied em h oilier as they weie towed home hehlnd their tendeis mid esool led by the whole e cuislon lleet. Within n half hour after the urn elusion of the taie the committee boat, ill net oi dance with the iiRiocnlent to lace dally fioin now on, set the slyruil for a race tomorrow. Mr Thomns l.lplon. allhotish plain ly depressed at the tesiilt of the lace, Mood bravely at the smiRwii of the Krlu and bade cm dial nrileii to his RtiesK Tic also entei tallied a lame pail of yachtsmen nnil ladle" who visited Ihe Ihlu after Ihe dnys guests had departed, "When asked what he llioimhl of the i ace he .said: "I admit fi.inkly that I ixot Hiked h, the het boat, in a fair and srpi.uo raie nnd 1 maintain a ml bellee that theip not a better skipper ti Hon t than Captain Hyeainoic not a bet lei lew than mine. I lime as much esteem for mv captain and eiew as when 1 canic to this Mile, bill the can't do Impossibilities. They took as much out of the boat ah could be taken. "I am veiy mill h disappointed at the result." continued Sli Thoma. "and the onlv convolution I hae is thai I know I luie been lleki d by n Kood, hcnioubl,' opponent 1 knew that the wind was Irue and that the Columbia von without an' fluke." 'When asked by a visiting- yachtsman il he fell dev. pondent, Sir Thoniii- leplled "A-- Ions as ihe Shannfiek Mas' Hies theie is just as much flRht in me and il til il I'm beaten In Ilie llilid t.ice I'm Just ns hopetul." Sorry for Watson. Speaking of Deslaner Wat--on, Sir 'I'hoin.is said: "J I eel veiv linn It for .li Wat.-on. lie line done his best, .mil if lie does not stir cpcd It Is simply because he lias ii moie able man to meet on tills "Ide In Mi. lleneholf. He hut, winked hard for two yea is on this boat, and he has upgleri'd nothliiK that he thought would help hei." Sn Thomas said Hint what he was most disappointed about was the de feat of Ihe Shnmiot'k in the wiud v.iid woik. ' We weie all o --lire slie would do well in that, and in sin h n bieexe, but she seemed to "pound too niiuli." Up added that lheie would he no i iu'ilRi s in the tt hn of the sails of the Shnmiook. Kdwir. D. .Moigan. the Coliinibiu's manager, when seen on boaid the I'ark C'lly. alter the iaie, s.ihi: "We won acainst an ei ( llent foe. I always thoiiKlit such a d.i as this would be a Columbia du. Both boats weie supoibly handled. We hao now two rates nyninst Shaniiick, nilfil In what wns Mim.osed to be Sliamioek weather Theie was no tcasoii w hy Shamiodc sbciuld not win. theieioie, I beilee the Columbia is tho best iniini; ll( lit in the woild." Mr. Moigan said tin i miiblnutiou of Jameson and Sycairioie had been a luild one to beat. Captain I'haille Hair, who steeted the Columbia to ,vhtot. had only this to s.'ij; "We won ilie iaie asjainsl a ci powerlul adieisar." Captain Seuinoie simply -alii: "We did oui best, and wete t'aiih bcalen hv a belter boat." Caiitalii "Hob" Wilnue who sailed the Slinnuock I in her line .iRain-L ibp Columbia In lnfi, said: "The si al stlipiise in me w.is the woiideiful wludwaid wuil- of the Col umbia I was sun, tip, Shaiiuoik wns able to outsail hei In that In ,:', but she did not " INDUSTRIAL JOTTINGS. Mnke-Up of the Delawaie, Lackn- wanna and Western Boaid. Notes of Vriious Kinds. I'ullowliiK is Hie in. ike. up of the iel awaie.l.ai knwauna .mil We?im u bo.ud lor today, nil UMiU, ill I ,i. W lll I II, II.I.I - in , II, lll.ljin.; II i III , I". Illllllt i Kinw, in iniu.i: i WilO I il- IU-i I .n a, iii . II. II,,", , I .1 1". M l.nnl.lin; " .1, in, l llii'eil'i II i Hi, lul ii IIi(ii, 1 p in, .1 Mu-I, i . , I' le , Ii. I -I i li-! I. p pi. II. Holuisi. -MlllllllN. I.I, i, l 111., i'N.I, ,1 I lllli;, s 4, In, i.i, I. I l oitlilel Let . p, in, ue-i, 'riiiiliip mi, ' p in, u.l, I, II Miij.m; 7 i m., N.i Auc, Mi Mil. In, 7 i mi, i ihiui, i.iiiIoi, l'ii-ln'i-i j. in., WillUm l,i,n j i,.i:, j, ni, s I nun tt i -- in, llmiin; 1 1,: ti. i in, Mi i hi. p. i.i. I I .kc: 7 i, in, MiiiiIi., 'i i in, U. ll.it t iilumin , In i. in, I jiiii h.' I'a-.riis'i l.neli .- -7 j in., linn.i.i; ; i in, -mill i : ,i i, in., Viin, m. I 'j j, in, ,i,i, ,' , in , -t.u.ion . ,.l i in,. Mi i i ni, W'llil I. n. W -,; "i i. in, I, imiIIi.iii! 7 I.ilim.i.' i II u. m. ,l i,,r'v, nidi ,1, ii.iim'ii- . i i,, i i in., Viiiinii; .; i in,, I. II. M 1 ,ii li. Willi Will. n,,,; p. in, p, I .i.iiii i;!.: ."i i in, li lliliil'ilpii, I. p. m,, t' li'i'i.." . t1 p in , l. I! Mfii. Mi rin. W.i.u n i.ililsj" ',till ; i i)l u, rtimni i,,tl. II )nl."i'.i .ii pliic .if isu.1 111,01 TUU and That. V. i'. Sv. if i. iisslsiiini atidiioi ot tho l.ai kuwmmu iiiilioud, with lifiidipiui tcisat Now Tmk. was In the l ye... letday. Workmen ;ilc ciikuhciI ill ioiiiiv.iII.ih; llio ollices DM Uliled hy Supei luleiiiletil T. S. 1,1(1 il'ii Ui'll.ij In ihe l.ncka- vanim muvhluo shops building. Tho double Bled hopper coal cars noAv In iiso hy the laickawnnu.t mil. road me bulnt; ialnled black. The lei. tcilne in while. Th'J traveling Hvelilc crane, which was placed In Um eiiBlne icpalr shop of the l.ailiawiinnu tnllrond, Is giving Time Is Money Our Great Friday Afternoon Sales Mighty Bargains for Sixty Minutes EAGtiK CROWDS will come to the Big Store this Friday afternoon to participate in the greatest bargain distribu tion of modern times. The goods offered this week are just the kind people need for the Fall Season, conse quently the tremendous saving chance comes light in the nick of time, and quick buying will be the natural result of this the most notable hourly sale that has ever taken place in Scranton. Rend the Following- Remarka ble Price List and Carefully Note the Wonderful Saving Represented by Each Item. Sale No. 1 Kegins Promptly at 'i O'clock. Housefurnishings In Basement The Greatest Bargain Chance ever en countered in genuine Carlsbad Chinaware For just sixty minutes the chance is open. Here it is: AT 10c. IIACH Your t hulcc of Uetiulnc Oiilsbtid China I'liku I'lntc.x. Chocolate lJotu, Salad IimvK Plates uf all sIxch. Coffee and T ! Cupi and Saucers, nnd several odd lece. TiiIh I'ntlshad clilniiumi- Ih richly (Id iiintcd In handsome llrirnl de.lf;un witii Kohl tracltif,-'. To pin chase this kind of I'liiun in the oidinnry v iiould tost fioni '.: to til. on ciieh. hut If you ionic heic niiiiniitlx al L' ii'clnclc I'rlilni' nrincun.,,, oi' (an hae otir i liuli for, ch AT 7c. -,'1-Har Towtd KacKf. well nnd Hit tied and never .old for li-sh than 10c. The hour sale pi tic, each,, XV 17c (iiilwmi.cil "Water Tails. p.MN hold 10 imits and arc Rood Z' i cuts. .'or Ihe hour sale the )n Ice is i;.TH.oi:niNAi:v haticiains ix sti;i:i, i:.a3ikl v.m:. choice follow 11117: Covered HucKct". Sie runs, l.ont; Handled H.iucep.iui and Ciiiors, Preservlns Kettles, Soup Strainers and Collandcis. livery article worth more than double the pi lie wo (piote lor tho hour sale. Sale pi Ice 19c s each AT 10c Sleel Oiey Ihiamel Same pots; hold tio riuarts and consideied a haiRain a' 1.", cents. For Friday hour sale, l-.,, caih IUC AT IV. Waste Paper i:,iKct, lliow and t.ti.l braid. Iteftulat plice I'.V,; al tile hout sjlc 4c. lor Toilet Paper. Hood si d t liii for W.ishbimi ds'. Xine m a st-niiKly ui.uie. ItCRiilar pike Iflc; in the Friday sale toi JONAS LONG'S oNcelleut satisfaction 1UKi ,IV( jn handliiis all the heav wink, When rielKllt AKCIIl V.lllsllU 1 - silliiiil fioni the Lsiekuwanu.i Kallio.id conipan.v's service on Tuesday, the eni plncs ol the ficichl ilcpui tiuonl pie sented him v ith a i oil-top desk. F. J I. llrown, the Lehigh Valley Miidm.iMt r at co.ston, has icslned and will be i ei ded by 15. II, Hon-er, lor man .veins .Mr. ISiown's ,i Il.iiu Fm twenty or mine yea is lie has been employed at Covtou In seveial iap.icl l!i.. POOL TOURNAMENT CLOSED. Bicycle Club Defented Gicen Ridge Wheelmen by Eight Games. The pool louriminenl between tennis. lepiesentlliK: the Si i.iutou Hiiyde ( luh und Hie Cireen P.idRO Whudnieii was loticlllded Insl Ululll. iilliMhe Ulcyile club playeis weie deiliind the WlllUeis with dKliteen miuies lo tlmlt ci t (111, IlKUlUM llll of the Wheelmen, IWO of vvhli li number wn lotieited to the (iieeli lildKe men li the chili 1 .1 i 1 1 1 1 U lo send u trnin lo plnv lite Unmet lusl IliKllt Oh their tallies, Al lite l!lc.ile dull. .1 It. nillllelil, of Ihe Ulcvde dtih, won tinm Weileninn. of ihe lieelnieii, hy a Mine of inn m 7 and John liiisoiilieii.v. ol the icy. Id dllh, llelealeil .Illllll P.eese, of (ileeii ltlde, ivllh II suite ill il to M. PAY DAYS TIXED. 'I'le Pillow ins ,s hicille o pa il.i H I'm ihe ltii-1 hull ot Sepienilii'i' hus bt'iu li.ep.iied by thu )i,iwuic und llurtKiii c(impaii . il', 3 Mji.iIIo, aiti, I. i'tl'i, I if l, I)', '.el'll, Null MlHl'll. I).., ', -(lli'utl , llilll (IC'I, lil.li l-luli'i. Willi; Oil., J,u. ,ii. (lit .s Uit'i'll,!, oil 'w, , li."li ri Sn, .', I .n.s.1 Ihlp, I..it:l: IM, ii-IVIiuii'. )l.:iiuii,i .' i He m. in' V. 'J llilllliii'l,' lm; i I, ' ii. I'il,,l (I I. Ill ( i,l ,li, ( uilliluOi,, 'l '-HI !: r V I, I'mlil .1,1 11(1 II IL I- III, l'l HI, mil Ni '. 1', ill. u. I Ni .. p.Miiiiuli . I. I'Imii mill N'u ,i rV-UERAL BUILDING NOTES ll.l I iiii.ii V. l..inu, ui ItKu.jiu L'L.i . ii.ii Jilliiil;i,l .1 Iiii',iiii' li,v Imle Vii'li'jilil . Illlljl J H. illUll J t ll'.J J'..l'll.l llllll '.t 1 '. I' il' I'jim 1.' .Njtlunil linik bl Itlcmii', In us Hif r,r A. M. Jii, yf liliH.mUjiiri!, In Lfili illiulfil In inmliKl 4 liOJlli.',' (t. , Hill. Onlcri el hiihivjI yt tiinc nrVunrrs vein mtilc yiMinlai h .ludwo 11, U. .VtiMuW. Ihe mtnlltl li ii.atriiaiil to itinoiu in t'.ino i-n Pic Sale Begins Promptly at .1 O'clock. Dress Goods Main Floor The Dress Goods DtcUitmont this week presents an array of extraordinary values that cannot fail tq interest ladies who con templato purchasing dress fabrics for fall wear. Here Is a Mighty Dress Hoods Bargain AT ;,1c. A YAISD All-wool Si otch Plaid Suitings: the tome In plain and fancy pat terns and small plaids. "i inches wide, suit able for children's sihool diesses, nNo in tho following different (olois: ('aslor. blown, Kdt not, endet blue, Kiev nnd myrtle. In with this lot Is also a (iuinllt of blue blade and j'H black cashmere, in iixhcs wide, having a hr.iidsome linish: uln In this offering, li'-lnch Urcss (.ioods in plaids and bilght lolois. and ."i:-lnrli Cashmeres, double fold jroods, in bind:, blown, navy blue, cadet. K-aiuel and in rile; the icKiihir pi lies uf these fabtics nic .l.'ic,, :57c. and .'lie. a atd. For one hour this 1'ilda afternoon come and jjet "J, what you want at, a ,aid S7C f ILTC lluished J Q, Grand Shoe Bargain AT SI. 12 Ladies' Slmes all Ihe newest tne nnd heel shapes for stieet nnd dtess wear, in.tde if doiiKola or vicl hid with patent or hid lip. in button and laic, also Ladles' Mine Calf Shoes in line mil with extension soles. lobular price fioni SI. 7ft In t.'.."iO. Included in till- lol are Ladles' and Misses' Hand Turned OMonl Ties worth fioni t-'.'O to S,:.m. For Thes-.-. value at 17c c,i:i:y (Jr ti,n oik hour Fiidny aftei noon taUe our choice for A'l C.i .Hoys' and dills' S hool Shoes lunik of kid and calf skin le.ithei In stylish mvi lomfoi table .shapes, also in this lot. La dies' House Shoes and Slippeis, e ci y pair wmth and sold at ?l.J"i. For the fl'J-, Ftiday liouily hiile VOL , AT He. ri.n LACKS -Point de P.ni.s ,iml Totihon Laces tli.it .ne " to 7 Indies in width: tegular pi In. hour at AT 10c. SCOTCH PLAID UUKSS C.OUDS -1,f'0o ards only: these goods ,0111c in sovei.il 1 oinbinations. hi own. laidliuil. kiccii. nnvy and black, siiilnblc 1or ihlldieifs di esses, hi dies' waists, etc. IU'riiI.ii pi Ice -t f-i made ot 15c l:U-. ale pike, yaul. 1 at ii'jc. i:x(iLisii flan.i:li:tti:s- llMirt heavy and lift inches wide. Comes hi nil the popular checks, plaids and snipe", colm Ings ni' pink, blue, lavender, black, Kiey, white and canllnal-suitable tor ladies' and childieu's diessos. men and boys' shins, .Ic lli-milar pi Ire lm , lor tliN C' I'llday aftei noon, iud IJ2C oil. slier nnd 10c ADVERTISERS New Jeisey Centinl, siitimi 111 ,V"V oil. Punt of I, Hum n t, N, I! . .nnl sU 1 , 1 1 1 nil. 1 111.1. i n 1 1"( r .u m u, h,i 'lull' Invi' s.( i.n.i ,,,, ii rrt, ,i(l N,ii, l.hiln li. I'liilailclplitj, 1 .1-1011, lli'llili'liuii, VI Ummui, vIjikIi ( liiinl, mill Mini llm.'ii, ji Yj ,1 in,; Hi'v, I li 1 ii"", I i'l p. in. -1, 1 tllV-l, -, 11 p, III I'm- I'lil-tm ami Will,', H.1110, ,"i 1 m. , jfl .mil I. CO p. 111. Nimliv., -Mi p in I'oi II illlii" li' .iikI U.liiiijilnli uul i.,iiii. South ml W'1-1 m.i IlilliMii'iii, nil 11, ni, I 10 .III. I 1(H) l III siij, 'J.l'i .. m I''l I. OH.' Ill llllll. llllll Mini, ill , ,',j .1 111. lllilulisll 111.11I1I, uul I. I'l I'. In I'm IIimiIIii; I.1I1111011 .mil II.1111. '1 n. hi vi linlmvn, s.V, 1 m. ami 1 u . m., -umlo,, J. J", p. in I'nr !' Iiillli .'," i in . I. In in I Ol VlollliUill I'nU, 5.1, j in, n .in, 101 p in. lhloni.il lid il. 1, ill euintt i'i. 1, .-oiilli uul Hi, I .it Imvt'.t litis .It llll' Ulilll I' M. Ill ril". Ci-ii IM,. 1 .1 II (II II U'sl.V. (1,'n. ,, Lehigh Vnlley Rtilhoad. In Kdi'ct .liiur ', l'kll. lulin li-jvo union: Km I'lnl.oli'liililj Jiol Nik miI iu Ii ,V II, II. It ji I'.. 1 1 .uul i..w .1. hi,, uul .' 1 '.T (IIUil, pLuii'iiil i:ii'i..l, .iiitl II .'0 11. in Mm- iIjv,. II X II It , v., s.-j; ,, ,, llll Wllltu HlVlll, lllI'Moll Ullll llllllllll pulnts Iii tu ro.ii nvlaiK, vli P ,v II. I! II, o.n, SI Jii'l l.-T p 111. I 01 l'uiiiilli, i,.l'i i 111., H 1 1. in I'OI It, I III, In III, KlylMI, llt'JillliV, ItlllblillU,' Jiul pi 1111 lul niti'iiiii'ilUlr IiIi,iiin 111 II. a II. II. II., o.f.. Oils 111 : ''.h, I..T illlnl. P11 IHOlnl i:,i.., lt.O . Ill Mll.lj..., II , II I.' II . 'i..is ,1, in ; 1 ;,. ,: 11, in I'd lunklitiiioi I, Ion null. i;mli 1, It ui 1. I., lie l.i out 1uilu.li1.1l iiili'inu'iluli' ftl.iiiMi.. 1 P.I. c IV, ( 11 .1H 1, in. uul :.m i 11. I'll ( ,rnri 1, l.),!i',iu, Unit ilu. Niviu I '.ill' ( liliacru .nnl j) K.in, m,i, 114 p. II. II K,, 7.1s, II. ','1 I, III. ,:. U.H llllnl. Ill.iinoiul l. lurO, 7.1s, PHI, II ill; 1 . in. iiiiI.ii, Il v. II It. It . II.S'i, s J l ,, P11II11 .111 piiloi .nnl ,li'iii'i! or liMtli iH.'i pn liii t ns in i iuiii. 1, i.mi'Ij W'ilVr. IV. ie uul New Wilr, l'iiIUilrll,'i, riurt 1' ,imi s,. in .ton ill lOuo. II0II.IN II Ml.ni It, li'ii supl . '". (oH'jiu; liffl, Ni' oil . (;uliit:s 1 r,p. ii, p)vs ;t , & ci.ii kth't, New "iil . , H. VON'I llll 111,1!, l'v l'Jv itt s.udi II tlilil 1 in. I'j. I 01 lllkl't. OIhI I" llllii ill i'-il.lllii k ,lOlli lo illl I..U I.JU Hill I .lli'llli'. S. lllll.,ll, I'l. 111,11111 III 1,1 III Ul'IC, 1, I .. HI llll I,,, .1 ,t I Y S. I jll-, 11. No il'.i , H.,111 . lulu P'V.vi',, 10111 lljrri Inn; il 1 1 .nil. U aline, n m M.li,.. I I.i no. .....!... I . .-it..- .,. . ... .1.. 1 .. 1 1.1 no. luilii' It V. u liluli), of ll I unci Mii. tiiiul ni Ho' MiiiuMc iii, lint il lnii.; I1.111H, .v itli ui iv ii'ljinUul Cioiko It, (lm, i. Co, Hot iill, el (111, .il.v. lunl llli'r. I iullloll W lilul S il Ml, l"n, !' tl'e .liioiiio It UU. .sml di. j'iml liiors-c II. I Ink umI .I.i'iics P. (Jjil, fJili.'.'H, iloin; Im-liiiT, l.ioU'.i (liu lumu nl liui,'c II I Ij,:.o & .laJje An lili, H illrulnl tint li- in 1I11 1 I'i' uf.'iioil to itr-f i.-e in IUiil,iii,tit 'm WVunrr, vvlw will iuiuIiiii 4 , lioarlntr in lliu u.c Oil, c, at JO j hi. No. 1 For for, A'l' caps Kaiuet blown, lieul.ir 1.42 ieption.il hctii til, fully at l.'jc. For lliis 6c draiKl OF FACTS ONLY- RAILROAD TIME TABLES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROl Schedule in Effect June 2, Tiains lenve Scranton: 1901. C.45 n, in., week days,, tluougli ves tibule tinin fioni Wllkes-Bnvie. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Pottsville; stops at pimcipal In tcimedlate stations, Also con nects for Sunbuiy, Hairislutig, Philadolphla, Baltimore, Wash ington and for Pittsbuig and the West. 9.3S a. m,, week days, for Suiilniry, HariisbuiR, Philadelphia, Balti inoie, Washington and Plttbbuig and the West. 2.18 p. m,, week days, (Sundays. 1.58 p. in.;), for Sunbuiy, Hai risbuig', Phihidelphia, Balti moie, Washington and Pitts burg and the We3t, 3, Jfl p. n week days, tluougli ves tibule tialn fiom Wilkes-Barie, Pullman bullet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia via PottBville. Stops at piincipal in teimediate stations, 4,27 p. in., week days, for Haaleton, Sunbuiy, Haiiisbuig, Phlliulel phln and Pittsbuig, .1 II III K IIINsii, i M.r, .1 II (Kill, 1, 11 I'i,, lip. Del,wae, Liickawnnua and Wehtein, in hih 1 i'., u. I'tii. Tu.iu hjvo suiit. n 10. u m' I u. .i,'i, ,".), 7 :& .nnl lo in .1. 111, I.' H. ,, Ai, I .1 i'i, ..iii 11.1i -..,n p. hi 1 1,1 Nn ,. :, ,i,, 1 l'liil.nl'iiliU i.'iil .ilnl liin'i i 111, dn I ' j ji.il I ,lj 11 I'l. lm 'I li.ili.iniu-M I'.IH , in 1 01 I 1: itt.ilut-1 11. 1, " .nnl 11 ii .1 in : 1 .11 .!.-.' . 11'. I ami II, 'j p. 1.1 I "i IHiiuliJiiiioii ,nni vv.n i. (hn. l".Ju .1 in .ni'l In", p. 111 'ii Oittiij.,, suui.i innl I'iIij 1,1, Jin! i...'.' ,1 in , ij) Jllil "..'il l II'. ll.wijo, .sig,n,w. .! ((j,,, 1 1. 1 in in 1,.'.' .1 ii dull. in.i sm,,,,,,. In SU lilu-.i - ! 1,1 ,1 III , I, Hi .lll'l 7,1)', , ,, Vi,. uKiIl l,iillloil.itli'ti I I.I ,il.ij kl J hi. 111,., in.liiiii. l.il,nli I'd Nut: .imiiu. t l.,iiil, ..1 el, 11. 'I to ill j in , I ,;i .in, I i,,,i , ,, ,,,) I'I.mii 1 Hi, il i 1 in ' ., .V, ., 11,11", ... ,. siinln linn. Pel Ni ,iK, I i. .tin, V il una luiii .1 i . ., ,', ,i,, i,, j, , 1 , IIiiIIjIo l.li mil 1 " . in , I ., ;, ,11, nnil II.... 1 11 I 1 llliiliniiii 11 ,.i, u, 11 Hon, 11m jinl ID. 'ii 1. 111 llio. iii.I.i.ii, illielui li'lM' tulllnll, I'm, 4 111 Jill 1 !! i ni Etie Rallioad, Wyoming Division. limn la Niw uili .nnl iiittiiiKiluii puiiu, ll'JIl si union J, lollliWt 7 -'" J III.. - -'"' l. Ill, Vllt.lli -10 Jl J, III. Iliilll IJlilliUl.lll. 1 1 I IV I , 1111 liili'im ilia if iwim,; ii.ju p. m uuni .-w vll. ;ii'I lull mi' dUti: luini,. Nu buiiiljy lulm. Sale o. 3 Begins Promptly at 4 O'clock. Boys' Clothing Second Floor You will do well to inveotigote the Bargains of each hour and you'll find every on,worthy of your close attention. AT lie. Hoys' All-Wool Knee Pant-, sizes 5 to 15 c.ns. j:lia well made with double sen! and knee, livery pair has the Fccelsor wclst band and wa: ranted for stieimth. In this lol aie nil Ihe n,-w Fall mixlmes nnd also plain blue and jjrny olois, The-e knee pants consldeied nieui values at TiO cent, the hour sale they aie youts a pair 44c 21c Lllll" l5o. s' (Japs, t,olf shape, and with Ions peaks; ihe ioIois me navy. nnd inyul. Ilanils'inich tiimiued and einbioideicd desimis; tcul,ii priie 50 j For ihe hour sale 21c rialn Floor AT 5s, . Ladles' id t51oes, ImniWoine L' 1 l.isp kIocs with bl. 11 K slllili. .Made ol de pendable kid. The 1 oloi s ,110 black, i;ie,tali, ted .1 lit I white. All sl;:"s. CJO,, S pi ti e 75i . I'm Ihls hour.., OoC AT I,, . Chllilien'.i l'udeiK.it inelits. 1'iue ( i rtt i ibln d lleeie-llued mulct shirts and diaweis, dosc-lluliiB. loiieill shapfd and I nil weiu'lu. Nil fly finished with silk. Lx- lalue at -V. For this each 17c AT S1.57 ttlankets. 1.'-. Heavy ltl.iukels ill sicy. tan mid white mlois with fancy hin ders, close woven lleece blankets worth $J uo. In the hour sale 1.57 AT 71..1 . Combination cloth and Petcale liaiKain. Indigo Mine Luiik Clolh and h.ind soiue Pel cales, ;!.' and 151 ln lies wide, seveial pietty (olms. IteKiil.ir pike l1"! . '"7'-. F01 this hour sale, a atd 2C Bai'KiUn from Art Hcjiiii-liiient AT l-'.-i . Slumped Table Covets. Some pure white with handsome slumped pallet tw, others white and liiited patterns of KH'iil he.iut A y.nd wide und a iud sipiare. IteKUlur pike just double, J"ii . j 'Jl Take juiir pick lor one hour at.. .. 1 .42 C SONS HENRY BELIN, JR., Cci.cul Aciit for (lie W;omlij Uljliiit (or Di4 pout's Powder llliiln-, PU.tlii?. swiinu-. iiioKlou mil the Jifi..iino Clicimial Coiiiuii)'i HIGH EXPLOSIVES. tulel Fu-i', flips ami I ioil''i. Ilium HI lirn lll'll llllllillll. .SlU'iliii. M.I Nl lis. 1lli) 10111) .IOIIN II sjliiu ,. ,0N W I. MLI.UCV.N ., .... IM'.t n . I'l.uiioinh V il!,i Id n RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Deluwnie nnd Hudson, in 1. ti 1 ii.n t'i 'll.lllK ' I I .lll'llll'lll1 I il' s, 1 ,, ,, j, f, ,, s llll, s .VI, III I j 1 ,i . I 'ill! I 1 .1 II j ,'1 ."1, 11 .'"1, 7 V. 11. 1 1. II a I' I" Mi .1 11 111 llomnUlO Jill l.lkc I .ml, I'. II 'II, l .1 III ; .'.II m.il o .' I I' I" I'oi WiUiS'llme i' I'', 7 is, s 11 0 ., in, 1 m.i IH)'. I ' -' I", .' ! . I 1 n, , , pi II, l il i in I'm I. V, II It I'" 11 .!'.' 1 111 . . I "7 Si.il II Ml ! I'' I'oi IMn.vliu.il II. II I'o 1 . 1. I . ti 1, a.; i .mil 1 ", p. 111 I'OI li.UV .lll'l id 1'H.ll'i .I'l III I, II 1 III Jll I ." p. 10. l MW ll!iNs I',,' f jil.)iu'.,l( ; .' II.'... .1 .11 , . 11 ,, 0 '.J .11, 'I Iii '1 11 10. I'l 1 W'lll.". llll! "'".- .1 III , I ' i'I I 1 .. I ,1 ,1 ii II. III. ',l Vlluie HI n I I'OiiiU iioltli -;.! 1 . II. I'.ll.ll. Jllfl ..lUl' loil'll ".il I' a, 111 mil I.V4 1 t.l. New Yoik, Outaiio and Westeiu, In iih 1 l ii iij.i. s n 1". ni'l Mill 1 II IH It Nil l.ijii ,i Pi in I .mm, s, , ,,,t, 11 1 nil, !nj 1 , i,i,, , V I li,. ji 4. 111 II.IH.1 11 I 1' l in . . 0 H 0. in Vi. I Jiliiinl , 1 111, in s,i 111 um mi I.PIVO I 1.1V V I , I J"IJ, I Jll'Olilljl -. , ti f,, j .' 11 : 111 1 n No. 'J .' I'M'. I" Hl' 1 'I'l 111 si .NpvN-s M, NUlilll liul NP I L'.ll I I I J I I 1 . 11 llllll, Sll'lllilotl I Jll' 'llll. I ' I IU, ' I Ne. II ,M1 4 HI l ID . III III . , j V, 1 ,.Iii.iii W I iiU.iuIi , I , si) III not Ml I 'Ml I ,. n 11 t jiKii. ( i,l mnli' s , ,, N'o I ... '"" n u n, , No. lo ... ;iM'- I'1 '" I' i" 1 I i '., Puili, No I "il n ila.u. jinl 'i , 11 suulji,, ....!.. ....... llll.. 1. 111,.. 11,1.1. I.I. I lii.ni ,.,..., ,.. -- -...-...-'. .--. , . ., Ill lillilovvii. WjIiuh Niiivvi Ii, Om-ul, ii,.v,.j jinl nil iioluli ivnt I'or (ml In I HitollilJlK 11. 1011.-11U !,'. t ai'iit,. .1 I, N')i:ill), li I' Si'vv Ulk. J. i:. Wl.Irtll, T. P. A., aiuiilwil, I'i. EDUCATtONAL, Free Tuition Hy n iccent net of the leglala. tine, free tuition Is new gittiiled nl the Literary Institute nnd State Normal School Bloomsburg, Pa. to iill those piepnt'ltiB to tench, 'i'liN school uuiintiilns couinct of stud' for tiichei!', for those picpnrliur for 'college, mid for thine HtiidyliiK inusle. It will ny to vuitp tor i.irilcti!-. No oilier icliool ollrin i-ilt it Mioortor nil vulili.v.1, at suih low lutoi Ailiiresi J.P.Welsh, A. M.,Ph. D.,Prin. Inteuiatlonal Coriespondence Schoo. of Scianton. Pa. (Incoipoiatcd; 1,000 Fiee Scholai ships. For par ticulais, addics1? P. 0. Box 16 Scianton, Pa. BINGHAIHTON TRAINING SCHOOL Tor "NYnniit. llnt.uiril inil Pra( Miito Clill Inn, Phv.lidl 'h.ii'iiir.-. M.innil l 1 ninliiir, Artie uim Ion. Mnii'. Hi. iv. 1115, Minliisntui. Open VC.Il .llullllll. ( Illllll S. A. "D 00 little, M I'jivIiw vciiiii, lliiislniiiloii, X. Y. CHESTNUT HILL ACADEMY fyissahickon Heights, Chestnut Hill, Pa! A hemline icliool for liny ill Hie elevated and beautiful open tomittv north of Pliil.v dclpliii. V minutes from llroad St.Slnlion. I'or c.itnloRiics addies s JAMES 1.. PATTERSON, liead-MasUr. SCRANTON CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, SCR AN! ON. I'A. T .1. I'o. tor, l'icsiilciit. I. lmrr II. Lnull, Trca II. J. Poster, Stanley P. Allen, Vile Pies uVnt. Scciclary. Lager Beer Brewery Maunftctarcrs of OLD STOCK PILSNER 48B to 455 XT. Ninth Street, Telephone Call. 2333. THE I0SIC POWDER CO, Booms 1 anrt'i.Coin'lth B'l'd' BCRANTON, TX. nining and Blasting POWDER Med at Mooilc and rtuihlald WoiU, LAFLIN ft RAND POWDSR CO3 ORANQE GUN POWDER Urotrlo llattorlei. ICIsotrln RxploJtri, iplodlu tilau, Safety Famuli Repauno Chamical Co.'s Hiaii l-XPLOSIVE STRONG AGAIN. Volt vv lm mice po-sceil stitnly phys. Iqui" anil ".UMily nerves, lint now hnve llisiifiicii lit plivMe.il foice to properly nltcinl In onlfii.iry ilutlr: sou who Inve.t sense in ".ill KO!i.iii'nsf'nltei'tlic slifjliiei't ixerllon; jun who are 1I11II. 1,-niCiiiil iul 1'1 l spirits ,11 an .ice vvlicii v on -lioulil In" full of physical fue; you vvlin may feel that juiir liloHnot wottli iliuMtiiKRle tltcic isasclenlific me.iiis nl uilii 111111K nil the precious pun ei.i'.v liuli .seem lo be culircly lost. Have cured tlio'i'ainls null n oii. Duii'tcxpciinirnt with your healtli or money, v will take the risk. Iftlx lniei do nut mro joii, vonr nioiiev H retiirned lor jens e Ii.i hern uiriny iiR'iinn ilit...i s.itl.t.ictoiv terms. : Ul JUT liov, II nr .1.0 milled 111 il. illl 11 1. 1... y, Hool. 1 c ,iilre.i I'l Vt Sli.nuiM. 1.1, .(.Isirland, Ohio. ('or tale hy .Mm II 'i,cin. rt.iiioji.nl, corner W;ciiiinc a hue jinl iiirme stieet BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS . MAXlfrACTUIU.il UV CALIFORNIA I'ICi SYRUP CO. IJ'-MITHVIIi: ..lK. rS'Prof.G.'FJ HEEL',627 sitiW, fV falM l'kllItlvljl 1'4. tmlj i.rnati hiirrUlUt Uf jj lwtr" l'Jf'f l rwn tl'i bj utll I rtltt , X JfiM. l'Uffcrs Mtt-n. 4bntti. Hlijol uUotrlMt, f vffiafa lt.l.lilij,lu.l taiboo.l.turlrgoflf tMrlrturr'. twBI cwiiiBv Ki'iftciypHioiii .s eiriiB urtai,f irtni rmr fwrn 1 ivtiu ot, u ;nn prdriiru rari ibttiblUl tlperli-dftf ' trriatoj. Nf a 1 hrlti "Trulb ' i l..r.. . . 11..11. .1 ...i.iif i II...I...H yvaiw rirr ar tirain rtt ri iraiiv iiiitii pattf f II ss J H A . y lx LJ yjt