rTryr'ijujj..-,. w. lf ..' I'M , THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 10.01. 7m?mmX BIG CROWD AT THE FAIR WEATHEU A. BIO IMPROVEMENT ON PREVIOUS DAY. Iho Fntr Will Be Continued Sritur- M day, to Make Up for the Dny Iiost K iV) by tho Unplcnsnnl wenther Miss i.e Hoy, tlio Frofessionni Aeronaut, Who Wns to Give nn Exhibition, Broke Her Contract Smith Gor man's Post Haste Won the First Race Yesterday. 8rccl.il lo the .ScMiilon Tilhnne. Dallas. ln Oct. tl.-Hetwivn -1 ,00.0 ami B.000 iici'mnist wi'i'o In titloinbiiiot- tit to day's moot of t tit Dallas l.'iiloii Atjii eulturnl swiftly. The rainy wcnllioi' of yosteiilny hail Klvi'ii iilaco to it stun flilnp that vii nnno too win in to ills pel tho foohii'fs of inn noi'tlnvpst wind that pre va lint. Dtll'ltlff tile al'tut'liooil tilt: two nirps that went held owr from yrslerday wore fliilsliptl. Tlio llrttt race wan won In 1'imy fnlitoti by it Hci-nnton horso, Smith Gonniui'H Post Hurtle In Mnilsllt hculs. Tlio s-rcotnl racy wns riipluvoil by Miss .Juiinlo, of WI1IPH-Hiirrc, after ,nn Intcri'stiiiK; duct nf live bents Willi Sluslici' Uny, of Avoi.i. OurliiR t tic iiu'Iiik a torso tiucovernl platform near thp JuiIrps' stand, wliirlt was ojowtlod with people, kuvo way, nnd men, women and children were thrown in a promiscuous heap to the ground, about six feet. Wonderful to relate, no one was hurt. It was announced fiom tbr- Judges' stand ilurlutT the iitUruonu tlmt John T. Plillllps. formerly president and soe retnry of the ;is-.oei.itlni nnd who wns well-known tbiniiclimit Luzerne coun 'ly. hatl died in Stetlliif,'. Ky on AVetl nestluy night. The fair will he inntlnucd on .Satur day, and Koott raetiiK events tire t-iin'il-uled for that afternoon. A lnifjc num ber of Sennit onlans were present to Gay. Mutt nf the verv stickiest kind and With a forty horse-power suction tlmt played hub with low-cut shoes ami rubbers prevailed on every part of tlio grounds except on the rare-course. The monuKcrs of the fair did the very bes-t they could to alleviate this unfortun ate state of affairs, and till the niorn li" lacis of straw, sawdust and earth were uprtuklcil promiscuously. 'I'lte.-p only served fur a short time, as the constant tn'mplius over these appar ently dry passways soon soaked the sawdust ami straw throuKb. Fakirs Were Shrewd. A few of the fakirs on the ground bail foresight enough to provide Ioiik boarils and laid them to their places of business, liein jy well rewartled for so ilolnir. Other fakirs transplanted their "srafts" to more accessible points, but everywlieie the mud and water abound ed more than ankle deep, and if colds are not the rule in litis part of Luzerne 'county for the next Tew days or weeks as a result of a visit to the Dallas fair today, it will be tt dispensation almost n miracle. The track had dried out nicely nnd presented a fairly rood surface for the lleel-footed pacers and trotters circling about it. It was yet a trille "cuppy" and slow, but should he in prime con dition for tomorrow's events. The Dal las course is reputed to lie one of the fastest tracks in Northern Pennsyl vania, and it was a little disappoint ing to visiting horsemen that the rain hud so well-nigh spoiled It for yester day's and today's taer-s. In spite of the terrible walking l ho crowds appeared to enjoy themselves. It was n line chance for the male por tion to show their gallantry, and most of the young men escorting maidens from one point of vantage to the other were quick to seize upon it. Overcoats and heavy wrnps were the rule and not the exception, and the heavier the apparel the morn lltting It was. lor a coin north wind and the pre vailing dampness made n regular fall day of it. The men and boys without overcoats went around with their hands shoved In their trousers pockets way up to the elbows. Tlie directors of (he fair held a meet ing on "Wednesday night and decided to hold the fair an additional day. in order to do so they .concluded to put tho L'.IS class and the road race over until tomorrow, and the tl.ij 'and the free-for-all on Saturday, finishing t,,. races postponed by the rain this after noon. Broke Her Contract. Miss I,eUoy, the professional aero naut, who has been advertised to lie shot from a cannon into the air and to descend to earth with a parachute, has broken tier contract with the fair man agers. Her manager did not even liavo tho courtesy to inform tlio fair asso ciation that she would not appear. A largo number nf people were disap pointed today by this failure, but It is not tlio association's fault. .Secretary Norton exhibited the signed contract to the reporters to imvliice them of this. At 1 o'clock McrrlU's concert bund, of Plymouth began the day's proceed ings today by striking up the popular "Coon, Coon, Coon," from their seats In the srnnd-stuud. Then the stand began to till up gradually and by the time the racers were called out, nt i o'clock, there were nearly a thousand persons In It, while tho track on both sides was lined for neatly a furlong with those who preferred to stand out In the wanning rays of the sun, Tho gentlemen In the Judges' stand were the same as presided over the races yesterday, with William Moore, of Wilkes. liarre, as starter. There worn two events op the card, both continued from yesterday. One was the 2,:'y event, In which two heats hail been decided and captured by two dlffeient animals, Miss Jennki and .slasher Hoy. Tho other- was the L'.:io class, trot and pace, one bent of which liml been decided prior to the shower. This heat was taken by Post Haste. Today's, races began witli tho second heat of tho .yj ilass. This was decided un fnhn,." 3,30 Clns3 Concluded. Second li"dl - IViir union (.line up ic.uk f tin.. fr.i,v, I'e.t Haiti'. Ii.v ii.,uii ,, ,, ti'i-di-v ot )ci.tciil.i. Ii.nl Hi.- pole; llie diminutive- k.ii i uclilliii; I.I 1 1 lo llm. w.u mhmiuI: K.,t n., tlilnl, ami field Item, fuuii'.. u tl.u je.oiel tl'iul tliu wind siinn In ,i ijir i .(, i tlie 'puller l'ut ll.i,ii wa fli.i; l.iul,. , ,, iuuiiI, half a li'imtli Intl.. m.il Kilo 1 ulil, tlilnl, a ilozrii livilii behind ,M lii. u.li jult SOME FOOLISH PEOPLE Allow i coujli to nm until It eetj hryoiul tlio reach of iiU'dUliK'. 'Ilicv ctteit jy, "Ob, H nj weal' "jy," tut hi inu.t cues it ujli wr.tr tlicm awaj. f'oiiM llicy lo indmifl tu y tilg tucctsstul mrJiiMK: tailed lump's lUbjni, nMih it tiiig iu irouiiu KU4IJIUCU in kuic, uey nnuiu iiiiniriiMipiy cc inn I'Mcmut enevt aucr LUnc tho tint 'l'J-c I'lhc iJv, anil Mv, Tihl lie tree. At all Uiujslsis. 1t.uile If A Mills 0r, who w rnnnlmt, hj- a Ici'itli, nlilli! Knle 1'lcH nnil (lolil ltchi urrc m cvtn tcitnJ tor tlilnl tlacc, fitly foci betilmt tin lriutoi. At. fix fnrlonm tlicm a no rh.inje In the unsltlmi.4 at tho two lr:iJtr., .itnl Kjtle l'lohl win thlr.l. 'I he hcjt v.ai llnldiil Hill U.1.VS 1'iml ll.llo KrtlllK dll.v Hint lirtt a lilt wotrlnl by t.lttlis Hoy, il lenstli lii'tilinl. tlohl Iti'ln fliihhfil fourlli, 100 tort liplilml tin? first Iioim'. Time nf liMf-'inn1!. Tlilnl hpill It only tnuk to trip iloiMi to tliu JiiiIrm In Ret llirin Rnlinc. At the iHflitrr I'O't ll.llll W.I5 a luiclli (o the noil, Willi l.lttlft Hoy ami K.ite I'Mil m'cniul nml tlilnl, henl iip.it t. ,l the li.ilt I'.xt lliulf m,k gulnir e.i.r iiiul Icil Little Ito.v by li.ilt ,i ilo;rn IniRlli. At AK ImloiiiJ.I li.llr. 1'IpM ffronil, tMoiity font lii'hlml Vo.'l I l.i -to. C.iinliiS' li.ln tin. .Mirlrli l,lt tie Hoy look soioinl phne nv.iy bom K.ilc I'lolil, but roulil not Imlil II In the wile. l'ot Ihitn won In iciinuknlily r.ey totni, iioirr haili'K liepii IimiIoiI In ore nf the ilnce' lie.il inul never luvltig nuile ii .l.ip or liii.ik, Time of Tic.il L'.'JhU, .siniiiiuiyi L'.OO rl.iv, Hot Hlnl iaie! pme M..0, l'.t ll.iite, Ii. (.-., by ttev AiiKiUu. l'.ilry rlilineii, II. s. Gnnniiii, n-imiiIhii t 1 I l.lltle lloy, f. (.'., .luha Lnilinr, Witl.e- ILine ,1 Kiilo I'lolil, h. in., W. ,1. Ile.ier. Wllkcv ll.nro r, ,t " (iulil llein, hr. ., W. I'. N'oitnti, Alihn- lllle I 1 4 Time -i! 2H1-j i.W'Hi JJiiij. 2.23 Olnss Concluded. Thliil he.it -four st.nltr.: (iuMirekor h.ivlnt! liocn ilislfilicul in (lie seionil lif.it on WtilniMl.iy, Mjilier lloy li.nl Hie pole; illmi .lennlo v.n hoc mnl J 'IViiy Wlll,e, tlilul, nnil Waller .1., vt Sri.inlon. foiutli. II reiiulioil coii3hlri.itilv i tlelire In set IIih fin. ill llchl oir. Ml .loiinie anil M.Hier Hoy r.mli outllnir up. Mr. Mooie m liitilMieit ii iirricilcnt en Hie flllli tilal by iliieilln? the iii!in lo me with Wnller .1., tlie outsluc hor.-e, Inilo.iil ol Sl.idier liny, aj he PICTURE 7:s' I , ,'Jh vi tk Mr Here are two articles used by wheelmen. Can you tell what they are? sahl that Waller did not 1 0111c down in fa-l .h the ul. This did nut Mieircil ey well Ine noi lime. .H Walter w.i- the lat hoie In Ret to the wile nml the hell w.n inns. At the ninth n-ii'i. die l.nlir flii.vlri! Hie Hold. It ua a lair lail, leu Mi- .leniiie was behind. Al the i)iiai tor '-i il appeared lo ho 11 parad". Slasher Hoy in the Ir.'d: Tonj Wilho.s siiniid, and Walter, lliinl. At the half ami ilnee ipiai 1ers the.'e puMtioM ueie niiLliangt'd. Aller l.i--.ing their Mi". .Icmiie, who w.n tniulli lh"ii, loinmciieed 10 )iii k nji th- lei-l. Mm p.i.N-ed Walter .1. in hull' :i luilnn: nml Tony on th" H'lenlh furl' ns mil .-he and H.i-diei made n thrilling lice lVr the wiio. Slacker, who had led all the wa,v icnld not lo-pond In hi iliioi''-s infill" mid H'vincil lo piil ten yauN fiom llie Mile, and .linnie won the heit under llie whip, by a iie-e. The iiiumIs ih'eieil IumIIv at IliU tine titiisli. Time nf hell- 'i.'l't. fnuilh lie.it At the hlth tii.il Mailer Muine gave tlie wnid to a lery i0nr ,-lail, Tony Wilkes licins Ihii'O Ii nifth-. Iiuhiiiil the ellur time, tiolin; aiouiiil the tuin Ml" .leimle hn.ke and had 10 he hioufhl iluwn to a "all,. At Ihe ipiailir Sla.hir Hoy w.h ln-,1. thloe Ipnslln ahead nf Tuny Will.,, w'lh Waller ,1. Ihiid, and Mli .leniiie away liehind. Al the half and s'w Imloii!; lhov itiltluiit m t re nnihamicd. Jtlxi .lennlo. who lint itcovend some of her lost Kiomid, hioko 1 1.1 illy aRaln ill the fllikli ami 1 .line nlmcril to a f.land.-till. 'Ihe heal vi.it won by Slasher liny, a lenutli In front of 'limy, with Waller lliinl, and Jennie lomlh, half K.ty iloun the htieti.li. Alter the liwl, l"n, the diiver f Tony, gave Mr. Mouie .1 mmoio mj-iini; tor Ihe .-till he not, hut 1.0 not hi: wa taken of tut tiiade liy Ihe jmUo.-. Time ot lie.it .'.(.'.. lTllh heat ll hid siown veiy told by this time and the ;;uiid (tnnd was noaily ile-ci teil. 'Ihe atait wa- lair. Al llie till ri Ml-t .Irnuto hu.ke bad!. At the ipinter sl.ilier w.ii two lensllit In tiont "1" Tony Uilke.i. .M Ihe half Ma-her w.n ahviil ciill. hot Waller .1. w.i ill M'cond i i-itlon, half 11 length in inmi nf Tuny. At hl ttn It'll -- Mi-i .lennli1 was In lioiit, .1 head hofoie slasher Hoy, mil the lil.it U in.li. won the heal inul l.if liy .1 leimlli fiom Ma-lier Hoy, with Walloi J. tlilnl. Time ol" heal -i'.i7!i(, Summaiy: J.il cl.m, (lot and pnr; ni.e .flV), .MI-.-1 Jennie, Ii. in.. Win. Meiei, WilU-H.nie 1 1 i 1 slasher lloy, 111. k., W. V.. Howell, Ai oca . ; . . , X 1 Tmiy Wllke-, lilk. haid, Vewheiiy, Waller J , ill. b., ST.. Mr. It.-i, l'.i II. 1,'iiiinatl, Sii.niti.il Cold Seeker, nil.. ., Alileinllle Time '- X-'i4. '.'.'-,. I I .'I W. C. Nniloii, I ill V.. I.. Il.ltlield. FACTOR YV1LLE. Special to the &i union Tribune. Kaoloryvllle, Oet. !!. I'aulowna lodKe, Daughter of liebeknli, met last Tuemlay pvenlim. 'I'he ileKiee was conferred after whlelt light refreKh ments were Koived and a membership suK'iol enjoyed, .Mrf. Itiasoway and her hlrfter of Allnnes-ota. were iireceut nnd Mr. Harry "Williams and Mr. Conrad of Nuiiolfon wero nKso entertnlued. Itev. 1 c, Floyd, jiresUlliiB older of tills dlstrlet, invaehed In the .Methodist ehureh Tuesday ovenlns, A party of twelve left here a;t Tuesday niornlntr for Buffalo. (.'. .1. t'ooU, the eonUuetor of UIiik liamtnu Z 1 1 1 1 1 , will hold meetings at tlie homo of Mr. John K. HwuIjsIk nest Hunday. Oetober ii, at la.so a, in. and I'.liO p. 111. All are Invited to route and limit him. TUNKHANNOCK. Special to thr Scranton Tribune, TtinUhannoek, Oct. 1. William Mas ter has hatl his resldonee, on Seenud .street, raised and hux litiltt on and tu'outly hnproved tlio premlc'eH this fall. Airs. Helen Williamson Is hsnlntt her ivsldeneo wired for elei ll'le liKhls. All voter.s must t-eo that their taxes aie paid on or before Halurduy. Ort, r.. in order to untitle them to vote ut iNovembor eleollon. Atiorney I'. .1. Sherwood, of Wlll'es lim in, was dolus; business In town cm Wednesday, (ieoiKo .). Adams, of Windham, was a visitor lu town on Wednesday, The l'resbytery Is In session at ihe Prer-byterjuii ehureh this week, and a. lai'Ko number of mlinters and laymen aio In attendnnce, Justtee ,1. Vesley Stark, of Nlchol ton townslilp, was visiting his d tin 3 ti ter ut this place on Tuesday, THRATRfCAL NEWS. TODAY'S ATTHACTIONS. I .Mlrr- t.VCUM "Itomy VIII," Mil. .(.'Alit:MVllun Ton flock imnpjny. noon uiiil .Vlghl, "When We Were Twenty-one." Henry V. Ilonontl' b.'aiilllul ilunni, "W'li'ii U'n Wcte Twi iily.nne," iH jien at tin' l.yienm l.it nUlil fm the seeoinl lime. When pic H'liteil heie lnt je.iv Vat (looil.ln nml M.ixlli;' Klllutt wrio tlie teiilrnl flAuro of tlio 1'l.iy ' llldi.iiil ( .new inul I'liyllU Cricon. Willi the nMiinv nf Ih-'lr nlilo lonipjuy thry tuo-'enleil a roniniiii.. th.it hail about it all the line tnuihei o I lie le.il cointily of life. The tonip.iny ern In Hie play l.nt nlahl la the nioiiK eonrepllon nf Kniioniri iliiim.i. It m pl.i.U'il wllli the lr.lu.li1 peilil lmtr.nl of that of ronieily iltul lo.t imnli nf I In lirlRhlne ami muili of ll chiiiin. Haller Wiilkor .n tin! hod number of Ihe loiupan. IIU lllil.anl 1'iiieiv iv.i.4 most tuilltahle, Mho IToionco WltketlHe'H I'h.vl1l i:rhon Win an inilnppy ef foil. Iter uiio nml rtot.ullc.il aie not coni, ami her ivotk not al all loniinoliiB. The fine i ohm between her ami Calow, eipet.lally In tho lat ail, while ho ilrelaiec hit loie tor lior, jolt imnli to In! iloaliotl. Her .ivumiillon of atllrno). w,it sail. The Imp. n lolc mIiIlIi fill lo the lot of Alheil HoirK like the play In 4r11er.1l. .n plltheil In .1 key far loo ti.iulo. HalilliR lh.it li.nl st.it t Mr. Doitli iliil xery likely. At the Academy. TV' eiei.poi'iilar Hon Ton Moek lomp.uiy. np. pe.it'iis ( hallos l.'.'.i bom ne. anil Mbt t.'mma tliiiitltiar, ha? hecn jil.tyiin; In 1 rowilrtl tinue at Hie Aiailemy ot Muthi dniliiK Hie pie.nit eot,, oivplte the attnriilnn of stioct ear tr.it- Hi. At yitenl.ij'i nutliiee, the ut Irjct ion was PUZZLE. Mr. I.e.iliniiin'r revis"! eision of "'Ihe lll.it Ic I'lajr," with lint Reiitltman in the mil nf I..1AUU- and Mi l.unlinc in Hill of Ned, a w of eabin hoy, in wliieh i i.tr.ii tor-. U"-pv-thely, hiitli Ii.iip aihioied fame and lavor. The Hon T.ie eopijiany H e'eplionally lionc al all poliil.-, the pi event .r.i.on. and nobility mi .h lejriud-. .-peeiallie-, of whlih lime is an enliio thaieie .11 eaeh lii-irounanie. At thN alteinoon's matinee Ihe company Mill pie.-enl, or Ihe lit linie dining Ihe pie-ont enuammon'.. the Ihiillincr inelodiama. Itoapim; the Whirlwind," and the evening hill will he Ihe heantll'nl paliiotie 111illt.il' ili.iin.i,."('liattj lfnga," pioihieetl wllli striking (.poeial seentry and iiKliiuii'i. Today will he voti,enir day. Kieiy lady will lie presented with a viln.ihle and heantiinl i,Ll,l'llil. Bemiett-Moulton Company. Tor iwo weeks, heginnimr Monday, Oil. 7, the Hci nett-'Moiilloii company will lie ihe alliailion al the A ailuny and lluiliinx on Ihe Im-inr-s iln.e liy (hem on previous ensaiten.rnK in Ciis lily, theie will lie blir lintivc, at e.uh per fniniai.ie. Ilouinning' TiiOMlay, niatintes will lip Kiien dally. The company eanits iu oun emery : al-o their own ouheslra, and has iv lilir laiuhnllle aiu wit U It aie pre-cnted al oath pdiouname. The digMaeiiiriit will opni Mnmlay eu'iiins with the famoiH pieie, "A PaiifUiler of llie South." Seati now mi sale. Modjeska-Jnmes Company. Almo-t eieiione who looks to the th-rater either for intiilainmcnt or iiisttiutinn will pioh ably eiideaiie.' lo vrcuro teats lu Rood hOasou tor tho eusMstmrnt of Madauni Modji-l.i nml bonis Janio.i thii eveniii!,'. I'li'.y .lie lo appoir ill Was (iihal & Krmpri's ieviv.il pioduclloii of "lloiuy Vllt," wliuh. not haling been pif.-ented for a loiiiv p.iiod in Ami lira, it an aitNiie and pop ular nowlly, cpiclalb- lu tho yomiKor seirr utioii. "Ilinry .Mil" is letjaideil as llie ii.ihlo-t, liio-t In-piilns "I Mi.ikesie.ae's ln.inili.il noil.", indeed It Is ilaimed by come, of Ihe llleinry lelclnltlos thai It iepierntn Ihe Konlus of i'letih or im well as of Shnhof'icaio. Kalhoriiie of Auason. ('.udlnil Wol.ey, i:.ul of Rockingham, Anno Itiillen, King Ilemy, the Piikn of nit(ill. .mil other ih.narteis lu tho play aie almost if not unite ,-h well known as ailiial people nt hbtoiy. Tlie enviioninenl of ilirte in tiilrntt lends iUelf to ovoiy iuipimeuirnt and iuventlnu of niodi'iu el.ii'i lail and nonlc if foil. Theie aie few if any uiealer mlepis In lliesa milleis iu Ameilca than WuBtuhals Ic lumper who are wild to haie iiivesloil a ni run? hi the piodintioii. Madame Moilje.l.a will appear :i I'ucrii Kalli eiiiie mid Mr. Jamtvi as r.iitiiual Wol-r.i, and it is nii'ilh-i to mc in ion that so impuilaut a mm. biii.illou of hLti Ionic talent or l.ithrr geniui has not boon elfei.te)l for many ytai.', T'he per (nrinaniv wilt lie an eicut iu ihe he.t ui-e of that much nlnusod wnid. "Happy Hooligan," Wnli ''Happy Hooligan," lh.it ue f.nce whith rnmes to Ihe l.iu'inii atuitkiv, in.iliiiei. ami nliilit, the iniuagemont h.u p.iirt no epene ill eiuipplni; IhU comedy, and tit that cm! has e letted ,1 call of loiiieill.nis poihap ueiei hclore itiualled iu the fane lomody world, IIom fir.oiv, the tnlsiual lump hobo, will play the tide tolej William 1,'rulet, Ihe Ii'srosI com ediau on the Mace toda, will a.sunie the po Ikenian; MagKle Vi'lon, the t.ipicil bblewo nnn, mid Chailes Otto, tho Ceiui.in. Put u tump, tin bi.h woman, a lienuau and a polite, man lu a t'ai'ic I tmicily ami uni can't lelp hat tret loluedy. "Undo Terry." .lame II. W.iite, who pla,w the lovable old Hehtnou-e keeper In "I'pclo Tony," ili.imatUed fiom (luilei il.uk Muiui'.s notel f ib.it name, lelb nf an nimitlni; .sieuo lie lotenlly i.iluesiieil III n.ilcihiii;. i'iihu. "lu th loMiv'nf the tin n at uliti Ii I wis ftoppln,'," .aid Mr. Walle, "ii a, a iluill.-h llltlo nun, willi a loud voue, who eiiduill) w lined eiiiy une In know what he said. e and a. -oiiip.inloii. nliu, n it banl to Id, iictlll, tromed lohuuiod ot the lompiny he ia, iu, I owl in tho hull I lutumht at niijlil', Tin' HUU lellow was lalkim; about ludaiid, and lie said many hard Ihlnict ihnit ihe cotmiiy ami lliu people. A uieat Ins mau Mfimt mil' by Ii.. lenlng In llie little eIow' . jinrilit. He inuvlv miei lliinl the httle f. lion i.ud lu a uiy loud tone! ".show na an liMinijii ami I'll .how ou a mujiil." Thru Ihe bis follow ,lliiied up and loil.illilj llie little tillow on the tlioulder said III a heavy, bast loll.: "Whal'i lliai nii i-aldi" "I aaiil litiv llie an lii.liiuaii, and I'll licw jou lowaul," taid the liille fellow whosu ku"cii ueiu fcliaklng under him. "Well, I cm an lil.h man," laid tlio lilir fillow. t-Vou an! un Irleli. mill? Wrll, and u iinllc of joy Hilled oicr the littlu fcll'i-v's eountenam.c a he uw a hole Ihrutigti wlitili he louhl ciawl, "I'm n eonvul," "Ur.ele 'len" will b al the I.jceum Mondaj uiiiht licit. "Pennsylvania." tnetlilns very tion;, ami new, aj well, will tie ghen nt llm t.yreum licit Titesiliiy lilnlit. "In lriiiithiuil.i," n coinedy ilr.uiiii liy Daniel ,. Unit ami t'. I!, t.'allali.ni. "IVnnjiv.mla" toil tuliit the came witty llo'r of laniiiiaiie wlileli rliiii.iileilr.jt .Mr, It.nl'd oilier pieie and low, hesldet, n Im.lllmx plot, fltir.iii; eiliimo.t, ami n smile "tin liter" In the etploloii ut a mine from tire ilatnp. , In the mine m-mo theie it a leal elrutor or lane, Imllt by the ttredy llleiator lompany, which llm ili.iliiitri ne In enteilm; nnd exltluir, le.lt to.d iuh, ele, The proilnctlon, whith li In lie slirn nt tlie t.jieiuu, will hr Miisoil en llirh with jpeehil new Fernery nmt piisenteil liy ii innipiiiiy nf mrrll, nml Mill Iniiodiite n well known ipi.ntrllc. The New York Stats. Hob Miihilirtlrr tno'inlt at the star li'xt week, an oln laiorlle, u Idif extiaiiiKiuiAi, "The New Votk Man," In enlllel new ilteNt, ther lliliitr lirnnil new tlilt semonj n grand chornt o Ihlily.llifl llro.itbv.iy Ritlt; to lirlglit nmt mtny binlesipiet with eiety Iir lealme. up lo tlnlel ii tew lluropran iiiiiinitntlnnt, "Jul In lie III the swim;" it hie ilutK ami Willi; dancing timlcst Willi a IM.OOO liialleiiae, liohody hiinod, Introducliu; "Th hlurt" own champloni, Jmt to make the colli ml Ihe mole excitable and III teicntliijr. Aln nn tt-Aliir olio preceding the doting builrll.1, whli h will he ontlited "Hot finish." STAGE NOTES. "I'p Yolk State" It the bed play of the A..M' ton In N'ew Voifc, "The Village PoMin.utri" j diawlns oier ItOwllig iiuillrlice In Ihe et. "The Marilane (lame," In which Sadie Mar tlnot Ia Atarring, Is ile'iiihed liy il knowing citlU lit "Mini." Maig.uel May hat made .1 hit iu ew Yoik in the star In "Wlii'liotei," IMwanl McWade't pit turestpie war ilmina. Hairy nrrr.-foitl begun hl.t liul (our at a .,ir September 2,1, appealing iu Hroatllmt.t't "Tlie. Wrong Mr. Wilglit," a comedy in which the laic Poland Heed had tnuili Aiicce.'. W. M. Wllkbon hat seemed fiom. riiailct I"i nlnii.m Ihe lights (o l.ro Trcior'd i oinetly dranu, "Hrolhor onioeif," and will foon Aieml it nut, Alan lug Ilawartl Could, lu the part ol Lieutenant .loon Hindi. "Pinther Oillcers" was one ol tlie most prcnounied tills ot the Xew Yoik l'.mplre tlu-nter l,it kcjsoii, where it was put nn tor thiee different engagement., wllli William l'liieiAliani, who Is i.ow flatting In "A Hnyal ltlvol," in the rote tn which Mr. Rnuld will now star. Manager Wllkbon bai secured the original .scene' used in Hie l-'niplic theater lu'oduetion. THE MaSeTS. Wall 8trest Review. New York, Oet. .1. The opportunity v:ih taken today for an overhauling and :i readjustment generally of eur rent quotations for industrial stocks. Today's operations revealed the fact that tlie supporting orders which were kept lu the Industrial sloeks while there was hope of outside l.'Urehases, had been entirely withdrawn, nnd the limitations crumbled away Into frag ments under the offering down process above described. Rome of the sufferers in the various movements were af fected by specific developments, such ns declining earnings and actual or threatened new competition, but the whole class of stocks was too generally affected for any explanation to sufllce except one of general application. The severe speculative losses caused by tlie i ec-enl collapse in the price of Amalgamated Copper Is probably the Immediate cause of the spirit of dis trust engendered against the indus trials as a class, and especially against the most notable offenders in the pol icy of concealment of earnings, ex penses and even of assets. Tlie action of llie United States Steel corporation on Tuesday in publishing a statement of monthly net earnings, Induced a feeling that other industrial corpora tions must follow suit or suffer loss of confidence. Dread of legislative at tack and tho general apprehension of excessive over-capitalination as a rule were elements In tlie results. The ex treme declines recorded In various in dustrials were: Xationul Salt, VV no sales ol the preferred but quoted at ,ri5 and (!0 tit the close, compared with the previous sale of Voli; International Power. Vl'b; New York Air Urake, xi; tilui'ose, 6?8: Bergen County this and Tutted Stales Rubber, preferred, .".; National Ix-ad, preferred, lift; American "Wool, preferred, and Vnited States I'uibber, common, !!(: American Smelling a'4: Tennessee Coal. Twin City liiipitl Transit and People's Gas, 3. 'i'he list of industrials which de clined from 1 to i is too long for speci fication here. The railroad list was extremely dull and rather sluggish, but it is significant of tho spirit of tlie speculation that New York, Chica go and St. Louis second preferred re lapsed .j points, tlie common, ?' and other V.inderbilts from 1 to L'. after their recent manipulation. The whole market doted active and weak, after showing some resistance during the day to the weakening effect of tho Industrials. Total sales today, 411,000 shares. ltnilroail bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value. $1,090,000. United States bonds were all unchans'ed on the last call. The following qiiot.t.ont tie fiirnIliod Tin Tribune by M, S. .Ionian k Co., loomt 70V',oa Meaii biilldlig, Si rantou, I'a. Telephone liOili: Open- High' Low tlos. ir.g. est. rut, lug. America, Sim,ir Wt l'n'i 117'U 11,'U AHiiUon iii 7l::i T.'e'j 7,'i'i Alilil.ou, l'i !ni id !.'i: (i.'ii.j Hiuok, Tueiiou Ml'., nl ;, hi) IU) Hilt. - Ohio Il I linn.j liu phi I'hOs. & Ohio Ilj i Hi; 4l! tide. .V fit. Wet :'.' 'Jji'i -Jia, ja, SI. Paul I.Vj-i; lu(T him,', i,-,!ii'4 Hock- MjiuI HOTj i hot; HI Kau. it Tev., l'r !i .IJlj ,-.2U ,V.'U Louis, k Na.h I'M 1n.j niii; lui.i; Mau. i;iJtL'd U'i',1 V.l',3 llt'ls ll'i's Mel. Tuition IiU4 141 lit) i,J Mk.li, t'atitlo l.Vi D.-.a; p l t-oulhein r.uillc ft'iTj .'ili3 5ili fi"i Xtniolk i- Wostrm .11 31 .Vi'i W'j X, V. Central ism., ,; ;,-, js.-, Out. & Western hi'.i 3.HJ ilili ;i.,i; I'cuiia. It. It HI ill li:i, l:n; l'aelho Mall IIU IHi till 41H Heading liy. 4i!i 40?i ffl'i iia'i lloatliiig liy., IT M 7.114 71 75 Mmlii.ll.ll "-Ha U91 it'?; fiii South. It. It., l'r t-tli MJ!i fii it Trim, coal & lion Li irj ,vi 5'iij I', H. Leather MK lili II lpj -. s, .eat."i', l'r 7'i 7 7s 7 f. ii. Ituhlni- Id in li i1; I'ulon IMciui) Hilt l;i lilt; iVSTi t'niim I'aillic, l'r. TU Mi hf e?',i Valia.li, l'r "'- '; :ii'i fi7'a Wostciu I'nloii lH)Tj Ut im4 ttPj Col. fuel & lion ,,,., IM'.j Hi'.i III!'. niy niil. Copp.'l' W'i td?s in nn IVople'ri (iat lUHi JDI'.; lu-j.'i Jul Texas Pacific W -hi5 id id Am. (.a- fnu'iiliy -0 "ti w y.'i f. S. Stoil ( o K"i c4 ii ,t U, M fie I, l'i'. ....... HI IU !i.li !W!i Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based nlmo llcrHMtt '' oucouni iiauu.. ;',5 ,,, Economy Llht. II. & l. Co u VTr.t Ntlonal Hank , , Jioo ,,, ...i. t, ,,.i Safu Dciieslt Co l.'JI Claik & bnovu- Co., I.'. 135 Siwntoli lion fence & Mfg. Lo. .,,. , ji fcirantoii Aide Woik4 ,,. oj fccmnton Savins Dink , ioo on i'ftv oi sju. STOCKS. Bid. Asked laKkavMiitia iwiiy t , , ui ,,, Countv BavlngJ Uaiik i l'ui-t Co,, aco l'r.t National Uauk ICUrbordile) 31i Standaiil Hltllins Co 0 TlilnJ Nilionat Hank iSO ,,. THE TRIBUNE'S. "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents Mere'Thfln Pour Lines, .1 Cents lor lUch Extra Line. For Rent. HAIIIICIt HIIOI' ami halli ronim fullv ftiitilttieit , for Immetlliile lent. Hett nlmi'l in cumuli ilile. A line opporlnnltv for a loiiple of yntliiff, dklllfu) h.irlieit, Altkeii Ulock, coiner Main ctieet nml Salem aieniie, TO tlKXT Temrnom lioil'e on l.i.iv au-iiue, with nil luoiletn convenlcme, ItirliiulnR ity tli'Jin heatl Mill le.ne veiv leatnnahle on aeeount of III ho.lllli, .ilitrM b. A. II., 'lilhniie ollite. t'Olt nt'.NTCluM rnomt, "."..1 .leffecson avenuej all modern convenience. i For Sale. .WSWV SvsysySSySSSS.VSVS. ,.rt.,,WW t'OII SALi: Tivo.je.ilnl nuirey, t Iteap. tilllnide, 717 Wett LmkaMiimia nvenue. 1'Olt SALK-An up'to-dntc meat inul llh tuaikei; pttnlilMieil tHenl.V'live yeat.tt iloim; a tarne Initlno's! eleeltlc motor for iuuaRc, nnd fans; br.t teferenco. Addrea Andiew Uinwn, Middle I on n, .V. v. 10P SALD Two light aprltift wafcont ami mini hiincft, cheap. Vmm, rear HJi Lutorne Irret. Eenl Estate. sASfVitJiU JtfM' nil M)l,t) AT OXCK, no re.tonahle offer lefiitpd, Iioiim- ut Hrndhani, fit Iiiikc looms, bath room, lint and cold water, tarse atlle; standing !n two lot", each iinnt.1l). Fiuit, shade tieet, etc. A. If. KcrHon, Hcndhain, I'a. 1'Olt SAI.K A good lann In Wavetly borough. Iiiqiiiro of .1. V. Lym.il, Wavorly, I'a. Rooms and Board. rtOOM TO HUNT, with boaid. t09 Jlulbciry Miccl. Tiadets' National Hank Beranlon Bolt & Nut Co I'oople's Hani: New Mexico By. & C. Co BONDS. Scranton rataenger tlaiiway, first MortKaste, due 1020 People's Street Railway, first mort gage, due 101S People's Street Railway, General inortgafte, due 1M1 Dickson Manufacturing Co Lacka. Township School 0 per cent. City of Scranton St. Imp. C per cent Scranton Traction 0 per cent 173 ... 10 li'J ... It U5 ... IIS US 100 102 102 . Scranton Wholesale Market. (Conected by IL O. Dale. 27 Lackawanna Ale.) lleans Per bushel, choice marrow, .?2.00a2.0S. Duttcr I'iccli creamery, 2ia2Jc.j tlalr.v, fresh, 21c. Cheeic full cream, !0V&allc. Eggs Western fresh, laVSaiC; nearby stale, Medium Itcant Per bushel, $2.50. (been Pca3 Per bushel, $Lt0al.t3. flour Best patent, per banel, ?4. 15. Beans Per bushel, choice mallow, $3,10. Potatoes Per bushel $lat,10. Philadelphia Grain, and Produce. Philadelphia, Ott. 8. Wheal Steady, contract Siade, Oct., 7la71!Ae. Coin -I'inn, lie, hiiiher; Xo. 2 iniveil, Oct., n2a02ji'. Oats film; No. 2 while clipped. 42,il2,c. butter lc. lower; famy westein iieamery. ajijc; do. neaihy plInN, 2.-.C. fttgy Dull and !jc. lower; fresh neaih.v. 20e. : do. ne.slein. 20c: do. southweat rrn. lis',; do, southern, ISc. I'heos" ITini; X. V. full ue.init I. UKy .-in. ill, IIIVJc. ; do. do. do., fair lo choit e, UlialUe. 1,'ellned sus.iis l'n changed. Cotton film ami ije, h'uher; mid dling upland, S H-liie. Tallow linn, fair demand; cily iirime in hhils.. .174.1111'. ; do. mil lomiliy daik, .llie; takes 0a0',4e. Live pout liy full mid lowci ; fowl.-', Hal llie ; obi rooster;, 7aSc; SiriiiK chiikent, lOallc; thick', ll.i12i. Dirked poullry Steady: fowl. (Iioice, blalll'ie. ; do. fair to gnod, 12.iI2lii'.; old mosfri'3, 7a7U-e.: b:oiler., neaihy, 1 Ial7e. ; Me.-lein tlo llalle. lloeoipts flour, :i,(Jii) hairelt nml 1,nSI,(iflO Hm, in i-acks; wheal. oU.W) bushels; , miu, :;2.IK); oalt, S.ikhi. Miipmenls -Wheat, 4.1,ini0 Im.liel-; com, 2r,fH); uau, 10,000. Voir York Grain and Produot. New Yoik, Oct. ;!. l'biiii Veiy .lull and li.nel.i- sleatlr. Wheal -Spot dull; Xo. 2 led, T,1i f. o. h. allo.it, and 7le. cleialn; Xo. 1 nm them Diduth, 7.V-. t. o, h. iiflo.it. Options opened film and for a time v.eie .su-l.ilned, but CMiitually weakonod miller and elo'cd cjy at '.ii . not ilicllne. May 1 hwd 77vic. ; Oct., 72':0. ; Do., 7 1 'si'. Cm 11 :pot .sl.ad.v; Xo. 2, IH'n. eleunor and 02'.ie. f. n. b. attoal. Op twin had a stionsr opomnfr i.nd advinccd afler which inaiket weakonod. finally lelliod on ;i lale tlimanil and cln..etl vteatly. May ilo-ed (ac; Oct., nicv,; Dee., i.l'ic O.'n Spot hteody; Xo. 2. Sbisf.: Xo. 2 while, ll'le.; Xo. ;! while, 1(1741'. Options iiiegul.u, at I11.H nibamlni; and later wrakeuim," with mm. But ter linn; iieamery, l.la22,ii'.; t'actoiy, fnvh, 12'.'.iUU'C. ; .bine iieamoiy, 2oa22..; imilation cieameiy, 11'jalM. ; tale ilauy, lla'Jlc. theoso I'inn; fancy l.uge tuloieil, fi'.ie.; famy large while, ti'jjc. ; fancy M11.1II coioied, 10'i'. : taniy small while, lik.1. l'sK IT1111; state and Peniu., 2la22e. ; we-lein, unoandled, Id'-'alD'ae. ; wcateiii, tandled, 20c, Chicago drain and Produce. Chiiago, Oct, :!. Built made a weak eftoil to conliol 11 lieuMi maiket lml.iv. and Dicomher com ilottil Ue. Iilshtf; Dei I'liiber wheat, 'ia I4c dipiosaed, and Dei I'lulnr oats 'ic, high"!. l'roitoin iloffd 3 to 20 cents up. C'a-li ijuot a tloiis wcie at follows: lioui L'1,,1 ; Xo. .'I fpriw; wlieat, CUaftic ; Xo. 2 ie.1, t'.574a.ini4c; Vo, 2 yellow, ,17!4e. ; Xo. 2 .ut-. .'!37ia.l7Ue. ! .t. 2 while. .':7',ia:We. ; Xo, !t white, ilii't-jiiM', : Xn. ! lye, .lie.; fair to iholce mailing. .1 1 .1 -0 -. 1 Xu. L noilliwe.l. cm, M..1'-'; pilnie tlinothy feed, M. IVil.DI; inevi poik, sll.lOall.l.l; laid. $9.S.;'aaii.s.v, i-holt 1 ibs, iS. ISaK.U.1; diy sailed houldeis, 7'ai7:vi'.; fthoit clear idc., S'.:l0.i!i,in. Chicago Live Stock Market. thhagu, Oil. .1 Cattlo-ltoceiptj, I'.Mo, In 1 biding l.olo Tovjiis. 2,000 woslcnn; lien, ttc.uli ; till others, dull and lowei; good to pi nil. idcMs, sil.1 iau.1,0; poor to medium, W,7,"i al.no; ktnkeia and toeJoit, !f2,25a4; cnii, f 1.2.1 ill. in; heifoii, 2.11.7,1; unuei.-, L21a2,2.1; bulb, si,7;,,iLii-i; cahot, V2.i0jil.Su; icxat fed sieei, tSkitklHl; we.telil teei, .').7.ii1.'2i. Hogs It'i'lpti today, 'J.I.W0; toinoriow, 211, iM Ml inn, ,1,d0i); niaikot .toady to Him; mUeit and IiiikIiok, sh..'Ma0,(l,-i; good lo ilinieo ho.uy, sd.OOatl.Nl; lough lieaiy. W.JOail.lo; llghi, fju.l0afl..H); bulk of alos, 1-1), lo.ni.o0. Sheep HccelpU, lS.OOO; thoep, about .,teid;. ; ijtmV, Heady to ItV', Iciwe,'; gcul to cnopo v.iihert, .l.,'jt.i.1j tail' tu ihoiie IiiImiI, hi.! ;'..;;0; weslriu hicp, is2.J0j3.ei); iiji; lai'ih., sj.'. 10a 1.7.1; we.lctn lambs, ij:i, lOal.tn. New York Llvo Stock Market, Xew Yoik, fbt. ".'-Beeici, ni.iluly ioii,igii''. illutti mi niles icpolU'd. HrosMd beef, te.iil.i ; liallvi. inlet, II tu 10 Ciutl per pound. Tc.a, litif, .ItjaTc; iJhiv, weak; eali, (nuiiumi to fair, ijla".7uj gias'ir. m.i.i..1Uj ,-.u w.tii calu't, VJ.7J. Si'icp and lambs slow- ami weak; .hup, S! ;i) n.'l.ui: IjiiiIh, sl.'-'l.i.'i.VJ1 j ill t'i-s.ci iiniitou, .i to 7 cent.; ihi'iM'il IjiiiIw. 7 to IU iut. Ilngt Mnkei weak. East liberty Cattle. l.a.t lluftalo, Oil. !).-C.iltle-l)tl'iring light; ttead.vj veali, fr'-iSai, lloss Olloiingt, Ii i.ilii; faiil uillie, iniu-d pail.er, $ii.7.'iail.i'.i; ilmiie heai, 47jiMh; glii'f.'l, light lo good, SM..-J1j(J. in. Pigs, guud tn ihoiie, i!.iiJ.10i lough, common lo good, Al all. 23. Sheep and Uiiilij-'Uftciingi, 1 iai; lowi cholep In famy naliio landis, .M.lOal.JO; do. (air tu good, s.s,VT.V.J; ill I If, common lo good, .l.23a).2.1; nattvo heep, choice liand.v wellicri. J.Wal; cull .',nd tomnion, H'1a'J.23. Oil Market. Oil Cit, OJ. S.-Credjt bjlanui. IMj ctr litiulo,, nn bid. Shipment., ttt.W; aitiage, "2,123. Itun), WW5; average, y3,0.'J, 3 More Help Wanted Malo. WASTI'.H i:ierleneeil boy In irioceiy hutliie't, Atldio't llioieiy, Tilhnne nlllei. CAIIPCMiill UANTLH lo gn nut tit town: . ieue paid. Apply HIS Wyoming aitinie. IKIV.s-l'iee fiunple in fnlri'ilittp ini-t.il Hilunlmt lnpt Mll-uindliiL': sidli Hie liiluule.t; TO illllereiil irulltuiit, Aildl.t', wllli Malup, .Inlm Keener, t Top vt., Itoiheslot, X. . OIIDKHI.V WAXif.l) at Hie Wet !s!de'lioilliit. Hefoleucct ictiilied, Apply ill. the hospital. t'ANVAfSr.llS WAX IKH--for an lionett. stulglilforuanl pinpo-llloii. ol n $toa'diy tehtine, hut good pay for gooti wmk, ounj: tlin.I ,,' ..Sl r....... . t n ... .. .....I ....... I l.il.l.a l.'Mlln.l, . -. ...... t IU ... .I.,V.II auvc Mil', Hllllll II, ,.- .....I...., 11 uiey naie nail Mime etnerioiKe 111 cania.siui Ihey haie had miiiii' etperloiKe ill i.iinavlnt', much the belter. Addiem, klatlng uge. ox leme nnd pietlout Miues, .MUVsP.U'lltt, I m .. ' p., iiiucii tie' nt peileme nnd pi lllllUIll! IlllltC WAXTKD-l'Iitt chist khoomaker; steady wotk for light man. Apple I), A, Davit, Is Lu rerne nirnue. Wot I'ltrnimi. CAXVASsllKS Tn wolk In illy; eny liouit; gootl piiv, .ilaiv mid tcim.i'ailon, Addieti II. It.. Tlflimie otllte. BltlOKLAVLHS WAXTHD-for (Ire lulok wolk. Coinmunlcatlotit and pd'oii.il application) will lie rrcelicd at my olflco in Hancock, S, V. It. .1. BitMiinti. Help Wanted Pemole. CAXVASSKRS To wmk In city: ea'y hon-s; good pay, alary and connnls-ion, Aililici H. IL, Trillium otllec. HAMI.D A gill fm- general tu.iMwri.ik-. Apply at 101 South Main nvenue; niu-t come ifc omnicndeil. IVANTKIf Girl for gcneiat hou.-ewock at Dalton. Addien (I. T., tare Trilnme. BRANCH WANT OFFICES. Want Advertisements Will Be Becelved nt Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALBKrtT SCI1LUTZ, comer Mulhcrrj ftreet and Webster avenue. OUSTAV PlCHlib, 30 Adams avenue. T7est Side OCOBGE W. JEXKIXS, 101 South Mla avenue. South Scranton KB ED V. TERPrE, 729 Cedar avenue- North Scranton GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North Main avenue and Market street. Green Eldge CHABLKS P. JON'f.S, 1317 Dickson avenue. F. J. .T.011NS, 020 Green Bldjc street. O, LOREXZ, corner Washington ave nue and Marion ttrect. Petersburg W. II. KNEPFL'L, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore 3. a. BOXE & SOX. Wanted. WAXTI'.D A large show case. Apply William GlfTord, 1317 Dickson avenue. Furnished Booms. 1'Olt Itl'.XT 1'urul-hed ruuiiit, lor gentlemen oulv: o.team heat; all modem lomeiuemcs. lll Mulheny stioct. TWO li.HASAXT BOOMS for lent; 0110 furnished and one unfurnished: l.eat, lihl, twu baths; five itouit bom Htm Pall; t hurt Ii paifonage; he.si mid mo-t cenli.il location iu the city. Call at III!) Madison avenue. TWO fl.'IIXIMIIlD BOOMS in pibate family: all convcnicnies; oittb 111.111 picl'cnid. ;;. Wa.-h-iuglon avenue, city. FOIl BKXT I'lnnbliod fiont loom, with heat, bath and nut; near court house; conlleiuau prefeireil. Add! est Boom, HAx 201). 1'OIt HUNT fiunl-hod loom; heat and hat! (U3 Linden sticet. Business Opportunity. If YOf have s'Ji.mt or s.10,iki In ime-t. i-oiiil tor patticuiait how-Jim can letebe .1 nlie weel; ly iinomi! iu tin' brt and iuit -iiiien-rul imest lueiil. Metiopolilaii bMhane, 1U.I2 I'.uk llow llnildiny, Xew Yoik. STOCK AXD WIIIIAT TltADLIIS without ilela... Wiile tor our special maiket letter, fiee mi iipplitatiou. S. M, lllhliaid .t. Co., members V. Y. Consolidated and Mock lAih.niio. 11 and 40 llioadnay, Xew Yoik. IVtablished l'0l. Lung Diilaiicu liiono 2.;s.S llio.ul. Wanted Board. WANTED tlnaiil iu a privale lauiilv by iwo ,ntui Lidii't. Addo'ri A. P., Hu .132, lily. YOl'N't; MAX tlosliet hoaiil iu innate family, liftman ptciciicd, Addie-s f. P., Tiilniiiu 01(1' e. Boarders Wanted. W'ANTKD Table lioai tiers. Mis. Tompkim, 5)1 W'a.hinstou avenue. lost. SrtWSVSWVWW.AAA.WV,WW.rt.VVSV. I.Ors'f- s-mii n( iiii.ik'V 111 I'l.iiiMin nieuiie Wed lie.day. I.lheial lew.iid lot Us leliini to Tilhnne oltlic, LOST -A bi petkethool, lonlainnii; a hank liouk, Bulhliii); and Loan u.-neiatioii book, jutl ouie money, LII1el.1l icwanl if lift al Tilb.ine. Miscellaneous. I'lllli: line lolled jjohl tiaif-piu In any one .sending 21 tcnl mr mu doen veiy uimtl liapkllH, I.'. Wblm-li, 2S1 Jlaikol sticit, Niw all., X. .1, LEGAL. NOrK'Li In 10 uiadlni; of N'inih Aiuei. ",i. (MS, M.1H.I1 'Ullu, IN)". In the Coiiit of Coimuou I'le.is of l,.n I; isv.nill 1 11.mil;. ihe iindeirleuod, vici.iis in the nhuie cae, have made their lepoit and lied tl me In the PiotlionntaiyV olllio tho M'lutid lUy ol Ot . tohtr, I'.Ot, .is-es, bra; damaui's ,i. follows Tie tallicillio I. lady niale, iftulHl; Nicholas ( 11111 fi'ltl, el Ml.. jlOll.Ulli ihe P. ll.Ufnelt.V Cjlal, 7'ii.ki; llie .Inlm .. U.il'h iol.il, it.j-iil.uil; tho Maiy Toi'hlll cut.. .IM); Ellen Tallin. -(ii)OI. I'ldo-A 1 iillint- nm hhii lo II"' -atne 1 i.tuii IliUti il.ns Hit ,-,ii' will I," loiiilimrd linalli .1 I OI.IHIIIN, ,11! , M I. Ill lll), I .1. IUVI-. 1 ,ell r.. SITUATIONS WANTED FRBE, VK OPFUR TO YIELD ABOUT Sf ; si ,000,000 BUTTE ELECTRICjEPOWER COMPANY of Butte, (Ilnttt! N (be (,'ivtilfst I'dlipcp U'ciilniiiiB city in the ivoiitl), 5o First Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold Bonds lk'iintulnutloii SliOOO, inutiuiiii; 1 to 30 vcui-b. Amply provide:! fur by mcrra nml eiliklui,' fiiiul. .Not cninliitja three uml tlircoiMiurtci's ttmt-s Intyi'.-t, ihuiaw. Vrito for report of Mr. Samuel IimuII, t'lv-sMoiit of the Cblctiito l'dliuii Co., aud kpcvliil flrculur. o . l. RUDOLPH KLEYBOLTE & CO., -, I NASSA.U ST.i DIRECTORY; .. i i Insertions 25 Cents Than Pour Lines, A Cent tor liach ntr l.lns, PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWAIII) O. .SPAtJLDI.MI," 2rTHAl)IMis"nA"M tinlidiuir. Architects. EHWAItl) II." DAVIS, AltOmTEtJT.VoXNTlLti Building iiti:i)i:iiiciHH)WX,Attrii, n., in;,ti LJtjtu t:cli.-ilino nidn., 12H Wnshlnitton ale. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. I,. IIAIIDIN(i7coo COXNIILI, BtJILDtNa. Dentists. D. '. E. EILEXHLHtlElt, PAOl.t UUILDINU, t-fuuro flieet, Sctniilon. 'HI. O. C. LAltnACII, 11,1 WYOMIXO AVHSUrl Lawyers. 'HANK E. BOYLE. ATTOHXHY-AT'AW. noomt U, U, HI mid IS Burr llulldliiff. I'. K. TRACY, ATf'V., COMMONWEALTH BLDO. D. B, IHlPLOm.l!, ATTOBNTIY-LOANS 't-:6" tlated on leal estate security. Meais Bulldlni,, 1 oincr Washington nvenue and fpiuee sttest, WILLAHl), WABItEX-: KXAPP. ATfo'lt.VKVJ and counsellort-Jt'law. llepubllcan Bulldliiff, ".islilngton avenue. dESJiUP & JESSOP, ATTORNKVS AND COUx" seliui-t-atl.iw, Commonwealth Building, Boom) J'-', 21) and 21, ,:'ill'AJ,f." ' TIIAVEIt, ATTOIIXLY. n00M3 l Dili lloor, Mears Hulltlitiff, '.. n;A'1',"l'"s'' AT I'OltNUY-AT-LAW, DOARfJ "' ''tide Hiiildln:,', Sciantnn, Pa. "'i'n'!',,';ON a- wii.coxT tbadi.'iis' x.vrioN'Ati Hani; Hiillillmr. C CO.MKOVS, !)-13 BfPHIlLICAX BUILdTn'G. A o.,V'- BI'"IIOLI'. (ifl'ICi: MOVED TO XO.' -II nyomlnir nienue. Physicians and Surgeons. Dlt. W. E. ALLEN', fi13 XOHTII WASHIXOTO avenue. Bit. S. W. L'AMOBEACX. OfPICH i.'i WASH ington avenue. Resilience, 1.11S Mulheirv. Chrnnto clineasos. lunss, licatt, I.idnejt ami Konlto-uiinaiy organs a specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Hotels and Restaurants. Tin: EN' cai-'i:, 12.1 and 12? vrasklim ave. nue. Hates reasonable. P. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. fcCBANTOX IIOUSi:, NEAR D., L. & wTpAS- seniier depot. Conducted on the i'uropeas plan. VICTOR KOCH, Piopiictor. Scavenger. A. B. BUIGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAUI.TS!XrJ cess pools; no odoi: only improved pumpt mod. A. H. Briuus, piopiictor. Leave oldeis 1100 North .Main avenue, or ficko's drus stole, cor ner Adams and Mulbciry. Both teiephoncs. Seeds. G. R. CLARKE & CO.. SCEDSMEX AXD XURS ci.vnuii, toio 201 'Washington avenue; green houses, 19.10 Xoith Slain avenue; store tela phone, 7s2. Wire Screens. JOSKI'II KL'KTTEL. REAR fill LACKA. AVEU. Scranton, Pa., manufaetiuer of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. Hltlis-SMAKIXa fOlt CHILDREN" TO ORDER; abo ladies' watsti, Louis Shoemaker, 212 Adams avenue. MLOAHGLE RltOS.. PRINTERS' SI.'PPLIES, EX- vclopes, paper Ii.iri, twine. Waiehousc, ISO Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. Tin: wiLKEsnAititt: record cax re hah in Sciantnn at the news Mantis of Roismait llio.. -lit) Spiuce and TiiW Linden: M. Norton, :!22 l.aik.iwauua avenue; 1. S. Schutzcr, 211 Spline sheet. Money to Loan. $.10 to $30,000-AT OXCE 4 and 5 per cent. In-lero-t. Ea-y terms to icpay. Ucoige W. Okcll, Coal Exchange building. 5J;)0,000 TO LOAN' Lowest rates; straight el monthly payments. Stark & Co.,Tradcis' uldg. AXY AMOUNT Of MONEY TO I.OAN-Qulck. strai.xl.t leans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to C per cent. Call on N, V. Walker. CU-.1I3 Cennell building. Strayed. sTIlWED fiom mv pirmi-r.t daik, brown, (.evci mouths old calf: iiifoiuialiou tliuukfully i leiveil. Win. N'owlioni, South Second tiect, ,reim.Mi. Pa. Situations Wanted. s-liiATUIN WANTED--llouie-woik by the lioui oi day. luqiilic at .VIS foitsl coillt. SI'll'YIiOV WANTED--A ic-poctable eolicetl man, lalely airiicd iu this city, wishes plan) at butler; leiiieine, it icipiiicd. Address If, Tiiliinic Of (li f. YOI Nil MAN tlesiies position a.t ttcuographe.j ami typcwilicr, loiisldeialih. expciiencc. neconii i.datloiw tmnl-hod on application. Box 10, Tuliiiue olllio, illy, MifATHlX WANTED A woman wants washing to do at honie. Aildii'", M. K Tilbuiie OJ. lice. sITI'AiiOX WANTED A wniiiau wants men'1 iiuilor-i li.the.. in ivaclt; evpoiicnced laundress. M. It., Tiilmue Oflicc. Sli't'AiiOX WANTED -A jouus lady tlesliea jio. .siiioii a. sleuiisiaphtr and typcwilttr, Ai ill Cst Stouogiapher, Tilhune Oltlee. Ml CAT ION ANTED- By .otiiiir nuiilcd man willhiK to woil; ut aii)tlilmr. uflke woik pi'.' leiitdi evpeil tebaiaph opeiatori can ftrn,-J lust of leluience, Aildie-,, .I, L. ..U,iJj7,A ! iug avenue, t liy. ' 1 . ' Mil' VTIOX W NTED llv inuiig man in maohir.s ihop; wllllmr tu rlait iu al i caa'otiahlo wagei; l..i, .some l;iiolfil;! of ilrattiig. Addles?, Hot 'i, iiuiic.mi.iii, t-a. m FINANCIAL. Dine! Nbw York Wire Stocks and Bonds All orders executed on exchanges. Quick and absolutely reliable service. Tdeptiona Connections, Old, 667-3; New, aie. 2.: I . IRWIN THUEMAN & CO., ji2-13ii Cunneli Uiiltiilnsi Scranton, "I Mont. S.'.' fsEW VORK. . . .'.ftr. V I lti.v-r.y' - -li JiLii' ar.j ,, -9-,-x -SJLliyti... -. .-viteaa.'a .,.