vjwsr ywj,f-,xyJHv,""K'- K. ... - trxn,'' ('('I'JnsW'flfl',' t-.- j!i.te .w--r v . tf. . nf if-" v ) '-.'v , ., N il r ? A THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1901?. "W ...j I--N-, WEST SCRANTON CORNER STONE OF NEW CHURCH WILL BE LAID WITH APPRO PRIATE EXERCISES. CouRicRation of the Embury Metho- , dtst Episcopal Clutich Looking ' rot-ward to tho Event with Much " Pleasure Eisteddfod In North Scrnnton on Thanksgiving Day. St. Bienden Boys Will Entcitnln This Evening Father Mnthcw v Anniversary Notes and Personals 'AiranRf.'inoiUM ate helnjr iiiiuIh foi "tayliii; tho corner blotto til the new Rnibury AIothodiHt KplKeopal elmieli, which In to l)o creeled sit the vomer of South Jlaln avenue and llryii IMawr afreets. I!ev. Jhiih'k 1 lentil tiaer, tl r'liorjrotlo pastor. Is now nl work I'omidotlns the details and the date, of tlio event, width will he In iilumt three weelts, will be niinntineeii lnir. The following projiranime has already hcen iit-miieed: llinin No. hVi CoiKti'K.iliiiti 1'r.i.irr . . -. r. Muling, IViIm 1 "J, ir.n'.iiiit, lie II. W tl"IIHo!t. , . ( huir Anthfin S.TljltHMl Id'OII, I or. tit: !!.. I.'ov. .1. I'. Mi.'VjI. II. I). .( utinieit.itioii liiitlni, I). I). Ilimn No. .V .,Mn. tii'f Aithein Ki.iollmrnt d( ii.iiik'4 of pci fpo i)o!!.ii' or liiuif, In M ( holr il"i i imMUnitr jiIjmiI in tli" lw "Jii.rr tlonc. Vuytr l!"t 'Hi i, li" : n-: . H. I). iIjmiIm.v I iiiiBic.uinn nnctJicl!oii I... I.. A. Iluj!.. The service will be in i-hnrise ir Itev. -ustiii Orlilln. 1). I pifiillny elder of lite Wyoming district. Thanksgiving' Eisteddfod. Local singtMH inc befali-ring: then, Hclve.s in preparation for the ei.-todd-fod to be hold on Thniikj-Kivln;,' day at the tabernacle of the Xoith Main Ave nue Kaptiht church. Xorth Senuiton. Thtee sessions will be held, anil prir'.es ainountinfr to S.'.On wi'l lie awarded. Hon. If. .I. IJdwanls will lie th" con ductor. The Oxford Glee club, under the dl reullon of J'tof. David Stevens, will enter the competition on "The Pil grims' Chorus." for m prize ol' Spin. , prize of $;:u v he offered for u female chorus on "Annie Laurie." .'irraiiKcd by Dudley Hack. The chief choral com petition will be for clioits of not loss I than lufi voices nor more than ll'.'i. foi A Daily Reminder W.i will tut lie ili:,i,poliiifil in Tifmir'. Tart il will uliir t li.it Couuli anil Cold in one nii;lil. Ir'OR SALE BV O. W. JKNK1NS. Saturday Bargains at The Globe Warehouse You can couut on it, everything in the list that follows is good, fashionable and just right for the ceason. Prices are the only things wrong, and they're ' too little to be profitable to us. You won't find fault with that, however. Leather Goods and Toilet Requisites It's a new department, pr.icticallv speaking, but it's a winner and grows more popular daily. Just a couple of prices by way of illustration ; HAIR BHUSHES Fine, all bristle, solid back hair brush, would be cheap at 55c each, For Saturday 23C HAND BRUSHES Pure bristles, of best quality, solid back and nicely finished, all sizes, worth 55c. Saturday 1 9c TOOTH BRUSHES A very superior lot. not one of i which is worth less than 21c. Your choice on Saturday 1 ZC Ladies' Hosiery and Underwear Ladies Fancy Hosiery, fall weight in all the new fancy . styles ; soc hose for Saturday 45C Ladies' Fine Cream Colored Vests, in a good medium weight, Very special for 22C Men's Smart Neckwear In all the new effects and colorings, and the most com plete line of new styles that has ever been shown in this , city. Choice 25C Three Interesting Items Ladies' Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, fine i)twlity and hem- stitched 5C Ladies' Straight Front, Short Waist Corsets, made from linh French Coutil, white or drab, bins art sides and full . gores. A 75c Corset for 49C there's a beautiltil line of Knitted Shawls, Capes, etc. 1 Jn the Muslin Underwear Department that are worth a j ' look, and they're cheap. Ladies' Waist Department Specials -Flannel Waists fr Ladies' Flannel Waists in ah colors, with silk stitched front, cluster of tucks, etc. A real good waist, worth ;$3.25:;, Qn ,Satur- $1.75 Globe Warehouse a nrlae of $210. mi "Teyrtinsoedd y Ddnor," and "The Heavens Are Toll ing. ' The minor competitions rauite from $1 to J:1.. A Surprise Party. MIhs Myrtle Seymour wns tendered a surprise pally by a number of her frliu!s til her home, on AVnsltburn slreet. AVedtiesday cvenlUK. Oiiiiipm weio played utid other part;, dlversloiiH were Indulged In. Vlnshllulit iilctures were ttiken by Wllllnm Chandler. At a late hour dainty refieshuienls Were served by .Mrs. Seymour, alter which the happy crowd dispersed to their respective home". The features of the evening was the clever work of the clever comedian. John Holmes, of Criein lSldte, and llobeti flawley, as the wutuli rhiR Jew. Those present v ere Hie Misses Myrtle Seymour. .Mary Seymour, Lulu Itrece, Lois Iteddoe. t'orlin.o Smith. I'asste Kvuiip. Jemil" Powell. .M.try Williams, Mary Kvans. Mthel Lewis, Helen Hey. mtiiir, Lilly Seymour, and llany Hey. tnoitr, P'red Seymour. Tlionius Sey mour, John Holmes, William Lossey. John Jones, Anthony Pender. IMward llvaiis, lOdward Cable. l!lmer Jeiiulns. Iloberl llollny. liavld Thornhurii, Will Chandler, D.ivld 1 !"(, Progressive Ettuhte Party. Tile members of SI. ihetiiieu's coun cil. No, LM". VoutiK Men's Institute, will entertain their friends this evening m their club house, IS:: North Main ave nue, at a projircsslve eiiclne party. Invitations have been issued to a IniKi' number, nitd II Is expected the re sponses will be t;enetal. I'l'iws valued :il J.", will be Klvi'ii to the winners. Father Mathew's Birthday. The Hyde Park Father Mathow soci ety will celebrate the birthday of Itev. Theobald Malhew on Thtti'.-day even insr, October la. by holding a tcinpet iiucc rall.v. b::tntie! and sociii! al St. Leo's hail, lb", ami ITT .N'oith Main avenue. Several speakers ol promlucnc 111 be presetit a deliver addresses. The proKranune will be published later. Annoyed by Tramps. Coiiiplahit imne.t from tvoldf-nts of Xorth .Main avenue li, the vicinity of Tripp's ciosslnv that a b.'iiik of tramps ate . iittslns- eonsldci'.ible aimoyancc in that loealltv. Sfinir of thtiii are mi bold that they make leKUlar demands or. the luiuse wives lor fond, and if refused offer In sultlne; lanyuane. At night they oc cupy an old shanty in a ravine near the railroad. Tlu pnlic hav been notila :i and atx- on tin; lookout for t'li.ni. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. A number of boys wore "rushii'K; the srowlcr" In the vicinity of Ansley's luinbc yard, when a patrolman might, one of them and landed him in the Minion house, lie was lined ?.'. Wai ranls an out for the rest of the muif;. A larRe number of llrst-clas entries have already been assured for the HV.it Side UilvhiR- club's races on the Hpeed wa. next Thursday. A special meet- Ladies' Silk Waists Black Taffeta Silk Waists, corded and hemstitched fronts, lucks and sleeves, and elegantly finished. A waist that's well worth $5. On Saturday $3,9o Iiir of the club will be licit! next Moti on ' evening at C. O. Dcckelntek's clear slore, on North Main avenue, Globo lodge of Odd Ketlows Will tele brato Its nnnlvorflnr.v by moving Into the new Wat-liltiRton hull building this .evening. Mr, At. C. Wettlltipr. of fnnUi Hi out loy iivptitte, eiilt'rtaliieil llio tueiitbeis nl' Hip Unlliimil ntixlllnl'V tif gJluilmm Molhoillsl I'j)Uraml I'hurcli laol even lug:. The I,it(llt's' Aid sni'leiy of the Wn Mi lium Street Hresliyterlnii ihurih held tut ull-dity so(.lon yesti'filiiy. A tneotlnir of the I'nlted Mine WutK er.i' L'ointnlltee, to nrriiiiRC! for u reeei lion to the deloKtttcH or the Atneilciin I'VdiMiitlon convention, wiih held In t'o-oin'i'iitlv- hull Inst evening;. Mr.". !. S. Del'tty. of .V.'l Norlh l.ln 10I11 tiventle, will entertuln the AVotll nn's forclBii MlHsloimry Koelfiy of the WliupFiiu .Methinlltl KplHeopm t inireh this oven I ne. In the hIhioIIuk tniiteh hetweon Kred llviniH, .lolm Li-win unit Jltii'iy V. I)n vIk, the f lrt iwo ntnui'd hilled eleven erieh. und the Inttei' ten out of flNteen hli'dc. II. .1. ''niiiion, of 1 vij;s JiuUsnn hi reel . won the mild pie hit need off by l.onil No. US, I'nlted Mine Wuiheix of Auierlcti. The remilnr nieeiljn; of the Wesd Side Ho.U'd of Trudc will he held next 'I'lieH diiy eveiiiitK. wln-n new ,imi'tnis will lie .eitii'ei'. It k i'.'ieeted it Slliie.nstli' ttlll he eloi-ted tn I'lesldflil D.tnlelt. vlni hiis InUi't! up Ills re-Mik-nce In (ll-ei-n lllilue. The YoltUK I'e(ipe'. Mjeh'ty (if the First "Welsh fdiiRi'i.'Riitloniil cliiiieh will conduct nn eiiteitiilnnn'iit 11 nil v clnl next Thui'sdiiy evenltig. Mrs. It. .1. llllKllC!', Jlr.". .Inline .lere nilnh. Jlw, Wllllitii'. N. I'hnse mid Mr.-. (Jeoi'Ke T. .liiiieM spent ye.tenlny with friends In Cleiibiun. Albert Munis hns imivei! Ill I'liinlly fi'tini Kyiim; street In U'est l.acUnwmi nn 11 VellHe. The I'nris Suelnl eluli will hold their weekly dance in Meats' hull this eve ning. Th" loialiers of t lie Sliiip.-.on Metho dlft Kpl.-eopal Stnulny school have or Kuiilxeit a bible study elasi" :iml will ineeL Wednesdiiy evenitlRS after play er meeting-. (Seorae L. jv.,.c lias been chusen as the teacher fur th present. W. II. Itoberlson, one "f the alten-ilanl-, nl the Hillside home, vl.-Iled relatives in town yeMenlny. llavid Daniels, of Iiiwu, who has ben visltinR friend!! here after an absence of many years, left for his linine yes terday. Mr.-. M. .1. Ilnckelt. Mrs. .John fif.'idy. Mrs. Colti ml and .Mrs. Kinney spent Wedii'.vday with ft lends at Clark's Summit. Mrs. (leuige I.. Jones. Mis. Charl-'S Collins. Mr. and Mr.-. William Morris and Mr. 11 ml Mrs. .I0I111 Francis, of Uelleviie. are al the Pan-American. Abraham Mnser. of Summit Hill. Ph.. Is visiting- his lel.ttives in AVe.-t Seraiilrm. Katie, tlie tbre-y(-ui'-olil child of Mr. and Mrs. Michael l-Vsne, of t.'J South Ninth -tie,.t. was nm over bv a earrliiHt; on Thursday and severely injured. Miv. t'lurnn-e Shryer, if North Main avenue, entertained the Senniton ('aid dub Wednesday afternoon. Sanfoul I'hilliiis, of Acad-niy street, siibtnined a deip cut over his cjv in the sonilnary-IIIh si-hoo! foot hall Kimi" 0:1 Thui'.-cldy. Tin-' No. It M-lioid alumni foot ball club has been oi-Rnnl.eil. and they will play a sair, with the Harry llillimm Academy team, of Wilke.s-Harr", to morrow at't"rnoon. David W. lieest . of Hampton street, was held in Jl'iIm ball by Alderman Mosch on complaint of John O. F.vnns of 1117 Hampton street, on the charge of disorderly conduct. Mrs. Mott of South Main avenue, lias returned home from a few day.-' visit in New York city . Henry Oelss. of North liromloy ave nue, will leave today for ISufi'alo and the Pan-American. Ftvnk Smith, of North Lincoln ave nue, l vIMtlUR- In Pi-ovldeiu-f, It. ., and Mis. Smith Is at Plymouth. James and William Harris, of North Hyde Park avenue, ic home from the Pan-Aniericnii. Mis. P.icliai-d Jl. Kvans, of North Hyde Park avenue, has returned home from Buffalo. John T. Phillips, of this side, and Miss Clara Killlon, of South Scran ton, were united in marriage yester day by Itev. V. V. Jones, pastor of the Tabernacle (roiiHreKatlon.il church, at his residence on South Hyde Purl: av enue. A liumlie:- of boys were ensaRe ! last evenliiff in placing- obstruct Ions on the street car tracks 011 North Main ave-ni-e. I.ieut-natr Ha vis caiiKlit one of then; and compelled him to clear the tracks. NORTH SCRANTON. Mis, II, M, Smith, of North Platte. Neb., who has bcop vI.-itliiK In this part of the city for the last month, haw U-turned home. A regular meeting; of stationary en p.lneers will be hold in Leonard's hall, this evenlns at S p. 111, The ladles of llie Memorial Hnptlst church will setve a turkey dinner at tho iiarlms of Hiolr new church on Church avenue ThunloKlvinK day from 1 i. m. to H 1 1. 111, What promise.- to be a very n x 1 1 1 1 1 k frame of baskvt ball will he played at the auditorium tonight between the C'rackeyjncks of this section and the Patriots of the West Side. .Mrs. Wood, of nitryea, Is violins; friends lno-e, Miss Maud Williams of .School street has i',.turinii to Savannah, t'hi., tu re sumo her duties as tutor in a private family. Miss Hnttle Sllkm.in was railing on ft lends in the North J-htd Monday, Dr. ami Mrs. Itentley and daughter, of Church avenue, have aom, on a two weeks' vihit to Atlantic City and Philadelphia, Michael Noone, of (Jreen strict, has resumed hi.s duties as drtts cletk at j Hrounan s dins store on West Mar ket stieet, after a thtee week' 111- IKaS, Mi.. Mtjn Flnni of Uliijijond avenue, nude: 'cul a siieces.,ful o,-ioiatloii at lite llaiinoiiiiinn ho.-plta Wednehduy fiftai'itoon The operation was rur. formed by lli-s, Kureth, Coolldge, IhewHter nud Pock, mls Finn 1b well known in this uucilou and her niuiiy friends nill be pleased to hear of her bettered condition, Although rapidly Impiuvlns felie win pot l,e able to leave the iiofapinl for several weeks yet. Hose company .No. 1 was mound In speuHng the lire hydrautH yesterday, oiling them and numplng tho water out of (hem before thu cold water sets in. There will be Kospol nieetluss in the North Find Y. W, c. A. rooms every Sunday at a.l." . in. this month. The topics aiv ua follows: October ti, "tjlirlst'w Teaclt'iigs Hegardlng Pray er;" October in, "Tho Prayers of Ululsti" October i'O, "The Lord's 1'ray er;" October 7, "Prayers In the Hible That weio Answered." All young women and p.lrls are earnestly Invited tn attend. SOUTHSGRANTON MARRIAGE Or PRED KEUKES AND MISS WEYAND. Cetetuony Was Peifonncd by Rev. Jacob Sitter, of Now Hnvcn. Conn., In the Prospect Aveuue Methodist Episcopal Church Daniel Pell, of Birch Street, Sustained n Compound 1'rncture of the RlghtAnkle Admit Kldlat Held for Court Charges Against Him. The Prospect Avenue Methodist Unls- eopal chtticlt Inst evening wuh tilled wllh friends of J.'retl Kcukes and Miss Molly YVeymid, well-known mid popu lar young residents of Ibis side, who weie joined hi marl Inge by Ilov. Jacob Sitter, of New Haven, Colin. At 7.3(1 o'clock the bridal party approached the itltar. to the strains of Lohengrin' u-ddlng innrcli, Miss Kimun Jollier attended the bride as maid of honor, ttnd Miss Llnzle Kellermaii was brldes niald, The bride was arrayed in cream ImiMlowne, and the nttilds wore while dimity. Tho groom was attended by Leopold Hulzel and Yi'llllam Kellermaii. The wouls that Joined them tor life were spoken by Kev. Suler, a fotiner pastor of the clturcli. After the ceremony the wedding party repaired to the home of the Initio's parents, on Prospect avenue, wheie 11 reception tool? place, followed by n supper. The newly married couple, who -will IjprIh housekeeping on this side, were handsomely remembered by their numerous friends. Mr. Kcukes Is 11 bookbinder by trade and is employed at the establishment of It. I-.'. Pieiuler gnst. Aged Man Injured. Daniel Pell, aged To years, was making some repairs on his barn, at :' Ilireli street, yesterday morning, when a ladder he wits using Inoke and lie fell heavily to the ground. Assist ance speedily arrived and the old man was removed to the house and a physi cian summoned. Dr. Kolb arrived, and on examining the sufferer found that he hail sustained a compound fracture or the right ankle. Mr. Poll's age. makes the case seri ous, but he is setting the best possible care, and al a late hour last evening was reslintr comfortably. Held for Court. Ad.nn Kldlat, nf JUJifi tieech stieet, who figured in a speakeasy case :i few days ago. when lie testified that he was never in the place und never bought a drink there. Is In set Ions trouble, ('on stable fisirdner. who lodged Informa tion against the said spefikeasy.claiincd to have ample witnesses and testimony that. Kldlat swore falsely, and lodged information with Alderman Lentes against him on a chnrse of perjury. Oardner. after getting the warrant, started to arrest ids man. bin. found the Job too big. Kldlat not only re fused to oblige Hie constable, but ie sisled arrest and, furthermore, threat ened to let daylight into the constable's anatomy, (iaivlner swore out additional warrants for resisting an ofilcer mill thients. Constable Woelkers then went after Kidlal, and had no dilllctilly in getting Ids man. Kldlat waived a hear ing and was held for court In $S"0 ball, which his brother furnished. NUBS OF NEWS. Miss Minnie Heintz. of :.t:: Pitistrm avenue, was tendered a surprise party by her schoolmates and friends last evening. It was the young lady's four teenth birthday, and they wished her many hupny returns of the day. Ite freshnients were served and sevpral pleasant hours were spent by the young folks. The South Side branch of American Workmen met in Hartman's hall last evening-. A baby gltl lias arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry rtelf, of Siii Prospect avenue. R.v-i'ounty Commissioner John De inulli Is confined to his home. TOa Cedar avenue, with n very severe cold. Miss Kate Mlrta, of Cedar avenue, Is (inlte ill. The Mlses Louisa and P.ose matter, of Maple street, are spending a few days at Lake I'mlerwood. Mrs. John Ileuther, st, of Neptune place. Is seriously III. John, the ls-year-old son of Mr. nud Mrs. John Arnold, of Pitlslon aveuue. Is suffering from lockjaw and Is In a precarious condition. The Neptune Kngine lompany will meet in final session at the home of Henry AVnlters, on Cedar avenue, next Monday, October 7, when every .mem ber Is urged to attend, The basement of the church of Pence, on Prospect avenue, was crowd ed to the doors last evening, the gath ering being due to what Is known as mi apron social, Arrangement for the comfort of the guests were In the hands of a capable committee, and all were well cared for. Itefreslnueuts of a light nature were served by a corps of young ladles, and at the close of the social the committer were able to ie liort having realised a neat sum for the lienelll of the church. James Council lodtro of Odd Fellows has Installed olllcers for the ensuing term, as follows: .Noble grand, llobeit W, Scott; vice. grand. Charles Stone; financial setrolarv. AV. W, Hewitt. Leopold Johler, the nuillcari er, was elected representative to the stale con vention, which will beheld In Kile next May. CO I. PS The quickest relief for a cold isbv Scott's emulsion of cod-liver oil. You will find the edge taken off in a night; and, in three or four clays, you'll be wondering whether thai cold amounted to anything anyhow. That's, relief, If you tackle, it quick, the relief is quick; if you wail, the relief won't come you know how colds hang on, WVUrtn-l )om little lu li). If .! l.Le, SCOn' i rOW.NE, 4,7 I'cl wcei, .Ne V01L OBITUARY. WILLIAM PIKttOK, a pioneer test dent of North Scranton, was taken with a slight stroke of paralysis .Mon day evening, rroin which he died nt 1.30 yesterday afternoon, Mr. Plcrte was born lu Llskard, l-higlmid, .Iitnitnry 23, ISIS, Oil April (i. ISII, he mart led Miss Martini iMntwoithy, of Davenport, England, and two days after their mar riage they sailed for America, reaching here In May mid settling In Ilonesdale, In which place they lived until is:.?, when he came to Providence, where he resided ever since, At the breaking out of the Civil war, he enlisted In Com pany F, Fiftieth New York engineers, and after the close of the War returned to Providence with his three sons, who were also lu the country's service. Mr. J'lei-ce Is survived by his wife, Mrs. William Pierce, who is staying with her daughter, Mis, J, K. Smith, of 17U7 North Main nveinic. and the following children: W. II. Pierce, Oneonta, X. V.: it. C. Pierce, Sayi-e, Pa.: Mrs. K. 11. White. New Vot-I; city; Major Pierce. Mrs. Jennie J-I. Tripp ttnd Mrs. J. K. Smith, of Sermiton, and by the follow ing sisters and luothers: Miss Jane Pierce. Stockton, fill.: Mrs. Anna lllll 1111111, Philadelphia: Mm. Mary Hiittln, of England; Mrs. Charles William and John Pierce, ,,f Nay Aug avenue, Kcrantotl. The funeral will be held fiom the home of his daughter, Mrs. ,1, K. Smith, 17:17 North .Main avenue, Saturday af ternoon at o'clock. Inleniient al !Hin itiore cemetery. IJFNJAMIN li. IIEDDOE. one of lh oldest and most respected residents of West Scranton, died at ".Ci o'clock yesterday afternoon at his home, 111.' Lafayette street, after an Illness whkh 'dates back to about a .war ago, when be suffered a stroke of paialysls. De ceased was born on August II, I SI.'., and wus therefore SS years of age. lie was born In Lhinsaiulett. near Swan sea, Wales, and after reaching Ills ma jority served as a mine superintendent for over eighteen yeais. He came to America ill l;G and weal to work In the Diamond mine, where he curved as a lire buss for many yeais. Mr. Hed doe was 11111 riled on December -", IS!!"!, and on July I. Itfi7, his wife died. They had lived together over GO years, and a short lime prior to her death hey celebrated their sixtieth wedding an-nlver-m-.,-. Mr. lieddoe was a member of the First Welsh J!apll.-t clmr-li for thirty-three year--, and was the oldest member and deacon of the church. He was also a charter member or the P.111 ooka trlb" of tied Men and served as their treasurer for over lifteen yeais. The following sous and daughter.- sur vive It Iii : Thomas Ileddoe, Dr. It. G. Dediloe. Mrs. Ann Nichols. Mrs. Eliza beth Williams, of Tlironp, and Mis-s Jennie IJeddoe. IK- had twenty-six grand-rlilldieii and nine great grand children. The funeral set vices will he held at the house 011 Monday after noon. Interment will be made in tin? Wa.-hourn stieet cemetery. OEUKOE WlliTll. Sli.. one of the early settlers on this side, passed away al the family residence, .":t" Willow street, yi-terday morning at I o'clock after a long, paiultll Illness. Tho de ceased was born in lieriiiany In lSUfi and came to tills country nearly ."0 years ng". H" settled here when Scranlon wa-- little more than a wil derness and during his long, ai-tive life saw the place develop from a hamlet of a few hundred persons to a city of huge proportions. Mr. Wirth was a blacksmith and was well known and highly lcgarded in lite community. He has scon Ills sons attain prominence In political and social life and two sons. Philip and (leorge, have represented their wards in common council. An other son. Charles, is a prominent lircinaii and a member of the Century Ho.-e company. Their high standing gained by individual merit has been a source of pleasure and comfort to the old man In the sunset of life. Be sides tho above mentioned, n wife and the following daughters survive: .Mrs. Daniel UriUiths and .Mrs. Hits ISrenne moti. The deceased was a prominent member of the Hickory street German Presbyterian church, where the fu neral services will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. He also held niembeishlp lu Nay Aug- Tribe of lied Men, who will attend the funeral In a body. Interment will be made In the Pittstou avenue cemetery. ELIZA MET! I ('UAH. daughter of Mrs. Mary Coar, aged L'l years, died .wstrrday at l:;:5 Peon avenue, after a lingering Illness which she bore with Christian fortitude. She is survived by her mother, four sisters, Mrs John Merrick, of Wllkes-ltarie. Mrs. C. Mo Groarty, of Wilkes-Harre. .Mr.-. Walter Miller, of this city, and three brother.-, Phil t'oar, of Daw-ley, Thomas, of New York city, and William Coar of tills city. Funeial Saturday morning. MltS. JOHN 1IAKT.MAN. a well known lady, died yesterday after a lingeting illness at the family resi dence, lair, Elm street. The deceased was well know is In .-oclal circles und was piomlnent In i-lmich alfali-J, A husband and family survive. The fu neral notice will appear later, Wl LSI IN- Mrs. Corrleiiu It. WIU011, widow of the late Dr. Joint Wilson, of Fiictoryvill'"-, Pa., entered Into rest Thursday afternoon, October :i, isni, Funeral ,-t rvh-es Saturday afternoon at li o'clock at the Methodist Episco pal i-hitrcl', EUWAltD HEAL. th,. tip mouths. oh", chili! uf Mr. and Mrs. Ileal, of World's End, near the Sibley uillte, died yesterday, and will be hurled lu the Washburn i-iivot cemetery tomor row .U'eriionn. 1 I'linerals. Th" lutii-ral of the la'tc Charles War ner will lake place this al'iiuooii al a oYkiii; from the house, I t;i South Ninth si reel. Services will be held In St. Jotui'.,- German Caihollc ohm eh. .South Main aventu-. and iiiieruient wdt he lli.idc in the ii"!'ltu.ll ',ilho, ceme. i'i y. GREENJNDGE. Mrs. Fred 1!. Slope eiUcrtulned the fji-o.-ii lUdgo Doyly 1 tub at her hnim', op Sanderson avenue, ye.-ui-rday after noon. Mrs. .1, Menu I'orilhatii mid Mis-s Muliel f'ordhiiin wll leave for New York i-Itv :hl.v iiiornlng. wheie Uiey will be met by Dr. ,1. Meiru Foidhmii." MUs Furdhmi! will pro. ced to IJoslon, win 10 she will enter a school fur young ladles, Dr. and Mrs. Fordliniu will await llie nrilva! of ill" steamship Nile, upon which thu Misses Julia nrd Alice Coachman, sisters of .Mrs. Fordhmn. ini passenger) irnni th Januho, D111.II. Eugene Drown, of the Farmers' dairy, was taken before Atdcrnuin llayley last evening, charged with assault and bat tery by Lewis Fennel, of Itoss avenue. The trouble arose over a mill; bill, which llrowu had yonu to the Eennel MILLINERY SALE We have opened for the Fall Season with a com plete line of Birds, Flowers and Feathers, in fact the largest selection In the city of its kind. Choice, 10 Also a large selection of Persian Ribbons, which are the popular style at present in use by the knowing ones. We have about one hundred patterns, worth from 15c to 25c yard. During this sale, per yard, 10tf THE NEW 4 CENT STORE 310 LACKAWANNA AVE. Open a Charge Account with Us. Come aiul buy whatever you wish a Suit of Clothes or a Pair of Shoes. We'll churge it to in, I i'nii ,:in imu in email reonl.ir ...... , - -.... ,,.., ... - r-, won't lighten your purse to any great extent. What do we sell? Why everything in outer wear garments. Hats and Shoes for Women, Men and Children. We have 2S Retail Stores and a busy fac torv. The middleman's prolit doesn't figure on our price tags. Style, Quality, Credit 3i 7 Lacka. Ave. Second Floor.. Open Evenings. PEOPLE'S Hi house to collect. KallhiK to set the cash, li" proceeded to wive the iiinii who had inn-chased the milk n piece of his mind, find was ordered from the premises, Fennel following I1I111 to the street, where lie turned nod struck hint. Hence the stilt. The alderman put him under 00 bull. The Ladies' Aid society of the Urivn Tlldae I'reshyterian chinch have 111 ranKed for an evening of tableaux, poetry and music, with descriptive reci tations by Juniata. Snlsbury. in the church parlors, Thursday and Friday even Ins of next week. AN EPIDEMIC OF BORROWING. Horses Are Not Being' Stolen, but Boi rowed, Police Say. All the Scranton horses which hav been reported to the police as misslnc with the execution of thai owned by .lames .1. iSii'Kiin. have now been re covered. Throughout ibis part of the state horses and carriimcs continue to dis appear, nud iiiiKi-y horse owners from Wilkes-Ha ne. Plymouth, l'lltston and other ueli;lihorhi!r points In a constant si ream lontlnue to nssull police head iiiiiirtcrs with reiitiests lo recover their lost animals, Ycsterdoy one of the llrni of Uruiiiuiell llrothers, Inilchers, of New .Mllford. was hi the clt lu ipicst of a horse and Iiiikr.v. lu llie opinion of the local police it is not an epidemic of horse-stealiiiK (hal ls Infused Into the atmosphere, but of luil!;,' lioi-iuwIiiK. With tile notable ex ception of the horse stolen from th barn of Mastet far Mulldor I'anlleld, of the Lackawanna railroad, all Hcranlou horses reported stolen have been found within Hie city limits. Hence it Is ex plained that horses left standins almiK the curbstones prove ton much of a temptation lo svrantnn folks, particu larly at this time, when stuet cur trnf llc Is suspended, and the rlas are simply borrowed to transport ihe bor niwers to their destlnailons. POLICE AND ALDERMEN. Annie Mi'li'li-n.r, ol .nali iiiii"ii. .i lieM iinder yM li.iil I'.v .Mil.-iiii.ni M1II.11 IjI n'ulii. iliailiid with niltinv tin' V ai-lil " f Stl'M'll ""Jl't III.. Jniili NmiPii -nnl .lii-i'iili Ni'ili-. Hit' tt'.n ttiiiii-i intii ulin v. eie nm'. ml milt tinitl...t lllnlhlll'.' Im- llclilll.s .llnJ 111.11111 j ili.lllllun. ill ' NkIwi.iI iplllL till. I I. mellK mi yiilllitl'i .Hi'lull', .!! Illll'll M Mull I'1 M4Sl"'l"1 II1!..' ill tiliin 1 mil I ,vli'iilj. niiiiiini itii'Hiti. rtn n-n-ii 1 i.'ii lli'xl.iy llilll 1 1) I'jllnllllill I'elll'l -! iil.l I. en a' v. ,111,11a N.nul liy liliinii lih.un. 'ii1,'i'llilii. tli.nulliu linn n!i .jIiiiiiiiu iiiiiIU',v finli'i t.ilr pii'lrl.iri- liniil Will! 111. V 1 1 IIjiiimisi, " ijI.ui ti. Will. Illlll' ,t '.l.'ltll.i lilltinvn M.11,1 .lo,- Willi., r.( .nii!lii', tlii, ,.1. I" '11 nd.'.t.il i'i Ml llini .l .1 1 I111.1 1 kii'l .1..1I pliml iMiilt'i- tn.iil In Kivp t lie- pi'.n . J " iinl.i.v j-r'.illi .iio'eli'il ell llwt limn, iel i!"l It lii.uur l.littolljli. ilio f Vmillnirf "" '. i,'i ., llCllIllS UlllI Will t'lllll Vi lull lei' tl.llll. Lion Koiukh.it uml AiIjiii iwKt-. iuili n! Nnilli Siuii!.-))!. Hero Html 10 fail tat ill'i i.il nili.h'ii ,itii lli-i MlJk'i " "ill '"' " ,nill ,iii' kituiy U1 lilglil. I'.v AI'Imi ' Jill I.11, Ai'(iLy hj Jilnlcil a il"- ni.liii.tf nt !tcipMriei. -.ill., '.Ufa imikciI tin- jnoi hi In, j. in. or en -.In' , ji.it- tlurs -. Il,n. Mc'.iii uml l-ui.;, ..tinlii .ni'l W1ll1.nn lll.'ili. tm- nnili'i III ri'ji, el .Hi". , I, , . " Alili'iiii.in Riiwi'i ..i-ioiii.it .i.li'iiui'i', 1 1'jij.i-iI la Will IP... in '! i.tiat'iu wnl, in.. In Ini). inNi 1. lot' In i'i''..idii'; III,' Ae.ilini -ai.l 111 mli.'i .it iljni.iiii;-. 1 f. t 1.. ... Wi'.i I .uI,4.'...iiiij ..t'i."i'. "I In- ;..."in. hi in l-i'.ts ji;ut'il In '.t llie tijiii.iv"! .iit-.l nn' a. M.I, ili'ii'i- itl. ratal End of Family Quart el. Uv r:.-iii)lio Wire lioin 'tliv .Wuointi-1 rr. Dimkiilt, N. V.. On. :i ltuil 1. I.iitijlit.iiv. ttln ivj, rlibi lo lie. turi'lti'lau. IIuiiIkii I.. Viiuii'.',' itiu in- J Uniilj 'Mii'l en Slmi'Li.t, iliiil inilJi. Viiiniu. ulni j, I. in !) tvuu ut JXt'. la In JJil Jt MJ.ttlllo. . . . . fc your account f i-uvmenK that saiBr Credit Clothing Company 9 I AMUSEMENTS. Lyceum Theatre M. IIUIS l.eiB aiul Mati.-isrr. A. .1. Jin l'V, nil". M.mJEf. Friday, October 4, Extraordinary Event J N.mmli.d-i .1- KiMiiprr I'rrsfnt Amriu-a'a FoirmuE 'Hum Irii id Oig.iiii.ili"ii. Modieska and James Ami .111 lniimii.ir.ililc Coini.niy In HENRY VIII. Willi -pwi.il Mii-le liy r.nl IIiimIi, I'lllt i:s lliaiic liiiir Jlooi, fl..'iii; lovpr hoc ,fji, .V-'.w: Ij.ili.ini Imv iiml icsr i-.it, ifl.."iii; lu-t tMi itms li.iliutn. !.0e; iii'M tlirep. Too.; Ij.i II1111' mw, .'1"..: cillery. -.Mi. s.'.iis on S.ilf W cilne.il.iy ,it n .1. in. Saturday Hatinee and Night. 'II10 IIiI.iimiik Mii-nal ( uniiily, the Onsjiiul HAPPY HOOLIGAN Ml Dllleenl II. ml Ml till lii'T Muni: 1 1'-n. n..i ii.mi Muitr i.'ti.i.i;jiii si"iiij-. MUIII'. lillliifillW I let llllll". Mllltl ll.1lll.1lll Wit. i liuliiiliiiL' lie-- -iiov . ll.iliiil..y .iikI iniiiii. Willi.- I i, rile.-. Wli.il'n .mil M.,s.-:li' Wi mi. I I'.iiiii' IIit, Ailel.iiile .M.n-ilfii. .Iiwpli Miitlirll I i .1 1 In.iin .11 luiul;' yiil. I Sp..i.il iii.iiiiii'i- ini'i', '' JH'I "A'.' i-liiWien I In inn- p.n-l 01 li'tii-i. fii-. I.i.nins, -.'j . ti l.f). 1 I'DII l(i:T. JHonday Night, Oct. 7th I A11 Kljl'i'i - I'i "Im i" ", II" HfJll-l't I 1 mini) III -mi. "Uncle Terry" lii.iin.il 1.. il lit Wi! ..11 i, a, n in I 1 .1 1 Vs Mnii'i'r Hillll.ll l.tin' . 'III. It 'lil.l ' ll.lli'lUH'IIH Mil ,1 MI - I!. l Mil. .1- I'hilf b'lit. I'i it 1- ", t.-ia ! ,l.il. ."i.-.iN on -.!'' I i.tljy ji '.1 .1 111. Tuesday. Oct. 8, Tin' I ..it t( "-'1 itc NjiiH'il" 1 mill ill Pi .injj,- Pennsylvania ;. l, ,'l I lln .ml I I I 1II1I1.1I. p. .Ii.nl 11I1 -pi'i-l.ll -1 1 1" 11 lit .Ijiiii". I 'iT, ,1 . .il 1 Ii.l ..imp. in el 1111. 'i 11 pi'upU) .,,,. , ,1 1,1,1 a il III 11 I. liiiiiuinii iii.nti'lli' 1 11. W.na 11 I llniniiu I nlm l'ir ' li. I n.,1 li il .1 ijui Iiinii"! in I ojI Mini', -Mutt--lea M 1 .1 ' W" ' II' .il r.lit.t'"!- iiiin fl ( 1 'l ,, 1 t. Ill .III I ttllll fspli.., n l'l I.I 1' "Vl'l i 'II' P . ul'i l.t 1 . l!i nl. 1)1 .in '1 i Vua.li tie, '('.in Mi- 1. . ' ..1 hi-. p. .. 1. l 1.1 . it- 11 .1 'i1111l.1t .a ! .1. 111. Academy of Husic M. Itl. IS, l.n,,',.. A I limt.t, Minajer, CHARLES LEYIIUKNE'S 1UG BON-TON STOCK COMPANY, Ml'".llhS 111 1 ni 1 111 IVl., In 11 1 11 ' Toiitjjht, Heaping the Whiihviiul Matinee Piinccss of Catches Mjl 11 P11 r ,11 n.i il 'in l.tvmim Pri.'i In. '11 in.. 1 0 ift' STAR THE ATM Al.l (J Ul.llltlM.iOV Mjiuiwr line Hi' I., 1 llliil' in l' M'll.'ljl (l til' The New York SU Mailiifi .M'li'lJt, WidnUy, Th. SJlUl'lJV.