The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 04, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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fiihlbhcl tllllv. litcfpt Sunday, by Th Trlh
jne PublWilns t'ompiny, at Tilly Wils a AMU'i.
i.ivy k. ntniAiin, iMitor.
0. I', tlVMIlii:. llmlti"M Minmifr.
NVw Vol I. DltV-e! 1JU Nasmil St,
, S. S, VIIHIX.Ml,
Sole Ascnt tor t'oiclpn Adicitlilwr.
L'ntctcd al the IWolllci- nl Itranloii. l'J.i "
rior.d I'liiM Mull M.illPr.
Wlirn spier will fcrnitt, The Trllmnc Is always
etad lo pi hit short letlris from ll filcnil boar
Iftfr on rurirnt topics lull Its lule If that tliee
tnu.l be sljinril. for ublli atfnn by tlir witter 1
tral nimet mid the inndltlnn pir-cnl'M ","';
trptitiir Is that nil eonttlbutloin 1J14II I subject
in editorial rcilslon. rati: roti aovkhtisiko.
, . llic. foilowlmr table i-hows the tube per Inch
5j4cttlon. piro lo be used within one C"!
f Itltitl JY1 In, lir.a
ni"r ItirllM...
'WO " ...
FOOD " ...
lor rjnli of thank, ic-cotiillons of i otvlolrnre
nd slmllir conftlhuliotn In the ii.itmr of u-
rrtisltiR The Tribune makes a flume of .1 cents
njteu for Clarified Admitting fiiiiilslicd on
Ki'MANTUX, Or'fOlUOI! I. 1001.
Kuprciiir Cuiirl-WIU.IAM I'. I'OTIUR.
Tiijmiici-I'IIAM. (.!. 1IAIIIII.S.
.infkr-i. w. cau'i:mi:ii.
.OIltlrjltcl I.". A. .IOSI.1!.
Cwoiir-iWl. .1. .!. ItOIiiail!'.
sunrior-iitoiuii: i:. sn;vi:.'sotf.
Election Xov. 3.
"When tin- Dcmociacy went out ol power in
air Male It lelt lo (lie Kcmibllcaii imly 1 lea-
y of almoU in,HOO,0(l of debt. 'I Ins debt, by
'i'c Ion under Nrpubllcan 111I0, hax
ncii jlnio-t ruliie'lj 11111I. U'e hue Ini'lcakcil
the appropriation!, to tlio common Eehoolx until
r Hand i,t I ho head of the Ameilcin state' in
mppoit of popular education, l'nilei llopiihlit-an ion there lus been paid each je"1 'or
durational puipocx mnie. than a appiopriated
by the Dcinoeialiu piily In theii iiijrter of .1
century of iiiNruU. WV inue.-wd our .ip
proprl.itioni to liit f l.ililr and elcimoi, 11.11 y insti
tutions un'il we can ni.ikc the bo.i'-t that no stele
between Ihe two ih-cjih Mippoitx the.-e In-t Itn
tiotis a well m dors oui own. Our 7,000,030 of
people ate itiilmtiiou.-, honest, law abiding and
happy. Vet, aiinouitded as .e aie on every Mde
with prospirons Imiiiici conditions, with people
bappy, nnployi'd anil conuuteil, ami with ru-ry
acenue of lui-nici and Itado fnllv occupied, and
with the pimped of the fiilmc Imgl Irnlni; and
prowins mote lmprlul. the old lilitniic pally of
obtrm'tion nnd negation mU up & hcMeiical ciy
of fale preleu-e, hpoc,i?v and in-lnrrilt.v for
the purple of inlftloadin th" lenple anil lec.'in
ins lo't power."- I'rom tne Ilrpiibliran Mate.
The Times', a usual, iui.siviv.seiu.
win 11 it i-ays The Tiilmnu !lrads will:
it tu :.b:iuc1im thr "lippor" ihstio. It
Is welcome to spnsmize over that issue
to its, lii-art '& fontont; but it .slioultl
lint t:y ti iiiiike its i-o.-ulcis imnglne
' rlei-tincr N'etvfomti .itiflKc IU re
i"al the ' i.i'iier."
Strike Thoughts.
IT HAVING been cleclikd liv the
liiineiiinls In the htiei-t car lif
llculty to llfiht it out, il is In
order to consider certain po.s-f-iblc
phases ol" a battle of thin charac
ter from the standpoint of the public
Wo assume and believe that th
slriker.s will not only respect, the law
but help to pieserve good older by dlsi
rouraKinx scenes of disorder and vio
lence. When their other stiilce was in
)rogress dlsordetiy jiersotih created
iiiuch disturbance by placing obstacles
011 the car tracks, hurling otfeiioivc
epithet.1-, and sometime.-, incite substan
tial missiles tit. the men who tried to
Speratc the ears and othenvis-o giving
jut city a bad reputation. This must
not be repeated It Us unlawful and it
will be the duty of the otlieers of the
law, 1 egardless of their sympathies to
sae that proneity rights are piotected
and that good older is maintained. Wo
do not doubt lhat they will perforin
that duty without fear or favor.
Attempts to prevent people fiom lid
ir.ff 111 the street cars may bo uutde
anil so long as they ate persuasive
merely, and not thtealenlng, they will
bo legitimate. Those whu'-e sympathy
lor the strikers is siillleleiit to cause
them to keep out of the street cais
have that privilege; but, by the same
token, those who elect to ilde must
not be molested. In some cltie street
luilway strikes have brought on scenes
of violence and terrorism. AVe look for
nothing of that kind here, Our people
(vould not tolerate them.
When workmen abandon their em
ployment for the pin pose of lighting
their employeis they accept the risk
thut oilier workmen may be chIIpiI In
to take the places which Ihey have va
cated, X.ituiiilly they try to pi event
this. They should, however, keep with
in the law and this can be done by iv-
ingnibeiliig that the man who wants I
to work litis as clear a right to work
and to he protected while ut work and
while going to and from his place of
work as the man who chooses to
ipilt work has to strike nnd to
be jiroteoted while behaving himself
as 'ji striker. The stieet car company
would licit bo peiiuitted m nltaek
btiikurs oV tjhose In sympathy with the
,strijeie:.Ywi the icvoiso of this rule
Js tfcju,yio strlkors ami their syiiipath
Ixeisf nyiot not attack the minpuny cu
lts Scents-. .f
AV.c have said that we consider this
ptrll:o unwise, and thai is stui mir
opinion. The strikeis, however, are
entljled -to fair piny and they will get
thl 111 ' pioportloii as they conduct
their tn6vcmout peacefully and with
out public disorder.
JlciliiRMt'friaiC! sport, Sir Thutnas will
tultalilR inedliliiit manfully. Hut wo
avIs'C ho 1kIU set ut least one race,
justf for Efood"fllowshlp'rt sake.
Nd'tnoro beautiful way In which to
nontr tho lueiuory of 'William .MeKln
ley i-nn be suggested than that of
planting trees on Arbor Day, Among
the last vbnlf recuided from tho lips
of our president before they stiffened
in deutlt wuh the wish to look out upon
the trcea which wto so beautiful be
yond his window. It was Ills last
fond'look at tho green earth, tho fair
voi Id which liudj;lvuu, liUu fco much
happiness; nnd.clftso to." the hordern
of the Bravo lie paused h"v one nipie
picture? of tho 110DJ0 trees, with Hheir
wavltitf Urahehes whispering in tlm
kunllaht. It would Indeed be u llttluff
ttim of Slillnit nn
Paper IteadltiK
" ,2;i " ' .173
.20 .'U
.1(1 .I",
.I.-.5 .17
.IS .1C
liieitiorlnl to lliist inttli 'if tlti ticopte
wlioltt ill" people InVndi If nil over the
taiul could ilisn thi'fco straight green
iuouttiiii'111'! to the line tlmiuetcr of one
whiwe luicrl In Its purity Wirt over
close In limine,
Mow History Repents.
IT HKi:.MK to lie r-haniolerhtle of
ceriuln Deniuetittlo polllleiuiip--lint,
we iin happy to tty. vi'P
iPHelltatlve of the JUtrlotie tueli
wlio rorin tho bulk of thut pttrty's
ir.enibciHhli-to be nlwuys "asltt H'c
sovei-iiineut." In lStll they declared
the wnr for the pieservatlon of tile
fnloii 11 fnlluie and were willing to
conipronilse nnd end the struggle.
When the Filipinos under Agttliuildo
attacked the American lumps In the
t'lilllpplnlir. Imping to take them by
sitttirlse niiil drive tlieui Into the sea,
this rame typo of iiolltlclun hailed
AKUlll.ilrio's men as patriots, railed the
American soldiers tyianls and Invad
ers and denundeil Hint the ling that
Dewey lilted Hhutild be ltatlled down,
Tlielr, counsel was Ignotedl the woik
which Dewey and Otis and l.awtoii
started was cuntlnued with such rapid
success, considering the many illflli-ul-
ttes eut'otilitered, that soon th"y were
shamed into silence. Hut now that a
band of bandits on tile Island of Sinnar
has ambit-died 11 small American foiee,
the fiilnt-he.irtcd bilgtule Is ngiiln on
parade with such iiuestlnus nc wen
raised. In Inst night's Times "Is II
win til the taeilllceV" That was .1 lu
mlllur ciucstiou of tlte ('opperliead
during Civil War times nnd It evi
dently comes easy to lite Times in
virtue of political heteillty
Hut now that the ipicsllon lias been
levlved suppoe we consider It. One
bundled years ago the great empire
west of the Allegheny mountain; nnd
north of the Ohio ilver wits almost as
the 1'liillpplncs nio today. AVlilte men
of adventurous, spirit wont into It, es
tablished dealings, homes, little set
tlements, and Dually villages now
Blown nto prospeious cities. There
weie many nnibusht"! by savages.
Ilundieds and hundreds of sons and
daughters of the Kast -the best mid
bravest of their times were eacritlced
in the long battle- to tame a wilderness
and expand civilization. Whole armle
were defeated and over areas linger
than Siimnr island the infill iatod In
dians swept, devastating with lonia
hawk and torch ovory ueation of the
whites. In those days, wnen our total
population was but sparse and pocu ly
equipped ilnanelally to assume the bur
dens thus Incurred, the citiesiiou was
often asked: "Is it woith the sac ri
lleo?" Kvldently it ns considered to be, tor
the people kept on making the sacrifice.
And the lesult is that today their de
scendants aie the 1 idlest and nici-t
powerful people on the eai lit. In their
turn they are doing a lilile missionary
work among nnotli r type of d.trk
f.kinned taee. It was thiust upon tliem
by the fortunes of an unsought war,
but they have shouldered instead of
shli'lclug It, and again as of ore,
showing how history repeats, cionker.s
are grumbling and exaggerating the
cost. them cloak. It e.t.-e.j their
feelings and does little harm. The na
tion lias made up lis inlnd to plant
civilization in the Philippines and It
will petseveie until thl.-, is done.
A noteworthy Ircuntstam ? about
the eulogy of President JlcKinley pro
nounced by Congressman James S.
Sliei-'iinn in Plymouth dun oh, fiica,
last Sunday night, was that "through
out the address" w 3 quote trout the
rtii-a rrppr "theie was the closest
attention and liaully 11 sound from
the audience, aside from ;m occasional
sound of weeping: but at the concluil-In;,-
statement, that yellow journals
should be- dilven out of evisteine, there
wtt.i a wii'.e of applause."
Can a Foreign Yacht Win?
IX AM 1CW of the fact that no chal
lenging yacht has yet won a
single race, let alone- a series
necessary to sectito ihe cup, il is
interesting to lead the explanation of
this phenomenon volunteeied by Hip
Toionto Globe.
In that paper'.- opinion It is doubtful
If the British yachtsmen will ever be
able io oveicoine the handicap Imposed
by the necessity of sailing neioss the
Atlantic. The Prltlsh builder, it points
out, must pioduce a boat to sail aooss
the Atlantic not under utclug canvas
but with a yawl rig, whereas the
Ainericuii builder may construct a boat
that would fall to pieces on uu At
lantic voyage, thus secuiln greater
lightlies-; of hull, with a consequent
opportunity for greater weight on the
keel. "After the Canadian yacht, At
lanta, had been beaten by the Jllschlef,
the holders of the cup," the (Hobo ie
ealls, "loturned It to the only survivor
of tho original donors, who was pie-
ailed upon to again donate it, with
the condition Hint it be open to com
petition only by yacht clubs holding
annual regattas cm salt water, and by
yachts that sail lo tho rnclui; course
from their own harbors. lint rnr
this testrlction. tlm Ilrltlsh yachtsmen
would be building fragile lacing ma
chines, and 1 harteilmv su-uincis to
carry them across lite Atlantic to the
course off Sauily Hook, t'leitily the
challenijlng ym lit Is now handletippeil,"
It would certainly seem so. Take tho
ciise of the inesent challenger, Those
who profess oxpertnesrt in yachting
lore are nsrenl that she is a dangerous
competitor. Hep uppenniucn won tin
favor of pel Imps a mnloilty of the dis
interested cnmiltled critics, Vc t she
loses, apparently tit the will of the
skipper of the defender. Sip Thuiiuis
I.lpton has tuUen every palps possllilo
tu gut ii v. Inner and without success.
Is it Impossible for u jacht built to
stand a tiani.-AUatitle oyago to com
pete with one not compelled to iindeigo
that strain" If so, it would be fair
either to modify the conditions attach
ing to the Ainc-i lea's cup so us to per
mit both yachts to stand on 1111 equal
ity In this rerpect or else lo give over
the intei national ehatacter ut tho con
test and make It solely mi American
That politics makes strange, hcilfel.
lows Is proverbial but lardy tun the
combinations mom bewildering than In
Now York Just now, As tlio Phlluilnl
phlti Ledger's Xew oik 1 orrespoiident
notes, hero 1110 Iti-publicans praising
Beth Law, whom they denounced In
Jstii", Iinteiioiiilonts supporting for
piesldeul of the borough Jneob A.
(.'an lor, whoiii the.V used to ilonbuuee
us Croker's tool; Ttitin (.'. .Slieeliitu, for
merly member of lite pollen board,
l.uxou-lnvosi!,,'utid rt'ul e-t-ltoss of
Taininuny, now- turned reformer nnd
supporting Ijow : Col"r, who held Up
Croltor to scorn its n typo of coiumer
clallrm In polities, an engei" though un
successful aspirant for the Tninnmny
mayoralty nomination, nnd Kthvard M,
Hliepard, 'who in 1SH7 sttpportetl Low,
tiitl stiitl thai "the caieer of Titmmany
Hall Is the most disgraceful blot upon
the municipal history of tills country,"
now saying "tinrkls Is wlllln' " when
Tammany liitliiiates 11 willingness to
consider him as its cntiilldiito for
mayor. Truly politics Is n sit tinge
Kdllor of 'the Trlljiiiio-
Sirl tu bis tenth annual teport to i-oncrcM
the iiiniiiiiliiiier of I iIiki gives veiy fpeclflc
ditails of ill the striken tint hai- 1 1K0H pirn e
In the inltid Stales lioni January , l-s-sT, lo
Jime i;u, 191. Tlie 11 pull Blici Ihe stllkis by
iniliistilcs In lacb state, with tlio cui'iv, Io
ta the 1 with lh" men cieploccd In each Indmtry
whin the -Hike look pine; tin- number Ilium 11
out of itiiplnciuciil; the number In in
tcieM the i-til1.!- w.h calkdi the ii'imber of
djjs lot: how many weie lo-omplnu'd; how
tn.inj new nun look their place.-,: how many
weie hiouitht tlotu ot in 1 plat ic .1111I the ni.ies
or f.iiliui; of the i-Uikco-, It also irlics the liwi
ill w,ue lo the c-mploces In each 1.1-e, as will
as t,o lo-.s and d.imii'o In the nuplnieM.
llelii'Vlin; Hat It will bo itileuMIni' to iitlni
as ".ell as olhiis in see minr of the ti'i-utls of
stnkes I haic ihosin fiom tin- lepoit lue stukis
thai bale t 1';' in l.ncine and back I
wanna imiiitiis, between .Ian. I, ls-T, and Jui.e
Mi. I-M, A leport was made by tlio loiniuU
sionoi of labor to the lit 1 m-BrPhi tiom .Inly
1, 'PI, to IPim, wbii h lis not ionic fiom the
pie's jet, luil Is riiectecl to be piililisbi c betole
In 1S7 l.tlillir ciinlj- bid 1' stiihes Hid
I acl.iwai.ii: ::, of which ;i nio nedltcd 10
W'ii;.e lime. In the --1, tlic aeoejtate ruiiilur
of ,-trikir-, is clcen as -,'-7.", and the numb- r
in whoso tnteict (he Irlkes took pi lie w-.t-.
ft". 'tho Wilko-Hill- and I'liniouth Uiikc
la-ted fiom .1.111 o to .l.,n. 19, villi a lots ju
wauc.s of il:!.MI. In tlio lli.lcton legion a
slilke besnii s0p, r, .aid l.nlul to Maii-li 1",
I'is. iiBiiltiuu" 111 a lo-s of uaps of ?,!,27::,I7I.
'J'lirv ii'eehed 7l,lilV- aisi-,1. nee. The iiuiiiIit
who w.uit oul was 21,211 Their weio J.'JiS
new rniplciyiv, of nlmm 1M weie broupht
from othei plaie. The -liike was a failure.
Stilkcs lie iUoled as t-iklnc; plain: I'Hiu
otilh and WTIki linn-, one; siv in Wilke.i
llitte, thtco in Pitf'ton: two in I'laiiLs
township; Iwu in KlnifUn: oi.e e.ub in llalo
ton ti'!;liii, ll.i7leton, ll.ulebrook, Kliij-tmi and
l.iikawaiini had lluee .Mtikcv, all iiidilul to
Sti.inton. One wa aii.ite-t cuiploy ttici.t of non
union men. whiih li-tcd 217 cljji-, ..nd wbi.-li
was a fiilnie.
In ISSs theie weie two sttikes m 'criiilnn itiil
one at W'liitin '111010 wa n .stnko in l.uciiie
01 l.u.ka'viuu.1 in l'i. In laoO theie was a
stiiki in ci.iuton, which Listed 2') da;-, aualust
iMe-.sii docking, whiih paitl.c sueeeeeled, and
one in l.ueiue count.i foi (hi' same 1 au-,e, in
li'il. Iislins ten ila-, but tailed, and one in
I'lttston, In s)J their was one at I.atlin. in
ls!i; there wne two !n la.err.e, and one 'n
Seianton. In f-'il theie voio seou .-.It iki-s 111
l.UA'inr county, to wit: 'Iwo al llalcton, one
at llahbiook, one al t'llMon, one at I'ai-ons,
0110 .it Wilkin-lljiir, and one at Plain.-, town
ship; none in l.aik.iwauna lom.ty.
'I be lo of m.ikc- to enipknes in lu?eine
1 iMUily fiom ,1 in. 1, 1W, to .luiio .",0, P-')l, was
S2,.:i-,o.j0, and tu eniplo.u-i-. by buiintss allirted,
! -J7, 171. In l.aikawauui lounly (ho waijc-, lost
w.i-,, nnd iniplowi-' Io.s, S.:iii.
Vlio 1,110-1 iiiiuibii of ftiikfs in the mill
but luMiiera, lia- takn, place in tin- bitumiiuus
'the ni lulu r of uiiiuts and minr l.iboicis in
the st. ite ot I", im-.vh. nn,i iinoUeil in strikes
111.1 v be fii'ti ill Ha tollowiier table, with tin
inunbii i ii, w eiuploce.s, me lulling tlio e
biouuht fiom othci plaie-:
Numbi'i New Itioupht fuitn
Vear. bi 1011 sti ike. inipluyrs, otliir plans.
s-7 'it. is-, u.ifi.1 S,2'i
IssS ti.'il.: I'es f
ls-'l 7-.7I7 '".tvo 1.221
Is'D t7,'-oo O.lsi, ,',,i,2,"
ls'll Ci !,.',(,, sJ", r,,(K)il
1'2'i.: 1,071 :ii'
I vis 2,:;77 2.:iiu .', :o
vi- s,2"0 t.,.1,17 7,.i--i
Si nioiilh .
n 11 iny: the pmud ii.cbi'1,,1 m tin- n-u uoi'ir,
theio liivo been 111 tho .-ta'o tluee lotkout of
milieu .aid tune I.1I1011 - aim two of .uke leiui-
ei-. - 1". W, .lay.
(aiboiululi', (let .'.
ICiiicliukii fiom Pane 1.1
Admiidl Dewej Yon ww that mvii.iI'
"Ye-, idi : I saw ll, beinu' niule"
Admii il IU 11I1 1111 Hid .miu tlm niunil'
"I ilbl not, bill I itiiili i-lnn,' wbai it was,
and, il 1 am not ini-takoii, a wa Mil'aulej, .111
cii-fgn we hid on bo.ud, vim made th" signal
biui-ilf. S'oon attii Ibit the lotnaid tuiiet an 1
staiboinl unlet of the lliouklili who directed
to Ju. nl Ihe uiuis with aimoi-piiulnK she'll',
The- imnaril tuie't wa- illiiiled In Hi c- III -.t two
shot-, it did. Tho -hols fell slmit. Then
1 was dittrtcd to Ihe, and I tiled at a unite, at
I now ii'cill, of (i,."sl0 j .11 lis.
We liji'il both Klin- at that lanae. 'lho-.s
shots fell fhoit. Wo loiihd .main III tlir trial
b'l.iid tuiiel, and I luiii'.i-iil the 1.1111,-0 to 'i.TOiJ
yank and liicil the liL-iil kuii, II went a Utile
in tho ilttht of Ihe Coliiii, a- near a- I could
Jueliti1, bin ilic 1.1111:0 w.i' i cry koo.I. 'Ihe Colon
eiy foou alter lint went ahoie. We Meami'd
up to her and pinuedul 10 Kit out a eiiltcr for
l.iplaiu look to i mil and iciehe bet t-u.-.
The Cross-Exnminntlon.
Captain l.nule bexau bl- cio's-ejniluallcui by
a-,liu tlie witnc -- whi'lher he wa- ,i Mire of the
po.-!tioiis and ,u tlii ix ei ihe llroi,kln as be hid
In en of the way the been lurneel
uu the iliv of the -xauliao In'ih'.
'lb" wiluisx nplii'd he w.i- tnino ceilalu,
lie upeitiil bis xt, Hi, until 111, oh' yeatenlay that
bo bul 111 lite the entlj ill Ihe lug that llio level 1 111 111 'I with a si.iibii.iul luiio whin in iaot
II bad luini'd ulh a poit helm, lie tali! be
bad not ioiix"llnl wnh any one eiecpl Com
lu.iudii slmji befi'ie hi' ilu.unl Ihe nitty.
Ruction, wne a.kul b.c Mr, Marin, Thei
ti.oiisnl 1111. ill the fame uioiuul none mil ,u
leidiy In- Captain l.emlj in ihe t'jimiiitiiii in
t Ii it 1 'Ihe wlluifS ag.nn ,-,il,l Hut lie bail biaid
kuiix lit. 1 1 on the MikiIi ,iii.-' appiu-,oh to I ieu-fiiegoi-',
lie was sine that them wne seioial
pin., iillboiicb the lot; bool;, which be Ind writ
ten for tint da, bul .. i.-ioid 01 cmlf twe)
mm., lie aduilltiil that In tint the Ug
did lot ifiie-ent tie- eutlio fails, 'Ihe wiluisi
ak-o inbl of Ihe ri.iina: Sijiiadron's inoitnoi.
t-aiico of iti-.' Inibor of ( Uiifui'xrw, bul raid that
bo had obxiived no tiithwoiks oil the fchoie
He aln ihl that wluti he bid s-e.n t lie chore
lishlx Jt ulgbt at i'iniiue';iw he had new r Mlv
peiliil that they weiu mc,iijN. t lt of n-c.
in1! tluee huicciiMi on iha lun ilui.ii' tho day
lime. "Wo HMnted them a-. S'iinWi I'na'.r.i,"
he nbl '"il.ey vcii- to l,.a,.eii that toir.e! one
mjsc.icil Ibal wo stir then up hit,
but we 1I11I not ill'- it Uu 111.
In o'-pi-.n.-u in '1,'. Ilanua's itiu.-il, n... I. leu
tenant II lo -.del that 111 apnroathlnv Sanliuiro
en the cw'lui:'," o May !'x, tl.r. qu.idiou laid In
for tho nlsht ilioe.t xeien miles oft SaulI.iRu,
llo btlicicd II It ll'ci 1 11 and tho Viiou been pi 11 id 011 picket duty for tlu tiltsbl
The i, bnwi'Ui, -linivel 111 11 cold ol hat.
Mr. Ilauua th'i. csn lined the v, hin.-i icif.nel
hirf h'.-, leo'.iiiMiiy beailuii 011 Ihe bitilc off -xm,
tiaiio. lie tked lilt 1 ilr.t aj lo Hi" dliei ll,n
In wbleb lb SpauUli ship, -,.1'ir headcel .e. :lv
laiue out of the mouth of the luilior.
"lliey i.cio ioiiiiiw r,,lit lowaul u-," the wit
nrss tc piled, "In c-oluuiii, a Utile on our ttar
brtinl bow. 'liny hid not lli-ii bedim t" Him."
"Wne thev fhn.i; l ynn:' a-ked Mr. Iln.u.i.
"'Ilie.i wen icitalnh Hi 1,1-5 in our elirection."
. the ircnxr. u wllnesj i-jid tint atlei
thm Hi,- II. lux wis fioui both sides id Hit bow
of the cniin'4'CaeU,
."How lure (hi juii foil ot Jour iee-olloitlo.1
ns to the' way the were bended at that time?"
.Mr. llanua a,kcd.
"lint l ono nf the tiling that mosl flimly
Intpies'i'd lts-f on my liilml," replied the wit
tli'.'d. l.lotiliiianl lle.tlc Mid tint he hail made his i, the batllo Hiroligtli (lie prep'
bole from the sllilnir head, ntul acjaln rrtntcil
bow the en, my hail been tut oflf froiii bis Wo'i
by tin- Miioke til one ot Ihe lllootclyn's bit.' riiii.
Tho cum eiimln.illoii un lliene ltitielents M.11
In MORnss Mb, n the mint took It tnlrbilay
leictu for luti'lieou,
Snw tho Wigwag Signal,
The afleitioiiii sexslon of the Schley mint be'
Bin with Int'ulilci coiieeililnir tin- wluwni !(!
tnl tee 1 lie Orijimi for Ihe lltnokljli lei HlC I11T
tliliteeli-ltiib, Tlic wlllu-M (Llclilclillit l)o1")
fiild that be was mire that ho had neu the
kIimi.iI made, but tint he wu unable lo flint
.in cnliy of the In Hie chip's leg. Heading
tlio lev, he found scleral (denials and then a
imtr fiijlmr Hint "other unimportant ltrtiAla hod
been nude."
Totlfj Inp lotiecrnliiK the ctent of July ,"
t.leuteiiant Pojle ulatnl nl li.t',0 a. tn. of
that il.Ur Hie lliooklcn bail been r;0fl
fiom the Metro, rno janls farthrr out than the
position atslirrpd. II- tlioucbt that Ihe llinoli.'s Hist hol hid been tiled fotr or flee ttiln
lites alter br befrau lo move Into action.
( nptalii Imlv 11 -I, eil what eitoits had hem
It nde by the t'liiiitr Srjuadioii lo ell'cener l,ie
whiicabouts 'of the SpitiUh flert while the
srpiailion lay off I ieiifuaos before Ihe uirl.n1 of
faptiln Mclalli, 'Jhr wilnc-s replied that their
had hem no cllort eioept In lnrUlr!t
of tin captain of the Hrltth orl Arlnla.
Captain l.euily then ni-keil 1 iiuinbiT "f qur
llctH. lie lift of tliMe- called lor an explain
Hon ol what Hie wlliie" meaiit jestcrdaj when
be Kild he Ihouabt tint Ju-t after Ihe bruin
nine of the battle' of July 'J thrre was a pro
pert of a "mclce."
'f thought," ieponded the witness, "that Hie
ships were oouilnir ritiht towaid tis. I thought
they would get Into lb. and I tliouglil we would
hoe a inli-up, as they weir only about 1100
.nils db-taiit "
Judge Aihoeate Do ,ou tiiean that the ctiluse
of Ike lliookhu look her ncio-es the SpinMi
line mid that Mi" 11c 1 lv ni.moiiirird wi ai
Ii mike a tuin lo .uold lint.
"I'liat Is vliat I mean."
"Wlitt cidirs weie glu 11 by signal from
tlie niooklin to tho Heel during the action of
July a?"
"f e1,t not know, erecpt what I have alretly
texlilled t) about the wigwag."
"Vein ham slated tint wbile yn-i wrrr on top
of the (.larboard timet il looked eiy iniii'i as
tlinugb their wis going lo lie .1 geneial melee
or ml up with tho spanMi sTilps. r want
In alio. a netrl.i ax po-slble, the lelalhe pn-l-(Ions
of Hio io5.-el-, SpanMi and American, to
the Rionklyn at the time you leffr to."
"At the lime T lefenul to. the Spanl.-h thlps
wne in rolitmn, standing right towaid Us and
about ,1 point on our slaibo.nd bow."
Il.v Hir court What elirectiotl did the pin.
i-h ships i.i,p Imintiliatrly after elciring the
entrance to the baiboi:"
"The dbretion niu-f have been n,illirt.
They Meamed ilaht toward us; I hit i, wlien
I fir-t 'jtv them they were on our M.iiboard
Hy the com I Was Ihcrr a squadion night or
der bool: on bojul of thr
"f did not spo -iny, Xo, I know their was
nM. There was a captain'a night onlei bonk."
The Log Entry Discussion.
By the mart Hon- did I.ieulnnnt Sliaip 'on
line o ton tint the cntic ,ou 111 nle in the log
of I In Brookhn logaidiug the hi-bii of the
lliookbu while tuiiiing w.tx wrumif"
"IU mgiged in Ji-ciixsion at the luncheon
table, inv linpir'xloii being at that time tint
wc tuini'il with a xl.nboaul l.elm. During this
di-eu-slon it oicuiied lo me the ,iy I picked
up the ships on thr st.uboaid epiaitcr did not
iiiil fit in with tuii'ing with the sl.11l10.ud
brim. It luight line ehiiir o, but it elid Lot
set m likely and I.ientinint shup, being an
obsener and being awav fiom whtio 1 was in
the -e-ii-e tint he bid bctlei- ob-enalion ot
nil it we elul, I eoncluilecl he w.i- peifeeily light.
1 lea-eneil oul i-i my own mind tint if we
fiuni'd willi xtathoaid helm wr iinneu-tionably
woiili' hue pitkel up Ihe spauixh ships on 0111
8lailioanl lie im and not on our slaiboanl mat
ter," Met teiiuil llojlr w.i- then cvu-ed and Lieu
tenant Conunimk-r lillord .1, llou-h, who had
made for thr lomt Hie Ingr iharls of thr
pe.xitionc of ihe e els of ihe niiiii.iu squad,
roll while oil' Sinliigii. w.w called to Identify
thoxp eh.nls and to stale the elite upon which
tin - weio pri'pired. Couini.inilfi llou-h al-n
gaw- iiifoimafion eoineining the ph.i-es of the
ir.oen dining the aiitiigii canipiign ax takm
fn in the Ameilcin rplienirrlj.
Thought the Brooklyn Was Injuicd.
I'lplaln William C Diw-on, of thr L'nitid
Slates m.uinr eoips, w.ts Iho in M witnex.-. He
w.tx tillitn- on bo.ud the- b..ttlt.-hip ln
iliant durinr the- bittlc olf Smti.igo and!
th.,t he bid luiliiril the r.iooklyii when
ie---el tuitied to the xnutiiwaul. He had .-up
poted the chip wax injuied and bad gone out
of action.
Mi' thought .-bo went 2,flil i.ndx 01 moie to
the xoutli Cipt.tnt llawxoii said that dining the
Initio he had a pine on the Hying luidge, br-,'ep
Cipt.iin Tailor, ind bad been .ible lo sen well,
'the In, Ii. 111 1 lad, he said, occupied a oo-ition .it
the el-tern eilteinlty of Ihr arc of the bloi k id
log eiiele, while the fliookljn had been at the
wo-t ceil of the lino.
"'Ihe Indian 1," ho Mid, "wa-, heading ippio--imiteh
1101th -lii-l Hie iioilheilv and
ea-leili, 'the w.u tii-t 1 i-t of (he fliunk
lju and wa- leullng in the Mine genual dnei
Hon 1. that u-x-cl. 1 hid the cle.11 ilew of
al! tin' lexxils un to the time the ludlini was
illieilid lo letiun, iliirlng the ilia-' of the
( Ion."
In leply to a cpte'lion fiom Captain l.i'iuly,
the witne.-s aid at tills point that ho bid seen
no xlgnilx fiom thr ilheetlng tlir
uinieiiKiit of Hit- licet dining the' bailie. Con
tinning his n.iiiitiie, br kiiil:
" t Ihr beginning all the ship- luined in
tcw.ud the Spini-h licit, which cnieiging
fiom the hiibiir, 'Ihe panlxh iex-els came out
in .1 sotitlii-ixtrrly iliieellnu and port helm,
limiting to the wcstw.'.ul, pi lolleally parallel to
the iiij.t Hue. tin- -hip- then not haling as
great tpeid ,ix thr eneiiilV, begin to fill behind,
so Hut Ihr Indian, On iron, low 1 ami Ti'as
slaihniulcil I dm ami nnde ill the speed they
could in a paialhl couir with the spinKh
fipndioii. I did not -ee the evict nimi'liient of
the lliookl.Mi. The lu,t nolhed of liei w-.n
tweiili-lnr or Ihlity miuuli'.s after Hie Initio had
lieguii, when I tinned my e.icx lo ihr we-tward
and aw Hie Ilioukliu standing appaieully elue
southwaid, dlieclly at light angles to the eoun-c
wr and the other American -hips weir slerr
ins, 'Jhis bliuik uic so foielbly becain-e Ibr
other x,ijn 'tcic hi lOlunin and weie sletmlng
Miotic. ml. Ihe was In clo-r pioiimui'
lo eie.ul olheix of enir ahlpx, 'they appearrd
buiiihod, but Hie was .training xouth
waul mill III lug with her s.icm guui, while nunc
of ihr olhci-, I louhl not dUtluBiiith whiih,
were el.ixo to lu-r. The bpnlnlr w.n to le
pi.'i .able til it I iipi.ned thr iiil in tl.r coin
lii.nidll g olluer if out- ship, sayii.g t.nt I
feaied tin' lliooklin w.e !iiuted unci i.u going
out. She, bowictr, ohittiged her eom-r .11,1 wenf
wee-l 011 a line we'll outside of the 01'ur t.hp
1 think the Oieaou n. (Inn in ihr lejel, rltl.rr
(he Oieson or the Tca, with thr Iowa follow
ing and the bull 111 1 a- the the Ihouklwi
steereel a ionise paialb-l, but 1 mile or n mile
and .1 lulf lo Ihe miulio ad, .killing noaig the
10I1111111 foriiud by the lint. Ily tint I'm,-, the
iha-r wn will under wo and the lehvii,, pj.,!,
ticnx of ibo hips mii.i not i banged.
Cross Examined.
ill. Ilaiic.'s iiiu eianiliuiiiii '( (.tpiiiti
Dawfou vas dlRCtel toward fbowirg uui bis
tcniniony was luxi-il upon 1 e-eallei t ii'ii and Hi el
ici'fep.iicialy he wa, lljhle to be ini.' tirat.'
'I bu w'.tr.i.s 11l111it1.1l Hut lie teatltltd unl i.vm
inii'iory, bul Im Midi
"i w,i 111 ilnl; j a ilcnil oflner ami 't
.ih uy duty tg olwnu cicely anil uuku' ie
Ho nil Hie IbooMca hid gone about
S.KIel J lids IU lio eollt'-lWaid.
Whin Caietilli II..WXOI, was r e.'d, I.Uuieu
ant 1', , ll),)ii, of Ihr bmeait of xi,uiii 11
gliiuiii);;, na-.v d piiliiiini, was lnii,iilui"U it
PM'ecnt ,1 ttbulal'il .xlatcmeiit liov'ng Iho
amount of nut on boaiel the "els vl Hie
1 lying SimaJrou fi"iu Itjy l.'i m .hoie 1, lsx
as cnmplltd Irotn the st-ani log book tip
Vuilo-ix 1 i-Sx, 1-. Mr. iiajner s:ilel Hut br would oblii-t to Ibo piCM-mallon ot tlila t,ia,e
tun :. but that ha would is'c that It , n- rx a t iliiew how- long tlib ic. I 11 culi
,av would 1 airy the icrc under foiePil iliaiiur,
b.i.lng kiiilicii'iit on baud tu tali- the in -1 to
an nlvi-ii bi r of siipplici,
t aplalu l.ruil) fald "15 but no objection to
iipl'lciiu- this atldltionil Inforiinlion. but the
iv oil it 11.50 p. in. adjourned for the day, bifoic
:'is table could be nmcnlcil.
Fall Exhibit of
New Silks
Dress Goods
Our cntlie lines of Korelgn and Do
mestic Silks and Dress Hoods 1110
now on dl-play. They are the uctV
est and best creations fiom the fashion
market', home nnd nliroad shown In
rich nirny for your Inspection,
SILKS, at loc and up.
SOli:, at ?1.00 and 1111.
IN1', $1.00 and up.
fiUi-. and up.
Voc nnd up.
51.00 and up.
Corduroys at 50c to $1.25
Are in very great demand this fall
for Jackets and .Separate sjkirts.
Plain, smooth fabrics predominate
tills season.
C.OODS are here in abundance
In great vitngi- of new weaves.
HI ! 1 li.STLK Y'S C H A V i: N E T T 10
MEL'I'ONS. for Storm Coats uiitT
Suits; 51 inches wide, at $l,ciu and
SI. 95.
WOOL HlAltlTZ COIID, in black
and colors, at $1.00.
HHUNF.LLH CLOTH, in black and
colors at 51.2.".
PKQUI-V S12HC.KS, black and colois,
75c and S1.00.
ALL AVOOL SKRGKS, black and col
ors, at 50c.
wide, 50c. and T5c.
dies wide, at $1.00.
L.VN'SDOWNK, at S1.00 and $1.2.'.
Lackawanna Ave
From Shoe Strings to
Lewis & Reiily
114 116 Wyoming Avenue.
See our School Shoe Window.
The Boys are inarching
to and from work and
pleasure. Bring in your
Bicycles and have them
put in shape for riding.
Bike, Wagon Tires and
Beariugs a specialty.
Florey & Brooks,
211 Washington Avenue.
Oil Stoves,
Screen Doors,
Gas Stoves,
Window Screens,
325-32T Pena Avenue.
ni I fey!
.. fzrviAMAra lioltitlmr r?niilraLiar. !
Cinptojj iiiilon men, IMImnics rlicctlulljr
Chen, ltcmodcllng and tcpaitlng A epciUtty.
Cold Medal
iS1. rholograplur
tldlilrt-ii'i $
tUtOle-.S and WAO
OSS of all klndal
also lIoiL-ci and
llulldllig Lots at
bargnlns. HOIISf.y.
01,1 1't'HD and
tmooMr.u at
M. T. Keller' $
Lackawanna Carriage
Motr.-i height, ritrnl
lure and U.iggage,
Safe, I'hnos and Jli.
21" batkiwaiina .ie
Scalers In
Plate Glass and Lumber
Will tell all their samples of fine imported
Madras Shlrta for men at We. : worlh $1 to ?J.M
214, 216. 218 PAULI BLDQ.
Attorney-nt-Law, Scrtinton, Pa.
rear 511 Lackawanna aienue, manufacturer of
Wire Screens of all kindi: fully piepaied for
tho spring reason. Wc niako al! kinds ot poich
H reen. etc.
General Conltaitor, Builder and Dealer In
Building Stone. Coinentbv ot cellars u spe
cialty. Telephone 2502.
Ofllee. i,i7 Washington aienus.
SurccsfOi' to the limit tc Cornell Co., In Hi
and 6hcet metal work and icntil.-itlon. Carton
lurmiu'jr, lepain and geneial Hi. woik a
specially. No. 1J2 Lackawanna aienue.
jFali Designs
In announcing the opening of our new stock, we
call special attention to the fact that our Entire Line
lias been made to our special order, thus giving us an
Exclusive Line of designs and colorings from the
world's leading mills. Never before have we been en
abled to offer a stock so complete at such tempting
prices. A superb stock of all the leading fabrics.
Velvet Tapestry
An Early Inspection Is Advised
126 Washington Avenue.
1 Carpets Wall
.bH- K"s -
.1 CDecond-Ciass
City with a
First-Class Stock of
Gut Glass,
erline Stewar
Suitable for
Wedding Gifts,
Mercereatt & Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue, '
Grand Atlantic Hotel and annex
Vlrntida Ave. and Death, Atlantic City ', J.
SUtli ycai, '') beautiful looms cntiiite, tlngli
and with bath; hot at'i wW tea-water Lathj
In hotel and annex Locution (Clett and cential,
.. i... . t..l ,-,r II,,. sir,,! Ptr-r. Clr,
Orlcra sncii-ial iprinj lates, ,1J to L by week;
ii.M up by day- Mn-ilal rate to laiulllcs. Coachcj
meet all triillis. unit; wr uewmn.
Succeeeor to
Wo mle 1 fpeclally of fine bread tluflj.
Orders tor Salads, Oysters, Ciocjuctln, etc,
promptly Oiled.
A full line ot Lcc Crcatn and ten..
Uectrlc Wiring and fixture.
KIcctlic Dell snd Telephone Work.
Staple Groceries and Proilsions. A full line
of Vegetables, etc, received daily.
andtile Manufacturing Company
Makers of Paling Drlek, etc. M. II. Dale,
General Sales Agent, Otitic 329 Washington avo.
Works al Nay Aug, Ta., I.'. & W. V. R. 11.
fashionable Tailors (Hotel Jcrmyn Building),
S.'J Fpruce street, Scranton, I'a. fcuits prctacd,
S3 cents; par.ts pressed, 10 cents. Clothing re
paired, called for and delivered. New Thonc, 2603
Kingsbury A Scranton,
Manufacturers' Agentt
District Agents for
John A. KocbliiiR's Sons Co.'s Wire Rope and
Klcctiicul Wile. Uiitta l'cuha and Rubber Mfg.
Co.'s Belting, racking, llo-e and Mechanical
Rubber Goods. Knowlton Packing. Cartcr'a
Oil Clothing. Room ::10 fault Bldg.
Home offlee, 20S-209 Mears Building, transacts a
general building and loan business tluoughout
tho state of l'ennsbanla.
,M 'IM'M.
Axminster Brussels
Draperies I
- H',H 4.4.,i(
Capita! 200,000. Surplus !525,00f
United State3 Depositary.
Special attention given to
hi'Sinrss, rURSOx.-VL and sav
inos accol'.nts, whether large
or small.
Open Saturday evenings
from 8 to 9 o'clock,
Wm., President.
Ilusuv 1), Jr., Vice Pres.
VV.m.H, Pi:ck, Cashier.
Allis-Chalmers Co
Succebsoro to .Machine Business ot
Plclison Munuluctiirlur; Co., Scranton
and Wilkea-Uarrc, Pa.
Stationary Ktiglncs, Pollers, Mining
Machinery, I'umps.
,ii a AiAite .
,.i3 ilA ,
kjatek)AI4'S tviL4xfce4rf a-i
t Am Ufaiii.