w5?S55Vlpr!f 'VVV""" ' '" ' ' M'feW '.'" .")? .- "''fMfliTl i"l" J'ji" 7r;?!sSrw!!t "?? fc THE SGRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1001. Ifc i M' Otllcet BURKE BUILDING STORIES OF THE STREET tY Tew Good Ones That Cnused Ripples of Laughter When Be latedPoliceman Jack's Troubles. One of the Htmlcs of the week tlmt is the Miui'o of men Intent and heiuty laiirflis MlH'10Cf It Is icpenlcd W "t tho expense ot ii Cnrboiidnlltin who watt hu lutprcHted visitor ut the Wuvno county fair In Honesdnlo last week. 'I'll" man who him to stand for nil tilt; IhukIim Ih iimp (if the capital token of tin low n. iitnl ninny u time he Imtt rill nitl( led funnv happenings oC his ft lend1. Ho was ut the fair, ns nieii t lotted uliow, mid was on the aletl to let nothing pass lluit might eicnte n laugh for hlittelf and hl companions. Tn Ironl of one of the exhibits was u AViijno Lountv litstlc inui DumnsoiiK (ii llntlnmy. He was gazing In open inotithed n nuclei :il the fights on evoiv liund and looked just like n Htibloit to suit the occasion. Hut rainier .Tohn knew his little hook. cMMi If his wlils keis looked like tiiuiit Tlinothv. "Client Scott!" pclnlnipd the Cai botidulp Inker, "what liue wo got here." as lie plnved with the fi Inge on the AVujne eoitntv man's face and pre toiidpd to sflleee potato bugs fioin them. "Look nt them; gient Stott'" as he .lumped mound to stamp than out as they eiawlod about the giound loimd the fanner's feet. Then the climax- came. The lnugh li.id been on the Wn.vne count) Inliubl tnnt up to this time, but lie switched the laughs by shooting out. a Tenv Me Gove in that sent the C'aiboudalo .1oker almost to kingdom i nine. Theie weie no nun e potato blips to be laughed ut; the liiniiv man gave win to the tiagedlnn: the laltei became the lieio ol the limit , and the olhei fel low pli keil himself up and went be hind the Ri .ind stand to bolster up a, stcny to meet the gti)ing of bis ft lends who lelt that they had lecelved theli mone)'s worth, een if thev couldn't tee Levi Pattci "oil's hoie win the da. "Policeman Jack." the wise doggie, Js again conti Hinting to the fun of the evenings In the lostautants nboiit town. "Jack" has Just letinnctl fioin AIuv field Ymd, ivhcie he put up with the lalhoad men foi sovoial weeks, until tliev bej,an to cut down his tatlons and tiled to coax him to muiuli on coup ling pins washeiv coal and lallioad spikes Then "Jack" chow the line. He was too much of .1 Bohemian and had loo high a standing in raihondnle's Bohbinliiu elide to be tieated thusly. Theie isn't anything too good foi "Tuck" when he scnmpeis Into a ie--timant dining loom and piotceds to do a ake-wnlk ol 1ov with his abbio xlatrd tail, on lPcognliilng a fiiendlv giniip of newsp.ipor men and otheis who mav be eating their good-night lum h. "Jack" knows he is welcome to nil the pio-uiist he can eat, also at' the tooth-picks he cues foi, and tills Is whv his tultlvated tastes icliclkd ap ilm-l i oupling pins nnd the like lliste id ol "I'hPd ou woik for the T) and II" its "F-ed von woik lot the O and AV" that is tin own at ".Taik," and ' Taek" lolls bis blown eves with pninlul legiet as he teialls his 1 till ol faie nt Aim Held A'.ud Aside fioin bis vidts to the lest.im nnts. "Jack" acts like a sli anger In n stinnge land lie is dieadful! shv of the policemen, ol whom he was su It a ft lend, and all the nthct dogs ol the town me not on balking teims w Itli him Tliev legaul blin as an Intitule! nnd two of them n few nights ago way laid "Jack' and made Hnmbuig Me.iU out of one of bin ems. lie was othei vvisc nnltteatcd and felt badlv enough to need one of At chic Guino's llfe t.ivei s. The woes of "Jack" aie many, but ho belongs to the don't wony club, and oven all his -vailed tioubles could not tpoll the 1 tinny wag of bis funnier tall. i Two well-diessed and well-fed-look-ins' young men flashed In fiont of Cleik Sejbolt in the Ameilenn House just befoio -aippei AVediiesduy cenlng. "Cue to tegibtei.'" suggested Mr. Sejlolt, us lie contemplated that tho liotel seemed to bine two good guests In the well-Uiessed pair befoie him. "If jou please," smiled one of the pall, ns he made a guidons bow. Then lie quietly wioto two names. He placed the blotter over it, and when the cleik temoed it ho was aston ished to tead the umnes, "Dick Cm kei," Tom Piatt." Theie weie whlspeiings among the hotel emplojes ns to the iiidcuttty ot e RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Dclownie and Hudson Baihoad, ,Iimo (i, l'OI. Tulns will lroe Laibomlilc at illy tUllon id Jcllnwss I est siinlnn anil ilkc-c Hji re ( (Ml, 7m, (!O0 POJt 1001, 11 .'1 A. Ill , 1J.W, J.l, .',-,, .ij,' 6 Co. roc, looi, io ii y in. tuidJV tiuliu lcic .n bid, 11. J j. , . , lu E, i, ,-i SO, b 00 p. Ill ' for Albnij. bauloji. lontii i, llo.icn, ,PW. 1 nslan'l poiim, Hi , "00 o m , i uj ., ' , idiilj.V I pi lite lotlorr, WjmiuiI und Konc-tljli. 1.:.', 11 u a. ni , .131, oil p. in '" '"' Mimijy luliis lc lor I.ikc lulnii, m,llr, ond llMiinlalf t i .A J. in i 1 In, I r, p , ,l inlnarrbe al LJiUimMh fiuni Uilkn limn u4 &itntoli!n Iolh: ', h.ir. n,o i L, . m ; J.' .17, .... J..' I, i 5-, no-, 7 01, Ml "si 1157 i: l(t . Ill a. in ' o1' &unaj traim .mhc jl 017 a in . l in . -4 .". J?, 11-0 p in. ' "" TcjIis anbp ilaib fiom .Mlnnj u ,j .,, a . OM p. in urcl on muhIji ol .' u , m, ' Tuiw. unite (mm lloncilile imj u,,,,,,, diily l Ml J. in I U in, 4 in, (. 17 p. in J'"uu suwlJ itiii Jirne nt (ailxndili- from I a Tfiiiorc. Wifinart and lloiiwlilc ji iir , ,, li. T.Si y lj. ""' "u New Yoik, Ontailo nnd Western. Spt 17, 1W)J, luint lenc CailiQinhlc (i samp,, .. rm m , t WJ i m " miiiuo) ir.iln4 Hi i 00 j iii ; not, ln 'lulu lines LJilioiiilalc loi polii', 1,0,11. ., 1J.W .u. iii 'On san.U id ii in ..! in ,'" laln nt 11 10 J. in. kmI. i1ji oml U ' " r,nralii'iiuUo conrtiitluii, loi ,Stw yuli , ' Willi, tti. lulu incite ficni Sranton .it II 10 u ni ri i.i I (Km point nortli, too p. in m'h'.j,.'" tiom ftrmilnn Jl V 10 a in. ami 7 43 ,, , .'" Cuilfiila at 0 0,1 p 111. ' '""" Eile Raihond. luiio'yi, pmi 'Iraln lejve til Uallvii, C jilioiulalc, ijv ,(yi;V '''"l,1,) ill ,. i" .mil I J.I 1.. 1., ,Jt fmtni aus) MimcIi, at mi 1 , , ,f4. .! irpllu; rniKlJ)). It lllniiluniton. nukin, i,, nccllcnA hr Ncit uik ihv ainl HnffdW. .111 1 ut 11 10 p. m. for Miiiiulluuiu, mrtlui iumicUlon fjr uotern point. - blind Inliw Jt I'll 1 m (orrs iviicliamu, with nlrn coimutltiu, ami u J7 p. m , hu, lain C.C1111CV I lent Traios suite it f.M 1 in. an I J IS 11 in SlUKjil . Carbondale Department. the pair and liuiultlng glances met them iih they moved about the hotel. Hut both p.nllv pimed their right tn innsiitieiadlni? under these nutnes by lemalnltig ns pllenl as tluw two pollll elans eer weie. 'I'ho ialr lemitlneil met night and left ypoleidv nioinlng, with the hotel men iih iiiueh In the dink an pei. DONATIONS WERE GENEROUS. Second of the Donation Days for Emeigency Hospital a Success. AVedneiiln of this week was the su . ond of the donation dam for IhiKt gency hospital, and It met the .nn Rtilne holies of the Indies In chaiije of this toiiimeudahle tiiidci taking. The ipupoiiHe wnn a getieiolts one, and besides cash offeitiirjH to tho uinotllit of S10 ". theie was a gleat 10I k( tlnn of supplies lor U-c at the hos pltnl. The donois nml the coutilbiitlous weie iih lollows- Mc-dmnes J A. Hiow nill, M. H. Madlgan, J. U. Nenlim, U . Htiiuphiey, Cleoigo 1'atteison, Ab bott, Tlnglev, I'm pie, Snnltli, Peti 1 l.lppeit. .1. r. MerJonald, Jla.Mior, J. J. AVade. 'J'liomas i:nns, Hnullkei, V. 1). I.utlnop. riitnk Kllp.itilik, M. Q. Menkei, 1!. S. Johnson, Shille., J. J. rtronnnn, S. S. H.udH, ('. II. l.atlnoii, Ciane, tleoige AV. i'ki, T'led Shnffci, tleoige Uiltt, T. A. li.is-etl. Slngei, K. T. Uuiiiuid, P. i:. Dennis, Addlev, Kilsbee. S. I). Hakei. Kace, D,t Id Moigan, M. G. Watt, llockenbciiy. AV. 31. Stiiusbtiiv. Peek, ('h.nles Jl. Ttickei, AV. is. Johnson, Andiew Thompson, T. I.. .McMillan. Pclcis, jr.n II. Tiatlt wein. F. II. Htibbaiil, .M. AV. Slinp'on, T. (it lillii Smith, O. J:. Itettew. John AVutt. J. A'uiiilciiiiiu k, James Stntt, Illehnitl Kllpatilik, I!. V. Pctblek. JIes.si fleoice ll.illfj . Klmei iJiokeu shlio. C'h'illes 1 limiphi 1 . A. S. Lews, ley, i:ilas 'Jhomas, Alnid , Jlale, It AV. Powell, Itutlteifoicl, J. 1! hliiinnoti. DwlRlit Mills. Abnei Aintt. lldwaid Jla, II. (' tlueiln, A. ('. Pin pie. The rail t-tote, "A Pi lend" teiiclo-lng nj). Jllssps x.m riilills, Com on, Helen I.u tlnop, (Jiace llimiphie, .Alai tlin JCai-e, Man Hiennan, M.ngniet 1.1111,41111 and Rcnn Dale The following is ,1 list of the 1 ontl I butlons I'nsli 10 !" nun's s( ,s -, pniis, ladies' hose, lo palis, men's nuclei tte.u, shlils, 10. iliaweis, 7: ladies' ests, 2. ladies night dic-ep, i; men's ulsjbt shhts, 0 men's shht, .!, toweK 1 I, napkins 14. lomloitables, "; llaniul 1 piece, tlotti, .' suk. liauis, ": apples, 1 bushel, ioflee, J pounds llec, J pounds. 1 inned I mil, 2", jais, jell, 1 pall and b slan cgLtaliks, .iu' cans, pli kles i 1 ins. i.itsup, " bottles, su,nu. JJ pouuils. giapcs, t basket, lollid o.its, p.ii l.age, fiult piiildlue, 1 )i.k k.ige, dislits, niie-balf eloen, wash btslus, ,, snip h.ns, book'-, luiigniiie-, polltil hin, old linen, eti Ciiiitelu! 11 knotledgi mint is made ot the jIhim, also to J A. lloole foi the ue ot his stoic 1 00111, when the .11 tii les we; 10( eied FUNERAL Or EDMUND L INCH. Buned in Mnplewood Cemeteiy with Militaiy Honois. The fiiiiinil smithes on the late i:dn, unci I, imli who died lat Tins. dn morning weie hold at two o'i loi k esteidav atteinonn ft 0111 the lnuiilv lesldenie on W.isliingtnn stieet Jlill t,n honois m 11 ked the obT riuips in. teimcnt was mad in the Mapletuiod remoteiy. The soices weie 1 undue ted b Ue. Chm ls .ee, pasten ot tho Kli. Pies Intci Ian eliuiih, who spoke ei teu oei woul ot the deceased. Tin laiiro niimbei of llowei nfleilims attested the esteem In which .All. Jin li was held William II Dnlri post, (i A. 1! . was pi esprit and 1 on line led the 1 liual The lull-beaiois u,.,,, William ClM-e, Clulnophei Sdnilt, Arnold 13111!', Geoige Slinull. Gtoige .AIcMInn and Joseph Aleandei, iiiinindes of D.uies' post. Tlie out-ol-town atten dants, weie- Mis jm ipph. Mi. nnd Mis. Hiiam Ineh and .son, Tiank. of AVa.Miiail, John Mmkev of Iloneselale, tleoige Giinei. Mi-s Toopiu ami Mi-, Callowan of Seele.A llle. John Law and Mif. Catheiiue Law of Plttston, Mis, Mai tin Holdiiib ol IJInghamton, AVil llam Hi den of AVest Plttston, Mi. and Mis. o. . jiillei, .Ms,s Cniie Miller, and Mr. and Alts tleoige IMekeison of Sernnton: Mis James jie.ns, MKs Jennie A'oung, .Alts. Ale. Smith, James, Aleandei und Aieh Hi den of Dunmoie, All. nnd Mis John Hrwlen of Xiuoeli, Mi.s Kcllei ol Wilkes Haue. .MIsmps Hannah and Maine llij don of PlttHton, Mi. and Mis, Jlaik Inch or .South 1 '1111.11111, and Mi. and Mis, JMwunl tliauls, of AViiMiunl. OBITUARY. AVILLIAM llLLSWUIiTII SMITH. Foil ol Gtoige AViislihiglon Mnltll, died esteidny mmnliig at I o'cloik at the lauilly lesldenie, on Gieeulield load. An iiltmk ot iiillmmuatloii ot the butt -ell-, of two weeks' dilution, twin the 1 hum- ol death. The deceased was o tnis. ,,f nhl, ,m, wits a iuiIImi ut I'llnloii WiiMie 1111111 ts, lilt had p.iMiiil Hie gieiiiu p.iu ol Ills life lu the coniiuiiiilt), whem In, had uuilliliiilH l lends. Ills wile died about lirieen ,e,llh iiM'o I lit, sUi m s me his duiiglilow hin hulf-biotlui and his lather, The fllliei.il Will take plme Sntlii 1I11.V iittcinoon. Si i lies will be ut the ltKldeuie, 011 tiieeiilleld load, mm. llieiu Ing ill .' n'e lot k Hill lal w 111 be u lliuokbldi) teiuuteiy. Functal Soivlces of John rothes. TI10 late John 'cuius, who died in Now" Vuik (iiy on Tiie.sdn o thin Wielt Will be t.ikin o this ci to liioiiow to be laid ut ust .iiiinug the llleildh of l)U call) dujs, The tie. du&ed will 1 em h heie ,11 - or, toiuouow alteinoon ciei Hie Delawmi) and Huduoii 10 id. Them will In- btlel s,M. li'cs In St. Hose ihuiih. Hinl.il will take place In St, Itnse lonulelj runeitl Hour of Luke White, Th iiiueial or 1 he lute Luke White will taki place tomoilow iiioiiilug At '.1 o'e'oek the piiiic-bluii will liae the huu.se 1 or St. Huso ihuitli tthem a IiIkIi lllii.ss ill li'iiultlll will bo .sung. Hitiinl will be in St, Huso leineteiy, Entoied tho Novitiate. MUs .leniile .Mm an, daughti 1 of Mi.s. Ann Moian, ami MK )i'a llui ley, both ol Suniiiehaiinii, cnleied the iki it i.itc ut St. I tutu com cut jestei-cii'r. Phone : NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 EULOGY ON EDMUND INCH. Tender Wouls of Commander John McCoinb of William H. Davles' Post, O, A. R. At the funeial of the late IMinund I.. Ineh ncstei day, when his stnvlv Ing connades gatheiod about his bier to hide him fniewell, Coinmauder John McCoinb, of AVIIIIain II. l).iles' post, No. 1ST, CI. A. It,, doluoted n beau tlliil eulogy as follows: "Comrades: We hne assembled tills afternoon ten the putiiiHo ol showing our ic'speet to the tnemoiy of one who has left us foievei, as far as e.uthly nscoclatlniiH me (oneeined. "Past t'oiniminder Kdmtiud L. llneh lias gone to his tewiiid, His account In iiiudo tip. His eattltly 1 poind will end today n his lemalns me eoiiFlgned to the blMiunc of the dead. We, his associates in tliand Aimy elieles, had a high leg.nel for him as a man, and a comiade, AVe knew hint in a law-ubldlng cltlssen, 11 genial cuiu pinlon, and a lovul lollewer of the llag 'lt Us .1 solemn duty which calls us together this afternoon. Hut In this Instance theie Is a niouintul pleasiuc connected with It. We dcihe salls laetlou in be.nlng esldemo of our sn eeie legaid loi him, nnd bv eheeifullv showing to his linnilH and the wot Id that our lespect Is actuated li a sene of bis nieilt. and not meiely 11 peifunctoiv complianip with 11 pic Swilhed eoiPinonv. "We know that em 1' one of us will bo lequlied to answer the llmil 10U-111II, and that It ks only a question of time! O111 cone em should not be as to when, but as to how It will be with us on that occasion'.' "Our deputed conn ado was a hciole stiffeier. He won tile ndmliation of his acquaintances by his loitllude: and we feel that as he saw the light to ills feet, his entlilv c.neer wim .1 success The e.utli Is liettei for his Inning been on it, nnd foi his liming nilnglid with the people Let us emu late his iitues, ,nid we t-liall be the beltu tor so doing. lu loiileniphitin bis cliaiaeleilstle we s( e distinctly how a man of his unnssuiivlnir disposition m.n accom plish 111111 h good in a unlet wn, and le.ne his impics on the publle mind bv the fence of Ills nigged honest j of puilMo-p and the deep com htinns of a simple Chilstiun nio He was nllible In eeiv spot and place that his dulv tailed hlni, and In his sphoio ol action among the situ dv tolleis at honest 1 ibor his mind and muscles lespondtd to the piotnpt incs or an educated conscience To the most ol us the sKht ot death in main was and filghtful foinis has bien l.unlllai, and we e.11s ago be came calloused to Its glmstiiness. In this Inst inee the sight of death is that of peuelul sieoii 'I'heie is no shock ing detail connected with It An eein pl.n life is ended and we bolpc th it all is well with Comiade lklmund L Inch' To Ills jamlh we eMend 0111 eoidlal sinn.ithv and liateinil loiumiseia tion To the bosom ot tho inith to consign his bodv, but in 0111 meinoi It s we shall ilieiish the leniembi.inee of his pleasing 1 omiadomip, which has endeaieil him to all ol the ,tttlt mem bei.s ol this iiost AMUSEMENTS. The King Di aim tic Company's Success. Utopite the fait that cli 1 unistanres 01 the snoot uiiF not iniinliih, uhltli Inteileies with the attendance at the the.itie ol out 01 town patterns, the King In iiuatli lonipain has been pining to good hoiisi s this week A'eMPid.n altci 110011 an old plete. but ,1 finotlti. "Last Lnne.'' pleased a big attendance and 1 i--i night the stil ling plnv, 'The Chenv Pickets' was cirdlteil loi being the best pioduellou ot the week. The bills 101 the icst of the week an . "Nell GwMiue," ill's alti iiioini: "Hlue .lemia" lonlght, 'A Waid ol Pi. nice," whit h made suth a hit Tuesday and Snuielav niti 1 noon, and 'The Octo toon' oil S.iluidiiv ulght. Daniel Regan Next Week. Manager Hmiicj has anothci good of feiing ue.M week, Daniel ltMin, the inmnnllc attui, and his lapahle 10111 pauy. "The Ito,al Lutl ' will be the open ing bill, Of this tho Tioy tN. V.) Pi ess ,s ijs, ".Ml. Itan, who Is a gieat l.lMiilte in Tiuj, was gieetcd with 1111 nuilleiu 0 ' Willi h conipletel.x jammed the the.itie to the (loins, unit In (be tli.n.iitci or lion I'ntc.n he has louud 11 nile which is peiteitlv suited to him, aboiiniling us It does lu tin tiling situations, inui h deep pathos und unlet hmiim His Mippoitlng eumpiuiy Is an evelleiu one. Theie aie lellued spn laltlis lfeeu tath nit wlili Ii 1111 Indus the hloginph, .Miss Phyllis liiiiuoio lu lllustnittd solids, John i Hoik in his own oiigi n.il speiiullles and little Ida .Ma, the child m 11 d. Tho Revival Meetings. Tin cMine-i cliini.i of l lev. G W Wil-op, 01 l'io Idi 111 e, J, who Is iiiudlli lint ex.illR. lihth liieetiug., at the 'In-i Methodist 1 bun h mi beginning to .show lesults The 10 r ,m liieienspel atttiidauie 111 1 In niiPtlngs each night mid attiiuoou anil 1111 edlfiug nlig lous . n 1 1 it and Itnor an licliin' nimil le.siid. C.tibondale Rcognlzcd. 1 ',111)01111.110 was liiilugly leiogultd lit the oipmibiilloii ol let, ill uienhllllth lit s 1 .tiiieni on WeeliKMlii, when Hob OH Klnb.uk, the Tel line Hticot luei chani, was 1 luispu Hut jlo pioHldpnt. The ( bob o was 11 happy 0110 and Mr. Klnlmek will will leiuchent the Cai boudale uienlliuils in 111 it bod. Vlsttois fiom Scianton. Tlu1 siiiPHuin Hum Siiaiiloii tegks. tend at the Hiilllroii bouse estid,i wen- Tlioiiias It. Walnh, Thomas Mill I ay G A Hopkins, T J, Kell, Kiailk Is AVolfe, J W Pelllo, It. T .loliiifon. Columbia's Elect Ofhceib. At a nutting ol the men of the Col lliubui lloi-e lompail liiht ulght tile lollowillg oIllliLs weie eletlctl. .billies P IJothui, incHiilcui. i: l Men an, hiiietai, Joseph DNcll, tieasiuei Jollii T. Loltus, loieinau, L. .1. Ilea ley. assistant ten uinuii. J, i: lit on 11, ,T, ,1 Meallii, Thoiuas Hiennan, and i: ,1. Near, t unlets; James Ciimpliell, eh III master; and John F. McoDnald, AV. r. Tool, T. r. Fox, delegates to III email's tellcf itssoelatloti eonven tloii. I was decided to hold a fair noine time hi the near rutin 0 and tlie pienl dent was oinpoweicd to appoint a com mittee to make nnanKemcuK MORE RUMMAGE SALES. Tho Episcopal nnd Pic3byteilan Congiegatlons Each to Hold One. The iilitiiiingcnUs which have pioved mi popular and pioiltnble wilt again be In ogiic this fall and alieadv two chuieiies am piepailng to conduct these, etitei mines. The ladles of Tilnlty chitrth have decided on Mondnv. Oelobcr 11, and have Hoeuied the old armory at North Main stieet and Lincoln avenue as the place to dispose of the inlsepllaneoiiH collection of ai tides that will be gath et I'd for the sale, The LiiIIph' Aid of I lie Plisl Pieshy teilnn chinch will open 11 ale In the old Globe AV'ii chouse so .soon iih It Is Micated by the piesent tempoiiny ten ants, the I'ntk Clothing house, which will likely be next week. Wedding Announcement. A wedding mutoiiiuomcnt that wilt attiacl coiislileiahle Interest, because of the piomlnenop of the parties, is that ol Miss Million 1'iaser Ciane and Itiivmoud Stockei. '1 he eent will lake place ill the I'll st Piesbyleilmi ehtiieli in this t In on Tliuimliiv evening, Oct. 1.1 nt S o'clock. The loccptlou will take place at the billies' home, on Lin coln avenue, between S "0 and 11 o'c loi k. The piospptthe bilde Is the accom plished daughter ot Mis. Ismel ('nine nnd .Mr. Stoeker is mi attorney at the Lackawanna county bar. Caidlnal Maitinelll to Be Heie. There Is no doubt of the touting of C'nidinal Maitinelll to this tllv to ofll il.ite at the dedliatoty eeitlses of the Italian cliunh of Our Ladv of Ml. I'niinel. He. Antonio Ceiiutl, pastot of the 1 Inn ih, has bi en infoimed by the 1111 dinars spnetaiy that he will lie beip op Sunday, Oe t. "7. Aiiauge ments ,ne alieadv ttnelei wav to gieet tills dlgtiiluiy of the Catholic chinch, v ho e coniln.; is legmdcd as quite an honoi. Gone to Alabama. Mis i 1: Jenkins It it heie this week for Clilcago. wheie she Intends to meet hoi husband. Di. Jenkins, who has been in Manila as Vnlted States. 111 my suigeon. Togolhei tliev will go to Mo bile, Alabama, wiicie Ii. Jenkins lias been ti.insferiPd b the suigeon gen ci at of the 111 mv. Mi-. Jenkins' wide ciicle of filends In this cit will legret the loss ot hci sotlct;,. Di. Whalen's Lectin e. Di. AVh.ilen will lepeil his lectin e upon "Rilght and Uuk Sides ol Lite in New Yoik Cit" tills c oiling in the leetuie loom of the Rcic.ui Haptlst chinch This Is to gle all an oppoi tunlt to attend who weie unable to do so on Wednesday night on niiount of lite stenm a lee or ten cents will be taken at the dooi. Enteitalnment Postponed. The mooting and c'ntoi talnnietit of the Hoi pan i-iiptist chunk, wblib was to take plate torl.n. was postponed untii liPM week em account ot Di. Wh.ilen lepe.itlng hi let Hue. The Hilght and Unk Side of Lite in New A'01 k " Change of Fosittons. .Miss Tlllle Gpilmtdt has leslmietl he 1 position with tho Inlet national Cone spondeiiee school at Scianton. Miss Giaeo Slnnell has menth taken up hoi lesideme in Stianton, wheie sho Is eiui)loed at oltlee woik. Meetings of Tonight. Palestine t'oinmiindei v. No II, Knights Te'inplni, Junioi Oidei I'nlteil Anicik.in Meiluinli.s Laekiwannii Uucamiimeiit, No 10, I. O O I'. THE PASSING THRONG. J J Cuitis. or llonostlale, Is lu town on a business tilp William Tlioipe, ol Shine. N. A'., Is .111101117 the lflt01s in the eit. John Canon, ot Llmlia, N. A"., Ii stlng among the tiado 111 this city. L Hainubii" of Alb.un, N. A'., who sells "Moon Spots" elgais, s In the ell. O. S. Htoef, the uptiwiitei man fnnn Scianton, was a ( u boudnle lslioi AVeduesday. Miss May Ltnott, of the AVest Side, is islllng lekithcs in Scianton and AVIlkes-Haiie. Joepb J,u obs, tlio denlei in lioist.s fiom llonostlale, was a Caibondale Is Itor estonlav. P. P. Manilla. 1. of the IKihImiii House eati-. was In Stinnton NCste.- tla, attending the funeial or Mis. MauiMii. Hugh AVlley, 11 foi inei le.sldent of Paibnndiilc, but now lotatetl al Phila delphia. Is stlng at the lionie of Itobeil liiodle. Ileniy 'I'm 1 nut e, Ji of New A'oik tllv, whs legistniod at the Aiueilcau House osteidin, also P, L. Stuide Millt, of Si lntlton. 1, J Lotmlumi, Daniel Lougliinu, John Kenney and John McLoiiBlilin who luno been lepiesenllllg Gatcly tV Piugeialil lu this lc hilly loi M'wi.il l.i went to Si 1 anion osteida. Mi and Mi.s. Pan itk Judge, ot ,Ies sup, who weie widded that atteinonn. took suppi r ut the llmiiMin Home on Wednesday evening They weiem loiiipaulcd by the In idohinaiil, Mitr Mmgaiet Wlulott, of Siiaiiloii, Mis, Ann Moian, .Mips Knte Aloimi nnd W, P. Mm an, ot Suwiiiehiiniui, weie at Hie Ilaillsou Houm oei Ae.l ncsdav evening, Tliey 111 1 oiupauled Mis MoimiV daii'ihtm, who enteicd Hie novitiate of St Itosp esteiday. JERiWYN AND MAYFIELP. Jniup.s II. Moit.au, nnp ol tlie most PNpeit tied elimbcis In this vhlllil, met with n mlxhuii while gatlieilng chestnulH nu Wedne.sdil AVbllo de Mendlnu: 11 tiee a small II111I1 Ieldeil beiieiitli his welsht and he win. pie clpltated siivei.il feit mid leiulcied llll Kilisi lous Ope of his ankles w.ih badlv spi allied and lie had to bo cuiiltd by his companions a uiut-ldeiable dlhtiinic f I inn the woods ji was attended by Di. Jail. son Invitations have hceu h-stud im the appio ulitug liiaiil.iue of Attorney Piauk 11. Stnckei.ot thU boiougb, and Mlt-s Aim lou funic, a well-known mini? lad of I'mbondiile The Intel -I'stlng ceieinoii will take plueo In the Pieshytciliiu ihiiub, ('aibnndale, at S o'c lock on Thiu.iilu evening;, Oeiobei 17. MiehdPl Hiiike accompanied the Will iam AValker Hose compuii to the htato llieinen'n eonvcntlon at Plilkielelphla. Mis. W. 11. Lute, of 'llihd stteet, CURE FOR ASTHMA AND HAV FEVER The fltatemenl published below eon films tlie claim of Dr. Schlrrmauii tliat he has now dlseovoied 1111 nbsoltito lcmeily for Astluun ami Hav Fovei. Mic. Miny X.aelieiy, Pleasant lllllil.a. shjh: "I linve foitnel jour asthma cine a piuinniieiU euie for iiHtlinui, for which 1 lined It 7 em. I have never had the slightest letuin of the tioublo since. 1 have aim found your lemedv excetlcnt 111 Hiotichlat arrectlons. 1 shall ever hav'o it feeling of gtatltude for the benefits deilved rioin jour Cine." A Hav IVver MirtVrcr wiltcs: "t liave had Hay Kever for 11 yeais. I bought a package of your lemedy (Stlilffiiiaiin's Asthma Cine), of 0111 diugglflt and due to Its use this Is the 111 st summer that I have not been tiotthloil." Mia. Piank (tilllfogle. 02J7 Itldgo aveniif, l!oboio, Phlladelplila. hn's letttined homo rioni the l'au Aineilean and Nlngaia 1'uIIh. The kitchen at the leal of (lie house occupied bv David Hauls and laiully, on South .Second stieet, was accident ally set on the jcstcnkiy nioinlng by one of the ( Illicit 011, In 1 espouse to mi alniin the Cr.vstal and Aiteslau Hose companies both lespomled, and the lite was put out befoie it line! done much damage. The boiotish entitle II of .lei inyn will hold Its icgillar mouthl meeting this ev piling, at which sonic important business, lolatlve to the new bond is sue, will be ttnnsacted. The Delawate and Hudson eniplovcs will be paid at the tollleiy heie on Monday alteinoon. 0LYPHANT A public 1 calling 1 00111 has been opend in the Piesln teilan cluiich pallor, on Dclawaie 'licit A nuin bi r nt' books and mugilncs have nl leiuly been donated. 'I he loeini will be o on eveiv alteinoon and evening escept Suntlav. Aiioue! desblng to conti Unite leading m.ittei 01 nioiiey will please notily Miss Han let Mat thew s, of SuMiuph inn. 1 stieet. The following list of lelteis leinaln uncalled foi nt the Olvphnnt postoillee: Hd. Itaiiet, Mis John Caulev, Llzlo DItksou, Hill sueet; Andy DiNtoll (J), James A'. C'.avlgan. P.. D. Havs, .Mis. Thomas Jones, widow, John P M.111 lf. J. P. M.u tin, Mis. 'Ihomas Mc-Hll-. -Alat Misos, Mis Sophia Mlllei, John A union. 'Old bl Stcbblus' was witnessed lit a lame audience at the t-'athei Mnthow Opoia House; last evening. Hetwecn the acts soveial pleasing sptikiltlcs weie givin. The Juvenls il uielng class will hold tlie it weeklv sot lal in Mahou' , hall this ovonint,. AIusli bv Lav.ieuees o thestia, ot Si 1 anion. Mis. j t. Jones, of Nanlitokc, is visiting 1 datives, at this plate Ul I'. L Vaiiblc kle bus 1 etui nod, if tei speinclins a week in HInghamton, n. v. Geoige Henlon, ot Caibondale, was a callei in ton 11 csteidav. Alls William Mason 1 etui lit d home vesteiel.n, afte- a two weeks' visit with lelalives in New Veil k. DALT0N. Itleliaid Pm don, who letcntlv moved fiom Tuiikhaiinoek to this plate, has act opted a position with the Interna tional Coiiesponilence Schools, Scian ton Impioveinenls have been made about the mound- ot the Methodist p.u soil age 111 the lining of a new II ig walk and the election ot bond steps Fiank Colvin who lias been quite 111 the past low da s, s impi oviug County Siipeilnlendcnt 'lav loi vis ited the public schools b"te on We.i nesd.iv. The .seliool lio.ml is lontenipl itin the pun basing of a new steam heat ing plant lot the public school lnilld-iiiL- Mlss Lillian Smith is in P.uflulo at tending the Piiu-Aineilciiii Heinv C Dubois has been at ting as J111 01 this week in the com is tt L.uk .1 iv anna coimtv . T. J, Foster and lauillv aie aojoinu iii,T at Atlantic Cltv. Tlie follow ing poisons fiom the Women's MIsslmiai sue let v of the Haptist e huicli heie wen in attuiilanie at the inlsslnnaiv basket ineotlug held lu the AVavetlv Haptbt cluiich Tlnn s elay All". It. It. Thompson, Alts, Kinnk Colvin, AIis. Pi oil Palmei und Alis. L. Palmer Smith Mis. S. S Hints is vlblting fi lends In Susquehanna county, At a meeting of tlie AVouien'f, CluN tmu Tenipeiance 1'nion held last week the lollov.ing odleeis weie elected: Piesitle'iil, Alls. H y, Hagei , v It -piLsiclent, Alls, c'liai les Cicaaj: st,t,. letaiy, Alls. Fred Palmei; assistant .secictaiy. Mis r. 1;. Smith: tieiisiuei, Mis, O P. Stall. AIl-s Alaiv Gaidner lias leUunid home 11 0111 New Yoik cit.v wheie she spent ton dn:... OLD FORGE. The Vlis.sps 1'lla anil Alice Diuko spent Mindaj witli lilentls lu Clink's Gie.ni Alt. ,1. W liiiidheail and fiiiiiilt, ol Klk Lake. .11 u visiting at the homo 01 hih pai onti, Mi. and .Mi.s. Samuel Hiodlioiiel Ali.s. Aliildhiop, 01 Cldoii, Allssouil, Who ha been vldtlllt, hei dauglilu, Mis. Li nest Scamaiis, has leiuiiud home All Piauk Huiger, who was h'll t vthlle woikluc in the mines hint week, Is able to be about again. i:touslVii piepaimlons me lulu;; nuido lot the ciiteit iliimeius vvlilih ale 10 bo In Id in the Lawn in ovllle Hosj lloll..e. Oct, ".' and -' !, Ulitlei tho nils ii es ol' tlu Alethodlsl Lplsiopal 1 boll . Ml. and Alio. V K. Heed aie visit lug n till tiicuds in A,iyuo eouiitv, Hal vest heniie M'lvlees will be held in tlin Hi lek Methodist L'piwopnj chinch Oi t. (j PECKVILLE. dialler. Heller nml Allss HcssUi Depett, ot (Vikvllle, wcn united 111 liiaillago AVeilm riduj alte noon, Oct. J, lij the Itev. 1, I Doi. at Die Cedm Avenue Alelhodlnt CplHcopiil paison. ,l.e The hi Me und m 00111 tteie al leiidxl liv llielr liiemls ,li. inui )h, HellM will I oxide ill Pickvllle, AV0CA. Thu l.adl' s' AlinsJnnniv unlit ol the Laugclliie iluinh nut at the homo of All-, Aigim Howell jestenl.iy aiiei 110011. Tho .'jeiit-old Miu ot All, and Alir. Tlionuis Tlinie, 11C Cliundi bticet, died 011 Tic-d.tj nioinlng of diplitlieiia. In tel inent war. made Wednes-day lu Si. Mail's ccinito. At tho county couit on Satunla, Itobeit Andeibon, of (ho v,Ysl Side, was thai Red with tiniisuppoil by his wire. Ho was sentenced to pay Iho woman Jir per month nnd to give bonds In the sum of ?5U0 that ho will 1 in IV nut tin coilil'ri oidtl. M. P. Ilollenili.or Noilh Clioto stieet, lias moved tils family Into the house foimeily meupltd bv David Davis. Theie will lie a siile of fancy ill tides und sllppei will be stivc.il III (he Aleth odlsl liplsiopnl paisoniige this even ing. THE SUS?UEHANNA COUNTY FAIR Laige3t and Best Agilcultutal Exhi bition Ever Hold nt Monti ose. noyment Matted by Rain. Siwlil to t tie S.niilon Iriliniic. Alontiose, Oet. ;i A'tstenlav was a. law, dink ilav II tlneiiteneil lu the rendition und the lain ponied down In toiionts In the aricinoon, and jel tho Susiiiioliannn toiinlv rati, hold hi Alontioso, wus a siilendld stltcess the weather ariccllng It onlv to the estent of pieventlng its being the veiy lmgst and bent stiletly iihilcultuiul fair ever held lu the eountv. Tuesduv hiotuht 11 huge pail 01 the oNhlblts and the balance mine In e.iilv jislenlnj, so that the wcathei had but small ell'ei t Upon this most Inipoilant leatuic, and the eshlblt.s weie Hie llnest und laigest show 11 lu jcillr'. Theie Is no doubt that the ft owning sky tn tlie e.nl nioinlng kepi many at home who would olheittlse have conic, and the sioim In the afternoon pt evented the attendance ol hunch eds ot townspeople. Hut despite the 1111 piopitlous vteithei the sate leeoipts wetc well up to ptcvloiis veins, which ileinonstiales that with good weather the nceipts would have bioken the 1 pc onl. As It was, oveiy poitlou or the count v w.n leiiiescnted in the gient uotttl and lu mngultkent exhibits The total leielpts weie tipw.llils ol s; 1 , 100. Theie wtie ovei soon luinilicd Indl Idual exhibits, and Hie total niimbei of entiles n the ovetal depiutiueius was over '2 (100. Th" special attiactlou this tur was the famous Welsh 1 boh or AVllkcs Hmie, and It moved the best diawlng cm el the soclctv has ever siHuieti. Though the inclement wealhei put the slneis at a dlsntlv .inlaw, slid thoj ntepilttcd Ihtiiiseht s neiblv. and t apll v ite'i the vast assomblao bv the ih 11111 or thcli inaivelous sinking. It is tho wish opios-o(l to the inauageis ol the lab bv intiiv iiooiile Hint the same attiaitlon be seemed foi next jem If possible The showing of due hoi sos was un usiiallj Imge, llieie being lit, entiles or hoi sos in the ipgultn nnd pee lal clays,.!, , f, w 0f tiio piemiunis nvv aid ed weie as rollows. Host standanl hied stallion. AViUlnm J ott. Cliffoid, bent 1-voai-old nine, I'. I Lott, Alontiose, best ::-voai-oId till'. AIKs Alcta Guv, Aim. ti ose: best load Mallion, H. D. AVIlcox Hush, btst S-MMi-old he.n v di. uight stallion, C H Coni.ul, Aubuin; bust ?,-( ci-okl stallion, James cjium nile. best 1 .ullage ham, AI. AV. Pal mei, ol liiooklvn, sot ond best, n. A. Union of s;useiielnnna; host team leu all woik, AV C Sh.iv, New Allllonl: set ond best. S Loomls, Auliui n. 'I heie was also a huge niimbei of liandsoine m.u es, ttiim and oiing boisps The cattle show was novel betlci, and would have done 11 edit to .1 state fail AH. Hionson, Hie expei t ludge, said be bad novel attended a bettei fail, and that it would be veiv haul to Ibid bettei tattle anwvbeie. Some of the m Im ip.il exhibllois ami tho bleed shown weie SI101 1 bonis, L D. Miller, Litlnop; Guein-evs A. 12 Ilolllstoi anil O II. Summeis; Dovons, H. 1'. Tones, South Alontiose. Dutch Heltetl, Alungei s AVilllatns, ri.inklln. Jet so s, Tin 1 ell it Tin 1 ell. Finest Like: A1 shlios. J V Hutteilleld, South Alont lei'iv and c'listophci H 1 ne Choconut; lloltloi uess. Mis A. L Gi pen. New Alll lonl, Holstolns, F. S AVtlls, (i. F. Dei kei and v. ji. cnnkllu, ol south Alonlioso; F. 12 Hcnnctt, A 12 Itobin son. The iiiemluni tin the ' best dab v " was a vvai did to F S Wells; second best, TmiP'l .v Tin ic 11 'Host alt of mv bicctl" was awaided to L H AII1 lei 1 he sheep and swine exhibits weie 011 a pm with those of othei live s-tock. Among tlie piliuipil exhibltois or sheep who AVatioits tv; Jamison, G. A, Dai low, AVIlllam Kellv and A. D. Hol listu, Hitdiew.itei. D. O Tiniell, Kinnkliii J. H. Hav, Aubuin: M. J. Ga, He.u t lake, ami 12 12. Tiflanv, Hiookljn Among the sw hie weie some veiv line leglsteieil Heikshlics shown bv C, L. AIosos, ot Hi at knot. A better exhibit ot giuin, liult and vogelables Is seldom seen than the one show 11 hoio on AVediu sin, I2veu the showing of 1 1 ult. which is supposed to be 11 (nihil o this je.u, was huge and 1 leelil.ible. In the gi.iln exhibit theio was (Uteeii (Utiles ot liin Held coin, the (list piiniluni going to A. L Lake, or Hi itlyettaiei. Theiowoie sp Pillion entiles ot sweet coin, (ll st niPlilliim In .Mir,. J. N, Au dio ot Kali dale, ()l popioin theie weie -Ixtien entiles, mid J. I. Allen 1 an led oil the hoiioi.s, Tin io weie tliiitoell entiles ol pom In s glow 11 III count some hpk nelld Mice hut lis. Theie weie ovei Itliv exblblts ol lull applet- and ovei r-lvty exhibits ol white 1 apple-. Of polatoes the ip weie tllhtj-livi en tiiis, consliuin'. oi mini one to light dllieient viilletles-. The poultiv and pet exhibit was luiMI' thuii evil, 17,1 eutliiH Pilncl pal exhibllois weie 12. F. Tlll.iny .V i'ii, L, S, L'ly and P. C Doian, Hiook lll O II, III ecu ii Soil. Ni W Allllonl, F. S Hici uvvood und J. . Lmiiiui, I.Min, Altliill ll.uilnslon, Hiidf,e vvntei. In baked Minis theie was an im- meiit-e shoHiuir, an Idea of which 1,111 be s.itheinl fioin the ltJ entiles of bieatl, 1 cull It .i ol punipklu pics, yj euliiis 01 uliiBir cake. The liiucy woik und nit de p.11 liuent.i weio a win Id 01 beauty and darned thai tho cultivation ol the aesthetic has not In en lieifleitul niuoilg the wives and duunliteis of SUMiiehiimin count The exhibit ol nhcol vvnik was also a laipe and liitcic-tiug lea tun. ClPllllable lllltslt vv,is luiulsluil by Hullaid's hind, ot llallnail, tliioiii,h out the elm, I2tei dopmimeut lontaiueil mm It vvni lb socliis; mid vv 011I1 mintlnnlnjs did ripace peimll il wus loiicctlidl Hie lui-est (ind be-i txhlbli iu siowu at the su.-qliebauna lountv tali, and the pit Is that the tttnllnii hail not peimllled Irene 10 have step It, The uiuliili,'( blent 1- not iIImiiii til, and next vnu hupi to bold n ,,iiu gieutd tub limn Hint ol l'.1"!. FOREST CITV, Suial I,. Ilir siuiiloil lllliune. Foie.-t i'lt. Sept. J -The m hoot boaid tins appointed Alit- Alai L Alt Cabe of Wlnwoutl 11 teacher 111 the bmcnisli school. Jciumlc, the little nm of Alike 12s- What Shall We Eat To Keep Healthy and Strong? ?SiSc35- -s. A hcalthv appetllc and common sense me excellent guides to follow In niatteis of diet, and 11 mixed diet ot gialns, 11 ults and meats Is undoubted ly the brt. lu nplte of the clatniw niadp bv vegetal tana and food cianks t-enciatlv. As computed with gialns and vege tables, meal furnishes the most ntttil nient lu a lilglilv t oncentiateit foi m and Is digested and nstdmllitttd 11101a (liiltklv than M-gelablcs or mains. Dr. Julius Ilemusson on this sub ject h.ivs; Neivous peLsons, people tun down In health and of low xltttllty should oat plenty of ment. If the di gestion Is too feeble at ilrst it maj lm easllv sltengtlieiicd bv the lcguhir u.sn of Stuait's Dvspepsla Tablets after each meal. Two of these excellent tablets taken after (linnet will dlgeet animal lood In tlnco 01 four hours, while the malt dl.itaso also contained In SttidilV, Tablets cause tile pel feet dlget,tlou of stmchv toods, like pota toes lucid, etc, and no matter bow wiilc the stomach may be, no tioublo will be expei ienced if a tegular prac tice is made oL using; Stuait's Dspcp hhi Tablets because they Mipply tho pcphln and dlata-c so nciehhuiy to pei feet digestion, and any foi in of In digestion and -stomach tioublo except) c .inter of the stomach will bo ovei come by their ekillv use. That Imge class of people who eomo under tlie head of neivous dyspeptics should eat plenty of meat and instil o Us complete digestion by the syste matic uso of a faafo, liaimloss diges tive, medicine like Stuait's Djspepsla Tablets, composed of the natural di gestive jiilnclp.ils, peptone and dia tase. vvhitli actually pet lot 111 the worfc ot digestion and gives the abused stomach .1 chance to iest and to funir sh the bodv and bialn with the ncce'f s,n v mitt Intent. Cheap cathartia mi dlehie ninseiueiadlng' under tho name of d pepsin cine-, me useless loi lelief 01 cute of indigestion, be cause tliev have absolutclv no clfeet upon the actual digestion of food Dvspopsia In all its roims is .simply a lalluio ot the stomach to digest tooel and the sensible way to solve the 1 id die nnd euie the indigestion Is to maker elcily use at meal time ol a safe piepa latlon which is cndoisod bv the medi cal piotesslon and known to contain active digestive piineiplcs, and all thla cm tiulv be s-aid of Stuart's Dyt.pcp&ia, Tablets. All tliuggists thiougliout the Unlteel States; Canada and Gieat Britain selL them at the unllnim piico pC fifty, cents for full tieatment. . T nefcki, who lives over Saiaflnski's meaS uniiket, climbed to the top of the rail ing1 on the poich nnd. getting1 ovei balanced, tell, .stiiklngr his head on thu sidewalk. Stiange to .sav the lad e.imo out of the ariair without seiious rebUlt, V H Hauls, or Scianton, was in town jestoidas. J. IX Fleming, of Seranton, was 0, callei In town .vesteiday. The Hoaid of Tiatle meets Thuifeday pvening. Huslness of impoitnncp is to tome befoie it and a full attendance Ii deshecl. W. .1. Davis, tlie popular Scianton tailor, was in town jestenlay. The IT. C. and I. company lias opened up il campaign against tiespabtos who pick toil 1 10111, in and nuclei eais. AA'ur juts also been eleckiicd against a nuni Iipi ot bovs vtlio hnve been doing ma licious nil-e hief. and -meial anesls have been made. 11 the nuisance I not abated otheis will follow. HONESDALE. Speoinl Io tht -crantor. Tfib 'n. llonesiiale, Ott 8 Thomas n. Callo way has suiieieil a socond pai.iljtla stmkc, aiu' Is u 11 iiltluil tondlilou. Alls. Ueit lleadlcy will leave Tues day foi Uldiwooel, AV. A'a , to icslde. Her liusbnnd lot a ted theie kthl spilng Willi a niaiiufae tilling company, llcr lalhei, All. D. AVoodwnid, will accom piutv her us tin as Philadelphia. All. and Alis. Homer Gi eerie and diiiighiei me t-ojouinlng at Atlantic City. W. L Keiiuifou, AV. 12. Verh.im, U A. PatteiMiu, A. H, Gainuiell and John CI, Jieillei' have been dpcted diieotors ol the Wajue Counlv r,ilr as-.-oelatlon, to sei ve tin co jeais. A small mm' ol book- agents nie can-vat-dug Hoiici-dalo with tho life of Pipsidcnt McKlnlev. An oijj.ili lecital will be given in (il.iie i;pscopat chill ill next Slllldav evening, to be lolloweel by a ihoinl spi vice mid aildiPt-s The iiujiiovenieni ,-otlatlon iiiiu iiiage Hale 1 omuieiue.s Oi t fiber S Donation-, to the panic will be thanktully n telved, Ali- Aland 1 Allen chailte, of New A'oik. who ban been the uue-,t of her inoilui. leiiiuieil home toda.v, acenni p.inled b In 1 inuthei. L D, Hlliindl will lemnvp 1 1 0111 II1111 iitlllowu 10 a icsidiniei ai coinei of Fouiteentli mid I2.inl stieets, Novem ber 1 "Win II We Weie 'I'vvcntx -One ' tho s.e.n(iu'.s htiiiel event, tl boitutllul love loniainc, ,ih piotluced ai the Knlikei bnikir then lie, New Yoik lit, will h lueM'lUed Ii) a hiipeib louipanv In lln Hone.-dale up 1,1 house J'lldnj eVili l.lg. The giaiid-siaud feint and ilmno pavilion ol Iho ttoui-dile Hnt-c Hall llhiut Iiltluil ale o fiend lot t-.ile lj It'll nu au mi cud in bt-e ball in Hones iliih. Ficeiliiiu linlie ol Geld Fellows have elected the olot liit; iiIIIioih who will lie Installed next Alomluj evening: Noble U'land, J. A Hodle. vlee-ginnd, II. W. Owen: s-itietai). Geoige P, Ito ticannci A. '. Llndt.i) t ut- tec, J. 12. Wllllnnib. icpici-eutnttve to Giand lodge. Cllituid C liuit 'I he Piohlbltloii count cunveutioii uiiiuliuteil Jtithaii! 11, Simons, of Sale in, foi ticasiiiiir; Di D, 12. Dinkt, of lliiulnunl;, loiouei. A. W. Luikln, or W'liiwood, Is county chaltmin,