The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 03, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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f.v Tr f .w
J- ' ' 1 'l
Ceremony Wns Peifoimed Under n
Cnnopy of Stnrs and Stilpes Mc-Hnle-McLaln
Nuptials nt St. Pnt
llck's ChmchVlpond-Jones nnd
Maddock - Dnvi-3 Weddings The
Funeral of Mis. Benjamin Ben
nctt Yesterday Afternoon Chinch
"' Social News Notes nnd Personals.
lliinli'l .T. linnvf.. nr 'I'lii' Tifliillli' lull
... - - - -
df'piii'inii'iii, nnd -mih Hi'i u. tiiini-
lici' cii; willed ill multiline "t 4
o'clock yesieithiy iilli'i'iiiinn at the
homo of Mr. niul M11-. IIimiimm ilunl
lier. In Fnetoryv lllc. The niiiih weie
limit tended, uml weie united liy Ilev.
Jl. .1. AViltldlls, The it i'cliinli. whs per
foi ineil tlllilei :i iniiniy nl' tUiitH uml
stripes In the piceim ut mini, leht-
tlVM llllll fllt'llll"
The l.ulK'iim In wtililln;; iiimh h wns
pIll.M'll ll Miss l.utlle Cull. Till Well
iIIIIK; illllliei miih "el Vftl h .M l.sses Jen
nie AViilklli", iMiilemi SteVeiiH nnd
.Mill') Wheutiiti. Altei II ll lp tn Hut
lilln. .Ml mill Ml" liece will i eilile III
tllclr lieu I v liiiMilii'(l llimie mi Xmlli
.Miilll iilelllle
The Kinoin - one nf the nnisl pnpil miiiiik men In Wot Si riintmi, ami
hi hrlile Is a ei thniiiilnn oiiiir
W'nlllilll. Tlm-e pie-cnl weie the fnl
lnu intj:
t i .iii.l Mi. I. P -i iciir. Mi n,. I li-
Itllllllll l.llllllll, Ml mil Ml PlIVMII l.'lllllltl.
Ml ami Mi- I, ( Mi .iii.l M-. I
lliltKliillli. Ml uml Ml liuio U iKmi, Mi-.. j
lljllir .mil I l.i i i i. mini t. Mm Ulu'iimi, I, mil,'
HiiiMii,. l.i, in. I .hi. Itov ml Mi- i. I!
snillli. Mi .iinl Mi-. I li nit - I. ihImi i, i.l r.ittiii
villtlli Mi. .iinl Mm. I. I' ii iliii . Mi .iinl
Mi-. . M. ii ii,iii. Mi in, I Mi- I,umi.- VV
Itn-". Mi. .iinl Mi, Milium M I Mi-.
Limit l..inliiii. Miii- Mm !,w I' iihi.i
nihil Pic-,, Mt-ln. Millu l!,i-r iii.l vil.1'11
llilill. Mi"l. l.oinrr (.. I'.i-r. I liiuiia- ",,
ill-, I'lul. . In Int I. Imir-, 11-111 ll.uilil, il
liill, 1 .1 miii'-i.ii. Ilr in,) Mi- M I. itl.111-, nt
Hall. Ira. I, Ml- M11.1 "-ill i!,iii. r.l t lliljitmi,
.iinl I nit 1 llutikh. it! r mk
McHalc McLnin.
piilt. weihlln in 1 iii'ied al St
I'.itniK'- ('athi)lli ihiiiih, Wet
Sii.iiitun. e-tenl.iv al niiiiii. when
Willi 1111 I' Mi Hale, nf nhph.iiit. anil Mnrj .Mcl.ain, of Ninth .Main
aeuiR'. ucle linitcil liv Itev. I'. II. l.a
velle. ill.-.-. .Maiv i 'tu ,iii,iiik1i pii"-fpi
nt the oik. in, .mil pl.ixeil ,1 nimihei of
nppi opi Kite M'lri timis
The In hie w.i'. 1 lianniiiKlj a ttued in ,1
A, Daily Reminder
Aon will nnl lie ili-'poinli,l In
llnfoui' I ir, il will 1 lli'i tint
I' ni'l t "I.l 111 1 no nishl
For Fall and
Silk Fashions
Are now ready for your inspection and will be seen
to better advantage during the next few days than at
any other time during the season.
The Special Display
Which opens this morning, embraces all the novel
ties from the world's best weavers, and is replete
with interest, because many of the newest ideas are
Twentieth Century Revivals
Of fashions that have become historical. Of course
there are some very uew things that are beautiful,
and there's the never-failing
Staple Weaves in Silks
That never will be sent to the rear, no matter how
, ajlk fashions may come or go. We will be delighted
to 'see you at the store during our first.
Fall Show of Silks
As we feel certain that you will appreciate the efforts
we have made in behalf of our patrons to provide for
' thera the best there is in silk fashions, suitable for
all occasions.
Globe Warehouse
Rinvn of biown mateilnJ, trimmed with
panne velvet nnd At uhlan iippllntte.
The htldcHiniild, Mls Kinnurs Mctuiln,
a plfiler of the bride, was sliullltitly
iitthetl. Tile In Idc curried a bouquet
of white nirnntlnn. and her maid ent
iled pi nl. The Kiooin wni attended
by Michael CuiuiuIiirm, of Olyphant.
The ehttroh was tilled with filendi
and lelntlves of the yoimp couple, mill
the tlectt weie escoitetl to their fictils
by the uMier., lldivnul JleLuIll, Mle
liael CuviimiUKh, l!ilwiiul (.lllenin ami
Uloliiiul l.uiifiirnn. Folloiilii"- the eeie
1 niny a leeeptlon wilt temleied the
wedding pnily at the home or the
biltle'.s niother on Ninth Alain incline,
wheie they weie Rieeled by a line
th elf of friends'.
The leeeptlon a continued tluilnc
the tifternnoii ami evening, and nt
midnlKhl Mr. and Mix. Mellnle lei'l
fur Murrain, NliiKiiru Pulls nnd other
places of lllleledt, I'ppn their letlirn
thf.v le.ihle In Olypluint, whero Ml.
Mellnle N eiiBUKi'd 111 bllillli""'. The
i" lillliK leeeptlon wuk utteildeil by a
hi' Be nt.inber in out-of-town people.
Vlpond Jones.
(leoiKf IS. Vlpoml, or l'JOS Academy
Miei't. ami Ml.s Anna .lone", of
li.nnll-' stieet. weie united In murrl.iKc
at "."0 oelock yexteiday nioinhiK' at the
paiMiniiHc or 1 lie Slmp'-iin Methodist
lIplM'opal 1 linn li. by the pastor, llev.
II. l .McDi'imotl
The 1 ouple uele un.itlellileil. The
In Idc wiw beioiuliiKly sow lied In
Iiiuvmi blond 1 loth with a plctilie hat
to 11irit1.l1. They li-f t at b o'clock fur
New V01 k ami other places or Inteiett.
I'pua ihelr letitin they will tclile with
the kiooiu'i mother on Aeiuleiny tieet.
Mr. Vlpuiid H an of the (Jlohe
W.nelioii-e .1 lid his wife K the daugh
ter of Mr. ami Mi. lovu Junes of
Johnson ragan.
Hubeit 1) Jolmsiin, of North lle
beei a avenue, and UNi Maiy l',
of I'ltt-ton. Wi'ip niariled at noon cs
teid.iv In St. John's rathollc i lunch,
I'ltlstoii. by lies, leather Mellnle, the
ii-'-lstiint iM"tor of the chinch.
Misv Landau pluyeil the ueridltiK
ni.nelips and the n"lii weie Thomas
M. KliliiluiKini ami (tfiiiRe O" Hi len. The
bride was attended by her sister, MKs
KiithrMi l-'iiKau, nnd the Kiooin by
John i'oinv,i of Weht Scianton.
The bilde'.s kowii was of eiepe do
1 bene, with mil luce tilnimtntis nnd
the In Idpinuiid wine Fiench niijus.(
llne. The leieption was held at the
lionie nf the bible's mother on Oak
Ml. and Mis Jobii'-oii h ft on all af
ici noon (lain loi the I'.ill-Ainei lean
and upon then leiinn will ic-Ide in
Wtvit Sci.ui'.tni.
The bride N one of I'lttstini's most
estimable .mhiiir wiuueu, anil her hus
band i a Ivll eiiKiiieer anil n son of
K1.111U JtilniMin, the well-know n p.ilnt
n, lie I- pioiniiipntlv idpiitllied with
St. lift mien's council, Venus Men's In
slilllle. Mnddock Davis.
Jwd.Mii Maddock, of Washburn
stieet, and Miss Davis, of
n.vnon sticel. wcip imileil in maiilasi'
last ccnins: at tho homo or Hip 'aide's
parenlfl hy Rev. David Jones, pastor of
the First Welsh Congregational
The lirldemnntd was Mlsn Elizabeth
Atilleld and the Rrooinsman, David
Davis. The bride whs dressed In steel
jrrny with npplliitte ellk ttlhnnlnKs and
carried bridal tixef, while the brides,
liinld Mote n row ii of uruy pearl with
white silk tilnimliifis uml enirled pink
einnalloim. Tho wedding hunches wete
played by Tullle Lewis,
A leeeptlon followed, at which JiV)
Invited guests weie presenl, Mr. ami
.Mrs. Maddoek left on n mlilnlglit
tinln for ittilfnlii.
Ancient Older of Torestets.
A publle nieetlng will be held In Mor
gan's hull, corner of Main iivcnite ami
.liickxon stieet, on Snturdiiy evening ut
"."ll n't lock, lor the pin pone nT estub
lMiIng n toint of the Ancient Older of
Voiesteis of the Wot Id In West Scinli
tnii. TIipip Is only one toint In this
county located In Duuiuote ami It Is
found neucssaiy to accommodate the
nicmbeis icsldlng In Hennilon unit
West Side, A dispute uto-p In tills
older In ISSI nnd lusted until 1SMI, on
the tuiestltm of ntlnilttlng the eoloietl
man Into the older, and u split oceurietl
at that time.
Tin; dissent lug hotly fm tiled antither
order and called tbeinwelves F. of A.,
or I'tiie.steis or Aineilea, and many
P"i sons an; not aware Unit the Ancient
Older of Fotesters exlstx, thetel'oie It
wtitiltl be uell to sy ht.n. tit this
oitler Is veiy much ullve, there being
no les than liiii courts tluoughout Hie
I'nlted States, initio n ml female. The
entlie membership Is about one mill
ion. It was In active operation In the
Fifteenth contniy, ami was established
In this eountiy in IMS. H Is iion-Hee-tiirlitu,
lefuslng no man admission on
account of his ci ceil, color or nation
ality, discusses no political or religious
questions, and only lcquiics that its
meinbeis me of good character and
believes In a Supicme Helng,
Entertainment and Social.
The Infant department of the Tnb
einacle Congregational Sunday hcbool
held an entertainment In the basement
of the church last evening which was
piesidcd over by Thomas J. Williams,
A motion song was leudoied by the
pupils under the direction of the
teacheis, Mr. ami Mis. AVIIllam Dea
con ionn weie given by
l-nulse Cullen. Oertrude Deacon, Mar-g.-net
llvans-, Willie Williams, John
Kwins, Annie Wllllnms. Glad.s A',i.
teis, Marg.nel Tleese, Willie Reese, An
nie Davis, John Jones, John Reese and
TliumiiK Thomas.
The singcis were Mai g.n ot Iteese,
John and AVIllie r.ppse ami Victoria.
Cullen. A social was held after the en
teitainnient at which ice cionm and
cake were served.
Funeral of Mrs. Bennett.
The funeral of the late Mrs. 15cnj,t
mli' Dennett occurred jttoiday after
noon Horn the family residence on 1-u-.eiiie
stieet. Many lifp-long fi lends
of ileceusrjd W(M(. ni attendance. The
soi vices weie. conducted bv llev. .Tames
Henninger, pastor of the Hampton
stieet Methodist Kpiscopal chut eh,
who spoke culog'htlcally of the dc-
The l.nge number of lloial offeilngs
atlpstptl the esteem In which Mis. Ben
nett was held. The pall-be.nci s weie
t'hailes Smith. Henry Smith, James
Sandeis and James ShlflVi. David
Warwick anil John Willlaiiici'ii were
1 he pall-be.uei.s. Inteiiiient was made
le the Wahlihuin stiept eemeleiy.
Events of This Evening;.
Mr.'linj; nt Hip It.ulir. i.l .nmh n,r of 1 1 1 - simp.
mi Ml'VIdiIi-i IpiMnpil iImiiiIi ii tin Im.imu of
Mi- M ( Wi'iiln.f;, s,i llnmilt .111 nut.
I no innmnlti'i .ipjiiihiiiil In the ilifli'irnl In
ia 0! 1 lie I mini Mine Worl.u of Aniciii.i of
Wr-f su.mton t , ,( 01 t. dilrgjlci f l0
II10I I." 111 I rili I. Hi. 111 I. iln. 1, nil 11 iIIi -li'il lii
inoi t tlii-. ri nun.' ,11 ( i on 1 mi,. ),.
'Hit- Itnlu'it Mum. IrnUo f lt,,rin -. uill li .lil
a rcsuln lncilin: in tln-n ni.)in ihK punini;.
W'liili lln ptiinimiit nun u( I in inn il com.
I'ini No 2 mil piilI-Iii- iln on tin
lio.p c.mi.lo. uiic of the uliri'N i inn oil .in, I tin
fiinnin ivrre tluumi fiom thi'ir Ni'itl.n
ec iiijiiuil, hut the Mjun w.i -.lightli .jiii.
A I'l.ijllil. I. lllin-c lllllil tulllil lint lit' lo.llllfll,
.H llliuil'il lit .1 I, ill nf UIOI li I) Hulk III
tlii' ll.iinpiiiii itiuif. Hi- It n iw. tint mini .iinl
limll liiul-tll.
)r iiiiil All". V. I f. Iinl., tif Miln ainiup
iinl i.t k ct, .a e iiii'ninK ilit- innm iln
1 1 ttotis nf llu'li fiirihl- mi ii of .i
son it Ituh lioiuo.
'Hip leu il lulling uniiiii li.up -u-pi'ii.l.'tl a
iiuinlier nf tlitii' uiruilnM- fm non pmnciil nf
Mr aul h- WIHIjiu Piiti liii.l, of ttf.l 1.1,1.
3U.I1IIU jirmii, nnl Ihm l'i, nf Norili suinnir
.ticinii', li.uc ii'iiiiiuil Iioiiii' from tlio I'.ui
Auidli.iii. Mr? IloniJiiiln l.i in, of Votlh lliumliy .up.
nut', i rriitiiih' III .it tlu II ilinciu inn lin.,ujl.
'I lip Kiiliur llli i' cluli .in- inaklnt: tlalioi.ilc
!: .l ira i i.-ii-, fui m puliri nuiiunt mil hhI.iI .it
.Mi Hi' lull on I'm '.lii ii uin,!, ikl 21
'Mip nitinliiiit of llunih VT, LiiIIi-' f.illiolli
Mutiid IN in lull nt 3-0t l.itinn, lulil i int t inir in
Youn Alin'ti In-.lttti(f. lull List rvi'iilns, aflir
whifli .1 siclil vinn Ha- iiijiitpil,
MK IMitli Huh. nf Soldi M iln iwiuip, tu
In (.illtil .1 (Kiili t.t fiii'iiil- 'lu,.-ilii pulling
Mi- rioirnn' I untunl, nf Ninth IIjiIp Paik
iiirniit, kiip a uil.i in .1 liiiuilui of lur inuin;
fiipniN on Tin "tin, whlili pinti'il in
I'p in uiio.iatilp cirnl
-orun of puiir iiiipIIius U In In.' lulil in
lip Id llt'Mit Wi'l-h I iHIiiI-Iii M, lliiull-t thiinli
I ni- nnl, 'llm -mill's imiininiro .it 7.. II ii'ilmk
in Hip fuiiim.' Ml .nc liulliil tn jtlrml
I lu iiiiuiIipi or llin I'll. I. Iliplt-I i lmii.1, hclil
tlioit itulir inoiillily lniiiip- iinttliu l.i -t urn.
Iiu'. .nnl nuili airjiisuiifiit for otiupjlnp; their
in v I llllll li
liailrl I)iil ami hi'iiliniln Oiorcp Hric mm.
nilllril to Iln cumitv Jill ip.tiiili.t In I'oHih
.Misialialf Hairs for upuiui.
Itil, lil .lnui, ui-lor nf ilio I'iii-I W,'M
( 'oucira.i ihiiuli, hit, ii tm in il liuiiio hum
I tit. I, X. V.
Mifi, I,esh anil tlaiiRhlor, Hnsle, of
tlald Mount, ate vlsltlni? Mr. ami Mis.
r. I', nf Nlliilsht avfiiue.
Mi. and 5Iip. ,T. r, Randolph nf l,u,
Place, huve ictiiriioii nonio finm the
,fes.sp Aekuion nf AVnriil sUlei't Is
siiendlnira few days with his mother at
MIis Helen Kealenhy nf Diainnnil
avenue litis been ill for Hie past thtee
weeks. Is ivooverlii;,',
OHAltl.nS I.UDWICI, an need ieM
dent of t South Ninth Mieel, flitil
ypHteitlny, Iln Is tmrvlveil by beieiul
grown-up sum and iliiiijjlueis, The
funeral iiunouiuemeiit will be made
'I ho nuiuveni of Ilio llijnii' for tlic l'iitinlltfs
will liulil llu'li iiiiul infill h l nici'llni; louiuiroi.
al O.W o'clnik.
Iln) inciubiri ol the ilmuli uml tiiUli of All
Souls' I nltr;all-t iluiidi am urpiikleil lu Li
present at tic iliunli on I'ini? tliiet llilv incnliu;
.it S o'lloik to tonililti tlir matter of i.illln it
Scranti'ii laiJe, No. t, . o. uf K, will
htt t Ui'Uljr iiKctlu tliU tuiilut; at 6 fAloik.
t t t t t t g
pj tN
4 4 " 4 4 "I 4
fj y sf. y y r" f (
Tendeied in Hotel Best by Branch
45 Addiesses by Fiesident
Schmidt and Secietnry Yockum.
Manitige of Miss Annie Jordan to
Joseph Scholz Suiprise Party
Tendeied to Mis. Harry Saft -Fu-neial
of Ernest Glassei Inter
ment in Dunmore Cemeteiy.
Hr.iiuh I.". Knights nf St. (ieiiiRt.
h'Id a ii'tt'inlnn last einiiiK in lli
liatloi.s of lintel Best in liuuor tf lhiir
f l.i to nlliiei-, Pifsldeiit Heh.isti.iii
Schmidt and Seoeiaiy Peter Vdimiiu,
htitli of PlttsbuiR, who an lieie as
ipl.i 'p guests while inaKlmr thi-lr
iilliflal l.-it in tills vlt'lnity.
The ii'i t iitlun would have bt-en held
nt the Iviiiglil's hi'.iiliii.irtt'!.s In St.
Mary's hall, but that building just now
H uudeiKoing npahs. Then was a
huge utti'iidanit nf ini'inbfis, anil a
i'iy plf,is,iiu ami instnuthf cxenlns
was s-pt'iit. i'li'sidt'iit (Icoigi' .1. .Miller,
k't'-piesitlfiit, William .laiN-sen. ami
si eiPtary-tiPiisuier, IMwaid Kln, ai
l.iiiged an iiiipinmplu piogtauiiui' ami
iilier lel'ii'.shiiH'iits huil been i-einl the
Knights wpii leg.iletl with a highly in
tUliirthe litldles.s b. tin slate pichl
tlent. lit lilgvd fveiy uii'inbei nt the
oiilei to tnlte an aethf and lively lu
ttiust in lu- atl'aiis.
l.i. null (."'. of tills .side s hi a most
llniii IshliiK tondltiou and has u! mein
beis in good .stuiiding, T'iiiougli the
toiutt'sy ol Caterer .lames He.n. a
itnrteite finiii the .Iiinger Mafinieifhor
I'litt'i'tainetl the gntlieiiug with
selet'tlon.-. Mt'Ssis. Sehnilill and
Yneuin leave ttni.iy lor llouiHdiili to
visit tlie hrani'h in lliat plate, They
will rail here again on their return,
Dltertor August Iteluier. and Ser-Reaiit-itt-Arius
.loseih Fischer assist
ed In elltt'llalnlllg the guests,
Laid at Rest.
All that was moital of the late
Kinst (lliMisur, w.ts placed In umiliei
eaith ,estertay atteuition in the Dun
more cemetery. The sotletles in which
dei eased belonged and humlieil
nelglihois gntheied al llie family lesl
ilenco on KIb stieet wheie tho hml lay
in a innxslve casket whleh was almost
hidden fuun view with lloial tolteiifi of
esiteeiu and s.niiath. Servlies wire
.ifteiwanl" held at the Cedar uvciiun
Methodist i:pscoMl fhuich. where a
feeling li Unite was paid to the mem
ory of deceased by the pasloi, Itoi.
James D Wlltl.e.
Pall-beiiicli were chosen lioin the
Uarl Unil society and .Vay Aug 'I'rllie
of I U'd Men as follow. William Klce,
Pelei Neil, William Meistei, Mlchanl
Fiellt lllel, Jai'ob Piitiee, and Kred
I'Nhchei, The llower-carileis weie Pet
er Homier, and Ihnst Heldenbuch, John
I'. SchweuUei had ehaige of tlio Hail
liarl .-oclety ami the lied Men wire
umishalltii by .1 oil li Mais.
Fouith Anuunl Entettniniuent,
'I'ha eiiteit.ilninent gheii nt
Schiinpfis' hall on Cedar uvmiue by tint
.lunger Order of Aineilcun Met lianlcs
No. k2i lust ovenliiK proM'il tu be a
most pleasant tilfulr. A UrM chisa pro
gramme was reudeied by local talent
uml the hall was well llllcil.
Among the fcutuies of the evening
nun u lecltation, "Our Flag," by Miss
I'oin Young, which nilleil fotth a hejr
ty cneoie. The cake walk by the little
Ut'lnU chl Illicit was also well icudeietl
'h 'h 'b 4" 4 -4 ! "i k
Every Lady Interested in Fashion's Newest Creations
Should Come Here and Enjoy This
Magnificent Millinery Display
Unequalled In All tho Annals
of the most exquisite beauty
abundance shapes and treatment that denote the magic touch of the true mil
nery artist. The latest successes in Paris, London, Berlin and New York are
exhibited side by side with the exact copies and reproductions of our own band of skilled
milliners. Hats that have been called dreams of delight and poems of colors by admiring
visitors attract your attention as you pass through our large show rooms. To describe the
Beautiful Hats, Feathers, Plumes and Ornaments, which are on view at this notable open
ing, is a difficult task. They must be seen. Those bent on style inspection can feast their
eyes on a fashion show worthy of their unstinted approval, while to those who come to
purchase our uniformly low prices will be acceptable.
Jonas Long's Sons
-f-i j-' "j t- i "t 7" -f- T f t t
and ,i stump speech by Fred .limes,
the well known toniedian, liginath ely
brought down the house. A dance
ollew the conceit for which iiiukIc
was lcndeied by J'lofessor Johnson.
Tile i ouunlttc'C In chaige of au.iuge.
mi'iits Meie Mess-.. Aithur and Kail
Held. William rticsser, .lullui Ileier,
Will, and Thentloie Hiiiwn,
United for life.
A ery jiietty w( tiding took place
jesteulay utteruonn at St. Mai.x'n
(lei iii.ui Cithollc i hint h on River
siieel, when .Miss Annie .Ionian and
Joseph SiIioU, both well known tiling
people, lu'io united in nun i iago b
Jlev. Father Chi 1st.
The gloom was attended by F.dwartl, and MKs Annie I'olemau of
Piiiebuig was brlilesmuld. The oiing
i ouple alterWiiiiN adjouined to the
home of the bible's p.uents on Ueeeli
siieet, wheie a leception I'olluwed by
a slipper wai held.
Tendeied a Suipiise.
Mr-, ll.ii i y Sal'l was thlity e.iri
old i e.-ienl.iy ami to i niiiineinoiale
the occasion attended lilt I e last
evening. On milling home afterw.utls
llie nay was astonished to Uml the
house and hotel In complete daiUness,
a ii is not usual to close- mi eatly.
After leaching her apaitnieiits Mrs.
Salt stinted to light llie ga when she
was se'.ed by the aim and almost in
stantly the house was lit up lioin
cell. n to gullet. Thu light i dialed
a laige assenihl.i ot li lends who had
gatiieied to suipiise her .mil tender
their I'liiigi.iiiilatious,
Altii a Jieinly liiteich.inge of good
wlshe.s the guests weie hidden to make
thenist'lMs, .it home and Mtpper was
pieiiaied. At 1.' o'i lock all sat down
to a licit ty and later llie vKl
lois tlep.iiletl, alter uislilug their hos
tess many hnpp leliiius ut the day.
Mis- M.n.i Mm-, pii'-lil, nt of lamp o in,
!' ll s ot I,, I. - !in- a fin it Mull
Millliill' I- III" kui.i ni I iiuip II,
1 lip iuiiii.t. nt l.i tip M iiiIp.i mil Mi-- I piii
sht ir Hill lake iii'M I1iiiimIi,i in S,
Mn.v'- (li l 111 ill I illuille i linn li.
'I lie .lunctr Mh nmiilior Hill niul ill iinnillily
rP-..iui it s uiniiill't hall ifiiuiiiiuH m, iiiui.- .nnl
I li I I i.llll I'V.
lialu Imi In- ail mil al Hi" Iimiiip nf Mi aii'l
Mix I I'. ltnlll. nf 70- sioiip an mi
Illlns Tolllilll. of km ii.ii in i '- pliai
lll.liy, nl, I'llUlnll .lllinir, U i-ppinliuj a I, ili
in I'liilnlilpliia liiin iiiiiuiiiihIiii kmulil" nf Milla.
will mi ft in iii.iiI.ii a. ion al lliiuuiiix lull
liiuoiion on inn,
Winter Session of Young1 Men's
Mutual Impiovement Society of
Adams Avenue Chapel Opened.
Sonic iiiui last autumn tho Hey,
.liuiies Hughes luiiii ii a mutual mi
movement snclet.s tm men. in tho Atl
IHI1S avelllio i Impel. New YoiU slleel
Tim eifnit proed n sticics, for the
weekly nieethifis of the society were
continued tllioilgh the whole se.iMin,
with (oitsItli.'iablit Intel est.
This yeai's winter session was 'n
auguiateil last evening- by a .-ikI.iI.
under the uusiilces of the sut-lety. .
.ep.ut ot tea, colfce, cake anil llllll
bad been supplied, hugely by the and motlieis of the inembers nf
the I'oulety. The tables which Iiiui
been foimeii in tlio shape of the letter
T weiv atlorued with llowets ami en
lichotl with toothsome laud.s. Until
the muu and their lady ft lends, who
weie piesent, were gieutiy delighted
dining the evening wlih what ihey
liciuil thiollgli it powerliil graiiliaphnuo
which hail been lent by .Mr, lilughei.
4" h 4" 4 rl "I -fr tl 4 4
This Is the Third
Grand Fall
Millinery Opening
At Scranton's Largest
Department Store.
of Scranton's Business History.
and hats of the richest colors are here in
fj i' r r' !'" t T' ?" T' t1 r "f ' i
Dr. llugl:ts pointed out the possible
utility of sin h a society, ami the wis
dom of young men joining sut ll an in
stitution, Unbelt Junes spoke of the suet ess of
tile men's society, and then piopoxid
n heart v ote of thanks to the ladles
Mho hud giacetl thu meeting' with their
pitvsence ami t ontt ibuted so much to
Its sin t ess. jir. Sweet, .mother mem
ber of the society, seconded till" piu
posilion which was canletl with ac
i Initiation. The meeting eliwed with
the iiatlnn.'il anthem.
A Surprise Paity.
M.isiei Haiiy S. Lewis ,.1 i::uj Ma
lion street was given a sn pikse p,u ty
last evening. The house was tilled
with hoys niul giiN who after all weie
legaled with ample lel'i eshments of
a Milled t Ii.ii. it'ter, indulged In inno
cent games.
The ehililien (iijoitd them-elves
veiy much anil Mis Lewis anil her
family (-paicd no etYoi l tu inteiest and
ilellghl the juiing li lends who weie
pleased to honor Master Hairy on the ni his liitteulh bh tlulay
and on the eve uf his depnituie to a
southern ellllle.
Mr, and Mi.-. .1. W. Ha.vley have gone
to llailotd, Susquehanna iimiit.i, in
attend ti' l'lllieial ol .Mis. If.i.ile.i's
niece. Miss Health,- Kohhiiis
VI II lllMl.lill.. I.l tilt. ltl...ll I'lll.Tl.
v.. .......
Women': 'hilsiiaii Teuitieiam e iiuiuu
yesterday the Inllowlug nlllieis weie
i let led for the ensnllly i'.li: l'ies
ilent, Mis, J M, Unwell, iniiespond
Ing seciet.ii.v, .Mis. II. J. Campbell, ie
toidlng seiielniy. Mis. J. S Mlllei,
tle.isuier. Mis. A i imlil.
The eiiilj t losiiif; iiioMiueiu ainuiig
the Uieell Itidge ill llggisls Weill illlu
etiect Tuesdas .veiling, when all ding
stules cIommI pinmptb al !l o'clock,
lr, ami Mis. W, !, Simpson, ot Mon
sev ineiiue. ale entei laliiiuii James
and Joseph Keek, of Iowa,
The Junloi Chiisiiaii Ihlileaior .sntl
ety of llie lliecn Ithlye I'lesbvtei Ian
htilt ll will hold a sni hi I in the him h
pailois ttniiiiriovv evening.
Thoiuils Sltephettl has muled Into the
Thompson hoiiiesieatl, on Sainleisoii
avenue, and Ml. and Mis, lliuiv Watts
will nicllpy the house leeenil.v oci upleil
by the Shephcitl liilllll.v on C.ipoilse
Tills eieillng the 111 s-t ul a sei ii s of
gllllles of bowling will he plu.vetl oil the
alleys ul the liieen Kldge lieellllt II.
between :t team of llie .Vol tllcaslt I u
Peitns.vlMiiila league, toiislsilug ut tin
fnlluwing ucll-kliuwii pkljeis. Tajloi.
Sloiiti', Seaniaiis, Masoll and WeUhel,
ami the Wheelmen's t lull league leiiui,
who will line up as tollovvs: Kowlln
sou, D. ills, chapman. Pond uml .N'hul
The olllceis uf filt'fll Ithlge bulge, In
dependent tinier uf Odd I'YIIowh. will
In iiistiilltil Thuisdiiy evening. Ot tu
In r u, III .Masoiili li.ill, Hit kson a'-
Chalks I,'. Douglass, u Im has sev
il ul I fill rt i harmed liieen llldge ailili
enies, will appear again lies! Tue-dii)
al the (lieeu Hldge lilnar.v He will
piesent new teats In the hind of uiagh,
and lie ubly mippoiicd b.i Miss liem
West lllld Miss MMlle l.nvelailil.
Recoider Conuell Slfiiib Them After
They Had Been Lonu, Delayed.
Itcioider Council has within the past
tew iluy.s nppiovfd tlnee iiiai'leily
bllN uf tile Hill her Asphalt l'.l lllg
loinpany for vvmk done lu lcpuhing the
city's stints dating the piesent e.n.
Two of these bills weie held up bv
Foiiner Kctiuder Jlolr on the giouml
that the luntiuct with tin- company
was violated by the iliselotsuies lu the
4 4 4 4 k l k k &
t (' i ? t' "V "fA IJ
Lyceum Theatre
M. Khls, an, I Miiniiii.
A .1. PCI VY, Bin. Mintucr.
Thursday, October 3,
'iin. m'vsiiv.s soi ii, iv i:vi.r
I iIhjiiI l Itui I'lt'-i ills It. . I -inoiiil't. Ilcautl
nil l.uvi ItomiiKt',
When We Were Twenty-One
r.nipany nf Mipeinu r.ulIciH.
Tiiu OmImIii. VIM): o.clir..ii tuclr,1 "k,;
flif- turlc, "i, ; Inuoi lo - it-. I.-'U, louor
lu,:i -f'llv -I lit I-. lIlHTU 11-1 l0 lOWP, ii('
ImI.(im uiih, "Oi Ii.iin 1 0. ln,fN IXI.
"Mls on ."lie 'I iiiviliiv il I) i tn.
Friday, October 4,
Extraordinary Event !
U.muiIi.tN KVmprr I'h'mmu tniiii.iN I orcmnsi
JhiMlru il Hrjtii it ion,
Modjeska and James
Aii'l an Im oiiiHialil,' I ompiiii In
Willi spmiil Mu-ii l. t 11 1 Bu"li
I'lill l.s I iiiui. low 1 1 Horn. si.,jJ: inner ho
si'iM, s,ihi, liiltoiiv Imv mil lon seal-, l 0;
Iii.l Ivtii iuv liilionv, si l.i, next threo, T.V.; Unit' low. "''I' Killirt. "Am
siali. mi sil. VV111111 -ilit al 'J I. in
Saturday Hatinee and Night.
'I In llilill. m- Uim'i.iI Iln HiU'iinl
s.i llifli ii-nt fi mil Ml Hie l!il
Mlllli: I I 10 Put t 011111I1
Mi lit I I Mi.1v.1e. nt '" in ry.
violii: i.oi.ii.iH 1 1, -nun' .
Vllllll. ll.illl.illl Wil.
ImtiiiliiU I''" su,m, ll illul 1.1 niul ijiilnn, Wil
li. 1.1 nl.-, W lull 11 ami into, M tciif Wis' ll
(.ant l.i'i. V1I1 l.ii'lf Mu-.l'ii, .tun jili Me nKl
ami 1 1 ten u- ul ti ul' tiiil-
sppilil 11111I1111 pi lies 'J'i ami .'A.; iliililirn
tu ant pail ol I11111.1 , Pit. laiiims, -' i . tu si ill.
lull III l
Holiday Night, Oct. 7th
u ,l il ir S.i nit I'umIu. tlmi of tl' Ur ill.-U I
( uinuh 1)1.11111.
"Uncle Terry
III lllllU7.ll lo ll'lllll lull llolll ll llli 1 MUllll
ioiiln Imil. Iinl lint limo'lii' me Mil
IMII s W Mil .1- I m li IfiM.
Pi 1, - . mi'- in .'I il
si-a- i, -all1 I ' uli 1 ' 1 in
Academy of Tlusic
M Itl'ls. Itrf I HUT),
sioinn. Miss 1 vivi V 111 MISli,
In Id n llniii .
Toniglit, KtMping the Whirlwiiu
Matinee.,,,,. Princess of Patches
M-itiiif.' l'i Ill ami n 1 ml
I" v e 1 1 1 n ir I'lltro Ill, .'ft im! J I ulilv
'I' il.) VllillK'iiu ami V;.lil
"Vint IMnr."
lulbeiy luoeeetlinss bioiu;ht by t)
.MunUlpdl l.eui-ui'.
I il
...... I
stiAtfOI J
ft,, U