The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 03, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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aBMflr Hw S
An Excellent Com bJ nut ion.
The plcnsntil mctlioil nuil IhmiuiIcIsiI
r fleets of tin- well known iT'tut'dy,
Brnup op Flos, inatiufuetiitTil by this
California. Fin Svnui' Co., Illustrate!
tlic vahicof "btnlnlii the liquid ltixn
tivo principles of plant tcnown to ho
tuctUcinully ltixtttivo ntid pri'sonllnjf
Ihcm In tho form most rofrpsliltiif to thu
tnsto nnd awcntublc to Urn Hystciii. It
Is the 0110 perfect htrciijrtliriiliiir ltixa
llxre, t'leausitif,' thu system rffet'tiiully,
dispelling colds, hetuliichcs uml fevern
gently yi't promptly nml rnnl)lliig,oins
Jo overcotnu habit mil const i p;i ( ion per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, nnd its nutltigou Hie Kidneys,
liver nnd bowels, without ueulieninff
or irritating them, make It the ideal
In the process of uiutilil'ui'tiirltiLr flira
nro used, as they aio pleasant to the
taste, but the medicinal (pmliliesof the
remedy are obtained from Henna and
other 'aroniatie plants, by u method
known to tho Campohnia Fij Sviiui
Co. only. In order to (jet its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
. rementberthe full nainoof theC'ompany
Winted on tho front of every package.
ForoMebyatl ilnigRlsls I'rlceSOj per bottle.
AMM.RMWir MUlltlU-l. .Inlm I WMm.h
Itnl M.iit A. (oloicil, wii' in mini t
tcnlij In Aldonu m tlct r.
i;u iukwume umi it si(Wu.. ..r im
iritj , 1ms hem limit' liiutH nf tin i.nliit ol
Mu-lc In mimcoiI Knliri MpmikIh. ulni h.H 1" h
tl tu tin UfiMiii; Dpni l,.ii .n
Hi1. Mr M.viii.i.i m nt in mi him- jiMri.h.
HIS i J.(. MIM I MI'I) Mlilutl Mill.r. II
)t tit nt ,ic,l u.t- lotct Mil .tl tito I. ii k 1 1, i it it i liu
piut M'-trni.n with i Imllv uti-linl , iiwil
lij n nil it inn. It u i- itiiind iirN.n iti .im
lm.Hr tin. lojr
Il II Vl lo (OMI'lll -ln t. mi- will
tnmprlr in the Mm Ic'iitli iiiiitit -.lionlint;
liuttli, uliiili will t tKi phi i on tin huk-on
' M r.injio -.iliinln nct I In militt npiMH il
10::n ,i. in. mil will tiiiimi' tliictiulintit I lu
ll n . M.wv pi ii in of.. umI.
U lOI.'M Ui M. Mum. -.ill , t
Iiitrthu I'litl.n. Ot t 1 .it s ..i In -i
.lotlll's 1( Oil ( .Ipnu-f .IVillll', fill tin' HllpfM
of fni mini, a Ifi il f the ItintlioilmniJ of th"
liiion riitcinil, iMtnoin. nml Iti m Ik i -miki,.
All men t ant hi i hm) i lit , I., iw.iu ih ips nf
1 ami l'i. In onn- iintiilut
U.I I. M I II sM! ln Wi!k. Ituii- .i
(Inli, .ui ni.ihi.nmn wli'iii Tpn - mi tli pint
limi itfupKfl hv the til j mi (inii!l -!. . i liili,
Hnppril Ml in this i it li( nislil iN v t fimn
Iho Mnnlrmp fur linl lnnleml m npiu .in -i'h i
imii mi W.'iliiiutnii .i(inir to .!. "i i.intmn in
vlnt ii loihl do in h "iiiinc Ii n
iwt rxtiMiwcii: wiimiM: -iin. it.i..(i
r i'int, i u, pMipiiiini wo vni(iitm .ii
lln p n -iin iri of tin IN tin m um It ip lot ihiiiiii
Jiotiltlx In llie -iftui'iou ), imiliil tn unl If 1', 1 r-if i it j ml Mii iiiuc n i in,
hulh nf KiiiS"lnu. I i-l Mrhirm t liuifo If mh -
nml Mi- (t( mi u It iheii-, hnih nf 1 hi- i in, m it
H II I Mil.
M'!'. l.I. -l.ltMf C 1'itiMi' will l' i -p-ml
feiviie. in M 1 ukrV i huuh tin imiiiiuiij: ii to .n
ti'tliii k foi llir Uninii)" aiiMtiiM, ; r It
It.iteiii.(ii. km tm of Hi- Inmli nf lln Cnml sin p
li(nl,itl iii.i I. an nMu-. 'ln- m'iuii1 i- lichl
nt Hip s)u tune h tin mie In iti I i hh i-i n,
vhi n the liriittrl ontiiit will In pi nit il, whnh
H N ipoileil will imouil to '-HMMiun
Miss Katheiiue Rail Tluew Heiself
in Front of Hoises Believed
to Be Demented.
fter he had in.ide two tuiile at
teuipts to end her life bv tin owing her
bod.v il est l.l If beloir IWo nn-i mullig
leiiins ol hoises .Ml-s Kntheilne Hail.
ii ilenieuted woiu.iii, vva1- taken in
thaige h.v Mm ". h imggau.'.igeni
lor the Houid ol Associated I'li.iiiiies
at the comer ol IVnn avenue ami
Spiuce stieet, ,v st,.ii mninliig. The
,voiii.iii was lii.itb to a, coiiipmiy ilie
Hoard of dimities' ,iyem, Inn bv
suasion ,llld llle ,, ies, ol little llllis
ulai lone Mi.s. Diiguati m.iu.igeil to
(oudtiit liei tu the iniliee
lets. A caii'Kvslv litems,., limn,. ,,( times
lliutteilug to liiM'-ell .mil then loudly
pim liiiinllig lid (leslte h end liei llle
iltti,ai led p,tss(ixh' oi the t'fiitl .tl
clt .Orel ts j , -t oi ttuy liioining. At
about Hio'cloik- people on l..ick.iwaiuia
.avfiitie, near I-i n ti K 1 1 1. weie startled
lo heai a slu ill f, nilnliie shuck The
next In.stiincc a wonuii dinted limn
the tlllbston. .unl tin, v' heiself ilt
on the pavement In finni ol a fust ap
proaching team. The riiiver checked
Ills Inn sen In time nnd llle woman niim
lifted fioin hoi unwonted position ami!
taken lo the sidewalk uuiiiiiiied
Tills pel fill main h was lepe.Ueil nt
the I'oiiii'i ni I'eiin avenue and Spiuce1
Street, wliein site again was eiyl
ncaily tiaiupli'd upon by the!
Iioim'.-, Tin ii .Mis, Huggaii appeal, 'ill
to inko her In i haige i
Investment S
M Broiduijr, N. T.
Wllkei Birre.
CiibouJiU. H
tit Commonwealth bM'c, St,rinton, l'. ,.
m iika i.r.ris i.v m
.Mls Tlall hn liien in Scrnnlon for
several neeUx pust nnd dutlurr that
time Ims ocrrtsloned no end of trouble
for Hip loeal iititlioiltli'f, At iirlotls
Ititprviils during the past s: yen in she
has bfcn n Iniiiiite of the itiititnui
pour fill in, hill Ims been eiiluyliiK her
libel ty In tlil.s vlelnlly for some time
Slie N Idinwti under .several tnllili"",
but Kiith'M'lue Hull Is hHleVcri lo be
tier imioel title.
She Is bcliifr detained at police Ii,mi,
iUiiitei-s until her mental condition 1.1
fullv exiitiilii"d Into, when Hie tiulliorl
tle v III Dinbiibly leeoiiuuriid her
eoiiiinltiiHMii io the lllllstile Home,
Committed to County Jail by Alder
man Millar for Desertion.
1'iMllk MuHioiii, of Avoeii, n yoilliB
Din ti nbmit 2ii yeniM of age, was nr
r.ilgiii'il before Abletniiiu Millar yes
ti'iilay aftei noon for de.ei Hon and
non-support, prefennd liv bis ,oiing
Wife, Annie. In del'ntllt or $II0O bull he
wns eiiinmltlnil to tile eouiitV .lull.
Miuooney was ntiesleil by Special
Ollleer MelJiiuald to weeks ago, but
eTnped Ii 1 1 ii Jilinpliig: through a
window iirter seniiiiii; peimlsxioti fioin
.Mi Doimlil to ebiiuge his clothing,
Yeleidii niotiilng, however, the
olllceru rniiluted blin In a coal mine
and ne I bey did not ghe him the pil
liege of I'Vebiingliii,' hN woiUlug
elolhpi, sileeeeded III reuellillff t lie al
doiiininV ofllce without nilslino,
The wife licenses Mniooiu-y ot et nel
ly riddling; herself ami their six
iiiuiiiIh old child anil leitiulng lo con
tiihute to their Upoit. The child Is
now h"lng lined lor by Hie S. dineph's
Koumlllnc Home,
Inclement Weather and Stieet Cnr
Strike Pi evented Laige Attend
ance New Contributions.
I nt Idndit weiithei and the ahs-eiKe
or si i eel ims Inul a detei'iliig effect on
the snlldrois for Hie McKlnley me
uieilal, with the ieult that the illini-tn-r
that called at the boaid of trade
lootiis tiisi night was not huge.
Sieiel.iry ('. It. Sanileisoii, of the
ui-iieial cninnilllee, was on hand lo dis
tiihiile Hie uieuior.iuillim books hi
which the solicitors me to iccoiri Hie
siilisi'i Iptioiix. On the iroiit Inside
(over of em li lioolc Is pasted a while
slip, hciiiiig the dginlnres of Piest
dciit Nuther Keller and Secietuiy L'. Tt.
Saiideixon, and (eilifying that the
holder l aiilhoib.ed lo ollei.t .suljtiip
tlons for the meiMorial.
Last night was appointed s-olely lor
the put pose ui" giving the solicitois
oppoi tunlty to seiuie the subset Iptiou
icdinling hooks, hut those who wete
ptcvciiteil fi out appealing inn obtain
Iheni fioin Secretniy Dolph Tl. Atlier
l mi. ,it the hoard of tiade looms, n
h. been decided that lepoits of the
soliciting work he sent in to Secietaiy
Atlieitou every h'lld.iy, whether the
i.ish leielvrd waiiant miiIi nctlon or
not. Solicitois tan ntiept sulisci Iptions
for l oi les..
A letli'r uiehi'd riom I!t. 11,-v
liishop Hotiau .esteiday liioining, in
w hit li legrei a ecpiesed al
K'lii'o fioin the i Ity hail pieetiteri Ills
."Iteiiilame at the meetings, and wniii'
lv a'-'-iuing the committee that lu
would do .ill in his powei lo luither
what he icgatded as "M rihliie ihing."
Tile einnUiex of the Sci.illlou I'oig
ing lompaiiy have the ilisiint Hon of
lifing the Hist body of woiUiueu to
give theii ns-sauce lo llle piolecl of
Meeting a suitable to the hue
I'lcident McKlnley. Theiis is a good
enmple lor men in oilier workshops
to follow. The men w bo toutiiliuied $1
eat li al the foiglng winks aie:
II II l...l in.
II o I'mii.I
r w ivamv.
v 1 i iiii.iii.
I, .im i.r,
llim T 111.
Willi Mil lnl.vv
II in! 1 I. Il,i,ti-
Milnn I'. Illil.u i
I IV I.I I' lll.lll-
l.. Win-In.
s A li.niali-fc
I 1 1 tl hoilu.
I hoi.'. II l!ilr.
.1 im, p,.iuln m.
.1 II. I'i.l.niu,-.
Ii-i,li II spur.
1 ItllCII S iiUOll.
I ilw ml llMnip.
(.' I'. I), .in
U llli'l .1 II, I l.llllll
(Ithei contllhlltlnuo leielved e-er-dav
aie 1 1 im i the lollow inn:
Inlill MlHIl IVVWH.
Ii- Hum s,i,.
Ml,, n II
Mi- Ml,, ii II
Mi- M ui; ml l.iilllili
II. II! 111,111 I I ill,!,'
Mi- II II llolh-lir.
1 1 l.ili V. I, ,n, -.
Mi Milan . Ion, ,
i I 11 1 V I., lull,'-.
I'h, I II .l,,n. .
r 11 I,,ih-
Mi- II, i, ,,i,ii, I,. I.jltu. . Mi- ( Il I,.,,,--
I.aige iaids weie Issued iseidny
vvhlfh will lie pim eil In the banks,
newspaper ntllces, nml at the mills,
shops and mines wheie .subset Ipllons
will be fjielved. The sollcllois will
have ii leillflcale showing thai they
aie amino i .,', I to i lllle, t.
The following aildllinli.s have been
in, ule lo the list ui siilieltois:
l'ii.,luiii. M Mi PIhm.,,11.
Ittvwil! Illl'ell si 1 ni,l II,, ,1 Hit, luik,
V, hlniv lit , li lit V e Kiluill l'i iltli
Vs-i-inil ii, W, I', .li'liie, ill li.vile I'.nl. -1'ui.
Ii--i HiimI i: Iimi,
Vi-i.iiiI lo I, ,l,n II '.-, I i utiil (itv-U.ilur
Vs.i.iinii. I,, p r, I'.iipm. iiriiHim- wiiii.iin
I, I. nil. I'lollll- P. W llll. Unl .llllli". Nuiille
i-l j nl. iii p I, ii.- Malt ill IIiiiii, ,m,l
1 111,1 I l.'llll
Null li Iii-iii I I in,,- II i.u, uv
Vlt ttltm VleliM" li. I III I 111,. Hun h ItlD.ilv tu
I in I ,11" llllllfl i.jIviii
Sollcllois who have not yet lepiuleil
tan gel books and liiiN al any time
b calling al I). II. Atliertnifs oltke in
Hie boaid ol trade moms.
Corpointlon Cnpitnli.ecl at ?200,-
000 Hns Put chased Plnnt of M.
J. Kelly & Co.
iplluiloii is tu be niade at the end
of tlili- iiiotil ti pit a limner lot thu
l.itL'knivaiina Sleam Making enuipnny,
a cm priiuilon whlcli has ulicad been
capitalized and oicuilzed.
The slockholdcis In the
loinpanj aie ,m. ,1, Kelly, lleoige M
('si mm, A II. I'ouuell, Mm t,ii Cavvley
and I'. V. SiMiilmi. The cjiltal block
Is $2iio,wii and the lonipauy has pur.
illiised the plant of M, .1, Kelly on
i''ipouxe avenue. The staudiiiri line
or gondii which Mr. Kelly has uepn
uiaiiufiu luring hit seeia eais will
continue in be manufacluied and the
plain, which now has a i.ipacliy of
$.'-, oon win tli of baliestuffs a month,
will not be epluiged foi Hie pieseul,
The oftlceis of the new eonipany w io
hnvo been temporarily elected to serve
until a chatter Is seiuied aio as fit).
nivv I'lesldenl. ,l .1 Kelly secie
i.u'.v A. II. t'ouuell; tieiiMiivi, lieoige
M. I'.usiin.
Theie Is Still Time,
Students arc u-ulsteilng dally for
ih Consul vatory's coui'sos lit plaun.
Oil ice, CH l.lndeu stieet. Open all duy.
iiuiol.c the I'ucouii 5c, cisar. '
Mis. Aim McGovern Is the Plaintiff
mid Bhe Sues to Recover Damages
for the Dentil of Her Husband nnd
the Injury of Her Son Judge Vos
bitl'r Hns Ptepntetl n Lint to Be
Heard by Him Healing; In Wtlght
Dlvoice Case A Reminder of the
Explosion of August of Lust Venr,
Miy Ann .McCloveiu Is the plaintiff In
mi action to leiov'er damages flout the
l.ackawiilina It on and Steel company,
which was put on tt lal yesteulay mui n
Ing beioie Judge J. V, Carpenter In the
superior court room,
on .In ii. Si", 1SPH, her husbaiid, 1'alili.k
Alcaovein, and her son, Owen Mifiov
mil, weie employed at the South Steel
mill or the defenilunl company. They
weie on the night turn iiud weie cin
ployeri on the charging llooi'. About
fl.UO Hie electric liglit went out nnd the
woikinen Weie left in the datk. It vvas
veiy cold and the Mitloverns stalled
lovvaids the Spiegel cupolas lo get
warm. In passing between i ttpolas 1
and L' young .Mcrioveiit stumbled and
plunged foivvaid tovvaid the opening
of one of the cupolas. The father
spinujt forwuid to save him and lie,
with his son, plunged Into the mouth
of the cupola which fortunately was
"cold" ut that time, In oilier words was
nut In use for fusing the elements that
enter Into the making: i,( sleel. Moth
father and sou were badly hurt ami the
father died several ilajs hi let' In Hie
Moses Taylor hospital. The sou Is u
The only light on the dunging tloor
at the time the accident occurred, ni -cot
ding to Hie witnesses rot- the de
fense, was furnished by a. small lamp
Cnl'lieil bv V.llvl, L' 1?tni.ii'le ,ni. nf lln.
chlppeis employed In making icpalrs on
me -coin cupolas. Hie vilnessex ex
amined yesterday for the defense weie:
Owen Mi Oovern.tlie boy who was hint;
Mis. Ann Mctiovern, the philntllf; I'al
rlck Flnneity, Jinrtlu Ciiillngher and
Michael Mrovvn. line or Hie exhlbils ni
evidence Is a model of the South Steel
mill, made from wood and tin.
Mis. McGovern Is (he mother of slc
children, the second oldest being Owen,
the box- who was in lured. He is 1
fears of age. Her husband was e'l
years of age at the time of bis death.
She is repiesented by Attorneys 1, II.
Minus and M. J. Martin, and the toiu
pauy by Attorneys .lessup & aVxsiip.
It will take sexei'al days to liy the
The ease of V. 110610111 against
De l.ouietil XV eninnim' nf 'u' V,,i 1.-
was glv"n to the juiy yesteulay liioin
ing and soon atterivatilx a veidict
was leltltueii In I uxor of the plain-
In Hie matter of .luliu '". Jlullen
back againt Antonio Zofokl. n lllle
wa Ri.inted to show cause why judg
ment t-hould not be entered and the de
fendant be peiinllted lo defend.
The cist. f AA'. J. Douglas against
Kdwaid .1 AVIlliams was lefeited to
Attoiney V. u. I'ttrry by agieenient.
Pieferied Giahaiu to Wiight.
Theie was ;1 heat hit; befoie Jiiilue
,T. W. I'.upeuter .xesteiday in the di
voii" case of AValter AVilght against
Maig.'titt AA'riglil. Attornty ( K. Dan
iels nppeiiied lor AVi iglil.
l''mui the testimony It appiaied thai
afler the niaitlage of Mi. and Mrs.
Wiight they went to live on Jackson
stieet. AAVst Suanton, uhei Mrs.
AVilght becinne emnuoied ol Thomas
liahain. a voung man who was one of
their neiglibots, In .Al.ij, is:i7, Mis
AViight desert d her husband and went
bai k to her old home in (ilanioiann
slllle, Wales, wheie she was Jollied bv
niiiliiiui. They aie now llv ing together
J'hnlogiaplier lletliy l-'t ey ideal llleil
a pletiiie ol liiahani and Mis. Wiight.
taken befuie Mis. Wiight desened hr
husband They lepiesenleil tit that
lime thai Ihcy weie man and wire.
List ot Audits Prepnied.
Judge A. A. VosIjiiih: yesteulav om
pleted the pieparation of the list of
niullls lo lie liea id by hlni in the or
phans' i out I loom dining Hie week
beginning Nov. 11.
The mullls uif so aiiuugt-il that tluee
or four will be taken up each day dur
ing lliai week. An older was handed
down illiecting the (Ink to give notice
of these ainlils by ptiblii atiou. An
tinier was also made Using tin- week
of Niix. IS, as aigtilneut coiut week.
Judge Vosbuig will hold a besslou ,,f
toiirl in mint loom No. J, on Satiinlay
nioiuiug. lo hear iiigumeiits lu mses
set down lor that time, :uiri a spci lal
session will also be held on Oct. 1'.
Petroliuo Was Hint.
Mi Aug. I, IMiO, Antonio I'etiollno
was passing along Lackawanna avenue
at the lime the explosion oeuitieri
whli b w locked, thu Meiohaius and Me
chanics' bank, He xvas stiilck by My
itis,' pieces of blick and glass and bi
llously In Im h,, especially about the
hips nnd abdoni"ii, He vvas in the bos.
plinl for over a mouth nnd alleges Hint
lie is lame and otheiwls,- peiinaueutly
Yonloiriny, thioiigli Atloinejs i' j.j
Daniels nnd AV, .M, lliiiinell, he began
Miit against the estate of John lland-
"The only perfect
baby food"
U1 iuciv mfu ii u nunii m ilia riillliu
uurtuiee tiui fan mprrii at prfttie
hlKU ciiouKli It iu th )n)v'iiirr pr.iy.
tj whirn th otbrr U'calltnf bahy
fwutii lack anil 1 couilder li thn only
Prfvct baby -fund od tho iuarkt tUaf
l..t ...II .l.... a ..Lll..ll. ..
trout, iiUhychiM '
lU. O. 8 DM'kKH.
BiDgliauituu, S Y , rttpl. U, Jivu.
Condensed Milk
'I lie pliospliuteN auil liyiiupho
pliltea uililfil to Dr. IIhiiU r- Col).
itemiil Milk aie an tnutclebii an
Ihcy are in xv brut, unit bulla I tie
brum, n met., lU.snes, teeth uml
lionet Jiut n wtirul dots. 'Itie
only porlfrt Inlnut looil; milk
tliut keei svteev without Ice tint
hottest tluy In miuuitei. W'rllu for
tree booklet on liifunt food.
Scrtnton, Pa.
"AlWr Ailmppomtinr trial of nvirly
ll the variuuh wu-calltt bahj tumli fur
our tojt hj acoidtful wo iearuwd ot Ut,
HaulI'm Ihuinh&til (Iq Milk.
Gi'ftiut'NIcro of Kx'Prnstdent
JumeM K. Polk, Writes to
Mrs. IMtikhnm Haying:
" M, I'lSKHAM ! I have been
murrtrd for nearly two years, tiud io
far have nut been blessed with a child,
1 have, hoxvever, suffered with a com
plication of feuinle troubles and palu
lul meiistriiatiou, until very receutly.
Jilts. IDA I,. l'.osEi:.
'The vului! of J.liu 11. 1lnk
linm'.s Vctfclublo Coiupouuil vn
culled to my attention by au intimate
friend, whose life Imd simply been a
torture with iufliimtuutiou and ulcer
ation, and a fexr bottles of your t'oin
poiinit cured her; felie cau hurdly
believe it her-elf to-duv, she enjoys
such blessed health. I took four
bottles of your Compound and consider
myself cm ed. I niu once more iu Hue
health and spirits; my domestic and
otllcial duties all seem eusy now, for I
feel so strong- I can do three times
what I used to do. You have a host of
friends iu Denver, and among' the best
count, Yours -very gratefully. Mus.
Ida. Ij. Kohf.k, 3-'G Kith Ave., Denver,
Col." $5000 Jorelt If aloft Uittmtnlal It not
If you are ill, don't liosltate fo
petuboUleof LydiaK. l'hikunui's
Voctablo Cmnpouuil at ouee,
and Avrlto to Mrs. IMnkliam,
Jjyuu, Mush., for special advice
it Is free.
lev. Merchants' ,x Mechanics' hank,
Central I'ciiii-ylxMiiia Telephone and
Supply coiupaiiy and the Scraulon (las
and Water company to leeover dam
ages tor the inlury he sustained.
Caibondale Equity Suit.
(Jeoige 13. Jei inyn, secietaiy of the
Consolidated Witter mnip.iny, again
xvent on the stand when Hie hearing
was lesitmed xesterday- inornlng in the
case or the Consolidated Water com
pany against the city of Caibondale.
He ter-tllleri tn the teecipis of the Ciys
tnl Lake and Fall Miook Water com
panies dining the peilod ot their exis
tence belore they became pait of the
Consollibited lompany.
Mi. Jeimxn was (hen witiidravvn to
penult of the testimony of certain wit
nesses being heard who weie anvtous
lo leiuiti to their home In Carbondale
llemy Mcl.atiglilln, J. J. (lahiglier, I.
K. Devlne, Thomas Coon and John
llatt weie examined and told ol the
bad ipi.illtv of the water furnished by
the toinp.iny supplying Caibondale and
the (IKIIeitlty of getting it lo e.tend
iis mains. It will lake sex'eial mine
da.xs to get In all the evidence.
Yesteiday's Maninge
Daniel Meiedith
Maggie I'lilchaid
Aithur Jt. Mills
Mamie Wolriner
John M. Shafter
Susie j. I.aM.trr
II. Flank Xelferl
Annie Mailiu
I'Iiiii les Jliiies
tiwminle ljiihetls
(it oscppii I 'aputo
Aug'dlnla I'Maiingelli ....
John T. Phillips
I'lai.t Kllll.iu
.,i'ai boudale
.. .. K'lug.sliiii
Si lanlim
Si i anion
.....Si lauttiii
Couit House News Notes.
C. NolXXnod i'lli her leisteled es-
letday as a .student at laxx in the otllce
or his latin r. Attorney c K. Vitelier.
The will of .Margaiel Mullen, late of
Carbondale, was admitted yesteiday
and letb'ts tastainenlaiy gianted to
Tobias .Mullen
On motion of Altonifj lOveielt Wai
1111, Win lliliiglon Si laiilon, sou ot W.
W. Scianton, was yesteulay aduiitteii
to ptailiie ill llle coiuts of J.utka
wauua i mill t .
Tilde was a slim t s, mJoii ot iiatuial
izaiion lu the iiiiiiu i tnn t loom yestei
day. XX lieu Judge Kelly giantid nal
iiiallatlou pap-is lo about nxt'iit.x ap
plh ants.
lu the mailer of Hie adoptlnu of
A'lola Kd vx a i do a ulle xxas giiiuled
.xesteiday to shou cause xvhv the
adojitlon of the child should not be de
emed. The title Is to be seixed on
J. M. l.lllllirnlue.
In the matter of the guiding in'
Ninth stieet, Ihe lepoit of the vlexxeis
was coullruied loudllloually, excep
tions to be llled within tlilny days. H
ceptloito xveie llled against the icport
Imim tllalely alter eoiilli in.illou.
I'leslllflll Judge 11. .M. lMwnrds will
pieslde In Hie main i ourt loom dm lug
II, "Ct week's session ot eilmlllill loillt,
mui Judge j. i Kelly in No. ;:. An
elloit Is being made to get au mi I ol
tow u .iudgo to come heic ami assist In
disposing ol tin" big list.
Ill the Injunction case luought by
Kdwaid u'Mnlley against James Utos
bj, lloxvaul Cioshy and T, J. Mullen
lo compel them to lease op, rating their
nieiiy-go-iouud near Nay Aug I'.uk,
the defendants filed their answer yes
terday. They deny piactlially nil of
the allegations of ihe plaintiff.
The county audltoi.s have inoxed
f i mil I heir loom at Ihe not ill cud of
Ihe III st iloor collider of Hie mint
house to Hie room adjoining thai of
cieik ot the ('units Daniels, lormurly
used as a man Inge license loom. The
looiii vaulted Ity the aiiilltois Is to bo
used fm the Orphans' court pint ol the
business ol the icglsier of wills' ollhe.
The i epulis' In the Fedeial building
niu making ttieat ptogiess and It In
thought thill they will tie completed
lieloie conn meets, peM Moiida.v,
The icfetees lu baukruplcy tllioiigh
iiill this illstilct of t'uited States com t
niu seudiiig teports to Cleik K, l. W.
Seaile of tile business uansaoted In
tlc'lr ilepnrluieiits for the six months
ending Scut ember :'.u.
A complete lecoid of the pioceedlngs
iu Hie baukiiiplcy case of Albeit Wien
er of Wuyiifsboiu, who was ail
Judged a volnnlaty b.inkiupt May ;:o
at flMliiheiMiuiff has been tiled with
Cleik K It. A', Se.nle,
The olllcers of the T'nlted States
coiut aie busily engaged now in mak
ing piepniations for the next session
of fulled States clicult and district
coin t xxiilch opens lu this city Monday,
Oct. 7.
Sllllnmn Perjury Cnse Is the Fhst
One for Tiinl on Tuesday, Oct. 15,
nnd Next to Thnt Is the Men's
Union Cnse Clint glng H. C. Hat
ton with Perjury Cnse Clint ging
Morgan Sweeney with Aggiavntetl
Assault Hiid Bnttety Is Also on
ListMnny LI(iior Cnses,
'J'he tlial list for Hie second week of
the term of ctlmliuil coutt xxas com
pleted .xesteiday and consists of "Ut
cases, many of them of a xeiy Impott
nut nutuie. The list follows:
Second Week Monday, Oct. 14.
Hi. .xnloiil 'Iniiin.lilfiM, inuiilii; U llll, in II
I'hllllpi, pios,
",','. ,l,:.l,n lljrii'.i, l.niFi.y ml mciviiiKi Wil
llJIII lllllfl, plot
U, tl. .Mi u In Monpoii, luini, ,il,on jnJ I,jIjhI;
Ssii.ib . I jii.. Swiel, piux.
'US. .Iii-flill 4Sii,iainl,l, iN.,iult uml lutlri ; .tub
slejner. pin.
2'l, .Xnlliulii SnnniiiAi, M'llliin ,iiur to miliar.;
Iii.qiti llinvjiiiik, ,iik",
S7il, lliiluiil I. i liii;. 1, ,11, l.iniiv and rcielt lute;
ln 1 111 (Viniui, pin.,
271 Philip AU'xainlii, .e.iull ili,l l,itl, rr; Hin.v
HpiiiIi oilt, pi ,is.
2?Z. II, II. Ainu'-, onili'zliiiiiiil; II, 0, Cm i,
liTI, Mhliail Itulliili, It'iptni; koiio'K lieu4';
llnbiil XXINnn, iK,.
-74 ll.ur.i Otilliiiiti, l,,.,.,,i,f; gaming lumj Hub
el t ll-oii, put
271 II, mint ,1. holl.i, niil,c?lpnicnti Mfvn
On r, pln.
J7i! And,, nil si, p(,i,0u n. LrfAin pii-mi; lb
li.nn Sitnp-uiii, pio,
'J77. I'rink Miipirmi. Iiiuny ami if. ,'ii iiib: K.
kolilint;, .lr , piui.
J7s I'mli'iiik Sill uk, ii'tiult in, I li.ittcrv; XIui
sthbik, jini
'li') Willhin PjIiiih, l.iiiciiv mui rcilvlns:; 1;
s P dtner. ptov.
".O 1llut1 ;tili, r,'toiii(im noiiinlitiif; Duilil
lllllliCV. 11101
2SI. Natlim Ciiliti, li-liiiilniM nuiindirig; Willniii
O.lxilll. IIW,
2sJ itlnn Colib, filonloti. vvoiiniliii);; Kiln.ui
I V.ll.l, plo'-.
-S-.t I miner folili. atljs Xloiirn Colli), laic, 11 bv
lulhc. I liiilc. P.ittci. pio.
Tuesdny, Oct. 15.
'.'-I I'l.itil. siilimiii, ,lr , lirtTiti.i; Willi im It, pp.
2"". II l llillcii, ppijur.i: 1! ,ihcit XVII-on, plot,
isil Sniiuil Kilw ml, lorn k. it Ion .mil lnliid.;
IMna Ilcllir, jiion.
2s7. Korit CillN. i.iilii;lrnu ui ; I0111II1.111 VI-
potnl, pine,
2"S. Mori is b. Bunixvit!', f.iNe pul(iiis; Willi 1111
Cli,iiij, pins.
2'. Aii3clo Mhi.c.i, tr.ifll, kiln; In tikI-I'I'iI l"il
lies ; lbmy libiili, pin..
2'0. IMxvin Moon, i'liil?l, monl : I'.lujril .1.
Ncarv, piiks.
2"! Pilrlik llvilii'. ns-nilt anil lull, it; I'llinl:
Xhiilov, pies.
2".'. Jnvpli Itiltor, f, loin, ,111 vmiiiil!n'; Tl,.ni,.e
roul, pio-i.
Jsl. V V. Ilxrielto, jssnilt ami Inlleiy; Inlm K.
K'sin. pio
2'4. .Insie .loin., assiult n,l billon ; Mhi:s'
lliirns, pior.
i'i.1 Viiv Ann H.0111011. in iln nn. 111U1 lib f, Tliei-.
t'j sinnaD. pinx,
2'HI. liinjnniii Howie, l.nirin unl irccivlni;; .In
b III ( Oolkk. pill-.
2I7 lion llnclic. in iin inin tills, tuef tn nil
lojil; XI Ciippin, jiiom.
J''8. Human II.171S1, forniution nint bi-lanlv;
Xllllic ClilllIK, pniv,
J'i'i 1M1nr llnvvill, fi,inloilioi, nixl ln-t :
XI, III' II till, HOT.
'.Wl I bonus her p, plonnnis s . . 1 1 1 . . 1 1 1 1 jr ; .1 1 ,,1,
llinniliintn, pio,
.:ul l.lic si,p,i, j..iii, jnil lulluv, Xln K, n
iltnk, pi, .v.
:i)i. Jlnlin 1I1I, .Inlm limili, M.ntln
Xloni,', Inerkiiij Inin fiijhl Iiuuii
liei 1 , t , iv mir : Xlaitin liiptnii. pi. -.
M!. llilini,,! Hindi, j-.uilL nml lulieii; Xl,in
( nob, pniv.
.'ill .1 mi. s Jtll, . inl,.i!i nn-nl , Is In Ivuni-ki,
:n', Delia B11I,.,, In, in I,,- I, ,,!,,.; William C
11,11. pn
llnii Xn,lel llorla nl, lainni nut tneitln; I'lici
I.tvvunie, pins
.07 Mm llninu-. siIIIiik li,,,r williunl liifie',
tlolnil W lb,, 11, pn,..
."lis I. meet l;,'.n,s, 11 1 1 is llnoili I I, ioe, liu.m
ml 1 , , .i, 1111; , I' llnliliii),, li . pio.
Mri I'.iiink xinnii, ,-l, '.i,,,i,,,ln,y, I'jtrnU
III. p, J!) os
"III Mai 1 111 Hi nif, I in env iml 1 ei eh 1 n;; r
I'olihin;. ,fi . pin.
Ill II, I, l.-l I Will-, lOl.lieli; Ml, 1,1,1 II,, .;.ii. mow
IU-'. I horn is, liueiit .mil id , 'iv in;;; ('imles
Xlllk.l, pills
:il : IMim S,.iili,.ki, as.anlt ami lulteri; Delli
It mial.a, piox.
Wednesday, Oct. 16.
.'IU f I, hi tloliMisi'i, alln llni.x ColibbBfr,
dm (.'. (,oliMe(,ir, ,is,m; 1" lliilillm;, b ,
::i". Ii,,l sc ln nler, I1110111 iml mrliliic I"
Itulilin,;. ,li , plOs
'IIB. (hales sJ,,isi ,in, n.) ai.,1 i.'ieii ,iii; Wd
II 1111 DlilutUe, )iios,
.17. I'elK siniki, caul ix lint issmlt a,, I ,,t
tin ; .lo-eili Ail nil!.-, in,,
Hi sid, sniitli, Iiuuii mil n,inin, ,,u
XI Ho, pOs,
III'! I It m. nl in t s, itiii,,,, assinlt ami bitteii,
It 11 In I I 111.1, pins
.'I'll. 'Ilionlts s,oiii, as-anlt unl biitni; 1 01, Is
Umililli, pins.
M Pi In II11I1 In 1, piij'in.i' .:,- ,h Villi., 1, pin.'
I'.ii II. losipleon, av.iull in,) lutleij ; II (lulilf.
I,l,fi, pins.
.'.21 II l.'ulilsi;il, .1. .lull mil liallel.l II b,
pl,nn, (it ot
.'UI dual, Due, ininl, 'ill,,n u.,1 l.i.fai.h, s,,,
licllv, jnov
."..";. Siiniiel Mill, r, li . sillnm Inpim unl 1
Ian-,', si Hint; li,ini on .Sim.hi, .1 VX
( hi I,-, pile
.'l.'ii. Saimif Millii, sp , selluu Hiiior 11 limit lb
reii.e, i.ellin liiii,)r nu snmiii, I VX
('Ink, pioi,
.U7, Mil I, ail lie-, III, .Inlm Ci,l,,l Sieien ,,
111.1I., nanh iml lidni.i; Muln.l Uo-ar,
i'J Lne Morgan iml Mii-.nul Itijlit ,n, liu,-n
ami 11,,'Unu; l'i 11 k Man, n, pms
,V!i, .lo.ipli linns, Vntlioii.i Xllninlis, l,lli Xbnk
nils, 11,1,,'iu. X, I jlil -r.innlr.ins, ,i,,.
,v,n, 1 1, imniik llilll.i, feloii'im. nouinl.iia; '
llolilln;.. ,b , Pio.
",, William lames, af.-a,t iml Initeii l.ur...
D Davis, pint.
..'..'. Willi nil .Inlm Din-, i.-inlt iml nitl-rv.
llii haul .lain, 'i, t
. !, XI V laililm, a, inin 11 .in, I l,a-iinb; ltl,li
Mi hulls', puis
,1,4. II X ( ' nl.), ii. f,, 111I1. id, ,11 unl I1.1.1 tub
llliwa MiIkiIN, piox.
::.!.',. Dili, I X, IIi)iii.i, lilnlilniis wnnmliii; lainux
MaMeu, pins
,1'B llrliliiel PiMv, J-s.ult and li.tienj li,t Xil
Huns, pinx
1.17. .Inlm P., i, -null Ion II. .v, poiMiinin. it,).';
I'. itriil Mi Xaniui, pins,
;,.:s pinlel II .Iniies, (i.tnlr ilion ami lielaiiti.
r.lliliedi, Mui. pin.,
.l'i I' X "I 111 III, I'llllilZlllll, in , I', I I.lll'll.
olll. Inlm soiufl. I.iln'io h.v ImII,i; l'liiblli
loliiis, pinx
.,11, .I0I111 M'i-il, Iiuuii hv I'lilii; .l.iiin-t Inlm,
,"11 II siniDiisoii, is Hum liquor vvlihmil linlie-
ai,, .Milium Inpim mi sin,,i; . , I'lnl
lip. pins,
III i. Vililll lliliiniiil, seliinir l,ioi Hilli.mi li
1 flee I IIioiiij li'.i-lioo, puis,
Thmsday, Oct. 17.
ll. S I.. Uailiml, olxliiieilni; ju.tlie; liolmi
XXIIoii, pm,.
.11. M W. I.oftu,, kii,iii nltke In tiiein; .
X I'lilllipt, r1"-"
.liii, .lolni Wjiuiici, poliillni; 1)11, )l; Xilolpli jloa.
ilmtk.i, pins
III 7. Xiilin W.nco. .ickumlrJ assault ami l-Jl-
Iri.i Mai) Kimi'i, pmv
.'IIS. I'leiloiiik Wlrlli, in.-mil and lutlni, hale
Iviainti, pro-.
:i'l. lln) Whllln'k, is. i, ilt iml hallnj ; Moiuoe
I) Cidlamlil. pio.
Thete sliotllil be more
Sg TOILKT SI:T Ihan most anythiii", else In the house. It U
('onspictiotls nml adds to the entire furnishings of a room.
-5 The new decorations ate made to harmonize with the
Sg latest styles of wall paper.
I.nuRhlln's iu. Piece Sets, SeinUVHrloiis
m China, assoi tetl decoctions $2.50
3 And a hundred other styles to select from.
Qeo. V. Millar &
Mattresses Made Over,
Pillows Renovated.
We will call for your old mattresses or pillows and re
turn them ts good us new.
Mattresses Hade Over, same tick, $2.50
New Tick, best material 4.50
Pillows Renovated.... 10 cents per pound.
Set ant on Bedding Co.,
Lackawanna and Adams Aves. Both 'Phones
At Crane's
Fashion's Doors Swing Wider
There's always a pleasure In being the first to sec the
new, and the new here surpasses anything we have shown
in the past. A day makes a vast difference in our Fall
Displays, a veritable transformation has been wrought
since our last general announcement. To chronicle all tho
shifting phases of fashion is a task from which any pen
might well shrink. We have shifted. What we show is
the extreme essence of style and utmost values.
Others have been convinced. Are you waiting ths
same opportunity ?
New Building;, 324
An examination of our stock of clothing will teach
von how to dtess well on little money, We believe
our goods are a little better, and our prices lower,
than in any other store in town. Call and find out.
We stand ready to prove it.
We Want Every Man
Who Is Particular About His
Clothing to Inspect Our Line
Our Clothing is all made by Union Tailors, and put
together consistently, with linings and trimmings
that we know ate good. Our Mcti's Furnishing
llepailineiil Is complete in every detail.
All at Home Again I
son, mi i is i linns ol lln past Mme of ) iu have taken your hmuI wiation and art
lookinu l,n ii .ii d to ike appion lilnn wIiH, r and lhi lunoiw plrasuiM It In inn villi it. 7sot
Hit' leasi ot ibt m mi ill be .loin visili, lu tlie l'.iiilei,ast Stole. Xle have Llmi monllis pie
pal mi; fm join loinin.
New Stock, New Ideas, Uniform Courtesy
mil unit .loll Yoiii ,l,oi,.ialiii of mir ii'iel-luinn elluit tu meil vonl' rtTpiIrttrieriti; h
epiiiitd tis on tn Kieaftt iiraeii'imiitfi. Ike
Engraving, Stationery, Blank Book Departments
,iii to bill, giejtlv oilaited, luxe bieii re aiiiiiiul, l.ilnhkneil, made Itter for
tin fui ,Hni,,. We will uitelliijciilli .mliilpale .lour mast trillnn, lie, d.
; inn uii iiigraum; and i urilin.' M'vmli mimu.ri of HnulV and (June's C'mtoa.
I'ape enihlii ns lu iiiie .Miu Ihe Ix.l. Wi! Ju-tly Ualiu eqiulily with the but
.New oil. or l'liilaUelpina,
Printing Department Entirely New.
is i ! il-nailme X have tlie must laoJein pillitlil plant in the .tale, We
In nl, la i
Vlolk, In
pnildi inn
mill), in
an- ispu
mill luini for nik uipiiiilitf lisle
i Hull lu
We 1
li,,n xi, J
ive ion oiictiiiall'i
iin thu mir eitoiis to n, I tu Hi e
Im tlie I'll ndi ujaM sun,, w 1 li"
R. E. Prendergast
207 Washington Avenue.
Occupies an Imperishable Position in the BUSINESS WORJ.D.
NO sa B. EiKliU
..'ii s XX tilt in in lat.ciii ami t-eienii.K, .1
I dixaid,, pi,,.',
i-d hill' llnll.e M-lliin: li,il,,r iviilioin II. n,,e,
I' II, , l,la, .li pn,.
.s'i-' XI n l.i llmke, -j Hint;' llipmr will, mil liienw;
1', Itoldil,)!, .lr , pio.
.'lit. I'.iule llilllnn, Ijiciii.v and nieiiinui I',
lloliliii.', Il , pn,,.
:i,'i I'airle lliitinn, ljuin.i ami ifiiIvhh,; 1',
lloMlna, ,b., tint.
Hw. fair if llilitun, lain lie ami in, nine; 1,
llnlillllL'. ,b.. pile..
.';";, lie, ui;,' llildnin, aisinli iml l.illn.v; lluli
I. Kuilk'nn. in, is
satisfaction In Dossessinrr nica
Co. ,.w."'l.,. l""
1TIIK III 14VV H r-irVMBsl
Lackawanna Ave
& Wirth ucEaSuiic
and InuliH We will jou and iio to an
ni, -on V pieasinet will mi't xvllb dm tppixcU
one u lis alll ii lion.
Unquestionable Superior Merit
Annually- adds thousands of names to
the long list of Smith Premier users,
representing every line of trade and
ex cry prolusion , ,, ,,
IllllSWAfhli ( AIAIOGVK MfiF,
The Smith Premier Typewriter Co,,
8t., Philadelphia, P.
."', Xnailo Menj, filing liqi.u vxilhoui lleca-i
and llli.J lniiiir In minor.; ntonio Coy.
i'dlu, pios
B . Aiiiim .Xniri, a,Jiihfi, l.'nlirtli Knapi,
.'ij'). Jiiiik XV. l,neiiiH'.i, XI T, Keller, ( hailon
X. Ilninill, di.aiidiii wllneM; M. XX,
lbiein.ei. p'us.
Inn. Slauin l.ipilu,. a. unit and luturyj VI"-
luiitl a I Iniill, pros,
.lid. Mai.i Uiin, a( ivaied j,Miilt ami batter';
Entile llarlnc.t, pi,, v.
llViit'.iifd en l;,f$J