The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 03, 1901, Image 1

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h"d ; v
17 ffrsinvwpp
iS, 'yrf f$ - iV e
1 '
no tt c
'. 1
two CENTS.
Vl "ini ' J tifi WpTtvti&&
"""li . ' ' ' i "" -
lieutenant James K. Doule, Watch
Officer of the Brooklyn,
on the Stand.
Admiial Evans, Captain Slgsbee and
Coricspondent Diennlde Ale Given
nil Opportunity of Correcting Their
Testimony, and All Make Addi
tional Statements Lieutenant Com
mander Shnip, of the Vixen, Pays
Especial Attention to Notes of the
Battle of July 3 Opinions as to
the Blockade.
ly I.mIihuc Win- In. in I he .uiiiil Pie.
Washington, Uet. 1'. All lllleicslllig
turn was given In tin1 Schley couit of
inquiry liy the lull odiietlon of the Ihsl
witness in Ailinlml Schley's behalf.
Tills was Lieutenant .lames 1. Ooylo,
who was a watch ofllcci on linaid IIi
1liiRlilp ISiooltlyn dining the war with
Spain. Tin' fact Lieutenant Dovle
was put on tlic stand does mil mean
that tin- ii.i y ili'p.iitini'iit has con
cluded till' picseilllltinn (il ilM side (if
the i'ii.h'. .Mr. Dn.vle n (tilled liy the
dcpiiitiucnt. hut as it also had boon the
pin pose of Admiial Si hley tn Munition
lilm, advantage k taken ol ids ptes
ence on the stand in (uotlon him as
tin original witness foi "the applicant."
He was under csamliintloii liy All',
r.jynor In the intcic"l ol the
v hen the inuil adjoin in d lor the dav.
Jlefulo lllldeigoiug esaniinalloii at Ml.
Ttajnor's hand. Lieutenant lo!e, at
Captain Lemley's ictiiiest. explained
hip pun In the tie of .Inly :: and his
original entry in the ship's log , ,n
leiiilns the lanious loop and his allei
ntioti of thill "iitij liHiau-e he sulise
ciuently made the discovery that Ids
Hist eiitiy had heell elioilemis
Lieutenant Coinin.iudpr Shaip, who
commanded the Vixen during the
Siaul.sli war. nNn gave his lesimtnuy
timing the dav. giving especial iilleii
tlon to note.s (if tin. Ii.mle ot .Itilv :!,
lliailc bv Llciilennnl Hallow, of his
Admiial Ilv.ins. Capialit Slgsliee and
fniicspiindetii nicn.ilde wen- .ill ie
calktl for the puiio"e of loiieiting
Ihelr tesliinon) as given vesieida),
and all in. nlc additional statement's,
.lust lietoie (lie adjoiiriuneiu lor the
da.. the i ourt antiouiKed its decision
not to allow any questions (oiiceining
the lihick.ide ol Santiago alter July 1,
when Commander in ciiiel Admiial
Sampson ill lived 111! le.
Wj-liinaiiui, (i. i I In fi.iiiul iniKi.iliii., i.f
tli.' il.iv in the s.iii,., mi iif ni,iilii wiie In kim
Will :i lulcf ey,l iniii,,n oi Hi,. ,,,. i Inn in the
MIIIIIkUI nil-1 ii I 111, I Willi h mi ih,' will.
'if t lio lOtiti in Mm vpliliittni, .,. mule
t'l l.llit.llll limit n., lli, i ih. . 1 , . r l.i.l
Iiccn ,iii.acil In in iIh.i , ,,1,'fil.
Ujtll Si,ih 111,1 ,. HIM, ll mini
JI10I ll HI-. I. IHI.IIIi I'lll.i'l. ,,,
nilliil s, hi, , ,-.ii, lini mil. Hi,,.,
u.i- willing t , ,i,i tin i hai
ttti , ilii v.a
III I t lit in lot
li Inlf i ,.
iiiiIii inn
Vlllllll ll I l.lll- HI- tiu' . I nt 111,' Willi, '-I . (
.M-lllllll In III iKo i iiIU'lIImii. Ill L l,'.ltntilat.
AtUi ho linl limn' llnl I,,, re-, I. funnily
aililu'lnu' il i' i, nut r.inl.
"Mil it plriM il nut, li, ,,,iiiii,ii, ,ii mi
ohm uf Hit ii'Mi,,i. i.'.p.l in,, u'-li i,l iv, mil,..,
-Ailmiul Nhh.i i.i In. nl, ml, I -I'iiiiM
ll.p to mil,,' ,i -i, mi,, hi .in,! iini.liii,. i I,.,,,,
H in ,iin in. nil-lit iiiun-il ,,lii,', i ,, i' Vilmiiil
i,li!i' ,,hi-uk I Mill Mihilim it iii, .-i,,, "
Mr Kitmi t niilil iM- hmk ii tin. Ulli i
. "(Vll.unh," iipllnl Ih,' uliiinil, Iiiii.Iiii- li
Mi II i.ui. ,r Mi i. i nun, i iiiilnli p i., mil
mi', "ii Mm nn tin- ,ii, .linn i. m in m,,
''Icillll pi. I, 1,1 inn :n the li,,"!oil ,,( hjllll-
..IK"l IHI llMllll III, ,,,U f l ..M.IVNI. .
wliolo ll,,i Ih, iili' uuiiN i'it-
"'III IH I H "I IUI.,iIIIIS I II, .III llli'
lho.,l,h ,,il,M, In ,, i.liliiju.n ni'Wr.-
iiiu ,.i lull 'i li. I i 11.11,1, iwmt t
tlm i, In, ,i if ih, i t i in .-, .u.iiH tin- .iiitlmi
III' lll .1 llttll, .111,1 I,,', ,1(1,-1 Lr,, , , (
timilil,', .i.ti ii nn, il lli it It u, , m.nnti nl,,,
mil KlM'li tin in i ,i 1 1, , ; i, ,ii Wlnih, i ,,i nut l,,.
! p.dil ( I "Hil.l mil tiiul I'ul ih.. .iniK
I III". I uniti In 1 iiini i nl ,f tl,. lit, l.Mui,
iikIiiMiiu lln' nil. I . .itnl Ih.'ii. I. Im iij.l.i. I
hoiihl llki llui l,ll. in ;u h, th, IpUii'ihuii
in ii'iini'itloii Mill, Iha ,ii,ni,,i, . t. ii, ml,
nn- lili'iitli ill ih,' lini mmU n-i, In ihU nni
I'll, III. I, II I ,il,l-li, , lt ,. ,.H-.t "
"M. llivn.i I il.i nut i,hn I In nn i iiliniitii
.il .ill i.iii nut mil.,' Inn,. i u nihin
Mlim.' Ill I I.I 1)111 .Hull il.i'lf
"Ih,. iii,.ii,,n it.i. put in nn, ,i. a hi, I ,ii,l:
'I hnl fcl,l lln hutt nir Ih., I'liihm, i i.,l this
klllji iinil kiim mil .in, ill,, i inn',' ,n. ',iii
Is C,iil.iln I n,il,N linn il, ti l Mil; lint .iith u inn-M'l-.ll,'ll
I n.jK ,1im "
Ml, llJ.niir 'llii point l iiliclhi't ln (iniii'i.i,
linn tii Utni'in i n ,ni, I ., muni, l,,i, '.ihlpi,
Mi l it hit soil lie iioitlil i,h,i in u pio.iii
til Inn ol ll,,' .n ihl, i ,hi ni)i ,,( tl(,
piupn timt' Ih ilil il.r pinpi'i linn, fi it
nniilil he til,, n i iptiln i ..ok ii is on tin, t,mil
SiIiiiii ll I '.in, I itill.iluu it
Ml lUjnn I .nn inlii lit tillllin; ti ,,i
lllhlllll ll ill the pi6ni iitnr
Mid Jlllt' liinh, i n.l.i,iii il, Inuil. Ill iui
Testimony Collected,
'llinnjs M Duiuhl.,. tin. -I, ii .pip, i,,i,,,.
ildil l.n -.illi.l in tun., i ,i, t, .in,,,,,,,
5ili'nli fiiJ.ii" i lirnl nilillti.ii i,i im ,.,,,,.
hi niif oi p.'iin', itiie.t l.nw 'll,,. mi,,,. put by ilio Jiliniul hj. nM u,..r . ylt
DiuuhlO lul IimiiI t niliin pi, ,11,, B (,( ,,,
Imi k Hit rnulnts iluiiii,- Hi- l,.n,,. r,n s.niiin,,,.
Mi, plnulilo lud ii'jilliil ,, L, mUlit Imp
luMlll III! OIllOI .lllll ll lllij.l ,, '',,, ,
Skill l Cl lllllil.ll nf ilut t . . , x
tlilni.- I IicjuI n,i I lie hn I'll Jt. ju.t tiicii
l, elurhn.llil iMiltc llitli tun m. In., .illiiu.i
fur- ami .ill n( the ship I inim ,,IUI, jut ., ,
unit iiKiiiml I In- pun si, I, it ihc ninning unr, ,
to Ihc Lipulii Hi- inlslii haip nil,.,, h,i,i
ciikis Jt jlinut tl'.it unit' Hut .ll, not ,,..,r
Of ioiiim, nnl not null' I'lii.tilun i ,,.ji, '
Vianmii IIiiLii ua lli'ii ifulh'il ji ,w, , t.
cuuil J (III title! que, li, mini,' ii,liu.iiii,- ,,. ,
piuhen prfpjrdi liy linn ,d Ktf V.,i tr ,j
tnlul s.,iVti for CnniiKiilorc ililj ( j ,at
ulil thut, nnrrilnij lu his rivolloi liuu, th,,,. ..
i.ilili(s tioir fnm.iuldl l, llic luua j, ,e p,,.
pout, hill .ilil Ilut lilt .l.ilinii nl nit lu-, , i..
tlii'b en hit niiiiiiiij.
LkutcctDt CuimiunJcf AlcKJmltt M. sluin,
ulio iiiiiiiiiimliil tin- rot 1 1 1 li d ic til Vlvcn iiii
lint tlif spnild, it, imi the Urn tioiv Itilnis.
or tin' ih;. lie li'lllloil Hi it he 1ml fallen In
ttilh lln? I'tt Itiur ipiiuliun 111"! on t lie mot niiiir (
Milt 'Jl. otr ('ItdidtiM. 'I In- 'icilhi'i- fill thi'iittl'e
ttnin I iitiliiiKn. In snitii).,, hnl been "Siitdl.t '
lint mil .-lllliri, nth luil In Inlrrti'iP Willi Ihe
jiful of the Vimmi. ' s,l hnl not been hi
iiiBrnt li'fil ol nn M.H 2U. "If 1 hid been,"
Mltl Ihc it'llin"i. ".mil hnl teiciieil outers lu tod
I hntilil hue lileil to iln n, llic.n.'h it umihl
hue linn an 11m.u1nfatl.1ble juh, heoiti-e lite
lien 11.11 ,i lelt Minll ahlp."
Cumin imler " t niil lint, imtiillli't imllne
tint be hnl In mi on I1.1.1I1I the lliookhn wtiul
lnii', ( Kintiiuilnip Sthlet n"iir ili'i nsiil "lib
lilm the n UuiMilc 111011 iicni tot.ini Kej Wi-t
hi i;iin on M 13 'Jii.
Setvice of the Vixen,
DetiiiliinK I lie Mtilfi1 of tin' 11n iluiiin; the
sleae uf sintlJKo nmlei -ilihy. t mil
1111111I, 1 shnp Mill lie hnl Ili'i 11 plitnl 111
il(k(l illll.l .nl I he ei-leill enil of Ihc line oil the
niuhl ol M'n '-'I, .nnl li id ioiiIIiiiiciI thin ilttiy
nfliiuml He mi. iiliout Ittn mill ftuin the
i-hnie tm! piuliihlt thtte miles liom the mouth
of tin' hnlii.l 'I lie mute lint 1 1. nbl iml be tli
iitmil .11 infill. ml tin- -In, 1,' line i ould he ,IN.
Hindi unit ,i' 1 hi. nl. in i.s in the ili-l.imc.
Mi 11 mi 11 1 I .ml, I lull bitt sun 11 tae
il, iLikine to pi. out neir the ..hint 1111, In tliu-c
( 0111111 lluler "Imp If he h 11I .Ihihh mi lights
(iml mule no liiil.e t 1I0 Ilut hetirli' we 1 nilhl.
"P11I n.ii .it .tnv time .iippii.e .ttmi.ilf In b.11
disiioiiiil 1 liupeilo boa itlemplini: In esc ipeV
' f)ne nuht we mhloil .1 Ml, tit rill iturii .ipni"
, nll ilnm.' .1ml" wilb 1 jtorl Oi il of .pieil, ami
Munllnl llnl II w.i. 1 loifiedo boil e.,.innir. II
Initieil out to lie i loeninottie lieulliitbt 011 the
1 lllllllll '"
"I tuler th-e 1 in iiiii.i in, i . (ould itnl bite
M'en lln' ti.iiti ln.l no henlllttht been i!,!tcJ?''
"1 Ibink not : .ill wi w.n the lishl."
( iitutii iml. r "siuip Mid lint the 1u1 ui-
tied I imituiiJiiie si hlev fiom the lltnol.lin to Ihe
M i..nhi.etN 011 Mi 11 before the 1 itintiins;
of Ihe lionll, iiil'iirnt of the f'n.lolnl ( iilnn. anil
tint ib, 11 be bid n-Knl win! toittio he should
pnt'iie In the ipiuoiiblmr ii tiuii I ieutuiant snt
bid nplii.l (be ( tint the billet
hid duef led lhal f'liiitnfiiider shnp keep bis
ftift tbiir, 'm .lie u.i. iitlnei iblo ami should not
1..iitne tint ii. k. Il( lieliewd the eoinmndore
bid lflirtt.nd .puken lo li i t ti to lln- snne eile, I.
Mi. II nun -I1. .111? on tn the btttle of .liilt
.!. did tun -le lilt .,1 th( lr,f,,i 111 ul( lit
I lie Tli.ohlj n
"HhMl I hr-t in the Illonl.llii 1 think s.
wit henhd ibfeit -oiitl, iml swhumir xntUtipnl
It iiiu'i r hi p pui! helm "
"Did urn at .Hit lime hue ant lotitei-alion
with .nn pi in the
S iih t (till, II -pi it to
lln 11 Iiiiiipi) on
pre. line of ( .miniiidot,1
(be ditei lion lu wliieli
lb it on'"
' .". .it "
"M. lie the 1 in iiiii.i tm , . of lint , imtei. ilh.n "
Hodgson's Opinion.
"I lu.ik on I..1111I the lli.ii.kltn j ,,t ,.f the
mips ti'an In l.iiuleiiinl Ibilott. lln e.
eM'iiilite mine! of the Mm ii, iluiiin the en-
j-.ii mem. iml -h.iwnl iluiu to tl iiiimodii
'lb,' i.iuuniiilote u 1. ., Hid .it hi. de.k, t I
in m 11111, ml,, 1 it, iml it tlim. difln-
lit ottitei. t 1111, intii ilie i.iiutiio.l.iif 's eibni
( iptnti (oil. u.i. 1 heie, I Ihiiil,, j one time
'lln 11 11 n; n. r 1. f 1I11 llii.okltu. Tidilinini llmlit
...11 1I..1 1 in, 1 111 I ttntik f'oiimiimlil r.llrm
w.i. in .il ti( tn ml it I .111 not mi.-t ik, 11.
I ipi 1111 llnkii wi. in I .i- jlkm' to ihe
1 ouiimidotc .iliniit tl tiiites, and at one pal
nl the , ohu i-.ilk'ii ui the ,v tint the lielm uf
Ihe Iti 11 hid liei II pill lo fiilm I lie so 1 ,,,
luop. I .lid that the In Im w 1. put to pott
l.ieuli inn' . 1 l,e i,, im s.i,,l ',, ton
.no niislakni' Ibe helm w 1. put 1,, .urlmiid.' t, o, in,, urn put toiu helm to p-iil." He
"lid 'I 1 111 prow il lo tint look it this 1 bit I '
I -aid 'I don'l want lo ei tin iluil, , ,,11
nillilf Willi the ioi t Iiilni." '"
"Ma. il iiilitrdeil litilllt," l-k(d Ciptjiu Inn.
li. "lllll Ihe I llll hid bun put to p,ut to
mike i,r t tn '"
'"I .nil lint pn.iluc.
w i. the 1 1 pl.t, "lull It
is mi linpri's.Inii tint It
' Uf whoin it ). llu c on
"I do not ic'iii mbi i "
ii.ii mad.
"W Im,. tl,,,,. ..I,, ii.,m I,,,,,,
iuiiitiinr in HV.ini :u intii,.
I tint inn.' in the
in Ihc liv "'
"..l 1 llUHHlhi'l."
"Pill .Mill ,.. ih, I, ,s Oiit III
Ine lain,- nf
Sum in r a-knl Mr II nma.
'I ci.t die I, .. il,. in the tin
llliiukllll lll.l," ll-p,,ml,d llli'Mitlil
e.iltllill ltd tl. Weslwild lit till lll.l
'l.x.i. hi. Ilii apiutiuili lilnL'
I s 111
. "M
.kit it.
do id in
i is
watir I niiiaikeil lo,- ofu ,, tamlinj i ,r,
"Ihe slop will iieur si in ami thi..,. f, lions will
Kit Hi, til titijsl, 11 it j. tin U slMtuili
Jli.illul low iiil llii -lUlii-li tint"
"llmi lien wis she tu the I", w-""
"I i.illld I1..1 ui, i, .in e.lmiiti ol Ihc dl.l.llue"
tin ( iil.j e iiiilnitioii I'omiuiiiih i Mnip was
Itiivl It n.,1 in mi.ii d.'t.iil In (.ipi.iin pii,,r lit
"ami I nn- in llu I114 of the llroukliti fnt
tin p. ii,.! .oiiitii.- the i 'nl. ui uinpiimi. He tc
Hind Hi the .units inuiciiiiui; the Vtien's tirinj;
uii i Im, mimic i mm on -hoie iie.n s,tijS0,
t il. in-: it lor i (.iiiilii.ii. He illi'itnl ft, ,, the
v. Ilm -. lli. .tjlijiiem llnl .il llnl I line the i ti n
luil'l hue hiin im ii. ,ii th,. b,,,
Notes of July 3,
t.ipliiu fill,, Hen iii, .tn, md the w iiiios nm
iiiiiiu ihc ii,,i.- mid.' ui Ihe liaili uf lul.t t.
In l.leiiliiuiil II iiluw, im limid the ,en, liio-e
null, lute oiisiouii in, lilt lo i, minuet. i. snie
of ilntlt.ii s,,hi's fiEimlsM) that unit , mpr
of Ilie nulls bad hi in il. liion il to ihc .1,
ithiii 1011111101I11IC) I'j I'ouimindii "imp tlui
im ic ilu'tiged 'Ihe tilinr.s j, thn he h,d
ill.) 11 1 i.iihiui i.i to Ihc 1 0111111,1,1, ,11 .nier ihc
I, illli
"llu Ihce noli. .-I.1I1 Ihc Illicit ol tin litiUe,
.1- joii ..111 lit" a-knl ( apl.iiii I', md th,.
Billies, l.plinli "lliesc lie I.i, in, u tut ilaihui's
nnti.. He I,, i,l, llu 111 ami 1 mi nut piipitr,) to
.i in ur im nhcihi 1 tin) im 1I1.11I1111 1.1 lonecr
in ctii.t pniiiulir or not."
"Illllll'l Mill I. u lb" III OM'l WM'I linns,"
"I hue"
"Nun, an ton mil piip.acil in ,11 in pie 1.,
01 .10111 knottl.iL" md bilbf llu) lonlaiu 1 tin..
H Hi 1111 nt of whil 1,1. iiicuiut Union mh "
"I llliuol llll whit I.IFIIIdlllit II. Hint slit "
"iui do ,,. ktiuii whrilur Ihi't (Ibe iioic.i .no
line ui nnl lldlii luvnii KJd tlirm ovn H'wiil
tlim., .nnl liom ,10111 mh kmnilriUc of Ih, In' -He""
"111 ihc mini cwiili t I -In, ul, I f.i;- Hut ne
line, but I licit' 11111 be mi.-l lie. 111, 1 ptohibii ji,.
lul.ljluv, in Ilnm."
"lllll .Mill fllllllsll .1 1 1 , 1 ., nf Hi, ,1 pinltlllit'
nolo lo nit one el-', 111 ullinr In Hut .Uid
ion "
I'iitxhiiii:, O.i. .'Ihc NjIiuiiiI (,Ij.-s toiu
pitii, '.vlii.ii oiii'.. luciil) otic plant, slid ion
llnl, 70 pel lint, of Ihc pioduiini; (tip 11 ti u (
ulile il.i-iujrc, lus ullin noliie nf
fi.1111 llu (lli.-s j-.iH ijtion, to lake rilrtt nn
Im. t, I'.'
I'ili.hii i, Ihl '.' 'Ihe uppir lloi'i. nf tho
I'liimiliaim Pool .nnl .Stli conipjiii'k plant mi
rrtniul ai.'tii't title iomptvtt-1)' Inn lied out lids
(ii-liin.". lln imk ili.iro.iid was iiiiulJlly
1I001 ml win Ion fumes 'Ibe lo-s will icaih
,11.01V)', mil In. mid, tl, I u1. -'I he llljir umiili P'-iiniiuiii.'
1 vei utile imiuiiittie imilclit pined the lollmi.
nirf tuktt In ihc Held: I'rea.imi, t'lnrli'i (',
I'lltersou, ol IillUinburjr; reglittr nd reror.
"Vol Dial 1 remember. 'I help lure feieril
tuples ptlnUtl, but what Incline of 1 lit lit all 1 do
tiul know "
"Pnl jolt I it. c 11 cnpi' or iiut 11 topy to mi)
lit In r 1 olilliljinlltiR ot ."l.lll oflner of ibiit fln't K
lept CotiitnOiioie Sh'IiIi'.i t"
"Vol 1 leinciiiber."
"U III .ion iiy that )on did holt"
"No, -sit ; I will not vat' I ilut not, To the
IipM of inv Vtiinilfdm' and belief, I did hot, of
llnee ttolrit."
Results of Bombaidment,
t'dimiiaiider shnp aid in ition.e lo iiie'lloiis
In Mr. Ili.irnr lint one of Ihe 11 Mill of Ihc
lioititiirilimlit of the Colon bad luen lo deulop
the spmlsli flioto lultirlfs.
'Po .1011 lltollei-t ,1 luiitricillon wltb ('oiii
iiiiHlnif'sblii .iftir the ( 0I011 leiotin il'.nu c, In
the present!' uf l.lenli n nit llirlow. In whhli the
(oiimiciluti' leinaikiil tint bis piiiposo bid bun
tu deielop Ibe slieimlh of tbo-e bitteiles'"
"I teilly do nnl linieinbei," was the tt spouse.
"f 11 I'll l' I'Olflll "
In le.pon.e to a ipiesi Ion f 1 0111 Mr. tinner the
vilness naid that the liosllloii of tin" Vlvcn ilm
itiK the blockade w i tint ijliiii nirncllf In
the nllu hi 'lit! was 111 mi the sbolu tlian
III! IC'lllllit
hintl.'ht out th"
11 11 low' liolis
.Itldut" Adfoeile
report of .lul.t .
e.imili lliun ( aptaln
f.u t as to the ih nisi'
t.i inly
in the
-lli.l jntt till nil lo oiii ollb lal
.1 (upy uf the null's ol haul
"Ves, pIi."
"White did .Mm obtain llnl
"'I lent Ibe esiilltlte olllul
t "p
, I. untenant
low "
"llnl joii at mi)- liuu Imm whethir tliete
mi ic in! ditfetemt li.'lwien tltlk copy ns .
taihed tii join orlh lal n purl md I lit up) n It
appears in vom lou'-book "
"'es, sir. I know Ibeie wne i sliulit
I'iioii whom did joii li'ini M i.i t Ibeie mil"
tlie-e difliiemes, jii, tt.n jnj epl 111 ilion 111 nle
or this fut lo your'
"When 1 -wis wriliiiK tin rip.rl of Hie ail 1,111
of .lul) :: I 1, 1 UI lo l.iFiilvii.inl llailoti: '1 de
sire a tnpv of lout noli liken ittirinir Ibe Jtllon
to iieionipany tiij leport to the .uluiii il ' His
tpplf, as ucir as I now innunli.!' il. wis; Mhu.e
noles were t ikrti lor tin n pn -enlalite ol 1
netv-paper on boird the Itionkltn and 1 will
lute to mike lame rlltlntc ill tin 111 I s.nd:
Vetv well; I wWt Ihc miti. In sro with tor ' He afterward suliiuillid to 111c the notes
written In script, whiih I leid otei ami cn( lo-ed
in inv ripoit lo the admiial "
"Mtnliou lias bi en made i,f It,,. ope of the
notes sent to the llrnokltu whiib wnr ptinled
on hoaid tbir ies-el. po tun retntile tliat
pipei"" (himliiu,' him 1 prmlnl pampblel 1
"I bale "nn .1 topi of tins l.if If I mi
not mi. taken, setual n.-ie .1 nt thioiuh th'
Vncii "
"Whit dues it pnl,oi to l.e "
"n nrrount of the 1 114 mi 1111 til with tie S),,,,.
isb squidroii as .icn rruin the 1 s s ,,
lult .1, is'is. -, s. s. Itrookltn, ti;.lilp "
As to the Starboaid Bow.
t this point .tiidiro iltm lie I.einU hid tin
wilmss rnnipno llu orljiiitl ioii ot tic II 11 low
miles nllli the lopt' piiuleil on liunil tlie liluo
llll. Willi the 1, suit of -hoHimr thil ihc nuti s hid
bifii cliiiserl hefuic bum; piititul . .is I,, nnkc
llu jitoutit tiy that .11 loo", o'i Im k the I tn
1, lilm.' -hips ,if ihi in, 111, "In. 10 ne, I im
Riotklin -1. ill, .,.11,1 . 111 ill, 1 " lii-icid ,,f in
"st.llllllllll In.ti," md tint 11 II I" l."i.,ik
i 1 iniiiiu 11 mi 1'ai.c I I
ITnivetsity of Pennsylvania Defeats
the Ftanklin and Mai&hall
Eleven Other Gaines.
l!i l.rlil.itc W tie (mm 'lln
I'hilaillt'iilil.i. Oit, 'J.
of I'onns.vivniiia toot
s.. I I It) ll ', .S
-Tlif I'nlvei.slly
hall clown had
dilliciilty today in deleat itiK the Vtanl -Iiu
ttiitl Mai. shall team on KinnUliu
Held, winninR: bv a 11,11 inw ln.irKln of
s poiittt to none, l'l'itnsjiiaiiia'jf
Kiealest lault wtis lier s-Iuw ness in kci
tini,' off her plays. The Nltin17 twiin
was about up heavy as the home eleien
and Mas able to withstand the i.ttii.'r
weak oiisliniybi.s of the IJeun-ylaiii-ans.
reniisihanla luade the uiily tmn li
down in Ihe Ilr-st half. The hall was
,eciued bv 11 ftinihle on Ibe 2."".-ynid
line, and on the oulv 1 ousis-ienl yains
niiide bv her in the same Pennsylvania
was nhlf In (,'iiry il oer ilie onl line.
Games Elsewheie.
At l..istuii Liuu tie, tM; I uluiii. 11
At III, 11 1 f uiiiilI. ,j(l; Itoi hi'siet 1, u,
VI I'ltiiielon-l'lintctoti, ,i"i; il la Noil, 11.
di ne
cw linen di. I; lilhri-t, (I.
r.llilliliiliii -ll.m ml, li; II.hmI.iiii. II
ll.iiti.biiii;- (iilti-lnii- n, (.nl si,
Mob Hangs Two Youths at Shelby
ville, Kentucky.
Vl Kirlwlta VTlr tlulll ill. Auti.iitiJ
Slielbyville, Ky., Oct, 2. .limbo
Tl-lils, slMeen Jeais old, illld I'l.ilelKf
I bit net t, eiithtoen J'eais old, both iit'K
ines. weie lyuihetl heie em ly tills
moiiilliir for the alli'Kid iiiniiler of '
'. Halt, 11 printer, who was stoned In
(hath on September 1. The bn.i.s weie
talieii liom ilie Jail sunt Miinur I nun
the t'liohiipvaki and Ohio rallio.ut tie."
tt? it It in oUfl ynidi of the jail,
Tile mob deiiiatiUed lite l.ey.s Horn
the Juliet, lint he infused to Mirieinlor
them, The dixit k uf the jail wuc tlien
batteietl down. The pll"(iiets were 10
llioved tilmiHC lietote tlie) hud tlllle In
te,ill.e what was t.iklne' place. riti
mob dlspetsotl without Its nieiiilit fs"
Ideuiliy lu'ioinliiir Known.
ll.ll't ettme tn Slielbyvllle flolii l.nli
annil, C). Ills body was found In a path
IcidlllrT fiom the boiisn of the uioihet'
ol .Umbo Fields,
Hi Km lu-Itc Win-liciii llu Moiiiieil I'uu.
W'a.hlii'jlon, 0.1, 2 -Mi, lloo-eiclt his ap
piiliiKd .Miss 11,'llc llit.mi, iliuuhlii uf .In-Ine
Iliitnei. of the Siipiitui 10111I of Hie Ibslilit of
i'oliunbl.1, hit mini imi.nt Mi. Ihtjiier a, I
nl in Ihc same lapadt) Im Mt Mi lilulet
W.i'hlu.'toii, Oil. 'Mr. (holm Puii.Ii.iii.
o, h' In U,c piditluil, t liinuil lion, ( ml, in
IimIj.i an I ii'i'iiniiii Ins duties al the uhllc lu'ii.c
iiu. (Uili.l. Wchile, ol Miomii. di, irul il
loiui.t, Win p. l, nn, ,,t Uitiuiij pool din.
101, l.lmer I., llmli. of l.iioiu. ,o linn n
Ideiitilieil with ihc n,iy niou pait.i, and 14 wi
lful nt tho llipuhllui, liajuc of l.iiiitie.
1'iinbuiy, 0,1. -.'.- 'Ihc I'lit.lnin,- mil Hull tin
li. iniin.i. Hit lateral liiileptudiiit teal iuiUui
in the llic iouiitilliii itul siatK, u anaidtil
lOiituiU lor llic opiunij ol iU niw mil mint's
ami the ainoiint of iiionc) In be iuictul lu lliks
imlusliial loututc will amount to oyer sl.m Win.
HaiilrburK, Oil. 2 fliailoti mcic l,.iu, In
the oUle ilepiipnent lodai In the followim.' icl
pouilonsi fltiius' Water lompnii, Itiouns.
ylllfi lapild, 'Ihc isheiiaiiiluih fnlll.
Iwr rnmpan.t, hpiijti.l.ulii?aphal, n.unt).
A Cold Wave Strikes the Third Dau
ot the Grand Circuit
Considerably Lessened by the Ele
mentsExcitement Created in 2.18
Ttot by the' Full of Siminor The
Results at Island Patk, Albany.
II) I'MlllsiM. Whe f i fin Ihc ,.oiill(d Pms.
Telle Jlaute, Tllil.. Uet, ".'.--A told
wave Htitick tint third day of the
Kiiind cliciilt t.Kw and lexMeneil the
piiiipet'tM for new- lecnids. Sonic vs
fiti'ineiit was civiilcd in flip Inst heul
of tin- LM.S tint, when Slmntnr fell and
threii liiher WlnultiKM. Snminnr w.-is
lamed hut Wlmiiiijri escapL'tl Injury.
S iiiiin.ii les:
2 II ill's, lll(i', pins, i,lluo (Hlltllll-heil
flulll 'I lle-ll 11 I
ti lllii to
Mk c I air
Alllo lliul
Illttin olbeis n ii lul, of til,
t.iurid ami Ihtee din.u. Inn,
'-'.iL'i .'.I.i.
I l
I 1
J 1
in in
It I I e
! Il
It lit pate, pui.e s,nuo,
W. . .1
Hal I'lUlet-
I'nil K
1 1 I
lime M .
Kiltf l'owei
llippv W ills.
Ilm hbitil. 1,'nlie ('Ilium,
11 nun It ,
-ibiu nnd
lion ihl
il-'i -I nli d. lini
! I'l'lj '-'.ll'i;
IJ'j; 'J iit.
lini. pin si- sir-,i).
I nh
1 1
I 2
i ::
n ii ie (inn nd ..
IN, ..bit md Jdt
'." l"'i, s.lli
-nil in
il-o st ulcd. 'lime
'Jll',: "MJ'v
k film, fiilmil), piiintr dm. it.ii;
1 1 I
ill lllll. hi s.
pui.t', l.ooti:
llilio AII lion
Ilmiibl Criw.
Tunc '. l'J 1., '' "7.
' 1 1 put ; puist, si.jiiti;
W.i nh 1 11
Hi slt 111
.( l.lll
Mi.'Llo tid. 1...11. I Iniic Mac
I'll.,, I,,, ilini. ml i.,i -1. in., I.
'I line ill, 'J 11, -' IJ'i.
1 t 1
.1 "
4 0
si urn, nit
V. 1 , D.l.
n. suits it 1-1 md ! uk
w, ic:
Kit si W.11,
IT . Ill 'lulll
if, -1 1 oiid:
time, '' I'd.
Si 1 nnd 1!
1'imi.r, : -1
1111 (limit,
ulic It nun,
uu; ill.
. 1! I', b.
1 'I.11I..1, h
Ilm, I II, -t
I. 1:. V.
11 c
T111III11.', 2 .".
won; ft 111111101,
I lime, -j i;ij
IMillilt, " ID
b s, (Moore)
V, lllild. lie
'fill 1 .1 Hue
I'lllb lit
I ijlil
i ir
II .1
' 1 .
nn, m 1 "I it
Two Dealets at Cape May Will Pay
S50 Each.
H) I'n li. -ue W ne fu, 111 Hi? Assi.Liat'd I'r-sj
t'.ipe .May, X. J, Ot t. 1'. .Tudne
Vniuli"e"', in Hie court of mutter se."-s-lons
todaj, sentenced Allehael 1.
Kerns' and Alexander II. (loiilou to
pay a line 01 y,u each and tlie com,
or pioseiiition lnr tinfllc in tiiKets. H01I1 men aie iesl.
dent.s 01 U.ipe .May and had been en
"..i,od In selling; tbe leiurn portions of
cm 111. "Ion and ."pi'ciul tickeis with a
loiiK teim limit, Tlie men pleaileil
Tile Jlldne in ililiii"lutr M-nteiK e said
tli Uet M'.ilphiK wiuilil not be pel initieil
lu tills roiinii'y, but In this c;t"e he
would not add ;l teim 01 lnipisonm,.nt.
lTudif oidlnaiy t In iiiust.iu e tlie sen
tence would hile been piort. seiete,
but at the Intel vent ion of the otllctult!
of tlie I'euns,, IviiiiIu rallioad w lui"e
tlcliels had been involved III,- ci in
'lli V of tile com t Will (.i,.)ided lis tile
it'0"(i'titliin was not intended .so much
as 11 piitil."biueiit for this pjiUeulnr
tase ,'ls n wutitliiK to otheis who mlKlit
be tfiupti'il to L'liKdue In tlie lllejtlil
III, lie llillllc.
No Bitbiuebs of Iiupoitnnce at Fitst
Sessions at San Fiancisco.
II) KmIii-hc Wltc Inmt 'llu oiitu I'n..
Sail Ktant'laril, Oct, a. Tim llplsvo
pal tilennlal 1 oiileieiice oiKiinied to.
day by tho election of lllshup Dudley
of KentUcKy as piesldent and Itev. S,
Hurt of Jllddlclown, (,'onil,, secietuiy
of the house of bishops; Dp, John s,
l.llldsey of .Mnssachliseltri, clialiiiiaii,
mid Itev. Clmrles lluti'lihis, njei'etuiy
of the house of deptnics, No biislnt's's
of linportaiice was tr.ins.icied dm lug
till'- 111 s-t business i,e-son of the con.
enllnu. Tlie convention 'il be III
.session nine days.
Otto Pttllch Kills Wife and Self
with 11 Revolver,
III l.ulil-iif Win fiulii 'Ihe nu,ii ifil 'r,-,
New Haven, tlcl. L'. Ottn I'nllcli
and his wlte, Ihlielliie, weie loiuiil
dead in bed nt their home bore inda.x.
The (lend mini held a lovolvni In his
hand Time weio bullet holes in .Mi,
I'nlich's lietnl iiini the husband bail
been .shot in thn mouth. The police.
belne the iiiuii shot his wife and then
Killed bliihseir.
I'nllcli was IS je.tts uld and bis wife
17. He was a dealer In real estate and
It W believed business tewi'sos
caused the act.
John Most Released.
II) lln lii-iic Mliu fiom Ibe UsoUalcd I'ii-.m,
Sen Mill., Otl, J Jului Must, mho w.n arret
ed "ipt. 'j! at t'oiotii, I,. I., on Ibe f
ilulalitu; llic punt tiide rdallug to inillulul
ai-unljjis, ins dUihai.ul fiom cUjtod) ludji,
Much Confusion at Election of State
Officers Cause of the Trouble.
It)' Pac'IusHc Wire liom 'Ihe swelalnl I'm.
1'lllliidelpliln, Oct. L. The coliveiilloli
of ihi State KlriMiien'H usoeliitloii
en me to nn end tothiy. Tin- mil) busi
ness of liilii)l'lnnce limisacted wits the
electlnll of otitic! .s, Wbli'b lesillled as
follows: President, Abialmiu 1,. I'aey,
I'lilludelpbln, vlci'-iiresldents, (Icoibu
llache, Xniitlcoke; Alexniiilcr Nlveron,
Catiisiiuiiun; t'nptiilit Peter Snydrr,
I'iUsbutfr, and Dr. G. W. Hernthelzel,
('olllinlilii ; lecnrdllit; secietuiy, W. V,
Wlllider, IteiidliiK. col U'spoliillilK: sec
retary, Jiuiies A. (5reen,i.'arllHle; (reus
uror, A. I.. Helchtpiibncb. Alleiitown.
Thete wiih no opposition to llttulloid
as the plate for holding the 1H0J con
vention. After Ihe newly elected olll
ceis hint been Installed, a handsome
ffold chief ctlKlueei's badKe was pie
sunted lo e. Piesldent .Milliliter b)
t.eoifte Nallliiiter, on behalf of the dele
Kates. Thep was iiiiicb coiifiisluii and cit Itc
inent diirliiK the voting for otllreis, a nil
for a time It looked tis If the police
would have to lestute older, ll was
jissuted thut the trouble was started
bv lm lulu llmrlsbillff delegates lu
Milium out of their older In the Intel
est of their candidate for col lespond
inir secietnry, .Mat ion A'eibeclte, of
Jlairlsliin y.
Mr. Conger Believes That the Re
bellion in Singling; Gtew Out of
Local Famine Conditions.
It) l!vilu-itf Wne fiulii 'll.t Atttit ialnl I'nsA
Washington, Oct. 2. The state de
paitmeut teceived today u c.ibleKiatu
from t'nlted Stales Consul MeWade, at
t'antou, China, eonfitniliiff the tepottetl
iipiisiin,' in the Slufclli'K dlsttict. The
dispatch said:
"tlenetnl W11, with l.r.00 soldieis,
1 inled Ti l.iil lebels lu SIiikIIiik distilct,
Sivatow, killing L'OO and ifipturliifr anil
decapitating many piisoneis. cleiniiin
mission binned, (ieiniati inlssionai let,
tied safely to lloiifj ICoug."
This dlsiutch, taken in (onnectlon
with ptevioiis itdvhes the depat tinent
has had tiom lllnister ('oiiKer, leads to
the belief tliat the Boxets have bad
nothilitr to do with the pte-ent out
breiik, but that it Is u local disturb
ance tsiowiuir out of famine conditions,
which the Chinese ovei iiinent can
suppi ess.
Attested on Charge of Having Been
the Catise of Small Fires.
lit 1 ilusii" Wile hunt 'the Associated I'reu.
Atl.ttlc C'lly, Oct. 2. -Hy the ones! of
Allillille City, Oct. J. By tlie .uiesl
ol ,1. It. HarJetl, a pulmWI, whose pi,
of btislnesB is on tlie boardwalk bete,
the police think they hae solved tlie
nivsteiy nf the oiIkIu of the small
Hies whleh hae been bieakltiK1 out
iiliuif,' the upper part of the boaidwalk
.section the past week. Harjett Is now
tintlei' ball lor a ftuthcr healing tu.
motion on the chaise of si, 11 thin to
day's Ilie. A tlie this .met noon de
stio.ied two fi .line litilldliiKo and dam
lifted otliei", tausinjr a Io-.s of nboiil
$1 .luil.
One of the .stoics was occupied bv
Ilm eti. llu was leaving town when
.nit-sled by older of Chief of Police
"TruthAbout Oleomargarine" Brings
About Lively Discussion.
II) llulllsite Wile fnnil 'the ssiiinle.l Puss.
mouv. p tills, is. 1;., ttec, .'. ine nller
110011 session ot Ihe Katnieis' National
cuntriess developed the liveliest meet
ing et held. Chillies Kuiftltt, nl Illi
nois, dellveied an aildiess, Ti lit it
About the Oleoiuarsailne Business,"
which Inoiiiilil on an eat nest dlsm-.-slou,
in wliieli J, Sieiliug .Moiton, of
Xeluaska, tin liter settetury of aitilcul
tine; Hon. V. 1. Hoard, founer yovei
uor of Wisconsin, and a number of
ol hers pal tlelpated.
The featuie of tonltlil's session wns
an aildiess oil 'Kal'ilistead Beaulitul,"
by Dr. l:. Benjamin Andrews, clirtn-
tellor of Ihe I'liheisliy of Nebraska,
He Receives Letteis Asking That
the Sentence of Czolgos:', be Com
muted. lit llu Ill-lie W , le (li.ln lln W.uu.ilt-d I'n .-.
Albany, X, Y Oct. L'.-Clovei nor
iidcli ,11 lived In this city this after
niimi 11 0111 New bin sh and when he
ii.iched the executive chamber was
surprise tl to llnd on his desk two letters
leiltestliig blm lo commilto tn life I111
prlsoiinieiit the sentence of Colgos,
the nun dei er of Pntildeiu JlcKlnley.
One letter was sent by a man In Illi
nois and ihe other by a until in .Maine,
They nc evidently willteti bv
ci.inKs, In the opinion of the governor
and no attention will be paid to iheiu.
The Iutet ests of the Country to Be
Cento) ed in a Combine,
Hi '.i luslic Wne flout llii Vssuihted pn. .a
I'hlltidelplilu, Oit. 2.-The Kveulng
Telegiiiph tinlny pi lilts si slnry 10 (il
elicit that a lOliibiliiillnii nl all ilm
lend Inteiesls of the ituintiy Into one
.Mlilluetle, Wis., ftel ",--.'iie this nf.
ternoou deslioyed the wiuehoiise ul
Smith, Tliorudyke it Biowu, wholesale
gjoceis, together with contents, entail
ing n loss of about :'no, iiini. paitl mi.
eld b) Insilliilice,
New Yolk, Oct ", -The Ceiiiinl Itall
insul nf New Joisey lost Us icpalr shop
and paint shop at Klizubetli, ,. ,1., liy
Ihe today. The loss Is estimated at
$100,00(1, chli'lly It out ibe destriuiloii ol
a number of pussenger 1 0.1 dies wlilth
weie lit the shops,
Spilngllfld. Ills., Oct. .'. Fhe at 110011
today deslioyed it luiu 011 the faun ol
Peter Viedenbuig, four miles west of
Stulnglleld. Four hortse weie tniintd,
laige cnuipiiuy, with 11 eiipllul of nboiil
TI.Mi.nuu.UOO, Is a luobalilllty of the near
fulliie. .Such a combination, It Is snld,
has been iitlempted In Ihe past, bill
was always blocked by the iiltiliule of
tile fit in of "Wethetlll ,v It or (is
city, who have sletulfasll) tefilsed to
put their plum into titiv coiiibluiitlon.
Itecenlly, ihe Mveitlng Telegraph
sa.vs, business coiidllluus have been
hiii li as In pioduee a cliause in Ihe
llttlltlile of the Wetbetllls, -ilid 11 lliein
bei' of the tli m Is minted as invorlng
tbe lomhiliiilloii millet' ceiltttit s
The Piesidente of the Town. Claim
ing to Be Ftiendly, Led the As
snult Upon Company C.
Ill I.mIihii,. Win. liom 'ihe v..,., iale.l l'ti. '
Alalilla, Oct. '.'.-The Inlesl tnlvhes
fiom the Island or H.imar give hallow
ing details of the slallglitci ot the
nieitibeis of Coniiany C, Xlntli t'nlted
States liilanii.v, last S.iluiday al Ha
langlga. It seems Hint tlie pie-ldeMo
of the town, Induing to be frieiidlv,
letl the nss.iull lu peisoii. On heating
of the slaughter. Colonel 1-aac U. Ue
tliss).), of the Hlevenili liilantry, stall
ed for the s(.i Immediately with a
battalion. The body or Captain Cou
ncil had been tied a l the heels, ."j tur
moil with keinseiie uud p.tillv binned.
Foily-llve bodies had been binned in
a lieiicli, leaving seven unuci omiteil
for. Tlie charted tenia ins of many
weie lecoveied. In niinieious instances
the Imdli'S Innl been b.idl) niiillhtt.'il.
Atchbishops Ireland and Ryan,
and Bishops Hobnn. Loughlin
and Shanahan Assist Bishop
Ur hiiliisne Win from I In- luentij Prim.
I.oietto, P.I.. Oct. 2. St. Michael's
T.oi' Catholic fhiiicb, elected bv
Chatle.s Al. Schwab, piesldent of the
I'lilted States Steel eoi porntlon to the
nieinoi or Pi luce Demeti ins Gallit
in, tlie npostolic or Calholicisin in
tbe Alleghenies, was (.onseci ated to
day by Bishop Oaivey of Altooiu, I'n.,
assisted by Atchbishops Jiyan and lie
land, .Bishops Iltibnti, I.otigltlin and
Shaiiaban and about ptiests.
At the ciiticlitsiiiii of the cpieiiionlcs,
.Mr. Schwab etitei tallied tlie bishops
and piiesis til ids siiintner home. The
(lunch w.t" etected liy Mr. Sitiwab as
a to bis mother. Tlie osL
of tlie sit in tine uas JI.ti.OUO.
Chosen by the Tammany Commit
tee as Candidate for Mayor of
Gt eater New Yolk.
Il.r l.vclllsite Wne fiulii the Vmiii luted I'tii...
New Voik, Od. L'. The city commit
tee of Tammany hall, at a meeting
held tonight, dot Ided on Kit u.i id .M.
Sbepaid, of, as the lleiini
natic landldale foi ina.vor of (it enter
Xew Voik.
William W. L.tdd. jr., was .-elected as
tbe Demociatic candidate tor 1 iiiiiji
tioller, and Oeoige M. Van lloesen was
selei letl as tlie laittlldale lor pies,eui
of the lin. nil of .iliti'i in. 111.
Attempts to Kill the Object of His
Affections and Commits Suicide.
It) l,, In-lit- Win ft. 1111 I lie si-t.iuiid 1'ni.s,
Philadelphia, Oi t. U' -Bo apse ihe
gill he loved had leJeitHil Ills illlell-
tloii", Waller iloolb, aged :!tt .veais, a
watchman in Ihe employ ol tlie Aniei I
win Blidge works, at Belli o.vd, nar
heie, unlay aneinpted to Kill the gill,
Hiuily I., nil., and then shot lilin-cir
Tile loltple Intel been lietlolbeil, but a
1111, ttn 1 anise and lite engagement wns
In nken. Today Booth 1 ailed on the
voting woman and want'd to be 101
glvell, but she would not listen, lie
called on her again dmliig the siller
noon, innl Hinting her still obiluiuie,
Hied n shot fiom a levolver at hei,
while I hey weie standing on the pinch
of the house, but Ills aim wns bad, Tbe
gill est aped into her home, ami Booth
ipili kly iiiriieil the pl.-iul on lilmu'll
and sent a build into his heul, lie
died In a hospital, atler he had again
lislted Ihe tolglVelless nf Illo ollllg
Steamship Atiivals.
Ill Iv.lll'in Wile III, 111 lie, UIH.I I'n,.,
Neil Veil I. 2 --Viiln I' lili.ei VI1111
llnie.ia, llitiiiiu; "oui mail,, Vuiiiup t I 1
id I 1 I lump-uin, II ine, I, in,.e 1 luiitui. t,
Mi. im 11 111 ". milium, ii, 11. p"iii-iiilnid, Hani.
Iiillit lit. it l')lll,i,l,.,l,l.l. I nlltli llilploil. (..,-
11 inn , l,ii)'ipiiul, I ilesL.tid, iiiiiicip, .soittli
llllpt.ill Vllll'd' "1. I.nill', Sen Veil., "lilui
I. .ilm hi, iiu Hi' mi 111. Sim Vniii I.i ml I'j.-nl
I in. 1 lli. man I, St 11 Vint, Im I'ltiiuuilli, llui
lining Jill II lllllllll.
Iiu lulling the nn eis riming uud Lil
lian lliooks flitting has a t ct in il nt
:'..:. and .Mi. N'lcileublllg hail icfiised
$l,CiKiiil Ibe bol. "C The ti"s is JI.'iitHI.
St. Louis, Od. J -Kite that luuke
out at Ilia. 111. In ibe plum of the l. o.
Siiiiiilanl .Milling lompany. 011 the ilvcr
1 1 lint, at Alloil. Ills deslioyed that
and sevieal other buildings, cuilsliie,' a
lo"s estimated at fpiii.iuiil. A high wind
blew the spat Us In o.idt list Ihieatcnlng
the ilesit ndlun of the liilsiuess section
of Alton. Tbe lite wns iliiall.v under
1 onli ol about l.llO u'cloi I;, The heaviest
loseis Is the II. O. St.1mJ.11 il .Milling, lluce butliliiigs. Loss, CiW,
l0u; ItiMiii'il,
GontftS. Between StiamrocK II and
Golumbia Gives Promise ot
Interesting Features.
The Washington Weather Buienu
Adds to tha Expectations of the
Enthusiasts by Piedi'cting' Fair
Weather and Ftesh Winds Sir
Thomas Lipton Is Still Sanguine.
11) gxilii'iic W ire 1 1 mi Ilie V-.iiilatd! l'li'ns
Xew Voik, Del. L'. Yachtinif en
tliulii"s and the general public aifi
tonight eNpi'ctlug a most exciting racf
toiniiiiow between the cup defender'
I'olumbla nnd the 1 h.illenger Khnnifork
II. Tiny base their high hopes on the
stiong wind blowing tonlglu nnd which
tlie local vve.i liter prophets: assert Is
likely to keep up lor twenty-four hours
or mine. The Washington weather
bttieau adds to the expeotntlnmt which
il is hoped will be leallzed by holding
out a piomlse of a htiong hi cease off
Sand) Hook. The btiieau says "D'tesh
nortliuest vvitiils nttd lair weather for
tomoiioii. The winds ought to hold
good throughout the day."
The politest between tbe two jachta
tomoiiow will be over a thlity mile
ttlangular ionise, the siiiib as Unit
attempted on Tuesday. Vnder the coii
dllluus of th, the second lace, the
v.tchts will be sailed ten miles on each
nl tin' tlllee legs of Ihe coilise. U Is
ilie Intention ol the committee tonight
to sail the lift leg to u I nil u. ml which
will make tlie oilier two a bioad retch
and a 1 lost- icmli, ptovlditd the wind
does not shlll.
At Sandv Hook tonight everything
is toady lor loinoi 1 ow's tuce, and If
the weather pi edlctlotus piove true the
yachts will have plenty of wind pet
haps inoie than lliey want. At H.SO
tonight the Mind .shllted suddenly in a
Miidll fiom south to northwest and be
gan to blow hind ft 0111 that ipiaiter.
At lu o'clock- Its velocity was thirty
six' miles an hunt.
AVhlle It was a ipiiet day with the
yachts lying at their moorings lmdd
Sandy Hook bay, the otllcl.ils of the
New Voile ym hi and Itoyal Tlster
Vacht club had a busy lime of it In
1 oniplyliig with the l'Spiest of Kir
Thomas Upton backed by the as.sent,
of .Mr. K. D. .Moig.'in or the Columbia
that lu Inline Hip inces should be held
011 consi'UUiv e days not counting Sun
day, lu addition tlteie lauie the 1 e
fiuest ! 1 0111 .Mr. Heoige L. Watson, Ibe
designer ot tlie Sluiiiitock II lor a ic
lueasUleliieiit, hcciiisp of his Intention
to take out ballast betoie toliioilow's
1 ace. tin Ihe Hist ptoposltloii an
agieeinent was tliiully 11 ached between
the ( h.illenge 1 omnillteC'S of the two
clubs for a 1 aie evtr.v day but on tbe
srcoitd -Mr. Watson upon further eon
ldeiitig the matter decided to let It
dtop and the y.n lit will sail toiuoi iow
111th evjclly Ihe anioiitit of ballast
vvhli h she has cairieil in tnevlous
1 aces. This will not ptevent .Mr. Wat
win taking out li, ill, 1st at any time he
may wish which, ol collide, the club
is willing to have done at any time.
II however, alter tomoirows inie. Mi,
Watson (let id'- to lake out balkm it
Is piohahle thii t thi'io will be no iaie
on l-'ililnv as under the new aritniRe
nii'tit either yacht Is at llheity to de
1 illli' to race on the next day.
The decision lo have the yachts raid
eveiy tiny was teieived with good
Hl'.tce at tbe .vacht club tonight,, al
though the plan conllli led not 11 llttlit
with the at i.iiigdiieiiK of tlie members
tor w ltlifS"ing mime 1 aie-.
Sir Thomas Lipton Is Sanguine.
New Voik, Oit. " -Sir Thomas Up
ton "aid today ins ho looked at tho
Willie 1 ,ll" kll kl'll Up ll) the twelv.i
knot liii'Vi- which had Ice 11 blowing
slin e dav bleak:
"See what .1 splendid uppiirliliilty
Shaininck II Is missing. With this
wind csteid.iy we would have scored
a sine win, I think w will irip
Thiiisdnv, Krld.iy nnd Sntuiday, I
autli'liiiitii tavoralile aciion on ihe let
ter 1 have willti'ii the acht club wit It
that end In view. .Mr. .Moigaii also
lavois tlie change,
"Although Millie people have told ln
tlie clip will never be lllleil, my hoie:
an- higher today than ever,"
Yacht Race Weather Conditions.
II) llli III-lie ttilr fl.illl Ihc .'U( i. lllll 1'lOss.
Wasliiiiitm, 11.1 " I lu- ucailier hiiifau t.w
ul. lit (S'lii'il Ilm Inlltiu n,'' I, nn i.t ui' iniiiuiiin
ji In laic n "audi "I'nsli ii.iilliiicst
11 llnl. and nil tti.iilirt lnr Icuiuiiinit, 1 h
iiiuds unjlit in 1. 1, 1, 1 nn il tin, Hisln, lit llu, day,"
lit Iai luiilc W 111 (win llie,Vtvni,iiiiIir.ii,
W ii'tteilmiH. i, , lit ", I , unit, 'In imrit
llinldeiis s Semi. Ilipiildu.iu, died linlay ,,t
llllIC IlldsC Siiiniiiil, t,,,,,,, Jtul H)
) i 1 1
I 1I1I 1 mi 11 ii.lui ', limit
llulie-l iiuiiui. iiu 1
I iiis! i 111 1 1 1 nun
lliliinc lluiunliii .
en dfuifci
15 lt?Brfr
" .1 1 ,,,,,, S.1 pn in t
up 111 7 pet lent.
I'tiiipli iiiuii, '! 1,, ,uis eiiilod 8 p. nl,, 0 3J inch.
Wjsln.iiiin, (lit. a l'oreatt for !'"
ii 1 1 I'liiiis.tliauui 1'alr 'Ihnrsdav, wllli
Ion 11 nini"i Huns a fxtmne antith.ast
puiili.ii. 1'riiljy, lair, IrcjU noitbw &tcrljr
fff-f-f't-f-fttf t