v -prut fvy I t-1-" igv. " THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1901. WEST SCRANTON Hughes, was captured by "William KvaiiB. Tho adjudicator said that Mr. Hvans' effects were tho most artistic. Ho hud a bettor conception of thn solo nnd he gave a moto artistic tendering of It. : -- 4 4, ,h es r-j 4. 4. rj eg. oj fr e,- , $, rfr el e- -?, J, rfr r. e 4"4" " fr 4 & 4 & fc k 4 4 ft CHURCH FOLKS WERE EXCITED THOUGHT THEIR NEW EDIFICE .WOULD BE DESTROYED. Pot of Paint Became Ignited from n Candle, Flames Singed a Work man's Hair and Flic Depaitmont Was Called Out An Unusually Large Number of Accidents Sev eral Wedding Announcements. Bible Class Social Other Events of Intel est. Tile members of the new Fhst Hup-" Ust eliitieh were tlne-wii Into u Illtltor of excitement yesleiihty afternoon, when mi nluiiit of Hie was tinned ill f I Olll ISox I!.. The ).i Intnl. engaged III painting th( furnace pipes weie wink ing with u lighted candle, when n pot of p.illlt hetuine Ignited, mill the Ihillies tliieatened to i onsiiini' the handsome stiuetnie, w lili h N about himI, t'oi ot -cU!mnc.. Kortumttcb . the lti- ut-- ioiiIiihmI In the iol uf paint. a, tile llnllies weie extinguished helot e nny il.'itn.iye wos done. One ot the wmkiiKii h.id Ills hah ami iiioiwtni h" lnnd. I'ngiiie coinp.iii., No .'! am! I'heinitnl i nin iali.. No. ., letpiiilileil lull their set- lies ueie mil needed. Bible Class Soclnl. The I'.llile i la-s id III-. Tift liaplist ( hill ill, taught 1 l!e. S l". .Mnlliew.. held mi eiilorlaliiin-nt .mil mii inl at the pill. "-ullage, mi Itot k "tliet, litM eeilillg. A huge Ulllilher weie pi ev ent. The pi ngiiiliiliii i mp-istrd of se leetlolls l) llle Ul i-llta1 (lt. II telle, leel-tatloil"-. Chailei I'miugm ntiil l.otll .Tones; solo-. 'i.i .lone1- ,iini i: II. Lord; Instiiinient.'il -eli cliutis. the llulilnsuli biothei . he -i o.i m ami i.il.- ueie iillei-waid"-set veil, and the evening wa- spent In an enjoyable niannei Wedding Announcements. lacinge Vlpimd ol UnS At adeni.v stitet. and Miss- Ann." Jones, of l,.ui ilN stieel. will b- milled 111 m.ti I I.irp at T.Iii) n' loel. till- moi iiing nt the home of the jitiing I.ul.-s- p.uenl-. Invitations hint been i-sned tor the wedding ol MitinU- 'I'. Tvlllloi, of IL'11 "W'ashliui n sticet, and All Mai v llai i is. ol luo l Hyunn -tieel. (Ittnglilei of Mr. and Mi-, .lob Haul-, .it the Wn-h-biun Stieel l'ie-l)lei ian ilimeli on Tuesday cc"liig, Oitolni 1." at s o'llock. The ( ei oniony Mill be pei- A Daily Reminder nit will not lip ihiippomiMl I." Pufuiir'- T.a ; il mil telteir thai I'uuli .iI Cold in imr nielli FOR 6ALU BY G. W. JCNKINS. frjimeU iiy Rev. Hugh Davis, pastor of tho South Main Avenue "Welsh Catvln Istlu Methodist church, nsslted by Itev. John I Moffntt, D. D, Thornton-Hill Nuptials. Frank II. Thornton, of 62S North Main avenue, nnd Miss Margaret Hill, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles It. Hill, of 301 Twelfth street, weie united in marriage ut 8 o'clock, last evening by Rev. John 1 Moffutl, D. 1)., pastor of the Woihbtirn Street Ptcsbyterlnn chut eh, nt the home ot tho bride's par ents. The couple weic unattended, and tho ceremony was wltness-ed by n number of l datives and Immediate fi lends of the contracting parlies. Mlts Jeiiulo Keese played the wedding march. The bride w.i gowned In while moussellne tie sole, and curried bildnl roues. Mr. and airs. Thoi nton aie pioml nently Ideutllled with the AVnshbtiin Stieel Picdiyteilnii church, nnd are well nnd favorably known In West Sei anion. After n trip to the Pim Ameileail theV will reside 111 a newly furnished home on Wn-dibui n sheet. A Number of Accidents. .loan l.eiialuio ''ni.viow avenue. on employe of the Scran ton lieddlng coiup.in, had one of his flngei i.iukIU in a Hiding bed at the shop, and -oneiely Injilied. J)r. W. .1. 1.,. IJ.ivN llies-ed the InJlllV. Thumii.- lillplu. or Set anion sheet, let .1 bin el lull on Ills font. The foot was li.ull.i snia-heil. Il-i'innn (ioililer. of J.u U-on "street, had his knee Joint lacoiiited b. a fall of m.il. while at work In the mines on .Mmiil.iv. Hi". W .1. I.. l)ais is in tending him Tlioina- l!"llge. of 1!.'2 Pike sheet, tinplined a- a miner In the. Continen tal, was -o.oiely injured by being c-:niik b a eai of coal while at woik on Mondn.v. Ill-" hack was spiained and hi- leg liaetllied. Willliiiu tleai on, of South i:eielt avenue, had one ot the fingeis of his light hand amputated at ill- West Side ho-pit.il ye-leiday. Andiew Ureaine, a son .of Mi. ami Mi-. Kdw.ud (liP.'ime. of ::JS Ninth tielietra ineniie, who is einplo.ed as a dooi -tender in the Diamond. was -tinelc by a i.ir iceenlly and teeiely ili.lUKd about tile leg-. Kan 1. IJv.'in-, ol Thirteenth street, an -mplo.ve at the Contiiiental. had lii--ai split and head bruised by a fall ot loot, while at woik jesteiilny. I.iuion. I lie wiling M,n ni .Mr. and Mi-. Henry llelto-, ol Xoith dnilield avenue, wa- bitten by a t jt dog on the hand .e-toid.iy. I)i. Jieddoe (ailtei ied llie wound. Details About Eisteddfod. The William Council i!lee dub a aw aided half the main pi ize hi the ( ompetltion at Poiilluo, Vt., Satui da.. It was a h.nd light. Tlie soloi-l of the William Coiinell far om-clusned the -oloi-t of tlie other party. The (liiaitette of the William Connell club was Inr siipeiior but their tempo, ai (oi ding to the judge, -was not fa-t enough. The tonal effects weie a rev elation to all. Tin" $11 pi lo lor the bailtone -olo, "The Sailoi Iioy's Hi cams," by Tt. S. Silk Fashions For Fall and Winter Are now ready for your inspection and will be seen to better advantage during the next few days than at any other time duriug the season. The Special Display Which opens this morning, embraces all the novel ties from the world's best weavers, and is replete with interest, because many of the newest ideas are simply Twentieth Century Revivals Of fashions that have become historical. Of course there are some very uew things that are beautiful, aud there's the never-failing Staple Weaves in Silks That never will be seut to the rear, no matter how silk fashions may come or go. We will be delighted , to see you at the store during our first. 4 t Fall Show of Silks "As we feel certain that you will appreciate the efforts ; we have made in behalf of our patrons to provide for them the best there is in silk fashions, suitable for all occasions; Events of This Evening. The Infant department of the Tab ernacle (,'ongregutlonnl Sunday school will hold an entertainment mid hocIuI In the bascineilt of the church this evening, llocio-CSntdnrr wedding at F.ictory vlllo. Maddoek-Duvla wedding, 122S Hy noii Hlrcet, Atrltntp-McLaln wedding at St. I'at ilck's. Catholic church at noon today. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Globe Warehouse .lohn II. I.(wl, the uilMiiionn dnllilmr a1i man, formerly In parlnoiMi wllli lllihinli A- W trlli, hm accepted a pewit Ion with Sjmtrr llnitlir, where lie wai for n number ot jeiirs before eiit'.i3ltiB ill Inf-ltics", llioir.DH 11. Williams ami Ml lldiecu 'ITinnM, nml Tlionin r.obli,v .mil Ml Miiiy 1). 'I lime f.ill, all of tills (it), wrie nnltnl In mirrlge reienll.v lv (lie ltev. Hugh I)tl. Tlie VeUoti Moirli Ueef nimpiin'n local hr.inch U now localeil In tlie oM Hunt k Connell builil. Inif, .it W'ot l.irk'm.iiini aiemie ami 1-ili t h Rtleet, 'IIhv took iio-(nIoii jcsteuliy. A nillnliei of liiiptoKiiHiiti will be m ide on the prcini'O, jndudlnir a ("Id sIomrc pUnt, nnnt-e lioii-n, retiigd.itoij, uml tl iblei tot twcnlj Il0l( mil waai)ii. A Ijiko iiniuber ot WmI "(rinlon propb alteiiiltd tin rnnieit In 1,ilor lit eveuliiK, liUti w.h cueii for llie beiiellt of Prof, llenij l'.ins of Itolleiui, who tnleiiilt relimilni; to Wall . .lolui O'ftrlen. of r.u?rrne tnrl, booklicrper it llie rime olllie. icslgned on Mund.iv and lift je-lcidiy for ( liieasn. where he ".lll lal.e a el.n-ieil (om-e in tl,e rhlngo nniienll,v. lie un pie-entid wllli a gulil w.ileli In ids f'l low eniplme riinniai Murpb.i, of .f.icKon Mnet, Mini bi been 111 ilurfri' of the North Si rand n dipirliuint of tin Time', lm liien appointed to smiud Ml ll'lliien Mill ( iriiiK lilwnd .1 I.conJid md llcnii It. 1'iln.niN, of llil- i.!do w(ie icieiiniR the longi.iliiblion- of tin-it mini filenik jdlcidj on Hull peini.iuiiil uppolnliiKiil. A son ttn bom on Mundii to Mr. md Aln llciiM I'.-rlm, ji., of Noilli lliouiley aidiiie. "-loin locil. No. IJ". I'liited Aline Voikiri of .iii(tiii, held l niielin.' in I). 11. loins' lull 1 i-t eenii,j .md luelvid tlictr working card for (1 lobi'i. nieiiiuj: of Hie ltnlio.nl auxllhiy of the simp-nil llilhidNt I'pi-copil cliuiih will no lield toinoirnu crning al tlie home of Ml-. M (.' WelllliiL', on "-oulli Hioiiilc.i. neime. I lie Worn m's l'onisn Mi-l-onary Miiiety ot Hie "-imp-nil Mithodist 1'pNinp.il iliiinli will mod l'i ul n eienini! at the home of Mr. C s II. I'm. ."!l .Sorlh I.iiaohi .uinue. JUne bn- Hid fndid ne iuvilid to atliml. Mr. jinl Mi -(holl, of Nuitli lljile l'aik ikiiiii" mil "-wellmd Mud. gae a farewell piilj Mondii (eninir. in honor of theii Ktiot, Willhm llu-e, of lliooklin, N. ', who re liuiKil hoini" e-lerili(. Mi-.-. 1,,'liie W ic-t.ilT rnteil lined i number of lur onng fiiend ic iter home letintlj 'I he Ui-t Sid." Mhklli" loot lull leini h.ii bien oisa'iied foi ttie t.i-in Willi tlie follow ln' pl.it dr: l.eove scil, I'llwnd Mi llngli, Wil li mi .Mulirir.t, II Han, Lie Ilimliei, Milluph, Ci.ill.iKhn ami Hiimlh-. Imit.ilion-, lute bun i-niil lit llev. S 1'. I.itliew-, pi-loi. for the rlodicitoiy vertices of tlie new l'ir-1 llapli-t (hurdi, Id Siuth Miin atemii, on UcIoIhi '20. 1 Ue senici will be hdd .il in a. m . .1 p in. nml 7 p. in. the members of llie William I'onmll nice duh jute litiunid home fiom I'outtiit't. (, wiieie ilie.t patlinpited in m n-teddfnd on sitnidiv. The hots wuc eljled oter llieir lup and -jng extelienth, althouirh they weie b.ni'li(.ippcd by eompdimj isiin"-t another ehon -eh-i fed fiom (lie lie-t ni.ittii.il in two lountie witlnn i i.idm- of fouitien null -. William lit in, tin runtime snivel, hi ie Mimiii hi inti-li il -Indus in New Voik. under the diiectiou of lof. II. Kt.in Willirim-. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. ltit. Mlieif (i iwn. wife ami dmchler, of (Intnn, N .1., ,ue Hie irin"t-, of ohl fnond hcu, fibliiia l'liis, of llelhiiie, i- in N(i Yolk, wluie lie will .tneit In- hiolher llioma loibt, on Ids lelimi fi mi an ilinded (up ihinid, Mi-s Hiltie (oopii, of Soulh Utile lirk ae Tint , is i Hint, mini.;' ,Mi-3 Utile Hnilh, ot Mieldm, 111 liisiii.iiu" ent llmiel .1. lltjnj hi returned home f i out a ttip In the Pan- Vnicucan. .hill" 1'. Hint-, of N'oitli Utile Pa il .neniie, is home ftom in (njo.table tup to HufTaio. Hi njiniiii I, talis l- n loi inl lo he ill at his lionie on .Noith lliomley .itentie. Mi I'loiinie llntrj, or Smith Mnth tired, Ins been on i ti-it In "sprinpcullo. I.eoie llobinou, of Ihimptoti stiret, In at 1 1 pled a position in Klitbeth, V. .1. Mr. and Mrs. 'Ihonn . lluis lute returned lionie fiom a (up to the Ihinbotv litj. Mr. and Mr-, lloeatio 1'dlow, of Teeth htiu't, lute been to ItuHdlo and sten the s.ishM of llie CNposilion Mi.-s l.lizibith Uinnelt, of Lintoin atenue, has ictiiiiird honie from a tl-it with friimls in Ihll-tcd. Mr and Mi-. Iliiki sherry, of Noilli Itibciea .iteuiK, hite liiutiiid home lioin llufialn. Mi and Mrs. . II. W ii klii-er. P. M. Merlins iii'l lUiishlei, of South Mnn it i line, jic at tin Pan-iuei lean. Mt-s llnliel .lone., of Morris ronrt". Simon bunt, and llionns S. Dni. Miss Mnt I'itnn, of No, l'i sihonl, lute all. teiniurd fiom the Pan- l),u id Williiui. of Itotk (.treet, li ii gone to (letdiud, Ohio, where lie. Ins aiuplrd a po-itiou. John II, Phillip- and wife, of W.ihhurn Miect; Mic 1). II. Ihomis, of South Main .itciiue, .md lit in I, iu, of the William Connell (lice dub, ate pendin? a fev da.ts In New Votk. NORTH SCRANTON. I lie Noilli I'm) Sin md the (Jretn lli'Ue lars pla.ied ;t till- hdintilie Kline of bi-ket ball .it the Aiiditoiium 1 i-t niRhl. llie lull wis thmiiKrd tn Its timo-l wllli upeetatnr. The nore wa 20 tn II in fatot- cf the Notth Lnd stats. 'Ihe line-up cf the team follows: North Cud Hill Right Ionian!, .!. MtCluskc.) ; lett fm u,iid, fikilHHon; renter, .1, 'Jlsue; left ten ter, 1' l.tans; nehl center, Jones nnd 'J'. Ct on; Kiiinh,, n Hail and T, McClu-ky. dicen llid.'c t.n--ltfslit (nrwjid, K. Kdll I left for. mill, Itlei'u; cenlet, C. .lehu; liglil center I, Mihon; left cnitii, It White! giiaid. P. sliauhorn and Palitck Jiiibve, The l'i iikerlicks biket ball team and the Pilriots, of We-t scumoii, ,vji pjjy net I'rp kit etcnliit; al the Auditorium, Ml. M. II. I'lnn, of Wood ttreet, underwent a tcry siiuei-ful npiiallon at the Hahnemann ho-piUl Iat 'fucsdiy, CeorRB W, llowson, of Watni atenue, lias been appointed (.oil iiispedor at htoris mine. (iiorge C. Alhciton, tin liiery man, i run. muff liatk etery half hour between the cen tnl ill y and PiQildcnee S-quaie, Vcstenlaf afternoon, at Hie boinn of the brlde'a father, Mr. Itkhaid Williams, cf Notth Mam ai"iiut, Mis Hannah Williams was nnr ried to Thomas DceaO, of Cohort, atriiut, ltd, IV, 1', Ditii.-, of the .Memorial churdi, prr formed, the lercmony, Tlie joiing couple are icij popular In the Xorlh laid. I hey will make their futmc hontn here, GREEN RIDGE. The annual meeting of the Women's Home and rorein Mis.ionaty noddy of Ihe .tbmy Methodist VpUtopal iliuiih ttlll be held al tlie home uf Mrs. 1.'. II. Uejnolds, on bamlcit-on ate nue, Thmsday aneinoon at ' o'tlotk, 'Hie dec lion of officers will taU phienid a large at Ivndanee Is desired Annie Sliaub, ot U23 Mouse atenue, was brought before Aldeiman Dailey last ftenins by llcsio Yoit, who litcs In tho tamo black, eltaiged with throwing mud through the front door of the tnt reslduuc. the father of tho defendant paid tlie coMs and bcttled the case, The case of James Moote, ol Piotidemc load, who was arretted Saturday for taking money fiom Iho cash drawer ol Ihe I'ojntelle lie companj, was Uiarontliiued at tho hcariwr Monday etenlng, owing to Ihe nun appeaianrc of the piosciutor, The lontcnlloii of the I'pwoitlt League mcletles will be held at the Asbuiy MetlmdU Kpisi-Cipil ihttrih Thursday and I'liday of this weik. A. 11. Cieas, ihe Marked btred nillki, ha pin chased a Urge gram delator In Mtdil.-an and ttlll go thcie fo take d.aige of it In the near future. Tlie bibluen here will be ured for by Mr. Freai' eon. 4 4 4 4 5e 4- A t 4 v -Sf -H 4 4 4e 4 4 4 4 4 4e 4 -? - V Grand Fall Millinery Opening M Continues Today and TOEROPPOU) 1. &r &s 4- T ?- fr 1- i V 1 PV V f st- f s 'r v ' n 4 4 ? r- "V8 4- v mfs f. -fo -1 f -fy "i fi -f ' ? "? $ "f ' fc v i n3 "?' -fa "v vh f f s 'f1 T1 T' & i - t fy f ' 4' h f1 w fj Every lady inter ested in style is cor dially invited to come and enjoy The Most Magnificent Millinery Display That Ever Occurred in Scranton or Any Other City. UR handsome large Millinery Show Rooms on the second floor have been transformed into veritable bowers of beauty. The world's best milli nery fashions are assembled and represented here in a thousand contrasting tints and expressions. The inspired ideas of the greatest European millinery artists and the copies and original productions of our own band of skilled milliners are all on exhibition, forming together A SUPERB FA5HI0N 5H0W Unequalled In the Annals of Millinery Openings. Hats of exquisite beauty and hats of the richest designs, Poems in shade and color dreams of delight studies in blue and white. To describe them is impossible they must be seen. Truly this Opening will be an occasion to enjoy an event to remember. EVERYBODY WELCOME. r Jonas Long's Sons SOUTHSGRANTON ANNUAL MEETING OF CHUBCH OF PEACE. Elders and Trustees Weie Elected for the Year Reception Will Be Tendered to Officers of Knights of St. Oeoige Tonight by Branch 43. Funeial of Ernest Glosser Will Be Held This Afternoon Wedding of Joseph Schultz and Miss Annie Jordan Today. Tho ollii'pis uml nienibeih uf the l'rosjieet .ivenuo L'IiuitIi ot' Peace met last evenlnjr, in nniiuul nekton ami elected dlllc"ei for the eiisuliifr year hs follows Hitlers, Clnii'let Saar, .laroh Mails', Philip Jungr, and Phillip Uiuiii liachor: trustee.-., Philip Khrlitinlt, John Kuiu. Henry KiiKle, FieU Xahcr, John Sohroedel, ami Cliailcs Oi.U'. The of-HeerH-olPi't organized anil elected as president John Kunss; seciotttry, I'lius. Cii-uf, and tiPitsuicr, Henry IhiKle Plans for tho wclf.ui of the iliui'cli anil L'OiiKieBatlon wpio ilit-i"ilheil ami thn president lll eall anotliei nieet liiK In the near future. Tonight's Reception, 'llianch -tii, KnlKhts of St. tltoih'e, whleh Is eompoM'd mainly of ineuilieis of tt, .Mary's parish, has as aupsts (irand Piesideiu retiastlau .Sohiiilill, and liraml Hooiotary Peter Voeliuni, Jr., both of Plttslnusj, The aliovu or lleer aie makliif," a tour of the state ami a leeeptlou in their honor will ! held t lilt evening: at Hotel Hesst on Cedar avenue, A supper will follow the leieptlon ami a line Uteraiy lUOKiauime has been ariaused hy the follow lue committee: Lleorge J, .Mlllei. Aufitist Hehner, ICil waid L". Klos, William Jansaeu, and AUBUfet Albert. Jleshra. HcliiuIiU and Yoeum are both well known news paper men, being connected with the Plttabutger Hoebui'hter, tho oflU'lal iir Ban of tho ICiilghte of St. Upoiro. Taxpayeis. Hlate and eounty taxes of the Twenti eth waul mil bo paid oeiy Pilday night, between 7 and 0 oMoek, at Huinphiey's phurmaey. J. K. Uibbous, collector, NUBS OF NEWS. Tito f uncial of KrncH Ol.ts.sor will Jake plu-c thin affcinoon tiuiri thn fanill; ic-ldciico un I'itr (troi't. 'Hit! Marl Carl anil Iteil Mon sotiiliu will attind In a LiuJy. 'I lie- employes of J. D. Williams jpcut a most piijojable eionitis at inliliiipff's lull lJt noil i ii J. Mis f.p.HRp Mtrl, of lilltin aii'iiui, ilif is leu nil npnatid upon .it lliu sir.iiiluti I'ti itle ttnpilal is linini' at; tilt hlte is Mill well., lint ("pitl.s t In .-'Oil entirely mil. .Inlin bilmi'iilir, .It., sun of Jsplut Loimcilmiu .lohn .I. Sclimiflii, lift joslcnliy foi WVslcy.in uniifrsily, Muldlotoun, (.'mill, to lotnplete lm lOtll.sC of sttltlits, 'Hip Mrdditi!,' of .lospph M.I111II .mil Mis.- An nip Joitlin will lake place today .it M. Maij'n L.itlioliu tlimcli. .lohn, tho olilp-t sun ot Mr. mil Jit. iiiuM, of I'itt-ton ainiup, wlulo ttlll in .1 sorious ion ilttion, h.n nut lipni uiirn up tn tin' altpniiin plOslcun, l)i. Wihl 111 sl,.led iistpid.iv tli.it If Ills ptPM'tit londition toiild ho maintained lott, clisltt honis ho nonlil luoiri. Hot llolliiiin. a will known 1h.1r.11U1. wlio lus liieil on lliit side lhirl llio jeJ"."5. Ml at 1,10 this mottling foi fjprin tin Up h TO jimh of prp, anil, h.niiu lillui lion- 10 $l,"iflo, h troiuu liul. to enjoy it ami ppnil lh. unset of llfp .iniotn; llio Minn 01 hi-t liovhooil, Tlti" iiurriauo ol' 1'ipil . Kinkcs and MI Vollip IUjjiuI n to tako plan toniouovi puii Inir at the CiPimm Mi'tliotllst l'piioptl ihintli, on I'ropri t .m mtc. Watkltis .loncs and his Uo-oin friend, .latin s McOinty, wpio .iru.slul Mondav nlsM In I'.iitol iiipti .loties ami 1' mile md locked up tot hem,; tlrnnU and disoiditl.i. Whin lirutiRht lieioro M tlirinaii lon jesti'idiy hotlt pleaded ituilly and enriclied llie illv tirastiry b,v "-'i, In prefeiinio (0 icln" connniltid, will atti'tidul lni'i'linu ol iho "-1111111111 SaeiiKeiiinidp (.onelv was held li-t tit'iiiuc; In .Midi Hi lull, whin puUminiiy uiiaim'uiiciits ueie ftirtul fm lit) UKtilai" initi-wintei immlhli" cunurts, whiili for loan lino liien w popular with Hit imiiiliiis ami Unit- fiieiids, .lohn Mais, lolin Shiouli'l, .loltit "-ilineidu uml .lohn lltienir were nppninletl a (niniiiitttp lo pripati" .1 stlinliilp of concu Is. Tlip follonliu tisilitiN of lids sldi" tiliillieil ) P.-I t'l 1I.1 i fiom llnlljlu, whew 1 In v uilo.wd iho Ilits nf tin I'iii-miin.iit imiiisIiIiiii" Vlnlpli llainniiii, limrKP Until, Willi tin I', in, Mr. Ilnclv mid I'liilip limit llotn, In Ml. and Mis, M. .1 ItlllillJ, of I'itts. Ion aieinit", tt sun. OBITUARY. AUKH f'l.AllA MAIUK SOJl.MAH, the 20.ypa.old datiRhtei" of Mr, and Mif., Lewis .Soninuir, of S2S Madison avenue, died at 10. in yesteiday morning. The funeral services will bo held Thursday morning at '.UO oVIoek at St. Petei's cuthedial. The I'miPial of tint lato Mis. Menja mill llennett will tako ilnu this after noon, liiiil.tl -xx ill bo mtule in the AVm-h-burii bit cot iPiiiPtery, BOWLING TOURNAMENT. Arrangements Under Way That In dicate a Lively Season. I'antallis of 1 II it eltilm rotn isoiitliic the 1,'aslein Howling leiiguo met last night at the 1211; eafe, as a silicdulu lonuulttee t ari.inge fur the winter loiirnauieut. TllPlP Wl'tn llli'si'llt Mr. I.V1111U- I. I AVardell, of the Sciuntoii llicycle club; ' the Backus flub, and C. S. Fowler, of the Ureen Ititlge Wlieelinen, Captain John Hunter, of the West Kntl "Wheel men, the other member of the league, was unable to be piesent. IL was decided to hac each team play ten games; that Monday night of cai'h week would be the time lor the contests, and that the tournament .should begin on the first Monday night in November. The work of aiiiiiiglug the selietlule will be completed at a futuie meeting. Another tournament Is being ar ranged, with the Oreen Hldge Wheel men, Sei anion Hlcyele club and West Knd Wheelmen us contestants. Tomoirow night the live teams of the KiTunton Bicycle club will hae the first of tho proposed seilcs of lmtulkap matches. DOCTOR'S OFFICE BURGLARIZED. Valuable Instruments Belonging to Dr. Fin-man Stolen. The olllct" of Dr. II. J. Kuinian, op the second floor of the (.'alter building, al Adams avenue ami Linden sheet, was buiglailyed on Monday night 01 early yestoitlay morning and Instru ments valued at about K'i weie taken. There Is some mysleiy as to the way entrance was eifected, The door of the olllin was found to be linked, hut one of the windows was open. 11 Is be lieved that the hiiiglar got out on a nanow ledge and winked his way along until lm louiid a window which ho could open. This must have been a lather risky piocceding, as the ledge Is mil inw, ami Or. V111 man's window Is over ten feet fioin the hallway win dow, out of whl h the burglar must have crept, LECTURE OF ''BEN HUR." AMUSEMENTS. Lyceum Theatre II. HLIS, lesec and Miinaii. A. ! Dlil-FV, Bu. ManJger, Thursday, October 3, Tin: su-soys bocn:iv iai:m' Pdnaiil K. line I'liv-rnts II. V. ll-inond'a BcatitU ml 1.010 nominee, When We Were Twenty-One A Company of Supciioi l.'u clleru p. I'riiCi- (liiheslra, ?l Wij onhe-lu liule, "m ; dtess (liile, OOo.; loin lm j-eals, l..",i; loner loji p.its, $l,jo Hih on 1'irst two inn. 7"n ; lull nny c lie It-. M:; hois, M V); lo'is, M.lt). i lis on sale '1 itt'id.iy at ') a in. ltev. Ul". Unbelt F, Y Pieice, pastor of the Peiiu atiiue llaptlst chinch, lust nlghl delhcicd the llrst of a series of Icctmes to be given In thai chart Ii under the aiispIciM of ihe I'luhtiau Ihitleavor mm let). His topic was "Hen llur." and his remaiks eu lis tened 10 by a huge audience. Ho dioted himself cnthcly to a re counting of the story of (leueral Wal lace's wonderful book, giving a general outline of the plot and i celling at length some of the inoie tnrilllng ami well known paxsages lm hiding the graphhi desiilptlon of the ehailot taic. The lecluie was Illustialetl through out with a number of choice stcrcop tlcon views. STAR THEATRE AI.K C IIMIIIINGIOY, Jljnarjer. TmU), Altoriiiu ami ulil. "THE RAMBLERS," ".None Betlcr." Friday, October 4, Extraordinary Event! Wasniliali i Keinper 1'iPsont iiieru i's I'l'mnos lliealiii.il Oik miration, Modjeska and James And an Inioinparahlc Company in HENRY VIII. With spcil.il Miidi by I .id lltu-i Ii PlllCi:- l.iilini lower llnoi, s ju; lowei ho seat.-!, s.'hOj tiilion.i hos iml loru p.t, fl oO; flint two rows lull on., tl.ui, nevt tltrp, "jc. j Usl thiol' tone, Mi , tfilleti, "Jii Mats on -ale Wulni.da at I) a m, Saturday Matinee and Night. 'Iho lliliilnn. Mini, il Comuly, Iho Oridnil HAPPY HOOLIGAN -11 Hull mil ft mi Ml tlie Hrsi Mlllli: I I lo D.ite ( oiiiult MOIII I ltni,igriiit Mneiy, Mulli; lioieoiis (ostiiinis MOIII IlnMidiit Wit. Iiiiliulins How '-niiiv, llJllnla) md (uinn, Wil In lurdeii, Mil ik 11 and llltn, Miriiih Welon. I jlrie IVir, Adilaide ).n-din, Insipli Siltiliell ami 1 1 hot its of l cut j u'ltl- tpiiul mat 1111 0 prim, i!'i iml &X , ihildrcn loam put ol liunse lit l.itiint., SV to il 10, I UK lll.M' Academy of Husic M RLIS, U!Ht, A, J. fluff, M.nager, CHARLES LEYBURNE'S BIG BON-TON STOCK COMPANY, istipp'..iiliiS 5ll-!,I.MJI I11MIS0, In llipriioiti. Tonight, Reaping the Whirlwind Matinee Piincess of Patches Matinee 1'rins 10 and '.'() icnts. Kunliio' I'liita W, Ji) ami W ccaU, Nk kC.